DMS301 M

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FPT University in Danang

Syllabus for Spring 2024

Digital Marketing Strategy DMS301m
Course Description: This Course is based on the Coursera Specialization "Digital Marketing,"
which covers both the dynamics and the global aspects of digital
marketing. You'll learn about the impacts of digital technologies on
marketing communication strategies, as well as the core processes of
planning a digital marketing campaign and how the Digital Revolution
impacted Marketing in an Analog World. At the end of the course, you'll
be able to select the right marketing channels for the product and know
how to plan a digital campaign.
Note: This is a blended-learning course in which students will take a look
at the videos & slides and read on Coursera first at home, then rewatch &
discuss key questions with classmates and teachers in classes.
Department: FEU-Biz
Credit: 3
Time allocation: Study hour (150h) = 45h contact hours (60 sessions) +105h self-study
Instructor: Tran Phan Lan Anh
Contact: [email protected]
Learning materials: Coursera Specialization Digital Marketing
Objectives: CLO1. Understand how digital tools are changing the nature of marketing
in basic
CLO2. Explain clearly how digital tools allow consumers to take a more
active role in product development, promotion, placement, and pricing
CLO3. Obtain a new set of concepts, tools, and stories to enhance your
digital marketing efforts effectively
CLO4. Understand the strategic impacts of digital media and information
technologies on communication and marketing
CLO 5. Apply the concepts, tools, and knowledge provided to formulate a
digital marketing plan
Course Agenda:
Week Date Learning tasks Session
1 4/1 Introduction (MKT101 (general) -> DMS301m (digital) -> DMA301m 1-2
Session 1: Welcome to the course
6/1 Session 2: Basic Concept: Product 3-5
Customer Co-creation & Sharing Economy
2 8/1 Session 3: Promotion 6-8
Session 4: Doppelganger Brand Image
DBI Exercise
11/1 Session 4 (cont.): Placement 9-11
Session 5: New Retail & Self-manufacturing
Group task: Case Tesla
3 15/1 Session 6: Price 12-14
Pay What You Want
Group task: Case Panera
18/1 Quiz 1 (Course 1: 2-6) 15-17
Activity 1: A case study on 4P’ of an online brand
Group presentation + report submission
4 22/1 Quiz 1 Review 18-20
Group Assignment Guidelines
Individual Assignment Guidelines
25/1 Session 7: Digital vs. Analog 21-23
Session 8: Synergy & Transformation
5 29/1 Session 9: Targeting the Right Audience & Programmatic Advertising 24-25
1/2 Session 10: Search Marketing & Social Media Marketing 26-27
TET holidays
6 19/2 Session 11: Mobile Marketing & OOH 28-31
Session 12: Location-based marketing
Group task: Case Burger King Whopper
Quiz 2 (Course 2+3: 7-12)
22/2 Quiz 2 Review 32-33
Session 13: Discovering & Reaching Target Customers
7 26/2 Session 14: Online Advertising & SEO 34-35
Session 15: SEO
29/2 Session 16: Overview and Content & Social Strategies 36-38
Online video marketing
Session 17: Buzz and Influencer Marketing
8 4/3 Group Assignment Progress Report 39-41
7/3 Session 18: Optimizing Your Digital Assets & Knowing Your Target Self- 42-45
Session 19: Know Your Goal: Aligning Strategies, Goals, & Business
Objectives & Know Your Message
9 11/3 Session 20: Measures of Campaign Success: Web Analytics 46-48
Measures of Campaign Success: Social Media Metrics
Quiz 3 (Course 4: 13-20)
14/3 Quiz 3 Review 49-51
Activity 2: A case study on a social marketing strategy implemented by a
well-known brand
10 18/3 Course revision 52-57
Group presentation
21/3 Group presentation 57-60
Please be advised that the schedule is subject to change based on a variety of external factors

Grade Breakdown:

Category Weight (%) Units

Class participation 10 20 Off 5th class -> out
Activities 10 2 In-class case studies
- 18/1 (Act 1)
- 14/3 (Act 2)
Individual assignment 15 1 At-home case study report. There are two
turns for submission. Different case
studies are given in each turn.
- 19/2 submission 1
- 11/3 submission 2
Quizzes 15 3 In-class quizzes. Multiple choices (~20
questions) based on the course texts and
class lectures. No references/ learning
materials are allowed in quizzes.
- 18/1 (Quiz 1)
- 19/2 (Quiz 2)
- 11/3 (Quiz 3)
Final Project Group Assignment 30 2 Term papers (2 phrases)
- 22/1 Register for group topic
- 29/2 submission (phase 1)
- 14/3 submission (phase 2)
Final Project Group Presentation 20 1 Week 10th (18,21/3)
40 mins/ group. Each member needs to
present on the project
Please be advised that the schedule is subject to change based on a variety of external factors

DMS301m DMA301m
What is digital MKT (4Ps concepts) Digital Data Infrastructure
Digital MKT strategies The Tool Landscape
A Plan for Your Analytics Expedition
Work with Google Analytics and Google Ads

- Do not use Wikipedia as a source on any assignment, test, or essay in this class (Wikipedia is
a non-scholarly source without any form of peer-review)
- Give biology reference to any citations in your report. Harvard citation style is preferred.
- Detailed guidelines will be given in the class. Please attend class regularly and pay attention
to the lecturer’s instructions.
- Contact the lecturer directly and formally through email if you have any questions,
suggestions, or modifications
- No mercy on cheating in quizzes or copying in assignments. Turnitin will be employed to
ensure fairness.
- A deduction of 10% of the assignment mark will be applied for each day of late

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