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Grade 9

Educational Publications Department

To obtain textbooks in electronic medium

First Print 2017
Second Print 2018
Third Print 2019

All Rights Reserved

ISBN 978-955-25-0166-1

Published by Educational Publications Department

Printed by Nimthara Printers. No. 30/1, Temple Road,
Pattiwila, Gonawala, Kelaniya.

The National Anthem of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Matha

Apa Sri Lanka Namo Namo Namo Namo Matha
Sundara siri barinee, surendi athi sobamana Lanka
Dhanya dhanaya neka mal palaturu piri jaya bhoomiya ramya
Apa hata sepa siri setha sadana jeewanaye matha
Piliganu mena apa bhakthi pooja Namo Namo Matha
Apa Sri Lanka Namo Namo Namo Namo Matha
Oba we apa vidya
Obamaya apa sathya
Oba we apa shakthi
Apa hada thula bhakthi
Oba apa aloke
Apage anuprane
Oba apa jeevana we
Apa mukthiya oba we
Nava jeevana demine, nithina apa pubudukaran matha
Gnana veerya vadawamina regena yanu mana jaya bhoomi kara
Eka mavakage daru kela bevina
Yamu yamu vee nopama
Prema vada sema bheda durerada
Namo, Namo Matha
Apa Sri Lanka Namo Namo Namo Namo Matha

wms fjuq tl ujlf. orefjda
tl ksjfiys fjfikd
tl mdge;s tl reêrh fõ
wm lh ;=< ÿjkd

tneúks wms fjuq fidhqre fidhqßfhda

tl f,i tys jefvkd
Ôj;a jk wm fuu ksjfia
fid¢k isáh hq;= fõ

ieug u fu;a lreKd .=fKkS

fj<S iu.s oñkS
rka ñKs uq;= fkd j th u h iem;d
lsis l, fkdu Èrkd

wdkkao iurfldaka

xu jha; kf;fs; ehkhNthk;

xd;Nw ehk; thOk; ,y;yk;
ed;Nw clypy; XLk;
xd;Nw ek; FUjp epwk;

mjdhy; rNfhjuu; ehkhNthk;

xd;wha; thOk; tsUk; ehk;
ed;wha; ,t; ,y;ypdpNy
eyNk tho;jy; Ntz;Lkd;Nwh

ahtUk; md;G fUizAld;

xw;Wik rpwf;f tho;e;jpLjy;
nghd;Dk; kzpAk; Kj;Jky;y - mJNt
ahd;W kopahr; nry;tkd;Nwh.

Mde;j rkuf;Nfhd;
ftpijapd; ngau;g;G.

Being innovative, changing with right knowledge
Be a light to the country as well as to the world.

Message from the Hon. Minister of Education

The past two decades have been significant in the world history due to changes that took
place in technology. The present students face a lot of new challenges along with the rapid
development of Information Technology, communication and other related fields. The manner
of career opportunities are liable to change specifically in the near future. In such an
environment, with a new technological and intellectual society, thousands of innovative career
opportunities would be created. To win those challenges, it is the responsibility of the Sri Lankan
Government and myself, as the Minister of Education, to empower you all.

This book is a product of free education. Your aim must be to use this book properly and
acquire the necessary knowledge out of it. The government in turn is able to provide free
textbooks to you, as a result of the commitment and labour of your parents and elders.

Since we have understood that the education is crucial in deciding the future of a country,
the government has taken steps to change curriculum to suit the rapid changes of the
technological world. Hence, you have to dedicate yourselves to become productive citizens. I
believe that the knowledge this book provides will suffice your aim.

It is your duty to give a proper value to the money spent by the government on your
education. Also you should understand that education determines your future. Make sure that
you reach the optimum social stratum through education.

I congratulate you to enjoy the benefits of free education and bloom as an honoured
citizen who takes the name of Sri Lanka to the world.

Akila Viraj Kariyawasam

Minister of Education


The educational objectives of the contemporary world are becoming more complex along with
the economic, social, cultural and technological development. The learning and teaching
process too is changing in relation to human experiences, technological differences, research
and new indices. Therefore, it is required to produce the textbook by including subject related
information according to the objectives in the syllabus in order to maintain the teaching process
by organizing learning experiences that suit to the learner needs. The textbook is not merely a
learning tool for the learner. It is a blessing that contributes to obtain a higher education along
with a development of conduct and attitudes, to develop values and to obtain learning experi-

The government in its realization of the concept of free education has offered you all the
textbooks from grades 1-11. I would like to remind you that you should make the maximum use
of these textbooks and protect them well. I sincerely hope that this textbook would assist you
to obtain the expertise to become a virtuous citizen with a complete personality who would be
a valuable asset to the country.

I would like to bestow my sincere thanks on the members of the editorial and writer boards as
well as on the staff of the Educational Publications Department who have strived to offer this
textbook to you.

W. M. Jayantha Wickramanayaka,

Commissioner General of Educational Publications,

Educational Publications Department,




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6. W.A.A.R. Weragoda - Teacher Service
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Educational Publications Department


1. The Asian Region 01

2. Landscape of Sri Lanka 23

3. Spatial changes of Development in Sri Lanka 67

4. Environmental Balance 75

5. Reading of 1:50 000 Topographic Maps of

Sri Lanka

The Asian Region

The aim of this chapter is to learn the important information on

the Asian Region.
Geographical location of Asia
Relative Location
The continent of Asia is
located in the Eastern part of the
Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.
Geographically, it is connected to
the continent of Europe. Some
of the islands that belong to the
Asian continent are located in the
Southern hemisphere. (Fig.1.1)

The Asian continent is bounded

² The Arctic ocean on the North
² The Pacific ocean on the East Fig 1.1 - Geographical location of Asia

² The Indian ocean on the South

² The continent of Europe on the West.

In a geographical view, the Continent of Europe and Asia are both located
as one landmass called Eurasia. Ural Mountain Range, River Ural, Caspian Sea,
Caucasus Mountains, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Suez Canal and Red Sea are
the boundaries that separate Asia from Europe and Africa.
There are many islands that belong to the Asian continent. Japanese islands,
Indonesian islands, Philippine islands, Sri Lanka and Taiwan are examples for
those islands which are larger in extent. Andaman Islands, Nicobar Islands and
the Maldives are examples of smaller islands.

For free distribution
Absolute Location
The location of any place or region on the Earth can definitely be shown
using geographical coordinates. Accordingly, the absolute location of the Asian
region can be shown on the basis of longitudes and latitudes as follows;

The Asian continent is located between 100 Latitude South

to 800 Latitude North and between 250 and 1800 Longitudes

Uniqueness of the Asian region

There are many specific physical and human characteristics in the Asian
Several unique
² The largest continent in the world physical and human
² Presence of all the climatic types of the world
² Presence of different human races, ethnic groups and languages and
cultural diversity
² Birth place of many major religions
² Location of the largest mountain ranges and the highest mountain
² The most popular continent

The Asian continent covers an area of 44.6 million km2 (44,579,000 km2).
It is about 30% of the land area of the earth and 8.7 % of the entire surface of the
Source : 2017.02.05

The largest mountain range in the world, the Himalayas, is located in the
continent of Asia. Mount Everest, the highest peak which is 8848 meters in height
is located here. The Dead Sea is also located in the Asian land mass, is below
the sea level. Cherrapunji in the state of Meghalaya in India receives the highest
rainfall and Gobi desert is considered as the area that receives the lowest rainfall in
the world. Both areas are located in the continent of Asia.
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All types of climates that exist in the world can be found here. Therefore,
every type of forest in the world also can be found in the continent of Asia. Therefore,
biodiversity which means the diversity of plants and animals is greater in this region.
According to the size of population, more than half or about 60% of the
world population lives in the Asian region. It is notable that China and India, the
two most populous countries in the world are located in Asia. Indonesia, Pakistan,
Bangladesh and Japan that belong to the top ten countries with the highest population
of the world are also located in the Asian region. Accordingly, six out of 10 most
populous countries are located in the continent of Asia.
The average density of population of the continent of Asia is 87 per
kilometer, but there are some regions in Asia with a high population density of
more than 3000 people per kilometer. In the Asian region, there are 54 States or
independent countries. ( 2017.02.05)
The diversity in the culture, ethnicity and race is a special feature of the
population of the Asian region. Existence of various languages is another specific
characteristic as various ethnic groups are living there. According to ethnologue,
that providing information on languages in the world, 297 living languages are
available only in China. ( 2017.02.05)
Asian region has become unique as it is the home to the world’s most ancient
civilizations such as Mesapothemia, Howang-Ho, and Indus. It is the birth place
of major religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Christianity. At present,
people who follow religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Christianity live
in this continent.
1. State the geographical boundaries that would indicate the relative location of
the Asian region.
2. Mark those boundaries on an outline map of the world and shade the continent
of Asia.
3. Prepare a list of factors that cause for the Asia to be considered as specific
region of the world.
4. With reference to a political divisions map of Asia, show the countries that
belong to it.

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Physical landscape in Asia
The most specific
topographic feature in the Asian
region is the Mountain Range
of Himalaya. This mountain
range spreads 2500 kilometers
and stretches in a land area of
6.12,000 square kilometers. Due
Fig 1.2 - Mount Everest - The highest peak in
to this large mountain range,
Himalaya mountain range
India is seen to be separated from
Asia and as a result, India is called a sub continent. There are many peaks including
Everest located on this mountain range, exceeding 7000 meters in altitude.
Table 1.1 - Highest Peaks in the Himalaya mountain range

Highest peaks Height in meters

Everest 8848
Kanchenjunga 8586
Makalu 8462
Dhaulagiri 8167
Manaslu 8156
Nanga parbat 8126
Annapurna 8091
Nanda devi 7817
Source :
The other large mountain ranges located in Asia are Altai, Kunlun,
Karakorum, Tangshan, Ghats, Sargros and Urals.
Several large plateaus in the world are also located in Asia. Some of them
are Tibet, Pamir, Deccan, Central Siberian and Iran plateaus. Tibet plateau is the
one that located at the highest elevation in the world. It is located at 5000 meters
of altitude and surrounded by the mountain ranges like Himalayas, Karakoram and
Pamir. As it is the highest plateau in the world and spread over a very large land
area, it is called 'Rooftop of the world'.
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North Asia is a large plain. It is known as the Western Siberian Plain.
Manchurian plain and the Great Chinese plain are the other large plains located in
Asia. Apart from that, large plains are located close to the river valleys of Indus,
Ganges and Hwang Ho.

The large number of river systems scattered all over the Asian region is
the major characteristic of the drainage. These rivers flow into different oceans
and seas.
² Ob, Yenisey and Lena to the Arctic Ocean,
² Amur, Hwang Ho and Yangtze to the Pacific Ocean,
² Ganges, Indus, Brahmaputra, Mekong, Irrawaddy and Salvin to the Indian
² Euphrates and Tigris flow into the Persian bay.

