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The Chivalrous Realm.................................................................2 The Green Knight ......................................................................36

The Realm of Bretonnia .............................................................7 Sir Cecil Gastonne, The Wyrm Slayer ...................................38
Bretonnian Heraldry............................................................................11 Lady Élisse Duchaard................................................................40
War in the Border Princes .......................................................14 Outcast Wizards.........................................................................42
The Battle of Matorea .........................................................................20 Yeomen Guard ............................................................................43
Outcast Nobility.........................................................................28 Border Princes Brigands ..........................................................44
Kingdom of Bretonnia – Bretonnian Exiles ...............................30 Border Princes Bombard..........................................................45
Bold Crusaders ...........................................................................32 Kingdom of Bretonnia Magic Items ......................................46
Kingdom of Bretonnia – Errantry Crusade................................34

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ISBN: 978-1-83779-166-8 Product Code: 60632703001
Kingdom of Bretonnia


- Duke Gastille, the Red Hand of Brionne
B retonnia is one of the great realms of the Old World, its vast armies counted amongst the most powerful of all the
nations of Men. It stretches from the foothills of the Grey Mountains in the east, to the shores of the Great Ocean in
the west. To the south, it is bordered by the precipitous peaks of the Vaults and to the north, its treacherous coast is lashed
by the vicious tides of the Sea of Claws.

The Land Of The Bretonni A Warrior Elite

The land now known as Bretonnia was once occupied and Yet, even as their enemies grew in number, many amongst
settled by the Elves of Ulthuan. In ancient days, the Elves the Bretonni tribes became less warlike. Gradually, the people
established magnificent harbours along Bretonnia’s coast adopted the ways of farming and animal husbandry, growing
and raised gleaming cities of white stone within its verdant fat on the bounty of their labour and weak in the face of
interior. From these ports and cities, the Elves traded with aggression. Thus would the Bretonni, eager to keep their hard
the Dwarfs of the mountains and both nations flourished. won lands and defend their farms and villages from aggressors,
Yet, when war between the two races broke out, the Dwarfs adapt to overcome their enemies.
besieged and destroyed the cities of the Elves, forcing their
inhabitants to retreat back from whence they came, beyond It became the custom that the most stout-hearted and
the ocean waves. With their victory won, the Dwarfs, tired belligerent amongst the Bretonni – those more concerned
from a long and vicious war, withdrew to their mountain with hefting weapons than tools – would live as warriors,
realm and left the land barren in their wake. ever armed and ready to defend against rampaging enemies.
Whilst these warriors split their days between sparring with
In the centuries that followed, the land became a wilderness, their comrades and keeping silent vigil over their homes from
occupied by roving Orcs and primitive humans. Of these tall watchtowers behind palisade walls, those of a less martial
humans, it was the Bretonni tribe, the ancestors of the demeanour toiled to provide for their chosen champions.
Bretonnians, which would emerge as the most powerful.
Thus, the guardians of the Bretonni grew broad of shoulder
Over long centuries of warfare, the Bretonni won the fertile and strong of limb, for they dined on the richest meat and
plains and valleys in the teeth of violent opposition from the finest wine that their people could produce through their toil.
Orcs, pushing their enemies into the inhospitable forests and And they grew wealthy, gifted with the most well-crafted of
uplands. Yet, the Orcs always returned, and new enemies weapons and armour that their people could provide through
emerged to threaten the tribes in the form of raiders from their labour. The tall watchtowers they occupied grew to
across the seas – vicious Norscans from the frozen north, and become stone-built keeps, around which clustered the
ancient Undead from the sweltering south. humble abodes of those they protected, and the finest
pasture was preserved for their warhorses whilst
herds of cattle looked on in bovine bemusement.

The Chivalrous Realm

The Code Chivalric The Rules Of Knightly Honour
In time, those who had been elevated In addition to these seven sacred tenets
as warriors by their kin began to take of the Code Chivalric, the knights of
on the duties of leaders amongst their Bretonnia had long chosen to be self-
people, and their people were grateful to governed in their deeds by five ‘rules of
them for shouldering such troublesome honour’, also recorded by one of Gilles’
responsibilities. Yet, humility and honour heirs during the formalisation of the Code
drove these knights, as they came to be Chivalric. To these rules, all honest and
called, to be always grateful for their noble knights must adhere at all times,
lives of privilege, for whilst they must treating them with as much respect as the
sometimes face great peril, they were tenets of chivalry:
fortunate indeed for the luxuries they
enjoyed. Accordingly, these knights • A knight must honour the purity of
adopted a code of honour, laid down by hand-to-hand combat. An honourable
the champions of the largest towns and knight must never meet a foe with slings
villages. This code would formalise the or arrows.
arrangement between the knights and their • A knight must strive to accept every
people, and they would swear binding vows challenge to personal combat.
to adhere to this code, provided the people • A knight must never draw sword
agreed to maintain them in the style to against a fellow knight, except in trial by
which they had grown accustomed. combat or tourney.
• A knight must never submit to being
In the time of Gilles le Breton, the code of taken captive.
Bretonnia’s knights grew in importance, • A knight must never retreat in fear, only
taking on a religious quality under the to replace a shattered lance or retire a
influence of the Lady of the Lake, the wounded mount.
goddess revered by the land’s first king.
These rules, including the first and most The purpose of these rules, taken in
vital in the opinion of all pious knights of conjunction with the tenets, is to ensure
Bretonnia, were later recorded by one of that knights maintain their personal
Gilles’ heirs as the seven tenets of the honour at all times, be they facing
Code Chivalric: the enemy upon the field of battle, or
competing against their peers in a joyous
• To serve the Lady of test of arms. These rules and tenets teach
the Lake. a knight to always behave in a manner
• To defend the land and befitting their station, ensuring they enjoy
those that dwell upon it. the respect they deserve from all echelons
• To protect the weak from of Bretonnian society, from the lowliest
the wicked. members of the peasant class, through
• To always oppose the the many and varied classes of freemen,
enemies of virtue and order. such as merchants and artisans, up to
• To never give up the fight, and including their own knightly peers
your foes unvanquished. and superiors.
• To never break faith with a
friend or ally.
• To always display honour
and courtesy.
Crusade & Conquest The Exile’s Vow
So great did the warrior pride of Whilst time spent serving penance is not
Bretonnia’s knightly class become, and uncommon amongst the bellicose and
so diligent and fervent did they grow prideful knights of Bretonnia, it is not
in pursuit of the ideals of the Code the only punishment for a knight who
Chivalric, that over the centuries, vast breaks the rules of honour. For those
hosts of knights would cross the mountains whose offences are so great that no quest
bordering fair Bretonnia, crusading deep can hope to expunge their shame, there
into the Empire, the Border Princes and the is but one punishment: banishment. Cast
Badlands. Other crusades have embarked beyond the borders of their homeland,
upon great galleons that have carried the banished knights are forced to wander the
knights of Bretonnia and their steeds into Old World for the remainder of their days,
the faraway lands of Norsca, Araby and stripped of their heraldry and titles, their
even the mysterious Land of the Dead. names and deeds no longer sung of. With
The purpose of such crusades is simple: to their perpetrators purged from memory,
crush the enemies of Bretonnia before they even the greatest acts of dishonour can be
can muster upon her sanctified borders forgotten, if not forgiven.
and threaten the humble existence of the
peasant masses. Yet for others, banishment is a choice.
Many times a knight has refused
Knightly Penance to accept penance, believing their
dishonour to be the fault of another, or
Yet, for all their fervent adherence to the their noble intentions have been gravely
tenets of chivalry and the rules of honour, mischaracterised as ignoble by the
the knights of Bretonnia are but mere unbending nature of the Code Chivalric. It
mortals. As such, it is not uncommon for a is not uncommon for such knights to take
hot-tempered knight to grow wrathful and the Exile’s Vow – removing themselves
strike a fellow, or for a youthful knight to and their entire household from their
falter and flee before a foe. homeland, undertaking great hardships
to make a new home for them and their
Should a knight break a rule of honour subjects in foreign lands.
whilst under duress, such as in times
of war, they will quickly seek to Should a knight take the Exile’s Vow,
redeem themselves. For most knights, they are immediately considered by their
this redemption can be found in the peers to have proven their honour, for to
undertaking of a noble quest or knightly willingly leave fair Bretonnia and reside
errand, such as to seek out the Grail, or to in another land is unimaginable to
hunt down and slay a vile beast. Others the knightly class. Though their
may prefer to pledge themselves to the lands may be forfeit, their good
service of another knight, often of an and noble reputation shall be
inferior rank, and to remain in service until preserved always and, when they
their patron deems their honour restored. begin their long march into the
Such penitent knights, as they are known, unknown, accompanied by their closest
are a common sight in Bretonnia and easily family, their most loyal retainers and
recognised for many will obscure their their devoted peasant-tenants, they are
heraldry beneath black paint and hide their mourned by those left behind with the
colours under sackcloth surcoats. most profound sincerity.
B retonnia is a green and vibrant land, blessed with great expanses of verdant pasture and fruitful farmland, fed by the
passage of great rivers. Yet for all its natural bounty, Bretonnia is a simple land, for its cities are far less industrialised
than those of neighbouring human nations, and its natural resources have been preserved from plunder.

Mountain Frontiers The Pale Sisters

The Pale Sisters are a range of limestone hills north of the
The frontiers of Bretonnia are marked to the east and south Grey Mountains. These bare and barren hills, separated from
by great mountain chains. These harsh natural barriers do not the mountain range by the Gisoreux Gap and the River Ois,
provide the realm with much in the way of natural defences, are mainly inhabited by impoverished Bretonnian shepherds
however, for their rugged peaks harbour Orcs, Goblins and and hill farmers, vassals of the distant Duke Gwynael of
other savage beasts in numbers beyond counting. Gisoreux and his many barons that guard the Gap.

The Grey Mountains Here, the ancestors of the Bretonnians built great burial
The cloud-wreathed peaks of the Grey Mountains mark mounds from boulders in which they interred their chieftains
the border between Bretonnia and the Empire. Of the and champions, before sealing them away behind huge slabs
scant few passes through the mountains, the Axe Bite Pass, of rock. Many of these tombs, now tumbled and ruined by the
fiercely guarded by the Castle de Montfort, is notorious for passage of time, have become the lairs of monstrous creatures
it is favoured by invading armies attempting to cross the and undead horrors. Thus does the haunted region attract
mountains and has been the site of many bloody battles. much attention from wandering treasure hunters and questing
or penitent knights. The former come there hoping to uncover
At their northern end, the peaks of the Grey Mountains forgotten wealth, heedless of the dangers. The latter come
decline into the hilly uplands of the Gisoreux Gap, the in search of those very dangers, eager to vanquish the evil
principal trade route between Bretonnia and the Empire. monsters that haunt the hills.
Accordingly, this region is guarded by many formidable castles
and forts, held by warlike barons with huge retinues of knights The Massif Orcal
and men-at-arms. The weatherbeaten crags of the Massif Orcal dominate the
heartland of Bretonnia. The cliffs rise from the forest of
The Southern Mountains Chalons, bare but for twisted pines and tumbled boulders. For
Extending westwards from The Vaults, the Southern thousands of years, this region has been a stronghold for the
Mountains mark the border between Bretonnia and Tilea. Orc and Goblin tribes that continually make war against the
Though the mountains are sparsely populated, they hide Bretonnians. Even today, tribes hide amongst the crags and, no
several vital trade routes between Bretonnia and its southern matter how often the might of Bretonnia’s armies march in to
and western neighbours, and many Tilean mercenaries earn drive the savages out with fire and sword, these tribes persist.
their coin by selling their swords in protection of the caravans
that regularly risk the high passes in pursuit of wealth.

