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Unit 12

Chronological order
- Russian Revolution
- First women getting the vote
- Discovery of penicillin
- Atomic bomb
- Founding of UN
- Beatlemania
- First picture of Earth from lunar orbit
- Queen Elizabeth II opens ARPANET
- Fall of the Berlin Wall
- 9/11

In my opinion, the most important event were the following ones:

First women getting the vote, founding of UN and Fall of the Berlin Wall. They
had the greatest impact on the development of our society.
These events have collectively shaped the course of history by promoting
principles of equality, international cooperation, and the end of ideological
conflicts. They have had a lasting impact on our society, influencing political
structures, human rights norms, and global relations.

1/ lift-off
2/ colour
3/ pretty
4/ hand
5/ good
6/ running
7/ view
1. False. Apollo 8 was the second manned space mission.
2. False. Apollo 8 was the first opportunity for humans to see the dark side of
the Moon with their own eyes. The first photographs of it were taken by the
Soviet probe Lunar 3 in 1959.
3. True
5. False. He was testing an emergency procedure.
6. True
7. False. It was about the physical elements, a technical diary, and a spiritual
8. False. He thinks there would be less wars if people realized there are no real
boundaries between them.

P 99
1. It was the film Twelve Angry Men that sparked my interest in law.
2. The team's victory was overshadowed by the serious injury of their star
3. I've had a bright idea! It just came to me in a flash!
4. I don't trust that guy you met last night - he seems a shady character.
5. The Space Station is a shining example of international co-operation.
6. I'd wondered why Bill’s so rude, and then it dawned on me that he
was jealous.

1. There’s another article on Internet privacy here - it’s a hot topic at the
2. I was relieved to get the hospital test results - it's been a cloud hanging
over me.
3. Don’t ask me how to pronounce that word - I haven’t the foggiest idea.
4. You needn’t worry about passing your driving test – it`ll be a breeze for
5. It was a whirlwind romance, and Steve and Linda were married within six
6. I knew this would be my new home, and a feeling of happiness flooded
through me.

1. My job interview lasted over an hour - they gave me a really good
2. I'm struggling in this job - I think I've bitten off more than I can chew.
3. Oh, another of your half-baked ideas! You need to think things through
4. Jones' athletics career ended on a sour note when he failed a drugs test.
5. It’s a rather bland autobiography - you don't learn anything very exciting.
6. Thanks for your suggestions. That’s given me food for thought.

Time: whilst, as, when
Addition: not only ..., also
Contrast: however, although
Reason: due to, so ... that
Result as a consequence
Purpose: in order to
Condition: in case

1. a. at the same time as
b. however
While in sentence b can be replaced with whereas to contrast two different
2. a. it can be dangerous (or any point that highlights a negative aspect of
cycling in London)
b. people who live in the country generally have to drive, (a different subject
from ‘cyclists’)

3. All positions, except 2 and 5 are right.

4. a. However/Nevertheless
b. However
In the second example there is a contrast between the statements but no sense -
there is no reason that my desire to be at work early will have any effect on the
5. If (`in case` here would produce the absurd meaning that I put on my heavy
coat now. while it’s hot. just in case it gets cold later

1. in order to/to
2. using
3. before/until
4. owing to/due to
5. as soon as/after
6. though, however
7. once/when/by the time
8. too/as well
9. in the end
10. even though
11. although
12. provided that/if/so long as
13. until
14. which
15. since/as
16. while
17. as a result of
18. what's more/furthermore

2. Having seen and enjoyed the film, I decided to read the book.
After seeing the film and enjoying it, I decided to read the book.

3. Tony's very fussy about hotels, whereas I don't mind as long as the bed's
Tony's very fussy about hotels; though, I don't mind as long as the bed's

4. Celebrities often wear sunglasses in public so as not to be recognized.

Celebrities often wear sunglasses in public so as not to be recognized.

5. We should go to that museum, seeing as it's free of charge.

Since the museum is free, we should go.

6. Provided that a receipt is produced, refunds will be made.

Refunds will only be made on the production of a receipt, otherwise, no refunds
will be given.

7. Even though I've been on a strict diet for three weeks, I still haven't lost much
Despite being on a strict diet for three weeks, I still haven't lost much weight.

8. In case the event is very popular, places should be booked early.

Places should be booked early, as the event may be very popular.
9. He was penniless and starving; nevertheless, he shouldn't have stolen the

10. As a result of an accident, the motorway is closed.

The motorway is closed, therefore, there has been an accident.

1. As well as studying English, I also focus on improving my proficiency in
other languages.
2. Once this course is over, I plan to explore advanced topics in the field.
3. I know you're a good driver. All the same, it wouldn't hurt to drive cautiously
in unfamiliar areas.
4. I'm nervous about the exam, even though I have prepared thoroughly and feel
confident about the material.
5. Seeing as there are lots of sales on, it might be a good time to buy the items
we've been needing.
6. You can leave work early provided that you have completed all your assigned
tasks for the day.
7. I arrived on time in spite of encountering heavy traffic on the way.
8. By the time you wake up tomorrow, I will have already left for my morning

Page 102
l didn't need so much detail about your operation. Well,you did quite ask!
2/d Didn't you think it strange that the car was so cheap? Well, I did wonder.
3/e It's so embarrassing when Ken tells those sexist jokes. Yes,l do wish he
4/a You didn't have to challenge Ken in front of everyone. Maybe. He did
deserve it, though.
5/c You shouldn't treat Emma like a child. Well, she does behave like one
6/b I can't believe how violent that DVD you lent me was! I did warn you!

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