Students Engagement and Academic Performance Among

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A Quantitative Research
Presented to the ABM Strand of
Tuyom Senior High School
Tuyom, Carcar City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Practical Research 2

Joan A. Canillo
Vanness Dacillo
John Terence Relatos
Juliet Paran
Micaela Arquelita
Trisha Kaye Alesna
Mark Louie Soliban

Romelito Pantilgan
Subject Teacher
Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Scope

This chapter provides the rationale, theoretical background, statement of the

problem, statement of the null hypothesis, scope and delimitation, significance of the

study and definition of terms used.


Academic performance, which includes elements like grades, test scores,

and overall educational results, refers to the accomplishment and success students

experience in their academic endeavors (Smith, 2019). Nearly all activities were

disrupted by the COVID-19 epidemic, but education and learning were particularly

hard hit (Pradas, Pelaez, & Prieto, 2021). With this in mind, Panagouli et al.'s study

from 2021 shows how the COVID-19 outbreak had a major impact on students'

overall academic performance. Additionally, the pandemic brought about an

educational crisis that prevented pupils from learning what they were intended to and

resulted in the loss of skills they had already attained (Cardenas, Lomeli, & Ruelas,


Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has altered the landscape of higher

education, creating shifts in how schools deliver instruction and how Students

engage in their courses and activities (Perry, 2020). Furthermore, the pandemic has

likely affected the academic performance of many Students. Because of this, it is

paramount to study the effects of the pandemic and the changes it has brought to

education on student engagement and academic performance (Herrera, Syam, and

McCandless, 2020). Doing so will not only provide valuable insight into the academic

repercussions of the pandemic but also offer insights into how instructional and

curricular components can be modified and refined to best support student success

in the future (Walti, Kretzschmar, Coenen and Schubert, 2021). For example, in a

recent study on student learning in a post-COVID-19 higher education environment

in Canada, a comprehensive survey of faculty, staff, and students was conducted to

determine changes in the educational experience, instructional approaches, and

overall student engagement (Bender, Pool, Arial and Kirsh, 2021). For the students

surveyed, it was concluded that the shift to online and mixed instructional delivery

models had vastly decreased their learning engagement and enthusiasm. The

study's authors argued that providing the necessary support and resources, such as

effective communication between faculty and students, is essential to promoting a

better learning experience and improving student academic performance (Bender et

al., 2021).

Furthermore, student engagement is an essential factor for academic

success, and this has been further highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic and the

subsequent move to remote learning for students worldwide (Primavera, 2020).

Previous works have documented the association between student engagement and

higher academic performance, with research identifying the impact of engagement

on improved test scores and higher grades (Boulton, Hughes, Kent, Smith, and
Williams, 2020). The factors that influences student engagement include the

teacher's role and dimensions of engagement, as well as student motivation and

attitude toward learning (Yoder, Posamentier, Godek, Seibel, and Dusenbury, 2020).

This factor is especially pertinent in the post pandemic educational environment,

given the shift to remote learning and increased demands of device ownership and

access to the internet.

Despite the growing body of literature on this topic, published studies have

yet to be conducted concerning student engagement and academic performance

among specific student populations, such as Accountancy, Business, and

Management (ABM) students at Tuyom Senior High School. While previous students

have examined the relationship between student engagement and academic

performance in different contexts, there needs to be more research that focuses on

ABM students in the post pandemic era. Therefore, this study aims to fill this

research gap by investigating the relationship between student engagement and

academic performance among ABM students of Tuyom Senior High School.

Furthermore, understanding the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on student

engagement and academic performance among ABM students of Tuyom Senior

High School can provide valuable insights into the interventions necessary to

address these issues. By identifying the factors influencing student engagement and

academic performance, educational institutions can develop strategies to promote a

more supportive learning environment, enhance student engagement, and ultimately

improve student academic performance.

Theoretical Background

This study is based on theories from several forms of research that have

confirmed the relationship between specific dimensions and endogenous variables.

