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LETRA (Language Enhancement Through Reading Assessment)

Manual for Teachers and Parents
English, First Edition, 2023

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the payment of royalties.
Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright
holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these
materials from them. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership
over them.

Published by the Department of Education, Region 1

Secretary: Sarah Z. Duterte
Undersecretary: Gina O. Gonong

Development Team

Writers: Sid Arada Mark Gil Dichoso Roy Allen Perez

Noraima Baguan Rachel Ruth Espinueva Liezl Quitoriano
Jennylyn Bibal Kathleen Fandag Joy Rapada
Myleen Boquiren Michelle Felstead Reb Trinidad
Emmanuel Cacapit Irene Arellano-Javillonar Lavinia Vez
Lovely Jane Durante Arvin Homer Lardizabal Shane Carmie Lopez

Layout Artists
and Illustrators: Bobbit Dale M. Bulatao, San Carlos City
Santino B. De Jesus, San Carlos City
Armando S. Vinoya, San Carlos City

Editors: Sheila Marie Bugayong, San Fernando City

Belen Aquino, La Union
Gloria Pernes, Pangasinan 2
Ritchelle B. Dejolde, Ilocos Norte
Lilibeth Magtang, San Carlos City
Almera Zarate, Urdaneta City
Agnes Royulada, Dagupan City
Joycelyn Pangat, Batac City
Marlon Taloza, Ilocos Sur
Nelson Robinol, Vigan City
Regina Nagtalon, Laoag City
Anna Lisa Aquino, Candon City
Elnora T. Raroque, Alaminos City
Marilou Roldan, Pangasinan I

Project Proponent: Johnson P. Sunga, EPS-English

Consultants: Arlene A. Niro, Chief Education Supervisor, CLMD
Rhoda T. Razon, Assistant Director
Tolentino G. Aquino, Director IV

1. Before the assessment activity, make sure that the learner is comfortable both
physically and emotionally.
2. Establish rapport with the learner by greeting him/her and doing warm-up
activities in 1 minute. The learner will perform at his/her best when he/she trusts
3. Explain to the learner that you are doing this assessment activity because you
want to help him/her become a better reader.
4. After doing the warm-up activities, start the assessment and make sure that the
word list and forms to be used are prepared ahead of time.

1. Conduct the assessment.
2. Use the prescribed materials and forms.
3. Present the word list to the learner.
4. Ask the learner to read each word from top to bottom.
5. Check the words read correctly by the learner. Use the word list provided below.


kit flip growl peach

mop scan freight tow
not twig night rake
jam shred noise load
beg hard mare mule

Refer to the table below to assess if your learner is at Word Level.


The learner is able to read Stop assessment here. Let the learner proceed to
at least 10 out of the 20 the next level (Sentence
words. Record the learner’s level Level).
as Below Word Level.

NOTE: Remember to thank and recognize the efforts of the learner.

Present to the learner 5 sentences.

Let the learner read the sentences.


1. Studying for a test requires long-term preparation and a focused mindset to

have a successful outcome.
2. Cramming is not a good study habit, yet many students are fond of doing it.
3. Grades are just mere numbers, but they somehow reveal something about
one’s values and attitudes.
4. Study habits can vary from one person to another since everyone has their
own learning styles and pace.
5. While many students tend to normalize cheating in the class, there are few
who have the courage to take their academics seriously, and these learners
should be highly commended.

Refer to the table below to assess if your learner is at the Sentence Level.


The learner is able to Stop assessment here. Let the learner proceed to
read 5 sentences the next level (Paragraph
correctly. Record the learner’s level Level).
as Word Level.

NOTE: Remember to thank and recognize the efforts of the learner.

In this level, you will test the reading ability and fluency of the learner using a
1. Listen carefully as the learner reads aloud the paragraph.
2. Note the miscues committed by the learner. Miscues include
mispronunciation, omission, substitution, insertion, repetition, transposition
and reversal.
3. Set the timer before asking the learner to read.
4. Be guided by this running record conventions developed by Clay (1993) in
recording the miscues of the learner.

