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Power Systems
Course Code: EE 308

Lecture - 3

Electrical Engineering, IIT Indore

A Generic Three-Phase Power System

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Single Line Diagram

• a pictorial representation of connection of various components of power system.

• All the components are depicted using symbols.
• Machine ratings and impedances are also included.
• Also, called one-line diagram.

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Representation of Different Power System Components

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Impedance Diagram
When we need to perform analysis, it is desirable to obtain an equivalent circuit of the power
system. This requires each component to be represented by its own equivalent circuit and then
connect them together as per the single line diagram.

Reactance Diagram
• Impedances are replaced by reactances
Equivalent Circuits

Generator Transformer Transmission Line

Motor Load
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Impedance Diagram from Single Line Diagram

Single Line Diagram

Impedance Diagram
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Single Line Diagram from Impedance Diagram

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Single Line Diagram from Impedance Diagram

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Modifications in Impedance and Reactance Diagrams
Per Unit System
Power system quantities such as current, voltage, impedance and power are often expressed in
per unit values.

actual value of any quantity in a unit

per unit value =
base value of the quantity in the same unit

Why p.u.?
• To bring down the range of these parameters power, voltage, current, impedance within a narrow
• Advantageous with respect to specifying impedance values referred to particular side of
Per Unit Values
• The main parameters are voltage, current, power and impedance. Base values of any two
parameters should be chosen and the base values of the other two parameters should be
obtained using the relationship with other parameters.
• Usually, we choose the base values of voltage and power and obtain the base values of current
and impedance.

Single phase system:

Choose Base kV and Base MVA
Per Unit Values for three-phase System
Conversion of pu values from one base to another base
• This is required because each equipment’s pu values are specified on the basis of its own rating.
When we are connecting these equipments together, their pu values should be specified on some
common base. Therefore, we need to change the base values and hence pu values need to be
converted from one base to other base.
Per Unit Impedance Diagram
• Choose a common system base MVA

• Divide the network into different sections on the basis of the location of transformer.

• Choose a suitable voltage in any one of the section.

• Obtain the base values of voltage in other sections using the voltage ratios of the transformers.

• Convert all impedances in p.u. corresponding to the base values in that section.
A power system consists of one synchronous generator and one synchronous motor connected by two
transformers and a transmission line. Create a per-phase per unit equivalent circuit.

G1 : 100 MVA, 13.8 kV, R = 0.1 pu, Xs = 0.9 pu

T1 : 100 MVA, 13.8/110 kV, R = 0.01 pu, Xs = 0.05 pu
T2 : 50 MVA, 120/14.4 kV, R = 0.01 pu, Xs = 0.05 pu
M: 50 MVA, 13.8 kV, R = 0.1 pu, Xs = 1.1 pu
TL: R = 15 ohm, X = 75 ohm
Impedance Diagram

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