One well-known theory in student engagement is the Human Ecological

Model (HEM) by Bear (2020). This model focuses on areas such as the classroom

environment that can foster or hinder engagement. According to the model, if

students can be proactive in learning, they will be more likely to be engaged in the

classroom. Furthermore, motivation and the school culture are vital in developing a

healthy and engaging learning environment.

The researchers agree with the Human Ecological Model as they have seen

firsthand how creating an engaging learning environment can make a difference in

students motivation and performance. When students have the opportunity to be

active participants in their learning, they become more invested and motivated to

learn. Additionally, a positive school culture where everyone is respected, valued,

and encouraged to learn can make a difference in students engagement.

Theories view academic performance as affected by both internal and

external factors. Social-Cognitive Theory by Bandura (1986), for example, suggests

that academic Performance is influenced by learned knowledge and skills, self-

regulation, beliefs, intentions, expectation and attributions (Tschannen-Moran &

Pine,2010). However, some researches argue that additional factors can influence
academic performance, such as personality traits (Schofield, 2008). The 'The Big

Five' model of personality traits is fascinating, including openness,

conscientiousness, extraversion, agreebleness, and neurotism (Schofield, 2008).

Openness, in particular, is seen as an essential predicting factor of academic

success, with research suggesting that those with higher openness Tend to report

better academic Performance (Schofield, 2008).

From a personal perspective, the researchers believe that academic

performance depends heavily on external factors such as motivation, support, and

available resources. Despite possessing the same internal factors, students may

have different motivation levels or access to different resources, which could affect

their academic performance.

Independent Variable. Dependent Variable

Figure 1. The Conceptual Model showing the direct relation of Independent

Variable Towards Dependent Variable.

Statement of the Problem

In this research, the researchers investigate how student engagement

impacts the academic achievement of students majoring in Accountancy, Business,

and Management at Tuyom Senior High School and Gelacio C. Babao Sr. Memorial

National High School. To be more precise, this study aimed to address the following


1. What is the level of student engagements in terms of

1. Behavioral Engagement;

2. Cognitive Engagement; and

3. Emotional Engagement?

2. What is the percentage of academic Performance of Accountancy,

Business, and Management students?

3. Is there a significant relationship between student engagement and

academic performance among the respondents?

Statement of Null Hypothesis

The null hypothesis was tested at a 0.05 level significance:

1. There is no significant relationship between student engagement and

academic performance of the respondents.

Scope and Delimitation

The primary objective of this study is to enhance our understanding of the

connection between student engagement and the academic performance of Grade

12 ABM students at Tuyom Senior High School and Gelacio C. Babao Sr. Memorial

National High School. The researchers will evaluate the engagement and

performance of both grade 11 and grade 12 students through a survey. This survey

aims to unveil the relationship between students' engagement and their academic


Subsequently, the researchers will assess whether a significant relationship

exists between students' engagement and their performance. This will involve

comparing and analyzing the general average of students' engagement to determine

if it correlates significantly with their academic performance within the ABM student


Significance of the Study

Department of Education. The study can provide valuable information for

the Department of Education. They can use the findings to assess the effectiveness

of educational policies and interventions and make data-driven decisions to enhance

the quality of education for Grade 12 ABM students.

School Administrators. School administrators can use the study's results to

make informed decisions about curriculum development, teacher training, and

resource allocation. They may consider implementing programs or initiatives aimed

at promoting an engagement among Grade 12 ABM students to enhance overall


Teachers. Educators can benefit from the study's findings by gaining insights

into how mindset affects students' academic performance. This knowledge can

inform teaching strategies and interventions to support students with varying

engagement, ultimately leading to improved learning outcomes.

Parents. Parents can benefit from the study's findings by understanding the

importance of engagement in their children's education. They can play a supportive

role in fostering a valuable engagement in their children, which can positively

influence academic performance and long-term success.

Students. For students, the study's significance lies in the potential to raise

awareness about the role of engagement in academic success. It can help them

understand that their commitment and obligation can impact their performance.

