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10/13/23, 1:38 PM O Level Revision : History - Late Iron Age: Great Zimbabwe, Mutapa and Rozvi - Free ZIMSEC

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O Level Revision : History - Late Iron Age: Great Zimbabwe,
Mutapa and Rozvi O Level Revision : Shona - Zvirungamutauro
- Tsumo (
Important changes took place in Southern African societies during the Iron Age. These changes included Food production, Tool making,
Specialization, leading to trade, Surplus production for trade and Settled existence. (
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O Level Revision : Shona- Rondedzero -

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O Level Revision : Shona - Zvirungamutauro

- Madimikira
Important changes took place in Southern African societies during the Iron Age. These changes included: (
Food production. (
10/13/23, 1:38 PM O Level Revision : History - Late Iron Age: Great Zimbabwe, Mutapa and Rozvi - Free ZIMSEC O Level and A Level Notes

Tool making. level-revision-shona- madimikira)

zvirungamutauro-madimikira) zimsake
Specialisation, leading to trade.
Surplus production for trade.  Apr 22, 2021  2  4004

Settled existence.
O Level Revision : Shona - Zvirungamutauro
Familiarise yourself with terms such as political, military, social, economic and religious organisation in order to be able to answer questions (
 Apr 22, 2021  0  3851
Great Zimbabwe zvirungamutauro)

Great Zimbabwe derives its name from stone buildings. The stone walls were built from granite rocks, in a unique manner. Historians agree that
the walls of Great Zimbabwe were built by the Shona people of Zimbabwe.

The origins and rise of Great Zimbabwe

Great Zimbabwe is popular for its pottery. It is believed to have been founded by ancestors of the Torwa dynasty around 1200 AD. .NET Core PDF to Word, Excel
It started off as an early Iron Age site.
First settlement was a hill (hill settlement). As population grew a village sprouted in the valley (valley settlement).
A huge stone wall (Great Enclosure) was built around the ruler’s residence. OUR PICKS

O level Combined Science
The stone walls of Great Zimbabwe

Were skilfully built in granite rocks.

Were carefully fitted and set in straight lines.
No mortar was used to hold stones together.
The lower parts were decorated.
The walls symbolised:

- power of the state;

- achievements of the ruling class;

- luxurious wealth of the king, family and other relatives. nutrition)

O Level Revision : Combined Science - Plant Nutrition

10/13/23, 1:38 PM O Level Revision : History - Late Iron Age: Great Zimbabwe, Mutapa and Rozvi - Free ZIMSEC O Level and A Level Notes
zimsake (  Aug 27, 2023  0
Reasons for settling (the rise of Great Zimbabwe)
 2232

Arable land.
Adequate pasture.
Close to water source.
Suitable climate.
C# PDF Library
Hill provided defence.
Religious purposes – it became a religious centre.
.NET applications edit, convert, render,
Military strength. print PDF documents.
Mineral resources such as gold, tin, iron and copper in the outlying areas.

Trade control.

Economic organisation of Great Zimbabwe (

O level Combined Science

Economic activities included:

Agriculture: growing crops (arable farming) and livestock keeping (pastoralism).

Trade: internal and external in gold, ivory and salt.
The state became a trade centre.
Blacksmithing (making iron tools and items.)
Tribute payment – sub-chiefs and weaker chiefs paid tribute.
Hunting (elephants for ivory).
O Level Revision : Combined Science - Science in Struc...
Mining e.g. gold, iron, copper. science-science-in-structures-and-mechanical-systems-
zimsake (  Aug 7, 2023  0
Political organisation of Great Zimbabwe  2267

Great Zimbabwe walls are said to have been built to display the power of the state.

