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Pictorial Presentation...

Bibi ka

Ellora Caves
Tomb of

Fort of




Red Fort



Sun Temple
Temple group
of Khajuraho
1 ( 1stst in 7 Part Series )

Fort of
Charminar Golkunda

Gol Gumbaz Kochi Museum


Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

188A/128, Allenganj, Churchlane, Prayagraj (Allahabad)-211002 90/-
© Publisher
Edition - First
Edition Year - 2022
Index Preface
Writer - SSGC
M.R.P.: 90/-
l History of Ancient There are two main objectives
of Pictorial Presentation of various
Printed at -
India 3-32 subjects of General Studies. The
Core Publishing Solution s History : General Introduction 3 First One - to gain confidence in
s Stone Age 3-4 studying the entire subjects in a short
time. The Other One - these facts
Contact : s Chalcolithic Culture 5 should get imprinted on the brain of
Sam-Samayik s Indus civilization and culture the readers. Consequently the
6-9 aspirants will be able to remember
Ghatna Chakra
188A/128, Allenganj, Churchlane, s Vedic Period 9-13 the facts within no time in the
examination hall. Our aim is that an
Prayagraj (Allahabad) - 211002 s Jainism 13 aspirant should be able to solve at
Ph.: 0532-2465524, 2465525 s Buddhism 14-16 least two questions more from each
Mob.: 9335140296 s Shaivism 16
topic because of imbibing this very
e-mail : [email protected] effective pictorial representation.
Website :
s Bhagwat religion 16 A good book is one that depicts
e-shop Website : s Political condition in 6th
and imbibe happiness. While
century B.C. 17-18 presenting this subject matter, it has
Copyright 2020, by Sam-Samayik s Alien Invasion 18 been kept in mind that only the
important and relevant facts should
Ghatna Chakra Private Limited. No s Maurya Dynasty 19-21 get a place in this presentation along
Part of this publication may be
s Post-Mauryan period with no factual error at all. Moreover
reproduced or distributed in any 21-22 only the Preview related facts have
form or by any means, electronic, s Gupta and post-Gupta been incorporated here. While
mechanical, photocopying, recording era 23-25 presenting this book before the
or otherwise or stored in database or s Architecture in ancient readers, we have worked hard to
retrieval system without the prior India 25-27 assay all key facts with utmost
accuracy. Undoubtedly, we are in a
written permission of publisher. s South India (Chola, position to say that there is 99.9
The program listings (if any) may Chalukya, Pallava and
Sangam era) 27-29 percent accuracy or above. This
be entered stored and executed in a book is well designed, handy, and
computer system, but they may
s Ancient literature and appropriate for revision at the
litterateur 29
not be reproduced for publication. eleventh hours of the examination
s Pre-Medieval Period (800- with appropriate design elements
1200 AD) 30-31 and a sense of originality.
s Miscellaneous 31-32 Despite all efforts to make this
Writer l History of Medi- book very efficacious, if any doubt
& Associates eval India 35-64 arises regarding facts, readers are
always welcomed to contact on our
Kameshwar Shukla s Comprehensive Index; WHATSAPP platform. You may
View it on page no. 34 WHATSAPP on mobile number
Vivek Kumar Tripathi
l History of modern 8081655444. Your doubts will be
Umesh Singh resolved within 72 hours
India 67-112
Vicky Raj compulsorily.
s Comprehensive Index ;
View it on page no. 66

History of
Drishti Ancient India
History : General Introduction
Lack of written evidence
Pre-historic period Þ Stone Age Civilisation
Only archaeological evidence available
ß continued
Written evidence available (Undeciphered) Indus Valley
Proto-historic period Þ Civilisation &
Dependence on archaeological evidence Copper Age Culture
ß continued
Abundance of written evidence (readable) Starting from
Historic Period Þ approximately
Archaeological evidence also present 6th century BC

Palaeolithic Period Basis of division into three periods ® Variations in tools

Lower Palaeolithic Period
Ø Hunter and Food gatherers
Ø Lack of knowledge of animal husbandary, Ø Core tools ® Speciality
agriculture & fire (Hand-axe, Cleaver, Chopper)
Ø 1st hand-axe associated with this period
® Found in 1863 at Pallavaram (Madras) Middle Palaeolithic Period
Variations in tools

by Robert Bruce Foote

Ø Plank tools
(Made of Quartzite stone)
Mesolithic Period ® Hunter, Gatherer
Stone Age Period

Evidence Related Sites Upper Palaeolithic Period

- Animal ® Adamgarh (M.P.)
Ø Burin & Scrapper
husbandry ® Bagor (Rajasthan)
- Tools made ® Sarai Nahar Rai (U.P.)
from bones ® Mahadaha (U.P.)
Basis of division into three periods

Neolithic Period ® First time production of grain, first use of fire

(Important achievements)
Sites Obtained Evidence Sites Obtained Evidence
Lahuradeva Oldest Evidence of Human skelton, dog's skelton
(U.P., India) rice Burzahom
Pit dwellings
Mehargarh Oldest evidence of
(Pakistan) wheat (barley) Sangana Kallu
Piklihal Ash mounds
Gufkral Agriculture and
(India) Animal husbandry Utnur

Pictorial Presentation 3 GS Drishti Indian History

Exam Drishti History
Sites Related Evidence ¯
¯ ¯ ¯
Damdama Three human skelton in single Pre-Historic Proto-Historic Historic
Period Period Period
Adamgarh Last phase of Mesolithic period:
Animal husbandry *Above period division is based on the basis of
Oldest evidence of settled life availability or unavailability of written evidences.
Remains are found from Stone
Age to Indus Valley Civilisation Other Related Facts
Hathnaura First evidence of humans
(Narmadapur/Hoshangabad) Ø Middle Palaeolithic Period was also called
Bhimbetka Pre-historic painting (cave) Blade Culture due to - Abundance of Blade
Discovery of by D. Terra and Paterson Ø 14 human skeletons have been found at
Burzahom - Langhnaj (Gujarat)
Ø The first information about the Mesolithic
Mesolithic First evidence of skelton in
Period India period in India was obtained during
- 1867-68 AD
Ø In the Indian subcontinent, the time period of
rice obtained from Lahuradeva, the site of
Important Facts oldest agricultural evidence, has been
Ø Statue of bone-made Mother Goddess is found determined as - 9000 BC to 7000 BC
from - Lohanda Nala region (Belan Valley) Ø Evidence of wheat from 7000 BC has been
Ø A megalithic monument has been identified found in the Indian subcontinent from
- by the burial place of dead - Mehrgarh
Ø National Museum of Humankind is situated at Ø After Lahuradev, the second ancient Indian
- Bhopal Neolithic site with evidence of rice is
Ø OCP pottery was named at - Hastinapur - Koldihwa (rice bran)
Ø First evidence of corn has been found
- in Mexico
Important Archaelogical facts Related to India Ø Meaning of Gufkral is - Potter's cave

Ø 1861 A.D. - The father of Indian archaeo-

logy, Alexander Cunningham,
appointed as the first archaeo- Indian Subcontinent
logical surveyor in India ¯
Ø 1863 A.D. - Start of the research on the ¯ ¯
Stone Age Civilization in India Lahuradev Mehargarh
Ø 1871 A.D. - Archaeological Survey was (India) (Pakistan)
formed as a department of the
government ¯ ¯
Ø 1901 A.D. - At the time of Lord Curzon, the Oldest evidence Oldest
Archaeological Survey of agriculture evidence of
Department was centralized and (rice) wheat
was named Archaeological
¯ ¯
Survey of India and John
Marshall was made its first Between 7000 BC
Director General 9000 BC
Note : 7000 BC
Mesolithic humans also used to hunt
fish to fill their stomachs. Note :
The typical tools of the Mesolithic period Therefore oldest evidence of rice or
were micro stone tools. agriculture is from Lahuradev.

Pictorial Presentation 4 GS Drishti Indian History

Chalcolithic Culture
Chalcolithic ® State of use of Copper & Stone
*Copper ® First metal used by humans

® Banas Culture (Nomenclature due to location in Banas Valley)

® Ahar ® Ancient Name ® Tambavati
® South-East
Rajasthan ® Bagor
® Balathal ® Evidence of fortified settlement
Important ® Ojiyana
® Archaeological ® Evidence of fortified
Sites settlement
® Gilund ® Evidence of building made
of mud
® Use of baked bricks at
some places
® Pieces of copper
Expansion of Major Chalcolithic Settlements

® Western Madhya Pradesh have been found

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Malwa Kaytha Eran Navadtoli
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Evidence of - Fortified Evidence - situated in
spinning wheels Colonies of Khargone district
& - Evidence of fortified - Excavation by
spindles 28 bangels settlements H.D. Sankalia
- Evidence of square &
circular house

® Jorwe
Western Maharashtra

® Ahemdnagar ® Nevasa ® Evidence of Jute

¯ ® Daimabad ® Biggest among the known
All the Chalcolithic sites 200 Jorwe sites
of these two districts

are from Jorwe Culture Obtained Evidence

® Prakasha
® Pune District
{ ®
® House with five rooms
® Fortified settlement surrounded
by moat
® Mother Goddess Statue

® Pandu Rajar Dhibi

® Eastern India
{ ® Mahishadal

® Bihar ® Chirand, Senuvar, Sonpur, Taradih

® Other Places
® Eastern U.P. ® Khairadih, Narhan

Pictorial Presentation 5 GS Drishti Indian History

Indus Valley Civilisation & Culture
Introduction ® Generally three names are used for this civilisation
¯ ¯ ¯
Indus Civilisation Indus Valley Civilisation Harappa Civilisation

l Statement of Stuart Piggott ® Harappa and Mohenjodaro, the twin capitals of a vast empire

l John Marshall ® First person to name, this civilisation as Indus civilisation

® Most accepted date

l 2300 BC - 1700 BC ® Through carbon dating - (C-14)
® 2300 BC - 1900 BC
The time of culmination of the development of this civilisation
l Indus Civilisation was contemporary to Mesopotamian and Egyptian Civilisation.

Indus Civilisation : Expansion Area

Punjab Shape of Indus Civilisation Area
Baluchistan Rajasthan
Manda (Northern)
Punjab Pakistan India Haryana
Sindh Western U.P. Sutkagandor Alamgirpur
(Western) (Eastern)
Western Maharashtra Daimabad (Southern)

Site Excavator/Surveyor/Explorer
Harappa Dayaram Sahni
® Conch Ox
Mohenjodaro Rakhaldas Banarjee ® Partrait of Goddess of fertility
® Circular Platform built by bricks
Chahundaro N.G. Mazumdar

® Mausoleum R-37 (cemetery)

Lothal S.R. Rao ® Remnants of wheat & barley grains
® Brass hand barrow
Kalibangan Amalananda Ghosh ® Portrait of fisherman on pot
® Evidence of two Mounds
Banawali R.S. Bist
¯ ¯
Dhaulavira J.P. Joshi Eastern mound Western mound
(City mound) (Fort mound)
Ropar B.B. Lal
Status :
l Montgomery district (Current Sahiwal) Pakistan
Sutkagandor Aurel Stein
l On left bank of Ravi river

Pictorial Presentation 6 GS Drishti Indian History

Mohenjodaro Chanhudaro
l Literal meaning in Sindhi language Ø Bead making factory and furnance
® Mound of Dead Ø Ornate elephant
Ø Toy
® Vast bath
Ø Lipstick
l Most remarkable
Ø Curved bricks
l A then world amazing Ø Dog's paw mark while chasing cat
construction (statement by
John Marshall)
Obtained Evidences

® Most number of seals Kalibangan

containing records
® Huge granary ® Raw bricks ® Used in
® Bronze statue of dancing Bricks ® construction of buildings
Girl ® Baked bricks ® Used
® Pujari (Yogi) statue in construction of drains,
wells and baths only
® Statue of Pashuptinath
(Shiva) ® Ploughed Fields
® Clamshell tracks
® Earthquake evidence
® Horse teeth (Probably)
® Clothes on wet soil ® Firepit, well and a rectan-
gular pit made of baked

® Cotton cloth bricks on a plateform

® Elephant's cranial section
Location : ® 7 fire pits in a line on
l Larkana district (Sindh), Pakistan second platform
l On the left bank of Indus river
® Steatite & Clay Seals

® Pieces of pottery
Location :
Properties : l Hanumangarh district (Rajasthan)
l A major port for trade
with west asia
l Main Feature Dhaulavira
Dockyard Features : l Rectangular city
l City divided into three parts
® Persian currency / seal ½

® Solid painted pots ¯ ¯ ¯


® Paddy (Rice) and Bajra Fort Central City Lower Town

® Persian Seal

® Huge water- reservoir

® Horse Sculpture
® Advanced water management
® Three couplet tombs
® Large size inscription
with 10 marks in
Location : Harappan script
l Ahemdabad district (Gujarat)
l On the banks of Bhogva river Location l Run of Kutch (Gujarat)

Pictorial Presentation 7 GS Drishti Indian History

Surkotada Ropar
Speciality : Modern Name : l Rupnagar
l City divided into two categorized parts
® Rock Seal


¯ ¯ ® Chert Weights
Fortified area Habitation area ® Copper arrow-tips and axe
® Pottery, razer

® Pot burial ® Domesticated dog's

burial with man
® horse bones (Probably)
Location : l Punjab (India)
l On the left banks of Sutlaj River
Location l Kutch District, Gujarat

Important Facts
Daimabad Sites Evidences
Ø Balakot Pieces of bangles made of
Speciality : Ø Manda Bronze Made Screw Pin
l Southern most site of Indus Civilisation Ø Nausaro Evidence of Vermillion on the
forehead of women
Ø Rangpur Rice bran

® Man driving a chariot, Ø Lothal Two wheels of a cricular mill

Bull & Rhino figures Ø Kalibanga Copper statue
® A seal of the Indus script Ø Harappa Picture of a plant growing
from a woman's womb
® Pot, saucer, cup
Ø Hulas Indus script containing seal
Ø Sutkagendor Remnants of clay bangles
Location : l Ahmednagar District (Maharashtra) Ø Mohenjodaro Joint animal sculpture
On the left bank of the Pravara river ¯
¯ ¯
Body Head
¯ ¯
Banawali Sheep Elephant

Three ® Early Exam Drishti

Characteristics ® levels ® Mature
of Indus Ø Indus Inhabitnats started the cultivation of
Culture ® Late cotton for the first time.
Ø In the Indus civilization, buying and selling
® Criss-cross roads was done by barter because coins were not in
dividing city into circulation.
Grid Pattern Ø Weights of Indus civilisation were mainly

® Lapis-Lazuli & Cornelian Ø Meluha has been identified from the Sindh
beads region.
® Plough shaped toys Ø Metal sculptures were made with the lost wax
or honeycomb method.
® Copper arrow tip Ø Most of the sculptures have been obtained are
® Seals & weights of animals and birds.
Ø Most of the seals are made of steatite.
Ø The highest marking on the seals of the Indus
Location : civilization is of a one horn bull and then of
l Fatehabad district (Haryana) the bull with the hump.
Ø Important Sport of this period was dice.

Pictorial Presentation 8 GS Drishti Indian History

Excavated from Mohenjodaro Indus Civilisation : Special Facts
Yogi / Pashupati Shiv ® Lack of knowledge of Iron
® Knowledge of Gold, Silver,

Micro Drishti
½ Copper and Bronze
¯ ¯
Left Right ® Use of hand driven spinning
¯ ¯
Rhinoceros, ¯ Tiger, ® Idol worshipping
Buffalo Bottom Elephant
¯ ® Lack of evidence of remains of
Two deers
*Total 6 animals of 5 different types

Vedic Period

Ø Vedic ® Originated from Ved

Vedic Period
Ø Meaning of Ved ® Knowledge
(Divided in 2 parts)
Ø Vedic Civilisation/Aryan Civilisation ¯ ¯
® New Civilisation developed after Rigvedic Post Vedic
Indus Civilisation
Period Period

Ved ® Main source of Aryan History (1500 BC - (1000 BC -

Vedic literature ® Attributed mostly to
Aryans 1000 BC) 600 BC)

*Note : There is difference of opinion between leading historian on the issue of the original residence of Aryans

Original habitat Historian

Kashmir or Himalayan region L.D. Kall

Brahmarshi country Pt. Ganganath Jha

Sapt-Sindhu country Dr. Avninash Chandra Das

Devika State (Multan) D.S. Trivedi

Southern Russia Gordon Childe

Central Asia Max Muller

North Pole Pt. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Tibbet Swami Dayanand Saraswati

Germany Hart & Penka

Hungary Dr. Giles

Pictorial Presentation 9 GS Drishti Indian History

Vedic Literature

® Most ancient in the Indian literary traditions

Introduction ¾ ® Four Vedas ® 1. Rigved, 2. Yajurveda, 3. Samaveda, 4. Atharvaveda
® Four Parts ® 1. Samhita, 2. Brahmana, 3. Aranyak, 4. Upnishad

Rigveda Yajurveda

Ø Introduction Ø Introduction
l The oldest texts in Vedic literature l Collection of hymns & ritulastic
l Collection of hymns and Prayers formula
l Total 10 Mandal, 1028 hymns and l In Prose and Verse both form
10552 Verses (Richa) l Two branches
l 1028 Sukta ® Krishna Yajurveda
® 1017 Suktas (in Sakal) (in prose and verse)
® Shukla Yajurveda
® 11 Sukta (in Balakhilya)
(only in verse)
Ø Mentions
l Last part ® Ishopanishad
l first mention of the word Varna,
(related to spiritual thinking)
Gotra, Shudra*
Ø Brahmana Text - Satapatha, Taittriya
l Gayatri Mantra** - Creator - Ø Adhvaryu - Priests who perform
Vishwamitra ritulistic sacrifices
l No mention of Iron
l Description of 21 rivers in Nadi Sukta
Ø 9th Mandal ® All 114 Suktas are
dedicated to Soma
Atharva Veda
Ø Purohit ® Hota
Ø Brahmin ® Aitareya, Kaushitaki Ø Introduction
l Collection of 20 parts, 730
* Purush Sukta in 10 Mandal suktas and 5987 mantras
** In third Mandal l Out of 5987 mantras, 1200
mantras are of Rigveda
l Brahma
Samaveda ® Priests chanting mantras of
Ø Introduction l Two Branches
l Meaning of Sama - Music / ® Pippalad
l Collection of mantras sung ® Shaunak
during the occassion of Yajna. Ø Mentions
l The priests to sing mantras - l Magadha and Anga
® Remote state
l Total 1875 Verses
l Sabha & Samiti
l Major Branches ® Kauthuma
® Ramayaniya ® Two daughters of Prajapati
® Jaiminiya Ø Brahmana text
Ø Brahmana Text l Gopath (only Brahmana)
l Tandya/Panchvish

Pictorial Presentation 10 GS Drishti Indian History

Vedic words Meaning

Shatpath Brahmana Ø Krishna Ayas - Iron

Ø Introduction Ø Kusid - Debt
® Brahmana text of Shukla Yujurved
Ø Mention Ø Kusidin - Lender
l Doctrine of reincarnation
l Flooding story Ø Taksha - Carpenter
l Pururava - Urvashi Story
l Purushmedha yajna description Ø Veknat - Interest Usurper
l Wife ® Husband's better half
l Kuru and Panchala Ø Spash - Spy
® Best representative of Vedic
l Rajsuya yajna
Major Rivers (Rigved)
Ø Saraswati
l The most sacred river
Dasragya War
(Battle of 10 Kings) ® Naditama
Ø Mention in 7 Mandala of Rigveda
Ø Aryan and non-Aryan participation from
each side
l Other names
{ ®
Ø Fought on the banks of Parushni (Ravi) Ø Indus (Sindhu)
Ø King Sudas (Tritsu Dynasty) Vs Association
of 10 Kings l The most frequently mentioned river in
(Panchjan and five small tribes alin, Pakth the Rigveda
Bhalanas, Shiva and King of Vishalin) l Other names® Hiranyani (name
Ø Sudas l Final win given due to eco-
l Priest - Vasistha nomic importants)
l Parawat ® Large water body
Upanishad / Vedanta
Ø Introduction
l Based on philosophy Important Facts
l Literal meaning
® Disciple sitting near his teacher for Ø Gramani - Village Head
the attainment of knowledge Ø Vispati - Chief of clan
Upanishads Mentions Ø Upadhyaya - Teacher teaching Vedas for
Ø Shvetashwar - First mention of sustenance
Ø Sabha - Institution of elite / aged
Ø Vrihadaranyaka - Yagyavalkya - Ø Samiti - General institution of
Gargi Dialogue
Ø Chandogyopanishad- Brahmacharya,
Grihastha, Ø Rural - Original culture of Aryans
Vanaprastha, three Ø Ashmchakra - Rahat pulley
Ashramas Ø Business - Based on Barter system
- Legend of Satykam Ø Ekrat - Supreme Ruler
- Jabal (Atharvaveda)
Ø Jabalopanishad - The four ashrams Ø Yama - God of the world of dead
Grihastha, Ø Trivarga - Dharma, Aartha, Kaama
Vanaprastha Ø Purushartha - Dharma, Aartha, Kaama,
Sanyas) Mokhsa
Ø Mundakopanishad - Satyameva Jayate
Ø Kathopanishad - Yam-Nachiketa

Pictorial Presentation 11 GS Drishti Indian History

Prithvi Som The third most important deity.
All the mantras of the 9th Mandal of
Rigveda are dedicated to him.
God of Earth

The second most important
Brihaspati Agni deity, 200 hymns of
Rigveda are devoted to him

Mitra The God of the sea and the

Chief Vishnu Varun regulator of the Rits. Head of the
moral order, Ritsyagopa
Rigvedic ® God of the sky
Surya Pushan God of plants and medicines,
Ashwin Goats used to pull his chariot

Marut Indra Most Important deity
God of Space (the destroyer of Forts),
lord of the world,
Vayu Rudra dedication of 250 hymns of Rigveda,
Aapa War leader of Aryans god of rain

Origin of Kshatriya Origin of Brahmin
­ ­
from arm from mouth
Turvasu Druhya

Virat Purush

from the thigh from foot

¯ ¯ Yadu Puru
Origin of Vaishya Origin of Shudra
Education (Shiksha)
Astrology Aeon
(Jyotish) (Kalp)
Atharvaveda Rigveda
Vedatrayi Vedang
Yajurveda Samaveda Verse Grammer
(Chhanda) (Vyakarama)
Samaveda Yajurveda

Pictorial Presentation 12 GS Drishti Indian History

Rigvedic era Rivers Modern Name Mandala (Rigveda) Author
Ashkini Chenab First Madhuchmda, Meghatithi
Vipasha Vyas Second Gritsamad
Parushni Ravi Third Vishwamitra
Vitasta Jhelum Fourth Vamdev
Sadaneera Gandak Fifth Atri
Shutudri Sutlej Sixth Bhardwaj
Drisdvati Ghaggar Seventh Vashistha
Eighth Kanv and Angiras
Ninth Soma Devta and Other Sages
Jainism Tenth Vimda, Indra, Shachi and Other

® 'Jain' is derived from the Sanskrit

Mahavir Swami

word Jinn Ø Birth ® 540 B.C.

® Meaning of Jinn - Winner Ø Place ® Kundalgram / Kundalpur
® Founder - Aadinath (Vaishali)
® Mahatma - Nigranth Ø Father ® The head of the Jnatri Clan of
Kshatriyas : Siddhartha
Ø Mother ® Trishala / Videhadatta
® 23 Tirthankar ® Sister of Chetak, head of

® Son of King Ashvasen of Kashi Vaishali's Lichhavi Republic

® Birth in Varanasi Ø Wife ® Yashoda
® Daughter of Kundinya Gotra
® Asked followers to follow
Ø Daughter ® Anojja / Priyadarshana
Ø Son-in-law ® Jamali
Attainment of Knowledge (Kaivalya)
Truth - To speak truth ¯
Non-violence - Avoiding violence Near Jrambhikagram
Asteya - Stealing is prohibited ¯
Aparigrah - No collection of property On the banks of Rijupalika river
Important Facts Under the tree of Sal
Ø Jain Congregation's first president After Attaining Knowledge (Mahavir)
- Sudharman Ø New Name - Kevalin, Arhat, Jin, Nigranth
Ø Division of Jainism
l Folower of Sthulabhadra ® Shvetambara Ø First Disciple - Jamali
l Followers of Bhadrabahu ® Digambara Ø Included Celebecy in Chaturyam
Ø President of the first Jain Council Ø Anekantvad / Syadvad
(Pataliputra) - Sthulbhadra
Ø President of the Second Jain Council Ø Belief in Rebirth & Karma
(Vallabhi) - Devadhigan
Khashma shraman Death
Ø Jain literature is called - Aagam (theory) Ø 527 B.C.
Ø Symbol of Parswanath - Snake Ø Pavapuri, Near Rajgir
Ø Founder of Ajivak Sect - Makhaligosal

Pictorial Presentation 13 GS Drishti Indian History

Buddhism Other name
Mahatma Buddha
'Dharma Chakra (Gautam)
Pravartana' Attained Mother
knowledge Mahamaya
¯ (Koliya)
35 years old age
Frist sermon given to the five
Brahmins at Sarnath / Rishipattan / Left home Father
Mrigadav 29 years old Shuddodhana
(by Mahatma Buddha) Siddhartha (Shakya)
Son Birth
Rahul 563 B.C.
Wife Upbrining
Person Donation Yashodhara Gautami
Bimbisar Veluvan Vihar (Shakya) Marriage Prajapati
16 Years
Prasanjit Pubbaram Vihar
of age
Lichhavi Kutagrashala Vihar
Anaathpindak Jetavan Vihar

Important Facts
Important Facts Ø 4 sequence of scenes responsible
for Buddha's Asceticism-old man,
Four noble truths Most sick person, dead and happy Ascetic
- Grief (dukha) Publicity
- Origin (Samudaya) Kosala Ø First meeting after leaving home -
of Grief (Sravasti), Alar Kalam, the teacher of Samkhya
- Cessation (nirodha) 21 Rainy philosophy (Near Vaishali)
of grief Season
Ø Near Rajgriha - Meeting
- Cessation of grief - Habitat
with Rudrak Ramputra
Gamini Pratipada
Mahatma Buddha

Mahaparinirvaan Last hours of life

Knowledge acquistion
In Kushinagar - Last rainy season in Ø At the age of 35, on the night of
at 80 years Vaishali Vaishakh full moon day attainment of
of age - Chund in Pava knowledge under the Bodhi or Fig tree
fed porridge
¯ - Last sermon - To
(483 B.C.) Subhadd in Exam Drishti
Ø The followers of Buddhism were divided into
two classes - Monks/Nuns and Worshipers /
Eightfold Path Female Worshipers
Ø Known as 'Light of Asia' - Gautam Buddha
½ Ø Author of a poetry book called "Light of Asia"
¯ ¯ ¯ based on the life of Gautam Buddha
Insight (Pragya) Morality (Sila) Meditation - Edwin Arnold
½ ½ (Samadhi) Ø The literal meaning of Hinayana is
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ - Deficient Vehicle
Right Right Right Right Right Right Ø The literal meaning of Mahayana is
view resolve conduct liveli- mindful- Samadhi - Great Vehicle
¯ ¯ hood ness Ø Buddha used to say about his sect
Right speech Right effort - Middle Path/Madhyma Pratipada

Pictorial Presentation 14 GS Drishti Indian History

Incident Insignia Tripitaka (in Pali language)
Birth Lotus and Bull Triratna
¯ ¯ ¯
Left Home Horse ¯ Vinaya Sutta Abhidhamma
¯ ¯ a ¯ Pitaka Pitaka Pitaka
Knowledge Peepal (Bodhi Tree) ha mm ha
dd ng
Nirvana Footprint Bu Dha Sa nion) ¯ ¯ ¯
(U Rules Collection Philosophical
Death Stupa related to of Buddha's Theory
sangha teachings

Education Center Word Meaning

¯ ® Chaitya ® Burial tomb for keeping
¯ ¯ ¯ mortal remains of great men
Nalanda Vallabhi Vikramshila
® Vihar ® Place of residence of
¯ ¯
Kumaragupta Dharmapala
® Stupa ® Place for keeping selected
bones of dead

