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Q. 1. (i) (b) pressure head  velocity head  potential head

(ii) (a) only kinetic energy
(iii) (d) PV   constant
(iv) (d) The acceleration is maximum at t  T
(v) (b) 343 m/s
(Solution :

n1  n2  [  ]     7  [  ]  2
v 1 1 v 1 1 1

2 L1 L2 2 49 50 10
 v  7  49  343 m/s)
(vi) (b) 20  104 N, downward

(Solution :

F  | Il l  lBh |  IlB  (15)(1) (  104)  20  104 N



Since l l is toward east and lBh is toward north, l l  lBh is downward. So, lF is
(vii) (d) All of these
(viii) (d) zero rad
(ix) (c) 56.25  10  3 V
(Solution :
 30
1 p 9 6.25  10
Vaxis  (9  10 )  56.25  1030  27 
4  0 r2 9 2
(10 )
 56.25  103 V)
(x) (d) Density
Q. 2. (i) Causes of turbulent flow :
(1) An obstruction, or sharp edge such as in a tap, creates turbulence by imparting
velocities perpendicular to the flow.
(2) If the speed with which a fluid moves relative to a solid body is increased
beyond a certain critical velocity, the flow becomes unstable or one of
extreme disorder.


In both cases, secondary motions cause fluid particles to cross and recross
the main direction of flow continuously and the orderly streamlines break up
into eddies or vortices resulting in turbulence.

(ii) The mean free path of a gas molecule depends upon the number of molecules
per unit volume of the gas and molecular diameter.

(iii) Data : TC250 K, TH300 K

TC 250 250
K    5
TH  T C 300  250 50

This is the coefficient of performance of the refrigerator.

(iv) The springs are in parallel. F   k1x  k2x   (k1  k2)x

Therefore, the effective spring constant of the oscillation  k1  k2.

(v) When a stationary wave is set up in a bounded medium, the boundary conditions
limit the possible stationary waves and only a discrete set of frequencies is

The lowest allowed frequency, n1, is called the fundamental frequency of

vibration. Integral multiples of the fundamental frequency are called the
harmonics, the fundamental frequency being called the first harmonic. The
second harmonic is twice the fundamental or 2n1 , and so on.

The higher allowed frequencies are called the overtones. Above the fundamental,
the first allowed frequency is called the first overtone, the next higher frequency
is the second overtone, and so on. The relation between overtones and allowed
harmonics depends on the system under consideration.

(vi) The internal resistance of the cell is

r R (  1)  15 (
l 217 15  17 255
 1)    1.275 
l1 200 200 200
(vii) Around a closed loop of an electrical network, the algebraic sum of the emfs and
the potential differences across all the circuit elements in that loop is zero.

& E & IR  0

(viii) The colour of the light emitted by an LED depends on the compound
semiconductor material used and its composition (and doping levels).


Q. 3. The MI of the thin ring about its transverse symmetry axis through its centre,
Iring  MR2  2 kg∙m2
Since the ring is melted and recast into a thin disc, the mass of the disc equals the
mass of the ring  M. Also, the disc has the same radius as the ring. Then, the MI of
the thin disc about its diameter is
Idisc  MR2
1 1
 Idisc  Iring   2  0.5 kg∙m2
4 4
Q. 4. 
A rectifier — half-wave or full-wave — outputs a pulsating dc which is not directly
usable in most electronic circuits. These circuits require something closer to pure dc
as produced by batteries. Unlike pure dc waveform of a battery, a rectifier output has
an ac ripple riding on a dc waveform.
The circuit used in a dc power supply to remove the ripple is called a filter. A filter
circuit can produce a very smooth waveform that approximates the waveform produced
by a battery. The most common technique used for filtering is a capacitor connected
across the output of a rectifier.
Q. 5. A reversible process is a bidirectional process, i.e., its path in P – V plane is the same
in either direction. In contrast, an irreversible process is a unidirectional process,
i.e., it can take place only in one direction.

