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I. Identify the sentence patterns of the superordinate clauses of the following sentences.

E.g. The fishermen / think/ that the company polluted the bay.
S V Od
1. The most important part of homeopathic treatment /lies/ in the lengthy interview which the
homeopath conducts with the patient. SVA

2. The homeopath/ sees/ the symptoms /as signs of the way the body is attempting to help

3. Their study/ concluded/ that no formal training could replace these first experiences. SVO

4. They/ are/ really surprised at the news that they should give the company their unconditional
loyalty and in return they would have security and a job for life. SVC

5. Professor Shimamura of the university of California/ says/ there are three main ways in which
mental functions change. SVOd

6.The one-child policy/ has lessened/ the negative environmental impact that rapid
industrialisation and population growth have had on China since being implemented. SVOd

7.The main question raised by such a move/ is/ whether a government should be allowed to
control family size. SVCo

8.The government/ has also faced/ heavy criticism of its methods of trying to enforce the one-
child policy in the past SVOd

II. Analyse the following sentences by Descriptive Linguistic: (3pts)

E.g. I’m glad that my mother made me take piano lessons when I was a child.
M 1 : I’m glad
S 1 : that my mother made me take piano lessons: noun clause, complement of “glad”
S.1.1 : when I was a child: adverbial clause of time, modifying “made”.

M1:The necessity of having children in some parts of China is something
S1: many in the West have trouble understanding
Adj cl, post mod “sth”
S1.1: as increasing numbers of adults in the West now choose not to have children.
Adv cl of reason

2. Since most college graduates

who choose to go into an IT work environment will encounter some form of team work at work,
M2:it is to their advantage
S2: that they are educated using collaborative learning and
S3: that they are taught the tools needed to work with different people in achieving common
goals or objectives.
III. Combine the set of simple sentences into complex/compound complex sentence (1pt)
1/He studied the biological and natural sciences AND learned how to categorize and draw
animals accurately, WHICH will greatly benefit his future career path.
2/The fishermen on the Bay of Bengal can now receive online weather reports WHICH tell them
the news when it is safe to go out.
IV. The following sentence is structurally ambiguous; analyze the two different sentence
structures (SVOCA) to show both possible meanings.
1/Alexa /spotted /the man with a telescope. SVOd
1/Alexa/ spotted/ the man/ with a telescope.SVOdA

2/They/ looked at /that dog/ with one eye SVOdA

2/They/ looked at/ that dog with one eye SVOd

3/I /watched/ her duck SVOd

3/I /watched/ her/ duck SVOdCo

4/They /are cooking/ apples SVOd

4/They/ are/ cooking apples SvCs

5/Police/ help /dog bite victim (newspaper headline) SVOd

5/Police /help /dog /bite victim (newspaper headline) SVOdCo

V. Draw a tree diagram for the following sentence (1pt)

1/English teachers would be happy that you are furthering your study of
2/1/That he could pass the test easily amazed all his friends who had known him.
3/The police announced that the tiger that had escaped from the zoo was under control.
4/People who play action-based games make decisions faster than others.
VI. Construct the incomplete phrases as guided to complete the following sentences: (2pts)
E.g. [Noun clause] means he knew nothing about the task.
What he did means he knew nothing about the task.
1. She told her parents [noun clause].what she had done.
2. What he had done[Noun clause] surprised everybody.
3. We need to create a working environment [adjective clause]. Which help we feel relax
4. You can study effectively [adverbial clause]. If you study in a quiet place.
5.S (finite clause) What he had done made his friends disappointed.
6. Everybody hopes Od (finite clause) that they will pass the exam
7. S (non-finite clause) Listening to music is my pastime.
8. S (preparatory subject)It is a great honour that I can study abroad with scholarship. (real S)
9. I watched them doing karate Co( non-finite clause)

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