First Second
Year ® 483 B.C. Year ® 383 B.C.
Location ® Rajgriha Location ® Vaishali
(Saptaparni Cave) (Balukaram Vihar)
President ® Mahakasap / President ® Subukami,
Maha Kashyap Sabkamir (Sarvakamani)
Ruler ® Ajatashatru Ruler ® Kalaashoka


Third Fourth
Year ® 247 B.C. Year ® First Century AD
Location ® Pataliputra Location ® Kundalvan (Kashmir)
President ® Moggaliputta Tissa President ® Vasumitra
Ruler ® Ashoka Vice President ® Ashwaghosh
Ruler ® Kanishka

Pictorial Presentation 15 GS Drishti Indian History

Exam Drishti Other Related Facts
® Mahasanghik / Ø Fourth Buddhist Council ® Buddhism
Sarvastivadin explicitly got split in Hinayana & Mahayana
Ø Division (In favour of change) Ø Nagarjuna, the originator of Sunyavad
in Leader ® Mahakasap Ø Founder of Vigyanvad / Yogism Sect -
Buddhism ® Sthavira / Theravadi Maitreynath
Anti - change Ø Future Buddha ® Maitreya
Leader ® Mahakachayan Ø Kshanikvad prinicples ® Buddha

Shaivism : Important Points Bhagwat Dharma : Main Points

Ø Shivas worshiper ® Shaiv Ø Originator ® Vrishni Dynasty Krishna

Ø India's Oldest religion Ø Bhagwat religion and worship of Vasudeva is
Ø Another name for Shiva in Rigveda ® Rudra mentioned by ® Panini
Ø Shiva, Vrishabha, Trishul on the coins of Ø First available stone monument related to
Kushan rulers Bhagwat religion
Ø Udayagiri cave® Creating Shaiva Cave ¯
inscription ¯ Vidisha / Basenagar's Garuda Column
Build by commander of ¯
Chandragupta II ¯ ¯
Heliodorus (Bhagwat) Vasudeva (Devdevas)
Ø First depiction of Bhagavata Dharma on the
On Udayagiri Hill

Mora/ Panchveer Stone

Shiva Temple Mathura Inscription
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
¯ ¯ Sankarshan Vasudev Pradyumna Samb Aniruddh
Kandaria Kailash Temple
Mahadev Temple ¯
¯ ¯ ¯
¯ ¯ Ellora Built during Ø Gupta King ® Vaishnava Sect followers
Khajuraho Built by the time of Ø Garuda ® Insignia of Gupta rulers
Chandel Ruler Rashtrakuta

Shaiva Sect: According to Vaman Purana ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Sankarshan Pradyuma Aniruddh Vasudev
Shaiva Pashupat Kapalik Kalamukh (Balram) ¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Son Son
Founder Incarnation of extremist Vasudev - of Krishna of
¯ Bhairava Shiva Born and Pradyuman
Lakulisha ¯ of Rohini Rukmini
¯ Followers
Avatar of Shiva ¯
¯ Sura's intake, Meat ® Propogator of Vaishnavism
Belief of feeders, having Alvar Saint ® in South India
followers Narmunda ® Aandal ® only Sadhvi
of Sect (Human Skull)
in hand

Pictorial Presentation 16 GS Drishti Indian History

6th Century BC - Political Condition

Buddhist texts Anguttarnikaya Chief Republic


Jain Granth Bhagwatisutra

Panini's Ashtadhyayi Shakya - Kapilavastu
Mahaparinirvana Sutra Bulli - Alkapp
Kalam - Kasputta
Koli - Ramgam
Important Facts Mall - Pava
Ø Largest and powerful republic of Buddha
period - Vaishali
Ø According to the Puranas, the first dynasty to
rule Magadha was - Brihadratha dynasty
Ø According to Buddhist texts, the first majestic
ruler of Magadha was - Bimbisar
Ø The most powerful ruler of Kashi Magadha Empire
- Brahmdutta
Ø The capital of Kosala kingdom in Ramayana Haryanka Dynasty
- Ayodhya
Ø City layout of ancient Shravasti Bimbisar ® Actual Founder
- Crescent shaped Introduction
® Shrenik names in Jain literature
Mahajanapada with Two Capitals ® Mahavansh - King of Magadha
at the age of 15
® Sravasti, the capital of the
Ø Kosala northern part Marriage
® Saket the capital of the ® Marriage with Chelna
southern part Daughter of Chetak
® Pava (Lichhavi ruler)
Ø Malla ® Capitals
® Kushinagar ® Second marriage with Koshal king
® Ahichchhatra, the capital of Prasenjit's sister Mahakoshala
Ø Panchala Northern Panchala
® Capital of Southern Panchala ® Marriage with Madra's
Kampilya Princess Kshema
® Ujjayini, capital of northern Avanti War
Ø Avanti ® Capital of southern Avanti ® Defeated Branhmadatta ®
Mahishmati Assimilation of Anga
Ajatashatru ® Son of Bimbisara
® Other name Kunik
Study of Coins - Numismatics
Oldest coins of India ® Marriage with Prasenjit's
Coins (Found from the 6th century BC
daughter Vajira

to the middle of Maurya period) ® First Buddhist Council

Udayin ® Son of Ajatasanru
Hammered coins or Punchmarked coins ® Establishment of Pataliputra
¯ ® Capital of Magadha Empire
Made of Silver was transferred from Rajgriha
¯ to Patliputra
Stamp Mark

Pictorial Presentation 17 GS Drishti Indian History

Alien Invasion
Shishunaga Dynasty
Shishunag ® Founder ¯ ¯
Introduction Iranian Greek
® Mahavanshtika - Born of a ¯
prostitute wife of a Licchavi King
Dara First Alexander
® Purana-Kshatriya Origin

Victory of Avanti
® Expansion of Magadh empire till Greek invasion
® Behistoon - Inscription
® Aquisition of Vatsa

® Vaishali was made the second 23 Provinces of Darius I's
capital apart from Girivraj empire is mentioned
® Details by Herodotas
Kalashoka (Son of Shishunag) ¯
l Puranas name - Kakvarn India, Dara's Empire 20th
l Capital shifted again to Patliputra province
l Organization of second Buddhist

Nand Dynasty
Important Facts
Mahapadam Nanda ® Founder
Other Name Ø New script birth in territories of northwestern
® Sarvakshatrantak - Destroyer of India as a result of Persian contacts
all Kshatriyas - Kharoshthi script
® Incarnation of the second
Parashurama (Bhargava) Ø Physician of Antarjraxis was - Terrius

Other Facts Ø Son of Macedonian King Phillip II

® Ekkshtra ® Establishment of - Alexander III (Sikandar)
® Ekrat title Ø Capital of republic of Aswak - Massag
® Kalinga Vijay : Source ®
Kharavela's Hathigumpha
inscription Ø Porus's state was settled in
- Middle of Jhelam and Chenab
® Friend - Panini
Dhanananda Ø Poraus was defeated by Alexander
® Last king of Nanda dynasty - On the banks of river Jhelum
® Agrimeez (son of Ugrasen) -
Source Greek writer
® Alexander's contemporary Alexander
® Name of Chief of Army - ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Con- Demolished Estalished Death
® Murdered by Chandragupta temporary the Alexandri 323
Maurya of Achaemenid Bucephalous B.C.
® Jain Amatya - Shakatal and Dhana Empire City
Sthulabhadra Nanda

Pictorial Presentation 18 GS Drishti Indian History

Mauryan Dynasty

Chandragupta Maurya Bindusara

Ø Introduction Ø Other Name
Indian Source l Amitrochates
l Founder of Mauryan Dynasty (according to Greek writers)
l Integrated India as one political
l Singhasena (Jain texts)
unit for first time
l Nandraj's son, Vrishala and Kula- Ø Sent son Ashoka to suppress the
Hina (As per Mudrarakshasa by rebellion in Taxila (Diyyavadana)
Ø According to Strabo, Syria's King
l Related to Royalty (As per Buddhist Antiocuss's ambassador Dimachus
text Mahabodhivamsa)
l Shudra's lineage (As per
Brihatkathamanjari and Ø Arrival of Egyptian king Ptolemy II's
Kathasaritsagar) ambassador Dionysus as per Pliny
l Son of the daughter of the head of Ø Three demand from Syria's ruler
peacock feeders village Antiochus
(Parishistparvan, by Hemchandra)
l Sweet alcohol
Foreign Source
l William Jones l Dried figs
® Sandrocottus l Phillosopher
(Chandragupta Maurya)
l Arrian and Plutarch
® Androcottus
(Chandragupta Maurya)
Facts about Emperor Ashoka
l Justin ® Gave accounts of
Sandrokottos and Alexander Ø According to Buddhist evidence, Ashoka was
meeting provincial governor of this province during
Ø Credit for the conquest of South India rule of his father - Avanti's (Ujjain)
(As per Tamil literature Ahananuru Ø Propounded the Dhamma - Emperor Ashoka
and Purananuru)
Ø Defeated seleucus, the eastern ruler of Ø Ashoka became the king of Magadha
Alexander kingdom - About 273 B.C.
Ø North - Upto Himalayas Ø Ashoka's coronation took place in - 269 B.C.
Ø Name of Ashoka in Puranas - Ashokvardhana
of Empire at Ø Third council of Buddhism was held
West - ® ® East - - During the reign of Emperor Ashoka
the time of
Till Bay of
his death
Hindukush Bengal Ø Ashoka's Initiation into Buddhism by
Nigrodha is mentioned - In Deepvansh,
¯ Mahavansh
South - Till Mysore
Ø Ashoka's Initiation into Buddhism by
Ø Expansion of Empire ® Upagupta is mentioned in - Divyavadaan
Bigger than the British India
Ø Ashok, Dasaratha - Followers of Buddhism

Pictorial Presentation 19 GS Drishti Indian History

Emperor Ashoka

A set of 14 different articles, obtained from 8 places

mostly in Prakrit language and Brahmi script Ø Kaling War
l The first big event of the Ashoka's Reign
­ l Winner ® Ashok
Inscription l Source - 13th Pillar Inscription

l Occured 8 years after Ashok's coronation,
Rock Edict ®
i.e. 261 BCE
Bhabru (Bairat)
rock edict Edicts
¯ of Ashoka Province Captial
talked about his
® Cave
faith in Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha Uttarapath - Takshshila
¯ Avantipatha Ujjain
Ashoka called himself king of Magadha -
Kalinga Tosli
Dakishnapath Suvarnagiri
Egypt -
¯ Prachya or Patliputra
Turmaye Eastern province
(Ptolemy II Philadelphus)

Alexandar / Alikasudaro Syria

­ Antioch / Antiochus II Sohgaura copper
Epirus Thios plate inscription
Five (Gorakhpur) Written in
Greek Kings language,
with cordial Mahasthan
Brahmi script
relations inscription, Bogra
(Thirteeth (Bangladesh)
Ø The Court
Cyrene Macedonia/ l Dharmasthiya ® Civil Court
¯ Macedonia l Kantakoshodhan ® Criminal Court
Magas ¯ Ø Intelligence
Antkini/ l Sanstha ® Living in the same place
Antigonous Gonatas l Sanchara ® Those who roam every where

Municipal Administration
Megasthenes Indian Society
l Administration of Patliputra city by 6 l Divided into seven categories
committees with 30 members ¯
l 5 members in each committee Philosopher, farmer, animal keeper,
l Third committee - Census committee artisan, warrior, inspector, minister
l Sixth Committee - Collection of Sales l Lack of practice of slave tradition
Tax l No person could marry outside his caste
l Capital punishment for tax evasion or have a different profession
l Name of the city's officials
® Astyonomoi

Pictorial Presentation 20 GS Drishti Indian History

Very Important Facts
Ø Rishi Chanak named his son Chanakya Ø James Prinsep ® First scholar to read
Ø Kautilya and Vishnugupta is also (1837 AD) Ashoka's inscriptions
associated with Chanaka
Ø Kharosthi ® is written from right to
Ø Name in Puranas ® Dwijarshabha
(Superior brahmin) Script left
Ø Arthashastra Ø Anuradhapur ® Evidence of Prakrit,
l Book of principles of (Sri Lanka) Ashoka's Brahmi script
Governance Ø Ashok's Name ® In Maski, Gurjara,
l Description of saptang system of Netur and Udegolam
state Inscription
Ø Author of Indica ®Megasthenes (Seleucus
Niceter's ambassador)
Ø Taxila ® Most famous center of
Friend (Mitra) ­ Amatya education in Mauryan

Chanakya Chandragupta
City (Janapada)

(Vishnugupta) (Sandrocottus)


Important people of
Muryan period and

their names
Fund (Kosh) Fort (Durg)

Ashoka Bindusara
(Piyadasi) (Amitraghat)
Other Related Facts
Ø Arthashastra ® Permission for divorce to Post Mauryan Period
wife adandoned by her husband
Ø Wife can leave her husband if he has some
defect in his body or have been living in
Exam Drishti
foreign for long time
Ø Foreigners were accepted as Fallen Ø There is a marking on the coins of Yaudheyas
Kshatriyas by Manu in Indian Society - of Kartikeya
Ø Propogation of gold coins in West India was
done by - Indo-Greek Kings

Top of this It was Ø The practice of child marriage started

coloumn is constructed - In the Kushana period (1st century AD)
called by emperor Ø Glass coins were issued by - Strato II
Lion Capital Ashoka
Ø Sankarashan and Vasudeva are inscribed
- On the coins of Agathocles
Ø Bamiyan of Afghanistan was famous
Sarnath Pillar - for Buddha Statue
Ø The first Iranian ruler who annexed some part
Lion Captial Lion figurine of India - Derius I (522-486 BC)
has been on top of
adopted as pillar is
national emblem symbol of
of India power

Pictorial Presentation 21 GS Drishti Indian History

Post Mauryan Period

Rudradaman's Junagadh
Kujula Kadphises
® Issued only copper coins
Ø Found at Girnar mountain of Gujarat
Ø Sanskrit language, Brahmi script ® Dharmathidas and Dharmathit
Ø Oldest among Sanskrit Inscriptions emgraved on coins
Ø Oldest Specimen of Sanskrit 'Poetry Vima Khadphises
Style' ® Issued gold and copper coins
Ø The Main Purpose
® Shiva, Trishul and Nandi shape on coins
l To keep the records of
reconstrcution of Sudrashan Kushana Dynasty
lake safe.
Ø Nagarjuna, Parshva and
Charaka in the court
Ø Buddha Marking
Rulers of Kalinga on Coins
Ø Founder ® Mahameghavahan Ø Royal patronage
Ø Kharavela ® One of the greatest - Vasumitra
emperor (According to the Ø Rajkavi
Hathigumpha) Ashwaghosh
Ø Made pandya ruler to plough field
using donkey
Ø Leaning towards Jain religion.

Satavahana Dynasty

Gandhara Style Ø Actual Capital ® Paithan /

Ø Development during reign of Kanishka.
Ø Blending of Indian and Greek style. Ø Initial Capitals ® Amravati
Ø Chief Patron
Ø Shatkarni I ® First Satavahana
l Shakas
king to hold Shatakarni title
l Kushanas
Ø Used Bluish Grey and grey sandstone for Ø Gautamiputra Shatakarni
l Restablished the fragmenting
Chaturvarya (Varna System)
Shunga Dynasty again
Ø Founder - Pushyamitra Shunga
l Protector of Varna System
Ø Brahmins of Bharadvaja Gotra
(according to Panini)
l Title of Advitiya Brahmin in
Ø Patanjali - Purohit of Pushyamitra
Nashik Inscription
Ø Last King - Devabhuti
Ø Ayodhya Inscription ® Pushyamitra l Protector of Vedas
performed 2
Ashwamedha Yagyas

Pictorial Presentation 22 GS Drishti Indian History

Gupta and Post-Gupta Era

Gupta Dynasty Great Poet -

Ø Introduction
l Ruled around 275-550 AD Diplomat - Physician -
l Founder - Maharaj Shrigupta Ghatkarpar Dhanvantari
(circa 275 AD)
l First powerful ruler - t
Chandragupta I Va rono
rah me
Navratna mi r -
Ø Chandragupta I Magician - hir
Chandragupta a
l Rule 319-335 AD Vetalbhatta
l Title of Maharajadhiraj II
l Originator of Gupta era grapher -
Grammarian - Amar Singh
Ø Samudra Gupta Vararuchi
l Indian Napoleon by Vincent Architect -
Smith Astrologer - Shanku
l Prayag Prashasti Kshapanaka
® Appreciative description by
® Mention of the conquests of
Samudragupta Ø Kumaragupta I
l Title ® Parkramank l Title - Mahendraditya
l Contemporary king Related l Born to Dhruvadevi, wife of Chandragupta II
from South India State
Dhananjay Kustalpur l Most number of Gupta period inscriptions are
Neelraj Avmukta of his period
Ugrasen Palakka l Copper plate inscription ® Received from
Vishnugopa Kanchi Dhandaih, Damodarpur and Baigram
l Gold, Silver and Copper coins were found
Ø Chandragupta II
l Other names ® Devagupta, l Bilsad inscription ® Genealogy of the
Devraj, Devshree Guptas till Kumargupta I
l Titles
Ø Skandgupta
® Vikramaditya
l Title - Kramaditya
® Shakari
l Gold Coins
® Shak winner
l Mehrauli Inscription ® Frontside * Picture of king carrying bow
® Establishment of and arrow
Vishnudhwaj on Vishnupad ® Backside * Lakshmi in Padmasana
® Presently near Qutub Minar * Sriskandgupta engraved
® Description of l First attack of Hun ® Skandgupta won
Achievements of a king l Engraving of Garundhwaj and Kramaditya
named Chandra on some coins.
l (Chandra's contemporary Gupta
ruler : Chandragupta II)
l The last Shaka king of western Toramana
India Rudra Singh II was defeated
by him (Elimination of Shaka Ø Leader of the second Hun invasion of India
power in Western India) Ø Eran l Inscription engraved on Varah Statue
l Propogated Silver coins to l Dhanyavishnu ® Feudal lord of
commemorate the defeat of the Toramana
Shakas Ø Mihirkula ® Toramana's son and
l Contemporary Chinese Traveler - successor

Pictorial Presentation 23 GS Drishti Indian History

Economy ® 275 - 335 A.D.
Tamralipti ® Vakataka dynasty
Pravarsen 1
l A major port of Bengal ® Title of emperor
l North Indian business operations ® Four Ashwamedha Yajnas
l Business with Southeast Asia,
China, Lanka, Java & Sumatra
l Major Port of Western India ® Originator

l Maritime trade with western l Gautam (Akshapad)

countries ® Literal meaning of
Shrenis Nyay ® logic / decision
l Organisation of special ® Existence of 16 substances /
importance elements
l Setup by traders for smooth trade
l Judicial power over its members
l Setting standards and prices,

salary of members, working rules ® Exponent - Maharishi Kapil
l Each shreni has its own head
® Principle ® Movement of the Spirit
l Self made rules
® Ignorance is the cause of suffering

Ø Vedanta ® The culmination of

Philosophy Indian ideology
Gold currency ® Dinar
® 3 base
Siddhant Shiromani ® Bhaskaracharya
Lilavati (Author) ¯ ¯ ¯
Ayurvedashastra ® Dhanvantari (Author) Upanishads Brahmsutras Bhagavad Gita
Silver Coins ® Rupak
Philosophy Exponent
Yog Patanjali
Vaisheshik Kanad
Eran Mimansa Jaimini
l First Archival Evidence of Sati
Vedanta Vadrayan
l Record of 510 AD Advaitvad Shankaracharya
l Mention of Senapati Gopraja's wife Vishishtadvaita Ramanujacharya
commiting sati
Dvaitavad Madhvacharya
Navya-Nyaya Gangesh Upadhyay

Udrang ® Land tax

1/6 ® Rate of land revenue
(of produce) Ø First mention of Gurjar caste
Bidakbhagam ® Irrigation tax in - In Aihole inscription
ancient India Ø Founder of Gurjara Pratihara dynasty
Kousheya ® a substitute for silk - Nagabhatta I
Sanskrit ® The language of the high class Ø The founder of Rashtrakuta dynasty was
people of the Gupta period - Danti durg
Warangal Famous for iron tools Ø Harsha Shifted his capital from
Mrichhakatikam Shudrak (Author) - Thaneshwar to Kannauj
Chess ® Game originated during Note : The capital of the
® the Gupta period
Maukhari rulers was Kannauj.

Pictorial Presentation 24 GS Drishti Indian History

Rashtrakuta ¬ ® Pal
Ø Aihole Inscription
l Description of the war between
Pulkesin II and Harsha
l The war was fought at the banks
of Narmada River
Gurjar - Pratihar
Victorious in the end
Ø Hiuen Tsang
Most important event of North ® Jyotirmath
Harsha's time : arrival of Hiuen (Uttarakhand)
Tsang in India
l Arrival from, Chang the Capital
of Tang rulers Shankara-
l Famous Text ® Si-Yu-Ki West East ® Puri
l Travels of Bhinmal (Mutts) (Odisha)
l Prince of Travellers ® Title (Gujara)
l Tour of Nalanda University in 637
A.D. South ® Shringeri (Karnataka)
Ø Mentioned
l Mathura
Ø The event which was organised every five
® Famous for cotton clothes year during Harsha's time at Prayag's Sangam
l Varanasi area - Mahamoksh Council
® Famous for silk clothes th
Ø The foreign traveller present at the 6
Mahamoksh council was - Hiuen Tsang
Ø Name given to India by ancient Chinese
writers - Yin-Tu, Thian-Tu
Ø Nalanda University was destroyed by
- Bakhtiyar Khilji

Architecture in Ancient India

Situated in Chatarpur district, Madhya Pradesh ; Build by Chandel rulers

(Between 950-1050 A.D.)
Style of Temple Architecture ® Nagar Kandaryia Mahadev Temple
Best Temple
(Among all the Khajuraho
Included in world temple of that time)
heritage list of UNESCO
Khajuraho Mention of Construction of
Other Temple 85 temples; related to Vaishnavism,
¯ Shaiv, Shakt and Jain religion
Chausath Yogini, Brahma,
Dulhadev Temple,
Jinnath's Temple Parshvanath Temple Mantangeshwar Temple
¯ Dedicated to Lord Shiva
Jain Temple

Pictorial Presentation 25 GS Drishti Indian History

Cave temple

7 caves in total Angkor Wat Temple

½ Ø Yashodharpur (Angkor),
¯ ¯
5 caves 2 caves
Elephanta ¯ Located in Kampoorchia (Cambodia)
By Ø Built in 12th century by
of of
Rashtrakutas Suryavarman II
Hindu Buddhist
religion religion Ø Dedicated to Vishnu
Ø Made in Dravidian style
Statue of
Trimurti Shiva Ø World's largest
Hindu Temple Group

Location - Aurangabad District (Maharashtra)

Fame - Cave Temple

Temple Building Style

Total 34 Ellora Kailash
rock-cut caves Mandir Ø Nagara
l 1 - 12 ® affiliated with l Rock architecture l Prevalent throughout northern
Buddhism l Dravidian style India
l 13 - 29 ® From Hinduism l Krishna I l Example - Temples of Odisha
l 30 - 34 ® From Jainism (Rashtrakut)
Ø Dravidian
: constructor
l Prevalent in South India
(Between krishna river - Kumari
Built by - foreland)
Narasimha Devvarman I "Chodagang" l Examples - Kailash Temple of
Ø Vesara
l A mixture of Nagara and
Construction Period

Dravidian styles
13th centruy A.D.
7 independent horse

Sun l Second name ® Chalukya style


Ø Location ® Near Datia (Madhya Pradesh)
Temple Base - Huge Platform Ø Speciality ® Holy place of Jainism
Ø Important Facts ® Surrounded by white Jain
stone sculpted wheels all around Temple
l Current Context
® 77 Jain Temple On Hill
® 26 in the village
Lingaraja Temple
Ø Located in Bhubaneswar, Odisha ® Total No. 103
Ø Built in Nagara style Ø Other Facts
Ø Best temple of Arya Nagara Style l 57th Temple
Ø The most attractive part ® Peak ® main temple
® situated on a hill
® Related to Tirthankar Chandraprabhu

Pictorial Presentation 26 GS Drishti Indian History

Temple - Location - Builder
Temple Location Constructor
Dilwara Jain Temple ® Mount Abu ® Fedual lord of Bhimdev I
Palitana Jain Temple ® Shatrunjay hill (Bhavnagar)
Modhera Sun Temple ® Gujarat ® Bhimdev I
Charriot Temple ® Mahabalipuram ® Pallava ruler
Brihadeeswara Temple ® Tanjore ® Rajaraj First
Virupaksh Temple ® Hampi

® Temple construction style

Panchayatan ¾
® Statue group of four other gods with a god

South India (Chola, Chalukya, Pallava and Sangama Era)

First Sangam ® Location - Madurai

® President - Agastya Rishi


Third Sangama Second Sangama

Location - Madurai ¬ ® Location - Kapatpuram (Alaiwai)
President - Nakerer ¬ ® President - Agastya Rishi and Tolkappiyer

Tolkampiyam Silappadikaram

Ø Related to second Sangama Ø Author ® Ilango Adigal

Ø Oldest texts of available Tamil Ø Important epic of Sangam Literature
Literature Ø The description of Ilango Adigal

Ø Writer ® Tolkappiyar (One of the ¯

Chola King Karikal's grandson
twelve qualified disciples of Sage
Ø Description of poignant legend of
Agastya) Kovalan (a rich man of Puhar /
Ø Grammer Book Kaveripatnam) and his wife Kannagi

Pictorial Presentation 27 GS Drishti Indian History

Ø Statue of Nataraj Shiva
l Found in large numbers
l Usually quadrilateral in shape
Takkolam War
(949 AD)
Ø South Facing Ø Rashtrakuta Vs Chola
l Dakshinamurti of Shiva ® In Guru l Krishna III Vs
(teacher) posture Parantak I
l Winner Krishna III
Chola Ruler Result
Capture of
Tanjore by
Ø Rajaraj I
l Conquered northem Sri Lanka and
assimilated it into his kingdom
l Conquered and destroyed Anuradhapur of
Sri Lanka
® Capital
l Polonnaruwa Committee Work
® Re-named
® Jananathamangalam Ø Variyam - An executive committee to
take care of villages
Ø Tot Variyam - Garden administration work
Rajendra I
Ø The climax of the Chola power Ø Samvatsara - Annual Committee
Ø Bay of Bengal turned into Chola lake Variyam
Ø Conquered the entire Sinhala Islands Ø Eri Variyam - Pond Committee
(Sri Lanka)
Ø Invasion of North-East India Ø Pon Variyam - Gold Committee
l To bring holy Ganges water
Ø Defeated the Pala ruler Mahipala
l Title of Gangaikondachola
Pallava Ruler
Ø Singh Vishnu
l Gangaikondacholapuram :
new capital l Title of Avni Singh
Ø Construction of Cholagangam pond l According to Kashakudi
inscription ® Defeated the
kings of Cholas, Pandyas, Sri
Lanka and Kalmra
Ø Narasimhavarman
Kulotung I ® title of Mahamalla
Ø Parameshwarvarmana
Ø King Vijayabahu of Sri Lanka ® Title of Lokaditya, Ekamalla,
became independent Rananjay, Gunbhajana
Ø Kulotung married his daughter with Ø Mahendra Varman I
Veerapperumal ® Author of Mattavilash
Ø A Chola Embassy group of 72 Prahasan
merchants was sent to China
Ø Title in Chola writings Ø Arikamedu ® Podke (ancient name)
Shungam Tarvit Ø Amphora Jug ® Handle on Both Sides

¯ Ø Kamban ® Composition of Tamil

Remover of Taxes Ramayana or Ramavatharam

Ø Uraiyur ® Center of Cotton Textile

Pictorial Presentation 28 GS Drishti Indian History

Chalukya ® Brihajjatakam
Varahamihira ® Panchasiddhantika
Ø Capital ® Badami ® Brihat Samhita
Ø Pulakeshin I ® Actual Founder

