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occupies its place. A great deal of ingenuity is displayed by the
Parisian artists in the composition of these pictures, and the
exhibition of them, either in small portable instruments held in the
hand, or placed on the table, or on a great scale, to an audience, by
means of the oxygen and hydrogen light, never fails to excite
The pictures thus exhibited, though finely executed, have only
that degree of relief which I have called monocular, and which
depends on correct shading and perspective; but when the
dissolving views are obtained from binocular pictures, and have all
the high relief given them by their stereoscopic combination, the
effect must be singularly fine.
Very interesting and amusing effects are produced by
interchanging the right and the left eye pictures in the stereoscope.
In general, what was formerly convex is now concave, what was
round is hollow, and what was near is distant. The effect of this
interchange is finely seen in the symmetrical diagrams, consisting of
white lines upon black ground, such as Nos. 1, 5, 9, 12, 18 and 27 of
the Parisian set; but when the diagrams are not symmetrical, that is,
when the one half is not the reflected image of the other, such as
Nos. 26, &c., which are transparent polygonal solids, formed as it
were by white threads or wires, no effect, beyond a slight fluttering,
is perceived. As the right and left eye pictures are inseparable when
on glass or silver plate, the experiments must be made by cutting in
two the slides on Bristol board. This, however, is unnecessary when
we have the power of uniting the two pictures by the convergency of
the optic axes to a nearer point, as we obtain, in this case, the same
effect as if we had interchanged the pictures. The following are some
of the results obtained in this manner from well-known slides:—
In single portraits no effect is produced by the interchange of the
right and left eye pictures. If any loose part of the dress is in the
foreground it may be carried into the distance, and vice versa. In one
portrait, the end of the hat-band, which hung down loosely behind
the party, was made to hang in front of it.
In pictures of streets or valleys, and other objects in which the
foreground is connected with the middle-ground, and the middle-
ground with the distance, without any break, no effect is produced by
the interchange. Sometimes there is a little bulging out of the middle
distance, injurious to the monocular effect.
In the binocular picture of the Bridge of Handeck, the Chalet in
the foreground retires, and the middle distance above it advances.
In the picture of the sacristy of Notre Dame, the sacristy retires
within the cathedral.
In the Maison des Chapiteaux at Pompeii, the picture is
completely inverted, the objects in the distance coming into the
In the Daguerreotype of the Crystal Palace, the water in the
foreground, with the floating plants, retires and takes an inclined
position below a horizontal plane.
In the binocular picture of the lower glacier of Rosenlaui, the roof
of the ice-cave becomes hollow, and the whole foreground is thrown
into a disordered perspective.
In Copeland’s Venus, the arm holding the bunch of grapes is
curiously bent and thrown behind the head, while the left arm
advances before the child.
In the picture of the Greek Court in the Crystal Palace, the wall
behind the statues and columns advances in front of them.
The singular fallacy in vision which thus takes place is best seen
in a picture where a number of separate articles are placed upon a
table, and in other cases where the judgment of the spectator is not
called upon to resist the optical effect. Although the nose of the
human face should retire behind the ears yet no such effect is
produced, as all the features of the face are connected with each
other, but if the nose and ears had been represented separately in
the position which they occupy in the human head, the nearer
features would have retired behind the more remote ones, like the
separate articles on a table.
We shall have occasion to resume this subject in our concluding
chapter on the fallacies which take place in viewing solids, whether
raised or hollow, and whether seen by direct or inverted vision.

Those who are desirous of having stereoscopic relievos of absent

or deceased friends, and who possess single photographic portraits
of them, or even oil paintings or miniatures, will be anxious to know
whether or not it is possible to obtain from one plane picture another
which could be combined with it in the stereoscope; that is, if we
consider the picture as one seen by either eye alone, can we by any
process obtain a second picture as seen by the other eye? We have
no hesitation in saying that it is impossible to do this by any direct
Every picture, whether taken photographically or by the eye, is
necessarily a picture seen by one eye, or from one point of sight;
and, therefore, a skilful artist, who fully understands the principle of
the stereoscope, might make a copy of any picture as seen by the
other eye, so approximately correct as to appear in relief when
united with the original in the stereoscope; but the task would be a
very difficult one, and if well executed, so as to give a relievo without
distortion, the fortune of the painter would be made.
When the artist executes a portrait, he does it from one point of
sight, which we may suppose fixed, and corresponding with that
which is seen with his left eye. If he takes another portrait of the
same person, occupying exactly the same position, from another
point of sight, two and a half inches to the right of himself, as seen
with his right eye, the two pictures will differ only in this, that each
point in the head, and bust, and drapery, will, in the second picture,
be carried farther to the left of the artist on the plane of
representation. The points which project most, or are most distant
from that plane, will be carried farther to the left than those which
project less, the extent to which they are carried being proportional
to the amount of their projection, or their distance from the plane. But
since the painter cannot discover from the original or left-eye plane
picture the degree of prominence of the leading points of the head,
the bust, and the drapery, he must work by guess, and submit his
empirical touches, step by step, to the judgment of the stereoscope.
In devoting himself to this branch of the art he will doubtless acquire
much knowledge and dexterity from experience, and may succeed to
a very considerable extent in obtaining pictures in relief, if he follows
certain rules, which we shall endeavour to explain.
If the given portrait, or picture of any kind, is not of the proper
size for the stereoscope, it must be reduced to that size, by taking a
photographic copy of it, from which the right-eye picture is to be
Fig. 50.
In order to diminish the size of the diagram, let us suppose that
the plane on which the portrait is taken touches the back of the head,
and is represented in section by ab, Fig. 50. We must now assume,
under the guidance of the original, a certain form of the head, whose
breadth from ear to ear is ee″, n being the point of the nose in the
horizontal section of the head, e″nen′, passing through the nose n,
and the lobes ee″ of the two ears. Let l, r be the left and right eyes
of the person viewing them, and ln the distance at which they are
viewed, and let lines be drawn from l and r, through l, n, e and e″,
meeting the plane ab on which the portrait is taken in e′, e‴, n, n′, e,
and e′. The breadth, e‴e′, and the distances of the nose from the
ears n′e′, n′e‴, being given by measurement of the photograph suited
to the stereoscope, the distances nn′, ee′, e″e‴ may be
approximately obtained from the known form of the human head,
either by projection or calculation. With these data, procured as
correctly as we can, we shall, from the position of the nose n, as
seen by the right eye r, have the formula
lr × nn′
n′n = .
The distance of the right ear e′, from the right-eye picture, will be,