There are several rivers flowing in to the internal seas.

² Serdaria and Amudaria to the Aral sea,
² Ural flows into the Caspian Sea.

Fig 1.4 - River Ganges - India

Fig 1.3 - River Hwang Ho (Yellow River)

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For free distribution
Map 1.1 - Physical landscape in Asia
Source : Gunasena Phyliphs World Map book 2016

Table 1.2 - Major rivers in Asia

River Length (km)

Yangtze 6301
Hwang Ho 5464
Mekong 4909
Lena 4400
Yenisei 4088
Ob 3650
Indus 2900
Brahmaputra 2897
Ganges 2510

Compare the length of the rivers in

Asia with the length and width of
Sri Lanka.
Map 1.2 - Size of Sri Lanka

There are several large lakes located in Asia. Among them Baikal and
Balkhash are major lakes. Lake Baikal is considered as the deepest lake with fresh
water located in the world.


1. Mention four major mountain ranges located in the Asian continent.

2. Name five peaks with their height located on the Himalaya mountain range.
3. Write down the largest rivers located in Asia and write the oceans or seas into
which they flow.
4. Name two large plateaus, one plain and two lakes located in the Asian continent.


Mark and name all the physical features written above in an outline map of

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The Earth is divided into three main climatic zones according to the
variations of the distribution of temperature towards the South Pole and towards
the North Pole from the equator.
² Tropical zone (Warm climate)
² Temperate zone (Mild climate)
² Frigid zone (Cold climate) (Refer to the Map 1.3)
The Asian continent spreads over to the North Pole from the equator.
Therefore, all types of climate that belong to those three climatic zones are found
² Tropical zone (Warm climate)
Very high temperature prevails throughout the whole year. The average
temperature is more than 180C. Therefore, a warm climatic condition prevails here.
² Temperate zone (Mild climate)
The average temperature in this zone is lower than the tropical zone.
Seasonal variations exist here due to the increase and decrease of temperature from
time to time throughout the whole year. A clear warm season and cold season is
seen here.
² Frigid zone (Cold climate)
The main feature that can be seen here is the falling snow and land being
covered with snow for a longer period of the year due to the lower level of temperature.
Frigid Zone

Arctic Circle N. 66.5o

Temperate zone

Tropic of Cancer N. 23.5 o

Tropical Zone
Equator 0o
Tropical Zone
Tropic of Capricorn S. 23.5o

Temperate zone

Antarctic Circle S. 66.5o

Map 1.3 - Distribution of the main climatic zones in Asia

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In these three climatic zones, several types of sub climates with different
features are be seen due to the influence of various factors, such as changes of the
rainfall, influence of monsoons and oceans, altitude, location of mountain ranges
and continents.

These types of climates and the areas they are distributed are included in the table
The types of climate that exist in the Asian continent
Climatic zone Climatic type Distribution Areas/countries

Tropical rainy climate Java and Sumatra islands

Tropical Tropical monsoon India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar
Tropical savanna climate North and northeast India,
Warm desert climate India, Thar Desert, Middle
Est Countries
Temperate Warm temperate climate Areas surrounding the
Mediterranean Sea
Wet temperate climate East China, Japanese islands
Frigid Polar and Tundra climate Siberian region and the Northern
parts of Asia
Mountain climate Regions surrounding the mountain
range of the Himalaya

Existence of places with very extreme climatic conditions in Asia is a

special characteristic
² The lowest temperature in Asia is recorded from the small city of
Verkhoyansk located in Russia and its temperature decreases up to -500C
during certain days.

² The highest temperature in Asia is recorded from Jacobabad in Pakistan and

it is about 550C.

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Natural vegetation and wild life
Natural vegetation changes regionally according to the differences of
rainfall and temperature. Accordingly, the natural vegetation and the wild life have
adapted to the climatic type.

Tropical zone –Tropical Rain Forests

Tropical evergreen forests can be seen in the areas where high temperature
and heavy rainfall is experienced throughout the whole year. In these forests,
there are various tall trees like Mahogany, Ebony, Rosewood, Kaluwara, Bamboo,
Sandalwood, Akeshia are available. The forests consist of different layers. Various
types of creepers, moss, lichen as well as epiphytes grow abundantly here. There is
also great bio-diversity.
Species of monkeys, reptiles, snakes, fish species and chameleon species
are abundantly seen here. Animal species such as tiger, leopard, pig, jackal, deer,
and sambar live in large numbers in these areas.

Figure 1.5 - Tropical rain forests and the wild life

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Temperate zone - Temperate Deciduous Forests
Deciduous Forests are grown in the temperate zone as a result of the
existence of cold and warm seasons during the year. A special characteristic in these
forests is falling of leaves from trees annually. Oak, Mulberry, Chestnut, Pine,
Eucalyptus, Douglas fir are specific trees grown in these forests. Kinds of animals
living here are Wolf, Bear, Sambar deer, and Antelope.

Fig 1.6 - Temperate zone forests and animal species

Frigid zone - Coniferous forests

The specific characteristic of this climatic zone with Taiga and Tundra climate
is the prevalence of a longer cold season. Coniferous forests are situated in this region.
The trees are in a shape of a cone so as to resist snowfall. Leaves are in a shape of
needles. The species of trees grown here are pine, spruce, fir, oak and larch.

Reindeer, Polar bear, Snow fox, Snow dog, Sable, and Mink are animal
species that can be seen here.

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Fig. 1.7 - Frigid zone forests and animal species


1. Table three major climatic zones that are seen in the continent of Asia and the
types of climate in each of the climatic zones.
2. Write down the types of natural vegetation spread out in each of the climatic
3. Name the animal and plant species grown in each of the natural vegetation
zones you mentioned above.

Human landscape of the Asian region

Ancient human civilizations
Several ancient civilizations had been established close to river valleys in the
world according to the information found at present about human history. Among
them, Euphrates and Tigris, Hwang Ho, Indus and Nile river valley civilizations are
major ones. It is special that except Nile river valley civilization, all the other three
are located in the continent of Asia.
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River Indus flows across present Pakistan and India and falls into the Arabian
Sea close to the city of Karachchi. A developed urban civilization established on
the basis of the two ancient cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa close to this river
A developed civilization emerged centralizing Anyang city in the river
valley of Hwang Ho or Yellow river that flows across China.

The Mesopotamian civilization is the other river valley civilization that was
located in the continent of Asia. There are evidences that this civilization had been
established between the doab of two rivers, of Euphrates and Tigris that flow across
present Iraq.
Systematic town planning, buildings, creation of monuments, agriculture
and production of artistic items were specific features that developed in these

Types of human races

In the Asian region, different human races as well as many ethnic groups
live according to various climatic conditions. Mainly, two types of human races live
in the Asian region and the countries where they live are mentioned below;

Mongoloid Caucasoid

² China ² India

² Japan ² Afghanistan

² Malaysia ² Pakistan

² Korea ² Sri Lanka

² Singapore ² Arabian countries

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Population distribution
The present population in Asia is 4.46 billion (4460 million) (world 2017.02.01) Out of this, more
than half is distributed in China and India.

This population is unevenly distributed among countries and it varies

from region to region. Physical factors have impacted this unequal distribution of
population. Relief features, climate, drainage and soil are such physical factors.

When considering the population in Asia, a higher population density can

be found close to the river valleys in South, Southeast and East Asian countries.
(Over 500 per km2)
² Indo-Gangatic plain in North India.
² Irrawaddy river valley in Myanmar.
² Hwang Ho river valley in China are given as examples.

Central Asia, Mongolia, Northern flat lands Gobi and Thar deserts are
sparsely populated areas in Asia.(1.4 map)

Ten countries with a higher density Ten countries with low population
of po pulation by 2017 by 2017
² China 1370 millions ² Maldives 345000
² India 1299 millions ² Brunei 421000
² Indonesia 255 millions ² Macao 641000
² Pakistan 192 millions ² Bhutan 760000
² Bangladesh 159 millions ² Timor 1.24 millions
² Japan 127 millions ² Bahrain 1.78 millions
² Philippine 103 millions ² Qatar 2.11 millions
² Vietnam 92 millions ² Armenia 3 millions
² Iran 79 millions ² Mongolia 3.02 millions
² Turkey 78 millions ² Georgia 3.73 millions

Source : - 2017.02.01

For free distribution
Population Density
population per 1 km2
over 500
less than 1

Tehran Beijing

Mumbai Pacific

Indian Ocean


Map 1.4 - Population distribution in Asia


1. State four factors that influenced the unequal distribution of population in


2. Name five high populated countries, five less populated countries and five
high populated cities located in Asia.

3. Mark the five high populated countries and cities located in Asia you stated
above in a world map.

Economic activities
Various economic activities can be found in the countries located in the
Asian region. In this region, economy of the countries is based on agriculture,
industry and service.

For free distribution
Here, the attention is paid to three countries which are significant for each of the
² Agriculture - Pakistan
² Industries - Japan
² Service activities - Dubai
Pakistan as an agricultural country in Asia
Agriculture is the main
economic activity in Pakistan.
25.9% of the Gross Domestic
Product in Pakistan is
contributed from the agricultural
sector. Out of the total labour
force, 43% is engaged in
agricultural activities. 25% of
the land area of the country
has been used for agricultural

Pakistan is important
as a major country in the
world that provides raw cotton.
Among the other agricultural
products in Pakistan, wheat,
rice, sugarcane, mangoes, chick
pea, vegetables, milk and dairy
products, beef, mutton and eggs
are important.

Pakistan is also
important as a country with the
largest irrigation systems in the
world. Water is provided for
about 16 millions hectares in
the country through the Indus
river valley irrigation system. Figure 1.8 - Agricultural activities in Pakistan

For free distribution
There are two main Table 1.3 - Two crop seasons, duration and the
agricultural seasons in Pakistan and crops grown in Pakistan

they are known as Khariff and Rabi. Crop Duration Crops grown
According to the ranking Khariff From April to cotton, paddy,
system of the World Food and October millet, maize
Agriculture Organization, Pakistan and sugarcane
has achieved following places as a
Rabi From November wheat, barley
food producer to the world market. to March and oats
Table 1.4 - Place achieved by Pakistan in providing Agricultural Products to the world
Type of the Place in the Type of the Place in the
product world market product world market
Chick pea 3 Dairy products 5
Apricot 6 Date palm 5
Cotton 4 Onion 7
Sugarcane 5 wheat 7
Rice 4 Types of oranges 6
Mango 4
Source - 21/2/2017

Accordingly, Pakistan has earned a significant place as an exporter of

agricultural products in the world.
Japan as an industrial country
Japan is a major industrial country in Asia as well as in the world. According
to the Per capita Gross National Product, Japan is the country that possess the third
largest economy in the world. In Japan, 27.5% of the Gross National Product is
contributed by the industrial sector. Out of the labour force, 25.2% is engaged in the
industrial sector. A specific feature in Japan is maintaining industries on the basis of
the import of mineral resources and raw materials completely.
Among the manufacturing industries in Japan, manufacturing automobiles,
electronic equipment, machinery, iron and steel, ship-building, chemicals, textiles,
computer and computer accessories, robotics technology, pharmaceuticals and
processed foods are important.