® Sariputra Prakaran
® Dashkumarcharit
Ø Pulakeshin II

® Buddhacharita
® Saundranand
® Kavyadarsh

l Most capable and powerful

among Chalukya rulers
l Rule from 610 AD to 642 AD Litterateur
l Aihole inscription - Composer -
Ø Appointment of women, often in high
Ø C h a n d r a d i t y a ' s q u e e n Vi j a y a ® Priyadarshika
Bhattarika got two copper inscription Harsh ® Ratnavali
written in her name
® Nagananda

Chola Administration
Empire Ancient Literature and Litterateur
Province (Mandalam) Ø Milindapanho ® Nagsen
¯ Ø Malavikagnimitram ® Kalidas
Kottam / Valnadu Ø Rajtarangini ® Kalhan
Ø Geet Govind ® Jaydev
Nadu (District)
Ø Panchatantra ® Visnu Sharma
Ur (Village) Ø Siddhant Siromani ® Bhaskaracharya
Ø Mitakshara ® Vigyaneshwar
Ø Mattavilas Prahasan ® Mahendra Verman
Pandya Kingdom

Ø Lifeline ® Vengi River

Ø Location ® South of river kaveri Litterateur Literature
Ø Capital ® Madura Patanjali ® Mahabhashya
Ø 26 B.C. ® Sent an Embassy to
Yask ® Nirukta
Ø Construction of Meenakshi Katyayan ® Vartik
Temple Vatsyayana ® Kamasutra
Ø Jayantavarman (ruler) Kalidas Meghdoot
® Title of Vanavan Bhavabhuti Uttaramacharitam
Kumardas Jankiharanam
Ancient Literature & Litterateur Shudraka Mrichhakatikam
Bharavi Kiratarjuniyam
Banabhatta Kadambari
Ø Historica ® Herodotus ®
Merutung Prabandh Chintamani
(Father of History) ®
Ø Mudrarakhasa ® Visakhadutt Bhas Swapnavasvaddata
Sarvavarma ® Katantra
Ø Astadhyayi ® Panini
Ø Brahmasphuta Bhaskaracharya ® Leelavati
Siddhanta ® Brahmagupta ®
Ø Aryabhaatiya ® Aryabhatta

Pictorial Presentation 29 GS Drishti Indian History

Early Middle Ages (800-1200 AD)
Gurjara -
Pratihara Dynasty
Pala Dynasty
Ø Nagabhatta first ® Founding ruler
Ø Gopal ® Founder Ø Nagabhatta II ® Title of
Ø Dharmapala Parambhattaraka 'Maharajadhiraj Parmeshwar'
l Ardent Buddhist Ø Mihirbhoja
l Paramsaugata l Greatest ruler of dynasty
(name in inscriptions)
l Vaishnavite
l Established Viharas at
Vikramshila, Sompuri l Titles ® Adivarah, Prabhas
Ø Devpal
l Buddhist follower
l Donated five villages Sen Dynasty
® For construction of a Ø Founder ® Samant Sen
Buddhist Vihara at ® Ruled for 28 years
Nalanda Laxman
Sen ® Laxman Samvat begins
® At the request of
Balaputradev - ® The title of
Shailendravanshi Ruler of Ballal Nishank Shankar
Java Sen
® Writer of Dansagar
and Adbhut Sagar

Gahadavala Dynasty
Ø Founder - Chandradev
Parmar Dynasty
Ø Govindchandra Gahadavala
l Wife ® Rani Kumaradevi Ø Founder - Seyak or Shri Harsha
® Buddhist followers Ø Vakpati Munja
® Darmachakra - l Construction of Munjsagar Pond
Construction of Jin Vihar l Title - Srivallabh, Prithvivallabh,
(Sarnath) Amoghvarsh
Ø Minister Lakshmidhar Ø Sindhuraj ® Title - Kumarnarayan
and Sahashank
Ø Jaichand ® the last ruler
Ø King Bhoj
l Ruled by - Sword
l Composition -
Alha - Udal Samrangansutradhar (related to
Ø Belonging to Mahoba architecture)
Ø General of Paramardidev (Chandela l Other composition - Saraswati
ruler) Kanthabharan, Siddhant Sangrah
Ø Defeated by Prithviraj Chauhan l Construction of banquet hall
l Source ® Prithviraj Raso (Bhojshala)
® Parmal Raso

Prithviraj III (Prithviraj Chauhan)

Jaisingh Siddharaj Ø Ruler of Ajmer
Ø Chalukya Ruler (Gujarat) Ø First Battle of Tarain - Victory over
Ø Religiously tolerant ruler Muhammad Ghori
Ø Donated one lakh balom (currency) for Ø Second Battle of Tarain - Defeated by
mosques Muhammad Ghori

Pictorial Presentation 30 GS Drishti Indian History

Dashpur Inscription Other Important Facts
Ø Obtained from Mandsaur Ø Presiding deity of the Bhojshala temple
Ø Of the regin of Kumargupta - Bhagwati Saraswati
Ø Mentions Ø Had assumed the title of Vikramaditya
® Governor of Kumaragupta - Gangeydev
Ø The creation of Vakapati - Godvaho
® Construction of sun temple
Ø Known as the Akbar of Kashmir
® Pattavaay Shreni
- Zain-ul-Abidin
Silk Yarn weavers Guild Ø Hiranyagarbha Yagya was performed by
- Dantidurg
Ø The author of Dayabhaga was
- Jimutavahana
Ø The author of Chaturvarga Chintamani
Vigraharaj Fourth was - Hemadri
Ø Rashtrakuta ruler born in a miltary
Reign 1153-1163 AD cantonment - Amoghvarsha
Delhi victory The most Ø Inscription related to Dharampal
prominent victory
- Khalimpur inscription
Titles Parambhattaraka,
Parmeshwara, Ø The author of Prithviraj Raso
Maharajadhiraj, - Chandbardai
Kavibandhav Ø The author of Parmal Raso is - Jagnik
(by Jayanak),
First among
(by Somdev) Other Important Facts
Ø In the Khajuraho inscription the ruler Harsh
Note - Somdev's Creation
has been called - Parambhattarak
Lalit Vigraharaj Ø Pundrvardhan Bhukti was located in ancient
times - in the region of North Bengal

Ancient Indian History : Miscellaneous

Jejakabhukti Lion Rishabh- Elephant
­ dev ­
Ø Ancient name of Mahavir Swami Ajitnath
Ø Naming on Nannuk the Serpant Horse
founder of the Chandela ­ Symbol ­
Dynasty the grandson of Parsvanath of Sambhavnath
Jai Singh or Jeja Teerthan-
Counch Lotus
Hemchandra ­ kara ­
Neminath Padmaprabh
Ø Jain scholar
Ø Adviser to Kumarpal the Naminath Suparsavnath
successor to Solanki ¯ Mallinath ¯
dynasty's ruler Jai Singh Blue ¯ Swastika
Siddaraj Lotus Pitcher

Note : Neminatha is another name for

Arishtanemi mentioned in Rigveda.

Pictorial Presentation 31 GS Drishti Indian History

Ancient Indian History : Miscellaneous Garud
(Standard Type)

Lyrist Archer
® Lingayat / Shaivism (Vinavadana) type
l Originator - Allabh Prabhu and his


King & Queen

disciple Basava 8 Types of

l Propogation in South India in the
12th century

® Kapalika Sect Coins of

l Their main center 'Srisail' [According Samudragupta

to Maltimadhav (Bhavabhuti)]
® Nathpanth Sect
l Propounded by Matsyendranath at Ashwamedha Kacha
the end of the 10th century (Horse - Sacrifice type
l Considering Shiva as Adinath, other type)
nine Naths recognized as a Battle - Axe
divine person (Parashu)
l Widly publicised by Baba
Gorakhnath in the 10th-11th century
Important Facts
® Ishta Devi ® Shakti
Ø Description of Skandagupta's war with
Shakta Sect

® Close association with Shaivism

® Antiquity to the prehistoric era Pushyamitra and Hunas
® At present there are three major - in the Bhitari Coloum inscription
centers Ø Ashoka Pillar was originally located in
l Kashmir Kaushambi, it was established in Allahabad by
l Kanchi - Akbar
l Kamakhya Ø The first of the Gupta rulers to issue coins
(famous center of Kaul Sect) - Chandragupta I
Ø Name of silver coins issued by the Gupta rulers
- Rupak
Ø Another name of this period on the basis of
Major temples associated with progress made in art and literature during the
Gupta period
Shaivism - The Golden Age of Ancient India
Temple Location
Rajarajeshwara Temple Tanjore (Tamil Nadu)
Shiv Temple Bhumra (Madhya Pradesh) ® Detailed information of the governance
Nataraja Temple Chidambaram (Tamil Nadu) found from Banabhatta's composition
Virupaksha Temple Hampi (Karnataka) Harshacharita
® Kalhan's Rajatarangini is another Source
Vishwanath Temple Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh)
of partial information
Ø Other names of Rudra in Atharvaveda - ® Chinese Source ® Harsh and Rajyashree
Pashupati, Bhava, Sharva, Bhupathi both together used to sit on the throne of

Ø Mahabhashya (Patanjali) - Mention of Kannauj

Worship of Shiva by making an idol in the 2nd ® Capital ® Thaneshwar to Kannauj
century BC transferred
Ø Kumarasambhavam (Kalidas) - In praise of ® Kannauj ® Huge assembly of Teachers
the glory of Shiva ¯ of different religions and sects
Ø Nayanar Saint kings of twenty countries included
l Total number of saints - 63 ¯
l Propagation of Shaivism in South India President of assembly
during Pallava period
Hiuen Tsang

Pictorial Presentation 32 GS Drishti Indian History

Pictorial Presentation...

Medieval India
l History of Medieval
India 35-64
s Muslim Invasion of India 35-36
s Delhi Sultanate : Under the rule of
slaves 36-38
s Khilji Dynasty 38-40
s Tughlaq Dynasty 40-42
s Lodi Dynasty 42
s Vijayanagara Empire 43-44
s Delhi Sultanate : Tenures of various
dynasties / Administrative depart-
ments 44-45
s Delhi Sultanate : art and architecture
s Delhi Sultanate : Literature 47
s Provincial Dynasty of North India and
Deccan 47-48
s Bhakti and Sufi Movement 48-50
s Sultanate Period : Miscellaneous 51
s Mughal rule : Babur 52
s Humayun and Sher Shah 52-53
s Akbar 53-54
s Jahangir 54
s Shahjahan 55
s Aurangzeb 55-56
s Mughal Administration 56
s Mughal Music and Painting 57
s Mughal Literature 57
s Foreign Travellers 57-58
s Mughal Period : Miscellaneous 58
s Guru Nanak and the Sikh Sect 59
s Maratha State and Union 60-61
s Post Mughal Ruler 61
s Mughal Period : Miscellaneous 62
s Middle Ages : Miscellaneous 63-64

History of Medieval India
Muslim Invasion of India

Ø Hazrat Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was Ø First successful Muslim invasion on India
born - in 570 AD (Mecca) - In 712 AD (by Muhammad Bin Qasim)
Ø Hazrat Muhammad died - 632 A.D. Ø Invader who conquered Sindh in 712 AD
Ø India was named Hindustan by - Iranians - Muhammad bin Qasim
Ø The Greeks used to call India - India Ø Ruler of Sindh at the time of Arab invasion
Ø First use of the word Hindu - by Arabs - Dahir

Ø Conquest of Bihar

1. Bihar Conquest
Tahqiq-i-Hind composing Birth -

Ikhtiyaruddin Muhammad bin

in Arabic Language 973 (1193-1202 AD)

Born in - Khwarezm Ø Nalanda and Vikramshila

(Uzbekistan) Knew

Bakhtiyar Khilji
Ø Capture of capital Udantapur
India arrival First
in 11th Albiruni muslim 2. Bengal Conquest Ø Invasion of Bengal
century with to study (1198-1203 AD)
Mahmud Puranas
Ghaznavi Ø The then ruler Lakshmansen
l ran away without fighting
Historian as well as knower of astronomy, l took refuge in East Bengal
Geography, Logic, Pharmacology, Mathematics,
Religion and Theology Ø Lakhnauti ® declared capital

Court Historian *Became the ruler of Ghazni
*Utbi in 998 AD
The author of Tarikh-e-Yamini *Educated and polite
and Kitab-ul-Yamini *Respect for scholars and artists
*Silver coins with Sanskrit

Mahmud Invasion of India

Ghaznavi *From 999 to 1027 AD
*Attacked 17 times in total
Court Scholar *Purpose - to loot only
*Al-Biruni *1026 AD - Loot of Somnath temple
*Baihaki - The author of *1019-20 AD
Tarikh-e-Subuktgeen *First attack on Chandelas
*Ujari - Poet of Persia The then ruler Vidyadhar
Tusi and Unsuri - Khurasani Scholars
Most powerful ruler
of his dynasty

Pictorial Presentation 35 GS Drishti Indian History

Ø 1178 AD - Invasion of
Ø First Invasion - 1175 AD
In Multan - Against Bhima II / Mulraj II
- Battle near Mount Abu
- Ghori's first defeat in India

Ø 1192 AD - Second Battle of

Ø 1191 AD - First Battle of Tarain Tarain
- Ghori Vs Prithviraj Chauhan
Muhammad - Ghori Vs Prithviraj Chauhan
- Defeat of Ghori Ghori - Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated
- Pave the way for Muslim power
in India

Ø Coins - On one side

Ø 1194 AD - War of Chandawar goddess Lakshmi's
- Ghori Vs Jaichand representation
- Jaichand was defeated - On the other side
Kalma in Arabic

Important Facts
Delhi Sultanate :
Slave Dynasty
author of
Shahnama Introduction
Founder of Ø Founder - Qutubuddin
Ghazni / Yamini Aibak
Ferista dynasty
Author of Ø 1206 -1290 A.D. Sultan's
Tarikh of Delhi Sultanate
-e- Ø All Sultan Turks ® are
Ferista Bhimdev I of different lineage
of Somnath Ø Independent parents
Muhammad Temple Ø More suitable to call
Ghori gave first them early Turk Sultans
Ekta to or Delhi's Mamluk
Qutubuddin Sultan instead of Slave
Aibak dynasty's Sultan

Pictorial Presentation 36 GS Drishti Indian History

Title *The first ruler of
*Quran-Khan slave dynasty
l Quran recitation in *Affiliated to the Turkic tribe
melodious voice *Avoided the title of Sultan
*Lakh Baksha for life
l Got name for donating *Ruled with the title of
more Sipah Salar
*Death - 1210 A.D.
*While playing Polo
Qutubuddin l By falling of a horse
Important Facts (1206-10
l June, 1206 AD
A.D.) Early Life
(3 months after Ghori's death) *Purchased as Slave by
*Capital ® Lahore Kazi Aziz Kufi
*Discharge Letter *Purchased by Ghori in
1208 A.D. ® freed from slavery by Ghazni
Ghiyasuddin Mahmud, the successor of Ghori *Promoted to the post of
Amir-e-Akhoor by Ghori

*Construction Work
l Delhi ® Quwaat-ul-Islam
® Qutub Minar
l Ajmer ® Dhai din ka Jhopra

Authority from the Caliph *Turk belonging to the
*Acceptance of the post Ilbari tribe
of Sultan *Other name - Slave of Slave
*The title of Sultan-e-Azam *Governer (iquatadar) of
*Khilat certificate in 1229 AD Badaun
*Delhi Sultanate (before becoming Sultan)
Independent State *Freed from slavery by
*Iltutmish the legitimate sultan Aibak on the orders of Ghori

Important Facts
*First pure arabic coin issuer
*Genghis Khan's arrival at the
in Sultanate, India
North-Western border of India
*Initiator of the tradition of
*Refused help to Mangbarni
writing mint name on coins
against Genghis Khan
*Tanka - Silver Coins
*Construction work of
*Jital - Copper Coins
Qutub Minar Completed

Pictorial Presentation 37 GS Drishti Indian History

Balban's Thoughts
Razia Sultana Ø King on earth - Niyamat-e-Khudai
Ø First female muslim ruler of medieval (Representative of God)
India Ø King - Jille Allah or Jille Ilahi (of God image)
Ø Ruled till 1236-40 A.D. Ø Order of the king in honour- After the Prophet
Ø Primary focus on concentrating power of Ø Founder - The Theory of Kingship (the first of
state in the hands of sultan Delhi Sultan)
Ø Turkan-i-chihalgani (group of 40 officer); Ø Advice to Bughra Khan (son) - The post of
responsible for over-throwing her Sultan is living symbol of autocracy

Introduction Early Life

*Sultan till 1266-86 A.D. *Captured by Mongols in childhood
*Full name - Ghiyasuddin Balban *Bought by - Khwaja Jamaluddin of
Basra in Ghazni
*Other name - Ulugh Khan *Brought to Delhi in 1232 A.D.
*Real Name - Bahauddin *Bought by Iltutmish in 1233 A.D.
*Affiliation with Ilbari Turk after the conquest of Gwalior

Post and Marital Relations

*Received the rank of Khasdar *Theory of Kingship
- from Ilutmish *Policy of blood and iron
*Amir-e-Shikar - from Razia Balban - Sultan's office - God-given
*Amir-e-Akhoor - from Bahramshah - Sultan must be autocratic
*1249 A.D. - Daughter's Marriage *Rituals of Sijda and Pabos Started
with Sultan Nasiruddin

Government Work
*The practice of Celebrating Nauroz festival was started
*Establishment of Diwan-i-Arz
(Military Department) to compete with the Mongols
*Minister - Imad-ul-Mulk
[Free from the financial control of the Wazir
(Prime Minister)]

Khilji Dynasty ® First Sultan

l Realization of rent by measuring of land
® From traditional revenue officers
Alauddin Khilji

Jalaluddin Khilji (Khutta, Muqadam and Choudhary)

Ø 1290 A.D. l snatched away the right to collect rent
Coronation, establishment of l all privileges terminated
Khilji Dynasty l started collecting taxes from their land too
Ø Given the rank of Amir-e-Tuzuk ® Snatched the land from all the persons
to Alauddin
Ø Married daughter to Alauddin who have got land as milkiyat
Ø Ideal ® Liberal absolutism (state-provided property, reward, grant,
pension) and waqf (charitable land) etc.
As a result ® increase in Khalisa land

Pictorial Presentation 38 GS Drishti Indian History

Ø Ghari tax -
Market Control / On house and hut
Rate Control Ø Charai (Grazing) tax -
Ø Malik Kabool On milch animals
l Shahana / Superintendent Ø Ramchandradev - Ruler of Devagiri
of market Ø Defeated by Malik Kafur
l Contol over all the merchants Ø Title of Rai Rayan (by Allauddin)
Ø Appointed skilled staff for Ø Malik Muhammad Jayasi
the success of sytem l Padmavat (Composition)
Jauhar after the death of

Allauddin Khiliji

Ø Control of state over religion Ø Land tax after metering

Ø Freed himself from the the land
influence of Ulemas Ø Land Tax : 50% of the yield
Ø Title ® Sikandar-e-Sani (Kharaj)
Ø Zafar Khan Ø First to decide revenue on the
l Famous Commander basis of actual income from
l Death while fighting Mongoles land (India's first Muslim ruler)
Ø Diwan-e-Mustakharaz Ø Malik Kafur
(established) l Found during the
l Main Objective - Gujarat Victory of Allauddin
To establish a powerful l Other Name
and despotic state ® Hazar - Dinari

l l
Fourth First
Ban on Feasts, Marriage relations ® Recovered back the land granted as gift,
among sardars and Amirs pension, donation from concerned people
Allauddin's ® Gave order to government official
Four to recover maximum tax from all people
l l
Third Second
Prohibition on intoxicating substances Formation of
(like alcohol, cannabis etc.) and on gambling intelligence department

Pictorial Presentation 39 GS Drishti Indian History

Ø Mubarak Khilji (1316-1320 A.D.) Tughlaq Dynasty
l declared himself Caliph
l Titles - Al-Imam, Ul-Imam, Khalafat-ul-Lah Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
Islam is in danger Reign Ø Founder and first ruler of Tughlaq dynasty
­ ¯ Ø Alauddin's commander
Slogan given by 15 April - Ø Other names ® Ghazi Malik
opponents 7 September, Ø Mother ® Hindu Jat
¯ 1320
The enemy Ø Father ® Karona Turk
of islam Nasiruddin ® Balban's servant
Khusro Shah Ø Appointed as Governor of Dipalpur
(Alauddin's time)
Converted Khutba
¯ ¯
Military Work
From Of his own
Hindu to Muslim name Ø Banished the Mongols from India
title of Malik-ul-Ghazi
Important Facts
Ø Snatched Delhi from Khusro Shah
Ø Boundary between Delhi Sultanate and Ø Became Sultan in 1320 AD
Mongols during the time of Alauddin Khilji Ø Other name - Ghazi Baig Tughlaq /
after 1306 AD was - Ravi River Ghazi Tughlaq
Ø Jalaluddin Khilji had his coronation done
- In the incomplete Kilokhari
(Keelugarhi) palace Revenue Administration
Ø The builder of the palace of Kilokhari Ø Tax ® 1/5 - 1/3 part of yield
(Keelugarh) was - Kaiqubad Ø During Famine ® Land tax waiver
Ø In his inscriptions on the walls of the mosque of
Ø Granted tax free Jagirs to government
Garhmukteshwar, he has called himself the
Caliph's assistant - Balban revenue collectors instead of share
Ø Leader of only rebellion in the Bengal in the Ø Propogation of Nasaq and Batai System
period of Balban (1279 AD) - Tugril Khan
(Subedar of Bengal)
Ibn Battuta
Ø Alauddin's famous general Zafar Khan died
- fighting the Mongols
Ø The love affair of Suleiman and Queen Shaiba Ø African traveler of
is mentioned in his text - Amir Khusro Moroccan origin
Ø Sultan who fixed the land tax upto 50% of the Ø Arrival in India during
production was - Alauddin Khilji reign of Muhamad Bin
- Muhammad bin Tughlaq Tughlaq
Ø Appointed as Qazi of
Delhi by Sultan
Ø Sent to China as
Ø Gol Gumbaz Ambassador by Sultan
l Tomb of Muhammad Adilshah of Ø Composed Kitab-ul-
Bijapur Rehla
l One of the largest historical buildings in
India Ø Detailed description of
l One of the largest domes in the world postal system of
l Outer part - Like a cup sultanate period

Pictorial Presentation 40 GS Drishti Indian History

Ø Establishment of Ø Capital Change
Diwan-i-Amirkohi l One of the most important
¯ experiments
l from Delhi to Daulatabad
l New department for the
l Ibn Battuta's statement
advancement of agriculture
l Major Work ® To Punish the citizens of
¯ Delhi
l K. A. Nizami's statement
Direct assistance to agriculture
® Devgiri's name is changed
to Daulatabad
Subjected more and more land
under agriculture
Bin Tughlaq
Ø First Sultan Ø Word inscribed on coins
l Participated in l Al Sultan Zille Allah
Hindu festivals (Holi) (Sultan is Shadow of God)
Ø Also appointed Non-Turks and l God is supporter of Sultan
Indian Muslims on government posts Ø Gold Coins ® Dinar
(Barani ® bitter critic) (according to Ibn Battuta)
Ø Badayuni's statement Ø 5 main schemes according to Barani
® The Sultan was freed from l Tax increase in Doab
his people and they from their l Devagiri declared capital
Sultan (on the death of l Start of Token Currency
Muhammad Bin Tughlaq) l Attack on Khorasan
® Most educated among all l Karachil campaign
sultans of Delhi

Employment Office Ø Translation Dewan-a-Khairat

Ø An office for appointements Department Ø Poor Muslims
Ø Full inquiry of abilities and ¯ Ø Orphan Women ® Financial assiatance
qualifications Translation of Ø Widows
Ø Employment to more & more people Sanskrit text in Ø Arrangement of Marriage for poor
Persian Muslims girls
Ø Arrangement of Haj at the expense of the
Darul-Shafa State
Ø Establishment of Khairati
(Free) hospital Dewan-a-Bandgan
Ø Availability of Skilled Haqim Ø A separate department for taking
care of slaves
Public Works Tughlaq Ø Jaziya on Brahmins
Department Ø 1200 new fruit gardens near Delhi
Ø Construction of 300 new cities Ø Two pillars of Ashoka brought to
Ø Major Cities - Fatehabad, Delhi from Meerut and Toppra
Hisar, Firozpur, Jaunpur, (Current Ambala)
Ø Bengal campaign Ø Five Big Haq-e-Sharb
l Pandua's new name Firozabad Canals Ø First Sultan of Delhi to levy irrigation tax
l Ekadla's new name Azadpur construction Ø Yield by using water from royal canal ®
Ø Chief Architect 1/10 part payable to the government
l Malik Gaji Shahna

Pictorial Presentation 41 GS Drishti Indian History

Last ruler of Tughlaq dynasty Important Facts
Ø 1398 A.D.
Establishment of independent l As a result of Timur's Attack, Delhi
Nasiruddin Mahmud
Jaunpur state by Khwaja Jahan Sultanate and Tughlaq dynasty both
got destroyed
Subedar of Punjab Khijra Khan Ø 1413 A.D.
became independent l Daulat Khan selected as Sultan of
Delhi by Sardars
Challenge of Nusrat Shah
Ø Khizr Khan
l Defeated Daulat Khan, Sultan of
Invasion of Taimur in India Delhi
l Appointed as Subedar of Lahore by
Sultanate of Shehanshah from Taimur
Delhi to Palam (Famous Quote) l Acquired Delhi in 1414 A.D.
l Founder of Sayyid dynasty

End of Tughlaq dynasty with his death

Lodi Dynasty

Ø Established Lodi dynasty in 1451 Ø Appointed his Rai Karan Singh

A.D. third son Nizam

Khan as his

Ø Other name ® Bahlolshah Gazi
successor before


Ø Jaunpur ® Most improtant his death Hindu




Ø Prevalance of Bahloli coins
¯ Court
Bohlol Rai T h
Main mode of exchange in North ng
chan irsi
India Before Akbar Lodi dra iN

Ibrahim Lodi
Lodi dynasty ® Nizam Khan Sikandar Shah
Ø 1518 A.D.
Ø Became Sultan on 17 July, 1489 l War of Khatoli against Maharana
Ø Greatest ruler of Lodi dynasty Sanga
Ø 1504 A.D. ® Established Agara City l Defeat of Ibrahim Lodi
® Declared Capital Ø 21 April, 1526
Ø Start of Gaz-e-Sikandari l First war of Panipat against Babur
(Mesaurement Unit) l Ibrahim's defeat, death (in
Ø Farhange Sikandari ® Ayurvedic
literature translated to Persian Ø Ferishta's statement - Ibrahim Lodi
fought till his death and died like a
Ø Lazzat-e-Sikandar Shahi ® Book of soldier
Musicology Ø According to Niyamatullah - No other
Ø Fond of Shehnai sultan of India died in battleground
Ø Wrote poems by pen name Gulrukhi except Sultan Ibrahim

Pictorial Presentation 42 GS Drishti Indian History

Vijayanagar Empire

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Sangam Dynasty Saluva Dynasty Tuluv Dynasty Aravidu Dynasty
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Founder Founder Founder Founder
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Harihar, Bukka Narasingh Saluv Vir Narsingh Tirumal

Sangam Dynasty Tuluva

Ø Established ® 1336 A.D.
Ø Founders ® Harihar and Bukka Founder
Vir Narsingh
Ø Harihar-Bukka
l Accepted Islam after their defeat
from Muhammed Tughlaq Death in 1509 A.D.
l Rejoined Hinduism under the
influence of Saint Vidyaranya Successor
l Education ¯
Krishndev Rai
® From Guru Vidyaranya
® From Bhashyakar Sayan
Ø Harihar-II (1377-1404 A.D.)
l Son of Bukka Krishndev Rai (1509-29 A.D.)
l Title of Maharajadhiraj Ø War of Golconda
l Victory over Kanara, Mysore, ® Defeated Quli Qutubashah
Trichanapalli and Kanchi Ø Reign ® Classical era of Literature
l Recovered revenue from ® Golden Age of Telugu Literature
Srilankan King Ø Protection to Telugu's Eight
l The Biggest Success Great Scholars & Poets
® Snatched Belgaon and Goa (Asht Diggaj)
from Bahamani
l Worshiper of Virupaksha Shiva

