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Certified that this is Bonafide Record of the practical

workdone by _____________, Register Number__________________,

of I Semester Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, in

the Digital Workplace skills Practical during the academic year 2023-


Staff Incharge Head of the Department

Submitted for the Board Practical Examinations held on _________

Internal Examiner External Examiner

Ex. Date Name of the Exercise Page MARKS SIGN
No. No.

1 Operating System, Browser and

Search Engines
2 Document Formatting

3 Mail Merge

4 Spreadsheet Creation

5 Filtering and Chart Creation

6 Creation of Presentation

7 Designing with Canva

8 Meetings, Mail, and Information

9 Video Conferencing

10 Password Protection
Exercise No. 1 Date:

To study the basic navigations in Windows operating system, to use

the browsers like edge, chrome etc., and to use the search engines like

Google, Bing etc.


a) Basic Navigations in Windows:

1. Desktop consists of background or wallpaper, shortcuts of files and

folders, and a taskbar.

2. Taskbar consists of start menu, shortcuts, date and time and some

settings like internet connection, sound volume etc.

3. Mouse pointer is used select and open a file or a folder.

 Single left click is used to select a file or a folder.

 Double left click is used to open a file or a folder.

 Single right click is used to manage the file or folder.

b) Usage of Browsers:

1. Web browser takes information from the internet by using web

address and displays it in the desktop. Some browsers are edge, chrome,

firefox etc.

2. We can enter any web address to find information. For example,,,

c) Usage of Search Engines:

1. Search engine is a website that search the internet for websites on

specific topics. Some browsers are google chrome, Bing, etc.,

2. We can enter any key words to find information. For example,

“Diploma job opportunities”, “what after diploma”, “how to be a smart



The basic navigations in Windows operating system, the browsers like

edge, chrome etc., and the search engines like Google, Bing etc has been

successfully studied.

Usage of Browser

Usage of Search Engines

ExerciseNo.2 Date: _________



To create a document with basic editing, formatting options,

Tables, Equations, Hyperlinks, Pictures.


1. Click Start > Program > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Word.

2. A blank document appears.

3. Type =rand(15) and press enter key. 15 paragraphs are


4. Click Home tab. Set the font size as 12, align the text as left

alignment and use bold, italic and underline for the necessary text.

5. Click Insert > Picture, Shapes, and table and insert the table in

the document.

6. Click Insert > Header & Footer > Header. Set the Name &

register number as header.

7. Click Insert > Header & Footer>Footer. Set the page number as

8. Click Insert > Symbols >Equation and insert the required


9. Select the text for hyperlink. Click Insert > Link. Select a

required file and click OK.

10. Click Design tab. Set water mark, page color, page border.

11. Click Page Layout > Page Setup > Margins > Custom Margins.

Set the margins as 1.5 cm (for top, bottom, left, right sides); page

orientation as portrait; paper size as A4 and columns as two.

12. After completion, save and close the document.


A document with basic editing, formatting options, Tables,

Equations, Hyperlinks, Pictures has been successfully created.

ExerciseNo.3 Date: _________



To create a standard covering letter and use mail merge to

generate customized letters and generate labels by creating a



1. Click Start > Program > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Word.

2. Go to “Mailings” tab. Click Mailings > Start Mail Merge >


3. Go to “Select Recipients” tab. Click Select Recipients >Type a

New List. New Address list window appears.

4. Click “Customize Columns” to manage the fields.

5. Enter the field values using tab key.

6. If the first record is entered, Click “New Entry”.

7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until all the addresses are entered.

8. Click OK button and save the created database.

9. Type the covering letter in the opened word document.

10. After typing To, enter the information from the created


11. The following steps are followed to insert information from the

created database.

i. Go to Mailings > Write & Insert Fields > Insert Merge Field. A

window appears.

ii. From the window, select the created fields to merge one by one

by clicking Insert button. After all the fields are inserted click

Close button.

iii. To preview the mail merge operation, go to Mailings >Preview


iv. By clicking the arrow keys in the Preview Results group, we

can move from one letter to another.

12. To print the letters one by one, go to Mailings > Finish &

Merge >Print Documents > All.

13. After completion, save the document as pdf format.


A standard covering letter, mail merge to generate customized

letters and generate labels by creating a database has been

successfully created.
Exercise No. 4 Date: _________



To create a Spreadsheet for data handling, formatting, calculations

using formulae and functions using Excel / Google Sheets.


1. Click Start > Program > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Excel.

2. Enter the data as below:

3. Steps to find TOTAL:

i. To get the total marks of the first student, click on the cell and

enter the formula as =SUM(C2:G2) and press enter.

ii. To get the total of others, apply the same formula, or drag down

the mouse pointer.

4. Steps to find AVERAGE:

i. To get the average marks of the first student, click on the cell and

enter the formula as = AVERAGE(C2:G2) and press enter.

ii. To get the average of others, apply the same formula, or drag

down the mouse pointer.

