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Student’s Book Pack
Mickey Rogers
Joanne Taylore-Knowles
^ Steve Taylore-Knowles
Concept development:
Mariela Gil Vierma

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Pre-intermediate Student’s Book

Mickey Rogers
Joanne Taylore-Knowles
Steve Taylore-Knowles
Concept development:
Mariela Gil Vierma


magazine extracts STRATEGY: asking follow-up
common characteristics of FUNCTION using past tenses
Millennial to talk about a past event

a film review IDENTIFYING SPEAKERS' talking about cultural activities LINKING SENTENCES: SO
OPINIONS: an informal and because
films FUNCTION talking about
cultural activities

PRONOUN travel plans COMMUNICATION a travel blog

REFERENCE: an article FUNCTION talking about STRATEGY: responding to
holiday plans requests
FUNCTION describing o
holiday destination

an article 1o IDENTIFYING talking about important life LINKING

FUNCTION talking about a SPEAKERS' OPINIONS: changes and experiences SENTENCES: and, so,
custom an informal conversation SPEAKING WORKSHOP because, but, or

FUNCTION talking about


PREDICTION: a magazine different opinions COMMUNICATION an informal review

article STRATEGY: starting and
ending a conversation
popular music and giving FUNCTIONS
recommendations • describing a concert
• making recommendations

an online forum UNDERSTANDING describing living spaces IDENTIFYING

PROCESSES: a lecture STRUCTURE: topic
opinion, agreeing, disagreeing FUNCTION making enquiries

UNIT OPENER FUNCTIONS: recalling events (t), thinking about the arts (2), expressing preferences (3), expressing agreement
and disagreement (4), talking about favourites (5), describing a room (6)
consonant sound + e PAST CONTINUOUS AND PAST FUNCTION talking about online activities Identifying sources of
SIMPLE information
FUNCTION talking about past events FUNCTION talking
FUNCTION describing reactions
about the advantages and
disadvantages of sources of


as... as NOT AS... AS Developing cultural awareness
FUNCTION expressing opinions
FUNCTIONS cultural differences
FUNCTION discussing cultural activities
• discussing and comparing cultural activities
• making comparisons



FUNCTION talking about yourself FUNCTION talking about possessions and travel essentials Estimating and guessing


AND OFFER guessing
FUNCTION expressing an opinion
FUNCTION asking for permission and
making requests and offers


FUNCTION talking about experiences FUNCTION discussing good and bad experiences Active listening


AND FOR/SINCE evaluating
FUNCTION talking about experiences and feelings
FUNCTION talking about events that began
in the past and continue in the present


FUNCTION talking about music icons Narrowing the focus of a
FUNCTION talking about past events
ADVICE FUNCTION giving opinions about music
FUNCTION giving advice


OBLIGATION AND NECESSITY Considering different options
with separable phrasal verbs FUNCTION describing a living space
FUNCTION talking about things you must / FUNCTION discussing
mustn't / have to / don't have to do requirements
FUNCTION talking about housekeeping
FUNCTION comparing habits

^PREDICTION: an article complaints COMMUNICATION a recipe
FUNCTION talking about food STRATEGY: explaining what
you mean
FUNCTION using connectives
like first, when and while to
give instructions

An advice column rO UNDERSTANDING talking about dating customs 16 IDENTIFYING

opinions and guessing PROCESSES: a lecture STRUCTURE: topic and
FUNCTION giving opinions
supporting sentences
about dating customs

UNDERSTANDING a weather forecast COMMUNICATION a description of a place

CONTEXT: an article
FUNCTION giving brief
factual information about
a place

a magazine article UNDERSTANDING talking about social plans WRITING

DISAGREEMENT: an informal sentences
FUNCTION asking for help
and offering suggestions

*0 UNDERSTANDING a description of a process COMMUNICATION a product review

FUNCTION describing a process WRITING WORKSHOP
CONTEXT: a website uncertainty
• describing a product and its
• talking about advantages and
• making recommendations

an online debate UNDERSTANDING imagining a different life *0 WRITING

DISAGREEMENT: a discussion supporting sentences
FUNCTION describing unreal
f situations in the present

UNIT OPENER FUNCTIONS: talking about experimenting with food (7), giving opinions (8), talking about ideal destinations (9),
discussing reasons for parties (10), talking about vital technology (11), comparing (12)
adjectives FUNCTION complaining about food FUNCTION describing food Writing and conducting
a survey
FUNCTION discussing
FUNCTION talking about eating habits FUNCTION taking about quantities and containers


PREFERENCES FUNCTION talking about romantic relationships Using information to make
FUNCTION expressing likes, dislikes and recommendations
preferences FUNCTIONS
FUNCTION talking about feelings
GERUND PHRASES AS SUBJECT AND • talking about preferences
OBJECT • making suggestions

FUNCTION using verbs as nouns in sentences


nnd/oi/ POSSIBILITY FUNCTION describing the weather Evaluating different plans
FUNCTION talking about future possibilities THE NATURAL WORLD FUNCTION talking about
WILL AND GOING TO effects and consequences
FUNCTION describing the geography of a place
FUNCTION making predictions, talking
about plans/intentions, talking about
spontaneous decisions



FUNCTION talking about traditions FUNCTION talking about parties Being assertive


FUNCTION talking about plans and FUNCTION describing events




FUNCTION describing objects FUNCTION identifying different materials Thinking creatively


• generating ideas
FUNCTION talking about inventions FUNCTION using adjectives to describe gadgets
and technology • speculating


review of diphthongs FUNCTION describing relationships with family members Reaching a compromise
FUNCTION describing consequences of real
situations and friends FUNCTION reaching
VALUES a compromise
FUNCTION describing unreal situations in FUNCTION discussing important values in life
the present


AUDIOSCRIPT: page 169 ANSWER KEYS: page 172
Grammar review
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb be.
1 What_their names? 4 Jane and I_not going out this
2 How old_he? weekend.
3 I___interested in taking guitar lessons. 5 My brothers' names_Jack and Toby.
2 Make questions in the correct tense using the prompts. Then match
the questions to the correct answers.
1 Who / your parents / meet yesterday? a) I started it last month.

2 Where / he / go last night? b) No, only on Saturday mornings.

3 When / you / start your new job? c) Because they're exciting.

4 Why / Ryan and Jake / like action films? d) My aunt and her new boyfriend.

5 Paulina / go to the gym / every day? e) To the new cinema on Cross Street.

3 Complete the sentences with a, an, the or - (nothing).

1 I'm_teacher at_Saint Martin's Academy._school
specialises in language education.
2 I would like to be_pilot because_pilots travel all the time.
3 Do you think_nurses work long hours?
4 Rob Lawley is_actor in_TV programme Case Files.
5 Sophie wants to be_writer or_artist.

4 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 Jack's / Jacks' got blue eyes and blonde hair.
2 Who / Whose laptop is on the table?
3 Jenny hasn't got Martin's keys but she found hers / her.
4 What are your sisters' / sister's names?
5 Carla doesn't have a book. She can borrow my / mine.

5 Rewrite the sentences using the word in brackets. Use the correct
1 I change my clothes and put on my trainers. Then, I play badminton, (before)

2 The basketball team wins an important game. Then they celebrate with a party, (after)

3 Valeria goes to the gym about twice a year. (rarely)

4 They have no free time. They are busy all day, every day. (always)

5 Andrew got the job. He was happy, [when)

6 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 There are several / any rock concerts in California 5 There is / are a lot of museums in Berlin.
this summer. 6 My mum doesn't want any / some vegetables.
2 Are / Is there a restaurant near here? 7 I don't eat much / many cake.
3 There is a / some bread in the cupboard. 8 There aren't / isn't any tomatoes.
4 There aren't / isn't any ice cream.
7 Correct the mistakes with the imperatives in four sentences. Tick the two
correct sentences.
1 Sitting down and being quiet!_
2 Please turn off your phones._
3 Don't forget to take your passport._
4 Please not to use my computer at the moment_
5 Please to open your books at page three._

8 Complete the sentences with the words in brackets using the present
simple or the present continuous.
1 -to visit Paris this year, (we / want)
2 What classes-at the moment? (you / take)
3 -tennis three times a week, (he / play)
4 -Spanish and Russian at university this year, (he / study)
5 At the moment,_(he / not work) in a school.

9 Tick the correct sentence. Correct the incorrect sentences.

1 Shelly is more funny than Martin.

2 The new smartphone is user-friendly than the old one.

3 She can play the piano good.

4 An e-reader isn't cheaper than a laptop.

5 Johanna can't speak French easy.

10 Choose the correct option.

1 a) This trousers really suit you. b) These trousers really suit you.
2 a) Let's have some ice cream for dessert. b) Let's to have some ice cream for dessert,
3 a) Would you like to try the soup of the day? b) Would you like try soup of the day?
4 a) I prefer this blue shirt over there. b) I prefer that blue shirt over there.

11 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the correct tense.
A: Hi Rosanna! How (i)_(be) your weekend?
B: It was great, thanks. On Sunday, I (2)_(go) for lunch with some friends. When I
(3)_(get) home I watched some DVDs. What about you?
A: I (4)_(not do) much. But next weekend, I'm going to see Daft Punk in concert. I
(5)_(love) them! I'm so excited. I (6)_(buy) the tickets last year. What
(7)_(you / do) this weekend?
B: I'm going to study because I (8)-(take) the university entrance exams next

12 Rewrite the sentences. Replace the underlined words with object pronouns.
1 1 told Marv that 1 liked Jack.

2 Abbv aave Jenna and me some ice cream.

3 She aave her brother a aift.

4 Sallv told her parents she would be home late.

5 Who is making dinner? Sasha is makina dinner for me and vou.

Grammar review 7
0 learn language for talking about
cultural trends and important

O read about key events during a

recent decade
ask and answer questions about
people's lives during a specific
period in the past
pronoun reference
listen to a talk about generational
What are pronouns?
Why do we use them?
O write about an important event in
the past
analyse different sources of
information to research a specific
period in the past

||8* watch a video about world events

in the new millennium

asking follow-up
Why is it important to ask
questions when you are
having a conversation
with someone?

LIFE identifying sources of information

Where can you find information?
SKILLS Why is it important to use several
STUDY different sources of information for
academic assignments?
A 0 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Which of these
things from the first decade of the new millennium do you
recognise or remember?
A: What's that?
B: 1 think it's the first iPod. HOW TO SAY IT |g
A: Oh yes! Do you remember when it came out? Recalling events
B: Yes, 1 think it was 2001. 1 was still in primary school. What's that?
3t's the ... / That's
en ...
you remember
) ... / when ...?
lon't) remember
en ... happened/
ne out.

B 0Work in pairs. What other things do you remember

or know about from those years?

New millennium UNIT 1
to a talk
A Hoi Underline the characteristics that you think are typical of
Millennial - the generation born after 1980. Then listen to a talk and
check your answers.
• learnt to use technology as young children respect authority
• are 'connected' through social networks want to find a permanent job
• are interested in global issues prefer to work alone
• are very self-confident prefer to work in teams

B Listen again and choose the correct answers.

1 What phrase represents what the speaker says is the main characteristic of Millennials?
a) technology natives b) multicultural c) self-confident
2 What do Millennials want to do in their jobs?
a) stay with a company for b) work in other countries c) make decisions
a long time
3 What characteristic makes Millennials good at working in teams?
a) being sociable b) being self-confident c) being multicultural

Work in pairs. Are you a Millennial? If so, which of the
characteristics mentioned in the talk do you have?
A: I'm a Millennial, and I definitely know a lot about technology.
B: I'm a Millennial, too. I'm not very good with technology, but I use social networks.

internet activities
A Do you use a computer? Tick the things you use it for.
□ sending and checking emails Q shopping □ playing games Q social networking [pother

B Read the article about the internet in the 21st century. Write each of
the phrases in bold next to its definition.

Many people all over the world started using the internet in the 1990s. One of
the first things people could use the internet for was email. Then, many
companies set up websites and started selling their products online.
Millions of people also started using the internet to play games,
download music or films or blog about their lives. It became completely
normal to browse the internet to find information instead of using books.
In the 21st century, there was an explosion of social media use. People can
now post photos or status updates and message their friends on
Facebook. They can also google new business contacts, upload home
videos to YouTube and tweet on their phones.

1 □ write an online journal =_ 5 □ on the internet =-

2 Q put photos or videos on the internet = 6 □ use the Google search engine to look for someone/
something =-
3 □ look at different websites =_ 7 I I get files from the internet =_
4 CH Put a message, photo or blog entry online = 8 □ write a short message using Twitter =_

C El Tick the internet activities in Exercise B that you do often. Then compare with a partner.
A: I often download music, but I never shop online.
B: I use Twitter and Facebook a lot.
past continuous
A LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read the blog. How is Stephanie’s
life different now?


Millennials - is your life constantly changing, or is it routine and boring? Stop
and reflect. What were you doing this time two years ago? If the answer is
The same things that I'm doing now', you need to make some changes!

What was I doing two years ago? That's easy! I was studying for my last exam before I left
university. It was my last term, and I was going to lectures and working part-time at an
electronics shop. I wasn't going out with friends because I didn't have time! Now I'm not
II studying and I'm socialising a lot more. Life is getting more interesting!

Look back at the blog and
B ANALYSE Read the text in Exercise A again. cirde the verbs that refer to
Stephanie's life two years ago.
Form Complete this table with examples from Exercise A.
Then choose the correct option to complete the rule below.

Affirmative Negative Question

l(i) 1 (?) What (.?) / . two

for my last exam. m it with friends years ago?

He/She/It was studying. He/She/It wasn't going out. What was he/she/it doing?

We/You/They were studying. WeA'ou/They weren't going out. What (4) . we/you/they

We form the past continuous with was/were and the -ing / base form of a verb.

Function Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

We use the past continuous to talk about something that ... at a particular moment in the past,
a) started and finished b) was in progress

C PRACTISE Complete the questions and comments with the past continuous
form of the verbs in brackets.

This week's question: What (i). (do) at midnight on December 31, 1999?

★j Mousel 2: Hmm. Good question. I think I (2). _ (dance) with my

boyfriend at a school party. We were still at school then.

★]Aiden300: 1(3)_(sleep)! I was only five years old in 1999.

★j MelissaK: My family and I (4). . (watch) the celebrations on TV.

★ j Marco: We (5)- . (have) dinner at my grandparents' house.

In my country, we have a big family meal on New Year's Eve.

I (6)_(work) on a big project for a university class, so

1(7). . (not celebrate) that night.

D NOW YOU DO IT Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about what you were
doing at particular moments in the past.
A: What were you doing at this time yesterday?
B: I was working. What were you doing last New Year's Eve at midnight?

ililtUnl UNIT 1
asking follow-up questions
To show that you are interested in what someone is saying, ask them follow-up
questions. It's a good way to get more information from them, and it helps to
keep the conversation going. You can also use phrases to show interest.

A 1^02 Listen to a conversation between two friends who meet in the

street. Tick the follow-up questions that they ask.
Q a) And what about you? □ d) Really? Why? What were you doing?
□ b) Oh, no. That's awful! □ e) Wow! Did you like it?
□ c) Oh, yeah? How come? □ f) Yeah? Where?

B Now read the conversation and put the follow-up questions from
Exercise A in the correct place. Listen again and check.
Lisa: Hey, Jessie! I can't believe it's you! How are you?
Jessie: I'm fine, thanks. I think the last time we saw each other was in the summer three
years ago. I went to Spain after that. I was living with my brother for a while.
Lisa: (1)_

Jessie: Oh, I was travelling and working in a restaurant there.

Lisa: (2) _

Jessie: Yeah. It was great! (3)_

Lisa: Well, the last time I saw you I was working with my dad, but I wasn't enjoying it
very much.
Jessie: (4)_
Lisa: Well, we were buying houses, and then ...

C [Q Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions. Use follow-up

1 What were you doing in 2009? A: What were you doing in 2009?
2 What were you doing this time last year? B: / was living in Warsaw.
3 Where were you living five years ago? A: Really? How come?
4 Who were you going out with two years ago?

describing reactions
A Match the adjectives with the pictures.
1 upset about _ interested in
2 excited about _ worried about
3 amazed by _ surprised by
4 angry with _ happy about
A s \ C
I think
I failed
< the
exam ..

B |Q
Work in pairs. Make a list of important events during your life.
Tell your partner how you reacted to each event.
A: I was about ten when Michael Jackson died, so I remember that. I was shocked by it.
B: I remember when Barack Obama became president. I was really excited!
pronoun reference
'0' Pronouns are words such as he and them. They refer to nouns. It is important to
understand exactly what the pronouns refer to. Usually this information comes in the
clause or sentence before.

A Read these extracts from a magazine article about important events of the
2000s. Write the correct event above each description. There is one event which
is not described.

Hurricane Katrina in 2005 The heatwave in Europe in 2003 The Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008

Key events of
the 2000s

‘I remember (i) it very well. I was nine, and my ‘I remember that (5) it happened just at the end of
parents and I were on holiday in the south of the summer. It’s usual to get (6) them at that time
France. I knew that the weather in France in August of year, but everyone was worried. They knew it
was hot, but that summer, (2) it was too much - was a big storm. A lot of people left New Orleans,
temperatures reached more than 40 degrees! At but many stayed. When the storm hit, it caused a
first, it wasn’t too bad, but after a few days, (3) we lot of damage. I saw it on TV here in France. But the
started getting too hot. We were staying in a small big problem was with the floods. (7) They totally
flat on the top floor of a building in the centre of a destroyed some parts of the city. A lot of places in
city. The building was very old, so there was no air the city are below sea level, and when the water
conditioning and the windows were very small. We came out of the lake, (8) they were flooded. I went
had (4) them open every day, but we just couldn’t there a few years ago. Everything was getting back
cool down. In the end, we had to leave the city. We to normal, but it was still shocking to see some of
went back home to Australia to escape the heat!’ the effects.’

Dave, Melbourne

B Look at the pronouns in bold in Exercise A. Who or what does each one
refer to? Write the number of the pronoun which refers to each of these things.
Text 1 Text 2
a) the weather □ e) places in the city □
b) the windows □ f) hurricanes □
c) the heatwave □ g) the floods □
d) the writer and his parents □ h) the hurricane □

C Answer the questions about the details of the stories. Then scan the
stories quickly to check your answers.
1 Where were Dave and his parents staying during the event he describes?
2 What was the problem?
3 What did Dave and his parents do to solve the problem?
4 Was Raymond in the USA when the disaster happened?
5 What was the biggest problem?
6 Why were lots of places in the city affected?

New millennium HHBH
vowel + consonant sound + e
A Q|] 03 Listen to the pronunciation of these words. What do
not note hide hid mad
you notice about the first vowel in words with e at the end? made use us hope
hop at ate
B Listen again and categorise the words in the table.
'short' vowel : 'long' vowel

mad : made

C H^04 Work in pairs. Practise these sentences. Then listen and check.
1 He hid the note in the cake. 3 They made us hide the bikes.
2 i hope you are not playing that game I hate. 4 We're going to arrive late!

t- Ts;. '

past continuous and past simple

A LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read the article.
Why does Carol use the word ‘miracle’?

Carol Simmons met Barbara and Sonia while she was staying at a
hotel in Phuket, Thailand.

On 26"’ December, the three women were at the hotel pool.

The sun was shining. Carol was reading while her friends were
swimming. Then it happened. Carol was looking up at the
beautiful sky when she saw an enormous wall of water. Seconds
later, the tsunami crashed over them. They were under water for
about a minute, but fortunately, all three women survived.
'It was a miracle!' Carol says.

B ANALYSE Read the text in Exercise A again.

Function Choose the correct options to complete the sentences in column 1.

Then complete column 2 with examples from Exercise A.
Past continuous

We use the past continuous to describe the (1) background The sun (2) .. . _ .
scene / events and actions.
Carol (3) - , .

Past simple

We use the past simple to describe the (4) background The tsunami (5), ... over them.
scene / events and actions.
All three women (6)..

when and while

We use the past continuous to talk about an action that was Carol was looking up at the beautiful sky
in progress when another short action happened. We use (9).. she saw an enormous wall of water.
the past simple for the short action.

We use (7) when / while to introduce the action in progress. Carol met Barbara and Sonia (10) .. ...
We use (8) when / while to introduce the short action. she was staying at a hotel in Phuket.

Q She was living in England when she met her husband.
Q She lived in England while she was meeting her husband,
o She was living in England while she was meeting her husband.
C PRACTISE Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in
Many Thais and tourists from other countries (i)_(enjoy) a beautiful day at
the beach on December 26, 2004. The sun (2)_(shine) and a light breeze
(3)-(come) from the sea. It seemed a perfect place for a relaxing holiday. But
while some people (4)_(swim), they (5)_(notice) that the water
around them was moving out away from the beach. Others (6)_(look) at the
beautiful ocean view when they suddenly (7)_(see) a wave that looked like a
wall. It was 30 metres high, and, sadly, most people could not escape. The Indian Ocean
tsunami was one of the worst disasters in history.

D NOW YOU DO IT Work in pairs. Use the prompts to tell your

partner about an experience in your life. The experience can be positive
or negative.
A: While I was studying for my exams, my mum got ill. It was a difficult time.
B: I was travelling in Latin America when I heard about my exam results.

about an event
A Read about this person’s experience. Does the accident
happen to the writer of the story or someone else?

W hen I was about 12,1 went with my family to Marine

Land to see the aquarium and the marine animals.
While we were there, we went to a dolphin show.
The dolphins were doing lots of tricks, and some of the trainers
were swimming with them. My little brother was standing next
to me. While I was watching the show, I heard a big splash. My
brother was in the water! I yelled, 'Dad, Sammy's in the water!'
My dad jumped in the water when he saw Sammy in the tank,
but Sammy disappeared under the water! While my dad was
swimming around, looking for Sammy, I saw an enormous grey
shape near him. The dolphin's head came out of the water, and
it was holding my brother in its mouth! When it saw my dad, it
swam to him and put Sammy in his arms! It was a really scary
experience, but thanks to that dolphin, my little brother was fine.

B Think of an event or experience that you want to write about. In your

notebook, make notes about the event using the guidelines below.

What kappe/vedt_

When. gjui Mshe.ce it kappenbedt_

Wkcd you oc other people vre.ce. doing when. it happened".

What you oc other people did when it ha.ppened‘.

h/ow it ended".______

How you or other people, -felt, or whajt ike event was like.'. HOW TO SAY IT Q
What happened after...?
C Use your notes to write about the event. What did you / the people do when ...
How did you feel when/after ...?
D 2| Work in pairs. Read each other’s stories. Ask Was it exciting/scary/dangerous/fun?
questions to get more information about your partner’s

New millennium
• Decide what information you need.
• Identify resources that can give you that information.
• Find useful information.

A Read the class assignment and

tick what the students have to do.
□ do research on a specific topic
□ find out about all three topics
□ write an essay
□ prepare notes for an oral report

Class assignment
History and culture 203: The New Millennium

Form small groups. Choose one of the three topics below and find out as much
as possible about it. Use the questions as a guide. Use a variety of information
sources for your research. Prepare a short report to present to your group.

1 The first decade of the 21st century

What were some important local or world events during that decade?
What were people doing when they heard about each of these events?
How did they feel and what did they do when they heard the news?
2 Culture and entertainment
What were people doing for fun at the beginning of the decade? At the end?
What were the popular films, books, bands, etc of the decade?
What important events happened in the world of culture and entertainment
during the decade?
3 Technology
How were people communicating at the beginning of the decade? At the end?
How did communications and social media influence important events?
What were some of the big technology successes and failures of the decade?
Study and Learning
B Q3
Work in small groups. Look at the resources people
can use to find out information. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of each one?

Resources Advantages Disadvantages


official websites from organisations,

governments, etc

online encyclopaedias

blogs and online chat rooms

other people (teacher/parents, etc)

other resources

C With your group, choose a topic from Exercise A.

Decide what information you need for your topic.
Discuss which of the resources in Exercise B will be HOW TO SAY IT BJ
the best place to find information for your topic. Talking about advantages and
A: There were a lot of magazine and newspaper articles about disadvantages of sources of
important events.
(Newspapers) are ...
B: Yes, but looking for magazines and newspapers takes a lot of time.
C: We can also find lots of information about important events on available all the time / difficult
to get.
the internet.
B: Yes, but on some websites the information isn't correct.
(Official websites)...
D One of the resources you can use for your topic give correct information /
is your teacher and classmates. Find out as much may give incorrect or false
information as you can from them and make notes.
Getting information from (books) ...
A: Do you remember any important events from 2000 to 2009?
takes / doesn't take a lot of time.
B: Yes, I remember hurricane Katrina. My cousin and her family
were living in New Orleans and we were really worried!
A: Oh, wow! What were they doing when the hurricane arrived?
B: They were driving. They were leaving the city.

E 0Share the information you found out with

your group. 0? REFLECT... How can the
skill of identifying sources of
information be useful to you in
Work and Career and Self and

New millennium UNIT
Language wrap-up
A Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box. (8 points)

blog browse download google online post tweet upload

1 I'm going to_a home video to an online file-sharing site so my friends can see it.
2 James can_some music from the internet onto your MP3 player.
3 It's easy to shop_You just click to order something and pay with a credit card.
4 You can't use more than 140 characters in a_They are very short.
5 Paul likes to_the internet for an hour before he starts work.
6 Why don't you_the name of that book you wanted to find?
7 When my sister went to Thailand, she wrote a_about her experiences there.
8 Can you show me how to_a status update on Facebook?

B Match the beginnings 1-7 with the endings a-g. (7 points)

1 I'm very worried a) in animals.
2 We were very shocked b) about losing my phone. It was new.
3 I'm really excited c) about John. He's two hours late.
4 I was amazed d) about my holiday in Thailand. I can't wait!
5 I'm studying zoology because I'm interested e) by Michael Jackson's death. It was so unexpected.
6 My sister is angry f) at how good Jake is at using a computer - he's only three!
7 I was upset g) with her boyfriend because he didn't call her last night.

11-15 correct: I can talk about internet activities and describe reactions to events.
0 - 10 correct: Look again at the vocabulary on pages 10 and 12. SCORE: /15

Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of
the verb in brackets. (15 points)
1 A: What_you_(do) when I phoned you last night?
B: I-[watch) a TV show about music from about 15 years ago. It was really bad!
2 The story begins on a stormy night. The wind_(blow) and it-(rain).
3 I-(see) Greg yesterday. He_(walk) in the park.
4 While we-(play) football, Katy_(break) her foot.
5 A: What_you_(listen) to a minute ago? It was really good.
B: I-(play) a CD by Coldplay.
6 We-(live) in Germany when my younger brother-(start) school.
7 I couldn't come to the door because I_(have) a shower when you arrived.
8 We-(watch) TV when the electricity_(go) off.

11-15 correct: I C3n use the past simple and the past continuous.
0-10 correct: Look again at the grammar on pages 11 and 14. SCORE: /15

writing about an event

A Read an online comment from a website and answer the questions.

1 Was the event a national or a local event?
2 What were Martin and his family doing when it happened?
3 What did they do when it happened?

Where were you when

What were some of the major events in your life
in the last few years? Were they personal or local
events, or did they have national or international
significance? Tell us about your most important
experience. Where were you and what were you
doing when it happened? What did you do?

Two years ago, there was an enormous fire in my
street. While my family and I were eating dinner,
we heard a big explosion. When we ran outside,
we saw a lot of smoke at the end of the road. Later
we found out that the fire started when a gas pipe
exploded, but at the time, we didn’t know the cause
of the fire. People were running out of their houses
and screaming. I used my mobile phone to call the
emergency services, and then we ran down the road
to try to help people while we were waiting for the fire
engine to arrive. Fortunately, it arrived in about eight
minutes. When the firefighters got out, they
evacuated all the houses, and they quickly M
put out the fire. No one was injured, but it Ih
was a very scary experience!

B Read the online comment again and number

these things in the order they happened.
□ a) People ran out of their houses screaming. □ e) Martin and his family started eating dinner.
□ b) The fire started. □ f) The fire engine arrived.
□ c) The firefighters put out the fire. □ g) The firefighters evacuated the houses.
□ d) Martin called the emergency services. Q h) A gas pipe exploded.

C Think of an important event in

your past. Make notes about it. HOW ARE YOU DOING?
• What was the event, and when was it? Look back at your writing and tick the statements that are true,
• Where were you, and what were you o The order of events is clear.
doing when it happened? O' used when and while to indicate the time relationships of events.
• What did you do when it happened? O' explained how the event ended.
• How did the event end? Now ask a partner to look at your writing and tick.
• What was your reaction to the event? Is the order of events in the text clear?

D Use your notes from Exercise C o

Well done!
Nearly! Look at

Think again! Ask
to write about the event in your
the unit again. your teacher for help.

New millennium
learn language for expressing
opinions and talking about cultural
listen to people giving their
opinions about books
What kinds of key words
write about a famous cultural icon can help you identify
read a film review people's opinions when
you listen?
talk about cultural activities that
you enjoy

learn to challenge cultural


watch a video about a cultural

festival What words are there in
your language to indicate
reasons and results? Do
you know some of these
words in English?

enging cultural st<

ou travel to differei
ou have friends fro
res? Are there diffe
)ms and behaviour
A QJ Work in pairs. Do the culture quiz and
test your cultural knowledge!

Name the film

Identifying people
The name of that... is ...
That's ... He's/She's/lt's ...
I can't remember the name
of this person/play/city.
They made a film of this
He/She lives/lived in ...

J Share your answers with your classmates. What else do you know
ibout the things and people in the pictures?
V: That's Beyonce. I think she's American.
i: Yes, that's right. She's from Texas, and she lives in ...

Culture vulture
adjectives for expressing opinions
A Look at the adjectives and write (+) for positive and (-) for negative.
Then match each adjective to its synonym.
1 very good_ ^ a) incredible
2 strange_ \ b) ridiculous
3 boring — \ c) hilarious
4 amazing_ S' d) brilliant
5 very interesting — e) rubbish
6 very silly_ f) fascinating
7 very bad_ 9) weird
8 very funny_ h) dull

B Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentences.

1 Dali's paintings are very weird / dull. They have all kinds of strange objects and shapes.
2 In my opinion, horror films are so fascinating / ridiculous. They're very unrealistic, so they aren't scary.
3 To me, opera is dull / brilliant. I just don't think it's an interesting art form.
4 That was such a hilarious / rubbish film. I couldn't stop laughing.
5 Shakespeare's plays are brilliant / weird. The stories are great!
6 Abstract art is incredible / rubbish to me. I don't understand it, but I really like it!

C |51 Work in pairs. Give your opinions about the following art forms.
Give reasons.

reality TV shows classical music hip-hop dancing modem sculpture

A: In my opinion, reality TV shows are really interesting because I like to watch real people.
B: Really? I think they're boring. The people don't do anything interesting.

comparatives with as... as/ not as.

A Em 05 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Listen to a conversation between two
friends at a photography exhibition. Which picture do both women like?
Sarah: So, which picture is your favourite?
Kate: Well, I love the picture of the flowers. You
know, the black and white one.
Sarah: Yeah, I like that one, too, but it isn't as nice
as the picture of the elephant. That's amazing!
Kate: I don't know. I thought it was silly.
Sarah: Did you see that picture of the chair? Now,
that was silly!
Kate: Yeah, but I thought the picture of the elephant
was just as silly as the picture of the chair. They
were both weird. I didn't understand them at all.
Sarah: Maybe we're just not as clever as everyone else.
Kate: You're probably right!

B ANALYSE Read the conversation in Exercise A again.

Form Complete the table with examples from Exercise A.

Underline the
Affirmative : The picture of the elephant was just (1) — sentences in the
be + as + adjective + as the picture of the chair. conversation with
They were both weird. as ... as. What word
comes between the
Negative It (2).
first and second as?
be not + as + adjective + as the picture of the elephant. That's amazing!
Function Read the examples below. Then match the halves of the sentences to complete the
This painting is as expensive as that one. = Both paintings are the same price.
This painting isn't as expensive as that one. = This painting is less expensive than that one.
= That painting is more expensive than this one.
1 We use as ... as to say that a) one thing is more or less than another thing.
2 We use not as ... as to say that b) two things are equal in some way.

C PRACTISE Complete the opinions with be +

(not) as ... as and the adjective in brackets.
1 To me, modern dance__ (good) ballet. I like
them both equally.
2 I like hip-hop dancing because it_(weird)
other types of modern dance. It's better.
Classical music_(boring) jazz. Jazz is much
more boring.
I think the special effects in the old Star Wars films
_(amazing) modern special effects. They
were brilliant!
Do you think these photos _ (interesting)
those ones? I can't decide.
In my opinion, plays can be . _ (realistic) films
if the actors are good.

D NOW YOU DO IT Work in groups. Use be +

(not) as ... as to talk about things from the categories
O Modern dance is as difficult as ballet,
below. Use adjectives from Exercise A and any other
adjectives that you want to use.
o Modern dance is as difficult than ballet.

two genres or periods of art two types of music two TV programmes two bands or musicians
two museums in your town two concerts two types of dance two genres of films

A: Modern art isn't as good as traditional art. I prefer realistic paintings.

B: I agree. The artists definitely aren't as talented.
C: I don't agree. I think modern art is better than traditional art. It's more interesting

as... as/not as... as

A Ka06 Listen to these sentences. Which word is stressed, the
adjective or as ... as?
1 I think Spain is as beautiful as Italy.
2 In my opinion, museums aren't as dull as art galleries.

B Now listen again and repeat the sentences. Use the correct stress.

C 007 0 Work in pairs. Practise saying these sentences. Remember

to stress the correct words. Listen and check.
1 Latin music is as good as rock music.
2 I don't think painting is as interesting as taking photos.
3 London isn't as big as Sao Paulo.
4 Many people think that trains are not as comfortable as cars.

Culture vulture |
identifying speakers' opinions
Listen for words and phrases that tell you a person's opinion. They can be adjectives
such as amazing or boring, or verbs such as like, don't like and enjoy. A person's
tone of voice can also indicate what his or her opinion is.

A ESr^08 Listen to two women talking about a book.

Choose the words each woman uses to talk about it.

brilliant fascinating dull strange great interesting


brilliant fascinating dull strange great interesting

B Listen again and choose the correct

answers. How do you know?
1 Meg liked / didn't like the book.
2 Lauren liked / didn't like the book.

C |^| 09 Now listen to five other people talking about books.

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
Speaker 1 says he ...
a) liked a different book more. b) thought the book was amazing
Speaker 2 thought the book was ...
a) interesting. b) boring.
Speaker 3 says he ...
a) didn't like the book. b) liked the book.
Speaker 4 preferred ...
a) the writer's first book. b) the writer's second book_
Speaker 5 says he ...
a) prefers non-fiction. b) prefers fiction.

cultural activities
A Complete the table with words from the box. Then add two ideas of
your own to each column.

a museum architecture a language course an exhibition the theatre

a music society a photography course a comedy show a book club sculpture

learn about do go to see join go to

B Work in pairs. Say which of the activities in Exercise A you would

like to do and which you would not like to do. Give reasons.
A: I'd like to join a book club. I love reading books and talking about them.
B: I wouldn't like to join a book club. I think reading is boring. I want to do another
language course. I'd like to learn Russian.
talking about cultural activities
A Read the questionnaire and add one or two more
activities to the list. Then complete the questionnaire.

fire you a
Culture Vulture?

went to see a new band,

joined a music group,

went to the theatre,

went to see a comedy show,

went to the ballet,

went to an art gallery,

joined a book club,

did a language class,

went to a museum,

went to see a foreign film.

f .
Score one point for each box you ticked.
Score 0-3: Cultural activities are definitely not for youl
Score 4-7: Why not try some different cultural activities?
Score 8+: You're a real Culture Vulture!

B Work in groups. Compare your answers to the questionnaire.

Discuss any other cultural activities that you do regularly.
A: So, did you go to the theatre last year?
B: Yes, I did. I often go. What about you?
C: No, I don't often go to the theatre, but I often go to the cinema!

C Bl Tell the class about the activities that people do. Say which are popular.
In our group, a lot of people go to the theatre. But the theatre isn't as popular as the cinema.

Culture vulture !
A LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read the blog. Did the writer like the film?

I'm in a film club, and we watch films but The Shining was really interesting.
from different periods and different In fact, I think it's the most interesting
genres. We watch good and bad films, horror film I know because it's really a
and we vote on the best one and the psychological drama. Jack Nicholson is
worst one from each decade and each great, of course. But the greatest actor in
genre. This month we're watching horror the film, in my opinion, is Danny Lloyd,
films from the 1980s. Some of the horror who plays Jack Nicholson's son. He was
films we saw were really scary, but we just a little boy at the time, but he was
all thought the scariest film we saw was already an incredible actor!
The Shining (1980) with Jack Nicholson.
It was scarier than all the others. In
general, I think horror films are silly,
Circle the adjectives in the text.
B ANALYSE Read the text in Exercise A again. Do all of the adjectives have the
same form?
Function Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
We use superlative adjectives to compare a characteristic of...
a) two things. b) more than two things.

