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Digital AC Motors
Project Planning Manual


DOK-MOTOR*-MKD********-PR05-EN-P Indramat
About this Documentation Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Title Digital AC Motors MKD

Type of documentation Project Planning Manuel

Documentation code DOK-MOTOR*-MKD********-PR05-EN-P

Internal file reference • Document number : 120-1500-B302-05/EN

• Replaces drawing number 209-0069-4377-04

What is the purpose of this The following documentation helps...

• in the familiarization with digital MKD AC Motors
• to plan the mechanical integration into the installation
• to plan the electrical connections
• to connect the motor
• to order or identify a motor
• to determine the required motor cable and connector

Course of modifications Document identification of Release Comments

previous and present output Date
DOK-MOTOR*-MKD********-PRJ2-EN-P Sept 96 1st edition (not printed)
DOK-MOTOR*-MKD********-PRJ2-EN-P Jan 97 Motor feedback: digital Servo
feedback (MSF) - obsolete
DOK-MOTOR*-MKD********-PR05-EN-P Mai 99 3rd edition

Copyright  INDRAMAT GmbH, 1999

Transmission as well as reproduction of this documentation, commercial
use or communication of its contents will not be permitted without
expressed written permission. Violation of these stipulations will require
compensation. All rights reserved for the issuance of the patent or
registered design. (DIN 34-1)

Validity All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation
and the availability of the product.

Published by INDRAMAT GmbH • Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 • D-97816 Lohr a. Main

Telephone 09352/40-0 • Tx 689421 • Fax 09352/40-4885
Dept. ECM5 (JW)

Note This document has been printed on chlorine-free bleached paper.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Contents I

1 Introducing the MKD Digital AC Servo Motors ................................................. 1-1
1.1 General Features ............................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Versions ............................................................................................................................................. 1-3
1.3 Motor feedback................................................................................................................................... 1-3

2 Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives............................................................ 2-1

2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Hazards due to Improper Use ............................................................................................................ 2-2
2.3 General Information............................................................................................................................ 2-3
2.4 Protection against contact with electrical parts and enclosures not grounded .................................. 2-4
2.5 Protection by protective low voltage (PELV) against electrical shock .......................................... 2-5
2.6 Protection against dangerous movements......................................................................................... 2-6
2.7 Protection against magnetic and electromagnetic fields during operation and when mounting ........ 2-7
2.8 Protection against contact with hot parts ........................................................................................... 2-8
2.9 Protection during handling and installation ........................................................................................ 2-8

3 Mechanical Integration Into the Machine........................................................... 3-1

3.1 Environmental Conditions .................................................................................................................. 3-1
Maximum Installation Elevation and Ambient Temperature .............................................................. 3-1
Maximum Vibration and Shock Demands .......................................................................................... 3-3
Base Coat and Housing Finish........................................................................................................... 3-4
3.2 Construction and Mounting Orientation.............................................................................................. 3-4
3.3 Output Shafts ..................................................................................................................................... 3-5
Available Designs............................................................................................................................... 3-5
Shaft loads ......................................................................................................................................... 3-5
3.4 Surface Cooling.................................................................................................................................. 3-7
3.5 Holding Brake..................................................................................................................................... 3-8
3.6 Connecting Variants and Cable Output Directions ............................................................................ 3-9
3.7 Speed and Torque............................................................................................................................ 3-12

4 Electrical Connections ........................................................................................ 4-1

4.1 Terminal Overview ............................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Connecting Motors with Terminal Boxes............................................................................................ 4-2
Terminal diagram ............................................................................................................................... 4-2
Power Cables ..................................................................................................................................... 4-3
Feedback Cables ............................................................................................................................... 4-6
Technical Data of the Power and Feedback Cables.......................................................................... 4-7
Individual Components....................................................................................................................... 4-7

II Contents Digitale AC Motoren MKD

4.3 Connections for Motors with Plug-In Connections ............................................................................. 4-8

Terminal diagram ............................................................................................................................... 4-8
Power Cables ..................................................................................................................................... 4-9
Feedback cable ................................................................................................................................ 4-14
Technical Data of the Power and Feedback Cables........................................................................ 4-15
Individual Components..................................................................................................................... 4-16

5 MKD025 ................................................................................................................ 5-1

5.1 Technical data .................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Speed/torque characteristics.............................................................................................................. 5-2
5.3 Data on determining maximum shaft load.......................................................................................... 5-3
5.4 Dimensional data................................................................................................................................ 5-4
5.5 Available Versions and Type Codes .................................................................................................. 5-6

6 MKD041 ................................................................................................................ 6-1

6.1 Technical data MKD041 ..................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Technical data MKD041 „without painted coating“ ............................................................................ 6-3
6.3 Speed/torque characteristics MKD041............................................................................................... 6-4
6.4 Speed/torque characteristics MKD041 „without painted coating“ ...................................................... 6-5
6.5 Data on determining maximum shaft load.......................................................................................... 6-6
6.6 Dimensional data................................................................................................................................ 6-7
6.7 Available Versions and Type Codes .................................................................................................. 6-8

7 MKD071 ................................................................................................................ 7-1

7.1 Technical data .................................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Speed/torque characteristics.............................................................................................................. 7-3
7.3 Data on determining maximum shaft load.......................................................................................... 7-4
7.4 Dimensional data................................................................................................................................ 7-5
7.5 Available Versions and Type Codes .................................................................................................. 7-6

8 MKD090 ................................................................................................................ 8-1

8.1 Technical data MKD090 ..................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Technical data MKD090 „without painted coating“ ............................................................................ 8-3
8.3 Speed/torque characteristics MKD090............................................................................................... 8-4
8.4 Speed/Torque Characteristics - MKD090 „without painted coating“ .................................................. 8-6
8.5 Data on determining maximum shaft load.......................................................................................... 8-7
8.6 Dimensional data................................................................................................................................ 8-8
8.7 Available Versions and Type Codes .................................................................................................. 8-9

9 MKD112 ................................................................................................................ 9-1

9.1 Technical data .................................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Speed/torque characteristics.............................................................................................................. 9-4
9.3 Data on determining maximum shaft load.......................................................................................... 9-7
9.4 Dimensional data................................................................................................................................ 9-8
9.5 Available Versions and Type Codes ................................................................................................ 9-10

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Contents III

10 Condition at Delivery......................................................................................... 10-1

10.1 General Information........................................................................................................................ 10-1
10.2 Releasing the Metal Bands............................................................................................................. 10-1
10.3 Documents...................................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.4 What is Included in the Delivery ..................................................................................................... 10-2

11 Identifying the merchandise ............................................................................. 11-1

11.1 Delivery slip .................................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.2 Barcode stickers ............................................................................................................................. 11-1
11.3 Name plate ..................................................................................................................................... 11-1

12 Storage, transport and handling ...................................................................... 12-1

12.1 Notes on packaging........................................................................................................................ 12-1
12.2 Storage ........................................................................................................................................... 12-1
12.3 Transportation and handling........................................................................................................... 12-1

13 Mounting and Installation ................................................................................. 13-1

13.1 General Information on Mounting ................................................................................................... 13-1
13.2 Mounting the Motor......................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.3 Connecting the Motor ..................................................................................................................... 13-2
Mounting Standard Cables to Motors with Terminal Boxes ............................................................. 13-3
Changing Cable Output Direction in Motors with Terminal Boxes................................................... 13-4
Connecting Standard Cables to Motors with Plug-in Connectors.................................................... 13-5
Changing the Direction of the Power and Feedback Connections .................................................. 13-5
13.4 Connecting and Mounting Blower Connector................................................................................. 13-9
13.5 Refinishing the holding brake ....................................................................................................... 13-10

14 Service Guidelines ............................................................................................ 14-1

14.1 Replacing the battery...................................................................................................................... 14-1
14.2 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................... 14-3
14.3 Contacting Customer Service......................................................................................................... 14-3
14.4 Fault report ..................................................................................................................................... 14-3

15 Index ................................................................................................................... 15-1

16 Kundenbetreuungsstellen - Sales & Service Facilities .................................. 16-1

IV Contents Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Introducing the MKD Digital AC Servo Motors 1-1

1 Introducing the MKD Digital AC Servo Motors

1.1 General Features

Applications In conjunction with digital intelligent INDRAMAT drives, MKD AC servo
motors create cost-effective automatization systems for a broad range of
industrial applications in such areas as
• machine tools
• transfer machines
• handling systems
• printing presses
• packaging machines
• textile machines
• the food processing industries (specific motor types that are required
"without painted coating“)
• ...

Advantages The salient advantages of MKD motors are:

• high operating reliability
• maintenance-free operations (due to the brushless design and the use
of lifetime lubricated bearings)
• implementation even under adverse environmental conditions (due to
the completely sealed motor design with protection category IP 65)
• overload protection (accomplished with motor temperature monitoring)
• high performance data
• high dynamics (favorable power to weight ratio)
• high overload capacities (as a result of favorable heat conduction from
the stator windings to the outside wall of the motor)
• peak torque which can be used over a broad speed range
(accomplished with electronic commutation)
• continuous start-stop operations with high repetitive frequencies are
possible (accomplished with electronic commutation)
• easy mounting to the machine (with a flange as per DIN 42948)
• any mounting orientation
• pinions and belt pulleys can be directly mounted (the design of the
bearing shaft accomodates high radial loads)
• simple cabling (accomplished with ready-made cables available in
various designs)
• simple and rapid commissioning (as a result of data storage
capabilities in the motor feedback)

1-2 Introducing the MKD Digital AC Servo Motors Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Power overview Motors with the following continuous torques at standstill and rated
speeds are available:







in min-1
MdN convection
in Nm
without painted


MKD025 MKD041 MKD071












in min-1
without painted


in Nm





40 MKD_D


20 MKD_B

MKD090 MKD112

Fig. 1-1: Continuous torque at standstill for the available MHD motors

Structure and components MKD motors are permanent magnet-excited motors with electronic
commutation. Special magnetic materials permit a design with low inertia.
The following illustrates the principle structure of MKD motors.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Introducing the MKD Digital AC Servo Motors 1-3

Motor feedback

Rotor shaft

Rotor with
Stator with Holding brake
permanent magnets X01MH81.fh7
winding (optional)
Fig. 1-2: The structure of an MKD motor

1.2 Versions
MKD motors are available in different versions:
Motor feedback They are available with
• relative rotor position evaluation (standard) or
• absolute rotor position evaluation (optional).
For details see section 1.3.
Holding brake Optional. For a safe holding of the axes at standstill when power to the
motor is shutdown. For details see section
Output shaft They are available as
• plain shaft (standard) or
• shaft with keyway (optional).
For details see section 3.3.
Electrical connections These are motor-specific and use either
• a terminal box or
• plugin connectors.
For details see section 3.6.

1.3 Motor feedback

The drive controller requires the current position of the motor to regulate
motor speed or when positioning the motor. The integrated motor
feedback makes available to the drive controller such signals as are
needed to perform this function. The drive controllers are, in turn,
equipped to transmit the determined position value to a superordinate
Feedback data storage The feedback electronics are equipped with data memory in which motor
type designations, control loops and motor parameters are stored.
The digital intelligent drive controllers from INDRAMAT can read this data
thus guaranteeing
• an easy and quick commissioning

1-4 Introducing the MKD Digital AC Servo Motors Digitale AC Motoren MKD

• and an automatic adjustment between motor and drive controllers,

avoiding any damage to the motor.

MKD motors are available with two position-evaluation principles, viz.,

• relative position evaluation and
• absolute position evaluation.

Technical data of the motor feedback

Designation Resolver Resolver
feedback feedback (RSF)
(RSF) with integrated
absolute encoder
measuring principle inductive
position resolution at the MKD025, 041: 3 x 2 = 24 576
motor MKD071, 090, 112: 4 x 2 = 32 768
information / rotations
system accuracy ±8 angle minutes
position detection type relative absolute (within
range of 4096 motor
Fig. 1-3: Technical data of the motor feedback

Note: The MDD or MHD lines of motors are available if higher

performance levels are required.

Resolver feedback (RSF) For relative indirect position detection. Replaces a separate incremental
encoder on the motor.
Features of the digital resolver feedback: Given a power failure or after
the initial POWER ON, it is necessary to first run the axis to its reference
point, or home, before work can begin.
⇒ When placing the reference point switches and during the referencing
procedure itself, it must be taken into account that during the course
of a mechanical motor revolution several zero pulses are generated.
This is the result of the operating principle of the resolver. Therefore
note that
• there are three (3) zero pulses per revolution with the MKD 025 and
MKD 041
• and four (4) zero pulses per revolution with the MKD 071, 090 and
⇒ For this reason, avoid transmission ratios that are too large or feed
constants that are too small.

Resolver feedback (RSF) with For absolute indirect position detection within a range of 4096 motor
integral multiturn absolute revolutions. Replaces a separate absolute encoder on the motor.
The absolute axis position of this feedback variant is retained even after
power has been shutdown because of the battery backup it is equipped
with. The battery has a lifespan of approximately ten (10) years.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives 2-1

2 Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives

2.1 Introduction
These instructions must be read and understood before the equipment is
used to minimize the risk of injury to personnel and / or property damage.
Follow these safety instructions at all times.
Do not attempt to install, use or service this equipment without first
reading all documentation provided with the product. Please read and
understand these safety instructions, and all user documentation of the
equipment, prior to working with the equipment at any time. You must
contact your local INDRAMAT representative if you cannot locate the
documentation for your equipment. A listing of INDRAMAT offices is
supplied in the back of this manual. Request that your representative
send this documentation immediately to the person or persons
responsible for the safe operation of this equipment.
If the product is resold, rented or lent out and/or otherwise transferred or
passed on to others, then these safety instructions must accompany it.

Improper use of this equipment, failure to follow the

attached safety instructions, or tampering with the
product, including disabling or disconnecting the
safety device, may result in injury, severe electrical
WARNING shock or death and property damage!

2-2 Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives Digitale AC Motoren MKD

2.2 Hazards due to Improper Use

High voltage and high discharge current!

Danger to life, risk of severe electrical shock and risk of

Dangerous movements!
Danger to life and risk of injury or equipment damage by
unintentional motor movements!

High electrical voltages due to incorrect connections!

Danger to life, severe electrical shock and serious bodily

Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers,

metal implants and hearing aids when in proximity to
electrical equipment!

Surface of machine housing could be extremely hot!

Danger of injury!
Danger of burns!

Risk of injury due to incorrect handling!

Bodily injury caused by crushing, shearing, cutting and
thrusting movements!

Risk of injury due to incorrect handling of batteries!


Digitale AC Motoren MKD Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives 2-3

2.3 General Information

• INDRAMAT GmbH is not liable for damages resulting from failure to
observe the warnings given in these instructions.
• Order operating, maintenance and safety instructions in your
language before starting up the machine. If your language is not
available, then numerous other languages are. Please select one that
you understand perfectly.
• Proper and correct transport, storage, assembly and installation as
well as care in operation and maintenance are prerequisites for
optimal and safe operation of this equipment.
• Personnel trained and qualified to handle electrical equipment:
Only trained and qualified personnel may work on this equipment or
within its proximity. Personnel are qualified if they have sufficient
knowledge of the assembly, installation, and operation of the product
as well as an understanding of all warnings and precautionary
measures noted in these instructions.
Furthermore, they should be trained, instructed, and qualified to switch
electrical circuits and equipment on and off, to ground them, and to
identify and mark them according to the requirements of safe work
practices and common sense. They must be adequately equipped and
trained in first aid.
• Use only spare parts approved by the manufacturer.
• All safety regulations and requirements for the specific application
must be followed as practiced in the country of use.
• The equipment is designed for installation on commercial machinery.
• Start-up is only permitted once it is sure that the machine in which the
product is installed complies with the requirements of national safety
regulations and safety specifications of the application.
European countries: see Directive 89/392/EEC (Machine Guideline).
• Operation is only permitted if the national EMC regulations for the
application are met.
The instructions for installation in accordance with EMC requirements can
be found in the INDRAMAT document "EMC in Drive and Control
The machine builder is responsible for compliance with the limiting values
as prescribed in the national regulations and specific EMC regulations
for the application.
European countries: see Directive 89/336/EEC (EMC Guideline).
U.S.A.: See National Electrical Codes (NEC), National Electrical
Manufacturers Association (NEMA), and local building codes. The
user of this equipment must consult the above noted items at all times.
• Technical data, connections and operational conditions are specified
in the product documentation and must be followed.

2-4 Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives Digitale AC Motoren MKD

2.4 Protection against contact with electrical parts and

enclosures not grounded
Note: This section pertains to equipment and drive components that
conduct voltages exceeding 50 volts.

Touching live parts with potentials of 50 volts and higher applied to them
or touching not grounded enclosures can be dangerous and cause
severe electrical shock. In order for electrical equipment to be operated,
certain parts must have dangerous voltages applied to them.

High Voltage!
Danger to life, severe electrical shock and risk of injury!
⇒ Only those trained and qualified to work with or on
electrical equipment are permitted to operate, maintain
and / or repair this equipment.
⇒ Follow general construction and safety regulations
when working on electrical installations.
⇒ Before switching on power, the ground wire must be
permanently connected to all electrical units according
to the connection diagram.
⇒ At no time may electrical equipment be operated if the
ground wire is not permanently connected, even for
brief measurements or tests.
⇒ Before beginning any work, disconnect mains or the
voltage source from the equipment. Lock the
equipment against being switched on while work is
being performed.
⇒ Wait five (5) minutes after switching off power to allow
capacitors to discharge before beginning work.
Measure the voltage on the capacitors before
beginning work to make sure that the equipment is safe
to touch.
⇒ Never touch the electrical connection points of a
component while power is turned on.
⇒ Before switching the equipment on, install those covers
and guards provided with the equipment to prevent
contact with live parts. Before operating, cover and
secure live parts properly so they cannot be touched.
⇒ A residual-current-operated protective device (r.c.d.)
must not be used on an AC drive! Indirect contact must
be prevented by other means, for example, by an
overcurrent protective device.
European countries: according to EN 50178/ 1994.
⇒ Electrical components with exposed live parts must be
installed in a control cabinet to prevent direct contact.
European countries: according to EN 50178/ 1994.
U.S.A: See National Electrical Codes (NEC), National
Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), and local
building codes. The user of this equipment must
consult the above noted items at all times.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives 2-5

High housing voltage! High leakage current!

Danger to life and limb, danger of injury from electric
DANGER ⇒ Prior to powering up, connect the electrical equipment,
the housing of all electrical units and motors to the
protective conductor at the grounding points or ground
them. This applies even to brief tests.
⇒ The protective conductor of the electrical equipment
and units must always be connected to the supply
network. Leakage current exceeds 3.5 mA.
⇒ Use at least a 10 mm copper conductor cross section

for this protective connection over its entire course!

⇒ Prior to startups, even for brief tests, always connect
the protective conductor or connect to ground wire.
High voltage levels can occur on the housing that could
lead to severe electrical shock and personal injury.
European countries: EN 50178 / 1994, section
USA: See National Electrical Codes (NEC), National
Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and local
building codes. The user of this equipment must consult
the above noted at all times.

2.5 Protection by protective low voltage (PELV) against

electrical shock
All connections and terminals with voltages ranging between 5 and 50
volts on INDRAMAT products are protective low voltages designed in
accordance with the following standards on contact safety:
• International: IEC 364-4-411.1.5
• EU countries: see EN 50178/1994, section

High electrical voltages due to incorrect connections!

Danger to life, severe electrical shock and/or serious
bodily injury!
⇒ Only that equipment or those electrical components
and cables may be connected to all terminals and
clamps with 0 to 50 volts that are of the protective low
voltage type (PELV = Protective Extra Low Voltage).
⇒ Only connect those voltages and electrical circuits that
are safely isolated. Safe isolation is achieved, for
example, with an isolating transformer, an
optoelectronic coupler or when battery-operated.