Classical era
Saluv Dynasty The Guardian Great
Ø Narasimha Saluva (1485-90 A.D.) Asht Diggaj Poet, Writer
l Removed the last ruler of the
Sangam dynasty to become king Title Composition
l Establishment of the Saluva Andhra Bhoj Krishna Amuktamalyad
dynasty War Deva
l Immadi Narsingh (Son of Quli Qutubshah Establishment
Rai Nagalpur
Narasimha Saluva)
¯ City
Removed by Veer Narsingh Foreign Traveller Temple Building
Domingo Vithalaswamy,
¯ Paes Hazara
Establishment of Tuluv Dynasty

Pictorial Presentation 43 GS Drishti Indian History

Aravidu Shist
Dynasty (Rai-Rekha)
Ø By ousting Sadashiv Rai l Major Source of
(Tuluva dynasty) Vijayanagar State income
¯ l Athavane/Asthavan
Establishment of Aravidu dynasty) (Central Revenue Department)
¯ Hampi
by Tirumal in 1570 A.D. l Ancient Capital of Vijayanagara
Ø Venkat II Empire
l Contemporary of Raja Wodiyar l World Heritage Site (UNESCO)
l Chandragiri : l Virupaksha
headquarters Temple

*1565 A.D.
*Hussain Nizamshah *United forces of
killed Ram Rai Bijapur, Ahmednagar,
himself Golconda, Bidar
*Contemporary *Berar not
Vijayanagara ruler included in United Army
¯ *Ferista ® war fought
Sadashiv Rai in Talikota
*Real Power lied in *Actual area ® Between
the hands of minister Rakhashi and
Ram Rai Tangadi

Delhi Sultanate : Period of Various Dynasties / Administrative Department

Ø Slave dynasty ® 1206 to 1290 A.D. Ø Diwan-i-Mustakhraj ® Revenue

Ø Khiliji dynasty ® 1290 to 1320 A.D. Ø Diwan-i-Riyasat ® Market Control
Ø Tughlaq dynasty ® 1320 to 1412 A.D. Ø Diwan-i-Amirkohi ® Agriculture
Ø Sayyid dynasty ® 1414 to 1451 A.D. Ø Diwan-i-Khairat ® Charity
Ø Lodi dynasty ® 1451 to 1526 A.D. Ø Diwan-i-bandagan ® Slave Department

Pictorial Presentation 44 GS Drishti Indian History

Military Organisation Currency of Sultanate
(Based on Decimal System)
Ø Two major currencies
Ø Leader of squad of horsemen ® Sirkhel l Tanka (Silver)
Ø 10 Sirkhel ® One Sipahsalar l Jeetal (Copper)
Ø Ten Sipahsalar ® Single Amir Ø Ratio of Tanka and Jeetal - 1:48
Ø Alauddin Masood Shah's Coins
Ø Ten Amir ® Single Malik
Ø Ten Malik ® Single Khan
First to inscribe the name of the last Caliph
Ø Leader of Army ® Sultan of Baghdad (Khalifa-al-Mustasim)

Tax Determination
Ø Firoz Tughlak Vizarat
l Taxation according to the Quran Ø Recognition in the Islamic
l Permission of four tax Constitution
® Kharaz Ø The Abbasi Caliphs took inspiration
to adopt as an institution from Persia
® Jizya
Ø First Wazir
® Khums (loot money) ¯
® Zakat Abbas Fazal-Bin-Ahmed
Ø Sikandar Lodi ® Did not took part (In the reign of Mahmood Gaznavi)
from the buried treasure Ø Prime Minister - Wazir
Ø The smallest unit of governance - Ø Head of Department - Wazir
Village Ø Tughlaq period Golden period
Ø Highest land revenue officer at Ø Climax at the time of Firoz Tughlaq
village level ® Chowdhary

Delhi Sultanate : Art and Architecture

Rulers Construction work Rulers Construction work

Qutubuddin ® Dhai din ka Jhopra (Ajmer) Alauddin ® Alai Darwaza
Aibak ® Quwat-ul-Islam (Delhi) Khilji ® Jamaat-e-Khana Mosque
® Construction of Qutub Minar ® Hazar Sitons
Started ® Hauj-e-Alai
Completed by Iltutmish Mubarak Shah Khilji ® Ukha Mosque
Iltutmish ® Sultan Garhi Balban ® Tomb of Balban
® Hauz-a-Shamsi (Built by Balban)
Jamaat ¯
® Shamsi Idgah
® Atarkin darwaja First tomb built
in pure Islamic
¯ style
Fully built in Islamic style

Pictorial Presentation 45 GS Drishti Indian History

Qutub South Indian Dynasty Related Capital
Minar Pallava Kanchi
® Consctruction work
l Started by Qutubuddin Aibak Pandya Madura
l Completed by Iltutmish
® Fourth floor damaged Yadav Devgiri
® By Firoz
® In the place of Fourth
Shah Tughlaq
floor construction of Kakatiya Warangal
two more floors

® Most of the Amirs and Sultans

® Belonged to Turkish class

Sultanate Period
Gulbarga Delhi ® Sultan ® Head of Central Government
JAMA Masjid Quwwat-ul-Islam ® Amirs ® Name given to all those
individual who were appointed
to influential posts.
Venue : ® Had more influence when
Architecture Sultan was either unfit or weak
or minor
Malwa Jaunpur ® Reign ® Tughlaq dynasty (longest)
Jahaz Mahal Atala mosque ® Khilji dynasty (shortest)

Huge entrance Frills of Lotus flower

door with arches buds on the lower
¯ sides of Arches Diwan
¯ Diwan -e-
-e- Resalat
Architecture Arz Religious
Military issues
Style : Related or
Use of
dynasty Octagonal Foreign
Bodegoi in pillars Tombs affairs
¯ ¯
Vijyanagar Tughlaq

Sultanate Period : Miscellaneous :
Jawamiul Hikayat Haqaiq-a-Hindi
¯ ¯
Sadruddin Muhammad Abdul Wahid
'Aufi' Bilgrami Diwan-e-
Wazarat Diwane
Masterpiece : Financial -e-
The author Issue Insha
or Government
Kitab Kanz Al-tujjar Tahdhib Department of Correspond-
fi marifat Al Ahzar Al-Akhlaq Revenue ence
¯ ¯
Baylak Al-Qibjaqi Ibn Miskawayh

Pictorial Presentation 46 GS Drishti Indian History

Delhi Sultanate : Literature

Amir Khusro
Composition Author
Ø Full Name ® Abul Hasan Yaminuddin Khusro Tabaqat-i-Nasiri ® Minhaj-us-Siraj
Ø Birth - 1253 A.D. Patiali (Kasganj) Tarikh-e-Firozshahi ® Ziauddin Barni
® Shams-e-Siraj Afif
Ø Tuti-e-Hind ® Self given title
Tajul Masir ® Hassan Nizami
® Kiran us Sadien, Tarikh-e-Delhi
Tarikh-e- ® Yahiya Bin Ahmed
Ø Composition ® Miftah-ul-Futuh, Khazain-ul-Futuh Mubarakshahi
® Ashika, Noah Sipihor, Futuh-us-Salatin ® Abdullah Malik Isami
Tughalakanama Sangeet Raj
Ø The initator of the qawalli music style
Rana Kumbha
Ø The founder of the persian poetic style Sabak-e-Hidi Sangeet Mimansa
Ø First Muslim claiming to be Indian
Futuhat-e-Firoz Shahi ® Firoz Shah Tughlaq
Ø Propogation of Tabla

Provincial Dynasties of North India and Deccan

Ø Firoz Tughlak Ø Ibrahim Shah Sharqi
l Founder (of Jaunpur City) l The greatest Sharqi ruler
l Built in memory of Jauna Khan l Rise of Sharqi style
(Muhammad Bin Tughlaq, Jauna Khan l Jaunpur
Other Name) ® Shiraz of India
Ø Malik Sarwar Ø Bahlol Lodi
(slave of Muhammad Shah II) l Defeated the last Sharqi ruler (Hussein
l Establishment of Independent Sharqi State Shah)
l Title (from Sultan) ® Malik-ush-sharq l Made Jaunpur a part of the Sultanate
® Khawaja-e-Jahan again

Kashmir Gujarat
Ø Zain-ul-Abidin
Ø Zafar Khan
l Other Names ® Shahi Khan l Became Sultan of Gujarat in the
l Greatest ruler of Kashmir name of Sultan Muzaffar Shah
l Comparison with Mughal Emperor Akbar l By defeating the ruler of Malwa,
® Because of religious generosity Husangshah
l Cow-Slaughter Banned ® Captured Capital Dhar
l Zajiya tax removed ® returned later
l Got translated Mahabharata, Rajatarangini Ø Fatah Khan
in Persian l Titles ® Abul Fatah Mahmudsah
l Creation of Jaina Lanka Island l Famous Name ® Mahmood
¯ Begada
at Wular Lake l Main Victory
l Akbar of Kashmir ® Champaner
(other names) ® Girnar

Pictorial Presentation 47 GS Drishti Indian History

® Founder ® Fatehullah Imadshah
Berar ®
® Dynasty ® Imadshahi

Bidar Bijapur
¯ States ¯
¯ ¯ which got ¯ ¯
Founder Dynasty independence Founder Dynasty
¯ ¯ from ¯ ¯
Amir Ali Barid Baridshahi Yasuf Adilshah Adilshahi

Golconda Ahmednagar
¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Founder Dynasty Founder Dynasty
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Quli Qutubshah Qutub Shahi Malik Ahmed Nizamshahi

Bahmani Bijapur
Ø Zafar Khan (1347-1358 AD) Ø Ibrahim Adilshah II
l Title - Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah l Title - Jagatguru (by the public)
l Laid the foundation of the Bahmani l Other name - Ablababa / Friend of
Empire the poor
l Gulbarga l Author of Kitab-i-Nauras
® Capital l Establishment of Nauraspur City
® Ahasanabad (new name)
l To rule the empire divided it into Miscellaneous
Gulbarga Daulatabad Architecture Then ruler
Tughlaqabad® Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
Four Sides
Moth Masjid® Sikandar Lodi
Bidar Barar (Miyabhuna)
Kirti pillar ® Rana Kumbha

Bhakti and Sufi Movement

Originator Doctrine / Sect Bhakti Movement

Ø Shankaracharya ® Advaitvad Ø Rise
l In the Dravid area
Ø Ramanujacharya ® Vishishtadvaita Ø Hearld
l With the rise of Shankaracharya in
Ø Madhvacharya ® Dvaitvad the 8th century
Ø Spread
Ø Nimbarkacharya ® Dvaitadvaitvad l South India
® By Vaishnav Alwar Saints
Ø Vallabhacharya ® Suddhadvait/Pushtimarg ® By Shaiv Nayanar Saints
Ø Reincarnation ® in the fifteenth -
Ø Shankardev ® Eksharan Sect sixteenth century AD

Pictorial Presentation 48 GS Drishti Indian History

Ramanand Kabir

*The first promoter of Bhakti *Upbringing ®

Movement in North India By Julaha Couple Niru - Neema
*Birth - in 1299 AD - (Prayag) *Bijak ® Compilation of
*Believed in Sagun Brahma teachings of Kabir
*Dissemination of messages in *Compositions ® Sakhi, Sabad,
Hindi language Ramaini
*Kabir (One of the *Amarmul ® Compilation of
12 disciples) Kabir's Dialogues
with Dharamdas

Introduction Special Fact

Mahakal- *Establishment of
eshwar Born ® 1469 AD
Location ® Talwandi Sikhism during the
Vaidya- Omka- time of Sikandar Lodi
nath reshwar (Nankana Sahib)
Pakistan *Belief in monotheism
*Worshipper of
Death ® 1539 AD
Nirguna Brahma
Vishwa- Mallik-
nath arjuna

Kedar- Nagesh- Gurunanak
nath linga war

waram Somnath
*Guru's Langar Statement
¯ *God only knows the
Start of Free quality of person,
Bhima- Trimba- Community but he does not ask
shankar keshwar Kitchen, mass food about caste as there
distribution without is no caste in the
paying heed to other world.
caste, religion

® Popularized the Bhakti Movement


{ ® Vithoba Khechar ® Guru of Namdev


® Related to Warkari sect

® Vithoba Khechar / Khecharnath ® The initiation of mystic life (of Namdev)
® Gyan dev ® Introduction of God's ubiquitous form
® Some lyrical verse ® compiled in the Guru Granth Sahib

Pictorial Presentation 49 GS Drishti Indian History

Sufi Movement

Chishtia Sufism
Naqshbandi Silsila
Establishment ® in Chisht (Afghanistan)
Ø Foundation
Ø Abu Ishaac Shami Chishti (master) Founder
Ø Khwaja Abu Ahmed Abdal (disciple) 14th Centuary
Ø Founder
Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti
Ø Arrival in India with the army of Khwaja Bahauddin Naqshband
Muhammad Ghori Ø Khwaja Baki Billah
Ø Ajmer ® residence Chief promoter in India
Ø First sofi saint in India Ø Sheikh Ahmed Sarhindi
Ø Death ® 1236 AD Baki Billah's disciple
Ø Guru ® Khwaja Usman Chishti Haruni Ø Propogation of
Ø Disciple ® Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki Wazahat-ul-Shuhood
Baba Farid Mujahid - Reformer of Islam
Ø Popularized Chishti silsila in India Ø Opposition to Music
Ø Balban's son-in-law Ø Opposed to the liberal policies
Ø His compositions were compiled in the of Akbar
Guru Granth Sahib
Ø Famous Followers ®
Nizamuddin Auliya Aurangzeb
Ø Spiritual Guru ® Baba Farid
Ø Death ® 1325 AD
Ø Dargah ® in Delhi
Ø Contemporary of more than Seven
Sultans Important Facts
Ø Other Names Ø Sufi saint Shah Mohammad Ghaus accepted
l Mehboob-e-llahi Krishna as - Auliya
l Sultan-ul-Auliya
Ø Name of place of residence of Sufi Saints
(King of the Saints)
- Khankah
Ø Refused to meet Alauddin
Ø Name of Sufi music festival - Sama
Sheikh Salim Chishti
Ø Tittle of Sheikh-ul-hind Ø The scholars of religious laws of Islam are
Ø Jahangir was born from his blessings called - Ulema
(Popular belief) Ø Premvatika poetry was composed by
- Raskhan
Ø Padmavat, Akhravat and the Akhiri Kalam
are compositions
- by Malik Muhammad Jayasi
Qadiri Branch Ø Tulsidas was a contemporary of
Ø Founder - Akbar and Jahangir
® Sheikh Muhiuddin Qadir Jilani,
(Baghdad) Ø Has been called the Sadi of India
- Amir Hassan
Ø First preacher (India)
® Shah Niamatullah Makhdoom Jilani Ø Jesus Christ was born in
- Bethlehem in the province of Judea

Pictorial Presentation 50 GS Drishti Indian History

Sultanate Period : Miscellaneous

Ranthambore Ø Ferishta
¯ l Full Name - Muhammad Kasim Hindu
Hamirdev Shah
l Court Scholar of Murtaza Nizam Shah,
rulers of Ahmad Nagar for some time
l Tarikh-i-ferishta book ® Dedicated
to Ibrahim Adilshah, the ruler of Bijapur
Gujarat Chittor Ø Tehkeek-i-Hind
State : ¯ l Writer - Alberuni (in Arabic Language)
Karnadev Ruler Rana Ratan l English Translator - Edward Saatchi
Singh l Hindi Translator - Rajnikanth Sharma
Ø Kirti Stambh
l Built by Rana Kumbha on the occasion
of Malwa win
l Constructed by Jaita
¯ l Commendation - Atri and
Raja Ramchandradev - Mahesh

Veer Pandya ¬ Madura Devagiri ® Sankaradeva

Principality :
Veer Ballal ¬ Hoysala Warangal ® Prataprudradev II

Administrative Department Initiator

War of War of
Talikota Chandawar
Diwan-i-Mustakhraj Alauddin Khilji
¯ ¯ (Revenue Department)
1565 AD War : 1194 AD
Year Diwan-i-Riyasat Alauddin Khilji
(Market Control Department)
Diwan-i-Amirkohi Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
War of Attack of
Ghaghra Timur (Agriculture Department)

¯ ¯ Diwan-i-Khairat Firoz Tughlaq

1529 AD 1398 AD (Charity Department)
Dewan-i-Bandgan Firoz Tughlaq
(Slave Department)
Important Facts
Ø Note : Current name of Hoysala dynasty's Ø Title given to famous poet Firdausi, a
capital is Halebidu which is located in Hassan scholar of court of Mahmud Ghaznavi
district of Karnataka. - Homar of East
Ø Most famous temple among Halebidu's temple Ø Other name of Ferishta's book Tarikh-e-
Ferishta - Gulshan-e-Ibrahimi
- Ancient temple of Hoysaleswara
Ø Extra income submitted to government
Ø Construction of Chennakeshav temple coffers by Iktadars during sultanate period
laocated in Belur which is of Hoysala period - Fawazil or Fazil
was constructed by - Vishnuvardhan
(ruler of Hoyasala)

Pictorial Presentation 51 GS Drishti Indian History

Mughal Dynasty : Babur

*Affiliated to
Chagatai Branch of Turks *1507 AD
*Full Name Relinquishment of the
¯ title of Mirza
Zaheeruddin Muhammad Babur (assuming the new title Padshah)
*First Battle of Panipat
*Father's name *Mother's name
¯ ¯ ® on April 21, 1526
Omar Sheikh Mirza Kutlug Nigarkhanam ® Using the Tulugama War Policy
Against Ibrahim Lodi
*Battle of Sar-i-Pul (1501 AD) *April 27, 1526
¯ Babur declared himself emperor
Defeated by Shaibani Khan and laid the foundation of
¯ Mughal Empire in India
(Tulugama method was used *Title of Qalandar
by Shaibani Khan)


of Ghaghra *Artillery
(May 6, 1529)
Babur Vs Mahmud Lodi Led by - Ustad Ali Quli
® because of generosity
*Autobiography ®
Tuzuk-e-Babri / Baburnama *Guns were first used in the first battle
of Panipat
*Baburnama *Battle of Khanwa, March 16, 1527
l Written in Turkish language
l Mention of two Hindu Kingdoms l Between Babur and Rana Sanga
® Mewar l Babur's declaration of jihad
® Vijayanagar l Babur assumed the title of Gazhi
l Translation in Persian language (Killer of Kafirs after
® By Abdurahim
winning the war)
Khan Khana

Humayun and Sher Shah

Humayun Devara (1532 AD) Chausa

Ø Humyun was oldest among Babur's sons Humayun (June 26, 1539)
Kamran, Askari and Hindal Won Sher Khan
Ø Mother Maham Begum (Shia) 4 Main Won
Ø 1532 AD
l First attack on Chunar Fort
l Sher Khan accepted the subjection of Sirhind Kannuaj/Bilgram
Humayun (June 22, 1555) (17 May, 1540)
Humayun Won Humayun was defeated
by Sher Shah

Pictorial Presentation 52 GS Drishti Indian History

Sher Shah
Ø Farid ® Childhood Name Ø Tomb - In Sasaram (Bihar)
Ø Area of Reformation ® Revenue, Ø to help farmers
Administrative, Military and reform l Patta
of the currency system l Kabuliyat
Ø Bengal ® divided into Sirkars Ø Construction of the buildings of
(districts) Purana Qila in Delhi
Ø Coinage of pure gold, silver and copper Ø Construction of Sadak-e-Azam
Ø Rupiya of Silver : Dam of Copper = (Grand Trunk Road)
1:64 (exchange rate)
Ø Kalinjar Victory ¯
l Last victory Sonargaon, Bengal (India) to Kabul
l Sher Shah's death (May 22, 1545) (Afghanistan)


Ø Born - October 15, 1542 Important Facts

Ø 1556 AD ® Became emperor
Ø Bairam Khan
l Gaurdian Ain-e-Dahsala
l Prime Minister (Vakil) appointed ¯
l Title of Khan-i-Khanan ¯ ¯ ¯
Ø Married to Harkha Bai, daughter of Raja Started By Akbar Actual Other name
Biharimal of Amer in his 24th pioneer ¯
l Birth of Salim (Jahangir) years ¯ Todarmal
Ø Supporter - Chishtia sect of reign Todarmal Settlement
Ø 1562 AD - Abolished slave system
Ø 1563 AD - Pilgrimage tax abolished
Ø 1564 AD - Jizya tax abolished Tauheed-e-ilahi
Ø Attempt to stop child marriage and sati practice Ø Other name ® Din-e-Elahi
Ø Estalibhed in 1582 AD
® Head of military department Ø Contains Fundamental principles
Ø Mir Bakshi of religions to make it acceptable
® Work of military payment by everyone
and organization Ø Actually based on Sufi pantheism
Ø 1573 AD ® Re-introduction of the practice of Ø Head Priest ® Abul Fazal
branding horses (Dagh) Ø Among Hindus accepted only by Birbal
Ø 1574-75 AD
l Military organization on the basis of
mansabdari system

Mansabdari System (Akbar)

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Mansab Mansabdar Based on Imported Started in 11th year 3 types
¯ ¯ Decimal from of his reign
Category Post/category system Central Asia
/ Post given to officers
¯ ¯ ¯
Mansabdar Amir Amir-e-Azam

Pictorial Presentation 53 GS Drishti Indian History

Important Facts
Ø Percy Brown called the palace of the Turkish Ø Indian contemporary of Queen Elizabeth I of
sultan - Architectural pearls England - Akbar
Ø Name given to Sikri after Akbar's Gujarat
Ø The discovery of America is mentioned by
conquest - Fatehpur Sikri
- Abul Fazal
Ø Akbar gave a new name to Sikandra
- Bahishtabad Ø Ibadat Khana was established
Ø Akbar established the translation department - In 1575 AD
- headed by Faizi (Fatehpur Sikri)


Ø Birth l on August 30, 1569 Ø Junta Dal l Nur Jahan formed it after
getting married to Jahangir
Ø Maan Bai l First Wife
l Other members
l Daughter of King of
Amber Bhagwandas ® Itmad-ud-
l Raja Mansingh's Sister Daulah/Mirza Ghiyas
Ø Jagatgosai l Second Wife ® Asmat Begum
l Udai Singh's daughter
® Asaf Khan
l Prince Khurram's mother
® Prince Khuram
Ø Coronation l 1605 A.D.
l At Agra Fort Ø Delegation
l Nooruddin Muhammad William Hawkins
Jahangir (title of emperor) l Ambassador and Representative of the
East India Company
Ø Do-aspa l Horses two times of riders l The first Englishman to attend the
Mughal court
Ø Sih-aspa l Horse three times of l Conferred the title of English Khan by
rider's Jahangir
Ø Treaty of l 1615 A.D. Sir Thomas Roe
l Ambassador of King James I of Britain
Chittorgarh l With Rana Amar Singh
l Present in the court of Jahangir in Ajmer
l Rana accepted the
suzerainty of Mughal l Went hunting with the king
emperor Francisco Pelsart
l Jahangir returned chittor l Dutch traveller
back to Rana l Remonstranti (Book)

Ø Jahangir's best painter Ø Jahangir's Tomb

l Ustad Mansoor (Nadir-ul-Asr) l In Shahdara (Lohore)
® bird expert painter Ø Itmad-ud-Daulah's Tomb
l in memory of his father
l Abul Hasan (Nadir-uz-Zama) Mirza Ghiyas Baig
® Mastery in human portrait making ® Built by Nur Jahan
Ø Tuzuk-e-Jahangiri Architecture, l Made entirely of marble
l Autobiography of Jahangir ® First work
Literature, l use of pitradura
® In Persian

Pictorial Presentation 54 GS Drishti Indian History

Shah Jahan

Introduction Expansion
of Empire
Ø Birth ® 1592 A.D.
Ø 1633 AD ® Ahmednagar :
Ø Mother ® Jagatgosai absorbed in the
Ø Wife ® Arjumand Banu Begum Mughal Empire
(Mumtaz Mehal) Ø Treaty ® With Golconda and
Ø Coronation ® In Agra Bijapur
Ø Capital ® Moved from 1636-44 AD ® Subedar
Ø Aurangzeb ®
Agra to Delhi 1652 AD of Deccan
Ø Title ® Abul Muzaffar Ø Kandahar ® Lost to Mughals
Shahabuddin Muhammad conclusively during
Sahib the regin of
Kiran-e-Sani Shah Jahan

Shah Jahan

Reign Architechure
¯ Ø Constructed Delhi's
Ø The Golden Age of the Jama Masjid and Agra's Taj Mahal
Mughal Period (Recognition) Ø Constructed Diwan-e-Aam,
Ø Kalim appointed as Rajakavi Diwan-e-Khas,
Red fort, Shishmahal, Moti mosque (Agra)
Ø Kavindracharya
® Dependent poet of Shah Jahan Ø Taj Mahal : Perfect mixture of Indian,
® Composition of Kavindra Kalplata Iranian and Central Asian architecture
Ø Established a new city
® Helped abolished piligrimage
ShahJahanabad in Delhi
tax by requesting to emperor
Ø Ended the custom of
® Title - Saraswati Sizada of Zaminbos

® First ® July 31, 1658

Aurangzeb ® Coronation (twice)
® Second ® June 15, 1659

Ø Succession Wars Ø PurandarTreaty

l Dharmat l Between king Jai Singh and Shivaji
® April 15, 1658 l June, 1665
Ø Occupation of Bijapur (1686 AD), and
® Against Dara Shikoh (with Jaswant Golcunda (1687 AD)
Singh) Ø Most Hindu army commander in Mughal
l Battle of Samugarh Army
® May 29, 1658 Ø In the latter Mughal's reign 31.6 percent of the
® Dara Shikoh vs Aurangzeb and army commander were :
l Hindus
Murad's Joint army
l More than half of them (Hindu) were

Pictorial Presentation 55 GS Drishti Indian History

Aurangzeb Madad-e-Mash
Ø 1679 AD ® Jazia tax ® revived
Ø Revenue free grant land to be given to
Ø Kalma inscribed on coins, the festival of scholars and religious persons
Naoroj celebration, Tuladan and Jharokha
Ø Other name ® Sayurgal
Darshan ® Prohibited
Ø Construction of the tomb of Rabiya-ud- Ø Sadra ® Inspector of all land to be
Daurani (by Azamshah) donated
l Other name - Bibi ka Maqbara Ø Lack of transferability
l Architectural style based on Taj Mahal Ø Hereditary to the grant receivers
l Second Taj Mahal title
Ø Construction of Moti Masjid in Delhi's
Red Fort
Ø Jahanara was given the title of Sahibat-uz-
Zamani Mansabdari System
Ø Sant/Samarth Ramdas ® Contemporary
Ø Prevalence in 33 squares (66 in
Mugal Administration Ø Sometimes Mashrut or
conditional post
Mir Bakshi Ø Zat and Sawar system applied by
Akbar during his 40th year of
Ø Head of military department reign ® dual system applied
Ø Signature on a certificate Ø First Grade ® Zat equal to
called Sarkhat sawar
l Determination of soldiers
Ø Second Grade ® Half Sawars
monthly wages
Ø Control over, Bakhshi's Ø Third grade ® less than half
provinces Sawars
Ø Supervision of Revenue Ø Army and civilian officers were
Officers brought under same service
Ø Responsible for the salary of cadre
the military department
Ø Salary officer (According to
Sir Jadunath Sarkar)
Ø Casting of Gold, Silver and Copper
coins in mints
Ø Akbar
l Coins with Ram-Sita figures
Cavlryman l Coins containing the Ramsia
written in Devanagari
Ø Ahadi inscription
l Soldier appointed by the l Daam
emperor ® copper coin
l Worked as the king's ® equal to 40 part of Rupiya
bodyguard Ø Jahangir
Ø Dakhili l Printed his face on his coins
l Soldiers recruited by the l Name of Noorjahan along with
emperor Jahangir on some coins
l in the service of l Figure engraved holding a cup
mansabdars of wine in hand