Form Choose the correct option to complete the rule. Then WHAT'S RIGHT?
complete the table with examples from Exercise A. Q He's the thinest man.
(i) We always / never use the with superlative adjectives. O He's the thinnest man.
We always / never use than.

old - the oldest dull - the dullest great - the (2) ..

One-syllable adjectives For adjectives which end in consonant-vowel-consonant, double the final
consonant and add -est:
thin - the thinnest fat - the fattest big - the biggest

Adjectives ending in Change the y to / and add -est:

consonant + -y happy - the happiest easy - the easiest scary - the (3)

Adjectives with two or Use most or least:

more syllables important - the most important interesting - the (4)

Irregular adjectives good - the (5).. -. _ bad - the (6).

C PRACTISE Complete these sentences with the superlative

form of the adjective in brackets.
1 I think Luciano Pavarotti was the_(great) singer in history.
2 Taking a class is one of the_(good) ways to meet new people.
3 The-(interesting) shows on TV are animal shows.
4 The-(funny) film that I ever saw was The Mask with Jim Carrey.
5 Marilyn Monroe was the_(beautiful) cultural icon of the 1950s.
6 I think hip-hop is the_(bad) type of music. I hate it!
7 Maroon 5's new album is the_(hot) CD of the year.
8 In my opinion, that was the_(boring) film ever!

D Q3 NOW YOU DO IT Choose one of these topics, or use your own

idea. Tell a partner one or two details about it.
• the funniest TV show • the best group in concert • the most popular singer in your country
A: The funniest TV show is 30 Rock. I really like all the actors.
B: Really? I think the funniest TV show is ...
A Read this film review. Did the writer enjoy The Simpsons Movie?

FLAT IT AGAin, SflH The website for the greatest films of all time
Check out this site to read reviews of films you missed when they were new, and to remember
favourites that you want to see again (and again!). This week we’re focusing on films from the
recent past - the 2000s.

The Simpsons Movie has to be one of my loves him more than he loves his kids! This
favourite films of all time. I love it because is one of the most entertaining films I know,
it’s as funny as the cartoons, but it’s longer but it has some serious elements, too. The
than the TV episodes, so there are lots more main message of the film deals with some
laughs! The story is that Homer causes a of the most important social and political
leak in the nuclear power plant where he issues of our time, like the effect of human
works, and has to save the city and his beings on the environment and the dangers
family from disaster. As usual, he encounters of pollution and nuclear disaster. If you
lots of problems, and lots of funny things missed this film in 2007, check it out now! I
happen. The funniest part of the film for me definitely recommend it!
is when Homer takes a pig home from a
restaurant. He calls him Spiderpig, and he
Sean Green, Ontario, Canad
The Simpsons Movie (2007)

B Choose T (true) or F (false) for each statement. Then read the film
review again to check your answers.
i This website has reviews of old and new films. T/F
The film in the review above is a comedy. T/ F
The reviewer says the film isn't as good as the TV shows. T/F
The film has some serious subjects. T/F
The film is from the first decade of the new millennium. T/F

C Think about two films that you saw recently: one good and
one bad. Tell a partner about the best and worst parts of these films
Recently, I saw ... The best part was when ...
The worst part of the film was when ...

linking sentences
O' We use the words .so and because to link ideas. Because is used to introduce the
reason for somethiiig and so is used to introduce the result of something.

A Read this description. Which famous cultural icon does it describe?

It was first invented in 1886 by Dr John Pemberton in a price of five cents a glass, (3) because / so it very quickly became
pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia (i) because / so he wanted to one of the most popular drinks with his customers. By 1887,
make a 'health drink'. Pemberton said that it was good for the business was too big for Pemberton, (4) because / so he
people's health (2) because / so it was made from sparkling sold part of the company to a businessman called Asa Griggs
water. Pemberton sold the drink in his shop for the very cheap Candler. Candler started the company as we know it today.

B Read the text in Exercise A again and choose the correct linking words.

C Choose either because or so in each sentence. Then complete the sentences

with your own ideas.
1 Crisps are one of the most popular snacks because / so-
2 I love sweet things, because / so —----
3 I think_taste(s) horrible because / so ....
4 I don't eat-- because / so —--

Culture vulture
• Brainstorm ideas or aspects of life that form a country's culture.
® Identify areas in which a country's cultural characteristics are expressed.
• Reflect on your own culture to identify its specific characteristics.

A JJ§ Work in pairs. Look at the mind map and brainstorm more ideas for what
forms a culture. Then brainstorm ideas for each category. Add them to the map.

and Valuer

what PoeMs
A culture?

Arts and
and Tcadrtions

B ^1 Join with another pair and compare your mind maps. Do you have
any ideas in common? Then look at the poster below. How many of the
words on the poster did you include in your mind maps?

■j-S g'O'v
Qbooks s *7 x'
‘ " <r A
Ol o

C Work in pairs. Choose three ideas from Exercises A
What about...?
and B and discuss examples of these in your own culture.
I suppose ...
A: Let's talk about food in our culture.
You know how we ...
B: Yes, good idea. So, I suppose family lunches
What else?
on Sundays are a big part of our culture.
... is another...
D Look at the pictures. Choose words from Exercises A
and B to discuss which aspects of culture these images represent.

m Up ,Jy ■r
fir 9

w8 • llpfi 'il,

I if «

E |9 Work in pairs or small teams. You are going to

develop a culture collage about your country or a REFLECT... How can having
different country that you are interested in and awareness of your own culture and
want to research. Your collage could include photos, other cultures be useful to you in
drawings, newspaper clippings or even items that Work and Career and Study and
represent aspects of a culture. Present your culture Learning?
collage to the class.

Culture vulture | UNIT 2
Language wrap-up
A Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (6 points)

amazing dull fascinating hilarious rubbish weird

1 I think the way this artist uses colour is great! His paintings are_!
2 That film was so-I almost fell asleep!
3 The main character in that film made me feel uncomfortable. He was really_
4 I don't like reality TV shows. I think they're-
5 What a_ book! The ideas are really interesting and original.
6 I thought The Simpsons Movie was_I couldn't stop laughing.

B Choose the correct option to complete the conversation. (9 points)

A: I'm (i) going to / going to see the theatre tonight. Do you want to come? Or there's
a comedy show on Saturday nights. My friends and I often (2) go to / join that.
B: No, thanks. I don't like comedy shows. I never find them that funny.
A: Oh, OK. Well, how about (3) doing / going to see a sculpture exhibition with me tomorrow?
B: I don't want to (4) go to / learn about sculpture. I don't like it.
A: Well, would you like to (5) join / go to a museum?
B: Yes, maybe. I would like to (6) go to see / learn more about history, actually.
A: So why don't you (7) do / go to see a history course at college? And you should
(8) join / do a book club. You love reading!
B: That's a great idea. Then I can (9) join / learn about literature, too!

11-15 correct: I can use adjectives for expressing opinions and talk about cultural activities.
0-10 correct: Look again at the vocabulary on pages 22 and 24. SCORE: 715

Complete the statements with as ... as or the superlative form of the

adjective in brackets. (15 points)
1 I love CSI: Miami. It's _(good) TV show on at the moment. I also like CSI:
NY, but it isn't_(good) CSI: Miami, so I don't watch every show.
2 Going to the theatre isn't_(cheap) going to the cinema, but it
isn't-(expensive) going to a restaurant. That's very expensive.
3 Ronaldo is-(amazing) football player in the world. People say Pele was
the best player, but I don't think he was_(talented) Ronaldo.
4 To me, sculpture is_(fascinating) form of art. Painting isn't-
(interesting) sculpture and Rodin's are_(beautiful).
5 A burger without cheese is_(good) a burger with cheese. They're the
same. But a burger with no ketchup is_(bad) thing in the world!
6 I love comedy films, and I think Groundhog Day is_(hilarious) film of all.
Ghostbusters was amazing, too, but it wasn't_(funny) Groundhog Day.
7 All of these paintings are quite weird, but this is_(weird) one of all! And
the artist's photographs are_(strange) her paintings.

11-15 correct: I can use as ... as / (not) as ... as and superlatives.

0-10 correct: Look again at the grammar on pages 22 and 26. SCORE: 715

talking about
cultural activities

A Read the conversation and answer the questions below.

John: What kinds of cultural activities do you like John: You're joking! I think that sounds really dull.
doing in your spare time, Rashid? Rashid: Well, what are you interested in?
Rashid: Well, I went to a great photography John: Cars! I go to car shows all the time.
exhibition yesterday. Rashid: Really? That's so boring!
John: Oh. Where? John: It isn't as boring as looking at a lot of old
Rashid: At the art museum. The Annie Leibovitz paintings! And think about it - car design is
photos were brilliant! an art form.
John: Wow! I love photography. I'd like to join a Rashid: Well, that's true, I suppose. The cars in the
photography club. 1950s and '60s had amazing designs.
Rashid: Yes, joining a club is fun, and it's a really John: Hey, why don't you come with me to the next
good way to meet people. car show?
John: And joining a club isn't as expensive as Rashid: Er, yes, well,
taking classes.
Rashid: That's right. I want to join an art appreciation
club so I can learn more about different kinds
of art.
1 What kind of club would John like to join?
2 Who thinks art is boring?
3 Who thinks cars are fascinating?

B Read the conversation again and find

these things.
1 four positive adjectives
2 three negative adjectives
3 three expressions of agreement
4 three expressions of surprise

Answer the questions for you.

Think about your speaking and tick the statements that are true.
What kind of clubs would you like to join?
I feel confident using ...
What cultural activities do you like doing? Why?
What cultural activities do you not like doing
o positive and negative adjectives of opinion.
Why not? O phrases with as ... as.
O expressions of agreement,
| Work in small groups. Ask and o expressions of surprise.
answer questions about what cultural How do you feel about your speaking generally?
activities you enjoy doing in your © o •
spare time.
learn language for talking about
travel and making requests

read a text with advice for

Americans travelling to the UK
ask for permission and make
requests, and respond to them
Can you name the subject
listen to someone talking about
and object pronouns in
their travel plans
English? What other kind
write a blog about a travel of pronouns can you
experience think of?
estimate your travel to calculate
your carbon footprint

watch a video about people

discussing different holiday

?-,#• <

LIFE estimating and guessing

What kinds of figures and numbers
SKILLS do you have to estimate each day?
STUDY What other calculations do you do?
Why is it important to be able to
& LEARNING estimate accurately?
A Where would you like to go on holiday?
Number the pictures in order of preference

Expressing preferences
I would like to go (on a because
My first choice is a ...
I love / like / don't like ...
I think (diving) is / (safaris) are ...
A skiing trip in Canada

B Work in pairs or small groups. Talk about which holiday you

would like to go on and why.
A: I'd like to go on an African safari because I love animals.
B: Really? I think safaris are scary!

Tickets, money, passport!
travel essentials
A Bio Listen and match the words to the pictures.
□ a map □ a suitcase Q a passport Q a driving licence l~~l tickets
□ sunscreen □ sunglasses □ a wallet □ a guidebook Q a toothbrush

B BChoose the top five essential things in Exercise A

to take on a summer holiday. Then compare your answers in pairs.
A: / think a toothbrush is essential.
B: Well, you can buy a toothbrush, but your passport is essential if you want to go to a different country!

to travel plans
A B11 Listen to the first part of a conversation.
Tick the place where Alison is going on holiday.

B |H Listen to the rest of the conversation.

Write Alison’s travel essentials in two lists below.
Compare your answers in pairs.
Things she already has Things she needs to buy

Vietnam □

C Answer these questions about the conversation.

Then listen to the whole conversation again and check
your answers.
1 Is Alison going on holiday with a tour group? _
2 What two short tours is she going to do? _
3 Who organised Alison's trip? How? _
4 How did she pay for the trip? _

D H| Work in pairs. Talk about a holiday or trip you

are planning. Tell your partner what things you need
to take. What things do you already have and what
things do you need to buy?
reflexive pronouns
A H112 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Listen to the
conversation below. Where do you think the men are?
Paul: I suppose we have to carry our suitcases ourselves. There isn't
anyone to help.
Lucas: Yeah, I suppose so. I can carry the bags, but can you go up the
stairs by yourself, or do you need help? I can take the bags up
and then come back to help you.
No, don't worry. I can do it, and I

can carry my rucksack myself. It isn't

Look at the words in bold.
very heavy.
What words come before
Lucas: OK, but don't hurt yourself! -self and -selves?
Paul: Don't worry, I'm fine.

B ANALYSE Read the conversation in Exercise A again.

Form Complete the table with examples from Exercise A.

Subject pronouns Reflexive pronouns
1 (1)

you (2)

he himself

she herself

it itself

we (3)

you yourselves

they themselves

Function Match the functions 1 and 2 to the examples A and B.

We use reflexive pronouns ...
1 when the subject and the object of the sentence are the same. □ We also use reflexive pronouns in
the expression by myself/himself/
2 to indicate 'without help from another person'. □
ourselves, etc to mean 'alone'.
a) / can carry my suitcase myself.
I like travelling by myself.
b) I bought myself a birthday present.

C PRACTISE Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentences.

1 I made me / myself a cake!
2 Do you want me to help you / yourself?
3 My brother is going to camp by him / himself.
4 Sometimes people hurt them / themselves on adventure trips.
O I burnt me.
5 Please call us / ourselves when you arrive.
O I burnt myself.
6 Look. I painted this picture I / myself.
7 My sister wants to buy her ticket she / herself.
8 This computer program automatically updates it / itself.

D 3! NOW YOU DO IT Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

1 What things can you do yourself when you travel, and which things do you ask other
people to do for you?
2 Do you like travelling by yourself? Why or why not?
3 What is something that you were recently able to do yourself, without help from
another person?

Tickets, money, passport!
pronoun reference Pa9ei3 "6
Pronouns and words like this, that, here, there, these and those can replace noun
phrases and even entire sentences. Read the sentences which come before a
pronoun to help you identify what the pronoun refers to.

A Read this article and choose the sentence that best

expresses the main idea.
□ Americans are very interested in British culture.
□ There are some differences between the USA and the UK.

BLOG AROUND Many people from the USA, and all over the world,
THE WORLD are fascinated by the UK. They dream of travelling
there, so here are some tips, dreamers!
The United Kingdom Bring comfortable walking shoes. Believe me, you ftps
are going to need them. In London, when you ask people
how far something is, the answer is always ‘about a five-minute
walk'. Do not believe them. The British are all world-class speed

A subway is not a subway, Americans. If you go down some stairs

next to a sign that says SUBWAY, you are simply going to go
under a street and back up to the other side of it. You are not
going to catch the next train to Piccadilly Circus. If you want to
get a train to go there, look for the London Underground sign.
Of course, subway tunnels under streets are a very good idea
because the British drive on the wrong side of the road!

When you check into a hotel, ask for a short lesson about the
bathroom. No two of these in Britain are the same. I usually have
to look around for several minutes before I can figure out how to
flush the toilet. And I can almost never operate the shower without
instructions. I once had to get out of a shower in Oxford and go
downstairs to ask the hotel receptionist how to turn it off. There is
actually a postcard called The British Bathroom, with everything on
it labelled to help tourists!

Seriously, though, if you are going to travel to the UK, or to any

other foreign country, spend some time learning about it before
you go. Your trip will be much more fun and less stressful!

B Find the pronouns below in the text, Who or what does each one
refer to? Choose the correct option.
1 there (line 3) a) all over the world b) the UK c) the USA
2 them (line 7) a) the shoes b) people c) walkers
3 it (line 11) a) the subway b) the underground c) the street
4 these (line 17) a) hotels b) lessons c) bathrooms
5 it (line 21) a) downstairs b) the hotel receptionist c) the shower

C ^ Work in pairs. Find the pronouns below in the text. Read the
sentence containing the pronoun and the previous sentence. Who or
what does each one refer to?
1 They (line 2):.
2 them (line 5):.
3 there (line 13):
4 it (line 23):_
D Choose the correct option to complete the statements. Then look
back at the text to check your answers.
1 According to the writer, the British walk very fast / slowly.
2 The American word for trains that go under streets is underground / subway.
3 In the UK, a subway is a train / tunnel.
4 The writer thinks British bathrooms are similar to / different from bathrooms in other countries.

A Complete the phrases with the correct words from the box.

change check in find go on make pack hire take/catch

1 _ a reservation 5 a car
2 - money 6 —- a restaurant / a museum
3 - your suitcase 7 a train / a bus to the airport
4 - a tour 8 at a hotel / at an airport

B H Work in pairs. Discuss which activities from Exercise A you should

do before you travel and which activities you can do after you arrive.
A: I think it's a good idea to hire a car before you travel.
B-. Why? You can do it when you arrive.
A: Yes, but it's often cheaper to hire before you travel.

a travel blog
A Read the blog. What was unusual about this travel experience?

BLOG AROUND I recently spent two weeks in beautiful Thailand. The capital, Bangkok, has
THE WORLD several fantastic markets, like the enormous Chatuchak weekend market,
where you can buy traditional Thai clothes and handicrafts. One day, I was
Thailand looking at silk blouses in one of the thousands of stalls in the market,
and I wanted to try on a blouse. The vendor spoke only a little English,
and of course, I don’t speak Thai at all! I indicated that I wanted to try on
the blouse, but she said no. At that moment, a Thai woman was walking
past the stall. She stopped and said to me, Til help you.’ She convinced
the vendor to let me try on the blouse, and I bought it. But here’s the
amazing part! We started talking, and it turned out that we both live in a
very small community near San Antonio, Texas. That was a big coincidence,
but that’s not all. It also turned out that she owns my favourite Thai
restaurant! So that is how I met the owner of Thai Spice in San Antonio,
Texas: in the middle of the city of Bangkok (population 9 million), in the
middle of a market with thousands of stalls and thousands of people!

To get to the Chatuchak market in Bangkok: Take the Skytrain (BTS) to the
Mochit station (5-minute walk from there).

B Choose a place you visited or that you know well and make some
notes for a blog entry like the one in Exercise A. Use the questions
below to help you.
1 Where did you go? When did you go there?
2 What experiences or places were especially memorable? Why?
3 What information do you want to include for other travellers?

C Now write your blog entry. ‘Post’ it on the wall in the classroom.

Tickets, money, passport! UNIT 3 37
modals of permission, request and offer
A HU 13 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Listen to the conversations below.
Where do you think each one takes place?
Conversation 1 Conversation 2
Man: Can we check in, please? Man: Can 1 help you with your bags? They look
Woman: Certainly. May 1 see your passports, please, sir? heavy.
Man: Yes. Here you are. Woman: Oh, thank you. That's very kind. May 1 have
Woman: Thank you. Shall 1 order you a meal for the the bill, please?
flight? Man: Certainly, madam.
Man: Yes, vegetarian, please. Oh, and could 1 have Woman: And could 1 ask you something?
a window seat? Man: Of course.
Woman: I'm very sorry, sir, I'm afraid you can't change Woman: Can you call me a taxi to the airport?
seats now. The flight is full. Man: No problem. I'll call one now and ask the
Man: Oh, well. Never mind. driver to wait outside.
Woman: That would be great. Thank you.

B ANALYSE Read the conversations in Exercise A again.

Form Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

Find and underline could, may
We always use ... with modal verbs.
and can in the conversations.
a) the base form of a verb b) the infinitive with to What form is the main verb of
the sentence in?
Function Choose the correct option(s) to complete the
sentences. Then complete the table with examples from
Exercise A.
1 We use can, could and may with / or we to ...
a) ask permission. b) make a request. c) make an offer.
2 We use can and could with you to ...
a) ask permission. b) make a request. c) make an offer.
3 We use / or we with can, shall and will to ...
a) ask permission. b) make a request. c) make an offer.
4 We use ... to deny perm ssion and refuse requests.
a) can't b) couldn't c) wouldn't

Permission: Requests: Offers:

(5). . _ (8) (11) (3 May you help me with
check in, rail mp a hplp yni i my suitcase?
please? taxi? with your bags? o Can you give us
(6) IQ) (1?) rail another room key?
ask you have a one now and ask the
driver to wait outside.
o Will we please have
something? window seat, please? some more towels?
(7) ... .. (10) Q Excuse me. May I use
your phone?
see your haup thp Hill
passports? please?

C PRACTISE Complete the conversation using modals of permission,

request and offer. In some cases, there is more than one correct answer.
Hazel: Good morning, (i)_I see some information about trips to Japan,
Lara: Yes, of course. We have several brochures, but (2)_you complete this
questionnaire first?
Hazel: OK. (3) -- I sit here?
Lara: Yes, of course. 1 (4)_move these books for you.
Hazel: Oh, and (5)-I use your pen, please? I haven't got one.
Lara: Of course. Now, (6)_I get you a drink? Tea? Coffee?
Hazel: No, I'm fine, thanks.
D 0 NOW YOU DO IT Work in pairs. Look at the situations below. Ask
and answer questions for these situations using modals of permission,
request and offer.
• You are at the train station and would like help with your suitcase.
• Your friend is thirsty, and you want to get them a drink.
• You are in a taxi and want to go to the city centre.
• Your friends are having a party and you can bring some snacks.
• You are in a cafe and would like to see the menu.

responding to requests
Ot Choose a few positive and negative short responses that you can use when people
make requests or ask permission to do something. Memorise and practise them so
that you're ready to use them at the right moment.

A Look at these pictures

and match them to the
correct questions.
1 Could I sit here, please?
2 Can I close the window,
3 Could you tell me where
the petrol station is,
4 Could you turn down
your music, please?

B Look at these responses for each question

above. Tick the responses that are possible.
1 □ Sure. Q I'm sorry, I can't. □ Certainly.
2 □ Go ahead. □ Yes, of course. □ Sorry, but I'd rather you didn't.
3 □ Go ahead. □ Sorry, I don't know. □ Yes, sure.
4 □ Of course. □ No problem. □ I'm sorry, you can't.

C Work in pairs. Take turns making requests and answering them.

A: Could I use your pen, please? B: Sure, go ahead.

/s/ vs/J/
A ^14 Listen and circle the word you hear each time. Then practise
saying the words.
1 self/shelf 3 see / she 5 sign / shine 7 so / show
2 sort / short 4 sip/ship 6 sock / shock

B B1 Work in pairs. Take turns to say a word from each pair.

Your partner writes down the word they hear.

C 0 Practise the tongue twister with a partner.

She sells seashells on the seashore.

Tickets, money, passport!
• Understand what you need to estimate or guess.
• Do some simple calculations.
• Compare your estimate to other data.

A Read this extract from an environmental textbook. Follow the instructions.

Your carbon footprint is how much carbon dioxide live in a big house. It's smaller when you use public
(C02) gas you produce in your everyday life. This transport (like buses and trains), to get around, when
comes from things such as travelling, cooking and you use a bike, or when you recycle clothes and
heating your home. Your carbon footprint is bigger, furniture. Travel of every kind makes up the largest part
for example, when you drive your car a lot, especially of a person's carbon footprint. To get a basic idea of
if you usually drive to university or work by yourself. the size of your own carbon footprint, tick the
It's also bigger if you take a lot of flights, or when you activities that you do below.

Bigger carbon footprint Smaller carbon footprint

! 1 go on lots of foreign go on holiday in your own
holidays country

( travel by car/taxi travel by bus/train/bicycle

cook with gas/oil cook with electricity

buy food from large buy food from local

supermarkets markets

live in a large house live in a small house

or apartment

B In order to estimate your carbon footprint, you need to do some simple

maths. Follow these instructions from the Be Greener website.


GREENER Megan estimated how much she

used cars and taxis in a week:
n 1 n....
Megan’s total
estimated travel
Do you want to get an idea for last year:
Then she calculated 210x52=10,920M
of how big your carbon her total for a year:
footprint is? You can get
a pretty good idea just by Then she estimated
analysing your travel and how much she travelled
SAN FRANCISC0=8,641KM 20,601 km
transport habits. You need by plane last year:
to estimate how many
Then she estimated how much she
kilometres you travel per
year using different forms used buses and trains in a week: 40km
of transport. Here are some
Then she calculated her total for a
examples to help you:
year and divided it by two because
you produce less carbon dioxide
when you use public transport.
BE 1 My total estimated ‘car
and taxi’ kilometres are

GREENER ---this year.

My total estimated ‘air’ kilometres


Now do similar 2 are_this year.

calculations to estimate My total estimated ‘bus and train’
how many kilometres
you travel per year
3 kilometres are_this year.
Remember to divide the total by two.
using these different
Finally, add your estimates 1-3 CALCULATOR ONLINE.
forms of transport:
together to obtain a total estimate.

My total estimated travel is . per year.

C Q1Work in groups. Compare the estimates you made in

Exercise B. Based on transport use, who has a large carbon
footprint? Who has a small carbon footprint?
A: I think I have a small carbon footprint. I only drive about 3,200 kilometres per year.
I almost never fly, so maybe 1,000 kilometres for that. What about you?
B: I also think mine is quite small. I almost always ...

D Qf Everyone can do something to reduce their carbon footprint. Look

back at the things you ticked in Exercise A. Then match the topics 1-5 to
the things you can do a-e. Tell your group which things you could do.
Holidays a) Use buses and trains.
Food b) Don't go by plane.
Getting around c) Don't drive by yourself.
Electricity d) Always turn off the lights.
Driving e) Don't buy things that a
in your country by plan
I could use buses and trains more.

REFLECT... How can the

skill of estimating and guessing be
useful to you in Work and Career
and Self and Society?
Language wrap-up
A Complete the conversation with the words from the box. (8 points)

rucksack driving licence guidebook map passport sunscreen tickets wallet

Lisa: The (i)_for our holiday in Morocco arrived yesterday. I'm so excited!
Sara: Me too! But I'm not ready yet. What do I need to bring?
Lisa: Well, you definitely need (2)_Morocco is really sunny!
Sara: OK. And what shall I pack my clothes in?
Lisa: Well, I'm taking a (3)_to carry everything in, because it's easier than a suitcase.
Sara: Good idea. I'm going to bring a (4)_, too, so we will know what to see.
Lisa: Great! And I've got a (5)_so we know where to go when we're driving around.
Sara: Oh, yes, I forgot we were hiring a car. I guess I need my (6)___then. What else?
My money is in my (7)_, so I won't forget that.
Lisa: Don't forget your (8)_! You'll need it to get out of the country.

B Complete the phrases with the correct verb. (7 points)

1 Is there a bank near here where I can_some money?
2 We can_a train to the airport. It's very quick.
3 When we get to Italy, we're going to_a car and drive to Rome.
4 Did you_a reservation for the hotel?
5 After we arrive and_at the hotel, we can explore the city!
6 In Egypt, it's nice to_on a tour of the pyramids.
7 We need to_our suitcases the day before we leave.

11-15 correct: I can talk about travel essentials and travel.

0-10 correct: Look again at the vocabulary on pages 34 and 37. SCORE: /15

A Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun. (8 points)

1 My dad burnt_while he was cooking, and we had to take_to the hospital.
2 Do you ever buy_a birthday present? I do. I love shopping for_on my birthday!
3 My grandparents are getting old, and they can't really look after_now, so my brother and I help
-at the weekend.
4 Can you help my sister with that suitcase? It's too heavy for_, and she can't carry it by

B Choose the correct option to complete the questions and sentences. (7 points)
1 Could / May you pass me the salt, please?
2 Will / Can I help you with something?
3 Please shall / may I use your bathroom?
4 Can you / I move these chairs for me, please?
5 A: Could you / we have some more cake, please? B: No, I'm afraid you couldn't / can't.
6 Shall / Will I give you a lift home after work?

11-15 correct: I can use reflexive pronouns and modals of permission, request and offer.
0-10 correct: Look again at the grammar on pages 35 and 38. SCORE: /15
writing a travel blog

A Read the blog entry and answer the questions.

1 Does the writer give general information about a place or do they write about
a personal experience in a specific place?
2 What anecdotes or interesting details about the place does the writer include?
3 What information is there that is useful for other visitors?

BLOG AROUND Last summer, some friends and I went to Mexico and
THE WORLD we spent about four days in Mexico City. My favourite
thing there was a boat ride on the canals in Xochimilco
Park. ‘Xochimilco’ means ‘place of the flowers’ in the
Aztec language, and the boats or ‘trajineras’ as they are
called in Mexico are decorated with beautiful flowers.

We hired a boat, and the boatman took us on a tour of the

canals. Xochimilco is a very popular place with Mexican
families and there were hundreds of boats on the water!
Apart from the trajineras, there were also lots of people
playing music, and selling food, drinks and handicrafts. We
bought some delicious tacos, and we paid for a serenade by
a traditional mariachi band. The music was fantastic! We
really enjoyed ourselves!

To get to Xochimilco Park (South Mexico City): Take a taxi and

ask the driver to take you to the Xochimilco trajineras.
B Read the blog again and complete the notes.
Look back at your writing and tick the statements and city: (I)-- I that are true.
Q My blog entry is short and about a specific
Specific place and expenerce: a boat nde in (3)-
Details and description of the place: boats, trajineras, name, flowers o I wrote about a personal experience and
included some anecdotes and interesting details.
Details and description of fhe activity: (3)--
Q I used adjectives to make the description more
a boat with a boatman, hundreds of boats', people selling (ZD — interesting.

Adjectives: (5)_thing', (6)-— flowers, O' included useful information for other visitors.
Now ask a partner to look at your writing and tick.
a very (7)_:_place, (S) —--— tacos, CO —
Is the description of the place or event clear and
manachi band, music was (10)- interesting?

Useful information for visitors: In (11).- -->

Well done! Nearly! Look at
Think again! Ask
transport: (13.) ---- the unit again. your teacher for

C Use the format of the notes in Exercise B to

write notes about a tourist destination that you know.

D Use your notes from Exercise C to write a blog entry. ‘Post’ your blog in
your classroom for your classmates to read.

Tickets, money, passport! |
^ learn language for talking about
experiences, feelings and opinions

40 listen to a conversation in which

two people express their opinions
40 write about changes in your life

0 read about someone's lucky LISTENING

experiences identifying speakers’
10 talk about important life changes
What words or phrases do
and experiences
people use to indicate
40 learn to listen actively that they are going to
give an opinion?
|:^ watch a video about people
discussing unusual or challenging

linking sentences
What words are there
in your language to add
extra information, contrast
two points and give an
alternative? Do you know
some of these words
in English?

Lire active listening

How do you show that you are
SKILLS listening to someone when they
SELF talk to you?

A Look at these pictures and match them
to the people’s statements.
1 'I feel angry when bad things happen to me.'
2 'Money can definitely buy you happiness.'
3 'When things go wrong, I try to be positive.'
4 'Winning is the most important thing.'


HI Tell your classmates which of the opinions in Exercise A you share.

/agree with statement 3.
Me too! I think it's really important to be positive in life.

It could happen to anyone! UNIT 4 45
good and bad experiences
A Look at the pictures and complete the phrases with the verbs from the box.

fail find have lose miss see win get

a celebrity some money the lottery a flight

Employee of the Month

Congratulations on your
your wallet a promotion an accident a test

B Q§| Work in pairs. Talk about some of your experiences.

Use ideas from Exercise A. WHAT'S RIGHT?
A: Once I found some money on the street. O' missed my flight.
B: Really? How much? O' lost my flight.

present perfect - ever/never

A ^15 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Listen to the conversation. What activity
does Lola want to do?
Lola: I'm tired of winter. I want a holiday!
Richard: Me too! But I don't know where to go ...
Lola: What about Tanzania? Have you ever been there?
Richard: No, I haven't. It's in Africa, right? It sounds exciting! Have you been there before?
Lola: No, but I've seen photos on the internet. I want to go swimming with turtles.
Have you ever done that?
Richard: Well, I've never swum with turtles, but I've swum with sharks in
Lola: My sister's been to Australia. She says it's amazing! Look at the phrases in
bold. Are Lola and Richard
B ANALYSE Read the conversation in Exercise A again. talking about ...?
a) what they are doing at
Function Choose the correct option to complete the rules. the moment
1 We use the present perfect to talk about experiences in the present / in b) experiences in the
the past. past
2 The exact time the experience happened is not known or is not important /
is very important.
3 We use ever in questions / statements to ask about experiences. It means 'at any time up
to now'.
4 We use never in questions / statements to talk about experiences. It means 'at no time
up to now'.
Form Complete the table with examples from Exercise A.
Affirmative Negative Question Short answers

(D 1 haven't been to Tanzania. (3) Yes, 1 have.

with sharks
No, 1 (4)
in Australia. there before?

(2) My She hasn't been to Tanzania. Has she been to Tanzania? Yes, she has.
to Australia. No, she hasn't.

Never Ever

(!>) with turtles Have (A) that?

He has never been to Australia. Has he ever visited Tanzania before?

The present perfect with go

To talk about places you have visited, use the past
participle been, not gone: O I haven't visited Africa.

A: Have you ever been to Paris?

O I haven't visit Africa.
B■ Yes. I've been there three times. Q I've never visited Africa.
O I haven't never visited Africa.

C PRACTISE Complete these questions with you and the

correct form of the verb in brackets. Then answer them.
1 _(ever / find) a £20 note? Yes, / have. / No, I've never found a £20 note.
2 -(ever / eat) Chinese food?_
3 _(ever / work) in a cafe?_
4 -(ever/ go) to another country?-
5 -(ever / see) an elephant?__
6 _(ever / watch) Pop Idol?_

D Q NOW YOU DO IT Write questions with Have you ever ...? and the
prompts below and answer them for yourself. Then ask your classmates
the questions and make a note of their answers. Finally, compare with a
partner. How many people have had each experience?
• have an accident • lose your wallet • win a race
• find some money • go to the USA • miss a flight
A: How many people have had an accident?
B: Four on my list.
A: And two on my list, so that's six out of ten people.

initial clusters
A ^ 16 Listen and circle the word you hear each time. Then practise
saying the words.
1 state / estate 4 sport / support 7 quick / kick
2 quite / kite 5 sleep / asleep 8 specialty / especially
3 blow / below 6 claps / collapse

B Work in pairs. Take turns to say a word from each pair. Your
partner writes down the word they hear. Check your lists and say the
words together.

C |Q With your partner, practise saying these sentences.

1 There is a drive to support local sports in our state.
2 While I was asleep, I had a strange dream about skating with the queen!

It could happen to anyone!
A Look at the title and the pictures. What do you think
the article is about?

B Read the article and answer the questions.

1 Where do we normally find fortune cookies?
2 What kind of information is usually on the paper inside a fortune
3 What are two theories about where fortune cookies came from?
4 Where does Ms Nakamachi think fortune cookies started?
5 How does she think the custom arrived in the USA?
6 According to Ms Nakamachi, how did fortune cookies become
associated with Chinese food?

A fortunate Dessert
Have you ever eaten a fortune cookie? If you've ever been to started in California after World War II. However, a Japanese
a Chinese restaurant, the answer is almost certainly yes! Most researcher, Yasuko Nakamachi, believes that fortune cookies
people who have eaten in Chinese restaurants have tried have their origin in her country. She says that bakeries near a
these cookies and have read the fortunes on the little pieces of temple outside the city of Kyoto have produced similar cookies
paper inside them. Sometimes there is a prediction, sometimes with little messages for many generations, and she has found
advice, and sometimes a lucky number. We usually laugh at many references to fortune cookies in Japanese history and
the fortunes, leave them on our plates and forget about them. literature. It is possible that the custom travelled to California
However, not everyone ignores these messages. In fact, a with Japanese immigrants in the 19th century.
surprising number of people have won lottery money with So why do we get fortune cookies in Chinese restaurants and
numbers from fortune cookies! Has a prediction from a fortune not Japanese restaurants? Ms Nakamachi thinks it's because in
cookie ever come true for you? the 1920s and 30s, many Japanese families in California owned
And what about the origin of this popular tradition? Have chop suey restaurants and served Americanised Chinese food.
you ever wondered where fortune cookies started? They So it seems that fortune cookies
obviously come from China, right? Wrong! In fact, many are actually a Japanese-
people in China have never heard of fortune cookies. There are Chinese-American
several different theories about the origin of the cookies, and invention!
many researchers think they are an American invention that

Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

Where do you think fortune cookies originated? Why?
Has a prediction from a fortune cookie, horoscope or a
similar source ever come true for you? If so, what was it?
Why do you think these types of predictions sometimes come true?

identifying speakers' opinions

■ iSSHE * *

A Look at these phrases which we use to give our opinions.

Write them in the correct column in the table.

I think... I don't think ... Yes, that's true. Personally,!... That's not true.
In my opinion ... I know. That's right. Oh, I don't think so.

