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TOPIC: Properties of Matter


Here are some reminders as you use this module:
✓ Use the module with care especially in turning each page.
✓ Be reminded to answer the Pre-Test/Motivational Activity before moving on to the
Learning Module.
✓ Read and comprehend the directions in every exercises.
✓ Observe honesty in answering the tests and exercises.
✓ Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of this material.
✓ Try to finish a given activity before proceeding to the next.
Lesson 1: The Mole Concept

What is the Mole Concept?

The mole concept is a convenient method of expressing the amount of a substance. Any
measurement can be broken down into two parts – the numerical magnitude and the
units that the magnitude is expressed in. For example, when the mass of a ball is
measured to be 2 kilograms, the magnitude is ‘2’ and the unit is ‘kilogram’.

When dealing with particles at an atomic (or molecular) level, even one gram of a pure
element is known to contain a huge number of atoms. This is where the mole concept is
widely used. It primarily focuses on the unit known as a ‘mole’, which is a count of a very
large number of particles.

What is a Mole?
In the field of chemistry, a mole is defined as the amount of a substance that contains
exactly 6.02214076 * 1023 ‘elementary entities’ of the given substance.
The number 6.02214076*1023 is popularly known as the Avogadro constant and is often
denoted by the symbol ‘NA’. The elementary entities that can be represented in moles
can be atoms, molecules, monoatomic/polyatomic ions, and other particles (such as

For example, one mole of a pure carbon-12 (12C) sample will have a mass of exactly 12
grams and will contain 6.02214076*1023 (NA) number of 12C atoms. The number of moles
of a substance in a given pure sample can be represented by the following formula:

n = N/NA

Where n is the number of moles of the substance (or elementary entity), N is the total
number of elementary entities in the sample, and NA is the Avogadro constant.
The word “mole” was introduced around the year 1896 by the German chemist Wilhelm
Ostwald, who derived the term from the Latin word moles meaning a ‘heap’ or ‘pile.

The number of moles of a molecule may not always be equal to the number of moles of
its constituent elements. For example, a mole of water contains NA number of H2O
molecules. However, each water molecule contains 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen
atom. Therefore, one mole of H2O contains 2 moles of hydrogen and one mole of oxygen.

Quantities Related to mole concept and their Formula

Atomic and Molecular Mass

The atomic mass of an element is the mass of one atom of the element expressed in
atomic mass units (amu). It accounts for the abundance of the various isotopes of the
element and assigns an average value to the mass of one atom of the element.

For example, the atomic mass of carbon is 12.011 atomic mass units since carbon
samples generally contain 98.89% of the carbon-12 isotope, 1.11% of carbon-13, and
trace amounts of carbon-14. However, the atomic masses of these isotopes are different.
The atomic mass of a carbon-12 atom is 12 atomic mass units, but that of a carbon-13
atom is 13 amu. The atomic mass of an element is roughly equal to the sum of all the
protons and neutrons present in its nucleus.

The molecular mass of an element is the sum of the atomic masses of all its constituent
elements. This quantity is also represented in terms of atomic mass units. Therefore, the
molecular mass of water is equal to the sum of the atomic masses of its constituents –
hydrogen and oxygen.

The atomic mass of hydrogen is 1.00794 amu and that of oxygen is 15.9994. Since water
molecules contain 2 hydrogen atoms and only one oxygen atom, the molecular mass of
H2O is 18.0154 amu.

Molar Mass
The molar mass of a substance is defined as the total mass of one mole of the
substance. It is often represented in terms of ‘grams per mole’ (g/mol). However, the SI
unit of this quantity is kg/mol. Molar mass can be represented by the following formula:
Molar mass of a Substance = (Mass of the Substance in grams)/(Number of Moles)

For example, the molar mass of water is approximately 18.015 g/mol, which is the mass
of NA number of water molecules.

Gram Atomic Mass and Gram Molecular Mass

The gram atomic mass of an element is the mass of one mole of that element. Similarly,
the gram molecular mass of a compound refers to the mass of a single mole of the
compound. Therefore, the gram atomic mass of hydrogen is approximately 1.007g and
the gram molecular mass of water is approximately 18.015g.