Students may be motivated to adopt a valuable engagement, work harder, and

achieve better academic results.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally to understand the study better.

Academic Performance is the dependent variable of the study. The student

can apply knowledge and skills acquired from studying a subject to produce

successful outcomes. It has one indicator, namely: the level of academic


Behavioral Engagement is the level observable actions a student takes that

indicate active involvement in learning.

Cognitive Engagement is the level of processing thought and reasoning

students use when learning. It includes analyzing, reasoning, questioning, problem-

solving, and creative thinking.

Emotional Engagement is a student emotional response through verbal or

non-verbal cues when interacting with the subject matter and their behavior and

attitudes related to their study

Student Engagement is the independent variable of the study. It refers to the

psychological state in which students are actively involved in learning, characterized

by motivation, curiosity, effort, concentration, and thoughtful consideration of the

subject matter. It comprises three indicators: level of behavioral engagement, level of

cognitive engagement, and level of emotional engagement.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and

in-depth search done by the researchers. Those that were included in this chapter

helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present study.

Related Literature

This section summarizes the numerous opinions, guiding principles, ideas,

and notions that authors have had regarding student engagement and academic

success. further. It presents a compilation of information that has been published

that is pertinent to this investigation and concentrates on presenting research that is

similar, providing the background and data required for this study.

According to Moreira, Cunha, and Inman (2020), there are three types of

student engagement: behavioral engagement, cognitive engagement, and emotional

engagement. According to Schaffner, Smith, Smith, and Rosenthal (2018), student

engagement was positively and significantly related to academic achievement in

higher education, with a stronger relationship in younger students. This led the

researchers to draw the conclusion that school-level interventions that increase or

maintain student engagement may have a positive impact on academic

Positive and significant correlation between student engagement and

academic performance in higher education. with an effect size of 0.33, and

determined that student engagement in active, collaborative, and self-regulated

learning was strongly associated with improved academic performance, leading the

authors to conclude that college and university officials should prioritize student

engagement because it is a critical indicator of academic success in higher

education, Added by Reis, Silva l, lopes, Moreira, and Silva (2022) that student

engagement has a significant positive impact on school climate, particularly in

primary and secondary schools, as evidenced by an effect size of 0.35, leading the

authors to recommend interventions aimed at enhancing student engagement as a

means of improving school climate.

The study of Knorr and Mayfield-Ingram (2018) identified positive correlations

between student engagement and academic performance in secondary school

students, finding that the most engaged student achieved the highest grades,

Bradley, Day-vines, and Gabie (2019) reported that student engagement is positively

linked with achievement growth in college and career readiness measures, thus

indicating the importance of engagement in achieving educational goals, a meta-

Analysis by Pascarella, Smart, Antonenko, Blaich, and Morgan (2019) reported that

school engagement has a consistent, positive effect on school performance.

Reis, Silva, Lopes, Moreira, and Silva (2022) discovered a strong and positive

relationship between student engagement and academic performance in higher

education. They found that active, collaborative, and self-regulated learning were
closely tied to improved academic performance, suggesting that college and

university officials should prioritize student engagement as a critical indicator of

success in higher education. Additionally, the study revealed that student

engagement also had a significant positive impact on school climate, particularly in

primary and secondary schools, with an effect size of 0.35. Consequently, the

authors recommended implementing interventions to enhance student engagement

as a means to improve school climate..

Knorr and Mayfield-Ingram (2018) discovered that secondary school

students who were more engaged had a positive correlation with their academic

performance, with the most engaged students achieving the highest grades. Bradley,

Day-vines, and Gabie (2019) also noted a positive association between student

engagement and achievement growth in college and career readiness measures,

emphasizing the significance of engagement in reaching educational goals.

Furthermore, a meta-analysis conducted by Pascarella, Smart, Antonenko, Blaich,

and Morgan (2019) revealed that school engagement consistently and positively

influenced school performance.