The Realm of Bretonnia

The Realm Of Bretonnia 7

The Great Forests The Forest Of Arden
This huge oak forest covers much of the northern quarter of
Within Bretonnia are large and trackless forests which remain Bretonnia, stretching from the Pale Sisters almost to the shores
unsettled and unconquered, like islands of mystery and peril of the Great Ocean. There are many marshes and lakes within
in the heart of the realm. The Bretonnians continue to try and the forest as well as dense thickets and thorny underbrush.
carve out new domains within these forests, but their efforts Within these darksome confines many evil creatures dwell.
are always thwarted by the mysterious creatures of myth and Vile monsters such as Dragons, Ghorgons, Jabberslythes and
chaos that reside within their dark hearts. Cockatrices make their lairs within hidden caves and amongst
the mouldering boughs of twisted trees, hidden from the
The Forest Of Loren righteous fury of Bretonnia’s chivalric knights.
Located far to the south of Bretonnia, wedged between the
Grey Mountains and The Vaults, the Forest of Loren is so Yet, despite its warped nature, the knights of Bretonnia are
vast that it changes from great oak woods shrouded in mists drawn to the forest. An almost endless procession of brave
rising from many pools and meres on the low plains, to dark Questing Knights and bold Knights Errant venture into the
pine forests that cling to the slopes of the towering mountains. darkness, determined to seek out the monsters within and slay
So vast is the forest that it would take a traveller days, if not them in the name of the Lady of the Lake.
weeks, to cross its trackless depths, though few would risk such
a journey… The Forest Of Chalons
The Forest of Chalons is altogether different from the other
Hidden within the forest is the fabled realm of Athel Loren. vast forests that shroud parts of Bretonnia, being located in
Here dwell the descendents of those Elves that did not the highlands, west of the rocky crags of the Massif Orcal.
abandon the Old World when the Dwarfs drove them from Extending far across a landscape of treacherous ravines and
their homes, but instead hid themselves away within the crags, everywhere knolls of weathered rock extend above
arboreal gloom. its stunted and gnarled trees. It is a region honeycombed
with caves and cut by fast flowing streams, and there are
Although the King of Bretonnia claims sovereignty over the many waterfalls and deep yet pleasant pools filled with clear,
forest it is, in reality, a realm unto itself, ruled over by the mountain water.
Elves. The Bretonnians claim to respect the sovereignty of the
forest, though in truth it is superstitious fear of the mysterious Yet, the Forest of Chalons is by no means deserted. Over the
Elves and the dark spirits they consort with that prevents years, many Grail chapels and shrines have been raised within
greedy dukes and barons from attempting to claim tracts of it, many of which are guarded by hermit knights and secluded
the forest for themselves. monastic orders.

8 The Realm Of Bretonnia

The Walled Towns Brionne
The towers and battlements of Brionne are broad and squat,
The walled towns of Bretonnia are much smaller than the not at all like the ancient Elven ruins upon which they were
great cities of the Empire, since most of the population live in built. Here is to be found the castle of Duke Gastille, the Red
the countryside, tending the estates and working the farms of Hand of Brionne, who serves his king by guarding the border
their knightly betters. There are also few craftsmen and little with Estalia and watching the western shores for raiders. To
industry in the realm, for everything a knight needs can be do this, the duke relies not only on his many hot-blooded
made by their subjects. Thus, the towns are small, though well barons that hold the frontier territories between the great
fortified, and rarely cosmopolitan. River Brienne and the Southern Mountains, but also on a fleet
of warships crewed by a skilled navy made up of peasants,
Couronne freemen and commanded by knights willing to trade their
Couronne is traditionally the capital of Bretonnia, though warhorse for a warship.
the present king, Louen Orc-Slayer, keeps court from his
ancestral home of Castle Brionne. Couronne is the place where Quenelles
Bretonnian kings and queens are crowned and where the Situated on the upper reaches of the River Brienne, almost on
greatest and best knights gather to attend tournaments, jousts, the edge of the Forest of Loren, Quenelles is a truly splendid
hunts and banquets. Located upon a high hill in the north of town where much ancient Elven architecture still stands. The
Bretonnia, Couronne looks out towards Westerland in the east region is renowned for its plentiful vineyards and the rich
and the Sea of Claws in the north. It is a strongly defended city, court of Duke Rademund III. Feasts and tournaments are held
its walls immensely thick, its bastions, gatehouses and towers here throughout the summer, and knights travel from far and
each a fortress in their own right. And well might Couronne wide to prove their worth and win great oak casks of fine wine.
be defended, for the city has been besieged by enemies many
times in its long history. Bordeleaux
Though tightly confined within its great walls, Bordeleaux
Parravon is still the largest port of Bretonnia. The town is held in awe
Parravon is a frontier town set in the foothills of the Grey and suspicion in equal measure throughout Bretonnia, for
Mountains, surrounded on all sides by chasms and approached its cosmopolitan nature means many outsiders come there
only by a narrow bridge built upon the ruins of an earlier for trade and merchants from other realms occupy distinct
bridge that, according to legend, was raised by the Elves in a districts within its walls. These districts are separated from
time long past. The walls of Parravon are high and support those of the humble Bretonnians by portcullis gates, lest
many tall towers, giving the defenders a commanding view the strange ways of outsiders corrupt the simple minds of
of the mountain passes and lowlands. The town is held by humble peasants.
Pavanne IV, the Duke of Parravon, who has his work cut out in
defending the frontier from marauding Orcs and Goblins, and
even from the ambitions of the warlike counts of the Empire.

The Realm Of Bretonnia 9

T he knights of Bretonnia go to war magnificently bedecked in suits of heavy armour, resplendent with heraldry. The
shield a knight carries, the surcoat they wear, the barding of their steed and the silken pennants that flutter from their
lances all display the heraldry of the wearer and the lords they serve.

The more highly regarded a knight is by their peers, and the Should a knight rise far enough through the chivalric ranks,
more senior their status within the court of their lord, the their own heraldry will evolve to replace that of their lord.
more splendid will be their panoply of war, for the knights This evolution begins with the redrawing of fields or the
of Bretonnia are seldom ashamed to proclaim their wealth altering of hues, often extending so far as the modifying or
and position through their attire. In this way, a knight can changing of devices to incorporate personal or familial themes.
be identified as serving in the household of a particular lord Thus does the heraldry of a baron reflect that of the duke they
by the heraldry they wear, and their status can be quickly serve, yet stands apart as the heraldry of a unique individual, a
determined from the finery and details of their attire. lord of Bretonnia worthy of acclaim in their own right.

A Knight’s Shield
The heraldry of Duke Gastille, the Red Hand of Brionne, is proudly displayed by all that fight in his name. From humble
peasants to chivalrous knights, a warrior’s rank and station can be determined from the quality of their shield and the
intricacy of the heraldry upon it.

Humble Peasants Knights Errant

Peasants serving in the armies of Young Knights Errant proudly display
Bretonnia are seldom well-equipped, the heraldry and colours of the lord
but by ancient decree they must display they are sworn to serve upon their
the heraldry of their lords upon their shields and surcoats. Though lacking
shields and banners. Thus do they ornamentation, such equipment is
labour long to paint their crude shields. always well made and worthy of a
young noble.

Knights of the Realm Questing Knights

Upon earning their spurs a knight Before undertaking a perilous quest, it
permanently joins the household of is customary for a knight to carefully
their lord, entering the ranks of their record their vows on parchment, pin it
fellow knights. To mark such honour, to their shield, and hang their shield in
the artificers of the court present them their lord’s hall. Thus may all read their
with finely crafted shields and armour. vows and know their quest.

Grail Knights The Duke of Brionne

Those knights that have drunk from The heraldry of Brionne is that of Duke
the sacred Grail are blessed beings. In Gastille himself, one of Bretonnia’s
recognition of their honoured station, mightiest heroes. Accordingly for his
their gear is amongst the finest in the station and rank, the shield the duke
land and their heraldry intricately carries is richly wrought from silver and
detailed, incorporating images of gold, and painted by the finest artisans.
Bretonnian Heraldry the Grail.

Bretonnian Heraldry 11
E ach of Bretonnia’s fourteen dukedoms is further divided into a number of baronies. These large estates are governed
in the duke’s stead by a trusted baron. These are knights both bold and loyal that have served the duke for many years,
proving themselves as both humble servants of the Lady of the Lake and as chivalrous warriors.

In honour of their high rank and trusted station, barons are permitted to devise their own
heraldry. Though it is customary for such personalised coats of arms to maintain a close
resemblance to the duke’s heraldry, much leeway is given.

These examples of baronial heraldry from the Dukedom of Brionne show how the heraldry
of a baron can differ from that of their duke. Whilst all of these designs maintain the
themes and motifs, the hues, patterns and even heraldic devices can be altered.

Mounted atop a Royal Pegasus, a true-hearted Paladin bearing the personal banner of
Duke Gastille, the Red Hand of Brionne, leads the armies of his lord to war.

12 Bretonnian Heraldry
T he uniforms and armour worn by the warriors of Bretonnia vary greatly depending upon their social standing and
status within the Code Chivalric. Whilst humble peasants must make do with the weapons and uniforms their lords
choose to equip them with, Knights of the Realm are able to invest their great wealth, arming themselves with fine weapons
and well-crafted suits of armour.

As members of the knightly class, Knights of the Realm are Thus many Knights of the Realm wear great helms crowned
pure blooded nobles one and all. Accordingly, though the with elaborate crests depicting heraldic beasts such as bulls,
Code Chivalric dictates that they must bear the colours hippogriffs or unicorns, or sacred symbols of Bretonnia, such
and iconography of the duke or baron they serve upon their as the fleur de lys or the blessed grail. Upon these great crests,
surcoats and shields, they are permitted to display aspects of it is customary for a knight to display the colours of their
their own personal or familial heraldry as well. family, so that they might be easily identified and their valour
attributed accordingly.

Mounted atop a strong limbed and fleet-footed Bretonnian Unlike their knightly betters, the peasants of Bretonnia
destrier, a Knight of the Realm charges into the fray. His are unable to afford fine wargear. Instead, they carry heavy
richly embroidered surcoat and barding displays the colours wooden shields and wield roughly made polearms. For their
and heraldry of the duke he serves. From his harness hang uniforms, they must make do with the humble rags of their
miniature shields, painted to display the heraldry of his lowly station. Over these, they will wear rough hoods or
own family. jerkins in the colours of their lord.

Bretonnian Heraldry 13
I n the year 2276 of the Imperial Calendar, the chivalrous Baron Carrard of Quenelles mustered a great host of bold
knights to ride south and east, to crusade with him beyond the Badlands, and deep into the heart of the Land of
the Dead.