5. Steps to find MINIMUM:

i. To get the minimum mark of the first student, click on the cell

and enter the formula as =MIN(C2:G2) and press enter.

ii. To get the minimum mark of others, apply the same formula, or

drag down the mouse pointer.

6. Steps to find MAXIMUM:

i. To get the maximum mark of the first student, click on the cell

and enter the formula as =MAX(C2:G2) and press enter.

ii. To get the other maximum mark of others, apply the same

formula, or drag down the mouse pointer.

7. Steps to find the RESULT (PASS/FAIL):

i. To get the result of the first student, click on the cell and enter

the formula as =IF(AND(C2>=35, D2>=35, E2>=35, F2>=35,

G2>=35), “PASS”, “FAIL”) and press enter.

ii. To get the result of others, apply the same formula, or else drag

down the mouse pointer.

8. After completion, save the document.


A spreadsheet for data handling, formatting, calculations using

formulae and functions using Excel / Google Sheets has been

successfully created.
Exercise No. 5 Date: _________


To create a spreadsheet for Sorting, Filtering, and to create different

charts. Print Preview, Printing Using Excel / Google Sheets.


1. Click Start > Program > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Excel.

2. Enter the data as below:

3. Steps to find TOTAL:

i. To get the total marks of the first student, click on the cell and enter
the formula as =SUM(C2:G2) and press enter.

ii. To get the total of others, apply the same formula, or drag down the

mouse pointer.

4. Steps to find the RESULT (PASS/FAIL):

i. To get the result of the first student, click on the cell and enter the

formula as =IF(AND(C2>=35, D2>=35, E2>=35, F2>=35, G2>=35),

“PASS”, “FAIL”) and press enter.

ii. To get the result of others, apply the same formula, or else drag down

the mouse pointer.

5. Steps for sorting:

i. Select the “Student Name” cell;

ii. Click Home >Sort & Filter >Sort A to Z; then the data is arranged in

alphabetical order.

6. Steps for Filtering:

i. Select the header row and click Home > Sort & Filter > Filter;

ii. A drop-down arrow is displayed near each column title;

iii. Click the drop-down arrow shown in “Result” cell and select

iv. Then the list of students whose Result as PASS will only be


7. Steps to create different charts:

i. Select the required columns to get the data in charts.

ii. Click Insert >Charts and insert different types of charts namely Line

chart, Colum chart, Bar chart.

8. Steps to get Print Preview:

i. Click View > Page Break Preview / Page Layout.

ii. Then the data can be aligned for print.

9. After completion, save the document.


A spreadsheet for Sorting, Filtering, and different charts, Print Preview,

Printing Using Excel / Google Sheets has been successfully created.

Exercise No. 6 Date: _________



To Create a Presentation, editing, saving, Slide creation, Charts, Tables,

Pictures, Smart Art, Slide Number, Header, Footer, Date, Shapes, Video

and Sound. Slide Animation, running a slide show, Print Preview using

PowerPoint, Google slides etc.


1. Click Start > Program >Microsoft Office > Microsoft Power point.

2. Go to Design > Themes and choose any one of the themes.

3. Insert 10 slides and enter the following details about the college:

i. College Name and Address,

ii. Courses Offered, Sports facilities, Authorities of college,

iii. College Photos, College Website, college events,

iv. First Year details, like batches, subjects, number of students in the

class, etc.
4. Click Transition tab and select any of the transition and then click

“Apply to all”.

5. Click Transition > sound and select any of the sound.

6. Click Insert > Movie and select movie from files.

7. Click Insert > Picture and select picture from files.

8. Click Insert > hyperlink. Select the text for highlight.

9. Click Insert > Header & Footer > Header. Set the Name & register

number as header.

10. Click Insert > Header & Footer > Footer. Set the page number and

Date as footer.

11. To present the slide, click Slide show and move the slides using

scroll button or arrow keys.

12. Press ESC key to end the slide show.

13. After completion, save the document.


A presentation, editing, saving, Slide creation, Charts, Tables, Pictures,

Smart Art, Slide Number, Header, Footer, Date, Shapes, Video and

Sound. Slide Animation, running a slide show, Print Preview using

PowerPoint, Google slides has been successfully created.

Exercise No. 7 Date: _________



To make a designing with Canva.


1. Click Start > Program > Google Chrome (or Firefox or Bing)

2. Enter in address bar.

3. To sign in my account, Click Log in > Continue with google > enter

gmail id and password > Next.

4. Click Create a design > Presentation (16:9). A blank page appears.

5. Go to “Design” tab to select necessary Templates or Layouts.

6. Go to “Elements” tab and insert the necessary elements such as

Graphics, Photos, Videos, Shapes, Audio, Frames, Charts.

7. Go to “Text” tab and add the necessary texts.

8. Go to “Uploads” tab and upload the necessary Photos, videos etc.

9. Go to “Draw” tab and draw a design by selecting different pens and

10. After completion, click “Share” button to download and share the

created document.


A designing with Canva has been successfully made.

