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Chapter one: Introduction

1.1 Background to the study.

The research topic on the challenges facing people living with HIV and AIDS IN Githurai. The reason for
the research was to get better understanding of the challenges people living with this deadly disease
have. It has a retrovirus that infects cells of the immune system. The spread of the epidemic has
challenges. It has a devastating impact on all sectors of the country.

The first recognized case of the virus was reported in in the USA in the early 80s. HIV has set to infect 90
million people in Africa resulting to 10 million estimated number of orphans (NASCOP 2009). the cause
of food insecurity.

1.2 Statement of the problem.

HIV and aids have become a global crisis. One can acquire this virus due to a number of reasons. One can
be born with the virus, through sharing of sharp objects with an infected person, engaging in sexual
activities with an infected person and more likely can lead to death at a younger age. People infected
with the disease go through a lot of challenges. They should be assisted and also be appreciated as much
as possible to help boost their morale.

The government established visiting areas of affected persons and VCT where they can be cancelled and
given the way forward on how they can take their drugs and protect each other by not infecting other

1.3 Objective of the research.

Stigmatization and discrimination have shown that individuals with mental health issues may face
barriers in employment, housing and healthcare leading to reduced opportunities and compromised

Assess impact on the consequences of mental health and psychosocial issues at individual interpersonal
and society levels by examining the effects of mental health conditions on quality of life, relationships as
well as economic social cases.

Availability and supply of ARUS van vary across countries regions and health care systems leading to a
major problem to the ones who are affected.

To understand the effects of disclosure on personal relationships on communication and overall

relationship satisfaction for support system.

1.4 Justification of the study

The study on challenges facing people living with HIV and aids is viral for improving their health and well
being and their overall quality of life for the individuals affected by reducing stigma and improving access
to comprehensive care and support.

Prevention and education help in understanding the challenges faced by HIV and aids contribute to more
effective prevention efforts by identifying the barriers to HIV testing, disclosure and safe sexual practices.
Treatment and care on the ones who are affected helps researchers and healthcare providers gain
insights into the barriers that may hinder their access to treatment and care.

Social and economic impacts help to identify the factors that affect their ability to access education,
employment, housing and social support systems.

Mental health of the people living with the virus experience higher rates of mental health issues such as
depression, anxiety and psychological distress. Studying these challenges lead to a better understanding
of complex interactions between HIV and mental health.

1.5 limitations of the study

They are shortcoming that influence the researcher in many ways either financially takes a lot of time
while studying what one is researching on data collection process by walking from one community to
another, by gathering information. One should be self-driven as a researcher always to be patient when
listening to other people’s suggestions/conflict arising. Lack of previous research studies on the topic
make thee researcher to have limited access to the data.

1.6 operational definition of terms and concepts.

A community is a group of people interacting and living in the same proximity.

Health status is the state is a person’s health in terms of nutrients syndrome.

Syndrome refers to any combination of signs and symptoms that are indicative of particular disease and

Underweight refers to weighing less than what is expected to be of a healthy person.

Lower esteem is the state where a person lacks confidence about who they are and what they can don.

Motivating refers to the actions of providing someone with a reason for doing something.

Adult human is a person of a relatively mature age.

Chapter 2

2.0 literature review.

The literature review highlights and examines the various articles discussing multifaceted challenges
faced by people living wit the virus, stigma and discrimination, limited healthcare access, adherence to
treatment, mental health concerns and by addressing those challenges requires comprehensive
approaches including improving healthcare access and mental health support.

Article (Green et al 2020; Guaraldi et al, 2021) age related comorbid including cardiovascular disease
osteoporosis and neurocognitive as individuals with the virus live longer due to effective treatment they
face unique challenges associated with aging.

Drug use contribute to poorer testament adherence, increased risk behavior and accelerated disease
Progrexion (Malta et al, 2019; Cook et al;2021). The co-occurrence of the virus and substance abuse
require integrated and comprehensive acre.
Mental health and psychological issues for individual living with the virus often face psychological and
psychosocial challenge. Depression, anxiety and pot traumatic stress disorder are prevalent (Brand et l,
2019; Caraco Hernandez et al 2021). Psychosocial issues include lo of social support, relationship
challenge and difficulties in disclosure (Chaudoir et al, 2017; Hussen et al, 2019).

Stigma and discrimination are persistent challenge faced by people living with the virus several studies
indicate (Parker and Aggleran, 2019; Nyblade et al, 2019) highlights the negative consequences of stigma
including social isolation reduced access to healthcare services and decreased adherence to treatment.

Access to healthcare limited access to healthcare services is a significant challenge for people living with
the virus particularly in resource limited settings. (Mahajan et al, 2018; Enaworu et al, 2020) lack of
access to enteroviral therapy (ART) HIV testing and other essential healthcare services.

2.3 Variables

Stigma and discrimination are one of the most significant challenges faced by individuals living with HIV.
This can lead to social isolation, loss of employment, opportunities and difficulties in accessing
healthcare and support services.

Access to healthcare, inadequate supply of medication e.g., ARUS drugs. Factors such as affordability and
availability of the antiretroviral therapy (ART) testing facilities and specialized care contribute to the
challenges faced.

Mental health issues people living with the virus often face psychological and emotional challenges such
as depression, anxiety and stress and affects the mental wellbeing and overall quality of their lives.

Support systems, social support from family friends and the community networks can significantly
impact the wellbeing of the people living with the virus. Having a strong support system can help the
individuals cope with challenges, adhere to their treatments and lead to a fulfilling life in terms of
disclosing their status.

2.6 Research Question.

What are the social stigma and discrimination faced by the people living with the HIV virus and how does
this impact their mental health and overall wellbeing? How can stigma reduction strategies be developed
and implemented effectively?

What is the long term physical and mental health effects of the people living with the virus and how can
the healthcare providers best support people in managing and addressing these effects?

What are the barriers to accessing the virus treatment and care services and how can these barriers be
effectively addressed to ensure equitable access for all people.

What are the primary psychosocial challenges faced by individuals living with the virus and ho do these
challenges impact their quality of life?

Chapter 3

3.1 Research Design

The researcher used interviews to collect and gather information on the challenges affecting people
living with HIV virus in Githurai.

The study used questionnaires to survey process of gathering sampling, analyzing and interpreting data
from group of people in a particular are.

3.2 Conceptual Frame Work.

Stigma and discrimination

Access to healthcare
Mental health issues
Support system from families and friends

Challenges facing people living with HIV and AIDS in Githurai

from the above conceptual frame work it explains the relationship between challenges facing people
living with HIV and aids in Githurai.

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