A Lord’s Quest The Defenders’ Muster

The inspiration for this holy quest came by way of portents The vanguard of Settra’s invasion force landed at the northern
uttered by a mysterious courtier in the hall of an exiled knight, end of the Black Peninsula, where it wasted little time in laying
who told of the resurrection of an ancient and powerful Tomb siege to the settlements of Kasos and Thessos. The objective
King, Septhah the Amaranthine. The baron was unwilling to was to raze the settlements to the ground and drive scores
let a potential threat go unanswered and hoped to strike down of refugees ahead of the Undead host, sowing fear into the
the foul Tomb King before he could even leave his sarcophagus. population of the Border Princes as it advanced towards the
Alas, despite all their gallantry and heroism, it was the baron Citadelle Bouelia and then onwards to the large coastal town
and his allies who met their end in the sun-blasted desert after of Matorea.
Carrard was struck down by Septhah himself. Leaderless and
outnumbered by the awakening Undead, the surviving knights However, Prince Ptolethor the Radiant, one of Settra’s naval
of Quenelles were driven into the Badlands where, on the commanders and the leader of the vanguard forces, did not
highlands overlooking the Black Gulf, the Bretonnians met account for the fearsome resistance he would face. Riding to
the Undead in a desperate battle. Through daring heroics, and the defence of the two settlements came several infamous
by the will of the Lady, Septhah was slain and the surviving warriors, outcasts from their homelands who had fled to the
knights returned to the Border Princes. Border Princes years before and grown powerful in this lawless
and warlike land.
But by slaying such a valued commander of Nehekhara’s
legions, the knights of Bretonnia raised the ire of Settra the Through long and bitter experience of past battles against
Imperishable and he wasted little time in plotting retribution. the legions of Nehekhara, these fallen princes and the veteran
At his command, skeletal legions were raised from beneath the mercenary regiments they commanded knew that the key
sands to serve the ancient port-city of Zandri, the shipyards to victory against the armies of the Undead was to bring
lurching into life as the construction of an invasion fleet began. down the foul Wizards and cadaverous Liche Priests that
News of this activity quickly reached the Border Princes, animated the skeletal forces. Armed with such knowledge
where the survivors of Baron Carrard’s crusade sheltered. and incentivised by promises of fortune and fame, these
Realising that Settra’s wrath would soon descend upon them, veteran armies were able to inflict significant damage on
the Border Princes looked to their defences. Levies were Ptolethor’s forces in their defence of both Kasos and Thessos,
conscripted, coffers were thrown open to hire mercenaries but not enough to stop the prince’s vast host from grinding
and stockpiles were assembled in preparation; if the lord of the defences to dust and putting the garrisons to the sword.
Nehekhara expected to find the Border Princes unprepared, With the first part of his grim task complete, Prince Ptolethor
he would be sorely mistaken. continued his march towards the Citadelle Bouelia.

War in the Border Princes

14 War in the Border Princes

The Red Hand Rides But not all of the tidings were filled with woe, for Sir Cecil
had mustered his forces and marched on Matorea in order to
Having sheltered the survivors of Baron Carrard’s ill-fated meet Settra’s hordes head-on. Without hesitation, the duke
crusade at Louen Keep, Sir Cecil Gastonne was not at all hastened towards the Citadelle with the hope of lifting the
surprised when the whispers of Settra’s impending invasion siege before it was too late.
reached him. The Wyrm Slayer acted decisively, summoning
his banners to him and dispatching a rider to carry the news As the duke’s army neared the Citadelle Bouelia, the sky above
to King Louen Orc-Slayer, hoping that the king would hasten darkened portentously. Cresting a hill, the wide plain from
to his aid. Despite his exile from Bretonnia, Cecil was still well which the formidable stone castle reared came into view –
loved within his homeland for his heroism and skill-at-arms, and a morbid sight awaited them. Even following the lengthy
and he remained a faithful guardian of the realm even from battles at Kasos and Thessos, Ptolethor’s Undead legion was
beyond its southern borders. vast; rank upon rank of sun-bleached skeletons marched
towards the walls of the Citadelle in macabre unison, slowly
Yet, unbeknownst to Cecil, a massive Orc Waaagh! had and tirelessly eroding the fortress’ defences like crashing
erupted from the foothills of the Pale Sisters and rampaged waves against the shore. Whilst the duke surveyed the enemy
across the Marches of Couronne, drawing the king, as well as host, his eyes settled upon the form of a great, skeletal beast
the dukes of Gisoreux, Artois and Couronne into a conflict in striding through the ranks of the Undead; a rider shrouded by
the northernmost reaches of Bretonnia. Though the king was a dusty canopy commanding its movements. The air around
unable to ride to the Border Princes himself, he immediately the beast swirled with the tell-tale signs of malign sorcery
sent word to his dukes in the south, imploring them to as banners fluttered in a non-existent breeze and nearby
hasten to the aid of their estranged countryman. When the regiments of skeletons jerked into action with unnatural
king’s messenger arrived in the court of Duke Gastille, the urgency. Lady Élisse Duchaard appeared at the duke’s side
Red Hand of Brionne, he needed little encouragement from and quickly confirmed his suspicions; hidden beneath the
his Prophetess and chief advisor, Lady Élisse Duchaard, to ancient sunshades on the back of the Necrolith Bone Dragon
marshal his forces and make for the Border Princes. lurked the Liche Priest Neferkare the Hierophant, the being
responsible for raising Prince Ptolethor’s army.
Declaring an Errantry Crusade to quickly raise a force of
brash young knights, eager to prove themselves in battle, the With his target in sight, the duke barked orders to his archers
Red Hand of Brionne and the Lady Élisse rode swiftly south- to rain fire upon the foe and for his knights to shatter their
east, through the Old Dwarf Pass towards their goal. Upon battlelines with lance and sword. Whilst his forces engaged
arriving in the Border Princes, news reached the duke that the enemy, he would descend from the skies atop his Royal
Prince Ptolethor’s Undead forces had laid siege to the Citadelle Pegasus and strike down the Wizard perched atop the
Bouelia. Worse was word that a much larger fleet, commanded Bone Dragon and put an end to the magic animating the
by Settra himself, had been sighted in the Black Gulf, with the Undead army.
coastal town of Matorea lying directly in its path.

War in the Border Princes 15

Battle Of The Citadelle Even as the tortured screams of the slain Liche Priest echoed
in his ears, the duke and his Pegasus crashed to the earth –
The Undead reacted slowly to the arrival of the duke’s forces. humbled and near-fatally wounded by the beast’s desiccating
Entire ranks of skeletal warriors fell beneath volleys of flaming breath. Moments after the duke had fallen, as he struggled to
arrows loosed by the Bretonnian peasantry before the soldiers gasp for air and grasp his sword, a roaring mummified warrior,
of Nehekhara had even turned to face the threat. Gradually, bedecked in golden armour and ancient finery rose above
as the Liche Priest Neferkare acknowledged the arrival of the him. Enraged at the death of his Hierophant, Prince Ptolethor
Bretonnians, the Undead reformed their ranks to address the held his centuries-old blade high in preparation to strike
foe. Led by Lady Élisse, the charging knights of Brionne had down the injured duke. Before his blade could fall, a powerful
covered the ground between the crest and the Undead ranks gale arose, knocking the prince sprawling to the dirt, as Lady
swiftly, their lances levelled. The thunderous charge of the Élisse, having seen her duke plummet from the sky and battled
knights exploded into the clamour of battle as the tremendous her way to his side, unleashed a torrent of elemental energy
weight of galloping warhorses struck the Nehekharan at Ptolethor.
phalanxes, lances splintered against bronze-face shields and
devout battle cries rose from the brave Knights of Brionne. This brief distraction bought the duke time to offer a prayer
to the Lady of the Lake and drag himself to his feet. As he
Riding her unicorn to battle beside the Knights of Brionne, implored the Lady for her aid, the power of the Grail flooded
Lady Élisse flexed her arcane might, expertly unravelling through him, healing the worst of his wounds and engulfing
the skein of magic by which the Liche Priests controlled the him in a pale silvery light. Mere moments after the Red Hand
Undead forces. As Neferkare felt the Winds of Magic shift of Brionne had found his feet and drawn his weapon, Prince
unexpectedly towards Lady Élisse and his ability to resurrect Ptolethor had also regained his footing and hurled himself at
the hordes of warriors crushed beneath the charging knights the duke. The duel between the two generals lasted for what
diminish, he turned his great skeletal mount towards the felt like an eternity; though Duke Gastille was the superior
Prophetess. However, before the behemoth could reach its warrior, the Prince’s Undead fortitude allowed him to sustain
prey, the Red Hand of Brionne descended from the heavens, as much damage as the duke was able to inflict. However,
his lance poised to strike at the Liche Priest. At the last without the regenerative magic of his Hierophant, Prince
moment, the broad head of the Necrolith Bone Dragon Ptolethor began to falter before the Red Hand’s onslaught
snapped around, unleashing a torrent of foetid breath that and was at last struck down by the Grail Knight as the battle
engulfed both the duke and his noble steed. Yet the duke’s reached its end. Though victory had been won, there was little
charge could not be thwarted and, as the iron-shod hooves of respite for the gallant knights of Brionne – Matorea lay many
his Royal Pegasus shattered the skull of the skeletal beast, the miles away and its defenders would need the aid of the duke’s
Red Hand of Brionne’s lance skewered the shrivelled heart of army if they were to turn back Settra’s forces.
his enemy.

16 War in the Border Princes

The Host Of The Wyrm Slayer The Defence Of Matorea
Whilst the Red Hand of Brionne was raising his Errantry Upon his arrival at Matorea, the Wyrm Slayer found a
Crusade, the infamous Bretonnian exile Sir Cecil Gastonne, populace ruled by fear. Even whilst the army of Prince
the Wyrm Slayer, had already begun making preparations to Ptolethor had all but annihilated a number of settlements to
meet the advancing Undead armies of Nehekhara. Long had the west, the people of the coastal town had held their nerve
the Wyrm Slayer hoped that he would one day return to the as they prepared their defences. However, news of a larger
good graces of those he used to serve. As such, Cecil saw the Undead fleet leaving the port of Zandri, commanded by Settra
protection of Bretonnia’s south-easterly borders as his sworn the Imperishable himself had unleashed a wave of panic which
duty, and no threat to fair Bretonnia would pass through resulted in a mass exodus of fearful common folk.
his lands unchecked or unchallenged, be they man, monster
or Undead. Cecil wasted little time in taking charge of the situation and
demanded that the town’s commanders present themselves
The knights of Cecil’s household were fearsome fighters and to appraise him of the situation. From a fractured group of
veterans of a dozen campaigns, and each of them had chosen mercenary captains, the Wyrm Slayer learned that the town’s
to join their lord in exile and give their life in his service if defences were crumbling as whole regiments fled from their
need be. Alongside these gallant knights stood many peasant posts and joined the huddled refugees that were abandoning
soldiers; bold and courageous warriors who had proven the settlement. Sir Cecil quickly stemmed the flow of fleeing
themselves in battle at the Wyrm Slayer’s side. In addition to soldiers by dividing his own forces up amongst those of the
these more traditional Bretonnian fighters, Sir Cecil had many town, bolstering the defences ten-fold and swiftly restoring
mercenary fighters in his service; their loyalty secured by coin order. What remained of the panicked populace took heart
from his treasury, their respect earned by his prowess as a under the Wyrm Slayer’s confident command and within a
warrior and commander. week of his arrival, the town of Matorea stood ready to face
the royal host of Settra with steely resolve.
With the approach of the Undead hordes, Cecil threw open
his coffers once more, recruiting brigands, mercenary gunners Sir Cecil awaited the arrival of the Nehekharan fleet with great
and even outcast Wizards to his ranks. The Wyrm Slayer unease; whilst all necessary preparations had been made, his
cared little for the past crimes of a mercenary, his honour was greater concern was for how long his rag-tag army could hold
tarnished enough that fighting in such questionable company Settra at bay without reinforcement. So, as heavy rain clouds
would do little to damage it further. What mattered was that chased away the sun and the dark sails of Settra’s fleet loomed
he purge the land of evil. With a force assembled, the likes on the horizon, the arrival of an outrider carrying news of the
of which was seldom seen in the Border Princes, the Wyrm duke’s victory at the Citadelle Bouelia and their imminent
Slayer ordered his host to make for Matorea – unaware arrival at Matorea was a most welcome relief…
that, at that very moment, Duke Gastille and the Knights of
Brionne rode towards the Border Princes.