ne′ = e′n - n′n;

lr × ee′
and as e′e = .
The distance of the left ear e, in the right-eye picture, from the nose
n, will be

ne = n′n + n′e′ - e′e.

In order to simplify the diagram we have made the original, or left-
eye picture, a front view, in which the nose is in the middle of the
face, and the line joining the ears parallel to the plane of the picture.
When the position of the nose and the ears has been thus
approximately obtained, the artist may, in like manner, determine the
place of the pupils of the two eyes, the point of the chin, the summit
of the eyebrows, the prominence of the lips, and the junction of the
nose with the teeth, by assuming, under the guidance of the original
picture, the distance of these different parts from the plane of
projection. In the same way other leading points in the figure and
drapery may be found, and if these points are determined with
tolerable accuracy the artist will be able to draw the features in their
new place with such correctness as to give a good result in the
In drawing the right-eye picture the artist will, of course, employ
as the groundwork of it a faint photographic impression of the
original, or left-eye picture, and he may, perhaps, derive some
advantage from placing the original, when before the camera, at
such an inclination to the axis of the lens as will produce the same
diminution in the horizontal distance between any two points in the
head, at a mean distance between n and n′, as projected upon the
plane ab. The line n′e‴, for example, which in the left-eye photograph
is a representation of the cheek ne″, is reduced, in the right-eye
photograph, to ne′, and, therefore, if the photograph on ab, as seen
by the right eye, were placed so obliquely to the axis of the lens that
n′e was reduced to ne′, the copy obtained in the camera would have
an approximate resemblance to the right-eye picture required, and
might be a better groundwork for the right-eye picture than an
accurate copy of the photograph on ab, taken when it is
perpendicular to the axis of the lens.
In preparing the right-eye picture, the artist, in place of using
paint, might use very dilute solutions of aceto-nitrate of silver,
beginning with the faintest tint, and darkening these with light till he
obtained the desired effect, and, when necessary, diminishing the
shades with solutions of the hypo-sulphite of soda. When the picture
is finished, and found satisfactory, after examining its relief in the
stereoscope, a negative picture of it should be obtained in the
camera, and positive copies taken, to form, with the original
photographs, the pair of binocular portraits required.

