Personnel Management and Organisational Behaviour - Almeida Ewerton

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Training Program: Master’s in Project Management

Subject: Personnel Management and Organisational Behaviour
Send to: [email protected]

Last Name/Surname: Almeida

Name: Ewerton Giovani de Almeida
ID/Passport: 339.640.798-98
Address: Doutor João Pinto Antunes Street, 360
Region: São Paulo
Country: Brazil
Telephone: +55 012 9 9669-1986
E-mail: [email protected]
Date: March, 29

ENEB Business School


1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1

2 DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................... 4

3 REFERENCE .................................................................................................. 18

The company Art's Food is an organisation with 28 years of history in the area
of services. The company's headquarters are located in Sabadell, although the
services are provided in numerous points of the Catalan territory. The company has
three areas (Educational, Hotel and Events), all related to catering.

The company achieves a higher turnover in the educational area, dedicated

mainly to serving the catering of a large number of schools (currently more than 150).
This area is a great entrance of money for the company, but it also requires a great
structure and organisation. The feeling of the worker is that the future and the viability
of the company mainly goes through the proper functioning of this area.

However, although in recent months the department has been meeting the
objectives set and continues to gain public and private tenders (which means more
schools and clients), there is widespread discontent among its workers, since the
management is not knowing how to handle the situation and that translates into a poor

Raquel Torrà is the director of the educational area, a competent and proactive
woman, with more than 10 years in the position. Above her there are only Josep Font,
Chief of Operations, and Roger Art, founder and director of the company. They have a
way of understanding the business world that is very classic and authoritarian, they do
not take their workers into account, and they only move by objectives. In turn, they
derive full responsibility from the area directors to communicate the decisions to their

They do not usually have direct contact with the workers and, if they do, it is
scorched and hostile Roger is only interested in obtaining good economic results
without caring about the personal situation of his workers. An example of this is that,
on average, workers in the educational area are having to do 10 extra hours a month
to be able to fulfil their tasks. This situation is common in recent months and, far from
solving it, their opinion is "they’re supposed to work, that’s what we pay them for". He
has also been heard saying, on more than one occasion, phrases such as "if they are

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not motivated it’s not my problem, they should come motivated from home" or "they
should manage with the resources they have" when asked about strengthening the
educational area team. All this situation is generating negative repercussions for the
future of the company in general, and in the educational area, in particular, although
management doesn’t seem not to notice.

The educational area is made up of 19 workers. As has already been mentioned,

Raquel is the director of the area and has a very experienced and prepared team, both
in the operational and commercial sectors. In turn, she is characterised by having
excellent communication skills and a very remarkable ability to lead, which is helping
to relieve the bad environment somewhat, but she doesn't know how long she will

Her team consists of 12 area coordinators who mainly perform the work at a
distance during their working day, as they are responsible, in an autonomous manner,
to supervise the proper functioning of the service of the schools in each area. The
remaining 6 workers are two commercial employees, who are responsible for preparing
and managing the active competitions; a personal assistant of Raquel, who offers
direct support to her and to the area coordinators; an administrative assistant,
responsible for customer service and various tasks; an office clerk responsible for
managing routine actions; and a product technician, in charge of negotiating prices and
managing incidents with suppliers. In general, there is a good atmosphere among all
of them, although the continuous stress and the lack of empathy from the direction are
beginning to generate problems.

The members of the educational area that are in office are as follows:

Joan: salesman. He has been with the company for six years and is a severe and
responsible person. For him, the most important thing is to do his job well above
everything and everyone. He does not have a bad relationship with his peers, but he
is selfish. He considers himself well positioned and happy with his situation as he
receives bonuses for won tender.
Enrique: salesman. This is his third year in the company and, unlike Joan, he gets