War in the Border Princes 17

War In The Border Princes
In the year 2276 of the Imperial Calendar, Settra the Imperishable set plans in
motion to overwhelm the Border Princes with his mighty Nehekharan armies.
Expecting the wild and lawless region to resist his unstoppable might but
little, the undying king hoped for a swift conquest en route to richer lands and
greater battles.

But Settra misjudged the courage of the Border Princes’ defenders, and his
black heart could not fathom of warriors willing to ride far from their homes
to defend the weak from the wicked. In his path of destruction lay Louen Keep,
the stronghold of Sir Cecil Gastonne, the Wyrm Slayer. This bold defender of
Bretonnia’s borders mustered his host at Matorea, there to await the King of
the Dead.

Meanwhile, as the vanguard of Settra’s army ravaged the Border Princes, the
Duke of Brionne and his brave knights hastened through distant mountains to the
defence of Matorea. Upon his arrival in the Border Princes, the duke lamented to
see a ravaged land and rode hard to the Citadelle Bouelia. Here, he faced the vile
Prince Ptolethor and laid him low, resting only to water his dutiful steed before
riding once more to the aid of his brother knight and the good people of Matorea.
W ith the darkness of night filling the skies, the black ships of Settra’s fleet began to disgorge their Undead cargo onto
the beaches before Matorea. As the royal host approached, Sir Cecil Gastonne, the Wyrm Slayer, looked to the west.
From beyond the horizon, the knights of Brionne approached, though whether they would arrive to find the defenders
embattled, or that Settra’s forces had swept through Matorea and on towards distant Bretonnia, he could not say…

Historical Recreation The Attacker

The attacker should write a single 3,000 points muster list
The Battle of Matorea was fought between an army of using the Tomb Kings of Khemri Grand Army composition
Bretonnian Exiles led by Sir Cecil Gastonne, the Wyrm list found in Warhammer: the Old World – Ravening Hordes.
Slayer, and the undying legions of the Tomb Kings of Khemri,
commanded by Settra the Imperishable himself. To represent The Defender
this, the players should write three muster lists (one for the The defender should write two muster lists, one representing
attacker and two for the defender) as follows: their main force, the other representing the rescue force:

• Main Force: The defender should write a 1,750 points

muster list using the Bretonnian Exiles Army of Infamy
composition list (see page 30). The General of this army
must be Sir Cecil Gastonne, the Wyrm Slayer (see page 38).
• The Rescue Force: The defender should write a 1,250
points muster list using the Errantry Crusade Army
of Infamy composition list (see page 34), with the
following exceptions:
- The General of the rescue force must be a Bretonnian
Duke mounted on a Royal Pegasus, representing the
Duke of Brionne.
- The rescue force must include Lady Élisse Duchaard
(see page 40).

Alternatively, this scenario may be played with any two armies

of the players’ choosing, in which case the defender must
spend between 25% and 33% of their army’s points value on an
allied contingent to act as the rescue force.

Defensible Deployment Zone


The Battle of Matorea Attacker’s

9" Deployment Zone 9"

20 The Battle of Matorea

Set-up Scenario Special Rules
Place terrain as described in the Warhammer: the Old World Reinforcements: The defender’s rescue force gains the
rulebook. In addition, place a defensible position as shown on Ambushers special rule. However, from the beginning of
the map opposite: round two onwards, the defender rolls a single D6 for their
entire rescue force during each of their Start of Turn sub-
Defensible Position: A defensible position is a hill measuring phases (rather than rolling a D6 for each individual unit).
up to 16" at its widest point, featuring a single rock-strewn Upon its arrival, the entire rescue force enters the battle as
slope. A rock-strewn slope may be no more than 8" wide reinforcements from the western board edge. In other words,
and counts as dangerous terrain. Atop the hill is a flat area all units within the rescue force must be placed on the edge of
measuring no more than 8" along its longest side. One edge the battlefield to the right of the defender’s deployment zone.
of this flat area must be bordered by staked defences, as Any units belonging to the rescue force that cannot be placed
described opposite. on the battlefield during the turn it arrives may be left in
reserve and can be brought on as described previously during
Deployment the following turn.
The defender deploys their main force within the defender’s
deployment zone, as shown on the map opposite. Once Fresh from victory at the Citadel Bouelia, all units in the
complete, the attacker deploys their entire army within the reserve force benefit from the Blessings of the Lady special rule
attacker’s deployment zone. without having to pray at the start of the game.

First Turn Staked Defences: Staked defences count as a low linear

In this scenario, the attacker will automatically take the obstacle. However, unless it has the Fly (X) special rule, any
first turn. unit that charges an enemy behind staked defences makes a
disordered charge and becomes Disrupted. In addition, any
Game Length model whose troop type is ‘cavalry’ or ‘chariot’ must make a
The battle will last for six rounds or until one side concedes. Peril test (as if it had fled through an enemy unit) if it ends its
charge move in base contact with staked defences.

Once the battle has ended, use Victory Points to determine
which player is the winner, as described in the Warhammer: the
Old World rulebook. In addition, at the end of the game:

• The defending player wins a bonus 250 Victory Points if

there are no models belonging to the attacking player upon
the flat area atop the defensible position.
• The attacking player wins a bonus 250 Victory Points if
they are the only player with models upon the flat area atop
the defensible position.

The Battle of Matorea 21

Clad in gleaming armour, fine surcoats and ornate shields bearing their personal heraldry,
the blessed Grail Knights of Bretonnia charge forth to battle beneath glorious banners.

A unit of Questing Knights, armed with great weapons.

24 Kingdom of Bretonnia
A field trebuchet and its crew of humble peasants.

A ragged procession of Grail Pilgrims bears aloft a sacred reliquae, the holy spirit clinging to the remains of the fallen knight at its
heart filling their humble peasant hearts with courage.

Kingdom of Bretonnia 25
A Bretonnian Paladin bearing A bold Paladin that has sworn the Vow of the
the Battle Standard of his Duke. Questing Knight, armed with a great weapon.
A Damsel of the Lady of the Lake. A noble Paladin mounted upon a Bretonnian Warhorse and
bearing the Battle Standard of his Duke.
I t is not uncommon to find outposts of Bretonnian society and culture scattered far and wide – tiny feudalistic realms
where the Lady of the Lake is revered and in which the traditions of the Code Chivalric are upheld, to a greater or lesser
extent, by knightly lords of often questionable honour.

Exiled Lords The Limits Of Chivalry

It is perhaps a measure of the Bretonnian people and their love Whilst the means by which a knight can find themselves
affair with noble deeds and chivalrous acts of self-sacrifice that cast from their homeland varies, and the fates of those facing
the scattered vassal states of Bretonnia’s many exiles are often banishment or choosing exile can differ, there is one thing that
spoken of fondly in their former homeland. This is especially unites all expatriated members of the Bretonnian nobility –
true of those knights that have confronted accusations of honour of questionable measure. For though a knight that
dishonour head-on and chosen to take the Exile’s Vow rather serves a king is bound by the tenets of the Code Chivalric and
than serve a penance they believe unjustified for actions they governed by the rules of honour, an outcast is, by definition, a
do not regret. To the people of Bretonnia, stubbornly choosing knight without honour, one set free from the constraints of the
exile over humility is considered noble indeed. Yet, such exiled Code Chivalric.
nobles continue to serve their homeland, enacting the wishes
of their distant king and bringing war to Bretonnia’s enemies Though there are those outcast lords that stubbornly adhere
on far flung battlefields, hoping to expunge their dishonour to the Code Chivalric come what may, there are more who
and to one day be welcomed home. take the view that their honour can hardly be diminished
further by the deeds they commit whilst languishing in
In contrast, of those unconscionable villains whose actions exile. Thus do many exiles take to the field of battle in the
have earned them banishment from Bretonnia very little company of soldiers no true Bretonnian knight would deign
is spoken. Where an exiled knight might venture into the to share the field of glory with. Brigands and mercenaries fill
wilderness in the company of their most trusted retainers the ranks of Bretonnia’s exiled lords, often wielding shunned
and members of their household, those despicable knights and unchivalrous black powder weapons, or manning great,
whose actions lead to banishment are forced to travel into booming field guns.
the unknown alone with their ignominy. Destitute and
impoverished, such disgraced knights invariably fall in with But well-justified are these exiles in employing unscrupulous
worse company, attracting the companionship of brigands, tactics on the battlefield, for their households are small and
cutthroats and mercenaries of questionable character. the number of bold Bretonnian knights they boast in their
For some, there is glory to be found leading an army of retinues can only decrease with each battle waged. Thus, for
desperados to conquest in the wildernesses beyond the the chivalrous knightly class of Bretonnia, such unknightly
borders of the nations of Man. But for most, only a lonely and conduct is quite acceptable amongst outcasts, and many an
unremembered death awaits, the forgotten knight bleeding exile has earned the right to return to their homeland through
their lifeblood into the cold soil far from their homeland. acts that, were they committed by a chivalrous peer, would
warrant tremendous acts of penance.

Outcast Nobility

28 Outcast Nobility
W hen a knight chooses exile over penance, it is common that they amend the heraldry they wear accordingly. For most,
this serves to distance the knight from their household and set them apart as an outcast. For some, this is done in protest
against what they consider to be unjust treatment.

In their exile, some knights choose to shun the heraldry Alternatively, many exiles choose to deface their heraldry.
of their homeland entirely, creating instead new coats of Some will remove the devices, displaying only a plain or
arms. Such designs are often defiant, revealing much about divided field in its place. Others will obscure their coats of
the bearer to anyone familiar with the subtle nuance of arms entirely behind black paint, thus hiding their identity
heraldic imagery. from the world.

A bold knight, cast out from the court of Brionne for some long-forgotten indiscretion,
leads his faithful Yeoman Guard to battle in lawless lands.