2-6 Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives Digitale AC Motoren MKD

2.6 Protection against dangerous movements

Dangerous movements can be caused when units have bad interfaces or
motors are connected incorrectly.
There are various causes of dangerous movements:
• Improper or incorrect wiring or cable connections
• equipment is operated incorrectly
• probe parameters or encoder parameters are set incorrectly
• malfunctioning components
• errors in software or firmware

Dangerous movements can occur immediately after equipment is

switched on or even after an unspecified time of trouble-free operation.
Although the monitoring circuits in the drive components make improper
operation almost impossible, personnel safety requires that proper safety
precautions be taken to minimize the risk of personal injury and/or
property damage. This means that unexpected motion must be
anticipated since the safety monitoring devices built into the equipment
might be nullified or incapacitated by incorrect wiring or other faults.

Dangerous movements!
Danger to life and risk of injury or equipment damage!
⇒ In the drive component monitoring units, every effort is
made to avoid the possibility of faulty operation in
connected drives. Unintended machine motion or other
malfunctions are possible if monitoring units are
disabled, bypassed or not activated.
⇒ Safe requirements of each individual drive application
must be considered on a case-by-case basis by users
and machine builders.

Avoiding accidents, injury and/or property damage:

⇒ Keep free and clear of the machine’s range of motion

and moving parts. Prevent people from accidentally
entering the machine’s range of movement:
- use protective fences
- use protective railings
- install protective coverings
- install light curtains / barriers
⇒ Fences should be strong enough to withstand the
maximum possible momentum.
⇒ Mount the emergency stop (E-stop) switch within the
immediate reach of the operator. Verify that the
emergency stop works before starting up. Do not
operate the machine if this device is not working.
⇒ Isolate the drive power connection by means of an
emergency stop circuit or use a start inhibit system to
prevent unintentional start-up.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives 2-7

⇒ Make sure that the drives are standing still before

accessing or entering the danger zone.
⇒ Disconnect electrical power to the equipment using a
master lock-out and secure against reconnection for:
- maintenance and repair work
- cleaning of equipment
- long periods of discontinued equipment use
⇒ Avoid operating high-frequencies, remote controls
and radio equipment near electronics and supply
leads. If use of such equipment cannot be avoided,
check the system and the plant for possible
malfunctions at all possible positions of normal use
before the first start-up. If necessary, perform a
special electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test on
the plant.

2.7 Protection against magnetic and electromagnetic fields

during operation and when mounting
Magnetic and electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of current-carrying
conductors and permanent motor magnets represent a serious health
hazard to persons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and hearing

Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers,

metal implants and hearing aids in proximity to
electrical equipment!
⇒ Persons with pacemakers and metal implants are not
WARNING permitted to have access to the following areas:
− Areas in which electrical equipment and parts are
mounted, being operated or started up.
− Areas in which parts of motors with permanent
magnets are being stored, repaired or mounted.
⇒ If it is necessary for a person with a pacemaker to
enter into such an area, then a physician must be
consulted prior to doing so.
⇒ Persons with metal implants or hearing aids must use
caution when entering the areas described above. It is
assumed that metal implants or hearing aids will be
affected by such areas: A physician must be consulted
prior to working in and/or entering such areas.

2-8 Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives Digitale AC Motoren MKD

2.8 Protection against contact with hot parts

Surface of machine housing can be extremely hot!
Danger of injury! Danger of burns!
⇒ Do not touch housing surface near the source of heat!
Danger of burns!
⇒ Prior to accessing a unit, wait ten (10) minutes to
allow the unit to cool off.
⇒ If hot parts of the equipment are touched, such as the
unit housing in which heatsink and resistor are
located, then this can cause burns.

2.9 Protection during handling and installation

All INDRAMAT products should be handled and assembled according to
the instructions in the documentation.

Risk of injury due to incorrect handling!

Bodily injury caused by crushing, shearing, cutting, and
thrusting movements!
⇒ Observe installation instructions and safety regulations
before handling and working on the product.
⇒ Use suitable lifting or moving equipment during
installation. Refer to the user manual for the product.
⇒ Take precautions to avoid pinching and crushing.
⇒ Only use suitable tools specified in the user manuals
and use them according the instructions.
⇒ Use lifting devices and tools correctly and safely.
⇒ Wear appropriate protective clothing, e.g., protective
goggles, safety shoes, protective gloves.
⇒ Never stand under suspended loads.
⇒ Wipe up all spills immediately to prevent slipping.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Mechanical Integration Into the Machine 3-1

3 Mechanical Integration Into the Machine

3.1 Environmental Conditions

Maximum Installation Elevation and Ambient

Rated data The power data of the motor apply to:
• Ambient temperatures of 0º up to +45º C
• Installation elevations of 0 up to 1000 m above sea level

Exceeding rated data If the motors are to be used above this range, then the "Load capacity
factors" must be taken into account. This derates power data.
⇒ In cases like this, check whether the power data still suffice for your
application. To determine the load capacity factor, see Fig. 3-1.
Values exceeding those illustrated for temperature or installation
elevations are basically not permitted!

Note: Possible motor damage and forfeiture of guarantee!

Motors operated outside the specified range could be damaged.
The guarantee is also forfeited. Therefore, please note the
following instructions!

Load dependent on ambient Load dependent on

temperature 1 elevation greater
than 1000 m
1 0,8
Load factor fH
Load fctor fT

0,8 0,6

40 45 50 55 0 1000 2000 3000
Amb. temp. in °C Instl. elev. above 1000 m

Fig. 3-1: Load capacity factor as dependent on ambient temperature and

installation elevation

Should either the ambient temperature or the installation elevation

exceed rated data:
⇒ Multiply the continuous torque at standstill data specified in the
selection lists with the load capacity factor which was determined.
⇒ Make sure that the application does not exceed derated torque.
If both ambient temperature and installation elevation exceed rated data:
⇒ Multiply the determined load capacity factors fT and fH.
⇒ Multiply the determined value with the continuous torque data at
standstill listed in the selection lists of the motor.
Make sure that the derated torque data are not exceeded by your

3-2 Mechanical Integration Into the Machine Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Protection Category The construction of the MKD motors meets the protection category
demands as outlined in DIN VDE 0470, sec. 1, edition dated 11/1992 (EN
60 529):
The area of the motor Protection
Motor housing, output shaft, power and feedback
connections (only with correct mounting) IP 65
blower motor IP 44
surface cooling (blower grids) and blower connections IP 24
Fig. 3-2: Areas of protection of MKD motors

The protection category is identified by the abbreviation IP (International

Protection) and two numbers for the level of protection.
The first number specifies the level of protection against contact and
penetration of extrinsic objects. The second number specifies the
protection level against water.
First Protection level against contact and extrinsic
number objects
6 Protection against penetration by dust (dust proof); complete
contact protection
4 Protection against penetration by solid objects with a diameter
exceeding 1mm
2 Protection against penetration by solid objects with a diameter
exceeding 12 mm
⇒ Keep fingers or similar sized objects away!
Second Protection level against water
5 Protection against a jet of water from a nozzle coming from all
directions against the housing (jet of water).
4 Protection against water coming from all directions against the
housing (jet of water).
Fig. 3-3: IP protection categories

Note: The tests for the second number are conducted with fresh water.
If any cleansing processes are conducted at high pressures or
using solvents, lubricants or such, then higher protection
categories may be needed.

Danger to personnel or damage to property!

Incorrectly connected power and feedback connections
could endanger personnel or damage motors!
⇒ Make sure that the power and feedback connections
have been properly connected.
⇒ Use the MKD motors only in that environment which
is covered by the specified category.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Mechanical Integration Into the Machine 3-3

Maximum Vibration and Shock Demands

Note: MKD motors are suited for demands made by pressing, punching
or press feed operations if they are mounted in a shock-damped
or shock-decoupled manner. The construction of such mounts
depends on their use and should be tested.

Note: Motor damage and loss of the guarantee!

• Motors operated outside of the specified range could be damaged.
Doing so also means that the guarantee is forfeited. Please note the
following instructions!

In accordance with IEC 721-3-3, ed. 1987 or EN 60721-3-3, ed. 6/1994

MKD motors may only be operated in a stationary, weather-protected
manner under the following conditions:
• longitudnal axis of the motor: as per class 3M1
• lateral axis of the motor: as per class 3M4
⇒ Make sure that the limit values for storage, transport and operation of
MKD motors as specified in Fig. 3-4 and Fig. 3-5 are not exceeded.

Variable Unit Maximum value Maximum

in longitudinal vaue in
axis lateral axis
Amplitude of displacement mm 0.3 3.0
at 2 to 9 Hz
Amplitude of acceleration m/s² 1 10
at 9 to 200 Hz
Fig. 3-4: Limit data for sinusoidal oscillations

Variable Unit Maximum value Maximum

in longitudinal value in
axis lateral axis
Total shock response type L type I
spectrum (per IEC721-1
edition 1990; table 1,
section 6)
Reference accel (in IEC m/s² 40 100
721 peak accel specified)
Duration ms 22 11
Fig. 3-5: Limit data for shock loads

Note: MDD and MHD motors have higher maximum values.

3-4 Mechanical Integration Into the Machine Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Note: Motors with mounted blowers are not suited for applications with
shock loads such as occur with:
- Punching,
- Pressing
- or gantry axes.
In these cases, use motors without surface cooling that have
higher torques

Base Coat and Housing Finish

Delivery state: Base coat black (RAL 9005)
Resistance: against weathering, yellowing, chalking,
diluted acids and caustic substances.
An additional coat may be applied. Its thickness should not exceed 40µm.
Special designs For special applications, e.g., within the food industry, MKD motors
without housing finishes are available.

Note: In the case of motors without painted coating the torque data is
derated by about 15 to 20%. The technical data and the
speed/torque characteristics of such motors are specified in
sections „6 “ and „8 “!

3.2 Construction and Mounting Orientation

Construction: B05 for flange mounting
Mounting orientation: any
The following mounting orientations are allowed and meet the
requirements specified in DIN IEC 34-7, ed. dtd. 12/1992:
• IM B5 (horizontal)
• IM V1 (vertical, output shaft downward)
• IM V3 (vertical, output shaft upwards)

Fig. 3-6: Mounting orientations

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Mechanical Integration Into the Machine 3-5

Penetration by liquids!
With IM V3 mounted motors it is possible that liquids can
collect at the output shaft over an extended period of
time and then ultimately damage the motor.
⇒ Therefore make sure that this cannot happen.

3.3 Output Shafts

Available Designs
Plain output shafts For a backlash-free and non-postive torque transmission.
⇒ Use clamping sets, pressure sleeves or similar clamping components
for coupling pinions, belt pulleys or similar drive elements.

Output shaft with keyway (Per DIN 6885, sh. 1; ed. dtd. 08/1968). For the form-fitting transmission
of torque with low demands at the shaft-hub connection.

Damage to the shaft

During powerful reverse operations the bottom of the key
can turn out. Ever-increasing deformations can cause
the shaft to break.
⇒ The use of plain output shafts is thus recommended.

Shaft loads
Radial and axial forces effect the output shaft:




Fig. 3-7: Shaft loads

Note: Damage to motor and loss of guarantee!

The motors could be damaged by excessive shaft loads which
shortens the service life. The guarantee is also forfeited in this
case. It is therefore advisable to note the following instructions!

Maximum allowable radial force The maximum allowable radial force Fradial_max depends on the shaft load.
Fradial_max It is determined in terms of distance x of the point of application of force
and the design of the output shaft (plain shaft or shaft with keyway .
Sections 5 through 9 contain "Speed and Torque".

3-6 Mechanical Integration Into the Machine Digitale AC Motoren MKD

⇒ Using the characteristics specified there, determine the maximum

allowable radial force Fradial_max for your application.
⇒ Make sure that the radial force determined is not exceeded during

Allowable radial force Fradial The allowable radial force Fradial depends on the service life desired. It is
fixed by the arithmetically calculated speed of the motor n mittel and the
distance x of the point of application of force (see Fig. 3-7).
Sections 5 through 9 contain "Speed and Torque".
⇒ Using the characteristics specified there, determine the maximum
allowable radial force Fradial for your application.
⇒ Make sure that the radial force determined is not exceeded during

Fradial-max Fradial-max
(shaft with (plain shaft)



Fig. 3-8: Diagram on maximum allowable radial force - example

Allowable axial force Faxial It is proportional to the allowable radial force Fradial .
The proportionality factor is also specified in sections 5 to 9 "Data on
determining maximum shaft load“.
⇒ Using the specified formula determine the maximum allowable axial
force Faxial for your application.
⇒ Make sure that the determined axial force is not exceeded during
operations. Relative to this, please note the following!

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Mechanical Integration Into the Machine 3-7

Note: As a result of thermal effects, the flanged end of the output shaft
can shift up to 0.6 mm with respect to the motor housing. If drive
pinions or bevel gear pinions with helical teeth are used and
directly mounted to the output shaft, then this could cause
deformation in length. In other words:
• there can be a shifting – of position of the axis if the drive pinion is
not permanently axially fixed or
• of a thermally dependent component of the axial force if the drive
pinion is permanently axially affixed to the machine. The danger
exists, in this case, that the maximum allowable axial force is
exceeded or the backlash within the teeth rises to unacceptably high
It is therefore advisable, in such cases, to use drive elements with
bearings that are connected to the motor shaft via axially
compensating coupling units.

Bearing service life L10h If the allowable radial and axial forces are not exceeded, then the
following applies to the nominal bearing lifespan:
L10h = 30,000 operating hours (calculating per ISO 281, ed. dtd. 12/1990).

Bearing service life otherwise drops as follows:

 Fradial 
L10h =   ⋅ 30000
 Fradial _ ist 
L10h: bearing service life (per ISO 281, ed. dtd. 12/1990) in hours
Fradial: determined allowable radial force in N
Fradial_ist: actual radial force in N
Fig. 3-9: Calculating bearing service life L10h if allowable radial force Fradial is

Note: The actually effective radial force Fradial_ist may at no time exceed
maximum allowable radial force Fradial_max.

Mounting drive elements Note: When mounting drive elements to the output shaft avoid
redundant bearings. The inevitable tolerances generate
additional forces that affect the bearings of the motor shaft which,
in turn, could reduce service life. If redundant bearings must be
used, then please consult Indramat!

3.4 Surface Cooling

For extreme loads such as continuous start/stop operations with high
repetitive frequencies, it is possible to mount a radial surface cooling
device to MKD071, MKD090 and MKD112 motors.
Blower motors to operate supply voltages 1xAC230 V and 1xAC115 V
are available.

3-8 Mechanical Integration Into the Machine Digitale AC Motoren MKD


Fig. 3-10: Example of an MKD motor with radial surface cooling

The radial surface cooling device is delivered mounted to the motor and
is specified in the order as a subitem of the motor. For detailed
information on how to order, see section 7 to 9 .

3.5 Holding Brake

Option For holding the servo axis when power to the machine is off.
The holding brake uses the "electrical release" principle. If the power is
off, then the magnetic force acts on the brake disc. This clamps the brake
and holds the axis.
Applying the 24 VDC compensates the magnetic field of the continuous
magnet by means of the electrially generated magnetic field which
causes the brake to open.
The drive controller controls the holding brake. This ensures the correct
on and off switching sequence in all operating states.

Falling axes!
Danger to personnel by pinching or severing body parts.
⇒ The holding brake alone does not guarantee
personnel safety. Using superordinate structural
DANGER measures such as protective fences or a second
brake mean that personnel safety can be better

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Mechanical Integration Into the Machine 3-9

Premature wear of holding brake is possible!

The holding brake wears down after about 20000 motor
revolutions when closed.
⇒ Therefore, do not use the holding brake as if it were a
CAUTION brake that stops moving axes. It should only be used
in an emergency situation.

Note: If motors have been stored for extended periods then the
transmittable torque of the holding brake must be checked before
the motor is used. If the torque as specified in the data sheets is
not achieved, then it is necessary to adjust the holding brake.

⇒ Please note the data specified in section 13.5 „Refinishing the holding

3.6 Connecting Variants and Cable Output Directions

Depending on the motor, different connections are possible (such as
terminal box or plug-in connections). The table below outlines possible
variants as dependent on motor types.
Motor type Terminal box Plug-in
MKD025 MKD025A MKD025B
MKD041 all types ---
MKD071 MKD071B-035 ---
MKD090 MKD090B-035
MKD090B-047 ---
MKD112 - all types
Fig. 3-11: Allocating connections to motor types

As shown in Fig. 3-12 it is possible to determine the output direction of

the cable if the terminal box variant is selected. It is fixed at the time of
mounting. The desired cable output direction of motors that use plug-in
connectors has to be specified in the order.

3-10 Mechanical Integration Into the Machine Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Connection Possible output directions

Plug-in type
Range where output
(MKD025B) directions may Range (270°)
overlap. feedback connection

Range (270°)
Power connection

Terminal box Power cable feedback cable

(MKD 025, MKD 041
MKD 071, MKD 090)

Feedback cable power cable

(State at delivery)

Plug-in type Power cable feedback cable

(MKD 112)

Feedback cable Power cable

(State at delivery
Feedback cable Power cable

power cable Feedback cable


Fig. 3-12: Possible cable output directions

Note: The output direction specified at the time that the order is placed
can be changed at the time of mounting should this be
necessary. See section 13 for details on this.

If feedback cables with angle feedback connectors are used in motors

with plug-in connectors, then the output direction of the feedback cable is
set at the factory and is side B of the motor.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Mechanical Integration Into the Machine 3-11

Feedback connector


Fig. 3-13: MKD motor with angle feedback connector

Note: The cable output direction of the angle feedback connector can
be altered at the time of mounting. See section 13 for details.

3-12 Mechanical Integration Into the Machine Digitale AC Motoren MKD

3.7 Speed and Torque

The speed/torque curves illustrate
• torque limit data
• speed limit data and
• operating curves.
Sections 5 to9, contain a diagram for each motor.
Use this diagram in order to
• determine maximum usable speeds with known torque requirements;
• check whether the thermal limits of the motors are maintained. This
means that the root-mean-square torque achieved with a limit cycle
with the arithmetically determined speed (arithmetic average) must lie
below the S1 continuous operating characteristic curve (MdN).
• Enter the data from the selection lists in the selection documentation.


[6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1]


MdN (surface



Fig. 3-14: Diagram for determining speed/torque curves - an example

Mmax Corresponds to the theoretically possible maximum torque of the motor.

The drive controller can limit it.

Note: The selection lists of the selection documents always specify the
maximum torque of a motor/controller combination.

MKB S6 intermittent operating curve at 25% ON time of a motor with natural

convection cooling or 56% ON time if the motor has surface cooling (as
per DIN VDE 0530, ed. dtd. 07/1991). The maximum duty cycles time for
• the MKD 025 is ten (10) minutes
• and 15 minutes for the MKD 041, 071, 090 and 112.
MdN S1 continuous operating curve of motor (per DIN VDE 0530, ed. dtd.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Mechanical Integration Into the Machine 3-13

Curves (1) to (8) At the peak or "knee" speed, maximum achievable usable speed
depends on the available torque. As this maximum speed is determined
by the DC bus voltage, separate curves result for each individual drive
controller in terms of the supply unit used and possibly its supply voltage.
1. HDS or HDD on an HVR power supply unit.
2. HDS or HDD on an HVE power supply unit connected to a mains of
3 x AC 480 V -or- DKC....-...-7 with a mains of 3 x AC 480 V.
3. HDS or HDD on an HVE power supply unit connected to a mains of
3 x AC 440 V -or- DKC....-...-7 connected to 3 x AC 440 V.
4. HDS or HDD on an HVE power supply unit connected to a mains of
3 x AC 400 V -or- DKC....-...-7 conneted to 3 x AC 400 V.
5. DKC ...-...-3 with a mains connection of 3 x AC 230 V.
6. DKC ...-...-3 with a mains connection of 1 x AC 230 V.

