NSTP2 Module 2 Combatting Depression

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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No:IM-NSTP 2-2nd SEM-2021-2022


Bayombong Campus


Literacy Training Services 2
Community Welfare Training Services 2

I. CHAPTER TITLE: Combatting Depression

II. LESSON TITLE: Definition and Common Types of Depression
How to Combat Depression


Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the country. Current research suggests that
depression is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors.
Depression can happen at any age, but often begins in adulthood. Depression is now recognized as
occurring in children and adolescents, although it sometimes presents with more prominent irritability than
low mood. Many chronic mood and anxiety disorders in adults begin as high levels of anxiety in children.
Depression, especially in midlife or older adults, can co-occur with other serious medical illnesses, such
as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and Parkinson’s disease. These conditions are often worse when
depression is present. Sometimes medications taken for these physical illnesses may cause side effects that
contribute to depression.


Going through this module, you are expected to:
a. express thoughts about life’s challenges through an essay.
b. explain Treatment-Resistant Depression.

WHAT IS DEPRESSION? It is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of
interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel,
think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems.

. Most Common Types Of Depression:

1. Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
When people use the term clinical depression, they are generally referring to major depressive
disorder (MDD).1 Major depressive disorder is a mood disorder characterized by a number of key features:
➢ Depressed mood
➢ Lack of interest in activities normally enjoyed
➢ Changes in weight
➢ Changes in sleep
➢ Fatigue
➢ Feelings of worthlessness and guilt
➢ Difficulty concentrating
➢ Thoughts of death and suicide

2. Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)

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Dysthymia, now known as persistent depressive disorder, refers to a type of chronic depression present
for more days than not for at least two years. It can be mild, moderate, or severe.
People might experience brief periods of not feeling depressed, but this relief of symptoms lasts for two
months or less. While the symptoms are not as severe as major depressive disorder, they are pervasive
and long-lasting.

PDD symptoms include:

➢ Feelings of sadness
➢ Loss of interest and pleasure
➢ Anger and irritability
➢ Feelings of guilt
➢ Low self-esteem
➢ Difficulty falling or staying asleep
➢ Sleeping too much
➢ Feelings of hopelessness
➢ Fatigue and lack of energy
➢ Changes in appetite
➢ Trouble concentrating
• Treatment for persistent depressive disorder often involves the use of medications and

3. Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder characterized by periods of abnormally elevated mood known as
mania. These periods can be mild (hypomania) or they can be so extreme as to cause marked impairment
with a person's life, require hospitalization, or affect a person's sense of reality. The vast majority of those
with bipolar disorder also have episodes of major depression.
In addition to depressed mood and markedly diminished interest in activities, people with depression
often have a range of physical and emotional symptoms which may include:

➢ Fatigue, insomnia, and lethargy

➢ Unexplained aches, pains, and psychomotor agitation
➢ Hopelessness and loss of self-esteem
➢ Irritability and anxiety
➢ Indecision and disorganization
• The risk of suicide in bipolar illness is about 15 times greater than in the general population.
Psychosis (including hallucinations and delusions) can also occur in more extreme cases.

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4. Postpartum Depression (PPD)

Pregnancy can bring about significant hormonal shifts that can often affect a woman's moods.
Depression can have its onset during pregnancy or following the birth of a child.
Currently classified as depression with peripartum onset, postpartum depression (PPD) is more than
that just the "baby blues."1
Mood changes, anxiety, irritability, and other symptoms are not uncommon after giving birth and often
last up to two weeks. PPD symptoms are more severe and longer-lasting.

Such symptoms can include:

➢ Low mood, feelings of sadness
➢ Severe mood swings
➢ Social withdrawal
➢ Trouble bonding with your baby
➢ Appetite changes
➢ Feeling helpless and hopeless
➢ Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy
➢ Feeling inadequate or worthless
➢ Anxiety and panic attacks
➢ Thoughts of hurting yourself or your baby
➢ Thoughts of suicide
• PPD can range from a persistent lethargy and sadness that requires medical treatment all the way
up to postpartum psychosis, a condition in which the mood episode is accompanied by confusion,
hallucinations, or delusions.

• If left untreated, the condition can last up to a year. Fortunately, research has found that treatments
such as antidepressants, counseling, and hormone therapy can be effective.

5. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

Among the most common symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) are irritability, fatigue, anxiety,
moodiness, bloating, increased appetite, food cravings, aches, and breast tenderness.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) produces similar symptoms, but those related to mood are
more pronounced.