Outcast Nobility 29
T his Army of Infamy composition list is designed to be used with the Kingdom of Bretonnia army list found in
Warhammer: the Old World – Forces of Fantasy, and alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of
the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

If you wish to field an army of Bretonnian Exiles in your games of Warhammer: the Old World, you may write your muster list
using the Army of Infamy composition list below instead of the Grand Army composition list found in Forces of Fantasy. Over the
following pages you will find new profiles and rules for certain models in your army, representing units unique to a Bretonnian
Exiles army:

Army Of Infamy Composition List

Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 33% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 Baron per 1,000 points • Questing Knights and Border Princes Brigands
• 0-1 Damsel • 0-1 Field Trebuchet per 1,000 points
• Paladins, Outcast Wizards and Sergeants-at-Arms • 0-1 Border Princes Bombard per 1,000 points

Core Mercenaries
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on
mercenaries, including:
• 1+ unit of Knights of the Realm on Foot and/or
Mounted Knights of the Realm • Free Company Militia and Empire Archers (see the Empire
• 1+ unit of Yeoman Guard and/or Peasant Bowmen of Man army list on page 59 of Forces of Fantasy)
• 0-1 unit of Knights Errant per 1,000 points
• Men-at-Arms and Mounted Yeomen Note that mercenary units drawn from another army list gain the
Mercenaries special rule and become subject to the ‘Misbehaving
Special Mercenaries’ rules, as described on page 279 of the Warhammer:
Up to 33% of your army’s points value may be spent on: the Old World rulebook.

• Squires and Pegasus Knights

• 0-1 unit of Battle Pilgrims per 1,000 points Battle Standard Bearer
A single Paladin in your army may be upgraded to be
your Battle Standard Bearer for no additional cost. In
addition to their usual allowance of points to spend on
magic items, a Battle Standard Bearer can purchase a
single magic standard with no points limit.

Magic Items
Any models within this army that have the option to
purchase magic items may purchase magic items from the
Common or Kingdom of Bretonnia magic items lists.

Kingdom of Bretonnia – Bretonnian Exiles

30 Outcast Nobility
On this page you will find a full description for each of the army special rules that
apply to an army built using the Bretonnian Exiles Army of Infamy composition list.
These are in addition to the Kingdom of Bretonnia special rules found on page 107 of
Forces of Fantasy. In case of contradiction, the special rules below take precedence over
the Kingdom of Bretonnia special rules.

Banished Lords
Though once-noble knights and lords find
themselves banished from the lands of
Bretonnia, many seek to find an end to their
exile and return to the Lady’s light.
“Does evil approach on
Barons and Paladins within a Bretonnian this fair day? If so, then it
Exiles army cannot have the Grail Vow. approaches rough lands, but
However, the following characters and they are lands I claim as my
units may replace the Knight’s Vow with own and I do not wish to
the Exile’s Vow for free: welcome it! If this evil thinks
to find us weak in this barren
• Baron or Paladin place, it shall discover that
• Knights of the Realm on Foot when the flower of Bretonnia
• Knights Errant grows from parched earth, it
• Mounted Knights of the Realm grows thorns!”
• Pegasus Knights
Sir Cecil Gastonne,
the Wyrm Slayer

The Exile’s Vow Reclaimed Glory

“... Though my time within the lands of the Those banished from Bretonnia know that it is
Lady has come to pass, my time serving her has through deeds, not prayers, that the Lady may
not. By my hand and her mercy, my honour look favourably upon them once again.
shall be restored, even if it is to be my final
quest in this life…” A Bretonnian Exiles army cannot pray for
the Blessings of the Lady at the beginning
The Exile’s Vow is a Chivalrous Vow, as of the game. However, should a unit with
described on page 108 of Forces of Fantasy. the Blessings of the Lady special rule make
A model with this Chivalrous Vow has an overrun move or make contact with
the Stubborn and Veteran special rules. In a fleeing enemy unit during a charge or
addition, a model with this Chivalrous Vow pursuit move, that unit will immediately
does not have to make a Panic test when gain the benefits of the Blessings of the
a friendly unit with either the Levies or Lady special rule as if it had prayed at the
Peasantry special rule is destroyed whilst start of the game. Additionally, should a
within 6" of it, or when it is fled through character with the Blessings of the Lady
by a friendly unit with either the Levies or special rule kill an enemy character in a
Peasantry special rule. challenge, they (and any unit they have
joined) will immediately gain the benefits
of the Blessings of the Lady special rule.

However, should the benefits of the

Blessing of the Lady special rule be lost
during a game, they cannot be regained
again in this way.

Outcast Nobility 31
T he chivalrous knights of Bretonnia are nothing if not fervent in their desire to defend their lands and the humble
peasants that dwell within them. So great is their zeal, that it is quite common for a lord of Bretonnia to summon
their warriors and declare a crusade against any potential foe, even those that might think themselves safe in their
faraway homeland.

The First Crusade Errantry Crusades

In the year 1448 of the Imperial Calendar, some 470 years In the years since the first crusade, the armies of Bretonnia
after the blessed Gilles united the land, news reached have frequently ridden to war in faraway lands, bringing glory
Bretonnia that Estalia, its southerly neighbour, had been to themselves and honouring the Lady of the Lake in all they
invaded by enemies and faced certain defeat. Upon hearing do. Over time, the simple act of going on-crusade to confront
this news, there were some amongst Bretonnia’s dukes and evil wherever it lurks has, like so many things in Bretonnia,
barons reluctant to ride so far to defend such distant lands. evolved to become an integral part of the Code Chivalric,
Yet, their views were quickly changed when their king, Louis complete with its own traditions and customs passionately
the Righteous, granted the Grand Masters of several Knightly upheld by all knights.
Orders from the Empire permission to cross his lands en route
to Estalia. Seeing at last the opportunity to claim glory, and One such tradition derives from the ancient custom of the
honour the tenets of the Code Chivalric by riding to the aid of ‘Errand of Knighthood’, a practice whereby aspiring young
the Estalians, the dukes petitioned their king to summon his Knights Errant, alone or in the company of their peers, are
knights and ride south with the dour warriors of the Empire. set tasks by their lords to prove their worth and earn their
spurs. Where in ages past this errand might have entailed the
Ceding to their petitioning, in order to protect his own hunting and slaying of a monster that plagued the land, it has
borders from advancing enemy armies, King Louis agreed become customary for a band of Knights Errant to be tasked
and sent out a call to all knights of his realm who wished to with going on-crusade and returning with trophies that attest
win glory in distant lands to muster at Aquitaine. Thus was to their deeds, returning to their homes, there to be honoured
the first crusade launched, with the gleaming and chivalrous as Knights of the Realm.
knights of Bretonnia riding to war in a faraway land in the
company of the austere knights of the Empire. Indeed, in calamitous times, when enemies amass on all sides,
the lords of Bretonnia will use this custom to their benefit,
Against such an army of noble warriors, Empire and mustering large numbers of Knights Errant in defence of
Bretonnian alike, the enemies of Estalia stood little chance the realm. Thus are Errantry Crusades declared, drawing
and, as the crusading knights swept through the land, the together knights from dukedoms and baronies far and wide
invaders were driven before them, harried beyond the into colourful warhosts that proudly display the heraldry of
Southern Sea and into their far-off homelands. And so the hundreds of households. Far from home, Knights Errant can
first crusade was deemed a great success, and a proud tradition earn great glory on the field of battle, proving their worth in
was established amongst the knights of Bretonnia. the eyes of their elders.

Bold Crusaders

32 Bold Crusaders
A ll true knights of Bretonnia feel the urge to crusade into distant lands and confront evil wherever it may lurk.
Thus, when a lord of Bretonnia declares a crusade, knights from all across the realm will seek leave of their duties at
home and ride to answer the call.

Because crusading armies attract bold knights from far and In amongst such a startling array of colours and patterns,
wide, it is usual to see a tremendous array of heraldry upon charges and devices, it is not uncommon for knights to adapt
display, even within a single regiment. On crusade, knights their heraldry to include symbols of their purpose. For those
from as far afield as Couronne and Carcassonne, Parravon and that return, these emblems form a lasting element within their
Lyonesse ride shoulder to shoulder. heraldry and are viewed as a mark of honour.

Bearing the heraldry of a dozen dukedoms, a host of crusading knights charge across the scalding sands to bring their wrath to
bear against the enemies of fair Bretonnia.

Bold Crusaders 33
T his Army of Infamy composition list is designed to be used with the Kingdom of Bretonnia army list found in
Forces of Fantasy, and alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

If you wish to field an Errantry Crusade army in your games of Warhammer: the Old World, you may write your muster list
using the Army of Infamy composition list below instead of the Grand Army composition list found in Forces of Fantasy. Over
the following pages you will find new profiles and rules for certain models in your army, representing units unique to an Errantry
Crusade army:

Army Of Infamy Composition List

Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 33% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• 0-1 Duke • Grail Knights and Mounted Yeomen

• 0-1 Baron or Prophetess per 1,000 points • 0-1 Field Trebuchet
• 1+ Paladin
• Damsels and Sergeants-at-Arms Mercenaries
Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on
Core mercenaries, including:
At least 33% of your army’s points value must be spent on:
• Empire Knights and Inner Circle Knights (see the Empire
• 1+ unit of Knights Errant per 1,000 points of Man army list on pages 64 & 65 of Forces of Fantasy)
• 0-1 unit of Battle Pilgrims may be taken as a Core choice
• Knights of the Realm on Foot, Squires and Mounted Note that mercenary units drawn from another army list gain the
Knights of the Realm Mercenaries special rule and become subject to the ‘Misbehaving
Mercenaries’ rules, as described on page 279 of the Warhammer:
Special the Old World rulebook.
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

• Men-at-Arms, Peasant Bowmen, Battle Pilgrims, Questing Battle Standard Bearer

Knights and Pegasus Knights A single Paladin in your army may be upgraded to be
your Battle Standard Bearer for no additional cost. In
addition to their usual allowance of points to spend on
magic items, a Battle Standard Bearer can purchase a
single magic standard with no points limit.

Magic Items
Any models within this army that have the option to
purchase magic items may purchase magic items from the
Common or Kingdom of Bretonnia magic items lists.

Kingdom of Bretonnia – Errantry Crusade

34 Bold Crusaders
O n this page, you will find a full description for each of the army special rules that apply to an army built using the
Errantry Crusade Army of Infamy composition list. These are in addition to the Kingdom of Bretonnia special rules
found on page 107 of Forces of Fantasy. In case of contradiction, the special rules below take precedence over the Kingdom
of Bretonnia special rules.

Crusading Knights Crusader’s Zeal

When chivalrous knights gather in large numbers to embark upon a Filled by a ferocious zeal, the brave defenders of Bretonnia
sacred crusade or errantry war, they become gripped by a religious rush towards the foe, their lust for battle driving them across
fervour, swearing fresh vows to the Lady of the Lake. great distances.

Within an Errantry Crusade army, the following characters A unit with this special rule increases its maximum possible
and units gain the Crusader’s Zeal special rule. In addition, any charge range by 1" and, when it makes a Charge roll, may apply
of the following characters or units that have the Knight’s Vow a +1 modifier to the result. In addition, a unit with this special
may replace it with the Crusader’s Vow for free: rule gains the Impetuous special rule.

