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TETRA Terminal

STP8000, STP8100, STP8200,

STP9000, STP9100, STP9200,
STP8X000, STP8X100, SRH3900,
SRC3300, SRG3900, SRB8000 &


09 March 2015
Issue: 1.0
Original Instructions: ENGLISH
Document Number: MOD-15-1825/ ENGLISH/ 09 March 2015
Document Release: Issue: 1.0

All rights reserved. This document is intended for the use of Sepura plc’s customers and/or other parties only for
the purposes of the agreement or arrangement under which this document is submitted, and no part of it may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Sepura plc.

Windows, Vista, XP, SQL Server are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.

Licence Agreement

Sepura has a policy to continually improve its products. The features and facilities described in this document
were correct at publication, but are subject to change without notice.

Contact Details
Sepura plc.
Radio House,
St Andrew’s Road,
Cambridge CB4 1GR,
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1223 876000
Fax: +44 (0)1223 879000
Software Release Note


1 WARNING - Authenticated Software ............................................................................................ 5

2 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Programming V10.14-022 into Radios ......................................................................... 6
2.2 Contents of the V10.14-022 Release CD ................................................................................ 7
2.3 References ............................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Release Identification ............................................................................................................... 8

3 Content of Release ......................................................................................................................... 9

3.1 Software Supplied .................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 3000 Series Part Numbers....................................................................................................... 9
3.3 STP Series Part Numbers........................................................................................................ 9
3.4 Authentication Processor ......................................................................................................... 9
3.5 Secure Processor ..................................................................................................................10
3.6 In-Country Algorithm ..............................................................................................................10
3.7 Language Blocks ...................................................................................................................10

4 Compatibility.................................................................................................................................11
4.1 Radio Software ......................................................................................................................11
4.2 GPS Part Numbers Compatibility...........................................................................................11
4.3 Tools Compatibility .................................................................................................................12
4.4 Repeater Radio Hardware Compatibility ...............................................................................12
4.5 Language Block .....................................................................................................................12
4.6 Character sets supported .......................................................................................................13
4.7 Latin .......................................................................................................................................13
4.8 Arabic .....................................................................................................................................13
4.9 Korean....................................................................................................................................13
4.10 Simplified Chinese .................................................................................................................13
4.11 Zhuyin Chinese ......................................................................................................................13

5 Documentation supplied .............................................................................................................14

5.1 Licences .................................................................................................................................14
5.2 Product Descriptions ..............................................................................................................14
5.3 User Guides ...........................................................................................................................14
5.4 Interface Specifications ..........................................................................................................14
5.5 Example Files.........................................................................................................................14

6 Licensing and Release Restrictions...........................................................................................16

6.1 Software Licenses ..................................................................................................................16
6.2 Network Approval ...................................................................................................................16

Terminal Software

6.3 Release Restrictions ..............................................................................................................16

7 Short Data Applications ..............................................................................................................17

8 Installation and Upgrade .............................................................................................................18

8.1 Adding V10.14-022 Software to Radio Manager ...................................................................18
8.2 Upgrading the Radios with V10.14-022 .................................................................................18

9 Fixes to reported problems .........................................................................................................19

10 New Features ................................................................................................................................20

10.1 Sepura Picture Message ........................................................................................................20
10.2 SDA Function Enhancement..................................................................................................20
10.3 Smart Menu............................................................................................................................20
10.4 New Style Inbox .....................................................................................................................20
10.5 SDS Message Send ...............................................................................................................21
10.6 Extended Quick Status ..........................................................................................................21
10.7 Notification Indicator ..............................................................................................................21
10.8 Mute Audio and Active Alerts .................................................................................................21
10.9 Detach and Auto Attach as Selected Talkgroup ....................................................................21
10.10 STP car cradle charging ..............................................................................................21
10.11 Features from Version 10.13 Release .........................................................................21
Software Release Note

1 WARNING - Authenticated Software

Many users of Sepura radios expect increasing levels of security in these radios and the software within
them to provide secure communications. It is therefore vital that this software does not include Trojans and
other viruses. As well as providing a secure platform for users this is also a requirement for the accreditation
of national bodies and for achieving international security standards such as FIPS.

