Language: Materials W. Board Markers Problem Anticipation& Reasonable Solutions: Procedure

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Day: Mon.

Unit: Opener
Date: 18-9-2023 Period: 3 Class: 10/3 Step: Opener

Learning objectives:
At the end of the lesson , learners should be able to:
 Use the language of greeting as well as the language of introducing one self.
 recognize the rules of work along the second semester to achieve various tasks.
 explain some language functions & structures to use them in daily life situations .

Language : related to summer vacation.

Materials W. Board Markers

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some students are shy to speak freely as new comers.
Encouraging and motivating them to talk freely.

 Greeting students and congratulating them for the beginning of the second term year.
 Introducing my self to any new comer to the class and asking them to do the same.
 Telling Ss clearly about my strategy during the second semester .
 Setting my own rules. Getting them introduced to the new course books.
 Asking students to talk freely about their experience during their mid-term holiday.
Where did you spend your mid-term holiday?
How was it? Did you enjoy it? Why? Why not?
Do you usually travel for your holidays?
 Eliciting useful ideas. Dividing the class into groups. Appointing a group leader, a time
keeper and a language observer.
 Asking each group to write notes through their own experience and readings.
 Circulating and monitoring. Giving help and support.
 Asking pupils to exchange their reports and correct themselves.
 Collecting in some reports for correction and asking individuals to report back to the
class what they have written.

Home assignment: Asking students to prepare lesson one / unit one in

the text book.

Wrapping Up: What are your plans to the next vacation?

Evaluation :
Day: Thur. Period: 3rd Class: 10/ 3 Unit: one
Date: 18-9-2023 Module: One Lesson: 1

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read a text about healthy living to answer the comprehension questions .
 use new vocabulary in simple meaningful sentences.

Language :
absorb, antioxidant, arthritis, caffeine, calcium, cholesterol, combat, dietician.

Materials PB: 12 W. board Markers

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
The lesson is too long. Solution: Dividing the lesson into steps .

Warming Up:
- How can you keep fit and healthy ?

- Introducing the theme of the lesson "We are what we eat". Describing the given
pictures to introduce the lesson "How can food and drink improve our health?"
- Presenting the new vocabulary and asking ss to pronounce and use them in meaningful

Pre-reading questions: What is the difference between good and bad

How can dark chocolate help diabetics?

Procedures: -
 Asking the pupils to read the first paragraph silently, in order to get the main idea and
find answers to the pre-reading questions.
 Discussing any new words and using them in meaningful sentences.
 Reading the text again for detailed information.
 Checking Pupils' understanding by asking varied questions.
 Doing the same with the next paragraphs.

Wrapping Up: How can food and drink improve our health?

Evaluation :
Day: Wed. Class: 10/3 Unit: 1
Date: 20 / 9 /2023 Period: 2nd Module: One Lesson: 2

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Understand and appreciate the value of living healthy.
 Use the new vocabulary in meaningful sentences.

Language : digestive, metabolize, neutralize, nutrition, probiotic, protein,


Materials PB: 12-13 Gestures W. board

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some inactive pupils won't be able to use the new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: giving help and support.

Warming Up:
- Oral discussion with the pupils to remind them of the theme of the lesson.

- Introducing the theme of the lesson "We are what we eat". Describing the given
pictures to introduce the lesson "How can food and drink improve our health?"
- Presenting the new vocabulary by demonstration.

Pre-reading questions:
…………………To Be Continued ……………….

Procedures: -
 Asking the pupils to read the given paragraphs silently, in order to get the main idea
and find answers to the pre-reading questions.
 Dealing with any vocabulary queries and putting them in meaningful sentences.
 Reading the text again for detailed information.
 Checking Pupils' understanding by asking varied questions.
 Doing the same with the next paragraphs.
 Asking pupils to answer the comprehension questions and checking their answers.

Wrapping Up:
How can food and drink improve our health?

Evaluation :
Day: Tue.
Mon. Period: 4th Unit: 1
Date: 24/9/2023
17/9/2019 Class: 1st , 4th
Period: 10/3 Class: 10/3
Module: 1 , 10/4 Step: 4
3 &5

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Listen to a breakfast time story.
 Talk about what people were doing.

Language Focus: Past simple and past Continuous.

Use adjectives.

Materials PB: 14-15 Gestures W. board

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some inactive pupils won't be able to use adjectives in order. Solution: Giving them
help and support.

Warming Up: Correct the verb between

- The Ancient Egyptian (invent) the ways of writing.
- I (meet) Ahmed in the supermarket two days ago.

- Introducing the theme of the lesson and setting the scene.
- Describing the given picture and presenting the new vocabulary by demonstration.

Pre-reading questions: Why did the speaker go to the shop?

What happened at home while he was at the shop?

Procedures: -Setting the scene by telling the pupils they are going to hear a story.
 Asking the pupils to describe the picture. (A family having breakfast together. There is a lot

of food on the table.)
 Inviting SS to guess what happens in the story and what tenses they expect to hear.
 Asking the pupils to read the pre-reading questions and then playing the story.
 Asking students to read and answer the questions.
 Playing the tape again to check answers as well as understanding.
 (Ex. 2,3,4) Asking the pupils to read the questions. Working in pairs to give answers.
 Checking students' answers and writing them on the board.
 Doing the same with the next exercises.

Wrapping Up:
When I (get up) the family (have) their breakfast.

Evaluation :
Day: Wed.
Mon. Class: 2nd , 10/4
Period:10/3 Unit: 11
Date: 25/9/2023
19/9/2019 Class: 1st , 4th
Period:10/3 Module: 11
Module: Step: 64 -

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Use past simple and past continuous.
 Use expressions in a restaurant.

Language : capital letters

Materials WB: 6-7 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
The lesson is too long. Solution: Dividing it into steps.

Recycling: Asking the pupils about the meanings of some pre-taught vocabulary.
Warming Up: A quick revision of the past tenses through eliciting some

 (EX.1, 2, 3, 4& 5 language practice) (Past Continuous- Capital Letters) .
 Asking SS to read the give grammar box about the Past Continuous Tense.
 Giving an oral idea about the exercise to make it clear.
 Explaining the rules in the table by writing more illustrating examples on the board.
 Going on with this procedure till the students have mechanical control over each rule.
 Reading the instructions and dealing with the first sentence with the whole class.
 Asking students to read the given statements silently.
 Allowing time to think of the given questions.
 Working in pairs:
 1) to complete the sentences with the correct form of the given verbs- (past
continuous), 2) to write what would you say to the waiter in a restaurant, 3) to
complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs simple or continuous, 4) to
complete the sentences with the correct form of the cooking verbs (steam, stir, fry)
5) to correct the punctuation and the spelling mistakes in the given sentences.
 Asking SS to compare answers with a partner.
 Checking students' answers as well as checking their writings.

Wrapping Up: While I (play) football, the accident happened (correct).

We were watching tv when it (rain) (correct).

Evaluation :
Day: wed. Period: 2nd Unit: 1
Date: 1/10 /2023 Class: 10/3 Module: 1 Step: 7, 8 and 9

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read a guide to eating places.
 Describe a place and learn new vocabulary to use it in meaningful sentences.

Language : appeal to, atmospheric, crammed, eatery, fanatic, irresponsibly,

malnutrition, salad bar, speciality, vegetarian, wholesome.

Materials PB: 16 Gestures W. board

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some inactive pupils won't be able to use new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving them help and support.

Warming Up:
- Oral discussion to introduce the new lesson.

- Describing the given picture and presenting the new vocabulary by demonstration.

Pre-reading questions: Which menu is the healthiest? Which is the least


Procedures: - (EX.1 Read and Analyse) Making discussions with the SS related
to the
lesson (have you ever go to local café? Which place has the healthiest menu? Why?).
 Checking the meaning of the word recommend in the online guide.
 Asking the pupils to look at the text and read it carefully.
 Checking SS' understanding by writing the names of the four places on the board and
asking SS to summarize what they have read.
 Working in pairs to read and answers the given questions.
 (EX.2 Plan your online guide) Asking SS if they are visiting a new town (How could
you find out good places to eat? (In newspapers, the phone book, the internet).
 A) Working in pairs or groups to suggest suitable local places and write them on board.
 B) Writing the given three headings on the board. Choosing one of the suggested
places. Suggesting idea for each heading. Writing ideas. Using a spider diagram.

Wrapping Up:
Why does the writer recommend these places for eating?

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 2
Date: Class: Module: 1 Step: 18 &2

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read an article about the Culture of Peace.
 Learn new vocabulary and using it in meaningful sentences.
Language : aspiration, creed, delegate, diversity, initiative, interfaith, mentor,

Materials PB: 18-19 Gestures W. board

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some inactive students won't be able to use the new vocabulary in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Warming Up:
- Oral discussion with the pupils about the theme of the unit "Respecting Cultures".

- Introducing the theme of the lesson about UN Organization and the culture of peace, as
well as presenting the new vocabulary by demonstration.

Pre-reading questions: What is the main purpose of UN Organization?

What the benefits of mentoring might be?

Procedures: (EX. Discuss) –Asking SS (What the benefits of mentoring might be?
Have you ever been involved in mentoring or voluntary work?)
 (EX.1) Asking SS to read the given leaflet.
 Putting SS in small groups to discuss the given questions.
 Allowing time for SS to think carefully. Offering some ideas if necessary.
 Asking different SS to report their ideas about (the importance of bringing people
together, the ole of culture in the community, helping people).
 (EX.2) Asking SS to look at the photograph.
 Asking SS (Which organization the logo refers? What the organization is set up for?)
 Asking SS to read the questions and to tell their answers.

Wrapping Up: What the main purpose of the UN Organization?

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 2
Date: Class: Module: 1 Step: 2

At the end of the lesson , learners should be
able to:
 Read speech bubbles and talk about interesting experience.
 Use present perfect.

Language : calligraphy, consistently, diverse, inspirational, master, richly

Materials PB: 20-21 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
some inactive students won't be able to form sentences in the present perfect form.

Solution: Giving help and support.

Warming Up:
- Oral discussion with the pupils about the theme of the lesson "Interesting experiences".

Presentation: Presenting the present perfect tense.

