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No of Questions: 120 Time: 120 minutes

Direction: S6: He was always very proud of being able to

In this section each item consists of six sentences help his country in this way.
of a passage. The first and sixth sentences are P: Among the people whom Pasteur was able to
given as S1 and S6. The middle four sentences in help were brewers, breeders of silk worms and
each have been jumbled up and labelled as P, Q, cow keepers, all of whom were trying to carry on
R and S. You are required to find the proper important industries.
sequence of the four sentences. Q: He worked hard in his laboratory with test
1. Find out the proper sequence of the given tubes and all kinds of experiments.
sentences. R: He was working to help people who were
S1: A hundred metres further along the trail suffering in some special way from disease.
Mahesh and Rohini stopped short. S: He not only made some exciting discoveries
S6: But now mother bear-perhaps the same about germs but he was able to use his
grizzly bear could be just over the ridge obscured discoveries in very practical ways.
by the bushes. The proper sequence should be
P: They had shouted and waved and watched (a) S Q R P (b) P Q R S
through binoculars as the mother bear reared up (c) Q R S P (d) R S Q P
and roared at them. 4. Find out the proper sequence of the given
Q: Two bear cubs were playing in the creek gully sentences.
about 20 metres to their right. S1: Everybody thinks that this is the age of
R: They had enjoyed the roaring of the mother reason.
bear as a distance of a kilo metre and half S6: Obviously we must re examine the view that
separated them. this is the age of reason.
S: The day before, they had seen a mother bear P: Reason takes a back seat at such times.
and two cubs. Q: The ordinary events of life seem to support
Which one of the following is the correct this view.
sequence? R: We must therefore avoid the development of
(a) R P S Q (b) Q S P R such situations.
(c) R S P Q (d) Q P S R S: But the behaviour of people in crises makes us
2. Find out the proper sequence of the given doubt this.
sentences. The proper sequence should be
S1: One day I went into the water off the coast of (a) R Q P S (b) S R Q P
Africa. (c) P S R Q (d) Q S R P
S6: I hurled at him the rubber fins. 5. Find out the proper sequence of the given
P: I sighted a shark at short distance from me. sentences.
Q: He launched towards me as hard and swift as S1 It follows that we should enable all individuals
a missile. to live a full, free, rich life.
R: I was floating at a shallow depth, without S6: This does not mean the regimentation of the
making a movement. individual.
S: Every muscle of my body tensed. P: We talk often of a socialistic pattern of society.
Which one of the following is the correct Q: We must help to bring up the buried treasure
sequence? in each individual without breaking any of it.
(a) P S Q R (b) S Q R P R: That is why we have universal education as a
(c) R P S Q (d) P Q S R target in our Constitution.
3. Find out the proper sequence of the given S: For this, certain minimum cultural and
sentences. economic conditions must be provided.
S1: Louis Pasteur had a very busy and interesting The proper sequence should be:
life. (a) Q S R P (b) P R S Q
(c) R Q P S (d) S Q R P 1|Page CDS ENGLISH MOCK TEST - 03

6. Find out the proper sequence of the given S1: Science has turned the world into one unit.
sentences. S6: Practically every part of the world has
S1: There is still another important characteristic friendly or hostile relationship with every other
of living things. part.
S6: And abrupt changes occur too, which are P: Now a days such pleasing illusions are
called mutations. impossible to have.
P: One generation is not a perfect copy of the Q: Since that time they have been coming closer
preceding generation. to each other.
Q: Plants and animals are not exactly like their R: Before the 16th century, America and the far
parents. East were almost unrelated to Europe.
R: That attribute is the capacity to evolve. S: Augusta in Rome and Han Emperor in China
S: There is a continual realignment of inherited simultaneously imagined themselves masters of
characteristics. the world.
The proper sequence should be: The proper sequence should be:
(a) P S Q R (b) R Q P S (a) P Q R S (b) R S Q P
(c) Q S R P (d) R S P Q (c) S R P Q (d) R Q S P
7. Find out the proper sequence of the given 10. Find out the proper sequence of the given
sentences. sentences.
S1: Jagdish was tired after the long walk through S1: In 1739, Nadir Shah, the mighty king of Iran,
the thick jungle. invaded India.
S6: Here, to his satisfaction, he found that there S6: Another trophy he took with him was the
were hardly any mosquitoes. Peacock Throne built by Shahjahan.
P: As night fell he came to a swampy place near a P: After a stay of two months, Nadir Shah went
lake, where he decided to camp. back to Iran.
