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Rendiconti Lincei.

Scienze Fisiche e Naturali


Earth’s gravity from space

Reiner Rummel1

Received: 28 December 2019 / Accepted: 15 February 2020

© The Author(s) 2020, corrected publication 2021

Satellite gravimetry began with the launch of the satellites Sputnik 1 and 2 in 1957. During the following 43 years, more
and more details were discovered and the models of the Earth’s gravity could be refined. Methods improved and more and
more satellite orbits and ground stations were added in the analysis, employing more advanced and precise measuring tech-
niques. A new era started with the dedicated gravimetry missions CHAMP (2000–2010), GRACE (2002–2017), and GOCE
(2009–2013). The methods of satellite-to-satellite tracking and satellite gradiometry resulted in a substantial improvement
of our knowledge of the Earth’s gravity field in terms of accuracy and its spatial and temporal variations. There are three
basic ways of using gravity and geoid models in Earth sciences and geodesy. First, in solid Earth physics, the highs and lows
of the field are investigated in comparison with an idealized Earth, e.g., a hydrostatic equilibrium figure. In particular, in
South America, Africa, Himalaya and Antarctica the gravity field is known much better now, due to GOCE and lead to an
improved understanding of the continental crust and lithosphere. Second, in oceanography, the geoid serves as surface in
equilibrium, a hypothetical ocean at rest. The ocean topography is the deviation of the actual ocean surface, measured by
satellite altimetry, from this reference. The ocean topography serves as a new and independent input to ocean circulation
modeling and leads to an improved understanding of ocean transport of mass, heat, and nutrients. Similarly, geodetic heights
of the land surface will soon be referred to the geoid, leading to globally consistent heights and enabling the removal of
existent systematic deformations and offsets of national and continental height systems. Third, the GRACE time series of
monthly gravity models, reflecting seasonal, inter-annual and long-term gravity changes, became one of the most valuable
data sources of climate change studies.

Keywords GOCE · GRACE · Gravity field · Satellite gravimetry · Isostasy · Ocean topography · Height systems · Global
water cycle

1 Introduction from 150 years of very diligent terrestrial triangulation work

by geodesists before (Buchar 1958; Merson and King-Hele
The day the world entered space age—Sputnik-1 was 1958; King-Hele 1992). Rapid progress followed during
launched on October 4, 1957—was the day when Earth grav- the first 15 years. The Earth’s pear shape was discovered
ity field determination from space started. From the weak in 1959, followed by the determination of a few additional
radio signals emitted by Sputnik-1 and Sputnik-2 (launched even and odd zonal spherical harmonics in 1960 (O’Keefe
on November 3 the same year), the Earth’s oblateness could et al. 1959a, b). In 1961, the first attempt was published
be determined in one step and much more accurately than in identifying a set of tesseral spherical harmonic coeffi-
cients (Kozai 1961; Izsak 1963). During this period, more
and more satellites with an increasing variety of inclination
This peer-reviewed paper is a contribution originated from angles and of altitudes became available for orbit analysis.
presentations at the International Conference “Earth’s Gravity
Field and Earth Sciences” held on March 22, 2019, at Accademia Camera measurements, dedicated microwave tracking and
Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome. laser ranging superseded the radio signals of the early years.
In the late eighties, the whole development culminated in the
* Reiner Rummel availability of spaceborne GPS tracking of satellites in near-
[email protected]
Earth orbit, starting with the altimeter satellite Topex/Posei-
Astronomische und Physikalische Geodäsie, Technische don (Bertiger et al. 1994; Schutz et al. 1994). The classical
Universität München, Munich, Germany

Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali

astronomical methods of orbit analysis of the pioneering data recorded by a so-called lysimeter, specifically devel-
days were quickly replaced by new sophisticated analytical oped for this purpose (Creutzfeldt et al. 2008). The strength
methods (Kaula 1966; Lundquist and Veis 1966) and finally of this approach is at the same time its weakness. Newton’s
by numerical methods of gravity field determination. Orbit law of gravitation tells us that the gravitational attraction of
resonance effects were effectively used for complementing masses decreases very quickly with the square of its distance
and refining the early models and for assessing their accu- from the gravimeter. Thus, the measured time series give the
racy (Balmino and Reigber 1975; Wagner and Klosko 1977). changing mass effects only in the immediate surroundings
The first standard global gravity models of the Smithsonian of the instrument. It is impossible, however, to reconstruct
Astrophysical Observatory, starting with model SSE-1 (Lun- a global map of temporal variations of gravity from the few
dquist and Veis 1966) were followed by the models of the existing instruments, located in places such as Bologna,
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, GEM (Lerch et al. Brussels, Shanghai, Strasbourg, and Wettzell.
1972) and in Europe by the French–German GRIM series The interpretation of the shown painting is ambigu-
(Balmino et al. 1976). A further major step was the combi- ous, however. Even from a closer look, it is impossible to
nation of satellite-based orbit perturbations with terrestrial decide whether the apple is standing still or whether the
gravity anomalies, and a few years later by the addition of apple together with the four pieces of the marble frame are
gravity anomalies as derived from satellite altimetry (Kaula shown in free fall, just before they hit the ground. With
1967; Rapp 1979; Lerch et al. 1979; Wenzel 1999). See also a similar experiment of thought, Einstein explained the
(Nerem et al. 1995). Finally, starting with the launch of the principle of equivalence of gravitational and inertial accel-
CHAMP satellite in 2000, followed by that of GRACE in eration, his “elevator example” (Falk and Ruppel 1972;
2002 and GOCE in 2009, satellite gravimetry entered a new Foster and Nightingale 1979). As one would expect, he
era. This talk will discuss some of the underlying principles was very thorough in his explanation, emphasizing that
of this new era and the application of gravity models of this the equivalence only holds if the objects, while falling,
new generation in Earth sciences. share the same center of mass. This is not the case here.
Each of the five falling objects occupies a different loca-
tion relative to all surrounding masses; each will “feel” the
2 Freefall and gravitation gravitational attraction of the surrounding masses slightly
differently from the four others. In the language of general
To maintain a certain lightness in this article allow me to relativity, one would say: each of the falling masses fol-
start with the interpretation of a not very well-known and lows its world line. For example, the lower two marble
unnamed painting by Salvador Dali from the year 1948, pieces are attracted somewhat stronger by the Earth than
Fig. 1. What do we see? In the center, there is an apple; the the apple and even stronger than the upper two masses,
apple is not only an important biblical symbol but as well, just because they are closer to its surface. The differences
since Newton, the classical symbol for gravitation. The apple are very small. It is comparable to studying the gravita-
stands still in the air, obviously kept levitated by some magic tional attraction acting on a mass dropped from our left
forces coming from the four pieces of the marble frame. hand as compared to a second one released from our right
Maybe inspired by this painting many years back a geo- hand. The difference will be less than one millionth of “g”.
detic instrument has been developed, putting this surrealistic However, if one can measure such tiny differences the ben-
idea into practice (Prothero and Goodkind 1968). Thereby efit is that the effect of the surrounding close-by masses
a superconducting sphere—the apple—is kept levitated in is amplified relative to the signal coming from the Earth
perfect rest in a magnetic field. The magnetic field is not itself. The latter is essentially identical on all five falling
only counteracting the gravitational attraction of the Earth, masses and drops out when looking at the differences. We
the well-known g ≈ 9.8 m ­s−2, it also compensates the much translate this experiment from Dali’s surrealistic painting
smaller temporal variations of gravity. The largest of them to a satellite orbiting the Earth. In Fig. 2 we see a satellite
are the highs and lows of the tides of sun, moon, and planets. and in its interior four cubic test masses, all five, i.e. the
One of these superconducting gravimeters is operating in a four mass probes and the satellite, orbiting the Earth. They
laboratory at the satellite observatory Wettzell close to the are all in free fall in the Earth’s gravitational field. The
Czech border. There the instrument is recording tiny phe- lower test mass is slightly more attracted, e.g. by a moun-
nomena such as the gravitational signal of passing high and tain on Earth than the satellite, its mass concentrated in its
low-pressure systems, changes in groundwater level and soil center of mass in the middle of the four mass probes and
moisture, and even the gravitational effect of rain and snow- more again than the upper mass probe. Also, the test cube
fall. The magnitude of each of these effects is typically less in front is attracted in a direction slightly different from
than one millionth of “g”. The measured time series provide that of the masses in the middle and that in the rear. The
a more representative picture of the local hydrology than observer on Earth sees a satellite and four cubes in free fall

Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali

around the Earth. An observer inside the spacecraft—an showing the GOCE geoid map on their front pages, compare
astronaut—sees the four mass probes slowly floating in the to, e.g., Fig. 3. The map looks impressive and shows many
microgravity environment of the spacecraft interior. When interesting details. Thus, we will now turn to the question:
measuring gravitation inside the satellite the main contri- What does this map tell us, and more importantly, what for
bution coming from the spherical Earth is not felt at all, is the derived model of the Earth’s gravitational field good?
while the relative accelerations between the freely floating The second part of this article will focus on the role of the
mass probes will produce an amplified, extremely sensitive Earth’s gravity field in Earth sciences and geodesy.
measurement series along the orbit of the spatial variations
of gravity on Earth. The by far greatest effect, that of the
attraction of the spherical Earth, is eliminated leading to 3 Gravity and Earth sciences
a significant accentuation of the small effects produced
by mountains and valleys and all other density variations Let us imagine an ocean without any external forcing,
on and inside the Earth. Antonio Marussi (1908–1984), a no tides, no winds, and no weather. Its surface would
great geophysicist and geodesist, in a series of wonderful have no ripples, no waves, no high tide or low tide, just
papers explained that these acceleration differences cor- water at rest. It would be level everywhere, a huge, Earth-
respond to the curvatures of plumb lines and level surfaces encompassing, almost spherical horizontal surface. This
of the Earth’s gravitational field at satellite altitude, see “ocean at rest” is hypothetical, for in the real world there
(Marussi 1979, 1984, 1985). are always external forces acting on it. Gill (1982) says
This is the principle of gravitational gradiometry as it on page 46: “If the sea were at rest, its surface would
was implemented for the first time in space with ESA’s dedi- coincide with the geopotential surface”. The surface is
cated gravity mission “Gravity field and steady-state Ocean called the geoid (Listing 1873). The geoid is shaped by
Circulation Explorer” (GOCE). A gravitational gradiometer the gravitation of all Earth masses, and superimposed, by
was the centerpiece of the GOCE satellite, accompanied by the steady effect of the centrifugal force due to the Earth’s
a novel and rather complex system of sensors. Of course, in rotation. It is an equipotential surface or level surface. In
the real experiment, the mass cubes cannot be left floating ocean areas, it is close to the sea surface, and we imag-
freely in the satellite’s interior until they hit one of the walls. ine it to be continued also underneath all land areas. It
Instead, each test cube is kept in a fixed position, levitated is smooth, mathematically expressed it is infinitely often
in an electrostatic feedback system (analogous to the work- differentiable. This smoothness does not allow recogniz-
ing principle of the superconducting gravimeter). The gra- ing any variation of the surface’s curvature caused by the
diometer instrument of GOCE comprised three orthogonal Earth’s mass composition. It is “almost spherical”. How-
one-axis gradiometers, each 50 cm long, with ultrasensi- ever, when comparing the geoid with a sphere, one rec-
tive three-axis accelerometers at its ends and with each one ognizes its oblateness with its radii towards the north and
measuring three components of the gravitational gradient south poles being 21 km shorter than the average radius
along the respective axis. Thus, the GOCE gravitational of the equator. Comparing the geoid with a best fitting
gradiometer was able to measure all nine elements (3 × 3) ellipsoid [as proposed by Somigliana (1860–1955) and
of the gradient tensor, the second derivatives of the gravita- Pizzetti (1860–1918)], many highs and lows get visible.
tional potential. GOCE was in orbit from 2009 to 2013. To One refers to a Somigliana–Pizzetti ellipsoidal reference
optimize its sensitivity for gravitational signals on Earth, field (Moritz 2000). Alternatively, and closer to a geo-
its orbit altitude was chosen extremely low, only 255 km. physical interpretation is a comparison of the geoid with
During the final measurement cycle, its orbit was lowered an ellipsoid in hydrostatic equilibrium (Nakiboglu 1982;
further to an altitude of only 225 km. Together with experts Chambat et al. 2010). Departures from the ellipsoid are
from the European Space Agency (ESA), a consortium of up to − 100 m south of India or + 80 m around Guinea,
scientists from ten institutes of seven European countries with a global RMS deviation of ± 30 m, primarily caused
developed a processing strategy for data analysis. It was by large density anomalies in the Earth’s mantle as shown
focussing on precise orbit determination, the separation of in Fig. 4. The highs and lows are denoted geoid heights
gravitational gradients from the spacecraft’s angular motion (above/below the best fitting ellipsoid), geoid undulations
and the determination of the non-gravitational forces acting or geoid anomalies. From what was said above follows the
on the GOCE satellite (Floberghagen et al. 2011; Rummel dual role of the geoid (and gravity field) in geodesy and
et al. 2011). Professor Sansò and his team were key part- Earth sciences.
ners of the consortium. Already with its first measurement In solid Earth physics, the geoid, or equally well any other
cycle of 62 days, GOCE delivered the most detailed and functional of the gravity field such as gravity anomalies or
accurate global geoid map ever produced from space (Pail gravity disturbances, is the object of study. The posed ques-
et al. 2011). Many leading international newspapers were tion is the origin of the observed geoid highs and lows or

