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Before you start...

You can check out the video version of this guide here:

This guide will run you through a 12 step process to filming amazing videos with your
Android smartphone.

We’ve intentionally kept it short, sharp and to the point so you can keep it with you and
refer back to it whenever you’re filming. Use this guide like a checklist and you can’t go

Throughout the guide you’ll see references to some basic equipment; tools we’re using
for certain steps to take your results from great to AMAZING. None of these are absolutely
required, so by all means go ahead and get started without them. We’ve even included
some tips on how you can piece together workarounds where possible!

After you’ve gone through this guide a few times and seen just how quickly the steps alone
improve your results, I’d highly recommend trying the process with this equipment.

Recommended Equipment


A small tripod and mount to hold your phone while you film.


A quality microphone to capture the best audio.

Check out our latest gear recommendations at:

Now, let’s get started!

Justin Brown

1. Prepare your content for filming.

Draft some bullet points (or a complete script, whatever works better for you)
summarizing the key items to cover in your video.
2. Select a suitable location.
The location for your video needs to tie in with the content or theme of your video so
selecting a location is important! When choosing a backdrop, remember to AVOID:

• Too much background noise.

• Bright lights or the sun facing the camera.
• An overly dark scene without sufficient ambient light.
• An overly active or ‘busy’ background, which may distract viewers.

Generally, phone cameras aren’t great in low light so make sure your location is well lit
and don’t forget that a lot of your background will be in focus (unlike when you shoot with
a DSLR).

3. Choose the front or rear camera.

The front facing camera is easier to shoot with because you can see yourself, however
it’s typically lower quality than the camera on the back of your Android phone. If you have
a recent phone you can still get great results with either.

4. Clean the camera lens.

Clean the camera lens on your phone to remove any fingerprints or smudges, preferably
with a microfibre cloth.

5. Stabilize and position smartphone.

Decide where you will be positioning your phone and set up the tripod (or other mount) in
position for filming.

No tripod? No worries! If you don’t have access to a tripod, you can use a stack of books,
a stool, or prop the phone against other items you have to set the appropriate height and
position of the phone.

The camera lens should be just below eye level when you’re in position to film. i.e. you
should be looking slightly downwards at the lens.

If you want to walk around or move during your shoot, we’d recommend that you use
a gimbal or stabilizer such as the DJI Osmo Mobile gimbals. A selfie stick is a cheaper
option and will also work to give you a smoother image versus holding the phone in your


6. Set up lighting.
The goal with lighting is to make sure that the subject of your video is well lit so it
remains the focus for your viewers watching.

Position your lights to light up the subject first, then if you have additional lights, you can
use them to light up the background or the rest of the shot.

If you don’t have any dedicated filming lights, you can use whatever you have access to.
This could be desk or floor lamps or you can sit by a window to use some natural light
from outside.

If the lighting is unbalanced and you’re noticing harsh shadows in the shot, position a
light source so it brightens up the darker areas to create a more even light.

You can check out our recommended portable video lights here:

7. Connect microphone.
Did you know that audio is actually more important than the video itself? That’s because
if you have great audio but something goes wrong with your video, you can still use the
audio and drop in some B-roll or photos to create a video.

Ideally, you should be using an additional microphone to get the best quality audio into
your phone for your videos. You can see our latest recommended microphones here:

Depending on your phone, you may need to use a headphone jack adaptor to be able to
connect your microphone.

Don’t have a microphone? Don’t let that stop you! The built-in microphone will still work
fine as long as you’re in a quiet environment without much background noise.

8. Prepare phone for filming.

Make sure that everything is correct and ready to go before you start shooting.

To prepare your phone for filming, you’ll need to:

a. Make sure there’s enough free storage space. The amount of storage space
required will vary, but you should try to allow around 3.5GB per 10 mins of
footage. While it differs for most devices, you can generally check the
available space under: Settings > Storage.
If you don’t have sufficient space, backup some photos/videos/files to your
laptop or another device and remove them from your phone.


b. Check video quality settings and make sure that the video size is set to 1080p
or 4k. For most videos, 1080p will be great. 4k is not really necessary and it will
take up a lot more storage space, but it’s up to you to decide what’s best for you.
c. Check your battery level and plug it into a USB charger to avoid it going flat
whilst filming.

9. Switch on airplane mode / Do not disturb mode.

Switch on Airplane Mode or Do Not Disturb Mode to prevent any calls or interruptions
while filming.

The location of these setting differs for each device, but you can generally find it under:
Settings > Network & Internet > Select ‘Flight Mode’.
10. Lock down camera settings.
Most phone cameras will auto-adjust exposure (brightness) settings while filming
whenever lighting changes, or whenever there is movement within a shot. This is
great for outdoor environments or where the camera is being moved around, but for a
controlled environment (like the one you’ve just set up) this means any slight movement
you make could trigger the phone to alter the brightness of your shot.

To keep the lighting consistent, you can turn this off by switching on ‘Auto-Exposure
Lock’ (i.e. ‘Manual Exposure’).

To do this, with the camera app open, tap and hold the spot on the screen that you would
like the phone to use as a reference to auto-configure the exposure (generally this will be
your face). Keep holding until ‘AE/AF-Lock’ appears after a few seconds, indicating ‘Auto-
Exposure Lock’ is enabled.

The location (and name) of the Manual Exposure setting differs for most devices - and
some don’t even have it in their default camera app at all…

Note: If your device doesn’t have those manual settings, check out our full tutorial on the
free Open Camera App here:

Or if you’re looking for a more advanced camera app to control your settings, we
recommend FiLMiC Pro. You can check it out and our full tutorial here:
11. Record a test video.
Hit the ‘Record’ button and complete a quick test video. Play it back to make sure you’re
happy with the shot and the audio is working fine.

Tip: If you have a microphone plugged in, you will have to remove it to hear playback.


12. Record the video.

Finally, time to start filming! Just remember the following tips and you’ll do just fine.

a. Re-confirm that ‘Auto-Exposure Lock’ is still on.

Yep, it sometimes switches itself back off again after completing a video...
Repeat Step 10!
b. Be aware of any light changes in between shots.
Changes in light due to clouds, lights switching on/off etc. can impact your
results during editing later as you start cutting between shots.
c. Look directly at the camera lens, not at yourself on-screen.
It’s important to maintain eye-contact with your viewers - and this is how
you do it!
d. Monitor background noise and activity.
If there’s too much happening in the background (loud car driving past,
someone walking through your shot etc.) just leave the camera recording,
wait until it’s clear and start the shot again.
e. When starting:
Hit ‘Record’, get into position and wait at least 3 seconds before you start
speaking. This way, your viewers won’t have to watch you settling into position
while you’re starting to speak.
f. When finishing:
Make sure to wait at least 3 seconds after you finish speaking before hitting
the ‘Stop’ button. Don’t let the last thing your viewers see be you reaching for
the ‘Stop’ button!

You can find all our gear recommendations here:


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