3-14 Mechanical Integration Into the Machine Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Electrical Connections 4-1

4 Electrical Connections

4.1 Terminal Overview

The electrical connections of INDRAMAT drives have been standardized.
MHD AC motors are equipped with:
• power connections which include temperature sensor and holding
brake and
• a feedback connection.
Depending on the motor, the connections are either a terminal box or a
separate connector. For details on this see section 3.6 .

8 assembled in
power cable
Motor temp. switch


U Holding brake


10 assembled in
feedback cable a01mh82p.fh7

Fig. 4-1: Schematic terminal diagram of an MKD motor

Indramat does not supply the cables for the blowers of surface-cooled.
For detailed connection and mounting instructions of the blower
connector see Section 13.4 .

4-2 Electrical Connections Digitale AC Motoren MKD

4.2 Connecting Motors with Terminal Boxes

Terminal diagram

Note: Only the direct connection between motor and drive controller is
illustrated. The terminal diagrams can, however, be used for all
other types of connection such as with intermediate connector, as
the allocation of the motor and drive controller connections does
not change.

MKD Motor

WH 0,52 1
GN 0,252 5
Feedback connector S3
BN 0,252 3
(view from front) S1
PK 0,252 9
GY 0,252 7
2 4 6 8 10 BN 0,52 10 Motor
R1 feedback
1 3 5 7 9
BK 0,252 2
RD 0,252 4
BU 0,252 6
VT 0,252 8

1 in the
housing lid

to drive X1
controller A1
1 U1 U1

2 V1 V1 M
3 W1 W1

5 T1 1
TM+ or T1 PTC
6 T2 2
TM- or T2
Br+ or BR 7 Br+ +


Br- or 0VB Br- -

Motor holding

Fig. 4-2: Diagram for MKD motor with terminal box

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Electrical Connections 4-3

Power Cables
It is better to equip motors with terminal boxes with standard, ready-made
power cables. These power cables are available as
• direct connections or
• connections with intermediate plugs

⇒ Find that cable type designation suitable to your motor/controller

combination in the table below.

Selecting the length Available cable lengths: 2 to 75 meters.

⇒ When ordering, just specify the cable type and the desired length.
Example: IKG4020 / 10.5 (= power cables for DKC, length 10.5

Note: The maximum total length of the cable connection of the motor to
the drive controller with two intermediate connections equals 75
meters. In the event that more than two intermediate connections
should be required, then the maximum total length could be
reduced. This change should be tested.

4-4 Electrical Connections
Motor Cooling Direct connection DIAX04/ ECODRIVE03
MKD Terminal DKCxx.1/2 DKCxx.1/2 DKCxx.3 HDD02.x HDS03.x
strip 30/40A 8
100A 1
HDS02.x 7
HDS04.x 7
7 6

5 2 4 5 5
3 4
T1 4 3 2 3
2 1 2 3
Br- 1 1

4 1 4
U1 3 2
V1 3
W1 4 2
5 1

025A-144 natural convection IKG4013 IKG0006 --- IKG4020 IKG4018 ---

Fig. 4-3:

025B-144 natural convection IKG4013 IKG0006 --- IKG4020 IKG4018 ---

041B-143 natural convection IKG4013 IKG0006 --- IKG4020 IIKG4018 ---

041B-144 natural convection IKG4013 IKG0006 --- IKG4020 IKG4018 ---

Power cable - terminal box - Table 1

071B-035 natural convection IKG4013 IKG0006 IKG4015 IKG4020 IKG4018

071B-035 surface cooling IKG4013 IKG0006 IKG4015 IKG4020 IKG4018

071B-061 natural convection IKG4013 IKG0006 IKG4015 IKG4020 IKG4018 ---

071B-061 surface cooling IKG4013 IKG0006 IKG4015 IKG4020 IKG4018 ---

090B-035 natural convection IKG4013 IKG0006 IKG4015 IKG4020 IKG4018 ---

090B-035 surface cooling IKG4013 IKG0006 IKG4015 IKG4020 IKG4018 ---

090B-046 natural convection IKG4013 IKG0006 IKG4015 IKG4020 IKG4018 ---

090B-047 natural convection IKG4013 IKG0006 IKG4015 IKG4020 IKG4018 ---


090B-047 surface cooling IKG4013 IKG0006 IKG4015 IKG4020 IKG4018 ---

090B-058 natural convection IKG4013 IKG0006 IKG4015 IKG4020 IKG4018 ---

Digitale AC Motoren MKD

090B-058 surface cooling IKG4013 IKG0006 IKG4015 IKG4020 IKG4018 ---


Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Motor Cooling Connection with intermediate point for DIAX04/ECODRIVE
MKD Terminal DKCx.1/2 DKCx.1/2 DKCxx.3 HDD/HDS HDS03
strip 30/40A 100A 8
40A HDS04
2 4
3 4
T1 4 3 2 3
T2 3
Br+ 2 1 2 3
Br- 1 1
4 1
U1 4
3 2
2 3
W1 3
1 4 2
5 1

025A-144 natural convection IKG4016 IKG4008 IKG4010 --- IKG4009 IKG4017 ---
Fig. 4-4:

025B-144 natural convection IKG4016 IKG4008 IKG4010 --- IKG4009 IKG4017 ---

041B-143 natural convection IKG4016 IKG4008 IKG4010 --- IKG4009 IKG4017 ---

041B-144 natural convection IKG4016 IKG4008 IKG4010 --- IKG4009 IKG4017 ---
Power cable - terminal box - Table 2

071B-035 natural convection IKG4016 IKG4008 IKG4010 IKG4007 IKG4009 IKG4017 ---

071B-035 surface cooling IKG4016 IKG4008 IKG4010 IKG4007 IKG4009 IKG4017 ---

071B-061 natural convection IKG4016 IKG4008 IKG4010 IKG4007 IKG4009 IKG0017 ---

071B-061 surface cooling IKG4016 IKG4008 IKG4010 IKG4007 IKG4009 IKG4017 ---

090B-035 natural convection IKG4016 IKG4008 IKG4010 IKG4007 IKG4009 IKG4017 ---

090B-035 surface cooling IKG4016 IKG4008 IKG4010 IKG4007 IKG4009 IKG4017 IKG4077

090B-046 natural convection IKG4016 IKG4008 IKG4010 IKG4007 IKG4009 IKG4017 IKG4077

090B-047 natural convection IKG4016 IKG4008 IKG4010 IKG4007 IKG4009 IKG4017 IKG4077

090B-047 surface cooling IKG4016 IKG4008 IKG4010 IKG4007 IKG4009 IKG4017 IKG4077

090B-058 natural convection IKG4016 IKG4008 IKG4010 IKG4007 IKG4009 IKG4017 IKG4077

Electrical Connections 4-5

090B-058 surface cooling IKG4016 IKG4008 IKG4010 IKG4007 IKG4009 IKG4017 IKG4077

Leadthrough socket INS0685

Flange socket INS0683/C03 q12mk81p.fh7

4-6 Electrical Connections Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Feedback Cables
Motors with terminal boxes are generally and preferrably equipped with
standard, ready-made feedback cables.
These cables are available as:
• direct connections or
• connections with intermediate plugs

Direct Connection
Order type
Feedback standard Connection to
connect. cable HDD,HDS,DKC


15 1

Connection with intermediate point

Order type Order type
Feedback standard standard
connection cable Coupling cable

IKS4153/xxx,x e.g.
INK0448 INK0448 IKS4065
INS0716/C01 INS0713/C01

Leadthrough socket
INS0518/A01 Note
IKS4151/xxx,x Type designations INS... and INK... are order
INK0448 are order types for individual components

INS0544/C01 Y17VZD1A.fh7

Fig. 4-5: Standard feedback cable for connecting MKD motors with terminal box

Selecting the length Available cable lengths: two (2) to 75 meters.

⇒ When ordering, specify cable type and desired length.
Example: IKS0103 / 10.5 (= feedback cable, length 10.5 m).

Note: The maximum total length of the cable connection of the motor to
the drive controller with two intermediate connections equals 75
meters. In the event that more than two intermediate connections
should be required, then the maximum total length could be
reduced. This change should be tested.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Electrical Connections 4-7

Technical Data of the Power and Feedback

Name Unit Data
Type designations for standard 0006 4065
cables 4008 4103
IKG... or IKS... 4009 4151
4013 4153
4015 4374
Type designations for cables INK0653 INK0448
Cross sections of power and mm² 4 x 1.0 2 x 0.5
supply strands
Control strand cross section mm² 2x 4x
(Holding brake, temperature (2 x 0.75) (2 x 0.25)
monitor or control voltage)
Diameter mm 12.0 ±0.5 8.5 ±0.3
Minimum bend radius
with fixed routing mm 75 50
with flexible routing mm 120 90
(≥ 2 000 000 bends)
Specific cable weight kg/m 0.25 0.10
Protection category (transition
from cable to terminal box) when IP 65
correctly mounted
Chemical features absolute resistance to mineral oils and greases; hydrolysis
resistant, silicone and halogen free
Allowable storage temperature ºC -30 to +80
Allowable operating temperature ºC -30 to +40
Cable surface poor adhesion that prevents sticking in drag chains
Fig. 4-6: Technical data of power and feedback cables for MKD motors with
terminal box

Individual Components

Note: It is possible to make INDRAMAT cables. Detailed instructions on

how to customize cables are available with the document

The type designation of the required cable is specified in Fig. 4-6. The
connecting accessories (packaging insert in terminal box) of MKD motors
with terminal box is part of the overall delivery.

Note: The accessories needed to connect the motor cables to

INDRAMAT drive controllers is part of the general drive controller

4-8 Electrical Connections Digitale AC Motoren MKD

4.3 Connections for Motors with Plug-In Connections

Terminal diagram

Note: Only the direct connection between motor and drive controller
is illustrated. The terminal diagrams can, however, be used for
all other types of connection such as intermediate connectors
as the allocation of the motor and drive controller connections
does not change.

Feedback conn.
WH 0,52 10 Feedback conn. INS0510,
GN 0,252 6 0511, 0512 or 0513
S3 (looking onto solder side)
BN 0,252 5
PK 0,252 1
S4 9
GY 0,252 8 1 8
BN 0,52 12 Motor
R1 feedback 2 7
BK 0,252 3 10 12
FS 3 6
RD 0,252 2 11
SCL 4 5
BU 0,252 4
VT 0,252 7
1) 2)
Power connector INS 0681
(looking onto solder or crimping
Power connector
to drive 3) X1 D
controller A1
1 A A

2 B B M G F H
3 B L
3 C C
A3 A

Power connector
INS0481 or 0381
WH or 5 E E
TM+ or T1 PTC (looking to solder or crimping side)
BN or 6 H H
TM- or T2
Br+ or BR RD or 7 F F D

Br- or 0VB BK or 8 G G
1) 2) K J
Motor holding B

1) Shield connected via cable clamp of strain relief

2) Electrically conductive connection to motor housing
3) Min. cross section and power connector, see table on motor power connection cable cross section allocation a04mk81p.fh7

Fig. 4-7: Terminal diagram of and MKD AC motor with plug-in connector

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Electrical Connections 4-9

Power Cables
Motors with terminal boxes are generally and preferrably equipped with
standard, ready-made power cables.
Standard power cables are available with:
• direct connections
• connections with intermediate plugs
⇒ Use the following tables to select the cable designation suitable for
your motor/controller combination.

Selecting the length Available cable lengths: two (2) to 75 meters.

⇒ When ordering, specify cable type and desired length.
Example: IKG4020 / 10.5 (= power cables for DKC, length 10.5 m).

Note: The maximum total length of the cable connection of the motor to
the drive controller with two intermediate connections equals 75
meters. In the event that more than two intermediate connections
should be required, then the maximum total length could be
reduced. This change should be tested.

4-10 Electrical Connections
Motor Cooling Direct connection to DIAX04/ ECODRIVE03
MKD terminal DKCxx.1/2 DKCxx.1/2 DKCxx.3 HDD02.x HDS03.x
strip 30/40A 8
100A 1
HDS02.x 7
HDS04.x 7

5 2 4 5 5
3 4 4
4 3 2 3
3 3
2 1 2
1 1

4 1 4
3 2
2 3
4 2
5 1


025B-144 natural convection --- IKG4008 IKG4010--- --- IKG4009 IKG4017 ---
Fig. 4-8:

8 7
7 1 6 6
5 2 4 5 5
3 4 4
4 3 2 3
3 3
2 1 2
1 1
Power cables - plug-in connection - Table 1

4 1 4
3 2
2 3
4 2
5 1

INS0481 7

112A-024 natural convection IKG4053 --- IKG4065 IKG4060 IKG4055 IKG4047

112A-024 surface cooling IKG4053 --- IKG4065 IKG4060 IKG4055 IKG4047

112A-058 natural convection IKG4--- --- --- IKG--- IKG--- IKG---

112A-058 surface cooling IKG4--- --- --- IKG--- IKG--- IKG---

112B-024 natural convection IKG4053 --- IKG4065 IKG4060 IKG4055 IKG4047

112B-024 surface cooling IKG4083 --- --- IKG4090 --- IKG4087


112B-048 natural convection IKG4083 --- --- IKG4090 --- IKG4087

112B-048 surface cooling IKG4103 --- --- IKG4110 --- IKG4107

Digitale AC Motoren MKD

112B-058 natural convection IKG4083 --- --- IKG4090 --- IKG4087

112B-058 surface cooling IKG4123 --- --- IKG4130 --- IKG4127

112C-024 natural convection IKG4063 --- IKG4065 IKG4070 IKG4068 IKG4067

112C-024 surface cooling IKG4083 --- --- IKG4090 --- IKG4087


Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Motor Cooling Direct connection to DIAX04/ECODRIVE03
MKD Terminal DKCxx.1/2 DKCxx.1/2 DKCxx.3 HDD02.x HDS03.x
strip 30/40A 8
100A 1
HDS02.x 7
HDS04.x 7

7 6 6
6 4
5 2 5 5
3 4
4 3 2 4
3 3
1 2 3
1 1

4 1
3 2
2 3 3
1 4 2
5 1


112D-027 natural convection IKG4063 --- IKG4065 IKG4070 IKG4068 IKG4067

112D-027 IKG4103 --- --- IKG4110 --- IKG4107

Fig. 4-9:


8 7
7 1 6 6
5 2 4 5 5
3 4
4 3 4
3 2 3
2 1 2 3
Power cables - plug-in connection - Table 2

1 1

4 1 4
3 2
2 3
1 4 2
5 1


112C-058 natural convection IKG4143 --- --- IKG4150 --- IKG4147

112C-058 surface cooled IKG4183 --- --- --- --- IKG4186

Electrical Connections 4-11

4-12 Electrical Connections
Motor Cooling Connection with intermediate points for DIAX04/ECODRIVE
MKD Terminal DKCx.1/2 DKCx.1/2 DKCxx.3 HDD/HDS HDS03
strip 30/40A 8
100A 1
40A 7
HDS04 7
6 6 6
5 2 4 5 5
3 4
4 3 4
3 2 3
2 1 2 3
1 1
4 1
3 4
2 3 3
1 4 2
5 1

INS0681 7

025B-144 natural convection IKG4006 IKG4008 --- --- IKG4009 IKG4017

Fig. 4-10: Power cables - plug-in connection - Table 3

leadthrough socket INS0685

flange socket INS0683/C03

8 7
7 1 6
6 6
5 2 4 5 5
3 4
4 3 4
3 2 3
2 1 2 3
1 1
4 1
3 4
2 3 3
1 4 2
5 1
INS0481 6

112A-024 natural convection IKG4052 C02 IKG4051 IKG4053 --- --- IKG4060 IKG4055 IKG4047

112A-024 surface cooled IKG4052 C02 IKG4051 IKG4053 --- --- IKG4060 IKG4055 IKG4047

112A-058 natural convection IKG4--- IKG--- IKG4--- --- --- IKG--- IKG--- IKG---

112A-058 surface cooled IKG4--- IKG--- IKG4--- --- --- IKG--- IKG--- IKG---

112B-024 natural convection IKG4052 C02 IKG4051 IKG4053 --- --- IKG4060 IKG4055 IKG4047

Digitale AC Motoren MKD

112B-024 surface cooled IKG4082 C04 IKG4081 IKG4083 --- --- IKG4090 --- IKG4087

112B-048 natural convection IKG4082 C04 IKG4081 IKG4083 --- --- IKG4090 --- IKG4087

Flange socket INS0483/Cxx q15mk81p.fh7

Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Motor Cooling Connectio with intermediate point DIAX04/ECODRIVE
MKD Terminal DKCxx.1/2 DKCxx.1/2 DKCxx.3 HDD02.x HDS03.x
strip 30/40A 100A HDS02.x HDS04.x 7

8 7
7 1 6 6
5 2 4 5 5
3 4
4 3 2
3 3
2 1 2 3
1 1

4 1 4
3 2
1 4
5 1

INS0481 6

112B-048 surface cooled IKG4102 C06 IKG4101 IKG4103 --- --- IKG4110 --- IKG4107

112B-058 natural convection IKG4082 C04 IKG4081 IKG4083 --- --- IKG4090 --- IKG4087
Fig. 4-11: Power cables - plug-in connection - Table 4

112B-058 surface cooled IKG4122 L10 IKG4121 IKG4123 --- --- IKG4130 --- IKG4127

112C-024 natural convection IKG4062 C03 IKG4061 IKG4063 --- IKG4065 IKG4070 IKG4068 IKG4067

112C-024 surface cooled IKG4082 C04 IKG4081 IKG4083 --- --- IKG4090 --- IKG4087

112D-027 natural convection IKG4062 C03 IKG4061 IKG4063 --- IKG4065 IKG4070 IKG4068 IKG4067

112D-027 surface cooled IKG4102 C06 IKG4101 IKG4103 --- --- IKG4110 --- IKG4107

Flange socket INS0483/xxx

7 1 6 6
5 2 4 5 5
3 4
4 3 2
3 3
2 1 2 3
1 1

4 1 4
3 2
1 4
5 1

INS0381 7

Electrical Connections 4-13

112C-058 natural convection IKG4142 C06 IKG4141 IKG4143 --- --- IKG4150 --- IKG4147

112C-058 surface cooled IKG4182 C16 IKG4181 IKG4183 --- --- --- --- IKG4186

Flange socket INS0383/Cxx
4-14 Electrical Connections Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Feedback cable
Standard, ready-made cables can be used in motors with plug-in
These feedback cables are, like the power cables, available for „Direct
connection„ or „Connection with intermediate points„ as follows:
• as a „straight“ version
• or an „angled“ one.

Direct Connection
Motor Order type
flange Feedback standard Anschluß an
socket connector cables HDD,HDS,DKC


15 1
INS0514/. INS0439/C01


15 1

Connection with intermediate points

Motor Order type Order type
flange Feedback standard standard
socket connector cables Couplng cables


INS0713/C01 INS0716/C01


INS0716/C01 IKS4065
INS0514/. IKS4374

IKS4065/xxx,x Leadthrough socket

INK0448 INS0518/A01

INS0613/. INS0713/C01
INS0717/C01 Note:
IKS4066/xxx,x Typen designations INS... and INK...
INK0448 are order types for individual components.

Fig. 4-12: Feedback cable - plug-in connection - (straight type)

Selecting the length Available cable lengths: two (2) to 75 meters.