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gravity anomalies and how the weight of the masses above

(below) the geoid is balanced in the Earth’s upper layers. In
physical oceanography, the object of study is the deviation
of the actual or mean ocean surface from the geoid, the geoid
serving as physically relevant reference surface, representing
the hypothetical ocean surface at rest. The same applies to
geodesy where topographic heights are expressed relative to
the geoid, in terms of either potential differences or so-called
normal or orthometric heights (Heiskanen and Moritz 1967;
Sansò et al. 2019). In any application, whether in geodesy,
solid Earth physics or oceanography additional information
is required. Apart from the ellipsoidal reference model and
depending on the application, this may be a terrain model
or a model of the sea surface; it may be density information
of water, ice or land, and further auxiliary geophysical or
oceanographic data sets.

Fig. 1  Painting by Salvador Dalí “Sans Titre”, © Salvador Dalí, Fun-

4 Gravity and solid Earth dació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres, 2011

Let us turn first to the role of the geoid in solid Earth physics The GOCE gravity model is of particular importance to a
and consider geoid anomalies, here referenced to an ellip- better understanding of the physics of the continents and, in
soid of hydrostatic equilibrium with a flattening of 1:299.63 particular, its oldest structures, the Cratons. When compar-
as shown in Fig. 5. The geoid surface is derived from the ing GOCE geoid and gravity maps with their predecessors,
latest GOCE gravity model DIR-R6 that is a set of spheri- the improvements in regions such as South America, parts
cal harmonic coefficients up to degree and order (d/o) 300 of Africa, Himalaya together with its surroundings and Ant-
(Förste et al. 2019; GOCE 2019). This means that the short- arctica are striking. Logically, the greatest progress has been
est half-wavelength features of this set have a length of about made there (Alvarez et al. 2014; McKenzie et al. 2014). The
70 km. Let us concentrate on the general appearance of the Trieste group of Carla Braitenberg looked, among others,
highs and lows of this map. They correspond to the devia- into the similarities of the tectonics of South America and
tions of the actual gravity field from its hydrostatic state of West Africa, following the footsteps of Wegener (Braiten-
equilibrium. Since the late 80s of the last century, the origin berg 2015). The Milano group at Polimi used the GOCE
of the long-wavelength variations of the geoid is well under- geoid model for the improvement of the CRUST 2.0 model,
stood, (Hager et al. 1985; Richards and Hager 1988; Hager which is based primarily on the analysis of seismic data
and Richards 1989; Anderson 1989). Density contrasts in (Reguzzoni et al. 2013; Sampietro et al. 2014). McKenzie
the Earth’s lower mantle drive viscous flow; the result is et al. (2014, 2015) focussed his work on the elastic thick-
dynamic topography at the core/mantle boundary as well ness of the lithosphere of the Himalaya and Antarctica. The
as at the surface. The geoid anomalies are the combined Himalaya analysis (McKenzie et al. 2014; Shin et al. 2015;
effect of interior density contrasts and dynamic topography. Hetényi et al. 2016) is reminding us of the pioneering and
The results are in good agreement with seismic tomography. still a valuable work of Antonio Marussi et al. in the Kara-
GOCE added an enormous wealth of shorter wavelengths korum (Marussi 1964). GOCE gave us a look into the tec-
information, with important improvements in places where tonics of Antarctica, which is hidden under an ice shield
one would have expected them, such as in parts of South with several kilometers thickness (Ferraccioli et al. 2011;
America and Africa, in the Himalayan region and parts of McKenzie et al. 2015). McKenzie et al. (2015) showed that
