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© 2023 RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.

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RIGOL®is the trademark of RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.


• RIGOL products are covered by P.R.C. and foreign patents, issued and pending.

• RIGOL reserves the right to modify or change parts of or all the specifications and pricing

policies at the company's sole decision.

• Information in this publication replaces all previously released materials.

• Information in this publication is subject to change without notice.

• RIGOL shall not be liable for either incidental or consequential losses in connection with the

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• Any part of this document is forbidden to be copied, photocopied, or rearranged without prior

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RIGOL guarantees that this product conforms to the national and industrial standards in China as
well as the ISO9001:2015 standard and the ISO14001:2015 standard. Other international standard
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Section Description Page

List of Figures.............................................................................................................................VIII
List of Tables...............................................................................................................................XIV
1 Safety Requirement .........................................................................................................1
1.1 General Safety Summary .................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Safety Notices and Symbols ............................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Measurement Category .....................................................................................................................3
1.4 Ventilation Requirement ................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Working Environment ........................................................................................................................ 4
1.6 Care and Cleaning ............................................................................................................................... 6
1.7 Environmental Considerations ........................................................................................................6
2 Product Features .............................................................................................................. 7
3 Document Overview ....................................................................................................... 8
4 Quick Start ........................................................................................................................10
4.1 General Inspection ............................................................................................................................10
4.2 Appearance and Dimensions ........................................................................................................ 10
4.3 To Prepare for Use .............................................................................................................................11
4.3.1 To Adjust the Supporting Legs ........................................................................................11
4.3.2 To Connect to Power ...........................................................................................................12
4.3.3 Turn-on Checkout ................................................................................................................ 12
4.3.4 To Set the System Language ............................................................................................ 13
4.3.5 To Connect the Probe ......................................................................................................... 13
4.3.6 Function Inspection .............................................................................................................15
4.3.7 Probe Compensation .......................................................................................................... 17
4.4 Product Overview ..............................................................................................................................17
4.4.1 Front Panel Overview ..........................................................................................................18
4.4.2 Rear Panel Overview ........................................................................................................... 24
4.4.3 User Interface Overview .................................................................................................... 26
4.5 Touch Screen Gestures .................................................................................................................... 28
4.5.1 Tap ............................................................................................................................................. 28
4.5.2 Drag .......................................................................................................................................... 29
4.5.3 Pinch&Stretch ........................................................................................................................30
4.6 Parameter Setting Method ............................................................................................................ 30
4.7 To Use the Security Lock .................................................................................................................35

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
4.8 To Use the Built-in Help System ...................................................................................................36
5 Vertical System ............................................................................................................... 37
5.1 To Enable or Disable the Analog Channel ................................................................................ 37
5.2 To Adjust the Vertical Scale ........................................................................................................... 38
5.3 To Adjust the Vertical Offset ..........................................................................................................40
5.4 To Specify Channel Coupling ........................................................................................................ 41
5.5 To Specify Bandwidth Limit ........................................................................................................... 41
5.6 To Specify Input Impedance ..........................................................................................................42
5.7 To Invert a Waveform ...................................................................................................................... 42
5.8 To Set Probe ........................................................................................................................................43
5.9 To Specify the Amplitude Unit ......................................................................................................45
5.10 To Adjust Bias ..................................................................................................................................... 45
5.11 To Specify the Skew ..........................................................................................................................46
5.12 To Turn the Channel Label Display On/Off ...............................................................................46
6 Horizontal System ......................................................................................................... 48
6.1 To Adjust the Horizontal Time Base ........................................................................................... 48
6.2 To Adjust the Horizontal Position ................................................................................................49
6.3 Zoom Mode (Delayed Sweep) ......................................................................................................50
7 Acquisition System ........................................................................................................52
7.1 Acquisition Mode ..............................................................................................................................52
7.2 Sampling Mode ................................................................................................................................. 54
7.3 Sample Rate ........................................................................................................................................ 55
7.4 Memory Depth ...................................................................................................................................56
7.5 Horizontal Expansion Reference .................................................................................................. 57
7.6 Roll Mode .............................................................................................................................................58
7.7 XY Mode ...............................................................................................................................................58
8 Triggering the Oscilloscope ....................................................................................... 61
8.1 Trigger Source .................................................................................................................................... 61
8.2 Trigger Level ........................................................................................................................................62
8.3 Trigger Mode ...................................................................................................................................... 62
8.4 Trigger Coupling ................................................................................................................................64
8.5 Trigger Holdoff ...................................................................................................................................64
8.6 Noise Rejection ..................................................................................................................................65
8.7 Trigger Type .........................................................................................................................................65
8.7.1 Edge Trigger ...........................................................................................................................66
8.7.2 Pulse Width Trigger .............................................................................................................67
8.7.3 Slope Trigger ..........................................................................................................................70

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
8.7.4 Video Trigger ......................................................................................................................... 73
8.7.5 Pattern Trigger .......................................................................................................................75
8.7.6 Duration Trigger ................................................................................................................... 78
8.7.7 Timeout Trigger .................................................................................................................... 81
8.7.8 Runt Trigger ........................................................................................................................... 83
8.7.9 Window Trigger .................................................................................................................... 86
8.7.10 Delay Trigger ..........................................................................................................................88
8.7.11 Setup/Hold Trigger ..............................................................................................................90
8.7.12 Nth Edge Trigger .................................................................................................................. 93
8.7.13 RS232 Trigger ........................................................................................................................ 95
8.7.14 I2C Trigger .............................................................................................................................. 98
8.7.15 SPI Trigger ............................................................................................................................ 102
8.7.16 CAN Trigger ......................................................................................................................... 105
8.7.17 LIN Trigger ............................................................................................................................108
8.8 Trigger Output Connector ........................................................................................................... 111
9 Math Operation ........................................................................................................... 112
9.1 Arithmetic Operation .....................................................................................................................113
9.2 Function Operation ........................................................................................................................116
9.3 FFT Operation .................................................................................................................................. 120
9.4 Logic Operation ...............................................................................................................................125
9.5 Digital Filter ...................................................................................................................................... 128
10 Measurements ..............................................................................................................133
10.1 Auto Scale ......................................................................................................................................... 133
10.2 Auto Measurements ...................................................................................................................... 134
10.2.1 Measurement Parameter .................................................................................................134 Time Parameters ................................................................................................ 134 Count Values ....................................................................................................... 135 Delay and Phase Parameters ......................................................................... 137 Voltage Parameters ...........................................................................................139 Other Parameters ...............................................................................................140
10.2.2 Select the Measurement Item ....................................................................................... 141
10.2.3 Measurement Settings .....................................................................................................143
10.2.4 Remove the Measurement Results ..............................................................................146
10.3 Cursor Measurements ...................................................................................................................147
10.3.1 Manual Mode ......................................................................................................................149
10.3.2 Track Mode .......................................................................................................................... 151
10.3.3 XY Mode ............................................................................................................................... 154

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
11 Digital Voltmeter (DVM) and Frequency Counter ............................................156
11.1 Digital Voltmeter (DVM) ...............................................................................................................156
11.1.1 Measurement Settings .....................................................................................................156
11.1.2 Remove the Measurement ............................................................................................. 158
11.2 Frequency Counter .........................................................................................................................158
11.2.1 Measurement Settings .....................................................................................................159
11.2.2 Reset Statistics .................................................................................................................... 160
11.2.3 Remove the Measurement ............................................................................................. 160
12 Digital Channel .............................................................................................................161
12.1 To Enable or Disable the Digital Channel ...............................................................................162
12.2 To Select the Digital Channel ......................................................................................................162
12.3 To Set the Threshold ......................................................................................................................162
12.4 To Set the Waveform Size ............................................................................................................163
12.5 To Set the Order ..............................................................................................................................163
12.6 Probe Calibration ............................................................................................................................163
12.7 Label Settings ...................................................................................................................................163
13 Histogram Analysis .....................................................................................................165
13.1 To Enable or Disable the Histogram Function ...................................................................... 165
13.2 To Select the Histogram Type .....................................................................................................166
13.3 To Select the Histogram Source ................................................................................................ 166
13.4 To Set the Histogram Height ...................................................................................................... 166
13.5 To Set the Histogram Range .......................................................................................................167
13.6 Histogram Analysis Results ......................................................................................................... 167
13.7 To Remove Results ..........................................................................................................................169
13.8 To Clear Statistics ............................................................................................................................ 169
14 Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator (for DHO914S and ......... 170
DHO924S only)
14.1 To Output Basic Waveforms ........................................................................................................170
14.1.1 To Output Sine ....................................................................................................................170
14.1.2 To Output Square .............................................................................................................. 171
14.1.3 To Output Ramp .................................................................................................................172
14.1.4 To Output Noise .................................................................................................................172
14.1.5 To Output DC ...................................................................................................................... 173
14.1.6 To Output the Arbitrary Waveform ............................................................................. 173
14.2 Modulation ....................................................................................................................................... 173
14.2.1 AM ...........................................................................................................................................174
14.2.2 FM ........................................................................................................................................... 175

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
14.2.3 PM ...........................................................................................................................................176
15 Bode Plot (for DHO914S and DHO924S only) .................................................. 178
15.1 Basic Setting ..................................................................................................................................... 179
15.1.1 To Enable or Disable the Bode Function ....................................................................179
15.1.2 To Start or Stop the Operation ......................................................................................179
15.1.3 To Set the Input Source ................................................................................................... 179
15.1.4 To Set the Output Source ............................................................................................... 180
15.1.5 To Set the Sweep Type .....................................................................................................180
15.1.6 To Enable or Disable the Filter ...................................................................................... 180
15.1.7 To Set the Display Type ....................................................................................................180
15.1.8 Connection Diagram ........................................................................................................ 182
15.2 Cursor ................................................................................................................................................. 182
15.3 Amp/Freq Setting ........................................................................................................................... 183
15.4 Store and Load .................................................................................................................................183
16 Reference Waveform ..................................................................................................185
16.1 To Enable Ref Function ................................................................................................................. 185
16.2 To Set the Reference Waveform ................................................................................................ 185
16.3 To Set the Ref Waveform Display ..............................................................................................186
16.4 Export and Import Operation .....................................................................................................187
17 Pass/Fail Test ................................................................................................................. 189
17.1 To Enable or Disable the Pass/Fail Test Function .................................................................190
17.2 To Select the Source ...................................................................................................................... 190
17.3 To Create a Mask .............................................................................................................................190
17.4 To Set the Output Form of the Test Results ...........................................................................191
17.5 To Start or Stop the Pass/Fail Test Operation ........................................................................192
17.6 To Display the Statistics of the Test Results ...........................................................................192
18 Protocol Decoding ......................................................................................................194
18.1 Parallel Decoding ............................................................................................................................194
18.1.1 Clock Setting (CLK) ............................................................................................................195
18.1.2 Bus Setting ........................................................................................................................... 196
18.1.3 Display-related Settings .................................................................................................. 198
18.1.4 Event Table ........................................................................................................................... 198
18.2 RS232 Decoding ..............................................................................................................................199
18.2.1 Source Setting .....................................................................................................................201
18.2.2 To Set Data Package ......................................................................................................... 201
18.2.3 Display-related Settings .................................................................................................. 202
18.2.4 Event Table ........................................................................................................................... 203

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
18.3 I2C Decoding ....................................................................................................................................204
18.3.1 Source Setting .....................................................................................................................204
18.3.2 Display-related Settings .................................................................................................. 205
18.3.3 Event Table ........................................................................................................................... 206
18.4 SPI Decoding ....................................................................................................................................207
18.4.1 To Set the Source ...............................................................................................................208
18.4.2 To Set Mode and Data ..................................................................................................... 209
18.4.3 Display-related Settings .................................................................................................. 210
18.4.4 Event Table ........................................................................................................................... 210
18.5 LIN Decoding ................................................................................................................................... 211
18.5.1 Signal Configuration .........................................................................................................212
18.5.2 Display-related Settings .................................................................................................. 213
18.5.3 Event Table ........................................................................................................................... 213
18.6 CAN Decoding .................................................................................................................................214
18.6.1 Signal Configuration .........................................................................................................215
18.6.2 Display-related Settings .................................................................................................. 216
18.6.3 Event Table ........................................................................................................................... 216
19 Multi-pane Windowing ............................................................................................. 218
20 Waveform Recording and Playing .........................................................................220
20.1 Common Settings ...........................................................................................................................220
20.2 Record Options ................................................................................................................................221
20.3 Play Options ..................................................................................................................................... 222
21 Search and Navigation .............................................................................................. 225
21.1 Search ................................................................................................................................................. 225
21.2 Navigation .........................................................................................................................................227
22 Display Control .............................................................................................................231
22.1 Display Type ......................................................................................................................................231
22.2 Persistence Time ............................................................................................................................. 231
22.3 Waveform Intensity ........................................................................................................................232
22.4 To Set the Screen Grid ...................................................................................................................232
22.5 Display Settings ...............................................................................................................................232
22.6 Show Scale ........................................................................................................................................ 233
22.7 Color Grade .......................................................................................................................................233
22.8 Waveform Freeze ............................................................................................................................ 233
23 Store and Load ............................................................................................................. 234
23.1 To Enter the Storage Menu ......................................................................................................... 234
23.2 To Save a File ....................................................................................................................................234

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
23.2.1 To Save Image .....................................................................................................................234
23.2.2 To Save Wave ...................................................................................................................... 236
23.2.3 Save Setup ............................................................................................................................238
23.2.4 Binary Data Format (.bin) ................................................................................................239
23.3 To Load a File ....................................................................................................................................242
23.4 Firmware Upgrade ..........................................................................................................................243
23.5 Disk Management .......................................................................................................................... 244
24 System Utility Function Setting .............................................................................. 247
24.1 I/O Setting .........................................................................................................................................247
24.2 Basic Settings ................................................................................................................................... 249
24.3 About this Oscilloscope ................................................................................................................251
24.4 Other Settings ..................................................................................................................................252
24.5 Auto Config .......................................................................................................................................252
24.6 SelfCal ................................................................................................................................................. 253
24.7 Option List .........................................................................................................................................253
24.8 Quick Action Settings ....................................................................................................................253
24.9 Self-check .......................................................................................................................................... 256
25 Remote Control ............................................................................................................257
25.1 Remote Control via USB ............................................................................................................... 258
25.2 Remote Control via LAN ...............................................................................................................258
26 Troubleshooting ...........................................................................................................260
27 Appendix ........................................................................................................................ 261
27.1 Appendix A: Options and Accessories .................................................................................... 261
27.2 Appendix B: Warranty ................................................................................................................... 261
27.3 Appendix C: Factory Settings ..................................................................................................... 262

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
List of Figures
Figure 4.1 Front View ..............................................................................................................10

Figure 4.2 Side View ................................................................................................................11

Figure 4.3 Adjusting the Supporting Legs ...................................................................... 11

Figure 4.4 To Connect to Power ..........................................................................................12

Figure 4.5 Connecting the Passive Probe ........................................................................14

Figure 4.6 Connecting the Logic Probe ........................................................................... 15

Figure 4.7 Using the Compensation Signal .................................................................... 16

Figure 4.8 Square Waveform Signal .................................................................................. 16

Figure 4.9 Probe Compensation .........................................................................................17

Figure 4.10 Front Panel ..........................................................................................................18

Figure 4.11 Rear Panel ............................................................................................................24

Figure 4.12 User Interface .....................................................................................................26

Figure 4.13 Tap Gesture .........................................................................................................29

Figure 4.14 Drag Gesture ...................................................................................................... 29

Figure 4.15 Pinch&Stretch Gesture ....................................................................................30

Figure 4.16 English Input Interface ....................................................................................31

Figure 4.17 Chinese Input Interface .................................................................................. 32

Figure 4.18 String Keypad .....................................................................................................33

Figure 4.19 Numeric Keypad ................................................................................................35

Figure 4.20 To Use the Security Lock ................................................................................ 36

Figure 5.1 Vertical Menu ....................................................................................................... 37

Figure 5.2 Waveform Invert On/Off .................................................................................. 43

Figure 5.3 Probe Setting Menu ...........................................................................................43

Figure 5.4 Zero Offset ............................................................................................................ 46

Figure 6.1 Horizontal Menu ................................................................................................. 48

Figure 6.2 Zoom Mode .......................................................................................................... 51

Figure 7.1 Horizontal Menu ................................................................................................. 52

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Figure 7.2 Display Modes ......................................................................................................54
Figure 7.3 Memory Depth .................................................................................................... 56

Figure 7.4 XY Menu .................................................................................................................59

Figure 7.5 Measurement Schematic Diagram of Phase Deviation ......................... 60

Figure 8.1 Schematic Diagram of the Acquisition Memory ......................................63

Figure 8.2 Trigger Holdoff .....................................................................................................65

Figure 8.3 Edge Trigger Setting Menu ..............................................................................66

Figure 8.4 Positive/Negative Pulse Width .......................................................................68

Figure 8.5 Pulse Width Trigger Setting Menu ................................................................68

Figure 8.6 Positive Slope Time/Negative Slope Time ................................................. 70

Figure 8.7 Slope Trigger Setting Menu ............................................................................ 71

Figure 8.8 Video Trigger Setting Menu ............................................................................73

Figure 8.9 Pattern Trigger ..................................................................................................... 76

Figure 8.10 Pattern Trigger Setting Menu .......................................................................76

Figure 8.11 Duration Trigger ................................................................................................78

Figure 8.12 Duration Trigger Setting Menu ....................................................................79

Figure 8.13 Timeout Trigger .................................................................................................81

Figure 8.14 Timeout Trigger Menu ....................................................................................82

Figure 8.15 Runt Trigger ........................................................................................................83

Figure 8.16 Runt Trigger Setting Menu ............................................................................84

Figure 8.17 Window Trigger Setting Menu .....................................................................86

Figure 8.18 Delay Trigger ...................................................................................................... 88

Figure 8.19 Delay Trigger Setting Menu ..........................................................................88

Figure 8.20 Setup/Hold Trigger .......................................................................................... 91

Figure 8.21 Setup/Hold Trigger Setting Menu .............................................................. 91

Figure 8.22 Nth Edge Trigger ...............................................................................................93

Figure 8.23 Nth Edge Trigger Setting Menu .................................................................. 94

Figure 8.24 Schematic Diagram of RS232 Protocol ..................................................... 95

Figure 8.25 RS232 Trigger Setting Menu .........................................................................96

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Figure 8.26 Sequence Diagram of I2C Protocol ............................................................ 98
Figure 8.27 I2C Trigger Setting Menu ...............................................................................99

Figure 8.28 Binary Format Setting ...................................................................................100

Figure 8.29 Hexadecimal Format Setting ......................................................................101

Figure 8.30 Sequential Chart of SPI Bus ........................................................................102

Figure 8.31 SPI Trigger Setting Menu ............................................................................ 102

Figure 8.32 Data Frame Format of the CAN Bus ........................................................ 105

Figure 8.33 CAN Trigger Setting Menu ..........................................................................105

Figure 8.34 Sample Position .............................................................................................. 106

Figure 8.35 Data Frame Format of the LIN Bus .......................................................... 108

Figure 8.36 LIN Trigger Setting Menu ............................................................................108

Figure 8.37 Sample Position .............................................................................................. 109

Figure 9.1 Math Menu ......................................................................................................... 112

Figure 9.2 Waveform Display Window of the Operation Results ......................... 113

Figure 9.3 Arithmetic Operation Menu ..........................................................................114

Figure 9.4 Operation Result Display Window ..............................................................114

Figure 9.5 Function Operation Menu .............................................................................117

Figure 9.6 Operation Result Display Window ..............................................................118

Figure 9.7 FFT Operation Menu ....................................................................................... 121

Figure 9.8 FFT Operation Window .................................................................................. 121

Figure 9.9 Peak Search .........................................................................................................124

Figure 9.10 Logic Operation Menu ................................................................................. 125

Figure 9.11 Operation Result Display Window ........................................................... 127

Figure 9.12 Digital Filter Menu ......................................................................................... 129

Figure 9.13 Operation Result Display Window ........................................................... 130

Figure 10.1 Time Parameters .............................................................................................134

Figure 10.2 Delay and Phase Parameters ......................................................................137

Figure 10.3 Voltage Parameters ....................................................................................... 139

Figure 10.4 Vertical Measurement Items ...................................................................... 141

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Figure 10.5 Horizontal Measurement Items ................................................................ 142
Figure 10.6 Other Measurement Items ..........................................................................142

Figure 10.7 Measurement Settings Menu .................................................................... 143

Figure 10.8 Cursors ...............................................................................................................147

Figure 10.9 Manual Mode Setting Menu ......................................................................149

Figure 10.10 Manual Cursor Measurement Example ................................................151

Figure 10.11 Track Mode Setting Menu ........................................................................ 152

Figure 10.12 Track Measurement (before Horizontal Expansion) ........................ 153

Figure 10.13 Track Measurement (after Horizontal Expansion) ............................ 154

Figure 10.14 XY Mode Setting Menu ............................................................................. 154

Figure 11.1 DVM Setting Menu ........................................................................................157

Figure 11.2 Frequency Counter Setting Menu ............................................................ 159

Figure 12.1 LA Menu ............................................................................................................161

Figure 13.1 Histogram Menu ............................................................................................ 165

Figure 13.2 Histogram Analysis Interface ..................................................................... 166

Figure 13.3 Histogram Analysis Results .........................................................................168

Figure 14.1 AFG Setting Menu ..........................................................................................170

Figure 14.2 Modulation Interface .................................................................................... 174

Figure 15.1 "Bode Plots" Setting Menu .........................................................................178

Figure 15.2 "Bode Plots" Setting Menu-Simplified Mode ...................................... 178

Figure 15.3 Bode Plot Waveform Display ..................................................................... 180

Figure 15.4 Bode Plot Chart Display ...............................................................................182

Figure 16.1 Reference Waveform Menu ........................................................................185

Figure 17.1 PassFail Menu .................................................................................................. 189

Figure 17.2 PassFail Menu-Simplified ............................................................................ 189

Figure 17.3 Pass/Fail Test Interface ................................................................................. 192

Figure 18.1 Schematic Diagram of Parallel Decoding .............................................. 194

Figure 18.2 Parallel Decoding Menu .............................................................................. 195

Figure 18.3 Parallel Decoding Event Table ....................................................................199

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Figure 18.4 Schematic Diagram of RS232 Serial Bus ................................................ 199
Figure 18.5 RS232 Decoding Menu ................................................................................ 200

Figure 18.6 RS232 Decoding Event Table ..................................................................... 203

Figure 18.7 I2C Serial Bus ................................................................................................... 204

Figure 18.8 I2C Decoding Menu ...................................................................................... 204

Figure 18.9 I2C Decoding Event Table ........................................................................... 206

Figure 18.10 SPI Serial Bus .................................................................................................207

Figure 18.11 SPI Decoding Menu .................................................................................... 208

Figure 18.12 SPI Decoding Event Table ......................................................................... 211

Figure 18.13 LIN Decoding Menu ....................................................................................212

Figure 18.14 LIN Decoding Event Table .........................................................................213

Figure 18.15 CAN Decoding Menu ................................................................................. 214

Figure 18.16 Sample Position ............................................................................................216

Figure 18.17 CAN Decoding Event Table ...................................................................... 217

Figure 19.1 "Add Window" Menu ....................................................................................218

Figure 20.1 "Record" Menu ................................................................................................220

Figure 20.2 Minimized "Play" Menu ............................................................................... 223

Figure 21.1 Search Menu ....................................................................................................225

Figure 21.2 MarkTable Display ..........................................................................................227

Figure 21.3 Navigation Menu ........................................................................................... 228

Figure 21.4 Simplified Navigation Menu ...................................................................... 228

Figure 21.5 "Search Event" Navigation Setting Menu ..............................................229

Figure 21.6 "Frame Segment" Navigation Setting Menu ........................................229

Figure 22.1 Display Setting Menu ................................................................................... 231

Figure 23.1 Image Saving Setting Menu .......................................................................235

Figure 23.2 Waveform Saving Setting Menu ...............................................................237

Figure 23.3 Setup Saving Setting Menu ........................................................................238

Figure 23.4 Load Setting Menu ........................................................................................ 243

Figure 23.5 Upgrade Menu ................................................................................................244

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Figure 23.6 Disk Management Interface .......................................................................245
Figure 24.1 Self-calibration Menu ................................................................................... 253

Figure 24.2 Quick Menu ......................................................................................................254

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
List of Tables
Table 4.1 Power Adaptor Specifications ...........................................................................12

Table 5.1 Probe Ratio ..............................................................................................................44

Table 8.1 Video Standard ...................................................................................................... 74

Table 9.1 Window Function ................................................................................................123

Table 9.2 Logic Operation .................................................................................................. 126

Table 18.1 Bus Setting ..........................................................................................................196

Table 23.1 BIN File Format ................................................................................................. 239

Table 23.2 File Header ..........................................................................................................240

Table 23.3 Waveform Header ............................................................................................240

Table 23.4 Waveform Data Header ................................................................................. 242

Table 27.2 Factory Settings ................................................................................................ 262

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Safety Requirement

1 Safety Requirement

1.1 General Safety Summary

Please review the following safety precautions carefully before putting the instrument
into operation so as to avoid any personal injury or damage to the instrument and
any product connected to it. To prevent potential hazards, please follow the
instructions specified in this manual to use the instrument properly.

• Use Proper Power Cord.

Only the exclusive power cord designed for the instrument and authorized for
use within the destination country could be used.

• Connect the Probe Correctly.

If a probe is used, the probe ground lead must be connected to earth ground.
Do not connect the ground lead to high voltage. Improper way of connection
could result in dangerous voltages being present on the connectors, controls or
other surfaces of the oscilloscope and probes, which will cause potential hazards
for operators.

• Observe All Terminal Ratings.

To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings and markers on the instrument
and check your manual for more information about ratings before connecting
the instrument.

• Use Proper Overvoltage Protection.

Ensure that no overvoltage (such as that caused by a bolt of lightning) can reach
the product. Otherwise, the operator might be exposed to the danger of an
electric shock.

• Do Not Operate Without Covers.

Do not operate the instrument with covers or panels removed.

• Do Not Insert Objects into the Air Outlet.

Do not insert objects into the air outlet, as doing so may cause damage to the

• Avoid Circuit or Wire Exposure.

Do not touch exposed junctions and components when the instrument is

powered on.

• Do Not Operate With Suspected Failures.

If you suspect that any damage may occur to the instrument, have it inspected
by RIGOL authorized personnel before further operations. Any maintenance,

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Safety Requirement

adjustment or replacement especially to circuits or accessories must be

performed by RIGOL authorized personnel.

• Provide Adequate Ventilation.

Inadequate ventilation may cause an increase of temperature in the instrument,

which would cause damage to the instrument. So please keep the instrument
well ventilated and inspect the air outlet and the fan regularly.

• Do Not Operate in Wet Conditions.

To avoid short circuit inside the instrument or electric shock, never operate the
instrument in a humid environment.

• Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere.

To avoid personal injuries or damage to the instrument, never operate the

instrument in an explosive atmosphere.

• Keep Instrument Surfaces Clean and Dry.

To avoid dust or moisture from affecting the performance of the instrument,

keep the surfaces of the instrument clean and dry.

• Prevent Electrostatic Impact.

Operate the instrument in an electrostatic discharge protective environment to

avoid damage induced by static discharges. Always ground both the internal and
external conductors of cables to release static before making connections.

• Use the Battery Properly.

Do not expose the battery (if available) to high temperature or fire. Keep it out of
the reach of children. Improper change of a battery (lithium battery) may cause
an explosion. Use the RIGOL specified battery only.

• Handle with Caution.

Please handle with care during transportation to avoid damage to keys, knobs,
interfaces, and other parts on the panels.


Equipment meeting Class A requirements may not offer adequate protection to broadcast
services within residential environment.

1.2 Safety Notices and Symbols

Safety Notices in this Manual:


Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or practice which, if not avoided, will result in
serious injury or death.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Safety Requirement


Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or practice which, if not avoided, could result
in damage to the product or loss of important data.

Safety Notices on the Product:


It calls attention to an operation, if not correctly performed, could result in injury

or hazard immediately.


It calls attention to an operation, if not correctly performed, could result in

potential injury or hazard.


It calls attention to an operation, if not correctly performed, could result in

damage to the product or other devices connected to the product.

Safety Symbols on the Product:

Hazardous Safety Warning Protective Earth Chassis Ground Test Ground

Voltage Terminal

1.3 Measurement Category

Measurement Category

This instrument can make measurements in Measurement Category I.


This instrument can only be used for measurements within its specified measurement

Measurement Category Definitions

• Measurement category I is for measurements performed on circuits not directly

connected to MAINS. Examples are measurements on circuits not derived from
MAINS, and specially protected (internal) MAINS derived circuits. In the latter
case, transient stresses are variable. Thus, you must know the transient withstand
capability of the equipment.

• Measurement category II is for measurements performed on circuits directly

connected to low voltage installation. Examples are measurements on household
appliances, portable tools and similar equipment.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Safety Requirement

• Measurement category III is for measurements performed in the building

installation. Examples are measurements on distribution boards, circuit-breakers,
wiring (including cables, bus-bars, junction boxes, switches and socket-outlets) in
the fixed installation, and equipment for industrial use and some other
equipment. For example, stationary motors with permanent connection to a
fixed installation.

• Measurement category IV is for measurements performed at the source of a

low-voltage installation. Examples are electricity meters and measurements on
primary overcurrent protection devices and ripple control units.

1.4 Ventilation Requirement

This instrument uses a fan to force cooling. Please make sure that the air inlet and
outlet areas are free from obstructions and have free air. When using the instrument
in a bench-top or rack setting, provide at least 10 cm clearance beside, above and
behind the instrument for adequate ventilation.


Inadequate ventilation may cause an increase of temperature in the instrument, which

would cause damage to the instrument. So please keep the instrument well ventilated and
inspect the air outlet and the fan regularly.

1.5 Working Environment


Operating: 0℃ to +50℃

Non-operating: -30℃ to +60℃


• Operating:

Below +30℃: ≤90%RH (without condensation)

+30℃ to +40℃: ≤75% RH (without condensation)

+40℃ to +50℃: ≤45%RH (without condensation)

• Non-operating:

Below +60℃: ≤90%RH (without condensation)


To avoid short circuit inside the instrument or electric shock, never operate the
instrument in a humid environment.

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Safety Requirement


• Operating: below 3 km

• Non-operating: below 15 km

Protection Level Against Electric Shock

ESD ±8kV

Installation (Overvoltage) Category

This product is powered by mains conforming to installation (overvoltage) category II.


Ensure that no overvoltage (such as that caused by a bolt of lightning) can reach the
product. Otherwise, the operator might be exposed to the danger of an electric shock.

Installation (Overvoltage) Category Definitions

Installation (overvoltage) category I refers to signal level which is applicable to

equipment measurement terminals connected to the source circuit. Among these
terminals, precautions are done to limit the transient voltage to a low level.

Installation (overvoltage) category II refers to the local power distribution level which
is applicable to equipment connected to the AC line (AC power).

Pollution Degree

Pollution Degree 2

Pollution Degree Definition

• Pollution Degree 1: No pollution or only dry, nonconductive pollution occurs.

The pollution has no effect. For example, a clean room or air-conditioned office

• Pollution Degree 2: Normally only nonconductive pollution occurs. Temporary

conductivity caused by condensation is to be expected. For example, indoor

• Pollution Degree 3: Conductive pollution or dry nonconductive pollution that

becomes conductive due to condensation occurs. To be found in industrial
environment or construction sites (harsh environments). For example, sheltered
outdoor environment.

• Pollution Degree 4: The pollution generates persistent conductivity caused by

conductive dust, rain, or snow. For example, outdoor areas.

Safety Class

Class 2

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Safety Requirement

1.6 Care and Cleaning


Do not store or leave the instrument where it may be exposed to direct sunlight for
long periods of time.


Clean the instrument regularly according to its operating conditions.

1. Disconnect the instrument from all power sources.

2. Clean the external surfaces of the instrument with a soft cloth dampened with mild
detergent or water. Avoid having any water or other objects into the chassis via the
heat dissipation hole. When cleaning the LCD, take care to avoid scarifying it.


To avoid damage to the instrument, do not expose it to caustic liquids.


To avoid short-circuit resulting from moisture or personal injuries, ensure that the
instrument is completely dry before connecting it to the power supply.

1.7 Environmental Considerations

The following symbol indicates that this product complies with the WEEE Directive

The equipment may contain substances that could be harmful to the environment or
human health. To avoid the release of such substances into the environment and
avoid harm to human health, we recommend you to recycle this product
appropriately to ensure that most materials are reused or recycled properly. Please
contact your local authorities for disposal or recycling information.

You can click on the following link

to download the latest version of the RoHS&WEEE certification file.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Product Features

2 Product Features

Product Features

• Ultra-low noise floor, purer signal, never miss the small signals
• Up to 12 bits resolution for all the models of this series
• Max. analog bandwidth of 250 MHz, 4 analog channels
• 16 digital channels (std.), logic probe required to be purchased if needed
• Max. real-time sample rate of 1.25 GSa/s
• Max. memory depth of 50 Mpts
• Vertical sensitivity range: 200 μV/div to 10 V/div
• Max. capture rate of 1,000,000 wfms/s (in UltraAcquire mode)
• Digital phosphor display with real-time 256-level intensity grading
• Integrates the AFG function, bode plot analysis, histogram, digital signal
analysis, and etc
• Waveform search and navigation function allows you to debug the signal
anomalies faster
• 7" (1024x600) capacitive multi-touch screen
• Brand new Flex Knob brings user-friendly experience
• USB Device & Host, LAN, and HDMI interfaces (std.) for all the models of this
• Novel and delicate industrial design, easy to operate
• Unique online upgrade

The DHO900 series is RIGOL's new launched high-performance economical digital

oscilloscope. Though compact in design, it has superior performance. It features a
capture rate up to 1,000,000 wfms/s (in UltraAcquire Mode), 50 Mpts memory
depth, 12 bits resolution, and low noise.

The DHO900 series supports 16 digital channels. One instrument can make an
analysis on both the analog and digital signals to meet the embedded design and
test scenarios. With an affordable price equivalent to purchasing an entry-level
instrument, you can access the auto serial and parallel bus analysis, bode plot
analysis, and other functions to meet the test demands in the R&D, education, and
scientific research fields.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Document Overview

3 Document Overview
This manual gives you a quick overview of the front and rear panel, user interface as
well as basic operation methods of DHO900 series.


For the latest version of this manual, download it from RIGOL official website (http://

Publication Number


Software Version

Software upgrade might change or add product features. Please acquire the latest
version of the manual from RIGOL website or contact RIGOL to upgrade the software.

Format Conventions in this Manual

1. Key

The front panel key is denoted by the menu key icon. For example,
indicates the "Default" key.

2. Menu

The menu item is denoted by the format of "Menu Name (Bold) + Character
Shading" in the manual. For example, Setup indicates the "Setup" sub-menu under
the "Utility" function menu. You can click or tap Setup to access the "Setup" menu.

3. Operation Procedures

The next step of the operation is denoted by ">" in the manual. For example,

> Storage indicates first clicking or tapping and then clicking or tapping

4. Connector

The front/rear panel connector is denoted by "Brackets + Connector Name (Bold)",

for example, [AUX OUT].

5. Knob

Label Knob Label Knob

Horizontal Position Multipurpose

Knob 1 Knob 1

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Document Overview

Label Knob Label Knob

Horizontal Scale Multipurpose

Horizontal SCALE Knob 2 Knob 2

Vertical Position
Trigger Level Knob

Vertical Scale
- -
Vertical SCALE Knob

Content Conventions in this Manual

DHO900 series digital oscilloscope includes the following models. Unless otherwise
specified, this manual takes DHO924S as an example to illustrate the operation
methods of DHO900 series.

Model Max. Analog Bandwidth No. of Analog Channels

DHO914 125 MHz 4

DHO914S 125 MHz 4

DHO924 250 MHz 4

DHO924S 250 MHz 4

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Quick Start

4 Quick Start

4.1 General Inspection

1. Inspect the packaging

If the packaging has been damaged, do not dispose the damaged packaging or
cushioning materials until the shipment has been checked for completeness and
has passed both electrical and mechanical tests.

The consigner or carrier shall be liable for the damage to the instrument resulting
from shipment. RIGOL would not be responsible for free maintenance/rework or
replacement of the instrument.

2. Inspect the instrument

In case of any mechanical damage, missing parts, or failure in passing the electrical
and mechanical tests, contact your RIGOL sales representative.

3. Check the accessories

Please check the accessories according to the packing lists. If the accessories are
damaged or incomplete, please contact your RIGOL sales representative.

Recommended Calibration Interval

RIGOL suggests that the instrument should be calibrated every 18 months.

4.2 Appearance and Dimensions

265.36 mm
161.75 mm

Figure 4.1 Front View

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Quick Start

77.38 mm

Figure 4.2 Side View

4.3 To Prepare for Use

4.3.1 To Adjust the Supporting Legs
Adjust the supporting legs properly to use them as stands to tilt the oscilloscope
upwards for stable placement of the oscilloscope as well as better operation and
observation. You can also fold the supporting legs when the instrument is not in use
for easier storage or shipment, as shown in the figure below.

Supporting Legs
(a)Unfold the supporting legs (b)Fold the supporting legs

Figure 4.3 Adjusting the Supporting Legs

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Quick Start

4.3.2 To Connect to Power

The power requirements of the oscilloscope are DC, 12 V, 4 A. Please use the power
adaptor provided in the accessories to connect the oscilloscope to the AC power
source (100 V to 240 V, 50 Hz to 60 Hz), as shown in the figure below.

Power Cord Connector

Figure 4.4 To Connect to Power

Table 4.1 Power Adaptor Specifications

Item Description

Input 100 V to 240 V, 50 Hz to 60 Hz, 1.2 A Max

Output DC, 12 V, 4 A, 48 W


The power adaptor provided in accessories can only be used to power RIGOL instruments.
Do not use it for mobile phone and other devices.


To avoid electric shock, ensure that the instrument is correctly grounded.

4.3.3 Turn-on Checkout

After the instrument is connected to the power source, press the power key at the
lower-left corner of the front panel to power on the instrument. During the start-up
process, the instrument performs a series of self-tests. After the self-test, the splash
screen is displayed.

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Quick Start

• Restart: Click or tap > Restart. Then a prompt message "Are you sure to
reboot?" is displayed. Click or tap OK to restart the instrument.

• Shutdown:

- Click or tap > Shutdown. Then a prompt message "Are you sure to
shutdown?" is displayed. Click or tap OK to shut down the instrument.

- Press and a prompt message "Are you sure to shutdown?" is displayed.

Click or tap OK to shut down the instrument.

- Press twice to shut down the instrument.

- Press for three seconds to shut down the instrument.


You can also click or tap > Utility > Setup and set the "Power status" to "Switch on". The
instrument powers on once connected to power.

4.3.4 To Set the System Language

This oscilloscope supports multiple languages. You can click or tap > Utility >
Setup > Language to select the system language.

4.3.5 To Connect the Probe

RIGOL provides passive probes and logic probes (optional) for DHO900 series. For
specific probe models, refer to DHO900 Data Sheet. For detailed technical
information of the probes, please refer to the corresponding Probe User Guide.

Connect the Passive Probe

1. Connect the BNC terminal of the probe to an analog channel input terminal of the
oscilloscope on the front panel as shown in the figure below.

2. Connect the ground alligator clip or spring of the probe to the circuit ground
terminal, and then connect the probe tip to the circuit point to be tested.

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Quick Start

Figure 4.5 Connecting the Passive Probe

After you connect the passive probe, check the probe function and probe
compensation adjustment before making measurements. For details, please refer to
Function Inspection and Probe Compensation.

Connect the Logic Probe

1. Connect the output terminal of the logic probe to the digital channel input
terminal on the front panel of the oscilloscope in the correct direction, as shown in
the figure below.

2. Connect the other terminal of the logic probe to the signal terminal under test.
DHO900 provides the optional PLA2216 active logic probe. To cater to different
application scenarios, PLA2216 provides two methods to connect the signal under
test. For details, refer to PLA2216 Active Logic Probe User Guide.

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Quick Start

Figure 4.6 Connecting the Logic Probe


The digital channel input terminal does not support hot plugging. Do not insert or pull
out the logic probe when the instrument is in power-on state.

