Analog-Motion Manual

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This End-User License Agreement (EULA) represents the B- License Activation H- No Support Obligation
contractual conditions between you, the Licensee, and UVI, 1. In order to use UVI Products it is required that you authorize them UVI will make its best effort to support you in the event of technical
located 159 rue Amelot, 75011 Paris - France for the use of by registering your Serial Number on, have a free iLok difficulty with a UVI Product. However, UVI is not obligated to
software, documentation and other materials created by UVI. account (not necessarily a dongle) and install the free iLok License furnish or make available to you any additional information,
Manager (done automatically by UVI Workstation and Falcon installers). It software, technical information, know-how, or support.
You should not register, install or use UVI Products until the is impossible to use UVI Products if they are not registered and authorized.
following license agreement is understood and accepted.
2. During authorization you will need to enter your name, I- Specifications and System Requirements
By using UVI Products, or allowing anyone else to email address and postal address which will be stored in the All technical specifications of UVI Products provided are
do so, you are accepting this agreement. UVI database. UVI uses a secure SSL connection with 128-bit- intended to be estimates or approximations. Due to numerous
encryption that meets current security standards to transmit your variables no guarantees of compatibility or performance can
A- License Grant data over the web. For further information about UVI’s handling of be made. All such specifications shall be in writing.
1. UVI grants to you, subject to the following terms and conditions, personal data please see: End-User is solely responsible for, prior to purchase,
the non-exclusive right to use each authorized copy of the Product. ensuring that End-User’s devices are compatible and meet
3. The UVI Product license allows up to 3 simultaneous activations on the system requirements for UVI Products, and that the
2. UVI Product license are granted only to a single user. You any combination of iLok dongles and computers. Activations can be applicable UVI Products meet End-User’s requirements.
may use this product on up to three separate computers or iLok moved between devices at anytime through the iLok License Manager.
Dongles, which shall be owned and used by you exclusively.
C- Protection of Software This EULA is governed by the laws of France.
3. Renting or lending the licensed Software to You agree to take all reasonable steps to protect the Product and
a third party is expressly forbidden. any accompanying documentation from unauthorized copying
or use. You agree not to modify the Product to circumvent any ©2017 UVI. All rights reserved.
4. Except if otherwise stated within this EULA, Licensee may resell method or means adopted or implemented by UVI to protect against All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
the software to a third party or transfer the software permanently. or discourage the unlicensed use or copying of the Product.
Request may be done using the ‘Transfer License’ feature in your
iLok account, subject to a $25 fee per-license ($50 maximum) by D- Ownership
Pace. The serial number of the Product will be transferred to the third Ownership of, and title to, the enclosed digitally recorded
party by UVI, and Licensee’s original registration will be deleted. sounds (including any copies) are held by UVI.
Copies are provided to you only to enable you to
5. Resale or ownership transfer of individual products obtained in a bundle, exercise your rights under the license.
or those used to upgrade or cross-grade to other products are not allowed.
E- Term
6. UVI allows you to use any of the sounds and samples in the products This agreement is effective from the date you open this package, and
you’ve purchased for commercial recordings without paying any will remain in full force until termination. This agreement will terminate
additional license fees or providing source attribution to UVI. if you break any of the terms or conditions of this agreement. Upon
termination you agree to return to UVI all copies of this product and
7. This license expressly forbids resale or other distribution of the accompanying documentation and destroy any other copies made.
sounds and software included in the Product or their derivatives, either
as they exist on disc, reformatted for use in another digital sampler, or F- Restrictions
mixed, combined, filtered, resynthesized or otherwise edited, for use as Except as expressly authorized in this agreement, you may not
sounds, multi-sounds, samples, multi-samples, wavetables, programs rent, lease, sub-license, distribute, copy, reproduce, display,
or patches in a sampler, microchip or any hardware or software sample modify or timeshare the enclosed Product or documentation.
playback device. You cannot sell the Product content or give it away
for use by others in their sampling or sample playback devices. G- NFR Serials and Free Products
UVI Products serial numbers labeled as “NFR” (Not For Resale)
8. In the event UVI terminates this agreement due to shall only be used for demonstration, testing and evaluation
your breach, you agree to return the original and all other purposes. NFR Products may not be used for commercial
copies of the software and documentation to UVI. purposes, and may not be resold or transferred.
They are not eligible for license recovery and are exempt from update,
9. UVI reserves all rights not expressly granted to herein. upgrade or crossgrade offers, and cannot be purchased with or exchanged
for vouchers. Furthermore, as an owner of an NFR Product, you are not
entitled to promotions available for the commercial version of the Product.
INTRODUCTION ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
INFO ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6
EDIT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
PRESET LIST������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 10
CREDITS & SPECIAL THANKS ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12



