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City Clerk File No.

Agenda No. Agenda No.

Ord. 11-129


1st Reading

2nd Reading & Final Passage

COUNCIL AS A WHOLE offered and moved adoption of the following ordinance:





WHEREAS, Goya 75th Urban Renewal Co., LLC, is an urban renewal entity, formed and quaified the Long Term Tax Exemption Law of 1992, as amended and

to do business under the provisions of

supplemented, N.J.S.A 40A:20-1 ~~. (Entity); and

WHREAS, the Entity has executed an Operating Lease, for at least a term of 20 years (the term
of a proposed ta exemption), for certain propert known as Block 1002, Lot 99B; Block 1100, Lot 52C; Block 1101, Lots 51A and 7A, on the City's Offcial Tax map, consisting of approximately 40

acres, and more commonly known by the street address of360 County Road, and more specifically
described by metes and bounds, in the application (propert); and

WHREAS, the Entity has applied for a 20 year long term ta exemption to constrct a warehouse
and distribution facility on

the Propert which wil have approximately 577,000 squae feet of

warehouse space and 38,000 square feet of office space for a tota of 615,000 gross squae feet in a one (1) story building with mezzannes with up to 480 surace parkig spaces for automobiles and up to 114 surface parkig spaces for trailers (project); and
WHEREAS, the Propert is located withi the Hackensack Meadowlands Distrct and governed by N.J.S.A. 13:17-1 et seq.; and

WHREAS, the Propertis also in an Urban Enterprise Zone and eligible for tax exemption
pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:20-4 and N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-5(g).; and

WHREAS, since the Entity estimates constrction costs that will exceed $25 milion, the Project shall be subject to a Project Labor Agreement as required by Ordinance 07-123; and

WHEREAS, the Project received a zoning certificate from the Hackensack Meadowlands
Commssion on September 28,2011, as required by N.J.S.A. 13:17-1 et seq.; and

WHREAS, Goya 75th Urban Renewal Co'., LLC, has agreed to:
1. pay the greater of


(i) the Minimum Anual Service Charge or (ii)15%ofthe Anual Gross

Revenue under the Operating Lease, which sum is $806,400 in years 1 through 6; $892,950 in years 7 though 12; and $979,500 in years 13 through 20 of the Financial Agreement, and which shall be subject to statutory staed increases over the term of the ta exemption; and

2. pay an anual sum equa to 2% of each prior year's Anual Service 'Charge as an Admstrative Fee, which is initially $16,128; and
3. provide employment and other economic opportties for City residents and businesses; and


Continuation Of City Ordinance

. page






4. pay to the City, for

remittce to Hudson County, an amount equa to 5% of

the Anual

Service Charge upon receipt of

that charge, which is intially $40,320; and

5. pay the sum of$114,700 to the City's Affordable Housing Trust Fund; and

WHREAS, the City hereby determines that the relative benefits of of

the project outweigh the cost

the ta exemption, for th~ followig reasons:

1. the curent real estate taxes generate revenue of only $299,300, whereas, the Anual Servce

Charge as estimated, will intially generate revenue of $806,400 in years 1 through 6;

2. it is expected that the Project will create approximately 150 jobs durng constrction and '
between 324 and 493 new permanent

jobs in Jersey City;

3. the Project will stabilize and contrbute to

the economic growt of businesses in the

surounding area;
4; the Project Will fuer the overall redevelopment objectives of a Jersey City Urban

Enterprise Zone;
5. by the City's analysis, the benefis of the

, Project adds no additional burdens on schools and because the City will retain most of payment due it from the Hackensack

Project outweigh the costs to the City insofar as the the Meadowlands Commission under the Inter-Muncipal

Tax Sharg Plan.

WHEREAS, the City hereby determines that the ta exemption is importt in obtainng
development of the Project and inuencing the locational decisions of

the Entity for the following

1. the relative stability and predictability of

the Anua Service Charges will make the Project

more attactive to investors in the event the Project is financed by a lender; ,

2. ' the relative stability and predictability ofthe Anua Service Charges will allow the owner

and the Entity to stabilize their operating budgets, allow a high level of maitenance to the
building over the life ofthe Project, inure the likelihood of the success of

the Project and

the possibility of growt and increased employment at the Project; and

WHREAS, Goya 75th Urban Renewii Co., LLC,ha intially complied with Executive Order
2002-005 concernng "Disclosure of

Lobbyist Representative Statu" by filing an appropriate letter

in the Qffce of the City Clerk; and


, WHREAS, Goya 75th Urban Renewal Co.,LLC, has agreed to comply with the City of Jersey City's Ordinance 07-123 Requiring Apprenticeships and Project Labor Agreement; and
WHREAS, on October 14,,2011, the Tax Exemption Corrittee recommended the

approval of

the ta exemption to the Mayor.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAID byihe MuniCipal Council ofthe City of

Jersey City

A. The application of

Goya 75th Urban Renewal Co., LLC, an urban renewal company, formed
the provisions of

the Long Term Tax Exemption Law of 1992, copy of which is on file in the offce of the City Clerk, for Block 1002, Lot 99B; Block 1100, Lot 52C; Block 1101, Lots5lAand 7A, more commonly known by the street address of 360 County Road, more specifically described by metes and bounds in the application is hereby approved.
and quaified to do business under as amended and supplemented, N.J.S.~. 40A:20-1 ~g;. a

Continuatin of City Ordinance


. page



B. The Mayor or Business Adminstrator is hereby authorized to execute a ta exemption

Financial Agreement and a Project Employment and Contracting Agreement. The Financial

Agreement shall include at a inum the followig terms and conditions:

1. Term: the earlier of twenty-five (25) years from the adoption of the withn Ordinance or

twenty (20) years from the date the Project is Substatially Complete;

2. Anual Service Charge: each year the greater of:

(a) the Minmum Anual

Servce Charge equa to $299,300, upon Project completion, whether or not the Project is occupied; or

(b) 15% of gross revenue, which sum is $806,400 in years 1 though 6; $892,950 in years

7 though 12; and $979,500 in years 13 though 20 of the Financial Agreement,

which shall be subject to statutory increases durng the term of th tax exemption.
3. Admstative Fee: 2% of the por year' s Anual Service

Charge, whichisinitially$16,128;

4. County Payment: 5% of

the Anual Service Charge to the City for remittce by the City

i to Hudson County, which is initially $40,320;

5. ,Project: A one (1) story building consisting of a warehouse and distribution facility on the

Propert which wil have approximately 577 ,000 squae feet of warehouse space and 38,000

squae feet of offce space for a tota of 615,000 gross squae feet with mezzanes and up
to 480 surace parkig spaces for automobiles and up to 114 surace

parking spaces for

6; Affordable Housing Trust ,Fund: $114,700 or $.10 per squae foot of warehouse space

(577,000 squae feet) and $1.50 per square foot of office space (38,000 square feet);
7. An obligation to execute a Project Employment and Contracting Agreement to insure

employment and other economic benefits to City residents and businesses.

8. Execution of a Project Labor Agreement as required by Ordinance 07-123. The Project
Labor Agreement shall be in substatially the form on fie in the offce of

the City Clerk.

9. Ths Ordinance will sunset and the Tax Exemption will terminate uness constrction of Project begins with two (2) years of the adoption of


the with Ordinance.

C. The City Clerk shall deliver a certified copy of the Tax Assessor and Director of the Division of

the Ordinance and Financial Agreement to Local Goverment Services.

D. The application is on fie with the offce of Project Employment and Offce of

the City Clerk. The Financial Agreement and Contracting Agreement shall be in substatially the form on file in the

the City Clerk, subject to such modification as the Business Administrator or Corporation

Counsel deems appropriate or necessar.

E. All ordinances and pars of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
the Jersey City Code as though codified and fuly set forth therein. The City Clerk shall have ths ordinance codified and incorporated in the offcial copies of F. Ths ordinanc,e shall be par of

the Jersey City Code. '

G. Ths ordinance shall tae effet at the time and in the maner provided by law. '

Continuation 01 \'Ity uroinance






H. The City Clerk and Corporation Counsel be and they are hereby authorized and directed to change any chapter numbers, aricle numbers and section numbers in the event that the codification of this"ordinance reveals that there is a confict between those numbers and the existing code, in order to 'void cOrision and possible accidental repealers of existing provisions.