In a preceding chapter I have explained a remarkable fallacy of

sight which takes place in the stereoscope when we interchange the
binocular pictures, that is, when we place the right-eye picture on the
left side, and the left-eye picture on the right side. The objects in the
foreground of the picture are thus thrown into the background, and,
vice versa, the same effect, as we have seen, takes place when we
unite the binocular pictures, in their usual position, by the ocular
stereoscope, that is, by converging the optic axes to a point between
the eye and the pictures. In both these cases the objects are only the
plane representations of solid bodies, and the change which is
produced by their union is not in their form but in their position. In
certain cases, however, when the object is of some magnitude in the
picture, the form is also changed in consequence of the inverse
position of its parts. That is, the drawings of objects that are naturally
convex will appear concave, and those which are naturally concave
will appear convex.
In these phenomena there is no mental illusion in their
production. The two similar points in each picture, if they are nearer
to one another than other two similar points, must, in conformity with
the laws of vision, appear nearer the eye when combined in the
common stereoscope. When this change of place and form does not
appear, as in the case of the human figure, previously explained, it is
by a mental illusion that the law of vision is controlled.
The phenomena which we are about to describe are, in several
respects, different from those to which we have referred. They are
seen in monocular as well as in binocular vision, and they are
produced in all cases under a mental illusion, arising either from
causes over which we have no control, or voluntarily created and
maintained by the observer. The first notice of this class of optical
illusion was given by Aguilonius in his work on optics, to which we
have already had occasion to refer.[69] After proving that convex and
concave surfaces appear plane when seen at a considerable
distance, he shews that the same surfaces, when seen at a
moderate distance, frequently appear what he calls converse, that is,
the concave convex, and the convex concave. This conversion of
forms, he says, is often seen in the globes or balls which are fixed on
the walls of fortifications, and he ascribes the phenomena to the
circumstance of the mind being imposed upon from not knowing in
what direction the light falls upon the body. He states that a
concavity differs from a convexity only in this respect, that if the
shadow is on the same side as that from which the light comes it is a
concavity, and if it is on the opposite side, it is a convexity. Aguilonius
observes also, that in pictures imitating nature, a similar mistake is
committed as to the form of surfaces. He supposes that a circle is
drawn upon a table and shaded on one side so as to represent a
convex or a concave surface. When this shaded circle is seen at a
great distance, it appears a plane surface, notwithstanding the
shadow on one side of it; but when we view it at a short distance,
and suppose the light to come from the same side of it as the part
not in shadow, the plane circle will appear to be a convexity, and if
we suppose the light to come from the same side as the shaded
part, the circle will appear to be a concavity.
More than half a century after the time of Aguilonius, a member
of the Royal Society of London, at one of the meetings of that body,
when looking at a guinea through a compound microscope which
inverted the object, was surprised to see the head upon the coin
depressed, while other members were not subject to this illusion.
Dr. Philip Gmelin[70] of Wurtemberg, having learned from a friend,
that when a common seal is viewed through a compound
microscope, the depressed part of the seal appeared elevated, and
the elevated part depressed, obtained the same result, and found, as
Aguilonius did, that the effect was owing to the inversion of the
shadow by the microscope. One person often saw the phenomena
and another did not, and no effect was produced when a raised
object was so placed between two windows as to be illuminated on
all sides.
In 1780 Mr. Rittenhouse, an American writer, repeated these
experiments with an inverting eye-tube, consisting of two lenses
placed at a distance greater than the sum of their focal lengths, and
he found that when a reflected light was thrown on a cavity, in a
direction opposite to that of the light which came from his window,
the cavity was raised into an elevation by looking through a tube
without any lens. In this experiment the shadow was inverted, just as
if he had looked through his inverting eye-tube.
In studying this subject I observed a number of singular
phenomena, which I have described in my Letters on Natural Magic,
[71] but as they were not seen by binocular vision I shall mention only
some of the more important facts. If we take one of the intaglio
moulds used by the late Mr. Henning for his bas-reliefs, and direct
the eye to it steadily, without noticing surrounding objects, we may
distinctly see it as a bas-relief. After a little practice I have succeeded
in raising a complete hollow mask of the human face, the size of life,
into a projecting head. This result is very surprising to those who
succeed in the experiment, and it will no doubt be regarded by the
sculptor who can use it as an auxiliary in his art.
Till within the last few years, no phenomenon of this kind, either
as seen with one or with two eyes, had been noticed by the casual
observer. Philosophers alone had been subject to the illusion, or had
subjected others to its influence. The following case, however, which
occurred to Lady Georgiana Wolff, possesses much interest, as it
could not possibly have been produced by any voluntary effort. “Lady
Georgiana,” says Dr. Joseph Wolff in his Journal, “observed a
curious optical deception in the sand, about the middle of the day,
when the sun was strong: all the foot-prints, and other marks that are
indented in the sand, had the appearance of being raised out of it. At
these times there was such a glare, that it was unpleasant for the
eye.”[72] Having no doubt of the correctness of this observation, I
have often endeavoured, though in vain, to witness so remarkable a
phenomenon. In walking, however, in the month of March last, with a
friend on the beach at St. Andrews, the phenomenon presented
itself, at the same instant, to myself and to a lady who was
unacquainted with this class of illusions. The impressions of the feet
of men and of horses were distinctly raised out of the sand. In a
short time they resumed their hollow form, but at different places the
phenomenon again presented itself, sometimes to myself,
sometimes to the lady, and sometimes to both of us simultaneously.
