Group Project 2

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The goal of the project is to develop a database management system (DBMS) on a
topic in your field of study or for a business scenario. You should apply the skills
you learned in this course to a new case and demonstrate how you can solve a real-
world problem by designing a DBMS.

Step 1. Team Selection
(Due Date: 11.59pm on 15 Dec, 2023)

• You will work in a team of size 3 (only one team of size 4). Form a group and
submit the names.
• All members should agree to be on the same team before submitting the
• You need to regularly meet with your teammate.
• If I don’t receive the names by the due date, I will randomly assign you to a
team. This would not affect your grade.
• You cannot change your team after the due date.
• From each group, only one person should submit the requirements on Canvas
including the names, proposal, project files, etc.

Step 1: Submit your team info at

(link for submission to be provided later)
Step 2. Data Selection and Proposal:
(Due Date: 11.59pm on 31 Dec, 2023)
Select a dataset
• You may acquire and compile data related to your major or a project you
worked on before. If you decided not to use a real dataset, you can generate
meaningful and logical datasets. Real datasets are preferred.
• If you are using online sources, you should clearly state the source of your
data, for example, the link to the datasets.
• If you are using data collected from a real business/project, you should
provide the contact information for that business/project.
• If you need permission to use a dataset for the project, you should attach the
permission letter to your proposal.
• You cannot use an existing database for your project. You can collect data
and normalize it for creating your DBMS; however, if the source of data is
an existing DBMS, that will not be acceptable.
• Two teams cannot have the same dataset or topic. If this happens, I will
randomly ask one team to find a new topic.
• You must make sure the datasets will allow you to complete all steps in the
project and achieve your proposed objectives.

Submit your proposal

• Briefly describe the project and the objectives.
• Explain the acquired datasets and the source of data. Do not send me the
• List the potential entities. You can make adjustments later.

Make sure to study the data before sending the proposal and make sure you are
comfortable using it. Do not choose a random dataset. You should understand your
data and be able to answer questions related to the dataset. After submitting the
proposal, I will not accept any changes to the topic or the objectives. So make sure
you can complete all the steps indicated in the instructions. For any changes to the
proposal, 3% of the grade will be deducted.

Step 2: Submit Your Proposal

(link for submission to be
provided later)

Step 3. Submission:
(Due Date: 11.59pm on 19 Jan, 2024)
1. Submit your Database
o Access and MySQL database
2. Submit your Project Report
o Write a report on the background to the project and the objective of
the study.
o Description of the current system and the potential improvement that
the designed DBMS offers.
o Description of all entities and attributes.
o Design a minimum of 15 business questions. Write SQL queries that
can generate answers to business questions. You should have at least 2
questions on subqueries, 2 questions on inner joins, 2 questions on
outer joins.
3. Submit your PowerPoint slides.
o Create PowerPoint slides that summarize your project
(introduction/background, objectives, and conclusion).
o Project Presentation.
o Prepare an 5 to 8 minutes presentation on your project.
o You will present your project to class on Jan 25, 2024.
o All team members should participate in the presentation.

Step 3: Submit Your Project

(link for submission to be
provided later)

Read the instructions below.

Analysis and Requirements:
Design and create a functional and logical database management system.
o Create an Access database and a MySQL database.
o Data cleaning is the process of detecting and correcting inaccurate or missing
data points in a dataset. You should clean your data and identify any problem
with the dataset.

o Create a data model for your database.
o Create an E-R model. Take a screenshot of the E-R model and submit it as
JPEG or PNG file.
o Write SQL statements that create all tables and their attributes (MySQL and
o The final DBMS should have at least 5 tables.
o At least 2 tables should have 200+ rows of data.

o You should demonstrate what you learned in this class, how you can apply
this to a new case, and how you can solve a real-world problem using a
o A simple database and a simple report will not get a full grade.
o No late submission or resubmission is accepted. One point will be deducted
for every one-hour late.
o It is your responsibility to work collaboratively and openly with your
teammates. Make decisions as a team and participate in all aspects of the
o You will complete a peer-review survey at the end of the semester. It's very
important that all teammates have equal contributions to the project. If you do
not participate in your scheduled team meeting, or you do not have an equal
contribution to the final product, you can lose up to 35% of the project grade.
So it's very important that you effectively work with your teammates.
o The project is 30% of your final grade. The final product will be evaluated
based on the quality of the data, analysis, report, and equal contribution of the
team members.

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