Related Formulae
The number of moles in a given sample of an element/compound can be calculated by
dividing the total mass of the sample by the molar mass of the element/compound, as
described by the following formula.

Number of Moles = (Mass of the Sample)/(Molar Mass)

The total number of atoms/molecules in a sample can be calculated by multiplying the

number of moles with the Avogadro constant. This formula can be written as:

Number of Atoms or Molecules = (Number of Moles)*(6.022*1023)

The relationship between the atomic mass unit (amu) and the gram is given by:

1 amu = (1gram)/(6.022*1023) = 1.66*10-24 grams

Therefore, the mass of one mole of an element will be equal to its atomic mass in grams.

Number of Electrons in a Mole of Hydrogen Molecule

The number of electrons in a mole of hydrogen molecule is
1 mole of H2 contains 6.023×1023 molecules and each molecule of H2 contains two

1 mole = 6.023×1023

Therefore the total no. of electrons in one mole of H2 are 12.046×1023.


NAME: _______________________________________GRADE/STRAND: __________________


Written/Performance Task
Solve the given problem. Show your solution and write an explanation. (5 points each)
No explanation, no points.

1. How many moles of iron are present in a pure sample weighing 558.45 grams?

2. How many molecules of water are present in 36 grams of water?

3. How many grams of carbon can be found in 1 mole of carbon dioxide?

Week 2: The Relationship of Percent Composition and Chemical Formula

What is Percentage Composition?

The percentage composition of any given compound is nothing but the ratio of the
amount of each element present in the compound to the total amount of individual
elements present in the compound multiplied by 100. Here, we measure the quantity in
terms of grams of the elements present in the solution.

The percent composition of any compound is an expression of its composition in terms

of all the elements present. The significance of this composition calculation is found in
the chemical analysis.

Percentage Composition Formula

We can express the percentage composition of a given element using the formula below:
Here, % CE is the percentage composition of the element E. This is the value that we are
going to calculate. The numerator on the right side indicates the total amount of element
E present in the compound. On the other hand, the denominator is an expression for the
total amount of all the elements present in the compound.

We multiply this ratio by 100 to get the percentage form of the composition. Let us now
look at the mass percentage of composition in more details. We will also look at its

Mass Percentage Composition

We use the concept of mass percentage composition to denote the concentration of an
element in a compound or a component in a mixture. We use this term to signify the total
percent by mass of each element that is present in a compound.

It is important to note that we can calculate the mass percentage composition by dividing
the mass of a component by the total mass of the mixture. This ratio is then to be
multiplied by 100. We also call it the mass percent (w/w) %.

Importance of Mass Percentage

For many scientific and practical reasons, we ought to know what quantity of an element
is present in a given compound. This is indispensable for the chemists to get to the
empirical formula of many compounds.

This formula helps in showing the lowest whole number of moles and the relative
number of atoms of each element in a compound. With the help of the empirical formula,
chemists can also calculate the actual molecular formula. This formula shows the exact
number of atoms in the compound.

Determining the Mass Percent from a Chemical Formula

We will explain this section with the help of an example. It will clear your fundamentals
on how to calculate the mass percent. Let us consider glucose. The formula for glucose
is C6H12O6. Let us calculate the mass percent of each of the elements in glucose.
From the formula, we can see the number of moles of each of the elements. Glucose has
6 carbon atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms and also 6 oxygen atoms. Let us now multiply each
of the atoms by its molar mass. Thus, we arrive at the mass of each of the element in

We now divide each mass by mass of 1 mole of glucose to arrive at the mass fraction of
each element. Multiplying this value by 100 gives the mass percentage of the elements.

The Example in Detail

Each mole of carbon has a mass of 12.01g/mol of carbon. This, we know, from the
periodic table. So, 6 moles of carbon will have 12.01g/mol x 6 = 72.06g of Carbon.
Similarly, 1 mole of Hydrogen has a mass of 1.008g/mol of Hydrogen. Therefore, 12
moles of Hydrogen will have the mass of 12 x 1.008 = 12.096g of Hydrogen.