According to Vogel, Werner, and Schulte (2019), students who actively

engage in learning tend to achieve higher grades. Lei, Cui, and Zhou (2019) pointed

out that among the three types of engagement, behavioral engagement has the most

significant correlation with academic performance. They suggest that this is possibly

because behavioral engagement enhances students' exemplary academic

performance and boosts their appreciation and satisfaction with studying. Nguyen,
Canata, and Miller (2018) stressed the importance of teachers and peers in

strengthening a student's behavioral engagement during class discussions. They

also highlighted the need to break down behavioral engagement into three

components: disengagement, active engagement, and passive engagement to better

understand the different types of behavioral engagement and their distinctions.

In a study conducted by Lo and Hew (2020), the comparison of independent

online study methods involving gamification, traditional learning, and flipped learning

with gamification on mathematics achievement and student cognitive engagement

revealed that the flipped learning with gamification approach was significantly more

effective in enhancing cognitive engagement compared to the other two methods.

Husni, Jumaat, and Tasir (2023) developed inquiry-based learning (IBL) activities

that have been shown to increase students' cognitive engagement, retention, and

motivation to learn, resulting in higher rates of low-level cognitive motivation and

retention. Additionally, Barlow et al. (2022) found that differentiating cognitive

engagement models is indeed applicable when considering factors such as in-class

note-taking and material processing by students.

Mattingly and Caldwell's experiment in 2019 demonstrated that engaging

with online text on an emotional level led to improved comprehension and better

overall learning outcomes. This emphasizes the importance of creating captivating

content and has practical implications for education by shedding light on how

emotions influence learning, suggesting that emotional engagement can help

address learning barriers like anxiety. In a study by Zhang, Cao, and Liu in 2020,
they explored the effects of emotional engagement in a massive open online course

(MOOC) setting and discovered that emotional engagement significantly influenced

learners' satisfaction with the course and their intentions to continue learning.

Furthermore, a study conducted by Li, Lu, and Huang in 2021 delved into the impact

of emotional engagement on college students' academic achievement. It revealed

that emotional engagement was a notable predictor of academic success, with

higher levels of emotional engagement linked to higher academic achievement.

To summarize, student engagement can be categorized into three main

types: behavioral, cognitive, and emotional. Numerous studies have demonstrated

that student engagement has a positive and significant impact on academic

achievement, with a more pronounced connection observed in younger students and

within higher education settings. Various contextual factors, such as class size,

discipline, and instructional methods, can influence the relationship between student

engagement and academic performance. Among the three types of engagement,

behavioral engagement shows the strongest association with academic success.

Strategies like flipped learning with gamification and inquiry-based learning activities

can enhance cognitive engagement. Emotional engagement, on the other hand,

contributes to improved comprehension and overall learning outcomes and can help

address issues related to learning anxiety. The collective findings from these studies

underscore the importance of prioritizing student engagement for educators and

administrators as a critical predictor of academic success.

Student Engagement
According to Doyle (2021), student engagement in higher education

emphasizes the importance of active involvement in the learning process. He argues

that engaged students are more likely to succeed academically and develop

essential skills for the future.

Doyle identifies various factors influencing student engagement, such as the

learning environment, teaching methods, and the level of student motivation. He

suggests that educators play a crucial role in fostering engagement by creating

interactive and stimulating learning environments.

Furthermore, Doyle highlights the significance of technology in enhancing

student engagement. Leveraging digital tools and online platforms can provide

students with opportunities for collaborative learning, personalized instruction, and

real-world application of knowledge.

The author also underscores the importance of assessing and measuring

student engagement to identify areas for improvement in educational practices.

Strategies like formative assessments and feedback mechanisms can aid in gauging

and enhancing student involvement.

In conclusion, Doyle’s work underscores the multifaceted nature of student

engagement, involving both educators and students. By prioritizing interactive

learning experiences, leveraging technology, and regularly assessing engagement

levels, higher education institutions can contribute to the holistic development and

success of their students.