PMDD symptoms may include:

➢ Extreme fatigue
➢ Feeling sad, hopeless, or self-critical
➢ Severe feelings of stress or anxiety
➢ Mood swings, often with bouts of crying
➢ Irritability
➢ Inability to concentrate
➢ Food cravings or binging

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6. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

If you experience depression, sleepiness, and weight gain during the summer but feel
perfectly fine in cold days, you may have a condition known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD),
currently called major depressive disorder with seasonal pattern.

7. Atypical Depression
Do you experience signs of depression (such as overeating, sleeping too much, or extreme sensitivity
to rejection) but find yourself suddenly perking up in face of a positive event?
Based on these symptoms, you may be diagnosed with atypical depression (current terminology refers
to this as depressive disorder with atypical features), a type of depression that doesn't follow what was
thought to be the "typical" presentation of the disorder. Atypical depression is characterized by a specific
set of symptoms related to:

➢ Excessive eating or weight gain

➢ Excessive sleep
➢ Fatigue, weakness, and feeling "weighed down"
➢ Intense sensitivity to rejection
➢ Strongly reactive moods
• Atypical depression is actually more common than the name might imply. Unlike other forms of
depression, people with atypical depression may respond better to a type of antidepressant known
as a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI)

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Depression can drain your energy, leaving you feeling empty and fatigued. This can make it difficult to
muster the strength or desire to seek treatment. However, there are small steps you can take to help you
feel more in control and improve your overall sense of well-being:

1. Meet yourself where you are

Depression is common. It affects millions of people, including some in your life. You may not realize
they face similar challenges, emotions, and obstacles.
Every day with this disorder is different. It’s important to take your mental health seriously and accept
that where you are right now isn’t where you’ll always be.

2. If you need to wallow, wallow — but do so constructively

Suppressing your feelings and emotions may seem like a strategic way to cope with the negative
symptoms of depression. But this technique is ultimately unhealthy.
If you’re having a down day, have it. Let yourself feel the emotions — but don’t stay there.
Consider writing or journaling about what you’re experiencing. Then, when the feelings lift, write about
that, too.
Seeing the ebb and flow of depressive symptoms can be instructive for both self-healing and hope.
The key to self-treatment for depression is to be open, accepting, and loving toward yourself and what
you’re going through.

3. Know that today isn’t indicative of tomorrow

Today’s mood, emotions, or thoughts don’t belong to tomorrow.
If you were unsuccessful at getting out of bed or accomplishing your goals today, remember that you
haven’t lost tomorrow’s opportunity to try again.
Give yourself the grace to accept that while some days will be difficult, some days will also be great.
Try to look forward to tomorrow’s fresh start.

4. Assess the parts instead of generalizing the whole

Depression can tinge recollections with negative emotions. You may find yourself focusing on the one
thing that went wrong instead of the many things that went right.
Try to stop this overgeneralization. Push yourself to recognize the good. If it helps, write down what was
happy about the event or day. Then write down what went wrong.
Seeing the weight you’re giving to one thing may help you direct your thoughts away from the whole
and to the individual pieces that were positive.

5. Do the opposite of what the ‘depression voice’ suggests

The negative, irrational voice in your head may talk you out of self-help. However, if you can learn to
recognize it, you can learn to replace it. Use logic as a weapon. Address each thought individually as it
If you believe an event won’t be fun or worth your time, say to yourself, “You might be right, but it’ll be
better than just sitting here another night.” You may soon see the negative isn’t always realistic.

6. Set attainable goals

A lengthy to-do list may be so weighty that you’d rather do nothing. Instead of compiling a long list of
tasks, consider setting one or two smaller goals.

For example:
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- Don’t clean the house; take the trash out.

- Don’t do all the laundry that’s piled up; just sort the piles by color.
- Don’t clear out your entire email inbox; just address any time-sensitive messages.
- When you’ve done a small thing, set your eyes on another small thing, and then another. This way,
you have a list of tangible achievements and not an untouched to-do list.

7. Reward your efforts

All goals are worthy of recognition, and all successes are worthy of celebration. When you achieve a
goal, do your best to recognize it.
You may not feel like celebrating with a cake and confetti, but recognizing your own successes can be a
very powerful weapon against depression’s negative weight.
The memory of a job well-done may be especially powerful against negative talk and overgeneralization.