• Baron or Paladin The Crusader’s Vow

• Knights of the Realm on Foot “…To journey far beyond the borders of fair Bretonnia, into the lair
• Battle Pilgrims of my foe. To take the battle to the enemies of the Lady of the Lake,
• Knights Errant wherever they might linger. This is my sacred vow…”
• Mounted Knights of the Realm
• Questing Knights The Crusader’s Vow is a Chivalrous Vow, as described on
• Grail Knights page 108 of Forces of Fantasy. A model with this Chivalrous
• Pegasus Knights Vow has the Veteran special rule. In addition, a model with
• Mounted Yeomen this Chivalrous Vow does not have to make a Panic test when
a friendly unit with the Peasantry special rule is destroyed
whilst within 6" of it, or when it is fled through by a friendly
unit with the Peasantry special rule.

A unit with this Chivalrous Vow cannot be joined by a

character with the Peasantry special rule. A character with
this Chivalrous Vow cannot join a unit with the Peasantry
special rule.

Earn Your Spurs

During an Errantry Crusade, Knights Errant pursue the enemy
with great fervour, seeking out trophies that speak of their knightly
prowess and bear witness to their valorous acts.

Any enemy standard captured by a unit of Knights Errant

is worth 100 Victory Points as a trophy of war. In addition,
whilst within 6" of a friendly model with the Grail Vow, or any
Lord of Bretonnia, a unit of Knights Errant may re-roll any
rolls To Hit of a natural 1.

Bold Crusaders 35
The Green Knight
The Green Knight may be included in any Kingdom of Bretonnia army made using any
army composition list. He must be fielded as presented here.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
The Green Knight - 7 3 4 4 4 6 4 9 275
The Shadow Steed 8 4 - 4 - - 4 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy cavalry (named character)

Base Size: 30 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 1
• The Green Knight: The Dolorous Blade (see opposite), heavy armour and shield
• The Shadow Steed: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon) and barding

Special Rules: Aura of the Fay, Blessed Knight, Ethereal, Guardian of the Sacred Sites,
Immune to Psychology, Loner, Move through Cover, Rallying Cry, Terror,
The Green Knight Unbreakable, Unstable
The Green Knight is amongst
the most well-known figures Aura Of The Fay
of Bretonnian folklore. He The Green Knight is a supernatural being of great power. Should he be vanquished by a foe, he
is a popular character in disappears into thin air, only to reappear once more and return to the fray.
the plays and puppet shows
of wandering troubadours When the Green Knight loses his last Wound, he is removed from play as usual, but is not
and courtly bards alike, and slain. His controlling player may attempt to awaken him again during any of their Start
everyone in the land – young of Turn sub-phases in which he is not on the battlefield, using the Guardian of the Sacred
or old, peasant or noble – Sites special rule (as described opposite). However, each time the Green Knight is slain, he
cheers his acts of heroism is weakened, and suffers a -1 modifier to the dice roll when attempting to awaken him, and
with equal enthusiasm. In a -1 modifier to his Wounds characteristic (to a minimum of 1).
such performances, the
Green Knight always appears Note that the enemy player can only win Victory Points for the Green Knight if he is not on the
bedecked in a pale green battlefield at the end of the game.
livery of intertwining vines
and roots, long plumes of
ivy cascading from his great
helm. Yet, little do many
realise that these tales are
bound in fact. The Green
Knight is the sacred protector
of Bretonnia, the chosen
champion of the Lady of the
Lake. Many are the tales of
an eerie twilight falling upon
the land and a green mist
rising, heralding the arrival
of the Green Knight – a
spectral figure with glowing
eyes, mounted upon a steed
of shadow.

The Green Knight

36 The Green Knight

Blessed Knight
The Green Knight is the eternal champion of the Lady of the Lake, and her blessings are always Named Character
upon him, protecting him from the weapons of her enemies.

The Green Knight has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered.

Guardian Of The Sacred Sites

The Green Knight appears unexpectedly before his foes, bursting from within the bole of the most
ancient trees, or galloping furiously from still lakes or rushing waterfalls.

The Green Knight is not placed on the battlefield during deployment – he slumbers until
he is awakened during the game. During any of your Start of Turn sub-phases in which
the Green Knight is not on the battlefield (even if he was removed from play as a casualty
during a previous turn), you may attempt to awaken him by rolling a D6. On a roll of 1-2,
he continues to slumber until your next turn at least. On a roll of 3+, the Green Knight
awakens. If the Green Knight has not yet been awakened by the start of round five, he
awakens automatically. The Champion of the Lady
The Green Knight is the
When the Green Knight awakens, he may be placed completely within any ‘natural’ terrain chosen champion of the
feature anywhere on the battlefield. For the purposes of this rule, a ‘natural’ terrain feature Lady of the Lake, the sworn
includes any woods, or any difficult or dangerous terrain (as described on page 269 of the protector of her sacred sites.
Warhammer: the Old World rulebook). It does not include any constructions, such as walls Often, he appears before
or buildings. Before the game starts, the players should agree upon which terrain features lonely Questing Knights,
are natural and which are not. lost in the deep forests of
Bretonnia, challenging them
In addition, rather than moving normally during the Remaining Moves sub-phase, if the in her name and testing
Green Knight is completely within a natural terrain feature and is not engaged in combat, their worth. Those able to
you may remove him from the battlefield and replace him so that he is completely within strike his spectral form a
a different natural terrain feature anywhere on the battlefield. The Green Knight cannot mortal blow tell of his body
move again during this Movement phase. dispersing like mist on the
wind, and the landscape
Note that when the Green Knight appears within a natural terrain feature, he must abide by the itself changing, revealing
1" rule. In other words, the Green Knight cannot be placed within 1" of an enemy unit. a path that leads to the
culmination of their quest
The Dolorous Blade and an audience with the
The Dolorous Blade is a sword of great weight that glows with an eerie light. In battle, the Green Lady herself.
Knight wields it with awesome strength and skill.
At other times, he will
The Dolorous Blade R S AP Special Rules appear in the midst of battle,
Rapid strikes Combat S -1 Extra Attacks (D6), Magical Attacks bursting from a copse of
Deadly blows Combat S+2 -1 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks, trees or galloping furiously
Multiple Wounds (2) from the mists that cling to
Notes: The Dolorous Blade has two profiles. You must choose which the wielder will use at the a still lake. At such times,
start of each round of combat. he will throw in his lot with
the defenders of Bretonnia,
fighting ferociously alongside
the Knights of the Realm,
only to disappear once more
when the battle is won.

The Green Knight 37

W ell-loved in Bretonnia was Sir Cecil Gastonne, for wherever he rode, evil fiends were laid low by his hand. And
well respected was he also, for in any joust or tourney in which he competed – and there were many – he easily
outmatched his opponents, unhorsing them with alacrity and compelling them to yield before him.

Yet amongst his many great deeds, the feat that secured Bound by the rules of honour, the knight begrudgingly
his status as a champion of his duke was his epic battle accepted Cecil’s drunken challenge and the two duelled in the
with Norndrak the Tyrant, a great black-scaled wyrm that packed hall. The fight was short and decisive, the Grail Knight
terrorised the good people of Bastonne for a full season. disarming the wine-addled Cecil and commanding that he
Gastonne swore an oath to slay Norndrak, his quest leading yield to avoid further embarrassment. Thinking the duel over,
him to the Dragon’s lair, where he challenged the beast in the victor turned his back upon Cecil who, in a fit of rage,
a voice filled with confidence and free of fear. Enraged, retrieved his fallen weapon and swung for his opponent’s back.
Norndrak emerged to face Cecil in a battle that would last for Only through the intervention of the Prophetess of Brionne,
three days and three nights before, exhausted and outclassed, whose magic stalled Cecil’s blow, was the knight spared.
the wyrm exposed its neck and Gastonne severed the beast’s
head with a mighty swing of his axe. Apprehended by his fellow knights, Gastonne was brought
before Duke Gastille, who was incensed at the violation of
With the Dragon slain, Cecil expected the Lady of the Lake to the Code Chivalric. The Duke decreed that Cecil must seek
appear and bestow upon him the gift of a sip from the Grail penance by pledging himself to the Grail Knight until his
as reward for his valour, but to the victorious knight, no such honour had been restored, but Gastonne declared that he
vision presented itself. Even when the Duke of Bastonne had would rather face exile than suffer the embarrassment of
Norndrak’s hide fashioned into a protective garment and penance; for though his actions had been foolish and rash, only
presented it to Cecil, addressing him proudly as ‘the Wyrm the Lady herself could pass judgement upon him.
Slayer’, Gastonne accepted the gift and title with little grace.
Thus began the tragic fall of one of Bretonnia’s favoured sons… Thus, with his attendants by his side, Cecil left Bretonnia to
carve out a new home in the Border Princes, trusting that
Bitter and embarrassed, Cecil brooded for many weeks, through hardship the Lady of the Lake would grant him an
desperate to understand how he had failed to earn the Lady’s opportunity to become a virtuous knight once more.
favour. Even in prayer, Cecil was unable to find answers to his
plight, which served only to replace his embarrassment with
frustration. His anger boiled over during a banquet hosted by
the Duke of Brionne where, deep in his cups, Cecil challenged
a visiting Grail Knight to a duel; hoping that besting a
champion of the Lady in single combat would finally see him
become worthy of her favour.

Sir Cecil Gastonne, The Wyrm Slayer

38 Sir Cecil Gastonne

Sir Cecil Gastonne, The Wyrm Slayer
Sir Cecil Gastonne is a Baron. He may be included in any Kingdom of Bretonnia army
made using any army composition list that includes this option. He must be fielded as
presented here.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Sir Cecil Gastonne 4 7 3 4 4 3 5 4 9 165

Troop Type: Regular infantry (named character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Sorrow’s End (see below), Dragonhide Cloak (see below), heavy armour
and shield
Special Rules: Blessings of the Lady, Rallying Cry, The Wyrm Slayer, the Exile’s Vow

The Wyrm Slayer

The exploits of the Wyrm Slayer are not only famous within the lands of Bretonnia, but also
amongst its enemies. Sir Cecil Gastonne,
the Wyrm Slayer
Should Sir Cecil Gastonne kill an enemy model whose troop type is ‘monstrous infantry’,
‘monstrous cavalry’, ‘monstrous creature’ or ‘behemoth’ during any Combat phase, he gains “Call the banners and send
the Terror special rule for the remainder of the game. word to King Louen. If the
Corpse King of Khemri
Dragonhide Cloak thinks he can reach even
After slaying the dragon Norndrak the Tyrant, Sir Cecil had the creature’s hide fashioned the borders of Bretonnia
into a cloak, which is said to be near-impervious to mundane weapons and can even ward off unchallenged whilst I still
intense flame. draw breath, he is both
arrogant and a fool!”
The Armour Piercing characteristic of any non-magical weapon used to attack Sir Cecil is
reduced by 2. In addition, Sir Cecil is immune to the Killing Blow and Multiple Wounds – Cecil Gastonne upon hearing
(X) special rules. If he suffers an unsaved wound from an attack with either of these special of Settra’s invasion fleet
rules, he loses a single Wound. Finally, Sir Cecil has a 3+ Ward save against any wounds
suffered that were caused by an attack that has the Flaming Attacks special rule.

Sorrow’s End
This enchanted axe has brought about the end of all manner of monsters, both man and beast alike.