Introducing the new topic as well as the new vocabulary by demonstration

Procedures: (EX.1 Grammar Present perfect)

 (A) Asking SS to read the given four sentences from the article on page 19.
 Working in pairs to find the difference between them.(past simple)(present perfect).
 (B) Asking SS to write their own answers and to share them with the class.
 (EX.2) Asking SS to read the given article about the "Islamic Art".
 Working in pairs to decide which sentence introduces a length of time (…..which has run
for over 30 years.) and which introduces a particular time (……………..since the 7th century).
 (Extension) Writing two headings on the board: For & Since and inviting the class to
suggest words or phrases that could follow each word of them.
 (EX.3) (A) Reading the given list of suggestions to think about two or three special
experiences they have had related to the Islamic Culture.
 (B) Asking SS to write sentences about the experience they have chosen by using
present perfect.
 (C) Asking SS to use the same structure in dialogue with each other.

Wrapping Up: I have studies English…………..four o'clock. (Since, For)

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 2
Date: Class: Module: 1 Step: 5 & 6

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Use prepositions (on, amongst, in, for, with, by).
 Write about interesting or unusual experience.

Language : describe past experiences.

Materials PB: 20-21 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
There is no expected problem.

Warming Up: Do as shown:

- Adel………… (already / finish) his homework.
- I haven't seen my uncle ……… last birthday's party. (for, since)

Procedures: (EX.4 Prepositions on, amongst, in, for, with, at, by)
 (A) Asking SS to complete the summary of the article on page 19 with the appropriate
preposition. Checking answers by referring back to the article on page 19.
 (B) Illustrating to the class that each preposition has a certain function in the sentence.
 Asking SS to tell the meaning of the preposition used in exercise a.
 (Quote) Asking SS what they know about T.S.Eliot. Have they read any of his poems?
 Reading the quote aloud and asking SS what T.S.Eliot meant. (How can something be
communicated before it is understood? Do you agree? Why? Why not?).
 (EX. 1 Vocabulary) Writing (listen to & hear) on the board. Giving SS some very
simple instructions by saying (Listen to me, stand up/sit down) without demonstrating.
 Asking SS (While you were probably listening to me, what you heard?)
 (A) Asking SS to work in pairs to discuss questions 1 and 2. Checking answers.
 (B) Asking SS to look at the pictures and work in pairs to complete the sentences.
 (EX. 2 look at, watch, see) Following the same technique like the previous exercise.
 Working in pairs to read the given sentences and complete them with the missing verb.
 (EX.3 say, tell, speak) Thinking about the given verbs and complete the sentences.
 (EX.4 Pronunciation) Playing the recording. Asking SS where (stress) is placed.
 Explaining the usage and function of the (stress) in the sentence. (Playing & Repeating)

Wrapping Up:
He………he's learning to ………English. (say, tell, speak).

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 2
Date: Class: Module: 1 Step: 7 & 8

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Listen to a survey and write survey questions.
 Use language functions (conduct a survey, ask permission to ask questions, thanking).

Language : account, conduct, cover, figure, ground-breaking, high-ranking,

pilgrimage, relevant, review.

Materials PB: 22 Gestures W. board

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use the new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Warming Up: Oral discussion related to the topic of the lesson "Survey and

Presentation: Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

- Describe what is happening in the given picture (a man is being interviewed).

Pre-listening questions: What is the subject of the survey?

What are the interviewer's two questions?

Procedures: (EX.1,2,3 Listening) -Setting the scene to the class by telling them
that they
Are going to listen to an interview about a survey.
 (1) Playing the recording. Asking SS to listen carefully in order to get the main idea and
to find answers to the pre-listening questions.
 Discussing any new words and using them in meaningful sentences.
 (2 & 3) Playing the recording again for specific and detailed information.
 Checking Ss' understanding by asking varied questions related to the topic.
 Working in pairs to answer the given comprehension questions. Checking answers.
 (EX.4 Do a survey) giving an oral idea about the exercise to make it clear.

 Putting SS in pairs to conduct a survey on the topic of "respect".
 (a) Asking SS to think of the questions they want to ask. (b) Looking at the useful
language box. (c) Working in pairs and taking turns to interview each other.
 (d) Changing roles. Role-playing the survey. (Ex.5) Tell the results of the SS' survey.

Wrapping Up: What language does the interviewee use to express opinion?

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 2
Date: Class: Module: 1 Step: 9

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read book reviews.
 Write an informal book review.
 Use language functions (express personal opinions, make recommendations).

Language : account, cover, figure, ground-breaking, high-ranking, pilgrimage,


Materials PB: 23 Gestures W. board

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use the new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: Asking SS about the meanings of some pre-taught vocabulary.

- Oral discussion related to the topic of the lesson "Survey and review".

Presentation: Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Pre-Reading questions: Which is a review of a book about (history,
travel writing)?

Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3 Read) Giving an oral idea about the exercise to make it
 Asking SS to read the two texts carefully in order to get the main idea and to find
answers to the pre-listening questions.
 Discussing any new words and using them in meaningful sentences.
 Asking the pupils to read the given two texts again for specific and detailed information.
 Checking Ss' understanding by asking varied questions related to the topic.
 Working in pairs to answer the given comprehension questions. Checking answers.
 (EX.4 Plan your review) Giving an oral idea about the exercise to make it clear.
 Asking students to suggest books which they could review or would like to review.
 Putting SS in pairs to read the instructions and to make a mind map for the questions.
 (EX.5 Write) Asking SS to look at the useful language box and try to write their reviews
 Asking SS to check their writings, spelling, grammar, punctuation and the style.

Wrapping Up: Find three facts and three opinions in each of the reviews?

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 3
Date: Class: Module: 1 Step: 9 2

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read a description of a building.
 Listen to a description of The Sydney Opera House.
 Learn new vocabulary and use it in meaningful sentences.

Language : concrete, design, drill, evoke, expressionist, forecourt, foundation,

framework, geometric, renowned, slightly, studio, venue.

Materials PB: 24 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use the new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: - Oral discussion related to the topic of the unit "Inspiring

Presentation: Presenting the theme of the lesson "Inspiring architecture".

Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Pre-Reading questions: What do the descriptions & numbers in the fact

file refer to?

Procedures: (EX.1 Discuss)

 Showing some pictures of famous buildings around the world.
 Writing the names and locations of the buildings on the board (Cairo tower, Egypt).
 Choosing one of the building and asking Yes/No questions (Is it modern, Is it big…).
 (EX.1 Guess) Giving an oral idea about the exercise to make it clear.
 Asking students to look at the given pictures then asking them varied questions such
(Have you ever been to any of these places? When did you go? Who did you go with?).
 Putting SS in pairs to read the instructions and to fill in the table.
 Asking if they know anything about the given places (National Assembly Building…etc)
 (EX.2 Read the fact file) Asking SS to read the fact file and working in pairs to answer
the given questions. Sharing answers.

Wrapping Up:
What do you know about the National Assembly Building?

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 3
Date: Class: 10-5 Module: 1 Step: 32

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read a text about 360 Kuwait.
 Read a floor plan.
 Learn new language and use them in meaningful sentences.

Language : boutique, brand, edutainment, gourmand, mainstream, state-of-the-


Materials WB: 16-17 Gestures W. board

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use the new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Recycling: Asking the pupils about the meanings of some pre-taught vocabulary.
Warming Up: Dealing with the remedial plan exercises.
Presentation: Oral discussion related to the topic of the lesson "360 Kuwait".
Presenting the new vocabulary by demonstration.

Pre-Reading Que: What do the variety of shops, restaurants and activities


Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3, 4 Reading and Writing):

 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Asking SS to read the given questions silently.
 Asking SS to read the text carefully in order to get the main idea and to find answers for
the questions.
 Discussing any new words and using them in meaningful sentences.
 Allowing time to think of the questions.
 Working in pairs to complete the sentences from the floor plan, to use the correct form
of the word and to complete the sentences with a number phrase.
 Checking students' answers as well as checking their writings.

Wrapping Up:
Why is 360 Kuwait described as "monumental"?

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 3
Date: Class: 10-3 Module: 1 Step: 4 & 5

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read a description of a building.
 Use comparatives and superlatives.
 Write phrases and sentences of comparison.

Language : chic, modernistic, spacious, sturdy, substantial.

Materials PB: 26 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use comparatives and superlatives forms of

Solution: Giving help.


Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: - Dealing with the remedial plan exercises.

Presentation: Oral discussion related to the topic of the lesson "Buildings in
Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Procedures: (EX.1 grammar): Asking SS to read the text and count the
 Asking different SS to write the adjectives on the board (large, busy, main, big…..)
 (EX.2): Asking SS to read the given note about comparatives and superlatives.
 Giving more illustrated examples on the board.
 Asking SS to complete the table by adding five adjectives in the appropriate places,
according how they are spelled. Checking answers and their reasons.
 Asking SS to write the comparative and superlative forms of the irregular (good & bad).
 (EX.3): Asking SS to look at the given pictures and try to describe each building.
 Asking SS to make sentences comparing them.
 A) Working in pairs to read and match the given adjectives with their opposites.
 B) Asking SS to read the examples and try to write sentences comparing the buildings.
 (EX.4 Compound adjectives): Giving some examples to make the exercise clear.
 Look at the given example and writing similar phrases by using the given cues.
 Checking answers, giving help and then sharing answers with the class.

Wrapping Up: Ahmed is ……….than Jack. (good, better, best).

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 3
Date: Class: Module: 1 Step: 65 & 7

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read, discuss and write answers to the given questions.
 Use comparatives and superlatives.
 Learn new language and make comparisons.

Language Focus: comparatives & superlatives

Materials WB: 18-19 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to form the comparatives and superlatives of some

Solution: Giving help.


Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Recycling: Asking the pupils about the meanings of some pre-taught vocabulary.
Warming Up: Dealing with the remedial plan exercises.
Presentation: A quick revision on the comparatives and superlatives.
Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Language Practice):

 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Explaining the rules in the table by writing more illustrating examples on the board.
 Going on with this procedure till they have mechanical control over each rule.
 Reading the instructions and dealing with the first sentence with the whole class.
 Asking SS to read the given questions silently.
 Dealing with any vocabulary queries.
 Allowing time to think of the questions.
 Working in pairs: 1) to complete the sentences with the correct adjectives (ing) & (ed),
2) to complete a conversation between two friends, 3) to add punctuation and capital
letters, 5) to complete a dialogue between an estate agent and a potential homeowner.
 Checking students' answers as well as checking their writings.