A reversible process consists of a very large number of infinitesimally small steps so
that the system is all the time in thermodynamic equilibrium with its environment. In
contrast an irreversible process may occur so rapidly that it is never in thermodynamic
equilibrium with its environment.
Q. 6. (1) According to Rutherford, the electrons revolve in circular orbits around the atomic
nucleus. The circular motion is an accelerated motion. According to the classical
electromagnetic theory, an accelerated charge continuously radiates energy.
Therefore, an electron during its orbital motion, should go on radiating energy.
Due to the loss of energy, the radius of its orbit should go on decreasing. Therefore,
the electron should move along a spiral path and finally fall into the nucleus in a
very short time, of the order of 1016 s in the case of a hydrogen atom. Thus, the
atom should be unstable. We exist because atoms are stable.
If the electron moves along such a spiral path, the radius of its orbit would
continuously decrease. As a result, the speed and frequency of revolution of the
electron would go on increasing. The electron, therefore, would emit radiation of
continuously changing frequency, and hence give rise to a continuous spectrum.
However, atomic spectrum is a discrete line spectrum.


Q. 7. Forced vibrations Resonance
These are produced by an external 1. It is produced by an external periodic
periodic force of any frequency. force whose frequency is equal to the
natural frequency (or nearly so) of the
The frequency of vibrations is, in 2. The frequency of vibrations is the same
general, different from the natural (or nearly so) as the natural frequency of
frequency of the body. the body.
3. The amplitude of vibrations is usually 3. The amplitude of vibrations is large.
very small.
4. Vibrations stop as soon as the external 4. Vibrations continue for relatively longer
force is removed. time after the external force is removed.
Data : C  100 F  100106 F  104 F, V  50 V, i  5 A
Q. 8. 
The energy stored in the electric field in the capacitor  CV 2
The energy stored in the magnetic field in the inductor  Li 2
1 1
Here, CV 2  Li 2
2 2

 L  C 2  10 ( )  104102  102 H
V2  4 50
i 5
This is the value of the inductance.
Q. 9. 
Huygens’ construction of a spherical wavefront : Consider a point source of
monochromatic light S in a homogeneous isotropic medium. The light waves travel
with the same speed v in all directions. After time t, the wave will reach all the points
which are at a distance vt from S. This is spherical wavefront XY. Let, A, B, C, ... be
points on this wavefront.

Huygens’ construction of a spherical wavefront


To find the new wavefront after time T, we draw spheres of radius vT with A, B, C,
..., as centres. The envelope or the surface of tangency of these spheres is the surface
ABC. This is the new spherical wavefront XY. Thus, in an isotropic medium,
spherical wavefronts are propagated as concentric spheres.
Q. 10. Whenever a conductor or a part of it is moved in a magnetic field ‘cutting’ magnetic
field lines, or placed in a changing magnetic field, the free electrons in the bulk of the
metal start circulating in closed paths equivalent to current-carrying loops. These loop
currents resemble eddies in a fluid stream and are hence called eddy or Foucault
Applications :
(1) Dead-beat galvanometer
(2) Electric brakes.
Q. 11. Data : k  1,   90 nC/m2  90  109 C/m2,
0  8.85  1012 F/m

The required electric field, E 
2 k0
(90  109)
  log 45  1.6532
2(1)(8.85  1012)
log 8.85    0.9469
  103 0.7063
8.85 AL(0.7063)  5.086
 5.086  10 N/C
Q. 12. Data : E  2 V, r  2  , R  200 

The voltmeter reading, V  IR  ( ) R

log 200  2.3010
log 101    2.0043
( ) 200
200  2 AL(0.2967)  1.980
400 200
   1.98 V
202 101

Q. 13. Curie’s law : The magnetization of a paramagnetic material is directly proportional to

the external magnetic field and inversely proportional to the absolute temperature of
the material.
If a paramagnetic material at an absolute temperature T is placed in an external
magnetic field of induction lBext , the magnitude of its magnetization
Bext B
  Mz      Mz  C ext
where the proportionality constant C is called the Curie constant.


