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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students must be able to:
a. define physical fitness and its components,
b. express one’s feeling regarding importance of being physically fit, and
c. perform physical fitness test by doing the activity.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Physical Fitness and its Components
Sub- Topic: Physical Fitness Test
Reference: MAPEH7 by Vilma V. Perez, Crisanto E. Tomas and Jonathan E. Antonio, pp. 224-245
Teaching Devices: Instructional materials, pictures, marker.

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer

 Before we start our new lesson, let us pray first. Lysa,

please lead the prayer. Heavenly Father and Your Beloved Son Jesus Christ,
We thank you for giving us another life,
We thank you for another Beautiful Morning.
As we go on through our lessons today,
May you make us instruments to do good things.
Please enlighten our minds,
Give us strength to participate in our subject today, Amen.

( The teacher will play a music for energizer) ( Students will do the energizer)

 Good afternoon class!  Good afternoon teacher!
Processing of Prayer
 Based on our prayer a while ago, what important word  Thank you.
did you remember?  Enlighten.
 Etc.

 Why do we need to pray?  We thank God because he always gives us blessing and

Classroom Management
 Kindly pick up the pieces of papers and arrange (The students will pick up the pieces of papers and will
your chairs. arrange their chairs)
Checking of Attendance
 Secretary of the class, is there any absent for today?  Mam I’m glad to tell you that no one is absent today.
Checking of Assignment
 Last time I gave you an assignment, please pass ( The students will pass their assignments)
it forward.
 What was our topic last meeting?  Care of the different senses of the body
 What are the different senses of the body?  Sense of sight
 Sense of hearing
 Sense of touch
 Sense of smelling
 Sense of taste
C. Lesson Proper (Expected Responses)
C.1 Motivation Title: Emoji Game

Read the direction. Direction: Guess the word by selecting three emoji. Put
the word in the box.
Answer the activity.

Answer Key
Word no. 1
Word no. 1

P h y s i c a l P i l

Word no.2 Word no.2

F i t n e s s
F t s
C.2 Motive Question
 Read the question on the board. (Student read the motive question)
 Why is it important to be physically fit?
 Answer the question later.
C.3 Presentation of the New Lesson Physical Fitness can be defined as being in good cardiovascular
condition, having good levels of muscular strength, endurance
 Our topic today is about Physical Fitness. and flexibility, and having proper amount of body fat.

Physical Fitness Components

1. Cardiovascular – is the ability to exercise the entire

body for long periods of time.
2. Strength – is the amount of force the muscle can
produce. It is often how much weight one can lift.
3. Agility – is the ability to change body position quickly.
4. Flexibility – is the ability to use the joints fully through
a wide range of motion.
5. Speed –ability to cover a distance quickly.
6. Power – is the ability to release maximum force very
7. Balance – the ability to maintain an upright position
while standing or moving.
8. Coordination – involves the ability to link various
movements together with the senses, such as using the
eyes with the hands or feet.

Before learning and performing the different physical fitness

test, the Body Mass Index (BMI) and the weight circumference
of the individual who will perform such should be measured

Physical Fitness Test

 Is a test designed to measure strength, agility and
endurance to determine one’s level of physical

Test For Flexibility

A. Sit and Reach
 Test for flexibility of the hamstring muscle (back of
the thigh). The purpose of this test is to determine a
healthy back and prevent hypertension of the
B. Zipper Test
 Is a test of upper and shoulder girdle flexibility
intended to parallel the strength and endurance
assessment in the part of the body.

Test For Cardiovascular Endurance
A. 3 Minute Step Test
 test for the ability of the heart, lungs and blood
vessels to deliver oxygen to working muscles and
tissues as well as the ability of those
muscle to do repeated work without fatigue.

Test For Muscular Strength

A. Curl – ups
 test for abdominal muscle strength and good posture,
making the hips are properly aligned.
B. 90-Degree Push-ups
 test for the upper body muscles and arm strength and

Test For Speed

A. 40- Meter Sprint
 Administered to measure running speed.
Test For Power
A. Standing Long Jump
 test for leg strength and power.
B. Basketball Pass
 Measure upper body strength and power or the ability
to exert a forceful movement utilizing the muscles of
the arm and upper body.

Test For Agility

A. Hexagon Agility Test
 to measure the ability to move quickly while
maintaining balance.

Test For Reaction Time

A. Stick Drop Test
 measure the time as to how fast a person can
respond to a stimulus. The higher the score, the
the reaction time.
Enrichment#1 Direction: Identify the terms described in each sentence. Find
Read the direction orally. the equivalent letter of each given number to get the correct

1. The ability to release force quickly.

2. Ability to use joints through a wide range of motion.


3. ability to change body position quickly.


V W X Y Z 4. Amount of force your muscle can produce.