All material is new; therefore underlining has been omitted. For puroses of advertising only, new matter is indicated by bold face and repealed matter by italic.







Certification Required 0

Not Required 0


Rev. 10-18-11 '

Long TermTax Exemption N.J.S.A. 40A:20-1, et seq. (Commercial Building)

Re: 360 County Road

Block 1002, Lot 99B; Block 1100, Lot 52C; Block 1101, Lots 51A and 7A Jersey City Urban Enterpri~e Zone

TIDS FINANCIA AGREEMENT, (Agreement) is made the _day of

by and be~ween GOYA 75TH URBAN RENEWAL CO., LLC, an urban renewal Entity formed
and qualified to do business under the provisons of

the Long Term Tax Exemption Law of 1992,

as amended and supplemented, N.J.S.A. 40A:20-1 et seq., having its principal office at-c/o Goya
Foods, Inc., 100 Seaview Drive, Secaucus,

New Jersey 07094 (Entity), and the CITY OF JERSEY

the State of New Jersey, having its principal offce at 280

CITY, a Municipal Corporation of


Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 (City).


WHEREAS, the EntitY is the Lessee of certin propert designated as Block 1002, Lot 99B;
Block 1100, Lot 52C; Block 1101, Lots 51 A and 7 A, more commonly known by the street address

of360 County Road, and more paricularly described by the metes and bounds description set forth

as Exhibit 1 to this Agreement (the Propert); and

WHREAS, this Propert is located within ,the boundares of the a Jersey City Urban
Enterprise Zone; and

WHEREAS, the Entity plans to construct a warehouse and distribution facility on the
Propert which will have approximately 577,000 square feet of warehouse space and 38,000 squae
feet of office space for a total of 615,000 gross square feet in a: one (1) story building with
mezzannes and up to 480 surface parking spaces for automobiles and up to 114

surface parking

spaces for trailers (Project); and

WHREAS, the Project will be sub-leased in its entirety by the Entity to Goya Foods, Inc.
(the Operating Lease), for a term at

least commensUrate with this Agreement; and

WHEREAS, on September 22, 2011, the Entity filed an Application with the City for a Long

Term Tax Exemption for the Project; and

WHREAS, the City made the following findings:

A. Relative B.enefits ofthe Project when compared to the costs:

1. the curent r~aL estate tax generates revenue of only $299,300 for the

Propert, whereas, the Anual Service Charge for the Project will generate the Financial Agreement, which anual revenue to the City durng the term of sum is $806,400 in years 1 through 6; $892,950 inyears 7 through 12; and
$979,500 in years l3 through 20 of

the Financial Agreement;

2. the Entity'shall pay the City the sum of$114,700, as an

affordable housing

3. ,it is expected thatthe Project will result in approximately 150 jobs durng

construction and between 324 and 493 new permanent jobs being located in
Jersey City;

4. the Project should stabilze and contribute to the economic growth of

existing local business and to t1le creation of hew business, which cater to the Jersey City residents;
5. the Project will fuher the redevelopment obj ectives of the J Urban

Enterprise Zone;
6. the City's impact analysis, on file with the Office of that the benefits of

Clerk, indicates the Project outweigh the costs to the City;'and

the City

B. Assessment ofthe Importce ofthe Tax Exemption in obtaining

development of the
the Entity:

Project and infuencing the locational decisions of

1. the relative stability and predictability of the service charges will owner

allow the and the, Entity to stabilize its operating budget, allowig a high level

of maintenance to the building over the life of the Proj ect, which will insUre
the likelihood of

the success ofthe Project, insure that it will have a positive impact on the surounding area and the possibility of growth and increased

employment at the Project; and

WHEREAS, by the adoption of Ordimince 11-

. on November _' 2011, the

Muncipal Council approved the above findings ard the tax exemption application and authorized
the execution of this Agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ofthe mutual covenants herein contained, and for
other good and valuable consideration, it is mutually covenanted and agreed as follows:


Section 1.1 Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by the provisions oftheLong Term Tax Exemption Law,

as amended and supplemented, N.J.S.AAOA:20-1 et seq., Executive Order ofthe Mayor, 02-003,
Ordinance 02-075, and Ordinance 11-

, which authorized the execution of this Agreement.

It being expressly urderstood and agreed that the City expressly relies upon the facts, data, and

representations contaned in the Application, attached hereto as Exhibit 3, in granting this tax
Section 1.2 General Definitions

'specifically provided otherwse or the context otherwise requires, when used in this

Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

I. ' Allowable Net Profit- The amount arved at by applying the Allowable Profit Rate

to Total Project Cost pursuat to NJ.S.A. 40A:20-3(c).

, ii. Alowable Profit Rate,. The greater of 12% or the percentage

per anum arived at

the Entity's initial permanent

b.yadding 1.25% to the anual interest percentage rate payable on

mortgage financing. ifthe initial permanent mortgage is insured or guaranteed by a governental

agency, the mortgage insurance premium or similar charge, if

payable on a per anum basis, shall .

be considered as interest for this purose. if there ~s no permanent mortgage financing, or if the

. financing is internal or underten by a related par, the Allowable Profit Rate shall be the greater
of 12% or the percentage per anum arved at by adding 125%

per annum to the interest rate per


anum which the muncipality determines to be the prevailing rate on mortgage financing on

comparable improvements in Hudson County. The provisions of NJ.S.A. 40A:20-3(b) are

incorporated herein by reference.

111. Anual Service Charge - The amount the Entity has agreed to pay the City for
muncipal services' supplied to the ProjeCt, which sum is,in lieu of any

taxes on the Improvements;

pursuat to N.J.S.A. 40A:20-12.

iv. Auditor's Report - Acomplete financial statement outlining the financial status of


Project (for a pei:od of

Project Cost and clear computation of

, ' '
New Jersey.

time as indicated by context), which shall also include a certification of


Net Profit. The contents ofthe Auditor's Report shall have

been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and shall contain at a
minium the following: a balance sheet, a statement of income, a statement of retaned

earngs or

changes in stockholders' equity, a statement of cash flows, descriptions of accounting policies, noteS

to financial statements and appropriate schedules and explanatory material results of operations, cash
flows and

any other items required by Law. The Auditor's Report shall be certified as to its

conformance with such principles by a certified public accountant who is licensed to practice that
, profession in the State of

v. Certificate of Occupancy - A document, whether temporar or permanent, issued by

the City authorizing occup.ancy ofa building, in whole or in par, pursuant to NJ.S.A. 52:27D-133.
Vi. Default - Shall

be a breach of or the failure of the Entity to perform any obligation

imposed upon the Entity by the terms of this Agreement, or under the Law, beyond any applicable
grace or cure periods.
vll. Entity - The term Entity within this Agreement shall mean Goya 75th Urban Renewal

Co., LLC, which Entity is formed and qualifiedpursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:20-5. It shall also include
any subsequent purchasers or successors in interest of the

Project, provided they are formed and

operate under the Law.

vll. Gross Revenue - Any and all base rent, not including expenses, derived from or

generated by the Operating Lease (as hereafter defined) of the Project, of

whatever kind or amount,

the form of which Operating Lease, including the anual rental schedule, is attched as Exhbit 7 ~

ix. Improvements or Project - Any building, strctue or fixtue permanently affxed to

the land to be constructed and tax exempted under this Agreement. '
x. In Rem Tax Foreclosure or Tax Foreclosure - A sumar proceeding by

which the
to 54:5-129 ~t

City may enforce a lien for taxes due and owing by tax sale, under NJ.S.A. 54:5-1

Xl. Land Taxes - The amount of

taes assessedon the value ofland, on which the Project

not exempt;

is located. Land Taxes are

however, Land Taxes are applied as a credit against the

Anual Service Charge.