Q. 14. Data : m  20 g  2102 kg, l  1 m, I  1 A, g  9.8 m/s2
To balance the wire, the upward magnetic force must be equal in magnitude to the
downward force due to gravity.
 Fm  I l B  mg
Therefore, the magnitude of the magnetic field,
mg (2102)(9.8)

B   0.196 T
Il (1)(1)

Q. 15. Data : m  9.11  1031 kg, e  1.6  1019 C, h  6.63  1034 J·s,
0  8.85  1012 C2/N.m2
The energy of electron in nth Bohr orbit is
1 me4
En  
n2 820 h2
For the ground state, n  1.
( 9.111031 ) (1.61019)4
 E1 1 
8 (8.851012)2 (6.631034)2
2.1681018 J
 2.1681018 J   13.55 eV
1.61019 J/eV

Q. 16. Consider a rigid body rotating with a constant angular velocity  about an axis through
the point O and perpendicular to the plane of the figure. All the particles of the body
perform uniform circular motion about the axis of rotation with the same angular

velocity  . Suppose that the body consists of N particles of masses m1, m2, ..., mN,
situated at perpendicular distances r1, r2, ..., rN, respectively from the axis of rotation.

A rigid body rotating with a uniform angular velocity about an axis through O

The particle of mass m1 revolves along a circle of radius r1, with a linear velocity of

magnitude v1  r1. The magnitude of the linear momentum of the particle is
  p1  m1v1  m1r1


The angular momentum of the particle about the axis of rotation is by definition,
  
   L1  r 1  p 1
 L1  r1 p1 sin 
where  is the smaller of the two angles between 
r1 and 
In this case,   90°    sin   1
 L1  r1 p1  r1m1r1  m1r12
Similarly, L2 m2r22, L3 m3r32, etc.
The angular momentum of the body about the given axis is
  L  L1 L2  ... LN
 m1 r12 m2 r22  ...  mN rN2
 (m1 r12m2 r22...mN rN2) 

 2
 mi ri 
i1 
 L  I
where I   mi ri2  moment of inertia of the body about the given axis.
 
In vector form, L I 
Thus, angular momentum  moment of inertia  angular velocity.

Q. 17. Impedance, ZijR2 , where R is the resistance of the lamp,  is the angular
2 2
frequency of AC and C is the capacitance of the capacitor connected in series with the
AC source and the lamp. When C is increased, decreases. Hence, Z decreases.
2 2
Power factor, cos y
As Z decreases, the power factor increases.
Now, the average power over one cycle,

  PavVrms irms cos y  Vrms ( ) cos y

Vrms V 2rms
cos y
 Pav increases as Z decreases and cos y increases. As the current through the lamp

( ) increases, the brightness of the lamp will increase when C is increased.

Q. 18. Let R be the radius of the drop and r be the radius of each droplet.
Data : R  0.2 cm  2  103 m, n  8, T  0.4855 J/m2
As the volume of the liquid remains constant,
volume of n droplets  volume of the drop
4 4
 n   r3   R3
3 3
R3 R R R
 r3       r 
mn m8
 
n 3 3 2
Surface area of the drop  4 R2
Surface area of n droplets  n  4 R2
 The increase in the surface area  surface area of n droplets  surface area of drop

 4  (nr2  R2)  4  (8   R2)  4  (2  1) R2  4  R2

 The work done  surface tension  increase in surface area
 T  4  R2  log 1.942  0.2882
log 3.142     0.4972
 0.4855  4  3.142  (2  10  3)2
log 4   0.6021
 1.942  3.142  4  10  6 1.3875
 24.41  10 J  24.41  J AL(1.3875)  24.41

Q. 19. An ideal solenoid is tightly wound and infinitely long. Let n be the number of turns
of wire per unit length and I be the steady current in the solenoid.
For an ideal solenoid, the magnetic induction lB inside is reasonably uniform over the
cross section and parallel to the axis throughout the volume enclosed by the solenoid;
lB outside is negligible.
As an Ampèrian loop, we choose a rectangular path PQRS of length l parallel to the
solenoid axis as shown in the figure. The width of the rectangle is taken to be sufficiently
large so that the side RS is far from the solenoid where lB  0. The line integral of the
magnetic induction around the Ampèrian loop in the sense PQRSP is

s lB · dl l  s lB · dl l  s lB · dl l  s lB · dl l  s lB · dl l 
 ... (1)