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along very well with the other colleagues in the area. He is a very happy and confident
person, highlighting his excellent communicative ability. For him, the current situation
is neither fair nor sustainable.
Lorena: She has been in her position for three years (assistant to Raquel) and is a
crucial player in the group. She is a very cheerful person and is confident and confident
in her work and training. She is the wild card of them all because her position in the
Educational area makes it indispensable for the proper functioning of this area. She is
dynamic and always takes the initiative and is willing to help anyone who needs it.
However, despite her importance in the company, she does not feel valued by
Elisabeth: The most senior employee, she is tasked with managing routine actions. In
spite of not having any type of training, she strives to do her job well and has a great
ability to be heard and avoid friction with customers. She is a smiling person and
always tries to improve the day for her companions.
Julia: she has only been with the company for 5 months. She is an administrative
assistant and deals with customer service (parents), among other administrative tasks.
Being the youngest of the group, she does not want to enter into controversies and
tries to go unnoticed. She is unsafe on many occasions, as she notices that the work
environment is rarefied.
Anabel: has been working on the product for more than 8 years. Her significant
experience makes her a specialist in her field. It is well liked by her peers.

Although the area coordinators do not usually work in offices, they have their
common work area in them. They are a cohesive group, but the stress and lack of
recognition by management are beginning to generate conflicts, resulting in a decline
in service quality. In general, most coordinators are open to helping colleagues, which
facilitates their work and the resolution of possible arising conflicts.

Finally, Raquel's personal assistant has informed the company of her decision
to accept a work offer, since she considers that she has not been sufficiently valued
(when she was admitted, she was offered a salary below what was said in the
interview, and they haven’t reviewed it since she’s been in the company). The situation
stresses them a lot, since she gets along great with Raquel and with Anabel, Julia,
Enrique and Elisabeth, and they form a very competent and cohesive working group,

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helping each other in everything they need. They have the same opinion about Roger's
management, and they are considering taking similar measures if the situation does
not change.


1. Analyse the current Art's Food situation in terms of human capital. Then, from
an analytical perspective, answer the following questions:

a. What is the position in which the staff of the Educational Area have found

The workers of Art’s food that work in the educational area are:
● Not motivated
● Not appreciated by management
● employee morale is low
● Discontent
● Underpaid
● Lack of Job satisfaction
● Endure long hours and work overtime
● Employees are on the verge of leaving their jobs.

b. Define the causes of how this point has been reached and what consequences
can be derived if you do not intervene.

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Roger Art does not take his workers Lack of empathy and When workers are not
into account when making decisions lack of self appreciated, they tend to be
determination for the very unhappy and this leads
workers is making the to higher turnover rate
work environment among workers
very toxic

Workers asked to work extra hours work-life balance is Leads to low morale of the
disrupted employees

Workers shunned by management Workers want to be The worker’s attitude could

appreciated turn 180 degrees and they
might not cooperate with
Managers direct communication with Hostility from Worker’s behaviour could
workers is scorched and hostile management will lead turn hostile towards
to hostility in management. A classic tit for
response by workers tat situation.

Selfish behaviour ( Individualism ) Selfish behaviour Will lead to bickering and

rewarded which fighting at work as all
would lead to workers will look after their
disintegration of self interest before
team work. company’s or co-workers

Worker’s welfare is not being Employees feel Stress level at work

considered by management neglected increases, leading to chronic
sickness, hence more time is
taken off by employees
Lack of partnership between Humans are social Young poet Mattie Stepanek
Management and employees is animals and have an once said, “Unity is
highly apparent innate sense of strength... when there is
belonging to a group teamwork and collaboration,
wonderful things can be

c. Draw up the needs that you think the company requires and which
Management hasn’t detected.

Management of Art’s Foods is to blame for all the troubles faced by the
employees as management’s goal or rather, Roger Art’s goal is to “obtain good
economic results without caring about the personal situation of his worker’s” Roger Art

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is an authoritarian leader, and by an authoritarian leader we mean that one person or
a small group of individuals who have full control over the decisions of an organization
with little or no input from group members. Autocratic leaders make choices based
upon their ideas, judgement and goals without any consultation or input from group
members. The leader in this case has full and absolute control over a group. An
authoritarian leader is useful in some situations, such as in the Army at times of war
but this approach has negative consequences when applied to the operation of a
Corporation in the present times.

