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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 7th Edition Noe Solutions Manual

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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 7th Edition Noe Solutions Manual

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 7e Instructor’s Manual

Chapter 2 – Trends in Human Resource Management

This chapter continues to provide the foundation for the textbook, as it now explores the
environment in which HRM operates. Trends in the labor force are discussed as well as the
internal labor force (an organization’s workers) and the external labor market (individuals who
are actively seeking employment).

The chapter also discusses high-performance work systems and the benefits of empowering
employees. Lastly, the chapter will present the change in the employment relationship, where
organizations expect employees to take more responsibility for their own careers while
employees, in turn, seek flexible work schedules, comfortable working conditions, control over
how they accomplish their work, training and development opportunities, and financial
incentives based on corporate performance.

Students may benefit from a general discussion concerning (LO2-1). Within this discussion, the
instructor may then introduce (LO2-4; LO2-5; LO2-6) as each of these may be connected to the
trends within the work force. Further, students may be asked to reflect on their own career
aspirations and workplace desires to then discuss (LO2-3; LO2-7). Then, instructors may
introduce and explain (LO2-2) as how HRM can help organizations meet these strategic
imperatives, while also discussing (LO2-8).

Learning Objectives
LO 2-1: Describe trends in the labor force composition and how they affect human resource

LO 2-2: Summarize areas in which human resource management can support the goal of
creating a high-performance work system.

LO 2-3: Define employee empowerment, and explain its role in the modern organization.

LO 2-4: Identify ways HR professionals can support organizational strategies for growth,
quality, and efficiency.

LO 2-5: Summarize ways in which human resource management can support organizations
expanding internationally.

LO 2-6: Discuss how technological developments are affecting human resource management.

LO 2-7: Explain how the nature of the employment relationship is changing.

LO 2-8: Discuss how the need for flexibility affects human resource management.

Copyright © 2018 by McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or
distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.

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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 7e Instructor’s Manual

Society for Human Resource Management Body of Competency &

This chapter contains content, which may be identified within the following content areas:
• Talent Acquisition & Retention
• Learning & Development
• Total Rewards
• Structure of HR Function
• Business & HR Strategy
• Organizational Effectiveness & Development
• Workforce Management
• Risk Management

Human Resource Certification Institute’s A Guide to the HR Body of

This chapter contains content, which may be identified within the following content areas:
• Business Management & Strategy
• Workforce Planning and Employment
• Human Resource Development
• Compensation and Benefits
• Employee and Labor Relations

Vignettes and Guidance to Discussion Questions

HRM Social
Glassdoor Opens the Way to Better Communication
Question Guidance

1. Students should identify how informed workers have better bargaining power; knowing a
company’s reputation, for instance, may lead someone not to work for Purina. The
knowledge sharing, however, gives Purina the opportunity to mitigate or rectify any
issues they find discussed.

2. Discussion should identify all aspects of working conditions, including pay and benefits.

HR Oops!
Out-of-Focus HRM
Question Guidance

1. Students may identify aspects of performance, retention, and motivation—all impacting

the business’s bottom line.

Copyright © 2018 by McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or
distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 7e Instructor’s Manual

2. Students may identify many steps, but each step should reflect aligning HRM with the
strategy, while measuring HRM results.

Best Practices
Outsourcing Sweetens Bottom Line for Land O’Lakes
Question Guidance

1. Discussion should focus on how outsourcing nonessential functions reduces costs and
improves those outcomes, while allowing the organization to put resources toward
strategically necessary functions.

2. Student discussion should emphasize communication and transparency.

HR How To
HR Services Go Mobile
Question Guidance

1. Responses will vary, but may discuss the ability for employees to access such
information immediately and easily. This may impact retention, morale, and productivity
because employees become more engaged in their own career management.

2. Students should identify the need to allocate resources to develop such apps internally,
which could be more costly when compared to outsourcing and having an expert develop
the necessary software.

Did You Know?

Half of U.S. Employees Interested in Changing Jobs
Question Guidance

1. Responses will vary, but may balance the challenge of losing internal talent with the
opportunity to gain external talent. Further, it may provide employers the opportunity to
retain employees if they are offered better opportunities when compared with
competitors’ offers.

Thinking Ethically
How Should Employers Protect Their Data on Employees’ Devices?
Question Guidance