• For ground connection of high-speed signals, the ground lead shall be connected to the
ground test point near the measured signal, and the ground lead shall be kept as short
as possible.
• If there are a large number of input signal channels, please connect each signal to a
ground signal as far as possible. If there is only one ground test point, connect all ground
leads on the probe to the ground test point.
• Set the threshold value of the logic probe reasonably according to the actual level range
of the measured signal, and set the threshold value in the middle of the level range.

4.3.6 Function Inspection

1. Press the front-panel and a prompt message "Restore default settings?"

is displayed. Click or tap OK to restore the instrument to its factory default

2. Connect the ground alligator clip of the probe to the "Ground Terminal" as shown
in Figure 4.7 .

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Quick Start

3. Use the probe to connect the input terminal of CH1 and the "Compensation Signal
Output Terminal" of the probe, as shown in Figure 4.7 .

Compensation Signal
Output Terminal

Ground Terminal

Figure 4.7 Using the Compensation Signal

4. Set the probe ratio based on the attenuation of the probe, and then click or tap

> Auto.

5. Observe the waveform on the display. In normal condition, you should see a
square waveform similar to the waveform shown in the figure below.

Figure 4.8 Square Waveform Signal

6. Test the other channels in the same way. If you see the waveform, but the square
wave is not shaped correctly as shown above, perform the procedure described in
Probe Compensation. If you do not see the waveform, perform those steps again.


To avoid electric shock when using the probe, please make sure that the insulated wire of
the probe is in good condition. Do not touch the metallic part of the probe when the
probe is connected to high voltage source.

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Quick Start

4.3.7 Probe Compensation

When used for the first time, the oscilloscope probe must be compensated to match
the input characteristics of the oscilloscope channel to which it is connected. The
non-compensated or poorly compensated probe may cause measurement errors. The
compensation procedure is as follows:

1. Perform Step 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Function Inspection.

2. Check the displayed waveforms and compare them with the waveforms shown in

Figure 4.9 .

Over compensated Perfectly compensated Under compensated

Figure 4.9 Probe Compensation

3. Use the probe compensation adjustment tool provided in the accessories to adjust

the low-frequency compensation adjustment hole on the probe until the displayed

waveform is consistent with the "Perfectly compensated" waveform shown in the

above figure.

4.4 Product Overview

Unless otherwise specified, this chapter takes DHO924S as an example to introduce
the appearance and dimensions, front and rear panels, and user interface of the
DHO900 series oscilloscope.

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Quick Start

4.4.1 Front Panel Overview

1 2 3 4 5 6





16 15 14 13

Figure 4.10 Front Panel

1. 7'' Capacitive Touch Screen

Displays the waveforms, menu labels, and parameter settings, system state,
prompt messages, and other information.

2. Multipurpose Knobs

- Non-menu operation:

When not operating on the menu, you can rotate the knob 1 to adjust the
waveform brightness. When a cursor, decoding, Math waveform, or reference
waveform is added on the screen, you can rotate the multipurpose knob to

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Quick Start

move the cursor (knob 1 and 2), adjust the decode threshold (knob 1) and
decode result display position (knob 2), adjust the vertical scale (knob 1) and
vertical offset (knob 2) of the math/reference waveform. You can click or tap
Flex Knob on the Toolbar at the upper-right of the screen to set priority.

- Automatic: Cursor > Math/Ref/Decode > Intensity (default priority).

- Manual: all non-menu operation items are listed at the lower part of the Flex
Knob menu. You can select one of them as the current item for multipurpose
knob to adjust.

- Menu operation:

When operating on the menu, you can rotate the multipurpose knob 1/2 to
adjust the value in the menu. When you click or tap an input field and then the
/ icon is displayed in the input field, it indicates that you can use
multipurpose knob 1/2 to set the value. The LED indicator of the corresponding
knob is illuminated. At this point, you can rotate the knob to adjust the value or
press the knob to restore the parameter to the default value.

When using the virtual numeric keypad or drop-down list, you can rotate the
knob to navigate through the keypad or drop-down list and press the knob to
select an item.

3. Analyse Key

Press to access the Analyse menu. In this menu, you can access analysis
features including digital voltmeter (DVM), counter, power analysis, waveform
recording, and pass/fail.

4. Measure Key

Press to access the Measure menu. You can select the waveform parameters
in the menu. For details, refer to Select the Measurement Item.

5. Cursor Key

Press to enable cursor measurements. The results are displayed in the right-
side "Result" bar. Three cursor modes are available: Manual, Track, and XY; wherein,
the XY mode is available only when the XY function is enabled.

6. Common Tools Keys

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Quick Start

- is the auto scale key. Press this key to enable the auto scale function.
The oscilloscope is automatically configured to best display the input signals by
adjusting the vertical scale, horizontal timebase, and trigger mode. To set up
the key, please refer to Auto Config.

- is the RUN/STOP key. Press the key to set the oscilloscope's run state to
"RUN" or "STOP". In "RUN" state, this key is illuminated in green; in "STOP"
state, this key is illuminated in red.

- is the key for a single acquisition. Press this key to set the oscilloscope's
trigger mode to "Single".

- is the default setup key. Press this key twice to directly restore the
oscilloscope's default settings. You can also press the key and a dialog box is
displayed. Click or tap OK in the dialog to restore the oscilloscope's default

- is the clear key. Press this key to clear all waveform on the display. If
the oscilloscope is in "RUN" mode, it continues to display new waveforms.

7. Touch Lock Key

is the touch lock key. Press this key once to disable the touch screen
function; press it again to enable the touch screen.

8. Quick Action Key

Press to perform the selected quick action: print screen, save wave, save
setup, measure all, statistics reset, waveform record, or save group. To set up the
key, please refer to Quick Action Settings.

9. Trigger Controls

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Quick Start

- is the trigger setup key. Press this key to access the Trigger
menu. For details, please refer to Triggering the Oscilloscope.

- is the trigger slope setup key. Press this key to select the
edge type (rising edge, falling edge, or either edge). This key is
not active when the trigger type is not set to "Edge".

- is the force trigger key. Press this key to force a trigger.

- LEVEL is the trigger level/digital threshold knob. Turn the

knob clockwise to increase the trigger level or turn the knob
counterclockwise to decrease the level. Pressing the knob can
quickly set the trigger level to the waveform's 50% peak-to-peak

10. Horizontal Controls

- Horizontal POSITION is the horizontal position knob.

Turn the knob to change the horizontal position (trigger
position) to move the waveforms horizontally. Press the
knob to reset the horizontal position to default.

- Horizontal SCALE is the horizontal scale knob. Turn the

knob to change the horizontal time/div setting to compress
or expand waveforms of all channels horizontally. Press this
knob to toggle between fine and coarse adjustment for
horizontal time base or enable/disable the Zoom mode
(related to Fine/Zoom)

- is the horizontal menu key. Press this key to access

the Horizontal menu in which you can set the horizontal
system and acquisition system.

- is the Navigate key. Press this key to access the

Navigation menu. You can navigate time, search events, or
segments. For details, please refer to Navigation.

- are the navigation keys. You can use the

keys to navigate time, search events, or segments. You can
also use the keys to play recorded waveforms.

11. Vertical Controls

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Quick Start

- is the Math key. Press this key to access the Math menu. Math
operations include A+B, A-B, A×B, A/B, FFT, etc. You can also set the Math label.

- is the reference key. Press this key to assess the Ref menu, in which you
can add reference waveforms in waveform view and compare them with
measured waveforms to identify circuit fault.

- is the logic analyzer key. When a digital channel probe is connected,

press this key to enable/disable digital channels. When a digital channel is
enabled, press this key to open the logic analyzer menu. In this menu, you can
enable or disable any digital channel, modify the waveform sizes of the digital
channel, modify the threshold of the digital channel, and set digital channel

- is the AFG key (for DHO914S and DHO924S only). Press this key to
enable/disable the AFG output. When the AFG output is enabled, press this key
to open the AFG setting menu. In this menu, you can set the AFG waveform
parameters and enable/disable the waveform output.

- Vertical POSITION is the vertical position knob. Turn this knob to change
the selected waveform's vertical position to move the waveform up or down on
the display. Press this knob to reset the vertical position to zero.

- Vertical SCALE is the vertical scale knob. Rotate this knob to modify the
value of vertical divisions of the graticule in volts/div to increase or decrease the
display amplitude of the waveform. Press this knob to toggle between fine and
coarse adjustment of the vertical scale.

- / / / is the channel key. Depending on the actual

situation, press the key to enable (display), select, or disable the corresponding
channel, as described below:

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
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- If the channel is not displayed, you can press the channel key to open the
channel in the waveform view window.
- If the channel is displayed but not selected, you can press the channel key to
select the channel.
- If the channel is both displayed and selected, you can press the channel key
to close its display in the waveform view.

12. Probe Compensation Signal Output Terminal/Ground Terminal

This terminal outputs the probe compensation signal which helps you match a
probe's input capacitance to the oscilloscope channel to which it is connected.

13. Analog Channel Input Terminals

BNC connectors. Attach probes to these connectors for analog signal inputs.

14. Digital Channel Input Terminal

Attach logic probes to the interface for digital signal inputs.

15. USB HOST Port

This series supports USB storage device of FAT32/NTFS format and mouse.

- USB storage device: imports or exports data (software update, waveform,

setup, or captured image).

- Mouse: connects a mouse to control the instrument.

16. Power Key

Powers on/off the oscilloscope.

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Quick Start

4.4.2 Rear Panel Overview


1 4


9 8

Figure 4.11 Rear Panel


- Trigger output:

After the AUX output is set to "TrigOut", the oscilloscope generates a trigger
and outputs a signal that can reflect the current capture rate of the oscilloscope
via this interface. Connect the signal to a waveform display device and measure
the frequency of the signal. The measurement result is the same as the current
capture rate.

- Pass/Fail:

After the AUX output is set to "PassFail", in the pass/fail test, the instrument will
output a pulse via the [AUX OUT] connector when a passed or failed waveform
is detected during the pass/fail test.

2. AFG OUT (for DHO914S and DHO924S only)

DHO914S and DHO924S have a built-in AFG. When the AFG output is enabled, the
rear-panel [AFG OUT] connector will output signals according to current settings.

3. LAN

Connect the instrument to network via this interface. The instrument conforms to
the standards specified in LXI Device Specification 2011. Its test system can be
built quickly. Then you can control the instrument through using Web Control to
send the SCPI commands. When update is available, you can perform online
upgrading for the system software of the instrument via the LAN interface.

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Quick Start


Connect the instrument to the PC via this interface. Then you can use the PC
software to send the SCPI commands or use the user-defined programming to
control the instrument.


You can connect the instrument to an external display that has the HDMI interface
(e.g. monitor or projector) via this interface to better observe the waveform display
clearly. At this time, you can also view the waveforms on the LCD of the

6. USB Type-C Power Connector

The power requirements of the oscilloscope are DC, 12 V, 4 A. Please use the
power adaptor provided in the accessories to connect the oscilloscope to the AC
power source (100 V to 240 V, 50 Hz to 60 Hz).

7. Security Lock Hole

Use a standard PC/laptop lock cable to secure the oscilloscope to a work bench or
other location.

8. Ground Terminal

Connect the instrument chassis to the ground using the lead.

9. Mounting Screws

Interval of screw holes: 100 mm x 100 mm. Use screws to secure the oscilloscope
to the bracket with the same screw hole interval.

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4.4.3 User Interface Overview

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

15 14 13 12 11 10

Figure 4.12 User Interface

1. Waveform View

Displays the measurement waveform window for CH1-CH4. Click or tap at the

upper-right corner of the window to close the window; click or tap to enter
the configuration menu of the specified function.

2. Run State Label

Displays the operating status of the instrument. Possibles states include RUN,

3. Horizontal Timebase Label

Displays the current horizontal time base. Click or tap this label to enter the
horizontal setting menu.

4. Sample Rate & Memory Depth Label

Displays the current sample rate and memory depth. Click or tap this label to enter
the horizontal setting menu.

5. Horizontal Position Label

Displays the current horizontal position. Click or tap this label to enter the
horizontal setting menu.

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6. Trigger Label

- Displays the trigger information of the system, including the trigger type,
trigger level, trigger mode, and etc.

- Click or tap the trigger label, then the trigger setting window is displayed. You
can set the parameters for the trigger.

7. Function Toolbar

Provides STOP/RUN, Default, Measure, Flex Knob, Windows, Cursors, Math, XY,
Storage, Counter, DVM, Decode, Record, and Navigate keys.

8. Result Sidebar

Displays the measurement results and statistics of various functions. Click or tap

at the lower-right corner of the screen to open or close the "Result" sidebar.

9. Split-screen Display

If you enable multiple functions, multiple windows can be displayed on the screen
at one time.

10. Notification Area

Displays USB icon, LAN icon, sound icon, and remote control icon. You can click or
tap this area to open the "Utility" menu.

- USB storage device icon: When a USB storage device is detected, will be


- LAN icon: When the LAN interface is successfully connected, is displayed.

- Sound icon: In the "Utility" menu, click or tap Setup > Beeper to enable or

disable the sound. When on, will be displayed; when off, will be
displayed. You can simply click or tap the icon to enable or disable the sound.

- Remote control icon: When you use Web Control to control the instrument

remotely, will be displayed.

11. Math Labels

- Displays the on/off states of Math1-Math4.

- Click or tap M1-M4 labels to display the on/off state, operation type, and
vertical scale for Math1-Math4.

12. AFG Label (for DHO914S and DHO924S only)

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Displays the on/off state, waveform type, amplitude, and frequency for AFG. Click
or tap the label to enable/disable the AFG output. When the AFG output is
enabled, click or tap this label to open the AFG setting menu.

13. Digital Channel Label

Displays the on/off state of each digital channel. Click or tap the label to enable/
disable all digital channels. When the a digital channel is enabled, click or tap this
label to enter the logic analyzer (LA) setting menu.

14. Channel Labels

- Display the channel on/off status.

- Display the channel coupling mode.

- Display the vertical scale.

- Display the vertical offset.

- Click or tap the label to enable/disable the corresponding channel or open the
Vertical menu.

15. Function Navigation Icon

Click or tap the icon to open the function navigation menu in which you can
access the specified function menu by clicking or tapping the corresponding
function key.

4.5 Touch Screen Gestures

The instrument's large capacitive touch screen makes operation and configuration
easy and flexible. The highly sensitive user interface designed for touch has a strong
waveform display capability, bringing an extraordinary user experience. The actions
supported by the touch screen controls include tapping, pinching&stretching, as well
as dragging.

4.5.1 Tap
Use one finger to tap the symbol or characters on the screen slightly, as shown in
Figure 4.13 . With the Tap gesture, you can perform the following operations:

• Tap the menu displayed on the screen to operate on the menu.

• Tap the function navigation icon at the lower-left corner of the touch screen to

enable the function navigation.

• Tap the displayed numeric keypad to set the parameters.

• Tap the virtual keypad to set the filename.

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• Tap the close button at the upper-right corner of the message box to close the

prompt window.

• Tap other windows on the touch screen and operate on the windows.

Figure 4.13 Tap Gesture

4.5.2 Drag
Use one finger to select the object, and then drag the object to a destination place, as
shown in the figure below. With the drag gesture, you can perform the following

• Drag the waveform to change its position or scale.

• Drag the window controls to change the position of the window (e.g. numeric


• Drag the cursor to move the cursor.

• Drag the trigger cursor to change the trigger level.

• In multi-window display, drag one of the displayed windows to change its

position on the display.

Figure 4.14 Drag Gesture

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4.5.3 Pinch&Stretch
Pinch or stretch two points on the screen with two fingers to zoom in or out the
waveform. To zoom in the waveform, first pinch the two fingers and then stretch the
fingers; to zoom out the waveform, first stretch the two fingers, and then pinch the
fingers together, as shown in the figure below. With the pinch&stretch gesture, you
can perform the following operation:

• Pinching&stretching in the horizontal direction can adjust the horizontal time

base of the waveform.

• Pinching&stretching in the vertical direction can adjust the vertical scale of the

Figure 4.15 Pinch&Stretch Gesture

4.6 Parameter Setting Method

For this instrument, you can use the knob and touch screen to set parameters. The
common parameter setting methods are as follows:

• Method 1: Some parameters can be adjusted by rotating the knob on the front

• Method 2: Click or tap the input field of a specified parameter, then a virtual
keypad is displayed. Complete the parameter setting with the keypad.

Input Chinese and English Characters

When naming a label, this instrument supports Chinese/English input method. The
following part introduces how to input Chinese and English characters with the
Chinese/English input method.

• Input English Characters

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Uppercase/Lowercase Switchover Name Input Area Virtual Keypad Backspace Key

Input Method Switch to Numbers Space Key Confirm Input

Switchover And Symbols

Figure 4.16 English Input Interface

1. Select English input method

First check the input method type. If it shows "En/中", then go to Step 2; if it
shows "中/En", click or tap the input method switchover key to switch to "En/
中" (English input method).

2. Clear the name input area

If there is no character in the "Name Input Area", please go to the next step. If
there are characters in the "Name Input Area", click or tap the Backspace key
to delete all the characters from the "Name Input Area" in order.

3. Input the upper-case letter

If you want to input an upper-case letter, first use the Caps key to switch
between the upper-case and lower-case mode. If the Caps key is selected,
input the upper-case letter with the virtual keypad. If not, first click or tap the
Caps key to ensure it is selected, then input the upper-case letter. All the input
letters will be displayed in the "Name Input Area".

4. Input the lower-case letter

Refer to the operation specified in the previous step. If the Caps key is not
selected, directly input the lower-case letter.

5. Input numbers or symbols

If the letter keypad is displayed, you need to click or tap the numeric
switchover key to switch to the numeric keypad, and input numbers or
symbols with the numeric keypad. All the input letters will be displayed in the
"Name Input Area".

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6. Modify or delete the unwanted characters that have been input

During the name input process, you can modify or delete the unwanted
character if necessary. To delete the characters that have been input, click or
tap the Backspace key in the virtual keypad to delete the characters. To
modify the characters that have been input, delete the unwanted characters
first and then input the new characters.

You can directly move the cursor to the character to be modified or deleted,
delete the desired character or input the new characters after deleting the
unwanted character.

7. Confirm the input

After completing the input operation, click or tap "OK".

• Input Chinese Characters

Chinese Character
Pinyin Input Area Selection Area

Figure 4.17 Chinese Input Interface

1. Select Chinese input method

First check the input method type. If it shows "中/En", then go to Step 2; if it
shows "En/中", click or tap the input method switchover key to switch to
"中/En" (Chinese input method).

2. Clear the name input area

If there is no character in the "Name Input Area", please go to the next step. If
there are characters in the "Name Input Area", click or tap the Backspace key
to delete all the characters from the "Name Input Area" in order.

If there are characters in the "Pinyin Input Area", when you delete characters
from the name input area, the characters in the Pinyin input area will be
deleted first.

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3. Input Chinese characters

Click or tap the characters in the virtual keypad to input Pinyin into the input
area, then the characters to be selected will be displayed in the Chinese
character selection area. Slide to view more Chinese characters for you to
choose. Select the desired Chinese character, and then the selected character
will be displayed in the input area.

4. Modify or delete the unwanted characters that have been input

During the name input process, you can modify or delete the unwanted
character if necessary. To delete the characters that have been input, click or
tap the Backspace key in the virtual keypad to delete the characters. To
modify the characters that have been input, delete the unwanted characters
first and then input the new characters.

5. Confirm the input

After completing the input operation, click or tap "OK".

Input a String

When naming a file or folder, you need to input a string with the string keypad.

Uppercase/Lowercase Switchover Name Input Area Virtual Keypad Backspace Key

Switch to Numbers and Symbols Space Key Confirm Input

Figure 4.18 String Keypad

1. Clear the name input area

If there is no character in the "Name Input Area", please go to the next step. If
there are characters in the "Name Input Area", click or tap the Backspace key to
delete all the characters from the "Name Input Area" in order.

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2. Input the upper-case letter

If you want to input an upper-case letter, first use the Caps key to switch between
the upper-case and lower-case mode. If the Caps key is selected, input the upper-
case letter with the virtual keypad. If not, first click or tap the Caps key to ensure it
is selected, then input the upper-case letter. All the input letters will be displayed
in the "Name Input Area".

3. Input the lower-case letter

Refer to the operation specified in the previous step. If the Caps key is not
selected, directly input the lower-case letter.

4. Input numbers or symbols

If the letter keypad is displayed, you need to click or tap the numeric switchover
key to switch to the numeric keypad, and input numbers or symbols with the
numeric keypad. All the input letters will be displayed in the "Name Input Area".

5. Modify or delete the unwanted characters that have been input

During the name input process, you can modify or delete the unwanted character
if necessary. To delete the characters that have been input, click or tap the
Backspace key in the virtual keypad to delete the characters. To modify the
characters that have been input, delete the unwanted characters first and then
input the new characters.

You can directly move the cursor to the character to be modified or deleted, delete
the desired character or input the new characters after deleting the unwanted

6. Confirm the input

After completing the input operation, click or tap "OK".

Input a Value

When setting or modifying a parameter, input an appropriate value with the numeric

• Click or tap the value or unit in the numeric keypad to complete the input.

• Rotate the multipurpose knob (1/2) to move the cursor to select the desired
value and unit. Press the knob to confirm the input.

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Cursor Delete Key

Max. Value

Min. Value

Default Key

Clear Key

Ten to the Nth Power Confirmation Key Unit

Figure 4.19 Numeric Keypad

After you input all the values and select the desired units, the numeric keypad is
turned off automatically. This indicates that you have completed parameter setting.
Besides, after you have input the values, you can also click or tap "OK" directly to
close the numeric keypad. At this time, the unit of the parameter is the default unit. In
the numeric keypad, you can perform the following operations:

• Modify the parameter value that has been input;

• Set the parameter value to a maximum or minimum value;

• Set the parameter to a default value;

• Clear the parameter input field.

4.7 To Use the Security Lock

If necessary, you can lock the instrument to a fixed location by using the security lock
(please purchase it by yourself), as shown in the figure below.

The method is as follows: align the lock with the lock hole and plug it into the lock
hole vertically, turn the key clockwise to lock the oscilloscope, and then pull the key

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Security Lock Hole

Figure 4.20 To Use the Security Lock


Please do not insert other objects into the security lock hole to avoid damaging the

4.8 To Use the Built-in Help System

The built-in help file provides information about the functions and menu

introductions of the instrument. Click or tap > Help to enter the help system.

In the help system, you can get its help information by clicking on or tapping the link
for the specified chapter.

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Vertical System

5 Vertical System
This series oscilloscope provides 4 analog input channels (CH1-CH4), and each
channel is equipped with an independent vertical control system. The setting
methods for their vertical systems are the same. This chapter takes CH1 as an
example to introduce the setting method for the vertical system.

When a channel is selected, click or tap the channel status label at the bottom of the
screen. Then the menu as shown in the figure below is displayed.

Figure 5.1 Vertical Menu

5.1 To Enable or Disable the Analog Channel

Enable the Analog Channel

When a signal is connected to CH1, you can enable the channel in the following ways.

• Click or tap the channel status label at the bottom of the screen to enable the

• Press the front-panel key to enable the channel, and the backlight of this
key is illuminated.

• In Figure 5.1 , select the CH1 tab. Click or tap the Display on/off switch to turn
CH1 on or off.

When CH1 is activated, its status label at the bottom of the screen is as shown in the
figure below.

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Vertical System

The information displayed in the channel status label is related to the current channel
setting (irrelevant with the on/off status of the channel). After the channel is turned
on, modify the parameters such as the vertical scale, horizontal time base, trigger
mode, and trigger level according to the input signal for easy observation and
measurement of the waveform.

When CH1 is enabled but not activated, its status label is as shown in the following

Click or tap the channel status label at the bottom of the screen or press the front-

panel key to activate CH1. You can also select the CH1 tab in Vertical menu to
activate it.

Disable the Analog Channel

You can disable the analog channel in the following ways.

• If CH1 has been enabled and activated, you can press the front-panel key
to disable it directly. You can also click or tap the channel status label at the
bottom of the screen to open the Vertical menu and then click or tap the label
again to disable the channel.

• If CH1 has been enabled but not activated, first activate the channel. Then press

the front-panel key or use the channel status label to disable CH1.

• In Figure 5.1 , set Display to OFF to disable CH1.

• In addition, you can slide down the channel label to disable the channel.

If CH1 is disabled, its status label is as shown in the figure below.

5.2 To Adjust the Vertical Scale

Vertical scale indicates the voltage value per grid in the vertical axis of the screen. It is
often expressed in V/div. Adjusting the vertical scale increases or decreases the

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Vertical System

display amplitude of the waveform. The scale information of the channel status label
at the bottom of the screen would change accordingly.


The adjustable range of the vertical scale is related to the current probe ratio. By
default, the probe ratio is 1X. In this case, the adjustable range of the vertical scale is
from 200 μV/div to 10 V/div.

When CH1 is turned on and activated, you can adjust the vertical scale in the
following ways.

• Rotate the Vertical SCALE knob to adjust the vertical scale (clockwise to
reduce the scale and counterclockwise to increase).

• Enable the touch screen function, and then adjust the vertical scale with the
pinch & stretch gesture on the touch screen. For details, refer to descriptions in

• In the Vertical menu, click or tap the icon at the right side of the input field of
Scale to increase or decrease the scale value or use the corresponding
multipurpose knob on the front panel to set the value. You can also click or tap
the input field to input a specific value with the displayed numeric keypad.

Input Field Increase Decrease

In the Vertical menu, click or tap the Fine on/off switch to toggle between ON (fine
adjustment) and OFF (coarse adjustment). The default setting is OFF. You can also

press the Vertical SCALE knob to toggle between "coarse adjustment" and "fine

• Fine adjustment: Use the icons at the right side of Scale or rotate the knob to
further adjust the vertical scale within a relatively smaller range to improve
vertical resolution. If the amplitude of the input waveform is a little bit greater
than the full scale under the current scale and the amplitude would be a little bit

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Vertical System

lower if the next scale is used, fine adjustment can be used to improve the
amplitude of waveform display to view signal details.

• Coarse adjustment: Use the icons at the right side of Scale or rotate the knob to
adjust the vertical scale in a 1-2-5 step sequence, i.e. 200 μV/div, 500 μV/div, 1
mV/div, 2 mV/div, 5 mV/div, 10 mV/div...10 V/div.

5.3 To Adjust the Vertical Offset

Vertical offset indicates the offset of the signal ground level position of the waveform
from the vertical center of the display. Its unit is consistent with the currently selected
amplitude unit (refer to To Specify the Amplitude Unit). Adjusting the vertical offset
moves the corresponding channel's waveform up and down. The vertical offset
information (as shown in the following figure) in the channel status label at the
bottom of the screen will change accordingly.


The adjustable range of the vertical offset is related to the current probe ratio and
vertical scale.

When CH1 is turned on and activated, you can adjust the vertical offset in the
following ways.

• Rotate the Vertical POSITION knob at the right section of the front panel to
adjust the vertical offset within the adjustable range. Rotate this knob clockwise
to increase the vertical offset, and rotate it counterclockwise to reduce the
vertical offset. Pressing down the knob can quickly reset the vertical offset (set
the vertical offset to 0).

• Enable the touch screen function, and then adjust the vertical offset with the
drag gesture. For details, refer to Drag.

• In the Vertical menu, click or tap the Up/Down arrow icon at the right side of the
input field of Offset to increase or decrease the offset value or use the
corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. You can also click or tap the
input field to input a specific value with the pop-up numeric keypad.

Input Field Decrease Increase

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Vertical System

5.4 To Specify Channel Coupling

You can remove unwanted signals by setting the coupling mode. For example, the
signal under test is a square waveform with DC offset.

Click or tap the channel status label at the bottom of the screen, and then the
Vertical menu is displayed. Click or tap the Coupling drop-down button to select the
coupling mode.

• When the coupling mode is "DC", both the DC and AC components of the signal
under test can pass the channel.

• When the coupling mode is "AC", the DC components of the signal under test
are blocked

• When the coupling mode is "GND", the DC and AC components of the signal
under test are blocked.

After a coupling mode is selected, it is indicated in the channel status label at the
bottom of the screen, as shown in the figure below.


5.5 To Specify Bandwidth Limit

This oscilloscope supports the bandwidth limit function. Setting the bandwidth limit
can reduce the noises in the displayed waveforms. For example, the signal under test
is a pulse with high frequency oscillation.

• When the bandwidth limit is turned off, the high frequency components of the
signal under test can pass the channel.

• When the bandwidth limit is turned on, the high frequency components found in
the signal under test that are greater than the limit are attenuated. This series
supports 20 MHz bandwidth limit.

Click or tap the channel status label at the bottom of the screen, and then the
Vertical menu is displayed. Click or tap the BW Limit drop-down button to select the
specified bandwidth. When the bandwidth limit is enabled, the specific bandwidth

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Vertical System

limit value will be displayed in the channel status label at the bottom of the screen, as
shown in the figure below.


Bandwidth limit can not only reduce the noise, but also can attenuate or eliminate the high
frequency components of the signal.

5.6 To Specify Input Impedance

This series oscilloscope provides 1 MΩ input impedance mode. In this mode, the
input impedance of the oscilloscope is very high, and the current flowed from the
circuit under test can be ignored.

5.7 To Invert a Waveform

Click or tap the channel status label at the bottom of the screen, and then the
Vertical menu is displayed. Then click or tap the Invert on/off switch to enable or
disable the waveform invert function.

When "ON" is selected, the channel label is as shown in the figure below.

When the Invert function is disabled, the waveform is displayed normally; when
enabled, the voltage values of the displayed waveform are inverted, as shown in the
figure below. Inverting a waveform also changes the result of math function,
waveform measurement, etc.

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"Invert" Off "Invert" On

Figure 5.2 Waveform Invert On/Off


When the Invert function is turned on, the trigger (e.g. Edge trigger, Pulse trigger, or Slope
trigger) edge or polarity will be changed.

5.8 To Set Probe

The analog channel of this oscilloscope supports passive probes. For detailed
technical information of the probes, please refer to the corresponding Probe User

Click or tap the channel status label at the bottom of the screen. Then the Vertical
menu is displayed. Then click or tap Probe to enter the Probe setting menu, as shown
in the figure below.

Figure 5.3 Probe Setting Menu

Probe Ratio

The oscilloscope allows you to set the probe attenuation manually. To obtain the
accurate measurement results, you must set the probe ratio properly. By default, the
probe ratio is 1X.

The probe ratio values available are as shown in the following table.

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Vertical System

Table 5.1 Probe Ratio

Menu (display amplitude of the signal: actual
amplitude of the signal)

0.001X 0.001:1

0.002X 0.002:1

0.005X 0.005:1

0.01X 0.01:1

0.02X 0.02:1

0.05X 0.05:1

0.1X 0.1:1

0.2X 0.2:1

0.5X 0.5:1

1X (default) 1:1

2X 2:1

5X 5:1

10X 10:1

15X 15:1

20X 20:1

50X 50:1

100X 100:1

150X 150:1

200X 200:1

500X 500:1

1000X 1000:1

1500X 1500:1

2000X 2000:1

5000X 5000:1

10000X 10000:1

15000X 15000:1

20000X 20000:1

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Vertical System

Menu (display amplitude of the signal: actual
amplitude of the signal)

50000X 50000:1


The oscilloscope auto-recognizes certain probes with a fixed attenuation ratio. After that, the
probe ratio will also be auto recognized to save you from configuring it manually.

Go Back to the Vertical Menu

In the Probe setting menu, click or tap Vertical to go back to the Vertical menu.

5.9 To Specify the Amplitude Unit

Click or tap the channel status label at the bottom of the screen, and then the
Vertical menu is displayed. Click or tap the Unit drop-down button to select W, A, V,
or U. The default unit is V.

Changing the amplitude unit also changes the units of the functions related to the
channel accordingly.

5.10 To Adjust Bias

When you use an oscilloscope to make actual measurements, a small offset that arises
from the temperature drift of the component or external environment disturbance
may occur on the zero-cross voltage of the channel, which will affect the
measurement results of the vertical parameters. This series oscilloscope allows you to
set an offset calibration voltage for calibrating the zero point of the corresponding
channel so as to improve the accuracy of the measurement results.

In the "Vertical" menu, click or tap the Up/Down arrow icon at the right side of the
input field of Bias to increase or decrease the bias value. You can click or tap the input
field to set the value with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the
corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.

Value Input Area Decrease Increase

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Vertical System

The range of bias is related to the vertical scale.


If the zero-cross voltage of the channel has a larger amplitude offset that exceeds the
adjustable range, please perform self-calibration for the instrument to ensure the
measurement accuracy. For details, refer to SelfCal.

5.11 To Specify the Skew

When using an oscilloscope for actual measurement, the transmission delay of the
probe cable may bring relatively greater errors (zero offset). This series oscilloscope
allows you to set a delay time for calibrating the zero offset of the corresponding
channel. Zero offset is defined as the offset of the crossing point of the waveform and
trigger level line relative to trigger position, as shown in the figure below.

Zero Offset

Figure 5.4 Zero Offset

In the "Vertical" menu, click or tap the Ch-Ch Skew input field to set the channel-to-
channel skew time. The available range is from -100 ns to 100 ns, and the default is
0.00 s.

5.12 To Turn the Channel Label Display On/Off

The instrument uses the channel number to mark the corresponding channel by

default. For ease of use, you can also set a label for each channel. For example, .

Click or tap the channel status label at the bottom of the screen. Then the Vertical
menu is displayed. Click or tap the Label on/off switch to turn the label display on or
off. You can also click or tap the label input field to input a specific name for the
channel label with the pop-up keypad.

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Vertical System

For how to use the keypad, refer to descriptions in Parameter Setting Method.

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Horizontal System

6 Horizontal System
You can access the Horizontal menu in the following ways.

• Click or tap the channel status label at the bottom of the screen, and then the
Vertical menu is displayed. Click or tap the Acquisition button to enter the
Horizontal menu.

• Click or tap the horizontal time base label ("H" icon), acquisition label ("A" icon),
or horizontal position label ("D" icon) at the top of the screen to enter the
Horizontal menu.

Horizontal Time Base Sample Rate Horizontal Position

• Press the front-panel key to enter the Horizontal menu.

Figure 6.1 Horizontal Menu

6.1 To Adjust the Horizontal Time Base

Horizontal time base, also called the horizontal scale, refers to the time of each grid in
the horizontal direction of the screen. It is usually expressed in s/div. The range of the
horizontal time base is from 2.00 ns/div to 500 s/div.

While you change the horizontal time base, the displayed waveforms of all channels
are expanded or compressed horizontally relative to the selected time reference
(Horizontal Expansion Reference). The horizontal time base in the horizontal time
base label ("H" icon) will change accordingly, as shown in the figure below.

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Horizontal System

You can adjust the horizontal time base in the following ways.

• Rotate the front-panel Horizontal SCALE knob to adjust the horizontal time
base (clockwise to decrease the scale and counterclockwise to increase).

• Enable the touch screen function, and then adjust the horizontal time base with
the Pinch&Stretch gesture. For details, refer to Pinch&Stretch.

• In the Horizontal menu, click or tap the icon at the right side of the input field of
Scale to increase or decrease the horizontal time base or use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value. You can also click or tap the input field to
input a specific value with the pop-up numeric keypad.

Input Field Increase Decrease

In the Horizontal menu, click or tap the Vernier on/off switch to toggle between ON
(fine adjustment) and OFF (coarse adjustment). You can also press the front-panel

Horizontal SCALE knob to toggle between "coarse adjustment" and "fine


• Coarse adjustment: Click or tap the icons at the right side of the input field of
Scale to adjust the horizontal time base of the waveforms of all channels in a
1-2-5 step sequence within the adjustable range.

• Fine adjustment: Click or tap the icon at the right side of the input field of Scale
to adjust the horizontal time base of the waveforms of all channels at a smaller
step within the adjustable range.

6.2 To Adjust the Horizontal Position

Horizontal position, also called trigger position, refers to the trigger point position of
the waveforms of all channels in the horizontal direction relative to the center of the
display. When the waveform trigger point is at the left (right) side of the center, the
horizontal position is a positive (negative) value.

Changing the horizontal position moves the waveform trigger points and the
displayed waveforms of all channels horizontally. The horizontal position displayed in
the horizontal position label ("D" icon) changes accordingly, as shown in the figure

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Horizontal System

You can adjust the horizontal position in the following ways.

• Rotate the Horizontal POSITION knob at the right section of the front panel
to adjust the horizontal position within the adjustable range. Rotate this knob
clockwise to reduce the horizontal position or counterclockwise to increase the
horizontal position. Pressing the knob can quickly reset the horizontal position
(set the horizontal position to 0).

• Enable the touch screen function, and then adjust the horizontal position with
the drag gesture. For details, refer to Drag.

• In the "Horizontal" menu, use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the
horizontal position or use the icons at the right side of the input field of Position
to increase or decrease the value, as shown in the figure below. You can also click
or tap the Position input field to input a specific value with the pop-up numeric

Input Field Increase Decrease

6.3 Zoom Mode (Delayed Sweep)

Zoom (delayed sweep mode) can be used to horizontally expand a length of
waveform to view waveform details. In the Horizontal menu, click or tap the Zoom
on/off switch to enable or disable the delayed sweep function. When it is enabled,
you can set the scale and position in Zoom mode.

Input Field for Increase Decrease Input Field for Increase Decrease
Zoomed Time Base Zoomed Position

• Zoomed Scale: Rotate the corresponding multipurpose knob or use the icons at
the right side of the Scale input field to increase or decrease the time base for
the Zoom window. You can also click or tap the input field to input the specific
value directly via the pop-up numeric keypad.

• Zoomed Position: Rotate the corresponding multipurpose knob or use the icons
at the right side of the Position input field to increase or decrease the position

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Horizontal System

for the Zoom window. You can also click or tap the input field to input the
specific value directly via the pop-up numeric keypad.

When the Zoom mode is enabled, the display divides in half, as shown in the figure

Main Time Base Zoomed Time Base Zoomed Position

Waveform before Expansion

Waveform after Expansion

Figure 6.2 Zoom Mode

• Waveform before expansion:

The upper portion of the display that is not covered by subtransparent gray
shows the normal display of the waveform. Its horizontal time base (called the
main time base) is indicated in the label at the upper-left corner of the display.
You can move the area left and right by adjusting the horizontal position and
increase or decrease the size of the area by adjusting the horizontal scale.

• Waveform after expansion:

The lower portion shows the horizontally expanded version of the normal
waveform display. Its horizontal time base (called the zoomed time base) is
displayed in the middle. Compared with the main time base, the zoomed time
base has higher resolution.


The zoomed time base should be smaller than or equal to the main time base.

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Acquisition System

7 Acquisition System
The "Horizontal" menu allows you to configure the instrument's acquisition system.

Figure 7.1 Horizontal Menu

7.1 Acquisition Mode

The acquisition mode is used to determine how the waveform points are calculated
from the sample points. In the Horizontal menu, click or tap the desired acquisition
mode for the Acquisition item. This oscilloscope provides four acquisition modes:
Normal (default), Average, Peak, and UltraAcquire. The selected acquisition mode is
indicated in the acquisition label ("A" icon) at the top of the screen



In Normal acquisition mode, the oscilloscope samples the signal at a fixed time
interval to rebuild the waveform. This mode produces the best display for most


In this mode, the oscilloscope averages the waveforms from multiple acquisitions to
reduce the random noise of the input signal and increase the vertical resolution. A
greater number of averages lowers the noise and increases the vertical resolution. On
the other hand, the higher the number of averages, the slower the response of the
displayed waveform to waveform changes.

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Acquisition System

When you select "Average" mode, click or tap the Averages input field to set the
number of averages with the pop-up numeric keypad or use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value. Its range is from 2 to 65536, and the default is 2.


• The number of averages must be the Nth power of 2. When it is not in N power-of-2
increments, a prompt message "Truncation average error" is displayed. At this time, a
value that is smaller than the one you input and the closest to N power-of-2 increments
will be input automatically.
• The "Average" mode and the digital channel function are mutually exclusive. You cannot
enable the two function at the same time.


In this mode, the oscilloscope acquires the maximum and minimum values of the
signal within the acquisition interval to get the signal envelope or capture narrow
pulses that might be lost. This mode prevents signal aliasing at the expense of
exaggerating the noise.

In this mode, the minimum pulse width detected is the sample period.