R S AP Special Rules
Sorrow’s End Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks, Monster Slayer,
Multiple Wounds (2)

Sir Cecil Gastonne 39

L ady Élisse Duchaard is the Prophetess of the Duke of Brionne and a herald of the Lady of the Lake’s will. As such,
Élisse holds a position of great influence at court, her sage council regularly tempering the Duke’s otherwise fiery
attitude towards his subject’s trials and tribulations. However, it is not just within the glistening palaces and noble courts
of Bretonnia that Élisse carries out the Lady’s will, for when the clarion call of battle summons the knights of Brionne to
war, she too answers without pause.

Mounted atop her faithful unicorn Ariandir, the Prophetess Late one winter, when a horde of Beastmen invaded the Duke’s
of Brionne rides alongside the Duke and his knights – each southern borders, it was Élisse’s magic that lent the knights the
of whom would willingly give their life in order to ensure her strength they needed to strike down the great monsters that
safety. This selfless devotion does not come without cause, for accompanied the children of Chaos. When Waaagh! Lance-
not only is Élisse a physical embodiment of the power of the Snappa’ raided and pillaged its way across the farmlands of
Lady of the Lake, but her arcane skill had saved the lives of Brionne, Élisse conjured forth a burning blade to cut down
many within the Duke’s army – including the Duke himself the Orc Warboss in short order even as the knights escorting
– and aided the army of Brionne in finding victory on many her set about the Warboss’ guards with zealous fury. As Prince
occasions. Ptolethor the Radiant sought to strike down Duke Gastille at
the battle for the Citadelle Bouelia, it was a torrent of force
from Élisse’s staff that sent the Tomb Prince sprawling to the
earth and earned the wounded knight the precious seconds he
needed to regain his feet.

Tutored by the mystical Fae Enchantress herself, Lady Élisse

is near-unequalled within Bretonnia in the art of protective
magic and thwarting the arcane efforts of her enemies. By
unravelling the strands of magic that form the spells of her
foes, Élisse is able to not only rebuff their harmful effects, but
redirect the arcane energy towards the one who cast it. This
surge of power strikes back at the caster with the force of a
knight at full tilt, causing them great pains and much suffering
as their spells are thwarted and the raw power of the Winds of
Magic courses through their bodies.

As the enemies of fair Bretonnia circle ever closer, with Orc

Waaagh!s growing in size, the ancient dead stirring fitfully in
their unhallowed graves and the shadow of Chaos looming
ever longer and more darkly upon the horizon, the knights
of Brionne and their hot-headed Duke will find themselves
taking to the battlefield time and time again in the coming
years. Yet, they do not speed towards the perils of war without
aid, for wherever those who are faithful to the Lady and to
Brionne ride, they shall ride in the company of Lady Élisse.
Lady Élisse Duchaard

40 Lady Élisse Duchaard

Lady Élisse Duchaard
Lady Élisse Duchaard is a Prophetess. She may be included in any Kingdom of Bretonnia
army made using any army composition list that includes this option. She must be fielded
as presented here.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Lady Élisse Duchaard - 4 3 3 4 5 3 2 8 225
Ariandir 10 4 - 4 - - 5 2 - -

Troop Type: Monstrous cavalry (named character)

Base Size: 40 x 60 mm
Unit Size: 1
• Lady Élisse Duchaard: Hand weapon, Chalice of Brionne (see below) and the Staff of
the Elements (see below)
• Ariandir: Hooves and horn (counts as a hand weapon)

Magic: Lady Élisse Duchaard is a Level 3 Wizard. She knows spells from the Lore Lady Élisse Duchaard
of Elementalism.
“For as long as your faith in
Special Rules: Arcane Backlash, Armour Bane (2, Ariandir only), Armoured Hide (1), the Lady remains strong, you
Aura of the Lady, Beguiling Aura, Blessings of the Lady, Counter Charge, have no cause for fear. Now
Lore of the Lady, Magical Attacks, Magic Resistance (-2), go and strike down those
Shield of the Lady, Stomp Attacks (1), Swiftstride who seek to bring ruin to
fair Bretonnia!”
Arcane Backlash
Lady Élisse is adept in the art of protective magic, easily redirecting harmful spells back at those –Lady Élisse at the battle of the
who attempt to harm her allies. Citadelle Bouelia

Lady Élisse may apply a +1 modifier to any of her Dispel rolls. In addition, should she roll
any natural double when making a Dispel roll (not including rolls of a natural double 1),
the spell is unbound and the casting Wizard immediately loses a single Wound.

Chalice Of Brionne
This gilded relic draws power away from those who would harm the servants of the Lady.

Whilst within this model’s Command range, enemy characters that attempt to use any
special rule or magic item that requires them to make a Leadership test (Rallying Cry, for
example) suffer a -2 modifier to their Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2).

The Staff Of The Elements

This gnarled wooden staff acts as a conduit for the Winds of Magic, allowing Lady Élisse to better
manifest the power of the elements.

If you wish, Lady Élisse may discard two of her randomly generated spells (rather than the
usual one) and instead select two signature spells from the Lore of Elementalism and/or the
Lore of the Lady.

Lady Élisse Duchaard 41

Outcast Wizards
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Outcast Wizard 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7 45

Troop Type: Regular infantry (character)

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon

Magic: An Outcast Wizard is a Level 1 Wizard. Every Outcast Wizard knows spells from
one of the following Lores of Magic:
• Battle Magic
• Daemonology
• Dark Magic
• Elementalism
• Illusion
• Necromancy
Outcast Wizards
Throughout the Old World, Options:
there are those that practise • May be mounted on a Warhorse ........................................................................................+12 points
the mystical arts in secrecy, • An Outcast Wizard may:
hiding their magical prowess - Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+30 points
and arcane knowledge - Be a Level 3 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+60 points
from their neighbours and - Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................75 points
maintaining the appearance
of wise scholars or learned Special Rules: Magical Attacks, Magic Resistance (-1), Untutored Arcanist
physicians. Such caution
is sensible, for in many Untutored Arcanist
regions the practise of magic Many Outcast Wizards are poorly schooled in the arcane arts. Thus, when their spellcasting
is outlawed and Wizards falters, great calamity can befall them.
are frequently prosecuted
by ignorant magistrates or When required to roll on the Miscast table, a Wizard with this special rule must roll an
persecuted by zealous priests. extra D6 and discard the highest result.
Thus do many Outcast
Wizards find themselves
driven to the edges of Warhorse
civilisation, fleeing their
homes ahead of angry mobs. M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Such fugitives often seek Warhorse 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - +12
shelter in the courts of exiled
nobles from distant lands, Troop Type: Light cavalry
proffering their services as Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
counsellors and advisers. Unit Size: 1
These Wizards are often Equipment: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon)
willingly embraced for they Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Swiftstride
bring with them valuable
knowledge of the strange and
foreign lands such exiled lords
invariably find themselves
obliged to settle in.
Outcast Wizards

42 Kingdom of Bretonnia
Yeomen Guard
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Yeoman Guard 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 5
Warden 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 +6
Grail Monk 4 3 2 3 3 1 2 2 6 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapons, light armour and shields

• The entire unit must take one of the following:
- Halberds ...........................................................................................................................................Free
- Polearms (see below) .......................................................................................+1 point per model
- Thrusting spears ............................................................................................................................Free
• Any unit may:
- Upgrade one model to a Warden (champion) ..........................................+6 points per unit Yeomen Guard
- Upgrade one model to a Grail Monk (see below) ...................................+7 points per unit Though an outcast, a baron
- Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit might start their life of exile
- Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+6 points per unit in the company of many loyal
- Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................25 points knights. However, the passage
• A Grail Monk may be equipped with a Blessed Triptych..........................................+25 points of time, constant hardships
and deadly conflicts an exile
Special Rules: Close Order, Horde, Peasantry, Shieldwall, Veteran, Warband must endure can take their
toll. Thus do outcast nobles
Grail Monk come to increasingly rely
To those servants of the Lady that live in exile far from Bretonnia, the sight of a Grail Monk upon low-born soldiers to fill
amongst their ranks is most welcome. the ranks of their retinues.
Of those peasant Men-at-
A Grail Monk is a command group model that follows all of the rules for a champion. Arms that accompany an
In other words, a unit that contains both a Warden and a Grail Monk contains exiled lord into new lands,
two champions. those that endure, surviving
privations and war to prove
Blessed Triptych their loyalty and their
Even far from their homes, the humble soldiers of Bretonnia still find great courage in the presence bravery, might be rewarded
of holy relics. with the rank of Yeoman
Guard. These veteran soldiers
A unit that contains a model equipped with a Blessed Triptych gains the Stubborn have earned that which is
special rule. considered most valuable
to a Bretonnian peasant – a
Polearm R S AP Special Rules modicum of respect from
Single-handed Combat S - Fight in Extra Rank their lord and the knights
Double-handed Combat S+1 -1 Requires Two Hands they fight beside.
Notes: A polearm has two profiles. You must choose which the unit will use at the start of the first
round of a combat (i.e., the first round fought following a charge). A model wielding a polearm
cannot make a supporting attack during a turn in which it charged.

Representing This Unit In Your Games Yeomen Guard

Painted in the colourful uniforms of their lord rather than a peasant’s rags, or featuring
components from other kits, Bretonnian Men-at-Arms are ideal for representing
Yeoman Guard.

Kingdom of Bretonnia 43
Border Princes Brigands
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Brigand 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 4
Desperado 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 +7

Troop Type: Regular infantry

Base Size: 25 x 25 mm
Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour

• Any model in the unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapon..............................................................................+2 points per model
- Shield.....................................................................................................................+1 point per model
• Any model in the unit may take one of the following:
Outlaws & Brigands - Pistol....................................................................................................................+2 points per model
The Border Princes is a wild - Blunderbuss (see below)...............................................................................+4 points per model
and lawless land, home to - Crossbow ...........................................................................................................+3 points per model
outcasts and exiles, fallen • Any unit may:
nobles and failed politicians - Upgrade one model to a Desperado (champion).....................................+7 points per unit
from all corners of the Old - Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+5 points per unit
World. These petty lords - Upgrade one model to a musician ................................................................+5 points per unit
come to the region in the • A Desperado may purchase magic items up to a total of ..............................................50 points
hopes of starting a new life, • 0-1 unit per 1,000 points may:
of recreating what they have - Replace the Open Order special rule with Close Order ..................................................Free
lost – power, wealth and - Replace the Open Order special rule with Skirmishers...................................................Free
influence – on the edges • A unit of Skirmishers may take one of the following special rules:
of civilisation. - Ambushers........................................................................................................+2 points per model
- Scouts....................................................................................................................+1 point per model
But it is not just the great
and the good that come to Special Rules: Horde, Impetuous, Levies, Motley Crew, Open Order, Warband
the Border Princes in their
shame; outlaws and brigands R S AP Special Rules
flock there, eager to exploit Blunderbuss 12" 3 -1 Multiple Shots (D3), Volley Fire
the lawlessness that thrives Notes: A model armed with a blunderbuss suffers no negative modifiers for firing at long range,
in a region best known for for using the Multiple Shots (D3) special rule, or whilst making a Stand & Shoot charge reaction.
its ever changing rulers and
governments. These thieves
and vagabonds excel in such Representing This Unit In Your Games
an unstable environment, Painted in the heraldic colours of their employer, or featuring components from other
preying upon the weak and kits, both Bretonnian Men-at-Arms and Empire Militia are ideal for representing
destitute, and selling their Border Princes Brigands.
services as mercenaries to the
wealthy and strong.