Q: At last, in despair, he sprang into the Q: He defeated the Mughal army in the battle at
branches of a nearby tree and climbed to the Karmal.
top. R: He took with him immense wealth as well as
R: But the place was so full of mosquitoes that he the Koh-I-Noor diamond.
found it impossible to sleep. S: This was followed by the cruel massacre and
S: He spread a blanket on the ground and reckless plunder of Delhi.
stretched himself out on it. The proper sequence should be
The proper sequence should be (a) Q S P R (b) R Q P S
(a) P S R Q (b) P R S Q (c) P R Q S (d) S P R Q
(c) P S Q R (d) P Q R S 11. Find out the proper sequence of the given
8. Find out the proper sequence of the given sentences.
sentences. S1: There were no finger prints anywhere.
S1: The authorities decided to streamline the S6: These conclusions made the detectives think
procedure for admitting students to the new that it was a fake theft.
course. P: First of all it was impossible even for a child to
S6: The selection was made from this list in the enter through the hole in the roof.
order of priority. Q: When the investigators tried to reconstruct
P: Those who performed badly at the interview the crime, they came up against facts.
were eliminated. R: Moreover, when the detectives tried to push a
Q: The candidates were first required to take silver vase, it was found to be double the size of
written test. the hole.
R: A list of successful candidates at the written S: Again, the size of the hole was examined by
test was prepared in the ascending order of total the experts who said that nothing had been
marks. passed through it.
S: The top fifty among those who qualified were The proper sequence should be:
called for an interview. (a) PQRS (b) QPRS
The proper sequence should be (c) SQRP (d) QRSP
(a) QRSP (b) PRSQ 12. Find out the proper sequence of the given
(c) SRQP (d) RSQP sentences.
9. Find out the proper sequence of the given S1: The crowd swelled round the thief.
sentences. 2|Page CDS ENGLISH MOCK TEST - 03
S6: They were followed by the crowd which left (c) RSQP (d) RPSQ
the thief alone. 16. Find out the proper sequence of the given
P: Suddenly he whipped out a knife from under sentences.
his shirt. S1.Judo champ, Tamura doesn‘t look or act
Q: The thief stood quiet, his head hung in tough.
shame. P. At 4 feet 9, Tamura is the shortest woman in
R: The two young men holding him were the lightweight class (106 pounds).
scared by the sight of the shining knife. Q. Fans know her affectionately as Yawarachaii
S: They took to their heels. after a spunky cartoon character.
The proper sequence should be: R. She wears a lucky pink ribbon and at 20, still
(a) Q P R S (b) S Q P R grins like a care, free teen and gushes about ice-
(c) S P Q R (d) R Q S P cream.
13. Find out the proper sequence of the given S. No wonder the Japanese go wild when she
sentences. tosses opponents, many of whom tower over
S1: We have pleasure her.
P: a double room with bath S6. Tamura has become a national idol in Japan.
Q: for five days from September 4 to September The proper sequence should be:
8, (a) PQRS (b) SRPQ
R: that we have reserved (c) SRQP (d) QPRS
S: in informing you 17. Find out the proper sequence of the given
S6: both days inclusive sentences.
The proper sequence should be: S1.Mr. Ramaswamy is a very strict man.
(a) RQPS (b) SRPQ P. He earns nearly three thousand rupees month.
(c) RPSQ (d) PQSR Q. He also believes that it is foolish to waste
14. Find out the proper sequence of the given one's time or money. He is not a poor man.
sentences. S. He believes that life means work only.
S1. India's uniqueness lies in its unity in diversity. S6.But he wants his children to lead a simple life.
P. So the problems of India should, not be The proper sequence should be:
viewed in isolation. (a) PSQR (b) SQRP
Q. Because of this factor, there are problems (c) RQPS (d) SRQP
here and there at times. 18. Find out the proper sequence of the given
R. India is a multi religious, multicultural and sentences.
multilingual country. S1 Ramahi is a student of medicine.
S. But even small countries with monolithic P. The hopes of millions of cancer patients and
society have more problems. doctors rest on his research.
S6. And India is poised for success in all fields. Q: But, of late he has become a drug addict
The proper sequence should be: R: He is doing research in cancer.
(a) PSRQ (b) QSPR S: He has already done very useful work in this
(c) SRQP (d) RQSP field, and is hopeful of finding a solution to this
15. Find out the proper sequence of the given disease.
sentences. S6: This addiction has been increasing day by
S1. In China there is no man in the moon. day, and has started affecting his work.
P. They are exchanged between friends while The proper sequence should be:
children receive toy pagodas made of clay (a) QPSR (b) RSPQ
Q. These cakes are circular to symbolize the full (c) SRPQ (d) RSQP
moon. 19. Find out the proper sequence of the given
R. Instead, there is a toad in the moon as well as sentences.
moon rabbits and a goddess. S1. Paucity of funds
S. All these appear as decorations on moon cakes, P. universities cannot make
baked to celebrate the moon‘s birthday in Q. essentials like books.
