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Technical Articles Theme 10

Title: NABC and Business Model Canvas: Presenting a business idea

Videos: 115-124

Topics Covered
115. NABC: Presenting business idea
116. NABC: The Need
117. NABC-The Approach
118. NABC-The Benefit
119. NABC-The Competition
120. Business Model Canvas
121. NABC-Example
122. Business Model Canvas-Example
123. Discussion Group : angle investor and venture capitalist (Part 1)
124. Discussion Group : the investors' perspective on loan applications (Part 2)

Author: Jawad Hassan, Instructor Business Administration, Virtual University of Pakistan

NABC and Business Model Canvas: Presenting a Business Idea
It is important to know that a business idea whether it is sourced from your daily routine, the
problems you see in the society or from the unmet needs of the people around you (i.e. water
resources, health issues, energy issues, travelling, food and so many other problems) is initially in
a raw form. Once you have identified a business opportunity and have prepared a rough business
idea sketch in your mind, the very next critical phase it refine that business idea. You need some
resources to start that business and it is not necessary that you have all the resources with you to
start that business at once. You need others’ help in order to materialize your thoughts. You may
find help from your immediate family members, other investors or from the open market sources.
In each condition you need to present your business idea in a meaningful, structured and organized
way. There are numerous ways to present a business idea but we need to find one which is
convenient, easy to understand and smoothly presentable.

Here we present the Need Approach Benefits Competition (NABC) approach, a framework to
better structure and present your business idea. NABC is originally presented by Stanford
University. As we all know that the effective pitching of your business idea to the potential
investors and other stakeholders is very critical. So a very smart presentation of the business idea
is an ideal approach to reach potential stakeholders of a business idea.

Stanford Research Institute defined NABC approach as “An important client or market need
addressed by a unique approach with compelling benefits when compared against the competition
or alternatives”

Let’s understand NABC importance with the help of an example.

Suppose feel hungry and sitting in you Virtual University Campus at the lunch time. After a little
ponder you have decide to go to a nearest tuck shop, a place that is trusted by you for good quality
food with economical price. You avoid to go farther and other market places to avoid unnecessary
fatigue and wastage of time.

You need to do a little activity here; that is to attribute this moment of thinking, analysis and
decision making (finding a suitable, quick and affordable food option) to NABC components. This
activity will enable you to find insights to NABC components from an entrepreneur’s perspective.
An entrepreneur actually needs to exactly refine and structure his business idea by considering the
Need, Approach, Benefits and Competition factors of the services or goods being offered to the
market. NABC components are collectively considered as the backbone of a business idea pitching
sequence and content. It elaborates the Need you are addressing (the actual problem in
consideration), the Approach you are using to address the issue/need (tools, strategies, plans etc.),
the Benefits this business idea will provide (financials, profits, needs fulfillment etc.) and finally
the details about the market Competition (competitors, industry dynamics etc.).

It is indeed important to know the individual components of NABC one by one. First component
is Need. Need must identify the customer and the market you are offering product to. It is important
to remember here that any service or good can sustain, grow and survive whose market exists with
its customers and their demands. You need to be very clear with what need of the market or the
customers your aim to fulfill. And also need to identify needs with large enough market which can
offer sustainable market opportunity. An entrepreneur answers the following question at this stage
of NABC preparation.

 What is the need?

 What is its market size?
 Is it sufficient enough to be a potential investment opportunity?

Another thing to be remembered during need identification is that you need to build a solid case
on an authentic facts based evidence (either through a survey, a statistical report, a market research
or a concrete observation) which argues that a particular need/opportunity exists in the market.
Clearly pinpointing the need, its market size, sustainability potential and its scientific evidence are
the basic parameters to build a convincing argument in front of potential stakeholders of your
business idea.