Pictorial Presentation 56 GS Drishti Indian History

Mughal's Music and Painting Mughal Literature

Ø Gulbadan Begum
Music l Babur's daughter
Ø Akbar l Famous Composition - Humayunnama
l Tansen ® History of Babur and Humayun
® Lead dhrupad singer ® Description of war between Humayun and
® Famous musician of Kamran
Akbar's court ® Written on the orders of Akbar
® Original Name -
Ramtanu Pandey
® One of the Navratnas of Author Book
® Was in the court of Raja Nizamuddin Ahmad - Tabakat-i-Akbari
Ramchandra of Rewa Abbas Khan Sherwani - Tarikh-i-Shershahi
before Akbar's court
® Akbar awarded him with Hassan Nizami - Tajul Masir
title of Kanthabharanvani
Khwandmir - Kanoon-i-Humayunni
Ø Muhammad Shah Rangeela Bhimsen - Nushkha-i-Dilkusha
l Popularised Khayal singing
Ø Aurangzeb Mirza Mohammad - Alamgir Nama
l Music (Anti-Islamic) Kazim
® Banned
l Himself a master Harpist
Gulam Hussain - Siyar-ul-Mutkharin

Muhammad Saleh - Alme Saleh

Inayat Khan - Shahjahanama

Painting Chandrabhan Brahman - Chahar Chaman

Ø Humayun, the founder of the ® Mughal Motmid Khan - Iqbalnama-e-Jahangiri
Ø Humayun's painter
l Mir Syed Ali
Abdul Hameed Lahori ® Padshahnama
l Khwaja Abdussamad
Ø Akbar's Painters
Abul Fazal ® Ain-i-Akbari
l Daswant (committed suicide)
l Basawan
Ø Jahangir's painters Keshavdas ® Ramchandrika
l Abul Hasan ® title of Nadir-uz-
Keshavdas ® Rasikpriya
l Ustad mansoor ® Nadir-ul-Asr
® Other facts (related to Jahangir)
l Golden Age of Mughal Painting
l Connoisseur of Painting
Foreign Travellers

Ø Travernier
l Travel to India during the reign of Shah
Literature Jahan
l Jeweler by profession
l Six visits to india
Persian ® Official language of the Mughals
l Book ® Travels in India
Nastalik ® Persian script

Pictorial Presentation 57 GS Drishti Indian History

Foreign Travellers
Ø Manucci Ø Amaram
l Italian traveller l Speical land grant given to
l Served Dara Sikoh as an artillery officer Nayakas in Vijayanagar by king
l Doctor's profession afterward as their payment or for
maintainance of their army
l Storia Do Mogor / Mughal India
Ø Mokasa
® Memoir l 66 percent of income from
® Other names - Mirror of India in the Chauth was given to Maratha
17th century Sardars for maintaining strength
of cavalry men in Maratha
Mughal Period : Miscellaneous Ø Port of Surat
l Other name ® Babul Makka /
Makka Dwar
Ø Hemu/Hemraj
l Name in the erstwhile sources
® Bakkal
l Merchant of Saltpeter in Rewari
l In service of Islamashah Ø Name of the foreign traveller who gave
l During reign of Adilshah information about famous Kohinoor
® Increase in respect and stature diamond - Tavernier
® Became Wazir and army
commander Ø Name of worker who worked on Indian
merchant ships - Maullim
l Gained the title of
Vikramaditya/Vikramjit after Ø Maullim used to predict position of sun of
defeating Tardi Beg stars using - Spherical instrument

Foreign Travel period Ø Ruler of Holkar dynasty of Marathas

Travellers in India - Ahilyabai
Hawkins 1608-1611 Ø Name of wife of Maratha Chhatrapati
Thomas Roe 1615-1619 Rajaram - Tarabai
Manucci 1653-1708
Ø Competent ruler of Gondawana Hindu
Ralph Fitch 1585-1586 Kingdom - Durgawati

War Year
Battle of Khanwa 1527 Important
Battle of Ghaghra 1529 Facts
Battle of Chausa 1539
Battle of Samugarh 1658

Incident Related Ruler

Battle of Haldi Ghati Akbar (against Rana Pratap)
Bilgram war Humayun (against Sher Shah)
Khusro's rebellion Jahangir
Battle of Khanwa Babur (against Rana Sanga)

Pictorial Presentation 58 GS Drishti Indian History

Guru Nanak and the Sikh Sect

Guru Nanak Guru Arjun Dev - Compilation of 'Adi Granth'

(1581-1606 AD) - Establishment of Darbar Sahib
Born - In 1469 AD in Talwandi (Nankana Sahib) presently in Amritsar (Harmandir Sahib)
located in Nankana Sahib district of Punjab province
of Pakistan (formely part of Sheikhpura district) - Build Tarn Taran
550 birth anniversary - Imprisoned and hanged by
(Prakash Parv) of Guru Nanak Jahangir for helping the rebel
in the year 2019 Mughal prince Khusro
Guru Hargovind- Establishment of Akal Takht and
Death - Derababa in (1606 - 1644 AD) converted Sikhs into a fighting
Kartarpur in 1539 AD race
Statement - God only Teachings - Faith in
- Established Lauhgarh fort to
recognizes virtues of protect Amritsar, 'Piri' and
monotheism and 'Meeri' two weapons (respective-
men and does not emphasis on the worship ly spiritual and worldly comple-
recognize his caste as of Nirguna Brahm ment of dominance), Establish-
there is no caste in ment of Kiratpur city
Composition -
the next world.
"Sabad" Guru Har Rai - Support of Dara Shikoh
Speical Facts 'Japji Sahib' (1644 - 1661 AD) - Sent Son Ram Rai on the Call of
­ Establishment of Sikhism during the time of Aurangzeb
Sikandar Lodi (1489-1517 AD) Guru Har Kishan- Shortest Duration
­ Opened community kitchen named 'Guru ka
Langar'. (1661-1664 AD) - Death from smallpox under the
­ Beginning of the missionary journey called age of 8
- Pet name - 'Bal Guru'
­ Journey in the nine regions of the world (nine section) Guru Teg Bahadur - Establishment of Anandpur
(1664-1675 AD) Sahib
Sikh Guru Tradition - Leadership of the Peasants and
struggle for Kashmiri brahmins
- Journey to Agra, Prayag,
Original name - 'Bhai Lahna'; appointed as Banaras, Sasaram, Patna,
successor (second Sikh Guru) by Guru Nanak Munger, Dhaka and Asam
- Capital punishment by Auranzeb
for not accepting Islam at the
Saheed Sthal Shishganj Sahib
Father of Compiled Guru Gurudwara (Chandni Chowk, Delhi)
'Gurumukhi' Nanak's Teachings
Script in local language Establishment of 'Khalsa'
Started tradition (April 13, 1699 AD) Enforcement
(1539-1552 on the day of
AD) of fixing of
'Singh', 'Kaur' Baisakhi in Dharmachara
with name Anandpur Sahib 'Pahul'
Other facts related to Sikh Guru Tradition
Five Kakaar : Guru Gobind Composition
Guru Amardas - Divided the Religious Empire Kada (bracelet), 'Jafarnama',
(1552-1574 AD) into 22 Gaddis Kripan (dagger), Singh 'Vichitra
- Popularised Sikh Marriage Kangha (comb), (1675-1708 Natak',
Kesh (long hair) & 'Chandi da Var'
Tradition 'Anand Karaj' and the Kaccha (Briefs) AD)
simple marriage method 'Lavan' Made mandatory Treaty with Bahadur
Shah and received
Established 'Nirmal' a big mansab; with
Guru Ramdas - Establishment of Amritsar title given to Sikh him went to the
(1574-1581 AD) (original name - Ramdaspur) teachers south
- on 500 bighas of land provided Murdered by - An Afghan chieftain in Nanded
by Akbar (Maharashtra); Hazur Sahib Gurdwara :
- Made the post of guru hereditary Samadhi Sthal

Pictorial Presentation 59 GS Drishti Indian History

Maratha State and Federation


Ø Introduction l 1665 AD
l Birth ® Fort of Shivner ® Treaty of Purandar with Jai
l Capital ® Raygarh Singh
l Coronation ® By Pandit of l 1666 AD
® Captured by Aurangzeb in
banaras Vishveshwar
or l 1674 AD
Ganga Bhatta ® Title of Chhatrapati after
l Afzal Khan's Slaughter coronation
(1659 AD) l 1680 AD
® Death

Sumant / Dabir ® Foreign Minister Peshwa ® King's Prime Minister

Commander / Sir-e-Naubat
Amatya / Majmuadar
Soldiers recruitment,
organization, management Finance and revenue minister
of logistics Asth
Pandit Rao Pradhan
Waqia navis / minister ® To keep
¯ of detailed account of the king's
Liability of providing Shivaji daily affairs and court's everyday
grant for scholars and proceedings
religious works
Nyayadhish Secretary / Shurunavis
(Chief Judge) work related to royal communication

(Maratha army) Kashiraj Pandit (eyewitness)
Vs. ¯
Ahmed Shah Abdali Third This war was disastrous for the
(Afghan army) battle of Marathas
14, Merchant
Immediate reason 1761) ¯
Code message - to Balaji Bajirao
Ahmad Shah Abdali
wanted to
take revenge of expulsion of his Two pearl vanished, twenty-two gold
viceroy Taimur Shah from coins missing, no complete
Lahore by Marathas calculation of silver,
copper coins

Pictorial Presentation 60 GS Drishti Indian History

Important Facts
Ø Led Marathas as Shahu's representative from Ø The post of Peshwa became hereditary
1689 to 1700 AD - Rajaram - At the time of Balaji Bajirao

Ø The Maratha leadership at the time of Ø Treaty of Sangola

Aurangzegb's death was - with Tarabai
l Executed in 1750 AD
Ø Balaji Vishwanath has tenure as Peshwa
- 1713-1720 AD l Transfer of power from Chhatrapati to
Ø Shahu appointed him Peshwa in 1720 AD
l Peshwa became the de facto leader of the
- Bajirao I
Maratha organisation

The Latter Mughal Ruler

Bahadur Shah
Ø Other name - Shah Alam Ø 1712-13 AD
Ø Original name - Muazzam Ø Totally unfit for government work
Ø Reign - 1707-1712 AD ¯ Ø Received the throne with the help of
Ø Other name - Shahe Bekhabar Zulfiqar Khan
(given by Khafi Khan) Jahandar Ø Defeated by Farrukhsiyar
Ø 1713 AD - Murdered

Ø Decree of 1717 AD
In lieu of paying three thousand rupee ¯
annual taxes by British ; Ø 1719-1748 AD
confirmed the right to do Muhammad Ø The last Mughal emperor
business in Bengal without Shah to sit on the famous peacock
paying octroi throne built by Shah Jahan
Ø Nadirshah's Invasion
¯ (Mughal army was defeated in Karnal war)
Ø Popularly known as Rangeela
Ø Establishment of dominance of
Shah Alam certain class of enunch
Ø Tenure Second and women
1759-1806 AD
Ø Original name ® Ali Gauhar
Ø British occupied
Bahadur Shah Ø 1837-57 AD
Second Ø Emperor without an empire
Ø Received 1 lakh pension per month
on behalf of the East India Company
Ø Death in 1862 AD

Pictorial Presentation 61 GS Drishti Indian History

Mughal Era : Miscellaneous

Mentioned Famous Akbar, Five Situated

­ devotee / Jahangir storied ¯
In Aine-i-Akbari Saint ­ Sikandra (Agra)
­ poet Contemporary
of Abul Fazal ­ Ruler
Every upper Construction
storey is Tomb plan
smaller in of ¯
Lifesapn Text size than the Akbar by Akbar himself
Tulsidas (important) lower storey
- Ramcharitmanas Construction Speciality
work ¯
Ramcharitmanas - Vinaypatrika ¯ Dome-less
¯ By Jahangir
written in Awadhi language

Tulsidas First Built by

¯ Example of Akbar
¯ ¯ Akbari style
Large texts Small texts
¯ ¯ Jahangiri Built in
Parvati Janaki Palace Fort Supervision of
Vinay Patrika

Mangal Mangal is located chief artisn
­ Geetavali ­ inside it of Agra
­ of Akbar
Ba yan

Kasim Khan
rw a


­ ­

5000 buildings built


Ramcharit- Krishna Vairagya by Akbar are


manas Geetavali Sandipani


inside the fort

Important Facts

Ø Assumption of title
Bhakt Namavali
by Akbar after issueing
¯ Mazahar
Dhuruvadas - Sultan-e-Adil or Iman-e-Adil
Ø Zari Kalam
Chitravali Bhaktmal Title given by Akbar to his
Composition ¯ most important
Osman : Nabhadas court wirter,
Mohammad Husain of Kashmir
Ø Name of ruler who gave
'Jagatguru' title to Harivijay Suri
Rasik Priya - Akbar

Ramachandrika ® Keshavdas
Kavi Priya

Pictorial Presentation 62 GS Drishti Indian History

Medieval Period : Miscellaneous

Important Facts

Ø Allauddin Khilji abandoned the

idea of starting a new religion
Ruler Famous
- On the advice of Work
Iltutmish Turkan-i-Chahalgani
Kotwal Alaul Mulk
Mohammad Token Currency
Ø When he received kingship, he was Sher Shah Sadak-e-Azam
completely independent from Akbar Ain-e-Dahsala
shariyat laws and decrees. This is
statement of
- Barani for Allauddin Khilji

Ø Balban's idea about the kingship was

Bhakti Saints Profession
revived by - Alauddin Khiliji
Namdev Tailor
Kabir Weaver
Ravi Das Cobbler
Sena Barber

(location) Bhakti Saint Life Span
Kabir 1398-1518
Adina Mosque
Guru Nanak 1469-1539
Pandua (W. Bengal)
Chaitanya 1486-1534
Red Door Mosque Meera Bai 1498-1557

Dakhil Darwaja
Ruler Reign
Teen Darwaja Muhammad bin Tughlaq 1325-51 AD
(Ahmedabad) Marvarman Kulasekhar 1308-1310 AD
Devaraya II 1422-46 AD
Krishna Deva Raya 1509-29 AD

Pictorial Presentation 63 GS Drishti Indian History

Sikandar Lodi
Mansingh Mahal (Gwalior)
Double Dome ­
Leaning Inspiration source
Mohammad Sher Shah ¯ ­
Adil Shah Ruler : ¯ Towards
¯ Octagonal Jahangiri Mahal
Memorial Hindu style of
Gol Gumbaz Tomb ¯
with elements of the creator
Balban Islamic ¯
¯ architecture Akbar
True Mehrab Tomb

Founded by ¯ Mother Mullah Dawood
¯ Jagannath ¯ ­
Madhya Mishra Shchi Devi Chandayan
Aaradhya Maha- Amir Medieval Damodar Kavi
1486-1534 AD Khusro ¯
Devta prabhu ­ poet and
¯ Lakhan Sen
Chaitanya Life Span Ashika
Composi- Padmavati
Krishna tion Story

Famous saint Nimai Birth Place Somnath

of Bhakti ¯ ¯ ¯
Movement Childhood Nadia District Raga Vibodh
Name (Bengal)

Varkari Sect
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Main Bench Founded by Other Saint Special fact
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Pandharpur Gyaneshwar Namdev,
Vithoba ® Worshiped as
(Maharashtra) (leading) Tukaram
Avatar of Krishna (believed)

Haldi Ghati War

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Year Maharana Pratap Hakim Khan Soor Result
¯ Vs. ¯ ¯
1576 Man Singh and Lead the Front part of Defeat of
Asaf Khan Maharana's army Maharana Pratap

Pictorial Presentation 64 GS Drishti Indian History

Pictorial Presentation...

Modern India
l History of Modern India 67-112
s Advent of European Campanies 67-69 s Civil Disobedience Movement (1930)
s Nawab of Bengal and British East 93
India Company 70 s Gandhi - Irvin Pact (1931) 93
s Regional State : Punjab and Mysore s Karachi session of Congress (March
71-72 26-31, 1931) 94
s Governor/Governor General/Viceroy s Three Round Table Conferences 94
72-74 s Communal Award and Poona Pact 94
s Land revenue system 74
s Congress Socialist Party (1934) 95
s Drain of Wealth theory 75
s Provincial elections and cabinet
s Revolution of 1857 76 formation (1937) 96
s Other Public Movements 77 s Princely States 96
s Development of Education in modern s Second World War 97
India 77-78 s Demand for Pakistan 97
s Development of Press in Modern
s Individual Satyagraha (1940) 98
India 78-79
s Social and Religious Movement 79-80 s Cripps Mission, 1942 98
s Institutions before the congress 80 s Quit India Movement, 1942 98-100
s Indian National Congress 81 s Subhash Chandra Bose and Azad Hind
Fauz 100-101
s Revolutionary movement in India 82
s Cabinet Mission (1946) 101
s Revolutionary activities outside of
s Constituent Assembly 101-102
India 82-83
s Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi s Interim government 102
movement 84 s Partition and Independence of India
s Congress Sessions 85 103
s Muslim League 85 s Constitutional development of India
s Morley - Minto Reform 85
s Modern Indian History : Miscella-
s Home rule League Movement 86 neous 106
s Gandhiji and his initial Movements s Magazines, Books and their Authors
86-87 107
s Farmer movement and Kishan Sabha s Art and Culture 108
s Traditional Award 108
s Trade Unions and Communists 89
s Classical Dance of India : Related
s Rowlatt Act 89 States 109
s Jalianwala Bagh massacre 89-90 s Festival : Related State 109
s Khilafat Movement 90 s Temple : Related State 110
s Non-cooperation movement 91 s Dance / Folk Dance : Related State110
s Swaraj Party (1923) 91 s Important Monument : Related State
s Simon Commission (1927) 92 111
s Congress's Lahore convention, Poorna s Miscellaneous 111
Swaraj proposal (1929) 92 s Jammu and Kashmir 112

History of Modern India

Arrival of Europen Companies ® Original Name - Compagnie des Indes

French East India Company

® Established - 1664 AD
Portugurese ® Founder - Colbert (Minister of the Louis
® Created by - State
Vasco da Gama (1498 AD) ® Money for expenses - provided by the state
Ø Discovery of a new sea route to India ® 1667 AD -
Francis Caro, left for India
Ø Ahmed Ibn Majid assistant with the expenditionary force
Ø Welcomed by the ruler of Calicut, ® 1668 AD - First French factory in Surat
Zamorin. was set up
Ø Profits worth 60 times more were made ® 1669 AD - Masulipatnam - Second French
through trade of black pepper Factory
Francisco de Almeida Important Facts
Ø First Portuguese Viceroy and
Governor in India (1505 AD) Ø Head of the Kasim Bazar Factory
Ø Exponent of Blue Water Policy/calm who chose Sutanuti instead of
water policy (for establishment of Hooghly as trade centre for British
dominance in the Indian Ocean) - Job Charnock
Ø Kochi became part of British
Alfonso de Albuquerque colony - 1814 AD
Ø The Real founder of Portuguese Ø Famous Indian state for opium
Power in India production during British Raz
Ø 1510 AD ® Snatched Goa from the - Bihar
ruler of Bijapur Yusuf Adilshah Ø Name of the english officer who
defeated protugese at Swally
Ø Acquired Malacca and Hormuz (right - Thomas Best
at the mouth of the Persian Gulf) Ø European power which used
Ø First European and Portuguese Hooghly in Bay of Bengal
builder of the fort in Cochin (India) (in as a centre for sea piracy
1503 AD) - Portugese
Ø European trading company in
order of their arrival in India
- Portougese, Dutch, English,
Dane, French

English East India Company : Early Years

Ø 1599 AD ® Established by group of
Exam Drishti
merchant adventurers in Ø European power, first to come in India (1498)
England and last to leave India (1961) - Portugese
Ø December, 1600 ® Queen Elizabeth-I Ø First among European powers to establish
granted royal charter to company for maritime trading centre in India
doing business with east (for 15 years) - Portugese merchante
(Contemperary king of India ® Akbar) Ø Portugese established their second factory in
- Kannur
Ø 1611 AD ® First temporary factory
Ø Complete destruction of Portugese colony at
was establishment at Masulipattanam
Hooghly was done by
by company (Contemporary Mughal - Mughal emperor Shahjahan
King ® Jahangir) Ø Masulipatnam - First Dutch Factory
Ø Pipali - Dutch Established their
Ø 1613 AD ® First permanent English
first factory in Bengal here
factory in Surat (1627 AD)

Pictorial Presentation 67 GS Drishti Indian History

Casa da India The Governor's and Company of
(Poruguese company) Merchants of London Trading in to the East Indies
­ (English East India Company)
1498 AD ­
Different 1599 AD
des Indes Orientales
¬ 1664 AD Companies :
(French) Establishment
1616 AD 1602 AD
¯ ¯
Dane East India Vereenigde Ost Indes Company
Company (Dutch East India Company)

Date - August 12, 1765 Date - August 16, 1765 Year - 1784 AD
Parties - Between British and Parties - Between British and Parties - English and
Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II Awadh's Nawab Shuja-ud-daula Tipu Sultan
­ ­
Treaty of Mangalore
First Treaty Second Treaty
­ ­
Treaty of Allahabad

Important Treaties

¯ ¯
Treaty of Madras Treaty of Salbai
¯ ¯
Year - 1769 AD Year - 1782 AD
Parties - Haider Ali and English Parties - British and Maratha

English-French Conflict
ba ga
e da pa
tn Ø First war of Carnatic (1746-48 AD)
Ahm am Ø Immediate Cause - Under the leadership of
British Captain Burnett capture of some

French ships by the English army



Main Ø Extension of Austria's war of Succession

Dutch Ø Austria war of succession ends from the

Commercial Treaty of Aix-la - Chapelle (1748 AD)


Centres Ø Wandiwash War (English vs. French)


l Time - January, 1760

l Leadership

ar t ® Sir Eyre Coote ® of the English army
uc ra
h Su
® Count de Laly ® of the French army
l Results ® English ® Winner

Pictorial Presentation 68 GS Drishti Indian History

Portuguese governor
Allowed Portugese to establish ­
their factories here Nuno de Cunha
¯ ­
¯ ¯
1529 - 1538 AD
Satgaon Chittagong ­
¯ ¯

Ghiyasuddin ¬ 1534 AD ¬
Important ® 1505 AD® Francisco de Almeida
Mahmud Shah Year ¯
(Ruler of Bengal) ¯ ¯
¯ Anjidiv Kannanore / Kannur
Year 1961 ¯ ¯
¯ ¯
¯ ¯ Contruction of
Manuel Antanio Exodus of Portugese fortifications
Vassalio a Silva Portugese in these places
¯ from
Portuguese Governor General of Goa India

1661 AD
¯ ¯
Ø Ranjit Singh setup factories to make
Charles II Catherine artillery, ammunition
(Emperor of England) (Portuguese Princess) - In Lahore and Amritsar
¯ ¯ Ø Sawai Jai Singh of Amer, translated the
¯ Euclid's 'Elements of Geometry'
Marriage - In Sanskrit Language
¯ Ø The name of the Muslim ruler who gave
Bombay received in dowry money for the construction of the idol of
Sharda Devi in the Sringeri temple was
- Tipu Sultan
to Charles II
Ø Lord Hastings abolished Peshwai
- 1818 AD
Ø The Pioneer newspaper was started in
1668 AD
1865 from allahabad by - George Allen
¯ Ø Vernacular newspaper converted
overnight into an english newspaper to
Bombay at to British escape Vernacular Press Act, in 1878
was given 10 pound East India - Amrit Bazar Patrika
by annual rent Company
Charles II

Ø Royal Titles Act Ø Widow Remarriage Act
l Year of Passing ® 1876 AD l Drafted & Presented at the time of Lord
l Passing Authority l Enactment date ® July 26, 1856
® British Parliament l Lord Canning, the then Governor General
l Provision l Rule 15 (XV)
® Queen Victoria appointed as ® Widow Marriage ® Valid
Empress of India (1877) ® Child Born ® Legitimate

Pictorial Presentation 69 GS Drishti Indian History

Nawab of Bengal and British East India Company Exam Drishti
Ø War ground of Plassey is situated
Ø Mursid Quli Khan in the Nadiya district of West
l Last Governr ® Independently Bengal - on the banks of
appointed by Mughal emperor in Bengal Bhaghirathi river
l Ijarah System ® Evovled during land settlement Ø Two deputy diwan (for diwani
l Capital ® Shifted from Dhaka to work) appointed by company
Maqsoodabad (Murshidabad) l Muhammad Raza Khan
® For Bengal
l Raja Shitab Rai
Ø Alivardi Khan (1740-56 AD) ® For Bihar
l Compared European powers to beas Ø Nawab of Bengal at the time of
Battle of Buxar was
l Famous Statement ® If they are not teased - Mir Jafar
they will give honey and if teased they will
sting you to death

Ø Siraj-ud-Daulah (1756-57 AD)

l Grandson of Alivardi Khan and his successor
l Incidence of Black hole, 20 June, 1756 Battle of Buxar
l Defeated by Robert Clive in Ø Ended on 22 October, 1764
Battle of Plassey Ø Mir Qasim, Nawab of Awadh
Shuja-ud-Daula, Mughal emperor
Shah Allam II vs English
Ø Mir Qasim
(1760-63 AD) Ø Command of English Army
l Most Competent Nawab among the ® Major Hector Munro
successor of Alivardi Khan Ø Contemporary Nawab of Bengal ® Mir jafar
l Fauzdar of Purnia and Rangpur (Formerly)
l Capital ® Shifted from Murshidabad to Munger
l Army was build ® based on European style
l Munger ® Arrangement of building Shah Alam II (1759-1806 AD)
artillery guns and smash guns
l Defeated by English in Ø Events after second treaty
Battle of Buxar of Allahabad
Shah Alam
l Under the protection of
l Was kept at Allahabad
l Areas of Kada and
of British Allahabad which were
empire in left by Nawab of Awadh
Mass leader India Defeated were given to Shah Alam
in the form Siraj-ud-Daulah Ø Firman of 12 August, 1765
of soilder in Battle of Plassey l Permanent grant of
Diwani rights of Bengal
Founder of Laid the Bihar and Odisha to
Plundering State Robert foundation of Company
in Bengal Clive British dominance l Company gave annual
in India pension of rupees 26
Governor of Lakh to emperor
White Rebellion Bengal
by English Treaty of 1757-60 AD
Soilders Allahabad 1765-67 AD Ø Dupleix - Appointed European army to Indian
with Shah Alam II
and courts at the expense of Indians for first time
Shuja-ud-Daula Ø Surat - First trading factory of French in India

Pictorial Presentation 70 GS Drishti Indian History

Regional States : Punjab and Mysore Punjab
1849 AD
Ranjit Singh ¯
End of Second Anglo-Sikh-War
Ø Born l November 13, 1780
l Sukarchakia Misal's ¯
Chief Maha Singh's house
The merger of Punjab with the British Empire
Ø Treaty of l Between Maharaja Ranjit and ¯
Amritsar the British
l Date ® April 25, 1809 President ¬ Constitution of ® Member
¯ ¯
]Ø Zaman Shah's guns fell in Chenab river, Sir Henry three member ¯ ¯
he got it out and sent it back to Zaman Shah Lawrence John Charles
Law- Grenville
Ø Zaman Shah l Parmitted Ranjit Singh ¯ rence Mansele
to acquire Lahore
To Rule Punjab

Ø Occupied Lahore in 1799 AD ¯

(Lahore declared capital)
Formed by Lord Dalhousie
Ø Zaman Shah ® gave the title of Raja and Last Ruler
considered him as his of Sikh empire
subedar of Lahore
Ø 1805 AD ® Snatched Amritsar from Bhangi Misal Funeral Tenure
in England 1843-49 AD
Ø Shah Shuja ® Gifted Kohinoor to Ranjit Singh