Wrapping Up: The children were always …….in his lessons.


Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 3
Date: Class: Module: 1 Step: 8 & 9

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read and write a formal report.
 Listen to a conversation.
 Practice functions (expressing likes & dislikes, making suggestions, giving reasons).

Language: advocate, apprehensive, benefit, council, detrimental, influx, objective,

profitable, voice.

Materials PB: 28-29 Gestures W. board

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use new vocabulary in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Warming Up: Conducting a brainstorming activity. Eliciting words and
sentences that
are related to the topic of the lesson. Presenting the new lexical items.

Pre-Listening : Picture interpretation- looking at the given picture and

describe it.
 Dividing the class into small groups to discuss questions a & b.
 Asking someone in each group to summarize their idea for the rest of the class.

While-Listening: Asking SS to read the questions and to listen carefully to find

 Allowing time for peer checking then elicit replies.
 Playing the recording again and having SS compare the language each speaker uses.

Post-Listening: Asking SS to look at the useful language box then put them in
 Allowing time for SS to discuss the ideas and having each group to present their ideas.

Reading: Asking SS to read the four headings as well as reading the report.
 Asking SS to decide where the heading should be.
 Inviting different SS to tell the class their ideas about the report.

Writing: Asking the SS to read the useful language box and write their reports using
notes from exercise 2.
 Exchanging works fro technical improvements.

Wrapping Up: Asking different students to read out their report to the class.

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 3
Date: Class: Module: 1 Step: Focus
9 On

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read a text about the traditional dress in Kuwait.
 Learn new lexical items and answer comprehension questions.
 Read information about paired conjunctions.

Language: pride, scarf, fold, triangular, cord, slip, garment, trimmed with,

Materials PB: 30 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use paired conjunctions in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: Introducing the topic of the lesson "Traditional Dress in Kuwait".
Presenting the new vocabulary by demonstration.

Procedures: (EX.1 Reading):

 (A): Asking SS to look at the given photo and describe what the man is doing.
 Asking general questions to guide SS through their answer to the topic of the text.
 (B): Asking Ss to read the given text silently.
 Drawing a spider gram to show the items of the traditional dress in Kuwait.

Traditional Dress in Kuwait

 Discussing any new words and dealing with any vocabulary queries.
 (C): Checking SS' understanding by asking varied comprehension questions.
 Working in pairs to discuss the text.
 (EX.2 Paired Conjunctions): Asking SS to read the explanation about paired
conjunctions and the examples (not only….but also, both….and…., neither…nor…).
 Working in pairs to answer the given questions (1, 2, 3).
 Exchange answers and to correct for each other.

Wrapping Up: They not only win the match, they also get the fair play prize.
(Not only)

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 4
Date: Class: Module: 2 Free Time Step:1 & 2

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Talk about the effects of playing computer games.
 State the advantages the advantages and disadvantages of video games.
 Use language function (talking about the future and expressing opinions).

Language: competitive, compete, console, simulate, visual effects, rival, wizard.

Materials PB: 33-34 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use the new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: - Conducting a brainstorming activity to elicit words and

that related to the topic of the module "Free Time".
- Oral discussion related to the topic of the unit "Computer Games".
- Eliciting the names of computer games and stating the advantages & disadvantages.

Presentation: Presenting the theme of the lesson "Fast forward to the future of
Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Procedures: (EX.1 & 2 Discuss)

 1) Telling the SS to read out the given questions about computer games.
 Allowing time to answer the questions and working in pairs to compare answers.
 Dividing the class into two kinds (who like computer games and who dislike it).
 Asking SS to take part in a debate about the advantages and disadvantages of games.
 2) Asking SS to talk about future computer games.
 Asking SS to suggest some vocabulary needed to discuss their ideas (technology,
graphics, sound effects, realistic………..)
 (EX.3 Read) Setting the scene by telling the class that they are going to read a text
about computer games in the future.
 Asking SS to look at the questions and match the words with their meanings 1-6.

Wrapping Up: What will computer games be like in the future?

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 4
Date: Class: Module: 2
1 Free Time Step: 42&5

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read a text about playing games.
 Write predictions, future plans and arrangements.
 Use the more……………..the more.

Language: wireless
Materials PB: 36 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to write future plans and arrangements properly.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: - Oral discussion related to the topic of the lesson "Computing".
Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Procedures: (EX.1 Grammar):

 Telling the class that they are going to read a text about playing computer games.
 Illustrating that the writer describes future events but in different ways.
 Asking SS to circle all the verbs used in the paragraph to describe the future.
 (EX.2): Reading out the instructions and the given example.
 Asking SS to name different types of computer technology. Writing answers on board.
 Asking SS to choose one of the words on the board and write a sentence using I
expect, I think or I predict (that).
 Asking SS to write another sentence using will+ definitely, probably or possibly.
 Working in pairs to write sentences about the other items listed on the board.
 (EX.3): A) Telling the class that they are going to think about their own future.
 Asking SS to look at the example sentence under the question and Working in pairs to
think about the questions and to write their answers.
 B) Reading the question and working in pairs to write sentences. Sharing answers.
 (EX.4 the more………..the more): Giving some examples to make the exercise clear.
 Asking SS to complete the given exercise and make up similar sentences.

Wrapping Up: I spend too much time in studying. I want to learn a lot. (the

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 4
Date: Class: Module: 2 Step: 65

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 read a text a bout special holiday to answer the given questions.
 Write different sentences using the future tense / present continuous.
 Write different sentences using the more………..the more .

Language Focus: (the future tense/present continuous) (the more…the


Materials WB: 30-31 Gestures W. board

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to form sentences by using the more…..the more…….

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Recycling: Asking the pupils about the meanings of some pre-taught vocabulary.
Warming Up: Dealing with the remedial plan exercises.
Presentation: A quick revision on the future tense/present continuous.
Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Language Practice):
 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Explaining the rules in the table by writing more illustrating examples on the board.
 Going on with this procedure till they have mechanical control over each rule.
 Reading the instructions and dealing with the first sentence with the whole class.
 Asking SS to read the given questions silently.
 Allowing time to think of the questions.
 Working in pairs: 1) to change the words into the correct future tense, 2) to complete
the text with the correct form of the verb between brackets, 3) to match the sentences
to their responses in a telephone conversation, 4) to rewrite the sentences using the
more…., the more…….., 5) to choose the correct verbs in the past form.
 Checking students' answers as well as checking their writings.

Wrapping Up: Reading books makes me want to learn. (Use: the more….the

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 4
Date: Class: Module: 2 Step: 7 & 8

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Listen to computer helpline.
 Read game instructions.
 Practice functions (identify a problem, asking for advice, giving advice and suggestions)

Language: arcade, bonus, breathtaking, built-in, caller, exclusive, helpline,

keypad, mode.

Materials PB: 38-39 Gestures W. board

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use new vocabulary in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Warming Up: Giving an oral idea about the lesson and then presenting new

Procedures: (EX.1 Speaking: Giving advice):

 Picture interpretation- looking at the given picture and describe it.
 Setting the scene by telling the class they are going to listen to three callers explaining
their problems. Playing the recording 4.3 and asking SS to take notes.
 Playing the recording again. Discussing, comparing and checking the three problems.
 (EX.2) Working in pairs to discuss what advice they think the assistant will give.
 Playing the recording 4.4 (the helpline assistant's reply) whose advice was better?
 Asking SS to look at the Useful Language Box and practice their role-plays.
 Playing the first part of recording 4.5 then asking SS what advice the assistant gave.
 Palying the whole recording 4.5 and telling SS the advice this time is to clean the
mouse, then asking SS if they think this is the best advice or not?
 (EX.3) Asking volunteers to tell the class about similar problems with their computers.
 Asking them to give some advice by using some of the language in the language box.

Writing: (Game instructions): Asking SS to look at the picture and name the game.
 Reading the given instructions about the Marble Madness 3D and answer the questions
 Reading the instructions again and working in pairs to answer EX.2.
 Asking SS to do the same and write about their games (instructions, headings, object).

Wrapping Up: Your brother is going to complete his study abroad. (give

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 4
Date: Class: Module: 2 Step: 9

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read and write headings and instructions.
 Use sequence words.
 Use language functions (talking about games / describing processes)

Language Functions: Sequence words

Materials WB: 32-33 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to write their own sets of instructions.

Solution: Giving help and support.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Recycling: Asking the pupils about the meanings of some pre-taught vocabulary.
Warming Up: Dealing with the remedial plan exercises.
Presentation: A quick revision on the more ……..the more……...
Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3, 4 Writing)
 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Asking the pupils to read the given questions silently.
 Asking SS to read the given instructions carefully in order to get the main idea and to
find answers for the questions.
 Discussing any new words and using them in meaningful sentences.
 Allowing time to think of the questions.
 Working in pairs: 1) to match each set of instructions with a picture and write a correct
heading for each one.
2) to underline all the instruction words and find all the sequence
words and phrases.
3) to write their own sets of instructions.
 Checking students' answers as well as checking their writings.

Wrapping Up: We should take precautions when it is dangerous. (the


Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 5
Date: Class: Module: 2 Free Time Step: 1&2

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read a text about Paralympics.

 Listen to sports quiz.
 Say numbers and dates.
 Talk about big sporting events.

Language : able-bodied, adversity, equestrian, neurologist, observe, Paralympics,

phenomenon, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, self-discipline, virtue,

Materials PB: 40-41 Gestures Recorder

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use the new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: Oral discussion related to the topic "Why the Paralympics
- Conducting a brainstorming activity – eliciting words and expressions related to the topic.
- Inviting SS to suggest the names of sporting events and write them on the board.
- Asking SS to look at the picture p.40 and in pair work out what sporting event it could be.
- Asking SS to suggest sports that can be played in this stadium.
- Eliciting any information the students know about Paralympics.
- Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Reading: Engaging SS in silent reading of the article and assigning question 2.

 Asking SS to talk about important skills for an athlete - physical and mental abilities.
 Asking SS to look at the factfile p.41 and identify the places and people in the list.
 Putting SS in pairs and asking them to take turns asking each other question 3 a & b.