After clearly pinpointing the need, the next phase is to finalize the approach through which that
need will be fulfilled. Approach discusses the tool, resources, mechanism, plan and strategy to
fulfill the needs of the target customers. It is most important to keep your approach simple,
smooth, updated and state of the art to meet the dynamic market demands.

After identifying the need and devising a sound approach to serve that need now it is the time to
list the benefits of the idea being presented to the stakeholders. The benefits package must be
unique or sometimes it could be closer to other people’s offering in the same target market. This
will be your point of difference to other players in the market. At this stage you have to precisely
list down the details about the benefits you are offering to the unserved market and customers.
Usually market or customers demand three types of products or services. Customers need low
cost, economical, high quality, better quality products and services simultaneously and so you
need to give them a reason to switch to your offer and leave the previous one if any. Your benefit
must be substantial enough to conquer the market battle. It is to remember here that this portion of
a business idea presentation can become a reason to win or lose for you.

After refining the need, approach, benefits of a business idea now this is the time work on the
competition factor. It is the dilemma of the startups or the novel entrepreneurs that the focus too
much on their approach to do the business. They are very much product centered and thus ignore
the marketing forces i.e. competition. Thus they are more tilted towards thinking about approach
factor and least bother about the market competition. We develop an exaggerated view of our
product and contrarily we underestimate others products and services. We must be rightly critical
to our own approach and must lookup that how competition can affect our business idea. It is
equally important to precisely present the details about your current and potential competitors.
You also need to elaborate how competition can affect your business proposition and how you are
better than your competitors. All you need to do is answer what you will do? How will you do it?
What are its benefits? Who are your competitors? You identified the need with some research
based evidence, devised a fascinating approach, and described well versed benefits but you have
half-heartedly analyzed your competition. This notions say that you have incomplete information
about your business idea and it will be difficult for you to pitch your business idea effectively.
Important need, with unique approach, compelling benefits and smooth competition description is
the output of NABC framework.

Example of Uber (Car riding service)

Let’s take the example of how Uber (Ride sharing services) has successfully identified and
addressed the customers’ need of travelling. Uber has successfully identified a market (a set of
customers) who do not have their own vehicles and those customers also find public transport a
low quality option. Uber aims to serve the market by offering an affordable, reliable and quality
transportation service. Uber has used a unique, state of the art approach to fix the travelling needs
of the customers. Uber has used android based application platform to connect the different market
forces. Uber application is being used as a technology driven modern tool to connect customers
(people with travelling needs), captains/drivers (people who have their own vehicles and they
choose to earn livelihood through ride sharing services) and a third party (Uber as an entrepreneur
itself). It is easy to understand that Uber application simply inputs the customer call in form of
travel destination and fetch that call to the interested drives on board. Once the ride service offer
is accepted and the ride has been completed the driver collects the payment directly from the
passenger. In this way need of the customers is fulfilled using a dedicated technological tool. Uber
has offered low cost/economical, affordable and simultaneously high/better quality ride sharing
services. The mentioned service package when compared to ordinary riding service (conventional
cab services high cost and low quality) or public transport (low cost low quality) prompts
numerous benefits to the customers. Uber services are affordable and it’s fair calculating and fair
collecting mechanism is transparent and standardized thus offers a much contended and mutually
agreed transaction of services between the two parties. Uber has outperformed its competitors by
offering reliable, better, cheaper and faster services.

Business Model Canvas
Once business idea is refined through NABC and you have a presentable, articulated and nourished
NABC framework of your business idea. The next step is to develop a business model canvas to
further elaborate your business idea. Just like an artist uses a canvas or a blank paper two draw his
thoughts and craft a master piece of art with symbols, gestures, lines and colors, the entrepreneur
draws his business model canvas in the same way. The basic difference between NABC and
business model canvas is that the purpose of NABC framework is to structure your business idea
whereas the business model canvas draws a detailed picture of your business idea.