® French tourist Death

Ø Victor Zakama ® Comparison of Ranjit Singh to October, Duleep Religion
Napoleon Bonaparte 1893 Change
in Paris
from Sikh to
]Ø Fakir Azizuddin ® Foreign Minister of Ranjit Singh Christian
]Ø The famous statement ® "God Wished that, Gateway Tour of
I look at all religions with one eye, Towards Britain after Russia
that's why he took the light of the other eye". receiving pension
from British
® Lahore (political capital)
]Ø Punjab l
® Amritsar (religious capital)
(Occupied both) Mysore

First Anglo-Mysore War

Chillianwala War
Ø Start Date ® January 13, 1849 Ø In the time period ® 1767-69 AD
Ø Lord Gough ® Leading the British Army Ø Haider Ali vs Britishers
Ø Sher Singh ® Leadership of the Sikh Army Ø Winner ® Haider Ali
Ø Result ® Inconclusive Ø The then British Governor ® Verelst
Ø The then Governor General Ø The end of the war by the Treaty of Madras on
® Lord Dalhousie 4th April, 1769

Pictorial Presentation 71 GS Drishti Indian History

The fourth
Second Anglo-Mysore War
Anglo-Mysore War
Ø 1799 AD
Ø Time period - 1780 - 84 AD Ø Tipu's Death
Sequence of Events Ø Leading the ® Wellesley
British Army ®
Ø Haider Ali - July, 1780 ® Stuart
l Attack on Karnataka
l Occupied Arcot by defeating
British army under Colonel Baillie
Ø Tipu
Important Facts
l Pollillur ® Defeated Hector
Munro's Army Ø Tipu Sultan made
Ø 1781 AD Srirangapatnam as his capital
l Haider Ali Vs Eyre Coote and also established Jacobian
l Porto-Novo club here.
l Pollilur Ø Title given to Wellesley by
® Eyre Coote society of Lords of Ireland on the
l Sholinguar defeated Haider occassion of Mysore victory was
Ø December, 1782
® Death of Haider Ali - Marquis
Ø 1784 AD Ø Britishers re-established
Wodeyar dynasty (a kid name
l Treaty of Mangalore (between
Tipu and British) Krishnaraj) on the seat of power
of Mysore and assimilated
l End of Second Anglo-Mysore War
Kanara, Coimbatore and
Srirangapatnam into the British
colonial State

Third Anglo - Mysore War

Ø Time period (1790-92 AD)
Ø Cornwalis, Maratha, Nizam vs Tipu
Ø Treaty of Srirangapatnam ® War Ends Governor / Governor General / Viceroy
l British and their colleagues got half of
Tipu's state
l Recovery of 3 crore Rupees from Tipu - as 1740-65 AD
war damages Company's struggle for equality
with Indian states

1935-1947 AD 1765-1813 AD
Treaty of Policy of Policy of
Srirangapatnam Equal Ringfence
Ø March, 1792 AD Federation British Policies
Ø Between Tipu Sultan and Cornwallis Regarding
Ø Result ® Ending of Princely States
3rd Aglo-Mysore War
(1790-92 AD) 1858-1935 AD 1813-1857 AD
Subordinate Policy of
Union Policy Subordinate Isolation

Pictorial Presentation 72 GS Drishti Indian History

Warren Hastings Lord Cornwallis
Ø Declaration - End of dual government rule Ø Rule of Exclusivity of Law ® Applicable
in Bengal in India
Ø Transfer - of State treasury (Murshidabad Ø Cornwallis Code
to Calcutta) Ø Based on Separation of Powers
Ø Thought - all the land is of the ruler l Taxes, Administration of Justice ®
Ø Trial and inaccuracy - for revenue reforms Separate
Ø 1774 AD Ø Commencement of the Covenant Civil
l First Governor General of Bengal Service of India
appointed Ø Death l On October 5, 1805
Ø Faced impeachment trail l In Ghazipur (the grave is also here)

Hyderabad Lord Dalhousie

Scindhia Mysore
Ø Term - 1848-56 AD
Bhosale Important
Subsidiary Ø Annexation of Awadh
(Varar) Tanjore
(Wajid Ali Shah accused of misgovernance)

Ø First attempt in the direction of railway

construction in India
Ø The first railway line in India was from
Lord Wellesley
Bombay to Thane in 1853 AD

Lord William Bentinck Ø Establishment of a separate Public Works

Ø Took Charge - July, 1828 AD
Ø Merger under Doctrine of Lapse
Ø Strive to end the practice of Sati,
Female infanticide
l Satara (1848 AD)
Ø End of Swindling (Thugs)
Ø Policy of Neutrality as far as possible l Jaitpur and Sambalpur (1849 AD)
towards the Indian Princely states
l Baghat (1850 AD), l Udaipur (1854 AD)
Ø 1834 AD - Appointed as first
Governor General of l Jhansi (1854 AD), l Nagpur (1854 AD)
Ø Action against thugs - Appointment l Lapse resolution of Karauli (1855 AD)
of Captain
Sleeman ® Rejected by Court of Directors
1831 AD - of Mysore
­ Ø He started electric telegraph in India
Ø Annexation to the British Empire
¯ l 1854 AD ® In place of Sleeman, James
1834 AD - of Coorg and Cacher Outtrum appointed as British Resident of Awadh
Ø Regulated and formatised trade in
opium - Export only from Bombay Ø Outram report of the same became
Ø Called back English Officer from ® Basis for acquisition of Awadh
Hyderabad at the behest of Nizam
Nasiruddaula Ø February 13, 1856 ® Annexation of Awadh

Pictorial Presentation 73 GS Drishti Indian History

Lord Canning Land Revenue System
Ø First Viceroy of British India
Ø 1856 AD - Widow Remarriage Act passed Permanent Settlement
Ø November 1, 1858 System
l Queen's proclamation ® Announced by
Ø Initiator ® Lord Cornwallis
Lord Canning at Allahabad
(1793 AD)
l End of East India Company rule
l The governance of India was transferred Ø Other name ® Istmarari,
directly to the British Imperial Crown Jagirdari, Malgujari, Bisvedari
Ø Area of operation
l Bengal, Bihar, Odissa,
areas upto Varanasi of the
state of Uttar Pradesh
Lord Ellenborough l Applied to land areas of
Ø Tenure ® 1842-44 AD
upto 19% of British India
Ø Abolition of slavery (1843 AD)
Ø Complete merger of Sindh with the Ø Provisions
British Empire (1843 AD) l A new class of landlords
Lord Mayo (1869-72 AD) declared land owner
Ø First Census ® Started in 1872 AD l 10/11 part of land rent
Ø Mudered in Andaman and Nicobar payable to the company
Ø Murdered by Sher Ali Afridi and 1/11 part kept for the
Ø First Viceroy landlords
® Who was assassinated during his
tenure Ryotwari System
Ø Initiator ® Thomas Munro
and Caption Reed
Exam Drishti Ø Area of operation
l Implemented in Baramhal
Ø The father of local government in modern India district first of Tamil
is - Lord Rippon Nadu; was applied to
Madras, parts of Bombay,
Ø In 1861 AD the first Archaeological Surveyor East Bengal, Assam and
was appointed - Alexander Cunningham Coorg
Ø Curzon's administration was compared to that l Applied to 51 percent of
of Aurangzeb by - Gopal Krishna Gokhale British India land
Ø Provisions for Ryot
Ø Capital of India shifted from Calcutta to Delhi
(1912) - At the time of Viceroy l land owership and
Lord Hardinge confederate possession
l Establishment of agricultural
Ø Archaeological Survey department was land ownership
created in 1871 AD - at the time of Mayo l High rent rate
Ø The result of the third Delhi Durbar 1911 was Mahalwari System
- Partition of Bengal cancelled Ø Established with each village or
Mahal (part of Jagir)
Ø The village panchayat is owner
Activity Governor / Governor of community land and other
General / Viceroy land
Ø Doctrine of Lapse - Dalhousie Ø Was applied to Uttar Pradesh,
Central province and Punjab
Ø Partition of Bengal - Lord Curzon (with slight modification)
Ø Applicable to 30% land of
Ø Dual government in bengal - Clive
British India
Ø Social Reform - Bentinck

Pictorial Presentation 74 GS Drishti Indian History

Drain of Wealth Theory

First and
Description most vocal
exponent of
Constant flow of India's Exponent this theory
wealth and products Ø Dadabhai Naoroji
towards England first Exponent
l Formulated Drain of
but in return India did not Form
get enough theory for first time in
economic, commercial 'England Debt to India' Ø Government's Procurement
l 'Poverty and un-British', policy, Home Charges viz
or physical profits Interest on Indian public debt
'Rule in India',
and capital invested
'The wants and means of India', in railways,
'On the commerce of India': cost of military and other
l Explanation in these equipments given to India,
articles civil and military duties
l Described it as given in England
'Evils of all Evils' because of
in 1901

Other Exponents
India, all expenses of
Ø Mahadev Govind Ranade secretary of state in England
Ø Ramesh Chandra Dutt (till 1919) and
(Economist) : allowances and pensions
Mentioned in his article given to European officers
'Economic History of India' by government of India
Note : 'Drain of Wealth Theory'
was officially recognised at
Indian National Congress -
Calcutta Session (1896)

Effect on Indian Economy

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
De-industrialisation Commercialisation of India's agriculture Ruralisation of Inflow of British
¯ ¯ India's Economy capital in India
Decline of Effect ¯
Indian ¯ Discouragement
handicrafts to Indian
industry ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Capitalists
Loss to Growth in Increase Importance to Cash crops
Farmers rural in poverty ¯
indebtedness Food Shortages

Pictorial Presentation 75 GS Drishti Indian History

Revolution of 1857

Immediate Cause Ø Political, social, economic and religious

Enfield rifle Cartridges
Ø 1857 AD (Barrackpore) ® Refusal to
use greased cartridges (cartidges were Cause Ø Main Reason
coverage with cow and pig fiesh) by
soldiers l Disgusting policies of the British
Ø Mangal Pandey ® Attacked and Empire
killed adjudent

Ø Started from Meerut on 10 May
Ø Sir James Outram, W. Tailor ® Ø May 12, 1857
Result of Hindu-Muslim conspiracy ® Rebels occupied Delhi

Ø John Lawrence, Seale Ø Symbol of freedom struggle
® Only Soldier Rebellion
® Lotus and Bread
Ø T.R. Holmes
® War between barbarism and
Ø V.D. Savarkar Location Leader
® First war of independence Ø

Bareilly ®
Khan Bahadur
Ø R.C. Mazumdar Ø Jhansi ®
Rani Lakshmi Bai
® So called first National freedom Ø Lucknow ®
Begum Hazrat Mahal
struggle was neither first nor
Ø Kanpur ®
Nana Sahib
national nor freedom struggle
(Nana Dhondo Pant)
Ø Jagdishpur ® Kunwar Singh
Ø Assam ® Diwan Maniram Dutt
Author Book
Book Ø Faizabad ® Maulvi Ahmadulla Shah
Ø V.D. Savarkar ® The Indian war of
Ø S.N. Sen ® Eighteen Fifty Ø Scindias of Gwalior
Supporter ruler

Chief English

Ø Holkars of Indore
Ø Sir Syed ® Asbah-e-bagavat
Ø Nizam of Hyderabad
Ahmed Khan -e-hind
Ø R.C. Mazumdar ® The Sipoy Mutiny Ø King of Jodhpur
and the Rebellion Ø Nawab of Bhopal
of 1857 Ø Sikh rulers of Patiala, Nabha and Jind
Ø Maharaja of Kashmir

Ø Policy of Victory and annexation Ø End of Company's rule in India

towards Indian princely states was Ø Government of India came directly

abandoned under the Crown

Ø Government granted permission of
Ø Ban on the expansion of British Empire
adoption by kings
Ø Constitution of Peel commission for in India
reorganisation of Indian Army Ø Policy of non-interference in religious

Pictorial Presentation 76 GS Drishti Indian History

Other Mass Movements Wahabi Movement
Ø Achievement ® Gave serious challenge to
Organized British sovereignity
Santhal Rebellion (1855-56 AD) Ø Promoter ® Syed Ahmed Barelvi (in India)
Ø Tribal rebellion
Ø Area ® Kabul, North-West Frontier, Bengal,
Ø Originally started in Daman-i-Koh for Bihar, Central Provinces
economic reasons
Ø 1830 AD ® Capture of Peshawar by Barelvi
Ø Leadership ® 4 brothers named Sido,
Kanhu, Chand and Bhairav Ø Battle of Balakot ® Death of Barelvi
Ø 1855 AD ® Rebellion in Bhagalpur area by Ø After the death of Barelvi the center of the
Santhals movement ® Patna
Ø The army went to suppress the rebellion under Ø Leader after Barelvi's death ® Maulvi
the leadership of Major Baro was defeated by Qasim, Vilayat Ali, Inayat Ali, Ahmadullah
the Santhals
Kuka Movement
Pagal Panth
Ø Start Decade ® 1840
Ø A semi-religious sect l By Bhagat Jawaharmal (Sian Sahib)
Ø Started by Karamshah and Ram Singh Kuka
Ø Movement against atrocities by Zamindars on
Ø Objective ® Purifying Sikhism by ending
Murzara (Tenants) ® by Titu evils and superstition prevailing in the religion

Munda Rebellion (1899-1900 AD) Indigo Rebellion

Ø Other name Ø Time period ® 1859-60 AD
® Ulgulan Ø Started from Govindpur village of Nadia
district of Bengal
Ø Time Period
Ø Leaders ® Digambara Vishwas and Vishnu
® Between 1899-1900 AD Vishwas
Ø Birsa Munda Ø Spread Area ® Nadia, Pabna, Khulna,
l Dharti Aaba Dhaka, Malda, Dinajpur
(Other names) Ø Support ® by Hindu Patriot editor
l Call to worship sing Bonga / Harishchandra Mukherjee
Single God instead of Ø Illustration of the atrocities on Indigo planters
Bonga (many gods) ® In Neel Darpan by Deenbandhu Mitra

Development of Education in Modern India

First Madarsa established by the British Sir William Jones

Ø 1780 AD ® Established in Calcutta by Ø English Translator for
Warren Hastings Abhigyanasakuntalam
Ø First Chief ® Maulvi Muizuddin Wood Dispatch or Wood manifesto
Ø Education of Persian, Arabic and Muslim Ø 1854 AD ® Issued by Charles Wood
Law Ø Magna Carta ® of English Education in
Establishment of Sanskrit College India
(Banaras) Ø Basis - Based on the University of
Ø 1791 AD ® Through Jonathan London's, establishment of Universities
one each in Calcutta, Bombay and
Duncan's efforts Madras Presidencies
Ø Objective ® Study of Religion, Hunter Commission
Literature and Law of Hindus Ø Appointted in 1882 AD to review progress
Charles Wilkins made in the field of education after 1854
Ø First English translation of the AD
Bhagavad Gita Ø Special focus on improvement and
Preface ® Written by Warren Hastings development of primary education.

Pictorial Presentation 77 GS Drishti Indian History

Development of Press in Modern India

Sadler Commission Ø Bengal Gazette

Ø Year 1917 ® Appointed to study ® India's first published newspaper
prospects of Culcutta University and to report Ø J.A. Hickey
l 1780 AD
Ø Thinking ® Reform of University ® Publication of Bengal Gazette
Education requires reform of secondary Ø Lord Wellesley
education l 1799 AD ® Censor of all newspapers
l Surveillance Act Passed
Ø Lord Hastings
l 1818 AD ® Surveillance Act abolished
Ø Lord Lytton
® Vernacular Press Act Passed (1878 AD)
Ø Lord Ripon ® Vernacular Press Act was
Exam Drishti abolished, 1882 AD
Ø Bal Gangadhar Tilak
l First Indian to receive Punishment
Ø Asiatic Society of Bengal was from British government for
founded in 1784 AD by journalism
Ø Free Hindustan
- Sir William Jones ® Taraknath Das's newspaper
Ø National Council of Education Ø Rammohan Roy ® Samvad Kaumudi /
was established Pragya ka Chand (Bangla), Miratul Akhbar
on August 15, 1906 (published in Persian)
Ø First Women's University was Ø Indian Mirror (newspaper)
founded in Bombay by l Devendranath Tagore and Manmohan
- D.K. Karve's efforts Ghosh
Ø Establishment of famous Hindu Ø Gadar
l Mouthpiece of Gadar Party
College in Culcutta by l Weekly paper
- Raja Rammohum Roy, l Publication of first edition ®
David Heyer and Alexander Duff November 1, 1913 from
Ø Banaras Hindu University was San Francisco (in Urdu language)
established in the year 1916 l 9 December, 1913 Also published in
by - Madan Mohan Malviya Gurumukhi
Ø Widow's home in Poona was l Publication of one issue in Pakhtuni
language, also in Marathi, Hindi,
founded by - D. K. Karve in 1896 English and Gujarati
Ø Amrit Bazar Patrika
l Shishir Kumar Ghosh (founder)

Exam Oriented Drishti

Ø Indian Opinion Ø Independent
l Magazine started by Mahatma ® Newspaper started by Motilal
Gandhi Nehru
l Started in South Africa (in 1903) Ø Bahiskrit Bharat
l First Editor ® Mansukhlal Nazar l By Bhimrao Ambedkar (Marathi
l Published in Gujarati, Hindi, fortnightly
Tamil and English Ø Hindu Patriot
l First editor (1853-55 AD)
Ø The Indian Nation
® Kameshwar Singh (Founder) Girishchandra Ghosh
Ø Ramkrishna Pillai l Editor in 1855 AD ®
l Born ® 1878 AD Harishchandra Mukherjee
l Editor of Swadesh wahini Ø Som Prakash (Bangla Weekly)
Ø Weekly newspaper by Gandhiji Newspaper
l Harijan (English) l Publication by Ishwarchandra
l Harijan Bandhu (Gujarati) Vidyasagar
l Harijan Sevak (Hindi) l Support to the famers of the indigo

Pictorial Presentation 78 GS Drishti Indian History

Exam Drishti
Ø Al-Hilal (Urdu Weekly) ® Ø Publication of Qaumi Awaaz
Publication by Abul Kalam Azad (Urdu newspaper)
Ø Lala Lajpat Rai l By Jawaharlal Nehru and
l Publication of Vande Mataram l Rafi Ahmed Kidwai
(Urdu Daily) Ø Raast Goftar ® Paper affiliated to
l Publication of the people Dadabhai Naoroji
(English weekly) Ø Common weal ® English newspaper by
Annie Besant

Social and Religious Reform Movement

® First Indian ® Movement against the evils prevalent in India

® Father of Indian renaissance
® Prophet of Indian nationalism
® Bridge between past and future
® Titles ® Father of modern India
® Yugdoot
® Founder ® Raja Rammohan Roy
Raja ® Atmiya ® Establishment year ® 1815 AD
Ram Sabha ® Purpose ® Propogation of the monotheistic
doctrine of Hindu religion
Mohan ® 1828 founded a new religious society Brahmo
Roy Samaj
® The title of Raja to Rammohan Roy
® Akbar II ® Sent Raja Rammohan Roy as the messenger in
1830 AD to the court of the then British Emperor
Willian IV
® Died September 27, 1833 ® in Bristol (England)
® Was in favour of english education
® Opponent ® of idol worship, child marriage and the practice of

® 1867 AD ® Waved the flag of Pakhand Khandini

® Book ® Satyarth Prakash
® Famous Statement ® Good governance is not a substitute for
self - government
Dayanand ® Establishment ® In April, 1875 (Bombay)
Saraswati ® Arya Samaj ® Purpose ® Restoration of Ancient Vedic
religion in its purest form
® Headquarters ® Lahore (1877 AD)
® Slogan ® Back to the Vedas
® Title ® Martin Luther King of India
® Swarajya ® First use of the word

First Faction ® Supporters of Western Education ® Lala Lajpat Rai, Hansraj ® Establishment of Dayanand Aglo Vedic College
(Key persons)
Partition of Arya Samaj ® (1892-93 AD)
(Key persons)
Second Faction ® Anti-western education ® Swami Shraddhanand, Lekhraj, Munshi Ram ® Establishment of Gurukul (1902)

Pictorial Presentation 79 GS Drishti Indian History

Prarthana Samaj
¯ ¯ Vernacular Press Act
Established Main Purpose Ø Passed in the time of Lord Lytton
Ø 1867 AD Ø Protest against caste Key Statement
system Ø Arskin Perry
Ø Atmaram Pan- Ø Increase in the age of
durang (founder) marriage of men-women ® Retrograde and Inconsistent
Ø Inspiration - From Ø Encouragement to Ø S. N. Banerjee
Keshavachandra widow marriage and ® falling thunder from the sky
Sen women's education

Exam oriented Drishti Political Institute Established Before Congress

Ø Bangabhasha Prakashika
Organisation Founder/Member Sabha
Ø Dev Samaj Shivnarayan Agnihotri l Founded in 1836 by associates of
Ø Satyasodhak Samaj Jyotiba Phule Raja Rammohun Roy
Ø Dharm ShabhaRaja Radhakant Dev Ø Land Holders Society
Ø Radhaswami Satsang Movement l Other name ® Zamindari
Tulsiram / Shivdyal Sahab / Association
Swamiji Maharaj l Establishment year ® 1838 AD
Ø Ramkrishna Mission (Culcutta)
Swami Vivekanand l Objective ® To protect the
Ø Tatvabodhini Shabha interests of the landlords
Devendranath Tagore l Founder - Dwarkanath Tagore
Ø Bahujan Samaj Mukunda Patil, Ø Poona Sarvajanik Sabha
Shankaro Jhodhav l Establishment year ® 1870 AD
Ø Widdow Remarriage Association l Founder ® M.G. Ranade
Pandit Vishnu ® G.V. Joshi
Parashuram Shashtri Ø Indian Association
l Other name ® Bharat Sangha
l Establishment ® July 26, 1876
(In Calcutta)
l Founder ® Surendra Nath
Banerji (in collaboration with Anand
Mohan Bose)
Native Marriage Act Ø British Indian Association
Ø Paased in 1872 AD l Established ® October, 1851
Ø By the efforts of (Culcutta)
Keshavachandra Sen l Founder Member ®
Ø Provisions for marriage Radhakanta Dev (President),
l Minimum age of boys ® 18 years Harishchandra Mukherji,
l Minimum age of girls ® 14 years Devandranath Tagore, Rajendralal
Mitra etc.
Ø Other Name
Ø Central Mohammedan National
- Brahma Vivah Act
l Establishment year ® 1877 AD
l Founder - Syed Amir Ali
Ø Bombay Presidency Association
l Establishment year - 1885 AD
l Founded by
® Ferozeshah Mehta Trinity
Ø 1856 AD ® Passing of of
Hindu Widow remarriage Act ® K.T. Telang Bombay
® Badruddin Tayyab

Pictorial Presentation 80 GS Drishti Indian History

Indian National Congress

® Establishment ®
By A.O. Hume
1885 AD (The then Viceroy - Lord Dufferin)
Date ® December 28, 1885
Location ® Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit Vidyalaya
® First Session ® President ® Womesh Chandra Banerjee
® First General Secretary ® A.O. Hume
® 72 delegates participated
® Second Session ® 1886 AD ® organised in Culcutta
® President ® Dadabhai Naoroji
Indian ® Third Session ® 1887 AD ® Organised in Madras
® President - Badruddin Tayyab ji - First Muslim
National President (Congress)
Congress ® George Yule ® First elected European President of Indian National
® held in 1911
® Calcutta Session ® Jana-Gana-Mana ® First singing (in Congress session)
® President - Bishan Narayan Dhar
® Annie Besant ® First Woman President of Indian National Congress
® Mahatma Gandhi ® 1924 - Presidency of Belgaum session
® Sarojini Naidu ® First Indian Woman President ® 1925 - Kanpur
® Karachi session ® Held in 1931
® President - Vallabhabhai Patel
® Haripura session ® President - Subhash Chandra Bose
® J.B. Kripalani ® President of the Indian National Congress at the time
of India's independence

Important Facts
Ø Who said that Bal Gangadhar Tilak was Leaders
responsible for the unrest in India? Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Sir Valentine Chirol Lala Lajpat Rai
Ø First political strike was done in the Bipinchandra Pal
country - by the textile mill Aurobindo Ghosh
workers of Bombay
Ø The author of the Gita Rahashya book
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Ø The political guru of Lala Lajpat Rai
- Mazzini
Ø Who is known as Sher-e-Punjab
- Lala Lajpat Rai
Ø The split of Congress into moderate
and extremist happened Leaders
- in 1907 Surat session Dadabhai Naoroji
Ø President of the Surat session of Ferozeshah Mehta
Congress in 1907 was Dinshaw Wacha
- Rasbihari Ghosh Womesh Chandra Banerjee
Surendranath Banerjee

Pictorial Presentation 81 GS Drishti Indian History

Revolutionary Movement in India

Various Revolutionary Activities

Bhagat Singh
Abhinav Bharat Ø December, 1928 ® Killed Saunders
Ø Modified form of Mitra Mela Ø 8 April, 1929 ® Hurled bombs in central
established in 1899 AD legislative assembly along with
Batukeshwar Dutt
(Founder ® V.D. Savarkar) Ø He was tried later under Lahore
Ø Form of secret society in 1904 conspiracy case
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Ø 23 March, 1931 ® Hanged
Ø Founded - September 27, 1925 Ø Last Rites
Ø Founder - Keshav Baliram l On the banks of Sutlej river in Firozpur
Hedgewar district
l Inqalab Zindabad
Ø Headquarters ® Nagpur
l Used as war slogen for first time by
Jatidranath Mukherjee
Ø Revolutionaries of Bengal
Ø Affiliate Organisation
® Yugantar Exam oriented Drishti
® Anushilan Samiti
® Ghadar Party Ø Indian Republican Army was
Ø Other name ® Bagha Jatin established by - Suryasen
Hindustan Rupublican Ø Had a hunger strike in jail to get the status of
Association political prisoner - by Jatindas
Ø Founded ® October, 1924
Ø Location ® Kanpur Ø The theory of passive resistance was
propounded in his book Vande Matram by
Ø Founder ® Shachidra Sanyal
- Arbind Ghosh
(President), Ramprasad Bismil,
Jogesh Chandra Chaterjee and Ø Forward Block was established by
Chandrashekhar Azad - Subhash Chandra Bose
Kakori Incident (9 August, 1925)
Ø Location - Kakori Ø Name of two Bengali school girls who
Ø Government treasury looted in shot a collector in December, 1931
passenger train 8 down Sharanpur - Shanti Ghosh and Suniti Chaudhary
- Lucknow
Ø 29 revolutionaries arrested
Ø Chandrashekhar Azad -
absconding Revolutionary Activities Outside India
Ø Revolutionary Hanging site
l Ram Prasad Bismil ® Shyamji Krishan Verma
Gorakhpur Ø February 1905 ® Establishment of the
l Ashfaq Ullah ® Faizabad Indian Home Rule
l Roshan Lal ® Allahabad Society (London)
l Rajendra Lahiri ® Gonda Ø Publication of the Indian Sociologist paper
Hindustan Socialist Republican Ø Foundation Stone of India House (by Society)
Ghadar Party
Ø Establishment year ® 1928
Ø Established ® 21 April, 1913
Ø Location ® Delhi
Ø Establishment in the leadship Ø Ojective ® To make India independent from
the British
of ® Chandrashekhar Azad
Ø Headquarters - San Franscisco (USA)

Pictorial Presentation 82 GS Drishti Indian History

Hindustan Association of the Raja Mahendra Pratap
Pacific Coast Ø India's first temporary
Ø Establishment year ® 1913 government formation
Ø Founder ® Sohan Singh Bhakna in Kabul in 1915 with Barkatullah
Ø Due to the publication of the newspaper called
Ghadar it was also named as Ghadar Party Ø President himself,
Ø Mentor ® Lala Hardyal Ø Barkatullah Prime Minister

Madam Bhikaji Rustam Cama

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Birth Father Husband Personal Stuttgart (Germany) Other
¯ ¯ ¯ Secretary of ¯ Name
24 September, Sorabji Framji Rustom ¯ Hoisted the ¯
1861 Patel K.R. Cama Dadabhai first Indian Mother of
Naoroji flag Indian Revoution