Xll. Land Tax Payments - Payments made ontheq':arerly due dates, including approved

grace periods if any, for Land Taxes as determined by the Tax Assessofand the Tax Collector. .
xll. Law - Law shall refer to the Long Term Tax Exemption

Law, as amended and

the Mayor 02":003, relating

, supplemented, N.J.S.A. 40A:20-1, et seq.; Executive Order of

to long

term tax exemption, as it may be amended and supplemented; Ordinance 02-075, and Ordinance
11- , which authorized the execution

ofthis Agreement; and Ordinance 07-123, as may be

requires the execution

amended or ~upplemented from timeto time, which

of a Project Labor

Agreement, and all other relevant Federal, State or City statutes, ordinances, resolutions, rules and
xiv. Lease - Refers to that certin ,sub-lease agreement for

the Project made by and

between the Entity as

Operating Lessor and Goya Foods, Inc., as Operating Lessee, the Operating

Lease, a memorandum of which is attached as Exhbit 7. The rent under the Operating Lease shall

be a minimum of the amounts stated in the Operating Lease. This Operating Lease wil not be
amended so as to reduce or limit the Service Charge otherwse due to the City hereunder.

xv. Minimum Anual Service Charge - The Minimum Anual Service Charge shall be
the higher of: a) the taxes levied against the real propert in the area covered by the Project in the

last full ta year in which the area was subject to taation, which amount the paries agree is
$299,300; or b) upon Substatial Completion, $806,400 irrespective of occupancy. The Minimum

Anual Service Charge shall be paid in each year in which the Anual Service Charge would be less

than the Minimum Anual Service Charge.

XVi. Net Profit - The Gross Revenues of

the Entity less all operating and non-operating'

expenses of

the Entity, all

determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting



(1) there shall be inCluded in expenses:, (a) all Anual Service charges paid pursuant to
N.J.S.A. 40A:20-12; (b) all payments to

the City of excess profits pursuat to N.J.S.A. 40A:20-15

or N.J.S.A. 40A:20-16; (c) an anual amount suffcient to amortize (utilizing the straight line
method-equal annual amounts) the Total Proj ect Cost and all capital costs determined in accordance'
with generally accepted accounting principles, of any other

Entity whose revenue is included in the

reasonable anual operating

computation of excess profits over the term of this agreement; (d) all

expenses of

the Entity and any other Entity whose revenue is included in the computation ofexc~ss

profits including the cost of all management fees, brokerage commissions, insurance premiums, all
taxes or service chrgespaid, legal, accounting, or other professional service fees, utilities, building

maintenance costs, building and office supplies and payments into repair or maintenance reserve
accounts; (e) all payments of rent including but not limited to ground

rent by the Entity; (f) all debt

service; and '

C~) there shall not be included in expenses either depre~iation or obsolescence, interest on

debt, except interest which is par of debt service, income taxes or salares, bonuses or other
compensation paid, directly or indirectly to directors, officers and stockholders of the Entity, or
officers, parers or other persons hQlding a proprieta ownership interest in the Entity.
xvll. Pronouns - He or She or it shall mean the masculine, femine or neuter gender,


singular, as well as the plural, as context requires.

xvlli. Substantial Completion - The determination by the City that the Project, in whole or

in par, is ready for

the use intended, which ordinarly shall mean the date on which the Project
Occupancy for any portion of

receives, or is eligible to receive any Certificate of

the Project.
the terms of

xix. Termination - Any act or omission which by operation of

this Financial

Agreement shall cause the Entity to relinquish its tax exemption.

xx. Total Project Cost - The total cost of constructing the Project through the date a
Certificate(s) of Occupancy is issued for the

entire Project, which categories of cost are set forth il

N.J.S.A. 40A:20-3(h) and the Application, attched as Exhibit 3. There shall be included nTotal
Project Cost the actul costs incured by the Entity and certified by an independent.and qualified

architect or engineer, which are associated,with site remediation and cleanup of environmentally
hazardous materials or containants in accordance with State or Federal law; and any


costs incured includilg the cost of demolishing structures, relocation or removal of public utilities,

cost of relocating displaced residents or buildings, and the clearng of title.

Section 2.1 Approval of Tax Exemption
The City hereby grants its approval for a tax exemption for all the Improvements, constituting
the Project to be constructed ard maintaned in accordance with the terms and conditions of this
Agreement and the provisions of the Law which Improvements shall be constrcted on a portion of
certain propert known on the Official Tax Assessor's Map of

the City as: Block 1002, Lot 99B;

Block 1100, Lot 52C; Block 1101, Lots 51A and 7 A, more commonly known by the street address
of 360 County Road, Jersey City, New Jersey, and described by metes and ,bounds il Exhbit

1 attched hereto (Propert).

Section 2.2 Approval of Entity

Approval is granted to the Entity whose Certificate ofF ormation is attched hereto as Exhibit
4. Entity represents that its Certificate contains all the"requisite provisions of the

Law; has been


reviewed and approved by

the Commissioner of

the Dep~ent of

Communty Affirs; and has

filed with, as appropriate, the Offce of the State Treasurer or Offce of the Hudson County Clerk,

all in accordance With N.J.S.A. 40A:20-5.

Section 2.3 Improvements to be Constructed

Entity represents that, it intends to constrct a warehollse and distribution facility, which will

. have 1 story with mezzanines. The facility will have 577,000 square feet of warehouse space and
.38,000 squae feet of office space for a total of 615,000 gross squae feet, in a

with a mezz~ne and up to 480 surace parking spaces for automobiles and up to 114 surface
parking spaces for trailers, all of


one story building

which is specifically described in the Application attached hereto

as Exhibit 3.
Section 2.4 Construction Schedule

The Entity agrees to diligently undertake to commence construction and complete the Proj ect
in accordance with the Estimated Constrction Schedule, attched hereto as Exhbit 10.
Section 2.5 Ownership, Management

and Control

The Entity represents that it is the Ground Lessee of

the Propert upon which the Project is

to be constrcted. Upon constrction, the Entityrepresents that the Improvements will be leased to

and operated by Goya Foods, Inc., pursuant to an Operating Lease.

The City acknowledges that the Entity may enter into futue management agreements so long

, -

as such agreements are not used to reduce the City's revenue or other economic benefits under this
Agreeinent and the management fees to be paid are comparable to those disclosed in the application.
Section 2.6 Financial Plan

The Entity represents that the Improvements shall be operated in substantially accordance
with the estimated Financial Plan attched hereto as Exhbit 6. The Plan sets forth estimated


Project Cost, the amortization rate on the Total Project Cost, the source of

fuds, the interest rates

to ~e paid on construction financing, if any, the source and amount of paid-in capital, and the terms

of any mortgage amortization.


Section 3.1 Term


,So long as there is compliance with the Law and this Agreement, it is

understood and agreed

, , by the paries hereto that this Agreement shall remain in effect for the earlier of 25' years from the

date of the adoption of Ordinance 11-

on November _,2011, which approved the tax

exemption or 20 years from the date of Substantial Completion of the Project. The tax exemption
shall onlybe effective durng the period of

usefulness ofthe Project and shall continue in force only

while the Project is owned by a corporation or association formed and operating under the Law.


Sectiori 4.1 Annual Service Charge
In consideration ofthe tax exemption, the Entity shall make the followingpayments to the

(i) City Anual Service Charge: an amOunt equal to the greater of: the Minimum Anual
Service Charge or an Anual Service Charge equal to fifteen percent (15%) of

. '
the FinaIcial Agreement. The

the Anual Gross

Revenue, which will be $806,400

in years 1 through 6; $892,950- in years 7 through 12; and

$979,500 in years 13 through 20 of

Anual Service Charge shall be

initially biled and increased thereafter in accordance with the Lease and this Agreement.
A Minimum Anual Service

Charge calculated under Section 1.2 (xvi) shall be due

beginnng on the effectivt?date of

this Agreement. The greater of the Anual Service Charge or

MinumAnual Service Charge calculated under Section 1.2 (xvi), as the case may be, shall be
, due on the firstda of the month following the Substantial Completion of

the Project. In the event

the Entity failsto timely pay the Minmum Anual Service Charge or the Anual Service Charge;
the unpaid amount shall bear the highest rate of interest permtted in the case of ulpaid taxes or tax
, liens on land UItil paid; and
(ii) ,County Anual Service Charge: an ~ amount equal to 5% of the Anual Service

Charge upon receipt of that charge, for remittce to the County by the City.