UltraAcquire mode is one of the fast acquisition modes. It divides the oscilloscope's
memory into segments and fills a memory segment for each individual trigger event.
It provides a much higher waveform capture rate and helps minimize the dead time
between trigger events.

When you select "UltraAcquire" mode, click or tap the Display Frame input field to
set the number of frames and the Timeout input field to set the timeout. When the
number of the frames reaches the maximum or the sampling time reaches the
timeout, the oscilloscope stops sampling and plots the waveform. Click or tap the
Display mode drop-down button to select the display mode of the acquired data.

• Adjacent: Waveform segments are shown in an adjacent way with each segment
shown next to the previous segment in time order. A maximum of 100 frames
can be displayed on the screen at a time in this mode.

• Overlay: All the captured waveform segments are overwritten to display as one
single segment of the waveform. A maximum of 100 frames can be displayed on
the screen at a time in this mode.

• Waterfall: It displays the captured waveform segments in a cascaded display

order. A maximum of 100 frames can be displayed on the screen at a time in this

• Perspective: The waveform segments are displayed in the ladder-like form, with
each segment being arranged above another with a certain perspective (angle),
moving up like a rising slope. A maximum of 100 frames can be displayed on the
screen at a time in this mode.

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Acquisition System

• Mosaic: The whole waveform view is divided into several blocks, and each
waveform segment is displayed in each block in sequence. A maximum of 80
frames can be displayed on the screen at a time in this mode.

Figure 7.2 Display Modes

• The UltraAcquire mode is not available when any of the following functions is enabled:
cursors, decoding, Search, Zoom, Pass/Fail test, waveform recording, reference waveform,
roll mode, slow sweep mode, and XY mode. To switch to the UltraAcquire mode, please
ensure that all of those functions are disabled.
• In UltraAcquire mode, the functions mentioned above (except for roll mode and slow
sweep mode) are disabled. When roll mode or slow sweep mode is enabled, the
acquisition mode is automatically switched to "Normal".

7.2 Sampling Mode

This oscilloscope only supports the real-time sampling mode. In this mode, the
oscilloscope produces the waveform display from samples collected during one
trigger event. The maximum real-time sample rate of this series is 1.25 GSa/s. The
current sample rate is displayed in the acquisition label at the top of the screen.

By default, the operating status label at the left top of the screen is illuminated in
green, indicating that the instrument is in real-time sampling, and the STOP/RUN
button on the toolbar is in green. Click or tap the STOP/RUN button or press the

front-panel key to stop sampling. At this time, the operating status label shows
"STOP" in red, and the STOP/RUN button turns red. Also, the backlight of the front-

panel key turns red. The oscilloscope will maintain its last captured graph. You
can still pan or zoom the waveforms by using the horizontal/vertical controls.

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Acquisition System

7.3 Sample Rate

Sampling is the process of converting an analog signal into digital data at a specified
time interval and then storing them sequentially in acquisition memory. The sample
rate is the reciprocal of the time interval.

In Horizontal menu, the "SaRate" item shows the current sample rate. The current
sample rate is also indicated in the acquisition label ("A" icon) at the top of the
screen, as shown in the figure below.

Sample Rate
Sample Interval

The sample rate of the analog channel is related to the current channel mode. This
series oscilloscope provides up to 1.25 GSa/s real-time sample rate in single channel
mode, 625 MSa/s real-time sample rate in half channels mode, and 312.5 Msa/s real-
time sample rate in all channels mode.

• Single channel mode: If any one of the channels is enabled, it is called single
channel mode.

• Half channels mode: If two of the channels are enabled, it is called half channels

• All channels mode: If any three channels or all four channels are enabled, it is
called all channels mode.

A sample rate that is too low might have the following effects on the waveform:

• Waveform Distortion: When the sample rate is too low, some waveform details
are lost, and the sample waveform displayed is rather different from the actual
waveform of the signal.

• Waveform Aliasing: Aliasing occurs when the sample rate is twice lower than
the actual signal frequency (Nyquist Frequency). The frequency of the waveform
reconstructed from the sample data is smaller than the actual signal frequency.

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Acquisition System

• Waveform Leakage: If the sample rate is too low, the waveform reconstructed
from the sample data does not represent the original signal correctly.

7.4 Memory Depth

Memory depth refers to the number of points that the oscilloscope can store in a
single trigger acquisition. It reflects the storage capability of the acquisition memory.
DHO900 series oscilloscope provides up to 50 Mpts memory depth (standard).

Trigger Point

Pre-Sample Delayed Sample

Memory Depth

Figure 7.3 Memory Depth

The following formula shows the relations among memory depth, sample rate, and
horizontal time base:

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Acquisition System

MDepth ≥ SRate x TSCale x HDivs

• MDepth indicates the memory depth. The unit is pts.

• SRate indicates the sample rate. The unit is Sa/s.

• TSCale indicates the horizontal time base. The unit is s/div.

• HDivs indicates the number of grids in the horizontal direction. The unit is div.

Therefore, with the same horizontal time base, a higher memory depth can ensure a
higher sample rate.

In Horizontal menu, click or tap the Mem Depth drop-down button to select the
memory depth. The default setting is "10k". The selected memory depth value is
displayed in the acquisition label ("A" icon) at the top of the screen.


• When only one of the four channels (CH1-CH4) is enabled, the memory depths
available include Auto, 1 kpts, 10 kpts, 100 kpts, 1 Mpts, 10 Mpts, 25 Mpts, and
50 Mpts.

• When two of the four channels (CH1-CH4) are enabled, the memory depths
available include Auto, 1 kpts, 10 kpts, 100 kpts, 1 Mpts, 10 Mpts, and 25 Mpts.

• When three channels or all four channels are enabled, the memory depths
available include Auto, 1 kpts, 10 kpts, 100 kpts, 1 Mpts, and 10 Mpts.

• In "Auto" mode, the oscilloscope selects the memory depth automatically according to
the current sample rate.
• When Acquisition Mode is set to "Average", the maximum memory depth available is 10
Mpts in single channel mode and 1 Mpts in half channels mode/all channels mode.

7.5 Horizontal Expansion Reference

This function allows you to set the position that the waveform on the display is
referenced to when it is horizontally expanded or compressed when the horizontal
time base is adjusted. In the Horizontal menu, click or tap the Expand drop-down
button to select the reference position. Available options include Center (default),
Left, Right, Trigger, and User.

• Center: when the horizontal time base is modified, the waveform will be
expanded or compressed horizontally relative to the center of the display.

• Left: when the horizontal time base is modified, the waveform will be expanded
or compressed horizontally relative to the leftmost position of the display.

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Acquisition System

• Right: when the horizontal time base is modified, the waveform will be
expanded or compressed horizontally relative to the rightmost position of the

• Trigger: when the horizontal time base is modified, the waveform will be
expanded or compressed horizontally relative to the trigger point.

• User: when the horizontal time base is modified, the waveform will be expanded
or compressed horizontally relative to the user-defined reference position.

When you select "User", click or tap the User Expansion input field and set the
value with the displayed numeric keypad. Its range is from -500 to 500, and the
default is 0.

7.6 Roll Mode

The roll mode causes the waveform to move across the screen from right to left. It
allows you to view the acquired data without waiting for a complete acquisition. In
Horizontal menu, select "Auto" or "OFF" in Roll.

• Auto: the Roll mode is enabled. It is automatically enabled when the horizontal
scale is 50 ms/div or slower.

• OFF: the Roll mode is disabled. The oscilloscope operates at slow sweep speeds
when the horizontal scale is 200 ms/div or slower. The slow sweep mode is not
available for digital channels. In slow sweep mode, the oscilloscope acquires the
data to the left of the trigger point and then waits for trigger. After the trigger
occurs, it continues to acquire the data to the right of the trigger point. When
you use this mode to observe low-frequency signals, it is recommended to set
the channel coupling mode (To Specify Channel Coupling) to "DC".

• If the Zoom mode is currently turned on, enabling the roll mode automatically turns off
the Zoom mode.
• The following functions are not available when the roll mode is enabled:

To Adjust the Horizontal Position (available when the oscilloscope run state is STOP),
Zoom Mode (Delayed Sweep), Triggering the Oscilloscope, Protocol Decoding, Pass/Fail
Test, Waveform Recording and Playing, Persistence Time, UltraAcquire, Average, XY
Mode, Search, Digital Channel.

7.7 XY Mode
By default, this series oscilloscope uses the YT mode for waveform display window. In
YT mode, Y-axis indicates the Voltage and X-axis indicates the Time. Besides, it also
supports the XY display in which both X-axis and Y-axis indicate voltage. The XY
mode converts the oscilloscope from a "Voltage-Time" display to a "Voltage-Voltage"
display using two input channels.

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Acquisition System

Enable the XY Mode

You can enable the XY display mode in the following ways.

• Click or tap the Windows button in the function navigation menu or on the
toolbar to enter the Add Window menu. In the "Diagram" item, click or tap XY >
Add to enable the XY display mode.

• Click or tap the XY button in the function navigation menu or on the toolbar to
enable the XY display mode.

• In the "Horizontal" menu, tick XY to enable the XY mode.

Configure the XY Mode

Click or tap at the upper-right corner of the XY display window to enter the XY
configuration menu.

Figure 7.4 XY Menu

• Source: Click or tap the drop-down button of "Source X" to select the source
channel of the X-axis in the XY window. Click or tap the drop-down button of
"Source Y" to select the source channel of the Y-axis in the XY window.

In the Add Window menu, you can also configure Source Z. Source Z, as the Z-
axis input in the XY display mode, is used to control whether to display the X-Y
waveforms in the XY display mode. This function is called "blanking".

- When "None" is selected for "Source Z", the blanking function is disabled,
and you can only see the X-Y waveforms.

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- When you select "CH1-CH4" for "Source Z", the blanking function is
enabled. The Z-axis input from the external connector determines whether
to display the X-Y waveforms. When Z is high (the input level is greater than
0 V), the X-Y waveforms are displayed; when Z is low (the input level is
smaller than 0 V), the waveforms are hidden.

• Grid: Please refer to To Set the Screen Grid.

Advanced settings are not available for now. The current settings can produce the best display.

Phase Deviation Measurement

In this mode, you can use the Lissajous method to measure the phase deviation of the
two input signals whose frequencies are the same. The following figure shows the
measurement schematic diagram of phase deviation.

Figure 7.5 Measurement Schematic Diagram of Phase Deviation

According to sinƟ=A/B or C/D, Ɵ is the phase deviation angle between the two
channels. The definitions of A, B, C, and D are shown in the figure above. The phase
deviation angle is obtained, that is:

Ɵ=±arcsin(A/B) or ±arcsin(C/D)

If the principal axis of the ellipse is within Quadrant I and III, the phase deviation
angle obtained should be within Quadrant I and IV, namely within (0 to π/2) or (3π/2
to 2π). If the principal axis of the ellipse is within Quadrant II and IV, the phase
deviation angle obtained should be within Quadrant II and III, namely within (π/2 to
π) or (π to 3π/2).

The XY mode can be used to measure the phase deviation occurred when the signal
under test passes through a circuit network. Connect the oscilloscope to the circuit to
monitor the input and output signals of the circuit.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

8 Triggering the Oscilloscope

The trigger system allows you to set specific trigger conditions as required. The
oscilloscope captures a waveform as well as its neighboring part and displays them
on the screen once a particular trigger condition is met. For a digital oscilloscope, it
samples waveform continuously no matter whether it is stably triggered. Rather, only
stable triggering can produce stable display. The trigger module ensures that every
time base sweep or acquisition starts from the user-defined trigger condition, namely
every sweep is synchronous with the acquisition and the waveforms acquired are
overlapped so as to display the stable waveforms.

You should set the triggers based on the features of the input signal. To quickly
capture your desired waveforms, you need to understand the signal under test. This
oscilloscope provides a variety of trigger types that help you focus on the desired
waveform details.

You can enter the Trigger menu in the following ways.

• Press the front-panel key to enter the trigger menu.

• In Figure 5.1 , click or tap the Trigger button to enter the trigger menu.

• Click or tap the trigger label (as shown in the figure below) at the top of the
screen to enter the trigger menu.

8.1 Trigger Source

In the "Trigger" menu, click or tap the drop-down button of Source to select the
desired source. Available sources include analog channels CH1-CH4 and digital
channels D0-D15 (available only when the digital channel probe is connected).

Analog Channel Input

Signals input from analog channels CH1-CH4 can all be used as trigger sources. No
matter whether the channel selected is enabled, the channel can work normally.

Digital Channel Input

When the digital channel probe is connected, signals input from digital channels D0-
D15 can all be used as trigger sources. No matter whether the channel selected is
enabled, the channel can work normally.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

8.2 Trigger Level

The adjustment of the trigger level/threshold level is related to the type of the trigger

• When the trigger source is CH1-CH4, rotate the front-panel LEVEL knob or
use the corresponding multipurpose knob (when the trigger menu is opened) to
adjust the trigger level. You can also click or tap the Level input field to set the
value with the pop-up numeric keypad. During the adjustment, a trigger level
line (the color of the trigger level line is the same as that of the channel) and a

trigger icon " " are displayed on the screen, and they move up and down
with the variation of the trigger level. When you stopping modifying the trigger
level, the trigger level line disappears in about 2 s. The current trigger level is
displayed in the trigger information label at the top of the screen.

In Runt Trigger, Slope Trigger, and Window trigger, you need to set the upper

and lower limits of the trigger level. Two trigger level icons and are
displayed at the right section of the screen.

• When the trigger source is D0-D15, rotate the front-panel LEVEL knob or
use the corresponding multipurpose knob (when the trigger menu is opened) to
adjust the threshold level. You can also click or tap the input field to set the
value with the pop-up numeric keypad. In addition, you can set the threshold
level for digital channels in the LA menu as shown in Figure 12.1 . For details,
refer to To Set the Threshold. The current threshold level is displayed in the
trigger information label at the top of the screen.

To better trigger the waveforms, for a trigger with a single level, you can directly click
or tap 50% in the menu or press the trigger level knob to make the level move to the
middle of the waveform. However, for a trigger with two levels (e.g. Slope trigger,
Runt trigger, Window trigger), you need to click or tap 90% for Level A and 10% for
Level B to make the level move within the range of the waveform amplitude.

8.3 Trigger Mode

The following is the schematic diagram of the acquisition memory. To better
understand the trigger event, you can think of the trigger event as dividing
acquisition memory into a pre-trigger and post-trigger buffer.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Trigger Event

Pre-trigger Buffer Post-trigger Buffer

Acquisition Memory

Figure 8.1 Schematic Diagram of the Acquisition Memory

After the oscilloscope starts running, it first fills the pre-trigger buffer. Then, after the
pre-trigger buffer is filled, the oscilloscope starts searching for a trigger. While
searching for the trigger, the data sampled will still be transmitted to the pre-trigger
buffer (the new data will continuously overwrite the previous data). When a trigger is
found, the pre-trigger buffer contains the events that occurred just before the trigger.
Then, the oscilloscope will fill the post-trigger buffer and display the data in the

acquisition memory. If the acquisition is initiated via the front-panel key, the

process repeats; if the acquisition is initiated via the key, it stops after finishing
a single acquisition (you can pan and zoom the currently displayed waveform).

This series provides Auto (default), Normal, and Single trigger modes.

Click or tap the trigger information label (as shown in the figure below) at the top of

the screen or press the front-panel key to open the "Trigger" menu. In the
Sweep item, you can quickly switch the current trigger mode. The selected trigger
mode is displayed in the trigger information label at the top of the screen: A (Auto), N
(Normal), or S (Single).

• Auto: In this trigger mode, if the specified trigger conditions are not found,
triggers are forced and acquisitions are made so that signal activity is displayed
on the oscilloscope. This trigger mode can be used when the signal levels are
unknown, when the DC signals should be displayed, or when trigger conditions
occur often enough that forced triggers are unnecessary.

• Normal: In this trigger mode, triggers and acquisitions only occur when the
specified trigger conditions are found. This trigger mode can be used when the
signal is at a low repetition rate, when you only want to acquire specific events
specified by the trigger settings, or when you try to stabilize the display by
preventing the oscilloscope from auto-triggering.

• Single: In this trigger mode, a single trigger and acquisition only occur when the
specified trigger conditions are found, and then the oscilloscope stops. This

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Triggering the Oscilloscope

trigger mode can be used when you need to make a single acquisition of the
specified event and analyze the acquisition result. You can pan and zoom the
currently displayed waveform without subsequent waveform data overwriting
the current waveform. After a single trigger is initiated, the oscilloscope is in
"STOP" state.

In Normal and Single trigger modes, you can click or tap the Force button in the

trigger menu or press the front-panel key to force a trigger event.

8.4 Trigger Coupling

Trigger coupling determines what part of the signal is passed to the trigger circuit.
Please distinguish it from channel coupling (To Specify Channel Coupling). This
function is available only when the trigger type is Edge and the trigger source is an
analog channel.

In the "Trigger" menu, click or tap the Coupling drop-down button to select the
desired coupling mode (by default, it is DC).

• DC: allows DC and AC components to pass the trigger circuitry.

• AC: blocks the DC components and attenuates the signals.

• LFR: blocks the DC components and rejects the low-frequency components.

• HFR: rejects the high frequency components.


When "AC" or "LFR" is selected as the coupling mode, no trigger level lines and trigger icons
are displayed. When you adjust the trigger level, you can only see the changes of the trigger
level values in the trigger information label at the top of the screen.

8.5 Trigger Holdoff

Trigger holdoff can be help stabilize triggering on complex repetitive waveforms that
have multiple edges or other events between waveform repetitions (such as pulse
series). Holdoff time is specified as the amount of time that the oscilloscope waits for
re-arming the trigger circuitry after generating a correct trigger. The oscilloscope will
not trigger even if the trigger condition is met during the holdoff time and will only
re-arm the trigger circuitry after the holdoff time expires.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

For example, to get a stable trigger on the repetitive pulse burst as shown in the
figure below, set the holdoff time to be greater than t1 but less than t2.

Figure 8.2 Trigger Holdoff

Click or tap the trigger information label (as shown in the figure below) at the top of

the screen or press the front-panel key to open the "Trigger" menu. Click or
tap the input field of Holdoff to set the holdoff time (the holdoff to this time when
the waveforms are stably triggered) with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also
use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. The adjustable range of
the holdoff time is from 8 ns (default) to 10 s.

8.6 Noise Rejection

Noise rejection can reject the high frequency noise in the signal and reduce the
possibility of triggering the oscilloscope by mistake.

Click or tap the trigger information label (as shown in the figure below) or press the

front-panel key to open the "Trigger" menu. Click or tap the Noise Reject
on/off switch to enable or disable the noise rejection function.

8.7 Trigger Type

This series oscilloscope provides the following trigger types.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

8.7.1 Edge Trigger

Edge trigger identifies a trigger on the trigger level of the specified edge on the input

Trigger Type

Click or tap the Type drop-down button to select "Edge".

Figure 8.3 Edge Trigger Setting Menu

After a trigger type is selected, the current trigger setting information (including the
trigger type, source, and level) is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen, as shown in the figure below. The information will change based on the
trigger settings.

Source Selection

Click or tap the Source drop-down button to select CH1-CH4 or D0-D15. For details,
refer to Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated in the trigger
information label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source, can you
obtain a stable trigger.

Edge Type

In the Slope item, select which edge of the input signal will trigger the oscilloscope.
The selected slope will be indicated in the trigger information label.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

• Rising: triggers on the rising edge of the input signal when the voltage level
meets the specified trigger level.

• Falling: triggers on the falling edge of the input signal when the voltage level
meets the specified trigger level.

• Either: triggers on the rising or falling edge of the input signal when the voltage
level meets the preset trigger level.


When edge trigger is selected, you can also press the front-panel key to switch the
edge type.

Trigger Mode

In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Mode.

Trigger Parameter Setting

You can refer to Trigger Coupling, Trigger Holdoff, and Noise Rejection to set the
coupling, trigger holdoff, and noise rejection under this trigger type.

Trigger Level

Click or tap the Level input field to set the trigger level with the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the front-panel trigger level knob or the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the trigger level. For details, refer to descriptions in Trigger
Level. The current trigger level is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen.

8.7.2 Pulse Width Trigger

Pulse width triggering sets the oscilloscope to trigger on the positive or negative
pulse of a specified width. In this mode, the oscilloscope will trigger when the pulse
width of the input signal satisfies the specified pulse width condition.

In this oscilloscope, positive pulse width is defined as the time difference between the
two crossing points of the trigger level and positive pulse; negative pulse width is
defined as the time difference between the two crossing points of the trigger level
and negative pulse, as shown in the figure below.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Trigger Level



Trigger Level

Figure 8.4 Positive/Negative Pulse Width

Trigger Type

Click or tap the Type drop-down button to select "Pulse".

Figure 8.5 Pulse Width Trigger Setting Menu

After a trigger type is selected, the current trigger setting information (including the
trigger type, source, and level) is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen, as shown in the figure below. The information will change based on the
trigger settings.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Source Selection

Click or tap the Source drop-down button to select CH1-CH4 or D0-D15. For details,
refer to Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated in the trigger
information label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source, can you
obtain a stable trigger.


In the Polarity item, select the desired polarity: positive polarity ( ) or negative

polarity ( ).

Trigger Condition

Set the trigger condition in the When item.

• When you select "Positive" for polarity, ">" for trigger condition, the oscilloscope
triggers when the positive pulse width of the input signal is greater than the
specified pulse width.

• When you select "Positive" for polarity, "<" for trigger condition, the oscilloscope
triggers when the positive pulse width of the input signal is smaller than the
specified pulse width.

• When you select "Positive" for polarity, "< >" for trigger condition, the
oscilloscope triggers when the positive pulse width of the input signal is greater
than the specified lower limit of pulse width and smaller than the specified
upper limit of pulse width.

• When you select "Negative" for polarity, ">" for trigger condition, the
oscilloscope triggers when the negative pulse width of the input signal is greater
than the specified pulse width.

• When you select "Negative" for polarity, "<" for trigger condition, the
oscilloscope triggers when the negative pulse width of the input signal is smaller
than the specified pulse width.

• When you select "Negative" for polarity, "< >" for trigger condition, the
oscilloscope triggers when the negative pulse width of the input signal is greater
than the specified lower limit of pulse width and smaller than the specified
upper limit of pulse width.

Pulse Width Setting

• In the When menu, when ">" or "<" is selected, click or tap the input field of
Upper or lower to set the upper limit value or the lower limit value with the
pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob
to set the value. The pulse width available is from 1 ns to 10 s.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

• In the When menu, when "< >" is selected, click or tap the input field of Upper
and Lower respectively to set the upper limit value and the lower limit value with
the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose
knob to set the values. The lower limit of the pulse width must be smaller than
the upper limit.

Trigger Mode

In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Mode.

Trigger Parameter Setting

You can refer to Trigger Holdoff and Noise Rejection to set the trigger holdoff and
noise rejection under this trigger type.

Trigger Level

Click or tap the Level input field to set the trigger level with the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the front-panel trigger level knob or the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the trigger level. For details, refer to descriptions in Trigger
Level. The current trigger level is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen.

8.7.3 Slope Trigger

Slope triggering sets the oscilloscope to trigger on the positive or negative slope of
the specified time. This trigger mode is applicable to ramp and triangle waveforms.

In this oscilloscope, positive slope time is defined as the time difference between the
two crossing points of trigger level line A and B with the rising edge; negative slope
time is defined as the time difference between the two crossing points of trigger level
line A and B with the falling edge. See the figure below.

A Upper Limit of Trigger Level

(Up Level)
Lower Limit of Trigger Level
(Low Level)

Positive Slope Time Negative Slope Time

Figure 8.6 Positive Slope Time/Negative Slope Time

Trigger Type

Click or tap the Type drop-down button to select "Slope".

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Figure 8.7 Slope Trigger Setting Menu

After a trigger type is selected, the current trigger setting information (including
trigger type, trigger source, and trigger level) is displayed in the trigger information
label at the top of the screen, as shown in the figure below. The information will
change based on the trigger settings.

Source Selection

Click or tap the Source drop-down button to select CH1-CH4. For details, refer to
Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated in the trigger information
label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source, can you
obtain a stable trigger.

Edge Type

Select the input signal edge (in the Slope item) on which the oscilloscope triggers.

• Rising: triggers on the rising edge of the input signal.

• Falling: triggers on the falling edge of the input signal.

Trigger Condition

Set the trigger condition in the When item.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

• When you select "Rising" for the edge type, ">" for trigger condition, the
oscilloscope triggers when the positive slope time of the input signal is greater
than the specified time.

• When you select "Rising" for the edge type, "<" for trigger condition, the
oscilloscope triggers when the positive slope time of the input signal is smaller
than the specified time.

• When you select "Rising" for the edge type, "< >" for trigger condition, the
oscilloscope triggers when the positive slope time of the input signal is greater
than the specified lower limit time and smaller than the specified upper limit

• When you select "Falling" for the edge type, ">" for trigger condition, the
oscilloscope triggers when the negative slope time of the input signal is greater
than the specified time.

• When you select "Falling" for the edge type, "<" for trigger condition, the
oscilloscope triggers when the negative slope time of the input signal is smaller
than the specified time.

• When you select "Falling" for the edge type, "< >" for trigger condition, the
oscilloscope triggers when the negative slope time of the input signal is greater
than the specified lower limit time and smaller than the specified upper limit

Slope Time Setting

• In the When item, when ">" or "<" is set to trigger conditions, click or tap the
input field of Lower or Upper to set the lower limit value or the upper limit value
with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding knob to
set the value. The slope time available is from 1 ns to 10 s.

• In the When item, when "< >" is set to trigger conditions, click or tap the input
field of Upper and Lower respectively to set the upper limit value and the lower
limit value with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding
knob to set the values. The lower slope time limit must be smaller than the
upper slope time limit.

Trigger Mode

In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Mode.

Trigger Parameter Setting

You can refer to Trigger Holdoff and Noise Rejection to set the trigger holdoff and
noise rejection under this trigger type.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Level Selection and Setting

After the trigger condition setting is completed, you need to adjust the trigger level
to correctly trigger the signal and obtain a stable waveform.

Click or tap the Level A/Level B input field to set the level A/level B with the pop-up
numeric keypad. You can also use the trigger level knob or use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to adjust level A/level B. When Linkage is ticked, the upper limit
and lower limit values change at the same time. The difference between upper and
lower limit remains unchanged. For details, refer to descriptions in Trigger Level. The
current trigger level is displayed in the trigger information label at the top of the


Press the trigger level knob to switch between three modes: "only adjust Level A", "only adjust
Level B", and "adjust Level A and Level B at the same time".

8.7.4 Video Trigger

The video signal can include image information and timing information, which adopts
different standards and formats. This series can trigger on the standard video signal
field or line of NTSC (National Television Standards Committee), PAL (Phase
Alternating Line), or SECAM (Sequential Couleur A Memoire).

Trigger Type

Click or tap the Type drop-down button to select "Video".

Figure 8.8 Video Trigger Setting Menu

After a trigger type is selected, the current trigger setting information (including
trigger type, trigger source, and trigger level) is displayed in the trigger information

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

label at the top of the screen, as shown in the figure below. The information will
change based on the trigger settings.

Source Selection

Click or tap the Source drop-down button to select CH1-CH4. For details, refer to
Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated in the trigger information
label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source, can you
obtain a stable trigger.

Video Polarity

In the Polarity item, select the desired polarity: positive polarity ( ) or negative

polarity ( ).

Video Standard

Click or tap the drop-down button of Standard to select the desired video standard.

Table 8.1 Video Standard

Frame Frequency
Video Standard (Frame) Scan Type TV Scan Line

NTSC 30 Interlaced Scan 525

PAL/SECAM 25 Interlaced Scan 625
480p/60Hz 60 Progressive Scan 525
576p/50Hz 50 Progressive Scan 625
720p/60Hz 60 Progressive Scan 750
720p/50Hz 50 Progressive Scan 750
720p/30Hz 30 Progressive Scan 750
720p/25Hz 25 Progressive Scan 750
720p/24Hz 24 Progressive Scan 750
1080p/60Hz 60 Progressive Scan 1125
1080p/50Hz 50 Progressive Scan 1125
1080p/30Hz 30 Progressive Scan 1125
1080p/25Hz 25 Progressive Scan 1125
1080p/24Hz 24 Progressive Scan 1125
1080i/60Hz 60 Interlaced Scan 1125
1080i/50Hz 50 Interlaced Scan 1125

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Triggering the Oscilloscope


In the Sync item, select the desired sync type.

• All Lines: triggers on the first line found.

• Line: triggers on the specified line.

When this sync type is selected, you can specify a line number. Click or tap the
input field of Line to set the line number by using the pop-up numeric keypad.
You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. The
range of the line number is related to the currently selected video standards. The
range is from 1 to 525 (NTSC), 1 to 625 (PAL/SECAM), 1 to 525 (480p), 1 to 625
(576p), 1 to 750 (720p), or 1 to 1125 (1080p/1080i).

• Odd: triggers on the rising edge of the first ramp pulse in the odd field. It is only
available when the video standard is set to "NTSC" or "PAL/SECAM".

• Even: triggers on the rising edge of the first ramp pulse in the even field. It is
only available when the video standard is set to "NTSC" or "PAL/SECAM".

Trigger Mode

In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Mode.

Trigger Parameter Setting

You can refer to Noise Rejection to set the noise rejection under this trigger type.

Trigger Level

Click or tap the Level input field to set the trigger level with the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the front-panel trigger level knob or the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the trigger level. For details, refer to descriptions in Trigger
Level. The current trigger level is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen.

• To better observe the waveform details in the video signal, you can set a larger memory
depth first.
• In the trigger debugging process of video signals, the frequency in different part of the
signal can be reflected by a different brightness, as RIGOL's digital oscilloscope provides
the intensity graded color display function. Experienced users can quickly judge the
signal quality and discover abnormalities during the debugging process.

8.7.5 Pattern Trigger

The pattern trigger identifies a trigger condition by looking for a specified pattern.
This pattern is a logical "AND" combination of channels. Each channel can be set to H
(high), L (low), or X (don't care). A rising or falling edge (you can only specify a single

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Triggering the Oscilloscope

edge) can be specified for one channel included in the pattern. When an edge is
specified, the oscilloscope will trigger at the edge specified if the pattern set for the
other channels are true (namely the actual pattern of the channel is the same as the
preset pattern). If no edge is specified, the oscilloscope will trigger on the last edge
that makes the pattern true. If all the channels in the pattern are set to "X", the
oscilloscope will not trigger.

Figure 8.9 Pattern Trigger

Trigger Type

Click or tap the Type drop-down button to select "Pattern".

Figure 8.10 Pattern Trigger Setting Menu

After a trigger type is selected, the current trigger setting information (including the
trigger type, source, and level) is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen, as shown in the figure below. The information will change based on the
trigger settings.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Source Selection

Click or tap the Source drop-down button to select CH1-CH4 or D0-D15. For details,
refer to Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated in the trigger
information label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source, can you
obtain a stable trigger.

Pattern Setting

The following five patterns are available:

• 1: sets the pattern of the channel selected to "1", i.e. the voltage level is higher
than the trigger level of the channel.
• 0: sets the pattern of the channel selected to "0", i.e. the voltage level is lower
than the trigger level of the channel.
• X: sets the pattern of the channel selected to "X", i.e. this channel is not used as a
part of the pattern. When all channels in the pattern are set to "X", the
oscilloscope will not trigger.

• : sets the pattern to the rising edge of the channel selected.

• : sets the pattern to the falling edge of the channel selected.

The Left/Right arrow key indicates moving left/right to switch the channel pattern.
"All" indicates all bits. Select a pattern for a channel and then click or tap All. The
patterns of all the other channels will be set to the currently selected pattern. The
corresponding patterns are displayed at the top of the screen, representing the
patterns of channels CH1-CH4 and D0-D15 from left to right, as shown in the figure
below. The patterns of D0-D15 are displayed only when the digital channel probe is

Only one edge (rising or falling edge) can be specified in the pattern. If one edge item
is currently defined and then another edge item is defined in another channel in the
pattern, then a prompt message "Invalid input" is displayed.

Trigger Mode

In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Mode.

Trigger Parameter Setting

You can refer to Trigger Holdoff and Noise Rejection to set the trigger holdoff and
noise rejection under this trigger type.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Trigger Level

Click or tap the Level input field to set the trigger level with the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the front-panel trigger level knob or the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the trigger level. For details, refer to descriptions in Trigger
Level. The current trigger level is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen.

8.7.6 Duration Trigger

In duration trigger, the oscilloscope identifies a trigger condition by searching for the
duration of a specified pattern. This pattern is a logical "AND" combination of the
channels. Each channel can be set to 1 (high), 0 (low), or X (don't care). The
instrument triggers when the duration (∆T) of this pattern meets the preset time, as
shown in the figure below.

∆T ∆T





Figure 8.11 Duration Trigger

Trigger Type

Click or tap the drop-down button of Type to select "Duration".

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Figure 8.12 Duration Trigger Setting Menu

After a trigger type is selected, the current trigger setting information (including the
trigger type, source, and level) is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen, as shown in the figure below. The information will change based on the
trigger settings.

Source Selection

Click or tap the Source drop-down button to select CH1-CH4 or D0-D15. For details,
refer to Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated in the trigger
information label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source, can you
obtain a stable trigger.

Pattern Setting

The following three patterns are available:

• 1: sets the pattern of the channel selected to "1", i.e. the voltage level is higher
than the trigger level of the channel.
• 0: sets the pattern of the channel selected to "0", i.e. the voltage level is lower
than the trigger level of the channel.
• X: sets the pattern of the channel selected to "X", i.e. this channel is not used as a
part of the pattern. When all channels in the pattern are set to "X", the
oscilloscope will not trigger.

The Left/Right arrow key indicates moving left/right to switch the channel pattern.
"All" indicates all bits. Select a pattern for a channel and then click or tap All. The

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

patterns of all the other channels will be set to the currently selected pattern. The
corresponding patterns are displayed at the top of the screen, as shown in the figure
below. D0-D15 are displayed only when the digital channel probe is connected.

Trigger Condition

Set the trigger condition in the When item.

• >: triggers when the duration of the pattern is greater the preset time. Click or
tap the input field of Lower to set the lower limit of the duration of the pattern
with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value. The available range is from 1 ns to 10 s.

• <: triggers when the duration of the pattern is smaller than the preset time. Click
or tap the input field of Upper to set the upper limit of the duration of the
pattern. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.
The available range is from 1 ns to 10 s.

• < >: triggers when the duration of the pattern is smaller than the upper limit of
the preset time and greater than the lower limit of the preset time. Click or tap
the input field of Upper to set the upper limit of the duration of the pattern, and
the range is from 1.01 ns to 10 s. Click or tap the input field of Lower to set the
lower limit of the duration of the pattern, and the range is from 1 ns to 9.9 s. You
can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the upper/lower limit.
The lower time limit must be smaller than the upper time limit.

• > <: triggers when the duration of the pattern is greater than the upper limit of
the preset time or smaller than the lower limit of the preset time. Click or tap the
input field of Upper to set the upper limit of the duration of the pattern, and the
range is from 1.01 ns to 10 s. Click or tap the input field of Lower to set the
lower limit of the duration of the pattern, and the range is from 1 ns to 9.9 s. You
can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the upper/lower limit.
The lower time limit must be smaller than the upper time limit.

Trigger Mode

In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Mode.

Trigger Parameter Setting

You can refer to Trigger Holdoff and Noise Rejection to set the trigger holdoff and
noise rejection under this trigger type.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Trigger Level

Click or tap the Level input field to set the trigger level with the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the front-panel trigger level knob or the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the trigger level. For details, refer to descriptions in Trigger
Level. The current trigger level is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen.

8.7.7 Timeout Trigger

In Timeout trigger, the oscilloscope triggers when the time interval (∆T) (the time
from when the rising edge (or falling edge) of the input signal passes through the
trigger level to the time from when the neighboring falling edge (or rising edge)
passes through the trigger level) is greater than the preset timeout value, as shown in
Figure 8.13 .

T Time Out < T

Time Out

Figure 8.13 Timeout Trigger

Trigger Type

Click or tap the Type drop-down button to select "Timeout".

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Figure 8.14 Timeout Trigger Menu

After a trigger type is selected, the current trigger setting information (including the
trigger type, source, and level) is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen, as shown in the figure below. The information will change based on the
trigger settings.

Source Selection

Click or tap the Source drop-down button to select CH1-CH4 or D0-D15. For details,
refer to Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated in the trigger
information label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source, can you
obtain a stable trigger.

Edge Type

In Slope item, select the edge type from which the input signal passes through the
trigger level.

• Rising: starts timing when the rising edge of the input signal passes through the
trigger level.

• Falling: starts timing when the falling edge of the input signal passes through
the trigger level.

• Either: starts timing when either edge of the input signal passes through the
trigger level.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Timeout Value

Timeout value represents the maximum time that the signal remains idle before the
signal passes through the trigger level. Click or tap the input field of Timeout, and
then use the pop-up numeric keypad to set the timeout value of Timeout trigger. You
can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.

Trigger Mode

In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Mode.

Trigger Parameter Setting

You can refer to Noise Rejection to set the noise rejection under this trigger type.

Trigger Level

Click or tap the Level input field to set the trigger level with the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the front-panel trigger level knob or the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the trigger level. For details, refer to descriptions in Trigger
Level. The current trigger level is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen.

8.7.8 Runt Trigger

The runt trigger sets the oscilloscope to trigger pulses that cross one trigger level but
not another, as shown in the figure below.

Positive Runt Pulse

Upper Limit of the

Trigger Level

Lower Limit of the

Trigger Level

Negative Runt Pulse

Figure 8.15 Runt Trigger

Trigger Type

Click or tap the drop-down button of Type to select "Runt".

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Figure 8.16 Runt Trigger Setting Menu

After a trigger type is selected, the current trigger setting information (including the
trigger type, source, and level) is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen, as shown in the figure below. The information will change based on the
trigger settings.

Source Selection

Click or tap the Source drop-down button to select CH1-CH4. For details, refer to
Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated in the trigger information
label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source, can you
obtain a stable trigger.


Select the pulse polarity of Runt trigger under the Polarity item.

• Positive : indicates that the instrument triggers on the positive runt pulse.

• Negative : triggers on the negative runt pulse.

Trigger Condition

Set the Runt trigger condition in the When item.

• None: indicates not setting the trigger condition of Runt trigger.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

• >: triggers when the runt pulse width is greater the Lower limit of pulse width.
Click or tap the input field of Lower to set the minimum pulse width of Runt
trigger with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to modify the value.

• <: triggers when the runt pulse width is smaller than the upper limit of pulse
width. Click or tap the input field of Upper to set the maximum pulse width of
Runt trigger with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the
corresponding multipurpose knob to modify the value.

• < >: triggers when the runt pulse width is greater than the lower limit and
smaller than the upper limit of pulse width. Click or tap the input field of Upper
to set the maximum pulse width of Runt trigger with the pop-up numeric
keypad. Click or tap the input field of Lower to set the minimum pulse width of
Runt trigger with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the
corresponding multipurpose knob to modify the maximum and minimum pulse
width. The lower limit of the pulse width must be smaller than the upper limit.

Trigger Mode

In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Mode.

Trigger Parameter Setting

You can refer to Trigger Holdoff and Noise Rejection to set the trigger holdoff and
noise rejection under this trigger type.

Level Selection and Setting

After the trigger condition setting is completed, you need to adjust the trigger level
to correctly trigger the signal and obtain a stable waveform.

Click or tap the Level A/Level B input field to set the level A/level B with the pop-up
numeric keypad. You can also use the trigger level knob or use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to adjust level A/level B. When Linkage is ticked, the upper limit
and lower limit values change at the same time. The difference between upper and
lower limit remains unchanged. For details, refer to descriptions in Trigger Level. The
current trigger level is displayed in the trigger information label at the top of the


Press the trigger level knob to switch between three modes: "only adjust Level A", "only adjust
Level B", and "adjust Level A and Level B at the same time".

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

8.7.9 Window Trigger

Window trigger provides a high trigger level and a low trigger level. The instrument
triggers when the input signal passes through the high trigger level or the low trigger

Trigger Type

Click or tap the Type drop-down button to select "Over".

Figure 8.17 Window Trigger Setting Menu

After a trigger type is selected, the current trigger setting information (including
trigger type, trigger source, and trigger level) is displayed in the trigger information
label at the top of the screen, as shown in the figure below. The information will
change based on the trigger settings.