September. R. sufficient expenditure on
S6. The birthday marks the end of the harvest S. ordains that the
when debts are meant to be settled. S6. journals and equipment.
The proper sequence should be: The proper sequence should be:
(a) RQPS (b) RPQS (a) Q P R S (b) S P R Q 3|Page CDS ENGLISH MOCK TEST - 03
(c) P Q R S (d) Q S R P (a) thrilling (b) enchanting
20. Find out the proper sequence of the given (c) emotional (d) incantatory
sentences. 30. Find the most similar word in meaning.
S1. Education in India had a glorious beginning. INDOLENT
P. But after the British rule, it faced many (a) Cautious (b) Lazy
changes. (c) Unintelligent (d) Stubborn
Q. It went on for centuries with the same glory. 31. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if
R. English as the medium of instruction had a very any.
great response. I had asked him (a) how he could go out (b) if
S. One of the changes was the introduction of it started raining (c) No error (d)
English as the medium of instruction. (a) I had asked him
S6. As the Britishers left we had a complexity of (b) how he could go out
opinions regarding English (c) if it started raining
The proper sequence should be: (d) No error
(a) PQRS (b) QPSR 32. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if
(c) PQSR (d) SRPQ any.
21. Find the most opposite word in meaning. Mango the most unique fruit (a) is available
He fell foul of me when I asked him to apologies in India (b)in plenty (c) No error (d)
to his teacher. (a) Mango the most unique fruit
(a) quarreled with me (b) is available in India
(b) attacked me (c) in plenty
(c) made friends with me (d) No error
(d) showed appreciation for me 33. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if
22. Find the most opposite word in meaning. any.
PROVOKE He has promised (a) to pay me the whole
(a) Attract (b) Convince amount (b) in cheque with the stipulated time
(c) Gratify (d) Pacify (c) No error (d)
23. Find the most opposite word in meaning. (a) He has promised
COLOSSAL (b) to pay me the whole amount
(a) Fragile (b) Small (c) in cheque with the stipulated time
(c) Colorful (d) Impressive (d) No error
24. Find the most opposite word in meaning. 34. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if
(a) Quick (b) Short The college library is (a) not only equipped
(c) Awkward (d) Graceful with (b) very good books but also with the
25. Find the most opposite word in meaning. latest journals (c) No error (d)
TIMID (a) The college library is
(a) bold (b) bashful (b) not only equipped with
(c) nervous (d) soft (c) very good books but also with the latest
26. Find the most similar word in meaning. Journals
WEARY (d) No error
(a) Careless (b) Shivering 35. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if
(c) Troubled (d) Weak any.
27. Find the most similar word in meaning. The dress that the (a) girl wore was (b) more
Valiant Vicky used to boast of his bravery to attractive than the other girls (c) No error (d)
his beloved wife. (a) The dress that the
(a) cry (b) abuse (b) girl wore was
(c) hate (d) brag (c) more attractive than the other girls
28. Find the most similar word in meaning. (d) No error
PROHIBIT 36. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if
(a) Forbid (b) Forfeit any.
(c) Forsake (d) Forbear He was (a) a learnt man among lords (b)
29. Find the most similar word in meaning. and a lord among learned men (c) No error (d)
He gave an evocative rendering of his recent (a) He was
poems. (b) a learnt man among lords 4|Page CDS ENGLISH MOCK TEST - 03
(c) and a lord among learned men (c) rendered homeless by a devastating
(d) No error Cyclone
37. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if d) No error
any. 44. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if
I worked (a) as medical representative (b) any.
for eight months (c)No error (d) Professor Lal teaches (a) both history as well as
(a) I worked literature (b) in each semester (c) No error (d)
(b) as medical representative (a) Professor Lal teaches
(c) for eight months (b) both history as well as literature
(d) No error (c) in each semester
38. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if (d) No error
any. 45. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if
Headmaster (a)has instructed (b) the teachers any.
to follow the rules of the school (c) No error Just outside my house (a) are a playground (b)
(d) for school boys and girls (c) No error (d)
(a) Headmaster (a) Just outside my house
(b) has instructed (b) are a playground
(c) the teachers to follow the rules of the' (c) for school boys and girls
school (d) No error
(d) No error 46. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if
39. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if any.
any. Being a very cold (a) I could not go out (b) for a
(a) Neither he (b) or his Wife (c) has arrived morning walk (c). No error (d)
(d) No Error (a) Being a very cold
(a) Neither he (b) or his Wife (b) I could not go out
(c) has arrived (d) No Error (c) for a morning walk
40. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if (d) No error
any. 47. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if
(a) problem of violence(b) help eradicate (c)the any.
only affective tool (d)No Error The old curtains were torn (a) and they flapped
(a) problem of violence (b) in the light breeze (c) No error (d)
(b) help eradicate (a) The old curtains were torn
(c) the only affective tool (b) and they flapped
(d) No Error (c) in the light breeze
41. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if (d) No error
any. 48. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if
I saw (a) two deer’s (b) in the woods (c) any.