Design of first Indian Flag

¯ ¯ ¯
Bhikaji V.D. Shyamji Krishna Kamagatamaru
Cama Savarkar Verma
¯ ¯ ¯
¯ Hongkong to Canada
Prepared Jointly Cruise ship

Gurdit Singh of India hired it

and boarded 376 passengers

Canadian police barred it from entering the country

Shore Committee ® Hussain Rahim

(To fight for the ® Balwant Singh
rights of passengers)
® Sohanlal Pathak

l Bhagwan Singh
l Barakatullah
Living in America ® Launched a movement in
l Ramchandra support of the passengers
l Sohan Singh

Ø Indian immigrant living in Japan

Ø March 28-30, 1942 Organised
a conference of Indian in Tokyo
Rash Behari Bose Ø 14-23 June, Bangkok Conference
l Invitation to Subhas Chandra Bose
l Establishment of Indian
Independence League

Pictorial Presentation 83 GS Drishti Indian History

Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi Movement

Partition of Bengal (1905)

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Announcement Effective Mourning day Rakhi day Provision
of Decision ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
¯ October 16, October 16, 1905 On the suggestion of Division of Bengal
July 20, 1905 (in whole Bengal) Rabindranath Tagore in 2 parts
1905 ¯
¯ ¯
East Bengal West Bengal

West Bengal ¬ of ® East Bengal
¯ Bengal ¯
(West Bengal + Partition (East Bengal + Assam) (New Province)
Odisha + Bihar) ¯
Headquarters ® Dhaka

® Announced ® Date ® 7 August, 1905
® Historical Meeting ® Location ® Calcutta Town Hall
® Historic boycott resolution passed
® Krishna Kumar Mitra
® Suggestion of boycott of British goods (First)
® Lokmanya Tilak ® In all India
(especially in Bombay and Pune)
® Ajit Singh
Swadeshi ® Leadership Lala Lajpat Rai ® Punjab
® Syed Haider Raza ® Delhi
Movement ® Chidambaram Pillai ® Madras Presidency
® Swadesh Bandhav Committee ® Ashwini Kumar Dutt (Founder)
® Active participation of women (the biggest feature of the movement)
® Farmers, majority Muslim community stayed away from the
® Vande Mataram ® the title song of the Indian national
® British journalist H.W. nevision's affiliation
® Rabindranath Tagore - Critic of this movement

Important Facts Important Facts

Ø Indian Society of Oriental Art was founded Ø He was a supporter of a better coordination
- By Abanindranath and between Eastern and Western civilization
Gaganendranath Tagore - Rabindranath Tagore
Ø The partition of Bengal was declared annulled Ø The immediate reason for the start of the
on - 12 December, 1911 by George V Swadeshi Movement - Division of Bengal
Ø Played an important role in the plan of Ø It was announced to make Delhi the capital of
partition of Bengal India instead of Calcutta at
- Sir Andrews Henderson Leith Fraser - Delhi Darbar (1911)

Pictorial Presentation 84 GS Drishti Indian History

Muslim League
Congress Session
Ø Banaras (1905)
Ø Proposal of Formations
l President ® Gopal Krishna Gokhale
l By Nawab of Dhaka Salimullah Khan
l Discussion ® On Self Rule Proposal
Ø Calcutta (1906) in December, 1906
l President ® Dadabhai Naoroji Ø Headquarters ® Lucknow
l Passed Resolution ® Related to Swaraj, Ø First President ® Aga Khan
Swadeshi, Boycott british Goods and
Ø Objective
national education
Ø Surat (1907) l To increase the loyalty of Muslims
l President - Rash Behari Ghosh towards the British Government
l Dispute over president position among l Leveling of feeling of bitterness
Liberals and Extremists towards other sects
l Result l Split in Congress l Protect the political rights of Muslims
Ø Session
l 1907 ® Karachi
l 1908 ® Amritsar
(Demand for separate electorate for Muslims)
Ø Veteran Leader of India
(Grand Old Man of India)
Ø First Indian to be elected as
member of the
British Parliament from Lucknow Session of
Finsbury from the Liberal Party Congress, 1916
Ø Congress President in 1886 AD, l President - Ambika Charan Mazumdar
1893 AD and 1906 AD l Re-entry of extremists in Congress
Ø Started Gujarati Patrika
l Settlement between congress,
(Rast Goftar)
Ø Gokhale's statement - Muslim League
If there is divinity in man then December, 1916
that is in Dadabhai Ø Lucknow
l Congress
l Muslim League
(same time convention)
Ø Lucknow Agreement
l Between Congress and
Morley - Minto Reforms Muslim League
l Other name
Congress-League pact
Ø Lord Minto ® Viceroy of India
or lucknow pact
Ø John Morley ® Secretary of India
Ø Government of India Act, 1909
l Constitutional Reforms Passed by the
British Parliament
l Other name - Morley-Minto Reforms
l Under the system of communal Ø Played the important role in
representation, arrangement of separate re-integration of extremists
electroate for Muslims (biggest flaw) and liberals
l Gandhiji's statement ® Morley-Minto - Annie Besant and Tilak
Ø Chief architect of Congress - League
reforms have annihilated us
settlement were - Jinnah and Tilak

Pictorial Presentation 85 GS Drishti Indian History

Home Rule League Movement

Tilak's Home Rule League

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Established Medium of First President Secretary Region of
¯ Publicity ¯ ¯ Working
April, 1916 ¯ Joseph N.C. Kelkar ¯
Maratha and Baptista Karnataka, Maharashtra
Keshari (Except Bombay)
Central provinces
and Berar

Annie Besant's Home Rule League

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Established Medium of Publicity Secretary Region of Working
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
September, ¯ ¯ George All over country except
1916 Common New Arundale areas covered by
weal India Tilak's Home Rule

Important Facts Important Facts

Ø Home Rule Movement in India was first Ø The Home Rule League movement was
started by - Annie Besant very popular in India during World War I
Ø Bal Gangadhar Tilak was the first to Ø Annie Besant was a proponent of the
establish the Home Rule League Fabian movement
Ø Explanation of the Home Rule Ø In April 1920, the All India Home Rule
Movement was done by Annie Besant in League elected Mahatma Gandhi as the
her paper the Commonweal
President and Gandhiji changed its name
- On January 2, 1914 to Swaraj Sabha.

Gandhiji and his early Movements

Introduction Gandhi's early works

Ø Date of birth Ø 1894 AD ® Establishment of Natal Indian
l October 2, 1869 Congress (S. Africa)
Ø Place of Birth Ø Establishment of Tolstoy Farm
l Porbandar, Gujarat Ø Newspaper ® Indian Opinion (South Africa)
Ø Wife l Kasturba Gandhi
Ø 1904 ® Establishment of Phoenix Ashram
Ø Father l Karamchand Gandhi (Durban, S. Africa)
l Pet name Ø 1915 ® Establishment of Satyagraha
® Kaba Gandhi Ashram, Ahmedabad

Pictorial Presentation 86 GS Drishti Indian History

Gandhiji's Principles Important facts about Gandhiji

Ø Philosophical Anarchist Ø Self Control

Ø Dual prinicple of Ram Rajya l Recommended for Family
l Truth Planning by Gandhiji (Best
l Non-violence Remedy)
Ø Durban (South Africa)
Ø Meaning of Socialism ® Sarvodaya
l Went to fight the legal case
Ø Satyagrah Strategy of Dada Abdullah in 1893
l Fasting and Strike AD
® Most effective weapon Ø Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Ø Objective of Satyagrahi l Gandhi's Political Guru
l Not defeating the enemy, but Ø 1901
changing the heart of the enemy l Gandhiji participated for the
first time at the Calcutta
Ø Vision to establish a Stateless society
session of the Congress
Ø Passive Resistance (S. Africa) ® Ø Bombay ® Establishment of
Political Weapon Law office
Ø Satyagraha Ø 17 June, 1917
l Moral force l Transfer of Satyagraha
Ashram to reiverside of
l To request for something keeping
truth as focal point
Ø Decentralization of power
l Most important tip of
Gandhi's in the field of
Champaran Satyagrah Famous Statement
¯ Wasting of foreign clothes
First successful is the best way to deal
Satyagrah of Gandhiji with them.
in India (1917 Bihar) Encouragement to
production and sale of Exam Drishti
domestic products
Ø Mahatma Gandhi was first called the father of
Movements Famous the nation by - Subhash Chandra Bose
Farmer's Gandhiji Statement
movement Service to
(Champaran and Kheda) Harijans is my life Ø Was the secretary of Mahatma Gandhi during
Movement of Industrial breath, without it i can the Noakhali incidence - Pyare Lal
labourers (Ahemdabad) not live even for a second
Ø Gandhiji was called 'Mahatma' during
Champaran Satyagraha by
Inspiration for Gandhi ji - Rabindranath Tagore

From John Ruskin - Inspiration of

presentation of the concept of Sarvodaya Ø The founder of Gandhi Seva Sangh was
From Thoreau - Inspiration of civil - Jamnalal Bajaj
disobedience and taxation
From Ruskin - Respect of physical labour Ø Gandhiji had resigned from the Congress
From Tolstoy - The basis of non-violent non- - in the year 1934
Ø Gandhiji died on - 30 January, 1948

Pictorial Presentation 87 GS Drishti Indian History

Kisan Movement and Kisan Sabha
From Brahmin
Ø U.P. Kisan Sabha
Family of Maharashtra
l Established
® February, 1918 Unified Great
l Founded by the farmers Baba Calibre
® Indra Narayan Dwivedi of Ram- for
Awadh chandra organising
® Gaurishankar Mishra
® Madan Mohan Malviya
Awadh Kisan Sabha was
constituted in Pratapgarh in
1920 because of his

Saraswati Important Facts
Founder® Bihar Provincial Ø Bardoli farmer's agitation was lead in 1928 by
Kisan Sabha - Vallabhbhai Patel
Real l Elimination of Ø Due to success in Bardoli movement, Patel
Objective landlordism got conferred the title of 'Sardar' by
l To provide - Women of Bardoli
ownership Ø The movement started by the Provincial
rights Kisan Sabha of Bengal in September, 1946
- Tibhaga movement
Other ® Kisan-Pran Ø The demand of Tibhaga peasant movement of
Name (Due to his Bengal was - Share of landlords should be
dedication reduced to one-third from half
towards Ø Bhoodan Movement was started by
farmers) - Vinoba Bhave

Leadership Main Complaint

¯ ¯
Establishment year By backward caste Increase in rent
1936 Madari Pasi by landlords
Second Session President
Faizpur, President (First Session)
N.G. Ranga Swami Sahajanand
All Movement
India Farmer's
General Congress
(First session) Location Main centers of Main points of protest
N.G. Ranga Lucknow activity *custom of collecting
Name change ¯ rent as a product
All India Kisan Hardoi, Barabanki, *more than 50 percent
Sabha Bahraich, Sitapur rent recovery

Pictorial Presentation 88 GS Drishti Indian History

Trade Unions and Communist Parties Rowlatt Act

Ø British government
Madras Labour Union constituted a committee to
Ø Founded by crush the increasing
l V.P. Wadia revolutionary activities in
Ø Established India in year 1917 under the
l 1918 chairmanship of Justice
Sydney Rowlatt
Ø India's First Ø The passed bill on March,
l Modern labour union organization 1919 on the basis of
Ahmedabad Textile Labour Association recommendation of this
Ø Established committee was called
l 1918 Rowllatt Act
Ø Founded by Ø This act was passed during the
tenure of Lord Chelmsford
l Mahatma Gandhi Ø Through this act British
Trade Union Congress government could imprison
Ø Other name anybody, anytime without
l All India Trade Union Congress any trial
Ø Reason for establishment Ø Thats why this law was called
'without lawyer, without
l Establishment of International appeal and without
Labour Organisation in the year argument law'
Ø First brave step of Gandhiji in
Ø Founded by Indian politics was against
l N.M. Joshi Rowlatt act : starting of
Ø Inception Date satyagrah in 1919
l 31 October, 1920 Ø Gandhiji used three platform
Ø Location for Rowlatt Satyagrah - Home
Rule league, Khilafat
l Bombay Movement, Satyagarh sabha
Ø First President
l Lala Lajpat Rai
Ø Vice President
l Joseph Baptista
Ø First Division Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
l year 1929
l Nagpur Session Background
l President - Jawaharlal Nehru Ø Date
l April 13, 1919 (on the day of Baisakhi)
Ø Location
l Jallianwala Bagh of Amritsar
Important Facts Ø Holding a public meeting
l To resist arrest of Dr. Saifuddin
Ø Foundation of the Communist International in Kitchlew and Dr. Satyapal's and protest
March 1919 - By Vladimir Ilich Lenin and against British repression
the Russian Party (Bolsheviks) Ø General Reginald Edward Harry Dyer
Ø The time of the revolutionary phase of the trade l Ordered to open fire on the unarmed
union movement is believed to be - 1926-1939 crowd
Hunter Commission
Ø The first Indian to become a member of the Ø Commission formed by the british
Communist International - M.N. Roy government to investigate the massacre
Ø Report submitted in the year 1920
Ø Founded the Radical Democratic Party in the
year 1940 - M.N. Roy Ø Conclusion
l The government is not to be
Ø Revolutionary Communist Party of India was blamed for the accident
founded by - Soumendranath Tagore l Dyer's work ® decision making mistake

Pictorial Presentation 89 GS Drishti Indian History

Hunter Commission Important Facts
Ø The main issues of the Congress
Ø Three Indians were also member
session held in Calcutta in
September, 1920 - Jalliawala Bagh
¯ ¯ ¯ Massacre and Khilafat Movement
C.H. Pandit Jagat Sultan Ahmed Ø Madan Mohan Malviya did not join
Setalvad Narayan Khan - The Khilafat Movement
Ø All India Khilafat Committee was formed
- in September, 1919
Ø The title of Hajik-ul-Mulk was given up by
- hakim Ajmal Khan
Ø He was opposed to joining of Khilafad
movement with the movement of
Independence - Muhammad Ali Jinnah
General Dyer
l It was advised that Gandhiji should not
Ø Removed from his post for bring religion in politics by
Jalliawala Bagh Massacre - Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Ø He returned his 'Knight Hood' given by
Ø Various titles given to
British government as a mark of protest
General Dyer against Jalianwalan Bagh massacre
- Rabindranath Tagore
l Protector of the British
Ø C. Shankaran Nair resigned from
empire (by British newspaper) Viceroy's executive council
- Protesting against Jaliawala
l Lion of the British Empire Bagh Massacre
(by British Lord Sabha) Ø Sir Micheal O' Dwyer who was
Lieuteneut Governor of Punjab at the
l Sword of Honor
time of Jalianwala Bagh massacre
(by the British government) was killed in March, 1940 by
- Udham Singh
Ø Viceroy of India at the time of
Jaliawala Bagh massacre in 1919
- Lord Chelmsford

Khilafat Movement
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Khilafat Committee Credit of Starting Reason for Initiation Activities
l Shaukat Ali ¯ Ø Movement started by
Hakim Ajmal l Muhmmad Ali *Breakup of Indian muslims to
Khan Ottoman Empire preserve and protect
by Ottoman Empire and
Abul Dr. British government Caliph of Turkey
at the end of Ø November, 1919

Kalam Ansari

Azad first World war l Location - Delhi

*Sultan of Turkey is l President of
Caliph of Islam Khilafat
Muhammad Hasarat Association
Ali Mohani (Mahatma Gandhi)

Pictorial Presentation 90 GS Drishti Indian History

Non-Cooperation Movement
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Commencement Congress Session Successes Chauri-Chaura Incident
Date ¯ ¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ l the fear of February 4, 1922
August 1, Special Annual British power in Gorakhpur district
1920 (by Place - Culcutta Venue - Nagpur an angry mob set
was removed
Mahatma September, 1920 December, 1920 fire to the police
from the mind of
Gandhi) Non-Cooperation Non-Cooperation station at a place
the people
Motion Motion l People were called Chauri-Chaura.
(C.R. Das Many sepoys died.
¯ organised for
¯ ¯ Proposer) On February 12,
first time
Proposer Opponent 1922 decision was
l for the first taken to suspend the
¯ ¯ time the people movement
Gandhiji C.R. Das of the country
were Introduced
® Kaiser-e-hind to modern politics
(Gandhiji) l The hunger
Relinquished for freedom was
the title ® Rai Bahadur aroused in public
(Jamnalal Bajaj)

Important Facts

Criticism Statement of Year 1921 Year 1920 Year 1920 Year 1916
motion Tagore - ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
by Burning of Establishment Establishment Jamia Millia Islamia Establishment
Dr. Munje foreign of of was founded of Banaras
against clothes Kashi Gujarat (in Aligarh) Hindu
Gandhiji unreasonable Vidhyapeeth Vidhyapeeth, later Transferred to University
or ruthless Ahmedabad Delhi

Swaraj Party (1923) ¯ ¯

Chittranjan Das Motilal Neharu
¯ ¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¯
Title - Deshbandhu Ø December 16,
Establishment Founder Other
England ® 1922
¯ ¯ Main Leader
Advocacy Studies, decision to form
January, 1923 C.R. Das ¯ Independent Party
Greatest success
(President) Sriniwas with Madan
Motilal Nehru Ayengar, as a lawyer ®
Defence of Mohan Malviya
(General N.C. Kelkar
Seceretary) Aurobind Ghosh in
Alipore Bombing
¯ case
Main purpose
¯ ¯
To Abolish the Government of India Important Achievement
Act by entering councils through Ø Year 1925
elections and making l Vithal Bhai Patel
them not to function (elected as president of
Central Legislative Assembly)

Pictorial Presentation 91 GS Drishti Indian History

Simon Commission (1927)

In the Montagu Chelmsford In November, 1927

Reform of 1919 Provision by the then British P.M. Stanely Baldwin
For reviewing it at 10 years of Indian Statutory Commission /
A constitutional commission Formation Simon commission
All members, non-Indian (white commission)
Appointment Congress's decision to oppose the Simon
Chairman - John Simon commission in Madras Session
(December, 1927)
7 members including the chairman February 3, 1928 ® Simon Commission's
arrival in Bombay; organization of a nation
All the members were english men wide strike
Clement Attlee also a member Slogan ® Simon Commission, go back
Prepared in response to the Simon commission
Prepared by ® President ® Motilal Nehru
Opposed Simon commssion in Lahore All Party Committee Secretary
Lala ® Jawahar Lal Nehru
Lead the procession Lajpat
Rai Demand for dominion status in place of
Seriously injured in police Lathicharge
complete independence
Eventually death Proposal for joint constituencies for Reserved
Nehru seats for minorities in place of seperate
Promient Political Leader of Punjab Report electorates on communal lines.
Title - Panjab Kesari Provision of Fundamental Rights
(In the proposed constitution)

Lahore Session of Congress, Purna Swaraj Proposal (1929)

Lahore Session
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Organisation Place Event Declared Goal Important Decision President
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
December, Lahore On the midnight of Purna Swaraj by Congress Working Jawahar
1929 December 1929, (Independence) Committee Lal
Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru ¯ ¯ Nehru
Raised the Indian by Jawahar Lal January 2, 1930
Independence Flag Nehru Decision in the meeting
on the ¯
bank of the Ravi River 26 January, 1930 - Day of Purna Swaraj
in Lahore Day of 26 January (every year) : Purna Swadhinta Diwas

No benefit from the Nehru Committee's plan for

Round Table conference dominion status ended
Session 1929
: declared the meaning of the
All India congress will start Civil word swaraj
Disobedience Movement when it resolution ¯
thinks appropriate
Complete Independence

Pictorial Presentation 92 GS Drishti Indian History

Civil Disobedience Movement (1930)

Ø Dandi March Events

l March 12, 1930
l Started from Sabarmati Ashram Ø Mahatma Gandhi arrested
(Ahemdabad) (May 5, 1930)
Ø Civil Disobedience Movement l Yarwada Jail
l April 5, 1930 Ø After the arrest of Gandhiji
l Started from Dandi
l Abbas Tyabji became
Leader of movement
Ø After the Arrest of Abbas
Ø Demonstration in Saran district of l Sarojini Naidu led the Raid
northern Bihar during civil disobedience on the Dharsana Salt
movement due to warehouse (21 May, 1930)
- Protest against Chaukidari tax Ø North-West Frontier Province
Ø Dandi March was started l Khudai Khidmatgar
- to break the Salt Law
® Founder ® Khan
Ø Gandhi ji
Adbul Ghaffar Khan
l September, 1932
Ø Manipur
® Established All India Anti-
Untouchability league l Jiyatarang Movement
l Harijan ® Leader
® Publication of weekly (Gaidinliu ® Naga
newspaper tribe woman)

Gandhi - Irwin Pact (1931)

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Mediator Dialogue Date of Saying of
l Tej Bahadur l Started in Pact Sarojini
Sapru February, 1931 l March 5, Naidu
l M. R. Jayakar l In Delhi 1931 l Gandhi and
(two mahatmas)

Facts of Gandhi - Irwin Pact Important Facts

Ø Congress under the Leadership of Gandhiji Ø According to Irwin's bio grapher, (Ellen
was ready to suspend the civil disobedience Campbell Johnson), Mahatma Gandhi's
movement. benefits in the Gandhi Irwin Pact was
Ø Order to release all prisioners of war against - Consolation Prize
whom there was no charge of violence Ø Viceroy Irwin released Gandhi from Prison on
Ø Right to peaceful dharna at Foreign clothes - 26 January, 1931
and liquor shops Ø The hero of famous Peshawar incident against
the Birtish Government in the year 1930 was
Ø Permission was given to make salt without
paying salt tax in seaside states - Veer Chandra Singh Gadhwali
Ø After the failure of the civil disobedience
Ø Congress ready to participate in second
movement, Gandhiji gave the Importance to
Round Table Conference
- Creative program

Pictorial Presentation 93 GS Drishti Indian History

Karachi Session of Congress (26-31 March, 1931)
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Objective President Passed Resolution Gandhiji's First Other
¯ ¯ ¯ words time ¯
Approval Sardar Related to fundamental ¯ ¯ Resolution on
of Gandhi Vallabh rights and national Gandhi can Purna Swaraj fundamental
Irwin pact Bhai economic programs die, defined by rights and
Patel Gandhism Congress Economic
cannnot Program
Drafted by
Subash Chandra Bose ® Karachi Session of congress (1931) Jawahar Lal
the culmination of Mahatma Gandhi's popularity and Respect Nehru

Place ® London
Events ® November 12- January 19, 1931 *89 ® number of Indian representatives
*Special ® Congress did not participate First l Tej Bahadur Sapru
*Representation of Christians l Mohammad Ali Zinnah
by K.T. Paul
Table l Bhim Rao Ambedkar
*Inauguration of the Conference l Munje
® by British Emperor Conference l M. R. Jaykar etc.
*President ® Ramsay Macdonald

The Second Round Communal Award and Poona Pact

Table Conference
Exam Drishti
Ø Period
® From September 7, 1931 to December 1, 1931 Ø On 16 August, 1932, Ramsay Macdonald
announced his Communal Award which was
Ø Participation
called - Communal Award
l Sarojini Naidu, Annie Besant
Ø Dalits were separated from Hindus after
l Madan Mohan Malviya considering them as minority
l Gandhi ji - as per Communal Award
* The only representative of Congress Ø Gandhiji started his first fasting unto death
* Sailed to London by S. S. Rajputana ship - Against the communal decision
* Rested at London's Kingsley Hall Ø The agreement between Ambedkar and Gandhi
* Gandhiji's statement on his return home ji's follower on september 24, 1932 is called
¯ - Poona Pact (Yarwada Pact)
It is true that i have retuned empty handed Ø Poona Pact Signed on September 24, 1932
but i am satisfied that the flag which was ¯
handed over to me was not led down and its Signature
honor was not compromised ¯
¯ ¯
Third Round Table on behalf of on behalf of
Dalits - Hindus -
Period ® *November 17, 1932 Dr. Ambedakar Madan Mohan
December 24, 1932 Malviya and others
Special ® *Congress boycotted
the conference Ø Note - Mahatma Gandhi did not sign the
Poona Pact.