Source Selection

Click or tap the Source drop-down button to select CH1-CH4. For details, refer to
Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated in the trigger information
label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source, can you
obtain a stable trigger.

Edge Type

Select the input signal edge (in the Slope item) on which the oscilloscope triggers.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

• Rising: triggers on the rising edge of the input signal when Position condition is

• Falling: triggers on the falling edge of the input signal when Position condition
is met.

• Either: triggers on the rising or falling edge of the input signal when Position
condition is met.

Trigger Position

After selecting the window type, specify the time point of trigger by selecting the
trigger position (in Position item).

• Enter: triggers when the input signal enters the specified trigger level range.

• Exit: triggers when the input signal exits the specified trigger level range.

• Time: triggers when the accumulated hold time since the input signal entered
the specified trigger level range is equal to the window time. After you select
this type, click or tap the input field of Time to set it by using the pop-up
numeric keypad. The available range is from 1 ns to 10 s.

Trigger Mode

In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Mode.

Trigger Parameter Setting

You can refer to Trigger Holdoff and Noise Rejection to set the trigger holdoff and
noise rejection under this trigger type.

Level Selection and Setting

After the trigger condition setting is completed, you need to adjust the trigger level
to correctly trigger the signal and obtain a stable waveform.

Click or tap the Level A/Level B input field to set the level A/level B with the pop-up
numeric keypad. You can also use the trigger level knob or use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to adjust level A/level B. When Linkage is ticked, the upper limit
and lower limit values change at the same time. The difference between upper and
lower limit remains unchanged. For details, refer to descriptions in Trigger Level. The
current trigger level is displayed in the trigger information label at the top of the


Press the trigger level knob to switch between three modes: "only adjust Level A", "only adjust
Level B", and "adjust Level A and Level B at the same time".

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

8.7.10 Delay Trigger

In Delay trigger, you need to set Source A and Source B. The oscilloscope triggers
when the time difference (∆T) between the specified edges (Edge A and Edge B) of
Source A and Source B meets the preset time limit, as shown in the figure below.
Edge A and Edge B must be two neighboring edges.

Edge A

Source A

Edge B
Source B

Figure 8.18 Delay Trigger

Trigger Type

Click or tap the Type drop-down button to select "Delay".

Figure 8.19 Delay Trigger Setting Menu

After a trigger type is selected, the current trigger setting information (including
trigger type, trigger source, and trigger level) is displayed in the trigger information
label at the top of the screen, as shown in the figure below. The information will
change based on the trigger settings.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Source Setting

• Source A

Click or tap the drop-down button of SourceA to select CH1-CH4 or D0-D15. For
details, refer to Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated in the
trigger information label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source,
can you obtain a stable trigger.

• Edge A

Select the trigger edge type ("Rising" or "Falling") of Source A in Delay trigger in
the EdgeA item.

• Source B

Click or tap the drop-down button of SourceB to select CH1-CH4 or D0-D15. For
details, refer to Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated in the
trigger information label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source,
can you obtain a stable trigger.

• Edge B

Select the trigger edge type ("Rising" or "Falling") of Source B in Delay trigger in
the EdgeB item.

Set the Trigger Condition

Set the time limit condition of Delay trigger in the when item.

• >: triggers when the time difference (∆T) between the specified edges of Source
A and Source B is greater than the preset time lower limit. Click or tap the input
field of Lower to set the delay time lower limit in Delay trigger with the pop-up
numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set
the value.

• <: triggers when the time difference (∆T) between the specified edges of Source
A and Source B is smaller than the preset time upper limit. Click or tap the input
field of Upper to set the delay time upper limit in Delay trigger with the pop-up
numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set
the value.

• < >: triggers when the time difference (∆T) between the specified edges of
Source A and Source B is greater than the lower limit of the preset time and

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Triggering the Oscilloscope

smaller than the upper limit of the preset time. Click or tap the input field of
Upper to set the delay time upper limit in Delay trigger with the pop-up numeric
keypad. Click or tap the input field of Lower to set the delay time lower limit in
Delay trigger with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the
corresponding multipurpose knob to set the upper and lower limit. The lower
time limit must be smaller than the upper time limit.

• > <: triggers when the time difference (∆T) between the specified edges of
Source A and Source B is smaller than the lower limit of the preset time or
greater than the upper limit of the preset time. Click or tap the input field of
Upper to set the delay time upper limit in Delay trigger with the pop-up numeric
keypad. Click or tap the input field of Lower to set the delay time lower limit in
Delay trigger with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the
corresponding multipurpose knob to set the upper and lower limit. The lower
time limit must be smaller than the upper time limit.

Trigger Mode

In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Mode.

Trigger Parameter Setting

You can refer to Trigger Holdoff and Noise Rejection to set the trigger holdoff and
noise rejection under this trigger type.

Level Selection and Setting

After the trigger condition setting is completed, you need to adjust the trigger level
to correctly trigger the signal and obtain a stable waveform.

Click or tap the Level A/Level B input field to set the level A/level B with the pop-up
numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to adjust
level A/level B or use the trigger level knob to adjust the level (the focus of the trigger
level knob is the last modified level). For details, refer to descriptions in Trigger Level.
The current trigger level is displayed in the trigger information label at the top of the

8.7.11 Setup/Hold Trigger

In setup&hold trigger, you need to set the clock source and data source. The setup
time starts when the data signal passes the trigger level and ends at the coming of
the specified clock edge; the hold time starts at the coming of the specified clock
edge and ends when the data signal crosses the trigger level again, as shown in the
figure below. The oscilloscope triggers when the setup time or hold time is smaller
than the preset time.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Triggering the Oscilloscope

T1 is the setup time

T1 T2 is the hold time

Data Source

Clock Source
The data type is H

Figure 8.20 Setup/Hold Trigger

Trigger Type

Click or tap the drop-down button of Type to select "Setup/Hold".

Figure 8.21 Setup/Hold Trigger Setting Menu

After a trigger type is selected, the current trigger setting information (including the
trigger type, source, and level) is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen, as shown in the figure below. The information will change based on the
trigger settings.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Clock Source

Click or tap the drop-down button of SCL to select CH1-CH4 or D0-D15. For details,
refer to Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated in the trigger
information label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source, can you
obtain a stable trigger.

Edge Type

Select the desired clock edge type in the Slope item, and it can be set to "Rising" or

Data Source

Click or tap the drop-down button of SDA to select CH1-CH4 or D0-D15. For details,
refer to Trigger Source The selected trigger source is indicated in the trigger
information label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source, can you
obtain a stable trigger.

Data Type

Select the effective pattern of the data signal in the Data Type item. It can be set to H
(high level) or L (low level).

Trigger Condition

Set the Setup/Hold trigger condition in the When item.

• Setup: the oscilloscope triggers when the setup time is smaller than the
specified setup time. After selecting this type, click or tap the input field of
Setup to set the setup time with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use
the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.

• Hold: the oscilloscope triggers when the hold time is smaller than the specified
hold time. After selecting this type, click or tap the input field of Hold to set the
hold time with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value.

• Setup/Hold: the oscilloscope triggers when the setup time or hold time smaller
than the specified time value. After selecting this type, click or tap the input field
of Setup and Hold respectively to set the setup and hold time with the pop-up
numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set
the values.

Trigger Mode

In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Mode.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Trigger Parameter Setting

You can refer to Trigger Holdoff and Noise Rejection to set the trigger holdoff and
noise rejection under this trigger type.

Level Selection and Setting

After the trigger condition setting is completed, you need to adjust the trigger level
to correctly trigger the signal and obtain a stable waveform.

Click or tap the Level A/Level B input field to set the level A/level B with the pop-up
numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to adjust
level A/level B or use the trigger level knob to adjust the level (the focus of the trigger
level knob is the last modified level). For details, refer to descriptions in Trigger Level.
The current trigger level is displayed in the trigger information label at the top of the

8.7.12 Nth Edge Trigger

The Nth edge trigger lets you to trigger on the Nth edge that occurs after a specified
idle time. For example, in the waveform as shown in the figure below, the instrument
should trigger on the second rising edge after the specified idle time (the time
between two neighboring rising edges), and the idle time should be within the range
between P and M (P < Idle Time < M). Wherein, M is the time between the first rising
edge and its previous rising edge; P is the maximum time between the rising edges
that participate in counting.

Edge Type=
Edge Num=2


P<Idle Time<M

Figure 8.22 Nth Edge Trigger

Trigger Type

Click or tap the Type drop-down button to select "Nth Edge".

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Figure 8.23 Nth Edge Trigger Setting Menu

After a trigger type is selected, the current trigger setting information (including
trigger type, trigger source, and trigger level) is displayed in the trigger information
label at the top of the screen, as shown in the figure below. The information will
change based on the trigger settings.

Source Selection

Click or tap the Source drop-down button to select CH1-CH4 or D0-D15. For details,
refer to Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated in the trigger
information label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source, can you
obtain a stable trigger.

Edge Type

Select the input signal edge (in the Slope item) on which the oscilloscope triggers.

• Rising: triggers on the rising edge of the input signal when the voltage level
meets the specified trigger level.

• Falling: triggers on the falling edge of the input signal when the voltage level
meets the specified trigger level.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Idle Time

Click or tap the input field of Idle Time, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to
set the idle time before the edge counting in Nth edge trigger. You can also use the
corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.

Edge Count

Click or tap the input field of Edges, then use the pop-up numeric keypad to set the
value of "N" in Nth edge trigger. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose
knob to set the value. The available range is from 1 to 65,535.

Trigger Mode

In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Mode.

Trigger Parameter Setting

You can refer to Noise Rejection to set the noise rejection under this trigger type.

Trigger Level

Click or tap the Level input field to set the trigger level with the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the front-panel trigger level knob or the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the trigger level. For details, refer to descriptions in Trigger
Level. The current trigger level is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen.

8.7.13 RS232 Trigger

RS232 bus is a serial communication mode used in data transmission between PCs or
between a PC and a terminal. In RS232 serial protocol, a character is transmitted as a
frame of data. The frame consists of 1 start bit, 5-8 data bits, 1 check bit, and 1-2 stop
bits. Its format is as shown in the figure below. This series oscilloscope triggers when
detecting the start frame, error frame, check error, or the specified data of the RS232

1 bit 5~8 bits 1 bit 1~2 bits

Start Bit Data Bit Check Bit Stop Bit

Figure 8.24 Schematic Diagram of RS232 Protocol

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Trigger Type

Click or tap the drop-down button of Type to select "RS232".

Figure 8.25 RS232 Trigger Setting Menu

After a trigger type is selected, the current trigger setting information (including the
trigger type, source, and level) is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen, as shown in the figure below. The information will change based on the
trigger settings.

Source Selection

Click or tap the Source drop-down button to select CH1-CH4 or D0-D15. For details,
refer to Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated in the trigger
information label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source, can you
obtain a stable trigger.


Select the polarity of data transmission in the Polarity item. It can be set to "Positive"

or "Negative" .

Trigger Condition

Set the desired trigger condition in the When item.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

• Start: triggers on the start frame position.

• Error: triggers when an error frame is detected.

• Check Error: triggers when a check error is detected.

• Data: triggers on the last bit of the preset data bits. Click or tap the input field of
Data, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to set the data of RS232 trigger.
You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.

Baud Rate

You can select the baud rate of data transmission (i.e. specifies a clock frequency).
Click or tap the drop-down button of Baud Rate, then select the preset baud rate.
The available baud rates include 50 bps, 75 bps, 110 bps, 134 bps, 150 bps, 300 bps,
and etc. You can also self-define the baud rate.

Data Bits

Indicates the number of bits per frame. Click or tap the drop-down button of Data
Bits to select the desired data bits. The available data bits include "5 Bits", "6 Bits", "7
Bits", and "8 Bits".

Stop Bit

Indicates when to stop outputting data. Select the desired stop bit in the Stop Bit
item. The available data bits include 1 Bit, 1.5 Bits, and 2 Bits.


Used to check whether the data are properly transmitted. Select None, Even, or Odd
in the Parity item.

• None: indicates that no check bit appears during the transmission.

• Even: indicates that the total number of "1" in the data bit and check bit is an
even number. For example, when 0x55 (01010101) is sent, "0" should be added
to the check bit.

• Odd: indicates that the total number of "1" in the data bit and check bit is an
odd number. For example, when 0x55 (01010101) is sent, "1" should be added to
the check bit.

Trigger Mode

In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Mode.

Trigger Parameter Setting

You can refer to Noise Rejection to set the noise rejection under this trigger type.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Trigger Level

Click or tap the Level input field to set the trigger level with the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the front-panel trigger level knob or the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the trigger level. For details, refer to descriptions in Trigger
Level. The current trigger level is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen.

8.7.14 I2C Trigger

I2C is a 2-wire serial bus used to connect the microcontroller and its peripheral
device. It is a bus standard widely used in the microelectronic communication control

The I2C serial bus consists of SCL and SDA. Its transmission rate is determined by SCL,
and its transmission data is determined by SDA, as shown in the figure below. The
instrument triggers on the start condition, restart, stop, missing acknowledgment,
specific device address, or data value. Besides, it can also trigger on the specific
device address and data values at the same time.

Figure 8.26 Sequence Diagram of I2C Protocol

Trigger Type

Click or tap the drop-down button of Type to select "I2C".

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Figure 8.27 I2C Trigger Setting Menu

After a trigger type is selected, the current trigger setting information (including the
trigger type, source, and level) is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen, as shown in the figure below. The information will change based on the
trigger settings.

Source Selection

Click or tap the drop-down buttons of SCL and SDA to select CH1-CH4 or D0-D15 to
specify the sources of SCL and SDA respectively. For details, refer to descriptions in
Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated in the trigger information
label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source, can you
obtain a stable trigger.

Trigger Condition

Set the desired trigger condition in the When item.

• Start: triggers when SDA data transitions from high level to low level while SCL
is high level.

• Stop: triggers when SDA data transitions from low level to high level while SCL is
high level.

• Restart: triggers when another start condition occurs before a stop condition.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

• MissedAck: triggers when ACK is 1.

• Address: the trigger searches for the specified address value. When this event
occurs, the oscilloscope will trigger on the read/write bit. After this trigger
condition is selected:
- Click or tap the drop-down button of Direction to select "Write", "Read", or

This setting is not available when AddrBits is set to "8 Bits".

- Click or tap the drop-down button of AddrBits to select the desired
address bits. The available address bits are "7 Bits", "8 Bits", and "10 Bits".
- Click or tap the input field of Address, and then use the pop-up numeric
keypad to set the address of I2C trigger. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value.

• Data: the trigger searches for the specified data value on the data line (SDA).
When this event occurs, the oscilloscope will trigger on the clock line (SCL)
transition edge of the last bit of data. After this trigger condition is selected, you
can set the following parameters.
- Click or tap the drop-down button of AddrBits to select the desired
address bits. The available address bits are "7 Bits", "8 Bits", and "10 Bits".
- Click or tap the input field of Bytes, and then use the pop-up numeric
keypad to set the length of the data. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value. Its range is from 1 to 5.
- Click or tap the input field of Data, and then the "Format" interface is will
displayed. You can select "Bin" or "Hex" data format.

Figure 8.28 Binary Format Setting

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Figure 8.29 Hexadecimal Format Setting

• A&D: the oscilloscope searches for the specified address and data at the same
time, then triggers when both the address and data meet the conditions. After
this condition is selected, you need to set the sub Data-menu items such as
Direction, Bytes, AddrBits, Address, and Data. For the setting methods, refer to
descriptions in "Address" and "Data" conditions.

Trigger Mode

In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Mode.

Trigger Parameter Setting

You can refer to Noise Rejection to set the noise rejection under this trigger type.

Level Selection and Setting

After the trigger condition setting is completed, you need to adjust the trigger level
to correctly trigger the signal and obtain a stable waveform.

• Level A

Click or tap the input field of Level A to input the level of SCL with the pop-up
numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set
the value. When the level A information is displayed in the trigger label, you can
also use the trigger level knob to adjust the level of SCL. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Level.

• Level B

Click or tap the input field of Level B to input the level of SDA with the pop-up
numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Triggering the Oscilloscope

the value. When the level B information is displayed in the trigger label, you can
also use the trigger level knob to adjust the level of SDA. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Level.

8.7.15 SPI Trigger

In SPI trigger, after the CS or timeout condition is satisfied, the oscilloscope triggers
when the specified data is found. When using SPI trigger, you need to specify the CLK
clock sources and MISO data sources.

The figure below shows the sequential chart of SPI bus.



D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

Figure 8.30 Sequential Chart of SPI Bus

Trigger Type

Click or tap the drop-down button of Type to select "SPI".

Figure 8.31 SPI Trigger Setting Menu

After a trigger type is selected, the current trigger setting information (including
trigger type, trigger source, and trigger level) is displayed in the trigger information

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

label at the top of the screen, as shown in the figure below. The information will
change based on the trigger settings.

Source Selection

Click or tap the drop-down buttons of CLK and MISO to select CH1-CH4 or D0-D15
to specify the sources of CLK and MISO respectively. For details, refer to descriptions
in Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated in the trigger information
label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source, can you
obtain a stable trigger.

Edge Type

Select the desired clock edge type in Slope.

• Rising: samples the MISO data on the rising edge of the clock.

• Falling: samples the MISO data on the falling edge of the clock.

Trigger Condition

Select the desired trigger condition in When.

• With CS: if the CS signal is valid, the oscilloscope will trigger when the data
(SDA) satisfying the trigger conditions is found.
- Click or tap the drop-down button of CS to select CH1-CH4 or D0-D15 as
the CS signal line.
- After selecting this condition, you can click or tap "Positive" (high level is
valid) or "Negative" (low level is valid) in CS Mode.

• Timeout: the oscilloscope starts to search for the data (MISO) on which to
trigger after the clock signal (CLK) stays in the idle state for a specified period of
time. After selecting this condition, you can click or tap the Timeout input field,
then use the numeric keypad to set the idle time. You can also use the
corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. The range is from 8 ns to 10


Click or tap the of field of Data, and then the "Format" interface is displayed. You can
set the data bit that needs to be triggered. For details, refer to descriptions in I2C

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Data Bits

Click or tap the input field of DataBits, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to
set the number of bits in the serial data string. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value. The number of bits in the string can be set to any
integer ranging from 4 to 32.

Trigger Mode

In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Mode.

Trigger Parameter Setting

You can refer to Noise Rejection to set the noise rejection under this trigger type.

Level Selection and Setting

After the trigger condition setting is completed, you need to adjust the trigger level
to correctly trigger the signal and obtain a stable waveform.

• Level A

Click or tap the input field of Level A to input the level of CLK with the pop-up
numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob or the
trigger level knob to adjust the level of CLK. When the level A information is
displayed in the trigger label, you can also use the trigger level knob to adjust
the level of CLK. For details, refer to descriptions in Trigger Level. The current
trigger level is displayed in the trigger information label at the top of the screen.

• Level B

Click or tap the input field of Level B to input the level of MISO with the pop-up
numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to
adjust the level of MISO. When the level B information is displayed in the trigger
label, you can also use the trigger level knob to adjust the level of MISO. For
details, refer to descriptions in Trigger Level. The current trigger level is displayed
in the trigger information label at the top of the screen.

• Level C

Click or tap the input field of Level C to input the level of CS with the pop-up
numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to
adjust the level of CS. When the level C information is displayed in the trigger
label, you can also use the trigger level knob to adjust the level of CS. For details,
refer to descriptions in Trigger Level. The current trigger level is displayed in the
trigger information label at the top of the screen.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

8.7.16 CAN Trigger

This series oscilloscope can trigger on the start of a frame, end of a frame, frame of
the specified type (e.g. Remote, Overload, Data), or error frame of the specified type
(e.g. Answer Error, Check Error, Format Error) of the CAN signal.

The data frame format of the CAN bus is as shown in the figure below.

Figure 8.32 Data Frame Format of the CAN Bus

Trigger Type

Click or tap the drop-down button of Type to select "CAN".

Figure 8.33 CAN Trigger Setting Menu

After a trigger type is selected, the current trigger setting information (including
trigger type, trigger source, and trigger level) is displayed in the trigger information
label at the top of the screen, as shown in the figure below. The information will
change based on the trigger settings.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Source Selection

Click or tap the drop-down button of Source to select CH1-CH4 or D0-D15. For
details, refer to descriptions in Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated
in the trigger information label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source, can you
obtain a stable trigger.

Signal Type

Click or tap the drop-down button of Signal Type to select the desired signal type.

• CAN_H: indicates the actual CAN_H bus signal.

• CAN_L: indicates the actual CAN_L bus signal.

• TX/RX: indicates the Transmit signal and Receive signal from the CAN bus

• DIFF: indicates the CAN differential bus signals connected to an analog channel
by using a differential probe. Connect the probe's positive lead to the CAN_H
bus signal and connect the negative lead to the CAN_L bus signal.

Baud Rate

Click or tap the drop-down button of Baud to select the preset baud rate. The
available baud rates include 10 kbps, 20 kbps, 33.3 kbps, 50 kbps, 62.5 kbps, 83.3
kbps, and etc. You can also self-define the baud rate.

Sample Position

Sample position is a point within a bit's time. The oscilloscope samples the bit level at
this point. The sample position is represented by the proportion of "the time from the
start of the bit to the sample position" to the "bit time", as shown in the figure below.

One Bit


Figure 8.34 Sample Position

Click or tap the input field of Sample Position to set it by using the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. The
settable range is from 10% to 90%.

Trigger Condition

Click or tap the drop-down button of When to select the desired trigger condition.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

• SOF: triggers at the start of a frame.

• EOF: triggers at the end of a frame.

• Remote ID: triggers on the specified ID of Remote frame. When you select
Remote ID, you need to set the following parameters.
- Click or tap the Extended ID on/off switch to enable or disable the
extended ID.
- Click or tap the input field of ID, and then the "Format" interface is
displayed. You can set the ID that needs to be operated on. For details, refer
to descriptions in I2C Trigger.

• Overload: triggers on the overload frames.

• Frame ID: triggers on the data frames with the specified ID. After you select
Frame ID, you can refer to the "Remote ID" mentioned above to set the
Extended ID and ID.

• Frame Data: triggers on the data frames with the specified Data. When you
select Frame Data, you need to set the following parameters.

- Click or tap the input field of Data, and then the "Format" interface is
displayed. You can set the data bit that needs to be operated on. For
details, refer to descriptions in I2C Trigger.

- Click or tap the input field of Bytes, and then use the pop-up numeric
keypad to set the length of the data. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value. Its range is from 1 to 8.

• Data&ID: triggers on the data frames with the specified ID and data. When you
select Data&ID, you need to set the ID, Extended ID, Data, and Bytes.

• Frame Error: triggers on the error frame.

• Bit Fill: triggers on the error frame with the bit fill.

• Answer Error: triggers on the answer error frame.

• Check Error: triggers on the check error frame.

• Format Error: triggers on the format error frame.

• Random Error: triggers on the random error frame, such as the format error
frame, answer error frame, etc.

Trigger Mode

In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Mode.

Trigger Parameter Setting

You can refer to Noise Rejection to set the noise rejection under this trigger type.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Trigger Level

Click or tap the Level input field to set the trigger level with the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the front-panel trigger level knob or the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the trigger level. For details, refer to descriptions in Trigger
Level. The current trigger level is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen.

8.7.17 LIN Trigger

This series can trigger on the sync field of LIN signal, and can also trigger on the
specified identifier, data, or frame.

The data frame format of the LIN bus is as shown in the figure below.

Figure 8.35 Data Frame Format of the LIN Bus

Trigger Type

Click or tap the drop-down button of Type to select "LIN".

Figure 8.36 LIN Trigger Setting Menu

After a trigger type is selected, the current trigger setting information (including the
trigger type, source, and level) is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen, as shown in the figure below. The information will change based on the
trigger settings.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Source Selection

Click or tap the drop-down button of Source to select CH1-CH4 or D0-D15. For
details, refer to descriptions in Trigger Source. The selected trigger source is indicated
in the trigger information label at the top of the screen.

Only when you select the channel that has signal inputs as the trigger source, can you
obtain a stable trigger.

Protocol Version

In Version, select the protocol version that matches the signal under test. The
available versions include 1.X, 2.X, and Both.

Baud Rate

Click or tap the drop-down button of Baud to select the preset baud rate. The
available baud rates include 1.2 kbps, 2.4 kbps, 4.8 kbps, 9.6 kbps, 19.2 kbps, and etc.
You can also self-define the baud rate.

Sample Position

Sample position is a point within a bit's time. The oscilloscope samples the bit level at
this point. The sample position is represented by the proportion of "the time from the
start of the bit to the sample position" to the "bit time", as shown in the figure below.

One Bit


Figure 8.37 Sample Position

Click or tap the Sample Position input field and use the pop-up numeric keypad to
set the value. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.
The settable range is from 10% to 90%.

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Triggering the Oscilloscope

Trigger Condition

Click or tap the drop-down button of When to select the desired trigger condition.

• Sync: triggers on the last bit of the sync field.

• ID: triggers when the frames with the specified ID are found.

Click or tap the input field of ID, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
ID. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.

• Data: triggers when the data that meet the preset conditions are found.

- Click or tap the input field of Data, and then the "Format" interface is
displayed. You can set the data bit that needs to be operated on. For
details, refer to descriptions in I2C Trigger.

- Click or tap the input field of Bytes, and then use the pop-up numeric
keypad to set the length of the data. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value. Its range is from 1 to 8.

• Data&ID: triggers when the frames with the specified ID and data that meet the
preset conditions are both found.

When Data&ID is selected, you need to set the Data, Bytes, and ID.

• Sleep: triggers when the sleep frame is found.

• Wakeup: triggers when the wakeup frame is found.

• Error: triggers on the specified type of error frame. Click or tap the drop-down
button of Error Type to select the error type: Sync, Even Odd, or Check Sum.

Trigger Mode

In Sweep, select Auto, Normal, or Single as the trigger mode. For details, refer to
descriptions in Trigger Mode.

Trigger Parameter Setting

You can refer to Noise Rejection to set the noise rejection under this trigger type.

Trigger Level

Click or tap the Level input field to set the trigger level with the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the front-panel trigger level knob or the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the trigger level. For details, refer to descriptions in Trigger
Level. The current trigger level is displayed in the trigger information label at the top
of the screen.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Triggering the Oscilloscope

8.8 Trigger Output Connector

The rear-panel trigger output connector ([AUX OUT]) of this series can output trigger
signals determined by the current setting (hardware trigger).

Click or tap > Utility. Click or tap Setup, and then select "TrigOut" in Aux Out. A
signal which reflects the current oscilloscope capture rate can be output from [AUX
OUT] connector each time a trigger is generated by the oscilloscope. If this signal is
connected to a waveform display device to measure the frequency, the measurement
result is the same as the current capture rate.

If "PassFail" is selected in Aux Out, the instrument can output a pulse from the [AUX
OUT] connector when a pass/failed event is detected during the pass/fail test.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Math Operation

9 Math Operation
This series oscilloscopes can realize multiple math operations between waveforms of
different channels, including arithmetic operation, spectrum operation, logic
operation, function operation, and digital filter. You can access the Math menu in the
following ways.

• Click or tap the function navigation icon at the lower-left corner of the
screen, and then select Math to enter the "Math" menu.

• Click or tap the Math button on the toolbar at the upper-right corner of the
screen to enter the "Math" menu.

• Click or tap M1-M4 in the Math label at the bottom of the screen to open the
"Math" window. You can also click or tap the Math label and then select a label
from M1-M4 to enter the corresponding Math window. Then click or tap the

M1-M4 label again, or the icon at the upper-right corner of the window to
enter the "Math" menu. The Math label is as shown in the figure below.

• Press the front-panel key to enter the "Math" menu.

Figure 9.1 Math Menu

This oscilloscope provides four math operations: Math1, Math2, Math3, and Math4. In
the Math menu, you can select the desired math operation type by clicking or

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Math Operation

tapping the Math1-Math4 label or by sliding the menu left and right. This manual
takes Math1 as an example to introduce math operation.

In the Math menu, click or tap the Operation on/off switch to show or hide the
waveform display window of the operation results. By default, it is OFF. When "ON" is
selected for Math1-Math4, the menu as shown in the figure below is displayed on the

Figure 9.2 Waveform Display Window of the Operation Results

You can drag the title bar of the display window to change the position of the

window. You can also click or tap at the upper-right corner of the window to close

9.1 Arithmetic Operation

In the Math menu, click or tap the Operator drop-down button to select the desired
math operation. The arithmetic operations supported by this oscilloscope include A
+B, A-B, A×B, and A÷B.

• A+B adds the waveform voltage values of signal source A and B point by point
and displays the results.

• A-B subtracts the waveform voltage values of signal source B from that of source
A point by point and displays the results.

• A×B multiplies the waveform voltage values of signal source A and B point by
point and displays the results.

• A÷B divides the waveform voltage values of signal source A by that of source B
point by point and displays the results. It can be used to analyze the Multiple
relation of the two channels waveforms.

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Math Operation


When the voltage of signal source B is 0 V, the division result is treated as 0.

Figure 9.3 Arithmetic Operation Menu

Operation Result Display Window

Click or tap the Operation on/off switch to enable the display of the arithmetic
operation result window. The source and the vertical scale parameters are displayed
at the top of the window, as shown in the figure below.

Label Source Sample Rate Vertical Scale

Figure 9.4 Operation Result Display Window

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Math Operation


Click or tap the drop-down button of SourceA or SourceB to select CH1-CH4 or

Ref1-Ref10. When a source channel is selected, the selected channel automatically
switches to the ON state.


Besides CH1-CH4 and Ref1-Ref10, the Math2 source can be set to Math1; the Math3 source
can be set to Math1 or Math2; the Math4 source can be set to Math1, Math2, or Math3.
Selecting a Math automatically enables its window display and sets its Operation on/off switch
to ON.


Scale is used to set the vertical scale of the operation result. You can set the vertical
scale in the following ways.

• In Math menu, rotate the corresponding multipurpose knob on the front panel
or click or tap the icon at the right side of the input field of Scale to increase or
decrease the scale value. You can also click or tap the input field to input a
specific value with the displayed numeric keypad.

• Close the menu and then adjust the vertical scale with the pinch&stretch gesture
on the touch screen. You can also rotate the multipurpose knob 1 on the front
panel to adjust the vertical scale. Please refer to Front Panel Overview to
configure the front-panel multipurpose knobs.


Offset is used to set the vertical offset of the operation result. You can set the vertical
offset in the following ways.

• In Math menu, rotate the corresponding multipurpose knob on the front panel
or click or tap the icon at the right side of the input field of Offset to increase or
decrease the scale value. You can also click or tap the input field to input a
specific value with the displayed numeric keypad.

• Close the menu and then adjust the vertical offset with the drag gesture on the
touch screen. You can also rotate the multipurpose knob 2 on the front panel to
adjust the vertical offset. Please refer to Front Panel Overview to configure the
front-panel multipurpose knobs.


Invert is used to enable or disable the inverted display of the waveform. When the
Invert function is disabled, the waveform is displayed normally; when enabled, the
voltage values of the displayed waveform are inverted.


This oscilloscope provides Main and Zoom for the measurement range.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Math Operation

• Main indicates that the measurement range is within the main time base region.

• Zoom indicates that the measurement range is within the zoomed time base


To use "Zoom", first enable the Zoom Mode (Delayed Sweep) in the Horizontal
System menu.


The oscilloscope supports two vertical expansion modes: GND (default) and Center.

• GND: When the vertical scale is changed, the math operation waveform will

expand or compress about the ground level of the signal.

• Center: When the vertical scale is changed, the math operation waveform will

expand or compress about the center of the display.

Auto Set

Click or tap AutoSetting to adjust the vertical scale and the offset of the operation
results to the optimal value according to the current configuration for you to better


It is used to set the label for the math operation results. For setting methods, refer to
descriptions in To Turn the Channel Label Display On/Off.


For setting methods, refer to the descriptions in To Set the Screen Grid.

9.2 Function Operation

In the Math menu, click or tap the Operator drop-down button to select the desired
function operation. The available function operation types of this oscilloscope include
Intg, Diff, Sqrt, Lg (Base 10 Exponential), Ln, Exp, Abs, and AX+B.

• Intg: calculates the integral of the selected source. For example, you can use
integral to measure the area under a waveform or the pulse energy.

• Diff: calculates the discrete time derivative of the selected source. For example,
you can use differentiate to measure the instantaneous slope of a waveform.

• Sqrt: calculates the square roots of the selected source point by point and
displays the results.

• Lg (Base 10 Exponential): calculates the base 10 exponential of the selected

source point by point and displays the results.

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Math Operation

• Ln: calculates the natural logarithm (Ln) of the selected source point by point
and displays the results.

• Exp: calculates the exponential of the selected source point by point and
displays the results.

• Abs: calculates the absolute value of the selected source and displays the results.

• AX+B: applies a linear function to the selected source, and displays the results.

Figure 9.5 Function Operation Menu

Operation Result Display Window

Click or tap the Operation on/off switch to enable or disable the display of the
operation result window. The source and the vertical scale parameters are displayed
at the top of the window, as shown in the figure below.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Math Operation

Label Source Sample Rate Vertical Scale

Figure 9.6 Operation Result Display Window


Click or tap the Source drop-down button to select the source from CH1-CH4 or
Ref1-Ref10. When a source channel is selected, the selected channel automatically
switches to the ON state.


Besides CH1-CH4 and Ref1-Ref10, the Math2 source can be set to Math1; the Math3 source
can be set to Math1 or Math2; the Math4 source can be set to Math1, Math2, or Math3.
Selecting a Math automatically enables its window display and sets its Operation on/off switch
to ON.

Auto Set

Click or tap AutoSetting to adjust the vertical scale and the offset of the operation
results to the optimal value according to the current configuration for you to better


Scale is used to set the vertical scale of the operation result. You can set the vertical
scale in the following ways.

• In Math menu, rotate the corresponding multipurpose knob on the front panel
or click or tap the icon at the right side of the input field of Scale to increase or
decrease the scale value. You can also click or tap the input field to input a
specific value with the displayed numeric keypad.

• Close the menu and then adjust the vertical scale with the pinch&stretch gesture
on the touch screen. You can also rotate the multipurpose knob 1 on the front

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Math Operation

panel to adjust the vertical scale. Please refer to Front Panel Overview to
configure the front-panel multipurpose knobs.


Offset is used to set the vertical offset of the operation result. You can set the vertical
offset in the following ways.

• In Math menu, rotate the corresponding multipurpose knob on the front panel
or click or tap the icon at the right side of the input field of Offset to increase or
decrease the scale value. You can also click or tap the input field to input a
specific value with the displayed numeric keypad.

• Close the menu and then adjust the vertical offset with the drag gesture on the
touch screen. You can also rotate the multipurpose knob 2 on the front panel to
adjust the vertical offset. Please refer to Front Panel Overview to configure the
front-panel multipurpose knobs.


Invert is used to enable or disable the inverted display of the waveform. When the
Invert function is disabled, the waveform is displayed normally; when enabled, the
voltage values of the displayed waveform are inverted.


This oscilloscope provides Main and Zoom for the measurement range.

• Main indicates that the measurement range is within the main time base region.

• Zoom indicates that the measurement range is within the zoomed time base


To use "Zoom", first enable the Zoom Mode (Delayed Sweep) in the Horizontal
System menu.


It is used to set the label for the math operation results. For setting methods, refer to
descriptions in To Turn the Channel Label Display On/Off.


The oscilloscope supports two vertical expansion modes: GND (default) and Center.

• GND: When the vertical scale is changed, the math operation waveform will

expand or compress about the ground level of the signal.

• Center: When the vertical scale is changed, the math operation waveform will

expand or compress about the center of the display.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Math Operation


For setting methods, refer to the descriptions in To Set the Screen Grid.

Parameter Setting

• When the operator is "Intg", click or tap the Offset input field and use the pop-
up numeric keypad to set the DC offset calibration factor of the input signal. You
can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.

• When the operator is "Diff", click or tap Smooth input field and use the pop-up
numeric keypad to set the number of smooth times for the differential
operation. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the

• When the operator is "AX+B", click or tap A/B input field and use the pop-up
numeric keypad to set the A/B value. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value.

9.3 FFT Operation

FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) is used to transform time-domain signals to frequency-
domain components (frequency spectrum). This oscilloscope provides FFT operation
function which enables you to observe the time-domain waveform and spectrum of
the signal at the same time. FFT operation can facilitate the following works:

• Measure harmonic components and distortion in the system;

• Display the characteristics of the noise in DC power;

• Analyze vibration.

In the Math menu, click or tap the Operator drop-down button to select FFT to
access the menu as shown in Figure 9.7 .

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Math Operation

Figure 9.7 FFT Operation Menu

Operation On/Off

Click or tap the Operation on/off switch to enable the FFT operation result window.
The parameters such as center frequency, frequency range, and resolution are
displayed at the top of the window, as shown in the figure below. FFT resolution is the
quotient of the sample rate and the number of FFT points. If the number of FFT points
is a fixed value, then the higher the sample rate, the higher the resolution.


The number of FFT analysis points can be 1 Mpts in maximum.

Sample Center Frequency

rate Frequency Span Resolution
Label Source

Figure 9.8 FFT Operation Window

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Math Operation


Click or tap the Source drop-down button to select CH1, CH2, CH3, or CH4 as the
source. When a source channel is selected, the selected channel automatically
switches to the ON state.

Auto Set

Click or tap AutoSetting to adjust the vertical scale and the offset of the operation
results to the optimal value according to the current configuration for you to better

Frequency Range

In X, select "Span-Center" or "Start-End" mode and then configure the frequency

range setting.

• Span-Center (frequency span to center frequency): Span specifies the

frequency range represented by the width from the frequency at the left side of
the window to the frequency at the right side of the window. Divide the
frequency span by 10 to obtain the frequency per division.

Click or tap the Center input field to set the frequency of the frequency-domain
waveform relative to the horizontal center of the screen. You can also use the
corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. Its range is from 5 Hz to 625
MHz. Click or tap the Span input field to set the frequency span with the pop-up
numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set
the value. Its range is from 10 Hz to 625 MHz.

• Start-End (start frequency to stop frequency): Start frequency specifies the

frequency at the left side of the window. Click or tap the Start input field to set
the start frequency with the pop-up numeric keypad or use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value. Its range is from 0 Hz to (stop frequency-10
Hz). Stop frequency specifies the frequency at the right side of the window. Click
or tap the End input field to set the stop frequency with the pop-up numeric
keypad or use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. Its range is
from (start frequency + 10 Hz) to 625 MHz. By default, it is 10 MHz.

Vertical Scale/Offset

In Unit item, you can select dBm/dBV or Vrms as the unit for Scale and Offset.

For how to set the Scale, refer to the descriptions in Scale of "Arithmetic Operation".
For how to set the Offset, refer to the descriptions in Offsetof "Arithmetic Operation".

Window Function

Spectral leakage can be considerably minimized when a window function is used. The
oscilloscope provides 6 FFT window functions which have different characteristics and
are applicable to measure different waveforms, as shown in the table below. You need
to select the window function according to the characteristics of the waveform to be

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Math Operation

measured. Click or tap the Window drop-down button to select the desired window

Table 9.1 Window Function

Window Waveforms Applicable to the

Function Window Function

Transient or short pulse, the signal

levels before and after the
multiplication are basically the same
Best frequency resolution
Sine waveforms with the same
Poorest amplitude resolution
Rectangular amplitudes and rather similar
Similar to the situation when no frequencies
window is applied
Wide band random noise with
relatively slow change of waveform

Blackman- Best amplitude resolution Single frequency signal, searching

Harris Poorest frequency resolution for higher order harmonics

Better frequency resolution and

Sine, periodic, and narrow band
Hanning poorer amplitude resolution
random noise
compared with Rectangular

Transient or short pulse, the signal

A little bit better frequency
Hamming levels before and after the
resolution than Hanning
multiplication are rather different

Measure the signal that has no

Flattop Measure the signals accurately accurate reference and requires an
accurate measurement

Measure the narrow band signal

Triangle Better frequency resolution and that has strong noise

Color Grade

Click or tap the Color Grade on/off switch to enable/disable the color grade display
of FFT operation results. When it is enabled, different colors are displayed on the
screen to indicate the times of data acquisition or acquisition probability. Click or tap
the Reset button for the Color Grade menu to clear the color grade display and
display the color grade again.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Math Operation


It is used to set the label for the math operation results. For setting methods, refer to
descriptions in To Turn the Channel Label Display On/Off.