Response How do you What does it look like? How do you

record it? score?
A word is A tick for every This is correct.
read correctly. correct word. Ticks ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ No errors.
reflect the text Insects live all around us.
layout on the
A word is Draw a line above Record as an
substituted. the word that was error.
meant to be read. ✔ ✔ ✔ above ✔
Write the Insects live all around us.
substituted word
above the line.
A word is Draw a line above Record as an
omitted. the word that was ✔ ✔ ✔ __-__ ✔ error.
meant to be read. Insects live all around us.
Draw a dash
above the line.
A word is Insert the extra Record as an
inserted. word by recording error.
exactly where it
was said. Draw a many
line and add the ✔ ✔✔ ✔ ✔
word above the - Insects live all around us.
line. Place a dash
under the line.
An attempt at Draw a line above 3 letters were
a word is the word that was sounded out
made. attempted. Insert ✔ l-i-v-E ✔ ✔ ✔ and the last
the attempt by Insects live all around us. letter was
named. The

recording exactly word was not
what was said. stated. Record
as an error.
Self- Draw a line above Record as a
correction of a the word that was self-correct.
word substituted. This is not an
Record exactly error because it
what was said. has been fixed
✔ ✔ ✔ above SC ✔
Record SC to up
Insects live all around us.
show the word
was then read
A word is Record by placing This is not an
repeated an R above the ✔R ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ error.
word that is Insects live all around us.
A section of Record by placing This is not an
text is an R above the error.
repeated last word ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔R
repeated. Draw a Insects live all around us.
line from the R to
the first word
Self- Draw a line above Record as a
correction by the word that was self-correct.
rereading substituted. ✔ ✔ ✔ above This is not an
Record exactly R/SC ✔ error because
what was said. Insects live all around us. through
Record R/SC to rereading, it has
show the word been fixed up.
was then read
accurately and
Reader Write an A above Record as an
appeals for the word that was A_ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ error.
help with an appealed. Write a Insects T live all around us.
unknown T next to the word
word and is that was told.
Reader is told Draw a line above Record as an
a word if no the word and dash - _ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ error. If
attempt is above the line. Insects T live all around us. repeated proper
made. Write a T next to noun errors
the word that was occur in the
told. reading, score
as an error once
Reader is Record the error An error is
instructed to responses. scored because

try that again Draw brackets TTA the reader was
(usually when
meaning or
around the
confused text,
write TTA on top
These l-i-v-e al at sa
Insects live all around us. ] prompted to go
back and have
another try. If no
problem of the text inside self-corrections

solving has the bracket, point occur, 5 errors
occurred) where the reader would be
is to begin recorded for this
rereading and say example.
“try that again.”


1. Ask the learner to read aloud the following paragraph.


Over the years, plastic bags have been used by people for different 12
purposes. They surely make people’s lives convenient. However, due to 10
incorrect management of used plastic bags, they have already become 10
harmful to the environment. Because they are so lightweight, plastic bags 10
get easily picked up by the wind and travel long distances to settle 14
anywhere especially in bodies of water. This does not only make the 12
rivers, lakes, and oceans look bad, but this also endangers the lives of 13
marine animals living there. Over time, plastic bags are often mistaken for 11
food by animals, birds, and marine life like fish and sea turtles. Also, 14
animals can easily become entangled in plastic, which could lead them to 11
bleed profusely. Further, plastic wastes do not disappear quickly for it 12
takes them several years to decompose. This means that every year, 11
more and more plastic bags will accumulate if not properly managed 11
making the world a huge pile of plastic wastes. Indeed, plastic bags are 13
harmful to the environment. Therefore, it is essential to ban its usage 12
immediately before the world comes to its inevitable destruction. 9

185 words, Grade 10

Excerpt from ‘Why Plastic Bags Should be Banned’

2. You may also use the following template for your own consumption to note the
miscues committed by your learners. This summary of miscues will not be
submitted as a report.

Omission Insertion Substitution Repetition Mispronunciation Transposition

3. Note the number of words read by the learner per minute.

4. Compute the oral reading accuracy rate by following the steps and the given


1. Count the number of CORRECTLY READ words in one minute. (ex: 128)
2. Count the number of SKIPPED WORDS. (ex: 6)
3. Subtract the number of skipped words from the correctly read words. (ex:
128-6 = 122)
4. The answer (122) is the ORAL READING RATE in terms of WORDS PER
MINUTE (wpm).
5. To compute for the oral reading rate, use the following formula:

ORAL READING RATE/WORDS = number of correctly read words

PER MINUTE (WPM) – number of skipped words

Example: 128 – 6 = 122wpm

6. Count the number of ERRORS/MISREAD words. (ex: 3)

7. Subtract the number of errors (ex: 3) from the reading rate (ex: 122)
Ex: 122 – 3 = 119
8. To determine the accuracy rate/percentage, divide the accuracy number
(119) by the reading rate (ex: 122) then divide by 100 as can be seen in the
following formula:

READING ACCURACY RATE = reading rate – number of

errors/misread words divided by
the reading rate x 100

Example: 122 – 3 = 119

= 119/122 x 100
= 97%

95% and above = meeting accuracy rate expectation

90% to 94% = nearing accuracy rate expectation
89% and below = struggling to meet the accuracy rate expectation
(Source: Allington, 2002; Armbruster et al., 2003; Hasbrouck, 2006)

Proposed revised standards under fluency:

[Fluency] The learner has at least 95% reading accuracy rate.
[Leveling] The learner commits no more than 5 mistakes

Refer to the table below to assess if your learner is at the Paragraph Level.


The learner is able to read Stop assessment here. Let the learner proceed to
at least 120-150 words in the next level (Story
the paragraph within 1 Record the learner’s level Level).
minute. as Sentence Level.

The learner committed no

more than 5 miscues.

NOTE: Remember to thank and recognize the efforts of the learner.


1. Prepare the needed materials.
2. Give the learner a copy of the story. Hold your copy.

1. Ask the learner to read the story aloud (first attempt) while you listen
2. Note all the committed miscues in your copy while the learner is reading. Be
guided with the Summary of Miscues.
3. Record all the miscues in Form ___.


Federigo, a very wealthy man, fell in love with Monna Giovanna who is a
woman of nobility and beauty. Federigo bought Monna a lot of presents and
held sumptuous banquets and celebrations for her. Federigo loved Monna so
dearly that he was ready to sacrifice everything to win her heart.

Later on, Federigo became very poor, and Monna married a much richer
man and had a son leaving Federigo’s heart in despair.

As a result of Federigo’s poverty, he moved away to his farm in the

countryside with few pennies to sustain his living and his precious falcon. When
Monna’s husband died, she and her child went for a seasonal vacation near
Federigo’s farm, and her son became friends with Federigo and also became
fond of Federigo’s falcon.

One day, her son fell very ill and felt that only Federigo's falcon would make
him feel better. Monna, determined to make her child feel better, gathered all
her strength to approach Federigo’s abode and ask for his falcon. As she
reached Federigo's home, the man, who never lost his feelings for Monna,
hastened to host a sumptuous dinner despite having no food in stock. Without
a second thought, he had his falcon roasted to offer his beloved.

Monna was pleased with the tasty meal. Soon after, she expressed the
reason for her visit. She asked Federigo if she could have his falcon for her
son. After hearing this, Federigo was stunned and told Monna the truth. Monna
didn’t believe at first until Federigo showed her the feathers and beak. Monna
left and after a few days, her son succumbed to death.

Federigo was told by his brother to marry Monna, but Federigo believed
that Monna would not love a poor man that he is and that she never loved
Federigo when he was rich, much less now that he is poor.

Soon after, Monna realized that it is better to have a gentleman without

riches than to have riches without a gentleman. In the end Federigo and Monna
ended up in marriage.

341 words, Grade 10

Excerpt from ‘Federigo’s Falcon’

1. Count the total number of recorded miscues.
2. Determine his or her level and decide on the next step based on the following


The learner can read the Stop assessment here. Let the learner proceed to
story with no more than 3 the Story +
mistakes. Record the learner’s level Comprehension Level.
as Paragraph Level. Follow steps 3-6.

3. Ask the learner to read the story aloud again.

4. Let him or her answer the comprehension questions.


1. “Federigo bought Monna a lot of presents and held sumptuous banquets and
celebrations for her.” What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. elegant edibles
B. festive meals
C. formal dinner
D. light foods

2. Which word is synonymous with the word abode as used in the fourth
A. apartment
B. home
C. hotel
D. school

3. Whom did Federigo fall in love with?
A. Jane
B. Leila
C. Mary
D. Monna

4. What did Federigo cook for dinner?

A. beef
B. chicken
C. falcon
D. pork

5. What value is seen in Federigo’s act of warmly welcoming Monna? Commented [1]: There is no answer indicated.
A. hospitality Commented [2R1]: Fixed
B. humility
C. love
D. patience

6. What lesson does the story teach?

A. Love begets love.
B. Wealth equals power.
C. There’s beauty in love.
D. Wealth is not a measure of true love.

7. Which of the following sentences is TRUE based on the story?

A. Federigo showed sincerity to Monna.
B. Monna was influenced by riches.
C. Federigo was blinded by beauty.
D. Monna did not care for her son.