Wikipedia defines the business model canvas as “The Business Model Canvas is a strategic
management template used for developing new business models and documenting existing ones. It
offers a visual chart with elements describing a firm's or product's value proposition,
infrastructure, customers, and finances assisting businesses to align their activities by illustrating
potential trade-offs”

By looking at the definition you will be able to understand the individual segments of business
model canvas and their utility. Business model canvas answers the following questions to the
readers or the viewers.

1. How do you acquire customers?

2. How do you plan and manage the relationship with the new customers?
3. How do you charge your customers?
4. What is your revenue model?
5. How much do you charge your customers?
6. Can you calculate your revenues for the next month, quarter and year?
7. What assets are available to you or under your control?
8. Who are your key partners?
9. What key activities do you need to engage in to deliver your value proposition?
10. What are your fixed, variable costs and how you calculate your future costs?
11. Does your revenue forecast demonstrates increase profitability towards the end of the
forecast period?

The detailed general framework of a business model canvas is shown in table1.

Table 1: Business Model Canvas with general questions

Vagi-Fresh (Example of a business Idea)

A novel entrepreneur dreams to convert his business idea into a business empire. In fact he wants
to materialize his business idea into a workable physical business. Let’s take an example of a
business idea. “The idea is to offer everyday fresh vegetables on a bicycle based mobile outlet to the

Q-What is the important customer and market need? (The Need)

Answer: Unavailability of fresh and cut vegetable at competitive rates at the door step is a problem
for the households. Issue of managing buying of fresh vegetable and cutting it for meal preparation
as faced by the working women (As reported by working women) is an addressable problem. This
need analysis is based on the facts: Total population of Pakistan has exceeded 200 million with
women about 49%. There are 32 million households in Pakistan. About 24% of women are the
part of the workforce.

Q-What is the unique approach to addressing this need? (The Approach)

Answer: Bicycle based mobile outlet of vegetables having cool box installed in it for keeping the
vegetable fresh throughout the day, offering fresh whole vegetables, fresh cut vegetables and fresh

boiled vegetables ready to be cooked. Outlet will work under the brand name Vagi-fresh and be
supported by a website where customers, working women, may order fresh vegetables of choice
24 hours before the delivery to be made at the door steps. Vagi-Fresh will start as one outlet aiming
at the chain of outlets.

Q-What are the specific benefits resulting from the approach? (The Benefit)
Answer: Availability of fresh and hygienic vegetables to working women throughout the day
(Quality/Standard Product). Availability at the door step in desired form, whole/cut/boiled
(Convenience). At competitive prices (Affordability/Low Cost for Customer)
Q-Why must we win?
Answer: Because we are offering what the target market exactly wants.

Q-How/Why are the offered benefits superior to the competition/alternatives?(The

Answer: Standardized quality, availability at the door step, in the desired form and at affordable
prices make our offering superior to the competition. Everyone has alternatives. We must be able
to tell our client or partner why our solution represents the best value. Conventional vegetable
shops offer heterogeneous quality and usually do not suit to the working women owing to their
work-life schedule. Our solution offers utmost convenience with quality and affordability.

Our Pitch (Standardized Quality at your door step within an affordable price. What else one can desire.)

Just like NABC framework for Vagi-fresh we also need to build its business model canvas.

Table 2: Business Model Canvas with Vegi-Fresh example

Table 2 answers all the questions of basic concern in a business model canvas.

Please watch the video lectures uploaded on VULMS for the topics related to interview based
discussion on angel investment, venture capitalist and loan applications

 Video lecture 123: Angel investors and venture capitalist

 Video lecture 124: the investors' perspective on loan applications

Note: It is advised to form NABC framework and business model canvas according to your dream
business idea and keep practicing alongside the learning about different particulars of both
approaches. Hopefully this exercise will be helpful you to form an effective NABC framework and
a presentable business model canvas of your business idea. Never forget that perfection is hidden
behind the iteration (practicing and rethinking and again practicing the content you are

---------------------------------------------------The End-------------------------------------------------------

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