Phrases used to introduce your Phrases used to agree with Phrases used to disagree with
opinion someone someone
B 17 Listen to two friends talking about someone they know.
Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 Amy is / isn't surprised that Katrina had an accident. 4 Diana thinks Katrina is / isn't organised.
2 Amy thinks Katrina is a good / bad driver. 5 Amy thinks Katrina is / isn't organised.
3 Diana thinks Katrina is a good / bad driver.

C QListen again. Then work in pairs or groups and answer

the questions.
1 Why did Katrina have an accident? 4 Why did she miss her flight?
2 Have both Amy and Diana been in a car when Katrina 5 In general, how has Katrina's life been
was driving? lately?
3 Where was Katrina trying to fly last week?

A Match the sentences to the pictures.

1 I've never felt so scared before! It was horrible!

2 I just hit my teacher's car. I'm so embarrassed.
3 I'm confused. Can you say that again, please?
4 I feel really proud of myself. I passed my driving test!
5 I've never met my girlfriend's mum before. I feel a little uncomfortable.
6 Have you ever been to dance classes before? They make you really exhausted.
7 I was so disappointed when I didn't get tickets for the concert.
8 I was thrilled when I won the lottery.

B S Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about these experiences.

Say how you felt.
• hear strange noises outside your house at night
• get 100% in a test
• go to a party and not know anyone
• dance all night
• be in another country and not speak the language
• forget someone's name
A: Have you ever heard strange noises outside your house at night?
B: Yes, once.
A: How did you feel?
B: Really scared.

It could happen to anyone! UNIT 4
present perfect - How long and for/since
A 18 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Listen to this
interview with a politician on a reality TV show.
Why are some people criticising him?
interviewer: I've come to this tropical island to talk to a controversial pa
the reality TV show Celebrity Survival. Kenneth Jameson has been a
politician for eight years. Kenneth, how long have you been on the show?
Kenneth: I've been here for two weeks.
interviewer: Some of your colleagues say that it's wrong to take time off to do
something like this. What is your response?
Kenneth: I've missed only two sessions of Parliament since 3rd June, when the show started.
We don't meet every day, you know!
interviewer: OK, thank you for talking to me, Kenneth, and good luck!

B ANALYSE Read the interview in Exercise A again.

Function Choose the correct option to complete the rules. Find and underline for and since
1 We use How long and for/since to ask or give information about ... in the interview above.
What words come after for?
time / place.
What words come after since?
2 We use the present perfect to talk about ...
a) an action that started in the past and continues to the present.
b) an action that started and finished in the past.

Form Choose the correct option to complete the sentences in column 1. Then complete
the sentences in column 2 with examples from Exercise A.

We use the present perfect and for with Kenneth Jameson has been a politician for eight years.
(1) a specific time / a period of time. I've been here for (2)

We use the present perfect and since I've missed only two sessions of Parliament since (4) .
with (3) a specific time / a period of time.

We use (5) How long / How much to ask (6) have you been on the show?
time questions with the present perfect.

C PRACTISE Complete these questions and answers with the present

perfect form of the verb in brackets and for or since.
How long Jim _ (know) Mary?
a long time.
How long Ella - (work) here?
How long you - (know) Mike?
last year.
How long they - (live) here? WHAT'S RIGHT?
several months. Q How long have you lived here?
How long Derek - (be) a firefighter? O How long do you live here?
o I've lived here since two years,
How long you — (have) your car?
three years.
o I've lived here for two years.
D Q NOW YOU DO IT Interview two classmates about their experiences.
Use these prompts to make questions with How long and the present perfect.
• live in this city • be in this English class • know your best friend
• be here today • know your teacher
A: How long have you lived in this city?
B: For about five years now.
talking about important life changes and experiences
A Read the questionnaire below and choose the correct answer to this question.
What is the main topic of the questionnaire?
a) past experiences b) plans for the future

Have you ever made an important life change? Yes No

1 Has your life been better or worse since you made the change?

a Have you ever changed your job/university?

How long have you been in your job / at your university?
Yes No

Yes No
$ Have you ever moved to a new house or area?
How long have you lived in your house or area?

Have you ever changed your appearance? Yes No

4 Has it made a difference to your life?

What has been the best change in your life?


B qj Work in pairs. Switch books with your partner. Ask the questions from the
questionnaire and complete it with your partner’s answers.

C El Work in groups. Tell your group what you found out about your partner.
Lois has changed her job twice. Now she works for a TV company. She's worked there since 2012.

linking sentences page 27

When you write, try to use a variety of linking words such as and, but, or, so and
because to make your writing more interesting to read.

A Read these sentences and underline the linking words, Match each
linking word to its function.
1 I've lived in this area for three years, but we're moving soon. a) to add extra information
2 We've decided to get married because we're in love. b) to give a reason
3 My dad lost his job, so I might have to leave school. c) to contrast two points
4 I have a new car and a new flat. d) to give an alternative
5 Do you want to change anything about your life, or are you happy? e) to give a result

B Match 1-5 to a-e to complete the sentences.

1 I've never failed an exam, ... a) because they're planning to travel around Asia
2 My sister has been in Canada for three years now ... b) and she's very happy there.
3 Corinne and Danny have left their jobs ... c) or medicine at university.
4 John has never won anything, ... d) so he thinks he's unlucky.
5 Mike has decided to study law ... e) but I always feel nervous before I take one.

C El Write three sentences about yourself and the changes

you have made in your life in the past year. Use appropriate
linking words. Share your experiences with your classmates.
I've started exercising because I want to be healthier.

It could happen to anyone!
• Stop what you're doing and focus on the speaker.
• Use verbal and non-verbal techniques to show you are listening.
• Respond to what you have heard.

A Look at these pictures of people talking to each other. Write the

phrases from the box in the correct column.

eye contact 'open' body language (e.g. arms aren't folded) bored facial expression
no eye contact interested facial expression 'closed' body language (e.g. arms are folded)

B Read the information about active listening. Then read the sentences
and choose T (true) or F (false).
1 Most people are good at active listening. T/ F
2 We remember most of what we hear. T/ F
3 Good listeners use verbal and non-verbal techniques. T/ F

Active listening is one of the most important skills Good listeners have a number of things in common.
you can develop. It is important at work and at home. They use 'interested' body language. This means that
Unfortunately, most people are not very good at they look at the speaker's eyes, they show interest with
listening actively. Studies have shown that we remember their facial expressions and they often lean a little bit
only about 25-50% of what we hear. This means that in towards the speaker. Good listeners also use verbal
a ten-minute conversation with your boss, parents or techniques to indicate that they are interested in what
friends, they really listen to you for only two and a half to the other person is saying. They ask questions, and
five minutes. Similarly, when we are receiving directions they use words and expressions like 'How interesting!'
or obtaining information, we don't listen to everything, or 'That's amazing!' Becoming an active listener can
so it is easy to miss important details. help your social relationships and it can also help you
remember important information.
C Q^19 Listen to a conversation between two friends.
Choose the words and phrases the listener uses to show that he is
listening actively.

You're joking! That's great! Uh huh? Really?

Brilliant! Wow! That's amazing! Oh, how nice!

D 2! Work in groups of three: Students A,

B and C. Read your instructions below
and do your tasks. Then switch roles
twice, so you all take turns speaking,
listening and evaluating.
Student A: you are going to talk
about one of the topics below.
If you like, you can make notes
to help you remember what
to say.

• an important change that

you have made in your life

• an amazing experience

• a lucky occurrence

• an unlucky or bad experience

of speaker:
Make eye contact.
Student B: you are
going to listen to
Use 'open' body language. of listener:
c __) Aes
Student A and practise Have an interested facial
the active listening expression.
The listener made eye contact.
O *b
techniques opposite.
Student C: you are
Use expressions of interest. The listener used 'open' body language.
O t)
going to watch Student
A and Student B and evaluate Student B's listening
The listener had an interested facial expression

skills using the form on the right.
A: / went on an amazing trip recently.
The listener used expressions of interest.
Ao t)
Oh yeah? Where did you go?
New Zealand. It's really, really beautiful.
The listener asked questions.
B: Oh, wow! I've never been there, but I've heard I give (name) a score of
that it's fantastic. out of 10 for his/her active listening techniques.

E ^ In your groups, share your evaluation

forms. Answer any questions and make any
appropriate suggestions.
REFLECT... How can the
skill of active listening be useful to
you in Work and Career and Study
and Learning?

It could happen to anyone! UNIT 4 53
Language wrap-up
Choose the correct option to complete the text. (15 points)
One of the unluckiest people I know is my uncle, Jack. He has never (i) won / lost the lottery
and he's never (2) won / got a promotion even though he's worked at the same company
for years. In fact, he (3) did / had an accident on his first day at work and was (4) scared /
confused that he could lose his job. Last month he booked a holiday to Spain - and
(5) lost / missed his flight because he got (6) confused / uncomfortable about the flight times!
He and his family were so (7) proud / disappointed. And when he has a little good luck, it
usually goes wrong. He (8) found / failed a £50 note on the pavement, and put it in his wallet
- but then he (9) missed / lost the wallet! He was (10) thrilled / disappointed when he
(ii) saw / won a celebrity that he likes in a club, but he was so (12) exhausted / uncomfortable
when he shook his hand that he couldn't speak! He was really (13) embarrassed /
proud about that. Another time, he was in a race, and he was winning, but then he got
(14) confused / exhausted at the end, and another runner passed him. The best thing about
uncle Jack, though, is that he's a really happy person and he's very (15) embarrassed / proud
of his family. What a great man!

1 1-15 correct: I can talk about good and bad experiences and feelings.
G - 10 correct: Look again at the vocabulary on pages 46 and 49. SCORE: /15

A Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There is one
extra word. (7 points)
1 Has Francesca ever_to Morocco?
been ever has hasn't
2 I--never visited South America.
haven't have never seen
3 James_=_ been to China twice.
4 Have you_tried Japanese food?
5 I've-been to Brazil, but I would love to go there one day.
6 A: Has Louisa ever won the lottery? B: No, she_She's not a lucky person!
7 A: Have you swum with sharks? B: No, I_And I wouldn't like to!

B Complete the conversations with the present perfect form of the verb
in brackets and for or since. (8 points)
A: How long (i) you (know) Andy?
B: (2) .. . last summer. We met at a party.

A: 1 (3) (not / see) Eliot for a long time.

B: Yeah, he hasn't visited us (4). Christmas.

A: How long (5) your sister - (be) married?

B: (6) . eight months.

A: How long (7) you . (have) your car?

B: Oh, (8) about a year, 1 guess.

11-15 correct: 1 can use the present perfect to talk about experiences and actions that started in the past and
continue to the present. I can use for and since.
0-10 correct: Look again at the grammar on pages 46 and 50. SCORE: /15

talking about experiences

A Read the conversation and make notes in the table about each speaker’s experiences.
Clare: OK, we have to talk about how many times we've done interesting things. So, who has been on a
very special trip? I've been to Canada, so once for me.
Mia: I've been to a big music festival, the one in Leeds, and I've been to Morocco. It was amazing!
Fiona: So twice for you, Mia. You are lucky! I've never been on a really special trip.
Mia: Put it on your wish list!
Fiona: Good idea. OK, who has had lessons to learn how to do something new?
I've been on a scuba diving course, so once for me.
Clare: I haven't learnt to do anything new, not since school!
I'd like to have tennis lessons one day.
Mia: I've had lessons for piano, jazz dance and abstract
Fiona: Wow! OK, last thing. Has anyone done
something a bit dangerous? I've never done
anything dangerous, I don't think.
Mia: Um ... I've ridden a motorbike several times.
Does that count?
Clare: No! Riding a motorbike isn't dangerous!
Here's something dangerous - I've been
scuba diving with sharks.
Fiona: Mia, you can count riding a motorbike if you
want to. And swimming with sharks is
definitely dangerous! In fact, that's crazy!

Clare Mia Fiona You

go on a very : Canada . Music festival in

special trip ; Leeds, Morocco

learn how to do
something new

do something
a bit dangerous

B Read the conversation again and find these things.

1 three questions about experiences
2 words that mean 'one time' and 'two times'
3 a word that means 'more than one time'
C 31 Complete the ‘You’ column in the table Think about your speaking and tick the statements
about your experiences. Then work in small that are true.
groups and talk about things you have and I feel confident using ...
haven’t done. Q the present perfect to talk about experiences.
Q quantity words like once, twice, several times.
D QJ Make a wish list with four or five
important or exciting things that you want to
o questions with How many have...,
Who has ..., Has anyone ...?
do or changes that you want to make in your How do you feel about your speaking generally?
life. Talk about the things on your lists. • O •
I have four things on my wish list. I want to leave my job. Very confident Not sure Need to
I want to travel around Asia, especially China. I want to practise j

learn to play the guitar, and I would really like to learn

to cook better.

It could happen to anyone! |
O learn language for describing
types of music and giving opinions
about music
o read about how musical styles
combine to make new styles
Why is it useful to make
predictions about a text
o learn how to start and end a
conversation in a social situation before you read it?

o listen to people giving their

opinions about types of music

o write an informal review of a


O prepare and give a short

watch a video about the history of starting and ending a
a music genre conversation

rrr..;. .'■a,

LIFE giving presentations

Do you ever give presentations?
SKILLS What kinds of things do you
SELF normally give presentations on?

A 20 Listen and match the music to the countries.
Write the number of each piece of music next to the correct country.

Talking about favourites
I thought the music from
... was great/fantastic.
My favourite was ...
My least favourite was ...

B Qf
Share your opinions with the class. Which piece of
music was your favourite? Which was your least favourite?
A: I liked the music from ... best.
B: Yes, me too! My least favourite was the music from ...

Musical metes
B Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 Country music / Classical music is the music of rural people in the USA.
2 Pop music / Hip-hop started in the African-American community. It's like rap music.
3 Heavy metal / Latin music originally started in countries like Mexico, Cuba and Brazil.
4 Classical music / Dance music is music from Europe from the 18th and 19th Centuries.
5 Reggae / Rock came from traditional African and Caribbean music.
6 Heavy metal / Jazz is a kind of rock music that is very loud!

C w°rk in pairs. Think of a composer, artist or band which represents

each type of music in Exercise A. Which of the types of music do you like?
A: Can you think of a reggae artist?
B: Yes. I think 'Bob Mariey and the Waiters' were a reggae band.
A: Yes, they were. I really like them.
B: Me too! HOW TO SAY IT M
Talking about music icons
I think ... is a pop music artist.
/ae/ vs/e/ ... are a heavy-metal band.

A HH22 Listen to these sounds and words. Can you hear the
difference? Now listen again and repeat.
/ae/ - bad Id - bed

B 23 Listen and categorise the words in the table. Then check

your answers in pairs.
band bend head had
/ae/ Id men man pat pet set sat

C 0||24 Q3 Work in pairs. Practise saying these sentences. Listen

and check.
1 The bad man has a pet on his bed.
2 The sad men are in a jazz band.
present perfect and past simple
Listen to the conversation below.
Did Jessica like the concert she saw?
How do you know?
Jessica: Look! Adele is going to give a
concert here next month! Have you
ever seen her?
Damien: No, have you?
Jessica: Yeah, I saw her two years ago.
She was amazing!
Damien: Really?
Jessica: Yeah, she sang all of her best
songs, and her band was great.
Damien: Well, apparently, her new album is
really good. Let's go to the concert!
Jessica: Yeah, OK!

What verb tense does Jessica
use to give specific details
about the concert she saw?
■ I

B ANALYSE Read the conversation in Exercise A again.

Function Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. O' saw Adele four years ago.
Then write an example from Exercise A for each rule. O' have seen Adele four years ago
1 We use the present perfect to talk about things that happened Q I've seen Adele in concert twice.
at a specific / non-specific time in the past.
2 We use the past simple to talk about things that happened at a
specific / non-specific time in the past.

C PRACTISE Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 A: Did you ever go / Have you ever been to a hip-hop concert?
B: No, but I have listened / listened to a lot of hip-hop on the radio.
2 A: Did you see / Have you seen that big concert on TV last night?
B: No. Has it been / Was it good?
3 A: Who played / has played at the Continental Club the last time you went?
B: Down Home. They played / have played for four hours. They were / have been great!
4 A: How many songs have you downloaded / did you download in your life?
B: I don't know. A lot! I have downloaded / downloaded four albums last month.
5 A: Have you been / Did you go to a lot of concerts?
B: No. I've never been / I didn't go to a concert before.

D [2 NOW YOU DO IT Work in groups. Talk about concerts you’ve seen

live or on TV. Give details.
A: Has anybody seen Adele in concert?
B: Yes, I have. I saw her in 2012.
C: Was the concert good?
B: It was great. She sang ...

Musical notes |
Reading is faster and easier if you can predict what the text is about before you
read it. Use titles, headings, pictures and what you already know about the topic
to make predictions.

A Look at the title, headings and pictures in Exercise B. Think about

what you know about different types of music. Predict whether these
statements about the text are correct and choose T (true) or F (false).
1 Musical fusion is the combination of musical styles to create a new style. T/ F
2 Fusion music is not popular today. T/ F
3 Fusion music is always a combination of different types of American music. T/ F
4 Fusion music is only in English. T/ F

B Now read the text and check your answers in Exercise A. How many
answers did you predict correctly?

Musical Fusion
It's all in the mix... Music without borders Listen for yourself
Musical fusion is about bringing Music constantly crosses from country There is fantastic fusion music from all
different musical genres together. to country and language to language. over the world, and the internet gives
Often, this can create exciting new Musicians from all over the world have us access to many types of music and
musical styles. Did you know that rock had great success in English-speaking musicians we've never heard of before.
and roll is the result of this mixing of countries. South Korean rap-pop star If you haven't heard much international
music? In 1950s America, artists started Psy became an international sensation music, search for'world fusion music'on
combining country music, traditional in 2012 with his song Gangnam Style. the internet to listen to samples.
blues music and gospel music from Manu Chao is a French singer who sings
churches to make an exciting new in French, Spanish, English, Italian,
sound. Rock and roll then travelled Arabic and Portuguese. Latin American
across the Atlantic to Britain, and the musicians, such as Shakira from
British added their own style. The result Colombia and Brazilian hip-hop group
was bands like The Beatles and The Racionais have also been successful
Rolling Stones in the 1960s. These bands all over the world, with songs both in
created music that was a fusion of British English and in their native languages.
and American rock that people all over
the world loved.

Fusion today
Since then, many popular musical styles
have fused to create different types of
music. There are artists like Taylor Swift,
with music that's a fusion of country,
rock and pop. Artists like the Red Hot
Chili Peppers successfully mix rock, R&B
and soul music to create their own style.
Nu-metal artists like Korn and Linkin
Park fuse heavy metal, rock and hip-hop.
In Britain, Asian fusion is especially
popular, with artists like Talvin Singh,
who combines electronic dance with
classical Indian music.

C Ql Work in groups. Discuss these questions about fusion music and

make recommendations.
1 What fusion music do you know?
2 Is it a fusion of musical styles from your country or of international styles?
adjectives for describing music
A S3 Work in pairs. Read the conversation. Then
decide which of the underlined adjectives are positive
and which are negative. Write them in the correct
column of the table.
Rakesh: I love this song! It's really good for dancing.
Meera: Really? I don't like it. I think hip-hop is too loud. I always
have to turn down the volume!
Arjun: I like most hip-hop. I think the beat is catchy - you know, you
have to move! And the lyrics have good social messages.
Meera: I guess I prefer pop. It's really upbeat, you know? It makes
you feel good.
Arjun: I find most pop songs just silly. The lyrics aren't relevant or interesting. And it's
so repetitive! You know, the same tune or words over and over again ...
Meera: What about jazz? Now that's repetitive! And it's really old-fashioned, like from
when our grandparents were young.
Arjun: I disagree. For me, the really old stuff is fantastic. I like to listen to it in the
evenings - I find it really relaxing.

Positive Negative

interesting boring
fun awful
Describing music
happy violent
I think (rock music) is ...
I find (classical music) really ...
B Work in groups. Use adjectives from the table above to give
To me, it's ... because it's ...
your opinions about different types of music.
The lyrics are ...
A: / think classical music is great.
The beat is ...
B: Really? I don't like it. I think it's old-fashioned, and I find it boring because it
The tune is ...
doesn't have lyrics.

to different opinions
A 1]26 Listen to a conversation about musical preferences. Tick the
music the people like.
Hip-hop Pop Rock



B Listen again and choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 Chris can't stand hip hop because he thinks it's rubbish / too loud.
2 Chris also thinks hip-hop is boring / silly.
3 Andy likes hip-hop because the lyrics are good for dancing to / interesting.
4 Andy doesn't like pop music because he thinks it's rubbish / silly.
5 Andy thinks pop music all sounds the same / sounds horrible.

C 0 Work in groups. Discuss these questions and make notes. Then

report the results to the class.
1 How many people in your group like each of the three types of music above?
2 Which bands, singers and albums do you recommend for each type of music?
In our group, two people like pop music. We all like rock. Only Lee likes hip-hop.
He recommends the new album by ... called ...

Musical notes
should uni ought to for advice
A LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read this advice column. Match each
problem 1-2 with the advice A-B.

tW I'm not sure what to do. My sound system is OK at a This is a very common problem, and the solution isn't
low volume, but if I turn up the volume, it doesn't sound easy. You ought to respect your neighbours' wishes as they
good. So I need a new one. But the problem is, I don't have a right to peace and quiet in their home. Perhaps you
have a lot of money ... What do you recommend? should get some headphones if you want to listen to loud
Should I buy the most expensive brand anyway? music because sometimes people complain to the police.

e I love all kinds of music, and I like to turn up the

volume when I listen to it.The problem is that I live in a
Well, if you love music, you should definitely buy some
new equipment. And if you want great sound, you shouldn't
flat, and my neighbours complain. I never listen to loud buy a really cheap brand. We think you ought to save up
music late at night, so I don't understand why it bothers your money and buy something good quality. It doesn't
them! What should I do? Do I have to turn down my have to be the most expensive, though.
music all the time?

B ANALYSE Read the text in Exercise A again.

Function Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

We use should and ought to to ...
a) give advice and make recommendations. b) give a warning.

Form Complete the table with examples from Exercise A.

Affirmative Negative Questions Short answers

Subject + should You (1) Ynn (?) What (3) / Yes, you
+ base form of the get some buy a really cheap do? should.
verb headphones. brand. (4) / buy the No, you
most expensive brand? shouldn't.

Subject + ought to Ynu (5)

+ base form of the
verb respect your
neighbours' wishes.

C PRACTISE Use the prompts to write complete sentences with should or ought to.
In two of the sentences, both are possible.
1 You / buy / some better speakers. _
2 You / not / listen to loud music through headphones. -
3 Everyone / respect / other people's taste in music. -
4 We / get / our tickets online? _
5 You / not / download music illegally. _
6 What CD / I / buy / for my brother? _

D NOW YOU DO IT Work in groups. Give advice for these problems.

i 'My flatmate listens to music when she studies. I can't study with music on,
and her music bothers me.' - Gina WHAT'S RIGHT?
'My friends don't like the same music as me, so I haven't got anyone to go O You should buy the new
to gigs with.' - Ryan Adele album.
'I love music, but my girlfriend gets angry if I listen to my MP3 player when O You should to buy the
we're together.' - Ollie new Adele album.
starting and ending a conversation
o To start a conversation with a person you don't know in a social situation, you can
make a comment or ask a question about the present situation. To end a conversation,
it is polite to make an excuse.

127 Match the conversation starters to the responses. Then listen

and check your answers.
i Hi. Great party! a) No, I haven't, but I think they're really brilliant!
2 Are you enjoying the concert? b) We're in the same art class. How about you?
3 So, how do you know Katy? c) Yeah, it is. My name's Rachel. What's yours?
4 Have you seen this band before? d) Yes, it's great! How about you?

B Choose the phrase that should not be in the list. Explain why.
• I'm sorry, I should go now. It was nice to meet you.
• Oh, excuse me. It's late, so I'd better call home.
• Excuse me. What time is it?
• Sorry, can you excuse me for a minute?

C Work in pairs. Choose a situation and have a conversation.

Student A, start the conversation. Student B, end the conversation.
Situation 1: You're at a concert, listening to a band.
Situation 2: You're at a party. It's a little boring.

an informal review
A Read this review of a concert. What did the person like about
the concert?

COOL CONCERTS The website for music lovers!

Mumford and Sons
Hey, everyone, have you ever seen Mumford and Sons in concert?
I saw them in Manchester last summer, and the concert was
} i y
f .<
fantastic! They played for almost two hours - some old stuff, but / I
lots of songs from newer albums like Babel. Their blues-rock-
country style music is loud, fast and great for dancing. I thought ',V-
Marcus Mumford's vocals were excellent, and he's also a great i
guitarist. And of course, Ted Dwane is an amazing drummer. So if
you get a chance to see them, you should definitely go for it!

B In your notebook, use the guidelines on the right to

Bond or singer:
make notes about a concert you’ve been to.
Hla rtf-* and dade o-f ooncert:
C Write your review of the concert. How long theg planed-

Songs l/isy pla,ged:

D 23 Put your review on the wall. Read your classmates’
reviews. Then discuss these questions in groups. thcrf you liked / didHt like:
1 Have you seen any of the bands or singers your classmates wrote about?
If so, do you agree with their comments about the concert?
2 Which bands or singers do you want to see? Did you already want to see them, or did
the review convince you?

Musical notes |
Narrow the general topic to a specific area.
Narrow the topic more. Decide on the main points related to your topic.
Choose some specific details to say about each point.

Making suggestions for topics
A ^ Work in pairs. You are going to give a three-minute
I think we should talk about...
presentation on one of these topics. Discuss which topic you
We shouldn't talk about...
want to choose and tick the box.
Maybe we should talk about...
music festivals □ a band □ playlists □ a type of music □

B In your pairs, discuss aspects of the topic you chose in Exercise A that
you think are interesting or important. Make a list. Here are some ideas.
Music festivals A band Playlists A type of music
• history • musicians • how playlists started • origins
• types of festivals • musical style • where to find them • type of audience
• famous festivals • history • celebrity playlists • characteristics (types of
• a festival you've • recent CDs • how to make playlists instruments, vocals, etc)
been to and tours for different occasions • why you like it
• festivals you • albums you • your recommendations • bands and albums you
recommend recommend for a playlist recommend
C Now choose one item from the list you made in
Exercise B to focus on in your presentation. Make a ‘mind
map’ like the one below showing the main points you want to include.
Then add details.

U)£'V£ &EEN TO -

D Write notes for your presentation on note cards. At the top of your
note card, write the main point and list details below it.

Glqstpnhurij'. Wkat is jrt Wken and vrkene?

A Ug festival in Ike soutk-\nest of Eng Land REFLECT... How can the

skill of narrowing the focus of a
Held every "tiro yeans in sumsn-en presentation be useful to you in
Work and Career and Study and
E 0 Do your presentation in front of the class.

Musical notes UNIT 5
Language wrap-up
Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with
the words from the box. Then choose the correct
option in each sentence. (15 points)

classical country hip-hop jazz rock

John likes_He thinks it's fun / loud, but I don't

It's too upbeat / old-fashioned. I prefer new music.
My parents hate_They say it's too
romantic / loud. But I love it because it's fun / repetitive.
I never listen to_music. I think it sounds really
fun / sad. My sister listens to it when she studies because
she says it's repetitive / relaxing.
Do I like_music? No, I don't! It's awful! The
music is repetitive / upbeat and the lyrics are usually
good for dancing / silly.
My sister loves_She says it's really good
for dancing / repetitive. I like it because the lyrics are
interesting and the music is upbeat / romantic.

-15 correct: I can use adjectives to talk about different types of music.
10 correct: Look again at the vocabulary on pages 58 and 61.

A Complete the conversation with the correct present perfect or past simple
form of the verb in brackets. Use short forms where possible. (10 points)
Luke: Guess what! I (i)_(get) two tickets last week for the Kasabian concert next month.
Jack: Wow! That's fantastic! (2)_you_[ever / see) them before?
Luke: No, (3) I-(4) I_(never / go) to a concert before.
Jack: Are you joking? (5) I_(go) to loads of concerts! Maybe 40.
Luke: Wow! What's the best band (6) you_(ever / see)?
Jack: I (7)-(see) Coldplay last year and they (8)_(be) amazing.
But I (9)-(go) to a music festival last summer and The Vaccines (10)-
(play). They were amazing.

B Tick the correct sentence. Correct the incorrect sentences. (5 points)

1 Ought we to buy more milk? _
2 You shouldn't to make promises you can't keep. _
3 Where ought I to go to buy the best speakers? _
4 What should I wear to the party tonight? __——
5 You ought apologise to Miriam for what you said. _

11-15 correct: I can use the present perfect and the past simple to talk about past experiences
and events, and should and ought to to give advice.
0-10 correct: Look again at the grammar on pages 59 and 62. SCORE: /15
writing an informal review

A Read the concert review. Did the person like the concert? Why or why not?

COOL CONCERTS The website for music lovers!

Home ) concert reviews ) new reviews
“ V#
Deep Blue Sea
I have always liked Deep Blue Sea. Their fusion of played a lot of strange songs that no one has ever
electronic dance music, jazz and rock is very cool, so heard of. Of course, their musical style is relaxing and
I was really excited when I got tickets to see them in kind of romantic, but in the concert it was just boring.
London last week. Unfortunately, this band is much Also, the concert was pretty short. They played for just
better on their albums than they are live. The balance a little more than an hour. So in my opinion, you should
seemed wrong because we couldn't hear Dave Nelson, buy and enjoy their albums, but you shouldn't spend
the lead singer, very well. Of course, Aaron Young is money on their concerts.
a great saxophone player, and he was good, but they

B Find the following information in the review
and complete the notes.

Band or singer:
Race and date of concert:
Hod long they played:
Songs they played:.-
What yoa liked!-
What you. didnt like:
Yoar recommendation:

C Use the format of the notes in Exercise B to

write notes about a band or singer that you have
seen in concert. HOW ARE YOU DOING?
Look back at your writing and tick the statements
D Use your notes from Exercise C to write a that are true.
review of the concert in your notebook. O There are details about why I liked or didn't
like the concert.
O' used the past simple and the present
perfect correctly.
O' used adjectives to explain my opinions.
Now ask a partner to look at your writing and
Is the writer's opinion of the concert clear?

Well done!
Nearly! Look at

Think again! Ask
the unit again. your teacher for

Musical notes
learn language for talking about
homes and household chores

listen to a lecture about designing

a room

write topic sentences for

paragraphs about living away
from home

read about the use of feng shui in

room design

talk about where you live

learn to consider different options
in order to make a decision
watch a video about some very
special living spaces

instructions and
What sequencing words do
people often use when
they give instructions
or describe a

LIFE considering different options

In what kinds of situations do
SKILLS you have to choose between lots
STUDY of options?

A Look at the rules of feng shui for Feng shui: the Chinese art of creating a harmonious environment
a bedroom. Which feng shui rules do • Use soft, relaxing colours like peach, beige or a pastel colour on the walls.
• Position your bed so you can see the door to the room. Your feet should not
the bedrooms in the pictures follow?
point to the door.
Which ones don’t they follow?
• Keep your bedroom organised, not messy. Messy rooms create negative energy.

Describing a room
My room follows /
doesn't follow the rules
of feng shui because ...
It's always (tidy).
My bed faces / is next
to the (door).
The (curtains) are /
(carpet) is (light blue).

B Think about your bedroom. How do you feel when you are in it?
Which things follow the rules of feng shui? Which do not? Tell your partner.
A: The walls in my bedroom are white and it's very tidy. I always feel calm there.
B: Oh, my bedroom is white, too, but it's always very messy. It definitely doesn't follow
the rules of feng shui!

Living spaces |
objects in a house
A Draw and label the missing items in the architect’s house plan.
Use the symbols in the key. You can use the items more than once.

A: In my plan, there's a sofa and two armchairs in the living room.

There's a coffee table in front of the sofa.
B: What about your bedroom?

describing living spaces

A Work in pairs. Look at the words and phrases in the box.
What do they refer to? Categorise them in the table.

in the corner dark green pale yellow by the bed light blue
under the window bright red next to the sofa Describing where you live

My favourite room is ...

Colours Positions The walls are pale blue.
The carpet is black and white.
There's a lamp in the corner.
There are two armchairs by the window.

B Think of your favourite room in your home. Draw a diagram of the

room in your notebook and label the furniture. Think about the colours
in the room and the position of the furniture.

C 51
Work in pairs. Look at your diagram and describe your room to
your partner.

must and have to for obligation and necessity
A |g|28 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Listen to the
conversation below. Why do you think Sarah and Tom
have so many things to do?
Tom: Let's make a list of what we have to do.
Sarah: Good idea. OK, first, we must contact the gas company
and the power company.
Tom: Yes, and we mustn't forget to contact the telephone
company about connecting the phone line.
Sarah: Why? We don't have to get a home phone line, Tom.
We both have mobile phones.
Tom: But we need a home phone line for the internet.
Sarah: Oh, that's true.
Tom: Let's see, what else? We don't have to paint the
bedroom because the paint is OK in there, but we
have to paint the kitchen and the living room because
the walls are a horrible colour in those rooms. 11 I I vL«

Look at the words in bold in the

B ANALYSE Read the text Exercise A again. conversation. What kind of word
comes after each one?
Function Match the modal verbs to their functions.
1 have to and must a) It's an obligation not to do something; it's prohibited.
2 mustn't b) It's an obligation or a necessity.
3 don't/doesn't have to c) It isn't necessary. There's no obligation to do something.

Form Complete the table with examples from Exercise A.

Affirmative Negative

We (1) ... contact the gas company. We (3) forget to contact the telephone company.

We (?) . .. ... . .. paint thn Iritrhon We (4) „ .. . . ... paint

the bedroom.

C PRACTISE Complete the sentences with the appropriate affirmative

or negative verb of obligation and necessity.
1 Great! We_go to classes tomorrow because it's the
2 My brother_help my cousin move into her new O You don't have to put water on
electric tools.
house on Saturday.
Q You mustn't put water on electric t
3 You_always read the instructions before you use an
electric tool.
O You don't have to help me. I can
4 Dad_forget to buy Mum a birthday present. do it myself.
5 I_clean my house before Saturday because I'm
O You don't must help me. I can do ;
having a party. it myself.
6 I want to organise my room, but I-do it right now, so
let's go shopping.

D 0 NOW YOU DO IT Work in groups. Talk about the following.

• something you have to do today
• something you don't have to do today because you can do it another day
• something you mustn't ever do because it's not allowed

Living spaces UNIT 6 71
understanding instructions and processes
When you listen to instructions, you need to identify the main steps
of the process and then listen for specific instructions in each step.
Instructions often start with sequencing words and/or imperatives.

A 1SH29 Listen to a lecture in an interior design class and

number the three main stages of the design process in the
correct order.
a) Create a general design concept. □
b) Create an architectural plan for the room. □
c) Find out what the client wants. □

B Listen to the lecture again. Number the two sub-stages

within each main stage in the correct order. Listen again
and check. What sequencing words did you hear?
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
I~1 a) Ask what the client □0 Choose colours, materials and l~l e) Make any last
likes and dislikes styles of furniture for the room. changes.
about the room. □ d) Meet with the client and then □a Meet with the client
□ b) Find out how the make any changes to the to present the
client uses the room. concept. architectural plan.

Check your answers with a partner.

Underline all the adverbs in the
comparative and superlative adverbs advert. Which words appear
immediately before the adverbs?
A LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read the advert.
According to this company, is there a connection
Studies show that people who live the
between stress and disorganisation?
least stressfully ...
organise their files the most carefully,
B ANALYSE Read the text in Exercise A again.
clean their houses the most often,
work in their gardens the most
Function Choose the correct option to complete
the rule.
We use comparative and superlative adverbs to compare Do you want to have a more peaceful,
actions / things. less stressful life, and work or study
faster and more efficiently? Then tidy up
Form Choose the correct option to complete the
and organise your living space more
rules. Then complete the table with examples regularly!
from Exercise A.
1 We form most comparative adverbs with ... + adverb, We can help you get started! We promise
that after our visit, you will be better
a) more or less b) the most or the least
organised and you will have to tidy up
2 We form most superlative adverbs with ... + adverb,
less often than before!
a) more or less b) the most or the least
3 Irregular comparative and superlative adverbs Visit our website to find organisers in
end / do not end in -ly. your area:

Regular adverbs Comparative Superlative Irregular adverbs Comparative Superlative

slowly more slowly the most slowly fast (8) the fastest
stressfully more stressfully (6) - - - - often more often (10) -
carefully more carefully (7) well (9) - the best
regularly (4) the most regularly badly worse the worst
efficiently (5) .. . the most efficiently

C PRACTISE Choose the correct option to complete the
sentences. WHAT'S RIGHT?
1 My sister organises her files more / the most carefully than my brother. O' write better than my brother.
2 In our family, my dad works in the garden the more / the most O' write more well than my brother.
frequently of all of us.
3 My brother cooks the better / the best of all.
4 I clean up my room more / most often than my brother and sister.
5 I also take out the rubbish more regular / regularly than they do.
6 I study the more / the most efficiently when I'm alone.
7 My mum goes to the supermarket less / least often than my dad.
8 I clean the windows the less / the least often of all my chores because I hate doing it!