5. Record the total number of correct responses.

6. Decide on the next step based on the following rubric:


The learner can read the Stop assessment here. Let the learner proceed to
story and answer 5 out of the Local Material Level.
7 questions correctly. Record the learner’s level
as Story Level.

NOTE: Remember to thank and recognize the efforts of the learner.


1. Prepare the needed materials.
2. Give the learner a copy of the text. Hold your copy.

1. Ask the learner to read the text aloud (first attempt) while you listen carefully.
2. Note all the committed miscues in your copy while the learner is reading. Be
guided with the Summary of Miscues.
3. Record all the miscues in Form ___.


When one hears the word, “Ilocanos,” what comes first in his mind is the
word stingy or “kuripot”. The Ilocanos who live in the northern part of Luzon
from Pangasinan down to Cagayan Valley are hardworking, determined,
simple, appreciative and are famously known for their frugality. This is not a
negative description of their kind. It is known that living with prudence is truly
an art because one must use his financial resources on things that he values.
The Ilocanos learned to be thrifty because of the difficult life they had in the
olden times with few comforts and amenities. Most of the population
concentrated along a narrow coastal plain that has only a few good harbors.
This environment is harsh, forcing Ilocanos to be hard-working and thrifty. In
fact, most Ilocanos left their homeland to seek employment elsewhere. They
learned to spend their money wisely. They know their limitations and always
consider not to waste their money for things that they do not need, which indeed
they make sure that their money doesn't go to waste, they save and earn rather
than spend. Frugality among Ilocanos does not mean living less in life rather to
live with social respect and social standing because most Ilocanos never run
into debt, which means no liabilities to friends and relatives. Since they save
from every centavo they earn in a day’s work, they have something to use in
cases of emergency, share with their loved ones and give to those who need
financial help. Living a frugal life like the Ilocanos must be every Filipino’s trait
during these times of national crisis. They should live a simple and economical
life so they may learn how to save for the rainy days ahead. It must be a culture
that every Filipino, not only Ilocanos must uphold and practice so that this
legacy will live in eternity among the next generations and will shun us from
indulging oneself with too much materialism.

326 words, Grade 10

1. Count the total number of recorded miscues.
2. Determine his or her level and decide on the next step based on the following


The learner is able to Stop assessment here. Let the learner proceed to
read the text with no more the next level (Local
than 3 mistakes. Record the learner’s level Material +
as Story + Comprehension Level).
Comprehension Level.

3. Ask the learner to read the text aloud again.

4. Let him or her answer the comprehension questions.


1. Which word in the selection is synonymous with the word frugal?

A. brave
B. determined
C. hardworking
D. thrifty

2. “It is known that living with prudence is truly an art because one must use his
financial resources on things that he values.” Which of the following best defines
the word prudence?
A. the trait of being kind and generous
B. the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge and skills
C. the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason
D. the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement

3. What are the characteristics of the Ilocanos as mentioned by the text?

A. Ilocanos are spendthrift and misers.
B. Ilocanos are loving, kind-hearted and amiable.
C. Ilocanos are loyal, peace-loving and God fearing.
D. Ilocanos are hardworking, determined, simple, and appreciative.

4. Why is living with prudence considered an art?

A. Because one has to live within his means
B. Because one has to make both ends meet in order to survive
C. Because one has to use his financial resources on things that
he values
D. Because saving money is a difficult task nowadays since
commodities are expensive

5. What is most likely true when a person practices frugality?
A. He gains social respect because he is debt free.
B. He saves for himself and invests it for his luxuries.
C. He spends money by sharing it with the impoverished.
D. He gets the respect of the community for having money.

6. What conclusion would you have when an individual is frugal?

A. He wants to save money.
B. He is stingy and self-centered.
C. He spends money only for himself.
D. He used to live a difficult and hard life.

7. Why do you think frugality is a positive value that every Filipino must adopt?
Because it ______________________________.
A. teaches them to set their priorities in life
B. gives avenues for their better financial status
C. frees them from debt and financial obligations
D. allows them to save money for their future needs

5. Record the total number of correct responses.

6. Decide on the next step based on the following rubric:


The learner is able to Stop assessment here. Let the learner proceed to
read the local material the next level (Academic
and respond correctly to 5 Record the learner’s level Level).
out of 7 questions. as Local Material Level.