Magnetic induction of an ideal current-carrying solenoid and the Ampèrian loop


lB  is constant inside and is parallel to side PQ. Hence, as we go in the same direction

as lB from P to Q, lB  and dl l are parallel so that

  s lB · dl l s B dl B s dl Bl ... (2)


Along the paths Q  R and S  P, lB  is perpendicular to dl l inside the solenoid while
lB  0 outside.

 s lB · dl l s lB · dl l 0 ... (3)

Also lB  0 along side RS, so that


s lB · dl l 0
  ... (4)

Thus, from Eqs. (1), (2), (3) and (4),

s lB · dl l Bl

 ... (5)

The total current enclosed by the Ampèrian loop is

Iencl current through each turn  number of turns enclosed by the loop
 I nl  nlI ... (6)
By Ampère’s law,

s lB · dl l 0 Iencl  ( in vacuum )
Therefore, from Eqs. (5) and (6),
   B l  0 n l I

 B  0 n I ... (7)
This is the required expression.
Q. 20. Data :  l1  7.5106 m,  l2  1.8106 m,   6107 m

For point P : Let p be an integer such that p   l1
2  l1 27.510[6 150
 p    25
 610[7 6

 The path difference  l1 is an odd integral multiple of /2 :  l1  (2m  1) , where
m is an integer,
 2m  1  25     m  13
 Point P is at the centre of the 13th dark band.


For point Q : Let q be an integer such that q   l2
2  l2 21.810[6 36
 q   6
 610[7 6
 
 The path difference  l2 is an even integral multiple of :  l2  (2n) , where n
2 2
is an integer.
 2n  6     n  3
 Point Q is at the centre of the 3rd bright band. Between points P and Q, excluding
the respective bands at P and Q, the number of dark bands  12  3  15 and
the number of bright bands (including the central bright band)  12  2  1  15.
Q. 21. Consider a particle which moves anticlockwise around a circular path of radius A with
a constant angular speed  as shown in the figure. Let the path lie in the x-y plane
with the centre at the origin O. The instantaneous position P of the particle is called
the reference point and the circle in which the particle moves as the reference circle.

SHM as projection of UCM on a diameter

The perpendicular projection of P onto the y-axis is Q. Then, as the particle travels
around the circle, Q moves to-and-fro along the y-axis. Line OP makes an angle  with
the x-axis at t  0. At time t, this angle becomes   t  .
The projection Q of the reference point is described by the y-coordinate,
 y  OQ  OP sin Ð OPQ. Since Ð OPQ  t  ,
 y  A sin(t  )
which is the equation of a linear SHM of amplitude A. The angular frequency  of a
linear SHM can thus be understood as the angular velocity of the reference particle.
The tangential velocity of the reference particle is v  A. Its y-component at time t


  vy  A sin (90°  )  A cos 
 vy  A cos (t  )
The centripetal acceleration of the reference particle is ar  2A, so that its y-component
at time t is
  ay  ar sin Ð OPQ
 ay   2A sin (t  )
Q. 22. To charge a capacitor, an external agent has to do work against the electrostatic forces
due to the charges already present on the plates of the capacitor.
Let C be the capacitance of the capacitor. Let Q and V be the final charge and the
potential difference respectively when the capacitor is charged. Let q be the charge on
the capacitor at some stage during the charging and v, the corresponding potential
difference between the plates. The work done by an external agent in bringing additional
small charge dq from infinity and depositing it on the capacitor is
  dW  potential differencecharge  v dq
q q
But, C      v 

v C

 dW  dq
  The total work done in charging the capacitor is
 [ ] 
q dq 1 q2 1 Q2

 W   dW 

C C 2 0 2 C
Now, Q  CV
1 1 1

 W CV 2  ( CV ) V  QV
2 2 2
This work is stored in the form of potential energy, in the electric field in the medium
between the plates of the capacitor.
1 Q2 1 1
 Energy of a charged capacitor   CV 2  QV
2 C 2 2
Q. 23. Data :  , R8.314 J/mol.K
(i)     1       1 

R 8.314 8.314
 CV     12.47 J/mol.K
1 5 2/3
This is the required quantity.