Listening: Telling SS that they are going to take part in a sport quiz.
 Asking SS to listen & choose the right answers. Working in pairs to compare answers.
 Playing recording 5.2 for SS to check their answers. Asking SS to read Ex.5 a-f
 Playing the recording 5.2 again. Allowing time for them to note down some ideas.
 Putting SS in pairs or small groups to compare their answers.

Wrapping Up: (Think and speak) question 8 p.41. (class discussions)

Evaluation :

Day: Period: Unit: 5
Date: Class: 10.5 Module: 2 Step: 4 & 5

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Write questions and instructions by using imperative forms.
 Use modal verbs (can, could, should, would)
 Read a revision guide and discuss different psychological factors.

Language: aggression, determination, extrovert, feedback, introvert, mentality,

motivation, opponent, sportsmanship, stimulation, teammate.

Materials PB: 42-43 Gestures W. board

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to write questions and use modal verbs properly.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: - Oral discussion related to the topic of the lesson "sports
Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3 Grammar) p.42 (Questions & imperatives):

 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Explaining each exercise by giving more illustrating examples on the board.
 Going on with this procedure till they have mechanical control over each rule.
 Asking SS to read the given questions silently and working in pairs to share answers.
 (EX.4 Modal verbs p.42 (can, could, should, would) :
 Asking SS to read the text on page 40 and to find phrases with can, could, should……..
 Working in pairs to give one or more examples of sentences using modal verbs.
 (Ex.1 Vocabulary) p.43 (Sports mentality):
 Asking SS to read the guide about sports psychology silently. Dealing with new lexical.
 Getting SS discuss the motivations and mental qualities required for different sports.
 (EX.2) Asking SS to work in pairs to identify which sports they represent and then
writing a brief description of the psychological strengths and factors needed for

success in each sport. Swapping books and checking answers. Eliciting answers.
 (EX.3) (Think and speak): Putting SS in groups to discuss the given questions briefly.

Wrapping Up: "Your personality can affect your choice of sport". Explain?

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 5
Date: Class: Module: 2 Step: 6

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read, discuss and write answers to the given questions.
 Use questions and imperatives.
 Use compound nouns and questions tags.

Language Focus: Questions tags

Materials W.B: 36-37 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use questions tags properly. Solution:
Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Recycling: Asking the pupils about the meanings of some pre-taught vocabulary.
Warming Up: Najib Mahfouz is an Egyptian prominent writer. (Ask question).
The first Paralympics were in 1960. (Ask question).
(Respect/Respecting) your teammate and (give/gives) them encouragement. (Choose).

Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Language Practice):

 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Explaining the rules in the table by writing more illustrating examples on the board.
 Going on with this procedure till the students have mechanical control over each rule.
 Reading the instructions and dealing with the first sentence with the whole class.
 Asking SS to read the given questions silently.
 Allowing time to think of the questions.
 Working in pairs: 1) to write questions for the given answers, 2) to choose the correct
imperative to complete the sentences, 3) to choose the correct compound noun and
then use it in a sentence of his own, 4) to complete the conversation by writing
questions using What, Where, When, or by adding question tags, 5) to complete the
table with sports words, 6) to rewrite a given text by adding any necessary punctuation.
 Checking students' answers as well as checking their writings.

Wrapping Up: You have football matches on Saturdays, ……………..?

(question tag)

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 5
Date: Class: Module: 2 Step: 7 & 8

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read and fill in an application form.
 Listen to a telephone conversation to check information.
 Practice language functions (express opinion, express gratitude, request politely)

Language: application, badminton, gymnastic, member, sauna, solarium

Materials PB: 44-45 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use new vocabulary in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Warming Up: Giving an oral idea about the lesson and then presenting new

Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3 Read & Write: Completing an application form) p.44:

 Setting the scene to the class by giving an oral idea about the exercise to make it clear.
 Asking SS to look at the application form and tell what is it for.
 Allowing a few minutes to the class to read the form then read out each item separately.
 Pausing after each item in the form and asking SS to write their own answers.
 Working in pairs to read each other's answers and to discuss the questions in the form.
 (EX.1 Listen) Checking information p.45:
 Reminding the students of the application form they completed in the first lesson p.44.
 Setting the scene by telling the class that they are going to hear a club secretary talking
on the phone to a club member.
 Asking SS to read the given questions and then playing the recording 5.4.
 Working in pairs to compare answers. Playing recording again to check understanding.
 (EX.2, 3, 4 Pronunciation) Asking questions:
 Giving an oral idea about each exercise separately to make it clear.
 Playing the required CD needed for each exercise (5.5, 5.6 & 5.7).
 Going through each exercise by following the required steps.
 Playing the CDs and asking SS to listen carefully and to repeat.
 (EX.5 Role play): Working in pairs to read the language box and then to role play
phone calls similar to the one they have just heard. Inviting SS to perform the phone.

Wrapping Up: let's go to the cinema, ………… ? (Add question tag)

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 5
Date: Class: Module: 2 Step: 9

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read, discuss and write answers to the given questions.
 Read and fill in an application form.
 Write a section of an application form.

Language Functions: interview

Materials WB: 38-39 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to write responses to the questions in the interview.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Recycling: Asking the pupils about the meanings of some pre-taught vocabulary.
Warming Up: Dealing with the remedial plan exercises.
Presentation: A quick revision on question tags. (He plays football everyday,

Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Writing)

 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Asking the pupils to read the given questions silently.
 Allowing time to think of the questions.
 Working in pairs: 1) to read the list of DOS and DON"T for filling in a form.
2) to read the application form on page 39 and then writing questions
to an applicant for the summer school by using the given question
3) to write responses to the questions they have created in EX.2
4) to complete an application form for a university summer school.
5) to write an additional section for the Summer School application.
 Checking students' answers as well as checking their writings.
 Inviting some students to read out their answers to the class.

Wrapping Up: Your friend asks you about your plans for the future (what do
you say)

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 6
Date: Class: Module: 2 Free Time Step: 1&2

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read an article about a nature reserve in Kuwait.
 Talk about nature reserves and share opinions about protecting wild animals.
 Express opinions (agreement & disagreement).

Language : conservation, deserve, effluent, fauna, fence off, flora, hectare,

propagation, sanctuary, vegetation

Materials PB: 46-47 Gestures Recorder

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use the new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: Oral discussion related to the topic "Al-Jahra Pools Nature
- Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Procedures: (EX.1 Discuss):

- Conducting a brainstorming activity – eliciting words and expressions related to the topic.
- Inviting SS to suggest the names of the given animals and write them on the board.
- Looking at the given pictures p.46. Working in pairs to read and discuss the three questions
(Ali often goes to nature reserves. He likes the monkeys best, he thinks they're clever).
- Discussing how animals are important in our lives (work, entertainment, medical research).
- Discussing the threats to animals in their natural environments (destruction, hunting, climate).
- Eliciting any information the students know about nature reserves.
 (EX.3 & 4) (Reading & Checking understanding):
 Asking SS to read the given article about Al-Jahra Pools nature Reserve silently in
order to get the main idea and to decide the best title. Illustrating any new lexical items.
 Checking SS' understanding by dealing with EX.4 and state true or false statements.
 (EX.5) (Vocabulary):
 Asking Ss to look at the words a-e and match them with their meanings 1-5.
 Working in pairs to check and compare answers.

Wrapping Up: (Ex.6) (Think and Speak): (Expressing opinions about nature

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 6
Date: Class: Module: 2 Step: 4 & 5

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read small texts and write animal descriptions.
 Use countable and uncountable nouns.
 Use present perfect and present perfect continuous.

Language: aggressive, fierce, herbivore, hostile, proud, stubborn, sustenance,


Materials PB: 48-49 Gestures W. board

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to countable and uncountable nouns properly.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: - Oral discussion related to the topic of the lesson "Animal
Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3, 4 Grammar) p.48 (Countable-Uncountable & Quantity

 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Explaining each exercise by giving more illustrating examples on the board.
 Going on with this procedure till they have mechanical control over each rule.
 Asking SS to read the given questions silently and working in pairs to share answers.
 (EX.5 Present Perfect & Present Perfect continuous) p.42:
 Asking SS to read the text on page 47 and to find the correct word and fill in the gaps.
 Working in pairs to think about the different meanings between the two tenses.
 (Ex.1 Vocabulary) p.49 (Adjectives to describe character):
 Bringing in some animal pictures and asking SS to use adjective to describe them.
 Asking SS to look at the picture of an ostrich and identify three adjectives (clumsy…...
 (EX.2 Animal and idioms) Reading the names of animals and then fill in the gaps.
 Working in pairs to write a description of the appearance and the characters of some
animals without writing their names, and then asking individuals to guess their names.
 (EX.3): Putting SS in groups to guess the correct ending for the given sentences.
 (EX.4 Pronunciation): Playing the recording and asking SS to listen and repeat.

Wrapping Up: I ………… (wait) for you in the gym for over an hour.
(have/have been).

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 6
Date: Class: Module: 2 Step: 6

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read a text about the arctic fox.
 Use (countable & uncountable nouns – adjectives & adverbs – present perfect).
 Use language functions (describe).

Language Focus: Describing Quantities (some, any, all, many).

Materials WB: 42-43 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use quantity words properly. Solution:
Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Recycling: Asking the pupils about the meanings of some pre-taught vocabulary.
Warming Up: They………….(already finish) their work. (correct the verb).
The exam results ………(give) out already, haven't they? (correct).

Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 Language Practice):

 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Explaining the rules in the table by writing more illustrating examples on the board.
 Going on with this procedure till the students have mechanical control over each rule.
 Reading the instructions and dealing with the first sentence with the whole class.
 Asking SS to read the given questions silently.
 Allowing time to think of the questions.
 Working in pairs: 1) to read the text and find countable and countable nouns, 2) to
choose the correct quantity words, 3) to summarize the factors that are threatening
seabirds, 4) to complete self-assessment exercise with the correct adjective, 5) to use
the adjectives and adverbs from the box to expand the sentences, 6) to choose the
appropriate responses in certain situations, 7) to write sentences in the present perfect
 Checking students' answers as well as checking their writings.

Wrapping Up: You have football matches on Saturdays, ……………..?

(question tag)

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 6
Date: Class: Module: 2 Step: 7& 8

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read information about wildlife.
 Read and write a formal letter.
 Discuss and write an action plan and give a talk to persuade.