For setting methods, refer to the descriptions in To Set the Screen Grid.

Peak Search

Click or tap the icon at the right side of Peak Search to enter the peak search
menu, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 9.9 Peak Search

• Peak Search ON/OFF: click or tap the Peak Search on/off switch to enable or
disable the display of the peak search window. By default, it is OFF.

• Peak Number: click or tap the input field for the Peak Number menu item and
use the pop-up numeric keypad to set the number of peaks. You can also use
the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. Its range is from 1 to 15.
Its default value is 5.

• Threshold: click or tap the input field for the Threshold menu item to set the
threshold of the peak with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the
corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. The range of the threshold is
related to the current FFT scale and offset.

• Excursion: click or tap the Excursion input field to set the excursion of the peak
or use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. The minimum
value of Excursion is 0 and its unit is consistent with that of FFT.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Math Operation

• Table Order: in Table Order, select Amp Order or Freq Order as the sorting
mode. By default, it is "Amp Order".

Click or tap Export, then the save setting interface is displayed. You can export the
peak search results to the internal memory or the external USB storage device in CSV
format. In the menu, click or tap File Name input field to set the file name; click or
tap File Path input field and the disk management menu (Disk Management) is
displayed. Select the desired location to save the file and then click or tap Save to
save the peak search results.

Clicking or tapping the icon at the right side of Peak Search can close the peak
search menu.

9.4 Logic Operation

In the Math menu, click or tap the Operator drop-down button to select the desired
math operation. The logic operations supported by this oscilloscope include A&&B,
A||B, A^B, and !A. After selecting the desired logic operation in the drop-down button
of Operator, you can configure its settings for the selected logic operation type.

Figure 9.10 Logic Operation Menu

• A&&B: Performs logic "AND" operation on the waveform voltage values of the
specified sources point by point and displays the results. In operation, when the
voltage value of the source channel is greater than the threshold of the
corresponding channel, it is regarded as logic "1"; otherwise it is logic "0". The
results of logic AND operation of two binary bits are shown in Table 9.2 Logic
Operation .

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Math Operation

• A||B: Performs logic "OR" operation on the waveform voltage values of the
specified sources point by point and displays the results. In operation, when the
voltage value of the source channel is greater than the threshold of the
corresponding channel, it is regarded as logic "1"; otherwise it is logic "0". The
results of logic OR operation of two binary bits are shown in Table 9.2 Logic
Operation .

• A^B: Performs logic "XOR" operation on the waveform voltage values of the
specified sources point by point and displays the results. In operation, when the
voltage value of the source channel is greater than the threshold of the
corresponding channel, it is regarded as logic "1"; otherwise it is logic "0". The
results of logic XOR operation of two binary bits are shown in Table 9.2 Logic
Operation .

• !A: Performs logic "NOT" operation on the waveform voltage values of the
specified sources point by point and displays the results. In operation, when the
voltage value of the source channel is greater than the threshold of the
corresponding channel, it is regarded as logic "1"; otherwise it is logic "0". The
results of logic "NOT" operation of one binary bit are shown in Table 9.2 Logic
Operation .

Table 9.2 Logic Operation

A B A&&B A||B A^B !A

0 0 0 0 0 1

0 1 0 1 1 1

1 0 0 1 1 0

1 1 1 1 0 0

Operation Result Display Window

Click or tap the Operation on/off switch to enable the display of the operation result
window. The source and the waveform sizes parameters are displayed at the top of
the window, as shown in the figure below.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Math Operation

Label Source Waveform Size

Figure 9.11 Operation Result Display Window


Click or tap the drop-down button of SourceA or SourceB to select analog channels
CH1-CH4 or digital channels D0-D15 (available only when the digital channel probe is
connected). When a source channel is selected, the selected channel automatically
switches to the ON state.

Waveform Size

You can select "Small", "Medium", or "Large" as the the waveform display mode.


Offset is used to set the vertical offset of the operation result. You can set the vertical
offset in the following ways.

• In Math menu, rotate the corresponding multipurpose knob on the front panel
or click or tap the icon at the right side of the input field of Offset to increase or
decrease the scale value. You can also click or tap the input field to input a
specific value with the displayed numeric keypad.

• Close the menu and then adjust the vertical offset with the drag gesture on the
touch screen. You can also rotate the multipurpose knob 2 on the front panel to
adjust the vertical offset. Please refer to Front Panel Overview to configure the
front-panel multipurpose knobs.

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Math Operation


Sets the sensitivity of the digital signal converted from the analog signal on the
source. Click or tap the Sensitivity input field to set the sensitivity with the pop-up
numeric keypad or use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. For
details, refer to Parameter Setting Method.


This oscilloscope provides Main and Zoom for the measurement range.

• Main indicates that the measurement range is within the main time base region.

• Zoom indicates that the measurement range is within the zoomed time base


To use "Zoom", first enable the Zoom Mode (Delayed Sweep) in the Horizontal
System menu.


Click or tap the threshold input field of the specified channel and use the pop-up
numeric keypad to set the threshold or use the corresponding multipurpose knob to
set the value.


For the threshold of digital channels (D0-D15), refer to To Set the Threshold.


It is used to set the label for the math operation results. For setting methods, refer to
descriptions in To Turn the Channel Label Display On/Off.


For setting methods, refer to the descriptions in To Set the Screen Grid.

9.5 Digital Filter

In the Math menu, click or tap the Operator drop-down button to select the desired
math operation. The digital filters supported by this oscilloscope include: low-pass
filter, high-pass filter, band-pass filter, and band-stop filter.

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Math Operation

• LowPass only allows the signals whose frequencies are lower than the current
upper limit frequency to pass.

• HighPass only allows the signals whose frequencies are higher than the current
lower limit frequency to pass.

• BandPass only allows the signals whose frequencies are higher than the current
lower limit frequency and lower than the current upper limit frequency to pass.

• BandStop only allows the signals whose frequencies are lower than the current
lower limit frequency or higher than the current upper limit frequency to pass.

Figure 9.12 Digital Filter Menu

Operation Result Display Window

Click or tap the Operation on/off switch to enable the display of the operation result
window. The source and the vertical scale parameters are displayed at the top of the
window as shown in the figure below.

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Math Operation

Sample Vertical
Label Source
Rate Scal

Figure 9.13 Operation Result Display Window


Click or tap the Source drop-down button to select from CH1-CH4 or Ref1-Ref10.
When a source channel is selected, the selected channel automatically switches to the
ON state.


Besides CH1-CH4 and Ref1-Ref10, the Math2 source can be set to Math1; the Math3 source
can be set to Math1 or Math2; the Math4 source can be set to Math1, Math2, or Math3.
Selecting a Math automatically enables its window display and sets its Operation on/off switch
to ON.

Auto Set

Click or tap AutoSetting to adjust the vertical scale and the offset of the operation
results to the optimal value according to the current configuration for you to better


Scale is used to set the vertical scale of the operation result. You can set the vertical
scale in the following ways.

• In Math menu, rotate the corresponding multipurpose knob on the front panel
or click or tap the icon at the right side of the input field of Scale to increase or
decrease the scale value. You can also click or tap the input field to input a
specific value with the displayed numeric keypad.

• Close the menu and then adjust the vertical scale with the pinch&stretch gesture
on the touch screen. You can also rotate the multipurpose knob 1 on the front

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Math Operation

panel to adjust the vertical scale. Please refer to Front Panel Overview to
configure the front-panel multipurpose knobs.


Offset is used to set the vertical offset of the operation result. You can set the vertical
offset in the following ways.

• In Math menu, rotate the corresponding multipurpose knob on the front panel
or click or tap the icon at the right side of the input field of Offset to increase or
decrease the scale value. You can also click or tap the input field to input a
specific value with the displayed numeric keypad.

• Close the menu and then adjust the vertical offset with the drag gesture on the
touch screen. You can also rotate the multipurpose knob 2 on the front panel to
adjust the vertical offset. Please refer to Front Panel Overview to configure the
front-panel multipurpose knobs.


Invert is used to enable or disable the inverted display of the waveform. When the
Invert function is disabled, the waveform is displayed normally; when enabled, the
voltage values of the displayed waveform are inverted.


This oscilloscope provides Main and Zoom for the measurement range.

• Main indicates that the measurement range is within the main time base region.

• Zoom indicates that the measurement range is within the zoomed time base


To use "Zoom", first enable the Zoom Mode (Delayed Sweep) in the Horizontal
System menu.

Frequency Limit

• LowPass: click or tap the ωc input field and use the pop-up numeric keypad to
set the upper limit frequency or use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set
the value.

• HighPass: click or tap the ωc input field and use the pop-up numeric keypad to
set the lower limit frequency or use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set
the value.

• BandPass: click or tap the ωc1 input field and use the pop-up numeric keypad
to set the lower limit frequency. Click or tap the ωc2 input field and use the pop-
up numeric keypad to set the upper limit frequency. You can also use the
corresponding multipurpose knob to set the lower/upper limit frequency.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Math Operation

• BandStop: click or tap the ωc1 input field and use the pop-up numeric keypad
to set the lower limit frequency. Click or tap the ωc2 input field and use the pop-
up numeric keypad to set the upper limit frequency. You can also use the
corresponding multipurpose knob to set the lower/upper limit frequency.

The settable ranges of the upper and lower limit frequencies are related to the Math
sample rate (displayed at the bottom of the screen when the Math function is
enabled). The sample rate of the analog channel or the changes of the memory depth
can affect the Math sample rate.


It is used to set the label for the math operation results. For setting methods, refer to
descriptions in To Turn the Channel Label Display On/Off.


The oscilloscope supports two vertical expansion modes: GND (default) and Center.

• GND: When the vertical scale is changed, the math operation waveform will

expand or compress about the ground level of the signal.

• Center: When the vertical scale is changed, the math operation waveform will

expand or compress about the center of the display.


For setting methods, refer to the descriptions in To Set the Screen Grid.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

10 Measurements
DHO900 series oscilloscope provides the quick measurements after "Auto" is selected,
auto measurements for 41 waveform parameters, as well as the cursor measurement

10.1 Auto Scale

When the oscilloscope is correctly connected and has detected a valid input signal,

click or tap the function navigation icon > Auto or press the front-panel
key to enable the waveform auto setting function and open the auto setting function

• Click or tap the first icon, and then two periods of the signal are automatically
displayed on the screen. Meanwhile, the system will make measurements for the
"period" and "frequency" of the currently displayed waveform. The measurement
results are displayed in the "Result" bar at the right side of the screen.

• Click or tap the second icon, and then multiple periods of the signal are
automatically displayed on the screen. Meanwhile, the system will make
measurements for the "period" and "frequency" of the currently displayed
waveforms in multiple periods. The measurement results are displayed in the
"Result" bar at the right side of the screen.

• Click or tap the third icon to enable the "rise time" measurement item. The
measurement results are displayed in the "Result" bar at the right side of the
screen. By default, it is intended for the fast edge signal.

• Click or tap the fourth icon to enable the "fall time" measurement item. The
measurement results are displayed in the "Result" bar at the right side of the
screen. By default, it is intended for the fast edge signal.

• Click or tap the fifth icon to cancel the auto setting and recovers to the
parameter settings prior to clicking or tapping Auto.

• Click or tap the sixth icon to enter the Auto Config sub-menu under the Utility
menu. For details, please refer to Auto Config.


The waveform auto setting function requires that the frequency of the signal should be greater
than or equal to 35 Hz, and the amplitude greater than or equal to 10 mV. If those conditions
are not met, the waveform auto setting function may be invalid.

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10.2 Auto Measurements

You can enter the Measure menu in the following ways.

• Click or tap the function navigation icon at the lower-left corner of the
screen, and then select Measure to enter the "Measure" menu.

• Press the front-panel key to enter the "Measure" menu.

• Click or tap the Measure button on the toolbar to enter the "Measure" menu.

• In Vertical System menu, click or tap the Measure button to enter the "Measure"

10.2.1 Measurement Parameter

This oscilloscope allows you to set the measurement source, enable or disable the all
measurement function, the statistical function, and etc. You can make quick
measurements for many waveform parameters. The measurement results will be
displayed in the Result sidebar at the right section of the screen.


If there is no signal input for the current source or the measurement result is not within the
valid range (too large or too small), then the measurement results are invalid, and "*****" is
displayed on the screen. Please re-input the signal or set the signal. Time Parameters

Rise Time Fall Time

Upper Limit

+Width - Width Threshold

Middle Value

Lower Limit

Figure 10.1 Time Parameters

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

• Period: defined as the time between the middle threshold points of two
consecutive, like-polarity edges.

• Frequency: defined as the reciprocal of period.

• Rise Time: indicates the time for the signal amplitude to rise from the threshold
lower limit to the threshold upper limit.

• Fall Time: indicates the time for the signal amplitude to rise from the threshold
upper limit to the threshold lower limit.

• +Width: indicates the time between the threshold middle value of a rising edge
to the threshold middle value of the next falling edge.

• -Width: indicates the time between the threshold middle value of a falling edge
to the threshold middle value of the next rising edge.

• +Duty: indicates the ratio of the positive pulse width to the period.

• -Duty: indicates the ratio of the negative pulse width to the period.

• Tvmax: indicates the time that corresponds to the maximum value of the
waveform (Vmax).

• Tvmin: indicates the time that corresponds to the minimum value of the
waveform (Vmin).

The default values for threshold upper limit, threshold middle value, and threshold
lower limit are 90%, 50%, and 10%, respectively. Count Values

The default values for threshold upper limit and threshold lower limit are 90% and
10%, respectively.

Positive Pulse Count

It is specified as the number of positive pulses that rise from under the threshold
lower limit to above the threshold upper limit.

Positive Pulse Count = n

1 2 n
Upper Limit

Lower Limit

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide

Negative Pulse Count

It is specified as the number of negative pulses that fall from above the threshold
upper limit to below the threshold lower limit.

Negative Pulse Count = n

Upper Limit

Lower Limit

1 2 n

Rising Edge Count

It is specified as the number of rising edges that rise from under the threshold lower
limit to above the threshold upper limit.

Rising Edge Count = n

1 2 n
Upper Limit

Lower Limit

Falling Edge Count

It is specified as the number of falling edges that fall from above the threshold
upper limit to below the threshold lower limit.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

Falling Edge Count = n

Upper Limit

Lower Limit

1 2 n Delay and Phase Parameters


Source A


Source B

Figure 10.2 Delay and Phase Parameters

1. Delay(r-r): indicates the time difference between the threshold middle values of
the rising edge of Source A and that of Source B. Negative delay indicates that
the rising edge of Source A occurred after that of Source B.

2. Delay(f-f): indicates the time difference between the threshold middle values of
the falling edge of Source A and that of Source B. Negative delay indicates that
the falling edge of Source A occurred after that of Source B.

3. Delay(r-f): indicates the time difference between the threshold middle values of
the rising edge of Source A and the falling edge of Source B. Negative delay
indicates that the rising edge of Source A occurred after the falling edge of
Source B.

4. Delay(f-r): indicates the time difference between the threshold middle values of
the falling edge of Source A and the rising edge of Source B. Negative delay
indicates that the falling edge of Source A occurred after the rising edge of
Source B.

5. Phase(r-r): indicates the phase deviation between the threshold middle values of
the rising edge of Source A and that of Source B. The phase formula is as follows:

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide

DelayA R B R
PhaseA R B R = × 360 °
Period sourceA

Wherein, PhaseARBR represents Phase(r-r), DelayARBR represents Delay(r-r), and

PeriodsourceA represents the period of Source A.

6. Phase(f-f): indicates the phase deviation between the threshold middle values of
the falling edge of Source A and that of Source B. The phase formula is as follows:

DelayA F B F
PhaseA F B F = × 360 °
Period sourceA

Wherein, PhaseAFBF represents Phase (f-f), DelayAFBF represents Delay(f-f), and

PeriodsourceA represents the period of Source A.

7. Phase(r-f): indicates the phase deviation between the threshold middle values of
the rising edge of Source A and the falling edge of Source B. The phase formula is
as follows:

DelayA R B F
PhaseA R B F = × 360 °
Period sourceA

Wherein, PhaseARBF represents Phase (r-f), DelayARBF represents Delay(r-f), and

PeriodsourceA represents the period of Source A.

8. Phase(f-r): indicates the phase deviation between the threshold middle values of
the falling edge of Source A and the rising edge of Source B. The phase formula is
as follows:

DelayA F B R
PhaseA F B R = × 360 °
Period sourceA

Wherein, PhaseAFBR represents Phase (f-r), DelayAFBR represents Delay(f-r), and

PeriodsourceA represents the period of Source A.

• Source A and Source B can be any channel among CH1-CH4, D0-D15, and Math1-
• The default threshold middle value is 50%.

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Measurements Voltage Parameters





Vpp Vmid



Figure 10.3 Voltage Parameters

1. Vmax: indicates the voltage value from the highest point of the waveform to the

2. Vmin: indicates the voltage value from the lowest point of the waveform to the

3. Vpp: indicates the voltage value from the highest point to the lowest point of the

4. Vtop: indicates the voltage value from the flat top of the waveform to the GND.

5. Vbase: indicates the voltage value from the flat base of the waveform to the GND.

6. Vamp: indicates the voltage value from the top of the waveform to the base of
the waveform.

7. Vupper: indicates the actual voltage value that corresponds to the threshold
maximum value.

8. Vmid: indicates the actual voltage value that corresponds to the threshold middle

9. Vlower: indicates the actual voltage value that corresponds to the threshold
minimum value.

10. Vavg: indicates the arithmetic average value on the whole waveform or in the
gating area. The formula is shown as follows:

∑ in=1 xi
Average =

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide

Wherein, xi is the ith point, and n is the number of points being measured.

11. VRMS: indicates the root mean square value on the whole waveform or in the
gating area. The formula is as follows:

∑ i =1


Wherein, xi is the measurement result of the ith point, and n is the number of
points being measured.

12. Per.VRMS: indicates the root mean square value within a period. The formula is
as shown above.

13. Overshoot: indicates the ratio of the difference between the maximum value and
the top value of the waveform to the amplitude value.

14. Preshoot: indicates the ratio of the difference between the minimum value and
the base value of the waveform to the amplitude value.

15. AC RMS: indicates the root-mean-square value of the waveforms, with the DC
component removed. The formula is shown as follows:

∑ i =1
( x i − Average ) 2
S td .Dev =

Wherein, xi is the amplitude of the ith point, Average is the waveform average
value, and n is the number of points being measured. Other Parameters

• Positive Slew Rate: On the rising edge, first calculate the difference between
the high value and the low value, then use the difference to divide the
corresponding time value to obtain the positive slew rate.

• Negative Slew Rate: On the falling edge, first calculate the difference between
the low value and the high value, then use the difference to divide the
corresponding time value to obtain the negative slew rate.

• Area: indicates the area of the whole waveform within the screen. The unit is
V*s. The area of the waveform above the zero reference (namely the vertical
offset) is positive, and the area of the waveform below the zero reference is
negative. The area measured is the algebraic sum of the area of the whole
waveform within the screen.

• Period Area: indicates the area of the first period of waveform on the screen.
The unit is V*s. The area of the waveform above the zero reference (namely the
vertical offset) is positive, and the area of the waveform below the zero

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

reference is negative. The area measured is the algebraic sum of the whole
period area.

10.2.2 Select the Measurement Item

In the Measure menu, click or tap Horizontal, Vertical, or Other to go to the desired
menu. You can also slide to select the measurement item to enter the corresponding
interface, as shown in Figure 10.4 , Figure 10.5 , and Figure 10.6 . Click or tap any of
the measurement items to enable the measurements. This series allows you to enable
measurements of up to 14 items at the same time.


You can also refer to Multi-pane Windowing to enable all measurements.

• Vertical: Vmax, Vmin, Vpp, Vtop, Vbase, Vamp, Vupper, Vmid, Vlower, Vavg,
VRMS, Per. VRMS, Overshoot, Preshoot, Area, Per.Area, and AC.RMS.

Figure 10.4 Vertical Measurement Items

• Horizontal: Period, Frequency, Rise Time, Fall Time, +Width, -Width, +Duty, -
Duty, Positive Pulse Count, Negative Pulse Count, Rising Edge Count, Falling
Edge Count, Tvmax, Tvmin, +Slew Rate, and -Slew Rate.

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Figure 10.5 Horizontal Measurement Items

• Other: Delay (r-r), Delay (r-f), Delay (f-r), Delay (f-f), Phase (r-r), Phase (r-f),
Phase(f-r), and Phase (f-f).

Figure 10.6 Other Measurement Items

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10.2.3 Measurement Settings

In the Measure menu, click or tap the Setting button to enter the measurement
setting menu.

Figure 10.7 Measurement Settings Menu


Click or tap the Histogram on/off switch to enable or disable the histogram function.
After the histogram function is enabled, the Measure Histogram view is displayed on
the screen, as shown in the figure below. The histogram analysis result label is
displayed in the Result sidebar (refer to Histogram Analysis Results).


Add at least one measurement item (Select the Measurement Item) before enabling the
Measure Histogram function.

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After the Measure Histogram function is enabled, please refer to Select the
Measurement Item to add new measurement parameter. The new parameter will be
used as the measurement item. In the "Result" sidebar, you can also click or tap the
label of the added measurement parameter (e.g. "Vpp" and "Vmin") to change the
measurement item.


Click or tap the Indicator on/off switch to enable or disable the indicator.

If enabled, one or more cursors will be displayed on the screen. Before enabling the
indicator, you need to enable at least one auto measurement parameter and the
number of cursors will change with the measurement parameter enabled.


When no measurement parameter is selected or there is no source input, the indicator is not
available. The indicator changes when the waveform is expanded or compressed horizontally.

Measurement Threshold

• First, select % or Abs as the display type.

• Click or tap the drop-down button of Source to select the desired channel. You
can select from CH1-CH4, D0-D15, or Math1-Math4. D0-D15 are available only
when the digital channel probe is connected.

• Click or tap the input field of Upper and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
the upper limit of the measurement or use the corresponding multipurpose
knob to set the value. When the upper limit is set to be smaller than or equal to
the current middle value, a prompt message "Set at lower limit" is displayed.
Then, the oscilloscope will automatically adjust the upper limit and make it
greater than the middle value. By default, it is 90%. The default absolute value
varies with the vertical setting of the channel.

• Click or tap the input field of Mid and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set the
middle value of the measurement or use the corresponding multipurpose knob
to set the value. The middle value is limited by the settings of the upper limit
and lower limit. By default, it is 50%. The default absolute value varies with the
vertical setting of the channel.

• Click or tap the input field of Lower and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
the lower limit of the measurement or use the corresponding multipurpose knob
to set the value. When the lower limit is set to be greater than or equal to the
current middle value, a prompt message "Set at upper limit" is displayed. Then,
the oscilloscope will automatically adjust the lower limit and make it smaller than
the middle value. By default, it is 10%. The default absolute value varies with the
vertical setting of the channel.

• Click or tap Default to return the upper, middle, and lower limits to their default

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

Click or tap the Threshold on/off switch to enable or disable the threshold settings.


Modifying the threshold will affect the measurement results of time, delay, and phase

Measurement Range

Click or tap the drop-down button of the Region to select "Main" or "Zoom".

• Main: indicates that the measurement range is within the main time base region.

• Zoom: indicates that the measurement range is within the zoomed time base


To use "Zoom", you need to enable the Zoom Mode (Delayed Sweep) first.

Amplitude Measurement Method

Click or tap Auto or Manual as the amplitude measurement method, which affects
the measurement method for the top and base values

If you select "Manual", set the following parameters:

• Click or tap the Top toggle button to select Histogram or Max-Min as the top
value measurement method.

• Click or tap the Base toggle button to select Histogram or Max-Min as the base
value measurement method.


If you select "Manual" for the amplitude method, the measurement results of other parameters
may be affected.

"Histogram" and "Max-Min" are the internal measurement algorithm for the oscilloscope. The
"Histogram" method mentioned above is different from the Histogram function of the

Remove the Measurement Results

Refer to Remove the Measurement Results.

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Click or tap the Statistic on/off switch to enable or disable the statistical result

display. You can also click or tap at the lower-right of the measurement item in
the "Result" sidebar to expand the label to display all the statistical items. Click or tap

to collapse the label. The figure below shows the displayed results after the
Statistic of period measurement is enabled.

• Click or tap any measurement item in the "Result" sidebar at the right side of the
screen and a window is displayed. Click or tap Reset Stat. to clear the history
statistics data and makes statistics again. You can also click or tap Reset Stat. in
the measurement setting menu.

• Click or tap the input field of Count and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
the count value. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set
the value. Its range is from 2 to 100000. Its default value is 1000.

10.2.4 Remove the Measurement Results

This oscilloscope allows you to delete the measurement results of the parameters.

• In Measure setting menu, click or tap Remove to delete the currently selected
measurement item that you've added; click or tap Remove All to delete all the
displayed measurement items.

• Click or tap any measurement item in the "Result" sidebar at the right side of the
screen and a window is displayed. Click or tap Remove to delete the currently

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

selected measurement item that you've added; click or tap Remove All to delete
all the displayed measurement items.

• In the "Result" sidebar, select a measurement item and drag it to the right to
delete it quickly

10.3 Cursor Measurements

Cursor measurement can measure the X axis values (e.g. Time) and Y axis values (e.g.
Voltage) of the selected waveform. Before making cursor measurements, connect the
signal to the oscilloscope to acquire stable display. The cursor measurement function
provides the following two cursors.

Figure 10.8 Cursors

• X Cursor

X cursor is a vertical solid/dotted line that is used to make horizontal

adjustments. It can be used to measure time (s) and frequency (Hz).

- Cursor A is a vertical solid line ( is displayed at the bottom of the screen),

and Cursor B is a vertical dotted line ( is displayed at the bottom of the


- In the XY cursor mode, X cursor is used to measure the waveform

amplitude of Source X.

• Y Cursor

Y cursor is a horizontal solid/dotted line that is used to make vertical

adjustments. It can be used to measure amplitude (the unit is the same as that of
the source channel amplitude).

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- Cursor A is a horizontal solid line ( is displayed at the right section of

the screen), and Cursor B is a horizontal dotted line ( is displayed at the

right section of the screen).

- In XY cursor mode, Y cursor is used to measure the waveform amplitude of

Source Y.

You can enable cursor measurements in the following ways.

• Click or tap the function navigation icon > Cursors to enable cursor

• Click or tap the Cursors button on the toolbar to enable cursor measurements.

• Press the front-panel key to enable cursor measurements.

The measurement results are displayed in the "Result" bar at the right side of the

• AX: indicates the X value at Cursor A.

• AY: indicates the Y value at Cursor A.

• BX: indicates the X value at Cursor B.

• BY: indicates the Y value at Cursor B.

• ∆X: indicates the horizontal spacing between Cursor A and Cursor B.

• ∆Y: indicates the vertical spacing between Cursor A and Cursor B.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

• 1/∆X: indicates the reciprocal of the horizontal spacing between Cursor A and
Cursor B.

Click or tap the result bar and then select Remove or Setting in the pop-up window.

• Click or tap Remove. Then the current cursor measurement results will be

• Click or tap Setting. Then the "Cursors" menu is displayed. You can select the
cursor mode: Manual, Track, and XY.

10.3.1 Manual Mode

In the manual cursor mode, you can adjust the cursor manually to measure the value
of the waveforms of the specified source at the current cursor. If the settings for the
parameter such as the cursor type and measurement source are different, the
measurement results will be different for cursor measurement.

In the Cursors menu, click or tap Manual for the Mode item to enable the Manual
cursor measurement function. The measurement results are displayed in the "Result"
bar at the right side of the screen. When you change the cursor position, the
measurement results will be changed accordingly.

Figure 10.9 Manual Mode Setting Menu

Select the Measurement Source

Click or tap the drop-down button of Source to select the desired channel (None,
CH1-CH4, LA or Math1-Math4).

When a specified channel is selected as the source, it will be automatically turned on.

Select Cursor Type

Click or tap the Select toggle button to select "X" or "Y".

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide

• X: It is a pair of vertical solid (Cursor A)/dotted (Cursor B) lines, used for

measuring time parameters. The measurement results include AX, BX, ∆X, and 1/

• Y: It is a pair of horizontal solid (Cursor A)/dotted (Cursor B) lines, used for

measuring voltage parameters. The measurement results include AY, BY, and ∆Y.

Adjust Cursor Position

1. When "X" is selected, you can adjust the position of X cursor.

- Click or tap the input field of AX and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set the
horizontal position of Cursor A (X cursors). The horizontal axis indicates time,
and the unit of its setting value is the same as that of the horizontal unit. Its
adjustable range is limited within the screen.

- Click or tap the input field of BX and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set the
horizontal position of Cursor B (X cursors). The horizontal axis indicates time,
and the unit of its setting value is the same as that of the horizontal unit. Its
adjustable range is limited within the screen.

- Click or tap the AX BX on/off switch to turn on/off adjusting the horizontal
position of Cursor A and Cursor B (X cursors) simultaneously. The horizontal
spacing between Cursor A and Cursor B (X cursors) remains unchanged.

2. When "Y" is selected, you can adjust the position of Y cursor.

- Click or tap the input field of AY, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to
set the vertical position of Cursor A (Y cursors). The vertical axis indicates
voltage, and the unit of its setting value is the same as that of the vertical unit.

- Click or tap the input field of BY and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set the
vertical position of Cursor B (Y cursor). The vertical axis indicates voltage, and
the unit of its setting value is the same as that of the vertical unit.

- Click or tap the AY BY on/off switch to turn on/off adjusting the vertical
position of Cursor A and Cursor B (Y cursors) simultaneously. The vertical
spacing between Cursor A and Cursor B (Y cursors) remains unchanged.

You can also use the front-panel multipurpose knob to adjust the cursor
position. To configure the multipurpose knobs, please refer to Front Panel Overview.

Measurement Example

Measure the period of a sine wave by using the manual cursor measurement and
auto measurement respectively. The measurement results are both 200 ns.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

Auto Measurement

Cursor Measurement

Figure 10.10 Manual Cursor Measurement Example

Disable the Cursor Measurement Function

When cursor measurement is enabled, you can disable it in the following ways:

• In the Cursors menu, click or tap the Remove button to disable cursor
• In the "Result" bar at the right side of the screen, click or tap the "Cursors" label
and then click or tap Remove in the pop-up window.
• In the "Result" bar at the right side of the screen, drag the "Cursors" label to the
right to simply disable cursor measurements.

• Press the front-panel key to disable cursor measurements.

10.3.2 Track Mode

In the Track mode, you can adjust the two pairs of cursors (Cursor A and Cursor B) to
measure the X and Y values on two different sources respectively. When the cursors
are moved horizontally/vertically, the markers will position on the waveform
automatically. When the waveform is expanded or compressed horizontally/vertically,
the markers will track the points being marked at the last adjustment of the cursors.

In the Cursors menu, click or tap Track for the Mode item to enable the Track cursor
measurement function. The measurement results are displayed in the "Result" bar at
the right section of the screen.

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Figure 10.11 Track Mode Setting Menu

Select the Measurement Source

• Click or tap the drop-down button of AX Source to select the desired channel
(None, CH1-CH4, or Math1-Math4).

• Click or tap the drop-down button of BX Source to select the desired channel
(None, CH1-CH4, or Math1-Math4).

When a specified channel is selected as the source, it will be automatically turned on.

Select the Track Mode

Click or tap the Track toggle button to select "X" or "Y" as the current track axis. By
default, it is "X".

• X: When the X cursor position is adjusted, Y cursor will automatically track the
intersection point between X cursor and source signal

• Y: When the Y cursor position is adjusted, X cursor will automatically track the
intersection point between Y cursor and source signal.

Adjust Cursor Position

• When "X" is selected, you can adjust the position of X cursor.

- Click or tap the input field of AX and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
the horizontal position of Cursor A (X cursors). Its adjustable range is
limited within the screen.

- Click or tap the input field of BX and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
the horizontal position of Cursor B (X cursors). Its adjustable range is
limited within the screen.

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- Click or tap the AX BX on/off switch to turn on/off adjusting the horizontal
position of Cursor A and Cursor B (X cursors) simultaneously. The horizontal
spacing between Cursor A and Cursor B (X cursors) remains unchanged.

• When "Y" is selected, you can adjust the position of Y cursor.

- Click or tap the input field of AY, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad
to set the vertical position of Cursor A (Y cursors).

- Click or tap the input field of BY and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
the vertical position of Cursor B (Y cursor).

- Click or tap the AY BY on/off switch to turn on/off adjusting the vertical
position of Cursor A and Cursor B (Y cursors) simultaneously. The vertical
spacing between Cursor A and Cursor B (Y cursors) remains unchanged.

You can also use the front-panel multipurpose knob to adjust the cursor
position. To configure the multipurpose knobs, please refer to Front Panel Overview.

Measurement Example

Set the AX Source to CH1, BX Source to CH2, and Track to "X".

When the AX cursor position is adjusted, AY cursor will automatically track the
intersection point between AX cursor and source signal (CH1); When the BX cursor
position is adjusted, BY cursor will automatically track the intersection point between
BX cursor and source signal (CH2). The measurement results are displayed in the
"Result" bar, as shown in Figure 10.12 . Then, expand the waveforms horizontally, and
you will find that the cursor will track the point that has been marked, as shown in
Figure 10.13 .

Figure 10.12 Track Measurement (before Horizontal Expansion)

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Figure 10.13 Track Measurement (after Horizontal Expansion)

Disable the Cursor Measurement Function

When cursor measurement is enabled, you can disable it in the following ways:

• In the Cursors menu, click or tap the Remove button to disable cursor
• In the "Result" bar at the right side of the screen, click or tap the "Cursors" label
and then click or tap Remove in the pop-up window.
• In the "Result" bar at the right side of the screen, drag the "Cursors" label to the
right to simply disable cursor measurements.

• Press the front-panel key to disable cursor measurements.

10.3.3 XY Mode
In the Cursors menu, click or tap XY for the Mode item to enable the XY cursor
measurement function. The measurement results are displayed in the "Result" bar at
the right section of the screen.

Figure 10.14 XY Mode Setting Menu

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By default, XY mode is unavailable. It is available only when the horizontal time base mode is
"XY". To enable the XY mode, please refer to Enable the XY Mode.

Adjust Cursor Position

• Click or tap to select the "X" tab under the Select menu item to set the X value
for the specified cursor.

- Click or tap the input field of AX and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
the X value at Cursor A.

- Click or tap the input field of BX and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
the X value at Cursor B.

- Click or tap the AX BX on/off switch to turn on/off adjusting the X value at
Cursor A and the X value at Cursor B simultaneously.

• Click or tap to select "Y" under the Select item to set the Y value for the
specified cursor.

- Click or tap the input field of AY and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
the Y value at Cursor A.

- Click or tap the input field of BY and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
the Y value at Cursor B.

- Click or tap to the AY BY on/off switch to turn on/off adjusting the Y value
at Cursor A and the Y value at Cursor B simultaneously.

You can also use the front-panel multipurpose knob to adjust the cursor
position. To configure the multipurpose knobs, please refer to Front Panel Overview.
During the adjustment, the measurement results will change accordingly. The
adjustable range is limited within the screen.

Disable the Cursor Measurement Function

When cursor measurement is enabled, you can disable it in the following ways:

• In the Cursors menu, click or tap the Remove button to disable cursor
• In the "Result" bar at the right side of the screen, click or tap the "Cursors" label
and then click or tap Remove in the pop-up window.
• In the "Result" bar at the right side of the screen, drag the "Cursors" label to the
right to simply disable cursor measurements.

• Press the front-panel key to disable cursor measurements.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Digital Voltmeter (DVM) and Frequency Counter

11 Digital Voltmeter (DVM) and Frequency

This series oscilloscope provides a built-in digital voltmeter (DVM) and frequency
counter, which enable you to perform more accurate measurements, improving user
experience in counter and frequency measurement.

11.1 Digital Voltmeter (DVM)

The built-in DVM of this oscilloscope provides 4-digit voltage measurements on any
analog channel. DVM measurements are asynchronous from the oscilloscope's
acquisition system and are always acquiring. You can enable the DVM measurements
in the following ways.

• Click or tap the function navigation icon > DVM to enable DVM

• Click or tap the DVM button on the toolbar to enable DVM measurements.

• Press the front-panel key and then select DVM in the displayed "Analyse"
menu to enable the DVM measurements.

After the DVM measurements are enabled, the "DVM" label appears in the "Result"
bar at the right section of the screen, as shown in the figure below.

Voltage Value
DVM Bandwidth

The voltage value in the label shows the measurement extrema over the last 3

Click or tap the "DVM" label and then a window is displayed. Click or tap Setting to
enter the DVM setting menu as shown in Figure 11.1 . You can click or tap Remove to
disable DVM measurements.

11.1.1 Measurement Settings

After the DVM is enabled, click or tap the "DVM" label in the "Result" bar at the right
section of the screen and a window is displayed. Click or tap Setting in the window to
enter the DVM setting menu, as shown in the figure below.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Digital Voltmeter (DVM) and Frequency Counter

Figure 11.1 DVM Setting Menu

Select the Measurement Source

Click or tap the Source drop-down button to select the desired source. The analog
channel (CH1-CH4) can be selected to be the measurement source.

Even if the analog channel (CH1-CH4) is not enabled, you can still perform the DVM

Select the Measurement Mode

In the Mode item, you can select the DVM mode. The DVM measurement modes
include AC RMS, DC, and AC+DC RMS.

• AC RMS: displays the root-mean-square value of the acquired data, with the DC
component removed.

• DC: displays the average value of the acquired data.

• AC+DC RMS: displays the root-mean-square value of the acquired data.

Set the Limits

Click or tap the Beeper on/off switch to turn on or off the beeper. When the beeper is
turned on, you can enable the beeper to sound an alarm when the voltage value is
inside or outside the limited range.

• Limits Condition Setting

Click or tap the When toggle button to select "In Limits" or "Out Limits".

- In Limits: when the voltage value is inside the limited range, you can enable
or disable the beeper to sound an alarm.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Digital Voltmeter (DVM) and Frequency Counter

- Out Limits: when the voltage value is outside the limited range, you can
enable or disable the beeper to sound an alarm.

• Upper/Lower Limit Setting

Click or tap the input field of Upper, then use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
the upper limit of the voltage or use the corresponding multipurpose knob to
set the value.

Click or tap the input field of Lower, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to
set the lower limit of the voltage or use the corresponding multipurpose knob to
set the value.

11.1.2 Remove the Measurement

Click or tap the "DVM" label in the "Result" bar and a window is displayed. Click or
tap Remove to disable DVM measurements and clear the measurement results. You
can also click or tap Remove in the DVM setting menu to disable the function.

11.2 Frequency Counter

The frequency counter analysis function provides frequency, period, or edge event
counter measurements on any analog channel.

You can enable the counter in the following ways:

• Click or tap > Counter to enable the counter.

• Click or tap the Counter button on the toolbar to enable the counter.

• Press the front-panel key and then select Counter in the displayed
"Analyse" menu to enable the counter.

After the counter is enabled, the "Counter" label displaying the counter measurement
results appears in the "Result" bar at the right section of the screen, as shown in the
figure below. You can set the Statistic switch to "ON" in "Counter" menu to enable
the statistical results. You can refer to Statistics Results.

Measurement Item


DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Digital Voltmeter (DVM) and Frequency Counter

You can click or tap the "Counter" label in the "Result" bar and select Reset Stat.,
Setting, or Remove in the displayed window.

11.2.1 Measurement Settings

After the frequency counter is enabled, click or tap the "Counter" label in the "Result"
bar at the right section of the screen and a window is displayed. Click or tap Setting
in the window to enter the counter setting menu, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 11.2 Frequency Counter Setting Menu

Select the Measurement Source

Click or tap the drop-down button of Source to select the desired source. Analog
channels (CH1-CH4) and digital Channels (D0-D15) can be selected as the source of
the frequency counter.


Only when the digital channel probe is connected, can you select digital channels D0-D15 as
the source.

Set Resolution

For Period and Frequency measurements, you need to set the readout resolution.
Click or tap the input field of Resolution to set the resolution by using the pop-up
numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the
value. The range of resolution is from 3 bits to 6 bits. By default, it is 4 bits.

