Principles of Management

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MCQ (50X1)=50 MARKS

1) Which one of the following statements is not correct?

a) Management is a goal-oriented process.
b) Management is a continuous process.
c) Management is a dynamic process.
d) Management is a rigid process.

2) Which one of the following is not an importance of management?

a) Integrating various interest groups
b) Developing society
c) Disciplining employees
d) Inculcating creativity

3) Management is not
a) an applied science.
b) a pure science.
c) an art.
d) an art and science both.

4) In which category does management fall?

a) Well-established profession
b) Semi-profession
c) Emerging profession
d) Marginal profession

5) Top management is concerned with formulation of

a) guidelines for supervisors.
b) long-term plans.
c) short-term plans.
d) None of these.

6) Coordination is
a) a management function.
b) the essence of management.
c) an objective of management.
d) a social objective
7) The element that aims at integrating group efforts to achieve group objectives is called ___.
a) Cooperation
b) Coordination
c) Management
d) Directing

8) Managing Director is the position of ___ level of management in a large company.

a) Top
b) Middle
c) Lower
d) Middle and Lower

9) Management is multidimensional because it has ___ dimension(s).

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

10) Management is a ___ directed process as it aims at achieving specified goals.

a) Continuously
b) Future
c) Goal
d) Deliberately

11) ___ is a systematised body of knowledge that explains certain general truths or operation of
a) Science
b) Art
c) Profession
d) Art and Profession both

12) Identify the feature of co-ordination being highlighted in the given statement: “Coordination is
not a one
time function, it begins at the planning stage and continue till controlling.”
a) Coordination ensures unity of action
b) Coordination is an all pervasive function
c) Coordination is a continuous process
d) Coordination is a deliberate function

13) Co-ordination is considered to be the essence of management because

a) It is a common thread that runs through all the activities within the organisation
b) It is implicit and inherent in all functions of the organisation
c) It is a force that binds all the functions of management
d) All of the above
14) This function of Management related to placing the right person at the right job is
a) Organising
b) Staffing
c) Planning
d) Controlling

15) This function of management relating to laying down the foundation for carrying out the other
of management successfully is
a) Organising
b) Staffing
c) Planning
d) Controlling

16) Organising as a function of management involves deciding

a) What activities and resources are required
b) Who will do a particular task
c) Where will it be done
d) All of the above

17) The main task of this level of management is to determine the overall organisational objectives
strategies for their realisation.
a) Operational management
b) Middle level management
c) First line managers
d) Top level management

18) Which of the following statements is not true for lower level management?
a) Analyse the business environment and its implications for the survival of the business.
b) Ensure the quality of the output
c) They strive to reduce the wastage of resources
d) They ensure that the safety standards are maintained within the organisation.

19) Which of the following is a function of top level management?

a) Ensuring quality of output
b) Assigning necessary duties and responsibilities to their departments
c) Taking responsibility for all the activities of the business and its impact on the society
d) Ensuring that the safety standards are maintained within the organisation.

20) Which of the following is not a designation related to middle level management?
a) Operations Head
b) Sales Manager
c) Chief Operating Officer
d) Divisional Manager
21) “Management principles can be applied to all types of activities.”
a) True
b) False

22) “Coordination is required at all levels of management in all management functions.”

a) True
b) False

23) “Management involves the decisions by a manager and it is not a group activity.”
a) True
b) False

24) Top management level is responsible for implementing plans and strategies of the organisation.
a) True
b) False

25) Successful organisations do not achieve goals by chance but by following a deliberate process
known as
a) Planning
b) Co-ordination
c) Controlling
d) Management

26) Management is essential for the organisations which are

a) Non-profit organisations
b) Service organisations
c) Social organisations
d) All of the above

27) People in the organisations carry out diverse tasks with the aim to achieve.
a) Different objectives
b) Common objectives
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above

28) Successful management ensures that

a) Goals are achieved with least cost
b) Timely achievement of goals
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above
29) Efficiency is concerned with
a) Doing the right thing
b) Doing things right c) Achieving end results d) None of the above
30) Effectiveness relates to
a) Doing the right task
b) Completing activities
c) Achieving goals
d) All of the above

31) Management is said to be poor if it is

a) Efficient but ineffective
b) Effective but inefficient
c) Both inefficient and ineffective
d) All of the above

32) Which of the following is not a function of management?

a) Management is all pervasive
b) Management is multi-dimensional
c) Identification of threats & warnings
d) Location of business

33) Name two broad categories of business activities:-

a) Trade & commerce
b) Trade & Industry
c) Industry & commerce
d) None of these

34) Which one of the following is not an economic objective of the business:-
a) Social environment
b) Survival
c) Profit
d) Growth

35) Which factor doesn’t describe management as science:-

a) Systematized body of knowledge
b) Universal validity
c) Ethical code of conduct
d) Principles based on experimentation

36) Earning of a profit is considered to be subsidiary objective of the business:-

a) True
b) False

37) Which of the following management functions are closely related?