D NOW YOU DO IT Work in groups. Compare your habits.

1 What chores does everyone in the group do at home? Who does chores the
most frequently?
2 Who organises their English notebook the most carefully? How can you organise
your notebook better?
3 Who in the group seems to live the least stressfully? What is their secret?

phrasal verbs
A Match the sentences to the pictures.
O Pick up things off
the floor.

0 Hang up your clothes

at night.

0 Put away clean

clothes in drawers.

©Take out the rubbish


0 Clean up the kitchen

after you eat.

© Throw away and

recycle your rubbish
every week.

O Give away anything

you don’t need to

B !Q
Work in pairs. Talk about the things you do and don’t do.
Who is the most organised?
Do you tidy up your room every day?
Yes. I tidy up my room before I go to bed. What about you?
O' always take out the rubbish.
A: I don't tidy my room up every day, but I take the rubbish out every
Q I always take the rubbish out.
O' always take it out.
B: I never take out the rubbish because my brother does it, but I always
Q I always take out it.
tidy up the kitchen.

Living spaces
stress patterns with separable phrasal verbs
A H^30 Listen to these sentences. Is the particle stressed in the first
sentence or in the second sentence in each pair?
1 I picked up my jacket. I picked it up.
2 We put away the books. We put them away.
3 He tidied up the kitchen. He tidied it up.

B Now listen again and repeat the sentences. Use the correct stress.

C H^31 B1 Work in pairs. Practise saying the pairs of sentences with

the correct stress. Listen and check.
1 I gave away my old coat. I gave it away.
2 We didn't throw away the bottles. We didn't throw them away.
3 Hang your clothes up. Hang them up.
4 Please take out the rubbish. Please take it out.

an online forum
A Read these comments on a website forum. Who agrees with the
concepts of feng shui? Who does not agree?

Hi, guys! What does everyone think about feng shui? The idea is to make positive energy flow more
freely through your home. For example, in your bedroom, you have to take out things like electronics
or exercise equipment because their energy interrupts your sleep. They say you should have soft,
relaxing colours like beige or pastels for walls, rugs and curtains. Apparently, you don't have to
eliminate all bright colours, but you should use them for small objects only. There are also rules
about the furniture. You mustn't sleep with your feet towards the door, for example. I'm thinking of
doing it in my bedroom, but I'm not sure. Is it really worth it, or is it a lot of change for nothing?

I wanted to feel calm and relaxed in my room, so I did all of

those things. The result? More stress! Now I have to use my
computer in the living room while my family is watching TV.
And my exercise stuff is in the garage! Those relaxing colours?
They're really boring! My conclusion is that your room has to

have colours and styles that you like, and it has to be functional.

I almost never follow specific trends in fashion, food or decorating. I know

what I like, and I don't need advice from 'experts'. I prefer to create my own
style. But last month, I read a lot about feng shui and I decided to redesign
my bedroom. The walls were dark blue, so I painted them peach. I moved my
bed, and now my feet don't face the door and I also put some plants in my
bedroom for positive energy. I'm really messy, and I never hung up my clothes
or put away books and papers. Now I put everything away at night. Maybe it's
just a coincidence, but I sleep much better now! So I really recommend it! In
N fact, I'm going to feng shui my living room ... rvm

B Read the comments on the forum again and answer these questions.
1 What is the main concept of feng shui?_
2 What is the problem with electronics?_
3 Why is it a good idea to use beige and pastel colours? .
4 What did Dani do with her electronic and exercise equipment?
5 How does Dani feel about the colours in her bedroom?_
6 What changes did Liz make in her bedroom?_
7 What bad habit did Liz change?_
8 How does Liz feel about the results?_
C B[!
Work in groups. Would you like to try some of the ideas of feng
shui in your bedroom? Which ones?
A: I agree that electronics can interrupt your sleep. They make noises! What do you think?
B: I disagree. I have my computer and a TV in my bedroom, and ...

identifying paragraph structure

A paragraph is a unit of text containing one main idea or topic. The topic sentence
gives the main idea of the paragraph. It is often, but not always, the first sentence in
the paragraph.

A Read the first paragraph of an article. What is the main idea, or topic,
of the paragraph? Find and underline the topic sentence that introduces
the main idea.
Young people have to make many decisions when they leave
school. For example, they have to decide if they want to go to
HOME university or get a job, and what to study or what type of job
to look for. In some countries, one of the biggest decisions

AWAY for young adults is where to live. Do they continue to live with
their family or move out? Young people who are going to
university in a different town often live in a university hall of residence. Many parents like this option
because their children are living away from home, but they have rules and adult supervision in a
hall of residence. Some young people choose to rent a room in a house. Others decide to rent a
house or flat to share with friends. This last option is more common for people age 20 or older.

B Read the second paragraph of the article. Choose the best topic
sentence from the options below.
a) Living away from the family can be very positive for young adults for several reasons.
b) Of course, living away from home is fun.
c) All young people should try living away from home to see if they like it.

First, they learn to be more responsible. They have to buy food, cook and clean the house.
They also learn to manage money, especially if they are paying rent. Finally, if they have
housemates, they learn to get on with other people. They have to work out solutions to their
problems without a parent to help. In general, learning to manage a home is a very positive
experience for young people.

C The third paragraph of the article doesn’t have a topic sentence.

Read the paragraph and choose the main idea from the options below.
a) advantages of living away from home
b) disadvantages of living away from home
c) problems with college work

Young people sometimes don’t have the self-discipline to live away from adult supervision. This
can affect their college work. Also, rent is expensive, so it can be much cheaper to live at home,
And living away from the family can be lonely, even if you have housemates. Young people can
suffer from depression caused by missing people they love. Living away from home is not the
right thing for every young person.

D (H Work in pairs. Write an appropriate topic sentence for the third

paragraph. Remember that the topic sentence tells the reader the main
idea of the paragraph.

Living spaces |
• Decide on important criteria.
• Look at options and make a list of the pros and cons (advantages
and disadvantages) of each one.
• Decide which is the best option.

A You are going to choose a place to live with two or three friends. First
read the criteria below and tick the things that are important to you. Add
any other ideas you have.

Wha+'s importa\o+ for roe?

0 garden
0 ba+h
0 price
0 dishwasher
0 loca+ion
| | pe+s allowed
Q siz.e of +he rooms
0 pe+s no+ allowed
Q number of rooms
0 s+^le of proper+v)
□ -- -

□ -t-
0 furnished
| | unfurnished □ — -

B Now look at your list and decide

which things are essential and which
things you could compromise on.


© gr-
i A
Study and Learning
C Qj Work in a group with two or three other
students. Compare and discuss your criteria and
decide which are the most important things, and Discussing requirements
which things you can compromise on. Agree on a list For me, the property has to be ...

of features the property must have and what things The property must have ...

would be preferable. It's really Important for it to have ...

I'd prefer it to have ...
D In your group, read the property adverts It doesn't have to be/have ...
below and made a list of pros and cons (advantages It would be good for it to be/have ...
and disadvantages) of each one, according to your Ideally, I'd like ...
shared criteria. We definitely need ...
It can't be too (expensive) because ...

Large furnished house on university bus route. Three good

bedrooms, bathroom with bath and shower, big kitchen with
new fridge and cooker, central heating, small garden, no pets.

£1200 a month.

Contact agent for more details Save to favourites

Pretty unfurnished house in small village 20 minutes from city

centre. Four small bedrooms and three bathrooms, cosy living
room, large garden, wood fire, large kitchen with cooker, fridge,

£2400 a month.

Contact agent for more details Save to favourites

Tenth-floor furnished flat for rent near university and park. Two
large bedrooms, large living room, kitchen with cooker and
fridge, bathroom with shower, fantastic balcony with views over
the city, pets OK.

£900 a month.

Contact agent for more details Save to favourites

E 1H Now discuss which would be the best property for all of you.
A: I think property ... is the best one for all of us. It's got...
B: Yes, and the best thing about it is ... REFLECT ... How can the
C: What about property ..., though? That has a lot of skill of considering different options
advantages, too. be useful to you in Work and
Career and Self and Society?

Living spaces |
Language wrap-up

A Label the objects in a house. (8 points)

B Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs
from the box. (7 points)

give away hang up pick up put away take out throw away tidy up

My brother is so messy! He doesn't (i)-his room or

(2)_his clothes and shoes in the wardrobe at night.
He doesn't even (3)_his jacket_when he
gets home; he just leaves it on a chair, or even on the floor! He
leaves books and papers all over the floor, too, and he doesn't
(4)-them-He knows he's got a problem, and
he says he is going to (5)-a lot of his old magazines and
papers when he (6)_the rubbish_He also
wants to (7)_some of the magazines to people who will
enjoy reading them.

11-15 correct: I can talk about objects in a house and household chores.
0-10 correct: Look again at the vocabulary on pages 70 and 73.
SCORE: /15

A Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. (7 points)

1 Paul has to / doesn't have to study tonight because he's got a test tomorrow.
2 My brother must study / must to study hard if he wants to pass history.
3 We're happy because tomorrow is a holiday and we mustn't / don't have to go to work!
4 You don't have to / mustn't smoke in public buildings.
5 I don't have to / mustn't finish my report now. I can do it later.
6 Do we have to / must stop for petrol now?
7 I mustn't / don't have to forget to buy my sister a birthday present!

B Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative form

of the adverb in brackets. (8 points)
1 I run-than my brother. He's really fast! (slowly)
2 Paulo speaks English_than everyone in the class, (well)
3 Our neighbour paints his house_of everyone in the area. (frequently)
4 Cameron works-than anyone else in the office. He takes lots of breaks! (efficiently)
5 Mario finished his exam in 20 minutes - he worked_than all the other students, (fast)
6 Statistics say that people who have pets live_than people who do not. (happily)
7 People who clean their houses_don't have stressful lives, (often)
8 This computer works_out of all of these computers. Let's buy it! (well)

11-15 correct: I can use must and have to for obligation and necessity. I can use comparative and
superlative adverbs.
0-10correct: Look again at the grammar on pages 71 and 72. SCORE: /15

describing living spaces

A Read the conversation and answer the questions below.

Karen: So what's your new house like, Joel?
Joel: It's fantastic! It's right in the middle of town, and it's
really big.
Karen: How many bedrooms has it got?
Joel: There are three bedrooms, and then there's a big living
room, and a great kitchen, with a huge fridge.
Karen: Wow! What's the living room like? What furniture is there?
Joel: Well, there's a big sofa, a big chair, a table and a rug -
and my widescreen TV, of course!
Karen: Of course. What are the colours like?
Joel: Oh. I don't know. Just neutrals. I think the sofa is blue and
the chair is beige.
Karen: That's kind of boring! What about the walls?
Joel: I don't know. I think they're white, but I don't really notice
things like that.
Karen: Oh, OK. And does it have a garden?
Joel: Yes. It's quite small, but we can sit outside when the
weather's nice.
Karen: It sounds great for parties!
1 Where does Joel live?
2 What objects in the house does he mention?
3 Is the house colourful?

B Read the conversation again and find these things.

1 a question to ask for a general impression of the house
2 a question to ask about the number of bedrooms
3 a question to ask a specific question about living room furniture
4 a question to ask about the colours in the house
5 a question to ask about the garden

C Copy the table into your notebook and use it to make notes about your house.
Rooms Colours Things in the room Other information

D 0
Work in pairs. Student A, ask about Student B’s house. Student B, answer A’s
questions. When you finish, swap roles.


Making enquiries Think about your speaking and tick the statements that are true.
I feel confident using ...
What's ... like?
© vocabulary for rooms and things in a house.
Is there a ... /Are there any ...?
© questions about rooms and things in a house.
Does it have a/any ...?
© verbs of obligation and necessity.
How many ... has it got?
How do you feel about your speaking generally?
What about...?
© o •
Very confident. Not sure... Need to practise.

Living spaces |
4^1 learn language for describing
food, and talking about diet and
4^1 read about a food tradition

O learn how to explain what you

How can you explain what
mean when you don't know a
you mean when you don't
know the word for
O listen to people making something?
complaints in a restaurant

0 write a recipe
In which part of a
0 learn how to write a survey paragraph do we often
watch a video about a food find information that
market can help us predict the
ideas in the next
.1 fUM (MO paragraph?


i If (Mill!1

LIFE writing and conducting a survey

In what kinds of everyday situations
SKILLS do you see surveys?
A Match the countries to the foods.
1 France 2 China 3 the USA 4 Thailand 5 Mexico

Talking about experimenting with food
I've (never) tried ...
I've eaten ... once/twice/several times.
I tried ... when I was in ... / in a ...
It was / They were delicious / tasty / quite
nice / not very nice / tasteless / disgusting.
It/They tasted (a bit) like ...

B HHave you ever tried any of these foods? Tell your classmates about
any other new foods you have tried.
A: I've tried frogs' legs. They were quite nice. They tasted a bit like chicken.
B: I've tried snail ice cream. It wasn't very nice.

A question of taste
adjectives to describe food
A Write appropriate adjectives next to each food below.

crunchy greasy

sour sweet
1 cereal_ 4 chorizo sausage
2 crisps __ 5 grapes_
3 yoghurt 6 lemons_

B Iff Work in groups. Do you like these foods? Say why or why not.
• fried chicken • grapefruit • sweet chilli sauce • avocado • ice cream • oranges
a.- Do you like fried chicken?
B: Yes, but I don't like it when it's greasy.

multisyllable adjectives
A 1^32 Listen to the words. Then write them in the table according to
the number of syllables you heard.

creamy crunchy delicious disgusting greasy juicy

Two syllables Three syllables

B K^33 Listen and check your answers. Underline the stressed

syllable in each word. Then practise saying the words.

C K^34 ggj
Work in pairs. Practise saying these sentences.
Listen and check.
1 Oranges are juicy and delicious.
2 Bananas and yoghurt are nice and creamy.
3 Greasy food is disgusting.

too, enoughi, (no/)... enough
Listen to the conversation below. Are the people
completely happy with their dinner?
Jeff: Mv chicken isn't hot enough. It's
practically cold. And there's a lot of salt in
the sauce. In fact, it's too salty.
Tiffany: These szechuan prawns aren't spicy
enough for me. They need more chilli.
Sean: My beef is really good. It's got a lot
of flavour and it's spicy enough. But
the vegetables are disgusting. They're
really tasteless.
Jeff: Well, the rice is good.
Tiffany: Yes, it is, and the soup is delicious.
Sean: Yeah, and anyway, the food wasn't
expensive. NOTICE!
Look at the underlined
B ANALYSE Read the conversation in
sentences. Does Jeff want
Exercise A again. the chicken to be hotter or
Form Complete the table with examples from Exercise A.
too + adjective adjective + enough (not) + adjective + enough

The sauce is The beef is The chicken isn't (3)... . .. . _ _ .

(i) P) The prawns aren't (4).. . „ ..-._ .

Function Match the words to their definitions. WHAT'S RIGHT?

1 too a) sufficient O The food isn't hot enough.
2 enough b) more than it should be O The food isn't enough hot.
3 not... enough c) less than it should be O The food is too hot.

C PRACTISE Complete the conversation with too, enough and

(not) ... enough and the adjective in brackets.
Jane: Excuse me, my chips are (i)_[greasy).
I can't eat them.
Waiter: Sorry. I'll change them for you, of course. How is your
food, sir?
Paul: Well, the fish is really good, but the potatoes are
(2) _(hot). They're actually cold.
Waiter: OK, and what about the vegetables? Are they
(3) _(hot) or would you like them
heated up?
Paul: Yes, they are (4)-(hot). But they're
(5)_(salty). I can't eat them with so
much salt.
Waiter: I'm very sorry. I'll bring you a new meal, and, of course,
it will be free!
Jane: Oh, thank you very much.

D (H NOW YOU DO IT Work in groups. Prepare a roleplay

complaining about the food in a restaurant. Use the conversation in
Exercise C to help you. Act out your roleplay for the class.

A question of taste UNIT 7
to complaints
A 36 Listen to Ella and Andrew talking about a restaurant they
went to. Who liked the restaurant and who didn’t?

B Listen again and choose the person who complains about each thing.
The food Who complains The complaint

the pasta Ella / Andrew really tasteless

the soup Ella / Andrew
the coffee Ella / Andrew
the cake Ella / Andrew
the price Ella / Andrew

C Listen once more and make a note of each complaint. What dishes
didn’t they complain about?

D |Q
Think of a dinner that you had recently. Make notes about the
good things and the bad things. Then tell the rest of the class.
I went to a friend's wedding at the Lakeside Hotel. The wedding was fun, but the food
wasn't very good. The meat was too salty. I don't like salty food. The potatoes were good,
but the ...

food containers
A Match the phrases to the objects in the picture.

1 □ a packet of biscuits/crisps 4 □ a box of chocolates/cereal

2 □ a tin of soup/peaches 5 □ a bottle of water/ketchup
3 □ a jar of mayonnaise/jam 6 □ a can of lemonade

B Work in pairs. Look at the picture for 30 seconds.

Student A, close your book and try to remember what’s
on the shelves. Student B, check and make corrections.
Then switch roles.
A: There are five tins of soup.
B: No, there are four.

C |Q What other things can come in these containers?

Ask your classmates for their ideas.
A: What else comes in a tin?
B: Let's see, vegetables and ...
A LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read the article. Why is junk food bad for you?

Health Alert!
Many people these days eat too much junk food and not enough real
food.The definition of junk food is food that is not healthy because it
contains too much fat, salt and sugar and not enough nutrients. How
many bags of crisps do you eat every week? If your answer is more
than two bags, that's too many crisps! You'd be surprised how
much oil is used to make them ... A few crisps or a little
oil isn't going to hurt you, but they need to be part f jk
of a healthy, balanced diet.The problem is that j ^
many people today eat fewer vegetables, less fruit, HL jk
more salt and more processed foods than before. *
The result? A population that is not very healthy!

B ANALYSE Read the text in Exercise A again.

Form Complete the table with words from Exercise A.

Look back at the text
With countable nouns With uncountable nouns and circle the phrases
with countable nouns.
(1) a_crisps i (2) a_oil
Underline the phrases
(3)_processed foods ; (4)_salt with uncountable nouns.
(5)_vegetables | (6)_fruit
(7) too_crisps : (8) too_fat
(9)_nutrients : (10)_ real food

Function Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 Too many and too much mean more / less than you want.
2 Not enough means more / less than you want.
O I eat too many sugar.
3 A few means not very many / a lot of something.
A little means not very much / a lot of something. O' eat too much sugar.
4 More, fewer and less are used to ask questions / make comparisons. O' eat less sugar than you.

O' eat fewer sugar than you.

C PRACTISE Choose the correct option to complete
the sentences.
1 I eat more / fewer fruit than my sister.
2 Oh, that's too many / too much salad! Please give me less / fewer.
3 You should eat more / too many bananas.
4 I want a few / a little sugar on my strawberries.
5 You shouldn't eat too much / enough salt. It isn't good for you.
6 I eat too much / too many junk food.
7 I don't eat enough / a little vegetables.
8 Too much / A little fat is good for you.
9 We should try to drink less / fewer fizzy drinks. HOW TO SAY IT B1
Talking about eating habits
D NOW YOU DO IT Discuss your eating habits in
I (don't) eat a lot of...
groups. How many people think they should have I want to eat/drink less/fewer/more ...
healthier eating habits? I (don't) eat enough ...
I eat too much/many ...

: A question of taste |
The last sentence in a paragraph often helps you predict the topic of the next

A Look at the title and the picture in Exercise B. What do you think the
article is about?

B Read the three paragraphs of the article one at a time.

Choose one option to predict the topic of the next
paragraph. Then read the next paragraph to check.

in two countries!
The small town of Olney, in England, is very famous on one
Tuesday every year. Shrove Tuesday is in February or March and
it’s a special day. In some places, this is called Carnival or Mardi
Gras, but in the UK it’s called Pancake Day. Traditionally, this ■
is a day when people empty their kitchen cupboards to use up
foods like eggs and butter. They make and eat lots of delicious thin
pancakes with lemon juice and sugar. So why is Olney famous on
Shrove Tuesday?

i I think the topic of the next paragraph is going to be

a) the history of Shrove Tuesday in Olney.
b) a description of the town of Olney.

is that in 1445, a woman in Olney was making pancakes on Shrove Tuesday

when the church bells rang. She didn’t want to be late, so she ran out of her house. She was
wearing the typical apron and headscarf of 15th century housewives. She was also carrying
a frying pan with a pancake in it when she arrived at the church! Today, the people of Olney
remember that event with a pancake race every year on Shrove Tuesday.
2 I think the topic of the next paragraph is going to be ...
a) an explanation of how to make pancakes.
b) a description of the pancake race.

these days, contestants still have to wear an apron and a headscarf and carry
a frying pan with a pancake in it, just like the housewife in 1445! It’s difficult enough to run with
a frying pan, but contestants must also flip their pancakes at the beginning and the end of the
race! The race starts at 11,55am, and the contestants run about 380 metres. Of course, the Olney
contestants compete against each other, but they also compete with a small town in the state of
Kansas, in the USA! They adopted the pancake race custom from Olney, and now every year the
two towns compete for the fastest time in the race. A Kansas woman holds the record, but last
year, I decided to enter the Olney race. I didn’t win, but it was a lot of fun!

C | Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

1 What does the title of the story refer to?
2 Why do people traditionally eat pancakes on
Shrove Tuesday?
3 What was the housewife doing when she heard
the church bells?
4 What did she take to church?
5 What do contestants these days wear for
the race?
6 Which two places compete for the fastest
time in the race?
explaining what you mean
0^ When you don't know the English word for something, or you need to explain a word to
someone else, you can use a description to explain what you mean. You can talk about the
item's appearance, what it's made of or you can compare it with similar things.

A Match the descriptions to the foods A-E. Notice the phrases in bold.
1 It's a type of fruit. It's similar to an orange, but
smaller and sweeter.
2 It's like a chicken, but really big.
3 It's a very large fruit. It's green on the outside
and red on the inside.
4 It's a kind of sauce. It's made of tomatoes, and
it comes in a bottle. a watermelon an omelette
5 It's made of eggs. It sometimes has cheese
or vegetables in it.

B Work in pairs. Use the expressions

in bold in Exercise A or your own ideas to
describe the foods and dishes in the pictures
below. Take turns guessing the foods. a tangerine ketchup a turkey

a recipe
A Read the salad recipe. Would you like to try it? Why or why not?

7TW Chicken Salad

• some cooked chicken • a little sesame oil
• a packet of noodles • a few red pepper flakes or a
• a carrot little chopped chilli pepper
• some cucumber (optional)
• some roasted peanuts • some Thai basil (to serve)
some soy sauce

First, cook the noodles. While the noodles are cooking, thinly
slice the carrot and cucumber. Put them in a bowl. Then, add the
chicken and the peanuts. When the noodles are ready, add them
to the other ingredients. Add some chilli pepper if you like spicy
food. Finally, add some soy sauce and a little oil and mix all of the
ingredients together. Serve in warm bowls with some Thai basil.

B 0
Work in groups. Write a recipe for a dish that is easy to make.
Share your recipes with the class. Vote for the best one.
A: Let's write the recipe for pizza.
B-. Good idea. First, make the dough ...

A question of taste UNIT 7 87
• Decide what specific information you want to find out about and
brainstorm a list of things to ask about.
• Write questions and clear answer options.
• Conduct the survey and work out the results.

Prepare a survey about healthy eating
habits. Then use it to interview people
to find out about their eating habits.

A El
Work in pairs. Brainstorm healthy and unhealthy foods and drinks
and write a list in your notebook. Then circle eight things on your list
that you want to ask about.
A: What are some healthy and unhealthy foods?
B: Well, vegetables are healthy. Too much sugar is unhealthy ...

B El
With your partner, write a survey in your notebook with eight
questions about the things you circled on your list in Exercise A. Use the
question model below.

Student I Student 2
Hou) much salt do tyx)
pat on tjoof food?
C Write three answer options for each question in
your survey. Use the Answer option guide and the model below.

One option should be very healthy; one should be in the middle (neither very healthy nor very
unhealthy); one should be unhealthy.
Assign the points as follows:

= very healthy = neither healthy nor unhealthy = unhealthy

S-toden+ I S-tuden-t 2
1 Hou> rr\odn do uyou
pot on yoof food?
a) none. (2)
bi a It+He (0
c) a lo-f (0^

2 Hou> manij fiz-z-ij drinks

do t^oo drinks in a ioe.e.Y?
a") none (())
b) less -than 0 (l)
ci more -than b (t)
Discussing options
OK, what answer options should we put
for question number 3?
Let's put...
And which answer qets two points?

D 21Interview another pair. Ask your questions

and tell them the answer choices. Do not show
them the points. Write their scores in the final two
columns of your survey.
A: How much salt do you put on your food?
B: None, a little or a lot?
C: I use a lot of salt.
A: And you?
D: None.

E Calculate each student’s total score. Then write a REFLECT... How can the
short opinion to give to each person. skill of writing a survey be useful to
Your score was 8, so maybe your diet isn't healthy enough. You you in Work and Career and Study
eat a lot of vegetables, but you also eat too much junk food. and Learning?
Maybe you ought to drink a lot more water and fewer fizzy drinks.

A question of taste |
Language wrap-up
A Choose the correct option to complete the conversation. (9 points)
Leo: What are your favourite kinds of foods?
Maura: Well, I love (i) salty / sweet foods, so I always have dessert in restaurants. I love ice cream.
Leo: Really? I prefer (2) salty / sweet foods. Although I really like fruit. I love watermelon and
oranges because they're so (3) juicy / creamy. And I like fresh lemonade if it's nice and
(4) sour / salty and not too sweet.
Maura: Do you eat meat?
Leo: Yes, but I don't like meat if it's (5) sour / spicy. I don't like chilli at all! My favourite meal is
(6) creamy / crunchy fried chicken with really (7) creamy / sour mashed potatoes.
Maura: I prefer roast chicken because fried chicken is usually too (8) greasy / juicy. And I only like
potatoes if they're (9) salty / sweet. Otherwise they have no flavour.

B Complete the phrases with the foods from the box.

biscuits chocolates jam lemonade peaches water

1 a packet of_ 3 a jar of_ 5 a bottle of

2 a tin of___ 4 a box of_ 6 a can of_

11 - 15 correct: I can use adjectives to describe food and describe food containers.
0-10 correct: Look again at the vocabulary on pages 82 and 84. SCORE: 715

A Complete the sentences with too, enough and not... enough and the
adjective in brackets. (7 points)
1 This potato is cold. It is_(hot).
2 Is the chicken_(spicy), or would you like some more chilli sauce?
3 This burger is_(big). I can't finish it!
4 These chips are_(greasy). I can't eat them.
5 How can you eat this ice cream? It's_(sweet) for me!
6 This soup is_(salty). It doesn't need any more.
7 The cake is very small for eight people. It is_(big).

B Choose the correct option to complete the conversation. (8 points)

John: I'm going to have some cola. I'm really thirsty after the gym. Do you want some?
Paula: No, thanks. I already drink (i) too much / too many cola. I think I need to drink
(2) more / much water.
John: Me too. I drink (3) much / too much coffee, and I don't drink (4) enough / a little water.
Paula: Well, let's try and be healthier together! I want to eat (5) less / fewer salt and fat,
and (6) more / many vegetables. And I'm trying not to eat (7) too much / too many
greasy things like chips.
John: Great! But let's start tomorrow ... I feel like having (8) a few / a little chips today ...

11-15 correct: I can use too, enough, too many, too much and not... enough to talk about degrees and quantities.
0-10 correct: Look again at the grammar on pages 83 and 85. SCORE: 715
A Read the recipe and number the steps in the correct order.

(4 servings)
_Next, cook the sauce for Ingredients
M 360 g of penne pasta
about 15 minutes. • 300 ml of tomato
_Finally, serve the pasta sauce
in bowls with the parsley M 4 tablespoons of
and the cheese. extra virgin olive oil
• 2 cloves of garlic
_While the sauce is
m chilli to taste
cooking, cook the pasta in chopped parsley to
boiling water. serve (optional)
_First, fry the garlic grated parmesan
and the chilli in the oil cheese to serve ydM

on a moderate heat for

a few minutes, stirring
_When the garlic is
cooked, but not browned,
add the tomato sauce.
_Then strain the pasta
through a colander and mix
well with the sauce.

B Find the verbs in the recipe. What form are they in? Underline the
sequencing words and circle the time connectors.

C ^ Work in pairs. Think of a dish that you

like, or invent one. Talk about the ingredients HOW ARE YOU DOING?
and quantities you need and the instructions Look back at your writing and tick the statements
and make notes. that are true.
O' included all the necessary ingredients and
A: I know a good recipe for tomato soup.
Great! What are the ingredients?
You need two large cans of tomatoes, ...
o The steps in my recipe are in the correct order.
O I used imperative verbs to give instructions.
D Use your notes from Exercise C to write a O' used sequencing words and time connectors to
make the order clear.
recipe for the dish. Give your recipes to each
Now ask a different partner to look at your writing
other and try to make the dishes at home!
and tick.
Are the steps in the recipe clear and easy to follow?

o o •
Well done! Nearly! Think again!
Look at the Ask your teacher
unit again. for help.

A question of taste UNIT 7 ft
learn language for talking about
relationships and dating

listen to a lecture about Emperor

write sentences in the correct
order to make a paragraph about
a special bird
read advice about relationships

talk about dating customs in

different countries
learn how to use information to
make recommendations
watch a video about how different
couples first met

identifying paragi
What does the topic
sentence of a paragraph
do? What do the other
sentences in the
paragraph do?

instructions and .:v y
Why is it useful to think Wf - | 11 1
Sfc' V about what you know ’ • I 1 rak §4
J,Y'Y\. about a topic before (r A ‘ 1
listening to a talk

LIFE using information to make

SKILLS Do you sometimes have to
make recommendations? Who to?
SELF What kinds of things do you make
& SOCIETY recommendations about?
A ® According to an online survey by a major magazine,
these are the top places for young people in the UK to meet new people.
Which ones do you think are good ways to meet people in your country?
Which are not? Give reasons.

Giving opinions
Meeting people (at)... is
a good/bad idea because
you can/can't...
I think ... is a good/bad
place to meet people
because ...

B 0Where is a good place to meet new people in your country? Have you,
or has someone you know, ever met a new friend, boyfriend or girlfriend in
an unusual place or way? Share your stories and ideas in groups.
A: I met my best friend at university. We were in the same class.
B: That's interesting. I think university's a great place to meet people. You spend a lot of
time with them, so you can really get to know them.

Love and romance
A Write the words and phrases from the box
next to their definitions.

ask out get divorced get engaged get married

go on a blind date go on a date go out with split up

1 _to invite someone to go with you to the

cinema, a restaurant, etc, because you want to start a
romantic relationship with them
2 _to go on a date with someone that you
don't know, usually arranged by a friend or relative
3 _to end a romantic relationship
4 _to go to an arranged meeting with
someone you are romantically interested in
5 _to promise to marry someone
6 _to go to a party, restaurant, etc, with
someone you are romantically interested in; to have
a romantic relationship with someone
7 _:_to enter into a legal partnership with
someone as husband and wife
8 _to legally end a marriage

B Complete these questions with words and

phrases from Exercise A.
1 Do people usually go on_in your country?
Where do they go?
2 How do people usually_someone
_? On the phone, by email or in person?
3 How long should you_someone before you
_to be married?
4 Have you ever gone on a_with someone
you didn't know? How was it?
5 What problems can cause couples to___after
ten years of marriage?

C Work in groups. Discuss the answers to the

questions in Exercise B.

expressing likes, desires and preferences

A ^37 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Listen to the conversation below.
What does Cindy want to do on her date?
Cindy: I'm so nervous! A guy I met at work asked me to go on a date with him. He's really
nice, but I don't know what to do on a date! I think I would rather not go at all!
Emma: Don't be silly. Just imagine you're going out with a friend. What would you like
to do? You like going out for dinner. What about that?
Cindy: I know, but I think I'd prefer not to go out for dinner. What if we don't have
anything to talk about? I wouldn't like to be in that situation.
Emma: Well, going to the cinema is always a good option.
Cindy: Yeah, but I don't like going to the cinema on a first
date. You can't get to know the person. I think I'd
Look back at the conversation. Are Cindy and
like to go dancing. That way, we can talk, but we
Emma talking about things they like and dislike
don't have to talk all the time. or things they did in the past?
Emma: Yeah, I agree. I think I would rather go dancing than
go to the cinema.
B ANALYSE Read the conversation in Exercise A again.

Function Match 1-3 to a-c to make the correct rules.

1 We use would like to express a) a general enjoyment of something.
2 We use would prefer and would rather to express b) a desire to do something.
3 We use like to express c) a preference.

Form Complete the table with examples from Exercise A.

Affirmative Negative Questions

like + -ing form of the verb You like (1) / (4) ... ~ ... What do you like doing?
out for dinner. - going to the
cinema on a first date.

would like + the full 1 (?) / (S) What (8)

infinitive of the verb tn nn tn hp in that //Fp tn rln?

dancing. situation.

would prefer + the full I'd prefer to go to the I'd (6) . - What would you prefer to
infinitive of the verb cinema. to go out to do?

would rather + base form 1 would rather 1 would (7) What would you rather
of the verb (3).. . dancing. go at all. do?

Would in would like, would rather and

would prefer is often shortened to'd. Q We'd rather eat dinner early.
Q We'd prefer eat dinner early.

C PRACTISE Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 Would you like go / to go to the museum on Friday?
2 Comedies are OK, but I would prefer see / to see an action film tonight.
3 Would you rather to have / have Italian or Chinese food for lunch?
4 I'd not rather / rather not go out tonight. I'm so tired.
5 Carol would prefer not to / wouldn't prefer to eat a big lunch.
6 My brother likes play / playing video games.
7 I don't want to go dancing. I rather / would rather go to the cinema.
8 Do you like hiking / hike?

D NOW YOU DO IT Complete these sentences about going on a date in your

notebook and give reasons. Then talk about your sentences in pairs.
1 On a first date, I'd like to ... A: On a first date, I'd like to go to a restaurant
2 I wouldn't like to ... because you can talk a lot. What about you?
3 I'd rather ... B: I'd rather go to the cinema. You don't have to talk!
4 I'd prefer not to ...

A IH3 38 B3
Listen to the pronunciation of these words. Cross out the
‘silent’ letter. Then practise saying the words.

would - wouldn't should - shouldn't could - couldn't

B iSf] 39 B1 Work in pairs. Practise the questions. Listen and check.

Then ask and answer the questions in pairs. Pay special attention to the
words with silent letters in them.
1 Could we go to the beach this weekend? 3 Should the man always pay on a date?
2 Would you go on a blind date? 4 When should teenagers start going on dates?

Love and romance I
talking about dating customs
A 51
Work in small groups. Read about dating around the world.
Then tell each other what you have found out.
A: In Finland, they ...
B: Really? They don't do that in ...
C: What do they do in Thailand?


Dating is different everywhere! Are any of these customs
the same in your country?

Australia Thailand
Women often ask men out and couples pay A girl often takes a female friend on the
equally on a date. first two or three dates with a boy.
Finland The Arab Gulf
Young people often go on dates in big Couples do not go on dates alone.
groups. Sometimes up to 15 couples go to Sometimes the young people only meet
the cinema together! each other after their parents have
arranged their marriage.

B | Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

i Which of the customs in Exercise A are the same or similar in HOW TO SAY IT Q
your country? Which are different?
Talking about dating customs
Which of the customs would you like to have in your country?
Dating customs in ... are the same as /
Which would you rather not have? similar to / different from customs ...
A: I'd like to pay equally on a date. In my country, young people
B: I'd rather not go on a date with other couples. always/never...
I would/wouldn't like to pay equally ...
K '

gerund phrases as subject and object

A Krai 40 LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Listen to the conversation.
What does Ryan dislike about weddings?
Carol: Are you going to Dan and Lisa's wedding?
Ryan: Yeah, I suppose so. I'd rather not, though. Going to weddings isn't my
favourite thing to do.
Carol: Really? Why not? Weddings are great! Even if you don't like the ceremony,
you like going to the parties before and after, right?
Ryan: Oh, yeah, the parties are good. Actually, watching the ceremony is OK, too.
No, the problem is I hate shopping for wedding presents! I never know what
to get, and walking around the shops all day is really boring. I'm considering
not buying them anything, in fact ...
Carol: Ryan, buying presents is so easy now! You just go to a website to find the
couple's 'gift list', choose something they want, and buy it online. I'm thinking
of getting them a toaster. It's on their list!
Ryan: Really? I'm good at shopping online, so I'll do that.
Thanks, Carol! NOTICE!
Look at the underlined phrases. What is the subject
B ANALYSE Read the conversation in
of the verb 'isn't' in the first sentence? What is the
Exercise A again. object of the verb 'like' in the second sentence?