Exercise No. 8 Date: _________



To Schedule–meetings–Google Calendar. To create Mail in Gmail. To

collect the student Bio data using google forms


a) Scheduling – meetings – Google calendar:

1. Click Start > Program > Google Chrome (or Firefox or Bing).

2. Enter in address bar.

3. Go to “Sign in” and enter the Gmail id and password and click “Next”


4.Click google apps icon ( ) in right up corner and select “Calendar”.

5. Google calendar appears.

6. Single click the date and time to schedule the meeting.

7. Give the title in “Add title” and Click “Add Google Meet video

conferencing” > Join with Google Meet and Click “Save” button.

8. Google meeting is automatically scheduled in the calendar.

9. To share the meeting link with others, click the scheduled meeting in
the calendar and copy and use the link for sharing.

10. After completion, click “Sign out” button to log out the google


b) Mail – Gmail:

1. Click Start > Program > Google Chrome (or Firefox or Bing)

2. Enter in address bar.

3. Go to “sign in” and enter the Gmail id and password and click “Next”

button. “Inbox” of my mail appears.

4. Click “Compose” to compose new message/mail. After typing the

mail content, enter recipient email id in “To” address and click “Send”


5. Click “Sent” to see the mails which has already sent from my mail.

6. Click “Drafts” to see the drafted/saved mails which are not sent.

7. Click “Bin” to see the mails, deleted within 30 days.

8. After completion, click “Sign out” button to log out the google

c) Google Forms:

1. Click Start > Program > Google Chrome (or Firefox or Bing)

2. Enter in address bar.

3. Go to “Sign in” and enter the Gmail id and password and click “Next”


4. Click google apps icon ( ) in right up corner and select “Forms”.

5. Blank google form appears.

6. Enter the title of the form and enter the students’ details as questions

like Name, Department, Age, Blood group, Father’s Name, Mother’s

Name, Occupation, Address, Phone Number, etc.,

7. Click “Send” button and send the data to others by mail or by copying

the link.

8. The responses of the students can be seen in “Response” tab.

Responses can be downloaded as excel file, pdf file, etc.,

9. After completion, click “Sign out” button to log out the google

account. Result: Schedule–meetings–Google Calendar, Mail in Gmail,

and collection of student Bio data using google forms has been

successfully studied.
a) Scheduling – meetings – Google calendar:

b)Mail – Gmail:
c)Google Forms:

Schedule–meetings–Google Calendar, Mail in Gmail, and collection of

student Bio data using google forms has been successfully studied.
Exercise No. 9 Date: _________



To create hands-on Video Conferencing Experience with Webex, zoom,

Google Meet etc.


1. Click Start > Program > Google Chrome (or Firefox or Bing)

2. Enter in address bar.

3. Go to “Sign in” and enter the Gmail id and password and click “Next”


4. Click google apps icon ( ) in right up corner and select “Meet”.

5. “Google Meet” page appears.

6. Click “New meeting > Start an instant meeting.

7. A meeting page will be appeared.

8. Click “Add others” to add the members manually in the meeting; or

click copy icon to copy the link and share the link for the members.

9. In the meeting screen, some standard icons are available like mute

audio, turn off video, caption, reaction, present screen, hand raise, full

screen, etc.

10. Meeting members can send message and see the list of other

participants in the meeting.

11. After completion, click “Sign out” button to log out the google


A hands-on Video Conferencing Experience with Webex, zoom, Google

Meet etc has been successfully studied.

Exercise No. 10 Date: _________



To create password protection for sheets, Google drive sharing and



a) Password protection for sheets:

1. Click Start > Program > Google Chrome (or Firefox or Bing)

2. Enter in address bar.

3. Go to “Sign in” and enter the Gmail id and password and click

“Next” button.

4. Click google apps icon ( ) in right up corner and select “Sheets”.

5. Open the sheet in Google sheets.

6. Click Data > Protect sheets and ranges. A box will open on the right.

7. Click “sheet” and select the sheet name that you want to protect and

click “Set permissions”.

8. To show a warning when anyone makes an edit, select “Show a

warning when editing this range”.

9. To choose who can edit the range or sheet, select “Restrict who can

edit this range”.

10. Click “Save” or “Done”.

11. After completion, click “Sign out” button to log out the google


b) Google drive sharing:

1. Click Start > Program > Google Chrome (or Firefox or Bing)

2. Enter in address bar.

3. Go to “Sign in” and enter the Gmail id and password and click “Next”


4. Click google apps icon ( ) in right up corner and select “Drive”.

5. Click “New” button and add some documents in the drive.

6. Right click on the document and click “share”. A dialogue box opens.

7. Click “General access” as Restricted or Anyone with the link.

8. If “Anyone with the link” is selected, then whoever having the

document link can access the document.

9. If “Restricted” is selected, then the people whose mail-id is given can

only access the document.

10. After completion, click “Sign out” button to log out the google


Password protection for sheets, Google drive sharing–permission has

been successfully created.

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