To provide this level of security, V10.14-022 and subsequent software releases will
be protected by digital signatures.

Terminal Software

2 Overview
V10.14-022 is a release of software for all frequency bands of the STP8000, STP8100, STP8200, STP9000,
STP9100, STP9200, STP8X000, STP8X100, SRH3900, SRC3300, SRG3900, SRB8000 & SRB9000
platforms. SRB platforms share the software functionality with the corresponding STP series and are not
detailed below. This release adds functionality to previously released versions of software.

The table below shows the availability of the features for each of the products:

SRG3900 Series
SRH3900 Series

SRC3300 Series



STP8X Series
STP8 Series

STP9 Series



2 3 4
Sepura Picture Message      
SDA Function Enhancement      
Smart Menu      
New Style Inbox      
SDS Message Send      
Extended Quick Status      
Notification Indicator      
Mute Audio and Active Alerts      
Detach and Auto Attach as Selected Talkgroup      

2.1.1 Programming V10.14-022 into Radios

V10.14-022 can only be downloaded and configured using Sepura Radio Manager that is distributed with this
release (or a later version); a valid Radio Manager licence is required to run the Radio Manager.

The SRC covert series of products does not support a display screen or keypads. Features describing these aspects in this bulletin are therefore not
applicable to this product series. This release only supports SRC3300 with hardware code ‘PSR’. These SRC3300 inherit all of the functionality from
the SRC330 with hardware code ‘PSF’. These are now on the same platform as SRH3900 and require Radio Manager 2.
SRG3900 requires Colour Console or Colour HBC for correct display of image. Legacy Console and Mono HBC support Picture Messages, but
images may normally not be clear.
Only supported for STP8000 and STP8100 Series radios
Only supported for STP9000 and STP9100 Series radios
Software Release Note

2.2 Contents of the V10.14-022 Release CD

Root Directory
Radio Software
Example Files (Example files and configurations)
Feature Description (Software product information)
Interface Specification (All Interface specifications)
Software Licenses (Software licence documents)
User Guides (Radio User Guides)
Software (RMD Files containing radio software)
Sepura Radio Manager (Radio Manager Software and
Sepura UI Tool
Software (User interface Tool)
User Guide (UI Tool User Guides)
Software Licenses (Software licence documents)
Contents of this CD

Radio Software Release Note

2.3 References

[1] MOD-08-914 GPS Air Interface User Guide

[2] MOD-03-028, Standard Software Licence

[3] MOD-07-405, Surveillance Products User Guide

[4] MOD-05-155, Radio Manager Software Licence

[5] MOD-13-1641 Radio Manager 2 Standalone Installation Guide Issue 1

[6] MOD-13-1642 Radio Manager 2 Server Client Installation Guide Issue 1

[7] MOD-09-1009, Radio Manager Importing and Exporting

[8] MOD-07-386 User Interface Tool Licence

Terminal Software

2.4 Release Identification

This release of software is identified as V10.14-022.
There are variants of this release for STP8000, STP8100, STP8200, STP9000, STP9100, STP9200,
STP8X000, STP8X100, SRH3900, SRC3300, SRG3900, SRB8000 & SRB9000, sGPS variants and
Language Software support.
Software Release Note

3 Content of Release
3.1 Software Supplied
Component File Name
Radio Software for all models V10.14-022(Signed Software).rmx

3.2 3000 Series Part Numbers

Software Part
Product Component
SRH3900 Radio Software 1711 034 03150

SRH3900 Radio Boot Code 1711 034 03152

SRC3300 (PSR) Radio Software 1711 034 03150

SRC3300 (PSR) Radio Boot Code 1711 034 03152

SRG3900 Radio Software 1711 035 03577

SRG3900 Radio Boot Code 1711 022 03579

SRG3900 Flash Upgrader Not part of this release

SRG3900 Flash Downgrader Not part of this release

3.3 STP Series Part Numbers

Software Part
Product Component
STP8, STP8X & STP9 Radio Software 1711 034 02937

STP8, STP8X & STP9 Radio Boot Code 1711 034 02931

STP8, STP8X & STP9 Flash Upgrader Not part of this release

STP8, STP8X & STP9 Flash Downgrader Not part of this release

3.4 Authentication Processor

Software Part
Product Component
4401 489 03083
SRH/C/M/G/ (380-
Auth Secure Processor Code (Mega644) 4401 496 03083
4401 497 03083
4401 489 03083
STP8/9/8X Auth Secure Processor Code (Mega644) 4401 496 03083
4401 497 03083

