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Skills, Strengths, and Interests Self-Assessment

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Skills, Strengths, and Interests Self-Assessment

Identifying one's strengths, weaknesses, interests, and values and learning about one's

personality are all critical initial steps in deciding on a profession. Before deciding on a career

path, I must reflect on my interests, skills, and values in my personal and professional life. What

follows is a list of my skill and areas of interest that I have cultivated both before and during my

time at Northeastern University.


Skill Example Is this Do you

skill enjoy

relevant? using this


Verbal My ability to express myself verbally served me Yes Yes

Communication well at the attachment interview when I

Skill demonstrated my qualifications for the position.

My communication skills and ability to see

challenges from several perspectives helped

impress the interviewer. With these credentials in

hand, I could convince my employer to let me

work for them for 12 weeks for the attachment.

Conflict Before, we had some disagreements with our Yes No

Resolution flatmates about the 'rules of the apartment'

regarding the volume levels of music being


played. Some of us needed more time to review

our notes before exams, but the blaring music

made it impossible. Rather than focusing on

winning or "being right," I learned to emphasize

finding a solution to the problem at hand. We

could find common ground by treating each other

and our differing perspectives with dignity. We

all agreed that no late-night music would play

during the three weeks of exams.

Technical As part of an internship program, I worked as a Yes No

Support member of the company's technical support staff.

Some of the company's customers relied on us to

monitor, manage, and fix their IT problems. We

were also in charge of fixing the network issues

and setting up and configuring the necessary gear

and software.

Writing In order to master the language and better arrange Yes No

my thoughts linguistically, I had to develop my

writing skills. Writing has undoubtedly played a

crucial role in my educational experience. It has

helped me flourish in all courses, including

assignments, exams, and other critical academic


Prioritization I learned via prioritization to distinguish between Yes No

what is necessary and what is significant just in

the eyes of others. I, for one, managed to get a job

while still in class. A fair portion of my income

was sufficient to meet my requirements. My

mood improved. What was meant to be a fun

diversion quickly turned into an unhealthy need?

Because of my absence, I fell behind in my

studies. Nonetheless, I knew I had to give my

whole attention to my studies. I was juggling

schoolwork and a part-time job.

Stress At 20, I was just starting in the world of dating Yes No

management and relationships. And it meant I was doomed to

fail. I was foolish and chose the wrong partner

(probably many times over). At that time in my

life, going through heartbreak was quite difficult.

In the end, I realized it was inevitable. Knowing

this is a given makes me more prepared than ever.

Taking stock of the situation helped me deal with

the tension I was feeling.

Networking Because I could establish and maintain Yes Yes

professional ties with peers in their area, I

excelled academically throughout my time at


Northeastern. On the web, I can network with

other business people. I can draw on the wisdom

of individuals with various character traits,

upbringings, and worldviews. Having the

capacity to collaborate well to achieve goals is

something I actively encourage; thus, this works

out well.

Presentation I can persuade others via my public speaking Yes Yes

abilities. My persuasive speeches, writings, and

charts can win people over. I can win people

around by first presenting them with hard

evidence in the form of well-crafted documents.

First, I launch PowerPoint and go to work on my

audience-focused writing. I work hard to avoid

rambling and to provide all relevant information.

Coding I have some coding knowledge, mostly in Python Yes Yes

language and some CSS. I am well-versed in a

wide variety of programming paradigms and am

capable of identifying those that are most suited

to solving a given challenge. Instead of blindly

writing code, I look for problems and security

threats. That's because I have gained enough

insight and experience to predict what would not


work, and I'm confident and concerned enough to

voice my concerns.

Collaboration I can expand my horizons and acquire new skills Yes Yes

by working with others. In order to work

together, my classmates and I formed a club. We

are essentially a research team, and as such, we

deliberate over and plot out which research

questions and areas of interest to explore in

further depth. We get together weekly to learn

more about and discuss these subjects.


Strength Example Is this Do you

strength enjoy

relevant? using this


Creative When I think creatively, I often come up Yes Yes

with ideas that can be put to good use. To

add fun and excitement to the shopping

experience, I programmed a system that

provides individualized guidance based on

the user's preferences and buying habits. The


software would be included in the company's

following customer assistance software.

Resourceful When I need assistance, I am not reluctant to Yes Yes

seek it out from peers and leaders in my

field. In addition to figuring out how to fix

my issues, I picked up some new abilities

that will come in handy in the future, mainly

when dealing with issues on GitHub.

Analytical thinking Coding and problem-solving are two of my Yes Yes

favourite activities. My ability to think

critically has been a huge asset in this

situation. Since finding a solution to a

problem in coding is an essential part of the

job, my ability to analyze problems and their

possible outcomes has helped me become a

better programmer.

Inquiring This self-doubt has followed me throughout Yes No

my whole professional life. The danger of a

failing endeavour is too great compared to

the risk of seeming foolish, but I have learnt

that the latter is more important over time.

Recently, I have learned to take the initiative


to get answers when I need them. I do not

have to beat myself up over the idea that my

proposals may have prevented the project's


Bold Whether making a single adjustment or Yes Yes

strengthening a working connection, you

should always have a goal in mind whenever

you meet, email, or stop by someone's desk.

I'm not afraid of adding my voice to a group

brainstorming session in hopes of improving

upon previous suggestions and arriving at a

comprehensive plan of action.