Academic Performance
According to Zhu, Wang, Li, and Yuan (2018), their research revealed that

parental monitoring positively influenced the academic motivation and learning

strategies of college students. This, in turn, resulted in improved academic

performance, emphasizing the importance of fostering a conducive learning

environment and offering parental support to enhance the academic outcomes of

college students. Boaz and Grossman (2019) also found a positive correlation

between higher levels of motivation in college students and better academic

performance. They highlighted the significance of educators nurturing student

motivation to improve academic results. Yilmaz and Akbulut (2020) provided support

for the idea that technology-based instruction had a positive impact on the academic

performance of Turkish secondary school students. This effect was especially

pronounced when students had access to devices, clear instructions, and

expectations. Such instruction facilitated greater resource access, more engaging

learning experiences, increased collaboration opportunities, and personalized

instruction tailored to individual student needs.

According to the research conducted by Chen, Chang, Wang, and Niu

(2021), engagement in extracurricular activities was linked to improved academic

performance among high school students in Taiwan. Specifically, students involved

in creative and health-related activities demonstrated the most significant academic

improvement, followed by those participating in leadership activities and team sports.

This suggests that promoting extracurricular involvement could be advantageous for

students. Additionally, Akos, Galassi, Kott, and Lomax (2022) emphasized the role of
caring teachers and supportive peers in contributing to academic success. Moreover,

Gao and Zhang (2022) investigated the connection between the socioeconomic

status (SES) of Canadian students and their academic achievement. They

discovered that students from lower SES households achieved significantly lower

academic outcomes compared to those from higher SES households. Additionally,

Jutte, Buehler, Schmitt, and Köller (2022) conducted a longitudinal study, which

revealed a positive relationship between student-parent interactions and both

student academic motivation and performance. In summary, various factors can

impact academic performance, and schools are encouraged to develop programs

and interventions to mitigate the adverse effects of external factors on student


Yao and colleagues (2020) observed a positive relationship between student

engagement and academic achievement in language arts, math, science, and social

studies among students in Hong Kong. They noted that students who found their

extracurricular activities meaningful tended to perform better in these subjects.

Furthermore, Ley-Tyson (2021) discovered that students' online experiences were

linked to improved academic performance when positive online activities focused on

promoting engagement through meaningful digital learning experiences. Similarly,

Kim, Henderson, and Smith (2022) identified that high levels of student engagement,

particularly through active learning tools in digital and hybrid learning settings, had a

positive impact on student performance outcomes, especially in math and reading.

To sum up, academic performance and student achievement can be

influenced by a range of factors. Studies have highlighted the importance of parental

engagement and supervision, student motivation, technology-based instruction, and

participation in extracurricular activities as key contributors to student academic

performance. Additionally, the school climate and family environment are also

significant factors to consider in understanding and improving student achievement.


According to the recent study of Estrella et. al, (2023), The findings revealed a

high level of student involvement among ABM students, suggesting its frequent

occurrence. Academic performance was notably satisfactory. Additionally, there was

no notable correlation between student engagement and academic performance in

ABM students at TNHS. Recognizing the factors influencing student engagement

enables institutions and educators to devise strategies, enhancing both engagement

and academic performance, thereby fostering positive educational experiences and

improved outcomes.

The study a recommended that students are encouraged to maintain positive

engagement behaviors such as attending class regularly, applying knowledge to

daily life, and collaborating on projects. Areas for improvement include actively

seeking feedback, utilizing teacher support, and discussing career plans. By

addressing these aspects and adopting new study strategies, students can optimize

academic growth and career preparation. While no direct relationship between

engagement and performance was found at Tacurong National High School,

promoting engagement remains important. Further research can explore additional

variables influencing academic performance among ABM students in the school.

Extracurricular activities are typically regarded as activities outside the regular

academic curriculum that students participate in voluntarily. According to educational

researchers and practitioners, engaging in extracurricular activities can positively

impact students' overall development, including their academic performance. These

activities may include sports, clubs, community service, leadership roles, or special

interest groups. Research suggests that participating in extracurricular activities can

enhance various aspects of students' lives, such as building teamwork skills,

improving time management, fostering a sense of responsibility, and providing

opportunities for leadership development. When students are actively involved in

such activities, it is believed that these experiences contribute to a more well-

rounded education and can positively influence their engagement in academic

pursuits. However, the specific impact of extracurricular activities on academic

performance can vary among individuals and depend on factors such as the type of

activity, the level of commitment, and the balance between extracurricular

involvement and academic responsibilities. While many studies suggest a positive

correlation, it's important to note that the relationship between extracurricular

activities and academic performance is complex and may differ based on the context

and individual student experiences.