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Manufacturing automobiles is the key field of industry in Japan. Japan has
won the sixth place out of the top ten largest automobile manufacturers in the world.
Japanese automobiles are in the forefront in the world due to factors of high quality,
durability, fuel economy, comfort and inclusion of very modern components and
equipment. There are several major automobile manufacturing companies in Japan
and some foremost ones are mentioned below.

² Toyota ² Nissan ² Suzuki ² Mazda ² Daihatsu

² Mitsubishi ² Honda ² Isuzu ² Subaru ² Hino

Fig.1.9 - Industrial activities in Japan

Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki and Kawasaki are major motor cycle producting
companies in Japan in the world.
Japan has achieved a rapid development in producing various types of
electronic and electrical equipment. For these productions, the companies of Sony,
Mitsubishi, Electric, Panasonic, Cannon, Fujitsu, Nikon, Yamaha, Sharp, Nec,
Hitachi and Casio are important.
Production of plastic, polystyrene and polypropylene are significant as main
petro chemical industries in Japan. The other frontline production industry of Japan
is producing computers and computer accessories. Among these companies Nec,
Fjitzu, Epson and I.B.M are significant.

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Japan has achieved its development with regard to Gene Technology which
is considered a very important field at present in the world. Gene Technology is
used in various sections such as agriculture, livestock farming, pharmaceuticals,
chemicals and food processing.

Japan is in the forefront among the countries where that utilizes nuclear
power in abundance, in the world.

Dubai as a service center

The United Arab Emirates is a federation of seven states known as Emirates.
Out of them Dubai is a small Emirate state.

The total population of Dubai is 2,502,715 and the population density is

644.2 per km2. Accordingly, Dubai is a highly populated country. Dubai known as
global city is important as the business hub of middle east.

The base of the economy of Dubai is the production of mineral oil. The large
amount of wealth earned from this resource has been invested in other fields in that
country. Dubai has been developed as a service center as its physical environment is
not suitable for agricultural purposes.

Among major economic sectors in Dubai, the highest percentage value

sector is the service sector. This represents around 37.2% out of the total Gross
Domestic Product in Dubai. Out of the total employees, 33.0% is engaged in
employment related to the service sector. (Emirates NDB Research-Dubai’s service
sector overview-18 March 2015)

There are many service industries carried out by Dubai as a service center;

² An aviation center of modern crossroads connecting East and West. Accordingly,

Dubai is important as an intermediate transit center in the world.

² Importance of Port Jabil Ali as the major Middle Eastern export center as well
as free trade harbour.
² Center for Tourist attractions and tourist services providing center.
² As a center of providing international communication services Eg – CNN, Al
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² As a center that provides an indoor stadium and day and night cricket stadium for
cricket and tennis at international level.
² Establishment of the largest trade center called Dubai Mall.

1. State four factors why Pakistan is important as a major agricultural country in

2. Write down the two main agricultural seasons in Pakistan and write the types
of crops grown in each of the season.
3. State five major agricultural export products in Pakistan
4. State four reasons to show how Japan has become a major industrial country
in Asia.
5. State the major industrial products in Japan
6. State which reasons have influenced the importance of Dubai as a service
center in Asia.

² History, Grade 6 (1996), Educational Publications Department
² Geography, Grade 10 (2011), Educational Publications Department
² Physical Geography, G.C.E. (A/L) (2015), Educational Publications
² Geography Information Magazine (1996 - January 6 Volume) Sri Lanka
² Geographists Association
² Gunasena - Phyliphs World map book (2006), M.D. Gunasena and company,

For free distribution
• Relative location -- idfmalI
a msyà
s u - \õº¦ Aø©Âh®
• Absolute location - ksrfmalI
a msyà
s u - uÛ Aø©Âh®
• Geographical coordinates - N+f.da,h
S LKavdxl -- ¦Â°¯À BmTÖ
• Bio diversity - ffcj úúO;ajh - E°º¨£ÀÁøPø©
• Population density - ck >k;ajh - -\ÚöuõøP Ahºzv
• Tropical zone - ksj¾;k l,dmh - -A¯ÚÁ»¯®
• Temperate zone - fi!uH l,dmh -- CøhöÁ¨£ Á»¯®
• Polar zone - O%ej l,dmh - -•øÚÄ Á»¯®
• Tropical rainy climate - ksj¾;k - A¯Ú ©øÇU Põ»{ø»
j¾Id foaY.=Kh
• Tropical monsoon climate - ksj¾;k -- A¯Ú £¸ÁUPõØÖ
fudaiï foaY.=Kh Põ»{ø»
• Tropical savanna climate - ksj¾;k -- A¯Ú \ÁßÚõ
iejkd foaY.=Kh Põ»{ø»
• Hot desert climate - WIaK ldka;dr foaY.=Kh - -öÁ¨£¨ £õø»ÁÚ
• Warm temperate climate - WKqiqï fi!uH foaY.=Kh - -CÍg`hõÚ Cøh
öÁ¨£ Põ»{ø»
• Wet temperate climate - f;;a fi!uH foaY.=Kh - -CøhöÁ¨£ DµU
• Polar and tundra climate - O%ej yd ;=køa d foaY.=Kh - -•øÚÄ ©ØÖ® x¢vµõ
• Highland climate - Wiaìï foaY.=Kh - E¯º{»U Põ»{ø»
• Tropical rain forests - ksj¾;k j¾Id jkdka;r - A¯Ú ©øÇU PõkPÒ
• Deciduous forestes - m;kYS, jkdka;r - -Cø»²vº PõkPÒ
• Coniferous forests - fla;O
= r jkdka;r - F]°ø»U PõkPÒ
ö£Ø÷ÓõÀ Cµ\õ¯Ú
• Petro chemical industry - fmfg%d ridhk l¾udka; - øPzöuõÈÀ ö©õzu
• Gross Domestic Product - o< foaYh
S ksIm
a dÈ;h - EØ£zv
• Tourist attractions - ixpdrl wdl¾IK - _ØÖ»õ PÁºa]PÒ

For free distribution
Landscape of
Sri Lanka

Relief, drainage, climate and natural vegetation are the

main components of the physical landscape. The human
landscape is created by man through his activities on the
basis of this physical background. The main objective of
this chapter is to study the inter-relation between physical
and human landscapes of Sri Lanka.
Physical Landscape
Sri Lanka is an island with a beautiful landscape located in the Indian Ocean.
The island consists of mountains, plains, rivers, waterfalls, beaches and various
types of vegetation as well as buildings, roads, tanks, industries and croplands built
by man on this physical environment.

The land of Sri Lanka consists of complex physical features as a result of
geo-activities that occurred during a long period in the geo history. Among them, a
salient feature is the central mountains located in the center of the country and the
plain that extends towards the coastal belt from there. The island can be divided
into three zones on the basis of relief. Identify it by studying Map 2.1

Point Pedro N
Coastal plain

Up to 30 m from the


sea level
i n

Intermediate plain Trincomalee

2 Mihintale
Intermediate plain
Yapahuwa Batticaloa
From 30 m to 300 m
Kandy Knuckles
Central hills 3
3 Colombo Ginigathena Welimada Plateau
Samanala KandaHorton Plains
(Adams Peak)

Central mountains
Over 300 m

Dondra Head

Map 2.1 - Relief map of Sri Lanka

For free distribution
Coastal Plain
The region from sea level up to the 30m contour line along the coast belongs
to the coastal plain. In the South in certain places, the coastal plain is about 3 km
narrow and in the North it is about 32 km wide. The coastal plain consists of various
relief features. The lower areas of river valleys and the river mouth regions belong to
this. The coastal plain has several special features such as flat land, points, lagoons,
sand dunes as well as the features like braided rivers, marshy lands and deltas.

Fig 2.1 - Coastal plain

Marshes - Marshes are formed when the sediments brought by rivers are
deposited as sand banks and blocking the estuaries or water remaining in lowlands
due to overflowing of rivers. Examples of marshes are Muthurajawela, Bundala,
Kalametiya, Somawathiya, Anawilundawa and Kirala kele.

Bays - A bay has a wider opening of the sea protruding towards the land filled with
saline water. Many such bays are located along side the coastal line in Sri Lanka.
Some of them are Koddiyar Bay, Arugam Bay and Weligama Bay.

For free distribution
Lagoons - A lagoon is a lengthy
stretch of an area filled with brackish
water, separated from the sea by sand
bars which have narrow outlets to the
sea only during a certain period of
the year. Negombo, Jaffna, Puttlam,
Chillaw and Batticaloa are examples.

Points or Headlands - A land area

with hard stone that protrudes towards
sea is called a point. Dondra head,
Fowl Point, Sangamankanda Point
and Point Pedro are examples.

Islands - Small land areas completely

covered with water are called islands.

Sea Cliffs - A sea cliff is a land area

composed of hard rocks standing at an
edge of the coast with a steep slope.
Trincomallee, Kirinda and Rumassala Fig 2.2 - Blow hole at Kudawella
are examples.

Delta - Delta is a land area formed with the deposit of sediments carried by a river
close to river mouths with a shape of a triangle. Deltas can be seen close to the river
mouths of Mahaweli Ganga, Mee oya and Kala oya.

There are attractive places located close to the coastal line. Blow hole is
such a feature. This name has been given as a result of splashing water up through
a cave making a sound.

Intermediate plain
The intermediate plain is 30-300 m in altitude. According to the Map 2.1, the
plain is wider in the North and becomes narrower towards the South. The features
that can be mostly seen are contour hedges, residual hills, rivers, flood plains and

For free distribution
Parallel Rakwana Mountains and Bulutota hills that extend
mountains North - West to South - East directions

Residual hills are the remains of hard mountains

which had been subjected to erosion. Kataragama,
Residual hills
Mihintale, Sigiriya, Ritigala and Govindahela are

There are many rivers flowing across the intermediate plain. Specific features
located in between them are plains, flood plains and undulated lands.

Central Hills
The areas over 300 m belong to this zone. This is indicated in No. 3 of Map
2.2. This region is more complex than the other two relief zones.

1 2

Map 2.2 – The Central Hills

For free distribution
There are four principal mountain ranges in the Central Hills with higher peaks;

1. Samanala Mountain Range

2. Namunukula Mountain Range

3. Pidurutalagal Kirigalpotta Mountain Range

4. Knuckles Mountain Range (Map 2.2)

Plateaus - A plateau is an area of flat land at a high elevation. There are five Plateaus
in the Central Hills. (Map 2.2)

² Kandy Plateau

² Hatton Plateau

² Welimada Plateau

² Mahawelatenna Plateau

² Koslanda Plateau

Gaps or Passes - A pass is a low area located between two mountains. Haputale,
Balana, Galagedara and Ginigathhena are examples.