Form Choose the correct option to complete the rules. Then complete the
table with examples from Exercise A.
A gerund is the -ing form of the verb that functions as a noun / verb.
A gerund phrase can come before / after / before or after the verb.

Gerund phrases as subjects Gerund phrases as objects Gerund phrases after prepositions

Going to weddings isn't my favourite You like going to the parties I'm thinking of getting them a
thing to do. before and after weddings, toaster.
(1) the ceremony is OK, too. (6) I'm good at _ __online.
(4) 1 hate _for
(2) „ around the shops all
wedding presents!
day is really boring.
(3) . presents is so easy now!
(5) I'm considering WHAT'S RIGHT?
.. them anything. O Go to a wedding alone isn't
much fun.
C PRACTISE Write complete sentences using gerunds. O Going to a wedding alone
1 plan / a wedding / be / a lot of / work isn't much fun.

Planning a wedding is a lot of work. O' really enjoy to go to

2 Some people / like / watch / wedding programmes on TV
O' really enjoy going to
3 Shop / for clothes / for a wedding / can be expensive

4 Lots of people / worry about / choose / the right wedding present

5 Go to weddings / be / a good way / to meet new people

6 Everyone / enjoy / dance / and / eat / at wedding parties

D HJ NOW YOU DO IT Work in groups. Use the questions as a guide to

discuss your opinions about weddings.
• What do you like about weddings? Is there anything that you dislike?
• What is the most stressful thing about a wedding for the bride and groom?

identifying paragraph structure

The sentences in a paragraph should all relate to the topic of the paragraph.
They support or explain the main idea in the topic sentence.

A Read the topic sentence of the paragraph. Then

cross out the sentences that do not relate to the topic of the paragraph.
Topic sentence: Bowerbirds have an elaborate ritual for choosing a mate.
□ Finally, she returns to the bowers of her favourite males for a third visit, and chooses her mate
□ Second, a female bird visits the bowers when the males are not there and inspects them.
□ Bowerbirds live in Australia and New Guinea.
□ Then, if a female likes a bower, she visits a second time when the male is at home.
□ First, the male bird builds a bower - a structure made of twigs.
□ On this second visit, he entertains her with a special dance and a song.
□ There are several species of bowerbird.
□ The female then goes to another bower to see another male dance.
□ After she sees all the males dance, she leaves for a week to build her nest.
□ Bowerbirds eat fruit, berries and insects.

B Number the remaining sentences in Exercise A in a logical order.

C Now write the paragraph in your notebook. Include the topic sentence.

Love and romance |
understanding instructions and processes
A You are going to listen to a lecture about Emperor penguins. First,
think about what you already know about them. Read these statements
and guess the answers. Choose T (true) or F (false).
1 Emperor penguins reproduce twice a year. T/ F
2 The female lays only one egg. T/F
3 Penguins lay eggs in the summer. T/F
4 The male penguins incubate the eggs. T/F
5 Only female penguins can feed the babies. T/F
6 Baby penguins become independent at about two months old. T/F

B Bp41 Now listen to the lecture and check your answers

to Exercise A.

C Listen again. Number these stages in the penguin’s

reproductive cycle in the correct order 1-8.
a) The female travels over the ice to reach the ocean. □
fa) The egg hatches. □
c) The female passes the egg to the male for incubation.
d) Male and female penguins form a pair. □
e) The female lays an egg. □
f) The female goes into the ocean to hunt. □
g) The female returns. □

D B1
Work in pairs. Discuss what you learnt about
Emperor penguins.
A: I learnt that Emperor penguins lay their eggs in the winter.
B: Yes, and ...

get + adjective
Work in pairs. Complete the story with the words from the box.

angry better bored hungry ill worried thirsty tired

My wife Laurie and I went to Bali on our honeymoon. The first day, we went hiking. It was
fun but we got (i)_and wanted to go back to the hotel. It was hot and I got
really (2)-, so I drank some water from a river. That evening, after our walk, we
got (3)-, so we went out for a big dinner. Unfortunately, I got (4)_
that night. Laurie got (5)_ -and took me to the hospital. I stayed in the hospital
for four days. I got very (6) _! When I got (7)_, I left the hospital and
went back to the hotel. I felt fine, and I wanted to celebrate. We went to a restaurant, and I
ate too much food! Laurie got (8)_because
she thought I was going to get ill again. The next day
we had to come home. Our honeymoon was a disaster!

B Q] Work in groups. Tell each other

about the last time you did these things
• got angry • got ill
• got worried • got really hungry
• got bored
The last time I got really angry was last
month. My boyfriend ...

an advice column
A Read the letters below. What is the general topic of the letters?

B Read the letters again and answer the questions.

1 Why does the writer's boyfriend in letter 1 not want to get married?
2 What would the writer of letter 1 like to do?
3 What does the writer of letter 2 like doing at weekends?
4 Why does he think he should split up with his girlfriend?
5 Why doesn't the writer of letter 3 like her friend's boyfriend?
6 What does she think her friend should do?

C Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

1 Do you think the writer of letter 1 has ever been married? Why do you think that?
2 Do you think James and his girlfriend can resolve their differences? Why or why not?
3 Do you think 'worried friend' should advise her friend, or is it none of her business?
A: I don't think she has been married because ...
B: But maybe she ...

Love and romance
as possible about the person or people you are going
ndations to.
s and brainstorm further options,
of options to four possible recommendations.

A |^§ You are going to make recommendations for a

classmate’s date. Prepare a list of questions to find HOW TO SAY IT E3
out what kinds of things your partner likes doing. Talking about preferences
What do you like ...?
B Work in pairs. Ask your partner your questions What do you prefer to ...?
and make a note of their answers. Would you rather do something unusual/
C Look at the website below and read the ideas.
Then think of two more ideas for each category.

Dates with a difference

Have you run out of ideas for things to do on dates? Do you want
to impress someone on a first date? Here are some unusual and fun
ideas for a 'date with a difference'!

Sporty Outdoors Cultural Special occasions

go to a sports event go on a picnic go to a museum or buy Christmas presents

walk your dogs in the go for a walk go to a flea market go to a classic car show

have a horseriding go to the zoo go on a tour of your city go to a birthday party


play tennis go to an go to a dancing lesson go to a festival or parade


Feeling inspired? Send us your ideas for

more unusual dates to: [email protected]
D Look at the notes you took about your partner’s
preferences in Exercise B and consider the options in the
table in Exercise C. Choose one option from each category to
recommend to your partner.

E qS Make recommendations to your partner. Give reasons for your

choices. Listen to your partner’s recommendations for your date and say
which ones you think are good ideas.
A: You like history. How about meeting at the history museum? HOWTO
B: I don't think so. What if he/she doesn't like history or going to museums?
Making suggestior
I'd rather do something more active.
How about...?
A: OK. Why don't you go for a walk in the park?
Why don'tyou...?
B: That's a good idea.
You could ...
Another idea is to ...

REFLECT... How can the

skill of using information to make
recommendations be useful to you
in Work and Career and Study and

Love and romance
A Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box. (7 points)

asked me out split up going on a date got divorced got engaged got married went out

-- \

Hi Izzy,
Guess what! I met a great guy, and he (i)_! His name is John and we met at my
friend Karen’s wedding. Do you remember her? She (2)_with Jack for a while, but
they (3)__ after a few weeks. Anyway, she (4)_to Paul last Christmas,
and they (5)_last week. The ceremony was lovely! And John is Paul’s brother!
He was married for two years, but he (6)_from his wife a few years ago. We’re
(7)_next week. What shall I wear? Help!


B Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. (8 points)

1 My brother ate some bad food, and he got really ill / tired.
2 Even when you disagree with someone, you should try not to get worried / angry.
3 I was ill last week, but when I got hungry / better, I went back to work.
4 The sun was hot, and we got really thirsty / angry. We had cold lemonade.
5 I got really hungry / worried yesterday when I lost my wallet.
6 I got really tired / worried after working all day in the garden.
7 If you get hungry / bored, I'll make you a sandwich.
8 I didn't know anyone at the party and I got bored / angry, so I vvent home.

11 - 15 correct: I can talk about relationships and use get + adjective.

0-10 correct: Look again at the vocabulary on pages 94 and 98. SCORE:

Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verb in brackets. (15 points)
Ben: So, Lucy, tell me about yourself. What do you like (i)_(c/o)?
Lucy: Well ... I love (2)_(go) to see plays. I love anything to do with the theatre,
in fact. (3)-(act) is a major passion of mine! And I'm thinking about
(4)-(take) a course in stage management as well. What about you?
Ben: I really enjoy (5)-(swim). (6)_(keep) fit is important to me, so I play
a lot of sport.
Lucy: I'd like (7)-(do) more sport. I go dancing every Friday, I suppose.
Ben: (8)-(dance) is great. I love it. Especially swing dancing!
Lucy: I agree! Hey, would you like (9)_(go) swing dancing on Saturday?
Ben: Sure! That sounds great. I don't want (10)_(do) anything active tonight,
though. I'm too tired after work! I think I'd prefer (ii)_(go) to the cinema.
I'd like (12)-(see) that film with Michael Fassbender. What do you think?
Lucy: Hmm, I'm not sure. I think I'd rather (13)_i (see) that comedy with Ben Stiller.
Ben: Oh! I was planning on (14)-(see) that with my flatmate. But I'd prefer
(15)-(not go) to the cinema with him, anyway. He always talks through the film!

11-15 correct: I can express likes, desires and preferences. I can use gerund phrases as subject and object.
0-10 correct: Look again at the grammar on pages 94 and 96. SCORE:
talking about
dating customs

A Read the conversation and choose the

correct option to complete the sentences 1-6.
Diana: According to that article we read, dating
customs are really different in different countries.
Joseph: Yeah, I wouldn't like dating in a group like they
do in some countries.
Diana: I don't know. I think it would be good for the
first few dates, before you really get to know the
Joseph: Maybe. I think it would just make me even more
nervous! I definitely like the way they pay in
Australia, though!
Diana: What do you mean?
Joseph: Remember? The article says that in Australia,
men and women pay equally when they go out.
Diana: Oh, that's right! Yeah, I think that makes a lot
of sense. What about women asking men out,
Joseph: No way! That's weird.
Diana: Why? I would rather have that custom than ours.
I don't like always waiting for a man to ask me
Joseph: Hmm, yeah, I guess I see your point.
1 Joseph likes / doesn't like the idea of going on a
date in a group.
2 Diana agrees / disagrees with his opinion about group dating.
3 Joseph says he would / wouldn't like the dating customs in Australia. HOW TO SAY IT Q
4 Diana thinks men and women should / shouldn't pay equally on a date. Giving opinions about dating
5 Joseph thinks the idea of women asking men out is normal / strange. customs
6 Diana would / wouldn't like to ask men out. I think going out in groups is
B Read the conversation again and find these things. I think men paying for everything
1 a polite phrase to express disagreement is (a good idea).

2 three phrases to express dislike To me, men and women paying

equally (makes sense).
3 four phrases to express like
I like the way they ...
4 a phrase to express preference
5 a request for clarification
6 a phrase to show you understand someone's opinion

C C3 Work in pairs. Using key words only,

make notes about dating customs in your HOW ARE YOU DOING?
country and around the world. Think about your speaking and tick the statements that
are true.
Work with a different partner. Have a I feel confident using ...
conversation like the one in Exercise A. Q phrases of agreement and disagreement.
O phrases to express likes and dislikes.
O phrases to express preferences.
How do you feel about your speaking generally?

o o •
Very confident. Not sure... Need to practise.

Love and romance UNIT IK
learn language to talk about the
weather, climate change and the
natural world
^ read an article about climate

0 learn how to interrupt politely

listen to a weather forecast understanding
meaning from context
0 write a description of a place
What do you do when
learn to evaluate different plans you find words you don't
know in a text? How
watch a video about climates in
do you work out the
two locations
meaning of new

When is it OK to interrupt
people? How could you do
it politely?

**■' •

i IK
HMW»' ’

>■ •*

..if.*-" •

LIFE evaluating different plans

When was the last time you chose
SKILLS between different plans? Did you
WORK make the right choice? What
A How do you feel about these places as holiday
destinations? Work in pairs and say what you like and
dislike about each one.

Talking about ideal
I'd love to go to ...
One place I've always
wanted to visit is ...
... looks like an
interesting place, and

B Qj What place in the world would you most like to visit? Why?
Tell your partner.
A: I'd most like to go to India. It looks amazing.
B: Yes, it does. I'd love to go to South Africa as well. I've always wanted to visit Cape Town.

Our planet
the weather
A Match the pictures to the sentences.

1 Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It's raining.

2 I couldn't sleep last night because it was so stormy. It was really scary.
3 Now that the spring is here, it's getting warm.
4 It's sunny today. Let's go to the beach!
Weather verbs
5 The weather is really depressing today. It's just grey and cloudy.
6 I love it when it snows. I like the way everything gets covered in white. It's a rainy day. It's raining.
It rains here all the time.
7 It was so windy that I couldn't even stand up!
8 It's very cold today. You'll need a jacket. It's a snowy day. It's snowing.
It snows a lot in winter.
9 I can't see more than ten metres because it's so foggy.
io It's too hot today. I'm going to go inside for a cold drink.

B Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and describe the weather.

C H§
Work in pairs. Describe the typical weather where you live
during these seasons. HOW TO SAY IT Q
Describing the weather
spring summer autumn winter
In spring, it's usually (rainy
and warm). Sometimes ...
Summer is (hot) and ...
It's often quite (windy) in
may, might and willfor future possibility autumn.
In winter, the weather gets
A LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read this email. How is Greg
very (cold)...
travelling to visit Matt?

Hi Greg!
I’m writing about the plans for your visit this weekend. We’ve planned lots of activities but
it all depends on the weather. We may go up to the mountains to show you some of the
local area, so bring your walking shoes, just in case! It might be a bit windy, possibly, but
it probably won’t rain. We’ve had some really good weather recently so it will probably be
really sunny. But you never know in the UK, do you? I might not have to work on Friday
when you arrive. I don’t know yet. But I’ll see you in the evening, in any case. And Jill will
definitely meet you at the train station, so don’t worry! ....^—W

See you soon!

Underline the phrases that talk about future
possibility in the email. Which form of the
verb follows may, might and will?
B ANALYSE Read the email in Exercise A again.

Function Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 We use may, might and will to talk about things that are possible in ...
a) the present or the future. b) the past. WHAT'S RIGHT?
We use may or might when we are ...
O' might be late tomorrow.
a) not very certain. b) very certain.
3 We use probably will when we are ...
O' might to be late tomorrow.
a) quite certain. b) not very certain.
4 We use will or definitely will when we are ...
a) quite certain. b) very certain.

Form Complete the table with examples from Exercise A.

Affirmative Negative

subject + may/might/will + base form subject + may/might/will not + base form

We (1) up to the mountains. We may not go to a festival.
It (?) a hit windy 1 (5) fn wnrl< np Friday
will is often contracted to 'll: will not is often written as won't:
1 (3)_ you in the evening. 1 won't leave tomorrow.

Notice the word order of will with definitely and probably:

It will probably be really sunny. It (6). - rain.
Jill (4) you at the station. We definitely won't stay at home all weekend.

C PRACTISE Complete these sentences with may, might, will or won’t.

More than one answer might be possible.
1 I don't know, but the biggest island in Europe_be Britain.
2 I think I_definitely go for a walk this weekend.
3 They_probably be here tomorrow.
4 I definitely_have time to see you this evening, but we can meet tomorrow.
5 They haven't decided, but they_go to the beach on Monday.
6 I'm not sure, but Ben____ go fishing on the river this weekend.
7 I probably_be able to go on holiday with you because I have too much work.
8 The letter_arrive today. I only posted it this morning.

D ^ NOW YOU DO IT Complete these sentences in your notebook.

Then tell a partner.
1 Tomorrow, I might ... 3 This evening, I'll definitely ...
2 This weekend, I may ... 4 Next week, I definitely won't ...

/ei/,/ai/ and /oi/

A Hj) 42 Listen to the three groups of words below and circle the odd
one out. Add the circled words to the column where they belong.
/ei/ : /ai/ : /oi/
hey - sky - stay - play ; buy - tie - boy - July | destroy - toy - employ - day

B f|^43 Look at the words below and mark the diphthong they
contain. Listen and check. Then practise saying the words.
grey_, make-- time-, away-,
pie_, enjoy-, cry--, toilet-

C 1^44 B1 Work in pairs. Practise saying these sentences. Listen and check.
1 They may want to bake a pie for Joy.
2 The shy boy stayed and replied with a sigh.
3 The boys tried to play in the park with their toys.

Our planet |
You might need to interrupt a person when they are talking to somebody else.
First, use body language (smile and make eye contact) to get their attention.
Then interrupt politely and say what you need briefly and clearly.

A 0^45 Listen to the conversations below. Underline the phrases used

to interrupt.
Conversation 1
Jim: So, what are you doing this weekend?
Paul: Well, if it's sunny, I might go to the beach.
Andy: Sorry to interrupt, but do you know what the homework was?
Conversation 2
Janet: Richard might have the information you need.
Frances: OK. I'll give him a call.
Emilia: Sorry, can I interrupt for a second? Frances, can you sign this letter, please?
Conversation 3
Mr Jones: It's raining really hard. Do you think we should cancel the class trip?
Mr Lee: Let's wait. It may stop soon.
Alan: Excuse me, can I ask a quick question? Have you seen Mr Reed?

B 0
Work in groups. Students A and B, have a short conversation.
Student C thinks of a reason to interrupt the conversation and interrupts
politely. Then switch roles.
A: So, what are you doing this weekend?
B: I might visit my cousins.
C: Sorry to interrupt, but...

the natural world

A Match the pictures to the definitions.

1 A forest is a large area with lots of trees.

2 A field is an area of land on a farm.
3 An island is a piece of land with water all around it.
4 A lake is a large area of water with land all around it.
5 A mountain is a high piece of land, often with snow on top.
6 The sea is the large area of salty water next to beaches.
7 A hill is a high piece of land which is smaller than a mountain.
8 A river is a long area of water that goes into the sea.

B @ Work in pairs. Think of a natural place you have visited.

Describe the geography of that area.
I've been to ... There's a big lake, a forest and some fields ...
understanding meaning from context
O When you find a word you don't know in a text, use the context to help you work
out the meaning. Think about the meaning of the whole sentence and decide what
the general meaning of the word might be.

A Quickly read this article, ignoring any words or phrases you don’t
know. Then read the sentences and choose T (true) or F (false).

What is climate change?

The word ‘climate’ means the average weather conditions over a number of years, including
temperature, wind and rainfall. When we talk about climate change, we mean the unusual
changes in the Earth’s weather patterns that have happened over the last 100 years.
It is true that the weather is always changing and sometimes the weather changes in ways we
really don’t expect. For example, we might have a warm sunny day in the middle of winter or a
cold windy day in the middle of summer. Recording the temperatures of each day helps us find
the average temperature for the whole year. Doing this in many different parts of the world lets
us find the average global temperature. When all temperatures are taken together, we would
expect any ups and downs in the year to cancel each other out and the average temperature
to stay roughly the same from one year to the next. However, scientists have found that the
temperature is not staying the same and our planet is actually getting warmer each year. This is
called ‘global warming’ and it is a major part of climate change.
Extreme changes in climate are nothing new on Earth. In its long history, there have been times
when the Earth’s climate became warmer, causing ice to melt and sea levels to rise so that much
more of our planet was covered in water. At other times the Earth has been very cold; these ‘ice
ages’ saw huge areas of the planet covered in snow and ice. These might sound like drastic
changes in the Earth’s climate, but they happened very gradually over thousands of years.

1 When people talk about climate change, they usually mean changes in the last century. T/ F
2 The way the weather changes every day is the same as climate change. T/F
3 In the past, the Earth got very cold. T/F

B Read this sentence. What does ‘weather patterns’ mean? Look at the
underlined words. Then choose the correct answer.
When we talk about climate change, we mean the unusual changes in the Earth's weather patterns
that have happened over the last 100 years,
a) repeated weather b) rainy weather

C 0 Work in pairs. Read the article again. Find and underline these words and
phrases. For each one, look at the context where it appears carefully and choose
the correct meaning.
1 expect a) think will happen b) think is unusual
2 cancel out a) stop something from having an effect b) make something smaller
3 roughly a) exactly b) approximately
4 major a) important b) unimportant
5 melt a) become ice b) become water

D Find any other words and phrases in the text you don’t understand. Try to
work them out from the context. Then check your ideas in a dictionary.

Our planet |
will and going to
A LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read this conversation.
What are the two women upset about?
Phoebe: Look at this! (i) They are going to build a new factory
outside town!
Emily: What? Oh, no! That'll be terrible. (2) There'll be more
pollution and more traffic.
Phoebe: You're right. And (3) it's going to affect tourism.
It'll be a disaster for this area.
Emily: I wonder if there's anything we can do.
Phoebe: Well. (4) I'm going to write to the newspaper.
I know lots of people who won't be happy
about this.
Emily: (5) I'll help VQU.
Phoebe: Great! We could start an online campaign.
Emily: They're going to have a fight on their hands!
(6) I'll get my tablet and we can start writing.

Look at the underlined
phrases 1-6. Which ones:
B ANALYSE Read the conversation in Exercise A again. a) make predictions about
future events?
Function Complete the table with ticks and crosses. b) talk about future plans?

We use ... : to make : to talk about : to talk about c) show spontaneous offers
; predictions. ; plans/intentions. ; spontaneous and decisions?
: decisions.

will ! / : X ; /

going to

C PRACTISE Complete the sentences with the correct form

of will or going to. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.
1 We have to do something or the problem __get worse.
What-you_do this weekend?
A: This is really heavy!
B: I_help you. A: What are you doing this
4 I-take the bus to work from now on instead of my car.
5 Without our help, the blue whale_survive. Ob: I'm going to stay at

6 A: I need to return this book to the library, but I'm late already! home and work this

B: I-do it for you. evening.

Ob: I will stay at home and
D Q NOW YOU DO IT Work in pairs. One of the following work this evening.
is going to happen in your area. Roleplay a conversation like
the one above. Say what you think the results will be and
say what you are going to do about it.
• new houses in an area that is now a park
• a new shopping centre in an area that is now a forest
• a new factory next to a river
A: They're going to build more houses in the area.
B: Really? Where?
A: Where the park is. It'll really spoil the area.
B: I agree. There'll be more ...
to a weather forecast
A HU 46 Listen to a weather forecast and choose the activity you could
do tomorrow in each area.
1 In the north
a) go to the beach b) go skiing C) go for a walk
In the east
a) make a snowman b) go for a walk C) fly a kite
In the west
a) go skiing b) go to the beach C) go to the cinema
In the south
a) go for a walk b) make a snowman C) go to the beach

B Listen again and choose T (true) or F (false).

1 In the north, the weather is going to stay the same all day. T/ F
2 In the east, it will be warmer tomorrow than today. T/ F
3 In the west, the weather is going to stay the same all day. T/ F
4 In the south, the weather will be better than in the west. T/ F

C Work in pairs. Predict what the weather

will be like in your country. HOW TO SAY IT Q
• tomorrow
Making predictions
• this weekend
I think it will be ... tomorrow.
• next week
This weekend, it's probably going to be ...
It's autumn, so next week it will probably be ...

a description of a place
A Read this description of a place. Are any of the
facts about Manchester also true for where you live?

Home About Links Archive Search

Manchester is a city in the north of England. It has

large hills to the north and east, called the Pennines,
and a number of rivers run through it. The population
is about 503,000. Manchester has cold winters and
warm summers. It is often cloudy and it often rains.
In the past, the main industry was cotton. Today, the
city is better known for its academic life, its football
teams and its culture. The main things to see and do in
Manchester include visiting the Museum of Science
and Industry, seeing the Town Hall and shopping in
the city centre.

B Think about your home village/town/city. Make notes

about these things.
• geography • climate • what it's known for
• population • history • main attractions

C Write a description of your home village/town/city.

Our planet
• Establish which factors are important.
• Evaluate how each plan affects these factors.
• Put the plans in order of preference.

A 31 Work in groups. Think about the people who live in your town or city.
Which of these factors do you think are most important to them? Tick four.
□ jobs □ good roads □ good schools □ good public transport
□ places to enjoy nature □ cheap houses/flats □ clean air □ places to shop

B IQ You work for your local town/city council. The council is considering
three development plans for the green area in the picture. Read the
information about each plan. Choose T (true) or F (false) about each plan.

The council is planning to use this area for urban development. They are going
to build a large number of new houses as well as other facilities, such as schools and a
shopping centre. They are also going to create more roads and provide public transport to
the area. They will allow a few companies to build facilities near the new development.

This plan means ...

1 a lot of people will come to live in this area. T/F
2 there will be more jobs in the area. T/F
3 local people will be able to enjoy nature. T/F

The council is going to create a large park for people to enjoy. They plan to clean
up the area and provide facilities such as picnic tables, barbecues and a playground for
children. They are going to build several new roads to the park, but they won’t allow the
construction of houses, schools or shops in the green area.

This plan means ...

4 local people will have a place to relax. T/F
5 there will be lots of new jobs in the area. T/F
6 people will be able to enjoy clean air. T/F

The council is planning to sell the green area to private developers.

The developers want to build a small number of large, expensive houses. They are going to
build new streets and a small park. The park will be exclusively for residents. The council is
going to provide a bus service to the area for people who work in the houses.

This plan means ...

7 there will be some new jobs in the area. T/F
8 everyone in the town/city will enjoy the new park. T/F
9 a lot of people will come to live in the area. T/F

C Write the four factors you ticked in Exercise A in the first column
of this table. Then look at plans A-C again and follow these steps.
1 Consider Plan A. Give it a score for each factor:
+2 = the plan will have a very good effect on this
0 = the plan will have no effect on this
-2 = the plan will have a very bad effect on this
2 Write your scores in the 'Plan A' column of the table.
3 Repeat steps 1-2 for Plans B and C.

Factor Plan A Plan B Plan C

Talking about effects and
2 consequences

3 What effect will Plan A have

on ...?
4 With Plan A, there will be a lot
of... / they will create ...
D |Q
Add up the total score for each plan and write it in the Plan A will have a (very) bad/
table in Exercise C. Your preferred plan is the one with the good effect, so let's give it
minus one / plus two.
highest score. Complete this list.
First choice: Plan-
Second choice: Plan-—
Third choice: Plan-
REFLECT ... How can the
Work with another group. Compare your skill of evaluating different plans be
answers in Exercise D. Did you put the plans in the useful to you in Study and Learning
same order? What is different? and Self and Society?

Our planet
Language wrap-up
A Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (7 points)
1 When I was young, there were_around our house, with very tall trees.
2 Did you know that Greece has 1,400_in the sea off the mainland?
3 I love it when there's snow and we can go skiing in the - islands
4 The Amazon in South America is one of the longest-in the world. lakes
5 There are big_outside the city, with lots of flowers. mountains
6 We often go sailing on the_near my home. seas
7 Marine animals, such as fish, dolphins and whales, live in the-

B Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. (8 points)

1 It was so stormy / warm last night that we didn't need the heating on.
2 The sky is really grey and cloudy / sunny. I think it's going to rain.
3 It was so windy / foggy that I couldn't see more than a few metres.
4 When it snows / rains, we go skiing. When it is windy / cold, we fly a kite.
5 It's very cloudy / hot today. Let's go for a swim in the lake.
6 We get a lot of cold / hot weather in the winter and we need to wear warm clothes.
7 I hope it's going to be sunny / foggy for our picnic this weekend.

11-15 correct: I can talk about the natural world and the weather.
0-10 correct: Look again at the vocabulary on pages 106 and 108. SCORE: /15

A Complete the conversation with will, won’t and may/might. (8 points)

Amy: What are you doing next weekend?
Kerry: My cousin (i)--be here. She's visiting from London.
Amy: I'm sure you (2)_have a great time. What are you going to do?
Kerry: We (3) --go to the beach, but I'm not sure. It depends on the weather.
Amy: The forecast says that the weather probably (4)_be good. They think it
(5)-probably rain all day on Saturday.
Kerry: Really? Oh, OK. Well, we (6)_definitely go to the cinema, then. We want to
see the new James Bond film. It definitely (7)_be on at the local cinema but it
(8)-be on at the big one in town, I need to check.

B Complete the sentences with will or going to and the correct form of the verb in
brackets. In three cases, both are correct. (7 points)
1 This summer, I-(work) in my uncle's shop to earn money.
2 I think the weather-(be) nice this weekend. Let's go to the beach!
3 A: What-you_(buy) Georgia for her birthday?
B: I haven't thought about it... Wait, I know! I_(get) her that book she was talking about.
4 A: Do you think we_(live) longer in the future?
B: I don't think so. I actually think that we_(have) lots more health problems than we do now.
5 I've thought a lot about it and this year, I_(try) to meditate more often.

11-15 correct: I can use may, might and will for possibility. I can use will and going to.
0-10 correct: Look again at the grammar on pages 106 and 110. SCORE: /15
writing a
description of a place

A Read the description and answer the questions.

1 What is the population of Auckland? 3 What is there to do there?
2 What is summer like there?

WWW-PEDIA the online encyclopaedia where you are the editor

Home About Links Archive Search

Auckland is a city in New Zealand. It is on the North
Island and it is surrounded by many lakes and volcanoes.
It is between the Tasman Sea and the Pacific Ocean. About
1.4 million people live there. The ocean influences the
climate of Auckland. The summers are warm, with average
temperatures of about 23°C in January and February. Winters
are cloudy and wet. Auckland began life in 1840 and has
grown into a large modem city. It has a relaxed lifestyle, with
many people enjoying sailing. There are lots of interesting
shopping areas, plus cafes, restaurants and clubs. The main
attractions in Auckland include the two large harbours,
Auckland Domain (a large park) and the beaches.

B Number these things from 1-6, according to the order

that they appear in the description.
• main attractions _ • what it's known for _ • climate
• population _ • geography _ • history

C Make notes about a place you know well.

Name of place:_____
Type of place (town, city, etc):______
Where is it and what is the geography of the area? HOW ARE YOU DOING?
Look back at your writing and tick the statements
that are true.
O' described the geography of the place.
What is the population? ___________—
Q I described the main features of the place,
What is the climate like? —--—--_____
What do you know about the history of the place?
o I included some useful information for tourists.
Now ask a partner to look at your writing and tick.
Does the description give you a good idea of what
the place is like?
What is it known for?. o
Well done!
Nearly! Look at

Think again! Ask
What are the main attractions? the unit again. your teacher for

D Write a description of the place for an online enyclopaedia.

Use your notes from Exercise C to help you.

Our planet |
learn language to talk about
parties and social plans and events

read about parties and customs in

different cultures
learn to ask for and offer help

listen to people discussing parties

learn how to write topic sentences

learn how to be assertive

watch a video about birthday

celebrations around the world

agreement and
What's your favourite
public celebration in
your country? Why
do you like it?

LIFE being assertive

Do you think it's important to be
SKILLS able to say 'no7 to people at work?
A Do these pictures look like parties in your country?
What is similar and what is different?


Discussing reasons for parties
One reason people have parties is to
celebrate ...
People have parties for ...
(15th birthdays) are very important in
my country.
Some people might throw a party
because ...

B U| What do people in your country have parties for? Think of as many

examples as you can.
A: In my country, people have parties for birthdays.
B: Yes, in my country, a person's 21st birthday is very important.

Party animals
Complete the phrases with the words from
the box.

conversation guests house music present snacks

1 welcome the-
2 bring some ---
3 give a-
4 decorate the-
5 play-
6 have a-

B Complete the email with words from

Exercise A in the correct form.

Hi Donna!
Sony you missed Tim’s birthday party It was great! There were about fifty (i)_
He invited almost everyone from our course. I (2)_some snacks for everyone to eat
and a DVD for Tim. Everyone else gave him birthday (3)-, too. He (4)-
his house so that it was like a horror film! Some of the guests brought their favourite CDs and they
(5)-some really cool music. I met Tim’s new girlfriend, Sarah. She’s really nice. She’s
studying biology, too. We (6)_a really interesting conversation about her thesis. Anyway,
I hope you can come to my party next month. I’ll send you an invitation soon. Bye for now!

infinitives of purpose
A LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read this description. Are any
of the traditions similar to traditions in your country?
- -

Scottish wedding traditions

Scotland has many wedding traditions,
some old and some modern. Here are a
few of them!
yy The bride's mother holds a 'show of presents' before the
wedding. This is when the female wedding guests give
presents to help the couple start their married life. These
might be things for the kitchen or other useful items for
the home.
TV In some places, the family holds a ‘second night’ of
celebrations on the day after the wedding in order to
enjoy another day of eating, drinking and dancing.
$4 As the new couple get into the car after the wedding, the
bride's father throws a handful of coins on the floor to bring
them good luck. It’s called a 'scramble', and all the children
fight to get as much money as they can! They have to be NOTICE!
quick in order not to miss out. Underline all the verbs in the text with
the full form of the verb (with to).
B ANALYSE Read the description in Exercise A again.

Function Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

We use infinitives of purpose and in order to when we say how / why someone
does something.

Form Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 Infinitives of purpose use the form of the verb with to / without to.
2 In negative sentences, we use in order not to / the full form of the verb + not.

C PRACTISE Complete the sentences using the correct form of the

verb in brackets. Where appropriate, use in order to or to with the
infinitive of purpose.
• In Finland, the bride (i)_(go) from house to house
(2) _(collect) her wedding presents. A married man
(3) ___(hold) an umbrella over the bride (4) ___
(symbolise) protection and shelter.
• In England, the bride (5)____(wear) something blue
(6)-(bring) good luck. The bride (7)_(not let)
the groom see her in her dress before the wedding (8)_____(not
bring) bad luck.
• In the Philippines, the groom (9)_(give) the bride thirteen gold
coins (10)-(bring) her happiness in the future.
• In Western Europe, the groom often (ii)_(carry) the bride into
their new home in order (12)-- (protect) her from bad luck.

D ff| NOW YOU DO IT Take turns to describe wedding traditions

in your country. Use infinitives of purpose to describe why you do
some traditions. If you aren’t sure, guess.
A: One wedding tradition we have is that people put money on
the bride's dress. WHAT'S RIGHT?
B: Why do you think they do that? O' called him for to arrange the party.
A: I think they do that to bring the couple good luck and money O' called him so that arrange the party.
in the future. O' called him to arrange the party.

/au/ vs / qo/
A SlJ47 Listen to the two groups of words below and circle the odd one
out. Listen again and repeat.
/au/ ; /au/
phone - how - now - brown i slow - throne - flower - though

B jH 48 Q Look at the words below and mark the diphthong they

contain. Listen and check. Then practise saying the words.
know_, window_, cow-, Glasgow
allow_, snow„_, follow —-, frown-

C ilH49 iH Work in pairs. Practise saying these sentences.

Listen and check.
1 I chose to leave my home town.
2 I suppose you know the phone is brown.
3 How about allowing me to sit on the throne?

Party animals UNIT 10
a magazine article
A Read this article and match each country to the correct custom.
1 Vietnam Say goodbye to each guest.
2 Turkey Give a present that's red.
3 China Take snacks for the children.
4 the UK Don't talk about some subjects.
5 Norway Everyone celebrates their birthday on the same day.

Parties around

Different countries around the world have different party

customs. And saying or doing the wrong thing can be
embarrassing! Don't worry, though! Here's our handy
guide for when you're not sure.

First of all, you might be invited to many different kinds of

party. Many cultures have birthday parties to celebrate the
day someone was born. In some countries, such as Vietnam,
everyone celebrates their birthday on the same day - New
Year's Day! As well as birthdays, you might also get an
invitation to a party to celebrate moving to a new home - a
housewarming party - in Britain, India and other countries.
In some places, people have farewell parties to say goodbye
to someone who is leaving a job, school or a neighbourhood.
And in some countries, parties celebrate national holidays, like
Independence Day in Mexico.
Should you take a present for your host?The answer is often money they earn. But in the UK and the USA, it's
yes. InTurkey, it's polite to bring snacks - and make sure you better to talk about more neutral topics, such as
take something for the children to eat! People in China like what job a person does or their hobbies.
to receive presents from guests, too, especially if they're red,
Finally, if you're at a party in a Scandinavian
because red is a lucky colour. Be careful, though! Never give
country such as Norway or Sweden, make sure
a clock as a present in China. Clocks are bad luck because the
you say goodbye to each guest individually in
Mandarin word for 'clock' is similar to the word for 'death'!
order not to offend anyone. Flowever, in some
During a party, you may need to be careful about conversation other countries, it's enough just to wave goodbye
topics. In some countries, it's OK to ask people how much to everyone as you leave.

