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Secure the Future

of Connected Electric
Vehicle Charging
Ready. Set.
As the demand for electric To keep up with the massive demand
vehicles increases, so does and to ease consumer anxiety, there
the demand for a ubiquitous and is a mentality of “build, then secure”.
secure charging infrastructure. However, this is a questionable approach.
The sheer size of the ecosystem,
Yet, the supply is simply not
the close and continued interaction with
meeting the demand. Both public the consumer and the connection to the
and private organizations are larger electric grid cannot afford to see
charging ahead with roll outs security as an afterthought.
to help meet this demand, with
investment flooding in from Organizations across sectors have
across the globe. jumped at the opportunity to help
support this growing network.
Those who are likely to succeed will
have a systematic approach offering an
The European EV electric vehicle charging solution that is
charging market is scalable, reliable, secure, sustainable,
and safe.
expected to grow to
USD 7.8 billion by 2028.

Secure the Future of Connected Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions 2

What to

Cybersecurity Safety Are there enough Availability

Threats across the digitally The inherent risk of high-
EV charging points An unreliable charging network can
connected EV charging ecosystem
are on the rise. Cybersecurity controls
voltage electricity requires extra
precautions as improper use could
in Europe? negatively impact customer experience.
Charge rage, charge anxiety and other
are a must-have to reduce risks lead to physical injury in form of physiological impacts must be mitigated.
An analysis from McKinsey suggests
and protect all concerned parties. shocks, burns and electrocutions. Consistent and reliable connectivity to
that the European Union will need at least
critical applications like payment and loyalty
3.4 million operational public charging
will positively impact revenue & margins.
points by 2030 to enable a complete
switch from ICEs to EVs.

Device Visibility and An average of 6000 public charging

stations per week would need to be Site
Protection Management deployed throughout the EU from 2021-
2023 to achieve this target and with only
1600 installations per week in 2021, the
A single compromised device, With the sheer number of digitally EU is currently way behind the target rate. Sites come in all shapes and sizes.
whether the Electric Vehicle (EV), connected devices across the EV An agile solution is required to provide a
the EV charger or any other device in ecosystem, centralized management, consistent set of security and availability
the ecosystem, can be used to infiltrate secure remote access and analytics controls across a variety of sites.
all devices on the network. Security and are vital to efficient operations.
segmentation features are critical to
prevent widespread security incidents.

Secure the Future of Connected Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions 3

What are the

Secure and Improved Increased Meeting regulatory

safe operations brand loyalty margins compliance
Secure digitally connected devices The always-on promise: Deliver more products and services Centrally apply controls to comply
from cyber threats and ensure human improve availability of networks while the customer charges. with ever-increasing regulations
safety across the entire ecosystem. and drive consumer confidence. and ensure enhanced cybersecurity
resilience and trustworthiness.

Secure the Future of Connected Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions 4

Secure, reliable networks are essential to giving individuals,
businesses and fleets the confidence to make the switch to electric.

How can
Fortinet help

1 2 3
High Enhanced Central
Availability Visibility Management
Customers demand always-on Electric vehicle charging points The growth of EV charging
services and access to charge represents an additional entry sites demands a centralised
points when and where they point to the already expansive management capability to ensure
need them. Fortinet helps ensure EV attack surface. Fortinet security and policy standards
the availability of the services increases visibility into the are met. Fortinet’s automation
across a variety of diverse sites. charging ecosystem and capabilities improve operational
Enabling high availability will provides the means for control. efficiency and analytics provide
improve customer satisfaction insights that can be used as part of
and drive brand loyalty. a continuous improvement program.

Secure the Future of Connected Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions 5

4 5
Safe Award-Winning
and Secure Cybersecurity
Compromised devices could The EV charging ecosystem is rapidly
cause significant harm and damage. evolving and becoming a target for
Fortinet reduces the safety risk threat actors. As an established yet
by ensuring security across the innovative cybersecurity leader,
entire ecosystem. with 3x more patents than comparable
cybersecurity companies, Fortinet
is a strategic partner to secure EV
charging infrastructure.

Micro-segmentation techniques to
ensure threats do not proliferate and
cause even more harm if there is a
compromise. Securing traffic and making
sure only the right people have access to
the right components, at the right time.

Secure the Future of Connected Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions 6

Power The possibilities really are endless. Yet creating a great user
experience has proven tricky. A scalable, reliable, secure,
sustainable, and safe infrastructure is the answer.

Fortinet is positioned to be a strategic partner for electric vehicle
charging infrastructure operators, e-Mobility Service providers
and any organization wanting to drive forward their charging plans.

with Fortinet Ready to charge up

the future of EV charging?
This an exciting time for those in the EV charging ecosystem.
Contact us at [email protected] today

Secure the Future of Connected Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions 7

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