Terminal Software

3.5 Secure Processor

Software Part
Product Component
4401 494 02459
SRH/C/M/G (380-430MHz) Second Secure Processor Code (Mega644) 4401 496 02459
4401 497 02459
4401 494 02459
STP8/9 Second Secure Processor Code (Mega644) 4401 496 02459
4401 497 02459

3.6 In-Country Algorithm

Software Part
Product Component
4401 494 02459
SRH/C/M/G (380-430MHz) Second Secure Processor Code (Mega644) 4401 496 02459
4401 497 02459
4401 494 03398
STP8/9 Second Secure Processor Code (Mega644) 4401 496 03398
4401 497 03398

3.7 Language Blocks

Software Part
Product Component
Simplified Chinese Language Block 2001 286 02281
STP80006, STP8100, 2001 286 02282
Zhuyin Chinese Language Block
STP8200, STP9000,
STP9100, STP9200, 2001 286 02283
Korean Language Block
STP8X000 & STP8X100
Arabic Language Block 2001 286 02284

Simplified Chinese Language Block 2001 286 03154

Zhuyin Chinese Language Block 2001 286 03155

SRH3900 & SRC3300
(PSR) Korean Language Block 2001 286 03156

Arabic Language Block Bundled with Radio


Simplified Chinese Language Block 2001 286 03948

Zhuyin Chinese Language Block 2001 286 03949

Korean Language Block 2001 286 03950

Arabic Language Block 2001 286 03951

STP8000 Series radios identified with the 4th character in the Serial Number to be less than ‘2’ only support the Latin Character set
Software Release Note

4 Compatibility
Software Compatibility is shown below.

4.1 Radio Software

Software Version
Product Hardware
V10.14-001 V10.14-002 V10.14-021 V10.14-022
2000 Series SRP2000    
SRM2000    
SRG2000    
3000 Series
(PSR)    

SRH3500    
SRH3800    
SRH3900    
SRM3500    
SRG3500    
SRG3900    
8000 Series STP8000    
STP8100    
STP8200    
9000 Series STP9000    
STP9100    
STP9200    
8X Series STP8X000    
STP8X100    

4.2 GPS Part Numbers Compatibility

Software Part
Product Component
SRH3900/SRC3300 (PSR) sGPS™ Software S21A, 2.59-A

STP8/8X/9 Series GPS Software 2.59-A , 5.00 (29857)

SRG3900 Series GPS Software J31 v3.1 Build 4

(SRG3900), GN-87F:

Terminal Software

4.3 Tools Compatibility

Software Part
Product Component
All Products Sepura Radio Manager R or later

All Products UI Tool V10.14

All Products SKMS 1.3.16 or later

All Products CMC 5.3 or later

All Products CDT,,,

4.4 Repeater Radio Hardware Compatibility

Repeater functionality is supported on all SRC3300, SRH3900 STP, and SRG3900 hardware products.

4.5 Language Block

Hardware Simplified Zhuyin
Product Latin Arabic Korean
Series Chinese Chinese
2000 Series SRP2000     
SRM2000     
SRG2000     
3000 Series SRC3300     
SRH3500     
SRH3800     
SRH3900     
SRM3500     
SRG3500     
SRG3900     
8000 Series STP8000     
STP8100     
STP8200     
9000 Series STP9000     
STP9100     
STP9200     
8X Series STP8X000     
STP8X100     
Software Release Note

4.6 Character sets supported

4.7 Latin
Software released with the Latin character set supports the following:
Provides support for the following languages:
ISO 8859-01
( West European - Latin No. 1 ) Danish, Dutch, English, Faeroese, Finnish, French, German, Icelandic,
Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish.