B Read the article again. Answer the questions.

1 What does a housewarming party celebrate?

2 What does a farewell party celebrate?

3 What national holiday in Mexico does the article mention?

4 Why shouldn't you give a clock as a present in China?

5 What topics of conversation are appropriate for a party in the UK and USA?

C Q! Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

1 Which of the customs in the article are similar to or the same
as customs in your country? Contrasting
2 Which of the customs are different? In (the UK), they ... but here, we ...
In (China), it's different from here because ...
(Mexican) traditions aren't the same as
ours because ...
A Read the conversation below. Then complete
the word web with the adjectives in bold.
Ryan: Hey, James. Did you go to Angie's party
last night?
James: Yeah. It was awful! The place was empty!
There were only about ten people. Where
were you?
Ryan: Oh, I went to Nick's party. It was great!
James: Really? Where was it?
Ryan: It was at that new club, JC's. There were lots
of people and the place was crowded, but
it had a really lively atmosphere. Everyone
was chatting, laughing and dancing.
James: It sounds fun.
Ryan: Yeah, it was. There was even a band
playing live music. It was really loud, but
they had another room with soft music
so you could talk and there was a really
relaxed atmosphere.
James: Well, I'll know which party to go to next

B Work in groups. Describe a party

you have been to.
I went to a fun party last month. It was for my
friend's birthday and it was at her house ...

topic sentences
When you write a paragraph, it is important to start with a topic sentence. A topic
sentence tells the reader what the paragraph is about. It clearly states the main
idea, and then the rest of the paragraph provides more information.

A Read the paragraph outline. What is the topic? B Now choose the best topic sentence
for the information in Exercise A.
decide. u)ho you are going -to invi+e 1 There are lots of reasons to have a party.
decide tohere -the party is going -to be 2 Having a party doesn't need to be expensive.
es-tlma-te hou> much food and drink. yoo need 3 It's easy to plan a party if you're organised.

C Read these two paragraphs. What is the topic of each one?

1 2
Remember that everyone else is there to meet First of all, ask yourself if the person would
people, too! Whether the party is lively or more really like a surprise party. Not everyone enjoys
relaxed, you can usually find a quieter place with loud music and crowded places! Then decide
soft music where you can talk to people. Introduce who you can trust to keep the party secret. It's
yourself to someone and start a conversation. Ask better if only a few people know about the
what they think about the music, or how they party in the beginning. Make a list of guests,
know other people at the party. but don't send out the invitations immediately.

D Look at the paragraphs in Exercise C again. Write a topic sentence for each one.

Party animals UNIT 10 ] 21
understanding agreement and disagreement
O' Listening for key phrases we use to agree and disagree can help you understand
people's opinions.

A H^50 Listen to these short extracts from two conversations.

Tick the phrases that the speakers use to agree or disagree.
Extract 1 Extract 2
□ I completely agree. □ Yes, that's right.
□ I don't really agree. □ I'm not sure I agree with you.
□ You're right. □ That's not true!

B 0
Work in pairs. Read the sentences and choose T (true) or F (false).
Then listen again and check your answers.
1 The two women in Extract 1 decide to hold the party at Kyle's house. T/ F
2 The people from the tennis club aren't going to the party. T/ F
3 They can't tell Richard about the party because he's not good at keeping secrets. T/ F
4 The woman in Extract 2 thinks Carnival in Venice must be fun. T/F
5 Both people in Extract 2 like the Notting Hill Carnival. T/F
6 The woman thinks people in her country are good at large public celebrations. T/F

review of future forms

A LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read this extract from an email.
What does Helen decide as she is writing?

Oh, I forgot to tell you about Saturday! We’re having a party

at the new pizza place, Antonio’s, for Carla’s birthday. It
opens at 5pm and the party starts at 5.30. I’m going to bake
a cake! I know - imagine me in the kitchen! I’m not sure
what flavour yet. Oh, I know! I’ll make a chocolate cake! Yum!
It’s a shame you can’t be here, but I’ll send you lots of pics!

B ANALYSE Read the text in Exercise A again.

Function Match each structure 1-4 with the functions a-d.

Then complete the table with examples from Exercise A. Look at the phrase in bold. Does
this refer to the present or the
Function Example future? How many other ways to
refer to the future can you find in
1 present simple □ The party at 5.30.
the text? Underline them.
2 present continuous □ We a party.

3 going to □ 1 a cake!

4 will □ 1 a chocolate cake!

a) to talk about things in the future that we have already arranged to do

b) to make predictions about the future, to talk about plans and to talk about
intentions when we decide something before the moment of speaking
c) to make predictions about the future and for spontaneous decisions when we
decide something at the moment of speaking
d) to talk about future events which are at a specific time on a schedule
C PRACTISE Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 My train ... at six and the trip takes about three hours,
a) leaves b) will leave
2 I ... to the cinema this evening. Do you want to come?
a) 'll go b) 'm going
3 ... to Alec when you see him tomorrow?
a) Are you going to speak b) Do you speak
4 Amy ... me at the cafe this evening at eight.
a) meets b) is meeting
5 Oh! The phone's ringing. I ... it.
a) 'll answer b) 'm going to answer
6 What ... for your birthday this year?
a) are you going to do b) do you do

D NOW YOU DO IT Work in pairs or small groups. Talk about your

plans and intentions for ...
a) this evening.
b) this weekend.
c) next year.
A: This evening, I'm going to my French class. It starts at 7pm.
B: And what are you going to do after that?

talking about social plans 0ote: Saturday, 19th May

A |§§ Tick the social events you have been to in FTune: 1pm
the past. Describe one of the events. Tfface: Register Office

a coming-of-age ceremony □
r/r) ce/cdrale die of
a birthday party □
an engagement party □ « //ark 0?omf&on and
a dinner with friends □ dara/i Wd/ia/m.
a naming ceremony □
a retirement party □
a wedding □
When? Saturday, 19th May at 1pm
B Read and match each person to an invitation. What? a naming ceremony for our beautiful
Write a word or phrase in each gap. daughter, Sophie
Joe: So what have you got planned for the weekend? Where? Mansion House Hotel
Hannah: I'm going to a-on Saturday.
joe: That sounds fun!
Hannah: Yes. It starts at one at the Register Office, where the ceremony will be, and then
we're going to a restaurant. What about you? Do you have any plans?
Joe: Yes. Some friends of mine recently had a baby and I'm going to the

Hannah: Wow! What's that?

Joe: Well, it's a ceremony to introduce a baby to family and friends for people who
don't want a religious service. My friends are going to read poems, and I'm
sure there'll be a party afterwards!
Hannah: That sounds great!

C |U
Work in pairs. Choose an event that you have been invited to. Use
your imagination if necessary. Make a note of the main details (place,
time, etc). Then ask and answer questions about your social plans.
Identify patterns of assertiveness (or lack of assertiveness) in your behaviour.
Identify techniques for being more assertive.
Plan what you are going to say and say it clearly and calmly.

A Do the quiz to find out how assertive you are

at work.


Do you say what you want in a work situation? Or do you find
it hard to say 'no'? Find out with our quiz. Simply read each
statement and circle a score from 1 to 5.

I often agree to do someone a favour, even when I’m 12 3 4 5

really busy.

It’s hard for me to tell people when I think they are 12 3 4 5

making a mistake.

I don’t like talking about myself to other people. 12 3 4 5

I say negative things about myself to other people. 12 3 4 5

I hate it when colleagues argue with each other in 12 3 4 5


I often don’t express my feelings because I want to avoid 1 2 3 4 5

an argument.

I try to agree with people at work when I can. 12 3 4 5

I often say everything’s fine when my boss asks, even if 12 3 4 5

it isn’t.

I find it hard to say ‘no’ and I agree to do things I don’t 12 3 4 5

really want to do.

It’s easier to say ‘yes' than to explain why you can’t do 12 3 4 5



B Add up your score for each statement to calculate your total score.
Read your result. Does it seem accurate to you?

10-20 21-40 41-50

You may have a problem with being Sometimes you are assertive, You probably don’t have a problem
assertive. When people ask you to help, sometimes you aren’t. It depends on with being assertive, but it is possible
you often say, Til do it,’ even when you’re the situation. You don’t like arguments, to be too assertive! Are you always
thinking, ‘I’m too busy!’ You may think but you know that sometimes sensitive other people’s needs? You
that being assertive means arguing, disagreement is necessary. Can you may not listen to other people enough,
but it doesn’t. Read our article about always judge the situation correctly, and sometimes you hurt their feelings.
assertiveness techniques to take more though? There is always more to learn Read our article about assertiveness
control of your life. about being assertive. Read our article techniques and avoid all that conflict.
about assertiveness techniques and
become even better at it.
C Read this information about being assertive. Do you
already use any of these specific techniques?


Most of us find it hard to be assertive at certain times, in certain situations and with certain
people. Whether it’s family, friends or people at work, it’s not always easy to say exactly how
you feel openly and honestly. However, there are a few simple things you can do to be more
Use assertive body language. Explain what you want clearly.
This means that you look at people when When you need someone to do something for you,
you are talking to them. It also means that explain what you want clearly. If necessary, repeat
you sit or stand in a confident, relaxed way. yourself, maybe using different words. If the other
Make sure your voice is calm and clear. person offers a good solution, accept it.
Use assertive language. Being too assertive can also be a problem. If
Remember that everyone has the right to you only say what you want and ignore people’s
say ‘no’. If necessary, explain why in a calm reactions, you might hurt their feelings. Listen to
way. Use sentences that start with ‘I’and people carefully, and pay attention to what they
explain how you feel and what you want. are asking from you before you respond.

D Work in pairs: Student A and Student B. Read this information. Decide

which role each of you will take. Spend a few minutes planning what you are
going to say.

Student A
You and Student B work together. Ask Student B You and Student A work together. Student
to help you do these things: A wants you to help him/her but you are
1) photocopy a very long document, 2) call some really busy with your own work.Tell Student
important customers. A that you can’t help. Be assertive, but
Be assertive, but polite, respectful and sensitive polite, respectful and sensitive to Student
to Student B’s feelings. Accept the situation if A’s feelings.Try to get him/her to accept
he/she really can’t help you. that you can’t help.

E 0 Practise being assertive. Roleplay the conversation between you and

your colleague. Remember to clearly explain what you want and how you feel.

Refusing politely
I'm afraid I can't because ...
The problem is ... REFLECT... How can the
I'd like to, but... skill of being assertive be useful to
you in Study and Learning and Self
Unfortunately, it's not possible because ...
and Society?

Party animals UNIT 10
A Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. (6 points)
1 For the party, we can decorate / welcome the house with lights.
2 Gail's boyfriend presented / gave her a beautiful dress for her birthday.
3 Do you have an MP3 to bring / play the music for the party?
4 I had / talked a very long conversation with your teacher.
5 Can you take / bring some snacks tomorrow night?
6 Jonathan was ready to bring / welcome his guests at the door.

B Complete the email with the words from the box. (9 points)

awful crowded empty fun great lively loud relaxed soft

Hi Sara,
How are you? Sorry you missed Nathan’s party. It was (i)____! We had a really good
time - not like that (2)_party we went to where there were no people and the place
was (3)_! Nathan invited everyone from our class and it was (4)_with
so many people. There was a band and they were (5)_I We all danced, and there was
a really (6)_atmosphere. But then, one of the neighbours got annoyed because the
music was too (7)_! So the band went home. Nathan played his guitar and we all
listened to the (8)_music. The atmosphere was really (9)_

11-15 correct: I can talk about parties and describe events.

0-10 correct: Look again at the vocabulary on pages 118 and 121. SCORE: /I

A Tick the correct sentences. Correct the incorrect sentences. (7 points)

1 We had a party to celebrate my birthday. CD _
2 Keep the party a secret in order surprise Jenny, CD _
3 People buy the couple a present so wish them good luck. CD _
4 To not be late, we should get a taxi now. CD _
5 I rang Tanya to let her know about the party. CD _
6 I need some eggs for make a birthday cake. CD _
7 Don't tell Ed in order not spoil the surprise! CD _
B Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. (8 points)
1 My flight will leave / leaves at 9pm on Tuesday.
2 Can I borrow that CD? I will / am going to give it back tomorrow.
3 We go / are going to go on holiday together this summer. I booked the tickets last week.
4 We are driving / drive to the beach this weekend.
5 Are you going to / Do you eat that biscuit or can I have it?
6 A: The phone's ringing. B: Don't worry. I will answer / am answering it.
7 My best friend will come / is coming over next weekend. I can't wait to see her.
8 I'm sorry we can't come to your party on Saturday, but we will / are going to visit our grandparents.

11-15 correct: I can use infinitives of purpose and talk about the future using different forms.
0-10 correct: Look again at the grammar on pages 118 and 122. SCORE: /I
talking about social plans

A Complete the conversation with the sentences a-e.

Jacob: (1)_

Matt: Well, a friend of mine, Connor, is coming up to visit and we've got a few things
planned. On Friday evening we're going out with Erin and Poppy. And then on
Saturday he wants to look around the area.
Jacob: (2)_

Matt: Yes, but the problem is, I don't know what to show him, really. Have you got any
Jacob: (3)

Matt: Good idea. I'll check the time it opens. I'll make a list of places and see what he
thinks. Thanks for the suggestions. Have you got any plans?
Jacob: (4)

Matt: Why don't you come along with us on Saturday? And then on Saturday evening
a few people are coming round for a party. It'll be fun.
Jacob: (5)_

a) I'll do that. Thanks!

b) That sounds interesting.
c) So, Matt, what are you doing this weekend?
d) I'm sure I can think of something. What about
the beach, or the park? Or what about the new
art gallery? That opens this weekend.
e) No, not really.

B Read the conversation again. Find and

underline each place in the conversation
where someone does these things.
1 asks about plans
2 agrees with the other person
3 explains a problem
4 asks for help
5 makes a suggestion
6 invites the other person to join him

C Work in pairs. Imagine that one of you has a friend from

another town/city/country coming to visit for the weekend. Using key
words only, make notes about possible social activities you can do in
your town or city.

D 01 Work with a different partner.

Have a conversation about your HOW ARE YOU DOING?
social plans. Explain any problems Think about your speaking and tick the statements that are true.
you have and ask the other person I feel confident ...
for ideas. Then swap roles and have o asking about social plans,
a new conversation. o saying what social plans I have.
O describing any problems with social plans.
How do you feel about your speaking generally?

Fine, thanks. Not sure... Help!

Party animals
$-0 learn language to talk about
materials and technology
4^1 read about 3D printing

O learn to express uncertainty

O listen to a description of how understanding
plastic is made eaning from context
What are the advantages
O write a review of a product and disadvantages of
learn to think creatively using
a dictionary?
^ watch a video about the process
of making chocolate

LIFE thinking creatively

In the job you do (or the job you
SKILLS would like to do), is it important
to think creatively? In what way?
A Number these inventions in order from 1 (I couldn’t
live without it!) to 8 (I could easily live without it!).

VU IIIUI u games console ■ tablet computer ■

Talking about vital
I couldn't live without
my ...
I really need my ...
I could live without a ...
because ...

B q| Compare your choices in pairs. Do you agree on any of them?

A: I couldn't live without my mobile phone. I use it all the time!
B: Oh, I could easily live without my phone. I hate it! But I couldn't live without my camera.

A Write natural or manufactured for each material. Check your answers
in pairs.

B 0 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and say what materials the
objects are made of.

The astronaut's suit is made of metal, plastic, ...

present simple passive

A LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read the article. What do
you think is the most surprising fact?

Have you ever thought about how green your mobile phone
is? This question isn’t asked very often, but it’s important. All
mobile phones contain plastic and metal. The main metals are
usually zinc, aluminium and lead, which are found in rocks,
rivers and the sea. But lead is dangerous, and when plastic is
made, toxic gases are produced, so your mobile phone causes
pollution before you have even bought it. Also, most mobile NOTICE!
phones are only used for 18 months before they are replaced.
Look back at the underlined phrases in
The old mobile phones are thrown away because many people the article in Exercise A. What is the first
don’t realise that they can be recycled. In fact, more than four verb in each phrase? What form is the
million old mobile phones are recycled every year! second verb in each phrase?
B ANALYSE Read the article in Exercise A again.

Function Tick the TWO correct options to complete the sentence.

We use the passive when ...
a) we do not know who or what does something. EH
b) we are not interested in who or what does something. EH
c) the person who does something is more important than the action. EH
Form Complete the table with examples from Exercise A.
Affirmative Negative Questions With modal verbs

present simple of be + past : present simple of Modal verb + be + past

participle of the verb j be + not + past participle of the verb
: participle of the verb

When plastic (1)__ : This question : Is zinc found in rocks? : Many people don't realise
-, toxic ■ (3)- ; Are toxic gases produced? • that they (4) —----
gases (2)__ j _very I • ___
: often. ■ :

C PRACTISE Complete the sentences with the passive form of

the verb in brackets. WHAT'S RIGHT?
1 English___(speak) all over the world. O Most mobile phones are
only used for 18 months.
2 Cotton_(grow) in the USA.
3 These clothes ___(make) from a new kind of material. o Most mobile phones are
only use for 18 months.
4 Rubber_(use) to make car tyres.
5 Some metals_(find) in the ground.
6 Lots of new things_(invent) every year.
7 Batteries can_(recycle).
8 A new metal might_(discover) next year.

D NOW YOU DO IT Work in pairs. Take turns to describe these objects

or other objects in the room.
Say what the object is made of and what it's used for. Guess the object.
• a pencil • a supermarket bag • dinner plates • a mirror • spoons
A: This object is made of plastic, and it's used for writing.
B: A pen?
A: That's right!

to a description of a process
A 21 Work in pairs. Look at this diagram. What do you
think it shows?

B H51 Listen to someone describing the process in

the diagram. Match each stage a-f below to the correct
a) Pellets are sent to companies.
b) Ethylene and propylene are heated to make a polymer.
c) The oil is processed at a refinery. Ethylene and propylene are
d) The polymer is made into small balls called pellets.
e) Plastic products are made from the pellets.
f) Oil is extracted from the ground.

C 21 Work in pairs. Compare your answers to Exercise B.

A: First, oil is extracted from the ground.
B: Then, ...

llnnovate! HflflH
understanding meaning from context page 109

Look at the other sentences in the text to help you work out the meaning of
unfamiliar words. An explanation, definition or synonym of the word might be
in a different part of the text.

A Read this page from a website. Then read

the sentences and choose T (true) or F (false).

A printer is a machine that takes words and pictures and
makes a hard copy of them on paper in two dimensions,
right? Not anymore! These days, 3D printers are
changing the way we think about manufacturing. Many
everyday objects are made in a factory, but special The way it does that depends on the type of printer.
buildings for making things could soon be a thing of the Some use plastic, glass or metal powder, which is
past. In the future, we’ll just choose a design and print melted by a laser into the correct shape. Others use hot
the object we need! plastic, which they put in place like icing on a birthday
The idea was first demonstrated in the mid-80s, cake. In the same way that cooks cover a cake using a
although the term ‘3D printing’ didn’t appear until piping bag, the hot plastic comes out of a tiny nozzle,
the mid-90s. A number of different technologies can which moves over the surface of the object. The hole
be used, but most work in a similar way. A design is opens and closes to control the flow of plastic.
created on computer, often by scanning an existing Right now, companies are working on producing 3D
object. A laser passes over the object and creates a 3D printers for the home. One day soon, you might be
picture of the shape. The shape is then broken down cooking and realise you need a frying pan. Instead
into layers. Each one is only about 0.1 mm thick, and of going to the shop, you’ll tell your computer what
the object might be made of thousands of them. The you need and your 3D printer will do the rest! The
printer makes the object one layer at a time. possibilities are endless.

1 The technology for 3D printing has been around for more than 10 years. T/ F
2 Some 3D printers can make cakes. T/ F
3 3D printers are available for the home now. T/ F

B Read the first paragraph in Exercise A again. Look at the first word in bold and
the underlined phrases. Choose the best definition for the word manufacturing.
a) making things using machines b) making things at home

C Look at the other words in bold in the text. For each one, underline the parts
of the text which help you work out what the word means. Then choose the correct
definition for each word.
1 scanning: a) passing a light over b) making by hand
2 layers: a) objects b) thin parts of the object
3 icing: a) sweet layer on a cake b) a plastic object
4 nozzle: a) a printer b) a small tube with a hole

D Find any other words and phrases in the text you don’t understand. Try to
work them out from the context. Then check your ideas in a dictionary.
pas! simple passive
A LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Do the quiz. Tick the correct answers.

1 The iPad® was released in 4 Music CDs were sold for the first time in
2005 2007 2010 1976 1982 1989

2 The first automobile was invented in 5 Google was created by two students in
1769 1855 1915 1998 2001 2003

3 The first photograph was taken in

1825 1892 1921

B ANALYSE Read the quiz in Exercise A again.

Function Choose the correct option to complete the Look at the quiz. Underline the verb
sentence. phrases. How is the past simple passive
We use the passive when the action is more / less important than similar to the present simple passive?
How is it different?
the person.

Form Read the sentence below and complete the table

with examples from Exercise A. We can use the word by to say
who or what did something in a
The object of an active sentence becomes the subject of a passive sentence.
passive sentence, if we know.
past simple (active) : past simple passive
subject + verb + object | object + was/were + past participle (+ by + subject)
Two students created Google. Google (1)_by two students.
Someone first sold music CDs in 1982.
Music CDs (2)_for the first time in 1982.

C PRACTISE Rewrite each sentence using the past simple passive and
by when necessary.
1 Someone used a mobile phone for the first time in 1973. _
2 Someone invented the computer mouse in 1963. _
3 When did they create the internet? _
4 A British scientist created the World Wide Web. _
5 James sent this email on Monday. _
6 Someone took my mobile phone from my bag. _

D Q NOW YOU DO IT Work in pairs. Discuss these

inventions and number them in the order you think HOW TO SAY IT Q
they were invented. Then compare your answers Talking about inventions
with another pair. I think (nylon) was invented before ...
The (zip) came after ...

calculator ballpoint pen

. UNIT 11 133.
A Match 1-8 to a-h to complete the definitions.
1 When you install an app, CH
2 When you click on an icon, Q
3 When you add a contact, CH
4 When you right-click on a link, CH
5 When you back up your files, HU
6 When you print out a document, D
7 When you type in your password, d
8 When you log on to a website, CH

a) you enter your secret code using the keyboard.

b) you save your pictures and documents somewhere to keep them safe,
c) you make a copy of it on paper.
d) you press the left-hand button on your mouse when the cursor is over a small picture or graphic.
e) you press the right-hand button on your mouse when the cursor is over words.
f) you download a new program to your phone, such as a game, etc.
g) you put someone's personal details into your phone.
h> you put in your username and password to identify yourself.

B When was the last time you did each of the actions described in Exercise A?
Make brief notes on what you did and why.
yesterday - installed an app - a new game someone told me about

C Q!| Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your use of technology.
A: When was the last time you clicked on an icon?
B: I think it was this morning when I was looking at a news website.
A: Why did you click on it?
B: It was a story I was interested in. It was about...

product review
A Read these reviews. What does each person like and
dislike about their tablet?

JakeR94, posted on July 12

I've had the Apricot miniTab for a month now, and I couldn't live without it! It's
fast and easy to use, and it's very easy to install apps. The screen display is
not as attractive as some other tablets, but you don't notice after a while. I use
mine for watching videos, listening to music and surfing the internet. I've never
used it for work, so I can't comment on that, but I'd recommend it for play!
User rating: ★★★★☆

janice c, posted on February 18

When the miniTab was released, I was the first in the queue. I loved the Tab,
and in some ways the miniTab is better. It fits in your pocket easily, so I can
take mine with me everywhere. It's fast and it even automatically backs up
your files. But why did they spoil it by putting such a cheap camera on it? It's a
waste of time. This is still the best tablet computer for the price, but the cheap
camera is disappointing.
User rating:

B You are going to write a review of a piece of technology you own. It could be a tablet
computer, a smartphone, a games console or something else. First, make notes to describe:
• your general impression of the gadget • what the gadget does • what you like/don't like about it.
C Now write your review.

D Work in pairs. Read each other’s reviews. Then tell the class what
your partner likes/doesn’t like about their piece of technology.

/13/ vs/ea/
A |^52 Listen to the two groups of words below and circle the odd
one out. Listen again and repeat.
/is/ ; /ea/
hear - hair - year - fear : deer - where - unfair - there

B OH 53 [f| Look at the words below and mark the diphthong they
contain. Listen and check. Then practise saying the words.
stair_, clear_, pier_, air_,
fare_, career_, repair_, bear_

C K^54 0 Work in pairs. Practise saying these sentences. Listen

and check.
1 It's clear that we will share the fare this year.
2 I saw a deer over there. Were you aware?
3 The air was blowing her hair while she walked on the pier.

expressing uncertainty
When you are speaking and you are uncertain about something,
there are different phrases you can use to express your uncertainty.

A K^55 Listen to the conversation below. What is Jenny’s problem?

Does she solve it?
Jenny: Oh, this phone! I've just got it and I don't understand it.
Matthew: What do you want to do?
Jenny: I want to add a contact. Do you know how to do it?
Matthew: Um, I'm not sure. Try clicking on that icon.
Jenny: Is that for contacts?
Matthew: I think so. It looks similar to my phone.
Jenny: OK. Do I put the number in here?
Matthew: I suppose so. Try it.
Jenny: OK. Yes, I think that's right. Thanks.

B Listen to the conversation in Exercise A again and underline the

phrases Matthew uses to show he isn’t sure.

C Work in pairs. Roleplay a conversation like the one in Exercise A.

• Student A, you have just bought a new smartphone and you don't understand it.
• Student B, you want to help. You aren't sure how the smartphone works, but it looks
similar to your phone.
• Ask and answer questions about these things:
how to take a picture how to install an app how to add a contact

D Q3 Switch roles and roleplay the conversation again.

Innovate! UNIT 11 135
• Understand the problem.
• Try different ways of generating ideas.
• Identify the best solution.

A jj*J§ Work in groups. You work at a company which designs

smartphones. You and your team have received this email from your
manager. What does she want you to do?

Dear all
As you know, the C-600 has been on the market for some time now. I think we should
start thinking about the features and apps for our next smartphone, the C-710. It
needs to be modern and it needs to be cool! I want to hear what ideas you have. Have a
meeting and see what you can think of. Then we can get together and discuss it.
Good luck, and be creative! Remember - even crazy ideas might work!
Gillian Edgar
Product Manager

B 51 One creative way of generating ideas is to use random words.

Follow these steps to generate ideas using random words.
• Open a dictionary and choose any noun.
• Think about how that noun might be related to the new phone.
• Find more words in the dictionary and think of more ideas for the phone.
• If you don't have a dictionary, choose one or more of these words.
• !


Car hat family

A: What about'dog'?
B: The phone could have a dog whistle app on it! The whistle could be
programmed to sound like the owner's whistle. HOW TO SAY IT 0
Generating ideas
What about...?
Let's think about...
Maybe the phone could ...
C Another creative way of generating ideas is to look
at the problem from different perspectives. Think about what each of
the people below might like or need from a smartphone. Discuss your
ideas and write them below.

What features/apps do they want from the new C-710?

• a student a good calculator
• a businesswoman HOW TO SAY IT Q
• a young mum
• a sports fan
A sports fan might want...
D 01 Look at the ideas that were generated in Exercise C A young mum probably wants ...
and answer these questions. A student will definitely need ...
Which features or apps will ...
1 everyone be interested in?
2 people use most often?
3 probably be too expensive?
4 people use only rarely?

E 01 Think about your answers to the questions in Exercise D

and choose three features or apps for the new smartphone.
New feature/app 1:
New feature/app 2:
New feature/app 3:

F 031 Tell the rest of the class about the features/

REFLECT... How can the
skill of thinking creatively be useful
apps that you chose for the new smartphone. When
to you in Study and Learning and
you have listened to all of the groups, vote for the Self and Society?
best smartphone.

Language wrap-up
A Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. (8 points)
1 That cotton / plastic rain jacket will keep you dry.
2 Our beautiful new kitchen table is made of rubber / wood.
3 The cotton / ceramic bowls we use for soup were made by my grandfather.
4 Rubber / Plastic comes from trees and is used for car tyres.
5 For my holiday at the beach, I'm taking cool metal / cotton clothes.
6 You have to pay for plastic / ceramic bags in some shops now.
7 Cars are made of metal / nylon because it's such a strong material.
8 We get our milk in bottles made of glass / wood.

B Complete the text with the words from the box. (7 points)

back up contact an icon install log onto password print out

The new Viva SmartTablet has all the features you could want. The powerful 64GB
processor makes it very fast. It's easy to (i)_an app by simply clicking on
(2) __The wireless range is good, and you can link to your other devices very
easily. The remote-printing function means you can (3)_a document at home
and you can also add a (4)_to your smartphone direct from the Tablet's
address book. You can also personalise your Tablet. It remembers your details so you can
(5)___your favourite websites automatically. Security is good, too. You have to
type in your (6)_and identify yourself before you can start the computer, and
it will (7)_your files automatically. Get yours today!

11-15 correct: I can talk about materials and ways of using technology.
0-10 correct: Look again at the vocabulary on pages 130 and 134. SCORE: /15

Complete the text with the correct present simple or past simple passive
form of the verb in brackets. (15 points)
Millions of remote controls (i)_(use) in homes around the world every second of
every day. They (2)_(find) everywhere that people watch TV, listen to music or watch
DVDs. These days, it seems as if everything from computers to garage doors (3)-
(operate) by remote control. But when (4)_they_(use) for the first time?

A very early form of a remote control (5)_(develop) in 1898 by Nikola Tesla, and it
(6)-(use) to steer a boat. The idea (7)_later_(develop) to
control other things. The TV remote control (8)_(invent) in 1950. It (9)_
(call) 'Lazy Bones' and it (io)_(connect) to the TV by a wire. It could turn the TV on
and off and change the channel. It sounds simple to us now, but people then (ii)_
(impress)! In 1955, the first wireless remote control (12)_(produce): the 'Flashmatic'.
It used light to operate the TV.

Today, remote controls use light we cannot normally see. When a button (13)_(press),
the light (14)-(send) to the TV. This light can (15)_(see) if you look at your
remote control through the camera on your mobile phone.

11-15 correct: I can use the present simple passive and past simple passive.
0-10 correct: Look again at the grammar on pages 130 and 133. SCORE: /15
writing a product review

A Read this review of a product and answer these questions.

1 What product is the review about? 3 What two things does the product improve?
2 How much has the reviewer used the product? 4 Is the review positive or negative overall?

Frank 95, posted on March 12

I installed the PhotoFan app a week ago and I've used it nearly every day. The app is designed to
improve your photos automatically. You just start the app and it finds the last photo you took and works
on it. You can then upload it. This works well: it improves the colours and makes the picture sharp,
although there are cheaper apps that do the same thing. The main problem I have is that the app never
remembers my log-in details and I have to type in my password every time. And it only logs on to a few
websites, not all of the ones I use. That means I have to send the photo to those sites manually. That's a
complete waste of time! Don't install this app until they update it so that it works properly!
User rating: ★★★☆☆

B Look at the product review again. Read these sentences and complete
them with the phrases from the box.

how long he has had makes a recommendation some problems the positive aspects what the app does

1 First of all, the writer mentions_the app and how much he has used it.
2 Then, he describes ____and how it works.
3 After that, he mentions _____of the app.
4 He then goes on to describe_with the way the app works.
5 Finally, he_and suggests that people don't buy the app until it works better.

C Choose a product to review. It can be something you already own, or one

of the products below. First, make notes using the questions below.

• What is the product called? HOW ARE YOU DOING?

• How long have you had it and how much have you Look back at your writing and tick the statements
used it? that are true.
• What does the product do? How does it work? O' said what the product is and what it is designed
• What are the positive aspects of the product? to do.
• What are the negative aspects of or problems with Q I described my experience of using it.
the product? Q I mentioned some positive and negative aspects
• What is your recommendation? of the product.
• How many stars do you give the product overall? o I made a recommendation.
Now ask a partner to look at your writing and tick.
D Write a product review for a website in
Does the review give a good idea of the writer's
your notebook. Use your notes from Exercise opinion of the product?
C to help you. mo
Well done! Nearly! Look

Think again! Ask
at the unit again. your teacher for

Innovate! ■■■■■

learn language to talk about
relationships and values
0 listen to short conversations about
different values
Do you find writing
1^1 learn how to write paragraphs
paragraphs easy or
read an online debate about the difficult? Why?
generation gap
learn to talk about your ambitions

learn how to reach a compromise

in work situations

^ watch a video about differences

between generations How do you know when
someone is agreeing
or disagreeing with

- ■

LIFE reaching a compromise

When was the last time you
SKILLS disagreed with someone and had
WORK to reach a compromise? Explain
what happened.
A Look at these cartoons. Which one do you think is
the funniest?

B 23 What differences are

there between your generation
and your parents’
A: One big difference is that we use
computers for everything.
B: Yes, my mum and dad don't even
have a computer or a mobile

We think but my
parents' generation
think ...
My parents were taught
One difference is that...

"I'm too tired to listen to a story tonight, mom.

Just e-mail something and I'll read it tomorrow."

Across the generations UNIT 12 141
describing relationships
A Choose the option which means the same as the verb/phrase in bold.
1 I admire my father because he works hard. I get on with my parents. We don't argue.
a) respect a) have a bad relationship with
b) dislike b) have a good relationship with
2 Did you and Richard have an argument? Why aren't When you go through problems with your
you speaking to him? family, you feel closer at the end of it.
a) become friends b) disagree about something a) experience b) don't have
3 Some parents feel that their children don't share their I often argue with my parents, but we always
values. They want different things out of life. make up soon after.
a) think the same things are important a) become friends again
b) let them use their things b) get angry

B Work in pairs. Answer these questions.

Who do you admire in your family? Why?
Which people in your family do you get on with best?
When you go through problems, who do you go to for help - your family or your friends?

an online debate
A Read this debate. Do the two people agree or disagree at the end?

Daily Messenger | news | opinion | sport technology j business archive

The Generation Gap

Every week at the Daily Messenger we invite two experts to
debate an issue. Today, we have psychologist Marie Denham
and Lisa Armitage, TV presenter and mother of four.

Marie: The phrase ‘generation gap’ has been Marie: But your parents probably said exactly the same about you, Lisa!
used since the ’60s to describe the differences I think part of the problem is that each generation thinks it’s so different
in views of young people and their parents. from the others. We think our children are less respectful of older people,
Personally, I don’t think it’s a useful idea. Some for example. But our parents, and their parents before them, thought exactly
young people have traditional opinions and some the same thing! And so will our children! Every generation faces the same
older people don’t. We need to look at individuals, problems but just doesn’t realise it.
not generations.
Lisa: I think we have to agree to disagree, Marie! With my children, I
Lisa: I agree that it’s important to consider complain about the same things that my parents did with me, but there’s
people as individuals. On the other hand, I know also a big difference in values between my children’s generation and mine.
from my own experience that the generation gap is The world has changed, and people have changed with it. For example,
real. My kids definitely see the world in a different I think technology has made people lazier. Hard work and family are
way to me. They expect to get everything they want, important to me, and I worry that my kids don’t share those values.
and they expect to work less for it.

B Write each person’s name next to their ideas. Then look back at the
online debate to check your answers.
1 People of different generations have very different opinions. _
2 Not all young people think the same way. _
3 This new generation is completely different from the one before. _
4 Our parents and grandparents felt just like we do. _
5 People are changing and that creates problems. _

C Q! Discuss the ideas in the debate in pairs.

A: I think it's true that people are individuals with their own opinions.
B: I agree, but don't you think people of our generation are different from our parents?
zero and first conditionals NOTICE!
A LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read what these Look at the underlined sentence in Exercise A.
people say. Who thinks teenagers can learn from Which action happens first: teenagers making
their own decisions, or teenagers learning more?
their parents?

the problems start teenagers need to

when teenagers want to control remember that they are still
their own lives. I think, in general, very young. In my opinion, if
when people have more freedom, teenagers listen to their parents,
they are happier. If parents allow they don’t make as many
teenagers to make their own mistakes. Your parents know
decisions, they will learn more. more about the world than you
They will make mistakes, but do. If you take their advice, you
they will also grow up faster.' won’t have so many problems!’
Amanda, Vancouver oscow

B ANALYSE Read the texts in Exercise A again.

Form Complete the table with examples from Exercise A.

Conditional clause Result clause

zero conditional if/when + present simple present simple

If teenagers (i) to their parents, they (2) . as many

When people (3) .... _ . more freedom, they (4) ..happier.

first conditional if + present simple will/won't/may/might/could + base form

of the verb

If parents (5) . ..teenagers to make their own mistakes, they

(6) .. _. more.
If you (7) .. their advice, you (8). «, so many problems.

