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Axial/radial bearings with

integral measuring system

Initial operation and diagnosis

Fitting and maintenance instructions MON 18

This publication has been produced with a great deal of care,
and all data have been checked for accuracy.
However, no liability can be assumed for any incorrect or
incomplete data.
Product pictures and drawings in this publication are for
illustration only and are not intended as an engineering design
Applications must be developed only in accordance with
the technical information, dimension tables, and dimension
drawings contained in this publication.
Due to constant development of the product range,
we reserve the right to make modifications.
The terms and conditions of sale and delivery underlying contracts and
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Produced by:
INA Wälzlager Schaeffler oHG
91072 Herzogenaurach (Germany)
Mailing address:
Industriestrasse 1–3
91074 Herzogenaurach (Germany)
© by INA · September 2001
All rights reserved.
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Printed in Germany by:
mandelkow GmbH, 91074 Herzogenaurach
Axial-radial bearings with
integral measuring system
Initial operation and diagnosis

Bearings of these series correspond in their mechanical aspects to

axial-radial bearings of series YRT. A measuring system is integrated in
the bearing, however, that can detect rotational movements of just
a few seconds by magneto-resistive means. The measuring system
operates to very high accuracy, without contact and measures
independent of tilting and position.
In order to ensure correct and reliable functioning, the bearings must
be fitted and put into operation correctly. The fitting of axial-radial
bearings YRT is described in INA Technical Production Information
“TPI 103”.
This manual describes the initial operation and diagnosis of the
measuring system. Any information in previous editions that
does not concur with the data in this edition is therefore invalid.
This manual must either be enclosed with the end product or the
guidelines contained therein relating to initial operation and
diagnosis must be communicated in writing to the end user!
The measuring system must only be put into operation:
■ in accordance with the guidance in this manual
■ with the Windows software MEKOEDS.
The work must only be carried out by personnel who have undergone
the appropriate training!
INA accepts no liability for loss or damage arising from:
■ incorrect fitting
■ incorrect maintenance
■ incorrect forwarding of the contents to third parties and/or a failure
to do so!

INA Wälzlager Schaeffler oHG

Initial operation of
the measuring system

The measuring system must only be put into operation:

– in accordance with the guidance in this section 4
– with the Windows software MEKOEDS!

Attaching the connection cables (Figure 1)

■ Attach the plugs on the cables for the measuring heads 
to the electronic evaluation system 
– pay attention to the arrangement of the coloured rings
(white a and yellow b ).
■ Connect the round plug  to the electronic evaluation
system  and the machine controller .
■ Connect the RS 232 (three pole) cable  to the electronic
evaluation system  and to a serial interface on the
– the Windows software MEKOEDS must be installed on +5V ⫽
the computer. max. 150 mA
a b 5 2

1 3

107 442
Figure 1 · Attaching the connection cables

Activating the setup menu (Figure 2)
■ Start the MEKOEDS software on the computer and select 2 1 3 7 8
the data for the bearing in the setup menu
– description of the setup interface: see Table 1.

The settings can be changed while the program is being used
by calling up the Menu. The last setting applied is taken as
the default setting when the program is closed down
(this applies to the program display only, not to the measuring
system). In order to do this, the program sets up the additional
configuration file MEKOdata.cfg.

Table 1 · Interface of the setup menu

No. Description
 Number of reference marks1)
 Actual line pulse rate1)
 Bearing YRTM 150 to YTRM 395 or freely selectable
 Serial port, enter ports actually used
 Language selection

107 443
 Positional display, optionally in 1/10 000 degrees, 4 5 6
degrees/minutes/seconds, degrees/minutes/seconds
with 1/10 sec. resolution or in microns on circumference Figure 2 · Setup menu – interface
 Cancel on first call-up:
– end program.
Call up from terminal interface:
– continue working with existing settings
 Confirm selection, continue
1) Only editable under User defined.

Initial operation of
the measuring system

The interface for the main program appears (Figure 3).

For a complete explanation of the interface, see page 8, 2 1 4 15
Figure 5 and page 9, Table 3.

