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Introduction: What is Data Science?

Data science is the domain of study that deals with vast volumes of data using modern tools and techniques
to find unseen patterns, derive meaningful information, and make business decisions.
Data science is the combination of statistics, mathematics, programming, and problem-solving; capturing
data in ingenious (clear) ways; the ability to look at things differently; and the activity of cleansing,
preparing, and aligning data.

The Data Science Lifecycle

Lifecycle consists of five distinct stages, each with its own tasks:
1. Capture: This stage involves gathering raw structured and unstructured data.
2. Maintain: This stage covers taking the raw data and putting it in a form that can be used.
3. Process: Data Mining, Clustering/Classification, Data Modeling, Data Summarization.
4. Analyze: Exploratory/Confirmatory, Predictive Analysis, Regression, and Text Mining. Here is the
real meat of the lifecycle. This stage involves performing the various analyses on the data.
5. Communicate: In this final step, analysts prepare the analyses in easily readable forms such as
charts, graphs, and reports.

Applications of Data Science

1. Healthcare
Healthcare companies are using data science to build sophisticated medical instruments to detect and cure
2. Gaming
Video and computer games are now being created with the help of data science and that has taken the
gaming experience to the next level.
3. Image Recognition
Identifying patterns is one of the most commonly known applications of data science.
Data Science is used by logistics companies to optimize routes to ensure faster delivery of products and
increase operational efficiency.
6. Fraud Detection
Fraud detection comes to the next in the list of applications of data science. Banking and financial
institutions use data science and related algorithms to detect fraudulent transactions.

Big Data and Data Science hype – and getting past the hype
Note: Big data refers to significant volumes of data that cannot be processed effectively with the
traditional applications that are currently used. The processing of big data begins with raw data that isn’t
aggregated and is most often impossible to store in the memory of a single computer.
Data science enables companies not only to understand data from multiple sources but also to enhance
decision making. As a result, data science is widely used in almost every industry, including health care,
finance, marketing, banking, city planning, and more. If you are probably means you have something
useful to contribute to making data science into a more legitimate field that has the power to have a positive
impact on society. So, what is eyebrow-raising (shows surprise) about Big Data and data science? Let’s
count the ways:
There’s a lack of definitions around the most basic terminology. What is “Big Data” anyway? What
does “data science” mean? What is the relationship between Big Data and data science? Is data science the
science of Big Data? Is data science only the stuff going on in companies like Google and Facebook and
tech companies?
Why do many people refer to Big Data as crossing disciplines such as finance, tech, etc. and to data science
as only taking place in tech? Just how big is big? Or is it just a relative term? These terms are so
ambiguous; they’re more or less meaningless.
There’s a distinct lack of respect for the researchers in academia and industry labs who have been
working on this kind of stuff for years, and whose work is based on decades of work by statisticians,
computer scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and scientists of all types.
The hype is crazy—The longer the hype goes on, the more many of us will get turned off by it, and the
harder it will be to see what’s good underneath it all, if anything.
Statisticians already feel that they are studying and working on the “Science of Data.” That’s their bread
and butter Although we will make the case that data science is not just a rebranding of statistics or machine
learning but rather a field unto itself, the media often describes data science in a way that makes it sound
like as if it’s simply statistics or machine learning in the context of the tech industry.
People have said to us, “Anything that has to call itself a ‘science’ is probably isn’t.” Although there might
be truth in there, that doesn’t mean that the term “data science” itself represents nothing, but of course what
it represents may not be science but more of a craft (Create documents, which will make an impact).