East Asia and Antarctica. The new, globally consistent and the elastic thickness of Western Antarctica is very differ-
accurate results lead to a large number of studies. Some of ent from that of East Antarctica, being 5 km and 21 km,
them deal with the global behavior of the Moho discontinu- respectively. See also the general studies in (Ebbing et al.
ity, the boundary surface between crust and mantle, some 2013; Panet et al. 2014). A very fresh and completely new
with its regional characteristics. Nowadays, Moho models approach is that taken in (Bouman et al. 2016; Sebera et al.
are primarily derived from seismology and there exist global 2017; Ebbing et al. 2018), where the curvature structure of
data sets such as CRUST 1.0 and 2.0 (Mooney et al. 1998; the GOCE gravity model is used for the identification of
Bassin et al. 2000). various crustal structures, in particular, the Cratons.

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5 Geodetic ocean topography Janjic et al. 2012; Albertella and Rummel 2014). The avail-
ability of the geodetic DOT opened the possibility to invert
As Gill (1982) pointed out, “if the sea were at rest, its sur- the process, i.e., to infer from measured ocean topography
face would coincide with the geopotential surface”. The ocean surface circulation (more accurately: the geostrophic
real ocean is subject to external forces driving the water ocean surface velocities), their strength and their patterns.
masses, such as tides, wind, and weather causing the actual They serve now as a new independent source of information
sea surface to deviate from the geoid. The height difference for ocean circulation modeling. There is, however, a second,
between the actual (or mean) ocean surface and the geoid is significantly smaller component of ocean velocities (15%
denoted dynamic ocean topography (DOT). DOT is rather versus 63%) (Sudre et al. 2013; Rio et al. 2013, 2014), called
small, typically only 20 or 30 cm, with maxima of up to 1 or the Ekman surface currents. The Ekman part leaves no trace
2 m in the centers of the circulation systems. Appropriately, in ocean topography and has to be deduced from oceano-
these deviations are denoted ocean topography, in analogy graphic measurement techniques. These highly improved
to land topography. For about 30 years, the geometry of the methods of ocean surface velocity determination are of sig-
ocean surface, as well as its variation with time, has been nificant help for a better understanding of ocean mass and
measured with great precision from space by the method heat transport. Our climate system is largely regulated by
of satellite altimetry (Fu and Cazenave 2001; Stammer and the poleward heat transport in the ocean and atmosphere. A
Cazenave 2018). Taking the height difference between the prominent example is the mild temperatures at medium and
sea surface and the geoid gives the geodetic DOT. In other high latitudes of North-Western Europe. Ocean circulation
words, geodesy succeeded in measuring ocean topography, is probably responsible for 30% of the poleward transport
independent of any oceanographic method and with a preci- of heat, leaving a contribution of 70% for the atmosphere
sion of a few centimeters. DOT results in pressure gradients. (Wunsch 2005). Mass and heat transport are essential to
In an ocean with moving water on a rotating Earth, Coriolis understanding climate and climate change. High-resolution
force will balance the pressure gradients, the so-called geo- geoid models as derived from GOCE combined with more
strophic balance. The result is the characteristic ocean circu- than 20 years of excellent ocean and ice altimetry resulted in
lation patterns such as Gulf, Kuroshio, Aghulas or Circum- very accurate estimates of geostrophic ocean velocities as an
polar stream (Bingham et al. 2011; Albertella et al. 2012; important new element of ocean modeling. This, in turn, will
help to improve our understanding of mass, heat, nutrients,
and displacement of matter (Sudre et al. 2013).