Provides support for the following languages by transcoding to/from

Unicode characters:
ISO 8859-02
(Eastern and Central European)
Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Croatian, Slovak, Slovenian and
Latin/Cyrillic support for the following languages:
ISO 8859-05
( Cyrillic ) Bulgarian, Byelorussian, English, Macedonian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian,
and Ukrainian.

Support for Turkish Language:

ISO-8859-09 U+011E, U+011F, U+0130, U+0131, U+015E, U+015F

Provides support for additional characters in:

ISO 8859-15 Czech, Croatian, French and Lithuanian languages with support for EUR
symbol “€”

4.8 Arabic
Unicode Standard, version 4.0 Provides support for Arabic language characters.
characters U+0600 to U+06FF, U+FE70 to U+FEFF, U+FB50 to U+FBE9

4.9 Korean
Software released with the Korean character set supports the following:
Support for all Hanguls defined in the Unicode Standard, version 4.0,
Unicode Standard, version 4.0, from from U+AC00 to U+D7A3.
U+AC00 to U+D7A3
Note: this is a super-set of those defined in KS X 1001:1992

4.10 Simplified Chinese

Software released with the simplified Chinese character set supports the following:
The GB 2312 character set standard represents Simplified Chinese
characters. GB is short for Guojia Biaozhun, Chinese for national
standard. GB 2312 contains 7,445 characters, including 6,763 Hanzi
and 682 Latin, symbol and punctuation characters.

4.11 Zhuyin Chinese

Software released with the Zhuyin Chinese character set supports the following:
Zi HK-TW database

Terminal Software

5 Documentation supplied
5.1 Licences
Component Document Part Number
Radio Radio Software Licence MOD-03-028

Radio Manager Radio Manager Software Licence MOD-05-155

User Interface Tool User Interface Tool Licence MOD-07-386

5.2 Product Descriptions

Radio V10.12 Feature Description – Issue 1.0 MOD-13-1596

Radio Manager Radio Manager Product Bulletin MOD-09-996

Radio Manager Radio Manager USB Client MOD-07-449

Radio V10.14 Feature Description – Issue 1.0 MOD-14-1735

5.3 User Guides

Component Document Part Number
MOD-13-1663 Issue 2
Radio Tetra Radio User Guide
MOD-13-1662 Issue 2
Radio TETRA Product User Guide MOD-10-1164 Issue 15

Radio Packet Data User Guide MOD-07-483 Issue 1

Radio Remote User Interface Tool User Guide MOD-08-935 Issue 4

Radio / Radio Manager Short Data Applications User Guide MOD-14-1723 Issue 1

Radio Manager Radio Manager Release Note MOD-14-1756 Issue 1

5.4 Interface Specifications

Component Document Part Number
Radio GPS Functionality and Air Interface User Guide MOD-12-1495

Radio Time Stamped Message Interface Specification MOD-06-302

Radio Sepura Public Protocol MOD-14-1757

Radio Data Interface User Guide MOD-14-1758

5.5 Example Files

Component Document Part Number
Radio / Radio Manager SDA Design Guide Worked Example for V10.5.rmt MOD-07-384

Radio Manager Example ISSI-TEI Import.csv MOD-06-369

Radio Manager Example Talk Group import.csv MOD-06-370

Software Release Note

Radio Manager Example Nested Talk Group import.csv MOD-10-1161

Radio Manager Phonebook import example.csv MOD-08-952

Radio Manager Phonebook import examples.xls MOD-08-953

Radio Manager Phonebook import examples.xml MOD-08-954

Radio Manager Phonebook XML Schema (XSD) MOD-08-955

Radio / Radio Manager V10.13 Example STP profile Template.rmt MOD-10-1175

Radio / Radio Manager V10 Example RM Profile description.pdf MOD-10-1178

Terminal Software

6 Licensing and Release Restrictions

6.1 Software Licenses
Licensing restrictions applicable to the Radio software contained in this release are defined in ref [2].