• Falcon 1.0.6+
• 7.2MB of Disk Space

For more information on the installation process, please refer to the document: Soundbank
Installation Guide


Utilizing Falcon’s deep synthesis and modulation capabilities, the Analog Motion expansion The Analog Motion expansion leverages the advanced synthesis capabilities and software
delivers rich and dynamic electronic timbres evocative of the golden age of analog architecture of Falcon, which sports 15 oscillators, over 80 effects and a fast and intuitive
synthesis. Analog Motion was inspired by the vanguards of synth-driven pop music and interface that adeptly handles both basic tasks and deep instrument design. All presets
classic genre film scores of the ‘80s, such as John Carpenter, Vangelis, Giorgio Moroder, have been programmed with macros which provide the user with easy access to the key
Tangerine Dream and Thomas Dolby. parameters of each patch. These may be controlled via MIDI, OSC, host automation and Lua
scripting, allowing for easy customization and expressive performance capabilities. Take
Drawing from these influences, Analog Motion provides Falcon users with a wide variety your experience to the next level with this specially made Falcon expansion pack.
of patch types, including single-key soundscapes, arpeggiated sequences, traditional (Falcon license required. Not compatible with UVI Workstation.)
polyphonic synth sounds, rhythmic textures and more. This expansion pack of over 120
presets is ideal as either professional grade analog-inspired synth patches ready for
immediate use, or as inspirational starting points for adventurous producers eager to tap
into Falcon’s full potential as a sound design platform.

Same as Falcon Factory Content, Analog Motion’s
patches have been programed with macros which
provide users with easy access to the ‘key’ prameters
of each patch. These may be controlled via MIDI, OSC,
host automation and Lua scripting, allowing for easy 1
customization and expressive performance capabilities.

To change the layout of the macro controls, press the

EDIT button in the upper left to switch to Edit Mode. You
INFO can freely move controls, double-click a label to rename
it, or access additional commands from the right-click
contextual menu. For more details on macros, please see
The Info tab provides an overview of Falcon’s software manual.
the selected program, houses macro
controls, and provides a location for PROGRAM INFORMATION
custom text and images via. the (I) Press the (I) button in the upper right to display program
view. information. Many factory presets will contain details
about the program such as modwheel assignments,
macro descriptions or tips for playing it. You can add and
save descriptions for your own programs as well.

At the bottom of the Info tab, a keyboard is displayed and
can be clicked to play the program. The key range of the
program is highlighted, with keys outside the key range
darkened. If keyswitch layer rules have been created,
those keys are highlighted blue. Additionally, key color
can be customized using the Script Processor. For more
details on keyswitches, please check Falcon’s software

Patches in Falcon are created within a fixed hierarchy that
can be thought of like layers or folders. At the very top is the 1
Program, inside the Program are Layers, within each Layer are
Keygroups, and inside the Keygroups are Oscillators. Audio
effects, MIDI effects and modulators can be placed on any
level. While patches can be as simple as a single oscillator, the
structure of Falcon allows for wildly complex sounds of nearly
any variety to be quickly created and edited.


