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ENGG1320 Engineers in the

Modern World
Project Introduction (EEE/CS)

Class B (Thu): Dr. Wilton Fok ([email protected])

Class A (Mon): Dr. Victor Lee ([email protected])
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Choose EEE/CS if You …
• Have a great idea in mind that you want to put
one step forward to realize it
• Want to solve a real-world problem by
designing a (better) system using software and
• Want to develop a creative and innovative
idea together with your partners
• Want to kick off your start-up business and
become an entrepreneur
BEng CE students received the start-up fund
from HKSTP, turning their project into business
• “Lumino” is a project that provides a cost-efficient solution to help people
who are visually impaired.
• “Lumino” has received a start-up supporting seed fund of HK$100,000 and
one year support and co-working space from HKSTP!
• Ideation is a one-year startup support programme provided by
• It is designed to turn your brilliant ideas into reality.
Cyberport CCMF
Innovation Academy
Project Introduction (EEE)
for Your Brainstorming
Three Potential Areas:
1. ABC for Activities of Daily Living
2. Smart City and IoT
3. Mobile App Development
1. ABC for Activities of Daily Living

•Artificial Intelligence
•Big Data
•Cloud Computing
ABC for Activities of Daily Living

•Artificial Intelligence
– machine learning,
computer vision,
robotics, natural
language processing, etc.
– enables prediction of customers’ behavioral and
usage patterns for personalized recommendations
for shopping, travel, restaurants, movies, etc.
– enables early detection of sickness for health
ABC for Activities of Daily Living

•Big Data
– various sources (databases, sensors, networks, log
files, video, POS, web, social media)
– user history, preferences, surveys, Internet
shopping records, search history, location data,
– patient’s information, like X-ray and ultrasound
records, and data generated from devices like
Apple Watches and Fitbits.
ABC for Activities of Daily Living

•C loud computing
– provides resources and services on-demand
such as data storage, computing power, and
software like AI and ML tools.
– enables faster data processing and cost
reduction by reducing the hardware and
infrastructure needed for data storage and
processing (pay-per-use).
– Providers: Microsoft , Amazon, Google, IBM,
and Oracle, etc.
2. Smart City and IoT
Internet of Things
• Physical devices connected to the Internet
• Embedded with sensors and processing ability
• Collecting and sharing data
• Example
– Smart lightbulb
– Precision Cooker
– Fitness band
Many other

• Microbit
• Raspberry Pi
3. Mobile Apps Developments
What inside Smartphone?
Common Categories of
Mobile Applications
• Wearable / IoT
• Games
• Business
• Entertainment
• Sharing economy
• Social networking
General Assessment
(1) random assessment (5%) (by course
(2) a submission to individual departments
for reporting the project (85%)
(3) individual performance based on peer
evaluation (10%)
EEE Project Assessment (85%)
• Project Work and Design (35%)
– innovation and creativity
– problem / main challenges
– solution design / prototype
• Business Plan (20%)
• Presentation (25%)
• Class Participation (5%)
EEE Project Submission

• Report
• Oral Presentation
• Live demonstration (if any)
• Presentation slides
• 3-min video
• Individual peer review form
Main Class Activities
after reading week
Week Activities
7/9 • Lecture on "hardware" and "software given by Dr.
Wilton Fok and Dr. Victor Lee, respectively
• Group discussion
10-12 Design and prototype development
• Students present their initial design using system
block diagrams, flowcharts or swimlane diagrams,
UIs, for comments and discussion
13 Presentation and live demonstration (if any)

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