No error (d) We received (a) much help (b) from the
(a) I saw (b) twodeer’s neighbours. (c) No error (d)
(c) in the woods (d) No error (a) We received (b) much help
42. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if (c) from the Neighbors(d) No error
any. 49. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if
Three-fourths of the men (a) has gone (b) to any.
war (c) No error (d) The people gathered (a) at the funeral (b) to
(a) Three-fourths of the men pay respect (c) No error (d)
(b) has gone (a) The people gathered
(c) to war (b) at the funeral
(d) No error (c) to pay respect
43. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if (d) No error
any. 50. Find the grammatical error in the sentence if
He couldn’t t but help (a) shed tears at the any.
plight of the villagers (b) rendered homeless What delicious (a) flavor these mangoes (b)
by a devastating cyclone(c) No error (d) have (c) No error (d)
(a) He couldn‘t but help (a) What delicious (b) flavor these mangoes
(b) shed tears at the plight of the villagers (c) have (d) No error 5|Page CDS ENGLISH MOCK TEST - 03
(c) QSPR (d) PQSR
58. At the end of the morning exercise, the soldiers
51. Keeping (P) to get ready to leave (Q) were asked (R) for
P: farmers to smoke their fields during an unknown destination (S)The correct
Q: in view the prevailing weather conditions sequence should be
R: agricultural experts have advised (a) P Q R S (b) R S P Q
S: the night to protect vegetables from cold (c) S R Q P (d) P R Q S
Which one of the following is the correct 59. From my plane flying over Namibia
sequence? P: stretching 320 kilometers away
(a) S - R - P – Q (b) Q - P - R – S Q: a shore of pink and silver sand
(c) S - P - R – Q (d) Q - R - P – S R:I looked down at a haunting sight
52. As things stand, S: edged by a line of smoking surf
P:but a majority still does not have access To Which one of the following is the correct
English sequence?
Q:linguistic edge they are equipped with (a) PSRQ (b) RQSP
R: after globally because of the (c) SRQP (d) RSQP
S: Indian professionals are much sought 60. The bigoted
Which one of the following is the correct P: reality that additional hands also mean
sequence? additional mouths to feed, clothe and house
(a) R - S - P – Q (b) S - R - Q – P Q: in order to augment their incomes, plead for
(c) R - S - Q – P (d) S - R - P – Q more children, ignoring the resultant
53. Although R: not only to the national interests but also to
P: of non-owner managers came to be widely those families which
appreciated S: belief – the more, the merrier – has done
Q: political freedom from the British masters immense harm.
R: came to us in 1947 it was not until Which one of the following is the correct
S: well into the following decade that the role sequence?
Which one of the following is the correct (a) S - Q - R – P (b) P - R - Q – S
sequence? (c) S - R - Q – P (d) P - Q - R – S
(a) S-P-Q-R (b) Q-R-S-P 61. Improve the bold part in the sentence
(c) S-R-Q-P (d) Q-P-S-R if required.
54. It is a pity that (P) by offering a handsome We did not see this movie yet.
dowry (Q) a number of parents think that (R) (a) never seen (b) have not seen
they will be able to ensure the happiness of (c) never have seen
their daughters (S) (d) No improvement
(a) S-Q-R-P (b) P-R-S-Q 62. Improve the bold part in the sentence if
(c) P-S-R-Q (d) P-R-Q-S required.
55. The people decided they were going (P) how I met him in the way.
much (Q) to spend (R) on the construction (a) on the way
of the school building (S) (b) at the way
The correct sequence should be (c) during the way
(a) Q-P-R-S (b) P-Q-R-S (d) No improvement
(c) P-R-Q-S (d) S-Q-P-R 63. Improve the bold part in the sentence if
56. We want every country (P) or a foreign policy required.
(Q) to have a population policy (R) as it has One of her friends had just got down from the
an economic policy(S) bus.