The top-most level of your patch, use the Program editor to
1 make broad changes that effect the overall sound of your
If you want more control over a patch. For example, try adding audio or MIDI effects, or
sound than the macros provide, the adjusting volume, pan and pitch. 2
EDIT tab gives you full access to all
parameters. Here you can make fine LAYER EDITOR
adjustments to any aspect of a sound Layers are used to group and modify Keygroups. Here you 3
or redesign it in any way you can
2 can add audio effects, MIDI effects and modulations just like
imagine. Here is a brief overview of the Program level, but you also have control of attributes like
the EDIT screen hierarchy, for more velocity curve, polyphony modes and unison settings.
information please consult the Falcon
software manual. KEYGROUP EDITOR
Keygroups are the ground level of your patch, they can
hold any number of oscillators and define which MIDI notes
and velocity ranges trigger those oscillators. They also set
basic oscillator attributes like pitch and trigger modes. Like
the previous ‘folders’, keygroups can contain effects and
modulators, but there is one significant difference: effects
instanced at the keygroup level operate per-voice. This can
have fantastic effects, but comes at an additional CPU cost so
consider how you use it carefully.

The mapping editor allows you to define the note and velocity
ranges of the selected keygroup. A patch can be as simple
as one keygroup that spans all notes and velocities, or as
complex as your desired sound requires; there are no set

Falcon has many types of oscillators including sample-based
and algorithmic. Here you can edit existing oscillators, change
EDIT them or add new ones.

Modulators can be instanced at any of the levels mentioned
above and this particular editor provides a centralized view
of all of them - allowing editing of modulator parameters (e.g.
LFO speed, ADSR values etc.) along with their assignments.
All modulators in a patch are represented by tabs. Once
clicked, the modulators’ assignments are displayed directly
above the tab. Here you can edit how they effect the various
parameters they are assigned to in your patch. 5


1-Arpeggiated: 2-Sequence: 3-Playable: 4-Chords:

Analog Cinematic A Jump Slide BL Nightshine 1 Ange Analog Split
Chord Fall in Love Brute Jumper BL Nightshine 2 Autochord Jam
Crossmod Waves Easy Play Tangerine BR Brassy Rising Creeper Chord
Eleventh Hour Five Spot BR Master Kanter Fantasy Chord White Keys
Evening Blue Hidden Agenda BR Modson Platinum Lag S&H Chord
First Exploration Inked Linked BR Osc Motion 1 PAD Fairy Tail
High Energy Line Panner BR Osc Motion 2 Slider Phase
Light Drops Mac Arena KB Hi N Ken Suspect Usual
Multi Wave Arp Minor Energy KB Road in Space
Multiseq Monoseq KB Shakeys Pluck 5-FX:
Night Flight O Wawa N Again KB Step Keys EDo You Read Me
Nocturn Escapade Octabass Groove LD Ambient Modulator Encounters
Park Central Park Ominous Electro LD Elvish Violon FX Alarma
Pluck Pad Arp One Finger Arp LD Lightwaves Heatbeat Galactic
Raise n Resonance SEQ Alpha One 95 LD Octaved Solo Jupiton Rise
Red Sky SEQ Introductory LD Soft Light Noise Ramp
Sixteen Step Sequence DAMotion 1 LD Sync Fallead Sometimes Pad
Slow Multipattern Sequence DAMotion 2 OR Wheel War Orchestra Space Bubbles
Sparkle Keys Sequence Stars PD Cosmopolis X Pad Speachy Froggy
Spectral EDnergy Shifty Shifty PD Fantasy Ominous Thunderbolt
Sunday Morning Sonic Filament PD Hi N Ken Uno Mod Mayhem
Tropic Digi Wheel Space Vortex PD Mist Rise
Ultra Soft Arp Wheel Thunder Meditation PD Organic Ambient
Waverunning Trilateral Time PD Scan Syn
Uber Space Driving PD Soft Mover
Underwater Spain PD Table Flyer
Upbeat Layers PD Venus Automod
Valley People PL Filter Dirty Step
Vangel Slow Motion PL Glide Rise Seq
Vice Wheel 2000 PL Kevin Stack
Villain PL Marimbanalog
Waverun Sequence PL Sci Syn
X Analog Beat PL Spring Five
PL Sync Fall
SW Sweep Lag S&H


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Tutorial and Demo Videos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

UVIscript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Lua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

OSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Scala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

iLokLicenseManager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Louis Couka

Alain Etchart

Ed Ten Eyck

UVI TEAM Damien Vallet

Kevin Guihaumou


Nathaniel Reeves

Anthony Hak

Nathaniel Reeves

Kai Tomita



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