1. Discussion should consider employees’ privacy as well as the expectation of


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distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.
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the azure cupola of heaven, to attest by their living beauty, or their
ruined grandeur, the genius and liberality which gave them birth. To
the cultivation and patronage of such noble arts, the vanity, the
hopes, and the holiest affections of man stand irrevocably pledged;
and we should deplore any invention or discovery, or any tide in the
nation’s taste, which should paralyse the artist’s pencil, or break the
sculptor’s chisel, or divert into new channels the genius which wields
them. But instead of superseding the arts of design, photography will
but supply them with new materials,—with collections of costume,—
with studies of drapery and of forms, and with scenes in life, and
facts in nature, which, if they possess at all, they possess
imperfectly, and without which art must be stationary, if she does not
languish and decline.
Sentiments analogous to these have been more professionally
expressed by M. Delaroche, a distinguished French artist,—by Sir
Charles Eastlake, whose taste and knowledge of art is unrivalled,—
and by Mr. Ruskin, who has already given laws to art, and whose
genius is destined to elevate and to reform it. M. Delaroche
considers photography “as carrying to such perfection certain of the
essential principles of art, that they must become subjects of study
and observation, even to the most accomplished artist.”... “The finish
of inconceivable minuteness,” he says, “disturbs in no respect the
repose of the masses, nor impairs in any way the general effect....
The correctness of the lines, the precision of the forms in the designs
of M. Daguerre, are as perfect as it is possible they can be, and yet,
at the same time, we discover in them a broad and energetic
manner, and a whole equally rich in hue and in effect. The painter
will obtain by this process a quick method of making collections of
studies, which he could not otherwise procure without much time and
labour, and in a style very far inferior, whatever might be his talents
in other respects.” In the same spirit, Mr. Ruskin[58] considers “the
art of photography as enabling us to obtain as many memoranda of
the facts of nature as we need;” and long before Mr. Talbot taught us
to fix upon paper the pictures of the camera obscura, the Rev. John
Thomson, one of the most distinguished of our Scottish landscape
painters, studied, in one of these instruments, the forms and colours
of the scenes which he was to represent. Other artists, both in
portrait and in landscape, now avail themselves of photography, both
as an auxiliary and a guide in their profession; but there are certain
difficulties and imperfections in the art itself, and so many
precautions required in its right application, whether we use its
pictures single, as representations on a plane, or take them
binocularly, to be raised into relief by the stereoscope, that we must
draw from the principles of optics the only rules which can be of real
services to the arts of design.
In painting a landscape, a building, a figure, or a group of figures,
the object of the artist is to represent it on his canvas just as he sees
it, having previously selected the best point of view, and marked for
omission or improvement what is not beautiful, or what would
interfere with the effect of his picture as a work of high art. His first
step, therefore, is to fix upon the size of his canvas, or the distance
at which the picture is to be seen, which determines its size. His own
eye is a camera obscura, and the relation between the picture or
image on its retina is such, that if we could view it from the centre of
curvature of the retina, (the centre of visible direction,) a distance of
half an inch, it would have precisely the same apparent magnitude
as the object of which it is the image. Let us now suppose that the
artist wishes to avail himself of the picture in the camera obscura as
received either on paper or ground-glass, or of a photograph of the
scene he is to paint. He must make use of a camera whose focal
length is equal to the distance at which his picture is to be seen, and
when the picture thus taken is viewed at this distance (suppose two
feet) it will, as a whole, and in all its parts, have the same apparent
magnitude as the original object. This will be understood from Fig.
47, in which we may suppose h to be the lens of the camera, rb the
object, and hy′ the distance at which it is to be viewed. The size of
the picture taken with a lens at h, whose focal length is hy′, will be
b′r′, and an eye placed at h will see the picture b′r′ under an angle
b′hr′, equal to the angle rhb, under which the real object rb was
seen by the artist from h. In like manner, a larger picture, byr, taken
by a camera the focal distance of whose lens at h is hy, will be an
accurate representation of the object rb, when viewed from h, and of
the same apparent magnitude. If either of these pictures, b′r′ or br,
are viewed from greater or less distances than hy′, or hy, they will
not be correct representations of the object rb, either in apparent
magnitude or form. That they will be of a different apparent
magnitude, greater when viewed at less distances than hy′, hy, and
less when viewed at greater distances, is too obvious to require any
illustration. That they will differ in form, or in the relative apparent
size of their parts, has, so far as I know, not been conjectured. In
order to shew this, let us suppose a man six feet high to occupy the
foreground, and another of the same size to be placed in the middle
distance, the distance of the two from the artist being ten and twenty
feet. The apparent magnitudes of these two men on the photograph
will be as two to one; and if we look at it at any distance greater or
less than the focal length hy′ of the lens, the same proportion of two
to one will be preserved, whereas if we look at the original figures at
a greater or less distance from them than the place of the artist, the
ratio of their apparent magnitudes will be altered. If the artist, for
example, advances five feet, the nearest man will be five feet distant
and the other fifteen feet, so that their apparent magnitude will now
be as three to one.

Fig. 47.
The same observations apply to a portrait of the human face. In
looking at a human profile let us suppose the breadth of the nose to
be one inch, that of the ear one inch, and that we view this profile at
the distance of three feet from the ear, which is two inches nearer
the observer than the nose. The apparent magnitude of the ear and
nose will be as thirty-eight to thirty-six inches, whereas if we view the
profile from the distance of one foot the ratio will be as fourteen to
twelve, that is, the ear will be increased in apparent size more than
the nose. Hence it follows that all pictures should be viewed under
the same angle of apparent magnitude under which they were seen
by the artist as taken photographically, for if we view them at a
greater or less angle than this we do not see the same picture as
when we looked at the original landscape or portrait, under the same
angle of apparent magnitude.
From the observations made in the preceding Chapter on
