Dental Anatomy - WEEK 1 Basic Terminology For Understanding Tooth Morphology Quiz 1, Chapter 1

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Dental Anatomy: WEEK 1 Basic Terminology for Understanding Tooth Mor

phology Quiz 1, Chapter 1

HÍc trñc tuy¿n t¡i

1. how many teeth are present in one quadrant of a 8

complete adult (permanent) dentition?

2. What class of teeth is present in the permanent denti- premolars

tion that is NOT present in the primary dentition?

3. in a permanent dentition, the fifth tooth from the mid- premolar

line is a...

4. the posterior teeth in the permanent dentition include premolars and mo-
which of the following? lars only

5. which permanent tooth erupts into the space previ- second premolar
ously held by the primary second molar?

6. how many teeth are present in one arch of the adult 16


7. how many teeth are present in one arch of the primary 10


8. how many incisors are present in the complete adult 8


9. how many molars are present in the primary denti- 8


10. how many molars are present in each arch of the adult 6

11. what is the fourth tooth from the midline in the primary first molar

12. if you read an article about a British dental journal 32

that refers to tooth # 48, you would suspect that the
authors were using the international numbering sys-
tem. what universal number (or letter) would they be
talking about?

Dental Anatomy: WEEK 1 Basic Terminology for Understanding Tooth Mor
phology Quiz 1, Chapter 1
HÍc trñc tuy¿n t¡i
using the universal numbering system, what numbers 6
are used to identify maxillary canines? 11

14. if you read an article in a British dental journal that A

refers to too # 55, you would suspect that the au-
thors were using FDI. what universal number (or letter)
would they be talking about?

15. if an orthodontist wrote about tooth 5, what would the 13

universal number be?

16. what are the universal numbers of the permanent 19

mandibular first molar? 30

17. if you are referring to the universal tooth 27, what is 3rd
its position from the midline? ______ mandibular
what is its arch? _______ lower right
in which quadrant is it located? _______

18. Which tooth junctions are NOT normally visible on a 2. dentinoenamel

handheld intact tooth? junction
1. cementoenamel junction 3. dentinocemen-
2. dentinoenamel junction tal junction
3. dentinocemental junction 4. dentinopulpal
4. dentinopulpal junction junction

19. which mineralized tissue is the hardest? enamel

20. what tissue forms the outer boundary of almost all of dentin
a pulp chamber?

21. which of the following is (are) NOT functions of the 1. taste sweet and
pulp? sour
5. produce new
1. taste sweet and sour enamel
2. sense pain
3. provide nutrition to dentin
4. produce new dentin
5. produce new enamel

Dental Anatomy: WEEK 1 Basic Terminology for Understanding Tooth Mor
phology Quiz 1, Chapter 1
HÍc trñc tuy¿n t¡i
22. which statement(s) is (are) likely to be true on a per- 2. clinical crown
son with a barely erupted tooth 9? is smaller than
anatomic crown
1. clinical crown is larger than anatomic crown 3. clinical root
2. clinical crown is smaller than anatomic crown is larger than
3. clinical root is larger than anatomic root anatomic root
4. clinical root is smaller than anatomic root

23. which statement(s) is (are) true regarding a tooth on 1. clinical crown

a person who has lost most of the bone and gingiva is larger than
surrounding the tooth? anatomic crown
4. clinical root is
1. clinical crown is larger than anatomic crown smaller than the
2. clinical crown is smaller than anatomic crown anatomic root
3. clinical root is larger than the anatomic root
4. clinical root is smaller than the anatomic root

24. which of the following structures is (are) NOT part of 4. cementodenti-

periodontium? nal junction

1. alveolar bone
2. periodontal ligament
3. gingival margin
4. cementodentinal junction
5. attached gingiva

25. the periodontal ligament attached the alveolar bone to cementum

what tooth tissue?

1. dentin
2. enamel
3. cementum
4. pulp

26. what surface(s) of a tooth would you be looking at buccal, lingual, or

in order to determine the mesiodistal dimension of a occlusal surfaces

Dental Anatomy: WEEK 1 Basic Terminology for Understanding Tooth Mor
phology Quiz 1, Chapter 1
HÍc trñc tuy¿n t¡i
what surface(s) of a tooth would you be looking at mesial, distal, or
when measuring the buccolingual dimension of a mo- occlusal surfaces

28. which tooth surface(s) face(s) the lips or cheeks? facial


29. which pairs of teeth have a mesial surface touching a 8 and 9

mesial surface?

a. 25 and 26
b. 16 and 17
c. 7 and 9
d. 1 and 32
e. 8 and 9

30. which teeth have a distal surface that does not nor- 1
mally contact another tooth? 17

a. 1
b. 3
c. 8
d. 17
e. 24

31. the term labial refers to association with or proximity buccal

to the lips, and the term __________ refers to associ-
ation with or proximity to the cheeks

32. when viewing tooth 8 from the distal view, it can be mesial
divided into thirds from the incisal to the cervical
and from the facial to the lingual. which third is NOT
possible to see from the distal view?