Language: adjacent, bed out, carbon monoxide, cleanup, exotic, finance, global,
imperative, mammal, nest, on behalf of, toxin, wasteland.

Materials PB: 50-51 Gestures W. board

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to write a formal letter properly. Solution:
Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: They………….(already finish) their work. (correct the verb).

The exam results ………(give) out already, haven't they? (correct).
Oral discussion related to the topic "What you can do to help".
Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Explaining the rules in the table by writing more illustrating examples on the board.
 Going on with this procedure till the students have mechanical control over each rule.
 Reading the instructions and dealing with the first sentence with the whole class.
 Asking SS to read the given questions silently.
 Allowing time to think of the questions.
 Checking students' answers as well as checking their writings.

Wrapping Up:
You have football matches on Saturdays, ……………..? (question tag).

Evaluation :

Day: Period: Unit: 6

Date: Class: Module: 2 Step: 9

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Write a formal letter.
 Write an informal reply.
 Use language functions (describing & justifying).

Language Focus: giving information / interviewing.

Materials WB: 44-45 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to write formal and informal letters properly.

Solution: Giving help.

Warming Up: Conducting a brainstorming activity- eliciting words and
that are related to the topic. Revising the guidelines for writing a formal letter.

Procedures: (EX.1-4 Writing): Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it
 Putting SS in pairs to read and complete formal and informal writing styles. Ex 1 p.44.
 Getting SS exchange their work for peer-checking then elicit feedback.
 EX 2 p.44 rewriting an informal letter using formal language.
 Asking SS to complete the task individually, then compare and discuss answers with
partners. Asking some SS to read out their letters to the class.
 EX 3 p.45 Asking SS to write an informal note to a friend who is interested in joining the
 Getting groups exchange their work for technical improvements such as grammatical
correctness, layout, spelling, handwriting, punctuation and variety of sentence structure.
 Asking pupils to make the necessary changes taking into account their partners
comments and corrections. EX 4 p.45 to be done as a homework task.
 Preparation for the project: telling the class that they will be working on a project
called Planning a radio or TV programme at the end of the module.
 Working in pairs to write a script for a radio or TV programme, to decide what aspects of
a radio or TV programme they enjoy the most and find any information they will need.
 Telling SS to research programmes from around the world to help them to brainstorm
ideas. Asking SS to research the topic of their programme such as a local news stories.

Wrapping Up: Some students read out their notes to the class.

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit:
Date: Class: Module: Step: Focus On

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read a text titled Kuwait: A Shopper's Paradise.
 Learn new lexical items and answer comprehension questions.

 Read information about inversion

Language: stores, series, luxury, designers, brand, shopaholics, breathtaking,

embrace, aesthetic, chaos, octagonal, subtle way, delineate, chaotic, tray, flipped over, weave,

Materials PB: 52 Gestures W. board

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some of the words that are used in the text are not familiar to the pupils which may hinder
comprehension. Explaining them.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: Introducing the topic of the lesson "Kuwait: A shopper's

Eliciting words and sentences that are related to the topic.
Presenting the new vocabulary by demonstration.

Procedures: (EX.1 Reading):

 (A) Pre-reading: Asking SS to look at the given picture and asking what the place is.
 Asking general questions to guide SS through their answer to the topic of the text.
 (B) While-reading: Asking Ss to read the given text silently.
 Drawing a spider gram to show the advantages of shopping in Kuwait.

Advantages of shopping in Kuwait

 Discussing any new words and dealing with any vocabulary queries.
 (C): Checking SS' understanding by asking varied comprehension questions.
 Working in pairs to discuss the text.
 (EX.2 Inversion): Asking SS to read the explanation and the given examples.
 Asking SS to rewrite the two sentences in the text using case 1 and case 2.

Wrapping Up: They not only win the match, they also get the fair play prize.
(Not only)

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 6
Date: Class: Module: 2 Step: Progress Test 2
At the end of the lesson , learners should be
able to:
 Read a text about collecting.
 Write summaries of key points.
 Consolidate grammar.

Language Focus: Future Tense - Countable & Uncountable nouns.

Materials WB: 46-48 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use countable and uncountable nouns properly.

Solution: Giving help.

Procedures: (Reading): Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Assigning a quick first reading for gist then elicit replies to question 1.
 Asking SS to provide answers to question 2 p.47
 Asking SS to read the text again to remember details. Asking SS to answer question 3.
 Asking SS to working in pairs to discuss the answers before asking for feedback.
 Practising summary:
 Organizing the class into pairs then ask the pupils to read the passage a second time to
identify the main ideas, supporting ideas and details. Write them on the board.
 Showing the pupils how to select the important supporting ideas and arrange them
together with the main idea.
 Giving pupils enough time to put this information in their own words.
 Encouraging the pupils to make the summary in different ways.
 Getting pairs exchange their work for peer-checking then elicit feedback.
 Language Practice:
 Inviting Ss to look at question 1 and complete the sentences with the correct future
 Asking SS to complete the task individually, then compare and discuss answers with a
 Reading out the instructions for question 2.
 Reading the given examples and ask SS to choose the correct words and phrases.
 Assigning question 3 - telling the class that they are going to correct the mistakes.
 Allowing time for the students to swap books and check each other's work.
 Assigning question 4 – choosing the correct verb.

Evaluation :

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read a text about the power of oil to answer the comprehension questions.
 Distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of the different kinds of energy.

Language: crude oil, entirely, finite, fossil fuel, fractional distillation, polymer,

Materials PB: 56-57 W. board Markers

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use the new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Warming Up: - Conducting a brainstorming activity to elicit words and
that related to the topic of the module "Power".
- Oral discussion related to the topic of the unit "Power- the alternatives".
- Eliciting the names of energy sources and talk about the different kinds of energy.
- Revising some grammatical points through printed papers.
- Revising the simple tenses through exercises

Presentation: Presenting the theme of the lesson "The Power of Oil".

Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Procedures: (EX.1 Discuss / Pre-reading)

 1) Asking SS to look at the picture and tell what the subject of the lesson is (energy).
 Assigning question 1 a p.56 - Asking the SS to read the list of energy sources.
 Allowing time for the class to work in pairs state which source is odd and why.
 Assigning question 1 b p.56 – Read the question with the class then allow SS time to
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different kinds of energy.
 Asking SS to arrange the sources according to how expensive they think the are.
 Encouraging discussion about "short-term" and "long-term" costs.

 (EX.2 Read p.56): Setting the scene by telling the class that they are going to read an
article about oil energy- Asking SS how oil energy is formed.
 Reading the text silently in order to get the main idea and answer pre-reading question.
 Discussing any difficult words. Reading the text again for detailed information
 Checking Ss' understanding by asking varied questions.
 (Ex. 3 Vocabulary p.57): Asking SS to match the words with their meanings 1-5.

Wrapping Up: Have SS sum up the text orally – advantages & disadvantages of oil.

Evaluation :
Day: Monday Period: Unit: 7
Date: 4-3-2013 Class: 10-1-5 Module: 3 Power Step: 2

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Listen to a radio programme about world energy.
 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different kinds of energy.
 Use language functions (expressing opinion agreement & disagreement).

Language :
Materials PB: 57 Tape recorder
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use the new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: - Inviting the students to talk about the energy sources.
- Presenting and introducing the new lexical items.

Presentation: Oral discussion related to the topic of the lesson "The power of
Discussing the positive and negative sides of the different kinds of energy.
Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Procedures: (EX.4 Listening – p.57): Setting the scene to the class by telling
them that
they are going to listen to a radio programme about the world energy.
 Inviting students to find out the 9 types of energy mentioned. Eliciting replies.
 Playing the recording again for the students to check their answers.
 (EX 5 & 6 Check your understanding p.57): – Asking SS to listen to the recording
again and note the correct numbers of gaps.
 Asking students to complete the task individually. Then compare and discuss answers
with a partner. Eliciting replies.
 Working in pairs to state the true or false statement with the suitable justification.
 (EX.7): Putting SS in pairs to discuss the given questions. Offering ideas and help.
 Asking SS to tell the main ideas resulting from their discussions about each question.

Wrapping Up: Class discussion: Discussing the advantages &

disadvantages of
natural sources of energy.

Evaluation :
Day: Tuesday Period: Unit: 7
Date:5-3-2013 Class:10-1-5 Module: 3 Power Step: 3

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read a text about alternative energy.
 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of wave power.
 Learn new language and use them in meaningful sentences.

Language: invisible, megawatt, resolve, spoil

Materials WB: 52-53 W. board Markers
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use the new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: Conducting a brainstorming activity- The importance of new

technologies in providing the alternative energy.
Oral discussion related to the topic of the lesson "the invisible power".
Presenting and introducing the new lexical items by demonstration.

Pre-Reading Questions: Why is wave power a particularly suitable form

of energy?

Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Reading and Writing):

 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Asking SS to read the text carefully in order to get the main idea and to find answers for
the pre-reading questions.
 Discussing any new words and using them in meaningful sentences.
 Reading the given questions silently and allowing time to think of the questions.
 Working in pairs 1) to read the article and answer the questions.
 2) to find out the words / phrases with their meanings in the text.
 3) to make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of wave power.
 4) to choose the most appropriate statements to complete the sentences.
 Checking students' answers as well as checking their writings.

Wrapping Up: Over to you p.53:

Why is it important for governments to invest in new technologies to provide energy?

Evaluation :
Day: Wednesday Period: Unit: 7
Date:6-3-2013 Class: 10-1-5 Module: 3 Power Step: 4

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Make conversation using the conditional.

 Write sentences using the conditional.
 Use language functions (give conditions – give warnings).

Language: last, breakdown

Materials PB: 58 W. board Markers
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use (if sentences – conditional) properly.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: - Triggering the students prior knowledge about conditional

through eliciting examples of conditional types.
Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Procedures: (EX.1 Grammar) (IF sentences - conditional):

 Writing If on board, and then asking SS to suggest sentences including it.
 Telling the class that they are going to look at different kinds of If sentences.
 A) Allowing time for the SS to identify the verbs individually and then in pairs to check.
 B) Asking SS to look again at sentences in question a and to consider how they differ
in meaning. Working in pairs to match the words with the sentences.
 (Ex 2 General conditional): A) Asking volunteers to read the short conversation aloud.
 Reading out the questions and asking to explain how they knew the answers (because
the sentences are in the present simple, which can describe a habit or routine).
 B) Asking SS to complete the sentences with the correct tense (present simple)- Read.
C) Working in pairs to make conversations (If Eman feels ill, she visits a doctor).
 (EX.3 First conditional): Working in pairs A) to read the conversation and discuss the
two questions, B) to complete the sentences with their own ideas, C) to write down four
different responses to complete the sentences.
 Allowing time for cross checking then elicit feedback.