photographic and stereoscopic portraiture, the reader must have
already drawn the inference that the same landscape or building,
seen at different distances, varies essentially in its character,—
beauties disclosing themselves and defects disappearing as we
approach or recede from them. The picture in the camera, therefore,
as used by Mr. Thomson, or, what is still better, with the exception of
colour, the photograph obtained by the same instrument, will supply
the artist with all the general materials for his picture. The
photograph will differ considerably from any sketch which the artist
may have himself made, owing to certain optical illusions to which
his eye is subject. The hills and other vertical lines in the distance
will be lower in the photograph than in his sketch.[59] The vertical
lines of buildings will converge upwards in the photograph, as they
ought to do, in receding from the eye; and in the same picture there
will be a confusion, as we shall afterwards shew, in the delineation of
near and minute objects in the foreground, increasing with the size of
the lens which he has employed.
In his admirable chapter “On Finish,” Mr. Ruskin has established,
beyond a doubt, the most important principle in the art of painting.
“The finishing of nature,” he states, “consists not in the smoothing of
surface, but the filling of space, and the multiplication of life and
thought;” and hence he draws the conclusion, that “finishing means,
in art, simply telling more truth.” Titian, Tintoret, Bellini, and Veronese
have, as he has shewn, wrought upon this principle, delineating vein
by vein in the leaf of the vine, petal by petal in the borage-blossoms,
the very snail-shells on the ground, the stripe of black bark in the
birch-tree, and the clusters of the ivy-leaved toad-flax in the rents of
their walls; and we have seen that a modern artist, Delaroche,
considers a finish of inconceivable minuteness as neither disturbing
the repose of the masses, nor interfering with the general effect in a
The Pre-Raphaelites, therefore, may appeal to high authority for
the cardinal doctrine of their creed; and whatever be their errors in
judgment or in taste, they have inaugurated a revolution which will
release art from its fetters, and give it a freer and a nobler aim.
Nature is too grand in her minuteness, and too beautiful in her
humility, to be overlooked in the poetry of art. If her tenderest and
most delicate forms are worthy of admiration, she will demand from
the artist his highest powers of design. If the living organizations of
the teeming earth, upon which we hourly tread, are matchless in
structure, and fascinating in colour, the palette of the painter must
surrender to them its choicest tints. In the foreground of the highest
art, the snail-shell may inoffensively creep from beneath the withered
leaf or the living blade; the harebell and the violet may claim a place
in the sylvan dell; the moss may display its tiny frond, the gnarled
oak or the twisted pine may demand the recognition of the botanist,
while the castle wall rises in grandeur behind them, and the gigantic
cliffs or the lofty mountain range terminate the scene.
If these views are sound, the man of taste will no longer endure
slovenliness in art. He will demand truth as well as beauty in the
landscape; and that painter may change his profession who cannot
impress geology upon his rocks, and botany upon his plants and
trees, or who refuses to display, upon his summer or his autumn
tablet, the green crop as well as the growing and the gathered
harvest. Thus enlarged in its powers and elevated in its purposes,
the art of painting will be invested with a new character, demanding
from its votaries higher skill and more extended knowledge. In
former times, the minute and accurate delineation of nature was a
task almost impossible, requiring an amount of toil which could
hardly be repaid even when slightly performed; but science has now
furnished art with the most perfect means of arresting, in their most
delicate forms, every object, however minute, that can enter into the
composition of a picture. These means are the arts of photography
and stereoscopic re-combination, when rightly directed, and it is the
object of the present chapter to shew how the artist may best avail
himself of their valuable and indispensable aid.
Every country and district, and even different parts of the same
district, have a Flora and Geology peculiar to themselves; and the
artist who undertakes to represent its beauties owes to truth the
same obligations as the botanist who is to describe its plants, or the
mineralogist its rocks and stones. The critic could not, in former
times, expect more details from his unaided pencil than it has
generally furnished; but with the means now at his command, he
must collect, like the naturalist, all the materials for his subject. After
the camera has given him the great features of his landscape, he
must appeal to it for accurate delineations of its minuter parts,—the
trunks, and stems, and leafage of his trees—the dipping strata of its
sandstone beds—the contortions of its kneaded gneiss, or the ruder
features of its trap and its granite. For the most important of these
details he will find the camera, as at present constructed, of little
service. It is fitted only to copy surfaces; and therefore, when
directed to solid bodies, such as living beings, statues, &c., it gives
false and hideous representations of them, as I have shewn in a
preceding chapter. It is peculiarly defective when applied to parts of
bodies at different distances from it, and of a less diameter than the
lens. The photograph of a cube taken by a lens of a greater
diameter, will display five of its sides in a position, when its true
perspective representation is simply a single square of its surface.
When applied to trees, and shrubs, and flowers, its pictures are still
more unsatisfactory. Every stem and leaf smaller than the lens,
though absolutely opaque, is transparent, and leaves and stems
behind and beyond are seen like ghosts through the photographic
Fig. 48.
This will be understood from Fig. 48, in which ll is the lens of the
camera, ab the breadth of the trunk or stem of a tree less than ll in
width. Draw la, lb, touching ab in the points a, b, and crossing at c.
Objects behind ab, and placed within the angle acb, will not have
any images of them formed by the lens ll, because none of the rays
which proceed from them can fall upon the lens, but objects placed
within the angle ecf, however remote be their distance, will have
images of them formed by the lens. If d, for example, be a leaf or a
fruit, or a portion of a branch, the rays which it emits will fall upon the
portions lm, ln of the lens, determined by drawing dm, dn touching
ab, and an image of it will be formed in the centre of the
photographic image of ab, as if ab were transparent. This image will
be formed by all the portions of the surface of the lens on which the
shadow of ab, formed by rays emanating from d, would not fall. If the
object d is more remote, the shadow of ab will diminish in size, and
the image of the object will be formed by a greater portion of the
lens. If the sun were to be in the direction mn, his image would
appear in the centre of the trunk or stem, corresponding to ab, Fig.