Historians have suggested that the conical tower in the Great Enclosure and the Zimbabwe bird may have been symbols of royal ancestors.
Rulers had authority over their subjects.
Rulers at Great Zimbabwe had considerable wealth and power.
10/13/23, 1:38 PM O Level Revision : History - Late Iron Age: Great Zimbabwe, Mutapa and Rozvi - Free ZIMSEC O Level and A Level Notes

The rulers monitored and supervised economic and trading activities as well as the payment of tribute by their subjects.
The army protected the state and trade routes.
An advisory council helped the ruler.
The senior wife, religious leaders and army commander were part of the advisory council. C# PDF Library
Social organisation of Great Zimbabwe

.NET applications edit, convert, render,

The state was a religious centre.
print PDF documents.
It was a patrilineal society.
It was polygamous.
Bride price (lobola) was paid in marriage.
There was division of labour based on gender.
They lived in thatched pole and dagga huts. (
O level Combined Science
They wore animal skins.
The people had totems.
Exploitation of the poor by the rich.

Possible reasons for the decline of Great Zimbabwe

Economic reasons for the decline of Great Zimbabwe

Population growth leading to over-crowding due to land shortage.

Overgrazing ( as a result of shortage of pastures).

Persistent droughts leading to food shortages. industry-industrial-processes)
Exhaustion of natural resources such as gold deposits, ivory, fertile soils, wildlife and salt. O Level Revision : Combined Science - Science in Indus...
Decline in trade: trade routes shifted to the Zambezi valley. (
Discovery of resources in the north.
zimsake (  Aug 7, 2023  0
Outbreak of diseases such as cholera and smallpox.  1353

Political reasons for the decline Great Zimbabwe

The emergence of ambitious leaders.

Corrupt leaders.
Incompetent leaders.
Succession disputes.
Civil wars.
The rise of the Mutapa and Torwa states
10/13/23, 1:38 PM O Level Revision : History - Late Iron Age: Great Zimbabwe, Mutapa and Rozvi - Free ZIMSEC O Level and A Level Notes

The Mutapa State

It is also known as Munhumutapa, Monomotapa or Mwenemutapa. Various reasons have been suggested for its rise, and it is believed that the
Mutapa State was an offshoot from Great Zimbabwe. Great Zimbabwe and the Mutapa State had similar pottery.

Origins of the Mutapa State

It rose around the 15th century. Its rise coincided with the decline of Great Zimbabwe.
According to oral tradition, the state was founded by Nyatsimba Mutota who left Great Zimbabwe because of:

- shortage of salt; - population growth;

O level Combined Science
- drought; - succession disputes;

- shifting of trade routes.

Nyatsimba Mutota reached the Dande region where he conquered the Tonga and Tavara people and established his capital at
The Mutapa state, stretching from the Limpopo to the Zambezi, was one of the most powerful and largest states in pre-colonial Africa. At its
peak, it had provinces such as Fura, Dande, Guruuswa, Mapungubwe, Khami, Danangombe, Great Zimbabwe, Naletale and Ingombe

Economic organisation of The Mutapa State

That the Mutapa State survived into the 19th century is evidence of a strong economy based on: science-science-in-structures-and-mechanical-systems-machines)

- crop growing; O Level Revision : O Level Revision : Combined Scienc...

- livestock keeping (pastoralism); revision-combined-science-science-in-structures-and-
- trade with the Swahili and the Portuguese; mechanical-systems-machines)
zimsake (  Aug 7, 2023  0
- tribute payment;  1899

- hunting;

- Mining;

- blacksmithing (iron smelting);

- weaving;

- fishing;

- pottery;

- raiding ;
10/13/23, 1:38 PM O Level Revision : History - Late Iron Age: Great Zimbabwe, Mutapa and Rozvi - Free ZIMSEC O Level and A Level Notes

The basis of Mutapa economy was agriculture (livestock keeping and crop growing) and trade.
Cattle were a sign of wealth, used to pay tribute and lobola (bride price), and used to appease ancestral spirits, as well as a source of food in
form of meat and milk.

Political and military organisation of The Mutapa State

The Mutapas were efficient rulers who were powerful. To maintain power, the rulers relied on:

- religion;

- the army (military machine);

- tribute payment;

- the royal fire.

O level Combined Science
The army protected and defended the state from enemies.

The army also engaged in raiding for grain and animals (food).

It enforced laws and collected tribute on behalf of the king.