Why now? – Datafication, Current landscape of perspectives, Skill sets

Data Science helps businesses to comprehend vast amounts of data from different sources, extract useful
insights, and make better data-driven choices. Data Science is used extensively in several industrial fields,
such as marketing, healthcare, finance, banking, and policy work.
It’s not only the massiveness that makes all this new data interesting (or poses challenges). It’s that the data
itself, often in real time, becomes the building blocks of data products. On the Internet, this means Amazon
recommendation systems, friend recommendations on Facebook, film and music recommendations, and so
Datafication can be defined as a process that “aims to transform most aspects of a business into
quantifiable data (data that can be counted or measured in numerical values) that can be tracked,
monitored, and analyzed.
Datafication is a process of “taking all aspects of life and turning them into data.”
Ex: LinkedIn datafies professional networks
Datafication is an interesting concept and led us to consider its importance with respect to people’s
intentions about sharing their own data. We are being datafied , or rather our actions are, and when we
“like” something online, we are intending to be datafied.
When we merely browse the Web, we are unintentionally, or at least passively, being datafied through
cookies that we might or might not be aware of.
And when we walk around in a store, or even on the street, we are being datafied in a completely
unintentional way, via sensors or cameras.
The Current Landscape
Data science is the process of extracting information, understanding and learning from raw data to
inform decision making in a proactive and systematic fashion that can be generalized.
Data Science Jobs:
Data scientists need to be experts in computer science, statistics, communication, data visualization, and to
have extensive domain ex‐pertise.
Data Analyst bridge the gap between the data scientists and the business analysts, organizing and
analyzing data to answer the questions the organization poses.
Data engineers focus on developing, deploying, managing, and optimizing the organization’s data.

A data science profile need skill levels in the following domains:

 Computer science
 Math
 Statistics
 Machine learning
 Domain expertise
 Communication and presentation skills
 Data visualization
Needed Statistical Inference: Populations and samples
Population: A population is the entire group that you want to draw conclusion about.
Sample: Sample is the specific group that you will collect data from. Sample size is less than the size of
Generally, population refers to the people who live in a particular area at a specific time. But in statistics,
population refers to data on your study of interest. It can be a group of individuals, objects, events,
organizations, etc.

If you had to collect the same data from a larger population, say the entire country of India, it would be
impossible to draw reliable conclusions because of geographical and accessibility constraints, not to
mention time and resource constraints. A lot of data would be missing or might be unreliable. Furthermore,
due to accessibility issues, marginalized tribes or villages might not provide data at all, making the data
biased towards certain regions or groups.
Samples are used when :
 The population is too large to collect data.
 The data collected is not reliable.
 The population is hypothetical and is unlimited in size.
Statistical Inference is the process of using a sample to infer the properties of a population.
Consider N (Sample size)used to represent the total number of observations in the population.
ALL  Population
For statistical inference N < ALL

Statistical Modeling:

Note: Data modeling is a process of creating a conceptual representation of data objects and their
relationships to one another. The process of data modeling typically involves several steps, including
requirements gathering, conceptual design, logical design, physical design, and implementation.

Before you get too involved with the data and start coding, it’s useful to draw a picture of what you think
the underlying process might be with your model. What comes first? What influences what? What causes
what? What’s a test of that?
But different people think in different ways. Some prefer to express these kinds of relationships in terms of
So, for example, if you have two columns of data, x and y, and you think there’s a linear relationship,
you’d write down y=mx + b
Other people prefer pictures and will first draw a diagram of data flow, possibly with arrows, showing how
things affect other things or what happens over time.

Some techniques addressed under statistical modeling:

Regression analysis: Regression analysis is used to discover the connection between one or more
independent variables and one or more dependent variables.
Time series analysis: Time series analysis is used to evaluate data that has been gathered over time. It is
used to identify data trends, patterns, and seasonal fluctuations.
Cluster analysis: This technique is used to group comparable things.
Survival analysis: Survival analysis is used to assess time-to-event data, such as how long it takes for a
patient to recover.
Decision trees: They are used to discover the most critical factors in a decision-making process.
Neural networks: Neural networks are used to simulate complicated interactions between variables. They
are used in image recognition, natural language processing, among other things.
Probability Distribution
Note: Probability denotes the possibility of something happening. It is a mathematical concept that predicts
how likely events are to occur. The probability values are expressed between 0 and 1. The definition of
probability is the degree to which something is likely to occur. This fundamental theory of probability is
also applied to probability distributions.

