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Assessed by: L. Date: - Review continuously as required Signature: LMN

Nyongesa & full annual review

Risk – The chance of something happening that Risk Reduction – Actions taken to reduce the acknowledgement that there is a risk and of the
will have an impact on objectives. likelihood, negative consequences or both, consequences that may result, which is
Risk Assessment – The overall process of risk associated with a risk. accepted.
identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation. Risk Treatment – The process of selection and Controls - Ways of making the activity safer by
Risk Management – The culture, processes implementation of measures to modify risk. removing or reducing the risk.
and structures that are directed towards Risk Transfer – The process of selection and
realizing potential implementation of measures to modify risk.
opportunities, whilst managing adverse effects. Risk Acceptance – Risk acceptance is the

Potential severity of harm

Minor Injury Moderate Injury Major Injury
(e.g. hazard can cause illness or injury (e.g. hazard can result in serious (e.g. hazard capable of causing
but the results would not be expected to injury and/or illness, requiring death or
be serious) hospitalisation) serious and life threatening
Unlikely (injury rare, though possible) Very Low Low Medium
Likelihood Possible (injury could occur Low Medium High
of harm occasionally)
Probable (injury likely to occur, can be Medium High Extreme

Zhongmei Embakasi Campsite Risk Assessment Revised Jan 2024 Page 1

Hazard (What can cause Risk Level of Control Measure/Remedy Notes/
harm?) (Who might be Risk (What will be done to ensure that either no-one get harmed, or any Review/
harmed?) (H/M/L) harm can be recovered from) Revision

Access to and from and Road users of Probable x  Traffic control signs posted on approach road warning road -
throughout the campsite the Eastern Major = users to slow down and be careful
Motoring accidents on the bypass, Extreme risk  Ensure Highway pedestrian safety signs are clear and
campsite approach road. Vehicle visible.
Possible increased risk during occupants,  Speed limit sign at the entrance.
large attendance events e.g., Pedestrians.  On arrival report to Reception.
Large Group boardroom Visitors to the  Campsite leaders are required to assess this risk for any events
meetings, training days etc. campsite. that are bound to attract huge number of traffic and ensure
adequate traffic management and supervision is in place e.g.,
operate a one-way traffic system using radios where necessary
Site occupants being struck Site users in vicinity of Possible x  All traffic control personnel to wear high visibility tabards. Brief all personnel.
by moving vehicles. vehicles. Minor =  Any vehicle movement within the campsite to be no faster than
Low Risk walking pace.
 Defined parking areas provided for vehicles.
Slips, trips and falls around Anybody on-site. Possible x  The campsite buildings and grounds are inspected and Brief all personnel.
the campsite. Minor = maintained on a regular basis by the maintenance crew to
Low Risk help maintain a safe work environment throughout.
 The camping and activity areas are in general on flat/even or
gently sloping ground with regular grass cutting and tree
pruning to remove potential hazards.
 General campsite rules to assist site safety are posted
 First aid is available in the campsite office
Falls from height Those directly Possible x  Assess the risk of falling, the potential harm and the ability to Brief all personnel.
involved, underneath Moderate = treat such injuries (both first aid and access to advanced
Medium medical care) before permitting climbing activities.
or close by.
Risk  Climbing structures and climbing points are routinely
inspected and main structure independently checked
 Consider the use of climbing harnesses, ropes and belay
equipment for higher risk climbs. Climbing equipment are