The principal officials in the Mutapa political organisation included governors of provinces, treasurer, doorkeeper, priests, divines and
chief confidante.
Some important kings of the Mutapa State:

- Nyatsimba Mutota; Nyanhehwe Matope; Nyamhita Nehanda; Nyahuma; Chikuyo Chisamarengu; Gatsi Rusere; Mavura Mhande;
Negomo Mapunzagutu; Nyambo Kapararidze; Mukombwe; Nyakunembire; Chioko.

Social organisation of The Mutapa State
O Level Revision : Combined Science - Science in Indus...
It was a patrilineal society. (
It was polygamous. science-science-in-industry-metals)
Bride price (lobola) was paid in marriage. zimsake (  Aug 7, 2023  0
 749
There was division of labour based on gender.
They lived in thatched pole and dagga huts.
They wore animal skins.
The people had totems.
There was exploitation of the poor by the rich.

Religion of The Mutapa State

People of the Mutapa State recognised the existence of a supreme God they called ‘Mwari’. They approached Him through their ancestral
spirits (vadzimu).
10/13/23, 1:38 PM O Level Revision : History - Late Iron Age: Great Zimbabwe, Mutapa and Rozvi - Free ZIMSEC O Level and A Level Notes

The Mutapa King himself was feared and respected for he was considered to be God chosen. This way, possibilities of rebellions or CATEGORIES
uprisings could be minimised and peace prevailed in the state.
The spirit mediums were consulted during the installation of kings, and during times of trouble such as drought, war, starvation and O level Notes ( (340)
disease. These spirits were known to provide solutions to these problems.
O level Sociology (
The Mutapa ruled with the blessing of the religious powers of the land. So, religion and politics were closely linked and this ensured the sociology) (0)
continued survival of the state into the 19th century.
O level Agriculture (
They held rain-making ceremonies. agriculture) (40)
They worshipped at national shrines.
O level Geography (
The fall of the Mutapa State geography) (32)

O level Commerce (

commerce) (18)
Portuguese activities largely contributed to the fall of the Mutapa State as the Portuguese:
O level History (
- Divided people by introducing a new religion called Christianity which contradicted with African Traditional Religion. history) (27)

- Forcibly took away land. O level Family Religious Studies (

notes/o-level-family-religious-studies) (35)
- Refused to pay tribute to the king.
O level Food Technology Design (
- Interfered in succession disputes when they chose puppet chiefs like Mavura Mhande in 1629. notes/o-level-food-technology-design) (23)

- Helped rebellious vassals and gave them guns to fight the Mutapa Kings. O level Integrated Science (
notes/o-level-integrated-science) (19)
Other possible reasons for the fall of the state:
O level Combined Science (
- Succession disputes in the ruling family. notes/o-level-combined-science) (18)

- Exhaustion of land. O level Computer Science (

notes/o-level-computer-science) (0)
- Drought.
O level English (
- The Mutapa state was too large – difficult to control. english) (0)

- Emergence of weak leaders. O level Maths (

maths) (0)
- Invasion by the Maravi people.
O level Shona (
- Invasion by people fleeing from Shaka.
shona) (29)
- The rise of Changamire of the Rozvi. O level Accounts (
accounts) (22)
Portuguese activities in the Mutapa State
O level Physical Education PE (
notes/o-level-physical-education-pe) (0)
Possible reasons for Portuguese presence in the state:
O level Biology (
biology) (30)
To spread Christianity.
To open up the interior for European settlement. O level Physics (
10/13/23, 1:38 PM O Level Revision : History - Late Iron Age: Great Zimbabwe, Mutapa and Rozvi - Free ZIMSEC O Level and A Level Notes

To control gold mining. physics) (24)

To get ivory. O level Chemistry (

To get fertile land. chemistry) (23)
To establish trade feiras (trading posts). A Level Notes ( (0)
To control trade routes into the interior.
To rule local people (Mutapa people).
To look for slaves.
Text Books ( (1196)
To avenge the death of Gonzalo da Silveira.
To find the legendary Prester John. Schools ( (9159)
They were invited by Gatsi Rusere.
Primary Schools In Zimbabwe (
Portuguese visitors to the Mutapa State included: Antonio Fernandez; Father Goncalo da Silveira; Francisco Barreto; Vasco Homen; Donna directory/primary-schools-in-zimbabwe) (6288)
Katarina; Diego Simoes Madeira; Diego Simores; Diego da Menes
Secondary Schools In Zimbabwe (
Economic activities directory/secondary-schools-in-zimbabwe) (2871)

