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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
N a t i o n a l C a pi t a l Re g i o n
Sc h o o l s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e o f La s Pi ñ a s C i t y

NAME: ___________________________________________ Score: ___________________

GRADE & SECTION __________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Third Quarter
Week 2

Lesson 2 Opportunity Seeking

In this lesson, concepts about having entrepreneurial mind set and its contribution
in creating value to the society will be discussed. You will be
encouraged to discover new ideas and seek opportunities
to create or develop needed products and services in order
to help people in their daily lives. In addition, this will also
help you in realizing your potential, as well as how can you
become agents of positive change, as a means of earning
income or business ventures you wish to pursue in the future.
What I Need to Know
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:
• understand opportunity seeking
• know the different sources of opportunities
• learn and apply the techniques in opportunity seeking
What I Know
Find and encircle the words listed below. Words appear straight across, backward straight
across, from up to down, from down to up, and diagonally.

What’s In
Identify what step in the Entrepreneurial process is being described. Choose and
encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. This is the beginning and the most difficult stage.
A. Opportunity Spotting and Assessment
B. Developing a Business Plan
C. Determining the Capital Needed
D. Running the Business

2. The stage in which the entrepreneur identifies and acquires the financial, human
and capital resources needed for the venture start-up.
A. Running the Business
B. Developing a Business Plan
C. Opportunity Spotting and Assessment
D. Determining the Capital Needed
3. It serves as a roadmap for entrepreneurs so they can be guided as to where they
want to take their businesses and be prepared for future challenges that they may
A. Developing a Business Plan
B. Opportunity Spotting and Assessment
C. Determining the Capital Needed
D. Running the Business
4. It includes logistics, marketing and sales, human resources, financing and
execution of plans, all facets of the business plan should be systematically studied.
A. Opportunity Spotting and Assessment
B. Running the Business
C. Determining the Capital Needed
D. Developing a Business Plan
5. The stage in which the entrepreneur generates ideas, recognizes opportunities, and
studies the market.
A. Determining the Capital Needed
B. Opportunity Spotting and Assessment
C. Developing a Business Plan
D. Running the Business
What’s New

We are often so focused on our daily

worries that we miss out on all the
lovely opportunities that are
everywhere around us. We tend to
forget the obvious. We spend way too
little time opportunity seeking.
Creative people are always on the
quest for inspiration and new
starting points. They know that
opportunities can be found
everywhere. They can appear in a surprising fact, or they can be hidden in something that
you experience. You can find opportunities in every possible field.
Entrepreneurs are innovative opportunity seekers. They have endless curiosity to discover
new or different ideas and see whether these ideas will work in the marketplace. This is what
separates entrepreneurs from the ordinary businessman whose main objective is simply to
earn profits from producing, buying, and selling goods.
Having an entrepreneurial mindset is essential in starting up a business. It allows the
entrepreneur to see things in a very positive and optimistic life amidst crisis or difficult
situations (Morato, Jr., 2017). A person with entrepreneurial mindset is not easily
discouraged, but rather use these problematic situations as inspirations to create something
Essential to an entrepreneur’s opportunity seeking are the entrepreneurial mind frame, the
heart flame, and the gut game.
Entrepreneurial mind frame allows the entrepreneur to see things in a very positive and
optimistic light in the midst of crisis or difficult situations. Instead of being discouraged, the
entrepreneur is able to see these problematic situations as inspiration to creating something
Heart flame is also about emotional intelligence or EQ which is often manifested in the
entrepreneur’s efforts to nurture relationships with customers, employees, and suppliers. The
entrepreneur also looks after the interests of his or her people by motivating and encouraging
them to be the best they can become.
Entrepreneurial gut game refers to the ability of the entrepreneur to sense without using
the five senses. This is also known as intuition. Somehow, the entrepreneur just knows
whether something will work or not without necessitating logical, systematic, and sequential
thinking. The gut game also connotes courage or, in the local dialect, “lakas ng loob.”
Being an entrepreneur who constantly innovates, and seeks opportunities in his
environment, the learners will feel connected and as a responsible member of the society in
creating value and solutions about social issues and concerns in the country such as poverty,
unemployment, and others. Opportunity is anything that provides you with a chance to

change your circumstances for the better. In a business sense, it is an idea that has
commercial potential. Also, it is something you can make money with, develop a business
around it, or create value with it. The entrepreneur serves as the catalyst of creating a value
for the customers through the new and innovated product or service. As a reward, the
entrepreneur earns profit when the customers are satisfied and delighted.