Fig. 49.
If the stem occupies any other position, ab, Fig. 48, in the
landscape, objects, such as d, within the angle ecf, will have images
of them formed within the corresponding portion of the trunk or stem.
Hence, if ab, Fig. 49, represents the shadow of the stem across the
lens ll, the image of any object, which if luminous would give this
shadow, will be formed within the photographic image of the stem,
and as every part of it may have branches, or leaves, or fruit behind
it, its photographs will be filled with their pictures, which will have the
same distinctness as other equidistant parts of the landscape.
These observations are applicable to the limbs and slender parts
of animate and inanimate figures, when they are of a less size than
the lens with which their photograph is taken. They will be
transparent to all objects behind them, and their true forms and
shades cannot be taken with the cameras now in use.[60]
In order, therefore, to collect from nature the materials of his
profession, the artist must use a camera with a lens not much larger
than the pupil of his eye, and with such an instrument he will obtain
the most correct drawings of the trunks and stems of trees, of the
texture and markings of their bark, of the form of their leaves, and of
all those peculiarities of structure and of leafage by which alone the
trees of the forest can be distinguished. In like manner, he will obtain
the most correct representations of the rocks and precipices, and the
individual stones[61] which may enter into his picture,—of the plants
which spring from their crevices or grow at their base, and of those
flowers in their native grace and beauty, which hitherto he has either
drawn from recollection, or copied from the formal representations of
the botanist.
In addition to their correctness as true representations of natural
forms, photographs have a peculiar value, for which no labour or skill
on the part of the artist can compensate. In drawing the sketch of a
landscape, or delineating the trees, rocks, and foliage which are near
him, or the objects in the middle or remote distance, several hours
must be spent. During this period, the landscape and its individual
parts are undergoing no inconsiderable change. A breeze may
disturb the masses of his foliage, and bend his tree stems, and ruffle
his verdure, and throw new reflected lights upon the waving crops,
while every direct light is changing in intensity and direction during
the culmination or descent of the sun. What he has delineated in the
morning will hardly correspond with what he draws at noon, and the
distances which at one time are finely marked in aerial perspective,
will disappear, or even suffer inversion by variations in the intensity
and position of the haze. If cottages, or castles, or buildings of any
kind, enter into the picture, the shadows of their projections, and the
lights upon their walls and roofs will, in sunshine, undergo still
greater variations, and the artist will be perplexed with the
anachronisms and inconsistencies of his choicest materials. The
landscape thus composed in patches will, in its photograph, have a
very different aspect, as much in its forms as in its lights and
shadows. The truths of nature are fixed at one instant of time; the
self-delineated landscape is embalmed amid the co-existing events
of the physical and social world. If the sun shines, his rays throw
their gilding on the picture. If the rain-shower falls, the earth and the
trees glisten with its reflexions. If the wind blows, the partially
obliterated foliage will display the extent of its agitation. The objects
of still life, too, give reality and animation to the scene. The streets
display their stationary chariots, the esplanade its military array, and
the market-place its colloquial groups, while the fields are studded
with the forms and attitudes of animal life. The incidents of time and
the forms of space are thus simultaneously recorded, and every
picture from the sober palette of the sun becomes an authentic
chapter in the history of the world.[62]
But, however valuable photography has become to the artist,
science has recently given him another important auxiliary. In order
to make this available, he must employ a small pocket binocular
camera, to take double pictures to be united in the stereoscope. His
trees will thus exhibit the roundness of their trunks and stems, the
leaves and branches will place themselves at their proper distance,
and he will discover the reason of peculiar effects which in the plane
photograph he has been unable to understand. Seeing that his own
picture is to be upon a plane surface, I can hardly expect to convince
the artist that he will obtain more information by reproducing the
original in relief. It is a fact, however, beyond dispute, that effects are
produced by the stereoscopic union of two plane photographs which
are invisible in the single picture. These effects, which are chiefly
those of lustre and shade, are peculiarly remarkable in
Daguerreotype, and it is by no means easy to explain the cause. In a
Daguerreotype, for example, of two figures in black bronze, with a
high metallic lustre, it is impossible, by looking at the single picture,
to tell the material of which they are made; but the moment they are
united into stereoscopic relief their true character is instantly seen. In
a Daguerreotype of Alexander and Bucephalus, portions of the figure
seem as if shaded with China ink of a nearly uniform tint, but when
seen in relief the peculiar shade entirely disappears. The
stereoscopic combination of two surfaces of different intensities,
though of the same colour, produces effects which have not yet been
sufficiently studied. But, independently of these peculiarities, the
artist will certainly derive more aid from his landscape in relief, and
from the study of its individual parts, in their roundness and relative
distances, than when he examines them in their plane
representations. The shadows which the branches of leaves cast
upon the trunks and stems of his trees he will be able to trace to the
causes which produce them. Effects in outline, as well as in light and
shadow, which may perplex him, will find an explanation in the
relative distances and differences of apparent magnitude of
individual parts; and, after becoming familiar with his landscape in
relief, as it exists in Nature, he cannot fail to acquire new principles
and methods of manipulation. Nature flattened upon paper or metal,
and Nature round and plump, as if fresh from the chisel of the Divine
sculptor, must teach very different lessons to the aspiring artist.
The historical painter, or the more humble artist who delineates
the scenes of common or domestic life, will derive from the
photographic camera and the stereoscope advantages of equal
importance. The hero, the sage, and the martyr, drawn from living
originals, may be placed in the scenes where they suffered, or in the
localities which they hallowed. The lawgiver of Egypt, though he
exists only in the painter’s eye, may take his place beside the giant
flanks of Horeb or the awe-inspiring summit of Mount Sinai; and He
whom we may not name may challenge our love and admiration
amid the sun-painted scenes of his youth, of his miracles, and of his
humiliation. The fragments of ancient grandeur which time and war
have spared, the relics of bygone ages which have resisted the
destructive elements, will, as the materials of art, give reality and
truth to the pictorial history of times past, while the painter of modern
events can command the most accurate representations not only of
the costume, but of the very persons of the great men whose deeds
he is called upon to immortalize. The heroes of the Crimean war,
whether friends or foes, will be descried in the trenches in which they
fought, amid the ranks which they led to victory, or among the
wrecks of the fatal encounter in which they fell. The sun will thus
become the historiographer of the future, and in the fidelity of his
pencil and the accuracy of his chronicle, truth itself will be embalmed
and history cease to be fabulous.
But even in the narrower, though not less hallowed sphere of
domestic life, where the magic names of kindred and home are
inscribed, the realities of stereoscopic photography will excite the
most thrilling interest. In the transition forms of his offspring, which
link infancy with manhood, the parent will recognise the progress of
his mortal career, and in the successive phases which mark the
sunset of life, the stripling in his turn will read the lesson that his
pilgrimage too has a term which must close. Nor are such
delineations interesting only as works of art, or as incentives to
virtue; they are instinct with associations vivid and endearing. The
picture is connected with its original by sensibilities peculiarly tender.
It was the very light which radiated from her brow,—the identical
gleam which lighted up her eye,—the hectic flush or the pallid hue
that hung upon her cheek, which pencilled the cherished image, and
fixed themselves for ever there.