Self-Determination Theory (SDT) was developed by psychologists Edward L.

Deci and Richard M. Ryan. SDT is a macro theory of human motivation and

personality that explores the factors influencing individuals' choices, behaviors, and

overall well-being. When applied to education, SDT provides insights into how

students' motivation and engagement impact their academic performance. According

to SDT, there are three basic psychological needs that, when satisfied, contribute to

the development of self-determined motivation: The need for autonomy refers to the

desire to be the origin of one's actions and to have a sense of volition and choice. In

the context of education, students who feel a sense of autonomy are more likely to

be engaged in their learning and take ownership of their academic tasks. The need

for competence involves seeking to interact effectively with one's environment and to

master challenging tasks. When students perceive themselves as competent and

capable of succeeding in their academic endeavors, they are more likely to be

motivated and perform well. The need for relatedness is the desire to feel connected

to others, to experience caring relationships, and to be part of a community. In an

educational setting, positive teacher-student relationships and a sense of belonging

to a supportive learning community contribute to students' motivation and

engagement. When educators support these three psychological needs, students

are more likely to experience self-determined motivation, which has been linked to

increased engagement in learning activities and better academic performance. In

summary, Self-Determination Theory, according to Deci and Ryan, provides a

framework for understanding the psychological needs that drive human motivation,
including within the context of education. Applying SDT to the classroom can help

educators create environments that support students' autonomy, competence, and

relatedness, fostering positive engagement and academic success.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the procedures and methods on the conduct of the

study. It includes the research design, research locale, research population and

sample, research instrument, data gathering procedures, and statistical treatment of


Research Design

This study involved a quantitative research design in collecting detailed and

factual information to determine the significant relationship between student

engagement on academic performance among Accountancy, Business, and

Management (ABM) students in Tuyom National High School and Gelacio C. Babao

Sr. Memorial National High School.

The quantitative focuses on precise measurements and the mathematical,

numerical, or statistical evaluation of data gathered through surveys, polls and other
forms of research, as well as the manipulation of statistical data that has already

been obtained using computing method. The population of the study will be the ABM

students at the school, as mentioned above. This research study will use two

research designs and methods, which are descriptive and correlational research


The descriptive-correlation design is the most appropriate research design for

studying student engagement and academic performance because it allows us to

determine the relationship between to variables (Nazir &Khan, 2016). Additionally,

this type of design allows us to examine the correlation between variables in a non-

experimental setting and understand how change in one variable might impact

another. The descriptive-correlational research design is beneficial in looking at

large-scale data sets and complex interactions between variables and exploring

potential causal relationships. It is also a valuable method to measure and observe

the strength of relationships between complex variables, such as student

engagement and academic performance. By utilizing this type of design, we can gain

insight into the effect of one variable on the other and identify any potential factors

that may impact the relationship.

Research Flow

The researcher adopted the Input Process Output (IPO) model, it includes all

of the materials and the information that are required in the process, the specific

details of the process itself, and the guide on evaluation of the Relationship of

students engagement to the Academic Performance of ABM. The concept model, as

shown in Figure 1. It shows what is the process on determining mindsets of the

students greatly affects on their academic performance.

Input. Encapsulates all the specific details outlined in the statement of the

Problem. In problem-solving endeavors, this input serves as the foundational

information or data required to address the given issue

Process. It includes the questionnaires that will be utilized, the observations

that were made, the data collection method, and the statistical analysis of the data.

Data tabulation, analysis, and interpretation are also included. It includes everything

from the initial gathering of information or data to the final results and

recommendations of the educational research.