What is It
Opportunity Seeking is the first step and the most difficult process of all due to number of
options that an entrepreneur will choose from. It is a process of considering, evaluating, and
pursuing market-based activities that are believed to be advantageous for the firm. It is also
about keeping your eyes open for new business opportunities.
These opportunities can be found on various sources.
A. Consumer needs and wants
 These are the current needs and wants of potential customers that should be
discovered right away by a budding entrepreneur. This way, he or she will be able
to take a chance of the opportunity.
 A need is recognized when a customer believes that there is a difference between
his or her current situation versus his or her desired condition.
 A want, on the other hand, is recognized when a customer believes that there is a
specific product or service that can perfectly suit the need.
B. Trends
 A trend is what's hip or popular at a certain point in time. These may include new
way or methods of selling like online businesses, eating habits of Pinoys such as
buffet and demand for coffee and milktea shops, the rise of KPOP culture and
influx of mobile apps or games which can be the core business model of a new
C. Problems in the environment
 Oftentimes, the most brilliant ventures come from the most unexpected
opportunities. It may happen in unlikely situations, unlikely places, and with
unlikely people.
 Existing problems and bottlenecks often give rise to an unexpected opportunity.
 What entrepreneurs usually do is be on top of the situation and change the
market's perception of a product or service or build a new market.
 In the Philippines, there are several budding social entrepreneurs who turned
unnoticed products into superstar products that carry also the value of social
D. Talents, hobbies, skills and expertise
 Business opportunities do not just come from outside forces, but also from within
the entrepreneur.
 The entrepreneur's talents, hobbies, skills, or expertise can be a source of
business opportunity. For example, if the entrepreneur is an artist, why not sell
his or her paintings? If he or she is a musician, why not put up a bar and perform
there? If he or she is an expert in home interior design, why not make it a
What’s More
Give at least one possible business that you can make in each picture.

What I Have Learned
 Opportunity seeking is a process of considering, evaluating, and pursuing market-
based activities that are believed to be advantageous for the firm. It is the first step
and the most difficult process of all.
 Opportunities can be found on various sources such as consumer needs and wants,
trends, problems in the environment, talents, hobbies, skills and expertise.
 Essential to an entrepreneur’s opportunity seeking are the entrepreneurial mind
frame, the heart flame, and the gut game.
What I can Do
To further evaluate the lessons learned regarding Opportunity Seeking students must
perform the given activities below.
Activity 1: Answer the following questions as best as you can.
1. Social media has been very active in terms of spreading the word about practically
anything and everything. As a budding entrepreneur, how can you take advantage of
this trend to churn out potential opportunities?
2. In order to prevent Corona virus from further entering the Philippines, airports have
been closed and other entry points within the Philippines are guarded against
persons who are infected, persons under monitoring and persons under
investigation. Entry points are also provided with digital thermo scanners to detect
feverish persons affected by the virus. However, there is no guarantee when the
country would be virus-free. What do you think are the opportunities presented by
this threatening situation?
Additional Activities
In 2 – 3 sentences, write down what you think is the message
being conveyed here.

1. In the business sense, it is an idea that has commercial potential, anything you can
make money with and develop a business around it.
A. chance C. opportunity
B. luck D. marketing
2. The first step and the most difficult process of all due to number of options that an
entrepreneur will choose from.
A. Opportunity Spotting C. Opportunity Screening
B. Opportunity Seeking D. Opportunity Seizing
3. How do entrepreneurs identify business opportunities?
A. Observing Trends and eating habits of people.
B. Solving a problem and looking for solutions to solve it.
C. Finding out what do consumers wants and common complaints.
D. All of the above
4. It is essential in starting up a business because it allows the
entrepreneur to see things in a very positive and optimistic life amidst
crisis or difficult situations. Instead of being discouraged, the
entrepreneur is able to see these problematic situations as inspiration
to creating something innovative.
A. Entrepreneur’s Heart Flame C. Entrepreneur’s Mind Frame
B. Entrepreneur’s Gut Game D. Entrepreneurial Mindset
4. It refers to the ability of the entrepreneur to sense without using the
five senses; also known as intuition.
A. gut game C. heart flame
B. mind frame D. mindset


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