Wrapping Up: Write short conversations using general conditional & first

Evaluation :
Day:Thursday Period: Unit: 7
Date:7-3-2013 Class: Module: 3 Power Step: 5

At the end of the lesson , learners should be
able to:
 Discuss the consequences of environment changes.
 Write sentences using the conditional
 Use collocations.

Language: actually, appliance, generate, motoring, strong

Materials PB: 59 W. board Markers
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use the new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: - Conducting a brainstorming activity – eliciting consequences

environmental changes. Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Procedures: (EX.4 Second conditional): (A, B, C & D):

 A & B) Working in pairs to read the conversation and then discuss the questions.
 C) Working in pairs to complete the sentences with the second conditional form.
 Making more sentences following the same patterns about unlikely situations.
 D) Discussing the question in pairs and then inviting Ss to produce sentences about
the environmental changes making use of conditional type two.
 (EX 5 Vocabulary (Strong & Heavy)- Explain the word collocation.
 Allowing time for the SS to work in pairs and note down their answers.
 Inviting a student to report back to the class.
 (EX 6 Word families): Reading out the question then working in pairs to match the
words with their meanings.
 Allowing time to complete the task and compare answers before eliciting feedback.
 (EX 7 Pronunciation): Telling the class to listen to recording 7.2 and repeat the short
phrases beginning with if.
 Asking the SS to listen carefully to the way if is sounded in relation to the word that

Wrapping Up: Discuss the consequences of environmental changes?

Evaluation :
Day: Sunday Period: Unit: 7
Date: 10-3-2013 Class:10-1-5 Module: 3 Power Step: 6

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Use if sentences.
 Use suffixes and give advice.
 Ask for information.

Language Focus: (IF)

Materials WB: 54-55
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some weak students won't be able to form sentences by using (if) the conditional

Solution: Giving help by examples.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Recycling: Asking the pupils about the meanings of some pre-taught vocabulary.
Warming Up: Conducting a brainstorming activity – eliciting conditional
sentences. Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 Language Practice):
 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Explaining the rules in the table by writing more illustrating examples on the board.
 Going on with this procedure till they have mechanical control over each rule.
 Reading the instructions and dealing with the first sentence with the whole class.
 Asking SS to read the given questions silently.
 Allowing time to think of the questions.
 Working in pairs:
 1) to complete the sentences with the correct verb in brackets, 2) to complete the
sentences with the correct form of the verbs, 3) to complete the dialogue with an
appropriate expression, 4) to match the sentence beginnings with the correct endings,
5) to complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, 6) to

answer the self-assessment exercise, 7) to complete the sentences with the correct
form of the words, 8) to add punctuation and capital letters.
 Checking students' answers as well as checking their writings.

Wrapping Up: Getting SS to produce short exchanges using conditional


Evaluation : Obj: T: SS:

Day: Period: Unit: 7

Date: Class: 10-1-5 Module: 3 Power Step: 7

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Discuss a statement from different points of view.
 Read role cards.
 Use language functions (Say why one is worried & Say why one is pleased).

Language: congestion, smog, asthma, self-employed, hazardous, procure

Materials PB: 60 W. board Markers
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some weak students won't be able to use new vocabulary in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help by examples.

Oral Fluency: Asking individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: Triggering the students prior knowledge about ways of saving
world's energy resources. Giving an oral idea about the lesson and then presenting new

Procedures: (EX.1 Speaking: Expressing opinion):

 Telling the students that they are going to take part in a discussion which is also a role
play. A) Introduction and preparation:
 Putting the students in groups of 5 and asking them to the statement.
 Telling the students to read the five role cards and take one of the roles each.
 Reading out the statements "To help save the world's energy resources, ……." Then
asking students to decide what they think about it.
 Allowing 5 minutes "thinking time" - encouraging them to make notes to share ideas.
 Some ideas (A Bad idea…would lose a lot of business/would mean a reduction in
profits) (B Good idea….would mean less traffic) etc…..
 (EX. 2 Role Play ): Asking SS to look at the useful language box then read out the
statements again.
 Telling the students to take turns to voice the opinion of their characters.
 Getting students discuss the topic more freely.
 Organizing a vote on whether they agree or disagree with the statement.

Wrapping Up: QUOTE: Asking SS how much time they spend in nature. Do
enjoy their time? How does it make them feel?

Evaluation : Obj: T: SS:

Day: Period: Unit: 7

Date: Class:10-1-5 Module: 3 Power Step: 8

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read a magazine article.
 Write a magazine article.
 Use language functions (talk about feelings, make suggestions, give warnings).

Language: diminish, end up with, government, irreversible, motorist, recently,

Waste, consult

Materials PB: 61 W. board Markers

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some weak students won't be able to use new vocabulary in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help by examples.

Oral Fluency: Asking individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: Conducting a brainstorming activity – eliciting words and

expressions that are related to the topic "Saving energy". Revising the guidelines for writing an
Presenting and introducing the new lexical items.

Procedures: (EX.1 & 2 Writing: a magazine article):

 Telling SS that they are going to read a magazine article and then write a similar one.
 Inviting SS to look at the title of the article and asking them to guess what it is about.
 Telling the SS to read the text and note down their answers to the questions.
 Asking SS to complete the task individually, then compare and discuss with a partner.
 (EX. 3 Planning an article): Putting the SS in small groups and asking them to read
and discuss the questions one by one with the help of the pictures.
 Inviting different SS to share their groups' ideas with the class.
 Telling the SS to plan their article using paragraph guide.
 (EX. 4 Write and check): Dividing the class into groups- asking each group to write an
article making use of the notes written on the board. (SS are asked to build up a plan
for organizing their thoughts.) Offering help and advice when needed.
 Getting groups exchange their work for technical improvements. Asking SS to make the
necessary changes taking into account their partner comments and corrections.

Wrapping Up: Some students read out their articles to the class.

Evaluation : Obj: T: SS:

Day: Period: Unit: 7

Date: Class:10-1-5 Module: 3 Power Step: 9

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read articles about energy.
 Write an article.
 Read, discuss and write answers to the given questions.

Language Functions: suggest solutions

Materials WB: 56-57 W. board Markers

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some weak students won't be able to write an article of their own properly. Solution:
Giving help and support.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Recycling: Asking the pupils about the meanings of some pre-taught vocabulary.
Warming Up: Dealing with the remedial plan exercises.
Presentation: A quick revision on the if conditional types.
Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3, 4 Writing)
 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Asking the pupils to read the given questions silently.
 Asking SS to read the given instructions carefully in order to get the main idea and to
find answers for the questions.
 Discussing any new words and using them in meaningful sentences.
 Allowing time to think of the questions.
 Working in pairs: 1) to look at the titles of 5 articles about energy and decide the
subject of each article.
2) to state how does each article interest its readers.
3) to think of a title and a first sentences for an article on the given subjects.
4) to write the rest of the article about problems and solutions of their choice.
 Checking students' answers as well as checking their writings.

Wrapping Up: Write an article about the problems and solutions of cars of the

Evaluation : Obj: T: SS:

Day: Period: Unit: 8

Date: Class:10-1-5 Module: 3 Power Step: 1

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read an article about inventions to answer the comprehension questions.
 Talk about modern technology.
 Use language functions (predict).

Language: contact lens, cure-all, currently, draw, gold-coated, innovate, instantly,
micro-robot, nanoshell, satnav, shock, sophisticated, tumour

Materials PB: 62 W .board Markers

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some weak students won't be able to use new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help and support.

Warming Up:
- Oral discussion related to the topic of the unit "The power of technology".
- Inviting the students to talk about modern technologies- displaying pictures of modern
technology and elicit comments.
- Presenting the topic of the lesson “Future shock” through discussion and pictures.
- Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Procedures: (Pre-reading / Discuss) (EX.1) p.62 (A & B):

 Asking SS to look at the photographs p.62 and encouraging them to name and talk
about the inventions they use every day (dishwasher, cooker, microwave, fridge, MP3..
 Putting SS in groups to list their own ideas. Eliciting feedback.
 Asking SS to arrange the items in their lists in order of usefulness (The most useful is...
 (EX.1 A) Asking the SS to read out the question and the two examples.
 Allowing time for the SS to work in pairs and look at their lists and make a sentence
referring to each item.
 Inviting different SS to read out a sentence and the other SS guess which invention is
referring to.
 (EX.1 B) Reading out the question with the class.
 Allowing SS time to discuss in pairs why they believe scientific exploration is important
and whether they agree or disagree with this statement.
 (EX. 2 Reading): Asking SS to look at the text and read the title, and make comments.

Wrapping Up: Class Debate: how technological inventions have changed our

Evaluation : Obj: T: SS:

Day: Period: Unit: 8

Date: Class:10-1-5 Module: 3 power Step: 2

At the end of the lesson , learners should be
able to:
 Read an article about inventions.
 Talk about modern inventions and discuss future inventions.
 Use language functions (express opinions: agreement & disagreement).

Language : instantly, latest, micro-robot, nanoshell, shock, sophisticated, tumour

Materials PB: 63 W.board Markers
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some weak students won't be able to use the new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help by examples.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: - Revising the previous lesson by asking the students

something about
modern technologies – in the field of medicine/communication/traffic……...
- Presenting the theme of the lesson "Future Shock".
- Presenting the active vocabulary through examples and pictures.