Pictorial Presentation 94 GS Drishti Indian History

Congress Socialist Party

® May, 1934 ® (Patna) ® Separate meeting of some members

during congress committee
All Formal Recognition of the
All India Congress Socialist Party
Party ® October-November 1934
® Bombay ® Policies and actions system were decided

® General Secratary ® Jay Prakash Narayan

® President ® Narendra Dev

® Year 1934 ® Convener of All India Congress

Samajwadi Party (In Patna)
® Also related to Bihar Socialist Party
® Title ® LokNayak
® Role in Quit India Movement
Jay Prakash
® Together with Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia and Aruna Asaf
Narayan Ali he Secretly organized the Indian public
® June 5, 1974
Call for Total Revolution at Gandhi Maidan
® Year 1999 ® Bharat Ratna (Posthumously)


Events Important Facts

(Associated Date)
Gandhi - Irwin Pact Ø The All India Schedule Caste
(March 5, 1931) Federation was established in the year
Bhagat Singh Hanged 1942 by - Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(March 23, 1931) Ø The name of the Institution established in
Karachi Session of Congress the year 1926 under the chairmanship of
M.C. Rajah - All India Depressed Class
(March 26-31, 1931)
Poona Pact Ø History tells that Mahatma Gandhi blows
(September 24, 1932) dust like a momentary ghost but does not
raise the level. This statement is of
- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Ø He was the founder of All India
Depressed classes League
- Babu Jag Jeevan Ram

Pictorial Presentation 95 GS Drishti Indian History

Provincial Elections and Cabinet Formation

Madras Madras

United Bombay Orissa Bihar

Provinces July 1937 Congress
Congress got absolute
Cabinet formed Majority in
in 6 5 Provinces
Provinces Central United Central
Province Provice Province
Note : Later in the North-western
province and Assam too, the congress
formed cabinet with the help of
Congress does not have
majority but it
is largest party
(3 Province)
North west
Assam Province

Important Facts Princely States

Butler Committee
Ø The tenure of the congress Ministries ¯
formed in elections held in the year 1937 ¯ ¯ ¯
- 28 month For- Other Objectives
Ø In October, 1939 all the Congress ma- Name ¯ ¯
ministers resigned - In protest against tion ¯ To examine To make Recom-
the inclusion of India by Britain Year Indian the relation mendation for the
in the second Word War without ¯ Princely between the improvement of
the consent of the Indians. Year State Government economic and
Ø Jinnah calls upon all muslim of India to 1927 Comm- of India and financial relations
celebrate ittee Indian Princely between British
- Liberation day on December 22, 1939 states India and Indian
in joy of resigation of Congress Princely states
Ministries Ø All India Rajya Jan Conference was
Ø Government of united provinces organised in - December 1927
(1937) Ø The President of Bharat Praja Mandal
(All India States Peoples Conference)
l Prime Minister was elected in year 1939 to
® Govind Vallabh Pant - Jawaharlal Nehru
l Law and Justice Minister Ø On October 26, 1947 Maharaja Hari
® Kailashnath Katju Singh of Kashmir signed the Instrument
of Accession to India
l Financial department - To Jawahar Lal Nehru
® Rafi Ahmad Kidwai Ø Merger of most of the Princely states in the
Indian Union - in year 1947

Pictorial Presentation 96 GS Drishti Indian History

Second World War

® Started in ® 1939
® Resolution of Congress ® To declare India as independent nation in
exchange for support in war
® Activities of Lord Linlithgow
Second l India was included in the war without the consent of Indian
World War legislatures
l Declaration of emergency in country
l October 17, 1939 ® India declared war on Germany
® September 1, 1934 ® Began with Germany's invasion of Poland
® Then British Prime Minister ® Neville Chamberlian (1937-40)
® Winston Churchill(1940-45)

Demand for Pakistan

® Year - 1930
® President - Iqbal
Allahabad ® Presidential Speech
Resolution l First expression for a seperate country
for muslims

® Period - March 22 to 24, 1940

® President - Mohammad Ali Jinnah
Muslim Lahore ® Demand ® A seperate Muslim Nation
League Resolution ® Presidential Speech ® Nothing will be
accepted apart from a seperate muslim
® Recognition ® Jinnah's two nation theory

® March 23, 1943 ® Pakistan day organised

® Year - 1933 - First use of the word Pakistan

® Student of Cambridge University
® Pamphlet ® Now or never; are we to live or perish forever


Chaudhari ®
Rahmat Ali North-west
Baluchistan Pakistan Frontier Province/
named after Afgan Province
these 5 units
Sindh Kashmir

Note - Sarojini Naidu Called Mohammad Ali Jinnah a messenger of Hindu - Muslim Unity

Pictorial Presentation 97 GS Drishti Indian History

Individual Satyagraha (1940) Note

Mahatma Gandhi Vinoba Bhave

® August - Congress completely ¯ ¯
Offer rejected this proposal First use of Establishment of
under the Leadership word Sarvodaya Samaj
Individual Satyagrah

of Gandhiji and ¯
started individual to propogate the ideals
Satyagrah of Gandhi

® Symbolic - moral protest aganist


expression British Government's

India policy Cripps Mission, 1942
® Beginning ® October 17, 1940 Important Facts
® First Satyagrahi ® Vinoba Bhave Ø Assurance for India
l Will not be under any external
® Second Satyagrahi ® Pt Jawahar
Lal Nehru l Constitution
® Right to from it to Indians
® After the war a constitution making
Cripps Mission 1942 council will be formed
® Constitution making council
President - ¯
Sir Stafford
Cripps ¯ ¯
Elected Princely states'
Mention of members of representative
of Indian
Constituent British India members
states in
Assembly provinces

Dominion Viceroy's new executive

status after council include of
war major sections The Quit India Movement 1942
of Indian Representative
Ø Cripps Mission Gaya
Post dated cheque Bhagalpur
(Mahatma Gandhi)
U.P. Main
Official interlocutor centre of
of congress with Azamgarh Shahabad
Cripps mission
Ballia mass Muzaffarpur
Gorakhpur rebellion
¯ ¯ Champaran
Pt Jawahar Maulana
Lal Abul
Nehru Kalam Azad

Pictorial Presentation 98 GS Drishti Indian History

The Quit India Movement

Congress Working Committee All India Congress Working Committee

Ø Date ® July 14, 1942 Ø Annual Meeting ® August 7 & 8, 1942
Ø Place ® Wardha Ø Place ® Historic Gwalia Tank
Ø President
Ø Special ® Wardha Resolution on
® Abul Kalam Azad (at that Quit India ratified
time president) Ø August 8, 1942
Ø Resolution passed - Quit India l Wardha Resolution accepted
Ø Key person (with slight modification)
l Declaration
l Maulana Abul l Pattabhi ® starting of Quit India
Kalam Azad Sitaramaya movement
l Mahatma l Dr. Rajendra l Quit India Resolution
Gandhi Prasad ¯
¯ ¯ ¯
l J.B. Kriplani l G.V. Pant Submitted Support Article
l Sarojini Naidu l Prafulla ¯ ¯ ¯
l Jawahar Lal Chandra Jawahar Sardar Gandhiji
Nehru Ghosh Lal Patel (with the support
l Vallabh l Syed Mahmud Nehru of Nehru,
Bhai Patel Maulana Azad)

Beginning and Progress of Movement

Ø Start date ® August 9, 1942 ® Ram Manohar

Ø Operation Zero Hour Lohia (Broadcasted
l Arrest of ® Gandhiji and other top congress Ø Congress Radio regularly)
l Jail Person (Underground) ® Usha Mehta (An Im-
portant member of a
Agakhan Palace ® Gandhiji small operating team)
(Pune) Sarojini Naidu
Ahmadnagar Fort ® Jawahar Lal Nehru
Abul Kalam Azad American
Govind Vallabh Pant Journalist
Dr. P.C. Ghosh,
Sitaramaya, Syed
J.B. Kriplani
Bankipur Jail (Patna) Rajendra Prasad Demand Mahatma
of India's Louis Gandhi's
Hazaribag Shiv Kumar and Fisher
Independence Biographer
Ø Participated in movement
® Whole country
Ø Most affected areas ® Bombay, Bengal,
Bihar, Orissa, U.P. With Mahatma Gandhi
and Madras during Quit India
Ø Spontaneous Movement ® Due to arrest of movement
top leaders

Pictorial Presentation 99 GS Drishti Indian History

Important Facts
Ø The Slogan 'Quit India' was given Ø Gandhi's Address at the congress conference
- By Yusuf Mehar Ali in Bombay during the Quit India movement
Ø Quit India movement was called the most ¯
serious rebellion after 1857 by
- Viceroy Linlithigow According to Pattabhi Sitaramayya (Actually
Ø During the Quit India movement Jay Gandhiji was giving speeches on that day
Prakash Narayan escaped from central jail of inspired by the incarnation and driving force
- Hazaribagh of the prophet)
Ø From the Quit India movement of 1942 the Ø Gandhiji was released on the ground of illness
RSS was - Self Isolated on - May 6, 1944

Talchar Balia
Location ® Orissa Time ® Augus, 1942
Period ® Parallel government Leadership ® Chittu Pandey
for sometime

Location ® Maharashtra
Period ® Mid 1943 to 1945 Tamluk
l Longest lasting government Location ® Midnapore (West Bengal)
l Per government nomenclature Period ® December 1942 to
l Prominent Leaders September 1944
® Y.B. Chavan Special ® Government based on caste
® Nana Patil (Programme to help hurricane
victims started)

Subhash Chandra Bose and Indian National Army

® Date of Birth ® January 23, 1897

® Birth Place ® Cuttack (Odisha)
Formation of the Provisional
Government of ® Graduation ® In 1919 from Calcutta University
Independent India
(Azad Hind Sarkar) ® Indian Civil Service ® Passed in 1920
in Singapore
® Congress ® 1938
President ® 1939
® Founder ® Forward Block ® 1939
October 21, 1943
® Speical ® Commander of Azad Hind Fauj in 1943

­ ® Netaji
® Title ® Desh Nayak (by Ravindra Nath Tagore)
Subhash Chandra Bose ® Patriot of Patriots (by Mahatma Gandhi)

® Famous Slogan ® You give me blood,

I will give you freedom

Pictorial Presentation 100 GS Drishti Indian History

Actual outline of formation of Azad Hind Fauj
Indian National Army June 1942 ® Council of Action ® Indian Independence League

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ coordination and

Parctically Bangkok Formation superintendence
¯ between
¯ Conference - ­
as a military unit Offers - ® Representation Committee ® Indian National Army
® Commencement Red Fort Trial (November, 1945)

® March/April, 1942
(by Captain Mohan Singh) ® Rashid Ali ® 7 years imprisonment

® Prem Sehgal
® Formal announcement
® September, 1942
® Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon Deportation
® Shahnawaz for Life
Azad Hind Fauj Rescue Committee
July 4, 1943 Note : Leadership ® Bhulabhai Desai
¯ For convenience,
By it is also given Chief ® Tez Bahadur Sapru, Kailash Nath Katju,
Subhash Chandra Bose status of Member Asaf Ali, Jawaharlal Nehru
® Second Indian
National Army.
Indian National It is only called Note - Commander-in-Chief Auchinleck
Army 'Azad Hind Fauz' exercised his privileges
¯ in Hindi. during red fort trial and
commuted the defendants
took the leadership
death penalty in trial

Cabinet Mission (1946) ® Arrival in India ® March 24, 1945

¯ ¯ ¯
Delegation Suggestion Key points of the
¯ ¯ proposal
¯ ¯ Three tier ¯
President Member government *Muslim League's
¯ ¯ system Pakistan's demand was
Lord Pethick rejected
¯ ¯ *India will be a
Lawrence Stafford AV Alexander
¯ federation
Cripps ¯ *Constitution of the
India Minister ¯ Navy Minister Constituent Assembly
President of
board of trade
Note - Gandhiji was completely in favour of the cabinet mission plan

Constituent Assembly
First Session Second Session
¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Date Temporary Chairman Date Location Permanent
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Chairman
December 9, 1946 Dr. Sacchidanand Sinha 11 December, 1946 Delhi ¯
Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Pictorial Presentation 101 GS Drishti Indian History

Activities before formation of Constituent Assembly

Mahatma Gandhi
Swarajya Bill 1895 AD first signs in the 20th century
l First sight of the principle of the
Constituent Assembly
Indian Constitution will be as
l Prepared in direction of
desired by Indians
Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Cabinet Mission Plan Motilal Nehru

l 1946 l Year 1928
l Formation of Constituent l Demand for formation of
Assembly Constituent Assembly
before the British Government

M.N. Roy (Exponent)

Faizpur Session of Congress l Formally of the idea of the
l December, 1936 Constituent Assembly
l Describing meaning l Jawahar Lal Nehru
and importance of Constitution gave embodiment to the idea of the
Constituent Assembly

Interim Government
Important Facts
Ø Invitations for formation
Ø Elections for Constituent Assembly were l August 12, 1946
held as per Cabinet Mission Plan l by Lord Wavel
- in July, 1946 l To Jawaharlal Nehru
Ø System of alloting one representative over 10 Ø Announcement
lakh people (ratio) on communal basis of l August 24, 1946
population for the formation of Constituent l led by Jawaharlal Nehru
assembly for every province l India's first interim national
- in Cabinet Mission Plan government
Election to the Constituent Assembly Ø Formed ® on 2 September, 1946
¯ Ø Initially
296 members ® No Muslim League participation
(from the provinces of British India) Ø 16 August, 1946 - Direct Action Day by
¯ Muslim League
Elected Member Ø October 1946 - 5 members of the Muslim
¯ League join the interim government
¯ ¯ ¯
208 73 15
¯ ¯ ¯ Interim Government (September 2, 1946)
Congress Muslim Leaque Other Party ¯
± ¯ ¯ ¯
Independent Food and Defence Vice president of
Candidate Agriculture Minister Minister executive council,
Ø Provision of total 389 members in the ¯ ¯ Foreign Affairs
Constituent Assembly of which 296 were from Dr. Rajendra Baldev ¯
the provinces of British India, while there were Prasad Singh Jawaharlal
93 representatives of princely states. Nehru

Pictorial Presentation 102 GS Drishti Indian History

Partition and Independence of India

® Tenure ® 1945-1951 ® Approved

® British Prime Minister l by Congress General

Partition of Idnia
l At the time of Committee
l June 15, 1947
Clement R. Atlee

independene of India
l In Delhi
® Declaration (February 20, 1947)
® Congress President

l In the House of Commons
l J. B. Kripalani
l Will leave India after

® Presented by
transferring power to responsi- l Govind Vallabh Pant
ble people before June 1948 ® Supported by
® Statement l Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
l British Government is not
liable for partition of India ® J. B. Kripalani

Congress President
® Appointment l June 15, 1947 -
November, 1947
l Mountbatten's (Viceroy's post)
® November, 1947
instead of Wavell l J. B. Kripalani's resignation

® After J.B. Kripalani's
® Assumed office
® 24 March, 1947 l Dr. Rajendra Prasad (President)
® Conclusion ® 1948 ® Pattabhi Sitaramayya
l Partition of India
® 1950 ® Purushottom Das Tandon
l Establishment of
Pakistan ® 1951-1954
® Mountbatten Plan ® Pt Jawaharlala Nehru
l 3 June, 1947
Lord Mountbatten

l India's partition plan was

prepared within the scope of
Attlee's statement Important Facts
® Balkan Plan (secret name)
l Alternative plan Ø Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan (Fronteir

® Formed Border commission was Gandhi) voted in the All India congress
l Punjab Border Commission committee meet on 14-15 June, 1947
¯ against - The Partition of India
President - Cyril Radcliffe
­ Ø The President of Punjab Province
l Bengal Boundary Commission Congress Committee Dr. Kitchlu was
- Strong opponent of partition
® Meeting with Gandhi
l First Meeting
Ø India's first Indian and last Governor
® 31 March, 1947 General during 1948-50 was
® Independent India's first - C. Rajagolpalachari
l Governor General
Ø First law minister of independent India
Ø Statement of ® Indian nationalism was
was - B. R. Ambedkar
R. Copeland child of British Raj
Ø Statement of ® Most important
K.M. Panikkar achievement of British Ø Power in Britain during India's
rule : integration of independence was with - Labour Party
Ø Thoughts of Dr. ® Surrender of Ø King of Britain during India's indepen-
Saifuddin Kitchlu Nationalism in the dence - George VI
favour of

Pictorial Presentation 103 GS Drishti Indian History

Constitutional Development of India

Company's Act
Charter Act
(1833 AD)
Regulating Act (1773 AD) Ø All commercial rights
Ø Passed by British Government of company were abolished
Ø Company was allowed to do only
Ø To remove political work
prevalent in
l Curruption Ø Governor General of Bengal
l Maladministration } company
® Objective l Now the Governor General of
Ø Provisions whole India
Ø To make laws
l Madras Presidency
Under administration
l Bombay Presidency of Culcutta Presidency
l A legal expert was assimilated as
member in council of Governor
l Governor of Bengal General (Macaulay-First
Legal member)
® Governor General of Bengal (and
all other English areas)
l Establishment of Supreme Court

Pitts India Charter Act

Act 1784 AD (1853 AD)
Important Provisions Ø Payment of Board of Control and
Ø Increase in government's its other officers
control in the matters of l To be decided ® by Government
company l Money ® to be given by company
Ø Policy of non- Ø Number of Directors
interfereence in l Reduced to 18 from 24
commercial matters of ¯
company (6, nominated by Crown)
Ø The commercial and
political works of company
were separated from each
® Control ® Taken from Company
Government of India Act (1858 AD)

on ® Given to British Crown

Act of 1786
Governor General was empowered Indian
with right to scrap any decision of his Administration
council and impose his own decision under ® Board of Directors
special circumstances ® Secretary
of India
® Board of Control

(All the powers of both

Charter Act (1813 AD) were given to Secretary
Ø Company's trading monopoly ended of India)
l Except trade in tea and with China
Ø For next 20 years company will have ® New name of Governor General
right to control Indian territories and of India
their revenues ¯
Ø Expenditure on education for first time Viceroy
(1 Lakh per annum)
Direct representative of British Crown in India

Pictorial Presentation 104 GS Drishti Indian History

Governance Acts ® Other name - Montagu

India Act (1919)

Chelmsford Reform

Government of
under British Crown
® Dyarchy started in the provinces
Indian Council Act ® First time - Clear use of words
(1861 AD) 'responsive governance'
® Provincial Reserved
Ø Viceroy's emergency powers
l Power to issue ordinances
} }
Subject Transferred divided
l Maximum time duration for ® Basis of Act
the ordinance to remian in force l Montagu - Chelmsford Report
(6 months)
l Empowered the council to make laws
(Lord Canning ® Departmental System) Government of India Act, 1935
Ø Expansion of Viceroy's
Executive Council
Ø Bombay and Madras
provinces were give powers Ø Constitution - Federal Public Service
(re-assigned rights) Commission
l Make laws for themselves
Ø Establishment of All India Federation
l To amend laws
Ø Dyarchy
l Abolished in Provinces
l Applied to the center
Ø Autonomy - to the Provinces
® Members of the legislature
were empowered to express Ø Self-government
Indian Council
Act (1892 AD)

one's opinion on the budget

l for provinces
® Members of the legislatures
can ask questions by giving l Instead of Dyarchy

6 days prior notice in matters

of public interest Ø Governor - Power to issue ordinances

® Principle of limited and Ø Expansion of - Communal and Class

indirect election was accepted Voters
Ø Source of - Structure of Current
® Other name : Minto-Morley Constitution of India (to a
Indian Council

Reforms, 1909 large extent)

Act (1909)

® System of communal Ø Bicameral - Central Legislature


Ø Division of Powers - Between Center
® Members of the Central and Provinces
Legislature were not given right Jawaharlal Nehru's Statement
to vote on budget.
l A car that has brakes but no engine
® Gandhiji ® This act has destroyed us
l The right of slavery

® Ramsay Macdonald

® This reform is an
incomplete and short

Note : Government of India Act,

term settlement between 1935 was rejected
democratism and in the Lucknow session of the Congress
bureaucracy (1936)

Pictorial Presentation 105 GS Drishti Indian History

Independence of India Act, 1947 Modern Indian History : Miscellaneous

Important Facts
Ø Lord Mountbatten held him responsible for the
partition of India - Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Ø The official historian of the Indian National
Congress was - Dr. Pattabhi Sitaramayya
Ø First Summit of Non-Aligned Countries in
September, 1961 was held in - Belgrade
Establishment of two Independent Ø India liberated Goa by sending Army
dominions of India and Pakistan
- in year 1961
by partition of undivided India
Ø The first graduate of Calcutta University in
End of British sovereignity on Indian 1858 was- Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
princely states from 15 August, 1947 Ø The first communist government was formed
in India in the year 1957 - In Kerala
Constituent Assembly of the two Ø The severe famine in Orissa in 1866-67 was
dominions were given right to make called - Sea of Calamity
constitution Ø A committee appointed after the Orissa famine
was - headed by Sir George Campbell
Both dominions were given freedom
Ø In the early years of the 19th century, three
to separate from British Commonwealth
prominent Pindari leaders were
Post of Secretary of State of - Cheetu, Basil Muhammad and
India was abolished Karim Khan
Ø The first Cinema show in India was organised
in 7 July, 1896 at Watson Hotel, Bombay by the
name 'Marvel of the Century' by
Miscellaneous - Lumire brothers (France)
Ø The first nationalist leader who tried to have
® Nationalist Leader
a close relationship with the public
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak
® Freedom Fighter
Ø The famous slogan of Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan was
given by - Lal Bahadur Shastri
® Original name - Aruna Ganguly
Aruna Asaf Ali


® 1942 ® Underground
} On the basic of

® Gandhi
of India

women organizer of cottage industry

Quit India Movement ji

® Jawaharlal Nehru
® Important ® In formation of (Proponent of heavy
Role communist party's industrilization)
woman wing,
National Federation ® Located in Kolkata (West Bengal)
of Indian women
® Chief Minister's Office located

in this building

® 1958 ® Was elected as mayor

of Delhi ® Purpose of construction

® Publication l Patriot (Newspaper) l For Junior Servants (Writers)

l Link (Magazine) of the British East India
® Architect - Thomas Lyon

Pictorial Presentation 106 GS Drishti Indian History

Magazines, Books and Their Authors
Exam Drishti
® Composition Author/Writer Book
® In 1905
{ Bankim Chandra Durgesh Nandini
Amar Sonar Bangla Song

® by Rabindranath Tagore
® during the Bengal Partition
Abul Kalam Azad India Wins Freedom
® Music ® Inspired by 'Ami Kodhe
Bal Gangadhar Tilak Shrimad Bhagavad
Pabo Taare' song of Gagan
Gita Rahasya
® First 10® Accepted as the national Lala Lajpat Rai Unhappy India
rows anthem by Bangladesh in
the year 1972 Manubahan Bapu : My Mother
® English Translator - Sayed Ali Raja Ram Mohan Roy Precepts of Jesus
W.W. Hunter The Indian Musalmans

Ø Books of Mahatma Gandhi Valentine Chirol Indian Unrest

l Hind Swaraj (originally in Gujarati Subhash Chandra Bose The Indian Struggle
language) (Compared British Parliament
to barren and prostitute) Jai Prakash Narayan Towards Struggle
l Gokhale my Political Guru Hugh Toye Springing Tiger
Dr. Rajendra Prasad India Divided
Michael Madhusudan Captive Lady
Sarojini Naidu The Broken Wing
Author / Book Shachindranath Sanyal Prison Life
MG Devasahayam India's Second
Mahatma Gandhi My Experiments With Freedom
Truth General Brijmohan Kaul The Untold Story
Chittaranjan Das India for Indians Aurobindo Ghosh The Life Divine
(C.R. Das)
Rafiq Zakaria The Man Who Divided
D.P. Mishra Living an Era India
Aurobindo Ghosh Foundations of Indian
Bhagat Singh Why Am I an Atheist
Compositions of the National
Poet, Maithilisharan Gupta
Lady Catherine Mother India
l Bharat Bharti
l Panchvati
Ram Manohar Guilty Men of India's l Saket
Lohia Partition l Yashodhara
Dominique Lapierre Freedom at Midnight l Jayadrath Vadh
and Larry Collins Books by Jawaharlal Nehru
l Discovery of India
W.A. Fairservice The Roots of Ancient
l Glimpses of World History

Pictorial Presentation 107 GS Drishti Indian History

Art and Culture

Kumbh Mela
Location Related River/Rivers State Every Year Every 6th Year Every 12th Year
Haridwar At the banks of Uttarak- Mela Organised Ardh Kumbh Poorna Kumbh/
Ganga River hand Mela Kumbh Mela
Prayagraj At the Confluence Uttar Mela Organised Ardh Kumbh Poorna Kumbh/
of Ganga, Yamuna Pradesh Mela Kumbh Mela
and invisible Saraswati
Ujjain On the banks of Madhya Mela Organised Ardh Kumbh Poorna Kumbh/
Shipra Praesh Mela Kumbh Mela
Nashik On the banks of Maha- Mela Organised Ardh Kumbh Poorna Kumbh/
Godavari rashtra Mela Kumbh Mela
Note : *Mela organised after 12 Kumbh/Poorna Kumbha, i.e. after 144 years is called Mahakumbha.
*Uttar Pradesh government has changed name of Ardh Kumbh to Kumbh (Prayagraj, 2019) and name
of Kumbh (of every 12 year) to Mahakumbh.

® Established ®
By Name of Mathas Location, State Direction
Adi Jyotirmath (Joshimath) Uttarakhand In North
Shankaracharya Govardhan Math Puri (Odisda) In East
Mathas ® At four locations
Dwarka Peeth Dwarka (Gujarat) In West
Shringeri Shraddha Shringeri In South
Peetham (Karnataka)

Conventional Awards

Ø Kalidas Samman is given - in the field of Art Ø First person of Indian origin to win Booker
Prize - V.S. Naipaul
Ø Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar Prize established
by Council of Scientific and Industrial Ø The First woman to receive Vyas Samman
Research (CSIR) in 1957 is given - Chitra Mudgal
- to a excellent research scholar Ø The first woman writer to receive the Jnanpith
under age of 45 in the field of science Award - Ashapurna Devi
Ø First Indian to receive Magsaysay Award Ø First Indian film nominated for Oscars
- Acharya Vinoba Bhave - Mother India

Ø Dronacharya award is given for

- providing excellent training in sports
Bharat Ratna Award
Ø Highest prize of India given for excellence in
Ø India's highest civilian honor
- Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Puraskar Ø Established - on 2nd January, 1954
(Now called major Dhyan Chand Khel Ø First Bharat Ratna Awardee
Ratna Puraskar) l Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Ø The first Indian actress to receive the Padma l C. Rajagopalachari
Shri award was - Nargis Dutt l C.V. Raman

Pictorial Presentation 108 GS Drishti Indian History

Classical Dances of India :
Related State
Ø The number of classical dances
Kathak in India is 8
Satriya l Bharatnatyam
l Kathak
l Kuchipudi
l Mohiniyattam
Manipuri l Kathakali
l Odissi
l Manipuri
l Satriya




Festivals : Related State

l Bihu - (Three times in a year) Baisakhi

¯ Bihu
¯ ¯ ¯
Crop-sowing Harvesting Autumn
¯ ¯ ¯
Rongali/ Bhogali/ Kati/
Bohag Magh Kongali
Bihu Bihu Bihu
l Pongal -
Ijtima (Bhopal)
At the time of Harvesting of
crop (paddy) in the month of January
on Makar Sankranti Day

Thyagaraja Worship

Pictorial Presentation 109 GS Drishti Indian History

Temple : Related State

Kandariya Mahadev Dhamek Stupa

Temple (Sarnath)

Sun Temple
Sun Temple (Konark)
(Ellora) Rajarani Temple

Vidyashankar Bhimeshwar Temple

Temple (Gudivada)


l Note : Indicated points

show the State not the
actual site

Dance / Folk Dance : Related State

l Karagam : Religious folk dance of Tamilnadu Nati

l Traditionally Ras is men's and Ghoomar
Garba is a women's dance still both Tehartali
dance are equally popular in men
and women

Ras (Male)
Garba (Female)


Pictorial Presentation 110 GS Drishti Indian History

Important Monuments : Related States

India Gate (Delhi)

l (Delhi)

l Kohima War Memorial


l l

l Victoria Memorial
Gateway of India Chaukhandi
Sanchi Stupa

Ajanta Bibi ka Maqbara

Charminar (Hyderabad)

l Note : Represented
points indicate state and not
l the actual location
Vivekanand Rock

Miscellaneous : Revolt of 1857 - Major Places of Rebellion

Places of
Events Kanpur Leadership Bihar
¯ ¯ Bareilly ¯
l 29 March, l Nana Saheb : Lucknow's Leadership of Leadership Leadership :
1857 Barrack Peshwa Leadership Jhansi ¯ Babu
pore : Mangal Tatya Tope : ¯ ¯ l Khan Kunvar
Pandey attacked Commandar-in- Begum Rani
l l Bahadur Singh
his adjudent and l Real name of Tatya
Hazrat Lakshmibai l Appointed l In
killed him Tope : Ramchandra Mahal l Born - Varanasi as Viceroy Jagdishpur
l Starting of Panduranga l Declared her l Widow of King by Bahadur
revolt from l Azimullah Khan : minor son Gangadhar of Shah II
Meerut on 10 Advisor Birzis Kadir Jhansi
May, 1857 l Tatya Tope was as Nawab and l Jhansi was
caught because of Assam
(Symbols - took control assimilated in
Lotus and backstabbing of his of Empire in ¯
Chapati) friend Mansingh administra- 1854 as per Leadership :
® Hanged tion Doctrine of Diwan Maniram
Allahabad l Campbell Lapse of Dutt
Leadership : Maulavi captured Dulhousi
Liyakat Ali Lucknow l Martyered
l General Neil Faizabad
crushed the with the help fighting with Leader : Maulavi
rebellion of Gorkha General Hugh Ahemad ullah
regiment Rose shah

Pictorial Presentation 111 GS Drishti Indian History

Jammu and Kashmir (J & K)

Raja Hari Singh signed the

Important Facts 'Instrument of Accession' on 26 October, 1947
Ø The Constituent Assembly of J&K came to City of Srinagar was founded
existence on - 31 October, 1951 by Murya emperor Ashok
Ø Approval of new constitution of J&K on
- 26 January, 1957
Ø Zain-ul-Abidin became ruler of Kashmir Attack by Pakistan
- in 15th century sponsored Tribal Pathans
Ø There was all round development of Kashmir in October, 1947
during 50 years of Zain-ul-Abidin. His period
is considered as golden period of Kashmir

was started
by Seikh Abdullah

Important Facts
l Jammu and Kashmir had special status
Name of Jammu-Kashmir has been under - Article 370
Kashmir : made an Union Territory
on Kashyap just like Delhi and
sage's l Ladakh UT will not have legislative
Puducherry assembly but J&K UT will have
- Single house legislative assembly

l 107 : Total number of seats in J&K state

legislature (which will be increased to 114
after delimitation). In this seats for POK
will be left vacant - 24 seats
Jammu-Kashmir There are 28 States
and Ladakh: and 8 UTs in
Two new India l Lt. Governor will be able to nominate
UTs women (If they do not have enough
representation) in state legislative
assembly - 2 members

l The strength of the council of ministers for

Passing of Jammu and Kashmir Article 370 the UT of J&K shall be not more than
Reorganisation Act as per (except one part) and - 10% of total number of the members
Article 4 of Indian Constitution 35A (Abrogation) of the legislative assembly

l Article 35A was added to the Indian

Exam Drishti constitution with reference to the state of
Jammu and Kashmir under the Constitution
Ø It happened as per '3 June Plan' or 'Mounbatten (applicable to Jammu and Kashmir) Order,
Plan' - Division of India 1954 issued by the President. President
gave this order - as per article 370(1)
(d) of the Constitution

Pictorial Presentation 112 GS Drishti Indian History

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