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Ava Lanagan

Mr. Cruz


1 December 2023

My film is about a boy and a girl who are in love and sit at the bus-stop everyday. It’s

about the connection between two people who are in love. The characters are two

couples, focusing on one couple, specifically the boy is the main character. The film

starts out as something that you would watch of your grandparents from when they

were young. It makes you want to experience the feeling for yourself. She is wearing

yellow or has a yellow hair clip. The boy holds a yellow balloon. I chose the color yellow

because that’s usually the color people associate with happiness. It’s clear that my two

characters are solely happy being in the presence of eachother. They’re sharing

earbuds. Sharing music has always been special to me and means a lot when two

people both hear the same song isolated from anyone else. The location of the bus stop

was chosen by me because of the fact that there’s no way to tell where they’re going, or

where they’ll end up. The characters don’t know either. It doesn’t matter where they

end up because they’re together and thats what matters to them. Then I want to display

normal moments they have together. Walking and holding hands, sharing food,

shopping together. To other people passing them, it’s just two people together doing

normal things. From my characters point of views, they cherish these small moments

together because it reminds them of what their future will look like. The city is bustling
at each bus stop and street light. It sort of seems like the whole world is moving around

them while they’re paused together.

Then it shows another day and this time it’s only him there sitting alone at the bus

stop. I want the shot to be setup exactly as it was, minus the fact that he’s alone. This

obvious change in the shots will leave the viewers confused nd instantly start thinking

about what might’ve hapened since it was such a sudden change. I decided on this

because there’s been a lot of changes in my life that seemed as sudden/abrupt as that.

He will be holding the yellow balloon still while sitting at the bus top. This shows that

he’s inn denial of whatever happened because he’s still holding onto the happiness even

though she isn’t present. Next, he will look down on his phone and it will be the

obiturary of the girl with a smiling picture. Glancing down at it, the boy gets upset,

walks to the curb and lets go of the balloon. The darkness is going to be covering him in

this part to emphasize him being nothing without her. The yellow baloon will be seen

floating up into the sky. I want this to recognize that no matter how happy someone is,

how perfect everything can seem, life has it’s own ways of determining what will

happen. Something getting taken away from him that was so special then causes him to

change, and now everywhere he looks he thinks of her. He feels lost and empty without

her so he finds himself the place they used to go, shown at the beginning when they

were holding hands and shopping to then, hoping she’ll somehow be there one more

time. Denial and dependency are common emotions felt by people and I hope to mke

these emotions come to life.

He walks by the bus stop across the street and sees a new couple sitting the same way

he used to with his girlfriend, the boy holding a yellow balloon. He walks away and

doesn’t look back with the new couple in the distance. There is no clear resolution that I

want to display from this, I think it’ll show just a moment in time of someone’s life, and

that it didn’t last forever. The climax happens when you realize that he’s sitting there

alone because the girl passed away. I think that the yellow will stand out nicely in

contrast to the mostly at night shot film. I also think the message shows that there isn’t

always a happy ending. Or every story doesn’t need to display a clear beginning, middle

and end. We leave the boy with him walking away in a direction he’s not seen going in

during any other point of the film. This could symbolize new beginnings or maybe an

old forgotten place. The point of this film is interpretation and the idea that life is what

you make of it while you can. There definitely could be an epilogue or a sequel to this

film. But, I think that would greatly take away from the beauty of not knowing how or

why. You don’t know how or why the characters met, why she dies, or where they take

the bus to. This amount of imagination and interpretation is what makes me excited to

create this film.

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