Procedures: (EX. 2-4 Reading) (p.63):

 Setting the scene to the class by telling them that they are going to read a text titled
"Future shock" about the inventions in the future.
 Pre-reading: What will mobiles be like in the future?
 While-reading: Asking Ss to read the given text silently in order to get the main idea
and to find answers for the pre-reading questions.
 Discussing any new or difficult words they may encounter while reading.
 Asking the SS to talk about invention they use every day: (television, mobiles, cars……
 Post-reading: Asking SS to read the text again for detailed information.
 Checking students' understanding by asking varied questions related to the text.
 (EX. 5 Think and speak): Reading the question with the class.
 Allowing time for the SS to discuss in groups of three to tell each other their ideas.
 Asking one of the SS from each group to tell the class the main points of their

Wrapping Up: Class Debate: How technological inventions have changed our

Evaluation : Obj: T: SS:

Day: Period: Unit: 8

Date: Class:10-1-5 Module: 3 Power Step: 3

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read a text about future travel.
 Write an extra paragraph as well as a summary.
 Use language functions (give examples).

Language: bio-fuel, implement, obstacle, outlandish, suspension, windscreen


Materials WB: 58-59 W. board Markers

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some of the words that are used repeatedly in the text are not familiar to the pupils which may

hinder comprehension. Solution: Giving help by explaining the meaning of these


Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: Revising the previous lesson by asking students:

How will housework change in the future?
Which future invention do you think is the most useful? Explain?
- Inviting the SS to talk about modern technologies- in the filed of travelling.
- Presenting and introducing the new lexical items by demonstration.

Pre-Reading: Making a spider map on the board showing what SS already know
the topic. Travel technologies, elicit ideas from them.

Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Reading):

 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Asking SS to read the text titled "Future Travel" carefully in order to get the main idea
and to find answers for the pre-reading questions.
 Discussing any new words and using them in meaningful sentences.
 Reading the given questions silently and allowing time to think of the questions.
 Working in pairs 1, 2, 3 &4) to read the article and answer the questions.
 5) to write an extra paragraph about the solar cars by using the given points for help.
 6) to summarise the text into five sentences (as a talk about future travel technologies).
 Checking students' answers as well as checking their writings.

Wrapping Up: (EX.7) How do you think technology will affect the way we
travel in 10Y.

Evaluation : Obj: T: SS:

Day: Period: Unit: 8

Date: Class:10-1-5 Module: 3 Power Step: 4

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Talk about abilities and possibilities. Use modals (can, could, must, should).
 Discuss future inventions.
 Use language functions (express obligation, wishes, talk about abilities & possibilities).

Language: bifocal, instigate, software, spot

Materials PB: 64 W. board Markers
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some weak students won't be able to use modals and express wishes properly.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: - Triggering the students prior knowledge about Modals though
eliciting examples making use of modals expressing possibilities and abilities.
Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Procedures: (EX.1 & 2 Grammar) (Modals) can, could; should, must):

 Giving an oral idea about each rule to make it clear.
 Explaining the rules in by writing more illustrating examples on the board:
Can you cook? & Can you cook now? (ability & possibility)
 Going on with this procedure till they have mechanical control over each rule.
 Reading the instructions and dealing with the first sentence with the whole class.

 Allowing time 2 think of the questions and working in pairs to answer. Eliciting feedback
 (Ex 3 & 4 Talking about abilities and possibilities) :
 EX. 3 Abilities) Asking the SS to look at the inventions in the pictures and ask:
What can computers do? What can we do with computers?
 Doing the same with mobile phones and TVs.
 Allowing time for cross-checking then elicit feedback.
 (EX.4 Future possibilities): Eliciting ideas for each question.
 Allowing a few minutes for them to discuss both questions in pairs. Eliciting replies.
 (EX. 5 Wish + s past/ past p): He wishes he were rich. They wish they had studied.

Wrapping Up: You ……….….. keep your shoes on when you visit a mosque.

Evaluation : Obj: T: SS:

Day: Period: Unit: 8

Date: Class:10-1-5 Module: 3 Power Step: 5

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Talk about difficult behaviour.
 Use negative prefixes.
 Identify stressed and unstressed words.

Language: frequent, legible, obedient, patient, reputation

Materials PB: 65 W. board Markers
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some weak students won't be able to use the new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help by examples.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: - Conducting a brainstorming activity – eliciting adjectives to

objects in & out the class room. Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Procedures: (EX.1 Vocabulary (Negative adjectives): (A, B, C & D):

 A & B & C) Reading out the explanation and the example.
 Asking the SS to provide more examples using prefixes.
 Telling the SS they are going to look at more prefixes.
 Inviting SS to read the notes in the box then to work in pairs to decide the negative
form of the adjectives in the box.
 Asking SS to check their answers to EX.1b in the student's book glossary.
 D) Asking the SS to supply the missing word from the words in question B.
 Allowing time for the students to complete all five with words from question B.
 Allowing time for students to complete the task and compare answers before eliciting
 (EX 2 Think & Speak): Reading out the question.
 Inviting a student to discuss question a in pairs. Eliciting ideas from different students.
 Following the same procedures with b & c.
 Allowing time for SS to complete the task and compare answers. Eliciting feedback.
 (EX. 3 & 4 & Quote): listen and repeat. Underline the most stressed words.

Wrapping Up: Getting students to produce sentences with negative


Evaluation : Obj: T: SS:

Day: Period: Unit: 8

Date: Class:10-1-5 Module: 3 Power Step: 6

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Use modals can & could / must & should.
 Use Wish + Past Simple / Past perfect.
 Use prefixes and give examples.

Language Focus: (Modals) (Wish)

Materials WB: 60-61 W. board Markers
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some weak students won't be able to form sentences by using wish properly

Solution: Giving help by examples .

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Recycling: Asking the pupils about the meanings of some pre-taught vocabulary.
Warming Up: Conducting a brainstorming activity – eliciting modals.
Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Language Practice):
 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Explaining the rules in the table by writing more illustrating examples on the board.
 Going on with this procedure till they have mechanical control over each rule.
 Reading the instructions and dealing with the first sentence with the whole class.
 Asking SS to read the given questions silently.
 Allowing time to think of the questions.
 Working in pairs:
 1) to complete the conversation with the correct modal verb form in brackets,
 2) to expand a given paragraph by using words from the box
 3) to put the verbs in brackets in the right tense.
 4) to write wish sentences using the cues provided.
 5) to complete the first gap in each part of the conversation with the correct adjectives 7
to complete the second gap with the negative form of the same adjective.
 Checking students' answers as well as checking their writings.

Wrapping Up: Were they (honest)? No, in fact they were quiet (dishonest).
Evaluation : Obj: T: SS:

Day: Period: Unit: 8

Date: Class:10-1-5 Module: 3 Power Step: 7

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read a short article about smart clothes.
 Give a sales talk.
 Use language functions (introducing a subject / stating advantages).

Language: torso, heart rate, transmit, wearer
Materials PB: 66 W. board Markers
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some weak students won't be able to give a sales talk properly. Solution: Giving
help by examples.

Oral Fluency: Asking individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: Triggering the students prior knowledge about Smart clothes.
Eliciting ideas about these words from the students, then giving an oral idea about the lesson.
Presenting and introducing the new lexical items.

Procedures: (EX.1 Reading – expressing opinion): Working in pairs to read

the article.
 Explaining any new words which might include: power (v.), heart rate, blood pressure,
transmitting, satellite.
 Allowing about five minutes "thinking time"- encouraging them to discuss which of the
smart clothes mentioned would be the most useful.
 (EX.2 Planning a sales talk):
 Asking SS to look at pictures, briefly discuss what kind of clothes they are and what
they might do.
 Telling students that they are going to prepare a sales talk to sell one of them.
 Having students brainstorm words and phrases used in sales.
 Asking them how the article would change if the writer's purpose was to sell the items.
 Inviting students to share their ideas with the class.
 Putting the students in small groups and asking them to choose one of the items of
clothing. Telling SS to prepare a persuasive talk about the item they have chosen.
 (EX. 3 Giving a sale talk): Asking SS to take turns to give their sales talk to the other
pair or group. Asking SS in each group to comment on the sales talk they have heard.

Wrapping Up: Inviting some students to give their talks to the whole class.

Evaluation : Obj: T: SS:

Day: Period: Unit: 8

Date: Class:10-1-5 Module: 3 Power Step: 8

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read an advertisement.
 Write a magazine advertisement for a new invention.
 Use language functions (stating advantages / persuading).

Language: anniversary, remind, recharge, trespass

Materials PB: 67 W. board Markers
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some weak students won't be able to write an advertisement about a new invention.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral Fluency: Asking individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: Conducting a brainstorming activity – eliciting words and

expressions that are related to the topic "household robots". Presenting and introducing the
new words.

Procedures: (EX.1 & 2 Reading):

 Telling SS that they are going to read an advertisement and then write a similar one.
 Inviting SS to look at the title of the article and asking them to guess what it is about.
 (EX.1): Telling SS to read the text and note down the robomate's abilities that they find
most useful.
 Asking SS to complete the task individually, then compare and discuss with a partner.
 (EX. 2): Telling SS to read the advertisement and discuss the questions in pairs.
 (Planning an article): Putting the SS in small groups and asking them to read and
discuss the questions one by one with the help of the pictures.
 Inviting different SS to share their groups' ideas with the class.
 Telling the SS to plan their article using paragraph guide.
 (EX. 3 Writing): Dividing the class into groups- asking each group to write an
advertisement following the text as a model. (SS are asked to build up a plan for
organizing their thoughts.) Offering help and advice when needed.
 Getting groups exchange their work for technical improvements. Asking SS to make the
necessary changes taking into account their partner comments and corrections.

Wrapping Up: Some students read out their advertisements to the class.
Evaluation : Obj: T: SS:

Day: Period: Unit: 8

Date: Class:10-1-5 Module: 3 Power Step: 9
At the end of the lesson , learners should be
able to:
 Read magazine advertisements.
 Write an advertisement for a new product.
 Write a storyboard.

Language Functions: expressing possibilities

Materials WB: 62-63 W. board Markers
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some weak students won't be able to write an advertisement for a new invention properly.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Recycling: Asking the pupils about the meanings of some pre-taught vocabulary.
Warming Up: Dealing with the remedial plan exercises.
Presentation: Conducting a brainstorming activity – displaying newspaper
and eliciting comments. Eliciting the language and format of an advertisement.

Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3, 4 Writing)

 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Asking the pupils to read the given questions silently.
 Asking SS to read the given instructions carefully in order to get the main idea and to
find answers for the questions. Discussing any new words and using them in
 Allowing time to think of the questions.
 Working in pairs: 1) to look at the 4 magazine advertisements and match them with
the corresponding methods.
2) to complete an advertisement for a bio-fuel car.
3) to write their own advertisement for a new product.
4) to write a storyboard.
 Checking students' answers as well as checking their writings.

