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Cambridge Primary Checkpoint

SCIENCE 0097/01
Paper 1 April 2023
Maximum Mark: 40


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at a Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

This document has 16 pages.

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0097/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2023

General guidelines on marking

Many descriptive answers can be expressed in a variety of ways. Professional judgement can be
used in these cases, providing it matches the marking points and further information in the mark

Answers may have words spelt incorrectly. Credit is normally given for phonetically correct answers,
unless the word has a scientifically different meaning. For example, where the answer should be
antennae, credit will be given for antena but not for anthen (too close to anther).

Only the science is being assessed so answers do not need to be grammatically correct. Significant
figures will be indicated in the question or in the mark scheme.
Unless specified all marking points are independent.

Annotations and abbreviations

/ or alternate responses for the same marking point

( ) brackets the words or units in brackets do not need to be stated, for example, (recycles or
releases or provides) minerals = minerals scores the mark

Underline exact word is required

Accept an acceptable response

Do not accept indicates an incorrect response that would contradict another otherwise correct

Ignore indicates an irrelevant answer that is not creditworthy. Full marks can still be
achieved even with answers that are ignored.

Note provides extra information when necessary

ecf error carried forward; marks are awarded if an incorrect response has been carried
forward from earlier working, provided the subsequent working is correct

ora or reverse argument; for example, as mass increases, volume increases could be
written as mass decreases, volume decreases

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0097/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1(a) kelp → (sea) urchin→ fish → seal 1 correct order and arrows pointing in the correct
direction for the mark

Accept kelp → sea urchin → fish

1(b) (sea) urchin or abalone 1 Accept sea urchin and abalone

Do not accept additional answers e.g. kelp

1(c) 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

abalone/(sea) urchin eats the kelp Accept consume for eats

Accept (idea that) the toxic substance is

transferred to the abalone/(sea) urchin from the
kelp or the toxic substance flows from kelp to
abalone/(sea) urchin

(sea) otter eats the abalone/(sea) urchin Accept consume or hunts for eats

Do not accept (sea) otter eats the fish or

references to the (sea) otter eating the kelp

1(d) sun or sunlight 1 Accept light

Do not accept additional answers, e.g. water or

carbon dioxide or nutrients or kelp

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

2(a) iron or copper sulfate 1 Accept iron and copper sulfate

Ignore grey solid or blue solution

Ignore just ‘sulfate solution’

Do not accept additional answers, e.g. copper

2(b) any one from 1

change in colour Do not accept incorrect colour changes, e.g. it

goes from green to blue or metal goes green

(solution) goes from blue to green Accept changes to the colour of solution, e.g.
(solution) changes to green

(metal) goes from grey to pink Accept changes to the colour of the metal, e.g.
(the iron) is covered in pink solid or (metal) goes

it gets warmer Accept temperature change

Ignore new substances made or chemical

reaction takes place

Do not accept gas made

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

2(c) temperature 1 Accept temperature change or temperature before

and temperature after

Ignore just observations e.g. colour change or

mixture gets warmer

Ignore use a thermometer

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0097/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

name diagram symbol 2 all four correct = 2 marks
two or three correct = 1 mark
one correct = 0 marks
Do not accept battery symbol for cell symbol

...................... Do not accept closed switch



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Question Answer Marks Further Information

3(b) 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

correct diagram showing 2 lamps and 1 cell in a series Accept ecf from part (a) for the symbols if
circuit, e.g. incorrect

Do not accept extra symbols, e.g. a switch

correct diagram showing 2 lamps and 1 cell in a parallel

circuit, e.g.