The greater the resolution, the longer the gate time. In this way, the measurement
time will be longer.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Digital Voltmeter (DVM) and Frequency Counter

Select the Measurement Item

In the Measure item, you can select the desired measurement item. Available options
include Frequency, Period, and Totalize. Wherein, Totalize indicates the count of edge
events on the signal.

Clear Count

When "Totalize" is selected as the measurement item, the oscilloscope measures the
count of edge events on the signal. At this time, click or tap Clear Count to clear the
measurement results and start the measurements again.

Statistics Results

When "Frequency" or "Period" is selected, click or tap the Statistic on/off switch to
turn on/off displaying all statistical items. When enabled, all the statistical results will
be displayed in the "Counter" label in the "Result" bar.

11.2.2 Reset Statistics

Click or tap the "Counter" label in the "Result" bar at the right section of the screen
and a window is displayed. Click or tap Reset Stat. in the window to reset the

11.2.3 Remove the Measurement

Click or tap the "Counter" label in the "Result" bar at the right section of the screen
and a window is displayed. Click or tap Remove to clear the measurement results. The
"Counter" label disappears from the "Result" bar accordingly. You can also click or tap
Remove in the counter setting menu to disable the function.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Digital Channel

12 Digital Channel
DHO900 series oscilloscope provides a standard logic analyzer (LA) function with 16
digital channels. The default channel label is D0-D15. The oscilloscope compares the
voltages acquired in each sample with the preset logic threshold. If the voltage of the
sample point is above the threshold, it will be stored as logic 1; otherwise, it will be
stored as logic 0. The oscilloscope displays the logic levels (1s and 0s) in a graphic
way for you to easily detect and analyze the errors in circuit design (hardware design
and software design).

You can enter the LA menu in the following ways.

• Press the front-panel key to enter the menu.

• Click or tap the "LA" label at the bottom of the screen to enter the menu.

Figure 12.1 LA Menu

Before using the digital channels, connect the oscilloscope to the device under test
(DUT) using the optional PLA2216 active logic probe. To cater to different application
scenarios, PLA2216 provides two methods to connect the signal under test. For
details, refer to PLA2216 Active Logic Probe User Guide.


The digital channel input terminal does not support hot plugging. Do not insert or pull
out the logic probe when the instrument is powered on.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Digital Channel

12.1 To Enable or Disable the Digital Channel

Press the front-panel key or click or tap the LA label at the bottom of the
screen to enable/disable digital channels D0-D15 at the same time.

In the menu as shown in Figure 12.1 , click or tap the check box of any digital channel
from D0 to D15 to enable/disable the specified channel. You can click or tap the
check box of D0-D7 to enable/disable all channels from D0 to D7. Similarly, click or
tap the check box of D8-D15 to enable/disable all channels from D8 to D15. The

check box turns into once the corresponding channel is enabled while the check

box of disabled channel is .


When you use D0-D7 or D8-D15 to enable or disable multiple channels simultaneously, you
can still enable or disable any channel independently.

12.2 To Select the Digital Channel

After the digital channel is enabled, click or tap the label or waveform of the digital
channel. Select any channel from D0 to D15. The waveform of the selected channel is
in red.


Only the enabled digital channel can be selected.

12.3 To Set the Threshold

The threshold levels of channels D0-D7 and channels D8-D15 can be set separately
according to your needs. If the voltage of the input signal is above the threshold, it is
treated as logic 1; otherwise, it is treated as logic 0.

• In the menu as shown in Figure 12.1 , click or tap the Threshold input field at
the right side of D0-D7, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to set the
threshold for D0-D7. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to
set the value.

• In the menu as shown in Figure 12.1 , click or tap the Threshold input field at
the right side of D8-D15, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to set the
threshold for D8-D15. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to
set the value.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Digital Channel

12.4 To Set the Waveform Size

In the menu as shown in Figure 12.1 , click or tap the Size drop-down button to select
the waveform display size. Available options include "Small", "Medium", and "Large".


"Large" is available only when the number of currently enabled channels is not greater than 8.

12.5 To Set the Order

In the menu as shown in Figure 12.1 , click or tap the Arrange drop-down button to
select the waveform arrangement order for the currently enabled channels on the

• D0-D15: the waveforms on the display are D0-D15 in sequence from top to

• D15-D0: the waveforms on the display are D15-D0 in sequence from top to

You can also drag the digital channel waveform in the waveform view to change the

12.6 Probe Calibration

If the PLA2216 active logic probe is connected to the oscilloscope for the first time or
when the changes of the ambient temperature are above 5℃, it is recommended to
perform zero calibration for the probe. Make sure that no signal is applied to the
PLA2216 input terminal when the probe is under calibration.

In Figure 12.1 , click or tap ProbeCalibration to enter the "ProbeCalibration" menu.

Click or tap Start to start zero calibration automatically for the probe.

12.7 Label Settings

By default, the instrument takes D0-D15 as the channel label of the 16 digital
channels. You can set a user-defined label for each digital channel to easily
differentiate the digital channels.

In the LA menu, click or tap Label settings to enter the Label settings menu. You can
then use the preset label or input a label manually.

Label On/Off

Click or tap the Label Enable on/off switch to enable or disable the label display. If it
is on, the channel label will be displayed at the left side of the waveform.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Digital Channel

Select a Specified Digital Channel

Click or tap the ChanSelect drop-down button to select a digital channel. You can
select any channel from D0 to D15.

Use Preset Labels

Click or tap the Label library drop-down button to select a preset label. Available
preset labels include ACK, ADO, ADDR, BIT, CAS, CLK, CS, DATA, HALT, INT, LOAD,

Input a Label Manually

Click or tap the Edit input field and use the pop-up virtual keypad to set the label. For
the methods of using the virtual keypad, refer to Parameter Setting Method.

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Histogram Analysis

13 Histogram Analysis
The histogram analysis function can provide the statistic view for waveform and
measurement results, enabling you to judge the trend of waveforms, and quickly
locate the potential problems of the signal. This series oscilloscope supports
histogram types including Horizontal, Vertical, and Measure. For the Measure
Histogram function, refer to Histogram of the "Measurements" chapter. This chapter
only introduces the Horizontal and Vertical histogram.

Click or tap the function navigation icon and select Histogram to enter the
Histogram menu.

Figure 13.1 Histogram Menu

13.1 To Enable or Disable the Histogram Function

In Histogram menu, click or tap the Enable on/off switch to enable or disable the
histogram analysis. After the histogram function is enabled, with the on-going
acquisition and measurement of the waveforms, the height of the bar graph will
change within the set range of the histogram window to indicate the number of times
for data statistics.

Take horizontal histogram as an example. After the histogram function is enabled, the
histogram analysis view as shown in the figure below is displayed on the screen. Also,
the "Histogram" label appears on the Result bar at the right side of the screen.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Histogram Analysis

Figure 13.2 Histogram Analysis Interface

When the histogram function is enabled, you can click or tap the "Histogram" label >
Setting to open the histogram setting menu. You can also click or tap the histogram
plot area to quickly open the histogram setting menu.


For definitions of the measurement items in the "Histogram" label, refer to Histogram Analysis

13.2 To Select the Histogram Type

In the Histogram menu, click or tap the Type drop-down button to select the
histogram type.

• Horizontal: displays the number of times for statistics making in the forms of

columns in the histogram bar graph at the bottom of the graticule.

• Vertical: displays the number of times for statistics making in the forms of rows

in the histogram bar graph at the left of the graticule.

13.3 To Select the Histogram Source

In the Histogram menu, Click or tap the Source drop-down button to select the
desired source. The analog channels (CH1-CH4) can be selected to be the histogram

13.4 To Set the Histogram Height

The histogram height indicates the number of grids the histogram bar graph should
use on the screen.

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Histogram Analysis

In Histogram menu, click or tap the input field of Height, and then use the pop-up
numeric keypad to set the height. It ranges from 1 div to 4 div, and the default is 2

13.5 To Set the Histogram Range

You need to set the histogram window range. Adjust the size and position of the
histogram window by setting the "Left Limit", "Right Limit", "Top Limit", and "Bottom
Limit" respectively.

• Click or tap the Left Limit input field and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set

the value. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the


• Click or tap the Right Limit input field and use the pop-up numeric keypad to

set the value. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the


• Click or tap the Top Limit input field and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set

the value. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the


• Click or tap the Bottom Limit input field and use the pop-up numeric keypad to

set the value. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the



Adjusting the horizontal time base or vertical scale will not affect the histogram limit range,
but only shows variation with the scale.


You can also drag the histogram window in white to adjust the window's size and position.

13.6 Histogram Analysis Results

After the histogram analysis function is enabled, the "Histogram" label will be
displayed in the Result sidebar, as shown in the figure below. Note that when the
histogram type is set to Histogram, the statistical data results also include the
parameter XScale.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Histogram Analysis

Figure 13.3 Histogram Analysis Results

• Sum: indicates the sum of all bins (buckets) in the histogram.

• Peaks: indicates the maximum number of hits in any single bin.

• Max: indicates the maximum value.

• Min: indicates the minimum value.

• Pk_Pk: indicates the Delta (Max-Min) between the max. value and the min. value.

• Mean: indicates the average value of the histogram.

• Median: indicates the median value of the histogram.

• Mode: indicates the mode value of the histogram.

• Bin width: indicates the width of each bin (bucket) in the histogram.

• Sigma: indicates the standard deviation of the histogram.

• XScale: indicates the horizontal scale of the histogram. It is 100 times the value
of Bin width.

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Histogram Analysis

13.7 To Remove Results

• Click or tap the "Histogram" label in the Result sidebar and a window is
displayed. Click or tap Remove in the window to remove measurement results
and disable the histogram function.
• In the "Result" bar at the right side of the screen, drag the "Histogram" label to
the right to quickly remove results and disable the histogram function.

13.8 To Clear Statistics

Click or tap the "Histogram" label in the Result sidebar and a window is displayed.
Click or tap Clear in the window to clear all statistical data and restart to make

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Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator (for

DHO914S and DHO924S only)

14 Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator (for

DHO914S and DHO924S only)
The DHO914S and DHO924S series have a standard built-in 25 MHz Function/
Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AFG), which integrates the signal source and the
oscilloscope into one, providing great convenience for engineers who need to use the
signal source and oscilloscope at the same time. This chapter introduces how to use
the built-in AFG.

14.1 To Output Basic Waveforms

Press the front-panel key or click or tap the AFG label at the bottom of the

screen to enable the AFG output. Press the key or click or tap the AFG label
again to enter the AFG setting menu, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 14.1 AFG Setting Menu

The built-in Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator can output a variety of basic

waveforms, including Sine, Square, Ramp, DC, Noise, and Arb. You can set the basic
waveform parameters according to the following section and then click or tap the
Output on/off switch to enable/disable the output of the [AFG OUT] connector on
the rear panel.

14.1.1 To Output Sine

In the AFG setting menu as shown in Figure 14.1 , click or tap the Function drop-
down button to select "Sine". At this time, you can set the parameters for the sine

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator (for

DHO914S and DHO924S only)

Set the Frequency

Click or tap the Frequency input field to set the frequency with the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.
Different waveforms have different frequency ranges.

Sine: 2 mHz to 25 MHz

Square: 2 mHz to 15 MHz

Ramp: 2 mHz to 150 kHz

Arb: 2 mHz to 10 MHz

Set the Amplitude

Click or tap the Amplitude input field to set the amplitude with the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. The
amplitude range is related to the waveform frequency setting:

• Basic waveform frequency ≤10 MHz: 2 mV to 10 V

• Basic waveform frequency >10 MHz: 2 mV to 5 V

Set the Offset

Click or tap the Offset input field to set the offset with the pop-up numeric keypad.
You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. The offset
range is related to the amplitude value.

Set the Stating Phase

Click or tap the Phase input field to set the starting phase with the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. Its
available range is from 0° to 360°.

14.1.2 To Output Square

In the AFG setting menu as shown in Figure 14.1 , click or tap the Function drop-
down button to select "Square". At this time, you can set the parameters for the
square waveform. For how to set the frequency, phase, amplitude, and offset, refer to
descriptions in To Output Sine. This section only illustrates how to set the duty cycle
for the square waveform.

Square duty cycle is the percentage of time that the square wave is at a high level
over the period of the square wave, as shown in the figure below. The parameter is
valid only when the square wave is selected.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator (for

DHO914S and DHO924S only)

Duty Cycle=t/T*100%

Click or tap the Duty input field to set the duty cycle with the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. Its
range is from 1% to 99%, and the default is 50%.

14.1.3 To Output Ramp

In the AFG setting menu as shown in Figure 14.1 , click or tap the Function drop-
down button to select "Ramp". At this time, you can set the parameters for the ramp
waveforms. For how to set the frequency, phase, amplitude, and offset, refer to
descriptions in To Output Sine. This section only illustrates how to set the symmetry.

Symmetry is defined as the percentage of the amount of time ramp wave is rising in
the whole period, as shown in the figure below. The parameter is valid only when
ramp is selected.

t Symmetry=t/T*100%

Click or tap the Symm input field to set the symmetry with the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. Its
range is from 0% to 100%, and the default is 50%.

14.1.4 To Output Noise

In the AFG setting menu as shown in Figure 14.1 , click or tap the Function drop-
down button to select "Noise". At this time, you can set the amplitude and offset for

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator (for

DHO914S and DHO924S only)

Set the Amplitude

Click or tap the Amplitude input field to set the amplitude with the pop-up numeric
keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. Its
range is from 2 mV to 10 V.

Set the Offset

Click or tap the Offset input field to set the offset with the pop-up numeric keypad.
You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. The offset
range is related to the amplitude value.

14.1.5 To Output DC
In the AFG setting menu as shown in Figure 14.1 , click or tap the Function drop-
down button to select "DC". At this time, you can set the offset for DC.

Click or tap the Offset input field to set the offset with the pop-up numeric keypad.
You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. Its range is
from -5 V to 5 V.

14.1.6 To Output the Arbitrary Waveform

In the AFG setting menu as shown in Figure 14.1 , click or tap the Function drop-
down button to select "Arb". At this time, you can load the arbitrary waveform and
set the parameters. For how to set the frequency, phase, amplitude, and offset, refer
to descriptions in To Output Sine. This section only illustrates how to load the
arbitrary waveform.

Click or tap the input field of Arb Path, and then the disk management interface is
displayed. In the disk management interface, select the waveform from the internal
memory or the external memory. The waveform file is suffixed with "*.arb". Then click
or tap OK to load the selected waveform. For details, refer to Store and Load.

14.2 Modulation
The built-in Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator of DHO914S and DHO924S
supports amplitude modulation (AM), frequency modulation (FM), and phase
modulation (PM). A modulated waveform consists of a carrier waveform and a
modulating waveform. The carrier waveform is the basic waveform output from the
Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator, and the modulating waveform can be the
built-in waveform.

In the AFG setting menu, click or tap the Modulation tab to enter the Modulation
setting menu, as shown in the figure below. In this menu, you can select the
modulation type, set the modulating waveform parameters, and enable/disable the
modulation function. To set the carrier waveform (basic waveform), refer to To Output
Basic Waveforms. This section only illustrates the modulation setting.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator (for

DHO914S and DHO924S only)

Figure 14.2 Modulation Interface


Supported carrier types include sine, square, and ramp. When the selected carrier waveform is
not supported, the modulation function is not available. You need to select an available carrier
waveform in the "Basic waves" menu.

14.2.1 AM
Amplitude Modulation (AM), namely the amplitude of the carrier waveform changes
with the amplitude of the modulating waveform.

Select the Modulation Type

Click or tap the Modulation Type drop-down button to select "AM".

Select the Modulating Waveform

The instrument uses built-in signals for modulation. Click or tap the Shape drop-
down button to select the modulating waveform. Available waveforms include:
• Sine
• Square with 50% duty cycle
• Triangle with 50% symmetry
• UpRamp with 100% symmetry
• DnRamp with 0% symmetry
• White gaussian noise

Set the Modulation Depth

Modulation depth is a percentage that represents the amplitude variation. Click or tap
the Depth input field to set the modulation depth with the pop-up numeric keypad.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator (for

DHO914S and DHO924S only)

You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. AM depth
ranges from 0% to 120%, and the default is 100%.

• At 0% depth, the amplitude is one-half of the carrier's amplitude setting.

• At 100% depth, the amplitude is identical to the carrier's amplitude setting.

• At greater than 100% depth, the instrument will not exceed 10 Vpp on the

Set the Modulation Frequency

When the selected modulating waveform is not noise, you can set the modulation
frequency. Click or tap the Mod Freq input field to set the modulation frequency with
the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob
to set the value. Its range is from 2 mHz to 1 MHz.

To Enable the Modulation Output

Click or tap Modulation on/off switch to enable the modulation function. In the
"Basic waves" setting menu, click or tap the Output on/off switch to enable the
waveform output. The instrument will output the modulated waveform via the rear-
panel [AFG OUT] connector according to the settings.

14.2.2 FM
Frequency Modulation (FM), namely the frequency of the carrier waveform changes
with the voltage of the modulating waveform.

Select the Modulation Type

Click or tap the Modulation Type drop-down button to select "FM".

Select the Modulating Waveform

The instrument uses built-in signals for modulation. Click or tap the Shape drop-
down button to select the modulating waveform. Available waveforms include:
• Sine
• Square with 50% duty cycle
• Triangle with 50% symmetry
• UpRamp with 100% symmetry
• DnRamp with 0% symmetry
• White gaussian noise

Set the Frequency Deviation

Frequency deviation represents the peak variation in frequency of the modulated

waveform from the carrier frequency. Click or tap the Deviation input field to set the
frequency deviation with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator (for

DHO914S and DHO924S only)

corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. Its range is from 2 mHz to the
current carrier frequency.


The frequency deviation plus the carrier frequency must be less than or equal to the selected
carrier's maximum frequency.

Set the Modulation Frequency

When the selected modulating waveform is not noise, you can set the modulation
frequency. Click or tap the Mod Freq input field to set the modulation frequency with
the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob
to set the value. Its range is from 2 mHz to 1 MHz.

To Enable the Modulation Output

Click or tap Modulation on/off switch to enable the modulation function. In the
"Basic waves" setting menu, click or tap the Output on/off switch to enable the
waveform output. The instrument will output the modulated waveform via the rear-
panel [AFG OUT] connector according to the settings.

14.2.3 PM
Phase Modulation (PM), namely the phase of the carrier waveform changes with the
voltage of the modulating waveform.

Select the Modulation Type

Click or tap the Modulation Type drop-down button to select "PM".

Select the Modulating Waveform

The instrument uses built-in signals for modulation. Click or tap the Shape drop-
down button to select the modulating waveform. Available waveforms include:
• Sine
• Square with 50% duty cycle
• Triangle with 50% symmetry
• UpRamp with 100% symmetry
• DnRamp with 0% symmetry
• White gaussian noise

Set the Phase Deviation

Phase deviation represents the peak variation in phase of the modulated waveform
from the carrier waveform. Click or tap the Phase Dev input field to set the phase
deviation with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value. Its available range is from 0° to 360°, and the
default is 90°.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator (for

DHO914S and DHO924S only)

Set the Modulation Frequency

When the selected modulating waveform is not noise, you can set the modulation
frequency. Click or tap the Mod Freq input field to set the modulation frequency with
the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob
to set the value. Its range is from 2 mHz to 1 MHz.

To Enable the Modulation Output

Click or tap Modulation on/off switch to enable the modulation function. In the
"Basic waves" setting menu, click or tap the Output on/off switch to enable the
waveform output. The instrument will output the modulated waveform via the rear-
panel [AFG OUT] connector according to the settings.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Bode Plot (for DHO914S and DHO924S only)

15 Bode Plot (for DHO914S and DHO924S only)

Bode plot is a way of graphically displaying the frequency response of a system. In
the switch power supply and operational amplifier's circuit feedback network, the
Bode plot provides the curves displaying the variation of gain and phase with the
frequency for a loop analysis. Through the analysis on the system's gain and phase
margins, you can determine the stability of the system.

With the built-in signal generator module, the DHO914S and DHO924S series
generate the sweep signal of a specified frequency range and outputs to the switch
power supply circuit under test. Then, the oscilloscope draws a Bode plot displaying
the variation of phase and gain with different frequencies. Click or tap the function

navigation icon and select Bode Plots to enter the "Bode Plots" setting menu.

Figure 15.1 "Bode Plots" Setting Menu

Click or tap to minimize the "Bode Plots" menu to simplify the display, as
shown in the figure below.

Figure 15.2 "Bode Plots" Setting Menu-Simplified Mode

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Bode Plot (for DHO914S and DHO924S only)


The bode plot function can only test the response of basic devices such as amplifiers, but
cannot test circuits with greater noise.

15.1 Basic Setting

In the menu as shown in Figure 15.1 , click or tap the Basic Setting tab to enter the
basic setting menu. In this menu, you can enable or disable the Bode plot function,
start or stop the Bode plot operation, set the input/output source, set the sweep type
and display type, enable the filter, and check the connection diagram.

15.1.1 To Enable or Disable the Bode Function

In the "Bode Plots" setting menu, click or tap the Bode Plots on/off switch to enable
or disable the Bode function. After the Bode function is enabled, the Bode plot
window will be displayed on the screen. For the bode plot display interface, refer to
To Set the Display Type.

15.1.2 To Start or Stop the Operation

After the Bode function is enabled, in the setting menu, click or tap the
button of Run Status to launch or stop the loop analysis test and bode plot drawing
operation. The oscilloscope will perform a test on the loop based on the current bode
setting and draw the Bode plot. In running status, the button of Run Status is

displayed as . After the Bode plot drawing is finished, the Run Status

button restores to .

During the Bode plot drawing process, if you want to stop the drawing, you can click

or tap .


Enabling the bode plot test automatically disables the bode plot setting menu. You can click or

tap at the upper-right side to open the setting menu.

15.1.3 To Set the Input Source

The input source indicates the channel input with the reference signal. The current
frequency takes the frequency of this channel as the reference. Before selecting the
input source, connect the signal under test to the analog channel input terminal of
the oscilloscope.

Click or tap the In drop-down button to select the desired input source. The available
input channels include CH1-CH4.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Bode Plot (for DHO914S and DHO924S only)

15.1.4 To Set the Output Source

The output source indicates the channel that connects the feedback output signal.
Before selecting the output source, connect the signal under test to the analog
channel output terminal of the oscilloscope.

Click or tap the Out drop-down button to select the desired output source. The
available output channels include CH1-CH4.

15.1.5 To Set the Sweep Type

Click or tap the Sweep Type drop-down button to select “Log” or “Line”.

• Line: the frequency of the swept sine wave varies linearly with the time.

• Log: the frequency of the swept sine wave varies logarithmically with the time.

15.1.6 To Enable or Disable the Filter

Click or tap the FIR Setup on/off switch to enable or disable the digital filter.

15.1.7 To Set the Display Type

Click or tap the Display Type drop-down button to select "Wave" or "Chart".

Waveform Display

The bode plot waveform display is as shown in the figure below. The X-axis value in
the bode plot represents the frequency and the Y-axis value represents the gain (red)
and phase (green). The magnitude-frequency curve (red) represents the gain between
system input and output. The phase-frequency curve (green) represents the phase
shift between system input and output.

3 4

1 GM

Figure 15.3 Bode Plot Waveform Display

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Bode Plot (for DHO914S and DHO924S only)

1. Cursor: rotate the multipurpose knob 1 to move the cursor. The cursor information
is display at the upper-light corner of the display.

2. Bode plot curves: magnitude-frequency curve (red) and phase-frequency curve


3. Cursor information display:

- Freq: X-axis value of the cursor.

- Gain: Y-axis value of the crossover point between the cursor and the red
magnitude-frequency curve.

- Phase: Y-axis value of the crossover point between the cursor and the green
phase-frequency curve.

4. Margin result (displayed when the bode plot operation stops):

- PM: phase margin. It is the difference in phase between the phase at 0 dB gain
frequency point and 0-degree phase.

- GM: gain margin. It is the gain measurement difference between the value at 0
dB and the frequency point at 0-degree phase. That is, GM = 0 dB - Gain
Measurement Value.

5. Operation button: click or tap to open the bode plot setting menu. Click or

tap to disable the bode plot waveform display and disable the Bode function.

Chart Display

The chart form of the bode plots is as shown in the figure below. It shows the

frequency, gain, and phase of all sample points. Click or tap to open the bode

plot setting menu. Click or tap to close the chart and disable the Bode function.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Bode Plot (for DHO914S and DHO924S only)

Figure 15.4 Bode Plot Chart Display

15.1.8 Connection Diagram

Before enabling the Bode function, make a proper loop connection. Click or tap Tips
to view the circuit connection diagram in the pop-up window. See the connection
diagram. Connect the rear-panel [AFG OUT] interface to the isolation transformer.
Inject the output signal of the isolation transformer to the injection resistor of the
circuit under test. Then measure the signals at the injection point and the output

15.2 Cursor
The cursor is displayed as a white vertical line (as shown in Figure 15.3 ) in the bode
plot. Its X-axis value (Freq), Y-axis value of the crossover point between the cursor
and the magnitude-frequency curve (Gain), Y-axis value of the crossover point
between the cursor, and the phase-frequency curve (Phase) are displayed at the
upper-left corner of the interface. You can rotate the multipurpose knob 1 to adjust
the cursor position to view the information of each point.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Bode Plot (for DHO914S and DHO924S only)

15.3 Amp/Freq Setting

In the setting menu as shown in Figure 15.1 , click or tap the Amplitude and
Frequency Setting tab to enter the Amplitude and Frequency Setting menu. You can
set the following parameters.

• Start Frequency: click or tap the Start Freq input field to set the start frequency
of the sine wave with the pop-up keypad. You can also use the multipurpose
knob to set the value. The setting range is from 10 Hz to 24.99 MHz.

• Stop Frequency: click or tap the Stop Freq input field to set the stop frequency
of the sine wave with the pop-up keypad. You can also use the multipurpose
knob to set the value. The setting range is from 100 Hz to 25 MHz.

• Points/decade: click or tap the Points input field to set the number of displayed
points per decade. You can also use the multipurpose knob to set the value. The
setting range is from 10 to 300. By default, it is 10.

• Amplitude: click or tap the Amp input field to set the voltage amplitude of sine
wave when the Var.Amp. is set to "OFF".

• Variable Amplitude: click or tap the Var.Amp. on/off switch to turn on or off the
variable amplitude function. When it is on, you can set the voltage amplitude of
sine wave in different frequency ranges.


The "Stop Freq" must be greater than the "Start Freq".

15.4 Store and Load

In the setting menu as shown in Figure 15.1 , click or tap the Saving tab to enter the
bode plot saving menu. In this menu, you can save and load the bode plot data.

Save the Test Data

1. Click or tap the Format drop-down button to select the format of the saved Bode
plot. Available file types include "*.csv" and "*.html".

2. Click or tap the File Name input field to set the filename with the pop-up virtual

3. Click or tap the File Path input field and the "Disk" menu is displayed. Select the
desired target path and then click or tap OK to set the path. For details about the
Disk menu, refer to Disk Management.

4. Click or tap save to save the Bode plot file according to the settings.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Bode Plot (for DHO914S and DHO924S only)

Load the Test Data

1. The File Type item displays the file type that can be loaded. It is specified as *.csv.

2. Click or tap the File Path input field and the "Disk" menu is displayed. Select the
desired target file and then click or tap OK to select the file. For details about the
Disk menu, refer to Disk Management.

3. Click or tap Load to load the file. The saved test data will be displayed on the
screen in a wave/chart format (depending on the display type setting).

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Reference Waveform

16 Reference Waveform
This series oscilloscope provides 10 reference waveform positions (Ref1-Ref10). In the
actual test process, you can compare the signal waveform with the reference
waveform to locate the failure.

16.1 To Enable Ref Function

You can access the Ref menu in the following ways.

• Click or tap the function navigation icon at the lower-left corner of the
screen, and then select Ref to enter the reference waveform function menu.

• Press the front-panel key to enter the reference waveform function menu.

Figure 16.1 Reference Waveform Menu

When the Ref function is enabled, you can select different colors for reference
waveforms, set the source of each reference channel, adjust the vertical scale and
offset of the reference waveform, save the reference waveform to the internal or
external memory, and recall it when necessary.

16.2 To Set the Reference Waveform

In the Ref menu, you can specify a channel to serve as the reference channel. You can
save or clear the reference channel.

Select the Reference Channel

Click or tap the drop-down button of Current to select the reference waveform
channel (Ref1-Ref10). By default, Ref1 is enabled.

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Reference Waveform

Select the Ref Source

Click or tap the drop-down button of Source to select the desired reference
waveform source (CH1-CH4, D0-D15, or Math1-Math4).

Save the Reference Waveform to Internal Memory

Click or tap SaveToRef to save the displayed waveform for the specified source to the
internal memory as the reference waveform.


This operation only saves the reference waveform to the volatile memory, and the
waveform will be cleared at power-off or restored to the default settings. If you want to
store reference waveforms that can be recalled when necessary, please export the
waveform to internal or external memory (Export to Internal or External Memory)

Clear the Specified Reference Waveform

Click or tap Clear to clear the specified reference waveform for the "current

You can also click or tap the Clear button in the function navigation menu or press

the front-panel key to clear the reference waveforms of all the reference

16.3 To Set the Ref Waveform Display

After clicking or tapping SaveToRef, you can adjust the vertical scale and offset of the
reference waveform specified in Current.

Modify the Vertical Scale

Click or tap the input field of VScale, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
the vertical scale of the reference waveform. You can directly click or tap the icons

at the right side of the input field of VScale to increase or decrease the vertical
scale value. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to adjust the

Modify the Vertical Offset

Click or tap the input field of VOffset, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to
set the vertical offset of the reference waveform. You can directly click or tap the Up

and Down arrow icons at the right side of the input field of VOffset to

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Reference Waveform

increase or decrease the vertical offset value. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to adjust the offset.

Restore the Reference Waveform

If you have adjusted the vertical scale and offset for the specified reference waveform
of the current channel, to reset the reference waveform to the position where the
source channel stays prior to the SaveToRef operation, click or tap Reset.

Set the Reference Waveform Color

This series oscilloscope provides five colors (gray, green, light blue, red, and orange)
to mark the reference waveforms of different channels in order to distinguish them.

Click or tap the drop-down button of Color to select the color of the reference
waveform of the channel.

Set the Reference Waveform Label

Click or tap the Label on/off switch to enable or disable the label display of the
specified reference waveform.

Click or tap the input field of Label to set the label of the specified reference channel
with the pop-up numeric keypad.

16.4 Export and Import Operation

Export to Internal or External Memory

You can save the current reference waveform to the internal memory or external USB
storage device. The file format of the reference waveform is "*.ref", "*.bin", or "*.csv".

Click or tap Export to enter the reference waveform file saving interface.

• Set the Format

In the file saving interface, click or tap the drop-down button of Format to select
"*.ref", "*.bin", or "*.csv" as the saving format.

• Set the Filename

Click or tap the input field of File Name to set the filename with the pop-up
virtual keypad.

For how to use the keypad, refer to descriptions in Parameter Setting Method.

• Set the Save Path

Click or tap the File Path input field, then the disk management menu is
displayed. Through the disk management menu, you can save the current

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Reference Waveform

reference waveform to the internal memory or external USB storage device. Then
click or tap Save to complete the save operation. For details about the disk
management operation, refer to the Disk Management section in Store and

• Only when the reference waveform is saved, can this export function be valid.
• For the ".bin" format file, refer to Binary Data Format (.bin).

Import from Internal or External Memory

You can import the stored reference waveform file from the internal memory or
external USB storage device to the instrument and display the file on the screen.

Click or tap Import to enter the reference waveform file loading interface.

• Set the Format

The file format of the reference waveform is specified as "*.ref" which is

displayed in Format.

• Set the Load Path

Click or tap the input field of File Path, then the disk management interface is

Through the disk management menu, you can load the current reference
waveform to the waveform view of the oscilloscope. Then click or tap Load to
complete the load operation. For details about the disk management operation,
refer to the Disk Management section in Store and Load.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Pass/Fail Test

17 Pass/Fail Test
During the product design and manufacturing process, you usually need to monitor
the variations of the signal or judge whether the product is up to standard. DHO900
series oscilloscope can accomplish this task perfectly with its standard pass/fail test
function. You can use this function to define the mask based on "standard"
waveforms. It compares the signal under test with the mask and displays the test
results. When the pass/fail status is detected, you can choose to stop monitoring,
sound an alarm with the beeper, or save the current screen image.

Click or tap the function navigation icon at the lower-left corner of the screen to
open the function navigation. Then click or tap the Pass/Fail button to enter the

"PassFail" setting menu. You can also press the front-panel key and select Pass/
Fail to enter the "PassFail" setting menu. The menu is as shown in the figure below.

Figure 17.1 PassFail Menu

Click or tap to minimize the "PassFail" menu to simplify the display, as shown in
the figure below.

Figure 17.2 PassFail Menu-Simplified

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Pass/Fail Test

17.1 To Enable or Disable the Pass/Fail Test Function

In the "Pass/Fail" setting menu, click or tap the Enable on/off switch to enable or
disable the pass/fail test function.

You can select the source, create mask, and set test result output only after the pass/
fail test function is enabled.

17.2 To Select the Source

Click or tap the drop-down button of Source to select the desired source. The
available output channels include CH1-CH4.


When a disabled channel is selected as the source, it will be automatically turned on.

17.3 To Create a Mask

In the Pass/Fail menu, you can self-define the mask of the pass/fail test. The mask can
be imported or exported.

Create a Mask

Click or tap X Mask and Y Mask input fields respectively to set the horizontal
tolerance range and vertical tolerance range with the pop-up numeric keypad. You
can also use the icons at the right side of the input fields or use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the values. Then click or tap Create to apply the currently
created mask (the region not covered by blue within the screen).

Save the Mask

When the pass/fail test function is enabled, you can save the current test mask range
to the internal memory or an external USB storage device (when detected) in "*.pf"

Click or tap Save to enter the file saving interface. Click or tap the input field of File
Name and File Path to input the filename and select the desired file path to save the
test mask file to the internal or external memory. For details, refer to the Disk
Management section in Store and Load.

Load a Mask

When the pass/fail test function is enabled, you can load the test mask files from the
internal memory or an external USB storage device (when detected) and apply them
to the current pass/fail test function.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Pass/Fail Test

Click or tap Load to enter the file loading interface. Click or tap the input field of File
Path to load the specified test mask files (in *.pf format) and apply them to the
current pass/fail test function. For details, refer to the Disk Management section in
Store and Load.

17.4 To Set the Output Form of the Test Results

In Option, you can set what the oscilloscope will execute when test results are
detected according to your needs.

Set the output event and Aux output

• Click or tap the Aux Output on/off switch to enable or disable the Aux output.
When enabled, in the Utility menu, the sub-menu AUX Out of Setup is
automatically set to "PassFail". When a successful or failed event is detected, a
pulse will be output from the rear-panel [AUX OUT] connector. When disabled,
the sub-menu AUX Out of Setup in the Utility menu is automatically set to
"TrigOut", and the output of the [AUX OUT] connector is irrelevant with the
pass/fail test.

• Select "Pass" or "Fail" in Output Event. When a "pass" or "fail" event is detected,
a pulse will be output from the rear-panel [AUX OUT] connector.

Set the output polarity and output pulse width

Select "Positive" or "Negative" in Polarity, then click or tap the input field of Pulse to
set the pulse width with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also use the
corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. Its range is from 100 ns to 10 ms.
By default, it is 1 μs.

Set the error action

In Err Action, select one operation that the oscilloscope will execute once a pass/fail
test is detected.

• Stop: stop sampling when a failed event is found.

• Beeper: the beeper sounds an alarm when a failed event is found (irrelevant with
the on/off status of the beeper).

• Screenshot: perform the screenshot operation when a failed event is found. If an

external storage device is detected, the screenshot will be saved to the external
storage device directly. Otherwise, it will be saved to the local disk.

If "Screenshot" is selected, "Stop" action will be executed forcibly. The sampling

stops automatically. After the screenshot operation is completed, the sampling
will continue.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Pass/Fail Test

17.5 To Start or Stop the Pass/Fail Test Operation

After the Pass/Fail test function is enabled, click or tap the Operate button

to start the test operation or to stop the operation.

During the test process, the oscilloscope will test the waveforms, display the test
information, and output the test information based on the current settings. The
"Pass/Fail" result will be displayed in the "Result" bar at the right side of the screen,
as shown in the figure below.

Blue Area: Mask

Pass/Fail Result Display

Signal under Test

The test fails once the

waveform reaches the
mask area.

Figure 17.3 Pass/Fail Test Interface

• Only when the pass/fail test function is enabled, can you start or stop the pass/fail test
operation, save and load the mask range.
• After starting the test operation, you can neither modify the source channel nor adjust
the test mask.

17.6 To Display the Statistics of the Test Results

After the "Pass/Fail" function is enabled, the test results will be displayed in the

"Result" bar at the right side of the screen. You can click or tap the icon at the
lower-right corner of the screen to hide the "Result" sidebar.

The test results statistics include the number of failed frames, the number of
successful frames, and total number of frames, as shown in the figure below.

Failed Frames

Passed Frames

Total Frames

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Pass/Fail Test

Click or tap the "Pass/Fail" label and a window is displayed for you to perform the
following operations.

• Click or tap Reset Stat., and then the statistics in the "Pass/Fail" label will be
reset to 0.

• Click or tap Setting, and then the PassFail setting menu is displayed.

• Click or tap Remove, and then the pass/fail function is disabled.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Protocol Decoding

18 Protocol Decoding
You can use the protocol analysis to discover errors, debug hardware, and accelerate
development easily, ensuring you to accomplish the projects with high speed and
good quality. Protocol decoding is the basis of protocol analysis. Only protocol
analyses with correct protocol decoding are acceptable, and only correct protocol
decoding can identify more error information. This oscilloscope provides four bus
decoding modules (Decode 1, Decode 2, Decode 3, and Decode 4) to make common
protocol decoding for the input signals of the analog channels. It provides standard
serial decodes including Parallel, RS232/UART, I2C, SPI, CAN, and LIN. As the
decoding functions and setting methods of Decode1, Decode2, Decode3, and
Decode4 are the same, this chapter takes Decode1 as an example for illustration.

• Click or tap > Decode to enter the "Decode" menu.

• Click or tap the Decode button on the toolbar to enter the "Decode" menu.

18.1 Parallel Decoding

Parallel bus consists of clock line and data line. As shown in the figure below, CLK is
the clock line, whereas Bit0 and Bit1 are the 0 bit and 1st bit on the data line
respectively. The oscilloscope will sample the channel data on the rising edge, falling
edge, or the rising/falling edge of the clock and judge each data point (logic "1" or
logic "0") according to the preset threshold level.




Parallel[BIN] 11 10 10 10 00

Figure 18.1 Schematic Diagram of Parallel Decoding

In the Decode menu, click or tap the drop-down button of Bus Type to select
Parallel, then configure the parameters for Parallel decoding.

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Protocol Decoding

Figure 18.2 Parallel Decoding Menu

Bus Status

Click or tap the Bus Status on/off switch to enable or disable the bus decoding.

18.1.1 Clock Setting (CLK)

Clock Setting (CLK)

Click or tap the drop-down button of CLK to select from analog channels CH1-CH4 or
digital channels D0-D15 (available only when the digital channel probe is connected).
If "OFF" is selected, no clock channel is set, and sampling is performed when a hop
occurs to the data of the data channel during decoding.


You need to set a threshold when the clock signal is an analog channel (CH1-CH4).
Click or tap the input field of Threshold, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to
set the threshold. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the
value. The range of the threshold is related to the current vertical scale and offset.

CLK Edge

You can select "Rising", "Falling", or "Both" in CLK Edge when the clock channel is
set to an analog channel (CH1-CH4).

• Rising: samples the channel data on the rising edge of the clock.

• Falling: samples the channel data on the falling edge of the clock.

• Both: samples the channel data on the rising edge or the falling edge of the

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Protocol Decoding

18.1.2 Bus Setting

Set the Bus

Click or tap the drop-down button of BUS to select the desired bus. Available options
include analog channels CH1-CH4 or digital channels D0-D15. You can also self-
define the bus. Only when the digital channel probe is connected, can you select the
digital channel (D0-D15) as the bus.

Table 18.1 Bus Setting

Bus Width Bit X Channel Remarks

Width, Bit X, and CH are set

CH1 1 0 CH1 automatically, and you
cannot modify them.