Which one of the following is the correct (a) alighted from
sequence? (b) arrived in
(a) PQRS (b) QRSP (c) landed from
(c) PRSQ (d) RQPS (d) No improvement
57. a pressure cooker (P) fits tightly on the top (Q) 64. Improve the bold part in the sentence if
consists of a very strong vessel (R)made of an required.
aluminum alloy with a lid that (S) The report highlights a number of instance
The correct sequence should be of injustice.
(a) highlight a number of instances of injustice 72. Improve the bold part in the sentence if
(b) highlights a numbers of instances of required.
injustice He did not give me some books.
(c) highlights a number of instances of (a) more (b) any
injustice (c) much (d) No improvement
(d) No improvement 73. Improve the bold part in the sentence if
65. Improve the bold part in the sentence if required.
required. The second pigeon flew just as the first pigeon
Having completion of the course, the students had flown.
left college. (a) No Improvement
(a) On completion of (b) one had done
(b) In order to complete (c) one had flown away
(c) Down the completion (d) had done
(d) No improvement 74. Improve the bold part in the sentence if
66. Improve the bold part in the sentence if required.
required. The glass figurine that was being shown in the
Because that there were heavy rains the lake store window appealed to me.
was flooded. (a) No improvement
(a) Because of the (b) that was on display
(b) As there were (c) that was exhibited
(c) Since there was (d) that was advertised
(d) No improvement 75. Improve the bold part in the sentence if
67. Improve the bold part in the sentence if required.
required. We have been retracing our steps to the log
The most important part in life is to be cabin ten minutes ago.
humble. (a) will be retracing
(a) appearance (b) have to retrace
(b) No Improvement (c) had to retrace
(c) aspect (d) No Improvement
(d) entity 76. Improve the bold part in the sentence if
68. Improve the bold part in the sentence if required.
required. He is known by others.
Granting that he has a very great Influence, (a) for (b) among
he cannot injure us. (c) to (d) No improvement
(a) Having great influence 77. Improve the bold part in the sentence if
(b) He may have great influence so required.
(c) Because of his great influence I can’t allow to make jokes in the class.
(d) No Improvement (a) cut (b) crack
69. Improve the bold part in the sentence if (c) break (d) No improvement
required . 78. Improve the bold part in the sentence if
I can’t think of anybody whom to invite. required.
(a) anybody whom I should Invite I want to admit in a university in the US.
(b) anybody to invite (a) go (b) enter
(c) anybody who should be invited (c) enroll (d) No improvement
(d) No Improvement 79. Improve the bold part in the sentence if
70. Improve the bold part in the sentence if required.
required. What does agonise me most is not this
The office is soon to be closed. criticism, but the trivial reason behind it.
(a) just to (b) about to (a) No Improvement
(c) immediately to (d) No improvement (b) most agonizing me
71. Improve the bold part in the sentence if (c) agonises me most
required. (d) most agonised me
The train is running late time. 80. Improve the bold part in the sentence if
(a) after (b) behind required.
(c) off (d) No improvement Hundreds of children are deaf born every 7|Page CDS ENGLISH MOCK TEST - 03
year. (a) rushed her children to the hospital.
(a) deaf are born every (b) mixed an ineffective poison in the food.
(b) every born are deaf (c) was able to save three out of four children.
(c) are born deaf every (d) was deserted by her husband.
(d) No improvement 84. The writer argues that punishments for people
DIRECTIONS: You have one brief passage with like the woman in the second case are not
live questions. Read the passage carefully and necessary because they
choose the best answer to each question (a) don’t commit crimes frequently.
out of the four alternatives. (b) are less dangerous than other criminals.
The Law is an ass declared Mr. Bumble in Oliver (c) represent poor society.
Twist" and it often seems he was right. For (d) should not be clubbed with other criminals.
punishment does not always fit the crime and it 85. The main difference between the two cases is
rarely happens that a prison term reforms a (a) the first is about a man and the other is
criminal. Consider the following two cases. The about a woman.
first one had happened in a village in Madurai (b) the woman regrets what she has done but
District. One Gopal Yadav a hard-core criminal not the man.
undergoing life sentence in the Madurai (c) the man is a lifer but the woman is not.