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

3(c) 1 both answers correct for the mark

(idea that) the cell is not shared Accept any idea of electricity from cell not being
shared, e.g. electricity is not shared or voltage is
not shared

Accept higher level answers, e.g. lamps in

parallel both have the 1.5V of the connected cell

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0097/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

4(a) rock type description 1 all lines correct = 1 mark

metamorphic a very hard rock formed

when lava from
volcanoes cools

igneous a very hard rock formed

from other rocks using
heat and pressure

sedimentary formed when tiny pieces

of rock are pressed

4(b) 2 each correct sentence = 1 mark

(B) (idea that) ammonite is covered by sediment or Accept layers are formed over the ammonite
(idea that) ammonite is buried

(D) weathering or erosion or ammonite is on the surface/top Accept sediment is removed (above the
(of sediment) ammonite) or sediment is washed away or rock
breaks(down) or ammonite is not covered

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0097/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

4(c) 2 each correct sentence = 1 mark

(Soil A) clay Do not accept sand or organic matter

(because idea that) it is pressed together or sticky or
makes a lump

(Soil B) sand or organic matter Do not accept clay

(because idea that) falls through fingers or pours

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0097/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

5 any two from 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

menstruation or periods or menstrual cycle starts Accept (ovaries) start to release eggs

acne or spots Accept pimples or body odour or oily (skin)

hips widen Accept bigger hips

breasts develop

body hair grows Accept grow pubic hair or hair under arms

Ignore height increases

Do not accept male changes, e.g. deep voice or

facial hair

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0097/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

6(a) 27 1

6(b) 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

measuring cylinder Accept graduated pipette or burette

Do not accept beaker or measuring cup

stop-watch or stop-clock Accept watch with a second hand or clock with a

second hand or chronometer

6(c) (idea that she) repeats the (same) experiment 1 Accept (repeat and) calculate/find the mean

Do not accept fair test

6(d) (water) particles move faster or (water) particles hit the 1 Note answer must be about the particles
tablet with more force
Accept higher level answers, e.g. particles have
more (kinetic/heat) energy or particles have more

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0097/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

7(a) any two from 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

has eight planets Accept to show how many planets there are

planets are in order Accept shows how the planets are arranged or
has all the planets in the correct places

shows size/shape of planets Accept to show smallest/biggest planet or to

show which planets have rings or what the
planets look like
see all the planets at the same time or lets us see
something that is too big to see (at the same time)

lets us see something that is too far away to see Accept need a telescope to see the planets

7(b) any one from 1

no Sun

no Moon(s)

not correctly spaced apart or all in a straight line

not 3D or is 2D or planets are flat or planets are not


no orbits visible Accept does not show rotation

does not move or does not show relative movement of


not to scale or (idea that) planets are not in proportion Ignore just ‘size’ or just ‘all small’

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0097/01 Checkpoint Primary – Mark Scheme April 2023

Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(a) 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

(N is used because it measures) a force Accept weight or named force, e.g. friction or

Do not accept mass

(kg is not used because it measures) mass Do not accept weight

8(b) (idea that) the children do not move or the children stand 1
still or the rope stays in the same place

8(c) 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

(description) the children move (to the left) Accept the rope moves (to the left)

(explanation) the force to the left is greater (than the force Accept 300 N is greater (than 200 N) or the
to the right) or ora children on the left will pull more

Ignore just ‘one team is 300 N and the other is

200 N’ or just ‘the forces are not balanced’

Ignore references to weight

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

9(a) 0.9 (g) 1

9(b) (idea that) gas escapes or gas leaves 1 Accept vapour for gas
Accept mass of gas is lost or gas is made

Do not accept it evaporates or condensation or


9(c) any one from 1

low boiling point

easy to compress Accept easy to squash

fill their container Accept does not have a fixed shape or does not
have a fixed volume

exert a pressure

Accept other properties of some gases e.g. low

density or smell or colourless

Ignore has mass

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

10(a) Does washing hands stop the growth of mould? 1 more than one answer ticked = 0 marks

Accept any indication of the correct answer, e.g.

circling or underlining, but ticking takes

10(b) any two from 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

size of the slices of bread Accept amount of bread or mass of bread or size
of bread

bread from same loaf Accept type of bread or type of food

temperature Accept (idea of where the) place bread is kept,

e.g. same room or same environment

(amount of) time (left for) Accept 3 days or how long the bread is left or
day observation made

type of bag Accept material of bag or size of bag or

transparent bag or waterproof bag

Accept any reasonable answer, e.g. amount of

moisture or amount of air in the bag or size of bag
or seals/closes the bag

Do not accept how the bread is prepared

10(c) mould causes diseases 1 Accept it causes an allergic reaction or (idea that)
it is harmful

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