Waterfalls - The plateaus which are located in the central hills are of different
heights and rivers flow across steep slopes or escarpments forming waterfalls.
Bambarakanda, Dunhinda, Luxapana, Diyaluma and Ramboda are examples.

Sri Lanka which is rich in water resources contains main 103 river valleys.
Out of them, 34 rivers starting from hill country, flow in different directions in
an aerial pattern. These rivers are known as permanent rivers since they are
abundant with water through out the year. Some rivers that are starting from
undulated lands in dry zone, flow during rainy season and become dry during dry
season. These are known as seasonal rivers.

Details of a few major rivers in Sri Lanka are stated in Map 2.3 and Table 2.1

For free distribution

Map 2.3 - A few main rivers of Sri Lanka

For free distribution
Table 2.1 – Details of a few major rivers in Sri Lanka

River Length km Catchment area (km2)

1. Mahaweli Ganga 335 10,327
2. Malwatu Oya 164 3246
3. Kala Oya 148 2772
4. Kelani Ganga 145 2278
5. Yan Oya 142 1520
6. Deduru Oya 142 2616
7. Walawe Ganga 138 2442
8. Kalu Ganga 129 2688

80% of the rivers located in Sri Lanka flow across the dry zone. Mahaweli
is the longest river as well and has the largest river basin. Out of the total land area
in Sri Lanka 1/6 belongs to this.
When we consider the total drainage pattern, Sri Lanka has a radial pattern.
However, various drainage patterns are formed when tributaries are added to main
rivers. Among them, Dendritic and Trellis drainage patterns are important. When
we compare River Mahaweli with kalu Ganga, Kelani Ganga and Gin Ganga, they
flow through a shorter area and the catchment area is also smaller. During the rainy
seasons floods occur in abundance close to these rivers.


1. Mention the difference between relief and landscape.

I' Complete the following table in association with the characteristics and
examples of main relief zones in Sri Lanka.

Coastal plan Intermediate plain Central mountains

1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4

For free distribution
II' Mark the following in a model of Sri Lanka map

² Mahaweli river ² Knuckles mountain range ² Jaffna lagoon

² Kelani river ² Sigiriya ² Ritigala

² Malwathu oya ² Katharagama mountain ² Dondra head

² Walawe river ² Govinda hela ² Point Pedro

² Menik river ² Batticaloa ² Mannar islands

² Piduruthalagala ² Puttalam lagoon ² Delft



Climate of a particular place

is the general condition of the
atmosphere which is determined
by analysing and concluding on
weather for a long time.

Weather is the state of

atmosphere that prevails
within a short period of time
at any place.

Sri Lanka is an island located close to the equator. Specific characteristic

of the climate in Sri Lanka is the high temperature and the rainfall distributed
throughout the year.

For free distribution
Average annual temperature in Sri Lanka is 270C. Yet there are small
regional variations. Map 2.4 clearly shows this.

Map 2.4 - Distribution of Annual Temperature of Sri Lanka

For free distribution
Several factors influence the variation of temperature in Sri Lanka.
² Proximity to the Indian subcontinent
² Altitude (height of land)
² Distance from the sea
² Changing wind pattern
According to the Map 2.4, the Northern part of Sri Lanka has a high
temperature while Eastern, Southern and South-Western low lands experience low
temperature. The reason for high temperature in the Northern part of Sri Lanka
is its proximity to the Indian sub continent. Areas like Jaffna, Anuradhapura and
Mannar are subjected to high temperature when temperature increases in India.
When you go to Kandy, Nuwaraeliya or Sri pada you would feel that the
temperature is very low in these areas. The reason for this is the decrease of
temperature according to altitude. (Table 2.2)
Table 2.2 - Decrease of temperature according to the altitude

Height (m) temperature

Kandy 447 24.4 0C

Nuwaraeliya 1882 15.4 0C

Piduruthalagala 2524 11.5 0C

The decrease of the temperature according to altitude is called the lapse


Although Sri Lanka has a high temperature due to its location close to
the equator, the temperature decreases as it is surrounded by the ocean. But high
temperature prevails in the regions of the interior plains in the country due to the
low influence of the ocean.
Seasonal winds also influence the decrease of temperature in Sri Lanka. The
temperature becomes balanced according to the seasonal monsoons and cyclones.

For free distribution

Rainfall is the total quantity of rain received at a place within a

specified period of time.

Map 2.5 indicates

the annual rainfall in Sri N
Lanka. Accordingly, a
clear feature shown by this
map is the regional change
of rainfall. Also it can be
clearly seen that there is
less rainfall is received in
the Northern, Eastern and
the South-Eastern parts of
Sri Lanka while central
mountains receive more
rainfall. Sri Lanka receives
rain in three ways.
1. Convectional rain
2. Monsoon rain

3. Cyclonic rain

Convectional rain

Since Sri Lanka is

situated close to the equator,
convectional process
occurs throughout the year.
However this process is
subdued in certain periods Map 2.5 - Annual rainfall in Sri Lanka

due to the process of

For free distribution
monsoons and cyclones. When monsoons and cyclones are over, convectional
process re-appears. According to that, the convectional rain is experience in Sri
Lanka prominently during two periods.

1. The first inter monsoon period is between the months of March and April.
2. The second inter monsoon period is between the months of October and

As Sri Lanka is situated close to the equator, it has a high temperature

throughout the year. During the months of April and September, the sun is
overhead in Sri Lanka and the air near the surface of the earth gets heated and
begins to rise. They are called convectional air currents. The air that has risen
up, gets cooled and the water vapour is condensed to form clouds and bring rain
thereafter. Here, a special feature is that the rainfalls in the evenings. During the
morning period a clear sky is visible and more heat is received. In the afternoon,
the sky is covered by clouds and it brings rain in the evenings. These are known
as convectional rain, thunder showers or evening showers.

Monsoon rain

Monsoon is a specific type of winds that blow during a definite time period
of a year across the land. Monsoon means blowing during a particular time period
only. Sri Lanka receives monsoon rain during two time periods namely.

1. The South West monsoon (From May to September)

2. The North East monsoon (From December to February)

South West Monsoon rain

The wind that blows across the Indian Ocean towards Sri Lanka from the
South West includes much water vapour. When these winds with water vapour
reach the Central Hills and rise up, they bring heavy rains to the Western and
South Western parts of the country. The Eastern and the Northern areas located in
the leeward areas of the central hills do not receive rain from these winds because
they blow as dry winds. These dry winds are called ‘kachchan’ in the areas of

For free distribution
Map 2.6 - South-West Monsoon rainfall

North East Monsoon rain

As the North East Monsoon winds blow in the direction of North-East it
is called North-East Monsoon. Water vapour carried by these monsoonal winds is
very low as they blow across a small water area of the Bay of Bengal from India.
Therefore, much rainfall is not received as during South-West Monsoon. More
rainfall is received in the North falls in Eastern parts of Sri Lanka.

For free distribution
Map 2.7 – North East Monsoon rainfall

Cyclones that affect Sri Lanka mostly occur in the area of the Bay of Bengal.
Cyclones mostly occur in the months of November and December. But, cyclones
may occur at any time of the year. More areas in the North and East receive
rainfall from cyclones. These cyclones enter the island from the Eastern coast of
Sri Lanka and pass over the South Eastern coast. Whenever there are cyclones
a large area throughout Sri Lanka receives rain. Cyclones may occur during the
period of monsoonal winds. On such occasions, heavy rainfall is experienced and
floods occur. Strength of these winds is introduced as whirlwinds, depressions or

For free distribution

1. Define weather and climate.

2. Name three factors that influence the distribution of temperature in Sri
3. Complete the following table with reference to rainfall in Sri Lanka.

Method of rainfall Duration Areas receiving rainfall


Collect pictures and diagrams about disastrous conditions related to rainfall

in Sri Lanka and prepare a wall-paper article.

Climatic zones of Sri Lanka

An area where similar climatic features are seen is identified as a climatic
zone. According to the factors such as temperature and rainfall, Sri Lanka can be
divided into five climatic zones.

1. Low country wet zone

2. Low country dry zone

3. Hill country wet zone

4. Hill country dry zone

5. Semi-arid zone

For free distribution

Map 2.8 - Climatic zones in Sri Lanka

Low country wet zone

² The areas of the South Western flat lands of Sri Lanka belong to this zone.
² The average annual rainfall in this area is 2000 mm.
² The average annual temperature is about 270C.
² Though this area receives rain throughout the year, South West Monsoon
period is the main rainy season that prevails from May to September.

For free distribution
² The months of February and March are dry to some extent, but there is
almost no definite dry season.

Low country dry zone

² The areas of the North and Eastern flat lands of Sri Lanka belong to this

² The average annual rainfall is between 1250 mm-2000 mm.

² Presence of a dry and wet period of time.

² During the period of December to February, this area receives rain from the
North-East Monsoon. During this period cyclones too may bring rain.

² During some periods, rain is impermanent. High evaporation prevails.

Hill country wet zone

² The western part of this is formed when a line joining the cities of
Matale, Kandy, Nuwaraeliya and Haputale of the Central Hills is drown.

² This area receives rain throughout the year.

² The average annual rainfall is about 3000 mm.

² Maliboda,Watawala and Kenilwerth that receive the highest rainfall in Sri

Lanka are located in this zone.

² Dry winds occur from December to February.

Hill country dry zone

² The Eastern part of the hill country belongs to this zone.

² The average annual rainfall is between 1750 mm-2000 mm.

² More rain is received from the North East monsoon, but this area does not
receive rain from the South West Monsoon as a result of the location being
on the leeward side.

² Dry winds occur during a long period of the year.

For free distribution
Semi-arid zone
² This area is consisted of Mannar and the surrounding areas located in the
North Western part as well as in Hambantota area located in the South Western
part of Sri Lanka.
² The average annual rainfall is between 650 mm - 1250 mm.
² Rainfall is less and it is limited to 3 or 4 months.
² Convectional rains are in operation.
² Evaporation is high.

Natural vegetation in Sri Lanka

Trees, plants and creepers that grow without the intervention of man are
defined as natural vegetation. The factors that influence the growth of natural
vegetation are temperature, rainfall and soil. Vegetation of Sri Lanka is classified
mainly on the basis of the factors of temperature and rainfall. Accordingly, there are
seven vegetation zones identified in Sri Lanka.

