Cont World Final Exam

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Dr. Arcadio Santos Ave., San Dionisio, Parañaque City


Name:___________________________ Year and Block Section: ___________________

Degree program: ____________________ Date of Examination: ___________________
Direction: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which refers to the unified style of human knowledge, beliefs, and behavior from which people
learn, and the ability to communicate knowledge to the next generations?
A. beliefs B. culture C. norms D. tradition
2. Which of these is a carrier of culture and a tool for the interaction of people with different cultures?
A. media B. money C. manpower D. machineries
3. Who defines Media as a means of conveying something, such as a channel of
A. Jack Lule B. Jack Anderson C. Jack Marx C. Jack McBram
4.Which of the following creates a continuous cultural exchange, in which crucial aspects such
as identity, nationality, religion, behavioral norms and way of life are continuously questioned
and challenged?
A. Local Media Culture
B. International Media Culture
C. Global Media Culture
D. National Media Culture
5.Which shows the correct stages of media and cultural globalization?
A. digital media, oral communication, script, printing press
B. printing press, digital media, oral communication, script
C. script, digital media, oral communication, printing press
D. oral communication, script, printing press, digital media
6. Which stages of media and cultural globalization allowed humans to communicate over a
larger space and much longer times? It also allowed the written and permanent rules of
international economic, cultural, religious and political practice.
A. digital media B. oral communication C. printing press D. script
7.Which stages of media and cultural globalization allowed humans to cooperate through
language? It also allowed the spread of religious teachings.
A. digital media B. oral communication C. printing press D. script
8.In which stage of media and cultural globalization was there a continuous production,
reproduction and circulation of reading materials? In this stage also, reading history books of
the world allowed the exchange of culture and traditions.
A. digital media B. oral communication C. printing press D. script
9. In which stage of media and cultural globalization continues to open up new perspectives
in the economic, political, and cultural processes of globalization?
A. digital media B. oral communication C. printing press D. script
10.Which refers to the process where different cultures become more similar or alike, often
due to increased interactions, communications, and the sharing of ideas, values, and practices
across the globe?
A. Cultural Differentialism
B. Cultural Convergence
C. Cultural Hybridity
D. Cultural Mindset
11.Which of the following leads to a continuous and growing mixing of cultures? This
combination will result to the creation of new and surprising cultural forms.
A. Cultural Differentialism
B. Cultural Convergence
C. Cultural Hybridity
D. Cultural Mindset
12. What reinforces the fact that local cultures are not weak, static, or fixed; they are built
and understood a new each day in globalized world. Local cultures continue to
accommodate and assimilate cultures of the world due to globalization.
A. Globalization B. Glocalization C. Global Culture D. Global Trend
13.What plays a vital role in the lives of Filipinos for their values are anchored on it? It has
affected their attitudes, characters and perspectives in life.
A. Moral Values B. Beliefs C. Tradition D. Religion
14.In global trends, which is now being used as a tool for evangelization?
A. Social media B. Socialist party C. Social trend D. Social Interactions
15.Which of the 4 distinct of glocalization refers to the blending of universal religions with
local languages?
A. Nationalization
B. Trans nationalization
C. Indigenization
D. Vernacularization
16.. Which of the 4 distinct of glocalization constructs link between the nation and church?
A. Nationalization
B. Trans nationalization
C. Indigenization
D. Vernacularization
17. Which of the following are effects of religion?
I. The rise of religious nationalism
II. The return of religion into the public life
III. The proliferation of international terrorism
IV. The increasing personalized individual religiosity
A. I and II B. I, and III C. I, II and III D. I, II, III and IV

18. Who believed that radical measures are necessary in achieving the will of God?
A. Fundamentalist B. Extremist C. Nationalist D. Ideologist
19. Who believed that men need to tie their traditions with their nation or homeland?
A. Fundamentalist B. Extremist C. Nationalist D. Ideologist
20. Who believed that men ought to return to very passages of its sacred books?
A. Fundamentalist B. Extremist C. Nationalist D. Ideologist

21. According to Juergensmeyer (2014), what are conflicts all about?

I. Power
II. Identity
III. Privilege
IV. Economics
A. I only B. I and II C. I, II and III D. I, II, III and IV
22. What do persons responsible for global conflicts used to morally justify their actions?
A. religious doctrines
B. dogmas
C. sacred books’ verses
D. all of the above

23. Which of the following is not a cause of conflict?

A. greed B. misconception C. hatred D. freedom

24.. Who do their task concerning about humanitarian Assistance and faith-centered
A. religious peacemakers
B. religious leaders
C. religious servants’
D. religious priest

