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School of Lust Changelog v0.1 (Public Alpha) <-> v0.

2 (Public Alpha)

[ADDED] 3 new animated H-scenes to finish the hypnotization (peephole) event of

[ADDED] a new animated H-scene, that is part of a new quest line called
[ADDED] a new H-scene to finish Violet's tireswing event. You need to play as the
alter-ego (after October 3, 2044) to unlock this scene.
[ADDED] a new H-scene of Flora and Natalie sitting across the dinner table
(available after September 30, 2044).
[ADDED] a new animated H-scene of Claire during class (requires you to learn Magic
Level 2, which can be obtained from the second floor 'boss' in the Hole).
[ADDED] a new CG when first meeting Sofia on the basketball court.
[ADDED] a new CG on day 3 when Zoe jumps off the building.
[ADDED] 10 new quests: Urgent Request #2, Switcheroo, Hold the Wambulance!, Rescue
the Wambulance!, Illegal Alien, Catch that Pussy, Lust Toys: Violet, Lust Toys:
Sofia, Lust Toys: Natalie, Hypno Natalie #1
[ADDED] Zoe in (the southern part of) town, including a bizarre quest and spending
time with her (+Knowledge).
[ADDED] Nicole in her bedroom (which is no longer locked). Only possible to 'Play
Tag' with her at the moment (+Effort).
[ADDED] (everyone's favorite) uncle Gip in Flora's bedroom.
[ADDED] a new girl (Dunia). Appears at the end.
[ADDED] gifting the girls. The player can now give the girls gifts that can be
bought from the gift store in town, which may increase the player's romance level
with the girls. Each girl has their own preference of gifts. Certain gifts will
increase the player's romance level more than others, and we've tried to keep this
as obvious as possible (however it may still require some trial & error). Please
note that increasing the player's romance with certain girls is pointless at the
moment. Currently, only the final h-scenes (tire swing quest) with Violet and
(hypnotization quest) with Natalie require a romance level of 3 or higher, so there
is no need to upgrade the romance of the other girls. In the upcoming updates, the
player will be able to invite the girls on a date or perform certain other actions
which require a certain romance level.
[ADDED] a lot more sex toys (to find in the Hole and sell in the player's shop).
There are now a total of 18 sex toys to find in the Hole (depending on how far the
player has progressed).
[ADDED] a more advanced shop management system. Completely revamped the way player
manages the shop, including the option to advertise, hire staff members (one of the
girls) and upgrade the shop. In the upcoming updates, customers will provide side-
quests and there will be exclusive H-scenes for the staff members.
[ADDED] optional class attendance after the third week. Now the player can skip
class (excluding Fridays!) without any (major) repercussions. Scarlett will call
the player in on day 22 to give a short explanation.
[ADDED] drops from students that player defeats in the Hole. They now have a chance
to drop sex toys AND a small chance to drop keys (Rusty Key) to open chests with.
[ADDED] a mini-game when playing basketball with Sofia in Harfort.
[ADDED] the option to change the name of the boy protagonist (by interacting with
the computer in the bedroom). Useful if you use someone else's save file.
[ADDED] additional text messages sent by other characters to the player's phone to
inform the player what they are doing (and where they are), and now you will hear a
sound (and text) notification during gameplay when the player receives a text
message on his phone.
[ADDED] playing as the alter-ego after October 3, 2044 (including the option to
play during the nights). This part is still very much under development, and the
only thing the player can do at the moment is go outside the house and finish
Violet's tireswing quest as the alter-ego.
[ADDED] "X-ray" to Violet's tireswing scene and Natalie's final animated
hypnotization scene. We'll make sure to add "X-Ray" to future H-scenes as well.
[ADDED] the option to masturbate when interacting with the bed (during evenings or
weekends). This removes player's arousal rating, but reduces the player's charm
skill. You need to complete the 'Natalie's Peeping Tom' quest, before this option
becomes available.
[ADDED] extra hints that appear during gameplay.
[ADDED] toys to be found inside garbage containers/trash cans on multiple maps.
[ADDED] fast travel from school to home or town.
[ADDED] the option to cheat, which maximizes player's money, skills and romances
with all girls. To cheat you need to talk to the 'Fortune Teller' behind the church
and house with the light blue roof (outside the boy's house). However, there is one
downside to cheating, which is that the player's name changes to 'Cheater' for the
rest of the game. You will no longer be able to change it, so think carefully
before you choose to cheat.
[ADDED] Flora available to be hired in the Lust Toys shop (after finishing the
Blackmail quest).
[ADDED] a new mini-game: English literature class on Thursdays (replacing Math
class, which now only appears on Mondays, so hopefully that will stop some of you
from complaining that there's too much math in the game =D).
[ADDED] a new mini-game: Hurdling class on Tuesdays (Physical Education).
[ADDED] showing the current floor number at the top left of the screen in the Hole.
[ADDED] the basement that can be accessed from the living room (in preparation for
an upcoming scene).
[ADDED] the church interior (in preparation for an upcoming scene).
[ADDED] the option to trade in 100 coins (for $100) with Scarlett.
[ADDED] an extra save point (a console on the wall) in the Lust Toys shop.