⇒ When ordering, specify cable type and desired length.
Example: IKS4374 / 10.5 (= Feedback cable for DKC and HDD/HDS,
length 10.5 m).

Note: The maximum total length of the cable connection of the motor to
the drive controller with two intermediate connections equals 75
meters. In the event that more than two intermediate connections
should be required, then the maximum total length could be
reduced. This change should be tested.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Electrical Connections 4-15

Technical Data of the Power and Feedback


Name Unit Data

Type designations of 4006 4047 4061 4081 4101 4121 4181 4065
standard, ready-made 4008 4051 4062 4082 4102 4122 4182 4066
cables 4009 4052 4063 4083 4103 4123 4183 4374
4017 4053 4065 4087 4107 4127 4186 4375
4055 4067 4090 4110 4130 4376
4060 4068 4141 4377
4070 4142
Type designations for 0653 0650 0602 0603 0604 0605 0606 0448
cables (non-standard)
Cross sections of power mm² 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 2x
and supply strands 1.0 1.5 2.5 4.0 6.0 10.0 16.0 1.0
Control strand cross section mm² 2x 2x 2x (2 x (2 x (2 x 2x 4x
(Holding brake, temperature 1.0) 1.0) 1.0)
sensor or control voltage) (2 x (2 x (2 x + + + (2 x (2 x
0.75) 0.75) 1.0) (2 x (2 x (2 x 1.5) 0.25)
1.5) 1.5) 1.5)
Diameter mm 12.0 12.2 12.2 17.8 18.6 22.5 27.6 8.8
±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.8 ±0.6 ±0.8 ±1.0 ±0.8 ±0.3
Minimum bend radius
with fixed routing mm 75 85 95 100 140 170 190 45
with flexible routing mm 120 140 160 180 190 230 280 90
(≥2 000 000 bends)
Specific cable weight kg/m 0.25 0.39 0.59 0.60 0.81 1.10 1.40 0.10
Protection category
(transition from cable to IP 65
terminal box) when correctly
Chemical features absolute resistance to mineral oils and greases;
hydrolysis resistant, silicone and halogen free
Allowable storage ºC -30 to +80

Allowable operating ºC -30 to +40


Cable surface poor adhesion, prevents sticking in drag chains

Fig. 4-13: Technical data of power and feedback cables for MKD motors with
plug-in connector

4-16 Electrical Connections Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Individual Components

Note: INDRAMAT cables can be made. Detailed customizing

instructions for motor connectors is available from Indramat in the
document DOK-CONNEC-CABLE*INSTR-MA01-EN-P. Indramat
connectors must, however, be used even if the cables are not.
When selecting the plug-in connector and when determining
cable cross sections, please note the following information.

Forfeiture of guarantee!
If Indramat cables are not used, then the guarantee for
the entire drive system is forfeited.
⇒ The use of Indramat cables is recommendedl!

Selecting power connectors and ⇒ Using the following selection lists, find the motor power connector and
cables cable cross sections required for the individual MKD motors.
⇒ Motor power cables are available either crimped or soldered.
⇒ Strain reliefs must be mounted in the conduit threads of the motor
power cables. This strain relief is not a part of the connector. The
dimensions of the conduit threads are listed in sections 5 to 9
„Dimensional data„.

Note: The accessories needed to mount motor cables to INDRAMAT

drive controllers are included in the overall delivery of the drive


Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Motortyp Cooling Motor phase curr. Min. cross section power conn. 1) Conn. Access.

Crimping Soldering
Indramat cable 2) Standard PVC cable 3) Indramat cable Standard
PVC cable
MKD... A mm² mm² AWG INS... INS... INS...

025B-144 natural convection 3,6 1,0 1,0 18 0680/C03 0680/C03 ---

112A-024 natural convection 9,9 1,5 1,5 16 0481/C02 0481/C02 0481/L10
112A-058 natural convection i.V. i.V. i.V. i.V. i.V. i.V. i.V.
112B-024 natural convection 15,5 1,5 2,5 14 0481/C02 0481/C03 0481/L10
Fig. 4-14: Allocation of motor to power connector to cable diameter

112B-024 surface 23,3 4,0 6,0 10 0481/C04 0481/C06 0481/L10

112B-048 natural convection 23,2 4,0 6,0 10 0481/C04 0481/C06 0481/L10
112B-048 surface 34,8 6,0 10,0 8 0481/C06 --- 0481/L10
112B-058 natural convection 28,8 4,0 6,0 10 0481/C04 0481/C06 0481/L10
112B-058 surface 43,2 10,0 --- --- --- --- 0481/L10
112C-024 natural convection 18,8 2,5 4,0 12 0481/C03 0481/C04 0481/L10
112C-024 surface 28,2 4,0 6,0 10 0481/C04 0481/C06 0481/L10
112C-058 natural convection 37,6 6,0 10,0 8 0381/C06 0381/C10 0381/L35
112C-058 surface 56,4 16,0 25,0 4 0381/C16 0381/C25 0381/L35
112D-027 natural convection 22,3 2,5 4,0 12 0481/C03 0481/C04 0481/L10
112D-027 surface 33,5 6,0 10,0 8 0481/C06 --- 0481/L10

Electrical Connections 4-17

1) Min. cross section power conn. as per EN 60204, sec. 1, table 5, col. B2, ed. 1992 or UL 508 table 50.2, ed.1989 at max. 40°C ambient temp.
2) with Indramat cables
3) with standard PVC cable per DIN EN 60204, ed. 1993
4) cable per UL 508 may only be connected by soldering to motor power cables
4-18 Electrical Connections Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Feedback connector ⇒ Using the following selection lists, select that feedback connector
which is suited to your application. Feedback connectors are available
either crimped or soldered.

Note: We recommend the use of a feedback connector with plastic

sheathing and integrated cable clamp with your Indramat cable
INK0448 (preferred) or INK0209. These feedback connectors are
best matched to Indramat cables and meet all EMC guidelines.
If non-Indramat cables are used, then use feedback connectors
in metal with conduit threads (clamping range for cable diameter
from six (6) to ten (10) mm).

Name Feedback connector for INDRAMAT- Feedback connetor for cable with an
cable INK0209 / INK0448 outside diameter of
six (6) to ten (10) mm
Crimping Soldering Crimping Soldering

1) 1)
Connector (straight) INS0713/C INS0713/L --- INS0512/L

Connector (angled) INS0511/C INS0511/L INS0510/C INS0510/L

1) Feedback connector with plastic sheathing

Fig. 4-15: Feedback connector

Note: The cable output direction of an angled feedback connector can

be altered at the time of mounting depending on the conditions at
the machine. See section 13.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD025 5-1

5 MKD025

5.1 Technical data

Designation Symbol Unit Data
Motor type MKD025A-144 MKD025B-144
1) -1
Nominal motor speed n min 9000 9000
2) 9)
Torque at standstill MdN Nm 0.4 0.9 (0.8)
Current at standstill IdN A 2.2 5.1 (4.5)
Theoretical maximum torque Mmax Nm 1.8 4.0
Peak current Imax A 10.0 23.0
4) -4 -4 10) -4
Moment of inertia of rotor JM kgm² 0.19x10 (0.27x10 ) 0.3 x 10
Torque constant at 20ºC Km Nm/A 0.2 0.20
Voltage constant at 20ºC KEeff V/1000 18.2 18.2
Windings resistance at 20ºC RA Ohm 7.3 2.7
Windings inductance LA mH 8.1 3.7
Thermal time constant Tth min 15 15
Mass mM kg 1.5 2.0
Electrical connections terminal box terminal box
plug-in connector
Allowable ambient temperatures Tum ºC 0 to +45
Allowable storage and transport TL ºC -20 to +80
Maximum installation elevation m 1000 above sea level
Protection category IP 65
Insulation class as per DIN VDE F
0530, part 1
Housing finish Basic black coat (RAL 9005)
1) Depends on torque requirements of application. For standard applications see nmax in the selection lists of the motor/controller
combination. The usable speed for other applications is determined using the required torque as specified in the speed/torque
2) Given 60 Kelvin overtemperature at the housing of the motor.
3) The achievable maximum torque depends on the drive controller used. Only the maximum torque Mmax specified in the selection
lists of the motor/controller combination are binding.
4) Without holding brake.
5) At 1,000 min-1 .
6) Given deviating ambient temperatures, see Section 3.1 .
7) Given deviating installation elevations, see Section 3.1 .
8) With correct mounting of power and feedback cables.
9) Value in brackets applies to motor with holding brake.
10) Moment of inertia of rotor applies to motor with resolver feedback; bracketed values apply to motor with resolver feedback with
integral multiturn absolute encoder
Fig. 5-1: Technical data MKD025

5-2 MKD025 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Designation Symbol Unit Data Holding brake

Holding torque MH Nm 1.0
Nominal voltage UN V DC 24 ±10%
Nominal current IN A 0.4
Moment of inertia JB kgm² 0.08 x 10
Release delay tl ms 4
Clamping delay tK ms 3
Mass mB kg 0.25
Fig. 5-2: Technical data holding brake MKD025 (Option)

5.2 Speed/torque characteristics

For details see Section 3.7 Speed and Torque, Page 3-12.



[1] [2] [3] [4]


0,5 0,4

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000

Fig. 5-3: Speed/torque characteristics MKD025A-144



[6] [5] [1] [2] [3] [4]


0,8 1)

0 1000
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
1) for motor with holding brake

Fig. 5-4: Speed/torque characteristics MKD025B-144

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD025 5-3

5.3 Data on determining maximum shaft load

For details see Section 3.3 Output Shafts, Page 3-6.
Allowable maximum radial force
Fradial_max and allowable radial
force Fradial

500 500

450 450

400 400

350 350
nmittel 750 min-1

300 300
750 min-1
1500 min-1
250 250
1500 min-1
3000 min-1
200 200
3000 min-1 4500 min-1
4500 min-1 5000 min-1
7500 min-1
150 5000 min-1 150 9000 min-1
7500 min-1
9000 min-1
100 100
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
x/mm x/mm


Fig. 5-5: MKD025: Allowable maximum radial force Fradial_max and allowable
radial force Fradial

Allowable axial force Faxial

Faxial = x ⋅ Fradial
x: 0.59 for MKD025A
0.55 for MKD025B

Faxial: allowable axial force in N

Fradial: allowable radial force in N
Fig. 5-6: MKD025: Allowable axial force Faxial

5-4 MKD025 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

5.4 Dimensional data


Power Feedback 45°
cable cable 98 45°
ø12.5±0.5 ø8.5±.5 56

M3-8 2,5 B 3

Ø9 k6

4 C
Ø40 j6




20 A 54


Detail Y:

Output direction of electrical terminal box

1x15º 1
The output direction of this box (power and feedback
cables) is selected at the time of mounting. Possible
directins are:
• to side A
2,5 • to side B side A side B

A Dimensional table: Side B is the output direction illustrated. The

Size Dim. A dimensions for side A as output direction can be
obtained by turning the terminal box around the X axis.
MKD 025 A 183 only without brake
MKD 025 B 236 with an without brake

B Motor as per DIN 42950, sec. 1, ed. 08.77, 2 Motor feedback

B5 for all mounting orientations • Resolver feedback (RSF) with integral
multiturn absolute encoder
C • Flange as per DIN 42948,ed. 11.65 The dimensions are identical.
• Position accuracy per concentricity,
excentriciy and coaxility to shaft as per
DIN 42955 tolerance class N, ed. 12.81
3 Holding brake:
D • Shaft end per DIN 748, sec. 3, ed. 07.75, • without
IEC 72, ed. 1971, cylindrical • with
• center drill hole DS M3 per The dimensions are identical.
DIN 332 sec. 2, ed. 05.83
max. screw tightening torque 0.7 Nm 4 Output shaft
• vibration severity level N per • plain shaft (preferred type)
DIN VDE 0530 sec. 14, ed. 02.93 • with keyway per DIN 6885 sh.1, ed. 08.68
(Note! balanced with entire key!)
2,5 16 1,8+0,1
3 N9

Matching keyway: DIN 6885-A 3 x 3 x 16,

not part of delivery.


16 m01mhb1p.fh7

Fig. 5-7: Dimensions sheet MKD025A, MKD025B

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD025 5-5


2,5 3

M3-8 A
Ø9 k6

4 B
Ø40 j6


20 Y 236



Detail Y:
1 Output directions of power and feedback
These output directions are selected at the time of

1x15º mounting. The direction can be set within a range of

270°. Make sure that the outputs do not overlap.

connection range
A Motor as per DIN 42950, sec. 1, ed. 08.77,
B5 for all mounting orientations
Power connection
B • Flange as per DIN 42948,ed. 11.65 range
• Position accuracy per concentricity, 2 Motor feedback
excentriciy and coaxility to shaft as per
DIN 42955 tolerance class N, ed. 12.81 • Resolver feedback (RSF)
• Resolver feedback (RSF) with integral
C • Shaft end per DIN 748, sec. 3, ed. 07.75, multiturn absolute encoder
The dimensions are identical.
IEC 72, ed. 1971, cylindrical
• center drill hole DS M3 per 3 Holding brake:
DIN 332 sec. 2, ed. 05.83 • without
max. screw tightening torque 0.7 Nm • with
• vibration severity level N per The dimensions are identical.
DIN VDE 0530 sec. 14, ed. 02.93
Output shaft
• plain shaft (preferred type)
• with keyway per DIN 6885 sh.1, ed. 08.68
(Note! balanced with entire key!)

2,5 16 1,8+0,1
3 N9

Matching keyway DIN 6885-A 3 x 3 x 16,

not part of delivery


16 m02mkb1p.fh7

Fig. 5-8: Dimensions sheet MKD025B (plug-in connection)

5-6 MKD025 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

5.5 Available Versions and Type Codes

Type codes: Example: M K D 0 2 5 B - 1 4 4 - G G 0 - K N
1. Name
Digital AC Motor MKD

2. Motor size 025

3. Motor length A

4. Windings code 144

5. Motor feedback
Resolver feedback (RSF) G
Resolver feedback (RSF) with integral multiturn encoder K

6. Output shaft
plain G
shaft with keyway DIN 6885 Blatt 1, Ausg. 08.68 P

7. Holding brake 2)
without 0
with 1

8. Power connection
terminal box (side B at delivery) K
connector can be turned over a range of 270° U

9. Other designs
none N
1) Motor length "A" only available with terminal box
2) Holding brake "1" only available with motor length "B".

Fig. 5-9: Type codes MKD025

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD041 6-1

6 MKD041

6.1 Technical data MKD041

Designation Symbol Unit Data
Motor type MKD041B-144
1) -1
Nominal motor speed n min 6000
Torque at standstill
Cooling natural convection MdN Nm 2.7
Current at standstill
Cooling natural convection IdN A 7.5
Theoretical maximum torque Mmax Nm 11.3
Peak current Imax A 34.0
4) -4
Moment of inertia of rotor JM kgm² 1.7 x 10
Torque constant at 20ºC Km Nm/A 0.40
Voltage constant at 20ºC KEeff V/1000 36.4
Windings resistance at 20ºC RA Ohm 1.8
Windings inductance LA mH 5.0
Thermal time constant Tth min 30
Mass mM kg 4.4
Electrical connections terminal box
Allowable ambient temperatures Tum ºC 0 to +45
Allowable storage and transport TL ºC -20 to +80
Maximum installation elevation m 1000 above sea level
Protection category IP 65
Insulation class as per DIN VDE 0530, F
part 1
Housing finish Basic black coat (RAL 9005)
1) Depends on torque requirements of application. For standard applications see nmax in the selection lists of the motor/controller
combination. The usable speed for other applications is determined using the required torque as specified in the speed/torque
2) Given 60 Kelvin overtemperature at the housing of the motor.
3) The achievable maximum torque depends on the drive controller used. Only the maximum torque Mmax specified in the selection
lists of the motor/controller combination are binding.
4) Without holding brake.
5) At 1000 min-1 .
6) Given deviating ambient temperatures, see Section 3.1 .
7) Given deviating installation elevations, see Section 3.1 .
8) With correct mounting of power and feedback cables.
Fig. 6-1: Technical data MKD041

6-2 MKD041 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Designation Symbol Unit Data Holding brake

Holding torque MH Nm 2.2
Nominal voltage UN V DC 24 ±10%
Nominal current IN A 0.34
Moment of inertia JB kgm² 0.16 x 10
Release delay tl ms 28
Clamping delay tK ms 14
Mass mB kg 0.25
Fig. 6-2: Technical data holding brake MKD041 (Option)

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD041 6-3

6.2 Technical data MKD041 „without painted coating“

Designation Symbol Unit Data
Motor type MKD041B-143
1) -1
Nominal motor speed n min 6000
Torque at standstill
Cooling natural convection MdN Nm 2.1
Current at standstill
Cooling natural convection IdN A 5.9
Theoretical maximum torque Mmax Nm 11.3
Peak current Imax A 34.0
4) -4
Moment of inertia of rotor JM kgm² 1.7 x 10
Torque constant at 20ºC Km Nm/A 0.40
Voltage constant at 20ºC KEeff V/1000 36.4
Windings resistance at 20ºC RA Ohm 1.8
Windings inductance LA mH 5.0
Thermal time constant Tth min 30
Mass mM kg 4.4
Electrical connections terminal box
Allowable ambient temperatures Tum ºC 0 to +45
Allowable storage and transport TL ºC -20 to +80
Maximum installation elevation m 1000 above sea level
Protection category IP 65
Insulation class as per DIN VDE 0530, F
part 1
Housing finish without
1) Depends on torque requirements of application. For standard applications see nmax in the selection lists of the motor/controller
combination. The usable speed for other applications is determined using the required torque as specified in the speed/torque
2) Given 60 Kelvin overtemperature at the housing of the motor.
3) The achievable maximum torque depends on the drive controller used. Only the maximum torque Mmax specified in the selection
lists of the motor/controller combination are binding.
4) Without holding brake.
5) At 1000 min-1 .
6) Given deviating ambient temperatures, see Section 3.1 .
7) Given deviating installation elevations, see Section 3.1 .
8) With correct mounting of power and feedback cables.
Fig. 6-3: Technical data MKD041

6-4 MKD041 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Designation Symbol Unit Data Holding brake

Holding torque MH Nm 2.2
Nominal voltage UN V DC 24 ±10%
Nominal current IN A 0.34
Moment of inertia JB kgm² 0.16 x 10
Release delay tl ms 28
Clamping delay tK ms 14
Mass mB kg 0.25
Fig. 6-4: Technical data holding brake MKD041 (Option)Speed/torque

6.3 Speed/torque characteristics MKD041

For details see Section 3.7 „Speed and Torque“, Page 3-12.


[6] [5] [1] [2] [3] [4]



0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

Fig. 6-5: Speed/torque characteristics MKD041B-144

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD041 6-5

6.4 Speed/torque characteristics MKD041 „without painted

For details see Section 3.7 Speed and Torque, Page 3-12 .