Answer Key
1. Power
2. Flexibility
3. Agility
4. Strength
5. Coordination
6. Cardiovascular
7. Speed
8. Balance 5. Ability to link various movements together.

6. Ability to exercise your body for a long period of time.

7. Ability to cover a distance quickly.

8. Ability to keep an upright position.

Read the direction orally. Direction: Each group will perform physical fitness test while
passing through five obstacles. First group who has a shortest
time is the winner.

 Obstacle 1: Standing Long Jump Test

 Obstacle 2: Zipper Test
 Obstacle 3: Sit and Reach Test
 Obstacle 4: Curl ups Test
 Obstacle 5: Basketball Pass Test
 What are the importance of Physical Fitness Test?  it can improve your health.
 To determine each student’s abilities in regards to each
component of fitness.

IV Evaluation Technique
Direction: Give the word that has been described in each
 Read the direction sentence.

1. Ability to release force quickly.

Answer Key 2. Ability to change body position quickly.
1. Power 3. Ability to keep an upright position.
2.Agility 4. Ability to cover a distance quickly.
3.Balance 5. Ability to exercise your body for a long period of time.
4.Speed 6. Test designed to measure strength, agility and
5.Cardiovascular endurance to determine one’s level of physical
6. Physical Fitness Test fitness.
7.Sit and Reach 7. Test for flexibility of the hamstring muscle (back of the
8.40 Meter Sprint thigh).
9.Standing Long Jump 8. Administered to measure running speed.
10 Stick Drop Test 9. Test for leg strength and power.
10. Measure the time as to how fast a person can
respond to a stimulus.
V. Assignment
What is ailment?
What are the commont ailments?

Prepared by: Mary Jane V. Deocariza

Physical Fitness can be
defined as being in good cardiovascular condition,
having good levels of muscular strength, endurance
and flexibility, and having proper amount of body fat.

Physical Fitness Components

1.Cardiovascular – is the ability to exercise the
entire body for long periods of time.
2.Strength – is the amount of force the muscle can
produce. It is often how much weight one can lift.
3.Agility – is the ability to change body
position quickly.
4.Flexibility – is the ability to use the joints
fully through a wide range of motion.
5.Speed –ability to cover a distance quickly.
6. Power – is the ability to release maximum
force very quickly.
7.Balance – the ability to maintain an
upright position while standing or moving.
8.Coordination – involves the ability to link various
movements together with the senses, such as
using the eyes with the hands or feet.

Before learning and performing the different physical

fitness test, the Body Mass Index (BMI) and the weight
circumference of the individual who will perform such
should be measured first.

Physical Fitness Test

Is a test designed to measure strength, agility and
endurance to determine one’s level of physical fitness.

 Test For Flexibility

A. Sit and Reach
Test for flexibility of the hamstring muscle (back of the
thigh). The purpose of this test is to determine a
healthy back and prevent hypertension of the knees.
B. Zipper Test
Is a test of upper and shoulder girdle flexibility
intended to parallel the strength and endurance
assessment in the part of the body.

 Test For Cardiovascular Endurance

A. 3 Minute Step Test
Is a test for the ability of the heart, lungs and blood
vessels to deliver oxygen to working muscles and
tissues as well as the ability of those muscle to do
repeated work without fatigue.

 Test For Agility

A. Hexagon Agility Test
to measure the ability to move quickly while maintaining

 Test For Muscular Strength

A. Curl – ups
test for abdominal muscle strength and good posture,
making the hips are properly aligned.
B. 90-Degree Push-ups
test for the upper body muscles and arm strength and

 Test For Speed

A. 40- Meter Sprint
administered to measure running speed.

 Test For Power

A. Standing Long Jump
test for leg strength and power.
B. Basketball Pass
measure upper body strength and power or the ability
to exert a forceful movement utilizing the muscles of
the arm and upper body.
 Test For Reaction Time
A. Stick Drop Test
measure the time as to how fast a person can respond to
a stimulus. The higher the score, the faster the reaction

1. The ability to release force quickly.

2. Ability to use joints through a wide range

of motion.
3. Ability to change body position quickly.

4. Amount of force your muscle can produce.

5. Ability to link various movements

6. Ability to exercise your body for a long
period of time.

7. Ability to cover a distance quickly.

8.Ability to keep an upright position.

Name: Date:
Year& Section:

Direction: Give the word that has been described in each


1. Ability to release force quickly.

2. Ability to change body position quickly.
3. Ability to keep an upright position.
4. Ability to cover a distance quickly.
5. Ability to exercise your body for a long period of time.
6. Test designed to measure strength, agility and
endurance to determine one’s level of physical fitness.
7. Test for flexibility of the hamstring muscle (back of the
8. Administered to measure running speed.
9. Test for leg strength and power.
10. Measure the time as to how fast a person can respond
to a stimulus.




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