Makeup Tutorial

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Hello girls, welcome to this special class related to makeup, our today´s phrase is: I love the

confidence that makeup gives me. As many of you know my name is Maria Romero and today I
will share with you some of the things I know about this art. Let's get started.
First of all, we should know that there are several types of makeup, makeup-no makeup, natural
makeup, glitter and gloss, and sun-kissed skin and Freckles.
Now, let's learn some vocabulary related to make-up...
It's time for the Skincare, first we must put the makeup band in our hair, then we put our mask
and let it act for 15 minutes, meanwhile we can do light massages on our face. The time is over,
let´s remove the masks. Now we massage our face again so that our skin absorbs the rest of
the mask and wait about 3 minutes.
(Dinámica para practicar el vocabulario)
This is the makeup we are going to recreate. These are the materials we are going to need...
I particularly like to start with the eyes and lastly the skin, because if a little bit of product falls off
we won't damage the skin.
First step, apply a little bit of concealer on our eyelid to get more pigmentation, then with a brush
like this one, we apply a little bit of light brown shadow to create the transition, we will apply it
from the outer edge of our eye to the middle of the eyelid and blend it little by little.
Now we will apply a silver shadow on the eyelid, then on the tear of our eye we apply pink
shadow with glitter. It's time to make the eyeliner, first we start making the tail; then, from the tip
of the tail we make a line to the edge of the eyelashes, when we have the shape we can go
filling and extending it to the tear. We continue with the eyelashes, we put a little bit of glue on
the whole line and wait a few seconds for it to dry a little, and then we put it on our eye. And
now, we have half of the makeup ready.
To start with the skin, we must apply the foundation, we apply a little bit of foundation on our
hand and then we apply it in form of dots all over our face and blend it, you can do it with a
beauty blender or with your fingers. Now we apply the concealer in this area and blend it. Apply
powder or pressed powder, then contour under the cheekbone, blush and highlighter.
Now it's time to finish our eye, let´s apply a shiny silver shadow on the water line of our eye. Let
´s place the stones on the outer edge of the eye and on the forehead. And finally apply the
lipstick. And that's it, we are done with our makeup tutorial; and finally, it's photoshoot time.

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