[6] [5] [1] [2] [3] [4]



0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

Fig. 6-6: Speed/torque characteristics MKD041B-143

6-6 MKD041 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

6.5 Data on determining maximum shaft load

For details see Section 3.3 „Output Shafts, Page 3-5.
Allowable maximum radial force Fradial_max and allowable radial force Fradial




500 500 min-1

1000 min-1

300 2000 min-1

3000 min-1
4000 min-1
5000 min-1
200 6000 min-1


0 10 20 30

Fig. 6-7: MKD041: Allowable maximum radial force Fradial_max and allowable
radial force Fradial

Allowable axial force Faxial

Faxial = 0,45 ⋅ Fradial
Faxial: allowable axial force in N
Fradial: allowable radial force in N
Fig. 6-8: MKD041: Allowable axial force Faxial

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD041 6-7

6.6 Dimensional data

17,5 1
Power 45°

Feedback 52 45°
cable cable
ø12.5±0.5 ø8.5±.5 98 56
M5-12,5 2,5 A 3
Ø14 k6

4 B

Ø50 j6



30 243 4



Detail Y:

,6 Options:
1 Output direction of electrical terminal box

The output direction of this box (power and feedback
30 cables) is selected at the time of mounting. Possible
directins are:
• to side A
• to side B side A side B

A Motor as per DIN 42950, sec. 1, ed. 08.77,

B5 for all mounting orientations Side B is the output direction illustrated. The
dimensions for side A as output direction can be
B obtained by turning the terminal box around the X axis.
• Flange as per DIN 42948,ed. 11.65
• Position accuracy per concentricity,
excentriciy and coaxility to shaft as per
DIN 42955 tolerance class N, ed. 12.81 2 Motor feedback

C • Shaft end per DIN 748, sec. 3, ed. 07.75, • Resolver feedback (RSF)
IEC 72, ed. 1971, cylindrical • Resolver feedback (RSF) with integral
• center drill hole DS M5 per multiturn absolute encoder
DIN 332 sec. 2, ed. 05.83 The dimensions are identical.
max. screw tightening torque 3.0 Nm
• vibration severity level N per 3 Holding brake:
DIN VDE 0530 sec. 14, ed. 02.93
• without
• with
The dimensions are identical.

4 Output shaft
• plain shaft (preferred type)
• with keyway per DIN 6885 sh.1, ed. 08.68
(Note! balanced with entire key!)

3 20 3+0,1
5 N9

Matching keyway: DIN 6885-A 5 x 5 x 20,

not part of delivery.



Fig. 6-9: Dimensions sheet MKD041

6-8 MKD041 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

6.7 Available Versions and Type Codes

Type codes: Example: M K D 0 4 1 B - 1 4 4 - G G 0 - K N
1. Name
Digital AC Motor MKD

2. Motor size 041

3. Motor length B

4. Windings code 143 1)


5. Motor feedback
Resolver feedback (RSF) G
Resolver feedback (RSF) with integral multiturn encoder K

6. Output shaft
plain G
shaft with keyway DIN 6885 Blatt 1, Ausg. 08.68 P

7. Holding brake
without 0
with 1

8. Power connection
terminal box (side B at delivery) K

9. Other designs
none N

1) Motor with windings cost "143" has not painted coating. t01mkc1p.fh7

Fig. 6-10: Type codes MKD041

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD071 7-1

7 MKD071

7.1 Technical data

Designation Symbol Unit Data
Motor type MKD071B-035 MKD071B-061
1) -1
Nominal motor speed n min 2500 4500
Torque at standstill
Cooling natural convection MdN Nm 8.0 8.0
mode surface cooled MdN Nm 12.0 12.0
Current at standstill
Cooling natural convection IdN A 6.3 11.2
mode surface cooled IdN A 9.5 16.8
Theoretical maximum torque Mmax Nm 32.0 32.0
Peak current Imax A 28.3 50.0
4) -4 -4
Moment of inertia of rotor JM kgm² 8.7 x 10 8.7 x 10
Torque constant at 20ºC Km Nm/A 1.38 0.77
5) -1
Voltage constant at 20ºC KEeff V/1000 min 125.5 70.0
Windings resistance at 20ºC RA Ohm 4.55 1.45
Windings inductance LA mH 23.0 7.2
Thermal time constant Tth min 45 45
Mass mM kg 8.8 8.8
Electrical connections terminal box terminal box
Allowable amb. temperatures Tum ºC 0 to +45
Allowable Storage and transport TL ºC -20 to +80
Max. installation elevation m 1000 above sea level
Protection category IP 65
Insulation class as per DIN VDE F
0530, part 1
Housing finish Basic black coat (RAL 9005)
1) Depends on torque requirements of application. For standard applications see nmax in the selection lists of the motor/controller
combination. The usable speed for other applications is determined using the required torque as specified in the speed/torque
2) Given 60 Kelvin overtemperature at the housing of the motor.
3) The achievable maximum torque depends on the drive controller used. Only the maximum torque Mmax specified in the selection
lists of the motor/controller combination are binding.
4) Without holding brake und blower unit.
5) At 1,000 min-1 .
6) Given deviating ambient temperatures, see Section 3.1 .
7) Given deviating installation elevations, see Section 3.1 .
8) With correct mounting of power and feedback cables.

Fig. 7-1: Technical data MKD071

7-2 MKD071 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Designation Symbol Unit Data Holding brake

Holding torque MH Nm 5.0
Nominal voltage UN V DC 24 ±10%
Nominal current IN A 0.56
Moment of inertia JB kgm² 0.72 x 10
Release delay tl ms 38
Clamping delay tK ms 20
Mass mB kg 0.62
Fig. 7-2: Technical data holding brake MKD071 (Option)

Designation Symbol Unit Surface cooling data

Nominal voltage UN V 1 x AC 230 1 x AC 115
±10% ±10%
Nominal current IN A 0.1 0.2
Power consumption SN VA 18 17
Frequency f Hz 50 60
Fig. 7-3: Technical data on surface cooling MKD071 (Option)

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD071 7-3

7.2 Speed/torque characteristics

For details see Section 3.7 Speed and Torque, Page 3-12 .


[4] [3] [2] [1]




0 1000 2000 3000 4000

Fig. 7-4: Speed/torque characteristics MKD071B-035


[6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1]




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Fig. 7-5: Speed/torque characteristics MKD071B-061

7-4 MKD071 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

7.3 Data on determining maximum shaft load

For details see Section 3.3 Output Shafts, Page 3-6.

Allowable maximum radial force

Fradial_max and allowable radial
force Fradial 1600


500 min-1

1000 min-1

2000 min-1
600 3000 min-1
4000 min-1
5000 min-1
6000 min-1

0 10 20 30 40


Fig. 7-6: MKD071: Allowable maximum radial force Fradial_max and allowable
radial force Fradial

Allowable axial force Faxial

Faxial = 0,5 ⋅ Fradial
Faxial: allowable axial force in N
Fradial: allowable radial force in N
Fig. 7-7: MKD071: Allowable axial force Faxial

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD071 7-5

7.4 Dimensional data

17,5 50,5

Power Feedback
cable 45° 45°
ø12.5±0.5 ø8.5±.5 98
9,5 1 56
C 3 A
M6-16 R1


4 B
Ø19 k6
Ø95 j6

3 2

40 Y 264 5 115

Detail Y:

R1 Options:

1 Output direction of electrical terminal box


The output direction of this box (power and feedback
40 cables) is selected at the time of mounting. Possible
directins are:
• to side A
3 • to side B side A side B

A Motor as per DIN 42950, sec. 1, ed. 08.77,

B5 for all mounting orientations Side B is the output direction illustrated. The
dimensions for side A as output direction can be
B • Flange as per DIN 42948,ed. 11.65 obtained by turning the terminal box around the X axis.
• Position accuracy per concentricity,
excentriciy and coaxility to shaft as per
DIN 42955 tolerance class N, ed. 12.81
2 Motor feedback
C • Shaft end per DIN 748, sec. 3, ed. 07.75,
IEC 72, ed. 1971, cylindrical • Resolver feedback (RSF)
• center drill hole DS M6 per • Resolver feedback (RSF) with integral
DIN 332 sec. 2, ed. 05.83 multiturn absolute encoder
max. screw tightening torque 5.0 Nm The dimensions are identical.
• vibration severity level N per
DIN VDE 0530 sec. 14, ed. 02.93 3 Holding brake:
• without
5 Cooling mode: • with
• natural convection (dim. see above) The dimensions are identical.
• radial surface cooling
4 Output shaft
• plain shaft (preferred type)
• with keyway per DIN 6885 sh.1, ed. 08.68
(Note! balanced with entire key!)
4 32 3,5+0,1

6 N9


132 96 142
Matching keyway: DIN 6885-A 6 x 6 x 32
Possible arrangements:
not part of delivery.
(looking from front

onto motor shaft)

below left right 32 m01mkh1p.fh7

Fig. 7-8: Dimensions sheet MKD071B-035, MKD071B-061 (with terminal box)

7-6 MKD071 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

7.5 Available Versions and Type Codes

Type code: Example: M K D 0 7 1 B - 0 6 1 - G G 0 - K N
1. Name
Digital AC Motor MKD

2. Motor size 071

3. Motor length B

4. Widnings code 035

097 1)

5. Motor feedback
Resolver feedback (RSF) G
Resolver feedback (RSF) with integral multiturn absolute encoder K

6. Output shaft
plain shaft G
shaft with keyway per DIN 6885 Blatt 1, Ausg. 08.68 P

7. Holding brake
without 0
with 1

8. Power connection 2)
terminal box (state at delivery: to side B) K
to side A A
to side B B
to the right looking onto motor shaft, R
Stecker nach links connetor housing on top L

9. Other designs
none N
1) Windings code "097" only with drive controllers with a DC bus voltage of 300V ;
do not use motors for "new applications".
2) Power connector only with code "097".

Fig. 7-9: Type codes MKD071

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD071 7-7

Type codes: Example: L E M D -R B 0 7 1 B 1 XX

1. Name
blower unit for motor LEM

2. Group
MDD motors D1)

3. Cooling
radial R

4. Cooling direction
blowing B

5. Size of cooled motor

MHD071 071

6. Length of cooled motor

Motor length B B

7. Nominal conn. voltage

1 x AC 230V 1
1 x AC 115V 2

8. Arrangement of blower unit

Arrangement selected at time of mounting XX
1) Same as radial blower for MDD071 T02MHH1P.fh7

Fig. 7-10: Type codes radial blower unit

To purchase a motor with surface cooling device mounted it is necessary

to enter the relevant, above-referenced type designations of the radial
blower unit onto the order as a subitem of the MKD motor noting the
desired blower orientation. If the bower unit is specified as a separate
order item, then it will be delivered separate of the motor, in other words,
not mounted.

Order position Designation

1 1 digital AC motor

1.1 1 blower unit

mounted to pos. 1 blower arranged left
Fig. 7-11: Order info for an MKD motor with attached blower unit

Order position Designation

1 1 digital AC motor

2 1 blower unit
Fig. 7-12: Order info for an MKD motor with separate blower unit

7-8 MKD071 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD090 8-1

8 MKD090

8.1 Technical data MKD090

Designation Symbol Unit Data
Motor type MKD090B-035 MKD090B-047 MKD090B-058
1) -1
Nominal motor speed n min 2500 3200 4000
Torque at standstill
Cooling natural convection MdN Nm 12.0 12.0 12.0
mode surface cooled MdN Nm 18 15.0 12.0
Current at standstill
Cooling natural convection IdN A 11.0 13.2 17.5
mode surface cooled IdN A 16.5 16.5 17.5
Theoretical maximum torque Mmax Nm 43.5 43.5 43.5
Peak current Imax A 49.5 59.4 79.0
4) -4 -4 -4
Moment of inertia of rotor JM kgm² 43 x 10 43 x 10 43 x 10
Torque constant at 20ºC Km Nm/A 1.22 1.0 0.77
Voltage constant at 20ºC KEeff V/1000 111.0 91.0 70.0
Windings resistance at 20ºC RA Ohm 1.90 1.2 0.74
Windings inductance LA mH 17.2 10.1 5.8
Thermal time constant Tth min 60 60 60
Mass mM kg 14 14 14
Electrical connections terminal box terminal box terminal box
Allowable amb. temperatures Tum ºC 0 to +45
Allowable Storage and transport TL ºC -20 to +80
Max. installation elevation m 1000 above sea level
Protection category IP 65
Insulation class as per DIN VDE F
0530, part 1
Housing finish Basic black coat (RAL 9005)
1) Depends on torque requirements of application. For standard applications see nmax in the selection lists of the motor/controller
combination. The usable speed for other applications is determined using the required torque as specified in the speed/torque
2) Given 60 Kelvin overtemperature at the housing of the motor.
3) The achievable maximum torque depends on the drive controller used. Only the maximum torque Mmax specified in the selection
lists of the motor/controller combination are binding.
4) Without holding brake und LüfertUnit.
5) At 1,000 min-1 .
6) Given deviating ambient temperatures, see Section 3.1.
7) Given deviating installation elevations, see Section 3.1 .
8) With correct mounting of power and feedback cables.
Fig. 8-1: Technical data MKD090

8-2 MKD090 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Designation Symbol Unit Data Holding brake

Holding torque MH Nm 11.0
Nominal voltage UN V DC 24 ±10%
Nominal current IN A 0.71
Moment of inertia JB kgm² 3.6 x 10
Link time t1 ms 13
Separation time t2 ms 30
Mass mB kg 1.1
Fig. 8-2: Technical data holding brake MKD090 (Option)

Designation Symbol Unit Surface cooling data

Motor type MKD090B-035
Nominal voltage UN V 1 x AC 230 1 x AC 115
±10% ±10%
Nominal current IN A 0.2 0.4
Power consumption SN VA 40 39
Frequency f Hz 50 60
Fig. 8-3: Technical data on surface cooling MKD090 (Option)

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD090 8-3

8.2 Technical data MKD090 „without painted coating“

Designation Symbol Unit Data
Motor type MKD090B-046
1) -1
Nominal motor speed n min 3200
Torque at standstill
Cooling natural convection MdN Nm 9.3
Current at standstill
Cooling natural convection IdN A 10.4
Theoretical maximum torque Mmax Nm 43.5
Peak current Imax A 59.4
4) -4
Moment of inertia of rotor JM kgm² 43.0x10
Torque constant at 20ºC Km Nm/A 1.0
5) -1
Voltage constant at 20ºC KEeff V/1000 min 91.0
Windings resistance at 20ºC RA Ohm 1.2
Windings inductance LA mH 10.1
Thermal time constant Tth min 60
Mass mM kg 14.0
Electrical connections terminal box
Allowable ambient temperatures Tum ºC 0 to +45
Allowable Storage and transport TL ºC -20 to +80
Maximum installation elevation m 1000 above sea level
Protection category IP 65
Insulation class as per DIN VDE 0530, F
part 1
Housing finish without
1) Depends on torque requirements of application. For standard applications see nmax in the selection lists of the motor/controller
combination. The usable speed for other applications is determined using the required torque as specified in the speed/torque
2) Given 60 Kelvin overtemperature at the housing of the motor.
3) The achievable maximum torque depends on the drive controller used. Only the maximum torque Mmax specified in the selection
lists of the motor/controller combination are binding.
4) Without holding brake und LüfertUnit.
5) At 1,000 min-1 .
6) Given deviating ambient temperatures, see Section 3.1 .
7) Given deviating installation elevations, see Section 3.1 .
8) With correct mounting of power and feedback cables.
Fig. 8-4: Technical data MKD090

8-4 MKD090 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Designation Symbol Unit Data Holding brake

Holding torque MH Nm 11,0
Nominal voltage UN V DC 24 ±10%
Nominal current IN A 0,71
Moment of inertia JB kgm² 3,6 x 10
Link time t1 ms 13
Separation time t2 ms 30
Mass mB kg 1,1
Fig. 8-5: Technical data holding brake MKD090 (Option)

Note: The option of surface cooling „without painted coating“ is not

available with MKD motors.

8.3 Speed/torque characteristics MKD090

For details see Section 3.7 „Speed and Torque", Page 3-12 .



30 [4] [3] [2] [1]




0 1000 2000 3000 4000

Fig. 8-6: Speed/torque characteristics MKD090B-035

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD090 8-5



[4] [3] [2] [1]




0 1000 2000 3000 4000

Fig. 8-7: Speed/torque characteristics MKD090B-047




30 [4] [3] [2] [1]




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Fig. 8-8: Speed/torque characteristics MKD090B-058

8-6 MKD090 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

8.4 Speed/Torque Characteristics - MKD090 „without painted

For details see Section 3.7 „Speed and Torque ";Page 3-12 .


[4] [3] [2] [1]


20 18,6

10 9,3

0 1000 2000 3000 4000

Fig. 8-9: Speed/torque characteristics MKD090B-046

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD090 8-7

8.5 Data on determining maximum shaft load

For details see Section,3.3 Output Shafts, Page 3-6.
Allowable maximum radial force
Fradial_max und allowable radial
force Fradial 2500



1500 500 min-1

1000 min-1

2000 min-1
3000 min-1
4000 min-1
5000 min-1
6000 min-1
0 10 20 30 40 50

Fig. 8-10: MKD090: Allowable maximum radial force Fradial_max and allowable
radial force Fradial

Allowable axial force Faxial

Faxial = 0,34 ⋅ Fradial
Faxial: allowable axial force in N
Fradial: allowable radial force in N
Fig. 8-11: MKD090: Allowable axial force Faxial

8-8 MKD090 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

8.6 Dimensional data

Connection bonnet
around 180° rotatable
Power cable Feedback cable
Ø12,5 ± 0,5mm Ø8,5 ± 0,5mm 98 45° 45°
17,5 56

4 A

M8-19 52 4

4 B
Ø24 k6

Ø110 j6

2 2
50 Y 313 R1 140

Detail Y:
,0 1 Output direction of electrical terminal box

The output direction of this box (power and feedback
cables) is selected at the time of mounting. Possible
50 directins are: side A side B
• to side A
• to side B

A Side B is the output direction illustrated. The

Motor as per DIN 42950, sec. 1, ed. 08.77,
dimensions for side A as output direction can be
B5 for all mounting orientations
obtained by turning the terminal box around the X axis.
B • Flange as per DIN 42948,ed. 11.65
• Position accuracy per concentricity, 2 Motor feedback
excentriciy and coaxility to shaft as per
DIN 42955 tolerance class N, ed. 12.81 • Resolver feedback (RSF)
• Resolver feedback (RSF) with integral
C • Shaft end per DIN 748, sec. 3, ed. 07.75,
multiturn absolute encoder
IEC 72, ed. 1971, cylindrical
The dimensions are identical.
• center drill hole DS M8 per
DIN 332 sec. 2, ed. 05.83 3
Holding brake:
max. screw tightening torque 12.0 Nm
• without
• vibration severity level N per
• with
DIN VDE 0530 sec. 14, ed. 02.93
The dimensions are identical.
5 Cooling mode:
• natural convection (dim. see above) 4 Output shaft
• radial surface cooling not with MKD090B-046 • plain shaft (preferred type)
• with keyway per DIN 6885 sh.1, ed. 08.68
(Note! balanced with entire key!)
4 40 4+0,1
8 N9


Matching keyway DIN 6885-A 8 x 7 x 40,

156 108 158 not part of delivery
Possible arrangement: t=7

(looking onto motor
shaft) from front m01mki1p.fh7
below left right
Fig. 8-12: Dimensions sheet MKD090B-035, -046, -047, -058

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD090 8-9

8.7 Available Versions and Type Codes

Type codes: Example: M K D 0 9 0 B - 0 4 7 - G G 0 - K N
1. Name
Digital AC Motor MKD

2. Motor size 090

3. Motor length B

4. Winding designation 035

046 1)

085 2)

5. Motor feedback
Resolver feedback (RSF) G
Resolver feedback (RSF) with integral multiturn absolute encoder K

6. Output shaft
plain shaft G
shaft with keyway as per DIN 6885 Blatt 1, Ausg. 08.68 P

7. Holding brake
without 0
with 1

8. Power connection 3)
terminal box (side B at delivery) K
to side A A
to side B B
to the right looking onto motor shaft, R
to the left connector housing on top L

9. Cooling
natural convection N

1) Motor with windings code "046" has no coating

2) Windings code "085" only with controllers with a DC bus voltage of 300V;
Motors may not be used for new applications.
3) Power connectors only with "085".