Section 4.2 ,Staged Adjustments

Tle Anual Service Charge shall be adjusted, in Stages over the term of the ta exemption


accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:20-12(b) S follows:

1. Stage One: From the 1 st day ofthe month following Substantial Completion until the

last day of

the 15th year, the Anual Service Charge shall be 15% of Anual Gross Revenue;

II. Stage Two: Beginnng on the 1 st day of the 16th year 'following Substantial
Completion until the last day of the 17th year, an amount equal to the greater of

the Anual Service

Charge or 20% ofthe amount of

the taxes otherwse due on the value of the land and Improvements;

111. Stage Three: Beginng on the 1 st day of the 18th year following the Substatial
Completion until the last day of the 18th year, an amount equal to the greater of

, .

the Anual Service

the land and ImprovementS;

Charge or 40% ofthe amount of

the taxes o'therwisedue on the value of

iv. Stage Four: Beginnng on the st day of the 19th year following Substantial
Completion untilthe last day of

the 19th year, an amount equal to the greater ofthe Anual Service
the taxes otlierwise due on the value oftheland and Improvements.

Charge or 60% ofthe amount of

v. Final Stage: Beginnng

on the 1st day of the 20th year following Substatial

Completion through the date the tax exemption expires, an amount equal to the greater of the
Anual Servce Charge or 80% Qfthe amount ofthetaxes otherwise due on the value fthe land and ,
Improvements. .
Section 4.3 Credits

The Entity is required to pay both the Anual Service Charge, and the Land Tax Payments.

The Entity is obligatedto make timely Land Tax Payments, including any tax on the pre-existing
improvements, in order to be entitled to a Land Tax credit against the Anual Service Charge for t~e
subsequent year. The Entity shall be

entitled to credit for the amount, without interest, 'ofthe Land

Tax Payments made in the last four preceding quarerly installments against the'Anual Service
Charge. In any

quarer that the Entity fails to make any Land Tax Payments when due and owing,


delinquency shall render the Entity ineligible for any Land Tax Payment credits against the

Anual Service Charge for that qmirter. No credit wil be applied against the Anual Service Charge

for parial payments of Land Taxes. The City shall have, in addition to this remedy and other

remedies, the right to proceed against the Project pursuant to the In Rem Tax Foreclosure Act,
NJ.S.A.54:5-1, et seq. and/or declare a Default and terminate this Agreement.
Section 4.4 "Quarterly Installments

The Entity expressly agrees that the Anual Service Charge shall be made in quaerly
instalments on those dates when real estate tax payments are due; subject,

nevertheless, to

adjustment for over or underpayment withn thirt (30) days after the close of each calendar year.
In the event that the Entity fails to pay the Anual Servce Charge, the

unpaid amount shall bear the

highest rate of interest permitted in the case of unpaid taxes or ta liens on the land until paid.
Section 4.5 Administrative Fee

The Entity shall also pay an anual Administrative Fee to the City in addition to the Anual
Service Charge and Land

Tax levy. The Administrative Fee shall be calculated as two (2%) percent
fee shall be payable and due on or before

of each~ prior year's ~ual Service Charge. This

December 31 st of each year, and collected in the same maner as the Anual Service Charge. In
the event that the Entity fails to timely pay the Administrative Fee, the amourt unpaid shall bear the
highest rate of interest permitted in the case of unpaid taxes or tax liens on the land

until paid.

Section 4.6 Affordable Housing Contribution and Remedies

A. Contribution. The Entity shall pay the City the sum of$114, 700 or $.10 per square
foot of warehouse space (577,000 square feet) and $ 1.50 per square foot of office space (38,000
square feet), as a contrbution subject to the contingencies set forth below. Thesum shall be due and

payable as follows:
1. 1/3 ($38,233) qn or before the effective date of the ordinance approving the tax


that is the effective date of

the executed Financial Agreement;

11. 1/3 ($38,233) on or before the issuance of the first of any construction permit for the Proj ect,
but no later than six months after the date of the Financial Agreement;
111. 1/3 ($38,233) on or before the date the first of any Certificate of Occupancy is issued for


Project, but

no later

than twenty-four (24) months after

the date ofthe Financial Agreement~


The Entity acknowledges that.' the City relies" on these payments and wil enter into

agreements m anticipation of receiving such fuds in a timely maner.

B. Remedies. In the event that the Entity fails to timely pay the contrbution, the amount
unpaid shall be added to the service charge and shall bear the highest

rate of mterest permitted in the

case of unpaid taes or tax liens, on the land until paid.

Section 4.7 ' Material Conditions

, It is expressly agreed and understood that the timely payments f Land Taxes, Minimum
Anual Service Charges, Anual Service Charges, including adjustments thereto, Administrative

- i. .

Fees, Affordable RousingContributions, and any mterest thereon, are Material Conditions ofthis


Section 5.1 Project Labor Agreement and Project Employment and Contracting Agreement

In order to .provide City residents and busmesses with certain employment and other

economic related oppo~ities, the Entity is subject to the terms and conditions of the Project
Employment and Contracting Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit 9. In addition, the Entity shall

execute a Project Labor Agreement as required by Ordinance 07-123 as it exists oras it may be
amended from time to time.


Section 6.1 Certifct~ of Occupancy

It is understood and agreed that it shall be the obligation of the Entity to obtam all
Certificates ofOccupanc in a timely maner so as to complete construction in accordance with the

proposed construction schedule, attached hereto as.Exhbit 10. The Entity's failure to secure the
Certificates of Occupancy shall subject the Project to full taxation for the period between the date

of Substatial Completion and the date the Certificate of Occupancy is obtained.

Section 6.2 Filng o"Certifcate of Occupancy

It shaIl be.the primary responsibility ofthe Entity

to forthwith file with both the Tax Assessor

12 '

and the Tax Collector a copy of each Certificate of Occupancy.

Failure of the Entity to fie such issued Certificate of

Occupancy as required by the preceding

paragraph, shall not militate against any action or non-action, taen by the City, including, if
appropriate retroactive billng with interest for any charges

determned to be due, in the absence of

such filing by the Entity.


,Section 7.1 Accounting System
The Entity agrees to maintain a system of accounting and internal controls established and
administered in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
Section 7.2 Periodic Reports

A. An Auditor's Report: Withn ninety (90) days after the close of each fiscal or calendar
year, depending on the Entity's accounting basis that the Agreement shall continue in effect, the
Entity shall submit to the Mayor and Muncipal Council and the NJ Division of

Local Governent

Services in the Deparment of

Communty Affairs, its Audtor's Report for the preceding fiscal or

calendar year. TheAuditor'sReportsh~ll include, but not be limited to: the terms and interest rate

on any mortgagees) associated with the purchase or constrction of the Project, if any, and such

details as may relate to the financial affairs of the Entity and to its operation and performance
hereunder, pursuant to the Law and

ths Agreement. The Report shall clearly identify and calculate

the Net Profit for the Entity durng the previous year.
B. Disclosure Statement: On the anversar date of the execution of this Agreement; and
each and every year thereafter while this agreement is ineffed, the Entity shall submit to the

Muncipal Council, the Tax Collector and the City Clerk, who shall advise those muncipal officials

required to be advised, a Disclosure Statement listing the persons having an ownership interest in
the Project, and the extent of the ownership interest of each and such additional information

as the

City may request from time to time.

Section 7 .3 Inspection/Audit


Entity shall permit the inspection of its propert, equipment, buildings and other


facilities of the Projectnd, if deemed appropriate or necessar, any other relate Entity by
representatives duly authorized by the City and the NJ Division of Local Governent Services in
the Deparment of Communty Affairs. It shall also permit, upon request, examination and audit of
its books, contracts, records, documents and papers. Such examination or audit shall be made durng

the reasonable hours of the business day, in the presence of an offcer or agent designated by the
, All reasonable costs incured by the City to conduct the adit, including

reasonable attorneys'
par of

fees if appropriate, shali be biled to the Entity and paid to the City as

the Entity's Anual

Service, Charge. Delinquent payments shall accrue interest at the same rate as for a deilnquent

service charge.


