9F English 1 Revision Test Rcnem

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DATE: 08.02.2022

Read the passage given below carefully & answer the questions that follow: 20 marks

(1 ) It was evening in the picturesque seaside town of Rameshwaram, on the southern edge of Tamil
Nadu. A cool breeze was gently blowing in from the sea. Along with the sound of waves lapping against
the shore could be heard the sweet sound of birds circling overhead. (2) Among the children playing
on the beach was a boy with wavy hair and dreamy eyes. This youngster was Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen
Abdul Kalam who later became the eleventh President of India.(3) While spending time with his
friends, Abdul was attracted by the sound of the birds flying above. He carefully observed that a
fledgling perched on a boat was trying to take off. It spread its wings, fluttered briefly and sprang up.
The air seemed to give the needed thrust for its take off! The bird soared up into the sky. It steered its
pace and course with great ease. How Abdul wished he could fly like those beauties in the air!(4) This
passion for flying, aroused by the beautiful birds, later inspired Abdul Kalam to design India’sfirst
rocket which successfully sent a satellite Rohini, into orbit on 1 8th July 1 980. It was called the SLV-
3 (Satellite Launch Vehicle) . At the time when Abdul was growing up, no one had even dreamt of such a
happening.(5) Rameshwaram, where Abdul was born on 1 5th October 1 931 , was a small town with
narrow streets lined with old houses made of limestone and brick. The town was famous for its Shiva
Temple. Abdul stayed in the house with his father, mother, brothers and sister and led a secure and
happy childhood.(6) Abdul’sfather, Jainulabdeen was a pious man. He led an austere life without
depriving his family of the basic comforts.(7) In this closely knit family, dinner was always a special
meal. During dinner they exchanged views on a variety of topics ranging from family matters to spiritual
subjects.(8) The main income for Abdul’sfamily came from ferrying pilgrims across the sea between
Rameshwaram and Dhanushkodi. Pilgrims visiting Rameshwaram made it a point to visit
Dhanushkodi, twenty kilometres away in the sea. Dhanushkodi has religious significance.(9) Ferrying
pilgrims fetched good money and the family lived comfortably. However, a devastating cyclone
lashed the shores of Rameshwaram and their boat was destroyed. The family lost their only source of
livelihood in one swift, tragic stroke.(1 0) The enterprising young Abdul wanted to help the family
through the crisis. He realized that there was demand for tamarind seeds. He decided he would collect
them and sell them to a shop near his house. His family wanted him to concentrate on his
studies. He said he would study as well as help his family. Reluctantly, everyone agreed. Even
while studying or enjoying the evenings with his friends on the beach, he set aside some time to
collect tamarind seeds and sell them to a nearby shop. For this he was paid a princely sum of one anna!
(1 1 ) Besides selling tamarind seeds, he helped his cousin Samsuddin to sell the popular Tamil
newspaper Dinamani to earn a little more money. At dawn, several bundles of the newspaper, printed in
Madras (now Chennai), were thrown on to the platform of Rameshwaram railway station from passing
trains. Trains did not stop at Rameshwaram statiqn during those days of the Second World War as almost
all of them were commandeered to transport troops.(1 2) Abdul, after picking up the bundles marked for
his area, rushed and handed them over to Samsuddin, who gave Abdul a small amount for the service he
had rendered. There was a great demand for Dinamani as people of the country were eager to know
about the freedom struggle of India as well as the latest development at the war front.
1 .Where did Abdul Kalam live during his childhood?

a. In a picturesque seaside town of Rameshwaram, on the southern edge of Tamil Nadu

b. In a picturesque hillside town of Rameshwaram, on the southern edge of Tamil Nadu

c. In s picturesque seaside town of Rameshwaram, on the northern edge of Tamil Nadu

d. In a filthy seaside town of Rameshwaram, on the southern edge of Tamil Nadu

2. What was the full name of the eleventh president of India?

a. Avul Pakir Jaisiabedeen Abdul Kalam b. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abul Kalam

c. Avdul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam d. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam
3. What, according to young Kalam, seemed to support the take off of the young fledgling?

a. The air seemed to give the needed weight for its take off b. The water seemed to give the needed thrust for its
take off

c. The air seemed to give the needed thrust for its take off d. The air seemed to give the needed height for its take

4. What did India's first rocket achieve?

a. It successfully sent a satellite Rohini, into orbit on 1 8th July 1 990.

b. It successfully sent a satellite Rohini, into orbit on 1 8th July 1 980.

c. It successfully sent a satellite Romani, into orbit on 1 9th July 1 980.

d. It successfully sent a satellite Rohini, into the Mars on 1 8th July 1 980.