8. You may find it helpful to create a routine

If depressive symptoms disrupt your daily routine, setting a gentle schedule may help you feel in
control. But these plans don’t have to map out an entire day.
Focus on times when you feel the most disorganized or scattered.
Your schedule could focus on the time before work or right before bed. Perhaps it’s only for the
weekends. Focus on creating a loose, but structured, routine that can help you keep your daily pace going.

9. Do something you enjoy…

Depression can push you to give into your fatigue. It may feel more powerful than happy emotions.
Try to push back and do something you love — something that’s relaxing, but energizing. It could be
playing an instrument, painting, hiking, or biking.
These activities can provide subtle lifts in your mood and energy, which may help you overcome your

10. ..like listening to music

Research Trusted Source shows music can be a great way to boost your mood and improve symptoms
of depression. It may also help you strengthen Trusted Source your reception of positive emotions.
Music may be especially beneficial when performed in group settings, such as a musical ensemble or
You can also reap some of the same rewards simply by listening.

11. Or spend time in nature

Mother Nature can have a powerful influence on depression. Research Trusted Source suggests
people who spend time in nature have improved mental health.
Exposure to sunlight may offer some of the same benefits. It can increase your serotonin levels, which
can provide a temporary mood boost.
Consider taking a walk at lunch among the trees or spending some time in your local park. Or plan a
weekend hike. These activities can help you reconnect with nature and soak in some rays at the same

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12. Or spend time with loved ones

Depression can tempt you to isolate yourself and withdraw from your friends and family, but face-to-
face time can help wash away those tendencies.
If you’re unable to spend time together in person, phone calls or video chats can also be helpful.
Try to remind yourself these people care about you. Resist the temptation to feel like you’re a burden.
You need the interaction — and they likely do, too.

13. Try something new entirely

When you do the same thing day after day, you use the same parts of your brain. You can challenge
your neurons and alter your brain chemistry by doing something entirely different.
Research also shows doing new things can improve your overall well-being and strengthen your social
To reap these benefits, consider trying a new sport, taking a creative class, or learning a new cooking

14. Volunteering can be a great way to do both

Knock out a few birds with one stone — spending time with other people and doing something new —
by volunteering and giving your time to someone or something else.
You may be used to receiving help from friends, but reaching out and providing help may actually
improve your mental health more.
Bonus: People who volunteer experience physical benefits, too. This includes a reduced risk of

15. You can also use this as a way to practice gratitude

When you do something you love, or even when you find a new activity you enjoy, you may be able to
boost your mental health more by taking time to be thankful for it.
Research shows gratitude can have lasting positive effects on your overall mental health.
What’s more, writing down your gratitude — including writing notes to others — can be particularly

16. Incorporating meditation may help ground your thoughts

Stress and anxiety can prolong your depression symptoms. Finding relaxation techniques can help you
lower stress and invite more joy and balance into your day.
Research suggests activities like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and even journaling may help you
improve your sense of well-being and feel more connected to what’s happening around you.

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17. What you eat and drink can also affect how you feel
There’s no magic diet that will treat depression. But what you put into your body can have a real and
significant impact on the way you feel.
Eating a diet rich in lean meats, vegetables, and grains may be a great place to start. Try to limit
stimulants like caffeine, coffee, and soda, and depressants like alcohol.
Some people also feel better Trusted Source and have more energy when they avoid sugar,
preservatives, and processed foods.
If you have the means, consider meeting with a doctor or registered dietitian for guidance.

18. If you’re up for exercise, consider a walk around the block

On days when you feel as if you can’t get out of bed, exercise may seem like the last thing you’d want
to do. However, exercise and physical activity can be powerful depression fighters.
Research suggests that, for some people, exercise can be as effective as medication at relieving
depression symptoms. It may also help prevent future depressive episodes.
If you’re able to, take a walk around the block. Start with a five-minute walk and work your way up from

19. Getting enough sleep can also have a noticeable effect

Sleep disturbances are common with depression. You may not sleep well, or you may sleep too much.
Both can make depression symptoms worse.
Aim for eight hours of sleep per night. Try to get into a healthy sleeping routine.
Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can help you with your daily schedule. Getting the
proper amount of sleep may also help you feel more balanced and energized throughout your day.

20. Consider clinical treatment

You may also find it helpful to speak to a professional about what you’re going through. A general
practitioner may be able to refer you to a therapist or other specialist.
They can assess your symptoms and help develop a clinical treatment plan tailored to your needs. This
may include traditional options, such as medication and therapy, or alternative measures, such as
Finding the right treatment for you may take some time, so be open with your provider about what is
and isn’t working. Your provider will work with you to find the best option.

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