Setting the distance between the measuring heads and

the shaft washer
■ Set the distance between the sensors and the outside
diameter of the shaft washer using the amplitude display 3
(in % or slide bar ) (Figure 3, , )
– the amplitude of the sensor signals should be numerically
between 60% and 80% (Figure 3, )
(1% = approx. 1 ␮m distance) 5
– the amplitude slide bars are divided into three colours. 6
The distance should preferably be set within the green
range (see Table Amplitude ranges).
■ Set distance to correct value using shims (Figure 4, ).
■ Apply the command New Sensor (Figure 3, )
in the main program.
If the amplitude does not correspond to the 9
recommended value after adjustment, reset the sensors,
apply the command New Sensor again and repeat
the adjustment process!

107 444
10 13 12 11 14
Amplitude ranges
Figure 3 · Interface of main program
Ranges Display in % Colour
optimum 60% to 80% green
standard 50% to 85% yellow/green 107 445

maximum 30% to 90% yellow

prohibited ⬍30% and ⬎90% red

Signals outside the green or yellow ranges will lead to

misleading evaluation of measurement signals during 1

0,02 mm to 0,1 mm

Figure 4 · Setting the distance between the measuring heads

and the shaft washer

Adjusting the sensors Table 2 · Limiting speeds for the MEKO measuring system1)
Rotate the bearing at a speed nREF in accordance with Axial-radial Limiting speeds
the table 2 and move the bearing once forward and once bearings
Electronic Reference Serial
backward over the whole range to be used (optimum scope evaluation travel communication 2)
of movement) system
■ Pictogram a appears (page 9, Table 3, ). nG nREF nSER
min–1 min–1 min–1
Note on the adjustment process
YRTM 150 154 5 73
The adjustment process must be carried out before
the system is put into operation! YRTM 180 135 4 64
Influencing factors: electrical tolerances of the measuring YRTM 200 122 4 57
heads! YRTM 260 96 3 45
The parameters for the sensors and shaft washer, including YRTM 325 80 3 38
the reference signals, are measured. Pictogram a appears
(page 9, Table 3, ). From this point, a time of 5 minutes is YRTM 395 68 2 to 3 32
available to move the bearing forward and backward over 1) Firmware 1.50/1.51.
the whole range to be used (optimum scope of movement). 2) Valid for RS 232.
Influencing factors:
■ distance between the measuring heads and the dimensional
■ incorrect mounting direction of the measuring head.
The system is now ready for operation.

No function – troubleshooting
The amplitude has been automatically set during adjustment to
a value that is too high or too low.
In this case:
■ change the distance between the sensors and the shaft
washer, apply the command New Sensor and readjust
(see page 6, Figure 4).
No green sine signal appears.
In this case:
■ rotate the shaft washer further. If the display does not
■ pay attention to the warning lights Signal and the size of
the YE and WH-indicators above the amplitude displays.
A bold image indicates that the offset of the sensor has been
If the distance between the measuring head and the shaft
washer is too small, the red warning light will illuminate when
the bearing is rotated; i.e. increase the distance of the
If the display remains green or yellow, align the sensor
more closely to the shaft washer. Then readjust using
the command New Sensor in the main program
(see Setting the distance between the measuring heads
and the shaft washer, page 6).

Initial operation of
the measuring system

This is necessary when the measuring system is first put into Once adjustment has been completed successfully,
operation. The system is run at a speed in accordance with the pictogram a is displayed (page 9, Table 3, ).
Table 2 until the electronic evaluation system has detected all
the operating parameters (including one reference mark).

2 1 4 15

107 446

10 13 12 11 14

Figure 5 · Interface of main program

Interface of main program (Figure 5)
Table 3 · Description
No. Description No. Description
 Number of revolutions completed (n⫻360°)  e Output signal not compensated
 Change in count direction: positive or negative DAC
 Positional displays:
Analog/digital converter for sensor signals failed
Set positional display  to zero ADC (output signals no longer updated or
0 ? signals incorrect)

Error display:
Reference mark has been passed
No error Information Alarm
Reference sensor is located on a reference mark
Signal No error No offset Sensor signal
found overcontrolled
 Current speed in min–1
Sensor No error Reserved Sensor failed
 Call up setup menu – start screen
Speed Operating No update Maximum
 Reset amplitude range, redraw interface parameters are of operating traverse speed
 Quit terminal program being updated parameters exceeded
 Electronic evaluation system: clear error log  Version number of electronic evaulation system firmware,
(command to measuring system) in square brackets [ ]: Number of save processes performed
on operating parameters 0, 1, 2 to 20 000
Clear electronic evaluation system completely
(command to measuring system) Amplitude of sensor signals in % (numerical)
– Readjust measuring system Amplitude of sensor signals (graphic, 0% to 200%)
 Error messages for measuring system and scaling (centre)