In developing the questionnaire, the researcher will be conducting a survey to

the ABM students of Tuyom Senior High School and Gelacio C. Babao Sr. Memorial

National High School.

Output. This includes the action taken after interpreting the results of the

study. Action plan, intervention program, recommendation and other related things

taken for considerations. From this, the researcher conceptualized recommendation

that will help ABM students to improve their engagement towards their academic

Research Respondents

The respondents of this study are the Grade 12 Students of Tuyom Senior

High School and Gelacio C. Babao Sr. Memorial National High School

(Accountancy, Business and Management). The researcher will employ the

probability sampling technique. Participants get selected based using random

sampling method. Additionally, we selected ABM 12 as the focus of our study

because it is a crucial grade level in the senior high school curriculum. This is the

final year of high school education before students move on to college or other post-

secondary programs. Therefore, it is essential to identify any factors that may be

hindering academic performance in this grade level to provide appropriate

interventions and support for students as they transition to their next academic

phase. By gathering data on student engagement in ABM 12, we hope to provide

insights into how to improve academic outcomes and promote a more conducive
learning environment for all students. Our emphasis is on encouraging student

participation, with the goal of conclusively presenting the findings of our study. We

have selected ABM as they have prior experience in this area, specifically during

their grade 11 studies.

Research Environment

The Tuyom Senior High School and Gelacio C. Babao Memorial National

High School are secondary public schools in the city of Carcar, Province of Cebu,

Region 7. The schools provide the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track and

the Academic Track. Accounting, business, and management (ABM), humanities

and social sciences (HUMSS), and science, technology, engineering, and

mathematics (STEM) are all included under academic track. An estimated 2,000

pupils attend the two schools, and there are five (5) faculty members and staff

members total. It is situated in Barangays Tuyom and Valladolid in the Philippine city

of Carcar, Cebu (Latitude: 10.151° North, Longitude: 123.6400° East). The reason

the researchers selected this region or location was for both convenience and the

study's goals—the required respondents are present there, making it advantageous

for them to collect the data they need.

Tuyom Senior High School has been basking in the glory of recent

achievements, securing multiple awards at the Division Schools Press Conference.

Notably, three individual categories – Photojournalism, Copy Reading and Headline

Writing, and Editorial Cartooning – have produced winners who are now set to

participate in the Regional Division Schools Press Conference. This success extends
beyond individual accolades, with the Radio Broadcasting English team claiming the

championship title at the same event.

Moreover, Tuyom Senior High School is making a mark beyond the realm of

journalism. The Physical Education Department has contributed significantly by

clinching the overall champion title in Athletics during the Division Meet 2024. This

triumph not only showcases the school’s prowess in academic pursuits but also

highlights its prowess in sports. As a result of their outstanding performance, they

are now gearing up to compete in the upcoming CVIRAA: Central Visayas Regional

Athletic. Association 2024, ready to face regional challenges and further prove their


The diverse accomplishments at Tuyom Senior High School underscore the

institution’s commitment to fostering excellence across various disciplines. From

journalistic endeavors to athletic achievements, the school’s students and teams

continue to showcase their skills and dedication, bringing pride and recognition to the

entire school community.

Meanwhile, the Gelacio C. Babao Sr. Memorial National High School holds a

significant place in the realm of education, and it is no surprise that it has been

chosen as the second research locale for this particular study. Known for its diverse

and talented student body, the institution has consistently proven its prowess by

securing victories in numerous regional competitions, a testament to the dedication

and hard work of its students and faculty.

For the academic year 2023-2024, the school is under the able leadership of

Mrs. Zenia Montessa. Her tenure as the head of the institution signifies a

commitment to maintaining the high standards of academic excellence and fostering

an environment where students can continue to excel in their studies and

extracurricular activities.

Situated in close proximity to both the San Roque Parish and Valladolid

Elementary School, the Gelacio C. Babao Memorial National High School is not only

an educational hub but also a central pillar of the local community. Its location

provides students with easy access to educational resources, community

involvement, and spiritual nourishment through the nearby parish.