Width, Bit X, and CH are set

CH2 1 0 CH2 automatically, and you
cannot modify them.

Width, Bit X, and CH are set

CH3 1 0 CH3 automatically, and you
cannot modify them.

Width, Bit X, and CH are set

CH4 1 0 CH4 automatically, and you
cannot modify them.

Bit0 to Bit7 are set to D7 to

D0 respectively. Width is set
D7-D0 8 0 (Default) D7 (Default)
automatically, and you
cannot modify them.

Bit0 to Bit7 are set to D15

D15 to D8 respectively. Width is
D15-D8 8 0 (Default)
(Default) set automatically, and you
cannot modify them.

Bit0 to Bit15 are set to D15

D15 to D0 respectively. Width is
D15-D0 16 0 (Default)
(Default) set automatically, and you
cannot modify them.

Bit0 to Bit7 are set to D0 to

D0-D7 8 0 (Default) D0 (Default)
D7 respectively. Width is set

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Protocol Decoding

Bus Width Bit X Channel Remarks

automatically, and you

cannot modify them.

Bit0 to Bit7 are set to D8 to

D15 respectively. Width is
D8-D15 8 0 (Default) D8 (Default)
set automatically, and you
cannot modify them.

Bit0 to Bit15 are set to D0

to D15 respectively. Width
D0-D15 16 0 (Default) D0 (Default)
is set automatically, and
you cannot modify them.

1 (Default)
User 0 (Default) - -
to 4

Set the Width

When the "BUS" setting is set to "User", you can set the bus width. Click or tap the
input field of Width, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to set the width. You
can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.

Specify data channel for each bit

When the "BUS" setting is set to "User", you can specify the data channel for each bit.

Click or tap Bit X set the bit of the channel. By default, 0 is selected. Its available
range is from 0 to (width - 1).

Click or tap the drop-down button of CH to select the data channels for a bit.
Available sources include analog channels CH1-CH4 or digital channels D0-D15. Only
when the digital channel probe is connected, can you select the digital channel (D0-
D15) as the data channel for the specified bit.

Set the Threshold Level

To judge logic "1" and logic "0" of the buses, you need to set a threshold for each
analog channel (CH1-CH4). When the channel signal amplitude is greater than the
preset threshold, it is judged as logic "1"; otherwise logic "0".

Click or tap the input field of Threshold, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to
set the threshold. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the
value. The range of the threshold is related to the current vertical scale and offset.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Protocol Decoding

Set the endian

In Endian, select "Invert" or "Normal" as the endian of the bus.

Set the polarity

In Polarity, select "Positive" or "Negative" as the data polarity.

18.1.3 Display-related Settings

In Decode menu, set the following display-related parameters.

Set the Display Format

Click or tap the drop-down button of Format to select the display format of the bus
data and event table. The available options include "Hex", "Dec", "Bin", and "ASCII".

Set the Label Display

Click or tap the Label on/off switch to enable or disable the label display of the
decoding bus. When enabled, the bus label will be displayed at the upper-left side of
the bus (when the bus display is enabled). The label shows the current bus type.

18.1.4 Event Table

The event table displays the decoded data and the corresponding decoding
information in time order in the form of a table. It can be used to observe relatively
longer decoded data. The decoding information includes the decoded data, the
corresponding line number, and time information.

Open or Close the Event Table

Click or tap the Event Table on/off switch to enable or disable the display of the
event table. When enabled, the event table is displayed as shown in the figure below.

You can also click or tap the icon at the upper-right corner of the table to close
the event table.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Protocol Decoding

Parallel Bus

Line No.
Decode Time Decoded Data

Figure 18.3 Parallel Decoding Event Table

• When you adjust the horizontal time base, the waveform displayed on the screen will also
change, and the total number of lines containing the decoding information in the event
table will also be changed.
• The displayed decoded data information in the bus is related to the value of the
horizontal time base. Reducing the horizontal time base can help you view the detailed


When the oscilloscope is in "STOP" state, you can export the time and its
corresponding decoded data in the event table.

In Decode menu, click or tap Export, then the save setting interface is displayed. You
can export the data to the internal memory or the external USB storage device (only
when detected) in *.csv format. For details, refer to Store and Load.

18.2 RS232 Decoding

RS232 serial bus consists of the transmitting data line (TX) and the receiving data line

Figure 18.4 Schematic Diagram of RS232 Serial Bus

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Protocol Decoding

In RS232, baud rate is used to represent the transmission rate (namely bits per
second) of the data. You need to set the start bit, data bits, check bit (optional), and
stop bits for each frame of data.

• Start Bit: indicates when to output data.

• Data Bit: indicates the number of data bits actually contained in each frame of

• Check Bit: used to check whether the data are properly transmitted.

• Stop Bit: indicates when to stop outputting data.

In the Decode menu, click or tap the drop-down button of Bus Type to select RS232,
then configure the parameters for RS232 decoding.

Figure 18.5 RS232 Decoding Menu

Bus Status

Click or tap the Bus Status on/off switch to enable or disable the bus decoding.

Quickly Apply Trigger Settings to Decoding

Copy trig indicates applying the trigger settings to the specified decoding setting.

Click or tap Copy Trig to apply the trigger settings to the specified decoding setting.

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Protocol Decoding

18.2.1 Source Setting

Set the Tx source and the threshold

Click or tap drop-down button of Tx to select the desired source. The options include
CH1-CH4, D0-D15, and OFF. Only when the digital channel probe is connected, can
you select the digital channel (D0-D15) as the Tx source.

When the source is set to CH1-CH4, you can click or tap the input field of Threshold,
and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to set the threshold of Tx source. You can
also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value. The range of the
threshold is related to the current vertical scale and offset.

When you modify the threshold of the Tx source channel, a dotted line displaying the
current threshold level is displayed on the screen. It disappears in about 2 s after you
stop modifying the threshold.

Set the Rx source and the threshold

Use the same method to select the Rx source and set the threshold. The default state
of Rx is OFF.


The sources of Tx and Rx cannot be set to OFF at the same time.


Click or tap "Positive" or "Negative" in Polarity.

• Positive: High level is logic "1" and low level is logic "0".

• Negative: High level is logic "0" and low level is logic "1".

Set the baud rate

Click or tap the drop-down button of Baud to select the baud rate. The available
baud rates include 50 bps, 75 bps, 110 bps, 134 bps, 150 bps, and etc.

The oscilloscope allows you to self-define the baud rate. Click or tap the drop-down
button of Baud to select "User" and then set the baud rate with the pop-up numeric

18.2.2 To Set Data Package


Click or tap the drop-down button of Data to select the data bits. The available data
bits are 5 bits, 6 bits, 7 bits, 8 bits, and 9 bits.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Protocol Decoding


It is used to check whether the data transmission is correct. Click or tap the drop-
down button of Parity to select the desired parity mode.

• None: indicates that no check bit appears during the transmission.

• Even: indicates that the total number of "1" in the data bit and check bit is an
even number. For example, when 0x55 (01010101) is sent, "0" should be added
to the check bit.

• Odd: indicates that the total number of "1" in the data bit and check bit is an
odd number. For example, when 0x55 (01010101) is sent, "1" should be added to
the check bit.

Stop Bit

Click or tap the drop-down button of Stop Bit to set the stop bits after each frame of
data. It can be set to 1 bit, 1.5 bits, or 2 bits.


Click or tap the drop-down button of Endian to select the desired endian.

• LSB: indicates Least Significant Bit transmission sequence, i.e. the lowest bit of
the data is transmitted first.

• MSB: indicates Most Significant Bit transmission sequence, i.e. the highest bit of
the data is transmitted first.
















t t

18.2.3 Display-related Settings

In Decode menu, set the following display-related parameters.

Set the Display Format

Click or tap the drop-down button of Format to select the display format of the bus
data and event table. The available options include "Hex", "Dec", "Bin", and "ASCII".

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Protocol Decoding

Set the Label Display

Click or tap the Label on/off switch to enable or disable the label display of the
decoding bus. When enabled, the bus label will be displayed at the upper-left side of
the bus (when the bus display is enabled). The label shows the current bus type.

18.2.4 Event Table

Click or tap the Event Table on/off switch to enable or disable the display of the
event table. When enabled, the event table is displayed as shown in the figure below.

You can also click or tap the icon at the upper-right corner of the table to close
the event table.

RS232 Bus

Line No. Time Tx/Rx Data Error

Figure 18.6 RS232 Decoding Event Table

• When you adjust the horizontal time base, the waveform displayed on the screen will also
change, and the total number of lines containing the decoding information in the event
table will also be changed.
• The displayed decoded data information in the bus is related to the value of the
horizontal time base. Reducing the horizontal time base can help you view the detailed


When the oscilloscope is in "STOP" state, you can export the time and its
corresponding decoded data in the event table.

In Decode menu, click or tap Export, then the save setting interface is displayed. You
can export the data to the internal memory or the external USB storage device (only
when detected) in *.csv format. For details, refer to Store and Load.

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Protocol Decoding

18.3 I2C Decoding

I2C serial bus consists of the clock line (SCL) and the data line (SDA).

SCL: samples SDA on the rising or falling edge of the clock.

SDA: indicates the data channel.



Figure 18.7 I2C Serial Bus

In the Decode menu, click or tap the drop-down button of Bus Type to select I2C,
then configure the parameters for I2C decoding.

Figure 18.8 I2C Decoding Menu

Bus Status

Click or tap the Bus Status on/off switch to enable or disable the bus decoding.

Quickly Apply Trigger Settings to Decoding

Copy trig indicates applying the trigger settings to the specified decoding setting.

Click or tap Copy Trig to apply the trigger settings to the specified decoding setting.

18.3.1 Source Setting

Set the clock channel source and the threshold

• Click or tap the drop-down button of CLK to select the desired source of the
clock channel. Available sources include analog channels CH1-CH4 or digital

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Protocol Decoding

channels D0-D15. D0-D15 are available only when the digital channel probe is

• Click or tap the input field of SCL Thre and use the pop-up numeric keypad to
set the threshold of the clock channel when an analog channel (CH1-CH4) is
selected as the source. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob
to set the value.

When you modify the threshold of the clock channel, a dotted line displaying the
current threshold level is displayed on the screen. It disappears in about 2 s after
you stop modifying the threshold.

Set the data channel source and the threshold

• Click or tap the drop-down button of SDA to select the desired source of the
data channel. Available sources include analog channels CH1-CH4 or digital
channels D0-D15. D0-D15 are available only when the digital channel probe is

• Click or tap the input field of SDA Thre and use the pop-up numeric keypad to
set the threshold of the data channel when an analog channel (CH1-CH4) is
selected as the source. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob
to set the value.

Exchange sources

Select "SCL/SDA" or "SDA/SCL" in Exchange to exchange the sources of the current

clock channel and data channel.

Specify whether the address information includes the "R/W" bit

For I2C bus, each frame of data starts with the address information (read address and
write address).

Select "Without" or "With" in R/W to decide whether the address information

includes the "R/W" bit. When "With" is selected, the "R/W" bit will be included in the
address information; when "Without" is selected, the "R/W" bit will not be included
in the address information.

18.3.2 Display-related Settings

In Decode menu, set the following display-related parameters.

Set the Display Format

Click or tap the drop-down button of Format to select the display format of the bus
data and event table. The available options include "Hex", "Dec", "Bin", and "ASCII".

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Protocol Decoding

Set the Label Display

Click or tap the Label on/off switch to enable or disable the label display of the
decoding bus. When enabled, the bus label will be displayed at the upper-left side of
the bus (when the bus display is enabled). The label shows the current bus type.

18.3.3 Event Table

Open or Close the Event Table

Click or tap the Event Table on/off switch to enable or disable the display of the
event table. When enabled, the event table is displayed as shown in the figure below.

You can also click or tap the icon at the upper-right corner of the table to close
the event table.

I2C Bus

Line No. Time R/W Bit Address Decoded Data ACK

Figure 18.9 I2C Decoding Event Table

• When you adjust the horizontal time base, the waveform displayed on the screen will also
change, and the total number of lines containing the decoding information in the event
table will also be changed.
• The displayed decoded data information in the bus is related to the value of the
horizontal time base. Reducing the horizontal time base can help you view the detailed


When the oscilloscope is in "STOP" state, you can export the time and its
corresponding decoded data in the event table.

In Decode menu, click or tap Export, then the save setting interface is displayed. You
can export the data to the internal memory or the external USB storage device (only
when detected) in *.csv format. For details, refer to Store and Load.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Protocol Decoding

Address information in decoding

For I2C bus, each frame of data starts with the address information (read address and
write address). In the address information, "Read" indicates the read address

( ) and "Write" indicates the write address ( ). You can decide

whether to include or exclude the "R/W" bit for the address information.

Error expressions in decoding

In I2C decoding, the response includes ACK (acknowledgment) and NACK (non-
acknowledgment). When NACK is detected after "Write", red error report information

( ) is displayed.

18.4 SPI Decoding

SPI bus is based on the master — slave configuration and usually consists of chip
select line (CS), clock line (CLK), and data line (SDA). Wherein, the data lines include
the master input/slave output (MISO) data line and master output/slave input (MOSI)
data line. The oscilloscope samples the channel data on the rising or falling edge of
the clock signal and judge each data point (logic "1" or logic "0") according to the
preset threshold level.


Master Slave


Figure 18.10 SPI Serial Bus

In the Decode menu, click or tap the drop-down button of Bus Type to select SPI,
then configure the parameters for SPI decoding.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Protocol Decoding

Figure 18.11 SPI Decoding Menu

Bus Status

Click or tap the Bus Status on/off switch to enable or disable the bus decoding.

Quickly Apply Trigger Settings to Decoding

Copy trig indicates applying the trigger settings to the specified decoding setting.

Click or tap Copy Trig to apply the trigger settings to the specified decoding setting.

18.4.1 To Set the Source

Set the Clock Signal

• Click or tap the drop-down button of CLK to select the desired source of the
clock channel. Available sources include analog channels CH1-CH4 and digital
channels D0-D15. D0-D15 are available only when the digital channel probe is

• Click or tap the input field of Threshold at the right side of CLK and use the
pop-up numeric keypad to set the threshold of the clock channel when an
analog channel (CH1-CH4) is selected. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value.

• Click or tap "Rising" or "Falling" in Slope to set the instrument to sample MISO
and MOSI on the CLK edge.

MISO and MOSI Setting

• Click or tap the drop-down button of MISO to select the desired source.
Available sources include analog channels CH1-CH4, digital channels D0-D15,
and OFF. D0-D15 are available only when the digital channel probe is connected.

• When the MISO source is set to CH1-CH4, you can click or tap the input field of
Threshold at the right side of MISO, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Protocol Decoding

to set the threshold of the MISO channel. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value.

• Click or tap the drop-down button of MOSI to select the desired source.
Available sources include analog channels CH1-CH4, digital channels D0-D15,
and OFF. D0-D15 are available only when the digital channel probe is connected.

• When the MOSI source is set to CH1-CH4, you can click or tap the input field of
Threshold at the right side of MOSI, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad
to set the threshold of the MOSI channel. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value.


The MISO and MOSI sources cannot be set to "OFF" at the same time.

18.4.2 To Set Mode and Data


Select "Timeout" or "CS" in Mode.

• Timeout

You can perform frame synchronization according to the timeout, and the
timeout value must be greater than half of the clock cycle Click or tap the input
field of Timeout, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to set the timeout
value. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.
The adjustable range of the timeout value is from 8 ns to 10 s. By default, it is 1

• CS

It contains a chip select line (CS). You can perform frame synchronization
according to CS. When "CS" is selected,

- Click or tap the drop-down button of CS to select the desired source. The
sources include analog channels CH1-CH4 and digital channels D0-D15
(available only when the digital channel probe is connected).

- Click or tap the input field of Threshold and use the pop-up numeric
keypad to set the threshold when an analog channel (CH1-CH4) is selected
as the CS channel. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob
to set the value.

- In CS Polarity, select "Positive" or "Negative".


Click or tap the drop-down button of Endian to select the desired endian.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Protocol Decoding

• LSB: indicates Least Significant Bit transmission sequence, i.e. the lowest bit of
the data is transmitted first.

• MSB: indicates Most Significant Bit transmission sequence, i.e. the highest bit of
the data is transmitted first.















t t


In Polarity, select "Positive" or "Negative" as the data polarity.

Width Setting

Click or tap the input field of Width, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to set
the length of the data. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set
the value. The setting range is from 4 to 32. By default, it is 8.

18.4.3 Display-related Settings

In Decode menu, set the following display-related parameters.

Set the Display Format

Click or tap the drop-down button of Format to select the display format of the bus
data and event table. The available options include "Hex", "Dec", "Bin", and "ASCII".

Set the Label Display

Click or tap the Label on/off switch to enable or disable the label display of the
decoding bus. When enabled, the bus label will be displayed at the upper-left side of
the bus (when the bus display is enabled). The label shows the current bus type.

18.4.4 Event Table

Open or Close the Event Table

Click or tap the Event Table on/off switch to enable or disable the display of the
event table. When enabled, the event table is displayed as shown in the figure below.

You can also click or tap the icon at the upper-right corner of the table to close
the event table.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Protocol Decoding


Line No. Time MISO Decoded Data MISO Error

Figure 18.12 SPI Decoding Event Table

• When you adjust the horizontal time base, the waveform displayed on the screen will also
change, and the total number of lines containing the decoding information in the event
table will also be changed.
• The displayed decoded data information in the bus is related to the value of the
horizontal time base. Reducing the horizontal time base can help you view the detailed


When the oscilloscope is in "STOP" state, you can export the time and its
corresponding decoded data in the event table.

In Decode menu, click or tap Export, then the save setting interface is displayed. You
can export the data to the internal memory or the external USB storage device (only
when detected) in *.csv format. For details, refer to Store and Load.

18.5 LIN Decoding

The oscilloscope samples the LIN signal, and judges each data point to be logic "1" or
logic "0" according to the preset threshold level. The LIN decoding is required to
specify the LIN signal protocol version.

In the Decode menu, click or tap the drop-down button of Bus Type to select LIN,
then configure the parameters for LIN decoding.

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Protocol Decoding

Figure 18.13 LIN Decoding Menu

Bus Status

Click or tap the Bus Status on/off switch to enable or disable the bus decoding.

Quickly Apply Trigger Settings to Decoding

Copy trig indicates applying the trigger settings to the specified decoding setting.

Click or tap Copy Trig to apply the trigger settings to the specified decoding setting.

18.5.1 Signal Configuration

Set the source and the threshold

• Click or tap the drop-down button of Source to select the desired source.
Available sources include analog channels CH1-CH4 and digital channels D0-D15
(available only when the digital channel probe is connected).

• When the source is set to an analog channel, click or tap the input field of
Threshold, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to set the threshold of the
source channel. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set
the value.

When you modify the threshold of the signal source, a dotted line displaying the
current threshold level is displayed on the screen. It disappears in about 2 s after
you stop modifying the threshold.

Set the Signal

• Click or tap the drop-down button of Baud Rate to select the baud rate. The
available baud rates include 2.4 kbps, 4.8 kbps, 9.6 kbps, 10.0 kbps, 19.2 kbps,
and etc. You can also self-define the baud rate.

• In Parity bit, click or tap "With" or "Without" to select whether the data
contain the parity bit.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Protocol Decoding

• In Version, select the protocol version that matches the LIN bus signal. The
available versions include "1.X", "2.X", and "Both".

18.5.2 Display-related Settings

In Decode menu, set the following display-related parameters.

Set the Display Format

Click or tap the drop-down button of Format to select the display format of the bus
data and event table. The available options include "Hex", "Dec", "Bin", and "ASCII".

Set the Label Display

Click or tap the Label on/off switch to enable or disable the label display of the
decoding bus. When enabled, the bus label will be displayed at the upper-left side of
the bus (when the bus display is enabled). The label shows the current bus type.

18.5.3 Event Table

Open or Close the Event Table

Click or tap the Event Table on/off switch to enable or disable the display of the
event table. When enabled, the event table is displayed as shown in the figure below.

You can also click or tap the icon at the upper-right corner of the table to close
the event table.


Line No. Time Frame ID Decoded Data Checksum Error

Figure 18.14 LIN Decoding Event Table

• When you adjust the horizontal time base, the waveform displayed on the screen will also
change, and the total number of lines containing the decoding information in the event
table will also be changed.
• The displayed decoded data information in the bus is related to the value of the
horizontal time base. Reducing the horizontal time base can help you view the detailed

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Protocol Decoding


When the oscilloscope is in "STOP" state, you can export the time and its
corresponding decoded data in the event table.

In Decode menu, click or tap Export, then the save setting interface is displayed. You
can export the data to the internal memory or the external USB storage device (only
when detected) in *.csv format. For details, refer to Store and Load.

Interpret the Decoded LIN Data

• Break (Sync Break): expressed in Hex, identified as "Break:".

• SYNC (Sync): expressed in Hex, identified as "SYNC:".

• ID (Frame ID): expressed in Hex, identified as "ID:".

• Data (Data): Its display format is the same as that of the bus data (Hex, Dec, Bin,
or ASCII), identified as "Data:".

• Checksum (check sum): expressed in Hex, identified as "Checksum:". When errors

occur, it is displayed as a red patch.

• Wakeup (wake up symbol): identified as "Wakeup:".

18.6 CAN Decoding

The oscilloscope samples the CAN signal at the specified sample position, and judges
each data point to be logic "1" or logic "0" according to the preset threshold level.
You need to specify the CAN signal type and sample position.

In the Decode menu, click or tap the drop-down button of Bus Type to select CAN,
then configure the parameters for CAN decoding.

Figure 18.15 CAN Decoding Menu

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Protocol Decoding

Bus Status

Click or tap the Bus Status on/off switch to enable or disable the bus decoding.

Quickly Apply Trigger Settings to Decoding

Copy trig indicates applying the trigger settings to the specified decoding setting.

Click or tap Copy Trig to apply the trigger settings to the specified decoding setting.

18.6.1 Signal Configuration

Set the source and the threshold

• Click or tap the drop-down button of Source to select the desired source.
Available sources include analog channels CH1-CH4 and digital channels D0-D15
(available only when the digital channel probe is connected).

• When the source is set to an analog channel, click or tap the input field of
Threshold, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to set the threshold of the
source channel. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set
the value.

When you modify the threshold of the signal source, a dotted line displaying the
current threshold level is displayed on the screen. It disappears in about 2 s after
you stop modifying the threshold.

Select the Signal Type

Click or tap the drop-down button of Signal to select a signal type that matches the
CAN bus signal. The available signal types include CAN_H, CAN_L, Rx, Tx, and Diff.

• CAN_H: indicates the actual CAN_H bus signal.

• CAN_L: indicates the actual CAN_L bus signal.

• Rx: indicates the Receive signal from the CAN bus transceiver.

• Tx: indicates the Transmit signal from the CAN bus transceiver.

• DIFF: The CAN differential bus signals connected to an analog source channel by
using a differential probe. Connect the probe's positive lead to the CAN_H bus
signal and connect the negative lead to the CAN_L bus signal.

Specify the Standard Signal Rate

Click or tap the drop-down button of Baud to select the preset baud rate. The
available baud rates include 10.0 kbps, 19.2 kbps, 20.0 kbps, 33.3 kbps and etc. This
instrument also supports user-defined baud rate. Click or tap the Baud drop-down
button to select "User" and set the baud rate with the pop-up numeric keypad.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Protocol Decoding

Sample Position

Sample position is a point within a bit's time. The oscilloscope samples the bit level at
this point. The sample position is represented by the proportion of "the time from the
start of the bit to the sample point" to the "bit time", as shown in the figure below.

One Bit


Figure 18.16 Sample Position

Click or tap the Sample Position input field and use the pop-up numeric keypad to
set the value. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.
The settable range is from 10% to 90%.

18.6.2 Display-related Settings

In Decode menu, set the following display-related parameters.

Set the Display Format

Click or tap the drop-down button of Format to select the display format of the bus
data and event table. The available options include "Hex", "Dec", "Bin", and "ASCII".

Set the Label Display

Click or tap the Label on/off switch to enable or disable the label display of the
decoding bus. When enabled, the bus label will be displayed at the upper-left side of
the bus (when the bus display is enabled). The label shows the current bus type.

18.6.3 Event Table

Open or Close the Event Table

Click or tap the Event Table on/off switch to enable or disable the display of the
event table. When enabled, the event table is displayed as shown in the figure below.

You can also click or tap the icon at the upper-right corner of the table to close
the event table.

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Protocol Decoding


Line No. Time Frame ID DLC Decoded Data CRC ACK

Figure 18.17 CAN Decoding Event Table

• When you adjust the horizontal time base, the waveform displayed on the screen will also
change, and the total number of lines containing the decoding information in the event
table will also be changed.
• The displayed decoded data information in the bus is related to the value of the
horizontal time base. Reducing the horizontal time base can help you view the detailed


When the oscilloscope is in "STOP" state, you can export the time and its
corresponding decoded data in the event table.

In Decode menu, click or tap Export, then the save setting interface is displayed. You
can export the data to the internal memory or the external USB storage device (only
when detected) in *.csv format. For details, refer to Store and Load.

Interpret the Decoded CAN Data

• Frame ID: expressed in Hex, identified as "ID:".

• DLC (Data Length Code): expressed in Hex, identified as "DLC:".

• Data: Its display format is the same as that of the bus data (Hex, Dec, Bin, or
ASCII), identified as "Data:".

• CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check): expressed in Hex, identified as "CRC:".

• ACK (Acknowledgement): identified as "ACK". When errors (ACK is detected to

be 1) occur, displayed as a red patch.

• R (remote frame): identified as "R:".

• Stuff (Bit filling error): identified as "Stuff".

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Multi-pane Windowing

19 Multi-pane Windowing
This series oscilloscope supports multi-pane windowing. You can add multiple
windows and result display windows for display and view.

Click or tap > Windows to enter the "Add Window" menu. You can also click or
tap the Windows button on the toolbar at the top of the screen to enter the menu, as
shown in the figure below.

Figure 19.1 "Add Window" Menu

Add Diagram Windows

1. First, select "XY" or "Math" in Diagram. When a diagram is selected, its preview
and parameter setting items can be displayed at the upper part of the "Add
Window" menu.
2. You can set the corresponding parameters according to your needs. For details,
refer to descriptions of relevant chapters.
3. Click or tap Add and then the selected diagram is displayed on the screen.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Multi-pane Windowing


When the waveform view window is closed, the "Waveform View" item appears on the
Diagram menu. You can use the item to open the waveform view window.

Add Result Table Window

Click or tap "Measure", "All Measure", or "Decode" in Result Table, and then click
or tap Add. The corresponding measurement results will be displayed on the screen.

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Waveform Recording and Playing

20 Waveform Recording and Playing

Waveform recording/playing function can play the recorded waveforms, enabling you
to analyze the waveforms better.

You can enter the "Record" menu in the following ways.

• Click or tap the function navigation icon and then select Record to enter the
"Record" menu.

• Click or tap Record on the toolbar to enter the "Record" menu.

• Press the front-panel key and select Record in the pop-up "Analyse"
menu to enter the "Record" menu.

Figure 20.1 "Record" Menu


When the acquisition mode is set to UltraAcquire, the waveform recording/playing function is
not available. You can view waveform segments using Navigate segments.

20.1 Common Settings

Waveform Recording

Click or tap the Record on/off switch to enable or disable the waveform recording
function. Before recording the waveform, you can refer to descriptions in Record
Options to set the waveform recording parameters.

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Waveform Recording and Playing

• Click or tap the Record button to start recording the waveforms. Then the

record icon turns into from .

• The data at the right side of the record progress bar indicate the current frame/
total frames. During recording, the current recording information is displayed on
the screen in real time with the current frames constantly changing.

• After the recording is completed, turns into and recording stops


• During recording, you can also click or tap to suspend the recording

Currently Recorded Frames Total Frames

Waveform Playing

Click or tap the play icon in Play to start playing the recorded waveforms. Then

the play icon turns into from . For details about playing, refer to descriptions in
Play Options. During waveform playing, the value in Current changes dynamically.

During playing, you can also click or tap the icon again to suspend playing
manually. ∆T indicates the time interval between the current frame and the first frame
during the recording process.

20.2 Record Options

During the waveform recording, the oscilloscope records the waveforms of the
currently enabled channel at a specified interval until you manually stops the
recording operation or the number of recorded frames has reached the limit

Before recording the waveforms, set the following parameters.

1. Interval

The recording interval indicates the time interval between the frames during the
recording process.

Click or tap the Interval input field and use the pop-up numeric keypad to set the
time interval between frames. You can also use the front-panel multipurpose knob
to set the value. The available range is from 10 ns to 1 s.

2. Frames

The recording frames refer to the number of frames that can be recorded actually.
After starting the recording operation, the oscilloscope stops the recording

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Waveform Recording and Playing

operation automatically when the number of recorded frames reaches the set

Click or tap the Frames input field to set the number of waveform frames to be
recorded currently. You can also use the front-panel multipurpose knob to set the
value. The range available is from 1 to the maximum number of frames that can be
recorded currently.

3. Max Frames

The input field of Max Frames displays the maximum number of frames that can
be recorded currently. Click or tap Max and the frames will be automatically set to
the maximum value.

As the waveform memory is fixed, the more points in each frame, the fewer
waveform frames that can be recorded. Therefore, the maximum number of
recorded frames depends on currently selected "memory depth" (refer to Memory
Depth). The number of waveform points per frame is the current memory depth.
Memory Depth ≥ Sample Rate x Horizontal Time Base x Number of Grids in the
Horizontal Direction. Therefore, the Max. value of waveform recording is also
related to the "Sample Rate" and "Horizontal Time Base".

4. Beeper

: the beeper sounds at the end of recording.

: the beeper does not sound at the end of recording.

20.3 Play Options

Waveform playing function can play back the waveforms currently recorded. In Play,
click or tap the Minimize on/off switch to select whether to minimize the menu.
When ON is selected, the window is minimized, making the display more simplified,
easy for observation and operation. The minimized menu is as shown in the figure

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Waveform Recording and Playing

Time Interval

Play Mode Back to Start Previous Frame Play Button Next Frame Back to End Play Sequence
Frame Frame

Start Frame End Frame

Figure 20.2 Minimized "Play" Menu

Before playing the waveforms, set the following parameters.

1. Play Mode

You can play the waveforms in single mode ( ) or cycle mode ( ).

- : plays from the start frame to the end frame, and then stops automatically.

- : plays from the start frame to the end frame, then such playback operation

is repeated until you stop it manually.

2. Play Sequence

You can play back the waveforms clockwise ( ) or counterclockwise ( ).

- : plays from the start frame to the end frame.

- : plays from the end frame to the start frame.

3. Interval

The playback interval indicates the time interval between the frames during the
playing process.

Click or tap the input field of Interval, and then use the pop-up numeric keypad to
set the time interval between frames. You can also use the corresponding
multipurpose knob to set the value. The available range is from 1 ms to 1 s.

4. Start Frame

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Waveform Recording and Playing

Click or tap the "Start Frame" input field in Figure 20.2 to set the start frame for
playing back the waveforms. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose
knob to set the value. The default is 1, and the maximum value is the maximum
number of frames recorded.

5. End Frame

Click or tap the "End Frame" input field in Figure 20.2 to set the end frame for
playing back the waveforms. You can also use the corresponding multipurpose
knob to set the value. The default is the number of frames of the recorded

6. Current Frame

When the playing is stopped, click or tap the "Current" input field in Figure 20.2 to
set the currently displayed frame with the pop-up numeric keypad. You can also
use the corresponding numeric keypad to set the value. The maximum allowed is
the number of recorded frames.

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Search and Navigation

21 Search and Navigation

The Search function allows you to quickly find and mark the event of interest and
then go to the specified event in the marktable by navigating search events. The
search types include edge and pulse.

The Navigation function allows you to navigate time, search events, and segments.

21.1 Search
This function allows you to search for the specified edge and pulse width trigger
vents. Found search events are marked with small inverted triangles ( ) at the top

of the graticule. Click or tap > Search to enter the "Search" menu. You can also
click or tap Search in the "Navigation" menu (only when the navigation mode is set to
"Search Event") to enter the "Search" menu, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 21.1 Search Menu

1. Search On/Off

Click or tap Search on/off switch to enable or disable the search function.


Enabling the search function automatically turns on the Zoom Mode (Delayed Sweep).

2. Set up searches

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Search and Navigation

Click or tap the Type drop-down button to select "Edge" or "Pulse". Click or tap
the Source drop-down button to select the source.

- Edge Searches: After setting the search type to "Edge", you can select the slope
type. For details, please refer to Edge Trigger. You can click or tap the
Threshold input filed to set the threshold with the pop-up numeric keypad or
use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.

- Pulse Width Searches: After setting the search type to "Pulse", you can set the
trigger condition. For details, please refer to Pulse Width Trigger. You can click
or tap the Threshold input filed to set the threshold with the pop-up numeric
keypad or use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the value.
3. Copy search setups

- Copy to Trigger

Click or tap To Trigger to copy the setup for the selected search type to the
same trigger type. For example, if the current search type is "Edge", clicking or
tapping To Trigger copies the search settings to the "Edge Trigger" settings.

- Copy from Trigger

Click or tap From Trigger to copy the trigger setup for the selected search type
to the search setup. For example, if the current trigger type is "Edge Trigger",
clicking or tapping From Trigger copies the trigger settings to the "Edge"
search setup.


To use the "To Trigger" or "From Trigger" function, the current trigger type should
correspond to the search type. Otherwise, a prompt message "Type mismatch" will pop up.

4. Marktable On/Off

Click or tap the MarkTable on/off switch to turn on or off the marktable display, as
shown in the figure below. The table lists all events of the current waveform in the
Waveform View. Zooming or adjusting the waveform causes the events in the table
to change. You can perform the following operations on the table:

- When acquisitions are stopped (STOP mode), click or tap any row of the table to
select the specified event. The inverted triangle mark of the selected event turns
red like .

- Click or tap at the upper-right side of the table to open the search menu.

- Select the gray title bar of the table to drag the table and move the table

- Click or tap at the upper-right side of the table to close the search menu.

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Search and Navigation

Figure 21.2 MarkTable Display

5. Navigation

Click or tap Navigation to access the navigation menu. You can use the "Search
Event" mode in Navigation to navigate through the search events.

6. Save search events

You can save the event data to the instrument’s internal memory or an external
USB storage device in format of "*.csv".

Click or tap Save events to access the "Save" menu. For details, please refer to To
Save a File.

21.2 Navigation
The Navigation function allows you to navigate time, search events, and segments.
You can assess the Navigation menu in the following ways.

• Press the front-panel key to access the menu.

• Click or tap Navigate on the toolbar at the upper-right of the interface.

• In the "Search" menu, click or tap Navigation to access the menu.

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Search and Navigation

Figure 21.3 Navigation Menu

The normal Navigation menu is as shown in the figure above. You can click or tap
to minimize the menu (see the figure below) for a simplified interface.

Figure 21.4 Simplified Navigation Menu


The navigation function is available only when the oscilloscope is in “STOP” state (acquisition

Navigate time

It is available only when in "YT" time mode. The menu is as shown in Figure 21.3 .

When "Time" is selected, click or tap in "Navigation" menu or press the front-

panel key to start/stop playout. During playout, you can click or tap to play

backward or to play forward. The playout automatically stops when it reaches the

left or right edges. When it stops, clicking or tapping / moves the waveform.
Click or tap the Speed drop-down button to select the speed level.

Navigate search events

After searching events using the Search function, you can select the "Search Event"
mode in Navigation menu to navigate to specific events in the marktable. Its setting
menu is as shown in Figure 21.5 .

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Search and Navigation

Figure 21.5 "Search Event" Navigation Setting Menu

After "Search Event" is selected, click or tap Search to open the "Search" menu and
set the search condition. For search setup, please refer to Search. You can select the

search type from the Type item. Click or tap to go to the previous search event or

to go to the next search event. Click or tap to go to the first event or to

go to the last event.

Navigate segments

This mode is available only in UltraAcquire acquisition mode. When UltraAcquire is

enabled, the Mode is automatically set to "Frame Segment" which cannot be
modified. Its setting menu is as shown in Figure 21.6 .

Figure 21.6 "Frame Segment" Navigation Setting Menu

• In this mode, you can click or tap the Display mode drop-down button to set
the display mode of segments. For details, please refer to UltraAcquire.

• Click or tap Start Frame and End Frame input fields to set the start frame and
end frame which define the segment range to navigate through. You can also
use the corresponding multipurpose knob to set the start/end frame. After you

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Search and Navigation

click or tap the play/stop key, it plays from the "Start Frame" and the number of
frames that can display on each screen page is (End Frame-Start Frame+1).

For example, if you set the start frame to 3 and the end frame to 9, it will play
from the 3rd frame and displays 7 frames at a page.

• Click or tap in "Navigation" menu or press the front-panel key to start/

stop playing through the frames between the Start Frame and End Frame.

During playout, you can click or tap to play backward or to play forward.
The playout automatically stops when it reaches the left or right edges. When it

stops, you can click or tap / to go forward or backward. You can also click

or tap to go to the first page or to go to the last page. The current

page/total pages is indicated in Current Page.


During segment playing, you are not allowed to change the start/end frame.

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Display Control

22 Display Control
In the Display setting menu, you can set the type, persistence time, waveform
intensity, grid type, grid brightness, and etc. Click or tap the function navigation icon

at the lower-left corner of the screen, and then select Display to enter the

"Display" menu. You can also click or tap the icon at the upper-right of the
Waveform View to enter the "Display" menu.

Figure 22.1 Display Setting Menu

22.1 Display Type

This series oscilloscope provides the "Vector" display mode in which the sample
points are connected by lines and displayed. In most cases, this mode can provide the
most vivid waveform for you to view the steep edge of the waveform (such as square

22.2 Persistence Time

In the Display setting menu, click or tap the drop-down button of Persistence Time
to select the persistence time. The available values are Min, specific values (100 ms,
200 ms, 500 ms, 1 s, 2 s, 5 s, 10 s), and Infinite.

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Display Control

In the following part, a frequency sweep signal of the sine waveform is used to show
the waveform effects in different persistence times.

• Min

Enables you to view waveform changing in high refresh rate.

• Specific Values

Enables you to view glitches that change relatively slowly or glitches with lower
occurrence probability. The persistence time can be set to 100 ms, 200 ms, 500
ms, 1 s, 2 s, 5 s, or 10 s.

• Infinite

In this mode, the oscilloscope displays the waveform newly acquired without
clearing the waveforms acquired formerly. The waveforms acquired formerly will
be displayed in relatively low-brightness color and the newly acquired
waveforms will be displayed in normal brightness and color. Infinite persistence
can be used to measure noise and jitter and to capture incidental events.

22.3 Waveform Intensity

In Display menu, drag the slide bar of Wave Intensity to set the brightness of
waveforms. The default is 50%, and the range available is from 1% to 100%.

22.4 To Set the Screen Grid

In the Display menu, select "FULL", "HALF", or "NONE" in Grid.

• FULL: turns the background grid on.

• HALF: turns part of the grid off, leaving only the main grid.

• NONE: turns the background grid off.

22.5 Display Settings

Grid Brightness

In the Display setting menu, drag the slider of Grid Brightness to set the grid
brightness. The default is 50%, and the range available is from 0% to 100%.

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Display Control

Window Transparency

In the Display setting menu, drag the slider of Window Transparency to set the
window transparency. The default is 50%, and the range available is from 0% to 100%.

Cursor Brightness

In the Display setting menu, drag the slider of Cursor Brightness to set the cursor
brightness. The default is 80%, and the range available is from 0% to 100%.

22.6 Show Scale

In the Display setting menu, click or tap the Show Scale on/off switch to enable or
disable scale display on the screen. By default, it is ON.

22.7 Color Grade

In the Display setting menu, click or tap the Color Grade on/off switch to enable or
disable the color grade display. By default, it is OFF.

When it is enabled, different colors are displayed on the screen to indicate the times
of data acquisition or acquisition probability.

22.8 Waveform Freeze

In the Display setting menu, click or tap the Waveform Freeze on/off switch to
enable or disable the waveform freeze function. By default, it is ON.