Pictograms: Black line: current amplitude

Run adjustment process Coloured bar: amplitude range covered

LRN! optimum 60% to 80% (green, indicated by scaling
with line thickness 3)
a Electronic evaluation system has detected standard 50% to 85% (yellow/green)
all operating parameters (system ready, max. 30% to 90% (yellow, indicated by longer
adjustment completed) – standard display scaling with line thickness 2)
b Electronic evaluation system has only found offset prohib. ⬍30%, ⬎90% (red)
values, reference impulse is still to be measured
(adjustment process not completed)1)  YE: Yellow sensor
WH: White sensor (small font/no offset found)
c Output signals from electronic evaluation system  Positional display, optionally in 1/10 000 degrees,
switched off degrees/minutes/seconds, degrees/minutes/seconds
■ Error message to controller with 1/10 sec. resolution or in microns on circumference
■ Sensor failure
1) Initialisation (see page 8).
(delete error message using Clear)
d Communication error between PC and
? measuring-system, no serial data acquisition
(e.g. incorrect interface selected or no power)

Error table

Error, cause, remedy

Error Cause Remedy
1 Controller found no reference ■ Measuring system not correctly ■ Set distance of measuring heads in Windows software
marks adjusted1) to 60% to 80% of amplitude
■ Distance between measuring head ■ Clear measuring system using command New Sensor and
and shaft washer is too large or readjust1)
too small
2 Controller found reference ■ Measuring heads were loosened ■ Clear measuring system using command New Sensor and
marks in one direction of again after adjustment and readjust1)
travel only displaced laterally
3 Controller did not find ■ As item 2 or measuring system not ■ Clear measuring system using command New Sensor and
all reference marks correctly adjusted1), i.e. the hole readjust1), travelling forward and backward over the area
range to be used was not travelled to be used 1⫻
during adjustment
4 Controller found too many ■ Defective shielding or earthing ■ Check integrity of cable shielding between electronic
reference marks or marks evaluation system and CNC
in incorrect positions ■ Earth electronic evaluation system with short measuring tape
■ Measuring system not correctly ■ Set distance of measuring heads in Windows software
adjusted1) to 60% to 80% of amplitude
■ Clear measuring system using command New Sensor and
■ Shaft washer damaged ■ Send data record and description of error to INA
5 Distance coding not ■ Controller Siemens 840C ■ 840C can only be operated with one reference mark
correctly recognised or reference and cam
■ Machine data not entered completely ■ Enter machine data with maximum number of characters
(less than 14 characters) after comma
■ Invers bit for distance coding ■ Set distance coding in machine data to Invers
■ If this is not possible (e.g. Indramat), the A and B-signals
can be exchanged on the 12 pole round plug

1) Adjustment:
An electronic evaluation system that is either new or has been reset using New Sensor must first detect the correction values for
the measuring heads (adjustment).
The sensor signals must have a sufficiently high amplitude for this purpose.
Adjustment of the sensors is carried out while moving the shaft washer.

Error, cause, remedy
Error Cause Remedy
6 No amplitude ■ Distance of measuring heads ■ Reduce the distance between the measuring heads and
No signals too large the shaft washer
■ Measuring heads fitted twisted ■ Fit the measuring heads such that the arrow points to
the bearing outer ring
■ Height offset of measuring heads ■ Check dimensions, set measuring heads to correct height
(⬇1 mm deviation from
nominal value)
7 Amplitude at one sensor ■ Other measuring heads fitted ■ Fit the measuring heads such that the arrow points to
only twisted the bearing outer ring
■ Distance of measuring heads ■ See item 6
too large
8 Amplitude signal ■ Measuring heads fitted twisted ■ Fit the measuring heads such that the arrow points to
only every 15° the bearing outer ring
9 Amplitude loss, peak or ■ Transitional area of dimensional ■ An amplitude peak can occur intrinsically in the area of
jump at one or more points coding on shaft washer the zero mark
■ Defective shielding or earthing ■ Check integrity of cable shielding between electronic
evaluation system and CNC
■ Earth electronic evaluation system with short measuring tape
■ Shaft washer damaged ■ Send data record and description of error to INA
10 Noisy running ■ Defective shielding or earthing ■ See defect 9
11 Positional values at standstill ■ Defective shielding or earthing ■ See defect 9
12 Large positional deviations ■ Retaining screws were not ■ Fit bearing in accordance with fitting guidelines
within one revolution loosened on bearing during
(sine defect) bearing assembly


Troubleshooting procedure
Clarify whether the measuring system was put into
operation with the Windows software MEKOEDS!
It cannot be put into operation without this software!
■ Seek possible remedies in the troubleshooting table
(see page 10).
■ Perform the necessary data recording. The steps are given
in the section Data recording procedure (see page 13).