To the arts of sculpture and architecture, the processes of

binocular photography and stereoscopic combination are particularly
applicable. The landscape painter has every day within his reach
examples of the picturesque, the wild and the sublime in nature. In
the fields which surround him, in the river, or even in the “brook that
bubbles by,” on the shore, on the heath, or on the mountain side, he
has the choice of materials for every department of his art. The
sculptor has no such advantage. Swathed in impenetrable drapery
the human figure mocks his eager eye, and it is only by stolen
glances, or during angel visits, few and far between, that he can see
those divine forms which it is his business to portray. He must
therefore quit his home and seek for the models of ancient and
modern art. In the British Museum, in the Louvre, in the Vatican, and
in the repositories of art in Berlin, Munich, and other European cities,
he must spend months and years in the study of his profession. He
must copy, day after day, those master triumphs of genius which the
taste of ages has consecrated, and gather from their study the true
principles of his art. Transferred to his own studio, these copies will
be his instructor and his guide. They will exhibit to him forms more
than human, though human still, embodying all that is true and
beautiful in what might be man. The value of these copies, however,
depends on the skill and care with which they have been taken; but
no labour however great, and no power of drawing however
masterly, can give even an approximate idea either of the outline or
round of solid figures, whether single or in groups. Light and shade
can alone evolve those muscular prominences, or those soft and
sphere-like relievos which give such power and beauty to forms,
male and female; but how can an artist catch and fix those lights and
shades which give relief to the parts which they illuminate or
obscure? The light of the sun, even in a cloudless sky, is ever
varying in intensity, and the breadth and direction of the shadows
which he casts are varying from hour to hour. In a cloudy day, the
motion of the clouds, and the varying reflexions within his apartment,
subject the lights and shadows to constant change. The portions of
the drawing executed in the morning will not harmonize with what is
drawn at noon, or during the decline of day. We consider it,
therefore, impossible to execute a drawing of a statue, or of a group
of statues, from which the artist can have anything like an accurate
idea of the forms which compose them.
From all these difficulties the sculptor has been relieved by the
invention of the photographic process. He may thus take copies of
statues in a few minutes, and take them in all their aspects, and as
seen at various distances, and in this manner he will obtain drawings
with the shadows as they existed at a particular instant, so that the
lights and shades, upon every individual part of the statue, will be
correctly related to each other. But valuable as these drawings are,
compared with those executed by the pencil, their value becomes
tenfold greater when they are taken with the binocular camera, and
with small lenses, as already described. When combined in the
stereoscope, he may reproduce the statue in relief, in all its aspects,
and of different sizes, and derive from its study the same advantages
which the statue itself would have furnished. In one respect the
creations of the stereoscope surpass the original. While the artist is
surveying and drawing instruction from the marble prototype, its
lights and shadows, and consequently the delicate forms, convex
and concave, by which they are produced, are constantly changing,
whereas, in the stereoscopic statue, everything is fixed and
invariable.[63] In taking busts and statues from the living subject, the
sculptor will derive great advantage from the stereoscope. Double
pictures of the whole, or of any portion of the subject, may be taken
and raised into relief, and from such binocular pictures, executed on
one side of the globe, an artist, on the other side, may complete an
admirable statue. The dying and the dead may thus be modelled
without the rude contact of a mask, and those noble forms
perpetuated which affection or gratitude has endeared.
We must warn the sculptor, however, against the employment of
binocular pictures taken with large lenses. Not only will the individual
picture be deformed, but a double deformity will be induced by their
union; and whether he copies from a statue or from a living figure,
his work must be defective, even to an ordinary eye.
In architecture, and all those arts in which ornamental forms are
given to solid materials, the binocular camera and the stereoscope
will be found indispensable. The carvings of ancient, or mediæval, or
modern art may be copied and reproduced in relief, whatever be the
material from which they have been cut. The rich forms of Gothic
architecture, and the more classical productions of Greek and
Roman genius, will swell the artist’s portfolio, and possess all the
value of casts. With the aid of the Kaleidoscope the modern artist
may surpass all his predecessors. He may create an infinite variety
of those forms of symmetry which enter so largely into the decorative
arts; and if the individual forms, which constitute the symmetrical
picture, are themselves solid, the binocular-kaleidoscopic pictures,
taken photographically, will be raised into the original relief of their
component parts, or they may be represented directly to the eye in
relief, by semi-lenses placed at the ocular extremities of the
reflecting plates.[64] If the symmetrical forms are taken from lines in
the same plane, no relief will be obtained from the kaleidoscopic
But it is not merely to the decorative parts of architecture that the
stereoscope is applicable. The noblest edifices, whether of a civil, a
religious, or a military character, which he could otherwise study only
as a traveller, and represent in hurried and imperfect sketches, will,
when taken binocularly, stand before him in their full relief and
grandeur, reflecting to his eye the very lights and shadows which at a
given hour the sun cast upon their walls.
In the erection of public buildings, hourly or daily photographs
have been taken of them, to shew to the absent superintendent the
progress of his work; but these pictures will be still more expressive
if binocular ones are combined in the stereoscope.
To the engineer and the mechanist, and the makers of
instruments of all kinds, the stereoscope will be of inestimable value.
The difficulty of representing machinery is so great that it is not easy
to understand its construction or its mode of operation from plans
and perspective views of it. The union of one or two binocular
pictures of it, when thrown into relief, will, in many cases, remove the
difficulty both of drawing and understanding it. Photographs of
machinery, however, consisting of a number of minute parts at
different distances from the eye, have, when taken by large lenses,
all the defects which we explained in reference to trees and their
branches and leaves. Supports and axles will be transparent, and
the teeth of the wheels, and the small and distant parts of the
mechanism, will be seen through all the nearer parts whose width is
less than the diameter of the lens.
In taking a binocular picture of a machine or instrument
consisting of various parts, that minute accuracy which is necessary
to give the true form and expression of the human face is not
required; but if it should happen that, in a correct binocular view of
the object, parts are concealed which it would be useful to see, we
must discover the binocular angle which will shew these parts in the
two pictures, or, generally speaking, which will give the best view of
the mechanism, and then adjust the lenses of the camera to give the
desired representations of it. These observations will be found useful
in obtaining stereoscopic views of the structures in carpentry and

In treating of those objects of natural history which enter into the

composition of landscape scenery, such as trees, plants, and rocks,
we have pointed out the method of having them accurately drawn for
the stereoscope; but it is to the importance of stereoscopic
photography in natural history as a science that we propose to
devote the present Chapter.
When we reflect upon the vast number of species which have
been described by zoologists, the noble forms of animated nature,
whether wild or domesticated, and the valuable services which many
of them perform as the slaves of man, we can hardly attach too
much importance to the advantage of having them accurately
delineated and raised into stereoscopic relief. The animal painters of
the present day,—the Landseers, the Cowpers, and the Ansdells,
have brought this branch of their art to a high degree of perfection,
but the subjects of their pencil have been principally dogs, horses,
deer, and cattle, and a few other animals, with which they are well
acquainted, and specimens of which were within their reach. To give
accurate representations of giraffes, hyænas, and the rarer animals
which are found alive only in zoological gardens and travelling
caravans, is a more difficult task, and one which has been
necessarily intrusted to inferior hands. In this branch of his art the
photographer is perplexed with the difficulty of arresting his subject
in a position of repose and in the attitude which he requires. But this
difficulty will diminish as his materials become more sensitive to light;
and means may be found for fixing, without constraint, certain
animals in the desired position. We have seen the portrait of a dog
taken with such minute accuracy that the slightest trace of any
motion could not be perceived. Its master directed his attention to a
piece of bread, and he stood firmly waiting for his reward.
Considering truth as an essential element in all photographs, we are
unwilling to counsel the artist to have recourse to a large lens for the
purpose of accelerating his process by seizing his restless object in
a single instant of time; but what cannot be tolerated in the human
form may be permitted in animal portraiture as a necessary evil. The
divine lineaments and delicate forms which in man the intellect and
the affections conspire to mould, are concealed under the shaggy
drapery of the world of instinct; and even if they existed and were
perceived, could hardly be appreciated by those who have not
studied its manners and submitted to its laws. But even in the
present state of photography such a celerity of process has been
attained that a distinguished amateur in Edinburgh has constructed a
portable camera, which, by pulling a trigger, instantaneously records
upon its sensitive retina the surf which is hurrying to the shore, or the
stranger who is passing in the street. With such an instrument, in
such hands, the denizens of the jungle or of the plains may be taken
captive in their finest attitudes and in their most restless moods.
Photographs thus obtained will possess a value of no ordinary kind,
and when taken in the binocular camera and raised into relief by the
stereoscope, will be valuable auxiliaries to the naturalist, and even to
the painters and the poets whose works or whose lyrics may require
an introduction to the brutes that perish.
In representing with accuracy the osteology and integuments of
the zoological world—the framework which protects life, and to which
life gives activity and power, the aid of the stereoscope is
indispensable. The repose of death, and the sharp pencil which
resides in the small lens, will place before the student’s eye the
skeleton, clothed or unclothed, in accurate perspective and true
relief, while he contemplates with wonder, in their true apparent
magnitude, the gigantic Mastodon, the colossal Megatherion, and
the huge Dinornis, or examines the crushed remains of the
lengthened Saurian, or the hollow footsteps which ancient life has
impressed on the massive sandstone or the indurated clay.
In the other branches of natural history, ichthyology, ornithology,
conchology, &c., the stereoscope will be found equally useful. In
entomology, where insects are to be represented, the microscopic
binocular camera must be used; and in order to prevent the legs, the
antennæ, and other small parts of the object from being transparent,
and therefore spotted, with the images of objects or parts beyond
them, as explained in a preceding chapter, the smallest lenses
should be employed.
The roots and bulbs which are raised by the agriculturist and the
horticulturist, the turnip, the beet, the carrot, and the onion; and the
fruits raised in the orchard, on the wall, or in the hothouse, may be
exhibited in all their roundness and solidity in the stereoscope; and
as articles of commerce they might be purchased on the authority of
their pictures in relief. The microscopic stereoscope will, in like
manner, give accurate magnified representations in relief of grains
and seeds of all kinds, and by comparing these with the
representations of those of a standard form and quality, the
purchaser may be enabled to form a better idea of their excellence
than if he saw them with his own eyes, or had them in his own

