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Singson, Angelica M.


CAS- Extemporaneous Speech

Good morning! The sunshine is bright and gorgeous but it's hot
and not warm, right? It's piercing right on our skin. Our sunblock is
hanging just right and I have to retouch my make up over and over
again. Now, speaking of cosmetics, are your cosmetics eco-friendly?
Did you check the label? Some of us, checked and some of us didn't
checked it. However, despite checking it and finding out the product
I'm using is not eco-friendly, I cannot quickly change to another
product because it's the only brand of product that I can afford. Have
you ever brought a reusable tote bag to the grocery store? Or refilled a
water bottle rather than buy a disposable one? Do you separate your
recycling from your trash? If you answered yes to any of those
questions, you’re not alone. Yes! Some individuals have taken actions
to preserve our earth. But will individual actions be enough to address
the massive, transnational challenge of climate change? Unfortunately,

Now, let my ask you a question,"Should people be encouraged

by the government to always maintain a sustainable and
environmentally-friendly lifestyle?" My answer is yes, people should be
encouraged by the government to always maintain a sustainable and
environmentally friendly lifestyle however individual efforts are not
sufficient to end this climate crisis. The government is established to
lead the people, thus this imply that they should take actions
regarding how to implement rules that will benefit the earth, not that
they are the ones who are patronizing capitalism and exploit the
natural resources for profit. Nearly all experts concur that
governments, not people or firms in the private sector, must take the
lead in the battle against climate change.

You see, we are suffering the impact of climate change and we

are encouraged to maintain a sustainable and environmentally friendly
lifestyle when we cannot even afford to buy eco-friendly products
because it's too expensive. We tend to just use the products that are
affordable because the capitalism takes advantage of this climate crisis
way too much that middle and low class people have no choice but to
swallow it. The government can encourage the people to live an
environmentally friendly lifestyle by starting the change. The
government should implement carbon taxes. Carbon taxes attempt to
minimize those emissions by requiring the largest greenhouse gas
producers—for instance, coal-fired power plants—to pay for the
damage they cause.

Every citizen should participate in earth hour or earth day and

the government should strictly implement this in order in order to
consume energy. Furthermore, the government should raise more
awareness and knowledge about using sustainable and eco-friendly
products so that citizens will be inspired or motivated to do so. Just for
instance, advertise eco-friendly products on television, radio or social
media in order to reach more people.

Political declarations no longer satisfy the public. Government

trust in climate change is poor. People demand action. We must
change the way we tackle the climate crisis. Sustainability is now
recognized as more than a passing fad. Scientists from all across the
world have demonstrated to us the startling realities and the issues we
will soon be confronting. Our current approach is too slow and risks a
catastrophic failure to meet climate targets. Moreover, people are no
longer satisfied with political pronouncements. They demand action.
We demand action and change! Every human on this planet, should
stand up and make an action.

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