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Humans are the drivers of history

Humans are the drivers of change

Humans play a vital role in keeping a society responsive to any historical event
Socials trends and discovering new things that will meet their needs

Trend vs. Fad

“Seemingly drastic swings in mass behavior without obvious external stimuli”

Mass behavior - type of social behavior and is defined as collective behavior among people who
are spatially dispersed from one another

Theory of network externalities - phenomenon where the utility of a product increase when more
people use it, increased number of participants improve the value of a good or service

Cascade Theory - information cascades happen when a potential consumer or user abandons
his or her own information and refer to the decision made by other individuals (your voice
diminishes because so many people are against you)

Not because everyone does it, it becomes right

Morality of the action is not about the masses

What determines the end of a fad?

FInite Variability - happens when manufacturers of products can no longer manipulate or
introduce new features; thus, wearing out the interest and loyalty of its initial market

Life cycles of Products

1. Introduction
- Info dissemination and marketing
- The product is introduced to the market, there is an information drive as the sales
are still low, and its market share still is insignificant
2. Growth stage
3. Maturity stage
4. Decline

(notes in notebook)
FAD Trend

Notion of change The new things that we The way we do things

currently do;
Fades when the perception of
novelty is gone

Behavior intense Sustained behavior that turns

into lifestyle, mindset, and

Effects Coolness; me-too mentality; Meets needs; solves

starts with technology problems and issues

Time and nature of growth Appears suddenly; Appears suddenly;

enormously popular; enormously popular; does not
suddenly disappears; disappear; gets stronger over
unexplainable growth time; sticks around

Scope and limitations Stays within one company; Can cross over many
single brand/limited brands companies; encompasses
entire areas of technologies

Examples Ipad, aldub, kalyeserye, Gadgets, teleserye, pets,

friendster, troll doll, ALS ice social networking sites, social
bucket challenge advocacies

Factors shaping trends

1. Human needs - discovery and innovation for survival
- Our desire to build a better world and improve quality of life compels us to
discover new things
2. Historical forces - human response to change, conflict, and solutions
- Humans create responses to achieve equilibrium (peace and balance) until the
next disruptive events
3. Globalization - barrier-breaker and culture-connector
- Trends are spread through increased interaction between societies through
communication technologies
4. Digital connectivity & social media - targeted-trendsetting and amplified-activism
- Social media has grown into a multi-use environment where information about
services and goods are circulated. It can also be used to incite a certain emotion.
Megatrends and game changers

Vuca world - unpredictable, volatile world, those who survive are adaptable, derive lesson for
experience, and develop adaptive strategies and innovative systems within which they work and
V Volatility Vision

U Uncertainty Understanding

C Complexity Clarity

A Ambiguity Agility

The antidote to as VUCA world is also called VUCA

- These are interdisciplinary long-term trends that will determine the future for a large part
of the world

- Change in politics
- Advancement in science and technology
- Development of socio-cultural landscape
- Resource scarcity

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