The observations contained in the preceding chapters prepare us

for appreciating the value of the stereoscope as an indispensable
auxiliary in elementary as well as in professional education. When
the scholar has learned to read, to write, and to count, he has
obtained only the tools of instruction. To acquire a general
knowledge of the works of God and of man—of things common and
uncommon—of the miracles of nature and of art, is the first step in
the education of the people. Without such knowledge, the humblest
of our race is unfit for any place in the social scale. He may have
learned to read his Bible, and he may have read it after he had
learned to read;—he may have committed to memory every
sentence in the Decalogue;—he may have packed into the
storehouse of his brain all the wisdom of Solomon, and all the divine
precepts of a greater than Solomon, while he is utterly ignorant of
everything above him, around him, and within him,—ignorant, too, of
the form, the magnitude, and the motions of his terrestrial home,—
ignorant of the gigantic structures which constitute the material
universe,—ignorant of the fabrics which industry prepares for his
use, and of the luxuries which commerce brings from the ends of the
earth and places at his door,—ignorant even of the wonderful
operations of that beneficent commissariat, which is every moment,
while he sleeps and dreams, elaborating the materials by which he is
fed and clothed.
Were we to say, though we do not say it, that in our own country
the teachers, so penuriously endowed by the State, are not much in
advance of their pupils, we should err only in stating what is not
universally true; and yet there are men of influence and character
insisting upon the imposition of sectarian tests, and thus barricading
our schools against the admission of the wisest and the fittest
masters! And while every civilized community in the world is eagerly
teaching their people, irrespective of religious creeds, the same
bigots, civil and ecclesiastical, in our own country, have combined to
resist the only system of education which can stem the tide of vice
and crime which is desolating the land.
Missionary labour and reformatory institutions, valuable as they
are, presuppose an educated community. To instruct and reform a
race that can neither read their Bible nor derive knowledge from
books, is a task beyond human achievement. The dearest interests
of society, therefore, call loudly for Secular Education,—the greatest
boon which philanthropy ever demanded from the State. The
minister who, in the face of sectarian factions, dares not identify
himself with a large legislative measure for the education of the
people, and resigns office when he fails to carry it, prefers power to
duty, and, if he ever possessed it, divests himself of the character of
a statesman and a patriot. He may be justified in punishing the law-
breaker who cannot read his statutes, but he is himself the breaker
of laws of a higher order, and sanctioned by a higher tribunal.
If the education of the people is to be attempted either by partial
or comprehensive legislation, the existing system is utterly inefficient.
The teacher, however wisely chosen and well qualified, has not at
his command the means of imparting knowledge. He may pour it in
by the ear, or extract it from the printed page, or exhibit it in
caricature in the miserable embellishments of the school-book, but
unless he teaches through the eye, the great instrument of
knowledge, by means of truthful pictures, or instruments, or models,
or by the direct exhibition of the products of nature and of art, which
can be submitted to the scrutiny of the senses, no satisfactory
instruction can be conveyed.[65] Every school, indeed, should have a
museum, however limited and humble. Even from within its narrow
sphere objects of natural history and antiquities might be collected,
and duplicates exchanged; and we are sure that many a chimney-
piece in the district would surrender a tithe of its curiosities for the
public use. Were the British Museum, and other overflowing
collections, to distribute among provincial museums the numerous
duplicates which they possess, they would gradually pass into the
schools, and before a quarter of a century elapsed, museums would
be found in every proper locality.
As we cannot indulge in the hope that any such boon will be
conferred on our educational institutions, it becomes an important
question how far it is possible to supply the defect by the means
within our reach. The photographic process may be advantageously
employed in producing accurate representations of those objects,
both of nature and of art, which it would be desirable to describe and
explain in the instruction of youth; but as experience has not yet
taught us that such pictures will be permanent, and capable of
resisting the action of time and the elements, it would be hazardous
to employ them in the illustration of popular works. It is fortunate,
however, that the new art of galvanography enables us, by a cheap
process, to give to photographs the permanence of engravings, and
to employ them in the illustration of educational works.[66]
But however much we may value such an auxiliary,
representations or drawings, on a plane, of solids or combinations of
solids at different distances from the eye, are in many cases
unintelligible even to persons well informed; so that, on this ground
alone, we cannot but appreciate the advantages to be derived from
binocular pictures and their stereoscopic relievo, not only in the
instruction of youth, but in the diffusion of knowledge among all
ranks of society.
One of the most palpable advantages to be derived from the
illustration of school-books by pictures in relief, is the communication
of correct knowledge of the various objects of natural history. If, as
we have already shewn, the naturalist derives important assistance
in his studies from correct representations of animated nature, how
much more valuable must they be to the scholar who never saw, and
may never see the objects themselves. In the department of zoology,
the picture might frequently be taken from the living animal, standing
before the camera in vigorous life and transcendent beauty; or when
this cannot be done, from the fine specimens of zoological forms
which adorn our metropolitan and provincial museums. The trees
and plants, too, of distant zones, whether naked in their osteology, or
luxurious in their foliage, would shew themselves in full relief;—the
banyan, clinging with its hundred roots to the ground,—the bread-
fruit tree, with its beneficent burden,—the cow tree, with its
wholesome beverage,—the caoutchouc tree, yielding its valuable
juice,—or the deadly upas, preparing its poison for the arrow of the
savage or the poniard of the assassin.
With no less interest will the schoolboy gaze on the forms of
insect life, which will almost flutter before him, and on the tenants of
the air and of the ocean, defective only in the colours which adorn
them. The structures of the inorganic world will equally command his
admiration. The minerals which have grown in the earth beneath his
feet, and the crystals which chemistry has conjured into being, will
display to him their geometric forms, infinite in variety, and
interesting from their rarity and value. Painted by the very light which
streamed from them, he will see, in their retiring and advancing
facets, the Kohinoor and other diamonds, and the huge rubies, and
sapphires, and emeralds, which have adorned the chaplet of beauty,
or sparkled in the diadem of kings. The gigantic productions of the
earth will appeal to him with equal power,—the colossal granites,
which have travelled in chariots of ice, and the rounded boulders,
which have been transported in torrents of mud; and while he
admires, in their strong relief, the precipices of ancient lava—the
Doric colonnades of basalt—the upheaved and contorted strata
beside them, and the undisturbed beds which no internal
convulsions have shaken, he will stand appalled before the fossil
giants of the primeval world that trod the earth during its preparation