Section 8.1 Limitation 0:( Profits 'and Reserves

Durng the period of tax exemption as provided

herein, the Entity shall be subject to a

provisions ofN.J.S.A. 40A:20-15.

limitation of

its profits pursuant to the

The Entit shall have the right to establish a reserve against vacancies, unpaid rentals, and
reasonable contingencies in an amount equal to five (5%) percent of

, ,
five (5%) percent of

the Gross Revenueofthe Entity

the excess Net Profits as

for the last ful

fiscal year preceding the year and may retain such par of

is necessar to eliminate a deficiency in that reserve, as provided in N.J. S.A. 40A:20.; 15. The reserve
is to be non-cumulative, it being intended that

r~serve shall

, '
In the event the Net Profits of

no fuher credits thereto shall be permitted after the


have attined the allowable level

the preceding year's Gross

Revenue. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:20-14(b)

there is

expressly excluded from the calculation of

the EntitY

Gross Revenue ~d Net Profit in the determination of exces~ profit,ay gain realized by

on the sale of any condominium unit, whether or not

taable under federal or state law.

, Section 8.2 Annual Payment of Excess Net Profit

the Entity, in any fiscal

year, shall exceed the Allowable Net


Profits for such period, then the Entity, withn one hundred and twenty (120) days after the end of
such fiscal year, shall pay such excess Net Profits to the City as an additional service charge;

provided, however, that the Entity may maintain a reserve as determined pursuant to aforementioned
paragraph 8.1. The calculation of

the Entity's excess Net Profits shall include those project costs

, directly attbutable to site remediation and cleanup expenses' and any other costs excluded in the ,
definition of Total Proj ect Cost in Section 1.2 (xxi)

of this Agreement even though those costs may

have been deducted from the project costs for puroses of calculating the Anual Service Charge.
Section 8.3 Payment of Reserve/ Excess Net Profit Upon Termination, Expiration or


The date oftermination, expiration or sale shall be considered to be the close of


year of

the Entity.Withiri niety (90) days after suqh date, the Entity shall pay to the City the amount

of the reserve, if any, maintained by it pursuant to ths section and the excess Net Profit, if any.


Section 9.1 ,Approval

Any sale ortransfer ofthe Project, shall be void uness approved in advance by Ordinance
of the Muncipal CounciL. It is understood and agreed that the City, on written application by the
Entity, will'consent to a sale ~ofthe Project and the transfer ofthis Agreement provided 1) the

transfer; 2)

Entity does not own any other Project subject to long term tax exemption at the time of

the new Entity is formed and eligible to operate under the Law; 3) the Entity is not then in default
, of

this Agreement or the Law; 4) the Entity's obligations under this Agreement is fully ~ssumed by

, ' the new Entity, 5) the Entity shall pay the City a transfer fee equal to 2% ofthe then curent Anual
S~rvice Chargeas requied by N .J.S.A. 40A:20-10d.
Nothing' herein shall prohibit any transfer of the

ownership interests in the Entity itself

provided that the transfer, if greater

'than 10%, is disclosed to the City in'the Anual Disclosure

the filing of the

statement,or in correspondence sent to the City in adv~ce of

Anual Disclosure

Sttement, all in accord with the Law.

Section 9.2 Fee


Where the consent or approval of

the City is sought for approval of a change in ownership

be required to pay to the City a new tax exemption

or sale or transfer of

the Project, the Entity shall

application fee for the legal and administrative services of the City, as it relates to the reviw,

preparation and/or submission of documents to the Muncipal Council for appropriate action on the

requested assignent. The fee shall be non-refudable.


Section 10.1 Operation

During the

term of this Agreement, the Project shall be maintained and operated in

, accordance with the provisions ofthe Law. Operation of Project under this Agreement shall not
only be terminable as provided by N.J.S.A. 40A:20-1, et seq., as curently amended and '
supplemented, but also by a Default under this Agreement. The Entity's failure to

comply with the

Law shall constitute a Default under this Agreement and the City shall, among its other remedies,

have the right to terminate the tax exemption. '

Section 10.2 Disclosure of

Lobbyist Representativ
this Agreement, the Entity must comply with Executive Order 2002-005, Lobbyist Representative Status. The Entity's

During the term of

and Ordinance 02-075, requiring Written Disclosure of

failure to comply

with the Executive Order or the Ordinance shall constitute ,a Default under this

Agreement and the City shall, mong its other remedies, have the right to terminate the ta


Section 11.1 Default

Default shall be failure of the Entity to conform with the terms of this Agreement or failure

the Entity to peiform any obligation imposed by the Law, beyond any applicable notice, cure or

grace period.

Section'lL2 Cure Upon Default

Should the Entity be in Default, the City shall send wrtten notice to the Entity of

the Default


(Default Notice). The Default Notice shall set forth with paricularty the basis of the alleged
Default. The Entity shall have sixty (60) days, from receipt of the Default Notice, to cure any
Default which shall be the sole and exclusive remedy available to the Entity. However, if, in the
reasonable opinion of

the City, the Default canot be cured within sixty (60) days using reasonable

diligence, the City will extend the time to cure.

Subsequent to such sixty (60) days, or any approved extension, the City shall have the right

to terminate this Agreement in accordance with Section 12.1.

Should the Entity be in default due to a failure to pay any charges defined as Material
Conditions in Section 4.7, the Entity shall not be subject to the default procedural remedies as
provided herein but shall allow the City to proceed immediately to terminate the Agreement as
provided in Aricle XII herein.
Section 11.3 Remedies Upon Default

The City shall, among its other remedies, have the right to proceed against the Entity's
Project pursuant to the In Rem Tax Foreclosure Act, N.J.S.A. 54:5-1, et seq. and/or may declare a
Default and terminate this Agreement. Any default arsing out of the Entity's failure to pay Land

Taxes, the Minimum Anual Service Charge, Administrative Fees, Affordable Housing
Contribution, or the Anual Service Charges shall not be subjectto the default procedural remedies

as provided in Aricle XI herein, but shall allow the City to proceed immediately to terminate the
Agreement as provided in Aricle XII. AU of

the remedies provided in this Agreement to the City,

and equity shall be cumulatve and concurent. '-No

and all rights and remedies granted to it by law

termination of any provision

of this Agreement shall deprive the

City of any of its remedies or

actions against the Entity because of its failure to pay Land Taxes, the Minimum Anual Service
Charge, Anual Service Charge, Affordable Housing Contrbution or Administrative Fees. This

right shall apply to arearages that are due and owing at the time. Furher, the bringing of any action

for Land Taxes, the Minimum Anual Service Charge, the Anual Service Charge, Affordable
Housing Contrbution, Administrative Fees, or for breach of covenant or the resort to any

, '




Section 12.4 Conventional Taxes

Upon Termination or expiration ofthis Agreement, the tax exemption for the Project shall

expire and the land and the Improvements thereon shall thereafter be assessed and conventionally

taed according to the general law applicable to other nonexempt taable propert in the City.


Section 13.1 Arbitration

In the event of a breach of the within Agreement by either of the paries hereto or a dispute
arsing between the paries in reference to the terms and provisions as set fort herein either par
may apply to New Jersey

the Superior Cour of

by an appropriate proceeding, to settle and resolve

the dispute in such fashion as will tend' to accomplish the puroses of the Law. In the event the

Superior Cour shall not entertin jurisdiction, then the paries shll submit the dispute to the
American Arbitration Association in New Jersey tobe determined in accordan~e with its rules and
regulations in such a fashion to accomplish the purose of

the LongTerm Tax Exemption Law. The


for the arbitration shall be borne equally by the paries. The paries agree that the Entity may

not fie an action in Superior Court or with the Arbitration Association uness the, Entity has first
paid in full all charges defined in Aricle IV, Section 4.7 as Material Conditions.


Section 14.1 Waiver

Nothing contained n this Fnancial Agreement or

, '

otherwse shall constifut a waiver or',

relinquishment by the City of any rights and remedies, inCluding, without limitation, the right to '
terminate the Agreement and ta' exemption for violation of any of the conditions providecIherein.