1. Tropical wet forests

2. Dry Mixed Ever Green Forests

3. Intermediate Ever green Forests

4. Hill Country Wet zone Forests

5. Hill Country Dry zone Forests (Patanas)

6. Thorny bushes and scrub lands

7. Mangroves

For free distribution
Tropical wet forests
Point Pedro Hill country wet zone forests
Low country dry mixed
Jaffna Elephant Pass Mountainous dry zone
forests (patanas)
Intermediate evergreen
Mullativu forests
Thorny and scrub lands


Medawachchiya Trincomalee


Kurunegala Matale

Kandy Ampara

Watawala Nuwara Eliya
Colombo Badulla
Hanwella Hatton



Map 2.9 - Natural vegetation zones in Sri Lanka

For free distribution
Tropical wet forests (Wet evergreen forests/ Tropical rain forests)
Areas distributed / expanded Main trees
Western and South Western parts of ² Hora
Sri Lanka
² Keena
² Sinharaja
² Na
² Kanneliya
² Godapara
² Dediyagala
² Milla
² Nakiyadeniya
² Morapitiya ² Midella
² Bambarabotuwa ² Kithul
² Nedun

Features of vegetation
² Height of the trees is between 30-40 meters.
² There are several layers.
² Trees grow throughout the year.
² Colour of the trees is dark green.
² There is a canopy formed at the top and there is no light inside the forest.
² Plants growth is dense.
² Under growth is abundant. There are plenty of creepers, ferns, lichens and
orchids here.
² Higher bio diversity.

Figure 2.3 - Tropical wet forests

For free distribution
Dry mixed evergreen forests
Main Areas of Distribution Trees
These forests are distributed throughout ² Satinwood
the low country dry zone. ² Ebony
² Somawathiya ² Margosa
² Wilpattu ² Weera
² Maduru oya ² Teak
² Udawalawa ² Suriyamara
² Wasgomuwa ² Milla
² Floodp lains ofr iver Mahaweli ² Palu
² Yala

Features of vegetation
² Height of the trees is between 20 m -30 m.
² Trees grow during the rainy season and growth rate is less during the dry
² Bushes of 2 m - 3 m in height could be seen.
² They do not grow densely and there are tall trees at intervals.
² The forests are light green in colour and there are hardwood trees.

Figure 2.4 - Dry Mixed evergreen forests

For free distribution
Intermediate Evergreen Forests
Areas of distribution Main trees
These forests can be seen in the ² Jak
transitional zone that separates the wet ² Pihimbiya
zone and dry zone. ² Lunumidella
² Kurunegala ² Mahogany
² Sapu
² Badulla
² Matale
² Tangalle

Features of vegetation
² These forests have trees that grow in the wet and dry zones as it changes
to the dry zone from the wet zone.
² The trees that grow in wet and dry zones are mixed.
² Height of the trees is 10 m - 25 m.

Figure 2.5 - Intermediate evergreen forests

For free distribution
Hill country wet zone forests
Areas of Distribution Main trees

They are found in areas over 1200 m in ² Walsapu

² Keena
the Western slops of the Central hills.
² Mihiriya
² Dawata
² Samanalakanda
² Beraliya
² Pidurutalagala
² Mora
² Knuckles
² Hulanheek
² Horton plain

Features of the vegetation

² Average height of the trees is 8 m - 10 m.
² With the increase in the altitude, height of the trees gets reduced gradually.
² Trees grow as a canopy. Colourful leaves can be seen.
² Epiphytes and undergrowth are in abundance.

Figure 2.6 - Hill country wet zone forests

For free distribution
Hill country dry zone forests
Areas of distribution Main trees

They are found in areas over 1400m in ² Maharathmal

the Eastern part of the Central Hills ² Aralu
² Horton plains ² Bulu
² Sandatenna ² Nelli
² Sitaeliya ² Domba
² Ambewela ² Kahata
² Kandapola

Features of vegetation
² Grasslands are distributed with different types of patanas. (Patana, Talawa,
Damana, Villu)
² Isolated trees can be seen here and there.
² Trees have grown so as to resist the winds. The trees are short and they
resist the cold and winds. Trees are twisted by nature.
² These forests are called cloud forests. It is because the canopy is seen as
clouds when is seen from above.
² Leaves are small and looks folded.
² Trees do not grow well as there is a thin layer of soil.

Figure 2.7 - Hill country dry zone forests

For free distribution
Thorny bushes and shrub lands

Areas of Distribution Main trees

These forests are distributed in the

² Eraminia
North Western and South Eastern parts
² Cactus
of Sri Lanka.
² Areas in the Hambantota ² Palu
² Areas in the Mannar district.

Features of vegetation
² Leaves of the trees are thick, scanty and thorny.
² Leaves are small.
It is because they have adapted to the dry climate.
² There are trees that get adapted to resist a long dry period.

Figure 2.8 - Thorny bushes and shrub lands

For free distribution

Areas of Distribution Main plants

Mangroves are found near estuaries ² Kirala
and around lagoons in the coastal ² Ginpol
areas. ² Katu Ikili
² Kalametiya ² Kadol
² Bundala
² Diyakanduru
² Muthurajawela
² Wal Anoda
² Anavilundawa
² Trincomalee

Features of vegetation
² Plants have many roots ; Prop roots and stilt roots
² Roots spread above water. They are known as respiratory roots.
² Those plants have adapted to brackish water

Figure 2.9 - Mangroves

For free distribution
According to the facts mentioned above, it is clear that there is a physical
diversity in Sri Lanka. Even in a small land, this diversity could be seen in relief,
climate, vegetation and drainage. It is because Sri Lanka is a small island.
In Sri Lanka, there is a climatic condition that one can experience from dry
climate to cold climate. This scenic beauty can be experienced when one travels
from Hambantota to Nuwaraeliya. We are able to see the diversity in climate,
drainage and vegetation in a few hours. This physical diversity has contributed to
the sustainability of the environment as well as to the constant sustainability of man.
Physical diversity of Sri Lanka is a tourist attraction to locals and foreigners.

Plan an educational trip to identify relief, climate and vegetation in Sri

Lanka. Prepare a brochure to include the features such as relief, climate
Human landscape
Population and human activities are the main factors affecting in creation
of human landscape.

Population of Sri Lanka is N

20.2 million. It increases every
year. Information on population is
obtained from the census conducted
by the Department of Population
and Census once in ten years.

Distribution of population
Population of Sri Lanka has
spread unevenly. The Majority of
population lives in the wet zone.
In comparison, less population is
distributed in the dry zone. (Map
2.10) From the total population, Map 2.10 - Distribution of population in Sri
For free distribution
¼ is accumulated in the Western Province and the least distribution is shown in
the Northern Province. The reasons for the increase of population in the vicinity
of Colombo are the location of the administrative and the commercial city and
the abundance of service facilities such as health, education, transportation and
industries in the province. A low population distribution is shown in the districts
of Moneragala, Vauniya, Mannar and Mullatiu. The reasons are less physical,
infrastructure facilities and unavailability of economic opportunities in these areas.
These changes in the population distribution can be shown through the density
quantitatively. It is depicted by Map 2.11.

This uneven distribution
can be explained according District Margin

to the districts and provinces. Kilinochchi Population

These quantitative changes can
be shown though population Mannar Vavuniya

density. According to the

population census 2012, density Trincomalee
of population was 323 per
square kilometre in Sri Lanka. Puttalam

This does not mean that the Batticaloa

Kurunegala Matale
population is distributed in
every region equally. It is Kandy
clearly indicated in Map 2.11. Gampaha
Nuwara Eliya Badulla

Regional changes of
Kalutara Ratnapura
population distribution in
several selected districts can Galle Hambantota
be identified according to the
population density as shown in
table 2.3. Map 2.11 - Population density according to the districts of
Sri Lanka

For free distribution
Table 2.3 - Population Density in a few
districts of Sri Lanka
District Population
Composition of Population
Colombo 3305 km2 Composition of the population in
Gampaha 1541 km2 Sri Lanka can be expressed in various
ways such as distribution by gender, age,
Kandy 664 km2
ethnicity and religion.
Hambantota 210 km2
Distribution by sex
Moneragala 72 km2
According to the population census
2012, out of the total population, 51.5% are females while 48.5% are males. It is
clear from the data that the percentage of the males is gradually decreasing. This
can be clearly expressed by sex ratio. The number of males for 100 females in the
population is called the sex ratio. The following table indicates how sex ratio has
changed according to the census reports of 1981 and 2012.

Table 2.4 - Sex ratio in Sri Lanka

Year Sex ratio

1981 104.0
2012 94.3
Source: Reports of the census and statistics
Age structure
According to the age structure in Sri Lanka the aging population has
increased to a certain amount. It is expressed in the following table.
Table 2.5 - Population according to age structure

Age Census % Census %

(1981) (2012)
Below 14 years 35.2 25.3

Between 15-59 years 58.2 62.3

Above 60 years 06.6 12.4

Source : Reports of the census and statistics

For free distribution
Population structure according to the race

According to the races, ethnic structure is shown as given below;

Table 2.6 - Population structure according Graph 2.1 - Population structure according
race race
Race Percentage 0.5
(2012) 4.2 Sri Lankan Tamils
Sinhalese 74.9 Indian Tamils
11.2 Sri Lankan Muslims
Sri Lankan Tamils 11.2 Others
Sri Lankan Muslims 9.2
Indian Tamils 4.3
Others 0.5

Population structure according to the religion

Population structure according to the religion is given below;

Table 2.7 - Population structure according Graph 2.2 - Population structure according
to the religion to the religion

Religion Percentage 1.3

(2012) Hindu

Buddhist Islam
Roman catholic
Hindu 12.6 Christianity
Islam 9.7 12.6 Others

Roman catholic 6.1 Hindu

Christianity 1.3
Others 0.1

Growth of population
The difference between the crude birth rate and the crude death rate is called
the natural growth of population in a particular country. When it is added to the
net migration (the difference between in and out migration of the country) it is
called the growth of the total population. Graph 2.3 indicates how the population
increased in Sri Lanka from 1871 to 2012.

For free distribution
Graph 2.3 - Growth of population 1871 - 2012

Settlements are established by groups of people to live together with co-operation
to be protected from enemies and wild animals and to avoid a harsh environment.

A settlement cannot be considered a mere habitat only. Settlement is a unit

which consists of various institutions of economic, social and cultural activities
of man and religious places, buildings, gardens, agricultural lands as well as
infrastructure facilities.

Settlements can mainly be categorized into three groups.

ttlemen ents
al se em
Rur an settl ents
² Urb settl
² an

Rural settlements
The settlements which are based on agriculture and fisheries industry,
paying more attention on primary economic activities when using resources, are
called rural settlements. The villages located close to tanks in the dry zone and
fishing villages are examples.