Below are some items that management of Art’s Food has not considered or detected,
that can and will have an impact on the operation of the education department:

● Art’s food does not recognize their employee’s hard work

● Workers are asked to work 10 hours overtime a month. This equates to 120 hours
of overtime a year, which is illegal, due to Spanish labour laws that state that no
more than 80 hours a year of overtime can be undertaken by an employee

● Salary and benefits are below par when compared with other organizations and
some employees have not received a pay raise since they joined Art’s Foods

● There is no concept of teamwork within Art’s Food

● Every man/woman looks after their own interests, agenda and benefits. Art’s Foods
has to stress that workers work hand in hand towards a common goal

● Workers job satisfaction is of no importance to the management, therefore morale

in the organization is quite low

● Workers not only are motivated with a salary but they require that there is
recognition for their hard work

● Employees need a challenging work environment where they may utilize their work
and educational experience to the fullest extend

● Outside of work socialization and get-together foster a sense of comradery in

employees and can lead to a more productive labour force.

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2. Once the situation is analysed:

a. Define the stages of evolution in work teams and identify in which stage the
Educational Area of the company currently is.

There are four stages in the formulation of a team and the evolution happens over
these stages as employees become part of a team

1. Formative Stage: This is when the team is brought together and every individual
gets to know what their position or hierarchy is in the organization. In this stage,
individuals should set personal goals and realize how their personal goals
amalgamate with the organizational goals. This stage ends when newcomers are
welcomed into the team or group.

2. Conflict or Storm Stage: In this stage, emotions come out and internal conflicts
arise due to the personality of the individuals who make up the team as everyone
is trying to outsmart the other team members or trying to gain some advantage over
his fellow coworkers. Workers divide themselves into sub-groups and take
opposing sides based upon their beliefs and which group offers them more
advantageous terms and benefits. This stage is very crucial to team building as it
can either make a team or break it. This stage ends when the leaders are chosen
among the team members and a clear hierarchy is established among the group
based upon their personality, knowledge, position in the organization and
leadership skills.

3. Normalization Stage: In this stage team members start to work as a cohesive unit
and start to operate towards a common goal or mission. The team in this stage will
establish social connections among its members to strengthen the team as a whole.
This stage ends when the individuals become a team and function as a well-oiled
machine: which works without a lot of friction among the team members and the
cohesive unit is fully functional and operational.

4. Performance Stage: This is the stage where all the tasks and goals are achieved.
In this stage, there is complete integration among team members and the team
achieves its final goal. In this stage members of the management can delegate

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some of their responsibilities to their subordinates and concentrate on other areas
that need oversight3.

The educational Area is at the Storm or conflict stage as everyone is fighting and back-
stabbing their fellow workers.

b. Identify the formal and informal teams that you detect in the company and
justify your response.

A formal team is said to be a team that is created by the organization to carry out
or implement certain tasks or specific goals that are desired by the entity. These teams
are sanctioned by the organization. These teams generally are temporary and are
disbanded upon completion of the desired task or achievement of a particular goal.
Committees can also be formal teams such as the Student committee in University.
This type of team deals with recurring decisions and problems that students face while
at University. These types of teams are formed to stay in place for a long time, while
students and committee members may join and leave upon graduation, the committee
team is perpetual and continues to function with new members and new students,
replacing the departing team members.

On the other hand, informal teams are not sanctioned by the organization but these
teams come together because of the interaction of certain people in the organization.
The team members work towards a common goal and achieve results as there is
strength in numbers. “Functions of informal Groups: Informal groups serve four
major functions. First, they maintain and strengthen the norms (expected
behaviour) and values their members hold in common. Second, they give members
feelings of social satisfaction, status and security. In large corporations, where many
people feel that their employers hardly know them, informal groups enable employees
to share jokes and complaints, eat together and socialize after work. Informal groups
thus satisfy the human needs for friendship, support and security”.

There are three main areas of the hospitality industry that Art’s Foods deals in
Educational, hotels and events. Under the Educational team, 19 workers are
subordinate to Raquel. She as director of the area has managed to form a cohesive
group because of her excellent communication skills and her astonishing ability to
lead her team. This is a formal team that has been structured by the organization.

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The Informal team within Art’s Foods consists of the following employees in the
Educational area: Raquel, Lorena, Anabel, Julia, Enrique and Elizabeth. All the
team members help each other in times of need, especially as they all are faced
with a very poor work environment and employee morale is quite low.

c. Following the typology of Meredith Belbin, give a role to each of the workers
in the educational area who are in the office.