Wrapping Up: Some students read out their advertisements to the class.
Evaluation : Obj: T: SS:

Day: Period: Unit: 9

Date: Class:10-1-5 Module: 3 Power Step: 1

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Skim an article by a local bank manager for general information.
 Talk about currencies and the different ways of paying things.
 Use language functions ( expressing opinion, agreement, exchanging ideas)

Language : accounting, barter, confidentiality, economic, insurance, invest,

Loan, management, transaction

Materials PB: 68 W. board Markers

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some weak students won't be able to use the new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: - Oral discussion related to the topic of the unit "Money".
Presentation: conducting a brainstorming activity – eliciting different currencies.
Presenting the new lexical items needed for each activity.

Pre-Reading questions: Telling the students that the pictures show

different kinds of
 Asking the students which kind of money they think is worth the most.
 Asking the students to guess when and where cowry shells were used as money.

Procedures: (EX.1 Discuss) Encouraging students to think of a fact about each

and then follow it up with an opinion about the advantages and disadvantages.
 (EX.2 Reading) Read through the extract then allow time for the students to work in
pairs and ask them to discuss the qualities needed to be a successful bank manager.
 Allowing time for the students to complete the task and compare answers before
eliciting feedback.
 (EX.3) Asking SS to read the definitions and to reread the text to find the words.

Wrapping Up: Talking about the qualities that matches each definition.

Evaluation : Obj: T: SS:

Day: Period: Unit: 9

Date: Class: Module: 3 Step: 2

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Listen to a talk about the history of money and answer general questions.
 Give opinion about forms of payment.
 Use language functions ( expressing opinion, expressing preference)

Language : barter, loan, transaction

Materials PB: 69 Gestures W. board
Tap recorder
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use the new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: - Dealing with the remedial plan exercises.

Presentation: Inviting the students to talk about the different ways of paying
Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Pre-Listening questions: Telling the class they are going to listen to a

talk about the history of money.

Procedures: (EX.4 listen): Inviting students to read question 4, listen to the talk
and answer the three questions. Eliciting replies.
 Playing the recording again for the students to check their answers.
 (EX.5 Checking understanding):
 Asking Ss to listen again, and decide whether each statement is true or false.
 Asking Ss to complete the task individually, then compare and discuss answers.
 (EX.6 Think and speak): asking Ss to read the factfile then allow time for them to
decide which of the facts are mentioned in the recording.
 Asking Ss to complete the task individually, then compare and discuss answers with a
 Eliciting answers.

Wrapping Up: Class discussion (Speaking question 7 page 69)

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 9
Date: Class: Module: 3 Step: 3

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read an article about Warren Buffett.
 Learn new language and use them in meaningful sentences.

Language : billionaire, charitable, inherit, philanthropic, tax return

Materials WB: 64-65 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use the new words in meaningful sentences.

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Recycling: Asking the pupils about the meanings of some pre-taught vocabulary.
Warming Up: Dealing with the remedial plan exercises.
Presentation: Oral discussion related to the topic of the lesson "Warren
Presenting the new vocabulary by demonstration.

Pre-Reading: How large is Buffett’s fortune?

How much money is Buffett giving to charity?

Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Reading and Writing):

 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Asking SS to read the given questions silently.
 Asking SS to read the text carefully in order to get the main idea and to find answers for
the questions.
 Discussing any new words and using them in meaningful sentences.
 Allowing time to think of the questions.
 Working in pairs to complete the sentences from the floor plan, to use the correct form
of the word and to complete the sentences with a number phrase.
 Checking students' answers as well as checking their writings.

Wrapping Up: Why should the wealthy help those worse off than

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 9
Date: Class: Module: 3 Step: 4

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Express obligation.
 Use have to / should / must

Language : complementary, login, tax

Materials PB: 70 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
The lesson contains two grammar points which is too difficult to cover in one period.

Solution: The reported speech has to be delayed for the following period.
Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: - Triggering the students’ prior knowledge about expressing

obligation through eliciting examples making use of must and have to.

Presentation: Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Procedures: (EX.1 grammar): Allowing time for the Ss to complete the first task
matching the model verbs in sentences a-c with their meanings 1-3.
 Allowing time for cross-checking, then invite suggestions and write examples on board.
 (EX.2): Asking SS to rewrite sentences using one of the modal verbs in the box.
 Allowing time for Ss to complete the task, then read out each sentence and invite
different students to answer.
 Asking the Ss if anyone has ever been in a different country for more than a few
 Asking SS to imagine what it must be like for foreigners who come to live and work in
 (EX.3): Allowing time to discuss the students’ ideas and make notes. Eliciting answers.
 (EX.4): Putting pairs together to make small groups telling them to explain their rules or
laws to each other.
 Inviting different Ss to explain their rules to class and encourage comments.

Wrapping Up: Pair work: Write short conversation using must / have to and

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 9
Date: Class: Module: 3 Step: 5

At the end of the lesson , learners should be
able to:
 Use reported speech.
 Describe objects for an online auction.

Language : auction, shipping

Materials PB: 70-71 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to use reported speech. Solution: Giving

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: - Dealing with the remedial plan exercises.

 (EX.5 Reported speech. Page 70):
 Conducting a brainstorming activity: inviting students to produce sentences making
use of the reported speech.
 Allowing time for the students to complete the paragraph using reported speech.
 Allowing time for cross-checking then elicit feedback.
 (EX.1 Vocabulary – page 71):
 Asking Ss to look at the pictures allowing 5 minutes for them to list all the items in the
pictures. Inviting volunteers to choose three items.
 A) Allowing time for Ss to describe the items they have chosen following the
information in the box.
 B) Asking SS to ask and answer the questions about items in the pictures.
 (EX.2 Adjective + to + verb):
 Reading out the example sentence and point out the pattern (adjective + to + verb).
 Asking SS to think of ways to complete sentences 1-4 individually.
 Allowing time for cross-checking then elicit feedback.
 Putting students in pairs to complete their ideas.
 Asking students to think of more possibilities for each one.
 (EX.3 Pronunciation): reduce the preposition to in sentences

Wrapping Up: (QUOTE page.71 – Class Discussion)

Evaluation :
Day: Period: Unit: 9
Date: Class: Module: 3 Step: 6

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Use have to / should / must
 Use adjective + to + verb
 Express opinion.

Language Focus: have to / should / must & adjective + to + verb

Materials WB: 66-67 Gestures W. board
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Some in active students won't be able to differentiate between have to / should / must .

Solution: Giving help.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Recycling: Asking the pupils about the meanings of some pre-taught vocabulary.
Warming Up: Dealing with the remedial plan exercises.
Presentation: Conducting a brainstorming activity- eliciting sentences
expressing obligation, necessity and advice.

Procedures: (EX.1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Language Practice):

 Giving an oral idea about each exercise to make it clear.
 Explaining the rules in the table by writing more illustrating examples on the board.
 Going on with this procedure till they have mechanical control over each rule.
 Reading the instructions and dealing with the first sentence with the whole class.
 Asking SS to read the given questions silently.
 Dealing with any vocabulary queries.
 Allowing time to think of the questions.

 Working in pairs: 1) to choose the correct verbs, 2) to complete a paragraph using be
able to, can, can’t, must and mustn’t, 3) to complete a dialogue about the value of time
and money, 4) to rewrite a paragraph and 5) to complete sentences with an adjective.
 Checking students' answers as well as checking their writings.

Wrapping Up: Getting Ss to produce short exchanges using expressions of


Evaluation :

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:

 .

Language : .

Materials PB: WB: 93,95 OHP Lap Top

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:

Warming Up:
 :
 .

 .

Wrapping Up:

Evaluation :

Day: Unit:
Date: Period: Class: Step:

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:

 .

Language : .

Materials PB: WB: 93,95 OHP Lap Top
Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
Warming Up:
 :
 .

 .

Wrapping Up:

Evaluation :

Day: Unit:
Date: Period: Class:10/ Lesson:

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read a story.
 Discuss advantages and disadvantages of different forms of transport.
 Use adverbs of manner.
 Use use to / used to.
 Expressing opinion.

Language: boarder. Drop off, pick up, register, re-load, set off, smuggle, sudden,

touch down, turn up

Materials PB: 80 Gestures W. board

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
There is no certain problem through out the lesson.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: -
Asking volunteer to define "Adverbs"

Presentation: Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

Procedures: (EX.1 grammar): Allowing time for the Ss to complete the first task
 Decide which adverbs of manner which are not forming by adding ly to an
 (EX.2): Asking SS to add adverbs to the story to make it more interesting.
 In ex. "a" they add "ly".
 In ex. B they complete the gaps in the story with some of the adverbs.
 (EX.3):
 Students read out the question and the three examples given.
 Explaining the difference between "used to" and "use to"
 In ex. b students complete the sentences.

Wrapping Up: Pair work: Write short sentences containing adverbs.

Evaluation :
Day: Unit:
Date: Period: Class: 10/ Lesson:

At the end of the lesson , learners should be

able to:
 Read a story.
 Discuss advantages and disadvantages of different forms of transport.

 Use adverbs of manner.
 Use use to / used to.
 Expressing opinion.

Language: boarder. Drop off, pick up, register, re-load, set off, smuggle, sudden,
touch down, turn up

Materials PB: 81 Gestures W. board

Problem anticipation& reasonable solutions:
There is no certain problem through out the lesson.

Oral fluency: Asking two individuals to talk freely about any prepared topics of
their own.

Warming Up: -
Asking about ways of travelling. Asking them" How did you come to school this morning?"

Presentation: Presenting the active vocabulary needed for each activity.

 Procedures: (EX.1 Vocabulary): In pairs, students discuss which words in
the list can be used with the verbs in the box.
 (EX.2): Asking SS to decide how people in the ex. Travel.
 (EX.3) :Students read the description of somebody's journey.
 In ex a, they replace the phrasal verbs in 1-7 with the correct form of one of these
words or phrases.
 In ex. B, students replace each verb in bold in sentences 1-4 with one of the phrasal
verbs in question a

Wrapping Up: Pair work: How did you come to school this morning?
Evaluation :


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