6.2 Network Approval

Please check the network approval status with your network operator before using this software.

Please contact Sepura for more information or help is required: [email protected]

6.3 Release Restrictions

 While the radio is in Transmit Inhibit mode in DMO and Quick Group is selected using the soft key,
an attempt to setup an alarm call is then rejected. Sepura does not support changing of talkgroups
while the radio is in Transmit Inhibit mode and advises the users not to invoke talk group selection
via the soft key.
Software Release Note

7 Short Data Applications

From V7.0 onwards, Short Data applications are available to make the sending and receipt of SDS message
an effortless task by presenting the user with information in a form that is simple and easy to read. This
feature follows on from the SDS Templates functionality provided in V5.0, enhancing it by providing the
ability for customers to define their own templates, supporting user defined protocols and applications. Short
Data Applications can be downloaded to the Terminals by the Radio manager.

Creating a Short Data application, requires a knowledge of the SDS

protocol that is being implemented as well as a familiarity with principles of
software programming. Creating Short Data Applications should not be
attempted unless the user is familiar with both of the above criteria. Please
contact Sepura if more information or help is required:
[email protected]

Terminal Software

8 Installation and Upgrade

8.1 Adding V10.14-022 Software to Radio Manager
Instructions on how to load V10.14-022 into Radio Manager are contained in ref [7].

8.2 Upgrading the Radios with V10.14-022

Instructions on how to load V10.14-022 into radios are contained in ref [5] & [6].

V10.14-022 enables signature checking on radios. Downgrading from V10.14-
022 to an earlier version of Unsigned software will render radios inoperable

Please see page 5 for details.

Software Release Note

9 Fixes to reported problems

Reference Description
RSW-8905 STP9000/9100 LCD driver update
RSW-8766 Tone signalling
RSW-8901 STP battery-charging behaviour in car-kit
RSW-8795 CCK change issue on Class 3G network
Improvements to handling of Tx Interrupt/Tx not granted/Tx ceased
RSW-8444 Unreliable detection of RCU
RSW-9342 SRG3900 GPS uncertainty reporting
RSW-7795 Loading of E2EE keys
RSW-7813 Reboots on receiving certain SDA messages
RSW-8391 Improved robustness of PPP to prevent packets being discarded during data session
RSW-8005 Display of TG information when scanning is enabled
RSW-452 MS can incorrectly adopt DCK of zero during handover
RSW-8403 DM-GATE ignores DPRES-SYNC from another gateway during initial channel
RSW-8572 SDA Data Entry corruption
RSW-8810 UDSL issue where radio fails to correctly display the folder of the selected UDSL
RSW-7444 Configurable SCK OTAR demand on SC2 BS
RSW-6943 Unstable operation of STP in Car Kit due to uninitialized data
RSW-5510 Car Kit Incorrect unapproved accessory message in Car kit
RSW-8289 Boot Code update

Terminal Software

10 New Features
The new features listed below are provided as part of this release of V10.14-022.

10.1 Sepura Picture Message

The Sepura Picture Message feature provides application specific support in the terminal to receive images
directly over the TETRA Air Interface. Backend system use SDS protocol to send the image with any
associated text message which can be sent to a single or group of recipients simultaneously.

Typical use for Picture Messaging is to send 'mug shots' (of wanted persons, missing persons, suspects from
CCTV footage etc.) being distributed to officers with details of the person and instructions on what to do with
them if located.

Using the Sepura Picture Message protocol enables distribution of images to a large number of users quickly
and efficiently. Distribution of the same picture using Packet Data would have required dedicated network
resource for each recipient. Using End to End Encryption, images could also be sent securely.

Feature is available as a license feature. Please quote 600-00102, “Sepura Picture Message License” to

10.2 SDA Function Enhancement

A Short Data Application (SDA) enables a Sepura terminal user to send and receive information in a user
friendly form based environment. This makes sending and receipt of SDS message an effortless task by
presenting the user with information in a form that is simple and easy to read. Typically, an SDA will help the
end user with an existing work flow process by improving user experience and making efficient use of time.