Prison came out on bail for two days to perform (d) the man and the woman belong to different
the last rites of his mother. But he was rearrested communities
on the same evening on the charges of DIRECTIONS: You have one brief passage with
murdering his neighbour’s son to settle old live questions. Read the passage carefully and
scores. The second case too came to Madurai choose the best answer to each question out
Court recently. Deserted by her husband a of the four alternatives.
drunkard his grief-stricken wife mixed rat poison The United Nations Fourth World Women’s On
in the food and gave it to her four children aged ferrous had a colorful start at Beijing on
between and 9 years. Before she could swallow September 4th. This is the century’s most crucial
the same food she was unable to bear the conference which aimed at changing the status
pitiable sight of her children writhing in pain. She quo of women’s lives characterized by
rushed them to hospital here she disclosed inequality. In a preliminary session Ms. Aunt
everything. She was able to save the lives of the Sue Kyi the Nobel Peace Prize winner said
first three children but the law of the country that expanding women’s power will bring
awarded her two years imprisonment (later greater peace and tolerance to the world. It is
commuted to one year) on the charges of not the prerogative of men alone to bring light
plotting to ill her children. Would you say women to this world women with their capacity for
like her are a anger to the society ? Would you compassion and self- sacrifice with their
call them criminals ? It is high time that we found courage and perseverance have done much to
other ways of registering our disapproval of dissipate the darkness of intolerance and
wrong doing. To imprison the bad is expedient - hate" said Ms. Suu Kyi. In the afternoon session
when they are dangerous. To imprison the mad Ms. Ayako Yamaguchi a Japanese delegate
and the merely sad as we do is not only launched a petition against beauty
unnecessary it is uncivilized. pageants.―What right do men have to evaluate
81 The writer says The Law is an ass because women in a few minutes? All women are
(a) it is as patient as an ass. beautiful. Beauty is something different for
(b) it does not punish the criminals severely. everyone. Ms. Ayako Yamaguchi said, “Beauty
(c) punishments do not help to reform contests are used as trade and exploitation”.
criminals. The training is very vigorous but it is the
(d) criminals can escape punishment organisers not the women who get the full
82. Gopal Yadav came out on bail benefit" said Ms. Ranjana Bhargava. "After the
(a) in order to murder his enemy. competition the women become trapped
(b) to cremate his mother. and the abuse and the bad things begin. The
(c) so that he could be rearrested. women are tainted no one else will accept
(d) to see his four children under- going them".
treatment in the hospital. 86. The Women’s World Conference was very
83. The mother in the second case cannot be called important because
a criminal because she 8|Page CDS ENGLISH MOCK TEST - 03
(a) Ms. Aung Suu Kyi has just been awarded the compassion cooperation among people and
prestigious Nobel Peace Prize. harmony between the human species and the
(b) Ms. Aung Suu Kyi was taking part in the rest of nature. Acquisitiveness and the pursuit
Conference. of power have made the modern man an
(c) its main purpose was to change in equalities aggressor against everything that is non human
between men and women. an exploiter and oppressor of those who are
(d) it was to protest against beauty contests. poor meek and unorganized a pathological type
which hates and distrusts the world and suffers
87. Which of the following arguments of Ms. Aung from both acute loneliness and false pride.
Suu Kyi is not true ? 91 The author appears to be advocating which of
(a) Women also can bring greater peace to the the following approaches to be adopted by
wold. society.
(b) Men cannot claim they have done more for (a) Capitalistic (b) Communists
peace. (c) Humanistic (d) Authoritarian
(c) Women have the capacity for compassion 92. Which of the following best describes the
and sacrifice. behavior of modern man?
(d) Men have done nothing to dissipate (a) Imaginative and sympathetic.
ignorance. (b) Cruel and greedy.
88. The main emphasis in Ms. Ayako Yamaguchi’s (c) Conscientious and co-operative.
argument is (d) Percepting and creative.
(a) men have no right to judge women. 93. According to the passage why has modern man
(b) men should be given more time to turned out as an enemy of everything that is
evaluate women. non human?
(c) all women are beautiful in a way. (a) He has been dominated by drives of
(d) beauty contests are not necessary. acquisitiveness and power.
89. ―Beauty is something different for everyone. (b) He consciously practises spirit of
This statement means cooperation.
(a) beauty is certainly different from ugliness. (c) Non-humans have refused co-operation to
(b) beautiful women do not mingle with other human beings.
Women. (d) He hates and distrusts other human beings.
(c) beauty cannot be defined adequately 94. Which of the following statements is not true in
(d) each woman is beautiful. context of the given passage ?
90. Colourful start‖ in the first sentence refers to (a) Power and possession go hand in hand.
(a) participants who were all beautiful. (b) The modern man is not individualist.
(b) a lot of excitement and cheerfulness in the (c) There is a need for a new renaissance.
conference hall. (d) Poor and weak people are oppressed by
(c) absence of black coloured girls. the modern man.
(d) flags of various colours outside the 95. Which of the following is one of the
conference hall. requirements bringing out the best is man ?