for man, and have been embalmed in stone to instruct and to humble
In acquiring a knowledge of physical geography, in which the
grander aspects of nature arrest our attention, their stereoscopic
representations will be particularly instructive. The mountain range,
whether abrupt in its elevation, or retiring from our view,—whether
scarred with peaks or undulating in outline,—the insulated mountain
tipped with snow or glowing with fire,—the volcano ejecting its
burning missiles,[67]—the iceberg fixed in the shore, or floating on
the deep,—the deafening cataract,—the glacier and its moraines,
sinking gently to the plains,—and even the colossal wave with its
foaming crest, will be portrayed in the binocular camera, and
exhibited in all the grandeur and life of nature.
The works of human hands,—the structures of civilisation, will
stand before the historian and the antiquary, as well as the student,
in their pristine solidity, or in their ruined grandeur,—the monuments
by which sovereigns and nations have sought to perpetuate their
names,—the gorgeous palaces of kings,—the garish temples of
superstition,—the humbler edifices of Christian faith,—the bastions
and strongholds of war, will display themselves in the stereoscope as
if the observer were placed at their base, and warmed by the very
sun which shone upon their walls.
Although few of our village youth may become sculptors, yet the
exhibition of ancient statues in their actual relief, and real apparent
magnitude, cannot fail to give them salutary instruction and rational
pleasure. To gaze upon the Apollo Belvidere,—the Venus de Medici,
—the Laocoon, and the other masterpieces of ancient art, standing
in the very halls which they now occupy; or to see the chef d’œuvres
of Canova, Thorvaldsen, and Chantrey, or the productions of living
artists in their own studio, with the sculptor himself standing by their
side, will excite an interest of no ordinary kind.
From the works of the architect, the engineer, and the mechanist,
as exhibited in full relief, the student, whether at our schools or
colleges, will derive the most valuable instruction. The gigantic
aqueducts of ancient and modern times,—the viaducts and bridges
which span our valleys and our rivers, and the machinery in our
arsenals, factories, and workshops, will be objects of deep interest to
the general as well as the professional inquirer.
There is yet another application of the stereoscope to educational
purposes, not less important than those which have been mentioned.
In the production of diagram representing instruments and
apparatus, which cannot be understood from drawings of them on a
plane, it will be of incalculable use to the teacher to have
stereoscopic pictures of them. In every branch of physical science,
diagrams of this kind are required. When they are intended to
represent apparatus and instruments, either for illustrating known
truths, or carrying on physical researches, binocular pictures can be
easily obtained; but when the diagrams have not been taken from
apparatus, but are merely combinations of lines, we can obtain
binocular photographs of them only from models constructed on
purpose. These models will give binocular representations in various
azimuths, so that the true position of planes at different inclinations,
and lines at various angles with each other, and at different
distances from the eye, will be readily apprehended. Astronomical
diagrams, in which orbits, &c., may be represented by wires, and
optical figures, in which the rays may be formed by threads or wires,
would be thus easily executed.
Among the binocular diagrams, consisting of white lines upon a
black ground, which have been executed in Paris, there is one
representing the apparatus in which a ray of light, polarized by
reflexion from a glass plate, passes through a crystallized film
perpendicular to the plane of the paper, and is subsequently
analysed by reflexion from another plate at right angle to the
following plate. This diagram, when placed in relief by the
stereoscope, gives as correct an idea of the process as the
apparatus itself.
As an auxiliary in the investigation of questions of difficulty and
importance, both in physics and metaphysics, the stereoscope is
peculiarly valuable. It enables us to place in its true light the
celebrated theory of vision on which Bishop Berkeley reared the
ideal philosophy, of which he was the founder, and it gives us
powerful aid in explaining many physical phenomena which have
long baffled the ingenuity of philosophers. It would be out of place to
give any account of these in a work like this, but there is one so
remarkable, and at the same time so instructive, as to merit special
notice. In order to exhibit, by means of three diagrams, a solid in
relief and hollow at the same time, which had not been previously
done, I executed three drawings of the frustum of a cone, resembling
those in Fig. 31, so that the left-hand one and the middle one gave
the hollow cone, while the middle one and the right-hand one gave
the raised cone. Having their summits truncated, as in the figure, the
cones exhibit, in the one case, a circle at the bottom of the hollow
cone, and in the other, a circle on the summit of the raised cone.
When these three diagrams[68] are placed in an open lenticular
stereoscope, or are united by the convergency of the optical axes, so
that we can not only see the hollow and the raised cones, but the flat
drawing on each side of them, we are enabled to give an ocular and
experimental proof of the cause of the large size of the horizontal
moon, of her small size when in the meridian or at a great altitude,
and of her intermediate apparent magnitude at intermediate
altitudes,—phenomena which had long perplexed astronomers, and
which Dr. Berkeley, rejecting previous and well-founded
explanations, ascribed to the different degrees of brightness of the
moon in these different positions.
As the circular summit of the raised cone appears to be nearest
the eye of the observer, the summit of the hollow cone farthest off,
and the similar central circle in the flat drawing on each side, at an
intermediate distance, the apparent distances from the eye of
different and equal circles will represent the apparent distance of the
moon in the zenith, or very high in the elliptical celestial vault,—the
same distance when she is in the horizon, and the same when at an
intermediate altitude. Being in reality of exactly the same size, and at
the same distance from the eye, these circular summits, or sections
of the cone, are precisely in the same circumstances as the moon in
the three positions already mentioned. If we now contemplate them
in the lenticular stereoscope, we shall see the circular summit of the
hollow cone the largest, like the horizontal moon, because it seems
to be at the greatest distance from the eye,—the circular summit of
the raised cone the smallest, because it appears at the least
distance, like the zenith or culminating moon,—and the circular
summits of the flat cones on each side, of an intermediate size, like
the moon at an intermediate altitude, because their distance from the
eye is intermediate. The same effect will be equally well seen by
placing three small wafers of the same size and colour on the square
summits of the drawings of the quadrangular pyramids, or more
simply, by observing the larger size of the square summit of the
hollow pyramid.
This explanation of the cause of the increased size of the
horizontal moon is rigorously correct. If any person should suspect
that the circles which represent the moon are unequal in size, or are
at different distances from the eye, they have only to cut the diagram
into three parts, and make each drawing of the frustum of the cone
occupy a different place in the binocular slide, and they will obtain
the very same results. Hence we place beyond a doubt the
incorrectness of Dr. Berkeley’s theory of the size of the horizontal
moon,—a theory to which the stereoscope enables us to apply
another test, for if we make one or more of these circles less bright
than the rest, no change whatever will be produced in their apparent