Features in this release follows on from the SDS Templates functionality released in V5.0 , enhancing it by
providing the ability for end users to define their own templates, supporting user defined protocols and
applications. This includes;
 Automatic display of forms when the radio starts up or registers successfully on the network.
 Access Soft key functions available on the terminal.
 Select destination address for some call types, position reports and Status messages.
 Update the terminal status line to reflect the on-going activity/status.
 Introduction of Validation rules

Use of these features in SDA is available as a license feature. Please quote 600-00103, “Sepura Premium
Application Pack License” to order.

10.3 Smart Menu

The number of soft key functions that a terminal user can operate is normally limited by the number of keys
available on the product. This is therefore, usually limited to 12 functions only. The Smart Menu feature gives
access to a larger number of functions that can be accessed from the terminal. A menu list provides a simple
user interface where the user does not need to remember the key combination to activate the feature.

10.4 New Style Inbox

The Inbox and Message Store which holds text, status and SDA messages have been updated to display the
messages in a list box style. Picture Messages introduced in this release is also stored in these storage
spaces. An icon identifies the message type (text, picture or SDA) and their status (read or unread). The
actions that can be performed on stored messages, available in the earlier Tab styled boxes, continue to
remain. Users can choose to read, delete or send the message forward.

Please refer to SB-P-07-4082 for more details on the feature.
Software Release Note

10.5 SDS Message Send

The SDS message process has been optimised so that messages can be sent without saving it first. This
eliminates extra key presses. Users can still save messages to edit later before sending it
The destination can be identified from a Selection box with option to send to preconfigured or keyed in

10.6 Extended Quick Status

Quick Status feature allows user to send Status Message with a single key press as soft key functions.
Commonly used messages e.g. “Arrived at scene” could therefore be pre-configured and associated with
specific keys enabling the user to send the message quickly.

Up to 30 Status message values can now be configured as soft key functions in the terminal.

10.7 Notification Indicator

If the terminal receives a call related message from the network e.g. a D-INFO or a D-SETUP containing the
optional element ‘Notification indicator’ then, the terminal informs it to the user. The list of Notification
Indication normally provides additional information to the terminal user on the on-going call status. The
Notification indicator includes; 26 - Notice of imminent call disconnection and 27- Limited group coverage.

10.8 Mute Audio and Active Alerts

When a group call is active, the audio is output from the terminal’s loudspeaker making people in the vicinity
aware of the on-going communication. Often in such situations, the terminal user, e.g. a police officer, has
felt the need to mute the audio to maintain privacy when engaging with a member of the public. The officer
however, still wants the alerts to be active so that he can become aware of any emergency calls / situation
that may arise. Sepura terminals can be set up to mute the audio by turning the knob position to zero but still
keep the alerts active.
A related option to decrease the volume level to zero in a more linear manner has also been introduced. This
gives the experience of a more gradual audio level reduction; especially at lower volumes.

10.9 Detach and Auto Attach as Selected Talkgroup

In an earlier software release , an option to automatically attach the requested DGNA Assignment talkgroup
as the Selected talkgroup was introduced. In this release, option to replace any previous Selected Talkgroup
instead of amending it is introduced. This prevents the radio from scanning unwanted talkgroups.

10.10 STP car cradle charging

Normally, STP radios when docked in a car cradle are expected to power up when the car engine starts.
However, some users prefer the radio to remain powered off. A new configuration option has been
introduced that allows the radio to remain powered off. The user can still power the radio on in the charger if
required. A complimentary option that keeps the radio powered on while in the car cradle is also introduced.
Please note that RM or later is required to configure these options.

10.11 Features from Version 10.13 Release

This release of terminal software introduced the following features;
 Over the Air talkgroup selection - Select talkgroup and folder over the air using SPP message
 Language for your terminal - Choose the terminal language from the User Interface
 Message delete - Delete all messages in a single operation

Please refer to MOD-13-1640 Feature Description Bulletin for more details.

Please Refer to MOD-09-1043 “Feature Description” bulletin for V10 software for more details.

© Sepura plc

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