Communication skills require speaking fluently and confidently with a wide range of

people while retaining eye contact and demonstrating a command of language. Good verbal

communication skill is relevant because I will always need to adapt my language to the specific

needs of a situation, listen attentively, present ideas clearly, and collaborate effectively (Indeed,

2021). I enjoy using the skill because it augments my ability to articulate my thoughts and

feelings, besides being crucial in shaping who I am now. Through practice and exposure, I have

built up the confidence to share my thoughts and ideas in front of an audience.

The ability to settle conflicts constructively will serve me well in all aspects of my life,

including family, job, and education, where conflict is inevitable (Melinda, 2019). Because of

my ability to use humour in my communication, I can avoid many conflicts and settle many

disputes. Using humour allows me to express myself freely without worrying about upsetting

anybody. But most of the time, people mistake my intentions. I always try to laugh with the other

person rather than at them. Doing so allows me to relax, calm down, and get some perspective on

the issue.

Using and understanding computers is fundamental to any technical support team.

Learning to navigate computer systems, programs, and configurations at an expert level is

essential for success in this field. From tracking down a hardware/software issue to deciding on

the best software tools, a lot of information and data is gathered. Learning about a new bug or

odd behaviour is fascinating to me. The more proficient I am at investigating issues and finding

answers, the more a reputation as a technician.

Creativity is critical as a student. Before I write lines of code, I outline the issue and

brainstorm possible solutions. This is where my ability to think outside the box and solve

problems will shine. I explore and put my ideas and concepts into effect using programming as

the vehicle. After that, I iterate and fix bugs until I find a viable option. As a student, I always

experiment with new programming approaches and refine my existing ones. I need to think

beyond the box since I can be confronted with challenges never met before.

One of my hobbies that complements my other strengths—including communication and

resourcefulness—is video gaming. The capacity to think quickly on one's feet and devise

practical solutions to problems is a skill often tested in competitive video games, particularly in

the famous battle royale PUBG. And when I perform with other individuals, it compels me to

analyze my abilities to communicate and operate effectively in a team. All participants in a

multiplayer experience need to understand and respond to one another (Barr, 2017). Graduates

with marketable skills, such as thinking critically, communicating effectively, being resourceful,

and adjusting quickly to new situations, are in high demand.

The ability to spark ideas in other people is one that I should work on developing.

Thoughtful discussion demands the use of creative abilities, including idea synthesizing, data

processing, and the ability to articulate one's point of view. I must be able to conduct talks about

intellectual and exciting issues to uncover new matters. I need to be more of an active participant

in meetings and actively solicit input from all attendees. The practice of self-reflection also

appeals to me. Taking stock of my work habits and output will help me plan for future success.

Taking stock of one's place in the world and contributions is an inherently artistic endeavour

(Indeed, 2021). I need to take a step back and consider how others will see my actions, both

positively and negatively.

When examined more closely, "presentation skills" boil down to nothing more than strong verbal

and written communication abilities. As the presenter, I must present to convince the listeners.

They might be one person, ten people, or ten thousand people. Nothing changes when it comes to

the fundamentals of communicating. I want to persuade others to take action based on what I say.

Working as a computer technician requires me to often consult with my coworkers about the

benefits and drawbacks of several potential approaches to the code. Later in my profession, I'll

need to steer my colleagues toward the right answer. So, yeah. I'll likely need to be able to give

presentations, albeit such presentations may not necessarily include a Powerpoint deck. Effective

communication may include little more than a conversation.

As a student, I have to deal with many things, and stress is only one of them. The short-term

pressure has helped me improve my grades, write better essays, and develop a new computer

application. But unresolved chronic stress might have negative consequences. That's true, and I

know I need to work on my stress management skills. A major source of tension in my life is the

chronic overload of responsibilities. Setting reasonable goals and committing to a timetable that

allows for enough study and downtime are essential for effective time management. In addition, I

need to talk to and work with my coworkers; if I am overburdened, I may be able to meet my

deadlines if I explain my predicament and ask for assistance.

Delivering well will serve me well in my professional and personal endeavours. As a

result, I will be able to think more creatively, access more current information, and develop

better ideas. Using visual aids in my presentations makes for a more engaging lecture, and the

process of making them has helped me feel more comfortable in front of an audience. This helps

me prepare for upcoming job-related discussions, interviews, forums, seminars, and debates. My

chances of success will improve if I can express my ideas more effectively. Almost everything I

want to do in life will require hard work and struggle. Learning how to give effective

presentations gives me a significant advantage.


If we don't know how to classify our skills, talents, and interests, a self-assessment might

help. This evaluation also provides insight into how others may respond to environmental

factors. Taking an assessment test is a great way to gain insight into yourself and confidence in

your unique traits and characteristics (Indeed, 2021). For example, the most prominent skills

include verbal communication, conflict resolution, and technical support skills. On the other

hand, I am more creative and resourceful when pursuing my interests. Indeed, creativity and

resourcefulness are my strengths. Therefore, one of the most crucial considerations when hiring

is whether or not the candidate's personality is a good fit for the job. My projected performance

at work and my interactions with current employees may be affected by my individuality.



Barr, M. (2017). Video games can develop graduate skills in higher education students: A

randomized trial. Computers & education, p. 113, 86–97.

Indeed. (2021). Interviewing Skills: Definition and Examples. Indeed Career Guide.

Melinda. (2019, March 21).


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