According to Meredith Belbin’s typology of team roles that are nine roles that fall
into three categories; thought-oriented roles, action-oriented roles and people-
oriented roles. The nine-team roles are as follows:

1. The Monitor Evaluator (thought-oriented)

2. The Specialist (thought-oriented)
3. The Plant (thought-oriented)
4. The Shaper (action-oriented)
5. The Implementer (action-oriented)
6. The Completer/Finisher (action-oriented)
7. The Coordinator (people-oriented)
8. The Team Worker (people-oriented)
9. The Resource Investigator (people-oriented)

Raquel Torra: She is the team leader who has excellent communication skills and has
a knack for leading. She is action-oriented and would be classified as a Shaper.
Without her at the helm of the educational department of Art’s Foods, the department
would collapse as she is the glue that holds all the various team members together so
that they can work in unison towards a goal.

Joan: Has assumed the role of a Monitor Evaluator. He is selfish and a loner who only
thinks of his interests above that of the team. His negative role has hindered the
progress of the team. He is objective about getting his bonuses and other team
member’s feelings or emotions are of no importance to Joan. He has no empathy for
his coworkers and team. Since he is thought-oriented, he also verges upon being a
Plant as well.

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Enrique: Hi is an Implementer who is action-oriented. He is a very capable and diligent
worker who brings out the best in each member of the team. He is an asset to the team
with his happy and confident persona.

Lorena: Her role in the above grading scale would be of a Team-worker as she is very
much people-oriented and would gladly assist anyone of her team members if they
needed any help. She is indispensable to the team as well as the organization as a
whole. Her skills and talents are not recognized by the management and this is having
negative consequences.

Elisabeth: She is the most senior member of the team who would be classified as
Resource Investigator and the Coordinator. She is very much a people-oriented
person. Her disposition and demeanour are an asset to the team as she is smiling and
has a positive influence on her teammates.

Julia: Her role would be of a Completer and Finisher as her role in the
organization is challenging and difficult as she has to deal with customers
(parents). She is an introvert who prefers to go unnoticed and does not get involved in
any controversies.

3. Tell us now about Roger's role as boss.

a. What type/s of power do you think he has?

“In social science and politics, power is the capacity of an individual to influence the
actions, beliefs, or conduct (behaviour) of others.” This power that Roger has over his
subordinates is substantial as he has an agenda to maximize profits and does not care
for the well-being of his workers. Roger wields his power like a tyrant. Roger has the
authority in the organization but he has delegated that to Raquel as she is the
supervisor of the educational department plus a team leader who oversees 19

Roger should be leading his organization by setting an example of how things should
be done and how to treat his fellow employees but he remains reclused in his office
without caring for his employee’s mental and social well-being. Roger intimidates and

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coerces his workers to do their job under power based upon fear, punishment and

b. What management functions do you think Roger performs? And what other
roles does he lack? Justify your answer.

Management is a process that involves responsibility for the economic, planning, and
regulation of operations of the corporate entity. Management Study Guide breaks down
the function of management into five separate and overlapping areas of management.
The areas are as follows:

These functions are interrelated and overlap from one to the next.

Planning: As the name suggests involves planning the future of the organization by
taking the most appropriate actions to achieve the desired future goals. Planning
involves full utilization of monetary and human capital without wasting any resources.
In this respect, I would say that Roger has done a fairly reasonable job of planning for
the monetary gains that the organization has achieved as the amount of sales being

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achieved are increasing. On the other hand, he has failed miserably when it comes to
the human capital that he has at Art’s Foods.

Organizing: This is a process that brings together financial, human and physical
resources to achieve organizational goals. Roger has brought together these goals
and has achieved success with financial and physical goals but has done a poor job
with the human capital that he has at his disposal at Art’s Foods. Roger has achieved
the Financial goals that he had set out as sales are increasing but human capital is
being over-utilized and that is causing low morale among the employees. Roger has
failed in this aspect of human capital as staff morale is at an all-time low and their job
satisfaction is marginal.

Staffing: The placement of humans in the organization to ensure that essential

functions are carried out in a timely fashion. Staffing has taken greater importance as
technology has advanced rapidly and the organization requires the right person for the
right job as jobs have become highly specialized. Staffing consists of the whole human
resource package which is recruiting, selecting, and hiring the right candidate,
manpower requirements, competitive wages and benefits, training and educating staff,
performance appraisals, promotions and exit interviews when an employee leaves the
organization to see the reason for their departure from your organization.