Going by the same logic for Oxygen, 1 mole of oxygen has a mass of 16.00g/mol.
Therefore, 6 moles of oxygen will have 16.00 x 6 = 96 g of Oxygen. Thus, 1 mole of
Glucose (C6H12O6) has a total mass of 72.06 +12.096 + 96 = 180.16 g/mol

Calculating the Mass Percentage

To find out the mass % of the three elements of glucose, let us first calculate the mass
fraction of each element in 1 mole of glucose. So, what do we mean by the mass
fraction? It is the mass that each element contributes to the total mass of glucose. By
multiplying this by 100, we get the mass percentage of each element.

Mass fraction of Carbon = 72.06g/180.16g = 0.4000

Therefore, mass % of Carbon= 0.4000×100 = 40.00%
Mass fraction of Hydrogen = 12.096/180.16 = 0.06714
Therefore, mass % of Hydrogen= 0.06714 x 100 = 6.714%
Mass fraction of Oxygen =96/180.16 = 0.53286
Therefore, mass% of Oxygen = 0.53286 x 100 = 53.286%

It is interesting to note that even if carbon and oxygen have an equal number of moles of
the compound, their mass percentages are different. Oxygen has a higher value in this as
its molar mass is higher than that of carbon.


NAME: _______________________________________GRADE/STRAND: __________________


Solve the given problem. Show your step by step solution and write an explanation. (5
points each) No explanation, no points.

1. For the compound (Ca(OH)2) or calcium hydroxide, a.) find the per cent
composition of the element Calcium(Ca). b.) find the molar mass of each element.

2. Find the per cent composition of each element in Water. (H2O)

3. Find the per cent composition of each element in Proline. (C5H9NO2)

Lesson 3: Chemical Reactions and Equations

What is a Chemical Reaction?

A chemical reaction is in which the bonds are broken within reactant molecules,
and new bonds are formed within product molecules in order to form a new

Chemical reactions are all around us, from the metabolism of food in our body to
how the light we get from the sun is the result of chemical reactions. Before
beginning with chemical reactions, it is important to know about physical and
chemical changes.

Chemicals Reactions
A burning candle is the best example of physical and chemical change. Take a
candle and light it. As time passes, we can observe that the candle changes to
wax. If you cover the candle with a jar, it will extinguish.

In the demonstration, burning of the candle is a chemical change while

conversion of the candle to wax is a physical change. In a physical change, there
is basically a change of state of the substance but in the case of a chemical
change mostly a new substance is formed in which either energy is given off or
absorbed. Thus, we can conclude that chemical changes are accompanied by
certain physical changes.

Basic Concepts of Chemical Reactions

A Chemical Reaction is a process that occurs when two or more molecules
interact to form a new product(s).

Compounds that interact to produce new compounds are called reactants

whereas the newly formed compounds are called products.

Chemical reactions play an integral role in different industries, customs and even
in our daily life. They are continuously happening in our general surroundings; for
example, rusting of iron, pottery, fermentation of wine and so on.

In a chemical reaction, a chemical change must occur which is generally observed

with physical changes like precipitation, heat production, colour change etc.
A reaction can take place between two atoms or ions or molecules, and they form
a new bond and no atom is destroyed or created but a new product is formed from

The rate of reaction depends on and is affected by factors like pressure,

temperature, the concentration of reactants.

Chemical Equations
Due to the vast amounts of chemical reactions happening around us, a
nomenclature was developed to simplify how we express a chemical reaction in
the form of a chemical equation. A chemical equation is nothing but a
mathematical statement which symbolizes the product formation from reactants
while stating certain condition for which how the reaction has been conducted.

The reactants are on the left-hand side whereas the products formed are on the
right-hand side. The reactants and products are connected by a one-headed or
two-headed arrows. For example, a reaction


Here, A and B are the reactants, which react to form the products C and D. In an
actual chemical equation, reactants are denoted by their chemical formula. In
order to assure the law of conservation of mass, a chemical equation must be
balanced i.e. the number of atoms on both sides must be equal. This is the
balancing of the equation.