For free distribution
Fig 2.10 - A few rural settlements

Urban settlements

Urban settlements are areas

with higher density of population
concentrated in a limited land area,
centred on non agricultural activities.
Colombo, Gampaha, Kandy, Jaffna
and Matara are examples.
Fig.2.11 - Urban settlements

Rurban settlements

The settlements which have

both rural and urban features are
called rurban settlements. In these
areas, rural features disappear and
Urban features are being emerged.
Urban areas of cities can be cited as
examples. Fig. 2.12 - Rurban settlements
1. Name the two districts that have the highest and the least population density
in Sri Lanka.
2. Mention 4 reasons as to what the increment in population in Western
3. What are the reasons for the increment of elderly population in Sri Lanka.
4. Mention in short what a settlement is.

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Economic Activities
Economic activities of Sri Lanka
can be divided mainly into three sections.
² Agricultural sector
² Industrial sector
² Service sector
Agricultural sector
There are various agricultural
activities seen in Sri Lanka. Examples
Agricultural sector
are paddy cultivation, gardening and
chena cultivation in the dry zone and
also tea, coconut, paddy, rubber and
vegetables are cultivated in the wet zone
while tea is cultivated in mountainous
areas. Fisheries industry and livestock
farming too belong to the agricultural
sector. For example, fishing industry is
carried out in the coastal areas and in
inland reservoirs. Livestock farming is
done in the areas of Ambewela, Pattipola, Industrial sector
Polonnaruwa and Hambantota.
Industrial sector
Most of the industries in Sri
Lanka are located in the Western
Province. There are various types
of industries. Among such, main
industries are assembling industries,
plastic, tyre, textiles, confectionery
and handicrafts. The government has
also established Industrial Zones in Fig 2.13 - Service sector
Sitawaka, Polonnaruwa, Ratmalana and
Minuwangoda and Free Trade Zones in Biyagama, Katunayaka and Koggala.

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Service sector

Service sector is important for the improvement of living standards of people

in a country. Service sector includes various services such as education, health,
transportation, electricity, water supplies, security, sanitary and communications.
Contribution of the service sector is increasing with reference to employment in Sri
Lanka. Service facilities are mostly expanded in urban areas.

Infrastructure facilities
During the recent times, special attention has been focused to develop the
infrastructure facilities to promote the living standards facilities of people. Among
them, building roads, providing electricity and water are major.

When developing infrastructure facilities, a prominent place has been given

to the road development and transportation. This field is developing at a rate between
5% - 6% annually. The road system has spread in every region so that there are
facilities for anyone to reach any place in the country within a day. In urban areas,
although the road system is developed, the congestion is still there. Recent governments
have taken various steps to develop the field of road transportation like;
² Widening roads ² Building fly-overs
² Building roads in the rural sector ² Building express ways

Fig 2.14 - An express way in Sri Lanka

For free distribution
Almost all the regions in Sri Lanka have been provided with electricity
facilities. Electricity is generated from the electricity projects constructed, in
association with the major rivers of Mahaweli, Kalu, Kelani and Walawe. Hydro
electricity and thermal power are major ways of providing electricity in Sri Lanka.
In addition, the use of regenerative energy sources like solar power is increasing.

Sri Lanka is a country rich with the water resource. Water sources like
rivers, streams, wells, ponds, tap water and ground water are used to fulfil the needs
of water of the people. Water taken from these sources is used for different simple
purposes like cooking, drinking, sanitary needs and also for complex necessities
such as agriculture, industry, and generation of electricity. Economic affairs and
living needs of people depend on water.

Water sources which are used to fulfil these needs are getting polluted at
present. In urban areas, tap water is important for drinking purposes. Wells, ponds
and tanks are important in rural areas in this regard. Importance of water sources
has been decided depending on particular areas.

Water and electricity are limited resources not only for us but for many
countries in the world. It is our duty and responsibility to get the maximum use of
this resource, without wasting to protect it for the future generations.


1. Mention three main sections of economic activities in Sri Lanka

2. Water and electricity should be used sparingly. State three reasons for this.

For free distribution
Influence of physical landscape of Sri Lanka on
human activities
Physical landscape of Sri Lanka influences human activities decisively.
There are regional changes in the physical landscape and accordingly, regional
changes too can be seen in the human landscape.

Coastal plain

Fig 2.15 - Coastal landscape

Several human activities in the coastal plain are indicated in figure 2.15.
The fisheries industry, coir industry, excavating limestone and the tourist industry
have emerged using the physical environment.

For free distribution

1. What are the human activities which are common to the coastal plain
indicated by the above diagram?

2. What are the other human activities in the coastal plain which are not shown
in the diagram?

3. State the physical facilities available in the coastal plain for human activities
mentioned by you.

The wet zone

Fig 2.16 - The wet zone landscape

In the wet zone, there is a suitable physical environment for various human
activities. Various types of cultivation, distribution of high population and a
developed road system can be seen here. Several human activities which are carried
out in the wet zone are indicated in figure 2.16.
For free distribution

1. What are the human activities shown by the Fig. 2.16? Form a table to
include them.
2. Name several crops grown in this area.
3. State the physical factors necessary that are affected for growing these
4. Name the services and employment that can be seen in abundance in this
5. Mention two factors that caused this area to become high populated.

The dry zone

Fig. 2.17 - Dry zone landscape

Tank system is an outstanding feature in the dry zone landscape. The tank
system has been constructed according to the relief and is connected the irrigation
system. It is a specific feature in this area.
For free distribution
Paddy cultivation, chena cultivation, villages established in association
with tanks, ancient cities and various types of cultivation too can be seen in the
dry zone landscape.


1. According to Fig. 2.17, what are the human activities that can be seen in the
dry zone?
2. What are the major physical factors that influence the development of paddy
cultivation in this zone?

Hill country landscape

Fig. 2.18 - Hill country landscape

A specific relief and climatic condition exist in the hill country landscape
and the human activities have been adjusted accordingly.

For free distribution
1. What are the specific human activities in the hill country landscape?
2. State the specific crops grown in this zone.
3. What are the physical factors that influence growing each of the crops?
4. Hill country roads have bends. Why is it?
5. What are the reasons in making roofs with less height and in colour green?
6. What are the factors that influence tourist attractions in the hill country?
7. Why do the people living here use warm clothes?

Jaffna Peninsula

Fig. 2.19 - Jaffna Peninsula

There is a specific landscape in the Jaffna Peninsula in the Northern part of

Sri Lanka. In this zone, limestone is in abundance and the climate is arid. The people
who live here have developed agriculture using the ground water and the red soil.
Several features found in this landscape are indicated in figure 2.19
For free distribution

1. According to the Figure 2.18, what are the human activities found in Jaffna
2. What are the methods used by the people in this area to get ground water?
3. What are the specific crops cultivated and industries that can be seen in this
4. There are many islands located in the Jaffna region. What are the human
activities that have been established in association with them.
5. Write few products related to Palmyrah tree?

Influence of human activities on the physical landscape of Sri

In the above lesson, we studied that human activities are determined
according to different types of environments. With the increase of population, the
uses of physical environment and resources too increase. Accordingly, influences
that affect the physical environment too increase. Human activities influence the
physical environment in Sri Lanka.

Fig. 2.20 - The influence of human activities on physical landscape of Sri Lanka

For free distribution
Study the above pictures well and identify several environmental problems related
to various landscapes in Sri Lanka.


1. Name a few instances where man uses the physical environment in the
areas of the dry zone.
2. What are the impacts that affect man due to loss of habitats of wild animals?
3. Prepare a list of human activities that destroy physical environment in these


1. Prepare a brochure including pictures of human activities that could be

identified in various landscapes.

2. Name one environmental problem that prevails in your area and explain
how human activities have contributed for causing it.

² Jala Asiriya Rekaganeema, 2015, Sarath Amarasiri
² Human Geography I - II, Educational Publications Department
² Sri Lanka Central Bank Annual Reports - 2015
² Sri Lanka National Map Collection, School Edition, Sri Lanka, Servay
² Sarasavi School Map book, Sarasavi Publishing, A. Weerathunga

• Landscape - N+ o¾Ykh - {»z÷uõØÓ®
• Relief - N+ úIu;dj - uøµz÷uõØÓ®
• Braided river - yevm¨ - ¤ßÛ¯ BÖ
• Marsh - j.=re ìu - \x¨¦

For free distribution
• Point - ;=vj
q - •øÚ
• Bay - fndlal - Shõ
• Lagoon - l,mqj - PhÜ÷µ›
• Gap - lfmd,a, - PnÁõ´
• Radial drainage pattern - wÍh c,jyk rgdj - BøµÁiPõÀ £õ[S
• Dendritic drainage - YdÇh c,jyk rgdj - ©µ{Pº ÁiPõÀ £õ[S
• Trellised drainage - cd,dldr c,jyk - AÔ¯øh¨¦ ÁiPõÀ £õ[S
pattern rgdj
• Elevation - Wkak;dxYh - uøµ E¯ºa]
• Lapse rate - m;k YS>;
% dj - |ÊÄ Ãu®
• Convectional rain - ixjyk j¾Idj - ÷©ØPõÄøP ©øÇ
• Monsoon rain - fudaiï j¾Idj - £¸ÁUPõØÖ ©øÇ
• Cyclone rain - jdiq,s j¾Idj - `ÓõÁÎ ©øÇ
• Condensation - >kSNjkh - Jk[PÀ
• Evergreen forests - iodyß; jkdka;r - GßÖ® £_ø©¯õÚ Põk

• Mangrove - lfvd,dk - PshÀ

• Population distribution - ck jHdma;h
s - -\Úz öuõøP
• Population composition - ck ixhq;h
s - \ÚzöuõøP ÷\ºUøP
• Sex ratio - mqñ;sß wkqmd;h - £õÀ Ãu®
• Crude birth rate - o< Wm;a wkqmd;h - ¤Ó¨¦ Ãu®
• Crude death rate - o< urK wkqmd;h - CÓ¨¦ Ãu®
• Rural settlements - .%dóh ckdjdi - Qµõª¯U Si°¸¨¦
• Urban settlements - kd.ßl ckdjdi - |PµU Si°¸¨¦
• Rurban settlements - .eñ kd.ßl ckdjdi - Qµõ©|Pº Si°¸¨¦
• Infrastructure facilities - há;, myiqlï - EmPmhø©¨¦ Á\vPÒ
• Water sources - c, uQ,dY% - }º ‰»õuõµ®
• Environmental Pollution - mßir ¥IKh - `ÇÀ ©õ\øhuÀ

For free distribution
Spatial Changes
of Development in
Sri Lanka

Development is a continuous process. It differs from

country to country and from region to region. Different
indicators are used to measure development. The main
objectives of this chapter are, identifying the indicators and
examining the spatial changes of the development in Sri
Lanka, based on these indicators.
Development is the improvement of the quality of life of people in economic,
social and cultural aspects. There are many different definitions of Development.
The UNESCO declaration on development is,

C O De
1978 In a country social development should take place along with
economic development. Social development should take place
within sectors encompassing food and nutrients, health, education,
housing, social security, clothing, leisure and human freedom.