[CHANGED] spending time with Natalie, which now increases a random

(Knowledge/Effort/Charm) skill as well.
[CHANGED] spending time with Flora, which now increases player's Charm skill as
[CHANGED] interaction with most of the girls, where player is now forced to talk
("Talk" option during conversation) to the girl first, before the other options
become available.
[CHANGED] Hypno Natalie quest, which can now be completed. This quest has been
split into two seperate quests: Hypno Natalie #1 and Hypno Natalie #2.
[CHANGED] certain scenes showing the 'Continue' button. Instead these show up
during animated scenes only, and you can click anywhere to continue on static
[CHANGED] the layout of the player's house (mainly the position of the stairs).
[CHANGED] the optimized images of animations back to the un-optimized ones, as the
optimized ones were causing weird color glitches (so the download size is a bit
larger now).
[CHANGED] all eyes of the girls when they're hypnotized or having a bad case of
"The Hole syndrome". The pupils are no longer shown, to make it more apparent that
someone is under hypnosis.
[CHANGED] both the town and neighborhood maps and made them significantly smaller,
which should increase performance and make it more efficient to move about.
[CHANGED] the school entrance map, as it now has stairs towards the second floor at
the entrance as well, which allows you to visit the principal's office much more
[CHANGED] the location of the bedrooms in the house, to make it more efficient to
go outside and go back to your bedroom.
[CHANGED] the movement speed of some of the NPC's during the job agency event.
[CHANGED] Violet now always appearing in her house after she gets fired from the
cafe, even if you haven't opened the 'Lust Toys' shop yet.
[CHANGED] Violet's 'Lust Toys' quest, which now appears after running the shop once
(instead of thrice).
[CHANGED] the synch monitor setting in the options menu. We've added the default
option "Auto", which automatically changes the "Synch Monitor" depending on your
average FPS. If your FPS is higher than 60 (so you're playing on a monitor set
higher than 60hz), it will automatically enable the "Synch Monitor" setting at the
start of the game (unless you manually turn it on/off).
[CHANGED] anti-androgen, which now decreases your arousal level between 30-50%
(instead of 30%), and you can now drink them outside the Hole (which also decreases
your arousal between 30-50%).
[CHANGED] the school roster, which now shows what class (or event) is on what day.
[CHANGED] buying anti-androgen from the nurse (Scarlett), which you can now buy
every other part of the day (e.g. afternoon/evening etc.), instead of every other
day. This will allow you to continue to buy anti-androgen if you're using an older
save file that has already ready the maximum number of days you can play (42).
[CHANGED] "Blackmail #1" quest, which now allows you to come back later in the day,
instead of having to come back the next day. This will allow you to continue to do
the quest if you're using an older save file that has already ready the maximum
number of days you can play (42).
[CHANGED] the food stall in town. It no longer blocks the way to the shopping mall.
[CHANGED] hypnosis in class on Fridays. You now don't have to worry about missing a
hypnosis scene, when you don't have the required magic level. You get to try again
next week as the scenes will appear chronologically (until you've unlocked them
[CHANGED] the lever that appears at the end. When enabling 'school day', it
(secretly) changes the day to Friday, so you get to complete any hypnosis scenes
you may have missed. Make sure you change the part of the day to 'Morning' before
you go to school, if you're going there to finish the hypnosis scenes.