Power and possession have been central – (c) Power. (d) Understanding.
pursuits of modern civilisation for a longtime. DIRECTIONS: You have one brief passage with
They blocked out or distorted other features of live questions. Read the passage carefully and
the western renaissance (revival) which choose the best answer to each question out
promised so much for humanity. What people of the four alternatives.
have been and are still being taught to prize are A farmer accompanied by his young son was
money success control over the lives of others driving his ass to the market in the hope of
acquisition of more and more objects. Modern selling the ass for a good price. On the road they
social political and economic systems whether met a bevy of girls who laughed and exclaimed
capitalist fascist or communist reject in their ―See this pair of fools? They are trudging along
working the basic principle that the free and the dusty road when they can be riding. The
creative enfoldment of every man woman and man thought that there was sense in what they
child is the true measure of the worth of any were saying. So he mounted his son on the ass
society. Such enfoldment requires and he walked at the side. Presently they met
understanding and imagination integrity and some of his old friends who greeted him and 9|Page CDS ENGLISH MOCK TEST - 03
said ―You will spoil your son by letting him market.
ride while you toil along on foot! Make him walk. (b) the ass was very tired.
It be good for him." The farmer followed their (c) the donkey wanted to be carried.
advice and took his son s place on the back of the (d) they felt sorry for the ass.
ass while the boy trudged along behind. They 101. The word Vexed means
would not have gone far they were seen by
women and children. The farmer heard them say (a) pleased. (b) sad.
―What a selfish old man He rides in comfort (c) annoyed. (d) pestered.
but lets his poor little allow walk the distance." 102. The word trudged means
So he asked his son to get up behind him. (a) walk casually. (b) walk with effort
Further along the road they met some travellers. (c) walk stylishly (d) walk briskly.
They asked the farmer whether the ass was 103. On seeing the boy walk beside the ass the
his property or was it hired for the purpose The women and children
farmer told them that he was taking his ass to (a) praised the boy for his compassion towards
the market to sell it. The travellers said ―Good his father.
Heavens I With the load like this the poor beast (b) called the farmer a selfish man.
will look exhausted and no one would like to (c) found fault with the farmer for ill-treating
purchase him. Why don t you carry him." the ass.
Immediately the farmer got off the ass tied its (d) asked the farmer to take their children to
legs with the rope and slung him on a pole the market.
and carried him in between them This was such 104. The lesson learnt by the farmer was
an absurd sight that people laughed at it. (a) do not carry an ass when it can walk.
They called the farmer and his son lunatics They (b) do not overload the ass.
had then reached a bridge over a river. (c) in trying to please all you please none.
Frightened by the noise around the ass struggled (d) it is foolish to please the ass.
kicked broke the pole fell into the river and 105. On seeing the farmer and his son walking along
died. The farmer returned home vexed and with the ass the girls
ashamed. In trying to please all he in fact had (a) called the farmer and his son fools for not
pleased none and he had lost the ass in the riding the ass. .
transaction. (b) wondered at the dutiful father and son.
96. The ass kicked because (c) asked the farmer to take them also to the
(a) it wanted to be let off. market.
(b) it was frightened by some noise. (d) sympathized with the beast of burden
(c) it wanted to stretch its legs. DIRECTIONS : You have one brief passage with
(d) it had the habit of kicking. live questions. Read the passage carefully and
97. The farmer was taking the ass to the market to choose the best answer to each question out
(a) buy food for the family. of the four alternatives.
(b) can the farmer to the market. A recent investigation by scientists at the USA
(c) sell the ass at the market. Geological Survey shows that strange animal
(d) buy food for the ass. behaviour might help predict future earthquakes.
98. The farmer made his son mount the ass Because Investigators found such occurrences in a ten
(a) the son could not walk the distance. kilometer radius of the epicenter of a fairly
(b) the son was adamant about riding the ass. recent quake. Some birds screeched and flew
(c) a group of girls laughed at the farmer folly. about wildly dogs yelped and ran uncontrollably.
(d) the road was dusty. Scientists believe that animals can perceive
99. The farmer dismounted his son from the ass these environmental changes as early as several
because days before the mishap. In 1976 after observing
(a) the son found it difficult to ride the ass. the animal behaviour the Chinese were able to
(b) the son complained that the ride was not predict a devastating quake. Although hundreds
comfortable. of thousands of people were killed the
(c) some old friends advised him to do so. government was able to evacuate millions of
(d) he was too tired to walk the distance. other and thus keep the death toll at a lower
100. The travelers asked the farmer to can the ass level.
because 106 If scientists can accurately predict earthquakes
(a) the exhausted ass will have takers in the there will be 10 | P a g e CDS ENGLISH MOCK TEST - 03
(a) fewer animals going crazy. end of it indulging in my favourite pastime
(b) a lower death rate. and taking short holiday.