Nothig herein shall be deemed to limit any right of recovery of any amount ~hich the City has
under law, in equity, or under any provision of



Section 15.1 Defined

It is

understood and agreed that in the event the City shall be named as par defendant in any

, third par action alleging any breach, default or a violation of any of the provisions of this
Agreement andlorthe provisions of NJ.S.A. 40A:20-1 et seq., the

Entity shall indemnfy andhold

the City harmless against any -and all liability, loss, reasonable cost, and expense (including
reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, through trial and all stages of any appeal, including the cost of

enforcing this indemnty) arsing out of Agreement. In addition, the Entity expressly waives all

statutory or common law defenses or legal principles which woulddefeatth puroses of this
indemnfication. The Entity also agrees to dfend the' suit on behalf of the City at its own expense.
However, the City maintains the right to intervene as a par thereto, to which

intervention the Entity

consents; the expense thereof

to be borne by the City.


Section 16.1 Certifed Mail

Any notice required hereunder to be sent by either par to the other shall be sent by certified
or registered

mail, retu receipt requested or by a recognzed'ovenight carer.

Section 16.2 Sentby City

When sent by the City

to the Entity the notice shall be 'addressed to:

Goya 75th Urban Renewal Co."LLc

c/o Goya Foods, Inc..

Drive 100 Seaview Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Attn: Carlos G. Ortiz, Esq.
Connell Foley, L.L.P.

Harborside Financial Center

2510 Plaza -Five

Jersey City, NJ 07311-4029

Attn: James C. McCan, ES9-.

, uness prior to giving of notice the Entity shall have notified the City in writing otherwse.
In addition,

provided the City is sent a formal wrtten notice in accordance with this
the name and address of Entity's Mortgagee, if any,

Agreement, of

the City agrees to provide such

Mortgagee with a copy of any notice required to be sentto the Entity.


Section 16.3, Sent by Entity

When sent by the Entity to the City, it shall be ad~ressedto:

City of Jersey City, Office of City

the City Clerk

Hall 280 Grove Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07302,

with copies sent to the Corporation ounsel, the Business Administrator, and the Tax Collector
uness prior to the giving of notice, the City shall have notified

the Entity otherwise. The notice to

the City shall identify the Project to which it relates, (i.e., the Urban Renewal Entity and the
Propert's Block and Lot number).


Section 17.1 Severabilty

Ifany term, covenant or condition of this Agreement or the Application, except a Material
Condition; shall be judicially,' declared to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaider of this
Agreement or the application of such term, covenant or condition to persons orcIrcumstances other
thai those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected

thereby, and each

term, covenant or condition of this Agreement shall be valid and be enforced to the ful~est extent
permitted by law. '

If a Material Condition shall. be judicially declared to be invalid or unenforceable and

provided the Entity is not in Default of this Agreement, the parties shall cooperate with each other
to tae

the actions reasonably requied to restore the Agreement in a maner contempl~ted by the

paries and the Law. This shall include, but not be limited to the authorization and re-execution of

this Agreement in a form reasonably drafted to effectuate the original intent of the paries and the
Law. However, the City shall not be requied to restore the Agreement if it would modify a,Material
Condition, the amount of the periodic adjustments or any other term of

this Agreement which would

result in any economic reduction or loss to the City.



Section 18.1 Construction

This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of

New Jersey, and without regard to or aid of any presumption or other rule requiring constrction
against the par drawing

'or causing this Agreement to be drawn since counsel for both the Entity

and the City haye combined in their review and approval of same.

Section 18.2 'Conflcts

The paries agree that in the event of a confict between the Application and the language

contained in the Agreement, the Agreement shall govemand prevaiL. In the event of confict
between the Agreement and the Law, the Law shall govern and prevaiL.

Section 18.3 ' Oral Representations

There have been no oral representations mde by either of the paries hereto which are


contInedin this'Agreement. This'Agreement, the Ordinance authorizing the Agreement, and the
Application constitute the entire Agreement between the paries and there shall be no modifications
thereto either than by a wrtten instlent approved and executed by both paries

and delivered to

each par.

Section 18A Entire Document I Prior Agreement

Ths Agreement and all conditions in the Ordinance of the Municipal Council approving this
Agreement are incorporated in this Agreement and made a par hereof.

Section 18.5 Good Faith

In their dealings with each other, utmost good faith is required from the

Entity and the City;

Section 18.6' Effective Date

The Effective Date shall be the date on which this Agreement is fully executed by all paries



Section 19. Exhibits

The following Exhbits are attched hereto and incorporated herein as if set fort at length


1' Metes and Bounds description of

the Project;

2. Ordinance of the City authorizing the execution of this Agreement;

3. The Application with Exhbits;

4. Certificate of

the Entity;

5. Memorandum of Ground Lease;

6. The Estimated Financial Plan for the undertng of

the Project;

7. Memorandum of Operating Lease;

8. Project Employment and Contracting Agreement and

Project Labor Agreement;

9. Form of Architect's Certification of Actual Construction Costs.

10. Estimated Constrction Schedule.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the paries have caused these presents to be executed the day
and year first above written.


, President









-r~"" :"



This Project Employment & Contracting Agreement is made on the _ day of
2011,between the CITY OF JERSEY CITY (City) and GOYA 75TH URBAN


LLC, having its principal office at c/o Goya Foods, Inc., 100 Seaview Drive, Secaucus, New Jersey
07094. Recipient agrees as follows:
I. Definitions:

, The following words and terms, when used in this agreement, shall have the followig
meanngs unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
1. "City" means the Business Administrator of the City of Jersey City, or his

designee, including any person or entity which enters into a contract with the City to implement, in whole or in par, this agreement.

2. "Construction Contract" means any agreement for the erection" repair, alteration or demolition of any building, structue, bridge, roadway, or other improvement on a Project

Site. '

3. "Contractor" means any par pedorming or offering to perform a prime contract on behalf of the Recipient.

4. "DEO" means the Division of Economic Opportity under the Deparment of

Adminstration, located at 1 Journal Square Plaza, 2nd Floor, Jersey City, NJ 07306,
Telephone #(201) 547-5611. DEO is in charge of Project Employment & Contracting coordination and monitoring on projects receiving abatements.' ,
5. "Economic Incentive" means

'a tax abatement or exemption for a propert or project which requires approval of the Muncipal Council and which reduces the anual amotmt of taxes otherwise due, by $25,000 or more in the aggregate;

6. "Employment" means any job or position durng the construction and operational phase of the project. It includes positions created as a result of internal promotions, terminations, or

expansions within the Recipient's work force which are to be filled by new employees.
However, positions filled through promotion from within the Recipient's existing work force are not covered positions under ths agreement.
7. "Local Business" means a bona fide business located in Jersey City.

8. Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy's Business Cooperative Program means the group within DEO

, under the Deparent of Administration responsible for collecting local and minority business contracts and capability information. This group operates the Supplier Alert service
which is to be used by the Recipient to meet their good faith business contracting and

construction subcontracting goals.


9. "Minority" means a person who is Afrcan, Hispanc, Asian, or Aierican Indian defined as

follows: '
a) "African-American" means a person having origins in any of

the black racial groups

of Afrca.
b) "Hispanc" means a person of

Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American or other Latino cultue or origin, regardless of race, excluding, however, ,persons of European origin.
a person having origins in any of the original people of

c) "Asian" means

the Far East,

'Southeast Asia, and subcontinent India, Hawaii or the Pacific Islands.

d) "AmericaI Indian" means a person having origins in any of the original people


North America who .maintains cultural identification though tribal affiliation or

communty recognition.

, 10.' "Minority or Woman Owned Local Business" means a bona fide bushiess located in Jersey,
City which is fift-one (51 %) percent or more owned and controlled by either a Minority or

11. "Non-Traditional Jobs" means jobs which are held by less than twenty (20%) percent

Labor Market, and Demographic Research for Jersey City, which report shall be on fie with the City Clerk.
women, as reported by the NewJersey Deparment of Labor, Division of

12. "Permanent Jobs"mean newly created long term salaried postioIls, whether permanent,
temporar, par time or seasonaL.

13. "Project or Project Site" means the specific work location or locations specified in the

, 14. The "Proj ect Employment & Contracting Coordinatr" is a member of the D EO staff under

the Deparment of Administration who is in charge of coordinating Project Employment &

Contracting projects. Contractors and developers engaged in projects covered by Project 'Employment & Contracting Agreements will direct inquiries tothe Project Employment &
Contracting Coordinator.
15. The "Project Employment & Contracting Monitor" or "Monitor" is a member of

the DEO staff under the Department of Administration directly under the command of the Project Employment & Contracting Coordinator, who is in charge of monitoring the site, collecting the reports and documentation, and other day-to-day Project Employment & Contracting housekeeping as stipulated by ths agreement.