Zhongmei Embakasi Campsite Risk Assessment Revised Jan 2024 Page 2

routinely checked and renewed as necessary.
Slips, trips, and falls in the Anybody on-site. Possible x Brief all personnel.
 Water taps off when not in use.
vicinity of water taps due to Moderate =
wet/muddy ground and in Medium  Water must not be run directly onto the ground, soak away
showers. Risk provided.
 No washing up, personal washing or teeth cleaning to be
done at the external taps.
 Take care when showering, all wet floors are
potentially slippery.
 Caution signs to be installed as required.
Anybody on-site. Probable x Brief all personnel.
Slips, trips, and falls on  Grass cut regularly.
Minor =
camping field due to uneven Medium  Signs up, handrails on steps, trip hazard.
ground. Risk  All personnel to wear footwear at all times when walking around
the campsite.
 Walkways should be kept clear of any obstructions.
 Notices in place when necessary – ‘Use at your own Risk’.
Anybody on-site. Probable x Brief all personnel.
Manual handling i.e. Pushing,  Weight of loads carried to be controlled by campsite
Minor =
Pulling, Lifting, Lowering or supervisors – pack sensibly, consider weights before lifting.
carrying a load Risk  Staff who carry out manual handling activities should be
provided with manual handling training that reflects the type
of manual handling tasks they perform and also the ability to
assess manual handling activities to determine if the task can
be performed safely.
 Use trolleys or wheelbarrows etc. when necessary
 Water containers to be of suitable size if being carried by
 Workers should be given training in carrying out manual
handling assessments, how and when to avoid handling, how to
make use of mechanical lifting aids, multi-person lifting and
training in safe lifting.
Emergency situation Anybody on-site. Possible x Brief all personnel
 Signs detailing emergency services, contact numbers for
Minor = and security.
visitors to use are in place on site.
Low Risk
Campsite Security Anybody on-site. Possible x  Site is bounded by fencing with normally closed and Brief all personnel
Minor = padlocked main gate when not in use. and security
Low Risk  Abide by the security arrangements in place on the campsite.
 All site visitors to log in and present identification before
entering campsite

Zhongmei Embakasi Campsite Risk Assessment Revised Jan 2024 Page 3

 Valuables within the campsite to be kept in locked offices
 Report any suspicious activity to the security
Electricity. Anybody on-site. Probable x  All electricity supplied fitted and certified by a qualified Brief all personnel.
Minor = electrician. An electrical test on the installation will be
Medium conducted by a registered electrical contractor at least
Risk every five years, after any changes, faults or damage.
Residual Current Devices (RCDs) on all socket outlet
circuits should be tested at least twice annually.
 Only authorized and licensed operator to be allowed to
operate machinery
 Hook-ups to be connected by site staff.
 Signs over sink ‘caution hot water’ to avoid burns
 Electrical hazard signs posted
Risk of fire/ explosion. Anybody on-site. Probable x  Establish a fire alarm system. Brief all personnel.
Minor =  Establish Fire Assembly Point. –near CAMPSITE ENTRANCE.
Medium  Ensure Fire Brigade access is maintained at all times
Risk  Gas bottles to be switched off at valve when not in use.
 All gas bottles to be changed over in open air away from any
naked flames.
 No smoking in the campsite.
 Conduct fire safety check before retiring at night.
 No fireworks or Chinese lanterns.
 No wood-burning fires allowed.
 Use appropriate care when cooking ensuring a stable surface
and safe area. Do not leave the cooking apparatus unattended.
 Always have a means of extinguishing a fire nearby. Examples
are stored pressure extinguishers (permanent structures), Fire
blankets (cooking fire or clothing fire), Buckets of sand and Water
(easily contained fires) First Aid kits should contain Burns kits or
copious amounts of clean cold water to cool any burns.
Possible x Brief all personnel.
Use of toilet block  Be considerate and use facilities for what they are
= Medium
 Water supply to taps is not drinking water.
 No pot washing in hand sinks.
 Turn off all taps and do not create spillages.
 Be considerate to other users and do not leave towels,
debris, rubbish in public places.
 Level and securely in place.

Zhongmei Embakasi Campsite Risk Assessment Revised Jan 2024 Page 4

Waste management and Probable x Brief all personnel.
 The campsite has a zero-waste policy.
disposal of personal rubbish. Minor =
Medium  All rubbish must be taken away by camp occupants and visitors.
Risk  Re-cycling facilities are nearby.
 Burning of camp rubbish or waste forbidden
 Burying rubbish and waste at site forbidden.
 Toilet block sewage/black water disposal via
 underground septic tank.
 Sufficient waste bins to be appropriately distributed along
 Collection/removal of wastewater to be done appropriately
 Smoking Site clean up
Hygiene and food borne Anybody on-site Probable x  Since campsite facilities have flushing toilets, water and soap Brief all personnel.
illnesses especially campsite Minor = they should be maintained as this will be needed by camp
Medium occupants
Risk  Workers’ training to include importance of good personal
hygiene, food hygiene, how to preserve and fully cook high risk
foods and how to clean up afterwards and properly dispose of
any leftover foods to reduce the potential to attract vermin.
 Recognize the signs of food poisoning, provide first aid and seek
advanced medical care if necessary.
Water borne hazards Anybody on-site Possible x  Any showers in campsites should be run at their hottest setting Brief all personnel.
(Legionella, E Coli, especially campsite Minor = for one minute after any prolonged period of non-use. Shower
Cryptosporidi- um etc) Low Risk heads should be removed and disinfected quarterly. This helps
to kill any possible legionella in the shower head.
 All potable (drinking) water on permanent campsites to come
from municipal supply or a regularly tested and certified
 Non potable water can be used for flushing toilets and
anywhere it will not be ingested (or used for teeth brushing).
 Water contaminated by microorganisms can be sanitized
whereas water contaminated by chemical toxins cannot be
sanitized. Where the source of natural water nearby is
unlikely to contain chemical toxins it can be made potable by
treating it in any of the following three ways:
o Boiling it for 1 minute or
o Use chemical sterilization (water purification
tablets) as instructed or