Fig. 8-13: Type codes MKD090

8-10 MKD090 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Type code: Example L E M H -R B 0 9 0 B 1 XX

1. Name
Blower unit for motor LEM

2. Group
MHD/MKD - Motors H

3. Cooling
radial R

4. Cooling direktion
blowing B

5. Size of cooled motor

MKD090 090

6. Lengt of cooled motor

Motor lenght B B

7. Norminal connecting voltage

1 x AC 230V 1
1 x AC 115V 2

8. Arrangement of blower unit

Arrangement can be selected at mounting XX


Fig. 8-14: Type codes of radial blower unit MKD090

To purchase a motor with surface cooling device mounted it is necessary

to enter the relevant, above-referenced type designations of the radial
blower unit onto the order as subitem of the MKD motor noting the
desired blower orientation. If the bower unit is specified as a separate
order item, then it will be delivered separate of the motor, in other words,
not mounted.

Order position Designation

1 1 digital AC motor

1.1 1 blower unit

mounted to pos. 1 blower arranged left
Fig. 8-15: Order info for an MKD motor with attached blower unit

Order position Designation

1 1 digital AC motor

2 1 blower unit
Fig. 8-16: Order info for an MKD motor with separate blower unit

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD112 9-1

9 MKD112

9.1 Technical data

Designation Symbol Unit Data
Motor type MKD112A-024 MKD112A-058
1) -1
Nominal motor speed n min 2000
Torque at standstill
Cooling natural convection MdN Nm 14.0

Current at standstill
Cooling natural convection IdN A 12.3
Theoretical maximum torque Mmax Nm 54.0

Peak current Imax A 55.4
4) -4
Moment of inertia of rotor JM kgm² 110 x 10
Torque constant at 20ºC Km Nm/A 1.28

in pr
5) -1
Voltage constant at 20ºC KEeff V/1000 min 116.4
Windings resistance at 20ºC RA Ohm 1.45
Windings inductance LA mH 14.0
Thermal time constant 90
Mass mM kg 23.0
Electrical connections plug-in connector
Allowable amb. temperatures Tum ºC 0 to +45
Allowable Storage and transport TL ºC -20 to +80
Max. installation elevation m 1000 above sea level
Protection category IP 65
Insulation class as per DIN VDE F
0530, part 1
Housing finish Basic black coat (RAL 9005)
1) Depends on torque requirements of application. For standard applications see nmax in the selection lists of the motor/controller
combination. The usable speed for other applications is determined using the required torque as specified in the speed/torque
2) Given 60 Kelvin overtemperature at the housing of the motor.
3) The achievable maximum torque depends on the drive controller used. Only the maximum torque Mmax specified in the selection
lists of the motor/controller combination are binding.
4) Without holding brake und blower unit.
5) At 1000 min-1 .
6) Given deviating ambient temperatures, see Section 3.1.
7) Given deviating installation elevations, see Section 3.1.
8) With correct mounting of power and feedback cables.

Fig. 9-1: Technical data MKD112A

9-2 MKD112 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Designation Symbol Unit Data

Motor type MKD112B-024 MKD112B-048 MKD112B-058
1) -1
Nominal motor speed n min 2000 3500 4000
Torque at standstill
Cooling natural convection MdN Nm 28.0 28.0 28.0
mode surface cooled MdN Nm 42.0 42.0 42.0
Current at standstill
Cooling natural convection IdN A 21.9 35.6 40.7
mode surface cooled IdN A 32.9 53.4 61.1
Theoretical maximum torque Mmax Nm 102 102 102
Peak current Imax A 98.5 148 183
4) -4 -4 -4
Moment of inertia of rotor JM kgm² 192 x 10 192 x 10 192 x 10
Torque constant at 20ºC Km Nm/A 1.43 0.88 0.77
Voltage constant at 20ºC KEeff V/1000 130 80.0 70.0
Windings resistance at 20ºC RA Ohm 0.58 0.37 0.17
Windings inductance LA mH 8.2 4.8 2.5
Thermal time constant
Cooling natural convection Tth min 90 90 90
mode surface cooled Tth min 60 60 60
Mass mM kg 34 34 34
Electrical connections plug-in connector plug-in connector plug-in connector
Allowable ambient temperatures Tum ºC 0 to +45
Allowable storage and transport TL ºC -20 to +80
Maximum installation elevation m 1000 above sea level

Protection category IP 65
Insulation class as per DIN VDE F
0530, part 1
Housing finish Basic black coat (RAL 9005)
1) Depends on torque requirements of application. For standard applications see nmax in the selection lists of the motor/controller
combination. The usable speed for other applications is determined using the required torque as specified in the speed/torque
2) Given 60 Kelvin overtemperature at the housing of the motor.
3) The achievable maximum torque depends on the drive controller used. Only the maximum torque Mmax specified in the selection
lists of the motor/controller combination are binding.
4) Without holding brake und blower unit.
5) At 1000 min-1 .
6) Given deviating ambient temperatures, see Section 3.1 .
7) Given deviating installation elevations, see Section 3.1 .
8) With correct mounting of power and feedback cables.

Fig. 9-2: Technical data MKD112B

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD112 9-3

Designation Symbol Unit Data

Motor type MKD112C-024 MKD112C-058 MKD112D-027
1) -1
Nominal motor speed n min 2000 4000 3000
Torque at standstill
Cooling natural convection MdN Nm 38.0 38.0 48.0
mode surface cooled MdN Nm 57.0 57.0 72.0
Current at standstill
Cooling natural convection IdN A 26.6 53.2 3.,6
mode surface cooled IdN A 39.9 79.8 47.7
Theoretical maximum torque Mmax Nm 148 148 187
Peak current Imax A 120.0 239. 142.2
4) -4 -4 -4
Moment of inertia of rotor JM kgm² 273 x 10 273 x 10 355 x 10
Torque constant at 20ºC Km Nm/A 1.6 0.80 1.7
Voltage constant at 20ºC KEeff V/1000 145.5 72.7 154.5
Windings resistance at 20ºC RA Ohm 0.43 0.12 0.35
Windings inductance LA mH 6.7 1.5 5.7
Thermal time constant
Cooling natural convection Tth min 90 90 90
mode surface cooled Tth min 60 60 60
Mass mM kg 41 45 55
Electrical connections plug-in connector plug-in connector plug-in connector
Allowable amb. temperatures Tum ºC 0 to +45
Allowable Storage and transport TL ºC -20 to +80
Max. installation elevation m 1000 above sea level
Protection category IP 65
Insulation class as per DIN VDE F
0530, part 1
Housing finish Basic black coat (RAL 9005)
1) Depends on torque requirements of application. For standard applications see nmax in the selection lists of the motor/controller
combination. The usable speed for other applications is determined using the required torque as specified in the speed/torque
2) Given 60 Kelvin overtemperature at the housing of the motor.
3) The achievable maximum torque depends on the drive controller used. Only the maximum torque Mmax specified in the selection
lists of the motor/controller combination are binding.
4) Without holding brake und blower unit.
5) At 1000 min-1 .
6) Given deviating ambient temperatures, see Section 3.1.
7) Given deviating installation elevations, see Section 3.1.
8) With correct mounting of power and feedback cables.

Fig. 9-3: Technical data MKD112C or MKD112D

9-4 MKD112 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Designation Symbol Unit Data Holding brake

Motor type MKD112A MKD112C,
Holding torque MH Nm 20 70
Nominal voltage UN V DC 24 ±10% DC 24 ±10%
Nominal current IN A 0.71 1.29
-4 -4
Moment of inertia JB kgm² 3.6 x 10 30 x 10
Link time t1 ms 50 53
Separation time t2 ms 25 97
Mass mB kg 1.1 3.8
Fig. 9-4: Technical data holding brake MKD112 (Option)

Designation Symbol Unit Surface cooling data

Motor type MKD112B
Nominal voltage UN V 1 x AC 230 1 x AC 115
±10% ±10%
Nominal current IN A 0.30 / 0.28 0.60 / 0.57
Power consumption SN VA 41 / 39 41 / 39
Frequency f Hz 50 / 60 50 / 60
Fig. 9-5: Technical data on surface cooling MKD112 (Option)

9.2 Speed/torque characteristics

For details see Section 3.7 Speed and Torque, Page 3-12.



30 30

[4] [3] [2] [1]


0 1000 2000 3000 4000

Fig. 9-6: Speed/torque characteristics MKD112A-024

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD112 9-5




[4] [3] [2] [1]




0 1000 2000 3000

Fig. 9-7: Speed/torque characteristics MKD112B-024




[4] [3] [2] [1]




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Fig. 9-8: Speed/torque characteristics MKD112B-048

[4] [3] [2] [1]





0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Fig. 9-9: Speed/torque characteristics MKD 112B-058

9-6 MKD112 Digitale AC Motoren MKD



[4] [3] [2] [1]
80 76

60 57

40 38


0 1000 2000 3000

Fig. 9-10: Speed/torque characteristics MKD 112C-024

140 [2]
[4] [3] [1]



80 76

60 57

40 38


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Fig. 9-11: Speed/torque characteristics MKD 112C-058




[4] [3] [2] [1]


0 1000 2000 3000

Fig. 9-12: Speed/torque characteristics MKD 112D-027

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD112 9-7

9.3 Data on determining maximum shaft load

4200 4200

3800 3800

3400 3400 nmittel
nmittel 500 min-1
3000 500 min-1 3000

2600 2600 1000 min-1

1000 min-1
2200 2200
2000 min-1
2000 min-1
1800 1800 3000 min-1
3000 min-1 4000 min-1
4000 min-1 5000 min-1
1400 5000 min-1 1400 6000 min-1
6000 min-1

1000 1000

600 600
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
x/mm x/mm
4200 4200

3800 3800


500 min-1
3400 3400
3000 500 min-1 3000
1000 min-1
2600 2600
1000 min-1
2200 2200 2000 min-1

2000 min-1 3000 min-1

1800 1800 4000 min-1
3000 min-1 5000 min-1
4000 min-1 6000 min-1
1400 5000 min-1 1400
6000 min-1

1000 1000

600 600
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
x/mm x/mm wmkd112x.fh7

Fig. 9-13: MKD112: Allowable maximum radial force Fradial_max and allowable
radial force Fradial

Allowable axial force Faxial

Faxial = x ⋅ Fradial
x: 0.36 for MKD112A and MKD112B
0.35 for MKD112C and MKD112D
Faxial: allowable axial force in N
Fradial: allowable radial force in N
Fig. 9-14: MKD112: Allowable axial force Faxial

9-8 MKD112 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

9.4 Dimensional data


25° B A 58 58
1 1)
4 x M10 - 15






Ø130 j6
Ø32 k6 3

5 5
M10-22 Y

4 192±1
18 71
60 A

1) connector must be ordered separately

Detail Y:

A Dimensions Options:
Size Dim. A Dim. B 1 Power connection output direction

MKD 112A 309 62 1x15º

MKD 112B 375 62 Select this direction at time of order. Possible directions
MKD 112C 458 91 are:
60 lef eB
• to side A t
MKD 112D 526 91 sid
Dim A: total motor length • to side B
dim B. power connetion • to the right rig
4 ht
• to the left sid
B Motor as per DIN 42950, sec. 1, ed. 08.77,
B5 for all mounting orientations Side B is illustrated as output direction at the time of
delivery. This can be altered by turning the connector
C • Flange as per DIN 42948,ed. 11.65
housing around the X axis.
• Position accuracy per concentricity,
excentriciy and coaxility to shaft as per
DIN 42955 tolerance class N, ed. 12.81

D • Shaft end per DIN 748, sec. 3, ed. 07.75, 2 Motor feedback
IEC 72, ed. 1971, cylindrical
• center drill hole DS M10 per • Resolver feedback (RSF)
DIN 332 sec. 2, ed. 05.83 • Resolver feedback (RSF) with integral
max. screw tightening torque 25.0 Nm multiturn absolute encoder
• vibration severity level N per The dimensions are identical.
DIN VDE 0530 sec. 14, ed. 02.93
5 3 Holding brake
Cooling mode:
• without holding brake
• natural convection (dim. see above)
• with holding brke
• radial surface cooling not with MKD112A
The dimensions are identical.

4 Output shaft
• plain shaft (preferred)
• with keyway per DIN 6885, sh.1, ed. 08.68
Note: balanced with entire keyway!
10 N9

4 45 5+0,2


156 150 220

Possible orientations: Matching keyway: DIN 6885-A 10 x 8 x 45,
not part of general delivery
(looking onto motor

shaft) t=8
down left right 45

Fig. 9-15: Dimensions sheet for MKD112A-024, MKD112B-024, -048, -058,

MKD112C-024 and MKD112D-024

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD112 9-9

1 100 58
25° 1) 71

4 x M10 - 15




4 C ,2

3 65

ø130 j6
ø32 k6

5 5
M10-22 Y

4 192±1
18 71
60 A
Detail Y: 1) connector must be ordered separately

6 Options:

1 Power connection output direction

A Dimensions
Select this direction at time of order. Possible directions
Size Dim.A 60 are:
• to side A lef eB
MKD 112 C 458 t
• to side B
MKD 112 D 526 4
• to the right rig
• to the left eA
B Motor as per DIN 42950, sec. 1, ed. 08.77, sid
B5 for all mounting orientations
Side B is illustrated as output direction at the time of
C • Flange as per DIN 42948,ed. 11.65 delivery. This can be altered by turning the connector
• Position accuracy per concentricity, housing around the X axis.
excentriciy and coaxility to shaft as per
DIN 42955 tolerance class N, ed. 12.81
D • Shaft end per DIN 748, sec. 3, ed. 07.75,
2 Motor feedback
IEC 72, ed. 1971, cylindrical
• center drill hole DS M10 per
• Resolver feedback (RSF)
DIN 332 sec. 2, ed. 05.83
• Resolver feedback (RSF) with integral
max. screw tightening torque 25.0 Nm
multiturn absolute encoder
• vibration severity level N per
The dimensions are identical.
DIN VDE 0530 sec. 14, ed. 02.93
5 Cooling mode: Holding brake
• natural convection (dim. see above) • without holding brake
• radial surface cooling • with holding brke
The dimensions are identical.

4 Output shaft
• plain shaft (preferred)
• with keyway per DIN 6885, sh.1, ed. 08.68
Note: balanced with entire keyway!

10 N9

4 45 5+0,2

156 198 220

Matching keyway: DIN 6885-A 10 x 8 x 45,
Possible orientations:
not part of general delivery
(looking onto motor

right 45 m02mko1p.fh7
down left

Fig. 9-16: Dimensions sheet MKD112C-058, MKD112D-024

9-10 MKD112 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

9.5 Available Versions and Type Codes

Type code: Example: M K D 1 1 2 B - 0 4 8 - G G 0 - B N
1. Name
Digital AC Motor MKD

2. Motor size 112

3. Motor length 1) A

4. Windings designation 024

073 2)

5. Motor feedback
Resolver feedback (RSF) G
Resolver feedback (RSF) with integral multiturn absolute encoder K

6. Output shaft
plain shaft G
shaft with keyway per DIN 6885 Blatt 1, Ausg. 08.68 P

7. Holding brake 3)
without 0
with 20 Nm 1
with 70 Nm 3

8. Power connection
to side A A
to side B B
to the right looking onto motor shaft, R
to the left connector housing on top L

9. Other design
none N
1) Motor lengths "A" and "C" only with windings codes "024" and "058",
Motor length "B" only with windings codes "024", "048", "058" and "073",
Motor length "D" only with windings codes "027".
2) Windings designation "073" only with controllers with a DC bus voltage of 300V;
Motors not to be used with new applications.
3) Holding brake "1" only available with lengths "A" and "B".
Haltebremse "3" only available with lengths "C" and "D".

Fig. 9-17: Type codes MKD112

Digitale AC Motoren MKD MKD112 9-11

Type codes: Example: L E M - R B 1 1 2 C 1 X X

1. Name
blower units for motor LEM

2. Group
MKD motors 1)

3. Type of cooling
radial R

4. Cooling direction
blowing B

5. Motor size
MKD112 112

6. Motor length
lengths B, C or D C

7. Nomnal voltage
1 x AC 230V 1
1 x AC 115V 2

8. Blower unit arrangement

Arrangement can be selected at time of order XX

1) space

Fig. 9-18: Type codes of a radial blower unit

To purchase a motor with surface cooling device mounted it is necessary

to enter the relevant, above-referenced type designations of the radial
blower unit onto the order as subitem of the MKD motor noting the
desired blower orientation. If the bower unit is specified as a separate
order item, then it will be delivered separate of the motor, in other words,
not mounted.

Order position Designation

1 1 digital AC motor

1.1 1 blower unit

mounted to pos. 1 blower arranged left
Fig. 9-19: Order info for an MKD motor with attached blower unit

Order position Designation

1 1 digital AC motor

2 1 blower unit
Fig. 9-20: Order info for an MKD motor with separate blower unit

9-12 MKD112 Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Condition at Delivery 10-1

10 Condition at Delivery

10.1 General Information

The motors and accessories such as cables are packaged in cartons at
delivery. Depending on the number and size of these cartons it is
possible that these are secured on a pallet with metal bands. To protect
against adverse weather, cartons are additionally placed over this pallet
and also secured with metal bands.

10.2 Releasing the Metal Bands

Uncontrolled motions of the bands upon removal!

Mechanical injuries are possible.
⇒ Use caution when removing the bands!
⇒ Maintain sufficient distance!

10.3 Documents
The shipment is accompanied by only one delivery slip in a single
envelope. The merchandise is listed on the slip by name and order
designation. If the contents are distributed over several transport boxes
or containers, then this will be specified on the delivery slip or freight
The following information is on the packaging of each motor:
• type designations of the motors
• customer
• delivery slip number
• consignment number
• freight company
(See also Section „11 Identifying the merchandise “)

10-2 Condition at Delivery Digitale AC Motoren MKD

10.4 What is Included in the Delivery

The delivery contains:
• MKD motor
• two type plates
• packaging list with connecting accessories and customizing
instructions (with motors with terminal box).

Note: The packaging list is in the terminal box.

• Blower unit (option)

Not included in the delivery:

• Accessories needed to connect to drive controllers.

Note: Standard cables do not require any connecting accessories. The

connectors needed for DIAX04 drive controllers and
ECODRIVES are a part of the delivery.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Identifying the merchandise 11-1

11 Identifying the merchandise

11.1 Delivery slip

The entire delivery is accompanied by one copy of a delivery slip which is
placed in an envelope. The merchandise is listed on this slip with type
and order codes and designations. If the listed contents are distributed
over several transport containers or boxes, then this will be duly noted on
the delivery slip or freight documentation.

11.2 Barcode stickers

There are barcode stickers on the packaging of every motor which list the
following information:
• Type designation of the motor
• Customer
• Delivery slip number
• Consignment
• Freight company
The barcode sticker serves to identify the contents.

GmbH Lohr/Main
Made in W-Germany
unit type
designation MKD041B-144-KG0

unit number MKD041-370

number 00349806 0002 item no. on
del. slip
customer name KRAUSE JOH.
customer id no. E0000.589.88.00 00/091050/95/16 customer
order no.
coded unit no.

coded coded
consignment pos. no.
coded unit
serial no. MKD041-370

Fig. 11-1: Barcode sticker (example)

11.3 Name plate

Motors The motor is delivered with an attached name plate. This is mounted to
the housing of the motor. An additional name plate is taped over the initial
name plate on the motor housing with the use of a double-sided tape.
This can easily be located on the machine if the original name plate on
the motor is in any way obscured by a part or the contour of the machine.