A probability distribution is a statistical function that describes all the possible values and probabilities
for a random variable within a given range. This range will be bound by the minimum and maximum
possible values, but where the possible value would be plotted on the probability distribution.

Types of Probability Distribution

The probability distribution is divided into two parts:
1. Discrete Probability Distributions
2. Continuous Probability Distributions
A discrete distribution describes the probability of occurrence of each value of a discrete random
variable. The number of spoiled apples out of 6 in your refrigerator can be an example of a discrete
probability distribution.
A continuous distribution describes the probabilities of a continuous random variable's possible values. A
continuous random variable has an infinite and uncountable set of possible values.

Note: random variable is variable whose value is unknown or a function that assigns value to each of an
experiment outcomes.
Conditional Probability
The probability of A given B is called the conditional probability and it is calculated using the formula
P(A | B) = P(A ∩ B) / P(B) , when P(B) > 0.


Suppose we roll a balanced 6 sided die once. Consider the events A={1,2,3,4,5} and
B={3,4,5,6}. What is the conditional probability of A, given B?



P(A|B) = 3/4
Joint Probability:

Joint probability is the product of the individual probabilities of independent events.

Mathematically, P (A and B) = P(A) x P(B). The probability of A times the probability of B
equals the joint probability of A and B happening at the same time.
Model fitting

Model fitting is a measure of how well a machine learning model generalizes to similar data to
that on which it was trained.

Fitting refers to adjusting the parameters in the model to improve accuracy.

Note: Bias is the difference between our actual and predicted values. Bias is the simple
assumptions that our model makes about our data to be able to predict new data.

When the Bias is high, assumptions made by our model are too basic, the model can’t capture the
important features of our data.

Overfitting negatively impacts the performance of the model on new data. It occurs when a
model learns the details and noise in the training data too efficiently. When random fluctuations
or the noise in the training data are picked up and learned as concepts by the model, the model
“overfits”. Overfitting has low bias.

Underfitting happens when the machine learning model cannot sufficiently model the training
data nor generalize new data. An underfit machine learning model is not a suitable model; this
will be obvious as it will have a poor performance on the training data. Underfitting has high

A model that is well-fitted produces more accurate outcomes. A fitted model has low bias.
Introduction to R

R is a popular programming language used for statistical computing and graphical presentation.

Its most common use is to analyze and visualize data.

Why R?

 It is a great resource for data analysis, data visualization, data science and machine

 It provides many statistical techniques (such as statistical tests, classification, clustering

and data reduction)

 It is easy to draw graphs in R, like pie charts, histograms, box plot, scatter plot, etc.

 It works on different platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux)

 It is open-source and free

Unlike many other programming languages, you can output code in R without using a print

Ex: print("Hello World!")

Comments: Comments can be used to explain R code, and to make it more readable. It can also
be used to prevent execution when testing alternative code.

Comments start with a #. When executing code, R will ignore anything that starts with #.

Creating Variables in R

Variables are containers for storing data values.

R does not have a command for declaring a variable. A variable is created the moment you first
assign a value to it. To assign a value to a variable, use the <- sign. To output (or print) the
variable value, just type the variable name.


name <- "John"

age <- 40

name # output "John"

age # output 40

Note: In other programming language, it is common to use = as an assignment operator. In R, we

can use both = and <- as assignment operators.

A variable can have a short name (like x and y) or a more descriptive name (age, carname,
total_volume). Rules for R variables are:

 A variable name must start with a letter and can be a combination of letters, digits,
and underscore( _ ). If it starts with period(.), it cannot be followed by a digit.

 A variable name cannot start with a number or underscore ( _ )

 Variable names are case-sensitive (age, Age and AGE are three different variables)

 Reserved words cannot be used as variables (TRUE, FALSE, NULL, if...)

