Unit 1 Assignmeny

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West Visayas State University 2020

HMPE 201


1 | HMPE201
West Visayas State University 2020
Applying What You Know
Answer the following:

1. Create new recipe cards that double and cut in half a favorite recipe. For extracredit
make the recipe and evaluate the results.

2. Create an easy-to-read poster of common abbreviations and basic equivalents. Besure to

include visuals and display accurate information.

Note to Students: Answer on a separate sheet and submit to your Professor

on the given due dates.

2 | HMPE201
West Visayas State University 2020
Instruction: Read each statement carefully and answer what is being
ask. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer.

1. It refers to the amount of water a flour can take up and hold while
being madeintoa simple dough, based on a predetermined standard dough consistencyor
stiffness. It is expressed as a percentage of the weight of flour. a. moisture c. resting
b. absorption d. immersion
2. The nineteenth century was a time of great technical progress in the bakingprofession.
Automated processes enabled bakers to do many tasks with machines that once required a
great deal of manual labor. The most importantof these technological advances was the
development of what? a. oven c. roller milling b. steam engine d. grinder
3. Who assists the executive chef and is directly in charge of the cooking duringproduction?
a. Pantry Chef c. Pastry Chef
b. Sous Chef d. Chef de Cuisine 4. What kind of chef is responsible for sauces and
sautéed items? a. Chef garde manger c. Poissonier
b. Saucier d. Decorator
5. Who is responsible for preparation of showpieces, sugar work, and decoratedcakes?a.
Glacier c. Poissonier
b. Saucier d. Decorator
6. He/she is also known as the bread baker who prepares yeast goods
includingsuchbreakfast items as brioche, croissants, and Danish pastry. Who is
he/she?a. Confiseur c. Glacier
b. Decorator d. Boulanger
7. An elastic substance in wheat that helps form a strong a structure on breads andother bake
products is known as?
a. ash c. sugar
b. gluten d. lipids
8. What type of cuisine is characterize by lighter approach in cooking, using of simpler,more natural
flavors and preparations, with lighter sauces and seasoningsandshorter cooking times?
a. fusion cuisine c. nouvelle cuisine b. haute cuisine d. traditional French cuisine 9. The
number of servings a recipe makes is called?
a. serving size c. equivalent
b. yield d. supply
10. 1 tablespoon is equivalent to __ teaspoons and 1 fluid ounce is equivalent
a. 3, 4 c. 3, 2
b. 4, 1 d. 2, 3

3 | HMPE201
West Visayas State University 2020

11. Look at each of the following measurements and determine which amount is larger:
a. 1/3 cup or 1/4 cup c. 1 tablespoon or 4 teaspoons b. 1 pound or 18 ounces d. 1 pint
or 3 cups 11. A microorganism that can cause disease is called a? a. facultative c. pathogen
b. contaminant d. aerobic
12. Some bacteria require oxygen to grow. These are called? a. facultative c.
b. aerobic d. contaminant
13. What type of mixer is also called planetary mixer, this is the most commontypeof mixer used in
baking as well as in cooking?
a. vertical mixer c. spiral mixer
b. baking mixer d. none of the above 14. It is a special box used to create the ideal
conditions for fermenting yeast doughs. It does this by maintaining a pre-set warm temperature
and humidity level appropriate to the specific dough. What baking equipment is it? a. molder c.
b. proofer d. mixer
15. An large oven which entire racks full of sheet pans can be wheeled for baking. Normallly it
can may hold from 8 to 24 full-size sheet pans.
a. mechanical oven c. rack oven
b. proofer d. retarder
16. A small boat-shaped mold for petits fours and small tartlets is called? a. charlotte mold c.
hotel pan
b. baba mold d. barquette
17. What type of cooking equipment is described as dome-shaped mold for frozendesserts?
a. banneton c. cake ring
b. baba mold d. bombe mold 18. Tiny metal molds in a variety of shapes, used for baking
an assortment of littletartlets, financiers, and other petits fours is known as?
a. muffin pan c. tube pan
b. petit four molds d. bombe mold 19. what is a tool used for shaping and decorating with
items such as icing andfor filling certain kinds of pastries and other items, such as éclairs, and for
portioning creams, fillings, and doughs?
a. muffin pan c. bombe mold b. baba mold d. pastry bag
20. A round metal screen supported in a stainless-steel hoop frame. It is usedfor sifting flour
and other dry ingredients is called?
a. sieve c. acetate
b. whip d. scrapers

Note to Students: Answer on a separate sheet and submit to your Professor

on the given due dates.

4 | HMPE201

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