According to this definition, development means, giving a better standard

of living to the people of a country with improved economic, social and cultural
standards. The definition of Development changes from time to time. Development
changes from region to region and from country to country. There are several
indicators to reflect these changes.

Indicators used to measure Development

Different countries utilise different indicators to measure Development in
the world. The following indicators are important among them,

01. 02. 03. 04.

Per capita income Infant mortality Life expectancy
rate at birth

Living conditions of people and how it differs from region to region can
be made clear using these indicators. Such regional changes can be identified as
spatial changes.
Per capita income
The amount of money that is being earned per person in a country in a given
period is called per caprita income.

For free distribution
It is calculated as given below;

Total income oft he country

Per Capita Income =
Midyear population

Income of the population of the country can be calculated by this

indicator. If the per capita income rises in a country, people can have the benefit
of good living conditions.

Infant mortality rate

Infant mortality rate is the number of deaths of infants under the age one
year per 1000 live births. Infant mortality rate of a country reflects the health and
medical facilities and level of nutrition level in a country.

Life expectancy at birth

Life expectancy is the average time a new born is expected to live. The
condition of health facilities and their distribution in a country, food and level of
nutrition, good health practices, distribution of facilities for sports and leisure of the
country can be identified by these indicators.


Literacy is the ability of reading and writing of individuals above 15 years

of age. This is calculated as a percentage of the whole population over 15 years old.

Number of people above 15 years of age who has ability to

read and write
Literacy = x 100
The total population over 15 years old

For free distribution
Literacy indicators reflect the distribution of facilities of schools, education
and poverty.

Spatial variations in Development in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a developing country but regional differences also can be seen.
Let us examine these differences according to each indicator.
Per capita income can be used to understand the uneven distribution of the
income of people within Sri Lanka regionally. Monthly per capita income in 2009
in Sri Lanka is about Rs. 36,451. Table 3.1 depicts the regional differences in the
Table 3.1 – Per capita income by districts of Sri Lanka - 2009

District Monthly per capita District Monthly per capita

income in Rs. income in Rs.
Colombo 51,070 Kilinochchi No details received

Gampaha 48,870 Batticaloa 22,844

Kalutara 35,780 Ampara 24,721
Kandy 33,063 Tricomalee 24,291
Matale 30,013 Kurunegala 36,922
Nuwara Eliya 31,029 Puttalam 32,918
Galle 31,376 Anuradhapura 37,586
Matara 30,980 Polonnaruwa 31,526
Hambantota 36,879 Badulla 32,313
Jaffna 18,917 Monaragala 22,161
Mannar No details received Ratnapura 41,312
Vavuniya 39,640 Kegalle 29,342
Mulatiu No details received Sri Lanka 36,451
Source : Sri Lanka Human Development Report 2012

It is clear that per capita income differs according to Districts.

For free distribution
According to World Bank Reports, infant mortality rate was 8.4 in the
year 2015. Still there are regional differences in infant mortality rate. The table
3.2 shows the distribution of infant mortality rate according to the districts of Sri
Lanka in 2010.

Table 3.2 - Infant Mortality Rate in the Districts of Sri Lanka - 2010

District Infant Mortality District Infant Mortality

Rate - 2010 Rate - 2010
Colombo 14.1 Mulative No details received

Gampaha 02.7 Batticaloa 25.1

Kalutara 03.3 Ampara 04.5
Kandy 11.1 Tricomalee 02.5
Matale 07.2 Kurunegala 09.7
Nuwara Eliya 14.8 Puttalam 07.0
Galle 09.9 Anuradhapura 10.3
Matara 09.4 Polonnaruwa 04.6
Hambantota 04.3 Badulla 06.2
Jaffna 03.0 Monaragala 03.6
Kilinochchi 00.9 Ratnapura 05.7
Mannar 03.5 Kegalle 05.7
Vavuniya 08.6

Source : Sri Lanka Human Development Report 2012

There are regional differences even in life expectancy. The life expectancy
of the whole population of Sri Lanka is about 74.2. This differs according to the
gender. Life expectancy of women is 78.6 while it is 72 of males. When considering
the life expectance rate of different districts, these changes can be clearly understood.

For free distribution
Table 3.3 - Life Expectancy at birth according to the districts of Sri Lanka - 2002
District Male Female District Male Female
Colombo 61.9 71.9 Badulla 68.9 75.4
Gampaha 71.5 80.4 Kegalle 72.5 80
Kalutara 72.7 80.2 Kilinochchi No details received No details received
Kandy 67.3 75 Batticaloa 66.8 73.8
Matale 70.7 77.5 Ampara 70.3 75.9
Nuwara Eliya 70.8 74.7 Tricomalee 68.5 74.2
Galle 70.5 78.4 Kurunegala 68.9 78
Matara 73.5 80.4 Puttalam 69.1 78.9
Hambantota 76.9 82.3 Anuradhapura 66.5 76.1
Jaffna No details No details Polonnaruwa 68.9 77.6
received received
Mannar No details No details Badulla 75.2 80.5
received received
Vavuniya No details No details Monaragala 72 78.4
received received
Mulatiu No details No details Ratnapura 73.7 78.7
received received
Source ( Sri Lanka Human Development Report 2012

It is clear that there are differences regionally according to the indicators

of literary rate. Although Sri Lanka has a higher literacy rate among South Asian
countries, there are changes in according to various districts. (Graph 3.1)

Graph 3.1 - Proportional Literacy Rate Based on Districts - 2002

For free distribution
Literacy rate differs according to the urban, rural and estate sectors in Sri

Urban – 94.7 %

Rural – 91.8%

Estate – 74.3%

By this, It is clear that the proportional literacy rate is high in urban areas
where there are more facilities.


1. Explain what Development is.

2. Name four indicators that are used to measure the level of development.

3. Explain briefly how per capita income, infant mortality rate and literacy
affect the position of development of a country.

² Human Geography I - II Educational Publications Department
² Annual Report of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka - 2015
² Protection of water Recourse - 2015 Sarath Amarasiri
² Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2012/2013 - Final Report,
Department of Census and Statistics
² Sri Lanka Human Development Report - 2012

For free distribution

• Development indices - ixj¾Ok o¾Yl - A¤Â¸zvU SÔPõmiPÒ

• Per capita income - tAl YS¾I wdodhu - u»õ Á¸©õÚ®

• Infant mortality rate - <ore urK wkqmd;h - ]_©µn Ãu®

• Life expectancy at birth - Wmf;a § wdhq wfmalI

a dj - ¤Ó¨¤À B²Ò Gvº£õº¨¦

• Literacy - idlaIr;dj - GÊzuÔÄ A¤Â¸z

v°À Ch®\õº
• Spatial variations in - ixj¾Okfha - ©õØÓ®
development wjldYSh fjkialï

For free distribution
Environmental Balance

The objective of this unit is to study the importance of

maintaining the environmental balance, unfavourable
effects of the imbalance of the environment and the
way how the environmental ethics pave the path for the
sustainable development.
Environmental balance
The surrounding that is created by biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living)
components is environment. While plants and animals of this environment belong
to the living part, solar energy, air, water, soil, land forms, rocks etc. belong to the
non-living part. These living components maintain mutual relationships with the
non-living components in the eco system. The environmental balance depends on
this relationship.
Importance of maintaining the environmental balance
All plants and animals living on the earth are called the bio-community.
Maintenance of the environment where bio-community lives, while protecting
the environmental attributes by reacting to the changes that naturally occur is
environmental balance.
Interactions occur between plants and animals. Those living beings maintain
relationships with the physical environment. The environmentalists consider man
too as an essential component of the environment. Similarly the environmental
factors too influence the activities of the living beings; activities of living beings
too influence the environment. Maintenance of this mutual balance of influence is
important for the existence of living beings.

Factors causing the collapse of environment balance

All living beings (plants and animals) including man get their basic needs
fulfilled from the physical environment. The environment is composed of the
components which are linked to each other. A change that occurs in one component,
causes to changes in the whole environment.

Man utilizes the physical environment in different ways for the following needs;
² To Fulfil the basic needs like food, clothes, costumes and housing
² For transport and communication
² For trade
When population increases, the needs as well as their complexity too
increase. Hence due to the use of modern technology and increase of production,
man has to go a speedier journey, surpassing the environment.

For free distribution
During the period when the traditional agriculture was the main economic
activity of man, the impact on the environment was minimum. However, after
the industrial revolution, the impact of man on environment became acute. The
damage caused to the environmental balance due to the expansion of agriculture
and industries at a rapid speed along with modern technology was immense. The
environmental balance began to collapse due to the excessive addition of waste
material to the environment and adverse effect on the components of it. Collapsing
of the environmental balance in this manner is termed as environmental imbalance.
Factors that cause environmental imbalance
² Excessive utilization of resources ² Deforestation
² Irregular development processes ² Reclamation of low lands
² Excessive burning of fossil fuel ² Irregular utilization of land
² Use of agro-chemicals ² Employment of improper technology

Figure 5.1 - Factors influencing environmental imbalance

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It is clear that such processes which are carried out targeting the development
of a country have damaged the environmental balance. Though development is
essential, it must be achieved while protecting the environmental balance with
minimum damage to the environment.
1. State three human activities that cause environmental imbalance.
2. State three problems that have emerged due to such human activities in an
area in your District/ Province.

Unfavorable effects of collapsing of environmental balance

Unfavorable effects that occur due to the collapse of the environmental
balance affects the whole environment on the earth. At present, as never before in
the human history, the earth’s environment has faced a severe crisis. Scientists and
environmentalists have warned that if the present environmental damage continues
further, around another 200 years, the earth will convert into a condition which is
not conducive for man and other living beings to live.

Figure 5.2 - Unfavourable effects of the collapsing of environmental balance

Human activities are the root cause for most of these environmental
problems. All the countries in the world must corporate to find solutions for these

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Human activities that affect the environment
1. Destruction of forests.

² Destruction of flora and fauna

² Destruction of water sources

2. Use of Agro-chemicals.

² Destruction of soil and aquatic life

² Contamination of water

3. Use of fossil fuel for energy.

² Air pollution

² Increase of the environmental temperature

4. Improper urbanization.

² Adding of waste to environment

² Blocking the water ways

5. Improper disposal of waste

² Emergence of environmental health hazards

² Destruction of natural beauty

6. Experimentation of military weapons (armament)

² Atmospheric pollution

² Water pollution in oceans

1. Prepare a report on an incident relating to collapsing the balance of the world
environment based on the following titles.
² Incident ² Country
² Date ² Impact

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Necessity of environmental ethics
Favorable habits which are necessary to maintain the environment in a
desirable manner are called environmental ethics.