NOTE: Remember to thank and recognize the efforts of the learner.

1. Prepare the needed materials.
2. Give the learner a copy of the text. Hold your copy.

1. Ask the learner to read the text aloud (first attempt) while you listen carefully.
2. Note all the committed miscues in your copy while the learner is reading. Be
guided with the Summary of Miscues.
3. Record all the miscues in Form ___.


Over the years, the debate between hard work and talent has gotten more
heated. With the recent shift in perspectives, being labeled as genius or
talented can make someone develop one of two things: complacency that leads
to a lack of desire to exert enough effort to do things, or an intense fear of failure
that can hinder a person’s will to try. Therefore, at the end of the day, hard work
trumps talent.

In several studies, many researchers conclude that perseverance pays off

more than ability does, and observations made by professionals have also
shown that while talent can make things easier for a person, it is still through
hard work that one achieves his goals.

Hard work really pays off. For example, at school, let's compare two
students: a student who has an innate talent in art and the ability to produce
quality output but makes excuses to be lax with his work, and a student who is
not as gifted but always exerts maximum effort and thoughtful planning to
accomplish his tasks. The gifted student may have had the potential to get a
higher mark, but the odds are that the hard-working student will outdo him
because the latter gave all his best and worked hard to achieve his goal.

A similar situation can also happen in the workplace. Hard-working people

succeed because of the effort and perseverance that they put in their work.
Some say that talent is everything one needs to succeed. However, a natural
talent not nurtured early on and not used properly later in life can only be

Having talent is an advantage, but it is hard work that brings further learning,
development, and success. Hard work is more valuable than talent. It hones
important values such as perseverance and grit. One may not be the most
talented person, but with enough persistence and hard work, he can get further
in life than a talented person without the grit to match.

332 words, Grade 10

Excerpt from ‘Hard Work or Talent’

1. Count the total number of recorded miscues.

2. Determine his or her level and decide on the next step based on the following


The learner is able to Stop assessment here. Let the learner proceed to
read the text with no more the next level (Academic
than 4 mistakes. Record the learner’s level + Comprehension
as Local Material + Level).
Comprehension Level.

3. Ask the learner to read the text aloud again.

4. Let him or her answer the comprehension questions.


1. “Being labeled as genius or talented can make someone develop

complacency that leads to a lack of desire to exert enough effort to do things.”
The underlined word means ______.
A. firmness, being consistent
B. state of staying in one place
C. the act of complying to standards
D. self-satisfaction on current situation
2. How is the word lax in the third paragraph used?
A. deficient in firmness
B. having loose bowels
C. having open or loose texture
D. having constituents spread apart
3. According to the text, what can help a person achieve his goal in life?
A. hard work
B. intelligence
C. money

D. talent

4. Who is more likely to perform better in school as revealed in the text?

A. rich student
B. gifted student
C. popular student
D. hardworking student

5. What lesson can be learned from the text?

A. It is better to be persistent than to be smart.
B. It is better to be smart than to be persistent.
C. Intelligence and hard work can go hand in hand.
D. One should be persistent and intelligent to succeed in life.

6. What would happen if students value intelligence more than hard work?
A. They will take learning for granted.
B. They will achieve their goals easier.
C. They will learn more in their classes.
D. They will perform well in their academics.

7. Which could be the best alternative title for the essay?

A. Hard Work Over Talent
B. Hardworking Vs. Talented
C. How to be a Hardworking Person
D. The Difference Between Hard Work and Talent

5. Record the total number of correct responses.

6. Decide on the next step based on the following rubric:


The learner is able to Stop assessment here. Congratulate the learner

read the text with no more Record the learner’s level for successfully
than 4 mistakes. as Academic Level. completing the Commented [3]: How many correct answers should the
assessment. students get? I based it on the previous level which is

NOTE: Remember to thank and recognize the efforts of the learner.

Explain to the learner that he or she
has reached the highest possible literacy
level. Encourage the learner to read more
so he or she can further enhance his or her
literacy skills. Don’t forget to thank the
learner for his or her cooperation and
Thank you for your dedication in
conducting the assessment. You may now
proceed to the preparation and submission
of the FLAT report.


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