6 Height systems

Geodetic heights, sometimes referred to as physical heights,

provide an accurate and natural measure of “equally high”,
“higher” and “lower”. This implies that heights are closely
related to the Earth’s gravity field, or more accurately, to
the gravity potential. Points with the same value of grav-
ity potential are equally high; they are located at the same
level surface. Ideally, all heights should refer to the geoid,
serving as one global geopotential reference surface with
height value zero. The height of any arbitrary terrain point
is then expressed either by its potential difference relative to
the geoid, denoted geopotential number, or when expressed
metrically (in meters) as orthometric or normal height (Heis-
kanen and Moritz 1967; Sansò et al. 2019). Orthometric
heights correspond to the length of the plumb line of a ter-
rain point above the geoid. In practice, national height sys-
tems refer to mean sea level at a coastal reference point,
usually a carefully selected tide gauge. Potential differences
are derived from geodetic leveling combined with gravim-
etry. The method is very precise over shorter distances, say
Fig. 2  A satellite orbiting the Earth (in free fall) with four cubic test 100 km. Over greater distances, systematic errors tend to
masses in its interior enter, growing with the square root of the distance from

Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali

GPS, or more generally GNSS (including the Russian Glo-

nass, the European Galileo and the Chinese Beidou satellite
navigation systems).
GNSS is providing precise 3D coordinates of terrain
points. Today, under the umbrella of the International Asso-
ciation of Geodesy (IAG), a worldwide valid International
Terrestrial Reference System and Frame (ITRS/ITRF) is
computed at regular intervals. In its essence, the ITRF is
a catalog with coordinates, error standard deviations and
temporal coordinate changes of about 1500 terrain points
worldwide. The coordinates are based on the combination
of GNSS and the complementary geodetic space techniques
VLBI, SLR and DORIS (Petit and Luzum 2010; Altamimi
et al. 2011, 2017). Also, during the past 30 years, the geome-
try of the sea surface has been monitored with similar preci-
sion by satellite altimetry, see again (Fu and Cazenave 2001;
Stammer and Cazenave 2018). Both the vertical component
of land and sea elevations are expressed as height above an
adopted reference ellipsoid.
It is straightforward, then, to add physical height infor-
Fig. 3  GOCE gravity model 2009 (© ESA) mation, preferably geopotential numbers, to the geometric
coordinate triples. They are computed from one of the most
recent GOCE or GOCE/GRACE gravity models such as
the starting point. The error accumulation results in unde- TIM-5, which is a series of spherical harmonic coefficients
tected deformations on a decimeter to meter level of national up to degree and order (d/o) 280 or DIR-5 up to d/o 300
and continental height systems. As the mean sea level at (Brockmann et al. 2014; Bruinsma et al. 2014). However,
the reference point of a height system does very likely not there is a caveat. The satellite-based gravity models repre-
coincide with the geoid because of the DOT (see above), sent only a smoothed version of the actual field, the spherical
there are offsets between the various national and continen- harmonic series being truncated at 280° or 300°. The short
tal height systems, also at the decimeter to meter level. The scales, expressed by spherical harmonic coefficients above
situation has fundamentally changed, with the advent, on 280 and 300, respectively, have to come from terrestrial
the one hand, of the dedicated satellite gravimetry missions measurements. Currently, this is only possible in regions
CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE and, on the other hand with where modern geodetic infrastructure is available, such as in