(c) fewer people evacuated. 111. Why do our achievements fail to correlate with
(d) fewer environmental changes. our potential?
107. What prediction may be made by observing (a) Because of lack of intelligence.
animal behaviour? (b) Because of lack of discipline.
(a) An impending earthquake – (c) Because of lack of external help.
(b) The number of people who will die (d) Because of lack of self-discipline.
(c) The ten kilometre radius of epicenter 112. How does one’s self-confidence develop?
(d) Ecological conditions (a) By taking risks.
108. How can animals perceive these changes when (b) By always meeting with success.
human beings cannot ? (c) By being cautious.
(a) Animals are Smarter than human beings. (d) By being garrulous.
(b) Animals have certain instincts that human 113. What does every chance in our life teach us?
beings don t possess. (a) It helps us to become philosophical
(c) By running round the house they can feel (b) It helps us to become idealistic.
the vibrations. (c) It helps us to learn
(d) Human beings don’t know where to look. (d) It shows us our limitation.
109. Which of the following is not true? 114. How does the author reward him after his
(a) Some animals may be able to sense an success?
approaching earthquake. (a) By taking a short holiday.
(b) By observing animal behaviour scientists (b) By doing more work.
perhaps can predict earthquakes. (c) By visiting friends.
(c) The Chinese failed to predict the (d) By thanking God.
earthquake. 115. What does the author try to convey?
(d) All birds and dogs in a ten kilometre range (a) One has to be complacent about his present
went wild before the quake. self.
110. In this passage the Word evacuate means (b) One has to work hard and learn at least
(a) remove (b) exile. from failures.
(c) destroy. (d) expel. (c) Only inborn genius brings success in life.
DIRECTIONS : You have one brief passage with (d) One has to believe in luck
live questions. Read the passage carefully and 116. Fill the blank with an appropriate word. The
choose the best answer to each question out Information arid Communication Technology
of the four alternatives. has________ age and employs very highly paid
All of us have enormous capabilities. In many of technocrats
us however our achievements fail to correlate (a) come upon (b) come out of
with our potential because of lack of self- (c) come through (d) come of
discipline-the effort needed to channel our 117. Fill the blank with an appropriate word.
energy for productive uses. To maximize your Slow and steady ________ the race
effectiveness you must "learn to put your nose to (a) is winning (b) wins
the grindstone work against boredom and learn (c) will win (d) win
to take the long hard way in life rather than the 118. Fill the blank with an appropriate word.
short easy way‖. Here are a few suggestions None of the guests ate much at the party
that focus on "How to do what you want to because the food looked ________
do." Take risks. It is important to realize that (a) unapproachable (b) unauthorized
nothing in life is achieved unless you risk (c) unceremonious (d) unappetizing
something. That show self-confidence develops. 119. Fill the blank with an appropriate word.
Every chance you take offers you valuable spin India was a prosperous country ________
offs in terms of learning. Earn a reward. the reign of King Ashoka
Sometime back I had to face the rather (a) between (b) from
unenviable task of preparing for two (c) while (d) during
examinations simultaneously. I had to be 120. Fill the blank with an appropriate word.
ruthless in driving myself from one goal to The archer missed the ________ by an inch
another. Hard nosed attitude saw me sail (a) score (b) point
through the courses. I rewarded myself at the (c) blow (d) aim 11 | P a g e CDS ENGLISH MOCK TEST - 03

Answer key
Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer
1 b 31 a 61 b 91 c
2 c 32 a 62 a 92 b
3 d 33 c 63 a 93 c
4 d 34 b 64 c 94 d
5 d 35 c 65 a 95 d
6 c 36 b 66 a 96 b
7 a 37 a 67 c 97 c
8 a 38 a 68 d 98 c
9 b 39 b 69 c 99 c
10 a 40 d 70 a 100 a
11 b 41 b 71 b 101 c
12 a 42 b 72 b 102 b
13 b 43 a 73 d 103 b
14 b 44 d 74 b 104 c
15 c 45 b 75 c 105 a
16 b 46 c 76 c 106 b
17 b 47 d 77 d 107 a
18 b 48 b 78 c 108 b
19 b 49 b 79 c 109 c
20 b 50 b 80 c 110 a
21 c 51 d 81 c 111 d
22 d 52 b 82 b 112 a
23 b 53 b 83 a 113 c
24 d 54 b 84 b 114 a
25 a 55 a 85 b 115 b
26 d 56 c 86 c 116 d
27 d 57 a 87 d 117 b
28 a 58 d 88 a 118 d
29 b 59 b 89 c 119 d
30 b 60 c 90 b 120 d 12 | P a g e CDS ENGLISH MOCK TEST - 03

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