(ii) CP   CV  ( ) (12.47)  20.78 J/mol.K



Q. 24. Data : l  0.4 m, A  5  104 m2, N  400, Ii  10 A, If  0,
Δt  0.2 s, 0  4  107 H/m
(a) Self inductance of the solenoid,

L 0 ( ) A


 (4  107) ( ) (5  104)

 (5  1010)(16  104)  8  105
 8  3.142  105  2.514  104 H
(b) The rate of change of current,
dI If  Ii 0  10
    50 A/s
dt t 0.2
 The emf induced is
e  L   (2.514  104)(  50)
 125.7  104 V  12.57 mV
Q. 25. Kirchhoff’s law of heat radiation : At a given temperature, the ratio of the emissive
power to the coefficient of absorption of a body is equal to the emissive power of a
perfect blackbody at the same temperature for all wavelengths. OR
For a body emitting and absorbing thermal radiation in thermal equilibrium, the

emissivity is equal to its absorptivity.
Theoretical proof : Consider the following thought experiment : An ordinary body A

and a perfect blackbody B are enclosed in an athermanous enclosure as shown in
According to Prevost’s theory of heat exchanges, there is a continuous exchange of

radiant energy between each body and its surroundings. Hence, the two bodies, after
some time, will attain the same temperature as that of the enclosure.

Equality of a and e

Let a and e be the coefficients of absorption and emission respectively, of body A. Let

R and Rb be the emissive powers of bodies A and B, respectively.


Suppose that Q is the quantity of radiant energy incident on each body per unit time

per unit surface area of the body.
Body A will absorb the quantity aQ per unit time per unit surface area and radiate the

quantity R per unit time per unit surface area. Since there is no change in its temperature,
we must have,

aQ  R ... (1)
As body B is a perfect blackbody, it will absorb the quantity Q per unit time per unit

surface area and radiate the quantity Rb per unit time per unit surface area.
Since there is no change in its temperature, we must have

Q  Rb  ... (2)
From Eqs. (1) and (2), we get


a   ... (3)
Q Rb
From Eq. (3), we get,  Rb
This is Kirchhoff’s law of heat radiation.
By definition of coefficient of emission,
  e  ... (4)
From Eqs. (3) and (4), we get, a  e.
This is another form of Kirchhoff’s law of heat radiation.
Q. 26. According to the wave theory of light, electromagnetic waves carry the energy stored
in oscillating electric and magnetic fields. When enough energy is absorbed by an
electron in a substance, it should be liberated as a photoelectron. Frequency of light
does not come into picture in this case. Hence, there should not be any threshold
frequency for emission of electrons. But it is found that there exists threshold frequency
and it depends on the metal.
Experimentally, the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons increases linearly with

the frequency of light. This cannot be accounted by the wave theory of light.
If a source of light is weak or far away from a metal surface, emission of an electron

will not be almost instantaneous. The electron may have to wait for several hours/days
for absorption of enough energy from the incident light as by the wave theory of light,
energy is spread over the wavefront. But experimentally, for an appropriate frequency
of incident light, photoelectric effect is almost instantaneous.
Only one observation, photoelectric current  intensity of incident light can be

accounted by the wave theory of light.



Q. 27. A photodiode is a special purpose reverse-biased pn-junction diode that generates

charge carriers in response to photons and high energy particles, and passes a
photocurrent in the external circuit proportional to the intensity of the incident radiation.

Planar photodiode

A photodiode is operated in the reverse bias mode which results in a wider depletion

region. When operated in the dark (zero illumination), there is a reverse saturation
current due solely to the thermally generated minority charge carriers. This is called
the dark current.
When exposed to radiation of energy h  EG (in the range near-UV to near-IR),

electron-hole pairs are created in the depletion region. The electric field in the depletion
layer accelerates these photo-generated electrons and holes towards the n side and
p side, respectively, constituting a photocurrent I in the external circuit from the p side
to the n side. Due to the photogeneration, more charge carriers are available for
conduction and the reverse current is increased. The photocurrent is directly proportional
to the intensity of the incident light. It is independent of the reverse bias voltage.