The sun was near the horizon on our left hand, and the white surf of
the sea was on our right, strongly reflecting the solar rays. It is very
probable that the illusion arose from our considering the light as
coming from the white surf, in which case the shadows in the hollow
foot-prints were such as could only be produced by foot-prints raised
from the sand, as if they were in relief. It is possible that, when the
phenomenon was observed by Lady Georgiana Wolff, there may
have been some source of direct or reflected light opposite to the
sun, or some unusual brightness of the clouds, if there were any in
that quarter, which gave rise to the illusion.
When these illusions, whether monocular or binocular, are
produced by an inversion of the shadow, either real or supposed,
they are instantly dissipated by holding a pin in the field of view, so
as to indicate by its shadow the real place of the illuminating body.
The figure will appear raised or depressed, according to the
knowledge which we obtain of the source of light, by introducing or
withdrawing the pin. When the inversion is produced by the eye-
piece of a telescope, or a compound microscope, in which the field
of view is necessarily small, we cannot see the illuminating body and
the convex or concave object (the cameo or intaglio) at the same
time; but if we use a small inverting telescope, 1½ or 2 inches long,
such as that shewn at mn, Fig. 36, we obtain a large field of view,
and may see at the same time the object and a candle placed beside
it. In this case the illusion will take place according as the candle is
seen beside the object or withdrawn.
If the object is a white tea-cup, or bowl, however large, and if it is
illuminated from behind the observer, the reflected image of the
window will be in the concave bottom of the tea-cup, and it will not
rise into a convexity if the illumination from surrounding objects is
uniform; but if the observer moves a little to one side, so that the
reflected image of the window passes from the centre of the cup,
then the cup will rise into a convexity, when seen through the
inverting telescope, in consequence of the position of the luminous
image, which could occupy its place only upon a convex surface. If
the concave body were cut out of a piece of chalk, or pure
unpolished marble, it would appear neither convex nor concave, but
Very singular illusions take place, both with one and two eyes,
when the object, whether concave or convex, is a hollow or an
elevation in or upon a limited or extended surface—that is, whether
the surface occupies the whole visible field, or only a part of it. If we
view, through the inverting telescope or eye-piece, a dimple or a
hemispherical cavity in a broad piece of wood laid horizontally on the
table, and illuminated by quaquaversus light, like that of the sky, it
will instantly rise into an elevation, the end of the telescope or eye-
piece resting on the surface of the wood. The change of form is,
therefore, not produced by the inversion of the shadow, but by
another cause. The surface in which the cavity is made is obviously
inverted as well as the cavity, that is, it now looks downward in place
of upward; but it does not appear so to the observer leaning upon
the table, and resting the end of his eye-piece upon the wooden
surface in which the cavity is made. The surface seems to him to
remain where it was, and still to look upwards, in place of looking
downwards. If the observer strikes the wooden surface with the end
of the eye-piece, this conviction is strengthened, and he believes
that it is the lower edge of the field of view, or object-glass, that
strikes the apparent wooden surface or rests upon it, whereas the
wooden surface has been inverted, and optically separated from the
lower edge of the object-glass.
In order to make this plainer, place a pen upon a sheet of paper
with the quill end nearest you, and view it through the inverting
telescope: The quill end will appear farthest from you, and the paper
will not appear inverted. In like manner, the letters on a printed page
are inverted, the top of each letter being nearest the observer, while
the paper seems to retain its usual place. Now in both these cases
the paper is inverted as well as the quill and the letters, and in reality
the image of the quill and of the pen, and of the lower end of the
letters, is nearest the observer. Let us next place a tea-cup on its
side upon the table, with its concavity towards the observer, and
view it through the inverting telescope. It will rise into a convexity, the
nearer margin of the cup appearing farther off than the bottom. If we
place a short pen within the cup, measuring as it were its depth, and
having its quill end nearest the observer, the pen will be inverted, in
correspondence with the conversion of the cup into a convexity, the
quill end appearing more remote, like the margin of the cup which it
touches, and the feather end next the eye like the summit of the
convex cup on which it rests.
In these experiments, the conversion of the concavity into a
convexity depends on two separate illusions, one of which springs
from the other. The first illusion is the erroneous conviction that the
surface of the table is looking upwards as usual, whereas it is really
inverted; and the second illusion, which arises from the first, is, that
the nearest point of the object appears farthest from the eye,
whereas it is nearest to it. All these observations are equally
applicable to the vision of convexities, and hence it follows, that the
conversion of relief, caused by the use of an inverting eye-piece, is
not produced directly by the inversion, but by an illusion arising from
the inversion, in virtue of which we believe that the remotest side of
the convexity is nearer our eye than the side next us.
In order to demonstrate the correctness of this explanation, let
the hemispherical cavity be made in a stripe of wood, narrower than
the field of the inverting telescope with which it is viewed. It will then
appear really inverted, and free from both the illusions which
formerly took place. The thickness of the stripe of wood is now
distinctly seen, and the inversion of the surface, which now looks
downward, immediately recognised. The edge of the cavity now
appears nearest the eye, as it really is, and the concavity, though
inverted, still appears a concavity. The same effect is produced
when a convexity is placed on a narrow stripe of wood.
Some curious phenomena take place when we view, at different
degrees of obliquity, a hemispherical cavity raised into a convexity.
At every degree of obliquity from 0° to 90°, that is, from a vertical to
a horizontal view of it, the elliptical margin of the convexity will
always be visible, which is impossible in a real convexity, and the
elevated apex will gradually sink till the elliptical margin becomes a