Replacement of components (see Troubleshooting table, page 10)

Table 1 · Procedure for replacement of components
Components to be replaced Procedure
Initial operation Initial operation Complete initial New Sensor
without item 4 from item 4 operation command

Electronic evaluation system

Measuring head

Electronic evaluation system and

measuring head

Shaft washer

Shaft washer and measuring head

Electronic evaluation system,

measuring head and shaft washer

Data recording procedure

This function is only available from MEKOEDS 2.0!

Measurement of disruptive impulses during standstill

Measurement is carried out while the bearing is stationary using
the malfunction key (Figure 1, ). The value should be read
off five seconds after pressing the key.
Reading off the value:
■ Values between 0,4 and 1,0:
– no disruptive influences YE WH
■ Value ⬎2,0:
– check shielding and earthing.
Recording of amplitude and reference marks BOX
■ Press the recording key (Figure 1, )
■ Enter a filename (recommended: serial number of WSM).
Two files are created:
– filename _ref.txt
– filename _amp.txt
■ Press the recording key  again to quit. 2
The recorded data
(filename _ref.txt and filename _amp.txt) can be either:

107 447
– passed to the INA external sales force or
– evaluated using Mathcad masks (see page 14).
Figure 1 · Main program with expanded display


Evaluation using Mathcad (Figure 2)

107 448
■ Start the Mathcad program
■ Open the file:
– Evaluation of sensor or
– Evaluation of reference
In order to load a recorded data set, the filename must be
entered in the mask
(e.g. M1 = PRNLESEN(“99_08_001_full.txt”).
Pressing F9 loads the data set and creates the evaluation
diagram (Figure 3, a or b ). The data set must be located in
the Mathcad mask directory.

Figure 2 · Opening a data set

Checking the amplitude – no error (Figure 3, a )

■ The red lines show the limits of the permissible amplitude
(30% to 95%).
If these limits are exceeded for short periods up to approx.
105%, there is no detectable influence on the accuracy,
but the amplitude should always be set at 60% to 80%.
Due to manufacture, an increased voltage may occur at
the zero point of the shaft washer.

Checking the amplitude – error (Figure 3, b )

■ Severe amplitude losses (defective shaft washer).

Symbols used in Figure 3

White sensor
Yellow sensor
Max. permissible amplitude
107 449

Min. permissible amplitude

Figure 3 · Checking the amplitude – no error a /error b

Checking the reference marks – no error (Figure 4) 2 reference marks for TR_P = 34.8 Reference detection threshold + in mV
Switching thresholds amplitude and position TR_N = ⫺67.7 Reference detection threshold - in mV
■ In order to ensure reliable detection, the reference mark 162
must be above (positive measured value) and below 126
(negative measured value) the positive and negative 90

detection thresholds. 72

Reference voltage in nV

■ If a value is below the threshold, the reference impulse will 36

not be outputted and represented (= leaving a gap). 0

Checking the reference marks – error (Figure 5) -54


■ Reference mark defective. -90

107 451

0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 360

Reference voltage in nV

Figure 4 · Checking the reference marks – no error

2 reference marks for TR_P = 22.6 Reference detection threshold + in mV

amplitude and position TR_N = ⫺27.4 Reference detection threshold - in mV
Reference voltage in nV

Symbols used in Figure 4 and Figure 5 -20
Zero line -60

Reference +: positive signal (measured value) -100

Reference +: positive detection threshold -160
Reference –: negative signal (measured value)
107 452

0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 360

Reference voltage in nV
Reference –: negative detection threshold
Figure 5 · Checking the reference marks –
defective reference mark

· Printed in Germany
Sach-Nr. 010-690-751/MON 18 US-D 09011

INA Wälzlager Schaeffler oHG

91072 Herzogenaurach · Germany
In Germany:
Phone 0180 / 5 00 38 72
Fax 0180 / 5 00 38 73
E-Mail [email protected]
From Other countries:
Phone +49 / 9132 / 82-0
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