Roger does have a semblance of employees at his organization, therefore he has

achieved the goal of hiring employees. That is the only thing he has achieved. Roger
once again has failed in this aspect as he has no formal employee assessment
performed, pays sub-par wages as compared to the industry, salary hikes are non-
existent, workers are underpaid and overworked, and employees have no job

Directing: As in the staff consists of motivating, supervising, communicating and

leading. In these aspects once again, Roger has not achieved these targets as there
is no motivating the staff by having group meetings and empowering the employees.
Supervision of the employees is performed by subordinates such as Raquel rather
than the management team. Communication between management and employees is
non-existent unless the employees are being reprimanded for not doing a good job. All

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the communication is being handled by lower-ranking employees. Leadership is
lacking on the part of management and is being performed by employees such as
Raquel. Management has done a sub-par job of directing employees at Art’s Foods.

Controlling: This is a function of management in how well it manages the attainment

of the goals pre-established goals. Once the goal is established then it is very easy to
see how well the team/group/organization has performed against the desired level.
This requires establishing four benchmarks that consist of setting a goal, measuring
the actual performance, deviation of the actual level from the desired goal, and any
corrective action that needs to be taken to reach the optimal level of goal. Art’s Foods
has not set any goals other than a desire for financial gain so the whole concept of
‘controlling’ is lacking in the organization and the burden of this nonobservance rests
solely on Roger’s shoulders.

c. From the characteristics of a leader, what specific aspects should Roger work
on to be a more complete leader?

There are many aspects that Roger can work on to be a more complete leader. He can
start by communicating with his subordinates by having group meetings where there
is an open flow of information and ideas. This can only happen if the workers are not
afraid of coercion, ridicule, beratement from Roger. The following would have to be
implemented by Roger:

● Needs to set up teams in the organization that provide feedback to Roger on an

ongoing basis.
● Lead the organization with the help and support of all the team members.
● Have a committee set up to field employee grievances.
● Has to lead by action rather than words. Set an example for the employees to
● Actively listen to his employee’s concerns.
● Delegate some responsibility to subordinates so that they feel empowered.
● Deal with integrity with the employees.
● Communicate with staff regarding goals and their progress.
● Be empathetic to employees concerns and grievances.

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● Influence change in the organization by starting from within and with him being the
central figure.

d. Propose actions to improve those skills in communication, motivation,

awards and group cohesion.

Communication: Roger has to lead and organize group meetings where the
employees feel empowered and their voices are heard and acted upon. Roger would
have to establish some goals and communicate those goals to his teams and explain
the rationale behind them and what needs to be done to achieve the desired goals.

Motivation: Roger and the management of Art’s Foods would have to motivate the
teams by actively listening to their concerns or suggestions. The teams can be
motivated by providing them with enhanced training and education so that they may
do the best job possible. In this way, employee morale and job satisfaction would

Awards: People generally tend to respond very favourably to awards. These can be
structured so that employees' hard work, ideas and job performance are recognized
and appreciated via offering an award to the employees.

Group Cohesion: Team activities need to be started so employees think for the
common good of the group, rather than just their own personal interests. Outside of
work activities, such as sports and company picnic will increase the bond between the
team members.

e. What style of leadership should Roger have to improve the situation?

The best leadership style that should be actively followed by Roger would be the “
Coaching Leadership Style”. This style of leadership is relatively new and works by
guiding people and subordinates. The leader, Roger, would take the lead to get the
best out of his employees and team. Roger would know when he is successful as a
leader when he sees the performance and competencies of his employees improve.
Another way Roger can use his skills wisely would be to encourage work/life balance
and encourage outside of work activities among employees so that they feel a sense
of belonging within the company.
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4. Lorena's leave has gone down like a ton of bricks for Roger, who did not
expect it. He has realised that the situation is extreme, and has decided to take
action. He has given orders to hire two administrative staff to deal with the high
workload of the educational area, but, as well, he has thought about the need to
apply empowerment in the group. It is requested:

a. As an advisor, you must develop an empowerment Action Plan for Art's Food
with Roger:

i. Indicate the benefits of empowerment and improvements that can be


Empowerment means that Roger has to make the workplace more people or
employee-friendly. This would result in a more harmonized group of employees
working together towards a common goal, hence productivity, job satisfaction would
increase dramatically. The following benefits can be achieved:

● Increased worker morale would lead to greater productivity

● Workers ideas can be utilized for greater job satisfaction and greater profits
● If there is less friction at work, the team will work more efficiently and workers
would realize the benefit of empowerment
● Workplace culture would improve
● Profit margins would increase as greater productivity would be realized
● Progressive companies embrace change and this leads to a more dynamic
● Empowered employees make better decisions which would lead to better
customer satisfaction and employee job satisfaction
● More would be leaders in the organization would initiate changes that would
improve the work culture and worker/management relations.

ii. Define one or more goals to achieve with this tool.

Employee surveys and Customer satisfaction surveys that

aredone periodically, say every four to six months would help with getting insight

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into the work environment and help with customer retention. The hiring of more
employees would take the load off the overworked employees.

iii. Choose a type of inspiration which Roger should use.

Roger should adopt the inspirational leadership approach. This approach

recognizes that a leader can project positive influence on those around them and
motivate others towards personal success and organizational success.

iv. Propose a series of actions and/or empowerment techniques.

These actions are suggested by Forbes, in empowering the employees:

Give employees generous boundaries. Contrary to conventional wisdom,

boundaries don't restrict team members; they empower them.

● “Listen intently to the employees, otherwise the team will have a lot of “YES”
men/women employees who are afraid to share their views.
● Believe in your employees and work in partnership to achieve a common goal.
● Forgive mistakes as we all make mistakes. It's important to learn from mistakes.
● Provide growth paths for employees to strive for a better position and job.
● Praise employee effort if you want the team and organization to grow, otherwise,
employees will only do what they are good at and not take an initiative to tackle
difficult tasks.
● Talk less and listen more to the employees as they are the front-end workers
who know the job and the business, inside out.
● Earn employees trust by setting an example and doing what you preach
● Give employees time as time is a precious commodity that sometimes trumps
● Set aside your ( management ) own ego and divert your attention towards
employees' ego and job progression and fulfillment.
● Have an open-door policy where employees can come to management at any
time with their concerns and grievances.”

v. Plan these actions chronologically.

Some of the above actions overlap and go hand in hand with other points.
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The first thing management would have to do is form work-teams and participate in the
discovery phase of what needs to be done and create an action plan. This would be
done in the 1st week of inception. Once the action plan is formulated then group
meetings and discussions can be organized where management oversees rather than
dictates what course of action needs to be taken as workers are at the forefront and
know the problem and possible solution best. Include a plan on recognizing the most
improved and best employee of the month and mandate that they are given a day off
from work. This would be done over two weeks, week 2nd-3rd.

Thirdly create mini-teams where the details can be hashed out and every
employee has a chance to voice and participate in the discussion. This would be done
in the 4th week. Next, we can use an online program such as “ TRELLO “ to track the
progress of the project or goal. This would be done in week 2nd-4th and updated daily
with any new information or progression towards our goal.

Week 5th-6th will be action weeks where everything discussed so far is put in action
and the team goals are realized 7th week we will have a meeting with all participants
including management where individual and group efforts will be recognized and some
awards and praises will be forthcoming. A Win-Win situation for both employees and

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Cherry, K. (2020, June 10). What Are the Pros and Cons of Autocratic Leadership?
Verywell Mind.
Coaching Leadership Style, a valuable leadership style. (2018, August 12).


Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing: Tuckman’s Model for Nurturing a Team
to High Performance. (n.d.).

Functions of Management - Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling.


Indeed. (2019). The 9 Belbin Team Roles (With Examples) | es
Kasanoff, B. (n.d.). 10 Powerful Ways To Empower Your Employees. Forbes.

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Power (social and political). (2020, April 24). Wikipedia.

Sree Rama Rao. (2009, February 5). Formal and Informal Teams.

Unity is Strength. (n.d.). MSUToday | Michigan State University. Retrieved February

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What is Empowerment? (2013, July 26). HRZone.


ENEB - Notes from Personnel Management and Organizational Behaviour, module

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