straight line, and the imaginary convexity completely levelled. The
struggle between truth and error is here so singular, that while one
part of the object has become concave, the other part retains its
In like manner, when a convexity is seen as a concavity, the
concavity loses its true shape as it is viewed more and more
obliquely, till its remote elliptical margin is encroached upon, or
eclipsed, by the apex of the convexity; and towards an inclination of
90° the concavity disappears altogether, under circumstances
analogous to those already described.
If in place of using an inverting telescope we invert the concavity,
by looking at its inverted image in the focus of a convex lens, it will
sometimes appear a convexity and sometimes not. In this form of the
experiment the image of the concavity, and consequently its
apparent depth, is greatly diminished, and therefore any trivial
cause, such as a preconception of the mind, or an approximation to
a shadow, or a touch of the concavity by the point of the finger, will
either produce a conversion of form or dissipate the illusion when it
is produced.
In the preceding Chapter we have supposed the convexity to be
high and the concavity deep and circular, and we have supposed
them also to be shadowless, or illuminated by a quaquaversus light,
such as that of the sky in the open fields. This was done in order to
get rid of all secondary causes which might interfere with and modify
the normal cause, when the concavities are shallow, and the
convexities low and have distinct shadows, or when the concavity, as
in seals, has the shape of an animal or any body which we are
accustomed to see in relief.
Let us now suppose that a strong shadow is thrown upon the
concavity. In this case the normal experiment is much more perfect
and satisfactory. The illusion is complete and invariable when the
concavity is in or upon an extended surface, and it as invariably
disappears, or rather is not produced, when it is in a narrow stripe.
In the secondary forms of the experiment, the inversion of the
shadow becomes the principal cause of the illusion; but in order that
the result may be invariable, or nearly so, the concavities must be
shallow and the convexities but slightly raised. At great obliquities,
however, this cause of the conversion of form ceases to produce the
illusion, and in varying the inclination from 0° to 90° the cessation
takes place sooner with deep than with shallow cavities. The reason
of this is that the shadow of a concavity is very different at great
obliquities from the shadow of a convexity. The shadow never can
emerge out of a cavity so as to darken the surface in which the
cavity is made, whereas the shadow of a convexity soon extends
beyond the outline of its base, and finally throws a long stripe of
darkness over the surface on which it rests. Hence it is impossible to
mistake a convexity for a concavity when its shadow extends beyond
its base.
When the concavity upon a seal is a horse, or any other animal, it
will often rise into a convexity when seen through a single lens,
which does not invert it; but the illusion disappears at great
obliquities. In this case, the illusion is favoured or produced by two
causes; the first is, that the form of the horse or other animal in relief
is the one which the mind is most disposed to seize, and the second
is, that we use only one eye, with which we cannot measure depths
as well as with two. The illusion, however, still takes place when we
employ a lens three or more inches wide, so as to permit the use of
both eyes, but it is less certain, as the binocular vision enables us in
some degree to keep in check the other causes of illusion.
The influence of these secondary causes is strikingly displayed in
the following experiment. In the armorial bearings upon a seal, the
shield is often more deeply cut than the surrounding parts. With
binocular vision, the shallow parts rise into relief sooner than the
shield, and continue so while the shield remains depressed; but if we
shut one eye the shield then rises into relief like the rest. In these
experiments with a single lens a slight variation in the position of the
seal, or a slight change in the intensity or direction of the illumination,
or particular reflexions from the interior of the stone, if it is
transparent, will favour or oppose the illusion. In viewing the shield at
the deepest portion with a single lens, a slight rotation of the seal
round the wrist, backwards and forwards, will remove the illusion, in
consequence of the eye perceiving that the change in the
perspective is different from what it ought to be.
In my Letters on Natural Magic, I have described several cases of
the conversion of form in which inverted vision is not employed.
Hollows in mother-of-pearl and other semi-transparent bodies often
rise into relief, in consequence of a quantity of light, occasioned by
refraction, appearing on the side next the light, where there should
have been a shadow in the case of a depression. Similar illusions
take place in certain pieces of polished wood, calcedony, mother-of-
pearl, and other shells, where the surface is perfectly plane. This
arises from there being at that place a knot, or growth, or nodule,
differing in transparency from the surrounding mass. The thin edge
of the knot, &c., opposite the candle, is illuminated by refracted light,
so that it takes the appearance of a concavity. From the same cause
arises the appearance of dimples in certain plates of calcedony,
which have received the name of hammered calcedony, or agate,
from their having the look of being dimpled with a hammer. The
surface on which these cavities are seen contains sections of small
spherical formations of siliceous matter, which exhibit the same
illusion as the cavities in wood. Mother-of-pearl presents similar
phenomena, and so common are they in this substance that it is
difficult to find a mother-of-pearl button or counter which seems to
have its surface flat, although it is perfectly so when examined by the
touch. Owing to the different refractions of the incident light by the
different growths of the shell, cut in different directions by the artificial
surface, like the annual growth of wood in a dressed plank, the
surface of the mineral has necessarily an inequal and undulating
In viewing good photographic or well-painted miniature portraits
in an erect and inverted position, and with or without a lens,
considerable changes take place in the apparent relief. Under
ordinary vision there is a certain amount of relief depending upon the
excellence of the picture. If we invert the picture, by turning it upside
down, the relief is perceptibly increased. If we view it when erect,
with a lens of about an inch in focal length, the relief is still greater;
but if we view it when inverted with the same lens the relief is very
considerably diminished.