25. Which is one of the goals of the peace makers which help achieve peace by advancing
reduction and putting attention to economic equality?
A. Financial Aid
B. Provision of Resources
C. Humanitarian Assistance
D. Religious Interventions
26. Which refers to the efforts of religious organization to mediate understanding and peace?
A. Financial Aid
B. Provision of Resources
C. Humanitarian Assistance
D. Religious Interventions
27. Call center agents worked in a graveyard shift to accommodate calls from other countries and
troubleshoot problems using computers connected to Wi-Fi and internet. This kind of job is
related into what kind of media?
A. Global media B. Broadcast media C. Internet media D. Half media
28. Who was the French revolutionist who founded the Comintern to spread socialist revolution
across the world?
A. Vladimir Lenin
B. Jeremy Bentham
C. Napoleon Bonaparte
D. Klemens Von Metternich
29. Who believed that economic crises occur not when a country does not have money but when
money is not being spent and thereby not moving?
A. Adam Smith
B. Manfred Steger
C. David Ricardo
D. John Maynard Keynes
30.Who proposed that globalization occurs on multiple and intersecting dimensions of
integration which he calls scape?
A. Arjun Appadurai
B. Manfred Steger
C. David Ricardo
D. John Maynard Keynes
31. Which of the following is the function of UN General Assembly?
A. Settle international legal disputes
B. Maintain international peace and security
C. Policy making and representative body
D. Recommend social and environmental issues

32. How does the internet facilitates globalization

A. Making it more difficult to contact potential customers abroad.
B. Cutting the cost for firms of communicating across borders.
C. Making it harder to send money from one country to another.
D. Making it easier for governments to censor the information received by their citizen from

33. Which is called as the oldest international trade route in which it is considered as a network
of pathways in the ancient world that spanned from China to what is now the Middle East and
A. Atlantic Slave Trade B. Galleon Trade C. Silk Road D. None of the above
34. Which refers to the process in which global migration is siphoning qualified personnel and
removing dynamic young workers?
A. Brain freeze B. Brain drain C. Brain damage D. Brain grain
35. What refers to the phenomenon in which the rise of Global cities encourages displacement of
the less privilege than to those who are more powerful?
A. Stratification B. Gentrification C. Demography D. Urbanization
36. What economic institution defines economic globalization as a historical process
representing the result of human innovation and technological process?
A. United Nation
B. Transnational Company
C. World Bank
D. International Monetary Fund
37. Which of the following is considered as a global city being a manufacturing center of the
A. Japan B. China C. Canada D. London
38. Who is the Iranian leader who led a revolution that turned the country into a theocracy?
A. Osama Bin Laden
B. Omar Ghadafi
C. Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini
D. Mohammed
39.Who was the Catholic Church leader who condemned globalization’s “throw-away culture”
which he believed to be “fatally destined to suffocate hope and increase risks and threats?
A. Pope Benedict XVI B. Pope John Paul II C. Pope Francis D. Pope Paul VI
40. What is the most correct definition of sustainability?
A. consistently producing high yield
B. caring for the environment even if productivity is lower
C. maintaining productivity of our country and at the same time minimizing harm to the
D. planting trees to protect from salinity

41. Which refers to the ability of a system to remain consistent and predictable over time?
It also refers to the state of being steady and unchanging.
A. Resiliency B. Sustainability C. Stability D. Progressive

42. Which of the following refers to the ability to maintain something over time, without
depleting resources or causing harm to the environment?
A. Resiliency B. Sustainability C. Stability D. Progressive

43. Which talks about the “ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs?
A. Sustainable Development
B. Progressive Nations
C. Developing Countries
D. Global Cities

44. Which of these are the main issues of sustainable development?

I. economic growth
II. environmental protection
III. social equality
IV. justice system

A. I B. I and II C. I, II and III D. I, II, III and IV

45. Which talks about the natural environment and how it remains productive and resilient to
support human life? It relates to ecosystem integrity and carrying capacity of the natural
A. Economic sustainability
B. Environmental sustainability
C. Social sustainability
D. Ethical sustainability

46. Which encompasses notions of equity, empowerment, accessibility, participation, cultural

identity and institutional stability? The concept implies that people matter since development is
about people.
A. Economic sustainability
B. Environmental sustainability
C. Social sustainability
D. Ethical sustainability
47.Which implies a system of production that satisfies present consumption levels without
compromising future needs; therefore, requires that decisions are made in the most equitable and
fiscally sound way possible, while considering the other aspects of sustainability?
A. Economic sustainability
B. Environmental sustainability
C. Social sustainability
D. Ethical sustainability

48. Which of the following is not part of the sustainable development goals?
A. Eradicate poverty and hunger, guaranteeing a healthy life.
B. Promote collaboration between different social agents to create an environment of peace
and ensure responsible consumption and production.
C. Care for the environmental integrity through combatting climate change and protecting
the oceans and land ecosystems.
D. Localize access to basic services such as water, sanitation and sustainable energy.
49. Which occurs when all people are able to access enough safe and nutritious food to meet
their requirements for a healthy life, in ways the planet can sustain into the future?
A. Food safety
B. Food shortage
C. Food Security
D. Food Poisoning

50. What is not a factor underlying global food security?

A. adaptability B. access C. stability D. utilization

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