5. When was Kalam born?

a. on 1 5th October 1 931 b. on 1 5th October 1 941 c. on 1 3th October 1 931 d. on 1 6th October 1 931

6. How was the town of Rameswaram?

a. It was a small town with wide streets lined with old houses made of limestone and brick

b. It was a small town with narrow streets lined with old houses made of sandstone and brick

c. It was a small town with narrow streets lined with old houses made of limestone and brick

d. It was a small town with narrow streets lined with old houses made of limestone and mortar

7. What kind of life did Kalam's father lead?

a. He led an austere life without depriving his family of the luxurious comfort

b. He led an austere life without giving his family of the basic comfort

c. He led a luxurious life without depriving his family of the basic comfort

d. He led an austere life without depriving his family of the basic comfort

8. What was the specialty that the family observed during the dinner?

a. During dinner they exchanged views on a variety of topics ranging from family matters to spiritual subjects

b. During dinner they exchanged views on a variety of topics ranging from sports to political subjects

c. During dinner they exchanged views on a variety of topics ranging from agricultural matters to spiritual subjects

d. During dinner they exchanged views on a variety of topics ranging from cooking to scientific subjects

9. Where from did the main income of the family come?

a. From ferrying pilgrims across the country between Rameshwaram and Dhanushkodi

b. From ferrying pilgrims across the sea between Rameshwaram and Dhanushkodi

c. From ferrying pilgrims across the river between Rameshwaram and Dhanushkodi

d. From ferrying pilgrims across the ocean between Rameshwaram and Dhanushkodi
1 0. How did the family lose their only source of livelihood in one swift, tragic stroke?

a. A devastating cyclone lashed the shores of Bhuvneshwaram and their boat was destroyed

b. A devastating snow storm lashed the shores of Rameshwaram and their boat was destroyed

c. A devastating hurricane lashed the shores of Rameshwaram and their boat was destroyed

d. A devastating cyclone lashed the shores of Rameshwaram and their boat was destroyed
1 1 . What did Kalam realize at the time of his family's crisis?

a. He realized that there was demand for tamarind seeds b. He realized that there was demand for mango seeds

c. He realized that there was demand for guava seeds d. He realized that there was demand for paddy seeds
1 2. How much was he paid for the job?

a. a princely sum of one rupee b. a princely sum of one paisa c. a princely sum of one anna d. a princely sum of one

1 3. What else did Kalam do in order to help his family?

a. He helped his cousin Samsuddin to sell the popular Tamil newspaper Dibamani

b. He helped his cousin Sahasuddin to sell the popular Tamil newspaper Dinamani

c. He helped his cousin Samsuddin to sell the popular Tamil newspaper Dinamani

d. He helped his cousin Samsuddin to sell the popular Talegu newspaper Dinamani

1 4. How did the daily newspapers reach Rameswaram during that time?

a. At dawn, several bundles of the newspaper, printed in Guntur were thrown on to the platform of
Rameshwaram railway station from passing trains

b. At dawn, several bundles of the newspaper, printed in Madras were thrown on to the platform of
Rameshwaram railway station from passing trains

c. At dusk, several bundles of the newspaper, printed in Madras were thrown on to the platform of
Rameshwaram railway station from passing trains

d. At dawn, several bundles of the newspaper, printed in Madras (now Chennai), were thrown on to the platform
of Rameshwaram railway station from passing buses

1 5. Why was the Dinamani in great demand at the time?

a. As people wanted to know of India’sfreedom struggle and the latest developments in the government

b. As people wanted to know of India’sfreedom struggle and the latest developments in the world

c. As people wanted to know of India’sfreedom struggle and the latest developments in the war

d. As people wanted to know of India’sfreedom struggle and the latest developments in the country
Choose the correct meanings of the following words:

1 6. Austere
a. Spiritual b. Disciplined c. Holy d. Benevolent
1 7. Fledgling

a. A young plant b. A young whale

c. A young bird d. A young man

1 8. Enterprising

a. hard working and bold b. hard working and timid c. hard working and silent d. hard working and humble
1 9. Commandeered

a. To seize for culinary use b. To seize for military use. c. To seize for multipurpose use. d. To seize for domestic

20. Pious
a. Unholy b. Truthful c. Holy d. Bold

Question. 2 : (5+5=1 0) You are the President of the Drama and Elocution Club in your school. Write a notice to be
put on board, informing the students of the school about the audition of a dramatics competition to be held for the
selection of performers for the upcoming annual program.

Write an email to the Principal of the neighbouring school inviting him/her as the chief guest of the aforementioned
audition program that is to be held in your school shortly.

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