a) planning and organizing
b) staffing and control
c) planning and control
d) planning and staffing
38) The last function in the sequence, which culminates in the attainment of organization objectives,
a) organizing
b) coordinating
c) controlling
d) planning

39) In terms of the sequential relationship, the first function requiring managerial attention is:
a) planning
b) coordinates
c) directing
d) controlling

40) Main functions of administrative management are:

a) planning, organizing ,staffing, directing and controlling
b) planning ,organizing, directing and controlling
c) planning ,organizing, staffing and directing
d) planning,organizing,controlling and representation

41) Successful coordination of activities results from effectively carrying out the function:
a) planning
b) organizing
c) staffing
d) directing
e) all of these

42) Control function of management cannot be performed without:

a) planning
b) organizing
c) staffing
d) motivation

43) Which level of management is responsible for establishing a vision for the organization,
broad plans and strategies, and directing subordinate managers?
a) first level managers
b) middle managers
c) executive managers
d) second level managers

44) Which level of management is responsible for implementing programs that are intended to carry
out the
broader objectives of an organization set by executives?
a) supervisory managers
b) middle managers
c) first level managers
d) chief financial managers
45) Which type of managers are responsible for reporting to middle managers?
a) employees
b) managers
c) executive managers
d) second level managers

46) Which of the following characterize a manager as being efficient?

a) They use a minimum amount of resources for the amount of outputs produced.
b) The devote a large amount of time to planning
c) They achieve their goals.
d) They interview, select, and train people who are most suitable to fill open jobs.

47) Which of the following characterize a manager as being effective?

a) They use a minimum amount of resources for the amount of outputs produced.
b) They devote a large amount of time to planning.
c) They achieve their goals.
d) They interview, select, and train people who are most suitable to fill open jobs.

48) Which term best describes the process of obtaining, deploying, and utilizing a variety of essential
resources to contribute to an organization’s success?
a) planning
b) organizing
c) staffing
d) management

49) Find the odd one out

a) board of directors
b) chief executive
c) foremen
d) shareholders

50) Management is a -----Activity.

a) single
b) group
c) both group and single
d) None

Answer Key:
1 - d 2 - c 3 - b 4 - c 5 –b 6 - b 7 -b 8 - a 9 - c 10 - c
11 - a 12 - c 13 - d 14 -b 15 –c 16 - d 17 - d 18 - a 19 - d 20 -c
21 - a 22 - a 23 - b 24 - b 25 –d 26 - d 27 - b 28 - c 29 - b 30 - d
31 - c 32 - c 33 - c 34 - a 35 –c 36 - b 37 - c 38 - c 39 - a 40 - b
41 - e 42 - a 43 - c 44 - b 45 –b 46 - d 47 - c 48 - d 49 - c 50 – b


1. Define planning , State the various steps in planning. (2+3)

2. Explain the decision making process.

3. Explain the process of MBO.

4. Give the main difference between the formal and informal organization

5. Explain the span of management.

6. Discuss the process of performance appraisal?

7. What are the difference between creativity and innovation?

8. What are the elements in the Maslow hierarchy of needs?

9. Define Motivation

10. Define Communication, What is meant by downward communication? (2+3)

11. Define Controlling. What are the requirements for effective control?

12. What is MNC? Give an example

13. What do you mean by PERT?

14. Explain Management is the art and science .

15. Define the term “ Scalar Chain.”

16. What is decentralization ? , What are the advantages of decentralization? (2+3)

17. Define Training. What are the methods of training? (3+2)

18. State the advantages of democratic leadership

19. Define control. Give some critical point standards of control? (2+3)

20. Define budget? What are the limitations of Budgeting ?



1. Explain Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of management.

2. Explain the various functions of management
3. Compare the various managerial attitudes involved in MNC’s.i) Describe the relative
importance of each type of skills to lower , middle and upperlevel managers. ( 8
marks) ii) Explain the system based approach towards the management. (7 marks)
4. What is planning? Explain the steps involved in planning.
5. Define MBO. Describe the benefits and weakness of MBO and ways to overcome
6. Define decision- making and explain the process of decision –making that affects the
efficiency of the business decisions
7. i) Explain the concept of decentralization . (8 marks)
ii) Explain the importance of performance appraisal.(7 marks)
8. What do you understand by “leadership style”? Describe the different styles of
9. Explain why management by wandering around considered as effective
communication. What are
the barriers to effective communications
10. Explain the term motivation. Explain any two motivational theories.
11. Explain the effects of globalization and liberation in improving organisation growth
12. Explain briefly about the different factors affecting the organizational environment
13. Management: Science or Art – Discuss.
14. Write the characteristics and limitations of classical approach.
15. Explain in detail about the various forecasting methods
16. Discuss in detail about the performance appraisal.
17. Explain briefly about the various types of Organizational structures.
18. List out the basic activities of human resource development.
19. List the tools and techniques used in operating management system.
20. Explain in detail about the different types of Budgets

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