Fig. 4  Global map of the geoid

heights (in meters) referred to a
best fitting ellipsoid (Somigli-

Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali

Europe, North America, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. is somehow comparable to a one-axis gradiometer with an
Test runs have already shown that with this approach pre- arm length of 200 km. This setup allowed GRACE to catch
cise and globally consistent height systems are within reach. the temporal variations of the field. GRACE measured alto-
Furthermore, the method will be able to identify existing gether 163 global monthly solutions of time-varying gravity,
offsets between height systems and systematic deformations out of 187 possible months (Tapley et al. 2019). The signal
(Woodworth et al. 2012; Gruber et al. 2013; Rummel and versus error situation is sketched in Fig. 6. It shows the sig-
Beutler 2019). nal spectrum of the static field, following the “Kaula rule-
of-thumb”. It also shows the signal spectrum of a typical set
of temporal variation processes, approximately three orders
7 Temporal variations of geoid and gravity of magnitude smaller. Also included in Fig. 6 are the error
spectra of GOCE and GRACE. The GOCE error spectrum
As already discussed in Sect. 2, the Earth’s gravity field is intersects the static signal spectrum at about spherical har-
changing with time. Prominent examples are the tides of sun, monic 220° (ultimately the coefficients up to d/o 300 were
moon, and planets and the effect they have on solid Earth recovered), much higher than the GRACE error curve which
and oceans. Also, certain types of earthquakes are associ- intersects the signal spectrum at 150°. However, for GOCE
ated with large mass displacements and, as a consequence, the temporal variation signal spectrum remains largely
with changes in gravity. The focus, nowadays, is however on below the error curve, whereas GRACE with its monthly
temporal variations related to the global water cycle, such solutions was able to detect the temporal variations up to
as sea-level rise, the melting of the ice shields and glaciers, about 50° or 60°. The GRACE time series of monthly solu-
floods, droughts, and the glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA). tions is regarded one of the most important data sources of
Monitoring of processes such as these is of high relevance the World Climate Research Program.
to the understanding of Earth system and climate change. The state-of-the-art of GRACE data analysis is summa-
Temporal variations of gravity are small, typically three rized in three wonderful publications (Wouters et al. 2014;
orders of magnitude smaller than the spatial variations of the Rodell et al. 2018; Tapley et al. 2019). It is all but trivial to
static field. GOCE was not made to measure temporal grav- separate the various process components from the measured
ity changes. Its core instrument, the gradiometer, a compact satellite gravimetry signal along the orbits. The geographi-
instrument with side lengths of 50 cm, as mentioned above, cal location helps as well as rather advanced background
was designed to measure the Earth’s static field with maxi- prior models of the atmosphere, ocean, ice, hydrology, and
mum accuracy and spatial resolution. The GRACE mission solid Earth processes (Dobslaw et al. 2017). The time series
(2002–2017) (Tapley et al. 2004), on the other hand, con- is composed of annual, inter-annual and long-term contri-
sisted of two satellites following each other along the same butions. Highlights, among many achievements, are the
orbit at a distance of about 200 km. Their distance variations quantification of the ice mass loss in Greenland and Ant-
were measured with a precision of a few micrometers. The arctica, its regional and long-term pattern of change and
gravity signal was extracted from them. The configuration its connection to sea-level rise. The total sea-level change,

Fig. 5  Global map of geoid

heights (in meters, up to spheri-
cal harmonic degree and order
20), referred to an ellipsoid in
hydrostatic equilibrium with
f = 1/299.63 (Nakiboglu 1982;
Chambat et al. 2010)

Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali

right strategy to improve the spatial and temporal resolu-

tion. On the sensor side, laser tracking between satellites
or between proof masses inside one instrument may be the
logical next step and soon quantum gravity and gradiometry
(Sheard et al. 2012; Isleif et al. 2016; Abend et al. 2016).

Acknowledgements The careful work of the two reviewers is grate-

fully acknowledged.

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Earth’s gravity field, the corresponding rule-of-thumb and typical included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
spectrum of temporal variations. Also shown are the error spectrum otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
of GOCE, crossing the signal line at 200° and the GRACE error spec- the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
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