Function Choose the correct option to complete

the sentences.
1 We use zero conditionals when we know or think that things We can also use modal verbs like
may, might and should in zero and
a) are generally true. b) are impossible.
first conditional sentences:
2 We use first conditionals when we know or think that things
If you ask him, he may help you.
a) couldn't happen. b) are real possibilities.

C PRACTISE Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 If I admire / will admire someone, I have a lot of respect for them.
2 If you talk / will talk to older people, you will learn a lot from their lives. WHAT'S RIGHT?
3 If I will need / need help, I ask my parents for their advice. O If you have a problem,
4 If teenagers want freedom, their parents should give / giving it to them. your parents will help you. i'
5 If you don't / will discuss things, you won't be able to help. o If you will have a problem,
6 I ask / asked my friends for advice if I have a problem. your parents will help you.
7 If you need help, your parents will support / are supporting you.
8 If teenagers make / will make mistakes, parents should try to understand.

D O NOW YOU DO IT Complete the sentences in your notebooks with

your own ideas. Then tell a partner.
1 If you listen to your parents, ...
2 If you ..., you won't get on with your parents.
3 Young people admire their parents if they ...
4 If ..., your parents won't respect you.

Across the generations UNIT 12
/os/ and review of diphthongs
A 1^56 Listen to the words below and circle the odd one out. Listen
again and repeat.
tour - secure - fair - pure

B |^57 Q Look at the words below and mark the diphthong they
contain. Listen and check. Then practise saying the words.
/ei/ - /ai/ - /oi/ - /au/ - hu/ - /is/ - /ea/ - /ua/
cure_, coin_, stare-, play-,
below_, alive_, show-, dry-,
here_care_, shower_, tourist_,
point__, near_, rain-, down-

C jH58 0 Work in pairs. Practise saying these sentences. Listen

and check.
1 I'm pointing at the tourist down there, below us.
2 The tears flowed down but she didn't care if people stared.
3 I felt so alive when I played outside in a shower of rain.

A Choose the correct option to complete the phrases.
1 helping / being your community 6 expressing / having job satisfaction
2 having / expressing good friendships 7 having / being status
3 working / having power 8 having / working security
4 being / finding independent 9 helping / finding adventure
5 working / helping hard io expressing / working your creativity

B Complete the conversation with the words from Exercise A.

Miranda: I was talking to my parents about different values, and it made
me think about what's important to me.
Becky: Really? In what way?
Miranda: Well, I've always believed in (i)_My parents
taught me you have to earn success. And I've always thought
(2)--was important.
Becky: Yeah, we can't live without money.
Miranda: But I think it's better to love your job. My job is secure, but it's
boring and I hate it! (3)_is really important to me.
Becky: Me too! I'm lucky. In my job as a designer, (4)_my
-is the most important thing. I'm not interested
in (5) _, like a politician, or (6)_and
becoming a manager or a director of a company.
Miranda: That's true. There's more to life than having a big house and
car! I think I need something more in my life. I need to feel I'm
(7)-my_Maybe I'll volunteer to work with homeless people in my town.
Becky: Wow! What a great idea. But will you keep your current job? You should leave if you hate it so much
What would you really like to do?
Miranda: Travel! I'd love to go off on my own and experience new things.
Becky: Yeah! (8)-and doing things on my own and (9)_ in new and exciting places
are the most important things in life!
Miranda: And (10)_- like Ours!

C B1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

i What things in life are most important to you? Do either of the people in the conversation in Exercise B
share your values?
If you had to choose just two values as the most important, what would you choose? Why?
understanding agreement and disagreement page 122*0
When expressing agreement or disagreement, people don't always say clearly that
they agree or disagree. People often indicate that they agree by adding a further
point, or indicate that they disagree by presenting a contrasting point.

A Look at these phrases. Decide which you would use to agree and add
a further point. Decide which you would use to disagree and present a
contrasting point. Choose the correct option.
1 Yes, and I'd like to add ... agree / disagree
2 And another thing is that ... agree / disagree
3 But what about ...? agree / disagree
4 Not really, because ... agree / disagree
5 A good example of that is ... agree / disagree
6 You're forgetting about ... agree / disagree

B ill 59 Listen to three conversations. For each one, choose the

correct option.
Conversation 1
A young woman and her mother are talking. What does the woman think of her
mother's opinion?
a) She agrees with it. b) She disagrees with it.
Conversation 2
Two friends are talking. What does Jackie think of Phoebe's opinion?
a) She agrees with it. b) She disagrees with it.
Conversation 3
A young man and his father are talking. What does the father think of his son's opinion?
a) He agrees with it. b) He disagrees with it.

C Listen again and choose T (true) or F (false).

Conversation 1: The mother thinks that teenagers these days don't
have many friends. T/ F
Conversation 2: The woman's boss thinks there is a generation gap. T/ F
Conversation 3: The son says Tom is able to see his children grow up. T/ F

Across the generations
conversation. What is Ed’s problem?
Toby: Hey, Ed. Are you listening to me?
Ed: Oh, sorry, Toby. I was just thinking about my
parents. They're putting me under a lot of pressure
to find a job and settle down.
If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it.
But they said I might have to move out! My real
ambition is to be a photographer, but they don't
seem to understand. Would you feel the same if
you were in my situation?
Toby: I'd try to reason with them and say that I want to
be independent, but it's not easy. If you explained
it to them, they would know how you feel.
Ed: I've tried. If I got a job, life would be easier.
Toby: Yes, but if you didn't have any job satisfaction, you
would be unhappy. How would they feel if you did NOTICE!
a photography course?
Which modal verb do Ed
Ed: I'm not sure. Maybe I'll ask them. Thanks for the idea! and Toby both use?
Which tense do Ed and
B ANALYSE Read the conversation in Exercise A again.
Toby both use after 'if'?
Form Complete the table with examples from Exercise A.
Conditional clause Result clause

second conditional if+ past simple would/could/might + base form

of the verb

If I (i) — a job, life (2). easier.

If you (3). it to them, they (4). how you

In second conditional sentences, we use the past simple form were with We can also use might
I, he, she and it. and could in second
If I (5) you, I wouldn't worry about it. conditional sentences:
If I got a job, life might be
Function Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
We use second conditionals to talk about real / unreal situations in the present /
the present and the future.

C PRACTISE Choose the correct option to complete the

Q If I had enough money,
1 If I win / won the lottery, I'd buy a new house! I would move out
2 Will / Would you move out if your parents told you to? tomorrow.
3 If I wanted a job, I could / can easily get one. o If I would have enough
4 I won't / wouldn't be happy if I didn't get on with my family. money, I would move out
5 What would / will you say if I told you I'd found a job? tomorrow.
6 If you didn't waste so much time, you may / might finish sooner.
7 I'm sure your girlfriend understands / would understand if you spoke to her.
8 How do / would you feel if it happened to you?

D NOW YOU DO IT Complete the sentences in your

notebook with your own ideas. Then tell a partner.
1 If my parents asked me to move out, ...
2 If I had an argument with my parents, ...
3 If I won the lottery, ...
4 If ..., I wouldn't be happy.
imagining a different life
A 8^60 Listen to Jenna talking about her life.
Decide whether the following statements are
true (T) or false (F).
Jenna has ...
1 brothers and sisters. T/F
2 an interesting job. T/F
3 a good social life. T/F
4 enough money to live alone. T/F
5 her own flat/house. T/F

B Look at this list and tick the statements

that are true for you.
I have ...
i brothers and sisters. □
2 an interesting job. □
3 a good social life. □
4 enough money to live alone. □
5 my own flat/house. □

C OH Work in pairs. Look at the statements in

Exercise B. Discuss what your life would be like
if things were different.
A: If I didn't have a brother and a sister, I would be less happy.
B: Why's that?
A: Well, I would be alone and wouldn't have people to turn to if I had a problem.

writing paragraphs Pagei2iX>

After starting a paragraph with a topic sentence, you need to give more information
and details. These provide evidence and examples to support the main idea
expressed in the topic sentence. Connect supporting details with linking words
and phrases.

A Read this topic sentence and write four supporting details for
the paragraph.
Topic sentence
Young people today have many ambitions for the future.
Supporting details
Many young people want to get a degree.
1 _ 2 -- 3 - 4 -

B Use your ideas in Exercise A to write a paragraph in your notebook.

Start with the topic sentence. Use these words and phrases to link your
supporting details.
• For example to give examples
• Also and In addition to add information
• Finally to make a final point

C 0 Swap paragraphs with a partner. Read your partner’s paragraph

and choose Yes or No.
1 Are all the supporting details relevant to the topic sentence? Yes / No
2 Are the ideas connected using linking words and phrases? Yes / No

Across the generations IHHH
• Decide what you want.
• Explain your position.
• Look for a solution that everyone is happy with.

A Read this text. What is a compromise? Underline the definition in the text.

It's not always possible to get exactly what we want. When we need to agree with
another person, we often have to reach a compromise.This means finding a solution
that everyone is happy with. Both people might not get exactly what they want, but
they are flexible and agree on a solution that is in the middle.

B Tick the things which you think are important in reaching a

compromise. Compare your choices with those of your partner.
□ make realistic suggestions Q try not to be too emotional
□ listen to the other person's position □ be prepared to change your position
Q make unrealistic demands □ get angry
□ repeat your opinion many times □ never change your position

C |H
Read this information about different generations in the
workplace. Complete the table with the phrases from the box. Then
discuss if you think the descriptions fit you and people you know.

all online media emails formal letters and memos meetings in person phone calls



Baby boomers (born teamwork, optimism, workaholics who 1

1946-1964) strong family question authority

Generation Xers (born fun, informality, want a good work/life 2

1965-1980) independence balance

Generation Yers/ extreme fun, social like to work in teams 3

Millennial (born groups, realism witfn creative people
D Work in pairs (Student A and Student B). Read the
information below that applies to you and answer the questions.
1 What is your main responsibility?
2 Underline the key points you need to bear in mind.
Student B
Student A You work in accounting for a company. You
You work in HR (human resources) for a company. You are part of are part of the baby boomer generation,
generation Y, born in 1990. You are responsible for the staff. It's born in 1960. You are responsible for costs.
your job to make sure that they are happy at work. It's your job to keep costs as low as you can.
It's the end of the year and you worry some of It's the end of the year and there isn't
them don't seem very motivated. Some people much left in the entertainment
lost their jobs this year, so budget. Also, sales haven't been
you think the remaining staff very good this year so you don't
deserve a big end-of-year think the staff deserve a big
party. You need to make end-of-year party. You need
sure that any plans to make sure that any
are fun and exciting plans are simple and
^ because your cheap because you
priority is staff have to justify
motivation. any

E |Q Follow the instructions below, using the information from Exercise D.

You have been asked to plan the staff end-of-year event. Roleplay the meeting. Use these
steps to guide you.

Reaching a compromise
Perhaps one thing we could consider is ...
I agree that... is important, so ...
Why don't we ... ?
Let's meet in the middle. I suggest...

Student B Student B Both try

Start the meeting. Respond to Student Try to Try to to reach a
Explain the A. Explain the persuade persuade compromise.
situation and say situation and say Student B to Student A to Decide
what you think is what you think is agree with you. agree with you. together on
important. Make important. Make Emphasise the Emphasise the a staff
a suggestion for a a suggestion for a key points. key points. end-of-year
staff end-of-year different event that event that
event that you you think is suitable you are both
think is suitable. (or you can even happy with.
suggest no event).
F |Q
Tell the rest of the class what compromise you REFLECT... How can the
have reached. Explain what kind of event you have skill of reaching a compromise be
agreed on. Did other groups reach a similar useful to you in Study and Learning
compromise? Did your idea of the generation of your and Self and Society?
character affect your roleplay?
Across the generations HjjjjjjHi
Language wrap-up
A Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. (6 points)
1 I don't want to have an argument / make up with my dad, but I need to tell him that he's wrong.
2 Baby boomers and people from generation Y don't admire / share the same values.
3 Do you get on / become friends with your family, or are things difficult?
4 I really admire / get on with my mum for the way she brought us up.
5 It's normal for every family to make up / go through problems when children are growing up.
6 Did you and Olivia have an argument / make up after your disagreement?

B Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (9 points)
1 Having good____ is important. I really value the support I get from mine.
2 I want a permanent job that means I have_and don't have to worry.
3 Many politicians are very ambitious. They want_, and lots of it!
4 I'm_and like doing things for myself because I left home when I was 16.
5 It's important to have a good_, and work hard.
6 I want to help my_Maybe I'll volunteer to help in a school. power

7 Enjoying what I do and having job_is more important than my salary. satisfaction
8 If I can't express my_at work, I'll be very unhappy. security
9 I'm going to travel the world and find_I work ethic

11-15 correct: 1 can describe relationships and talk about values.

0-10 correct: Look again at the vocabulary on pages 142 and 144. SCORE: /15

A Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. (8 points)

1 I feel happy when it is / will be sunny.
2 We watch / will watch a film if you get bored.
3 If Martha doesn't / won't arrive soon, we'll leave without her.
4 If you come to dinner on Friday, we cook / will cook pizza.
5 You won't pass your exams if you don't / won't study.
6 If you have / will have a problem, it's good to talk about it.
7 When it's cold, water becomes / will become ice.
8 If I leave work on time tonight, I am not / won't be late.

B Complete the conversation with the second conditional form of the verb
in brackets. (7 points)
Kate: I know what I (i)_(c/o) if I (2)_(win) £10 million.
Mel: Yes, you (3)_(spend) it all on shoes!
Kate: Maybe at first, but after that, I (4)_(do) something for other people.
Mel: (5)--you__(stay) in your job?
Kate: Definitely not! But I (6)_(not want) to do nothing.
Mel: Yes, I agree. It would be so boring if you (7)__ (have) nothing to do all day.

11-15 correct: I can use the zero and first conditional to talk about general truths and real possibilities.
I can use the second conditional to talk about unreal possibilities.
0-10 correct: Look again at the grammar on pages 143 and 146. SCORE: /15
imagining a different life

A Read and complete the conversation with the sentences a-e.

Shannon: (1)____.___
Amelia: I know! It's been great, but now everything's going to change. Have you got any plans?
Shannon: (2)-
Amelia: Yeah, that would be great. If I pass all my exams, I'll apply to study law. I've always
wanted to be a lawyer.
Shannon: (3)____
Amelia: What about your personal life? Do you want to get married and have kids?
Shannon: (4)-
Amelia: I'd love to travel, too, if I had the chance. I want to see the world!
Shannon: (5) ___________
a) Really? When I was really young, I wanted to be a pirate! And then a doctor. Now I'd be
happy to work in an office if I could.
b) I can't believe we'll be leaving university next month!
c) Me too! There's so much I want to do. But I guess we have to get through our exams first!
d) I'd love to find a good job. If I did that, I would start saving to buy a flat.
e) Oh, yes, I will if I find the right person!

B Find and underline each place in the conversation where someone does
these things.
1 asks about plans 3 talks about a real future possibility
2 explains how one ambition would help 4 talks about past ambitions
another 5 expresses a desire

C 3f| Work in pairs. Imagine that it is the

end of the academic year and the end of your HOW ARE YOU DOING?
course. Using key words only, make notes Think about your speaking and tick the
about your plans for the future. statements that are true.
I feel confident ...
D Work with a different partner. Have a Qasking about ambitions.
conversation about your plans for the future O saying what ambitions I have.
Ask about your partner’s plans and explain O describing future possibilities.
your own. How do you feel about your speaking generally?
o o •
Fine, thanks. Not sure... Help!

Grammar reference


We form the past continuous with was/were and the -ing form of the verb.

Affirmative Negative

I/He/She/It was was not (wasn't) studying

We/You/They were were not (weren't)

Yes/No questions Short answers

Was l/he/she/it : l/he/she/it was/wasn't.

studying? Yes/ No :.
Were we/you/they : we/you/they were/weren't.

Information questions

What were you doing three years ago?

Where was she living in 2009?

We use the past continuous to describe an action that was in progress at a particular moment in the past.
In 2007, I was living in Granada.

1 Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verb
in brackets.
1 What_you_(watch) on TV last night?
2 I _(browse) the internet at 6pm yesterday evening.
3 Where __they_(go) so early in the morning?
4 This time last year, some friends from the USA_(visit) us.
5 He_(not drive) to the theatre at 8.15 last night. He was at home.

2 Make questions in the past continuous using the prompts. Then match
the questions to the correct answers.
1 Who / dance at the party?_ a) Yes, we were.
2 Melanie / sing?____ b) Yes, he was.
3 You / play / music all night?_ c) Everyone.
4 People / wear / fancy dress?_ d) Yes, they were.
5 Dad / cook meat / on the barbecue?_ e) No, she wasn't.


We use the past continuous to describe the The sun was shining and the radio was playing my
background scene. favourite song.

We use the past simple to describe events and actions. The storm hit the coast and caused a lot of damage.

We use the past continuous to describe an action that We were sitting on the beach.
was in progress when another short action happened. Suddenly, it started to rain.
We use the past simple to describe the short action.

We use while + past continuous to introduce the action While we were sitting on the beach, it started to rain.
in progress. We were sitting on the beach when it started to rain.
We use when + past simple to introduce the short action.
Use a comma after a when or while clause at the beginning
of a sentence:
/ was working at a law office when I met my girlfriend.
When I met my girlfriend, I was working at a law office.

1 Complete the sentences with when or while. Then add the correct
1 My parents met_they were studying at university.
2 Mischa was shopping_she realised she didn't have her phone.
3 -Bruno drove by and offered her a lift Lana was waiting at the bus stop.
4 _we were living in Italy my brother and I learnt Italian.
5 Were you sleeping_I arrived home?

2 Complete the sentences with the past continuous or past simple form
of the verb in brackets.
i I ---(do) the washing-up this morning when the post__(arrive).
2 We-(find) the Guggenheim museum while we___ (walk) around
the city centre.
3 When she ________ (meet) Jack, Rachel_(work) part-time at a school.
4 While Melanie_(listen) to music, there __________ (be) a power cut.
5 What__ (do) when you_(fall)?


Form Function

Affirmative be + as + adjective + as to say that two things are equal in some way

The film is as good as the book.

(The book and the film are both equally good.)

Negative be not + as + adjective + as to say that one thing is more or less than another thing

The Eiffel Tower is not as high as The Empire State Building.

(The Empire State Building is higher than the Eiffel Tower. / The Eiffel Tower is shorter than the
Empire State Building.)

1 Correct the sentences.

1 100 cm is long as 1 m.____
2 This dress is as expensive than that one. ___
3 Black tea is not as stronger as coffee. _______
4 Mount Kilimanjaro is not as high Mount Everest.____
5 Jemma is good at chess as me. ______________

2 Rewrite the sentences using as ... as or not as ... as.

1 Both Paris and London are interesting._
2 Learning French is easier than learning Japanese.__
3 Florence is older than Rotterdam.________
4 Both Jack and Amy are funny.----
5 The British Museum is bigger than the Tate Gallery._

Grammar reference tlfl§

We use superlatives to compare the characteristics of more than two things.
The Nile is the longest river in Egypt.
Jake is the best student of everyone in the class.

We always use the with superlative adjectives; we never use than.

Most one-syllable adjectives Add -est old - the oldest

One-syllable adjectives ending in consonant- Double the final consonant and

big - the biggest
vowel-consonant add -est

Adjectives ending in -e Take off the -e and add -est late - the latest

Adjectives ending in consonant + y Change the y to / and add -est happy - the happiest

Adjectives with two or more syllables and Use the most or the least + boring - the most boring
some one-syllable adjectives e.g. fun, real adjective fun - the most fun

good - the best

Irregular adjectives
bad - the worst

1 Write the superlative form of the adjectives.

1 fat _
2 young _
3 fascinating _
4 bad _
5 rea I _
6 nice _
7 interesting _
8 pretty _

2 Write superlative sentences using the prompts and an adjective

from the box.

scary good popular rich important

1 The CEO / person / in a company

2 Chichen Itza and Machu Picchu / archaeological sites / Latin America

3 Real Madrid / football club / history

4 The Return of the Alien / TV series / at the moment

5 Jennifer Lawrence / actress / in the 2013 Academy Awards

Subject pronouns : 1 j You j He : She i it j We i You : They

Reflexive pronouns : Myself : Yourself I Himself : Herself : Itself : Ourselves : Yourselves : Themselves

We use reflexive pronouns:
• when the subject and the object of the sentence are the same.
I looked at myself in the mirror.
• to indicate 'without help from another person'.
I can wash the car myself.

We can also use reflexive pronouns with by to mean 'alone'.

Everyone is out, so I'm here by myself.

1 Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronoun.

1 People hurt_doing extreme sports.
2 He cut_shaving.
3 Why can't you do this__?
4 I chose it_
5 We didn't prepare the presentation_

2 Rewrite the sentences using reflexive pronouns.

1 I bought a present. The present is for me.
2 He decorated the house without anyone else.
3 Alan and I made the dinner. Nobody helped.
4 Isabel made a dress. The dress is for her.
5 Robin is learning to play the guitar. He doesn't have a teacher.


We always use the same structure with all modal verbs: subject + modal verb + base form of the verb

Asking for permission Short answers: giving or denying permission

Could make a reservation, please?

1 Yes, you can. / No, you can't.
May see your e-ticket, please?
we Yes, you may. / No, you may not.
Can take a photo?

Making a request Short answers: accepting or refusing a request

Could open the door, please? Yes, 1 can.

Can carry these bags for me? No, 1 can't.

Making an offer

Can 1 help you with anything?

Shall we book a room for you?

1 call a taxi for you.

We reserve you a seat.

Grammar reference 155
1 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 please / to / I / may / next / window / sit / the / ?

2 carry / suitcases / you / could / the / ?

3 in / the / not / mobile / use / your / may / you / phone / library

4 lend / me / you / could / pen / a / please / ?

5 passport / your / see / Can / I / ?

2 Complete the conversation with could, can or shall.

A: Excuse me, (i)_you take my order, please?
B: Certainly, what would you like?
A: (2)_I have a cappuccino and a piece of cake, please?
B: Anything else?
A: Yes, I'm not happy with this table. (3)_you find us a table outside, please?
B: I'm sorry, but guests (4)_sit in the garden today. (5)_I see if
there's a table by the window?


We use the present perfect to talk about experiences in the past. The exact time that the experience
happened is not known or is not important.
We have visited Egypt.

We form the present perfect with have and the past participle. We can also use never and ever between
have and the past participle.
Statements Yes/No questions

I/You/We/They i have ('ve) sung Have : l/you/we/they : : sung

(never) ■;.: (ever)
He/She/It I has ('s) karaoke. Has : he/she/it : karaoke?

We use never in statements. It means 'at no time We use ever in questions. It means 'at any time up
up to now.' to now'.
I have never learnt to scuba dive. Have you ever ridden a motorbike?
We can also use before in questions. It means the
same as 'ever'.
Have you ridden a motorbike before?
Short answers Information questions

: l/you/we/they : have/haven't. Where : have : you : been?

: he/she/it : has/hasn't. What : has : he : learnt?

Regular past participles have the same form as the past simple. See page 168 for the list of irregular past

The verb go has two past participle forms: been and gone.
Use been to talk about places you have visited in the past:
She has been to Egypt. (She visited Egypt at some point in the past. Now she
is back at home.)
Use gone to explain where a person is at the moment.
She has gone to Egypt. (She is on a trip to Egypt and she is still there.)
1 Correct the sentences.
1 I haven't never met anyone famous._
2 My friend has ever tried oysters._
3 Has he ever gone to Ireland?__
4 We have never eated lobster.__
5 Lindsey and Catherine have never swam in the sea._

2 Write sentences in the present perfect using the prompts and ever or never.
1 You / break / a bone / ? _
2 They / make / sushi / ? _
3 She / not go / tropical country _
4 We / not see / a tornado _
5 He / write / a love letter / ? _


We use how long with the present perfect to ask about the duration of an activity or action that began in
the past and continues up to the present.
How long have you known Joe?
We use the present perfect with for to talk about a length of time.
I've known Joe for two years.
We use the present perfect with since to talk about a point in time when an action started.
I've known Joe since 2012.

How long + present perfect

How long : have : l/you/we/they : lived here?

: has I he/she/it

Present perfect + for/since

I/You/We/They : have : for : two weeks / three days / five years / ages.
: lived here
He/She/It ; has i since : Monday / last month / yesterday / 2008.

1 Complete the sentences.

1 How_have you had your car?
2 How long_Denise been a student?
3 How long have you_on a diet?
4 I haven't eaten Chinese food-a long time.
5 I have failed my driving test three times-February.

2 Complete the questions using the prompts in brackets. Then complete

the answers using the words in brackets and for or since.
1 How long_? (Sandra and Jon / have / a dog)
----(last week)
2 How long __? (your sister / study / chemistry)
___(six months)
3 How long___? (he / live / in Portugal)
___(two years)
4 How long __? (your dad / work / at the factory)

5 How long-? (you / be / here)

___(45 minutes)

Grammar reference 157

We use the past simple to talk about things that happened at a specific time in the past.
I went to Stonehenge last month.
We use the present perfect to talk about things that happened at a non-specific time in the past.
I have (I've) been to Stonehenge.

1 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 He has been / went white water rafting last summer.
2 They've never been / didn't go to a wedding in a foreign country before.
3 Did you ever see / Have you ever seen a film in another language?
4 I've lost / lost my wallet yesterday.
5 Francesca has lived / lived in Paris when she was young.

2 Complete the conversation with the words in brackets in the past simple
or present perfect and ever or never, if necessary.
A: (i)__(you go) to Glastonbury music festival?
B: No, but I (2)_(watch) it on TV last year.
A: (3)_(you meet) a famous musician?
B: No, I haven't, but I (4)_(have lunch) with a well-known actor.
A: I (5)_(sit) next to Antonio Banderas on a flight to London many years ago.


We use should and ought to to ask for and give advice and make recommendations.
You should go to the doctor. He ought to do more exercise. Should I tell them about this?

We always use the same structure with modal verbs: subject + modal verb + base form of the verb.
should Information questions
Affirmative You go to bed earlier.
ought to What : should : 1 : do?

Negative You shouldn't go to bed so late.

Yes/No questions Short answers

Should : I : get a part-time job? Yes/No you should/shouldn't.

1 Tick the correct sentences. Correct the incorrect sentences.

1 He oughts to go to the doctor._
2 People ought use public transport more often._
3 Should I use my credit card for all my shopping? No, you should._
4 You should check the spelling in a dictionary._
5 We should to email them about the party._

2 Complete the sentences, using the verb in brackets and the correct
form of should or ought to.
1 A: I can't wake up early in the morning. 4 A: If I want to improve my English,_
B: You-to bed so late, (go) to Australia? (go)
2 A: I feel really dizzy when I stand up. B: Yes, you should. It's a great country!
B: You-a doctor, (see) 5 A: Should I_about making mistakes
3 A: Helena wants to be an engineer. in class? (worry)
B: She-maths and science, (study) B: No. Making mistakes helps you to learn.

We always use the same structure with modal verbs: subject + modal verb + base form of the verb.

We use must and have to to talk about an obligation or necessity.
/ must finish this essay before 5pm.
You have to show your passport to immigration officials.
We use mustn't to talk about an obligation not to do something because it's prohibited.
You mustn't smoke in this building. (It's not allowed)
We use doesn't/don't have to when it's not necessary to do something or when there is no obligation.
You don't have to attend the meeting. (It's optional)

1 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 You don't have to / have to put your phone on silent in the class.
2 Nurses must / mustn't wear a uniform while they are working.
3 Passengers must / must to buy a ticket to travel on the Underground.
4 Visitors mustn't / don't have to bring food into the museum.
5 You don't have to / mustn't be a UK citizen to apply to a British university.

2 Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets and must/mustn’t/

(don’t) have to.
1 You-(complete) a registration form on arrival.
2 You--(leave) room keys at reception when
you go out but you___(pay) for lost keys.
3 Guests__(go) on the tours. They are optional.
4 You-(take) towels out of the hotel.
5 Guests-(check out) before 1 pm.


We use comparative and superlative adverbs to compare actions.
I talk more slowly in English than in my own language.

We form most comparative adverbs with more or less + adverb.
Anna attends the class more regularly than Sophia.
We form most superlative adverbs with the most + adverb.
Rania writes the most often.
Most regular comparative and superlative adverbs end in -ly. But some are irregular.

Irregular adverbs

Adverb fast often well bad hard loud

Comparative faster more often better worse harder louder

Superlative the fastest the most often the best the worst the hardest the loudest

1 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 I speak English more worse / worse than my brother.
2 The new director schedules meetings more / the most regularly than the old one.
3 David usually tidies up more / the most often than the other students.
4 Mariana draws the best / better of all the new students.
5 He drives the least / less carefully of all my friends.

Grammar referenc
2 Complete the sentences with adverbs from the box in the comparative or superlative form.

well quickly badly early often

1 My sister cooks_my brother. He can't cook anything!

2 I take out the rubbish-in our house. I never do it.
3 I sing_my sister does. I'm terrible!
4 His health improved-we thought. That's good news!
5 Zoe gets up_in the family. She gets ready and leaves the house at 6.30am.


We use too + adjective when we say there is more than we need.
I can't swim in the sea today. It's too cold
We use adjective + enough when the amount is sufficient.
The soup is hot enough. It's just right.
We use not + adjective + enough when we say there is less than we need.
The food is tasteless. It isn't spicy enough.

too + adjective I adjective + enough : not + adjective + enough

j The sauce isn't spicy enough,

The soup is too cold. : The chicken is hot enough.
j The drinks aren't cold enough.

1 Complete the sentences with too or enough.

1 I like a lot of outdoor space. This garden isn't big_
2 These curry dishes don't need more chilli. They're spicy_:_
3 Jeremy won't eat fried potatoes. He says they're_greasy.
4 Fast food is often delicious but it's not nutritious_
5 Ugh! How much sugar did you put in the tea? It's_sweet.

2 Complete the sentences using the adjective in brackets and too, enough or not... enough.
1 This prawn risotto is delicious. It has the right amount of cream in it. (creamy)
The prawn risotto is_
2 I think you should put less salt in the beef stroganoff next time, (salty)
The beef stroganoff is_
3 Should I turn up the music a little? The party is very quiet. (loud)
The music is_
4 Max is only seven. He can't walk to school by himself. (old)
Max is-to walk to school by himself.
5 The English reading exam was very difficult. I couldn't do it. (hard)
The exam was_


Function Form
Too many and too much mean more Uncountable nouns Countable nouns
than you want.
There's too much butter. There are too many crisps.
Not enough means less than you want.
A few means not very many. A little There isn't enough salad. There aren't enough bananas.
means not very much. There's only a little rice. There are only a few vegetables.
More, fewer and less are used to make He wants less cream. He wants fewer potatoes.
He wants more bread. He wants more tomatoes.
1 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 Let's try and drink fewer / less fizzy drinks.
2 Would you like a little / a few fruit?
3 There aren't enough eggs / sugar to make this dish.
4 There are too much / many cakes. I don't know which one to buy.
5 I would like to eat less / fewer salt.

2 Look at the recipe and the ingredients Carla has. Complete the sentences
with foods from the recipe.
Recipe Carla's kitchen 1 Carla has enough_
100 g butter 100 g butter 2 She doesn't have enough
150 g chocolate 50 g chocolate 3 She needs fewer_
100 g sugar 500 g sugar 4 She needs less_
4 bananas 8 bananas 5 She needs more_
10 digestive biscuits 5 digestive biscuits
200 ml cream 1 50 ml cream


We use would like to express a desire to do something.
I would like to see the new Leonardo DiCaprio film.
We use like to express a general enjoyment of something.
They like eating out now and again.
We use would prefer / would rather to express a preference.
I would prefer to do indoor activities than go outside.
They would rather stay in tonight.

Affirmative Negative Questions

He likes visiting They don't like Do you like swimming?

like + -ing form
museums. shopping online. What do you like doing?

would ('d) like + the I'd like to order a salad, She wouldn't like to go
Would he like to come with us?
full infinitive please. on a blind date.

would ('d) prefer + We would prefer to stay We would prefer not to

Would you prefer to shop online?
the full infinitive at home tonight. drive.

would ('d) rather + 1 would rather eat fish He would rather not Would you rather have rice with
base form instead of chicken. play video games. your meal?

1 Correct the sentences.

1 Michael and Emma would prefer get a takeaway tonight.

2 I don't like to wearing jeans to work.

3 They'd rather to split the bill on the first date.

4 Would you like use my phone?

5 I'd not rather watch TV today.

Grammar re:
2 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 1_pasta for dinner. (rather / have)
2 My family_to Italy on holiday, (prefer / go)
3 People in my country_their summer holidays in the city, (not like / spend)
4 My sister_in a city far away from home. (would not like / study)
5 I_in marathons. (like / run)


The gerund is the -ing form of the verb which can function as a noun. It can come before or after the verb.
When it comes before the verb, it is the subject of the sentence. When it comes after the verb, or after a
preposition, it is the object.

Gerund phrases as subjects : Gerund phrases as objects : Gerund phrases after prepositions

Swimming is a great form of exercise. : 1 like reading non-fiction books. : I'm thinking of buying a new laptop.

1 Complete the sentences with gerunds formed from the verbs in the box.

arrive give go join have

1 He's not good at_relationship advice.

2 _late for a job interview gives a bad impression.
3 Frances is planning on_eggs for breakfast.
4 I don't like_to fancy dress parties.
5 _a sports club is a good way to meet people.

2 Tick the correct sentence. Correct the incorrect sentences.

1 To eat fruit and vegetables is good for your health.

2 I enjoy to cycle because it's a great form of exercise.

3 I'm thinking of join a gym.

4 I'm good at talking to new people.

5 I really like make presents for my friends and family.


We use may/might and will to talk about things that are possible in the present or future.
We use may/might when we are not very certain.
We might go to the beach next weekend. We're not sure.
We use probably will when we are quite certain.
It's sunny today, so we'll probably have a barbecue.
We use will or definitely will when we are certain or very certain.
We left five minutes ago so we'll definitely be late.

Affirmative Negative
may/might/will + base form may/might/will not + base form

1 may visit my aunt next week. He might not take the full-time position.
It will (It'll) be sunny and dry tomorrow. 1 won't be at work next week.

Note the word order when we use probably or definitely with will:
Affirmative Negative Short answers
will + definitely/ probably definitely/probably + won't definitely/ probably + will/won't

I'll definitely see you this evening. 1 definitely won't see you tomorrow. Will you buy it? 1 definitely will.

He'll probably arrive late. He probably won't arrive on time. Will you buy it? 1 probably won't.

1 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 In the future, people will / won't probably stop reading paper books.
2 The 2024 Olympics might / will definitely be in Toronto, Canada or Nairobi, Kenya.
3 Nicole definitely will / won't come tonight. She's going to a wedding.
4 I'm thinking of going to the beach tomorrow because it might / won't be hot.
5 They aren't sure, but scientists think that there will / may be life on other planets.

2 Complete the sentences using the words in brackets and will or won't.
1 I-book the tickets tomorrow. I promise! (definitely)
2 He_come for dinner. He wasn't feeling well yesterday. (probably)
3 Next year, Susan_travel to India, but nothing is certain yet. (probably)
4 This Saturday, we_have a barbecue as the forecast says the
weather_be bad. (definitely/definitely)


We use will and going to to make predictions about the future.
It will be windy and foggy tomorrow.
It's going to rain later.
We use will for spontaneous decisions - things we decide to do at the moment of speaking.
Are we meeting at your place for coffee? Great, I'll bring a cake.
We use going to to talk about future plans and intentions.
I'm going to walk more this year.

1 Read the sentences and choose the function. Write plan, intention,
prediction or decision.
1 We are going to organise a craft fair this weekend.-
2 I'm really tired lately. I'm going to go to bed at 10pm from now on.-
3 A: I've forgotten my dictionary.
B: It's OK. I'll lend you mine.-
4 What are you going to buy Joanna for her birthday?-
5 I think people will work less in the future.-

2 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 Are you hungry? I'll / I'm going to make you something to eat.
2 We're not free this Saturday evening. We'll / We're going to go to the theatre.
3 My new year's resolution is that I'm going to / I'll study harder.
4 A: Oh, no! It's 5 o'clock already.
B: Don't worry. I'm going to / I'll give you a lift.
5 Did you hear the news today? They'll / They're going to build a new shopping centre.

Grammar refe

We use infinitives of purpose and in order to to say why someone does something.

Infinitives of purpose use the form of the verb with to.
He does regular exercise to keep in shape.
In negative sentences we use in order not to.
He backs up his files on his hard drive in order not to lose anything.