Fig. 51.
A very remarkable illusion, affecting the apparent position of the
drawings of geometrical solids, was first observed by the late
Professor Neckar, of Geneva, who communicated it to me personally
in 1832.[73] “The rhomboid ax,” (Fig. 51,) he says, “is drawn so that
the solid angle a should be seen nearest to the spectator, and the
solid angle x the farthest from him, and that the face acbd should be
the foremost, while the face xdc is behind. But in looking repeatedly
at the same figure, you will perceive that at times the apparent
position of the rhomboid is so changed that the solid angle x will
appear the nearest, and the solid angle a the farthest, and that the
face acdb will recede behind the face xdc, which will come forward,
—which effect gives to the whole solid a quite contrary apparent
inclination.” Professor Neckar observed this change “as well with one
as with both eyes,” and he considered it as owing “to an involuntary
change in the adjustment of the eye for obtaining distinct vision. And
that whenever the point of distinct vision on the retina was directed
to the angle a for instance, this angle, seen more distinctly than the
other, was naturally supposed to be nearer and foremost, while the
other angles, seen indistinctly, were supposed to be farther away
and behind. The reverse took place when the point of distinct vision
was brought to bear upon the angle x. What I have said of the solid
angles (a and x) is equally true of the edges, those edges upon
which the axis of the eye, or the central hole of the retina, are
directed, will always appear forward; so that now it seems to me
certain that this little, at first so puzzling, phenomenon depends upon
the law of distinct vision.”
In consequence of completely misunderstanding Mr. Neckar’s
explanation of this illusion, Mr. Wheatstone has pronounced it to be
erroneous, but there can be no doubt of its correctness; and there
are various experiments by which the principle may be illustrated. By
hiding with the finger one of the solid angles, or making it indistinct,
by a piece of dimmed glass, or throwing a slight shadow over it, the
other will appear foremost till the obscuring cause is removed. The
experiment may be still more satisfactorily made by holding above
the rhomboid a piece of finely ground-glass, the ground side being
farthest from the eye, and bringing one edge of it gradually down till
it touches the point a, the other edge being kept at a distance from
the paper. In this way all the lines diverging from a will become
dimmer as they recede from a, and consequently a will appear the
most forward point. A similar result will be obtained by putting a
black spot upon a, which will have the effect of drawing our attention
to a rather than to x.
From these experiments and observations, it will be seen that the
conversion of form, excepting in the normal case, depends upon
various causes, which are influential only under particular conditions,
such as the depth of the hollow or the height of the relief, the
distance of the object, the sharpness of vision, the use of one or both
eyes, the inversion of the shadow, the nature of the object, and the
means used by the mind itself to produce the illusion. In the normal
case, where the cavity or convexity is shadowless, and upon an
extended surface, and where inverted vision is used, the conversion
depends solely on the illusion, which it is impossible to resist, that
the side of the cavity or elevation next the eye is actually farthest
from it, an illusion not produced by inversion, but by a false judgment
respecting the position of the surface in which the cavity is made, or
upon which it rests.