Primary Schools In S.A (

Barter trade - the main trade item was gold from the Mutapa State in exchange for beads, cloth, alcohol, tobacco, spirits, jewellery,
directory/primary-schools-in-sa) (0)
ceramics, maize seed and guns.
The Portuguese established trade centres at Sena; Tete; Quelimane; Massapa; Masekesa; Dambarare, Sofala and Beira. Secondary Schools In S.A (
directory/secondary-schools-in-sa) (0)
Pushed Swahili traders out of the interior.
Plantation agriculture – had a negative impact on the lives of the Shona people of the Mutapa State as it disrupted their agricultural Combined Schools In S.A (
directory/combined-schools-in-sa) (0)
Forced labour on farms and mines. The people lost their fertile land to the Portuguese. NEWS ( (3)

Practised slavery and slave trade.

The tax system (curva): tax on goods traded in the Mutapa. RANDOM POSTS
Crop growing.
Livestock keeping.
Mining.  

Political activities
Secondary Schools In Z

Interference in succession disputes. Text Books ( (

books) directory/seconda
Promoted, and interfered in, civil wars.
Created prazos as mini-kingdoms. PlusOne Mathematics Grade 5 LB Riverside Colle
Built personal armies (chikundas). ( (
Went into alliances with mwenemutapas. mathematics-grade-5-lb)
( college-second
grade-5-lb) secondary-school)
The Portuguese later on stopped paying tribute to the Mutapa and contributed to the decline of the state.
Mutapa subjects no longer showed loyalty to their King but to the Portuguese, so the Portuguese began to influence Mutapa political

Social activities
10/13/23, 1:38 PM O Level Revision : History - Late Iron Age: Great Zimbabwe, Mutapa and Rozvi - Free ZIMSEC O Level and A Level Notes

Brought new architecture. TAGS

Brought in a new education system.
Intermarried. Chisuko Primary School Manicaland
Raped women. (

Forced labour.
Mashambe Primary School Primary School
Established private prisons. (
Slave trade.
Kushingirira Secondary School (
Religious activities secondary-school)

Preached Christianity. Milton Jr Primary School (

Baptised people.
Built churches. Khame School (
Discouraged African Traditional Religion.
Zimsec ECD A Heritage Studies Books
An examination question on the Portuguese activities in the Zambezi Valley can be answered using content on Portuguese activities in the (

Mutapa State.
Pinehill College Secondary School (
The Rozvi State
St Augustine Chapwanya Primary School (

Origins of the Rozvi State ZIMSEC Xichangana zip specimen papers


Pukupela Primary School Masvingo

The state rose during the 16th century. The Rozvi people shared the Moyo totem which was a great spiritual bond between all the Rozvi
regardless of their social status. The first Rozvi King was Changamire Dombo.
Hillbridge College High School (
The state grew out of several Shona dynasties.
The state capitals included Bocha, Buhera, Torwa, Manyika and Uteve. Changamire Dombo drove the Portuguese out of Manyika to
Masekesa in 1693. Combined Science Past Exam Paper 2 with answers for Zimsec O level
November 2018 .pdf (
Rozvi provinces were Danangombe, Manyanga, Khami and Naletale.

The army of the Rozvi State was very strong and it raided other states to create a large Rozvi empire.
Zaka High Secondary School (

Sangwe School (

Economic organisation of The Rozvi State Madzivire Range Primary School (


- Pastoralism: keeping of domestic animals.

10/13/23, 1:38 PM O Level Revision : History - Late Iron Age: Great Zimbabwe, Mutapa and Rozvi - Free ZIMSEC O Level and A Level Notes

Cattle were very important for payment of lobola (bride price), ploughing, ceremonies as well as providing food in the form of milk and meat.
Cattle were also a sign of wealth (status symbol) for men.