When the function is enabled, the oscilloscope displays the waveform after multiple
sampling and superposition when sampling is stopped. You can click or tap the
STOP/RUN button at the upper-right side of the screen or press the front-panel

key to stop sampling. If this function is disabled, the last triggered waveform is

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Store and Load

23 Store and Load

You can save the current setups, waveforms, screen image, and parameters of the
oscilloscope to the internal memory or external USB storage device (such as USB
storage device) in various formats and recall the stored setups or waveforms when
necessary. You can also load the upgrade software to the system and perform the
upgrade operation for the instrument.

You can also copy, delete, or rename the specified type of file from the internal
memory or external USB storage device via the disk management menu.

This oscilloscope provides one USB HOST interfaces on the front panel, which can be
connected to the USB storage device for external storage. The USB storage device
connected is marked as "Removable USB Disk (D)".

23.1 To Enter the Storage Menu

You can enter the storage setting menu in the following ways.

• Click or tap the function navigation icon at the lower-left corner of the
screen, and then select Storage to enter the storage setting menu.
• Click or tap the Storage button on the toolbar to enter the storage setting

In the Storage setting menu, there are three sub-menus (Save, Load, and Upgrade)
for you to choose. Select the specified sub-menu and configure the corresponding

23.2 To Save a File

In the Storage menu, click or tap the Save tab to enter the save setting menu. In this
menu, you can save the image, waveform, or setup files.

23.2.1 To Save Image

In the Storage menu, click or tap the Save tab to enter the save operation menu. In
this menu, click or tap the drop-down button of Choose to select "Save Image" to
enter the "Save Image" setting menu. Set the relevant parameters and save the image
to the internal or external memory.

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Store and Load

Figure 23.1 Image Saving Setting Menu

Set the image format

• Format

Click or tap the drop-down button of Format to select "*.png", "*.bmp", or

"*.jpg". Then the screen image will be saved to the internal or external memory
in the selected format.

• Invert

Click or tap the Invert on/off switch to turn on/off inverting image colors.

• Color

Click or tap the Color toggle button to select "Color" or "Gray" images.

• Header

Click or tap the Header on/off switch to enable or disable the display of the
header. If you select "ON", the instrument model and the image creation date
will be displayed in the header of the image after you save the image file.

Set the file saving parameters

• Set the filename

Click or tap the input field of File Name to input the file name to be saved with
the pop-up virtual keypad.

• Set the file path

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Store and Load

Click or tap the input field of File Path, then the disk management interface is
displayed. Select the target directory and then click or tap OK to set the file path.
For detailed operations, refer to descriptions in Disk Management.

When a USB device is not connected, the default file path is the "Local Disk";
when a USB device is detected, the path is automatically set to "D:".

• Overlay

Click or tap the Overlay on/off switch to enable or disable the overwriting
function. When this function is enabled, the existing file in the specified file path
will be overwritten by the newly saved file that has the same filename as the
existing one.

Click or tap Save, the current screen image is saved based on the settings and the
storage menu is disabled.


When the quick action function is set to "Save Image" or "Save Group" with "Save Image"

selected, you can press the front-panel key to save the image.

23.2.2 To Save Wave

In the Storage menu, click or tap the Save tab to enter the save operation menu. In
this menu, click or tap the drop-down button of Choose to select "Save Wave" to
enter the "Save Wave" setting menu. The main settings (e.g. channel on/off state,
vertical scale, and horizontal time base) and waveform data of all enabled channel will
be saved to the internal or external memory.

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Store and Load

Figure 23.2 Waveform Saving Setting Menu

Set the source of the waveform data and the format of the saved waveform

• Data source

Click or tap the drop-down button of Data Source to select "Screen" or


• Waveform format

Click or tap the drop-down button of Format to select the format of the saved
waveform. When the data source is set to "Screen", the format can be set to
"*.bin" or "*.csv"; when the data source is set to "Memory", the format can be
set to "*.bin", "*.csv", or "*.wfm".

Set the file saving parameters

• Set the filename

Click or tap the input field of File Name to input the file name to be saved with
the pop-up virtual keypad.

• Set the file path

Click or tap the input field of File Path, then the disk management interface is
displayed. Select the target directory and then click or tap OK to set the file path.
For detailed operations, refer to descriptions in Disk Management.

When a USB device is not connected, the default file path is the "Local Disk";
when a USB device is detected, the path is automatically set to "D:".

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Store and Load

• Overlay

Click or tap the Overlay on/off switch to enable or disable the overwriting
function. When this function is enabled, the existing file in the specified file path
will be overwritten by the newly saved file that has the same filename as the
existing one.

Click or tap Save, the current waveform file is saved based on the settings and the
storage menu is disabled.


When the quick action function is set to "Save Wave" or "Save Group" with "Save Wave"

selected, you can press the front-panel key to save the waveform.

23.2.3 Save Setup

In the Storage menu, click or tap the Save tab to enter the save operation menu. In
this menu, click or tap the drop-down button of Choose to select "Save Setup" to
enter the "Save Setup" setting menu. Save the settings of the oscilloscope to the
internal or external memory in "*.stp" format. When loading, the stored settings can
be recalled.

Figure 23.3 Setup Saving Setting Menu

Set the file saving parameters

• Set the filename

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Store and Load

Click or tap the input field of File Name to input the file name to be saved with
the pop-up virtual keypad.

• Set the file path

Click or tap the input field of File Path, then the disk management interface is
displayed. Select the target file path and then click or tap OK. For detailed
operations, refer to descriptions in Disk Management.

When a USB device is not connected, the default file path is the "Local Disk";
when a USB device is detected, the path is automatically set to "D:".

• Overlay

Click or tap the Overlay on/off switch to enable or disable the overwriting
function. When this function is enabled, the existing file in the specified file path
will be overwritten by the newly saved file that has the same filename as the
existing one.

Click or tap Save, the current setup file is saved based on the settings and the storage
menu is disabled.


When the quick action function is set to "Save Setup" or "Save Group" with "Save Setup"

selected, you can press the front-panel key to save the setup.

23.2.4 Binary Data Format (.bin)

Binary data format stores waveform data in binary format and provides data headers
that describe these data. As data are displayed in binary format, its file size is much
more smaller than that in ASCII format. If several channels are enabled, then all the
displayed channels will be saved (save the first channel then save the second, and
then it goes on like this until all the displayed channels are saved).

Table 23.1 BIN File Format

File Waveform Waveform Channel Waveform Waveform Channel

Header Header Data Data Header Data Data
Header Header
16 Bytes 140 Bytes 16 Bytes n Bytes 140 Bytes 16 Bytes n Bytes

In BIN file format, it contains the following channel data:

• CH1 Data

• CH2 Data

• CH3 Data

• CH4 Data

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Store and Load

• Math Waveform Data

Binary Header Format

1. File Header

There is only one file header in a binary file. The file header contains the following

Table 23.2 File Header

Two-byte characters, RG, indicating that the file is the RIGOL

binary data file format.

Version Two-byte, indicating the file version.

An 8-byte long integer, indicating the number of bytes in the

File Size
file. It includes the header.

Number of A 4-byte integer, indicating the number of waveforms that are

Waveforms stored in the file.

2. Waveform Header

It is possible to store several waveforms in the file. Each stored waveform has a
waveform header. When several channels are stored, each channel can be
considered as a separate waveform. The waveform header contains the
information about the type of waveform data that are stored following the
waveform data header.

Table 23.3 Waveform Header

Header Size A 4-byte integer, indicating the number of bytes in the header.

A 4-byte integer, indicating the type of the waveform stored in

the file. It is fixed to 1.
- 0 = Unknown
Waveform Type - 1 = Normal
- 2 = Peak Detection
- 3 = Average
- 4 = Not Used
- 5 = Not Used
- 6 = Logic

Number of A 4-byte integer, indicating the number of waveform buffers

Waveform Buffers required to read the data. It is fixed to 1.

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Store and Load

A 4-byte integer, indicating the number of waveform points in

Number of Points
the data.

Count A 4-byte integer. It is fixed to 0.

A 4-byte float, indicating the X-axis duration of the waveform

that is displayed. For time-domain waveforms, it indicates the
X Display Range
duration of the display. If the value is zero, then no data has
been acquired.

An 8-byte double-precision floating-point, indicating the X-

axis value at the left edge of the screen. For time-domain
X Display Origin waveforms, it indicates the time at the start of the display. The
value is treated as a double precision 64-bit float point
number. If the value is zero, then no data has been acquired.

An 8-byte double-precision floating-point, indicating the

duration between data points on the X-axis. For time-domain
X Increment
waveforms, it indicates the time between points. If the value is
zero, then no data has been acquired.

An 8-byte double-precision floating-point, indicating the X-

axis value of the first data point in the data recording. For
time-domain waveforms, it indicates the time of the first
X Origin
point. The value is treated as a double precision 64-bit float
point number. If the value is zero, then no data has been

A 4-byte integer, indicating the unit of measurement for X

values in the acquired data. It is fixed to 2.
- 0 = Unknown
X Units - 1 = Volts (V)
- 2 = Seconds (s)
- 3 = Constant
- 4 = Amps (A)
- 5 = Decibel (dB)
- 6 = Hertz (Hz)

A 4-byte integer, indicating the unit of measurement for Y

Y Units values in the acquired data. The possible values are listed
above under X Units.

A 16-byte character array, indicating the date when the file is


A 16-byte character array, indicating the time when the file is


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Store and Load

A 24-byte character array in the format of MODEL#:SERIAL#,

indicating the oscilloscope's model and serial number.

A 16-byte character array that contains the label assigned to

Channel Name
the waveform.

3. Waveform Data Header

A waveform may have multiple data sets. Each waveform data set has a waveform
data header. The waveform data header consists of information about the
waveform data set. The header is stored before the data set.

Table 23.4 Waveform Data Header

A 4-byte integer, indicating the number of bytes in the

Header Size
waveform data header.

A 2-byte integer, indicating the type of the waveform data

stored in the file.

- 0 = Unknown
- 1 = Normal 32-bit float data
Buffer Type - 2 = Maximum float data
- 3 = Minimum float data
- 4 = Not Used
- 5 = Digital unsigned 8-bit character data (for digital

A 2-byte short integer, indicating the number of bytes per

Bytes Per Point
data point.

An 8-byte long integer, indicating the number of bytes of the

Buffer Size
current channel waveform data.

23.3 To Load a File

In the storage setting menu, click or tap the Load tab to switch to the load menu. In
this menu, you can load the local file to the instrument.

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Store and Load

Figure 23.4 Load Setting Menu

Load Setup

Click or tap the drop-down button of Choose to select "Load Setup". Then, click or
tap File Path to load the setups from the internal memory or the external USB disk.
The default file type is "*.stp", and no other options are available. Select the file to be
loaded from the memory. Click or tap Load to load the selected file.

23.4 Firmware Upgrade

This instrument supports local upgrade and online upgrade.

Local upgrade

1. In the storage setting menu, click or tap Upgrade to enter the local upgrade
setting menu.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Store and Load

Figure 23.5 Upgrade Menu

2. Click or tap the input field of File Path, then the disk management interface is
displayed. Select the upgrade file. For detailed operations, refer to Disk

3. Click or tap Upgrade to complete the local upgrade.

Online upgrade

1. First ensure that the rear-panel LAN interface is connected to the network (if you
have limited access to the Internet, please ask the administrator for permission).

2. Click or tap the function navigation icon at the lower-left corner of the screen
to enter the function navigation.

3. Then click or tap the Upgrade icon to perform the upgrade operation.

23.5 Disk Management

You can enter the storage setting menu in the following ways.

• Click or tap the function navigation icon at the lower-left corner of the
screen, and then select Storage to enter the storage setting menu.
• Click or tap the Storage button on the toolbar to enter the storage setting
Then click or tap Disk at the lower-left corner of the "Storage" menu to enter the disk
management interface, as shown in the figure below.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Store and Load

Figure 23.6 Disk Management Interface

Execute the following operations through the disk management menu:

Select a Disk

Before using the external storage device, make sure that a USB storage device (FAT32/
NTFS format) is connected correctly.

By default, the "Local Disk(C)" is selected. If an external storage device is inserted,

under the "Disk" menu, two available storage disks can be selected at the upper-left
corner of the "Disk" interface: Local Disk (C) and Removable USB Disk (D). If you select
an external storage device, for example, if you select "Removable USB Disk (D)", the
contents in USB Disk(D) will be displayed.

Create a Folder

Click or tap New Folder, then a folder name input keyboard is displayed.

For how to use the keypad, refer to descriptions in Parameter Setting Method. Click or
tap any place on the screen to exit the keyboard.

Clear the Internal Memory Safely

Click or tap SecurityClear, then a prompt message "Execute secure memory wipe?" is
displayed. Click or tap OK to clear all the files stored in the internal disk. Otherwise,
click or tap Cancel to cancel security clear operation.

Select a File

Before operating on the file or folder, first select the desired file or folder.

Click or tap the check box at the right side of the folder, if checked, it is selected, with

an icon being displayed. Click or tap the check box again or to deselect it.
The check box restores its original state.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Store and Load

This series supports selecting multiple files or folders to operate on. You can also click

or tap the icon at the upper-right corner of the interface to select all the files and

folders under the current disk. Click or tap to cancel the select-all operation.

Cut, Copy, or Paste a File or a Folder

• Cut a File to a Specified Folder

Select a specified file or folder. Click or tap Cut to cut the specified file or folder.
Then select the destination folder. Then click or tap Paste to paste the specified
file or folder to the destination folder.

• Copy a File to a Specified Folder

Select a specified file or folder. Click or tap Copy to copy the specified file or
folder. Then select the destination folder. Then click or tap Paste to paste the
specified file or folder to the destination folder.

Delete a File or Folder

In the current folder, select the file or folder to be deleted. Click or tap Delete, then a
prompt message "Are you sure to delete the file?" is displayed. Click or tap OK to
delete the file. Otherwise, click or tap Cancel to cancel the deletion operation.

Rename a File or Folder

Select a specified file or folder, then click or tap Rename to input a new filename or
folder name with the pop-up virtual keypad. Then, the rename operation is

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
System Utility Function Setting

24 System Utility Function Setting

In the Utility menu, you can set the I/O parameters and the system-related function
parameters. You can enter the "Utility" menu in the following ways.

• Click or tap the Notification Area at the lower-right corner of the screen. Then
the Utility menu is displayed.

• Click or tap > Utility to enter the Utility menu.

24.1 I/O Setting

In Utility menu, click or tap IO to enter the I/O setting menu to configure the
following parameters.

Network Status

Different prompts will be displayed according to the current network connection


• Network Config Succeeded!

• Acquiring IP...

• IP Conflict!


• DHCP Config Failed

• Read Status Fail!


• Invalid IP

• IP lost

• Please wait...

MAC Address

For each instrument, the MAC address is unique. When assigning the IP address for
the instrument, the system uses the MAC address to identify the instrument.

VISA Address

Displays the VISA address currently used by the instrument.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
System Utility Function Setting

IP Configuration Type

The configuration type of the IP address can be DHCP, Auto IP, or Static IP. In different
IP configuration types, the configurations for IP address and other network
parameters are different.


If "DHCP" is selected, the DHCP server in the current network will assign the
network parameters (e.g. IP address, Subnet, Gateway, and DNS) for the

• Auto IP

When "Auto IP" is selected, the instrument will acquire the IP address ranging
from "" to "" and the subnet mask (
automatically based on the current network configuration. The "Auto IP" works
only when "DHCP" is not selected or the connection failed.

• Static IP

If "Static IP" is selected, the instrument is configured with static IP. In this case,
you need to disable DHCP and Auto IP manually. Then you need to configure the
parameters such as "IP address", "Subnet", "Gateway", and "DNS" manually. At
this time, you can self-define the network parameters (e.g. IP address) of the

- Set the IP address

The format of the IP address is nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn. The range of the first

segment (nnn) of the address is from 0 to 255 (except 127); wherein, the
valid range is from 0 to 223. The range for the other three segments is from
0 to 255. You are recommended to ask your network administrator for an IP
address available.

This setting will be saved to the non-volatile memory; if "Load Last" is set to
"Last", then DHCP and Auto IP are disabled at the next power-on. The
instrument will load the preset IP address automatically.

- Set the subnet mask

The format of the subnet mask is nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn. Wherein, the range of

"nnn" is from 0 to 255. You are recommended to ask your network
administrator for a subnet mask available.

This setting will be saved in the non-volatile memory; if "Load Last" is set to
"Last", then DHCP and Auto IP are disabled at the next power-on. The
instrument will load the preset subnet mask automatically.

- Set the default gateway

You can set this parameter in Static IP mode. The format of the gateway is
nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn. The range of the first segment (nnn) is from 0 to 223
(except 127), and the range for the other three segments is from 0 to 255.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
System Utility Function Setting

You are recommended to ask your network administrator for a gateway

address available.

This setting will be saved in the non-volatile memory; if "Load Last" is set to
"Last", then DHCP and Auto IP are disabled at the next power-on. The
instrument will load the preset gateway automatically

- Set the DNS address

You can set this parameter in Static IP mode. The format of the DNS address
is "nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn". The range for the first segment (nnn) of the address is
from 0 to 223 (except 127); and the range for the other three segments is
from 0 to 255. You are recommended to ask your network administrator for
an address available.

Generally, you do not need to set the DNS, so this parameter setting can be

• When the three IP configuration types are all turned on, the priority of the parameter
configuration from high to low is "DHCP", "Auto IP", and "Static IP".
• The three IP configuration types cannot be all turned off at the same time.


Click or tap the mDNS on/off switch to enable or disable the multicast Domain Name
System (mDNS). This system is used to provide the function of DNS server for service
discovery in a small network without a DNS server.

Host Name

A maximum of 26-byte strings can be supported.

Apply the Network Parameter Setting

Drag the menu up on the screen. Click or tap Apply at the bottom to validate the
current network parameter setting.

24.2 Basic Settings

In the Utility menu, click or tap Setup to enter the basic setting menu.


This product supports menus in multiple languages, including the display of the help
information, prompt messages, and interface. Click or tap the drop-down button of
Language to select the specified system language.

Load Last

You can set the system configuration to be recalled when the oscilloscope is powered
on again after power-off. Click or tap "Default" or "Last" for Load last.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
System Utility Function Setting

• Last: returns to the setting of the system at last power-off.

• Default: returns to the factory setting of the system.

Power Status

• Switch Off: After the oscilloscope is connected to power, you need to press the
power key on the front panel to power on the instrument.

• Switch On: After the oscilloscope is connected to power, it will be powered on



Click or tap the Beeper on/off switch to enable or disable the beeper. When the
beeper is enabled, you can hear the beeper sound in the following situations:

• Use a front-panel key or a menu key

• Use the touch screen

• When a prompt message is displayed

AUX Output

You can set the type of the signal output from the [AUX OUT] connector on the rear

• TrigOut: After this type is selected, at each trigger (hardware trigger), the
oscilloscope outputs a signal from the [AUX OUT] connector on the rear panel
that can reflect the current capture rate of the oscilloscope. If this signal is
connected to a waveform display device to measure the frequency, the found
measurement result is the same as the current capture rate.

• PassFail: When this type is selected, the instrument can output a positive or
negative pulse via the [AUX OUT] connector when a successful or failed event is
detected. Refer to descriptions in To Set the Output Form of the Test Results.
Enabling the Aux Output function in "PassFail" menu automatically toggles the
AUX Out parameter to "PassFail"; setting the AUX Out parameter to "TrigOut"
automatically disables the Aux Output function in "PassFail" menu.

Input Lock

Once the input lock is enabled, the input function is disabled, for which you can no
longer use the touch screen, front-panel keys, and knobs to configure the instrument.

Press the front-panel channel keys in the order of , , , to

disable the input lock.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
System Utility Function Setting


The waveform display can be set to expand or compress about the "Center" or

• Center: When the vertical scale is changed, the displayed waveform will expand
or compress about the center of the display.

• GND: When the vertical scale is changed, the displayed waveform will expand or
compress about the ground level position of the signal.


It sets the effect of pressing the front-panel Horizontal SCALE knob.

• Fine: enables or disables the fine adjustment when the knob is pressed.

• Zoom: enables or disables the Zoom mode when the knob is pressed.

24.3 About this Oscilloscope

In Utility menu, click or tap About, and then you can view the model, version, and
other information about this instrument in About menu.

• Model

Indicates the product model.

• Serial Number

Indicates the serial number, the unique identification for the product.

• Firmware

Indicates the firmware version number of the product.

• Hardware

Indicates the hardware version number of the product.

• Build

Indicates the creation time of the software version.

• Android.Build

Indicates the creation time of the Android operating system.

• Android.Version

Indicates the version number of the Android operating system. For example, 7.1.

• Launcher

Indicates the desktop UI version number of the Android operating system.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
System Utility Function Setting

• WebControl

Indicates the version number of browser remote control module.

24.4 Other Settings

Open Source Acknowledgment

Click or tap Open Source Acknowledgment to view the open source

acknowledgment of this series oscilloscope in the pop-up window.

24.5 Auto Config

In "Utility" menu, click or tap Auto Config to enter the menu in which you can
configure the Auto function.

• Click or tap Peak to Peak on/off switch to enable or disable the peak-to-peak
priority setting. This function is intended for the shifted signal. If there is a large
deviation, you can view the signal waveform in priority when you enable the

• Click or tap Live CH on/off switch to turn on/off examining channels that are
turned on.

If "OFF" is selected, enable the Auto function and 4 analog channels (CH1-CH4)
will be examined for signal activity in sequence. If no signal is detected for a
specified channel, the channel will be turned off; otherwise, if a signal is
detected, the channel will be autoscaled to best display the signal. If “ON” is
selected, enable the Auto function and only the channels that are turned on will
be examined.

• Click or tap Overlay on/off switch to enable or disable the waveform overlay

display function. If enabled, waveforms of different channels will be displayed in

the same position of the screen; if disabled, waveforms of different channels will

be displayed on the screen from top to bottom in sequence.

• Click or tap Keep Coupling on/off switch to turn on/off maintaining channel

coupling. If "ON" is selected, enable the Auto function and the channel coupling

setting is maintained; if "OFF" is selected, the channel coupling is DC coupling by


DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
System Utility Function Setting

24.6 SelfCal
The self-calibration program can quickly make the oscilloscope to work in an optimal
state to get the precise measurement results. You can perform self-calibration at any
time, especially when the changes of the ambient temperature reach or exceed 5℃.
Make sure that the oscilloscope has been warmed up or operating for more than 30
minutes before the self-calibration.

In "Utility" menu, click or tap SelfCal, the self-calibration menu is as shown below.

Figure 24.1 Self-calibration Menu

• Click or tap Start, and then the oscilloscope will start to execute the self-
calibration program.

• After starting the self-calibration program, click or tap Exit to cancel self-

calibration operation at any time.

• Click or tap Close to close the self-calibration information window.

24.7 Option List

In the "Utility" menu, click or tap Options to view all the options of the instrument.

24.8 Quick Action Settings

In Utility menu, click or tap Quick to enter the menu to configure the quick action
key on the front panel.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
System Utility Function Setting

Figure 24.2 Quick Menu

Save Image

• Click or tap Save Image, then Operation is set to "Save Image".

• In the Format menu item, available image types include "png", "bmp", and

• Click or tap the Invert on/off switch to turn on/off inverting image colors.

• Click or tap "Color" or "Gray" for Color to select the desired image color.

After setup, click or tap the key at the upper-right corner of the front panel to
capture the current screen and save the image with the specified format. The location
where the file is saved depends on the File Path setting in Storage menu. For details,
please refer to To Save a File.

Save Wave

• Click or tap Save Wave, then Operation is set to "Save Wave".

• Select "Memory" or "Screen" under Data Source as the source of the saved

• Available options under Format include "bin" and "csv".

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
System Utility Function Setting

After setup, click or tap the key at the upper-right corner of the front panel to
save the waveform based on the settings. The location where the file is saved
depends on the File Path setting in Storage menu. For details, please refer to To Save
a File.

Save Setup

Click or tap Save Setup, then Operation is set to "Save Setup".

After setup, click or tap the key at the upper-right corner of the front panel to
save the setup file suffixed with ".stp". The location where the file is saved depends on
the File Path setting in Storage menu. For details, please refer to To Save a File.

All Measurements

• Click or tap All Measure, then Operation is set to "All Measure".

• In All Measure item, click or tap the drop-down button to select the channel
(CH1-CH4) to measure.

After setup, click or tap the key at the upper-right corner of the front panel to
perform the measurement on the specified channel.

Reset Statistics

• Click or tap Stat Reset, then Operation is set to "Stat Reset".

• Click or tap "Measure" or "Pass/Fail" under Stat Reset to reset all statistics of the
"Measure" or "Pass/Fail" function.

After setup, click or tap the key at the upper-right corner of the front panel.
This resets all statistics of the specified function in the Result sidebar at the right side
of the screen and starts the measurements again.

Waveform Recording

Click or tap Record, then Operation is set to "Record".

After setup, click or tap the key at the upper-right corner of the front panel to
perform the waveform recording.

Save Group

• Click or tap Save Group, then Operation is set to "Save Group".

• Under Save Group, select one or more items from "Save Image", "Save Wave",
and "Save Setup".

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
System Utility Function Setting

After setup, click or tap the key at the upper-right corner of the front panel to
save the selected items based on the settings. The location where the file is saved
depends on the File Path setting in Storage menu. For details, please refer to To Save
a File.

24.9 Self-check
In Utility menu, click or tap Self Check to enter the "Self Check" setting. You can test
the following self-check items for the device.

Key Test

Click or tap Key Test to enter the key test interface (virtual front-panel key).

At this time, you can press the front-panel keys to check whether the virtual keys are
highlighted. If yes, it indicates that the keys work normally; if no, it indicates that
there's something wrong with the keys. Click or tap Exit at the lower-left corner of the
interface to exit the key test interface.

Touch Test

Click or tap Touch Test to enter the touch screen test interface.

Slide with your finger on the screen. If there is a line displaying at the empty area
where you slide on the screen and the box that you tap turns out to be filled with
green background, it indicates that the touch function of this area is normal. Click or
tap Exit at the lower-left corner of the interface to exit the touch screen test interface.

Screen Test

Click or tap Screen Test to enter the screen test interface and check whether the
defective pixel exists.

There are 15 screen test interfaces. Click or tap the screen to switch to the next screen
test interface. Click or tap Exit at the upper-left corner of the interface to exit the
screen test interface.

Board Test

Click or tap Board Test, then the board test interface is displayed. Check whether the
status of each module is in good condition.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Remote Control

25 Remote Control
The following ways of remote control are supported:

• User-defined Programming

Users can program and control the instrument by using the SCPI (Standard
Commands for Programmable Instruments) commands. For details about the
SCPI commands and programming, refer to Programming Guide of this product

• PC Software

Users can use the PC software to send commands to control the instrument
remotely. RIGOL Ultra Sigma is recommended. You can download the software
from RIGOL official website (

Operation Procedures:

- Set up communication between the instrument and PC.

- Run Ultra Sigma and search for the instrument resource.

- Open the remote command control panel to send commands.

• Web Control

This instrument supports Web Control. Connect the instrument to the network,
then input the IP address of the instrument into the address bar of the browser
of your computer. The web control interface is displayed. Click Web Control to
enter the web control page. Then you can view the display of the real-time
interface of the instrument. Through the Web Control method, you can migrant
the device control to the control terminals (e.g. PC, Mobile, iPad, and other smart
terminals) to realize remote control of the instrument. When you first log in to
the Web Control, the user name is "admin" and password is "rigol".

This instrument can be connected to the PC via the USB and LAN interface to set up
communication and realize remote control through the PC. The remote control can be
realized by using SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments)

This chapter will illustrate how to use the RIGOL Ultra Sigma software to remotely
control the instrument via various interfaces.


Before connecting the communication cable, please turn off the instrument to avoid
causing damage to the communication interfaces.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide
Remote Control

25.1 Remote Control via USB

1. Connect the device

Use the USB cable to connect the rear-panel USB DEVICE interface of the
instrument to the USB HOST interface of the PC.

2. Search for the device resource

Start up Ultra Sigma and the software will automatically search for the resource
currently connected to the PC via the USB interface. You can also click USB-TMC to
search for the resource.

3. View the device resource

The resources found will appear under the "RIGOL Online Resource" directory, and
the model number and USB interface information of the instrument will also be

4. Control the instrument remotely

Right-click the device resource name and select "SCPI Panel Control" to open the
remotely command control panel. Then you can send commands and read data
through the panel. For details about the SCPI commands and programming, refer
to the Programming Guide of this instrument.

25.2 Remote Control via LAN

1. Connect the device

Use the network cable to connect the instrument to your local area network (LAN).

2. Configure network parameters

Configure the network parameters of the instrument according to I/O Setting.

3. Search for Search device resource

Start up Ultra Sigma and click LAN to open the panel as shown in the figure below.
Click Search and the software searches for the instrument resources currently
connected to the LAN and the resources found are displayed at the right section of
the window as shown in the figure below. Click OK to add it.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Remote Control

Besides, you can input the IP address of the instrument manually into the text field
under "Manual Input LAN Instrument IP", then click TEST. If the instrument passes
the test, click Add to add the instrument to the LAN instrument resource list in the
right section; if the instrument fails the test, please check whether the IP address
that you input is correct, or use the auto search method to add the instrument

4. View the device resource

The resources found will appear under the "RIGOL Online Resource" directory.

5. Control the instrument remotely

Right-click the device resource name and select "SCPI Panel Control" to open the
remotely command control panel. Then you can send commands and read data
through the panel.

6. Load LXI webpage

As this instrument conforms to LXI CORE 2011 DEVICE standards, you can load LXI
web page through Ultra Sigma (right-click the instrument resource name and
select "LXI-Web"). Various important information about the instrument (including
the model, manufacturer, serial number, description, MAC address, and IP address)
will be displayed on the web page. You can also directly input the IP address of the
instrument in the address bar of the PC browser to load the LXI web page.

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide

26 Troubleshooting
1. When I power on the instrument, the instrument's screen stays black and does
not display anything.

a. Check whether the power supply has been connected correctly.

b. Check whether the power key is really pressed.

c. Restart the instrument after finishing the above inspections.

d. If the problem still persists, please contact RIGOL.

2. No waveform of the signal is displayed on the screen.

a. Check whether the probe is properly connected to the item under test.

b. Check whether there are signals generated from the item to be tested (you can
connect the probe compensation output signal to the faulty channel to locate
the problem, and then determine whether the channel or the item to be tested
has a problem).

c. Resample the signal.

d. If the problem still persists, please contact RIGOL.

3. The USB storage device cannot be recognized.

a. Check whether the USB storage device can work normally when connected to
other instruments or PC.

b. Make sure that the USB storage device is FAT32/NTFS format. The instrument
doesn't support hardware USB storage device.

c. After restarting the instrument, insert the USB storage device again to check
whether it can work normally.

d. If the USB storage device still cannot work normally, please contact RIGOL.

4. The touch-enabled operation does not work.

a. Check whether you have locked the touch screen. If yes, unlock the touch

b. Check whether the screen or your finger is stained with oil or sweat. If yes,
please clean the screen or dry your hands.

c. Check whether there is a strong magnetic field around the instrument. If the
instrument is close to the strong magnetic field (e.g. a magnet), please move
the instrument away from the magnet field.

d. If the problem still persists, please contact RIGOL.

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

27 Appendix

27.1 Appendix A: Options and Accessories

Order Information Order No.


250 MHz, 1.25 GSa/s, 50 Mpts, 4CH DHO924S

250 MHz, 1.25 GSa/s, 50 Mpts, 4CH DHO924

125 MHz, 1.25 GSa/s, 50 Mpts, 4CH DHO914S

125 MHz, 1.25 GSa/s, 50 Mpts, 4CH DHO914

Standard Accessories
Power Adaptor Conforming to the Standard of the ——
Destination Country

Banana-Plug Ground Connecting Cable ——

DHO924/DHO924S: Passive Probe x4 (350 MHz) PVP2350

DHO914/DHO914S: Passive Probe x4 (150 MHz) PVP3150

Recommended Accessories

16-channel Logic Analyzer Probe PLA2216


For all the mainframes, accessories and options, please contact the local office of RIGOL.

27.2 Appendix B: Warranty

RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as RIGOL) warrants that the
product mainframe and product accessories will be free from defects in materials and
workmanship within the warranty period. If a product proves defective within the
warranty period, RIGOL guarantees free replacement or repair for the defective

To get repair service, please contact your nearest RIGOL sales or service office.

There is no other warranty, expressed or implied, except such as is expressly set forth
herein or other applicable warranty card. There is no implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Under no circumstances shall

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide

RIGOL be liable for any consequential, indirect, ensuing, or special damages for any
breach of warranty in any case.

27.3 Appendix C: Factory Settings

Press the front-panel or click/tap Default on the Toolbar and a prompt

message "Restore default settings?" is displayed. Click or tap OK to restore the
instrument to its factory default settings, as shown in the table below.

Table 27.2 Factory Settings

Parameter Factory Settings

Horizontal Time Base 2 μs
Horizontal Position 0s
Delayed Sweep OFF
Roll Auto
Fine OFF
Horizontal Expansion Center

Acquisition Mode Normal
Memory Depth 10 kpts

CH1 On/Off ON
CH2 On/Off OFF
CH3 On/Off OFF
CH4 On/Off OFF
Impedance 1 MΩ
Fine OFF
Vertical Scale 50 mV
Vertical Offset 0V
Channel Unit [V]
Channel Coupling DC
Bias 0V
BW Limit OFF
Channel Delay 0s
Display Label OFF
Invert OFF
Attenuation 1X

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

Parameter Factory Settings

Trigger Type Edge Trigger
Trigger Mode Auto
Source Selection CH1
Edge Type Rising
Trigger Coupling DC
Trigger Holdoff 8 ns
Noise Rejection OFF

Display Type Vector
Persistence Time Min
Waveform Intensity 50%
Grid Brightness 50%
Window Transparency 50%
Cursor Brightness 80%
Show Scale ON
Color Grade OFF
Waveform Freeze ON

Threshold OFF
Indicator OFF
Histogram OFF
Statistics OFF
Count 1,000
Display Type %
Source CH1
Upper 90%
Mid 50%
Lower 10%
Amplitude Measurement Auto
Region Main

Mode OFF
Source CH1
Select X

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide

Parameter Factory Settings

AY -6 μs
BY 6 μs
AX Source CH1
BX Source CH1
Track X
AX -6 μs
BX 6 μs
Select X
AX -150 mV
BX 150 mV

Frequency Counter
Source CH1
Statistics OFF
Measure Frequency
Resolution 4

Source CH1
Beeper OFF
Limits Condition Setting In Limits
Upper 1V
Lower 0V

Save Image
Format *.png
Invert OFF
Color Color
Header ON
Overlay OFF

Save Wave
Data source Screen
Format *.bin

Save Setup
File Type *.stp

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

Parameter Factory Settings

Load Setup
File Type *.stp

System Setting
Beeper OFF
AUX Output TrigOut
Input Lock OFF
Expand GND
Fine/Zoom Fine

Auto Config
Peak to Peak ON
Overlay ON
Coupling OFF

Quick Settings
Operation Save Image
Format *.png
Invert OFF
Color Color

Pass/Fail Test
Enable OFF
Source CH1
Y Mask 480 mdiv
X Mask 240 mdiv
Format (to load file) *.pf
Format (to save file) *.pf
File Name RigolDS
Aux Output OFF
Pulse 1 μs
Output Event Fail
Polarity Positive
Error Action Stop

Waveform Recording
Waveform Recording OFF
Interval 10 ns
Frames 1,000

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide

Parameter Factory Settings

Minimize OFF
Play Mode
Play Sequence
Interval 100 ms

Math Operation
Invert OFF
Expand GND
Display Label OFF
Operation OFF
Source A CH1
Source B CH1
Scale 500 mV
Offset 0V
Operation OFF
Source A CH1
Source B CH1
Scale 500 mV
Offset 0V
Operation OFF
Source A CH1
Source B CH1
Scale 500 mU
Offset 0U
Operation OFF
Source A CH1
Source B CH1
Scale 500 mU
Offset 0U
Operation OFF
Source CH1
X Span-Center
Unit dBm/dBV
Center Frequency 5 MHz

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

Parameter Factory Settings

Frequency Range 10 MHz
Vertical Scale 20 dB
Offset 0 dBV
Window Function Hanning
Color Grade OFF
Peak Search OFF
Peak Number 5
Threshold 5.5 dBV
Threshold 1.8 dB
Order Amp Order
Operation OFF
Source A CH1
Source B CH1
Waveform Size Medium
Offset 0 div
Sensitivity 300 mdiv
Thre.CH1 0V
Thre.CH2 0V
Thre.CH3 0V
Thre.CH4 0V
Operation OFF
Source A CH1
Source B CH1
Waveform Size Medium
Offset 0 div
Sensitivity 300 mdiv
Thre.CH1 0V
Thre.CH2 0V
Thre.CH3 0V
Thre.CH4 0V
Operation OFF
Source A CH1
Source B CH1
Waveform Size Medium
Offset 0 div
Sensitivity 300 mdiv
Thre.CH1 0V
Thre.CH2 0V

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide

Parameter Factory Settings

Thre.CH3 0V
Thre.CH4 0V
Operation OFF
Source A CH1
Waveform Size Medium
Offset 0 div
Sensitivity 300 mdiv
Thre.CH1 0V
Thre.CH2 0V
Thre.CH3 0V
Thre.CH4 0V
Operation OFF
Source CH1
Scale 500 mV*s
Offset 0 V*s
Offset 0V
Operation OFF
Source CH1
Scale 500 mV/s
Offset 0 V/s
Smooth 5
Operation OFF
Source CH1
Scale 500 mU
Offset 0U
Operation OFF
Source CH1
Scale 500 mU
Offset 0U
Operation OFF
Source CH1
Scale 500 mU
Offset 0U
Operation OFF

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

Parameter Factory Settings

Source CH1
Scale 500 mU
Offset 0U
Operation OFF
Source CH1
Scale 500 mV
Offset 0V
Low Pass
Operation OFF
Source CH1
Scale 500 mV
Offset 0V
ωc 20 MHz
High Pass
Operation OFF
Source CH1
Scale 500 mV
Offset 0V
ωc 20 MHz
Band Pass
Operation OFF
Source CH1
Scale 500 mV
Offset 0V
ωc1 20 MHz
ωc2 40 MHz
Band Stop
Operation OFF
Source CH1
Scale 500 mV
Offset 0V
ωc1 20 MHz
ωc2 40 MHz
Operation OFF
Source CH1
Scale 500 mV
Offset 0V
A 1
B 0

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide

Parameter Factory Settings

Current Ref1
Source CH1
Vertical Scale 50 mV
Vertical Offset 0V
Label REF1
Label Display OFF
Color Orange

Bus Type Parallel
Bus Status OFF
Format Hex
Label ON
Event Table OFF
Bus CH1
Threshold 0V
Endian Invert
Polarity Positive
Threshold 0V
Polarity Positive
Baud Rate 9.6 kbps
Data 8 bits
Endian LSB
Parity None
Stop Bit 1 bit
SCL Thre 0V
Data CH2
SDA Thre 0V
Exchange SCL/SDA
R/W Without
CLK Threshold 0V
Edge Type Rising

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

Parameter Factory Settings

MISO Threshold 0V
Mode CS
CS Threshold 0V
CS Polarity Negative
Polarity Positive
Width 8
Endian MSB
Source CH1
Threshold 0V
Baud Rate 9.6 kbps
Parity Without
Version Both
Source CH1
Threshold 0V
Signal Type CAN_H
Baud 1 Mbps
Sample Position 50%

D8-D15 OFF
D0-D7 Threshold 0V
D8-D15 Threshold 0V
Waveform Size Medium
Auto D15-D0
Enable ON

Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator (only for DHO914S and DHO924S)

Output On/Off OFF
Waveform Type Sine
Frequency 1 kHz
Amplitude 5V
Offset 0V
Phase 0°

Bode Plot (only for DHO914S and DHO924S)

Bode Plot OFF

Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. DHO900 User Guide

Parameter Factory Settings

Run Status Stop
Input Source CH1
Output Source CH2
Sweep Type Log
Display Type Waveform
Start Frequency 100 Hz
Stop Frequency 1 MHz
Points/decade 10
Amplitude 200 mV
Var.Amp OFF

Histogram Analysis
Enable OFF
Type Horizontal
Source CH1
Height 2 div
Left Limit -4 μs
Right Limit 4 μs
Top Limit 100 mV
Bottom Limit -50 mV

DHO900 User Guide Copyright ©RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

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