There are many persons who experience great difficulty in uniting

the two pictures in the stereoscope, and consequently in seeing the
relief produced by their union. If the eyes are not equal in focal
length, that is, in the distance at which they see objects most
distinctly; or if, from some defect in structure, they are not equally
good, they will still see the stereoscopic relief, though the picture will
be less vivid and distinct than if the eyes were in every respect equal
and good. There are many persons, however, whose eyes are equal
and perfect, but who are not able to unite the pictures in the
stereoscope. This is the more remarkable, as children of four or five
years of age see the stereoscopic effect when the eye-tubes are
accommodated to the distance between their eyes. The difficulty
experienced in uniting the binocular pictures is sometimes only
temporary. On first looking into the instrument, two pictures are seen
in place of one; but by a little perseverance, and by drawing the eyes
away from the eye-tubes, and still looking through them, the object is
seen single and in perfect relief. After having ceased to use the
instrument for some time, the difficulty of uniting the pictures recurs,
but, generally speaking, it will gradually disappear.
Fig. 52.
In those cases where it cannot be overcome by repeated trials, it
must arise either from the distance between the lenses being greater
or less than the distance between the eyes, or from some peculiarity
in the power of converging the optical axes, which it is not easy to
If the distance between the pupils of the two eyes, e, e′, Fig. 52,
which has been already explained on Fig. 18, is less than the
distance between the semi-lenses l, l′, then, instead of looking
through the middle portions no, n′o′, of the lenses, the observer will
look through portions between o and l, and o′ and l′, which have a
greater power of refracting or displacing the pictures than the
portions no, n′o′, and therefore the pictures will be too much
displaced, and will have so far overpassed one another that the
observer is not able to bring them back to their place of union, half-
way between the two pictures in the slide.
If, on the other hand, the distance between the pupils of the
observer’s eyes is greater than the distance between the semi-
lenses l, l′, then, instead of looking through the portions no, n′o′ of
the lenses, the observer will look through portions between n and l,
and n′ and l′, which have a less power of refracting or displacing the
pictures than the portions no, n′o′, and therefore the pictures will be
so little displaced as not to reach their place of union, and will stand
at such a distance that the observer is not able to bring them up to
their proper place, half-way between the two pictures in the slide.
Now, in both these cases of over and under displacement, many
persons have such a power over their optical axes, that by
converging them to a point nearer than the picture, they would, in the
first case, bring them back to their place of union, and by converging
them to a point more remote than the picture, would, in the second
case, bring them up to their place of union; but others are very
defective in this power of convergence, some having a facility of
converging them beyond the pictures, and others between the
pictures and the eye. This last, however, namely, that of near
convergence, is by far the most common, especially among men; but
it is of no avail, and the exercise of it is injurious when the under
refracted pictures have not come up to their place of union. The
power of remote convergence, which is very rare, and which would
assist in bringing back the over refracted pictures to their place of
union, is of no avail, and the exercise of it is injurious when the
pictures have been too much displaced, and made to pass beyond
their place of union.
When the stereoscope is perfectly adapted to the eyes of the
observer, and the general union of the pictures effected, the remote
parts of the picture, that is, the objects seen in the distance, may be
under refracted, while those in the foreground are over refracted, so
that while eyes which have the power of convergence beyond the
picture, unite the more distant objects which are under refracted,
they experience much difficulty in uniting those in the foreground
which are over refracted. In like manner, eyes which have the power
of near convergence will readily unite objects in the foreground
which are over refracted, while they experience much difficulty in
uniting objects in the distance which are under refracted. If the
requisite power over the optical axes is not acquired by experience
and perseverance, when the stereoscope is suited to the eyes of the
observer, the only suggestion which we can make is to open the
eyes wide, and expand the eyebrows, which we do in staring at an
object, or in looking at a distant one, when we wish to converge the
axes, as in Fig. 22, to a point beyond the pictures, and to contract
the eyes and the eyebrows, which we do in too much light, in looking
at a near object, when we wish to converge the optic axes, as in Fig.
21, to a point between the pictures and the eye.
When the binocular pictures are taken at too great an angle, so
as to produce a startling amount of relief, the distance between
similar points in each picture, both in the distance and in the
foreground, is much greater than it ought to be, and hence the
difficulty of uniting the pictures is greatly increased, so that persons
who would have experienced no difficulty in uniting them, had they
been taken at the proper angle, will fail altogether in bringing them
into stereoscopic relief.
In these observations, it is understood that the observer obtains
distinct vision of the pictures in the stereoscope, either by the
adjustment of the moveable eye-tubes, if they are moveable, as they
ought to be, or by the aid of convex or concave glasses for both
eyes, either in the form of spectacles, or separate lenses placed
immediately above, or immediately below the semi-lenses in the eye-
tubes. If the eyes have different focal lengths, which is not
unfrequently the case, lenses differing in convexity or concavity
should be employed to equalize them.