- Crop growing: they grew crops such as millet, rapoko and sorghum.

Hunting e.g. elephants for ivory.

Mining minerals like gold, copper and iron.
Internal and external trade: with the Portuguese in items like ivory, gold, cattle and grain.

Weaving cloth from cotton.

Fishing acted as a source of food.
Raiding, especially those who refused to pay tribute. The army raided for grain, cattle, goats, etc.

Political organisation of The Rozvi State

The Mambo/Changamire (King) headed the state.

He was assisted by vassal chiefs who were in charge of the provinces.

The king had an advisory council called Dare raMambo.

The king’s wives and sons-in-law were important court officials.

When the king died, he was succeeded by his eldest son. This form of succession caused leadership disputes.
The Mambo was the judicial, political, military and religious leader.

The king distributed land and cattle (kuronzera/ ukusisela).

Rozvi armies were well-organised and well-trained.

These armies ensured the long survival of the state. The army earned the nickname ‘the destroyers’.
10/13/23, 1:38 PM O Level Revision : History - Late Iron Age: Great Zimbabwe, Mutapa and Rozvi - Free ZIMSEC O Level and A Level Notes

Tribute payment as a sign of loyalty in items like gold, ivory, animal skins, cattle, grain and iron tools.

Religion and politics of The Rozvi State

The Rozvi believed in the power and guidance of ancestral spirits. These spirits were praised, consulted and appeased through spirit
mediums who communicated directly with the ancestors on behalf of the people.
They also worshipped Mwari (God). The Mambo was believed to have descended from Mwari.

Religion strengthened politics because Rozvi subjects could not question the Mambo’s rule since he was connected to the high God.

As such, religion was used to convince the ordinary people that the political organisation of the state was legitimate. This ensured peace
and unity in the state.
The Changamire was the religious, judicial as well as the political authority in the state.

There was a royal fire which burnt all the time at the king’s palace. It was a symbol of the ruler’s authority.
Rozvi Kings: Changamire Dombo; Chirisamhuru; Tohwechipi; Rupandamanhanga; Nechagadzike; Nechasike; Changa weMbire; Negomo.

Social organisation of The Rozvi State

The Rozvi practiced polygamy.

Men paid lobola (bride price) for their wives largely using cattle and other items.

The Rozvi had individual homesteads which formed lineages.

The state was patrilineal.

They believed in witchcraft and life after death.
Held rain making ceremonies.
There was division of labour based on sex.
Local people were made to follow Rozvi customs and beliefs. Examples were the Makoni, Marange and Mutema dynasties.
The kuronzera/ukusisela system ensured that people got milk and draught power.

The decline of the Rozvi State

Internal reasons included:

10/13/23, 1:38 PM O Level Revision : History - Late Iron Age: Great Zimbabwe, Mutapa and Rozvi - Free ZIMSEC O Level and A Level Notes

- Drought

- Loss of population as vassal states broke away

- Civil wars

- Exhaustion of gold fields

- Succession disputes

External reasons:

- Attack by products of the Mfecane, for example the Ngoni, Zwangendaba, Soshangana, Nyamazana, the Ndebele.

- Areas like Zvimba, Seke, Chinamora, Mangwende and Chihota did not come under Rozvi rule.

- Portuguese interference.

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zimsec history notes ( Late Iron Age (

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the rise of Great Zimbabwe (

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Political reasons for the decline Great Zimbabwe (

The Mutapa State ( Origins of the Mutapa State (

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Economic organisation of The Mutapa State (

Political and military organisation of The Mutapa State (

Social organisation of The Mutapa State (

Religion of The Mutapa State (

The fall of the Mutapa State (

Portuguese activities in the Mutapa State (

Economic activities of Portuguese (

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The Rozvi State (

Economic organisation of The Rozvi State (

Political organisation of The Rozvi State (

Religion and politics of The Rozvi State (

Social organisation of The Rozvi State (

The decline of the Rozvi State (

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