11-2 Identifying the merchandise Digitale AC Motoren MKD


Part No. 262599 Build Week 10/98
S.No. MKD071-01511

INN 13.01-21-1
Made in Germany
I.Cl. F IP 65
MdN 8.0 Nm n max. 6000 min-1
IdN 11.2 A Km 0.77 Nm/A
KEeff. 70.0 V/1000min-1 m 8.8 kg


Fig. 11-2: Name plate (example)

The name plate is used to

• identify the motor
• procure a replacement in the event of a breakdown
• to supply service information.

Blower The blower unit is supplied with a rating plate. This is attached to the
blower and covered with protective foil. It lists the type designation, serial
number and electrical information.

Individual cable parts Type designations are printed on the sheathing of the cable.

Individual plug-in connectors Type designations are on the plastic bag.

Ready-made cables Label (at cable end) with type designation.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Storage, transport and handling 12-1

12 Storage, transport and handling

12.1 Notes on packaging

Instructions on storage, transportation and handling of the pieces are
printed on the bag. These must be complied with.

Hochwertige Elektronik
Fragile Electronics

Vor Nässe schützen Nicht werfen

nicht belasten Nicht kanten
Do not apply load Do not tip
Do not drop Keep dry

Fig. 12-1: Notes on storage, transportation and handling on the packaging

12.2 Storage

Motor damage and guarantee forfeiture!

If the motor is not properly stored, it could be damaged.
The guarantee is also forfeited in this case.
⇒ Please note the following instructions.

Maintain the following during storage:

⇒ Permissible temperature range: -20° C to +80° C.
⇒ Store motors dry, dust free and protected against vibrations/shocks.
⇒ Store motors lying down.
⇒ Do not remove the protective plastic sleeves on the housing of the
connectors and motor shaft. These protect against moisture and
mechanical damage.

12.3 Transportation and handling

Motor damage and guarantee forfeiture!

Improper handling and transport can damage the motor
resulting in forfeiture of guarantee.
⇒ Please note the following instructions.

12-2 Storage, transport and handling Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Maintain the following conditions during transport and when handling:

⇒ Use suitable transportation. Take weight of component into account
(weights are listed in the individual sections on the motors in the
technical data or on the name plate of the motor).
⇒ Use impact resistant transport containers if vibrations or shocks could
occur during transport. Note the limit data as listed in section
"Maximum Vibration and Shock Demands ".
⇒ Transport in a horizontal position only.
⇒ Do not lift the motor by grasping the surface cooling unit.
⇒ Use cranes and safety belts when lifting.
⇒ With MKD112 motors, the M8 ring screws (DIN580) must be screwed
into their windings on the motor housing and used when lifting with
⇒ Do not damage motor flange and motor shaft!
⇒ Avoid impacts to the motor shaft.
⇒ Do not remove the protective plastic sleeves on the connector housing
and motor shaft until shortly before mounting the motor.

Note: If the motor is equipped with a holding brake and was stored prior
to mounting for a period longer than two years, then the holding
brake must be refinished. Note the instructions in section "13.5
Refinishing the holding brake".


Fig. 12-2: Lifting and transporting the motor with the help of lifting belts

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Mounting and Installation 13-1

13 Mounting and Installation

13.1 General Information on Mounting

⇒ Please note and comply with all the warnings and safety guidelines
specified in the section 2. This helps minimize accidents and avoid
damage to the installation and motor.
⇒ Please follow all the instructions. This ensures proper mounting and
removal of the components.

13.2 Mounting the Motor

⇒ Obtain tools, aids, measuring and testing materials.
⇒ Check whether the motor to be mounted has been stored for more
than two years. If it has, then please read section "13.5„ before
proceeding with the steps outlned below.
⇒ Check to make sure that all components are clean.
⇒ Check whether the components have any visible damage. Damaged
components may not be mounted.
⇒ Mounting should take place in a dry, dust-free environment.
⇒ Make sure that the motor flange has no burrs before mounting.
⇒ Mount the motor. All dimensions and tolerances of the machine must
be maintained. Relevant data is listed in the section "MKD ...",
subsection "Dimensional data".
⇒ If the motor is equipped with a "resolver feedback" then note when
placing the reference point switches that over the course of a
complete motor revolution several zero pulses are generated. This is
due to the basic principle of the resolver itself. (Also see section
Motor feedback“).
⇒ If the motor is equipped with a "resolver feedback with integrated
multiturn absolute encoder" make sure that the battery of the feedback
electronics is functional. Empty batteries must be properly recycled. If
it must be replaced, then proceed as outlined.

13-2 Mounting and Installation Digitale AC Motoren MKD

13.3 Connecting the Motor

Once the motor has been mechanically mounted, then connect it.

Danger to life due to electric voltage!

Moving or working within the area of voltage-conducting
parts is dangerous. Therefore:
⇒ Only trained personnel may work on the machine and
DANGER they must use the proper tools.
⇒ The installation must be shutdown before anyone
proceeds with any work and the mains switch secured
against unintentional or deliberate switch ons.
⇒ Before starting work, using suitable measuring
equipment to check to see whether there is any
residual voltage anywhere within the installation, e.g.,
due to capacitors, etc. Wait until they have

Personnel injury or property damage possible!

Interrupting or breaking voltage-conducting lines can
lead to unpredictably dangerous situations or property
damages. Therefore:
⇒ plug-in connectors may only be inserted or removed if
⇒ While the installation is up and runnng, all plug-in
connectors must be firmly in place.

Danger of shorts due to coolants or lubricants

A short circuit in voltage-conductive lines can trigger
unpredictably dangerous situations or damage
property. Therefore:
⇒ Open sockets should be capped during installation or
when replacing drive components especially in the
presence of lubricants or coolants.

The terminal diagrams from INDRAMAT exclusively support the

generation of terminal circuits!
⇒ Connect the motor as specified in the circuit diagrams of the
manufacturer of the machine. The terminal diagrams in section 4.2 or
4.3 can be used as a help.
⇒ Note the following sections when mounting the cables.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Mounting and Installation 13-3

Mounting Standard Cables to Motors with

Terminal Boxes

Damage to terminal box or cables!

Tightening torque too high could damage screws or
pinch cables. If screw mounts are damaged, then
protection category IP 65 of the terminal box can no
longer be guaranteed!
⇒ Therefore do not use automatic screwdrivers such as
AT electronic, pneumatic or hydro screwdrivers!

If the motor has a terminal box then it is necessary to use those cables
that correspond to standard INDRAMAT cables. Mount the cables in the
order illustrated below:
⇒ Remove the terminal box lid (1) by removing screws (7).
⇒ Remove parts (2) to (5) by unscrewing screws (6).
⇒ Pull out connectors X1 and X2 from the motor connecting panel.


9 X2


X3 o05mk81p.fh7

Fig. 13-1: Explosion designations of the terminal box

⇒ Mount support sheet (5), seal (4) and pressure pieces (3) and (2)
around the cable.
⇒ Pull the cable ends through the opening of the terminal box (see Fig.
13-1) and slightly screw in screws (6) of the cable leadthrough.

13-4 Mounting and Installation Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Power cable Feedback cable

6 2,5 Nm

Plugin terminal


Part. No.: 259 698
X1 90

Part. No.: 236 813

X5 X3

Crimping contact
X2 2,5 Nm
10 x Part. No.: 260 765
Plugin terminal 1,3 Nm 9 8
Part. No.: 259 700 a05mk82p.fh7

Fig. 13-2: Pulling power and feedback cables through

⇒ Pull the cable back to the point where the shrink sleeve penetrates the
inside of the terminal box by about 16 mm (see Fig. 13-2).
⇒ Tighten screws (6) with 2.5 Nm.
⇒ Tighten grounding ring terminals (8) and (9) with 1.3 Nm to terminal
box lid (1).
⇒ Insert X1, X2 and feedback connector X3 into their positions on the
motor panel.
⇒ Secure X1 with 4 screws against loosening.
⇒ Place the terminal box with desired cable output direction back into
⇒ Make sure that no cable cores are pinched or damaged and then
screw terminal box into place with 2.5 Nm.

Changing Cable Output Direction in Motors with

Terminal Boxes
The terminal box lid can be turned 180° when it is mounted. This means
that the cable output direction can be set to
• side A or
• side B.

Note: The cable output direction at the time of delivery is side B.

The cable output direction can be selected when mounting standard

power and feedback cables (see Mounting Standard Cables to Motors
with Terminal Boxes).

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Mounting and Installation 13-5

Connecting Standard Cables to Motors with

Plug-in Connectors

Power Cables
Connecting power connectors to When connecting power connector INS0681 with thread, please note the
MKD025B following:
⇒ Place power connector to the thread of the connector housing into the
correct position.
⇒ Manually pull over the power connector nut. Once the cable has been
pulled through, then the power connector can be gradually brought
into its final position.
⇒ Tighten the nut "by hand".

Connecting power connector on When connecting power connectors INS0381 or INS0481, these have a
MKD112 bayonet connector, proceed as follows:
⇒ Place the power connector on the bayonet thread of the connector
housing into the correction position.
⇒ Turn the nut of the power connector by hand until it clicks into the end
position (note the red dot and the red triangular that should, upon
clicking, be opposite each other).

Feedback cable
Connecting the feedback Proceed as follows to connect feedback connectors:
⇒ Place the feedback connector to the thread of the housing in the
correct position.
⇒ Tighten the nut of the feedback connector manually. By pulling the
cable gradually through, it is possible to bring the feedback connector
into its correct position.
⇒ Manually tighten the nut.

Changing the Direction of the Power and

Feedback Connections
Power connector
Changing the connector output The output direction of the power connectors of MKD025B motors can be
direction MKD025B selected at the time of mounting. The flanged sockets can be turned.
They have a rotational range of 270°.
Described below is the way to set the desired cable output direction.

Note: Do not use any tools, e.g., pliers or screwdrivers, when turning
the flanged socket of the motor. This could damage it

This piece can be easily turned if a relevant connector has been

mounted. The lever effect of the mounted connector means that the
flanged socket can be manually placed into the position wanted.
⇒ Motor power cable must be connected to flange socket.

13-6 Mounting and Installation Digitale AC Motoren MKD

⇒ Move flanged socket into the output direction wanted by turning the
connected connector.
The desired direction is now set.

Note: Each turning of the flanged socket decreases the holding torque
of the position which has been set. To ensure the required
torque, however, the cable output direction should be changed a
maximum of five (5) times!

A „reconstruction“ (removal and mounting of the flanged socket by 90°) of

the flanged socket is unnecessary. The following problems and risks
could result:
• The seals of the O rings between the flanged socket and the motor
housing is no longer guaranteed.
• The prescribed tightening torques might not be maintained.
• The TFL coating (secure screws) of the mounting screws is worn
down by screwing in and out and it then no longer effective.

Note: Guarantee is forfeited!

If the cable direction is altered as a result of „Reconstruction“,
then the guarantee is forfeited for the entire drive system.
Change the cable direction only by turning the flanged socket.

Changing the cable output If the cable output direction of the power connector for MKD112 motors is
direction on an MKD112 not taken into account when the order is placed and then does not agree
with the direction that is needed, then it can be turned by 90°.
Proceed as follows:
⇒ Slacken the two mounting screws 4 and remove terminal box lid 2.
⇒ Release the four mounting screws 3.
⇒ Turn the connector housing 1 into the desired position (in increments
of 90°).
⇒ Note that no cable core is damaged or unnecessarily stretched. Use
the opening created by the removal of the terminal box lid 2.
⇒ Retighten the four screws 3 (tightening torque 3.1 Nm ±10%).
⇒ Note that neither cable cores nor seals are damaged.
⇒ Remount terminal box lid 2 onto connector housing 1 and retighten
screws 4 (tightening torque 3.1 Nm ±10%).

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Mounting and Installation 13-7

4 2 1


4 2 1

O-ring x04mk82p.fh7

Fig. 13-3: Turning the power connector

Note: The connector output direction can be selected using the relevant
type codes at the time the order is placed.

Feedback connector
Changing the connector output It is possible with the MKD025B motors to select the output direction. The
direction on an MKD025B flanged sockets can be turned with a range of 270°.
How to set the direction is described below.

Note: Do not use any tools, e.g., pliers or screwdrivers, when turning
the flanged socket of the motor. This could damage it.

The motor flange can be easily turned if a connector is mounted. The

lever effect of it means that the flanged socket can be manually moved
into the desired direction.
⇒ Connect feedback cable to flanged socket.
⇒ Move socket into wanted position by turning the connected cable.
The desired direction is now set.

Note: Each turning of the flanged socket decreases the holding torque
of the position which has been set. To ensure the required
torque, however, the cable output direction should be changed a
maximum of five (5) times

13-8 Mounting and Installation Digitale AC Motoren MKD

A „reconstruction“ (removal and mounting of the flanged socket by 90°) of

the flanged socket is unnecessary. The following problems and risks
could result:
• The seals of the O rings between flanged socket and motor housing is
no longer guaranteed.
• The prescribed tightening torques might not be maintained.
• The TFL coating (secure screws) of the mounting screws is worn
down by screwing in and out and it then no longer effective.

Note: Guarantee is forfeited!

If the cable direction is altered as a result of „Reconstruction“,
then the guarantee is forfeited for the entire drive system.
Change the cable direction only by turning the flanged socket.

Changing the cable output If the cable output direction of the angled feedback connector in an
direction on an MKD112 MKD112 motor does not agree with the desired direction, then it can be
turned by 90° increments. Proceed as follows:
⇒ Release the four mounting screws on the top of the connector.
⇒ Turn the part of the connector with nut into position wanted in
increments of 90°.
⇒ Retighten the mounting screws with a tightening torque of 0.8 Nm
⇒ Make sure that no cable strand of seal are damaged when
retightening the screws.

Fastening screw

Conn. housing

Connector with coupling ring


Fig. 13-4: Connector parts of an angle feedback connector

Note: If an application has high vibration or shock loads then secure the
feedback connector with a screw bonding substances.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Mounting and Installation 13-9

13.4 Connecting and Mounting Blower Connector

Electrical connections The connecting cable should have three strands with a minimum cross
section of 0.75 mm .
(U1) 1 L1
(Z2) 2 N
motor blow
(U2) PE

2 3

terminal box with conn. insert


Fig. 13-5: Blower connecting schematics

Procedure on mounting the connecting cable to the blower connector:

⇒ release conduit thread 6 (SW 17).
⇒ remove cylinder screw 1 with screwdriver 5 from socket 4.
⇒ pull housng 2 with connector insert 3 out of socket 4.
⇒ pull out screw 1.
⇒ pull insert 3 with screwdriver 5 out (see Fig. 13-6) of connector
housing 2.
⇒ push conduit thread 6, ring 7, seal 8 and connector housing 2 onto
connecting cable (3 x 0.75 mm ).
⇒ strip exterior cable sheath back by about 20 mm, the litz wires by
about 10 mm and connect to connector insert 3 as per schematics
⇒ pull connector insert 3 into connector housing 2, insert cylinder screw
1, screw connector on socket 4.
⇒ tighten conduit thread 6, not strain relief.

8 7 6 1 cap screw
SW17 2 connector housing
3 connector insert
4 flanged socket
2 5 screwdriver
6 conduit thread
7 ring
8 gasket

Conn. underside

Fig. 13-6: Mounting the connecting cable of the blower connector

13-10 Mounting and Installation Digitale AC Motoren MKD

13.5 Refinishing the holding brake

Note: Premature wear of the holding brake is possible!

The holding brake wears down after about 20,000 motor
revolutions when in a closed state. Therefore, please note the
following instructions.

To ensure a flawless functioning of the holding brake check the holding

torque of the brake prior to installation.
If the holding torque specified in the data sheets is not obtained, then the
brake must be re-ground.
To grind the holding brakes it is necessary to remove all connections
between motor and drive controllers (power and feedback cables).
⇒ Make sure that the motor is not electrically connected to the drive
⇒ Turn the motor shaft in contrast to the motor housing when the holding
brake is closed. Do so manually about 50 times.
The holding brake is now ready to operate.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Service Guidelines 14-1

14 Service Guidelines

14.1 Replacing the battery

⇒ If the motor is equipped "with integrated multiturn absolute encoder"
then include the battery of the feedback electronics into the
maintenance program. Nominal lifespan of the battery is
approximately ten years.

How to change the battery ⇒ Have the following tools and aids ready:
• torx screwdriver (size 10), pointed pliers, torque key with setting range
1.8 Nm .
• New battery (INDRAMAT part no. 257 101).

Danger from electrical voltage!

Battery replacement must be performed while the control
voltage is on. Therefore:
⇒ Only fully-trained electricians may conduct the work.
⇒ Power supply to drive controllers must be switched
off and secured against being switched back on!

Dangerous movements!
Danger to life and limb or property damage!
⇒ Switch power supply to drive controllers off and
secure against being switched back on.
⇒ Batteries can only be replaced with control voltage to
the drive controllers on. If the control voltage is
switched off while the battery is removed, then the
absolute dimension will be lost causing faulty
movements when the machine is switched back on.

Removing the battery ⇒ Release torx screws (1) with a size 10 screwdriver and pull out.
⇒ Remove the lid of the motor feedback.
⇒ Pull the connector of the battery (2) out.
⇒ Release screw (3) of the clamping device (4) of the battery and
remove it.

Mounting the battery ⇒ Insert battery (part no. 257 101) and screw clamping device (4) back
into place with screws (3) (tightening torque max. 1.0 Nm).

Note: Do not pinch the battery cable!

⇒ Insert battery connector (2).

⇒ Close the motor feedback lid.
⇒ Tighten torx screws (1) and tighten with the torque key at 1.4 Nm in
the MKD025 and 041, to 3.0 Nm in the MKD071, 090 and 112.

14-2 Service Guidelines Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Fig. 14-1: Replacing the battery

Switching machine back on ⇒ Switch power of drive controllers back on.

⇒ Run a test on the axes.

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Service Guidelines 14-3

14.2 Maintenance
The following should be performed within the first year and then regularly:
• remove dust, chips and similar types of dirt from the motor,
• check any given motor blowers of the surface cooling unit
• and the air circulation of any existing surface cooling as well.

14.3 Contacting Customer Service

Our Service Hotline is at your disposal for quick and effective assistance.
⇒ Before calling, please make a note of ...
• the type designations of the respective drive controllers and motors,
• the problem and the
• fault and diagnostics displays (if given).

Our Service Hotline can be reached:

Mondays - Friday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. CET
Saturdays 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. CET
Sundays and holidays 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. CET

at the following telephone numbers:

0171 - 333 882 6 or 0172 - 660 040 6.

⇒ If it is necessary to send motors back, then please copy the following

fault report, fill it out and include it in the return shipment.
⇒ Make a copy of the completed fault report, include it so that the user
of the machine can access it if needed.
This will facilitate the repair and expedite the elimination of your

14.4 Fault report

See next page.

14-4 Service Guidelines Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Fault Report
for DIAX04 Units
This report is intended to clarify problems and their causes. It is absolutely necessary in order to find
hidden, sporadic or application-related problems and to eliminate them.
- Always include fault report when sending in repairs.
- Otherwise mail fault reports to your local INDRAMAT representative or to the address printed on the
INDRAMAT appreciates your cooperation.