16. 'The "Project Employment & Contracting Ofcer" or "Offcer" is an employee of the
with the Recipient's Project Employment & Contracting

Recipient who is designated by the Recipient to make sure the Recipient is in compliance agreement.

17. "Recipient" means any individual, parership, association, organzation, corporation or other

entity, whether public or private, or for profit or non-profit, or agent thereof, which receives

an Economic Incentive and shall include any Contractor, Su~contractor or agent of the
18. "The Registry" or "Jersey City Employment Registry" means a list maintained by

the City or its designee of Jersey City residents seeking employment and Local Businesses, including
Minority or Woman Owned Local Businesses, seeking contracts. .

19. "Subcontract" means a binding legal relationship involving

performance ofa contract that

is par ofa prime contract.

20. "Subcontractor" means a thrd par that is engaged by the prime Contractor to perform under

a subcontract all or par of the work included in an original contract.

21. "Substatial Completion" means the determination by the City that the Project, in whole or

in par, is ready for the use intended, which ordinarly shall mean the date on which the
Project receives, or is eligible to receive any Certificate of Occupancy for any portion of


II. Purpose:

The City wishes to assure continuing employment opportunities for City residents,
paricularly residents who are Minorities, and business opportties for Local Businesses, especially Minority and Women Owned Local Businesses, with employers located in or relocating to the City
who are the Recipients of Economic

Incentives. The City has 'determined to accomplish that goal

herein, and discharge its obligations under this Agreement. To the extent mandated by State and Federal law and
by requiring the ReCipient of an Eonomic Incentive to act in Good Faith, as defined

so long as the Entity discharges its Good Faith obligations under this agreement, the City

acknowledges that the Recipient and its contractors are free to hire whomever they choose.
III. Good Faith Goals:

In the event the Recipient is able to demonstrate that its work force already meets the goals meet such goals durng the term of this agreement, the Recipient will not be required to comply with the interviewing or reporting obligations set forth in Section VIi., A-L (Construction Jobs) and Section VI, 2., A-J (permanent Jobs). All goals for Construction Jobs shall be calculated as a percentage of the total number of work hours in each trade from the beginng of
set forth belowor is able to

the project to its completioIl.

1. Employment: The Recipient shall make a Good Faith effort force representing fift-one (51%) percent City

residents who are Minorities and, in Non-Traditional Jobs, six point nine (6.9%) percent of are residents who

work residents, fift-one (51 %) percent of whom ar whom are women, it being understood that one employee may satisfy more than one
to achieve the goal of a


2. Business Contracting: The Recipient shall make a Good Faith effort to

achieve the goal

of awarding twenty (20%) percent of the dollar amount of its contracts to Local Businesses, fift-one which shall be Minority or Women Owned Local Businesses. Iffift-one (51 %) (51 %) percent of

percent of Minority or Women Owned Local Businesses canot be obtained, that percentage of ' ' contracts must, stil ,be applied to local vendors.
iv. Recipient Designee:
The Recipient shall designate a principal offcer of its firm to he responsible for

admnistering the agreement detailed herein and to report to and confer with the City in order to
discharge its Good Faith obligations as defined in this agreement. This officer

should be designated

as the Project Employment & Contracting Officer.

The Recipient should send a letter of introduction regarding the "Project Employment & Contracting Compliance Officer" to the Project Employment & Contracting Coordinator prior to any preconstruction meetings. An example of this letter can be found

'in Appendix A. This principle

offcer should also be presnt for all preconstrction meetings.

The Recipient should send a letter regarding the "Project Employment & Contracting Compliance Officer" to the employees of the Recipie:it's company. An example of this letter can be found in AppendixAZ



This agreement shall bein effect for a period co-terminus with the effective period of the tax , exemption (the Economic Incentive). Thus, it will commence on the date the City Council adopted Ordinance approving the ta exemption and terminate the earlier of 25 years from the date of the adoption of thai Ordinance or 20 years from the date ofSuostantial Completion ofthe Project. '
VI. Good Faith Defined:
1. Permanent Jobs: Good Faith shall mean compliance with all of

the following conditions:

A. Pre-hiring Job Awareness: At least eight (8) months prior to the hiring of a Recipient's
permanent workforce, the Project Employment & Contracting offcer for the Recipient will sit doW
with the head of the Registr to discuss how the Recipient The following issues should

be covered in ths meeting: '

plans to hire its permanent workforce.

i) whether subcontractors wil be used in the hiring process. ii) the specific tyes of jobs that need to be filled. iii) the qualifications needed for these paricular jobs.
iv) possible traig programs offered by the permanent employer.

vi) any other issues which need

v) the Recipient's goals and how it plans to meet these goals. to be addressed by the Registry.

1. Subcontractor Notification -- If the Recipient decides to subcontract any portion or all of its

permanent, workforce, then the Recipient must receive a signed acknowledgment from the
subcontracting par that it will abide

by the Project Employment &, Contracting Agreement before

the signed acknowledgment to the Project Employment & Contracting Monitor. An example of this signed acknowledgment can be found in Appendix E.
said subcontractor begins' staffing permanent employees. The Recipient must forward a copy of 2. Subcontractor Pre-Hiring Job

Awareness Meeting -'- Each subcontractor hired to staff

permanent job positions must appoint a Project Employment & Contracting Offcer to meet with the
head of

the Registr to discuss the same issues presented above in VI 2.A(I-vi).

3. Subcontractors ofSubcontractors--'Subcontractors of subcontractors are subject to the same

requirements for the initial subcontractor~above in Section VI 2.A.

B. Documentation ofHiringPlan--Once the Pre-Hiring Job Awareness Meeting has taen place,

the Red.pient must put together a document with goals and totals for futue permanent employment
needs. This plan should

sumarize all that was discussed in the Pre-Hiring,Awareness Meeting, list

estimates for manpower needs, set residential and minority employment goals commensurate with the Project Employment & Contracting Agreement, and show how the Recipient plans to meet these goals. An example of this plan is found in Appendix J.
c. Pre-Hiring Notification: At least ten (10) working days prior to advertising for any

employees, the Recipient or the Recipient's subcontractor shall provide the Registry with a written job description and minimum qualifications, rate of pay, hours of work and the hiring date for each position ro be filed, in qualitative and objective terns which wil1enable the Registr to refer qualified applicants to the ReCipient.
notice, which shall state the job title,

D. Advertisement: At the request of the City, or because the City does not have qualified applicants to refer to the Recipient, the Recipient will place an advertisement for the jobs in a newspaper which is regularly published in Jersey City. The Recipient must fuish the Project
Employment & Contracting Coordinator in DEO under the Deparment of Administration with a copy of this advertisement.
E. Pre-Hiring Interview: The ,Recipient,

shall interview any qUalified applicants referred to it

from the Registry, to be maintained by the City or its designee. In the event advertisement is
required, the Recipient agrees to interview any qualified persons responding to the advertisement.

F. Semi-Anual Employment Reports: The Recipient wil submit written semi-anual

provided by the City. The report wil describe the job, whether the job is held by a City resident, minority re;sident or woman resident. The report will explain il wrting the reasons why any qualified applicant referred by the Registry (or in the event advertisement is required, any qualified person responding to the advertisement) was not hired. An example ofthis report is found in Appendix K.
employment reports to the Project Employment & Contracting Monitor in the form to be

G. Record Access: The Recipient shall,provide the City with reasonable access to all files and , records including payroll and personnel inormation reasonably necessary to confirm'the accuracy
of the information set forth iti thesemI-anual reports.

to physically monitor the work site to verify the accuracy of

H. Work Place Access: The Recipient shall provide the City with reasonable access to the site the information set forth in the semi-

anual reports.
i. Other Reports, Documents: In addition to the above reports, the Recipient shall fuish such

reports or other documents that the City may request from time to time in order to implement the
puroses of this agreement.
J. Incorporation of Agreement: The Recipient shall incorporate the provisions of this
Agreement in

all contracts, agreements and purchase orders for labor with any service, maintenance,
by the Recipient whose personnel wil be

securty or management agentor Contractor engaged

assigned to the Recipient project.