Let us consider an actual chemical reaction between Methane(CH₄) and Oxygen


Chemical Reactions
Here we can see how the number of each atom on the left side is balanced on the
right side, as stated by the law of conservation of mass.

Types of Chemical Reactions

The basis for different types of reactions is the product formed, the changes that
occur, the reactants involved and so on. Different types of reactions are

1. Combustion Reaction
A combustion reaction is a reaction with a combustible material with an oxidizer
to give an oxidized product. An oxidizer is a chemical a fuel requires to burn,
generally oxygen. Consider the example of combustion of magnesium metal.

Here, 2 magnesium atoms react with a molecule of oxygen producing 2 molecules

of the compound magnesium oxide releasing some heat in the process.

MnO2 + 4HCl → 2 + 2H2O + Cl2

2. Decomposition Reaction
A Decomposition reaction is a reaction in which a single component breaks down
into multiple products. Certain changes in energy in the environment have to be
made like heat, light or electricity breaking bonds of the compound. Consider the
example of the decomposition of calcium carbonate giving out CaO (Quick Lime)
which is a major component of cement.

Decomposition Reaction
Here, the compound Calcium carbonate when heated breaks down into Calcium
Oxide and Carbon Dioxide.

MnO2 + 4HCl → 2 + 2H2O + Cl2

3. Neutralization Reaction
A Neutralization reaction is basically the reaction between an acid and a base
giving salt and water as the products. The water molecule formed is by the
combination of OH– ions and H+ ions. The overall pH of the products when a
strong acid and a strong base undergo a neutralization reaction will be 7.
Consider the example of the neutralization reaction between Hydrochloric acid
and Sodium Hydroxide giving out sodium chloride(Common Salt) and water.

Here, an acid and a base, Hydrochloric acid and Sodium Hydroxide react in a
neutralization reaction to produce Sodium Chloride(Common Salt) and water as
the products.

MnO2 + 4HCl → 2 + 2H2O + Cl2

4. Redox Reaction
A REDuction-OXidation reaction is a reaction in which there is a transfer of
electrons between chemical species. Let us consider the example of an
electrochemical cell-like redox reaction between Zinc and Hydrogen.

Here, A Zinc atom reacts with 2 ions of positively charged hydrogen to which
electrons get transferred from the zinc atom and hydrogen becomes a stable
molecule and Zinc ion is the product.

MnO2 + 4HCl → 2 + 2H2O + Cl2

5. Precipitation or Double-Displacement Reaction
It is a type of displacement reaction in which two compounds react and
consequently, their anions and cations switch places forming two new products.
Consider the example of the reaction between silver nitrate and sodium chloride.
The products will be silver chloride and sodium nitrate after the double-
displacement reaction.

Double-Displacement Reaction
Here, Silver Nitrate and Sodium Chloride undergo a double displacement reaction.
Wherein Silver replaces Sodium in Sodium Chloride and Sodium joins with Nitrate
becoming Sodium Nitrate along with the Silver Chloride as the product.

MnO2 + 4HCl → 2 + 2H2O + Cl2

6. Synthesis Reaction
A Synthesis reaction is one of the most basic types of reaction wherein multiple
simple compounds combine under certain physical conditions giving out a
complex product. The product will always be a compound. Let us consider the
Synthesis reaction of sodium chloride with reactants solid sodium and chloride

Here, we have 2 Atoms of solid Sodium reacting with Chlorine gas giving out
Sodium Chloride viz. Common Salt as the product.

MnO2 + 4HCl → 2 + 2H2O + Cl2

Important Points to Remember

In a chemical change, a new compound is formed but in a physical change, the
substance changes its state of existence.
Atoms or ions or molecules which react to form a new substance are called
reactants; the new atoms or molecules formed are products.
A chemical reaction follows the law of conservation of mass. That is no atom is
destroyed or created but only a new product is formed from reactants.

NAME: _______________________________________GRADE/STRAND: __________________


Write an example of each chemical reaction with explanation. Do not copy the example
on this module (5 points each)

1. Decomposition Reaction

2. Neutralization Reaction

3. Redox Reaction

4. Precipitation or Double-Displacement Reaction

5. Synthesis Reaction

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