Data : T  3727 °C  3727  273  4000 K, b  2.898  103 m∙K,  mT  b

b 2.898  103
 The peak wavelength,  m    7.245  107 m  7245 Å
T 4000

Q. 28. A magnet free to rotate in a uniform magnetic field lB aligns its dipole moment M
with lB. Work must be done to rotate the magnet from this equilibrium position. The
work done is stored as the magnetic potential energy, also called its orientation energy.
In a finite angular displacement from 0 to , the magnetic potential energy
 
  U    () d   MB sin  d   MB cos 
0 0
We assume the solenoid to be ideal and that all the magnetic flux from the solenoid S
passes through the outer smaller coil C. For a steady current IS through the solenoid,
the uniform magnetic field inside the solenoid is



B  0 I
l S
Then, the magnetic flux through each turn of the coil due to the current in the solenoid
 CS  BA  (0 I ) (A)

l S
Thus, their mutual inductance is M  0A 1 2
IS l
which is the required expression.
Q. 29. When a pipe narrows, the same volume occupies a greater length, as schematically
shown in the figure. A1 is the cross-sectional area of the broader pipe and that of
narrower pipe is A2. By the equation of continuity, v2  (A1/A2)v1

Speed of a fluid increases as it enters a narrower pipe (Schematic)

Since A1/A2  1, v2  v1. For the same volume to pass points 1 and 2 in a given

time, the speed must be greater at point 2.

The process is exactly reversible. If the fluid flows in the opposite direction, its speed
decreases when the pipe widens.
Data : L  0.36 m, n  288 Hz, T  24.5 N

ij     m 
1 T T 24.5
n   5.699  104 kg/m
2L m (2nL) (2  288  0.36)2

Q. 30. The theorem of parallel axis is applicable to any body of arbitrary shape. The moment
of inertia (MI) of the body about an axis through the centre mass should be known,
say, ICM. Then, the theorem can be used to find the MI, I, of the body about an axis
parallel to the above axis. If the distance between the two axes is h,
  I ICMMh2  ... (1)
The theorem of perpendicular axes is applicable to a plane lamina only. The moment of
inertia Iz of a plane lamina about an axis –– the z-axis –– perpendicular to its plane is
equal to the sum of its moments of inertia Ix and Iy about two mutually perpendicular
axes x and y in its plane and through the point of intersection of the perpendicular axis
and the lamina.
  Iz IxIy  ... (2)


Definition : The Brewster angle or polarizing angle for an interface is the angle of
incidence of unpolarized light ray for which the reflected ray is completely polarized,
polarized in the plane of incidence.
Brewster’s law : The tangent of the polarizing angle is equal to the refractive index
of the reflecting medium with respect to the surrounding (1n2).
Q. 31. A moving-coil galvanometer is converted into a voltmeter by increasing its effective
resistance by connecting a high resistance Rs in series with the galvanometer as shown
in the figure. The series resistance is also useful for changing the range of any given
voltmeter and hence called a series multiplier.

A voltmeter is a modified galvanometer

Let G be the resistance of the galvanometer coil and Ig the current required for a full-
scale deflection.
Let V be the maximum potential difference to be measured. The value of the series
resistance Rs should be such that when the potential difference applied across the
instrument is V, the current through the galvanometer is Ig.
In the series combination, the potential difference V gets divided across the galvanometer
( resistance, G ) and the resistance Rs :

V  IgG  IgRs  Ig (G  Rs )
 Rs   G

This is the required value of the series resistance. The scale of the galvanometer is

then calibrated so as to read the potential difference in volt or its submultiples directly.
Data : Slope4.11015 V.s, e1.61019 C
V0 ehh0

 V0( ) ( 0)   Slope   

h h h
e e e
 Planck’s constant, h (slope) (e)  (4.11015)(1.61019 )

 6.561034 J∙s    (as 1 V )



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