1 Tick the correct sentence. Correct the incorrect sentences.

1 Pass the exam, you need a score of at least 50%.

2 Patricia entered the room quietly in order to wake her flatmates.

3 Could you ring the bakery find out the cost of the cake?

4 I'm going to buy a magazine in order to have something to read on the train.

5 You need three years' management experience in order for apply for the job.

6 I'll put the keys on the table not to forget them when I leave.

2 Complete the text with affirmative or negative infinitives of purpose

using the verbs in the box.

attract celebrate symbolise sweep

Chinese families get together on the first day of the lunar calendar (i)___
Chinese New Year. The day before, family members clean the house (2)__
away bad luck and make room for good fortune. It's bad luck to clean on New Year's Day.
People decorate their houses in red (3)_prosperity and happiness.
For their main New Year dinner, the Chinese eat dumplings. After dinner, families play cards
and board games. They do not turn the lights off until after midnight (4)_
evil spirits.


present To talk about future events which are at a specific My tennis lesson starts at 9am every
simple time on a schedule. Saturday.

present To talk about future events we have already

I'm seeing Joshua on Friday at Warn.
continuous arranged to do.

To make predictions about the future.

1 think it's going to be sunny this weekend.
going to To talk about plans and intentions decided before
They're going to get married this year.
the moment of speaking.

To make predictions about the future.

1 think we will finish early tomorrow.
will To talk about spontaneous decisions we make at
I'll pick you up.
the moment of speaking.
1 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 The train leaves / is going to leave at 2.30pm every day.
2 We're going to / going to go to Lisa and Toby's wedding on Saturday.
3 That jacket you bought Paul is really nice. He is loving / will love it!
4 We have / are having a party this weekend. Do you want to come?
5 A: Would you like to go for a drink later?
B: I can't. I 'll meet /'m meeting my book club friends.

2 Complete the conversation with the correct future form of the verb in brackets.
A: What (i)_(do) on Saturday morning, Tim?
B: I (2)_(have) a guitar lesson at 10am. Why?
A: I (3)_(go) shopping to buy a gift for Adam.
Do you want to come after your lesson?
B: I'm sorry, I can't. I (4)_(have) an exam on
Monday and I need to revise. I (5)_(spend) the whole
weekend studying!


We use the passive when we do not know or are not interested in who or what does something.
The action is more important than the person who does it.
Cheese is made from milk.
We also use the passive when we want to mention important information first, by making the
object of the active sentence the subject of the passive sentence.
Moscow is visited by millions of people every year.
(Millions of people visit Moscow every year. We use the passive to put the emphasis on Moscow,
not on the millions of people.)

New Year is celebrated in April
Affirmative : present simple be + past participle
in Bangladesh.

Negative • present simple be + not + past participle The flight to Spain is not delayed.

Is cheese made from milk?

Questions present simple be + subject + past participle
Where are tigers found?

With modals : modal verb + be + past participle Old phones should be recycled.

1 Match 1-5 to a-e to make sentences.

1 The post a) are asked to create a password.
2 About 200,000 songs b) is collected at 5pm.
3 Travellers to North America c) be sent travel updates on their mobile phones.
4 Passengers should d) are required to carry a visa.
5 Facebook users e) are downloaded every second.

2 Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verbs in the box.

serve grow speak teach recycle

1 Coffee- in Brazil and Colombia.

2 Plastic bags and aerosol cans cannot
3 In Switzerland four languages-
4 I'm sorry, but breakfast- after midday in the hotel,
5 Which degree subjects- at your university?

Grammar reference

The past simple passive has the same form as the present simple passive for affirmative, negative and
questions, but it uses the past simple of be.

past simple be + : The first photograph was taken in 1826. Radium wasn't discovered in 1850.
past participle I Was radium discovered in 1898? Why was the zip invented?

To make a passive sentence from an active sentence, make the object of the active sentence the subject
of the passive sentence. If we want to keep the subject from the active sentence, we use by.

Active : subject + active verb + object Wallace Carothers discovered nvlon in 1935.

Nvlon was discovered in 1935

Passive : active object + passive verb (+ by + active subject)
(by Wallace Carothers).

1 Complete the sentences with the past simple passive form of the verb in brackets.
1 The first Glastonbury festival_in 1970. (celebrate)
2 The first YouTube videos_in 2005. (upload)
3 The British Museum___by 6 million people last year, (visit)
4 Penicillin_by Fleming in 1928. (discover)
5 The first electric cars___in the 19th century, (drive)

2 Rewrite these sentences in the passive. Use by if possible.

1 A French writer won the award.__
2 People did not eat a lot of food at the party._
3 Someone found a wallet on the floor._
4 Police arrested two suspects last night______
5 Apple invented the iPhone. _________


Conditional clause Result clause

if/when + simple present simple present

conditional If you mix red and white, you get pink. When you mix red and white, you get pink.
Do you get pink when you mix red and white? What colour do you get when you mix red and white?

if + simple present will/won't/may/might/could + base form

First If it rains this weekend, we won't have a barbecue in the garden.

If you apply for the job, you might get it.
Will we have a barbecue in the garden if it rains? What will we do if it rains?

The conditional clause can come before or after the result clause. If it comes before, use a comma. If it
comes after, do not use a comma.
If you have to study, we won't go out. We won't go out if you have to study.

We use the zero conditional to talk about things which are generally true.
When you heat water to 100°C, it boils.
We use the first conditional to talk about things which are real possibilities.
If I see Holly later, I'll ask her to call you.
We can also use may/might/could in the result clause of first conditional sentences to express less certainty.
If I get an interview, I might buy a new suit.
1 Correct the sentences.
1 When you will heat ice, it melts.

2 Plants die if they won't get enough water.

3 If I miss the train, I don't arrive on time.

4 If we go out tonight, we get a taxi home.

5 If I will have to work late on Thursday, I won't come to the cinema.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1 When you_{want) to log onto Twitter, you have to enter a password.
2 If I have enough money this summer, I__(go) to Japan.
3 Anna might arrive late if there_(be) a lot of traffic.
4 If I_(not get) the job, I will take an online course.
5 Even if it rains this evening, I_(take) the dog for a walk.


if + past simple, would/wouldn't/might/could + base form

If I had a different career, I would be a vet.

If he didn't watch TV all the time, he would have other interests.
Would you finish it if I helped you? Yes, I would. / No, I wouldn't.
Where would you go if you won £i 0,000?

In second conditional sentences, we use the past simple form were with /, he, she and it, instead of was.
If I were you, I would tell her the truth.
Would is often contracted to'd.
If I had more money, I'd buy a better car.

We use the second conditional to talk about unreal situations in the present and future.
If you spoke German, you could work in the Frankfurt office. (But you don't speak German
so you can't work there.)

1 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 If I win / won the lottery, I'd go on a safari to South Africa.
2 I wouldn't need a car if I live / lived near a train station.
3 Who will / would you be if you were a famous person for the day?
4 I'd swim in the Great Barrier Reef if I went / might go to Australia.
5 If I didn't have to go to work, I would / will study and paint.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1 If I_(have) a different job, I_(be) a writer. I don't like writing.
2 If I_(find) lots of money, I_(tell) the police. I wouldn't keep it.
3 If I_(be) rich, I_(travel) all over the world. I want to see everything.
4 If I_(win) some money,_(buy) lots of clothes. There are more important things.
5 If I_(have to) study, we_(go) out this evening.

Grammar reference 167
Irregular verbs Pronunciation symbols
Infinitive Past simple Past participle Vowels
be was/were been I did
become became become e bed, neck
begin began begun as bad, hand
break broke broken D box
bring brought brought A but, mother
build built built u book, good
buy bought bought 3 banana, computer
catch caught caught i: feed
choose chose chosen a: father
come came come 01 tall
cost cost cost u: boot, food, student
cut cut cut 31 shirt, birthday
do did done ei date, table
draw drew drawn ai cry, eye
drink drank drunk 01 boy
drive drove driven 3U comb, post

eat ate eaten

au about, how
U3 tour
fall fell fallen
es their
feed fed fed
13 here, near
feel felt felt
find found found
fly flew flown
p park, happy
get got got
b back, hobby
give gave given
t tea
go went gone d die
grow grew grown k came, kitchen, quarter
hang hung hung
g game, go
have had had f face, photographer
hear heard heard V vegetable
hit hit hit e thing, maths
hold held held 6 then, that
hurt hurt hurt s city, summer
keep kept kept z please, goes
know knew known J she, shop
learn learnt learnt 3 leisure
leave left left h hot, who
let let let If chicken, watch
lose lost lost cfe jacket, orange
make made made m men
meet met met n sun, know
pay paid paid 0 sung, singer
put put put w week, white
read read read r rain, writer
ride rode ridden 1 light, long
ring rang rung j yes, use, music
rise rose risen
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
sell sold sold
send sent sent
set set set
sing sang sung
sit sat sat
speak spoke spoken
stand stood stood
stick stuck stuck
take took taken
teach taught taught
tell told told
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
understand understood understood
wake woke woken
wear wore worn
win won won
write wrote written
A: No, I'm going by myself. I'm just going to do two
New millenium
one-day tours. One is a tour of Ho Chi Minh City,
01 and the other is an elephant tour.
OK, class. You all were born near the end of the 20th century, C: You mean to see elephants?
so you are part of the generation called the Millennials. In A: No, to ride an elephant!
general, each generation has certain characteristics. The C: You're going to ride an elephant? Amazing!
main characteristic of Millennials is that you grew up with A: I know!
technology, so you are what we call 'technology natives'. You C: So how did you organise the trip? With a travel
tend to be multicultural and interested in global issues, and agency?
you are connected to people all around the world through A: Oh, no. I just went online and did it myself.
social networks. C: Did you buy your tickets online, too?
Millennials are extremely self-confident. You feel that your A: Yes. You just pay with a credit card, and then print
opinions are valuable, and you want to participate in decisions out your tickets. So I have my tickets and my new
in your job. Most Millennials want to get a variety of work passport. I'm ready to go, except for a few things
experience, so you usually don't stay in one job for a long that I need to buy.
time. Because Millennials are very sociable, many of you prefer C: I see that you've bought a suitcase. What else?
working in groups or teams. You are good at communicating A: I need to get sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat.
and working with other people. But watch out, Millennials! C: I suppose the weather is going to be hot and
Here comes the post-Millennial generation - people born sunny?
after the year 2000! A: Yeah. And, let's see, tomorrow I want to buy a
guidebook and some maps. I think that's it.
Culture vulture C: Oh, it sounds wonderful! Have fun!
A: Thanks!
Meg: Hey, Lauren. I wanted to tell you about this brilliant
book I'm reading at the moment. It's amazing! I think It could happen to anyone!
you would really enjoy it. 17
Lauren: What is it? I'm looking for a new book to read at the Amy: ... so, Diana, what happened to Katrina? I hear she
moment. had an accident.
M: Well, h ere's a good one for you. It's called The Art of Diana: Yes, she was driving through town last week, and she
Looking Sideways by Alan Fletcher. It's one of the most saw a famous celebrity.
fascinating books I've read all year. I think he's a really A: Really? Who?
good writer. D: I don't know, but she was looking at them and she hit
L: Oh, yeah, I already know about that book. Do you another car!
really like it? I read it last year, but I thought it was a bit A: Personally, I'm not surprised. Have you ever been in a
dull. Actually, I didn't finish it. car with her?
M: Really? I think it's great. It's making me look at the D: Yes, I have.
world differently, you know, think about things from A: Well, in my opinion she's a really bad driver!
different points of view. D: That's not true! I've been in a car with her lots of
L: Well, I suppose some of the ideas were quite times. I think she's a good driver.
interesting, but it's not the kind of book I usually read. A: Well, anyway, it seems she hasn't been very lucky
I thought it was a little strange. I prefer good stories, with travel recently. Did you know she tried to fly to
like mysteries or romance! Italy last week?
09 D: No, I didn't. What happened?
1: I thought the book was OK but it wasn't as good as Sun A: She lost her passport and her tickets, and she only
Dancers by Cecily Brown. found them an hour before her flight.
2: I only read the first 25 pages. It just didn't interest me. D: Well, I'm not surprised. I don't think Katrina is very
3: Yes, I enjoyed it a lot. It was more exciting than The organised ...
Flower Girl. A: I know. So, she qot to the airport late and missed her
4: It was excellent. I thought it was better than her first book. flight.
5: I don't really like stories and novels. I prefer non-fiction. D: So, she really has been quite unlucky recently.
A: Yes, that's true!

Tickets, money, passport! 19

James: So, Martin, have you done much travelling?
11 Martin: Yeah, I have, actually. I love travelling, so I usually try
Alison: Hey, Christine! What are you doing here?
to visit a new place every summer.
Christine: Oh, I'm just looking around. What about you?
J: That's great! What places have you visited?
A: I'm going on holiday, and 1 need to get some
M: Well, I've travelled a lot in Europe. You know, lots
things before 1 go.
of places in France, plus Spain, Germany, Italy and
C: Really? Where are you going?
A: I'm going to Vietnam. I'm flying to Hanoi next
J: Brilliant! And what about other countries?
M: I've been to the United States and Canada, and I've
C: Vietnam? How exciting! So are you going with a
also been to South America.
tour group, or what?
J: Really? Which countries?
M: Last July I went with my family to Brazil, Argentina the client likes. OK, now it's time for the third and
and Chile. final stage in the process. Does anyone know what
J: Wow! that is?
M: Yeah, it was fantastic. Of course, it was winter there, S3: The room plan?
and we went skiing in Chile. T: Yes. Now you can create an architectural plan that
J: That's amazing! shows the exact organisation of the room. When
M: Yeah, it was really great. We saw a lot of beautiful the plan is ready, you can present it to the client.
places, ate fabulous food and had lots of fun. Finally, make any last changes, and then you're
J: Oh, how nice! ready to start the work!
M: Yeah, it was. What about you? Have you ...
A question of taste
Musical notes 36
26 Ed: Hey Andrew, Hi Ella. Did you go to Maxine's the
Chris: Hey, what are you listening to, Andy? other night?
Andy: Uh, it's a 'best of' hip-hop album. Ella: Yes, we did.
C: Oh, hip-hop! It's rubbish! I can't stand it! Ed: I'm thinking of taking my girlfriend there. How was
A: Why not? it?
C: Well, I don't understand the lyrics and the music is Andrew: Oh, it was great. My steak was delicious, and the
boring and repetitive. It all sounds the same. vegetables were very good, too.
A: Well, I like hip-hop, and most of it isn't rubbish. It's Ella: Hmm. Well, my pasta was really tasteless. I don't
usually good for dancing to, and the lyrics are really think it was salty enough. And the soup was too
interesting. What do you like, then, Chris? Pop? spicy.
C: Yeah, sure. I like pop. Andrew: Really? I thought the soup was exactly spicy
A: Now, that's silly and repetitive music. To me, pop enough!
songs all sound the same. Ella: You like really spicy food, though. What else? Let's
C: How about rock? I like rock. Do you? see ... the ice cream was really good, very creamy,
A: Oh yeah, rock's brilliant. I love rock music! but the coffee wasn't hot enough.
27 Andrew: My chocolate cake was good, but it was definitely
1 wasn't big enough!
A: Hi. Great party! Ella: Oh, Andrew, it was big enough! Anyway, I didn't
B: Yeah, it is. My name's Rachel. What's yours? think the restaurant was great, and it was too
2 expensive.
A: Are you enjoying the concert? Andrew: It was expensive, but I thought it was nice.
B: Yes, it's great! How about you?
3 Love and romance
A: So, how do you know Katy?
B: We're in the same art class. How about you?
Our topic today is the reproductive cycle of Emperor
penguins. Emperor penguins live in the Antarctic, and they
A: Have you seen this band before?
are the largest penguin. Each year male and female penguins
B: No, I haven't, but I think they're really brilliant!
form pairs. The pair stays together from March or April to
December or January. A female penguin lays only one egg per
Living spaces year, in May or June. These are winter months in Antarctica,
29 and it is extremely cold.
Teacher: Good morning. Today I'm going to talk about the After the female lays her egg, she immediately passes it
three main stages in the design process. The first to the male for incubation, and she leaves. This is because
stage is to talk to the client. You have to ask a lot the females need to return to the ocean to eat, and they
of questions to find out what he or she wants. First, often travel up to 50 miles to reach the water. This trip takes
ask how they use the room. What do they do there? about two months, and during this time, the male penguins
Do they use it to watch TV? Or to entertain guests? incubate the eggs to keep them warm. The male penguins
After that, you should ask what the client likes and do not eat during this period. After two months, the eggs
dislikes about the room as it is now. For example, begin to hatch, and the female penguins return. They bring
do they like the furniture? Do they dislike certain food in their stomachs to feed the baby penguins. Both male
colours? OK, now it's time for the second stage. and female penguins can feed the babies, so they alternate
Can you guess what that is? taking care of the babies and going to the ocean for food.
Student 1: Do we have to create a plan for the room? The baby penguins become independent from their parents in
T: No, not yet. First, you need a general design December or January when they are about six months old.
concept. At this stage, you have to choose colours,
materials and furniture. Then meet with the client Our planet
to discuss your ideas. After the meeting, make any
necessary changes. 46
S2: Hello, and welcome to the weather. It looks as if it's going
So at this stage, we just think of ideas for a concept,
to be an interesting day tomorrow for most of the country.
T: In the north, it's going to be bright and sunny, and it'll
That's right. You have to create the 'feeling' that
stay like that all day. A good day for those of you who are
the client wants. And remember, you mustn't think
planning to spend some time at the beach. In the east, it'll
about what you like. You should think about what
be a little colder than today, and it's going to be very windy. P: And what happens next?
It'll be dry, though, so you can leave your umbrella at home. JW: The pellets are sent to companies. They use
Unfortunately, that's not true in the west. It'll start raining them in their factories to produce plastic
around noon, and I'm afraid it's going to be like that for the products.
rest of the day. It'll be better in the south, but you won't see P: Thanks, John. That's very interesting.
any sunshine. It's going to be cloudy all day. That's it for the
weather. I'll be back with more at six o'clock. Across the generations
Party animals 1
50 Mother: 1 worry about young people and the internet,
1 don't you? There are so many dangers for
A: Kyle's going to love his surprise party! But we must keep it teenagers online these days.
a secret! Daughter: And another thing is that it takes up so much time.
B: I completely agree. He can't find out! Are we having it at They should be out seeing their real friends.
your house? M: Well, that's what it was like when 1 was young. But
A: Yes, that the best thing. We'll invite him round for dinner 1 suppose the world changes.
and then surprise him. 2
B: Who'll be there? There's me, you, the guys from work, the Phoebe: My boss at work was complaining yesterday. He
tennis club ... We'll have to make a list so we know how said that we don't know what hard work is. He said
many people are coming. his generation had to go through hard times and
A: You're right. And that way we won't forget anyone. We we don't know how lucky we are. It's so annoying.
have to remind everyone not to say a word about it! Jackie: But, Phoebe, you're forgetting about the economic
B: I'm sure everyone will be fine ... except Richard. You know situation twenty years ago. It was very different.
what he's like with a secret! P: 1 suppose you're right, Jackie. I'm thinking of
A: Oh, yes. OK. I'll speak to him to make sure he understands. looking for a new job, anyway.
Now, what else... 3
2 Son: People always talk about the generation gap, but
A: I think people in other countries are much better at I don't think it exists. Some of my friends are very
celebrating things than we are. I was in Venice for Carnival, traditional. Look at Tom. He's married, has kids,
and it was amazing. The costumes were so elaborate, and works, pays his taxes. He's just like people of your
the whole city was celebrating. You don't get anything like generation.
that here. Father: Not really, because he works from home and
B: Well, I've never been to Venice, but I'm sure you're right. technology gives him much more freedom than we
I bet it's very exciting at Carnival time. But we have some ever had. I missed out on you growing up a lot of the
good parties here too I think. time.
A: I don't know ... I think we're too afraid of embarrassing S: Yes, but he shares a lot of values with you and other
ourselves here. people your age.
B: I'm not sure I agree with you. What about the Notting Hill 60
Carnival? We always have lots of fun there. And the acts Jenna: I'd say that I'm quite a happy person. I've always
don't seem worried about embarrassing themselves! had a good home life. If I had any brothers or sisters,
A: Well, maybe. Notting Hill Carnival is a lot of fun. But it's then perhaps I wouldn't be so close to my parents.
not like the whole of London comes out to celebrate. I just We get on really well and we share a lot of values.
don't think we're very good at large, public celebrations. Perhaps if I didn't have such an interesting job or
B: That's not true! Look at New Year's Eve. We have some big such a good social life, then I might not be so happy
public celebrations then, and everyone enjoys those. living at home. I think about moving out, and I might
A: Hmm, I think we'll have to agree to disagree. I still think do it if I had enough money. It would be great to be
people celebrate better in other countries. independent. I could come and go whenever I wanted
if I had my own flat or my own house. And I'm sure my
Innovate! parents would be glad to get their house back!

Presenter: Hello, and welcome to Science Today. I have
with me John Watson, and he's going to talk to
us about plastic. Welcome, John.
John Watson: Thank you.
P: So John, how is plastic made?
JW: Well, first of all, oil is extracted from the
ground. The oil is then taken to a refinery,
where it is processed. Two important chemicals
are produced at this stage: ethylene and
P: Is that plastic?
JW: No, not yet. The ethylene and propylene
are heated with another chemical, called a
catalyst. This process makes a polymer. This
polymer is made into very small balls called
pellets. That's plastic.
Grammar review answer key Language wrap-up answer key
l 7
1 are 1 Sit down and be quiet!
2 is 2 / 1 Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary
3 / A 1 upload A 1 tickets
3 am/'m (not)
4 Please don't use 2 download 2 sunscreen
4 are
my computer at the 3 online 3 rucksack
5 are (not)
moment. 4 tweet 4 guidebook
2 5 Please open your books 5 browse 5 map
1 Who did your parents 6 google 6 driving licence
at page three.
meet yesterday? e 7 blog 7 wallet
2 Where did he go last 8
8 post 8 passport
night? f 1 We want
B 1 c B 1 change
3 When did you start your 2 are you taking
2 e 2 catch/take
new job? a 3 He plays
3 d 3 rent/hire
4 Why do Ryan and Jake 4 He is studying
4 f 4 make
like action films? c 5 he isn't working / he's
5 a 5 check in
5 Does Paulina go to the not working
6 g 6 go
gym every day? b 9 7 b 7 pack
3 1 Shelly is funnier than
2 Grammar 2 Grammar
1 a, The Martin.
1 were, doing; was A 1 himself, him
2 a,- 2 The new smartphone is
watching 2 yourself, myself
3 - more user-friendly than
2 was blowing; was raining 3 themselves, them
4 an, the the old one.
3 saw; was walking 4 her, herself
5 a, an 3 She can play the piano
4 were playing; broke B 1 Could
4 4 /
5 were, listening; was 2 Can
1 Jack's playing 3 may
5 Johanna can't speak
2 Whose 6 were living; started 4 you
French easily.
3 hers 7 was having 5 we, can't
4 sisters' 10 8 were watching; went 6 Shall
5 mine 1 b
2 a
5 3 a
1 I change my clothes and
4 b 1 Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary
put on my trainers before
11 A 1 amazing 1 won
I play badminton. /
1 was 2 dull 2 got
Before I play badminton,
2 went 3 weird 3 had
I change my clothes and
3 got 4 rubbish 4 scared
put on my trainers.
4 didn't do 5 fascinating 5 missed
2 After the basketball team
5 love 6 hilarious 6 confused
wins an important game,
6 bought B 1 going to 7 disappointed
they celebrate with a
7 are you doing / going to 2 go to 8 found
party. / The basketball
do 3 going to see 9 lost
team celebrates with a
8 'm taking 4 learn about 10 thrilled
party after they win an
5 go to 11 saw
important game. 12
6 learn 12 uncomfortable
3 Valeria rarely goes to the 1 I told her that I liked
7 do 13 embarrassed
gym. him.
8 join 14 exhausted
4 They are always busy. 2 Abby gave us some ice
9 learn 15 proud
5 When Andrew got the cream.
job, he was happy. / 3 She gave him a gift. 2 Grammar 2 Grammar
Andrew was happy when 4 Sally told them she 1 the best; as good as A 1 been
he got the job. would be home late. 2 as cheap as; as 2 have
5 Sasha is making it for us. expensive as 3 has
3 the most amazing; as 4 ever
1 several
talented as 5 never
2 Is
4 the most fascinating; as 6 hasn't
3 some
interesting as; the most 7 haven't
4 isn't
beautiful B 1 have, known
5 are
6 any
5 as good as; the worst 2 Since
6 the most hilarious; as 3 haven't seen
7 much
funny as 4 since
8 aren't
7 the weirdest; as 5 has, been
strange as 6 For
7 have, had
8 for
14 seeing 4 In order not to be
15 not to go late, we should get
1 Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary a taxi now.
1 jazz, fun, old-fashioned A 1 sweet 5 /
2 rock, loud, fun 2 salty 6 I need some eggs
3 classical, sad, relaxing 3 juicy 1 Vocabulary to make a birthday
4 country, repetitive, silly 4 sour A 1 forests cake.
5 hip-hop, good for 5 overcooked 2 islands 7 Don't tell Ed in
dancing, upbeat 6 crispy 3 mountains order not to spoil
7 creamy 4 rivers the surprise!
2 Grammar
8 greasy 5 fields B 1 leaves
A 1 got
9 tasteless 6 lakes 2 will
2 Have, ever seen
B 1 biscuits 7 seas 3 are going to go
3 haven't
2 peaches B 1 warm 4 are driving
4 've/have never been
3 jam 2 cloudy 5 Are you going to
5 've/have been
4 chocolates 3 foggy 6 will answer
6 've/have ever seen
5 water/lemonade 4 snows, windy 7 is coming
7 saw
6 lemonade 5 hot 8 are going to
8 were
6 cold
9 went 2 Grammar
7 sunny
10 played A 1 not hot enough
B 1 Should we buy more 2 spicy enough 2 Grammar
milk? A 1 will
1 Vocabulary
3 too big
A 1 plastic
2 You shouldn't make 4 too greasy 2 will
2 wood
promises you can't 5 too sweet 3 may/might
3 ceramic
keep. 6 salty enough 4 won't
4 Rubber
3 Where should I go 7 not big enough 5 will
5 cotton
to buy the best B 1 too much 6 will
6 plastic
speakers? 2 more 7 won't
7 metal
4 / 3 too much 8 may/might
8 glass
5 You ought to 4 enough B 1 'm going to work
B 1 install
apologise to Miriam 5 less 2 is going to be/
2 an icon
for what you said. 6 more will be
3 print out
7 too many 3 are (you) going to
4 contact
8 a few buy, 'll get
5 log onto
4 will live/are going
6 password
1 Vocabulary to live, will have/are
7 back up
A 1 shower going to have
2 lamp 1 Vocabulary 5 'm going to try 2 Grammar
3 bed A 1 asked me out 1 are used
4 wardrobe 2 went out 2 are found
5 fridge 3 split up 3 is operated
6 sofa 4 got engaged 1 Vocabulary 4 were, used
7 cooker 5 got married A 1 decorate 5 was developed
8 bath 6 got divorced 2 gave 6 was used
B 1 tidy up 7 going on a date 3 play 7 was, developed
2 put away 1 ill 4 had 8 was invented
3 hang, up 2 angry 5 bring 9 was called
4 pick, up 3 better 6 welcome 10 was connected
5 throw away 4 thirsty B 1 fun 11 were impressed
6 takes, out 5 worried 2 awful 12 was produced
7 give away 6 tired 3 empty 13 is pressed
7 hungry 4 crowded 14 is sent
2 Grammar
8 bored 5 great 15 be seen
A 1 has to
6 lively
2 must study 2 Grammar
7 loud
3 don't have to 1 to do/doing
8 soft
4 mustn't 2 going
9 relaxed 1 Vocabulary
5 don't have to 3 Acting
A 1 have an argument
6 have to 4 taking 2 Grammar
2 share
7 mustn't 5 swimming a i /
3 get on
B 1 more slowly 6 Keeping 2 Keep the party a
4 admire
2 better 7 to do secret in order to
5 go through
3 the most frequently 8 Dancing surprise Jenny.
6 make up
4 less efficiently 9 to go 3 People buy the
B 1 friendships
5 faster 10 to do couple a present
2 security
6 more happily 11 to go to wish them good
3 power
7 most often 12 to see luck.
4 independent
8 the best 13 see

Language wrap-up answer key
5 work ethic
Grammar reference answer key
8 creativity 1 1 the fattest 2 1 could
9 adventure 2 the youngest 2 Could/Can
1 1 were, watching
2 Grammar 3 the most fascinating 3 could
2 was browsing
A 1 is 4 the worst 4 can't
3 were, going
2 will watch 5 the most real 5 Shall
4 were visiting
3 doesn't 6 the nicest
5 was not driving
4 will cook 7 the most interesting
2 1 Who was dancing at
5 don't 8 the prettiest
the party? c 1 1 I have never met
6 have 2 1 The CEO is the most
2 Was Melanie anyone famous.
7 becomes important person in
singing? e 2 My friend has never
8 won't be a company.
3 Were you playing tried oysters.
B 1 would do 2 Chichen Itza and
music all night? a 3 Has he ever been to
2 won Machu Picchu are
4 Were people Ireland?
3 would spend the most popular
wearing fancy 4 We have never
4 would do archaeological sites
dress? d eaten lobster.
5 Would (you) stay in Latin America.
5 Was dad cooking 5 Lindsey and
6 wouldn't want 3 Real Madrid is the
meat on the Catherine have
7 had richest football club
barbecue? b never swum in the
in history.
1 1 My parents met 4 The Return of the sea.
while they were Alien is the scariest 2 1 Have you ever
studying at TV series at the broken a bone?
university. moment. 2 Have they ever
2 Mischa was 5 Jennifer Lawrence made sushi?
shopping when she was the best 3 She has never been
realised she didn't actress in the 2013 to a tropical country.
have her phone. Academy Awards. 4 We have never seen
3 When Bruno drove a tornado.
by and offered her a 5 Has he ever written
lift, Lana was waiting a love letter?
at the bus stop. 1 1 themselves
1 1 long
4 While we were 2 himself
2 has
living in Italy, my 3 yourself
3 been
brother and I learnt 4 myself
4 for
Italian. 5 ourselves
5 since
5 Were you sleeping 2 1 I bought myself a
2 1 How long have
when I arrived present.
Sandra and Jon had
home? 2 He decorated the
a dog? Since last
2 1 was doing, arrived house himself.
2 found, were walking 3 We made the dinner
2 How long has
3 met, was working ourselves.
your sister studied
4 was listening, was 4 Isabel made herself
chemistry? For six
5 were you doing, fell a dress.
5 He is teaching
3 How long has he
himself (to play) the
lived in Portugal?
1 1 as long as For two years.
1 1 May I sit next to the 4 How long has your
2 is as expensive as
window, please? / dad worked at the
3 not as strong as
Please may I sit next factory? Since 1999.
4 as high as
to the window? 5 How long have you
5 as good at chess as
2 Could you carry the been here? For 45
2 1 Paris is as interesting
suitcases? minutes.
as London. /London
3 You may not use
is as interesting as
your mobile phone
in the library.
2 Learning Japanese 1 1 went
4 Could you lend me
is not as easy as 2 've never beem
a pen, please? /
learning French. 3 Have you ever seen
Please could you
3 Rotterdam is not as 4 lost
lend me a pen?
old as Florence. 5 lived
5 Can I see your
4 Jack is as funny as
Amy. / Amy is as
funny as Jack.
5 The Tate Gallery is
not as big as The
British Museum.
2 1 Have you ever been 2 1 butter 2 We're going to 2 1 The award was won
2 watched 2 cream/chocolate/ 3 I'm going to by a French writer.
3 Have you ever met biscuits 4 I'll 2 A lot of food wasn't
4 've (have) had lunch 3 bananas 5 They're going to eaten at the party.
5 sat 4 sugar 3 A wallet was found
1 1 He ought to go to 5 cream/chocolate/ on the floor.
the doctor. biscuits 4 Two suspects were
1 1 To pass the exam,
2 People ought to arrested last night
you need a score of
use public transport by police.
at least 50%.
more often. 5 The iPhone was
1 1 Michael and Emma 2 Patricia entered
3 No, you shouldn't. invented by Apple.
would prefer to get the room quietly in
4 /
a takeaway tonight. order not to wake
5 We should email
2 I don't like wearing her flatmates.
them about the
jeans to work. 3 Could you ring the 1 1 When you heat ice,
3 They'd rather split bakery to find out it melts.
2 1 shouldn't go
the bill on the first the cost of the cake? 2 Plants die if they
2 should see / ought 4 y
date. don't get enough
to see
4 Would you like to 5 You need three water.
3 should study / ought
use my phone? years' management 3 If I miss the train, I
to study
5 I'd rather not watch experience jn order won't arrive on time.
4 should I go
TV today. to apply for the job. 4 If we go out tonight,
5 you shouldn't
2 1 would/'d rather 6 I'll put the keys on we'll get a taxi
have the table in order home.
2 would prefer to go not to forget them 5 If I have to work late
1 1 have to 3 don't like spending when I leave. on Thursday, I won't
2 must 4 wouldn't like to 2 1 to celebrate come to the cinema.
3 must study 2 to sweep 2 1 want
4 mustn't 5 like running 3 to symbolise 2 will/'ll go
5 don't have to 1 1 giving 4 in order not to 3 is
2 1 must complete / 2 Arriving attract 4 don't get
have to complete 3 having 1 1 leaves 5 'll take
2 don't have to leave, 4 going 2 going to 1 1 won
must pay / have to 5 Joining 3 will love 2 lived
pay 2 1 Eating fruit and 4 are having 3 would
3 don't have to go vegetables is good 5 'm meeting 4 went
4 mustn't take for your health. 2 1 are you doing / are 5 would
5 must check out / 2 I enjoy cycling you going to do 2 1 had, wouldn't be
have to check out because it's a great 2 have /'m having 2 found, would/'d tell
1 1 worse form of exercise. 3 'm going to go /'m 3 were, would/'d
2 more 3 I'm thinking of going travel
3 more joining a gym. 4 have 4 won, wouldn't buy
4 the best 4 / 5 'm going to spend 5 had to, would/'d try
5 the least 5 I really like making
2 1 better than presents for my
2 the least often friends and family.
1 1 b
3 worse than
2 e
4 more quickly than 3 d
5 the earliest
1 1 will 4 c
2 will 5 a
3 won't 2 1 is grown
1 1 enough 4 might 2 be recycled
2 enough 5 may 3 are spoken
3 too 2 1 will/'ll definitely 4 isn't served
4 enough 2 probably won't 5 are taught
5 too 3 will probably 1 1 was celebrated
2 1 creamy enough 4 definitely won't, will 2 were uploaded
2 too salty definitely 3 was visited
3 not loud enough 1 1 plan 4 was discovered
4 not old enough 2 intention 5 were driven
5 too hard 3 decision
1 1 fewer 4 intention
2 a little 5 prediction
3 eggs 2 1 I'll
4 many
5 less

Grammar reference answer key
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them with the professional, academic and personal
skills they need for success in the 21st century. The key
features of the series are:

• Life Skills: Higher-order skills such as critical thinking, organisational

and learning skills that students need in order to be successful in their
professional, academic and everyday lives.
• Language sub-skills with tips to support the development of the four
language skills.
• Step-by-step approach to grammar with grammar sections that provide a
clear focus on the meaning, form and function of the language.
• Focus on functional language to help learners with their fluency and
improve their speaking skills.
• Independent learning features throughout the course such as Notice!,
Reflect and How are you doing? boxes to encourage learners to analyse
their own progress.
• A range of video material and worksheets to support the themes and key
language from the Student's Book.

Student's Components
• Student's Book Pack: Print Student's Book + webcode access to Student's
Resource Centre including extra downloadable video worksheets, Class
audio MP3s + DVD with video
• Student's Book Premium Pack: Print Student's Book + webcode access to
Student's Resource Centre and Online Workbook
• Print Workbook + audio CD pack (available with or without key)
• Online Workbook: booklet with webcode access to the Online Workbook

Teacher's Components
• Teacher's Book Premium Pack: Print Teacher's Book with Class audio CD
+ DVD + webcode access to Teacher's Resource Centre, Online Workbook
and Presentation Kit



Minimum system requirements for online components

Windows Macintosh OS
'Windows XPSP3iWindows 7 &8i | 110.6 I 10.7 110.81 IS BN 978-1 3 U 45829
CPU Speed Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Duo, CPU Speed Core 2 Duo,
(equivalent) 2.53 GHz 2.93 GHz (equivalent) 1.83 GHz
Browser IE 8, 9, 10 / Firefox / Chrome Browser Safari 5, 6
Internet connection required
RAM: 1GB for 32 bit, 2GB for 64 bit. Display: 1024 x 768 pixels, 32-bit colour,
Audio sound card, DVD Player (for DVD-Videos)
For customer support please contact [email protected]


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