[FIXED] playing the game on a monitor (set) higher than 60 hz. This was causing
problems with multiple gameplay mechanics. If you have powerful hardware, you don't
have to do anything. If you are running the game on old hardware, you may have to
turn the "Sync Monitor" option off in the game menu.
[FIXED] the 'Claire's Novel' quest, where her diary could be found before starting
the quest, which would no longer allowed the player to complete the quest.
[FIXED] an animation issue where Natalie's mouth would overlap when using a 'dildo'
during Natalie's peephole scene.
[FIXED] an issue where the protagonists' penis suddenly disappeared during
conversation with Sofia (and no, it wasn't 'shrinkage').
[FIXED] an animation issue where Flora and the protagonists' animation did not
disappear after the conversation ended (on September 13, 2044).
[FIXED] certain items disappearing from inventory when used/selected (outside the
[FIXED] character faces during conversations, to show the correct emotions.
[FIXED] overall performance. If you are still getting choppy frames, make sure that
the game is running on your dedicated graphics card (and not your on-board graphics
card, if applicable).
[FIXED] the menu no longer being accessible after reaching the (current) end of the
[FIXED] not possible to unlock memory #11 on the "Memories" map.
[FIXED] a catastrophic 'bug' where it was showing the golden question mark on top
of the neighbour's sprite (instead of the blue question mark).
[FIXED] certain security software detecting the game executable (SOL.exe) as a
false positive. Please let us know asap if your security software is still
detecting the game as a false positive. Make sure to include which virusscanner
you're using.
[FIXED] the player not facing Flora, while she enters the bedroom (on September 25,
[FIXED] Claire's animation not showing up when talking to her for the first time in
the library.
[FIXED] Natalie & Flora's sprites appearing in front the bedroom door, before they
[FIXED] the magic books, where player could reduce their hypnosis skill, by reading
a lower volume book after reading a higher volume book. You're forced to start from
Volume 1 now.
[FIXED] being possible for both Natalie and Flora to come inside the bedroom
together on day 21, if the player didn't finish the 'Natalie's Peeping Tom' quest
by then. Only Flora should've been the one to enter.
[FIXED] Natalie appearing alone in the living room on day 21, if you didn't finish
the breakfast event with her and Flora, before the 21st day.
[FIXED] player able to skip the Gip/Nicole scene on day 21, if player did not
finish the breakfast event with Natalie and Flora. This scene is mandatory and
should not be skippable.
[FIXED] students player saved from the Hole appearing in class outside school
hours. Does anyone even read these bug fixes? My fingers are going numb...
[FIXED] quite a few grammatical errors. I guess this one was a given, considering
that we're illiterate.
[FIXED] going back to Harfort/school (on September 26), which was causing a
permanent black screen.
[FIXED] starting Zoe's quest while having 100% arousal causing the 'dream sequence'
to end prematurely (no pun intended) and Flora being stuck as a follower.
[FIXED] entering the toilet inside Harfort/school and leaving the toilet causing
the lights to stay dimmed.
[FIXED] the following error message/crash that could appear randomly: Cannot read
property 'setMapItemShopItem' of undefined.
[FIXED] the following error message/crash that could appear during animations:
Uncaught TypeError:Cannot read property 'drawingBufferHeight' of null
[FIXED] sex toys disappearing after putting them on the shelves and leaving the
"Lust Toys" shop. Now the game will remember where the player puts each toy.
[FIXED] the 'Harassing the Harasser' (Violet) disguise quest. If the player
received the disguise from Scarlett in the Job Agency, before starting the
'Harassing the Harasser' quest, the player was unable to complete 'Harassing the
Harasser'. It no longer matters how you approach this quest.
[FIXED] "Give $5" event with Flora. It will now only allow the player to do that
once a day, as was intended.
[FIXED] Scarlett's avatar not showing up after finishing the Job Agency mini-game.
[FIXED] lights dimming inside Harfort/school, after leaving the Hole and trying to
leave the building.
[FIXED] students randomly becoming invisible after defeating them in the Hole
(although, they were still clickable).
[FIXED] blue marker still appearing on top of one of the potential customers during
the job agency event, after you've sold a sex toy.
[FIXED] interacting with the locker at the school entrance, and selecting 'change
clothes', which had a developer test event that would change the part of the day to
evening. I forgot to remove that in the live build... rookie mistake, soz (`��֥ �L)
[FIXED] the secret 'guess the cosplayer' event. You can no longer access this
building until day 5, as it was causing event timing issues.
[FIXED] unable to leave Harfort/school during the night (after the player leaves
the Hole)
[FIXED] unable to complete the 'Peeping Tom' quest, when choosing to make a picture
of Violet's breasts, but she already got fired from the Cafe.
[FIXED] the following error/crash that could appear randomly: Cannot read property
of 'resolution' undefined.
[FIXED] Violet, Mr. Cumspree and 'red suit' not disappearing after finishing the
'Harassing the Harasser' quest, and unable to talk to Violet from there on.
[FIXED] leaving one of the rooms in the Hole, sending the player back to the
previous floor.
[FIXED] the player's damage not increasing in the Hole, according to its effort
skill (after reaching effort 10 or higher).