Border Princes Brigands

44 Kingdom of Bretonnia
Border Princes Bombard
War Machine
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Bombard - - - - 7 3 - - - 100
Crew 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 -

Troop Type: War machine

Base Size: 50 x 50 (war machine), 25 x 25 (crew)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Bombard (see below), hand weapons and light armour
Special Rules: Levies, Skirmishers

R S AP Special Rules
Bombard 48" 8 -3 Armour Bane (2), Cannon Fire,
Cumbersome, Move or Shoot,
Multiple Wounds (D3+1)
Notes: This weapon shoots like a cannon, using the ‘Cannon Fire’ special rule. This weapon uses
the Bombard Misfire table.
Mercenary War Machines
Bombard Misfire Table In the lawless expanses of the
D6 Result Border Princes, sophisticated
1 Destroyed: The weapon explodes with a thunderous noise, leaving a hole in the weapons of war are in short
ground and a cloud of black smoke hanging in the air. The model is destroyed and supply. Whilst the armies of
immediately removed from play. more civilised lands make
2-3 Malfunction: The charge misfires, terminally inconveniencing one of the crew great use of devastating
and knocking the war machine over. It can be righted, but it will take time. The artillery, designed by brilliant
crew immediately loses one Wound and the model fails to shoot this turn. engineers and crafted by
4-5 Pffft: The fuse has gone out. As far as mishaps go, it is not very serious, but one of expert smiths and artisans,
the crew will be feeling rather foolish! The model fails to shoot this turn. the ad hoc armies of the
6 Boom!: The bombard discharges with an ear-splitting boom, the powerful many outlaw princes and
report knocking the gun from its carriage. This weapon shoots this turn, as if a robber barons of the region
‘2’ had been rolled on the Artillery dice, rather than a ‘Misfire’. However, it will must rely on more archaic
take some time to right the toppled gun. This weapon cannot shoot during the war machines. Those
next round. mercenaries with access to
primitive bombards and field
guns are in great demand
Representing This Unit In Your Games and, though they charge a
Accompanied by crew models taken from Empire war machines, both Empire and premium for their services,
Dwarf cannon are ideal for representing these mercenary weapons. there is no shortage of willing
employers. Even the exiled
nobles of Bretonnia have been
known to employ mercenary
gunners, preferring to use
such ignoble weapons against
their foes than have them
fight for their enemies.

Border Princes Bombard

Kingdom of Bretonnia 45
Magic Items
The following pages expand upon the Kingdom of Bretonnia magic items found in
Forces of Fantasy. These magic items are unique to Kingdom of Bretonnia armies and
can be purchased in exactly the same way as Common magic items, as described in the
Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*)
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Magic Weapons
Crusader’s Lance............................................................................................60 Points
In the hands of young Bretonnian heroes throughout the kingdom’s many errantry wars, this keen
lance has struck down scores of Orcs, Goblins and Beastmen.
Treasures Of The
Wilderness R S AP
Special Rules
In the best traditions of the Crusader’s Lance Combat S+2 -2
Armour Bane (2), Furious Charge,
zealous Bretonnians, artefacts Hatred (all enemies), Magical Attacks
and heirlooms wielded in Notes: The Crusader’s Lance may only be taken by a model in an Errantry Crusade Army of
battle by great heroes of the Infamy whose troop type is ‘cavalry’ or ‘monster’ only. The Crusader’s Lance can only be used
past or carried about the during a turn in which the wielder charged. In subsequent turns (or if the wielder did not charge),
persons of noble servants the model must use its hand weapon instead.
of the Lady are considered
blessed, even magical, by bold Frontier Axe....................................................................................................30 Points
crusaders and ignominious Enchanted to ensure it never lost its razor-sharp edge while felling lumber, this tool, turned weapon
outcasts alike. To those of war, can sever limbs and sunder armour in a single swing.
that dedicate themselves to
crusading into distant lands, R S AP
Special Rules
the weapons and armour of Frontier Axe Combat S+2 -3
Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2),
similarly inclined forebears Requires Two Hands
have particular significance, Notes: The Frontier Axe may only be taken by a model in a Bretonnian Exiles Army of Infamy.
their very existence
reminding their wielder of Sword Of The Stout Hearted.......................................................................25 Points
those that went into the Imbued with the courage of Gilles le Breton himself, this sword fills the wielder with the fortitude
unknown before them and to face down any enemy.
returned victorious. By
contrast, in the rugged and R S AP Special Rules
lawless realms of exiled lords Sword of the Combat S+2 -1 Armour Bane (1), Immune to Psychology,
weapons of dubious honour Stout Hearted Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands
might be favoured, for when
a knight’s honour has been Foebreaker.......................................................................................................20 Points
questioned, they often feel Even those tough enough to survive a pummeling from this mighty warhammer are left disoriented
justified in acting accordingly. and staggered by its heavy blows, making them vulnerable to any further onslaught.

R S AP Special Rules
Foebreaker Combat S+1 - Magical Attacks
Kingdom of Bretonnia Magic Items Notes: Any enemy model that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from the Foebreaker must
immediately make a Toughness test. If the test is failed, the wounded model suffers a -1 modifier
to its Weapon Skill and Attacks characteristics (to a minimum of 1) until the end of the next
Combat phase.

46 Treasures of the Wilderness

Magic Armour Magic Standards
Anointed Armour..............................................45 Points Banner Of The Lady’s Grace ...........................75 Points
Whilst the wearer’s faith in the Lady of the Lake holds fast, so too This finely crafted standard depicts the Lady’s first meeting with
shall the wards of protection placed upon this armour. Gilles le Breton, the first king of Bretonnia, inspiring courage and
valour in all who fight alongside it.
Models with the Grail Vow whose troop type is ‘infantry’
or ‘cavalry’ only. The Anointed Armour is a suit of heavy A unit carrying the Banner of the Lady’s Grace ignores all
armour. In addition, as long as the wearer has the Blessing negative modifiers to its Leadership characteristic.
of the Lady, they are immune to the Killing Blow and
Multiple Wounds (X) special rules. If the wearer suffers an Crusader’s Tapestry ..........................................40 Points
unsaved wound from an attack with either of these special Those that fight beneath this silken banner are inspired to ever
rules, they lose a single Wound. Should the wearer ever lose greater acts of heroism, hoping that maybe their own exploits will
the Blessing of the Lady, this effect is lost. be woven into its rich history.

Ironspike Shield .................................................20 Points The Crusader’s Tapestry may only be taken by a model in
Covered in large, sharpened spines, this deadly looking shield is as an Errantry Crusade Army of Infamy. A unit carrying the
dangerous as any mace. Crusader’s Tapestry gains the Frenzy special rule.

The Ironspike Shield may only be taken by a model in a Banner Of The Zealous Knight......................25 Points
Bretonnian Exiles Army of Infamy. The Ironspike Shield is a Filled with religious vigour, those who ride into battle under this
shield. Whenever an opponent rolls a natural 1 To Hit or To imposing standard are eager to close with the enemy as swiftly
Wound the wielder of the Ironspike Shield in combat, they as possible.
immediately suffer a Strength 3 hit with an AP of -1.
The Banner of the Zealous Knight may only be taken by
Talismans a model in a Bretonnian Exiles Army of Infamy. A unit
carrying the Banner of the Zealous Knight gains the Vanguard
Grail Pendant .....................................................40 Points special rule.
The power of the Lady floods through her most devoted warriors,
giving them strength to endure the most grievous wounds. Banner Of Honourable Warfare ....................25 Points
Though no knight would ever take to the field of battle with bow or
Models with the Grail Vow only. Single use. When the wearer sling, those who fight under the banner pursue those who do with
of the Grail Pendant loses their last Wound, roll a D6. On a extreme prejudice.
roll of 2+, the Wound is not lost.
A unit carrying the Banner of Honourable Warfare must
Lucky Heirloom* ................................................25 Points re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made during the first round
Though it may appear as junk to others, some warriors dare not of combat when engaged with an enemy equipped with any
enter the fray without some charm they had about their person missile weapons.
when they first escaped death.

A Lucky Heirloom may only be taken by a model in a

Bretonnian Exiles Army of Infamy. Once per round, the
bearer of the Lucky Heirloom can re-roll a single failed roll
To Hit or To Wound, or re-roll a failed Armour Save or Ward
Save roll.

Treasures of the Wilderness 47

Enchanted Items Arcane Items
The Seal Of Parravon........................................35 Points Heart Of The Wilds ..........................................40 Points
Those with the skill-at-arms to win the famed tourney of Parravon Gifted to Damsel Elliea long ago by the Wood Elves of Athel Loren,
are masters of their chosen weapons and carry the Seal of Parravon this thrumming, mossy stone flows with magical power, drawing
as a token of their victory. upon the strength of nature to fuel its wielder’s arcane efforts.

When the bearer of the Seal of Parravon makes a roll To The bearer of the Heart of the Wilds may apply a +1 modifier
Hit, a roll of a 3+ is always a success, regardless of the target’s to any of their Casting rolls whilst within any ‘natural’ terrain
Weapon Skill. feature. For the purposes of this rule, a ‘natural’ terrain feature
includes any woods, or any difficult or dangerous terrain
Crusader’s Clarion.............................................25 Points (as described on page 269 of the Warhammer: the Old World
Upon hearing the sound of this gilded trumpet, the warhorses rulebook). It does not include any constructions, such as walls
beneath the gallant knights of Bretonnia thunder into battle with or buildings. Before the game starts, the players should agree
renewed strength and vigour. upon which terrain features are natural and which are not.

The Crusader’s Clarion may only be taken by a model in Diadem Of Power ..............................................35 Points
an Errantry Crusade Army of Infamy that is mounted on a When accompanying their baron’s knights into battle, damsels and
Bretonnian Warhorse only. On a turn in which the bearer of prophetesses have donned this jewel-studded band to help them
the Crusader’s Clarion charged, their mount and all mounts channel the more destructive power that they wield in order to
in the unit they have joined have a +1 modifier to their smite the Lady’s enemies.
Strength characteristic.
The Diadem of Power may only be taken by a model in an
Wyrmbreath Vial...............................................20 Points Errantry Crusade Army of Infamy. When attempting to cast
By consuming the deep red liquid contained within this vial, it a Magical Vortex, Magic Missile or an Assailment spell, the
is said that the drinker can summon forth the fury of the great bearer of the Diadem of Power gains a +1 modifier to their
Dragons that dwell in the mountain ranges surrounding the Casting roll.
Border Princes.
Flamestrike Wand .............................................15 Points
A Wyrmbreath Vial may only be taken by a model Crafted from the charred branch of an ancient oak that was almost
in a Bretonnian Exiles Army of Infamy. Single Use. totally consumed in a forest fire, this wand allows the bearer to
The Wyrmbreath Vial is a breath weapon with the summon forth that same devastating inferno.
following profile:
The Flamestrike Wand may only be taken by a model in a
R S AP Special Rules Bretonnian Exiles Army of Infamy. Single Use. The bearer
N/A 4 -1 Breath Weapon, of the Flamestrike Wand may cast the Fireball spell from the
Flaming Attacks, Lore of Battle Magic (see page 321 of the Warhammer: the Old
Magical Attacks World rulebook) as a Bound spell with a Power Level of 3.

48 Treasures of the Wilderness

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