[1] Edit. of Pena, pp. 17, 18, Paris, 1577; or Opera, by Gregory,
pp. 619, 620. Oxon. 1703.
[2] De Usu Partium Corporis Humani, edit. Lugduni, 1550, p. 593.
[3] Joan. Baptistæ Portæ Neap., De Refractione Optices parte,
lib. v. p. 132, and lib. vi. pp. 143-5. Neap. 1593.
[4] Trattata della Pictura, Scultura, ed Architettura. Milan, 1584.
[5] Dr. Smith’s Compleat System of Opticks, vol. ii., Remarks, pp.
41 and 244.
[6] Opticorum Libri Sex Philosophis juxta ac Mathematicis utiles.
Folio. Antverpiæ, 1613.
[7] In Fig. 1, ahf is the optical pyramid seen by the eye a, and
bge the optical pyramid seen by the eye b.
[8] These angles are equal in this diagram and in the vision of a
sphere, but they are inequal in other bodies.
[9] Aguilonius, Opticorum, lib. ii. book xxxviii. pp. 140, 141.
[10] It is obvious that a complete hemisphere is not seen with
both eyes.
[11] Aguilonius, Opticorum, lib. iv. pp. 306, 307.
[12] In the last of these theorems Aguilonius describes and
explains, we believe for the first time, the conversion of relief in
the vision of convex and concave surfaces. See Prop. xciv. p.
[13] Id., p. 313.
[14] Opera, tom. ii. p. 394. Lugduni, 1658.
[15] Opera Mathematica Optica, tribus libris exposita, p. 136.
[16] Opticks, vol. ii., Remarks, pp. 41 and 245.
[17] Id., vol. i. p. 48, Fig. 196.
[18] Treatise on Optics, p. 171; see also sect. 64, p. 113.
[19] Treatise on the Eye, vol i. p. 412, Plate 5, Fig. 37.
[20] As Mr. Wheatstone himself describes the dissimilar pictures
or drawings as “two different projections of the same object seen
from two points of sight, the distance between which is equal to
the interval between the eyes of the observer,” it is inconceivable
on what ground he could imagine himself to be the discoverer of
so palpable and notorious a fact as that the pictures of a body
seen by two eyes—two points of sight, must be dissimilar.
[21] Phil. Trans., 1838, pp. 371-394.
[22] Phil. Trans., 1838, pp. 391, 392.
[23] December 28, 1550.
[24] “Le fait est,” says the Abbé Moigno, “que le stéréoscope par
réflexion était presque complètement oublié, lorsque Sir David
Brewster construisit son stéréoscope par refraction que nous
allons décrire.”—Cosmos, vol. i. p. 4, 1852.
[25] Phil. Trans., 1852, p. 6.
[26] Ibid., pp. 9, 10.
[27] Vol. v. livre viii. p. 241.
[28] Mr. Andrew Ross, the celebrated optician!
[29] The Abbé gave an abstract of this paper in the French journal
La Presse, December 28, 1850.
[30] No. 54, Cheapside, and 313, Oxford Street. The prize of
twenty guineas which they offered for the best short popular
treatise on the Stereoscope, has been adjudged to Mr. Lonie,
Teacher of Mathematics in the Madras Institution, St. Andrews.
The second prize was given to the Rev. R. Graham, Abernyte,
[31] Edinburgh Transactions, vol. xv. p. 349, 1843; or
Philosophical Magazine, vol. xxv. pp. 356, 439, May and June
[32] Smith’s Opticks, vol. ii., Remarks, p. 107. Harris makes the
difference ¹/₁₀th or ¹/₁₁th; Optics, p. 117.
[33] This variation of the pupil is mentioned by Bacon.
[34] Mr. Wheatstone himself says, “that it is somewhat difficult to
render the two Daguerreotypes equally visible.”—Phil. Trans.,
1852, p. 6.
[35] A sheet of Queen’s heads may be advantageously used to
accustom the eyes to the union of similar figures.
[36] See Edin. Transactions, 1846, vol. xv. p. 663, and Phil. Mag.,
May 1847, vol. xxx. p. 305.
[37] Bibl. Universelle, October 1855, p. 136.
[38] Smith’s Opticks, vol. ii. p. 388, § 977.
[39] Essay on Single Vision, &c., p. 44.
[40] We may use also the lens prism, which I proposed many
years ago in the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal.
[41] See Chap. i. pp. 33-36.
[42] For 1852, vol. xvii. p. 200.
[43] These solid telescopes may be made achromatic by
cementing concave lenses of flint glass upon each end, or of
crown glass if they are made of flint glass.
[44] Phil. Mag., Jan. 1852, vol. iii. p. 19.
[45] American Journal of Science, 1852, vol. xv. p. 68.
[46] See my Treatise on Optics, 2d edit., chap. vii. p. 65.
[47] See Cosmos, vol. ii. pp. 622, 624.
[48] Id. vol. vii. p. 494.
[49] Id. vol. iii. p. 658.
[50] Phil. Trans., 1852, p. 7.
[51] Mr. Wheatstone’s paper was published before I had pointed
out the deformities produced by large lenses. See p. 130.
[52] The Eye in Health and Disease, by Alfred Smee, 2d edit.
1854, pp. 85-95.
[53] This expression has a different meaning in perspective. We
understand it to mean here the point of the sitter or object, which
is to be the centre of the picture.
[54] Cosmos, Feb. 29, 1856, vol. viii. p. 202.
[55] It is only in a horizontal direction that we can see 180° of the
hemisphere. We would require a circle of eyes 2½ inches distant
to see a complete hemisphere.
[56] See Chapters X. and XI.
[57] When any external light falls upon the eye, its picture is
reflected back from the metallic surface of the Daguerreotype,
and a negative picture of the part of the Daguerreotype opposite
each eye is mixed with the positive picture of the same part.
[58] Modern Painters, vol. iii., Preface, pp. 11, 12.
[59] Sir Francis Chantrey, the celebrated sculptor, shewed me,
many years ago, a Sketch-Book, containing numerous drawings
which he had made with the Camera Lucida, while travelling from
London to Edinburgh by the Lakes. He pointed out to me the
flatness, or rather lowness, of hills, which to his own eye
appeared much higher, but which, notwithstanding, gave to him
the idea of a greater elevation. In order to put this opinion to the
test of experiment, I had drawings made by a skilful artist of the
three Eildon hills opposite my residence on the Tweed, and was
surprised to obtain, by comparing them with their true perspective
outlines, a striking confirmation of the observation made by Sir
Francis Chantrey.
[60] By using large lenses, we may obtain the picture of an object
within the picture of an opaque one in front of it; and with a
telescope, we may see through opaque objects of a certain size.
Many singular experiments may be made by taking photographs
of solid objects, simple or compound, with lenses larger than the
objects themselves.
[61] In a landscape by Mr. Waller Paton, called the “Highland
Stream,” now in the Edinburgh Exhibition, the foreground consists
principally of a bed of water-worn stones, on the margin of a pool
at the bottom of a waterfall. The stones are so exquisitely painted,
that nature only could have furnished the originals. We may
examine them at a few inches’ distance, and recognise forms and
structures with which we have been long familiar. A water-ousel,
peculiar to Scottish brooks and rivers, perched upon one of them,
looks as anxiously around as if a schoolboy were about to avail
himself of the missiles at his feet.
[62] These views are well illustrated by the remarkable
photographs of the Crimean war.
[63] A French sculptor has actually modelled a statue from the
stereoscopic relief of binocular pictures.
[64] See my Treatise on the Kaleidoscope, second edition, just
[65] “The importance of establishing a permanent Museum of
Education in this country, with the view of introducing
improvements in the existing methods of instruction, and specially
directing public attention in a practical manner to the question of
National Education, has been of late generally recognised.”—
Third Report of the Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851,
presented to both Houses of Parliament, p. 37. Lond., 1856.
[66] This fine invention we owe to Mr. Paul Pretsch, late director
of the Imperial Printing Office at Vienna. It is secured by patent,
and is now in practical operation in Holloway Place, Islington.
[67] An accomplished traveller, the Rev. Mr. Bridges, who
ascended Mount Etna for the purpose of taking Talbotype
drawings of its scenery, placed his camera on the edge of the
crater to obtain a representation of it. No sooner was the camera
fixed and the sensitive paper introduced, than an eruption took
place, which forced Mr. Bridges to quit his camera in order to
save his life. When the eruption closed, he returned to collect the
fragments of his instrument, when, to his great surprise and
delight, he found that his camera was not only uninjured, but
contained a picture of the crater and its eruption.
[68] A binocular slide, copied from the one originally designed by
myself, forms No. 27 of the Series of white-lined diagrams upon a
black ground executed in Paris. The drawings, however, are too
large for the common stereoscope.
[69] See Chap. i. p. 15.
[70] Phil. Trans. 1744.
[71] Letter v. pp. 98-107. See also the Edinburgh Journal of
Science, Jan. 1826, vol. iv. p. 99.
[72] Journal, 1839, p, 189.
[73] See Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, November 1832, vol. i.
p. 334.
Transcriber’s Notes:

Antiquated spellings were not corrected.

The illustrations have been moved so that they do not break up paragraphs and so
that they are next to the text they illustrate.
Typographical and punctuation errors have been silently corrected.
In the Table of Contents, Chapters XV and XVI were corrected from page 200 to 211
and 216 respectively.
Figure 46 was incorrectly labelled Figure 45, this has been corrected.

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