[FIXED] not actually deducting $5 when spending time in the Cafe.
[FIXED] being able to run up the wall in the chemistry lab in Harfort.
[FIXED] unable to complete the second objective (Open the Shop) of the 'A Large
Debt' quest.
[FIXED] shop map not mapping after the shop maps the shop inside the shop map. In
other words, upgrading the Lust Toys shop didn't work.
[FIXED] masturbating (on the bed) not resetting your arousal levels.
[FIXED] math mini-game not working in later weeks of the game.
[FIXED] unable to run the Lust Toys shop on certain parts of the day (e.g.
afternoon) after day #22.
[FIXED] reading the magic book inside the library, instead of taking it with you,
which did not complete the 'It's Magic!' quest and did not start the 'Hypno Natalie
#1' quest.
[FIXED] watching memory #8 in the 'H-Memories section' crashing the game (when it
tries to recreate the path in the bunny bar).
[FIXED] watching memory #10 (peephole) in the 'H-Memories section' causing a black
[FIXED] alter-ego background music not fading out after sleeping.
[FIXED] a few typos.
[FIXED] entering sex shop for the first time giving the error; TypeError: Cannot
read property 'minimapX' of undefined
[FIXED] bathroom and Flora's bedroom exiting a different location.
[FIXED] when reaching 100% arousal in the Hole, being able to walk to the next room
(with 100% arousal), instead of showing the "game over...?" screen immediately.
[FIXED] customers and staff in the sex shop being able to walk on walls.
[FIXED] holes/pits in the Hole blocking the attack projectiles.
[FIXED] Violet's casual/bunny/naked sprites showing an anomaly right next to her
when she's walking around.
[FIXED] background music of memory #11 not fading out after having watched the
[FIXED] unable to trade Scarlett if you have less than 10 coins.
[FIXED] memory #12 and #13 not unlocking.
[FIXED] the lighting around the torches inside the memories.
[FIXED] statistics showing the incorrect floors cleared.
[FIXED] a few minor pathing (and other) issues that aren't worth mentioning
[FIXED] lag/stutter when moving around in the new town and neighborhood maps.
[FIXED] booth animation not disappearing when you don't have enough money and leave
the booth in town.
[FIXED] when returning to the booth in town, after you had no money, it shows the
following error message: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'startMotion' of null".
[FIXED] Nicole's bedroom showing the label 'Flora's room' while playing as the
[FIXED] 'caped baldy' neighbor still peeking through the window when using a save
file of an older release.
[FIXED] being able to walk on top of the male/female signs on the beach.
[FIXED] entering the house from the back, which causes the player to walk outside
the fence first.
[FIXED] staff members blocking the cash register in the Lust Toys shop (yet again).
[FIXED] Job Agency quest resetting when using a save file of an older release.
[FIXED] an anomaly that appears on the protagonists' sprite when he's in his school
[FIXED] npc not sitting correctly on the chair in the cafe in town when spending
time there.
[FIXED] question mark on top of violet not disappearing after closing the Lust Toys
[FIXED] unable to save, masturbate or look through the peephole in the bedroom when
reaching day 42.
[FIXED] unable to "spend time in cafe" with Violet, when having selected to take a
photo of her for the neighbor.
[FIXED] staff members blocking the cash register after upgrading the 'Lust Toys'
shop to level 3.
[FIXED] spending time with Nicole not changing the part of the day.
[FIXED] spending time with Zoe event showing the wrong (sitting) sprite for the
[FIXED] Zoe's sprite showing a small anomaly when she's walking about.
[FIXED] Sofia not appearing in the basketball court, when using a save file from an
older release.
[FIXED] unable to read the magic books, when using a save file from an older
[FIXED] question marks not disappearing on top of the NPC's after closing the shop.
[FIXED] being able to bypass 42 days, by filling your arousal bar and automatically
going to sleep.
[FIXED] unable to interact with Violet and Sofia in the swimming pool (second event
in class).
[FIXED] able to skip mandatory events (e.g. alter-ego) when forced to sleep, after
you're at 100% arousal.
[FIXED] able to enter the Hole, while you're at 100% arousal.
[FIXED] the menu options that appear when leaving the school, where you can now
cancel out of it.
[FIXED] unable to interact using a keyboard/controller with the cashier in the gift
[FIXED] Scarlett and the protagonists' animated busts not disappearing after
gifting Scarlett.
[FIXED] black screen after watching Memory #9.
[FIXED] unable to select 'don't trade now' (to trade coins) when interacting with
Scarlett after visiting the Hole.
[FIXED] 'Catch the cat that has Claire's novel!' and 'Give the novel back to
Claire' quest objectives not showing up after catching the cat.
[FIXED] the stat meters, which now show the percent sign (as intended).

[REMOVED] corruption level of the girls entirely. It was obsolete for now, but
we'll probably add it back in the future (when corrupting the girls is more fleshed
[REMOVED] 'Command Remember' from the options menu, as it was obsolete.
[REMOVED] the memory leak patch, which was obsolete, and on top of that, causing
random crashes.
[REMOVED] all conversation when choosing the option 'Invite on a date'. It now
shows the 'under construction' page instantly, as some of you were still confused
if dating the girls was possible or not. Also, this was done in preparation for the
dating events that will be added in the upcoming updates.
[REMOVED] memories 20-25, as they were placeholders for version 0.3.

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