1. facial
2. cervical
3. middle

Dental Anatomy: WEEK 1 Basic Terminology for Understanding Tooth Mor
phology Quiz 1, Chapter 1
HÍc trñc tuy¿n t¡i
4. mesial
5. incised

33. when viewing tooth 19 from this one view, it can be occlusal
divided into thirds from the buccal to lingual and from
the mesial to the distal. from which view is this possi-

1. buccal
2. lingual
3. mesial
4. distal
5. occlusal

34. if you were observing the faciolingual dimension of a 1, 2, 3, 5

tooth, what surface(s) could you be viewing?

1. mesial
2. occlusal
3. proximal
4. labial
5. distal

35. If the root-to-crown ratio of a maxillary molar (tooth tooth 14

14) is 1.72 and that of a maxillary incised (tooth 8) is
1.16, which tooth has the longest root relative to its
shorter crown?

36. which phrase is correct? facial surface of

tooth 1
1. buccal surface of tooth 10
2. labial surface of tooth 19
3. palatal surface of tooth 29
4. occlusal surface of tooth 27
5. facial surface of tooth 1

37. which term does NOT refer to a tooth crown line an- mesiodistal

Dental Anatomy: WEEK 1 Basic Terminology for Understanding Tooth Mor
phology Quiz 1, Chapter 1
HÍc trñc tuy¿n t¡i
1. messio-occlusal
2. mesiofacial
3. mesiodistal
4. distofacial
5. linguo-occlusal

38. which of the following is (are) NOT a cusp found on 1. mesiobuccal

three-cusped type premolars? 2. distobuccal

1. mesiobuccal
2. distobuccal
3. buccal
4. mesiolingual
5. distolingual

39. what is the correct order of anatomic landmarks of a cervix, trunk, fur-
tooth with two roots from the cementoenamel junction cation, apex
to the root tip? CTFA

40. when viewed from the proximal views, what is the cervical third
location of the greatest bulge (crest of curvature or
height of contour) on the facial surface of all teeth?

1. occlusal third
2. lingual third
3. buccal third
4. middle third
5. cervical third

41. which space(s) contain(s) the part of the gingiva d. cervical embra-
known as the interdental papilla? sure
e. inter proximal
a. buccal embrasure embrasure
b. occlusal embrasure
c. lingual embrasure
d. cervical embrasure
e. inter proximal embrasure

Dental Anatomy: WEEK 1 Basic Terminology for Understanding Tooth Mor
phology Quiz 1, Chapter 1
HÍc trñc tuy¿n t¡i
which of the following bumps or ridges is NOT likely 1. oblique ridge
to be found on a maxillary premolar? 2. cingulum

1. oblique ridge
2. cingulum
3. mesial marginal ridge
4. transverse ridge
5. triangular ridge

43. which ridges help to surround the perimeter of the 1. mesial marginal
occlusal surface (occlusal table) of a two- cusped ridge
premolar? 2. distal marginal
1. mesial marginal ridge 3. mesial cusp
2. distal marginal ridge ridge of the buccal
3. mesial cusp ridge of the buccal cusp cusp
4. distal cusp ridge of the lingual cusp 4. distal cusp ridge
5. transverse ridge of the lingual cusp

44. ideal class 1 occlusion involves an important first mesiobuccal

permanent molar relationship where the mesiobuccal groove of the
cusp of the maxillary first molar is located w/in the... mandibular first

45. where do lingual cusps of maxillary teeth occlude in in occlusal fos-

ideal class 1 occlusion? sae of mandibular

46. how many developmental lobes form a premolar with 4

two cusps (one buccal cusp and one lingual cusp)?

47. how many developmental lobes form a maxillary mo- 3

lar with three cusps (two buccal cusps and one lingual

48. how many developmental lobes form a three-cusped 3

premolar with one buccal cusp and two lingual

Dental Anatomy: WEEK 1 Basic Terminology for Understanding Tooth Mor
phology Quiz 1, Chapter 1
HÍc trñc tuy¿n t¡i
49. how many developmental lobes form a mandibular 4
lateral incisor?

50. what separates the portions of tooth formed by differ- developmental

ent lobes? grooves

51. on a two-cusped premolar, which ridges meet to form b. triangular ridge

a transverse ridge? of lingual cusp
d. triangular ridge
a. buccal ridge of the buccal cusp of buccal cusp
b. triangular ridge of lingual cusp
c. triangular ridge of the mesiolingual cusp
d. triangular ridge of buccal cusp
e. cervical ridge of the buccal cusp

52. what four tissues make up a tooth? enamel


53. the CEJ or cemento-enamel junction is also known as cervical line


54. root-to-crown ratio root length divided

by crown length

55. almost all tooth roots are longer than the tooth 1.0
crowns, so the ratios for teeth are normally greater


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