Data Types

 numeric - (10.5, 55, 787)

 integer - (1L, 55L, 100L, where the letter "L" declares this as an integer)
 complex - (9 + 3i, where "i" is the imaginary part)
 character - ("k", "R is exciting", "FALSE", "11.5")
 logical - (TRUE or FALSE)


# numeric
x <- 10.5
# integer
x <- 1000L

# complex
x <- 9i + 3

# character/string
x <- "R is exciting"

# logical/boolean
x <- TRUE


Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values.

R divides the operators in the following groups:

 Arithmetic operators

 Assignment operators

 Comparison operators

 Logical operators

 Miscellaneous operators
Arithmetic operators are used with numeric values to perform common mathematical operations:

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables (<-)

R Comparison Operators
R Logical Operators

R Miscellaneous Operators

A vector is simply a list of items that are of the same type.
To combine the list of items to a vector, use the c() function and separate the items by a comma.
In the example below, we create a vector variable called fruits, that combine strings.
Ex 1:
# Vector of strings
fruits <- c("banana", "apple", "orange")

# Print fruits
Ex 2:
# Vector with numerical values in a sequence
numbers <- 1:10

Ex 3:
fruits <- c("banana", "apple", "orange")

length(fruits) # length function is used to find the number of items

Access Vectors

You can access the vector items by referring to its index number inside brackets []. The first item
has index 1, the second item has index 2, and so on.

Ex 1:

fruits <- c("banana", "apple", "orange")

# Access the first item (banana)


Ex 2:

fruits <- c("banana", "apple", "orange", "mango", "lemon")

# Access the first and third item (banana and orange)

fruits[c(1, 3)]

Ex 3:

fruits <- c("banana", "apple", "orange", "mango", "lemon")

# Access all items except for the first item


Ex 4:

fruits <- c("banana", "apple", "orange", "mango", "lemon")

# Change "banana" to "pear"

fruits[1] <- "pear"

# Print fruits


A list in R can contain many different data types inside it. A list is a collection of data which is
ordered and changeable.

To create a list, use the list( ) function.

Ex 1:

# List of strings
thislist <- list("apple", "banana", "cherry")

# Print the list


Access Lists

You can access the list items by referring to its index number, inside brackets. The first item has
index 1, the second item has index 2, and so on:

Ex 1:

thislist <- list("apple", "banana", "cherry")


Ex 2:

thislist <- list("apple", "banana", "cherry")

thislist[1] <- "blackcurrant"

# Print the updated list


Ex 3:

thislist <- list("apple", "banana", "cherry")


Check if Item Exists

To find out if a specified item is present in a list, use the %in% operator.


thislist <- list("apple", "banana", "cherry")

"apple" %in% thislist

Add List Items

To add an item to the end of the list, use the append() function.


thislist <- list("apple", "banana", "cherry")

append(thislist, "orange")

To add an item to the right of a specified index, add "after=index number" in the append() function.


thislist <- list("apple", "banana", "cherry")

append(thislist, "orange", after = 2)

Join Two Lists

There are several ways to join, or concatenate, two or more lists in R.

The most common way is to use the c() function, which combines two elements together.


list1 <- list("a", "b", "c")

list2 <- list(1,2,3)
list3 <- c(list1,list2)


R Arrays

Compared to matrices, arrays can have more than two dimensions.

We can use the array( ) function to create an array, and the dim parameter to specify the

# An array with one dimension with values ranging from 1 to 24
thisarray <- c(1:24)

# An array with more than one dimension

multiarray <- array(thisarray, dim = c(4, 3, 2))

Taking Input from User in R Programming

In R language readline() method takes input in string format. If one inputs an integer then it is
inputted as a string, lets say, one wants to input 255, then it will input as “255”, like a string.So
one needs to convert that inputted value to the format that he needs. In this case, string “255” is
converted to integer 255. To convert the inputted value to the desired data type, there are some
functions in R,

as.integer(n); —> convert to integer

as.numeric(n); —> convert to numeric type


var = readline( );
var= as.integer( );

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