Co.: Loc.: Tele.:

Fault report
from: Dept.: Name: Date:

Data on type plate of basic unit

HDD _._ - _ _ _ _ - _
Data on HDD:
Serial no.:

Data on plug-in module: Data on plug-in module:




DSS 2._ _ DSS 2._ _



2 3 2 3



5 6

5 6

8 7 8 7

2 3 2 3



5 6

5 6

8 7 8 7

X12 X12
E1 E1
E2 E2
E3 E3

Serial no. Serial no:

E4 E4
E5 E5
E6 E6
+U +U

Data on software module Data on software module

FWC-HSM _._ - _ _ _-_ _V_ _-MS FWC-HSM _._ - _ _ _-_ _V_ _-MS
S.No.: _ _ _ _ _ _ - S.No.: _ _ _ _ _ _ -
H1 H1

Status display H1 Status display H1

(Note display data at time problem occurred) (Note display data at time problem occurred)

Motor data: Motor data:

Motor type:: Motor type:

Serial no. Serial no.:

Data on HDS:

Data on type plate of basic unitt


Data on plug-in module:


2 3

5 6

8 7

2 3

DSS 2._ _ HDS _._ - _ _ _ _ - _


5 6

8 7


Serial no.:

Serial no.:

Data on software module Motor data:

FWC-HSM _._ - _ _ _-_ _V_ _-MS

S.No.: _ _ _ _ _ _ -

H1 Motor type: MHD

Serial no:
Status display H1
(Note display data at time problem occurred)
Please note back of page!
Indramat GmbH • Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Straße 2 • D-97816 Lohr • Telefon 09352 / 404-0 • Tx 689 421 • Fax 09352 / 404-885

Fig. 14-2: Fault Report - Page 1

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Service Guidelines 14-5

Fault Report Page 2

for DIAX04 Units

Data on HVE or HVR:

Data on type plate of basic unit

HVE _._ - _ _ _ _ - _ H1

Serial no:
Status display H1
or (Display information at time
problem occurred)

HVR _._ - _ _ _ _ - _ X1


Serial no: L-

Data on machine with problem:

Type: Oper. hrs.: Where problem:

Machine number: Comm. date

Number of drives

In which axis did the problem take place: -axis

Explain the problem:

Additional data:

Problem: Cause: Other problems

is constantly present unknown Problem in mechanics Have there previously been problems with
at commissioning conn. error mains failures this axis?
sporadically present external causes control failure
occurs after hrs. mechanical damage motor failure How often
occurs with shocks lose line connection cable break
is temperature-dep. moisture in unit defective blower Did problems occur on certain days or times
foreign object in unit defective feedback of the day?

Indramat GmbH • Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Straße 2 • D-97816 Lohr • Telefon 09352 / 404-0 • Tx 689 421 • Fax 09352 / 404-885

Fig. 14-3: Fault Report - Page 2

14-6 Service Guidelines Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Index 15-1

15 Index

Ambient temperature and installation elevation 3-1
Applications 1-1
Axial force 3-6

Base coat 3-4
Bearing service life 3-7
Bearings 3-7
Blower connector 4-1

Cable output direction 3-9
Chemical features 4-7, 4-15
Commutation 1-2
Components 1-2
Construction 3-4

DC bus voltage 3-13

Feedback connector 4-18
Feedback data storage 1-3

Holding brake 3-8, 4-1, 4-7, 4-15, 5-2, 6-2, 6-4, 7-2, 8-2, 8-4, 9-4, 13-10

Keyway 3-5
Knee speed 3-13

Load capacity factor 3-1

Maximum torque 3-12
Mounting orientation 3-4
Mounting orientations 3-4

Output shaft 3-2, 3-4, 3-5, 3-7

Plain shaft 3-5
Plug-in connections 3-9
Plug-in connector 4-8, 4-15, 13-2
Plug-in connectors 3-10
Power overview 1-2
Protection category 3-2, 4-7, 4-15, 5-1, 6-1, 6-3, 7-1, 8-1, 8-3, 9-1, 9-2, 9-3, 13-3

15-2 Index Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Radial force 3-5, 3-6
Reliability 1-1

Shaft loads 3-5
Speed/torque characteristics 5-2, 6-4, 6-5, 7-3, 8-4, 9-4
Speed/torque curves 3-12
Standard feedback cable 4-6
Storage 3-3, 4-7, 4-15, 5-1, 6-1, 6-3, 7-1, 8-1, 8-3, 9-1, 9-2, 9-3
Surface Cooling 3-7

terminal box 4-7, 4-9, 4-15, 13-3
Terminal box 3-9, 4-1, 4-2, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6, 13-3
Terminal boxes 4-3, 4-6

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Kundenbetreuungsstellen - Sales & Service Facilities 16-1

16 Kundenbetreuungsstellen - Sales & Service

Deutschland – Germany vom Ausland: (0) nach Landeskennziffer weglassen!!
from abroad: don’t dial (0) after country code!

Vertriebsgebiet Mitte SALES Vertriebsgebiet Ost SALES Vertriebsgebiet West SALES Vertriebsgebiet Nord SALES
Germany Centre Service Germany East Service Germany West Service Germany North Service


Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 Beckerstraße 31 Vertrieb Deutschland Kieler Straße 212
D - 97816 Lohr am Main D - 09120 Chemnitz Regionalzentrum West D - 22525 Hamburg
Borsigstrasse 15
Telefon: +49 (0)9352/40-0 Telefon: +49 (0)371/35 55-0 Telefon: +49 (0)40/85 31 57-0
D - 40880 Ratingen
Telefax: +49 (0)9352/40-4885 Telefax: +49 (0)371/35 55-333 Telefax: +49 (0)40/85 31 57-15
Telefon: +49 (0)2102/409-0
Telefax: +49 (0)2102/409-406

Vertriebsgebiet Süd SALES Gebiet Südwest SALES Vertriebsgebiet Mitte SALES Vertriebsgebiet Nord SALES
Germany South Service Germany South-West Service Germany Centre Service Germany North Service

INDRAMAT GmbH INDRAMAT GmbH Mannesmann Rexroth AG Mannesmann Rexroth AG

Ridlerstraße 75 Böblinger Straße 25 Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Vertriebsniederlassung Region Nord
D-80339 München D-71229 Leonberg Lillistraße 14-18 Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT
D – 63067 Offenbach Schützenstraße 20
Telefon: +49 (0)89/540138-30 Telefon: +49 (0)7152/9 72-6
D – 30853 Langenhagen
Telefax: +49 (0)89/540138-10 Telefax: +49 (0)7152/9 72-727 Telefon: +49 (0) 62/82 00 90-0
[email protected] Telefax: +49 (0) 62/82 00 90-80 Telefon: +49 (0) 511/72 66 57-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 511/72 66 57-93

INDRAMAT Service-Hotline
Telefon: +49 (0)172/660 04 06
Telefon: +49 (0)171/333 88 26

- nur an Werktagen von 15 -18 Uhr -
+49 (0) 93 52/40 42 22

Kundenbetreuungsstellen in Deutschland - Service agencies in Germany

16-2 Kundenbetreuungsstellen - Sales & Service Facilities Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Europa – Europe vom Ausland: (0) nach Landeskennziffer weglassen, 0 nach Landeskennziffer mitwählen!
from abroad: don’t dial (0) after country code, dial 0 after country code!

Austria SALES Service Austria SALES Service Belgium SALES Service Denmark SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth Ges.m.b.H. Mannesmann Rexroth G.m.b.H. Mannesmann Rexroth N.V.-S.A. BEC AS
Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Zinkvej 6
Hägelingasse 3 Industriepark 18 Industrielaan 8 DK-8900 Randers
A - 1140 Wien A - 4061 Pasching B-1740 Ternat
Telefon: +43 (0)1/9852540-400 Telefon: +43 (0)7221/605-0 Telefon: +32 (0)2/5823180 Telefon: +45 (0)87/11 90 60
Telefax: +43 (0)1/9852540-93 Telefax: +43 (0)7221/605-21 Telefax: +32 (0)2/5824310 Telefax: +45 (0)87/11 90 61

England SALES Service Finland SALES Service France SALES Service France SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth Ltd. Rexroth Mecman OY Mannesmann Rexroth S.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.A.
INDRAMAT Division INDRAMAT division Division INDRAMAT Division INDRAMAT
Broadway Lane, South Cerney SF-017 40 Vantaa Parc des Barbanniers 270, Avenue de Lardenne
GB - Cirencester, Glos GL7 5UH 4, Place du Village F - 31100 Toulouse
Telefon: +358 (0)9/84 91 11
F-92632 Gennevilliers Cedex
Telefon: +44 (0)1285/863000 Telefax: +358 (0)9/84 91 13 60 Telefon: +33 (0)5 61 49 95 19
Telefax: +44 (0)1285/863030 Telefon: +33 (0)141 47 54 30 Telefax: +33 (0)5 61 31 00 41
Telefax: +33 (0)147 94 69 41
Hotline: +33 (0)6 08 33 43 28

France SALES Service Italy SALES Service Italy SALES Service Italy SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth S.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A.
Division INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT
91, Bd. Irène Joliot-Curie Via G. Di Vittoria, 1 Via Borgomanero, 11 Via del Progresso, 16 (Zona Ind.)
F - 69634 Vénissieux – Cedex I - 20063 Cernusco S/N.MI I - 10145 Torino I - 35020 Padova
Telefon: +33 (0)4 78 78 53 65 Telefon: +39 02/92 36 52 70 Telefon: +39 011/7 50 38 11 Telefon: +39 049/8 70 13 70
Telefax: +33 (0)4 78 78 52 53 Telefax: +39 02/92 36 55 12 Telefax: +39 011/7 71 01 90 Telefax: +39 049/8 70 13 77

Italy SALES Service Italy SALES Service Netherlands SALES Service Netherlands SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A. Hydraudyne Hydrauliek B.V. Hydrocare B.V.
Divisione INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT Kruisbroeksestraat 1 Kruisbroeksestraat 1
Via de Nicola, 12 Viale Oriani, 38/A (P.O. Box 32) (P.O. Box 32)
I - 80053 Castellamare di Stabia NA I - 40137 Bologna NL - 5281 RV Boxtel NL - 5281 RV Boxtel
Telefon: +39 081/8 72 30 37 Telefon: +39 051/34 14 14 Telefon: +31 (0)411/65 19 51 Telefon: +31 (0)411/65 19 51
Telefax: +39 081/8 72 30 18 Telefax: +39 051/34 14 22 Telefax: +31 (0)411/65 14 83 Telefax: +31 (0)411/67 78 14
e-mail: [email protected]

Norway SALES Service Poland SALES Service Russia SALES Service Spain SALES Service

Rexroth Mecman AS Mannesmann Rexroth Sp.zo.o. Tschudnenko E.B. Mannesmann Rexroth S.A.
INDRAMAT Division Biuro Poznan Arsenia 22 Divisiòn INDRAMAT
Berghagan 1 or Box 3007 ul. Dabrowskiego 81/85 RUS - 153000 Ivanovo Centro Industrial Santiga
N–1405 Ski-Langhus N-1402 PL – 60-529 Poznan Rußland Obradors s/n
Ski E-08130 Santa Perpetua de Mogoda
Telefon: +48 061/847 67 99 Telefon: +7 093/223 96 33
Telefon: +47 (0)64 86 41 00 Telefax: +48 061/847 64 02 oder/or +7 093/223 95 48
Telefax: +47 (0)64 86 90 62 Telefax: +7 093/223 46 01 Telefon: +34 937 47 94 00
Telefax: +34 937 47 94 01

Spain SALES Service Sweden SALES Service Slowenia SALES Service Turkey SALES Service

Goimendi S.A. Rexroth Mecman Svenska AB INDRAMAT elektromotorji d.o.o. Mannesmann Rexroth Hidropar A..S.
División Indramat INDRAMAT Division Otoki 21 Fevzi Cakmak Cad No. 3
Jolastokieta (Herrera) Varuvägen 7 SLO - 64 228 Zelezniki TR - 34630 Sefaköy Istanbul
Apartado 11 37 S - 125 81 Stockholm
Telefon: +386 64/61 73 32 Telefon: +90 212/541 60 70
E - 20017 San Sebastian
Telefon: +46 (0)8/727 92 00 Telefax: +386 64/64 71 50 Telefax: +90 212/599 34 07
Telefon: +34 9 43/40 01 63 Telefax: +46 (0)8/647 32 77
Telefax: +34 9 43/39 17 99

Switzerland SALES Switzerland SALES

-East- Service -West- Service

Mannesmann Rexroth Schweiz AG Mannesmann Rexroth Suisse SA

Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Département INDRAMAT
Gewerbestraße 3 Rue du village 1
CH-8500 Frauenfeld CH-1020 Renens
Telefon: +41 (0)52/720 21 00 Telefon: +41 (0)21/632 84 20
Telefax: +41 (0)52/720 21 11 Telefax: +41 (0)21/632 84 21

Europäische Kundenbetreuungsstellen (ohne Deutschland)

European Service agencies (without Germany)

Digitale AC Motoren MKD Kundenbetreuungsstellen - Sales & Service Facilities 16-3

Außerhalb Europa - outside Europe vom Ausland: (0) nach Landeskennziffer weglassen!
from abroad: don’t dial (0) after country code!

Argentina SALES Service Argentina SALES Service Australia SALES Service Australia SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth S.A.I.C. NAKASE AIMS - Australian Industrial Mannesmann Rexroth Pty. Ltd.
Division INDRAMAT Servicio Tecnico CNC Machinery Services Pty. Ltd. No. 7, Endeavour Way
Acassusso 48 41/7 Calle 49, No. 5764/66 Unit 3/45 Horne ST Braeside Victoria, 31 95
RA - 1605 Munro (Buenos Aires) RA - 1653 Villa Balester Campbellfield , VIC 3061 AUS – Melbourne
Prov. - Buenos Aires AUS - Melbourne
Telefon: +54 (0)11/4756 01 40
Telefax: +54 (0)11/4762 6862 Telefon: +54 (0) 11/4768 36 43 Telefon: +61 (0)3/93 59 02 28
Telefon: +61 (0)3/95 80 39 33
e-mail:[email protected] Telefax: +54 (0) 11/4768 24 13 Telefax: +61 (0)3/93 59 02 86
Telefax: +61 (0)3/95 80 17 33
e-mail: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Brazil SALES Service Brazil SALES Service Canada SALES Service China SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth Mannesmann Rexroth Basic Technologies Corporation Mannesmann Rexroth (China) Ldt.
Automação Ltda. Automação Ltda. Burlington Division Shanghai Parts & Service Center
Divisão INDRAMAT Divisão INDRAMAT 3426 Mainway Drive 199 Wu Cao Road, Hua Cao
Rua Georg Rexroth, 609 Rua Umberto Pinheiro Vieira, 100 Burlington, Ontario Minhang District
Vila Padre Anchieta Distrito Industrial Canada L7M 1A8 PRC - Shanghai 201 103
BR - 09951-270 Diadema-SP BR - 09220-390 Joinville - SC
Telefon: +1 905/335 55 11 Telefon: +86 21/62 20 00 58
[ Caixa Postal 377 ] [ Caixa Postal 1273 ]
[ BR-09901-970 Diadema-SP ]
Telefax: +1 905/335-41 84 Telefax: +86 21/62 20 00 68
Tel./Fax: +55 (0)47/473 55 833
Telefon: +55 (0)11/745 90 60 Mobil: +55 (0)47 974 6645
+55 (0)11/745 90 70 e-mail: [email protected]
Telefax: +55 (0)11/745 90 50
e-mail: [email protected]

China SALES Service China SALES Service Hongkong SALES Service India SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth (China) Ldt. Mannesmann Rexroth (China) Ldt. Rexroth (China) Ldt. Mannesmann Rexroth (India) Ltd.
15/F China World Trade Center A-5F., 123 Lian Shan Street 1/F., 19 Cheung Shun Street INDRAMAT Division
1, Jianguomenwai Avenue Sha He Kou District Cheung Sha Wan, Plot. 96, Phase III
PRC - Beijing 100004 PRC - Dalian 116 023 Kowloon, Hongkong Peenya Industrial Area
IND - Bangalore - 560058
Telefon: +86 10/65 05 03 80 Telefon: +86 411/46 78 930 Telefon: +852 22 62 51 00
Telefax: +86 10/65 05 03 79 Telefax: +86 411/46 78 932 Telefax: +852 27 44 02 78 Telefon: +91 (0)80/8 39 73 74
Telefax: +91 (0)80/8 39 43 45

India SALES Service Indonesia SALES Service Japan SALES Service Japan SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth (India) Ltd. PT. Rexroth Wijayakusuma Rexroth Automation Co., Ltd. Rexroth Automation Co., Ltd.
INDRAMAT Division Jl. Raya Bekasi Km 21 Service Center Japan INDRAMAT Division
Plot. A-58, TTC Industrial Area Pulogadung Yutakagaoka 1810, Meito-ku, 1F, I.R. Building
Thane Turbhe Midc Road RI - Jakarta Timur 13920 NAGOYA 465-0035, Japan Nakamachidai 4-26-44, Tsuzuki-ku
Mahape Village YOKOHAMA 224-0041, Japan
Telefon: +62 21/4 61 04 87 Telefon: +81 (0)52/777 88 41
IND - Navi Mumbai - 400 701
+62 21/4 61 04 88 +81 (0)52/777 88 53 Telefon: +81 (0)45/942 72 10
Telefon: +91 (0)22/7 61 46 22 Telefax: +62 21/4 60 01 52 +81 (0)52/777 88 79 Telefax: +81 (0)45/942 03 41
Telefax: +91 (0)22/7 68 15 31 Telefax: +81 (0)52/777 89 01

Mexico SALES Service Korea SALES Service Korea SALES Service South Africa SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth Mexico S.A. Mannesmann Rexroth-Seki Co Ltd. Seo Chang Corporation Ltd. TECTRA Automation (Pty) Ltd.
de C.V. 1500-12 Da-Dae-Dong Room 903, Jeail Building 28 Banfield Road,Industria North
Calle Neptuno 72 ROK - Saha-Ku, Pusan, 604-050 44-35 Yeouido-Dong RSA - Maraisburg 1700
Unidad Ind. Vallejo Yeoungdeungpo-Ku
Telefon: +82 (0)51/2 60 06 18 Telefon: +27 (0)11/673 20 80
MEX - 07700 Mexico, D.F. C.P.O.Box 97 56
Telefax: +82 (0)51/2 60 06 19 Telefax: +27 (0)11/673 72 69
ROK - Seoul
Telefon: +52 5 754 17 11
+52 5 754 36 84 Telefon: +82 (0)2/7 80 82 08
+52 5 754 12 60 +82 (0)2/7 80 82 09
Telefax: +52 5 754 50 73 Telefax: +82 (0)2/7 84 54 08
+52 5 752 59 43
e-mail: [email protected]

Taiwan SALES Service

Rexroth Uchida Co., Ltd.

No.1, Tsu Chiang Street
Tu Cheng Ind. Estate
Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Telefon: +886 2/2 68 13 47
Telefax: +886 2/2 68 53 88

Kundenbetreuungsstellen außerhalb Europa - Service agencies outside Europe

16-4 Kundenbetreuungsstellen - Sales & Service Facilities Digitale AC Motoren MKD

Außerhalb Europa / USA - outside Europe / USA


Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation
5150 Prairie Stone Parkway Central Region Technical Center Southeastern Technical Center Northeastern Technical Center
USA -Hoffman Estates, IL 60192-3707 USA - Auburn Hills, MI 48326 3625 Swiftwater Park Drive 99 Rainbow Road
USA - Suwanee USA - East Granby,
Telefon: +1 847/6 45 36 00 Telefon: +1 248/3 93 33 30
Georgia 30174 Connecticut 06026
Telefax: +1 847/6 45 62 01 Telefax: +1 248/3 93 29 06
Telefon: +1 770/9 32 32 00 Telefon: +1 860/8 44 83 77
E-MAIL: [email protected]
+1 770/9 32 19 03 +1 860/8 44 85 95
Service HOTLINE: +1-800-860-1055
-7 days/24hrs-


Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation

Charlotte Regional Sales Office
14001 South Lakes Drive
USA - Charlotte,
North Carolina 28273
Telefon: +1 704/5 83 97 62
+1 704/5 83 14 86

Kundenbetreuungsstellen außerhalb Europa / USA

Service agencies outside Europe / USA

Printed in Germany



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