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FLORAL Arrangement


01 To be able to know what is Floral Arrangement and how it can be done

02 To be able to know the ancient history of arranging flowers

03 To be able to understand the techniques and how to apply it

What is Floral

Flower arrangement is an organization of design and color towards

creating an ambience using flowers, foliage and other floral

The art of creating flower arrangements in vases, bowls, baskets, or

other containers, or making bouquets and compositions from cut
flowers, foliage, herbs, ornamental grasses, and other plant materials.
Ancient History
Ancient China
In Chinese culture, the history of flower arrangements dates back to 200 BCE, during the Han Era.
Unlike the Romans and Greeks of the past, though, much more emphasis was placed on the religious
significance behind floral arrangements.

On top of placing cut flowers on Buddhist, Taoist, and Confucian altars, the Chinese also decorated
nearly everything else with flower images, from embroidery on silks and paintings on scrolls to
carvings on wood.

When creating a floral arrangement, the ancient Chinese paid close attention to the meanings
attached to the flowers and the message they wanted the arrangement to send. Bamboo, peach trees,
and pear trees symbolized longevity, while tiger lilies and orchids represented fertility. Peonies—still
the “king of flowers” in China to this day—signify wealth, good fortune, and high status.
By some accounts, the practice of flower arranging in China
dates back to about 210 BCE, though it didn’t become a
more widespread practice until much later. Chinese flower
arrangements, often used in religious and medicinal
ceremonies, placed emphasis on structure and meaning, as
well as beauty.

Instead of masses of flowers, as seen in many European

styles, Chinese flower arrangements often assume a style
that mimics calligraphic lines. You’ll often find not only
flowers but twigs and branches and other elements you’d
find among flowers in a natural setting.
Wealth and Rank. Peonies are a
symbol of fortune in Chinese

The origin of flower arrangements in Japan is shrouded in

mystery. Some believe it came to Japan along with Buddhism.
But others believe it existed in the pre-Buddhist eras. Either way,
what is known today as the flower arranging art of Ikebana
began roughly 600 years ago. Ikebana was practiced by Buddhist
monks like Ikenobo Senkei and beloved of Shogun such
Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Ikebana is based on evoking emotional
responses with the use of minimalism, the beauty of asymmetry,
and careful attention to detail in color combinations and lines of
The word “ikebana “is usually translated as “the
Japanese art of flower arrangement,” but the
materials of “ikebana “can include freshly cut
branches, vines, leaves, grasses, berries, fruit,
seeds, and flowers, as well as wilted and dried
plants. In fact, any natural substance may be used,
and in contemporary “ikebana”, glass, metal, and
plastic are also employed. As one of the traditional
arts of Japan, “ikebana “has developed a symbolic
language as well as decorative concepts, and the
use of natural, ephemeral flowers and branches
makes the dimension of time an integral part of
the creation.
Different styles of Floral
1. Oriental
the emphasis is on the lines in the floral arrangement.

2. Traditional or Western
the emphasis is on the use of many flowers as a mass in floral

3. Modern
there are no rules at all. These floral arrangements are based on the
taste of the floral designer.
Principles of Floral Arrangement

1. Design
It decides the structural pattern of the floral arrangement. It is
visualized plan about the size and shape of the floral arrangement.
The design is essentially determined by the location, occasion and
materials available.
Principles of Floral Arrangement

2. Balance
It emphasizes on the use of materials in a floral arrangement
which gives stability to the arrangement. The two most important
elements of balance of an arrangement are the form and color of
the floral arrangement.
Principles of Floral Arrangement

3. Scale
It deals with the proportions of different components of the floral
arrangement. It thus emphasizes on the use of materials used to
that of the size of the container holding the floral arrangement.
Principles of Floral Arrangement

4. Rythm

It emphasizes on directing the viewer’s eye along the main line of

arrangement so that the whole shape of the composition is
properly followed and understood.
Principles of Floral Arrangement

5. Emphasis (Focal Point)

The central portion of the floral arrangement from where the

flowers and foliage of the arrangement appear to be emerging
from is known as the focal point of the arrangement. Hence, larger
and dark colored flowers are usually used in the focal point of the
floral arrangement.
Principles of Floral Arrangement

6. Harmony and Unity

This principle takes care of the appropriate use of flowers for the
occasion. It also takes care of the blending of colors of the flowers
used in the floral arrangement and that of the container such that
they contrast each other.
1. Floral Bouquets

Floral bouquets are simple and easier to assemble than a formal

flower arrangements. Bouquets made of roses are the most popular,
followed by carnations, gerbera daisies and chrysantemums.
2. Table Centerpieces

Centerpieces are nothing but the normal floral arrangements,

designed to be placed on tables when dinners are hosted on such
occasions like Thanksgiving Day and Christmas.
3. Floral Baskets

Floral baskets are flower arrangements done in baskets of varied

depths. Flowers for the floral baskets should therefore be chosen on
the basis of the depth of the basket.
4. Floral Wreaths

A floral arrangement in the form of a circular garland, usually woven

of flowers and foliage, that traditionally indicates honor or
Basic Designs
in Making
Line Arrangement of Flowers

Designs composed primarily of line material have minimum

flowers and foliage established in the focal area.

The open form emphasizes the beauty of the plant material. A

bare branch, a piece of decorative wood or a pine branch creates
a well-defined line design.
Line Arrangement of Flowers

The addition of a few flowers and leaves is all that is needed to

achieve a dramatic effect.
Mass Arrangement of Flowers

Full, flowing, and symmetrical, a generous mixture of flowers

arranged in a decorated China vase portrays the typical mass
design so reminiscent of Victorian opulence and elegance.

Mass designs are usually triangular, oval, circular or fan-shaped.

Line-Mass Arrangement of Flowers

Line-Mass creations employ the use of mass for a greater feeling

of depth.
Plant material is placed to form an orderly potline and massed to
create a focal area with gradual changes from line at the
periphery of the arrangement to mass within the central axis.
Have an open form with symmetrical or asymmetrical balance.
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