3. Business Contracting
Good Faith shall mean compliance with all of

the following conditions:

1) Solicitation of


a) One month before accepting bids forgoods and services, the Recipient must forward

Business Cooperative Program for local and local minority vendors for any constrction or building operating goods, services and subcontracting opportties. An example of this letter can be found in Appendix D. .
a letter with requests for quotation or bid to Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy's b) After submission of

bids, the Recipient will document whether the bid was accepted orrejected, and state the reason why. An example ofthis documentation can be found in Appendix D2.

i) " Semi-Anual Plchasing Reports: The Recipient will submit written semianual

purchasing reports which will include a list of all contracts awarded

over a six month period and the dollar amounts of these contracts. The
reports wiH specify the number and dollar amount- of contracts awarded to Local Businesses and Minority or Women Owned Local Businesses. An
example of these reports can

be found'in Appendix L.

ii) No Utilization of Local and Local Minority Vendors As Conduits For

Vendors That Are Not Local Or Minority Owned:

The Recipient pledges not to use local and local minority vendors solely as conduits for vendors that are not local and minority owned. Any discovery by DEO under the Deparment of Administration of a Recipient, either knowingly or unowingly, using the masthead of a local or minority owned

business as a way toget credit for local or miority employnent when it should not, will
immediately subject the Recipient to the penalties listed in Section vin (d) below.
4. Summation of

Documentation Needed For Compliance with Agreement


1. Letter Designating Project Employment & Contracting Officer (Appendix A)

2. Letter designating Project employment & Contracting Officer to Recipient's Employees

(App.) AZ
3. Example fIntial Manng Report (Appendix B)
4. Letter Of Acceptace of

Initial MannE Report (Appendix C)

5. Letter From Developer Forwarding Requests for Quotation or Bid for, Minority and

Residential Vendors from Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy's Business Cooperative Program

(Appendix D)
,6. Documentation of

Bid Submission (Appendix D2)

7. Letter Expressing Project Employment & Contracting Obligations to Contractors/

Subcontractors (Appendix E) Best Efforts (Appendix F) 9. Example of MontWy Manng Report (Appendix G) 10. Example ofMontWy Certified Payroll Report (Appendix H) 11. Example ofBi-Weekly Site Visit Report (Appendix I) 12. Example of Docwnentation of Hiring Plan (Appendix J)
8. Union Statement of

13,. Example ot'Semi-Anual Employment Report (Appendix K)

14. Example of

Semi-Anual Purchasing Report (Appendix L)

VII. Notices of Violation:

1. Advisory Notice: The City will issue a wrtten Advisory Notice to the Recipient if there is non-compliance with a Good Faith requirement as defined in this agreement. The Advisory Notice shall explain in sufficient detail the basis of the alleged violation. The Recipient shall have four (4) working days to correct the violation. An example ofan Advisory Notice can be found in Appendix M.
, 2. Violation Notice: If the alleged violation set forth in the Advisory Notice has not been

~orrected to the satisfaction of the City within four (4) working days, the City shall then issue

a Violation Notice to the Recipient. The Violation Notice shall explain in suffcient detail , the basis of the alleged, continuing violation. The Recipient will have three (3) working days to correct the violation. An example of a Violation Notice can be found in Appendix N.
3. Correcting the Violation: Either or both the Advisory Notice or the Violation Notice may

be considered corrected if the Recipient satisfies the requirements of this agreement and so
advises the City in

wrting, subject to confiration by the City.

4. Extension of

Time to Correction: Either the Advisory Notice or the Violation Notice may

be held in' abeyance and the time for correction extended if the Recipient enters into satisfactory wrtten agreement with the City for corrective action which is designed to
Recipient fails to abide by the terms of such agreement the violation will be considered not corrected.
achieve compliance. If

5. Meetings Concerng Violations: The City may provide an opportty for a meeting with the Recipient, his Contractors or Subcontractors in an effort to achieve compliance; or may,

respond to Recipient's request for a meeting after the Recipient has made timely submission of a written explanation pursuant to the above. The meeting shall be requested no later than two days 'after the alleged violator has submitted the wrtten explanation.
6. Interviews Relating to Violations: The City may conduct interviews and may request

additional information from appropnate paries as is considered necessar to determne

whether the alleged violation has occured.

" 7. Determination of Violation: The City shall issue a determination of whether the Recipient

is in violation of this agreement as soon as possible but not later than thirt days after the delivery of the Violation Notice to the Recipient. If the City determines that the Recipient
is in violation, the City shall be entitled to the liquidated damages

provided below.

VIIl. Liquidated Damages/lnterest:

Whle reserving any other remedies the City may have at law or equity for a material breach of the above terms and conditions, the paries agree that damages for violations of this agreement
by the Recipient canot be calculated within any reasonable degree of mathematical certinty.

Therefore, the paries agree that. upon the occurence of a matenal breach of any of the above terms

and conditions and after notice and expiration of anypenod to correct the violation, the City wil be entitled to liquidated damages from the Recipient in the following amounts: ;
. a) failure to file Initial Manng Reports (Constrction Jobs) or Pre-Hinng Notification

, equal to a Five (5%) percent increase in the estimated

(Permanent Jobs) or Pre-80ntracting Notification (Business Contracting): an amount anual paymentin lieu of, taxes;
or submit Compliance Statement
(Business Contracting): an payment in lieu of

b) failure to conduct Pre-hiring Interviews (Construction Jobs) or Solicit Bids (3%) percent increase in the estimated anual

amount equal to Three


c) failure to allow record or work place access or submit any other required reports (all

categories): an amount equal to Two (2%) percent increase in the estimated anual

payment in lieu of taxes.

d) the use ofthe local or local minority business' masthead for labor, or work supplied
by a non local or local minority vendor: An increase in the

(5%) percent estimated anual payment in lieu of taxes. Interest shall be charged
amount equal to Five interest as calculated

on any damages at the legal rate of

by the Tax Collector.

e) the late paylent of any liquidated sum shall accrue interest at the rate of 8%.

ix. Commercial Tenants at the Project Site:

1. The Recipient shall send all tenants of commercial space within the Project Site a

letter and a TenantEmployment Services Guide in the form ~ttched as Appendix


2. The Recipient shall solicit information from tenants of comiercial space about the

composition of the work force of each tenant. The information solicited will, be submitted to the Project Employment & Contracting Monitor, which shall provide the Recipient with a questionnaire in the form attached as Appendix P.
3. The Recipient will send the results of its solicitation to the Project Employment & Contracting Monitor no later than October 31 of each year.

4. The Recipient shall send all tenants of commercial space within the Project Site a
Supplier Alert Service Registration Package 'in the

form attched as Appendix Q.

X. Notices
Any notice required

hereunder to be sent by eitlrer par to the other, shall be sent by certified

mail, retu receipt requested, addressed as follows:

1. When sent by the City to the Recipient it shall be addressed to:

Goya 75th Urban Renewal Co., LLC

c/o Goya Foods, Inc.

100 Seaview Drive

Secaucus, New Jersey 07094

Att: Carlos G.'Ortiz, Esq.

Connell Foley, L.L.P.

Harborside Financial Center 2510 Plaza Five Jersey City, NJ 07~11-4029

Att: James C. McCan, Esq.'

2. When sent by the Recipient to the City, it shall be addressed to:

'Project Employment & Contracting Monitor Deparment of Administration

Division of

Economic Opportty

1 Joural Square Plaza

2nd Floor

Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 with separate copies to the Mayor and the Business Admnistrator; uness prior to giving of such
notice, the City or the Recipient shall have notified the

other in writing.

XI. Adoption, Approval, Modification:

Ths agreement shall take effect on the date that the Economic Incentive is approved by the

Muncipal CounciL.

XII. Controllng RegulatioIls and Laws:

To the extent required by State and Federal Law and so long as the Entity discharges its Good

Faith obligations under this agreement, the City agrees and acknowledges that the Recipient and its

contractors are free to hire whomever they choose. If this agreement conflcts with any collective
bargaining agreement, the City agrees,to defer to such agreements so long as the Recipient provides
the City with a copy of the offending provision in the

collective bargaining agreement.



, Robert Byrne City Clerk


Kelly Business Administrator






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