Every experiment in science, and every instrument depending on

scientific principles, when employed for the purpose of amusement,
must necessarily be instructive. “Philosophy in sport” never fails to
become “Science in earnest.” The toy which amuses the child will
instruct the sage, and many an eminent discoverer and inventor can
trace the pursuits which immortalize them to some experiment or
instrument which amused them at school. The soap bubble, the kite,
the balloon, the water wheel, the sun-dial, the burning-glass, the
magnet, &c., have all been valuable incentives to the study of the
In a list of about 150 binocular pictures issued by the London
Stereoscopic Company, under the title of “Miscellaneous Subjects of
the ‘Wilkie’ character,” there are many of an amusing kind, in which
scenes in common life are admirably represented. Following out the
same idea, the most interesting scenes in our best comedies and
tragedies might be represented with the same distinctness and relief
as if the actors were on the stage. Events and scenes in ancient and
modern history might be similarly exhibited, and in our day, binocular
pictures of trials, congresses, political, legislative, and religious
assemblies, in which the leading actors were represented, might be
provided for the stereoscope.
For the purpose of amusement, the photographer might carry us
even into the regions of the supernatural. His art, as I have
elsewhere shewn, enables him to give a spiritual appearance to one
or more of his figures, and to exhibit them as “thin air” amid the solid
realities of the stereoscopic picture. While a party is engaged with
their whist or their gossip, a female figure appears in the midst of
them with all the attributes of the supernatural. Her form is
transparent, every object or person beyond her being seen in
shadowy but distinct outline. She may occupy more than one place
in the scene, and different portions of the group might be made to
gaze upon one or other of the visions before them. In order to
produce such a scene, the parties which are to compose the group
must have their portraits nearly finished in the binocular camera, in
the attitude which they may be supposed to take, and with the
expression which they may be supposed to assume, if the vision
were real. When the party have nearly sat the proper length of time,
the female figure, suitably attired, walks quickly into the place
assigned her, and after standing a few seconds in the proper
attitude, retires quickly, or takes as quickly, a second or even a third
place in the picture if it is required, in each of which she remains a
few seconds, so that her picture in these different positions may be
taken with sufficient distinctness in the negative photograph. If this
operation has been well performed, all the objects immediately
behind the female figure, having been, previous to her introduction,
impressed upon the negative surface, will be seen through her, and
she will have the appearance of an aerial personage, unlike the
other figures in the picture. This experiment may be varied in many
ways. One body may be placed within another, a chicken, for
example, within an egg, and singular effects produced by combining
plane pictures with solid bodies in the arrangement of the persons
and things placed before the binocular camera. Any individual in a
group may appear more than once in the same picture, either in two
or more characters, and no difficulty will be experienced by the
ingenious photographer in giving to these double or triple portraits,
when it is required, the same appearance as that of the other parties
who have not changed their place. In groups of this kind curious
effects might be produced by placing a second binocular slide
between the principal slide and the eye, and giving it a motion within
the stereoscope. The figures upon it must be delineated
photographically upon a plate of glass, through which the figures on
the principal slide are seen, and the secondary slide must be so
close to the other that the figures on both may be distinctly visible, if
distinct vision is required for those which are to move.
Another method of making solid figures transparent in a
photograph has been referred to in the preceding chapter, and may
be employed in producing amusing combinations. The transparency
is, in this case, produced by using a large lens, the margin of which
receives the rays which issue from bodies, or parts of bodies,
situated behind other bodies, or parts of bodies, whose images are
given in the photograph. The body thus rendered transparent must
be less in superficial extent than the lens, and the body seen through
it must be so far behind it that rays emanating from it would fall upon
some part of the lens, the luminosity of this body on the photograph
being proportional to the part of the surface of the lens upon which
the rays fall. This will be readily understood from Figs. 48 and 49,
and their description, and the ingenious photographer will have no
difficulty in producing very curious effects from this property of large
One of the most interesting applications of the stereoscope is in
combining binocular pictures, constructed like the plane picture,
used in what has been called the cosmorama for exhibiting
dissolving views. These plane pictures are so constructed, that when
we view them by reflected light, as pictures are generally viewed, we
see a particular scene, such as the Chamber of Deputies in its
external aspect; but when we allow no light to fall upon it, but view it
by transmitted light, we see the interior of the building brilliantly
lighted up, and the deputies listening to the debate. In like manner,
the one picture may represent two armies in battle array, while the
other may represent them in action. A cathedral in all its architectural
beauty may be combined with the same building in the act of being
burned to the ground; or a winter scene covered with snow may be
conjoined with a landscape glowing with the warmth and verdure of
summer. In the cosmorama, the reflected light which falls upon the
front of the one picture is obtained by opening a lid similar to that of
the stereoscope, as shewn at cd, Fig. 14, while another lid opening
behind the picture stops any light which might pass through it, and
prevents the second picture from being seen. If, when the first
picture is visible, we gradually open the lid behind it, and close the lid
cd before it, it gradually disappears, or dissolves, and the second
picture gradually appears till the first vanishes and the second

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