In a triumphant turn of events, Gelacio C. Babao achieved a significant victory

at the Division Meet 2023, showcasing their prowess in various sports disciplines.

The institution not only secured triumph in the overall competition but also reaped

numerous awards. Notably, their Basketball team, taekwondo player, Billiards Team,

and Tennis Team demonstrated exceptional skill, clinching gold medals and earning

the coveted opportunity to participate in the CVIRAA 2024.

The institution's success extends beyond the realm of sports, as evidenced by

their remarkable performance at the KABKABAN Festival the previous year. Surging

to the forefront, Gelacio C. Babao MNHS claimed the overall champion title,

establishing a reputation for excellence in both sports and arts. This dual

accomplishment reflects the institution’s dedication to fostering a well-rounded and

thriving community that excels not only in athletic pursuits but also in the creative


With their recent triumphs, Gelacio C. Babao MNHS has become a beacon of

success, celebrating victories that extend beyond the confines of a single discipline.

The institution’s commitment to nurturing talent across various fields positions them

as a formidable force in both sports and arts, setting the stage for continued

excellence in the future.

As the research proceeds within the premises of GCBSMNHS, it is sure to

benefit from the rich tapestry of experiences, talents, and knowledge that the school

has to offer. This institution has proven itself time and again, and its involvement in

this study undoubtedly adds an extra layer of credibility and depth to the research

Figure 3. Research Environment

Research Instrument
The study will collect direct student engagement and academic performance

data through tailored survey questionnaires. The questionnaires are drawn on prior

research to provide a practical framework to capture the relevant information and will

be adopted and contextualized to suit the study’s respondents.

Adapted from Delfino (2019) is the survey on student engagement. The

instrument is designed to measure the student engagement of senior high school

ABM students based on three factors: behavioral engagement, cognitive

engagement, and emotional engagement. With the scale below, the responses of the

study respondents are interpreted as follows.

Data Gathering Procedure

Including the research, the following steps are observed after obtaining the

crucial findings of the study on how student's engagement influences senior high

school ABM student's academic performance: The researchers first got their adapted

research questionnaire validated by three research experts. The overall average

rating of the adapted research questionnaire is 4.52, which is deemed very good.

After validation, they sent a request letter to conduct a study to the office of the

principal of Tuyom Senior High School and Gelacio C. Babao Memorial National

High School, as the study conducted inside TSHS and GCBMNHS. After it was

approved, the researchers started their pilot testing. They randomly picked 40

students from grades 11 and 12 of both schools as their respondents for the pilot

testing. Before the pilot testing, the researchers established rapport with their
respondents to achieve a reliable income. After picking 40 random students from

grades 11 and 12, the researchers disseminated

Similarly to the pilot testing, the researchers gave each respondents a copy

of the printed research questionnaire and asked them to author their responses. The

researches also ensured that the respondents understood the questions well and

answered any questionnaires, the researchers collected the questionnaires and

tabulated the data collected from them for computation, data analysis, and


Statistical Treatment

The following statistical tools will be used to tail and handle the data

collected from the questionnaires;

Mean. It measures the average response for each question on the level of

student engagement.

Frequency and Percentage. It is employed to measure the percentage of

the GPA of respondents for the percentage of student academic performance.

Pearson R Correlation. It measures the strength of the linear relationship

between two variables which is the student's engagement and academic


Ethical Considerations

Any researcher undertaking any kind of research must always be conscious of

the effects that their work will have on the participants and on society. Failure to

follow ethical guidelines may result in public criticism and thwart attempts to develop
rules around well-known scientific endeavors. Ethical concerns also assist in holding

researchers responsible for their study methodology (Ayenew, 2022). Thus, the

researcher will make it clear to every participant that their participation will be

voluntary and that they are free to leave the study at any moment. The researcher

will make sure that each participant has given their informed consent before starting

the study. they will be informed that answering any questions they may not have felt

comfortable with was not required of them. Before the interview, participants will get

early notice.

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