Zhongmei Embakasi Campsite Risk Assessment Revised Jan 2024 Page 5

o Use water filtration or purification systems.
Illness caused by Plants and Anybody on-site Possible x  Cover any cuts or abrasions with a waterproof Brief all personnel.
Animals especially campsite Moderate dressing while showering
= Medium  Make sure any sporting clothing worn by workers
Risk minimizes their contact with water
 Wash hands after handling any contaminated clothing and
always before eating or drinking
 Clean any cuts acquired during near-water activities.
Apply first aid as soon as possible
 If you get a flu-like illness within a three-week period after
engaging in any of these activities you should visit your
doctor immediately, and tell her or him of your concerns and
possible exposure to dirty or stagnant water.
 Bites and stings – apply first aid. Consider using an insect
Chemical products (hygiene Anybody on-site Unlikely x  Only keep chemical products that are used on the campsite. Brief all personnel.
products, oils, paints, especially campsite Moderate = Request from the supplier a copy of the Safety Data Sheet
solvents, herbicides, Low Risk (SDS) for all chemical products that are in regular use on the
pesticides) campsite. The SDS provides details of the hazards and
precautions to take when using the product as well as first aid
 Restrict access to authorized and responsible persons only.
Use only as directed and advise users of the precautions to take
and first aid measures.
 Dispose of according to manufacturer’s instructions and in
accordance with local laws.
 Consider possible non intended consequences of using
herbicides and pesticides on the campsite before considering
their use.
Personal injury from sharp Those inside store. Unlikely x Brief all personnel.
 Storeroom normally locked and only opened when accessed by
tools, chemicals or falling Moderate =
maintenance crew.
items in store Low Risk
room.  Routine housekeeping maintains a safe environment
Misuse of tools by those Those misusing tools Unlikely x Brief all personnel.
 Main store normally kept locked except when approved request
unauthorized to use them. or bystanders in Moderate =
forms are issued
Low Risk
vicinity where tools are

Zhongmei Embakasi Campsite Risk Assessment Revised Jan 2024 Page 6

Theft of equipment from Management Unlikely x  Store kept locked when not in use and CCTV system fitted. Brief all personnel.
inside store/ workshop Moderate =
Low Risk
Maintenance and service Mechanics and other Possible x  All machinery should only be used by Approved persons only
machinery associated risks workers in vicinity Moderate =  All machinery and equipment must be maintained so it is safe in
Medium use and all guarding and interlocks are in place, working and
secure when the machinery or equipment is in service.
 Petrol generators should be avoided owing to the increased fire
risk. Where they are used for small jobs they should be sited well
away from tents, buildings or combustible materials.
Kitchen users (with Possible x Fire escape door direct from Kitchen to outside.
Fire & Smoke Risk. Moderate Fire extinguisher provided (serviced annually).
potential impact on
= Medium Safety blankets provided.
Assembly building

Kitchen users. Possible x Professionally installed and maintained gas stoves and ovens.
Injury through contact with hot Moderate Kitchen activities supervised.
surfaces = Medium

Kitchen users. Unlikely x Equipment professionally installed and maintained.

Gas leak risk. Moderate = Kitchen gas appliances isolation valve in kitchen plus isolating
Low Risk valve in external locker near main entrance.
Two extraction hoods over stove area with warning Notice for both
to be in use when gas hobs/ovens in use.

Kitchen users. Unlikely x Individual equipment items instruction manuals in ring binder in kitchen.
Misuse of kitchen equipment Moderate = Main cooker instructions posted on wall.
e.g. ovens, stoves etc leading Low Risk Kitchen area normally 'no go' for young people with cooking activities
to personal injury.
carried out by adults and/or supervised.

Kitchen users. Unlikely x Thermostat fitted to water heater.

Risk of scalding from sink hot Moderate =
taps hot water. Kitchen usage only under supervision.
Low Risk

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