Ethics are bound with personal behaviour. They are accorded to the standard
rules and regulations, customs and traditions followed by the people in the societies
where they live. Man has acted inquisitively since he began to deal with the
environment. Then, he used to treat natural environment and natural objects which
have created in the conducive surrounding for living with devotion and respect. Man
who lived then, received knowledge about the environment as he worked basing on
beliefs, faiths and religions. Faiths and beliefs like respecting trees and creepers,
protecting them, making offerings and beseeching for the protection of the guardian
deities of the forest when entering to the forest are linked to the religious and social
Since ancient times, as man considered the environment as essential for
survival, he began to worship and protect it.
Likewise, man lived with nature in harmony and protected it. It is important
to identify the necessity of environmental ethics as strategies of environmental
conservation, in the journey towards sustainable development. If it is necessary to
maintain the environmental balance, we must adjust to the strategies mentioned in
environmental ethics. Every religion has highlighted the importance of protecting
the environment.

Sustainable Development
The development that is conducted fulfilling the present needs while building
an environment that ensures the rights of fulfilling the needs of future generations
could be termed as sustainable development.
The necessity of having a sustainable development approach in preparing
development plans, is of paramount importance. In following such an approach,
more attention must be focused on environmental ethics as well. The present day
development problems prove that in sustainable development both environment
and development must be maintained in collaboration. There, the attention must be
focused on the ability of the future generations to fulfil their needs.
For free distribution
Due to the lack of sufficient attention paid to the environment in present
day, when large scale when development projects are done, there is a danger of
collapsing the environmental balance.

Different national level as well as international level procedures have been

followed to protect the environmental balance.

Under the national conservation plan the following procedures have been followed;
² Planning of land use
² Conservation of wild life and forests
² Promotion of agriculture without damaging the forests, water and soil
² Coastal conservation
² Launching environmental educational programme
² Establishment of the Central Environmental Authority
² Establishment of the Ministry of Environment

Two Acts have been passed to protect the environmental balance in Sri Lanka
² Coastal Conservational Act
² National Heritage Forest Act

Procedures that have been taken at international level

² Ramzar Convention on the conservation of wet lands
² Montreal Convention aiming at the protection of the ozone layer

Under this situation, the concept of sustainable development clarifies the

guideline about the factors on which utilization of resources must be based on.
Accordingly, while fulfilling the needs of the present generation, the environment
must be secured for the needs of the future generations too.


1. State a few environmental ethics found in different religions.

For free distribution

Explain how you, as a student of a school can act to minimize the unfavourable
effects occur due to the breaking down of environmental balance.

² Physical Environment on earth, H.K.N. Karunarathna
² Physical Geography : Part I, Educational Publications Department


• Environmental balance - mdßißl ;=,;

s ;dj - `Ǽ¯À \©{ø»

• Environmental system - mßir moaO;sh - `Ǽ¯ÀöuõSv

• Components - ixrpl - TÖ
• Bio system - ffcj moaO;sh - E°ºz öuõSv

• Modern technology - kj ;dlaIKh - |ÃÚ öuõÈÝm£®

• Production capacity - ksIm
a dok Odß;dj - EØ£zv C¯»ÍÄ
• Environmental imbalance - mdßißl wix;=,kh - `Ǽ¯À
• Fossil fuels - fmdis, bkaOk - _Ámk G›ö£õ¸Ò
• Environmental ethics - mßir wdpdr O¾u - `Ǽ¯À
• Sustainable development - ;srir ixj¾Okh - ÷£suS A¤Â¸zv
• Urbanization - kd.ÍlrKh - |PµõUP®
• Central Environmental - uOHu mßir - ©zv¯ `ÇÀ AvPõµ
Authority wêldßh \ø£
• Coast Conservation Act - fjr< ixrlaIK - Pøµ÷¯õµ¨
mk; £õxPõ¨¦a \mh®
• National heritages - cd;sl Wreu - ÷u]¯ ©µ¦›ø©PÒ

For free distribution
Reading of 1:50 000
Topographic Maps of
Sri Lanka

Physical features and human or cultural features of a landscape

is presented by maps. It is expected to study the physical and
cultural features presented in the topographic maps of Sri Lanka
in this unit.
1:50,000, Topographic maps of Sri Lanka
You have studied the scale, size of a topographic map as well as selected
physical and cultural features presented in a topographic map in grade eight.
Ninety two map sheets have been prepared to the scale of 1: 50 000 to show the
topographic features of Sri Lanka. The key that consists of conventional signs and
symbols shown in the lower margin of the outer border of the map sheet can be
used to read physical and cultural features presented in these topographical maps.
Identify the convectional signs and symbols shown in the lower margin of the outer
border using a 1:50 000 topographic map found in your school.
So far you have studied that relief features are presented in 1:50 000
topographic maps by contour lines. Topographic features can be easily identified
by understanding the distribution of contour lines.
All things built on the physical environment by the intervention of man are
called cultural features.
20 19 18 17 16





3 11

6 7 8 9
Map 5.1 - A segment of a 1:50 000 topographic map
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Figure 5.1 - Conventional signs and symbols of 1:50 000 topographic maps


1. Study the key shown in figure 5.1 well.

2. After studying map 5.1 thoroughly, name the physical and cultural features
used from 1 - 20, according to the numbers separately.
3. Draw these features using conventional colours and symbols.

Let us identify physical and cultural features of 1:50,000 topographic map of

Sri Lanka by studying a segment of it.

Physical Features
Several selected physical features found in a 1:50 000 topographic maps are
shown below.
² Plain ² River valley
² Highland ² Island
² Main river ² Point/ Head
² Tributary ² Bay

Plain - A plain is a flat area on land. A plain in a map can be identified by the
widening of the gap among the contour lines. Even in a plain, small higher places
are found scattered. Such places can be identified by a spot height. (Figure 5.2)
Highland - Regions located at higher elevation are called highlands. A highland
can be identified in a topographic map as contour lines that are distributed close to
each other.

Plain Highland

Figure 5.1- Plain Map 5.2 - Plain and highland

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River Valley - Elongated low lands located among highlands are called valleys.
Main rivers and tributaries flow through valleys.
Main river - Massive water which flows to a lake or to the ocean across an area
from a highland is know as a main river.
Tributary - Small water streams from which water is provided to the main river
are known as tributary.

Figure 5.3 - River valley Map 5.3 - River valley

Various topographic features are found in coastal areas too. Islands, point,
bay are some of them.

Pigeon Island

Dondra Head Koddiyar Bay

Fig 5.4 - Island, Point and Bay

Island - Small land areas surrounded by the sea are called islands. Many islands are
located on the North East coast close to Jaffna peninsula.
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Point - Narrow pieces of land that jut out towards the sea are also found in the
coastal belt. They are known as heads or points.
Bay - The sea area that indents into land is called a bay.

Figure 5.4 - Island, Point and bay


Express way
Cultural features
Main Road (A) Grade
Several cultural features selected
Main Road (B) Grade
from a 1: 50 000 topographic map are used
for studying. Minor Roads (Jeep & Cart)
² District Boundary Broad Gauge Single (Tracks)
² Express ways Broad Gauge Double Line (Tracks)

² Main Roads (A and B Grade) Post/Sub Post Office

Police Station/Court
² Other Roads (Secondary/ Not Buddhist/Hindu Temple
main) Church/Mosque
² Railway Lines School/Hospital
² Paddy, Tea, Coconut, Rubber and
Home gardens Tea
² Religious Places
² School, Hospital, Police, and Post Other Plantations/Garden Lands
Office Figure 5.5. - Different cultural features
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These cultural features are shown on maps by different colours and symbols.

New map are being printed by the Sri Lanka Survey Department using standard
symbols and colours.
Map 5.5 indicates Point Pedro, an extraction of Map no 02, which is completed
up to now.
Symbols and colours of these new maps have been altered.

Map 5.5 - Point Pedro - New Map (2017)

The relationship between physical and cultural features

When you read 1: 50 000 topographic maps of Sri Lanka, it is clear that there is a
relationship between the physical and cultural features. There is a close relationship
between the physical features such as relief and drainage of a region and cultural
features such as housing and settlements, land tenure, irrigation system and road
network of that particular area. Physical features have been mostly utilized when the
administrative boundaries are determined.
² Settlements are widely distributed in plains. Settlements in mountainous regions
are distributed in low lands located in between mountain ranges and in valleys.
² The agricultural land use is distributed in accordance with the relief and
drainage. This is clear in topographic maps.
² Paddy lands are distributed widely in river valleys in flat lands. They are also
distributed as narrow belts along the river valleys in hilly areas.

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² Tea cultivation in hilly areas, rubber cultivation on slopes at medium elevation
and coconut cultivation in coastal regions and suburbs are seen.
² It is clear that relief has influenced the construction of tanks and irrigation
systems. Tanks have been built damming the rivers by constructing bunds at the
place where they flow through the gaps in ridges. Water is supplied through the
canals constructed following the gradient of the land.
² The physical features have influenced the construction of main roads too.
Though the road network runs straightly on flat regions, in a hilly region it runs
according to the relief. River valleys and river gaps have been mostly used in
road construction.
² When administrative boundaries are decided, it is clear that, they have been
based on physical features like rivers and mountain ranges.

Observe the relationship between physical and cultural features using the
segments of topographical maps provided.

5.6 and 5.7 - Relationship between physical and cultural features

Answer the questions based on Map 5.8
1. Name three physical features shown in the map 5.8
2. Name the types of roads which have been mapped out.
3. Name three cultivation of crops that can be seen in the region.
4. What is the administrative boundary separated by the river?
5. Write five sentences indicating the relationship between relief and crop

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Map 5.8 - Segment of 1:50, 000 topographic map

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1. Widely distributed in plains

3. A famous plain in Sri Lanka.

5. The largest water bodies.

7. Row of bushes or small trees


1. Cultural feature shown in key.

2. A method of farming in hilly regions.

4. The direction shown in maps

6. The longest river in the world

For free distribution
² Physical environment of the earth - H.K.N. Karunarathna
² Sri Lanka map collection - School Print - 2nd Edition, Sri Lanka Servay
² Physical Geography - Part I - Educational Publications Department


• Physical features - fN!;sl ,laIK - ö£ÍvP A®\[PÒ

• Cultural features - ixialD;sl ,laIK - £s£õmk A®\[PÒ
• Plain ;eks;,dj - \©öÁÎ

• Highland - Wiaìu -- E¯º{»®

• Main river - m%Odk - ¤µuõÚ BÖ

• Tributary - w;= - QøͯõÖ

• River valley - .x ksïkh - BØÖ¨ £ÒÍzuõUS
• Island - ¥m; -- wÄ
• District boundary - Èia;l
s% l
a udhsu - ©õÁmh GÀø»
• Expressway - wêfõ.S ud¾.h - Av÷ÁP ö|kg\
• Highways - uydud¾. - ö£¸¢öu¸UPÒ

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